The Huron Expositor, 1935-01-18, Page 510
+A,r, ,10
Jessie' athews in "THE MID,Skil0 111A,
A Gale of LauMONDAY,'T is E ni. and W A TOOK and COMM
g'htex'on an Ocean of Pim. G `TON .
Starring PAIT•LINE LORD, W. C. F!EL»S, $ASU PrilTS and
Here they are; and thank goodness they haven' changed. The Most
loveable family of all.
NE T PHURISDAY, FIRIlIDA'r• and' URIi7A•`Y--Jar. 24, 25, 26
A Sure Cuie For Your• Blies
"BLUE DANUBE NIGHTS" with Jessie Mathews
Music Novelties Romance
Seaforth Beavers.
(Continued from Page 1)
Seaforth 3, Mitchell 1
The Beavers ewon frolml 'Mitchell 3-1
den Tuesday +evening in a fast clean
game with Seaforth having a slight
edge. The Beavers played a defene
sive game in the last .period and held
son to rbh'erie two goal lead. Sam Ren-
aiie scored the first goal hut Holmes,
of Mitchell, tied to count: Foster
snapped in Salm Renni'e'rs rebound in
-the second period and Rus. Holmrete
made it 3-1 on a short hard'•srh'ott from
Inside !Uhe blue line.
4. :Seaforth goes to Clinton on Fri-
day night and expect the hardest
game yet. The Clinton bewmb are
rated as the best in the group but
itlhe Beavers are'h,opeful of a victory.
The teams:
Mitchelll�Goal, MldClo'cklin;" r. d'.,
Pawmne 1. d'., Porterfielld; centre,
'411Iright; r. wing, Leppard; 1. wing,
Oulliftant; alternates, Wilson, .Holmes,
lStone:man. ..
Sreafonbh—aGoal, S. Doig; r. d., G.
'Rentniel; 1. d., C. Trott; centre, G.
11muir; r. wing, R. 'Hildebrand; 1. wing,
A. Hi1de'brand; alternates, Foster, E.
Bennie, C. Flannery; Boshart .
}Refers `Punjch:" 1VfoEwaan, 'Clin-
McMillan Cup Hockey
St. Co'lulmlban am,d. +Wlinthrop are
tied in the Junior Farinrers League
'with Egmondville close behind as a
result of Saturday's games. Tucker -
smith has lost both games but has
shill plenty of time to get into the
play-offs. Winthrop defeated Tuck-
ersmith 4-1 in the first game en Sat-
carday night and 'St. Colu•mban and
Egmondville tied a-2 in the second.
1'he -usual large crowd turned out to
pack the rink. .
Winthrop 4, Tuckersmith 1
Winthrop had' the edlge on Tuck+er-
trrith all during t'he game. Their de-
fence composed of F. Bullard and 5.
Rennie are the pic,4 of the league and
+also account for nest of their team's
goals. Sam Rennie shared' honors
with S. Doig on the might's play, mak-
ing plenty ,of lone rushes only to be
storoped at the goal 'by .Sandy Doig.
Rae Carter scored the first goal
after Rennie had missed the nett:
Sam rushed in and passed back to
Carter. This was the only counter of
l r
the first period. The Tuekersmith
team tlouldn't 'seem to click and bunch-'
• ed uroecornsideraably.
Winthrop stepped out again in the
second. After five minutes of play
Sam Rye mode a solo mush- and
scored oil Sandy' Doig. 'Thirteen min-
ate's • •hates• Stan Nicholls and Sam
combined nor tW+inthrop'.ss third goad..
Nicholls made a neat pass out from
the corner.
• Jing. Doig +finally sleored on W.
Mlanbgoanery after" numerous attempts,
Larkey 'Coleman giving him the as-
sist. Jim made one of his famous
rushes one minute after the start of
the third period and beat W. Mont-
gomery on a' hard 'shot Ferg. Bul-
lard .completed the Scoring on a pass
frolm• 'Hiram Shannon ten:minutes lat-
er, making the count 4-1.
St. Columban 2, Egmondville 2
.The second game ,started out fast
and .developed into a good game until
Gori. Hildebrand hurt his chest at
the closre of the period by bumping
into 'Buzz Dale and '0Qarentee ' Trott.
Rus. Holmes, the referee, decided to
cut out i the rough 'stuff and put off
any and all players who (broke a
playing rule. The third period turn-
ed into a comedy as Rus. sent fifteen.
men to !the pen for tihe slightest in-
fringelmlernt of the rules. Clarence
Trott and Mac Robe/Ibsen were put
off • for breach :of etiquette or sone -
thing. In all 23 penalties were hand-
ed out.
Rex McGregor scored the first
goal after •five minutes on a " pass
from John Flannery. C. Malone pick-
ed 11? the loose puck and beat -}Mce
Geoch to tie the score.- Van. Bell put
Egmondrville one up in the second on
a ,pass from Rex McGregor, but Mac
Robertson again tied it by banging
the puck into the net from a face-off
ten feet in front of R. McCeoch. Rob-
ertson had scored just before this biet.
it was not allowed.
'After' Cord. Hildebrand was hurt
his brother, Allie, donned his uni-
fonm and took his place for the resit
of the game. St. •Colrumvban has cer-
tainly strengthened its teaam and is a-
da.ntgerous contender for the cup 'this
Winthrop—Goal, W. Montgomery;
r. dr, G. Rennie; 1. el., F. Bullard; .cen-
tre, H. Shannon; r. wing, R. Carter;
1. wing, S. Nicholls; `.1ter;aates, E.
Do F.
Dor-ranee, T. Eaton, l Case, M. Hol-
Tuckersmwith—JGoal, S. Doig; r. d.,
G. Wankel; 1. d., P. Doig; centre, F.
Archibald; r. wing, W. Coleman; 1.
wing, J. Doig; alternates, Bob Archi-
bald, F. Sproat, •fele Patrick, R. Ren-
Egm'ondlvdlQe�Goa1, "R.' McGe rh; 1.
d., D. Dale; r. d., C. Trott; centre, F.
Kling; r. wing, C. Flannery; 1. wing,
,4;04114 ;1 Wig, Johp, Am alter,
Vis+, A,' 4(040, J4 14124zie,
.M010+e, IsT.'N l t• �I erea iVhy.
abef' Txs Hems ,..,
SridingI•• posit: Tied KS.
St. 'Ool iuhnlhan 1 ' 0 1 B'
Winthrop 1 0 1' 3
geitnoindiville 0 ... d 2 2
'fllufcAkemslmpth 0 2 0 0
Salaries for Councilors
(Continued from Page 1)
Councillor Johnstone sngges'bed that
it would be better to•,gi've cash relief
amt Reeve 'Crosier earmarked that
;some 40 towns were doing it.
"If we give them food we know
they have it, but if we give them cash
we cloadt,", said 'Councillor Eberhart.
The reports were adopted.
Objects To Reporters
'Councillor Johnstone objected to re-
porters taking down the relmlarks of
the councillors.
- "It shouldn're. be in the papers," he
said. "It wouldn't be so bad if they
+put in all in, but they put in some
things and leave out others."
The Mayor didn't agree. "Give it
publicity. The citizens should know
about the meetings,; I will consider
ba -night whether .1 will deop the re-
lief ler not," he continued.
(Councillor Hudson suggested a
committee of the whole and he and
'Councillor Johnes'tone introduced a
motion to this effect.
"I will let you know to -Morrow
whether I drop it," said the Mayor.
"Are you ready for the motion?"
"Table; it," suggested Reeve Cros-
Reports were received from the var-
iorns 1Standing Committees. Reeve
Crosier, Chairman of the Street Com-
mittee, outlined' certain repairs and
work which had to be done.
Mayor 'Sutherland then read the
motion re committee of the whole, as.
Moved by I. Hudson, seconded by
T. H. Johnstone: That this council go
into committee of the 'whole• for dis-
oussion of .appointment of officers.—
(,here Reeve Crosier introduced his
notice of motion, re renumeration of
mdnibers of council.
Will Invite Mr. Nelson
""How about inviting Mr. Nelson
of the C.F.M. to meet council;" sug-
gested Mayor Sutherland.
"I•t will be $2,400 in our treasury,"
Reeve Crosier remaked. "1t is better
than a white elephant."
The matter was discuested at some
length', council deciding to hold a
special tweeting to clean up the mat-
Here 1Vlayor Sutherland asked spec-
tators and reporters to leave the room
while council. discussed appointments.
Name Officials
On resuming as .a council, Bylaw
No. 360, confirming appointments and
salaries was read the necessary num-
ber of times and finally passed.. The
appointments are as follows:
Town Clerk, John. A. Wilson, at a
salary, $570; Town Treasurer, Jno, A.
Wilsork;-saiary, ,$570; Town Assessor,
William Amemt, salary $125; Town
Engineer, S. W. Archibald; Chief Con -
special sale
of the famous
Friday, Saturday, Monday®"�'" 3 days only—January 18th, 19th, 21st
1 . With the co-operation of the Lockwedge Shoe
Cor Ltd. we will clear our discontinued lines that
have been selling at $10.00 and $10.50.
At the start of the sale we will have a full range
of sizes and widths in all lines on sale but will
not be able to obtain replacements of these shoes
from the factory stock to retail for less than $10.00.
This sale should offer a
real opportunity to those
who wish to try the bene -
e. fits of the M. W. Locke
Shoe and will also enable
those who know of these
benefits to buy addi-
tional shoes.
W. LO C"KE •
WuuAn�s, Ua o cat�nGC
GOO+ s1'IOH9
great Stock
turday Evenina, Ja
If you .have not yet taken advantage of
these unprecedented price -reductions
---don't delay ---Cone Now.
stable, Helmer Snell, salary, $60 per
month; Fire Chief, John CeIVlcKenzie,
$75 per year; assistant constable ar.d
street foreman, Sanibary Inspector, In-
spector under the Weed Control Act
and Fruit Tree Control Act, J. V. Ry-
an, at a salary of $55 per month;
Town Solicitor, John H. Best, at a
fee of $100 per year; auditors, Miss
Hazel Reid and John MacTavish, $36
each; tax collector and poll and dog
tax collector, Helmer Snell; pound -
keeper and slcavenger, Thos. Storey,
at a salary of $60 per month and free
A letter from the P. Lj; C. caused
P. U. C.
ng and
definition of the terms oh. which it
occupies three rootms in the Town
Hall and for which it pays $390 a
year.,„The Commission also asked for
a written agreerntent.
41hj0 .jfs entirely new to me," stat-
ed Ot"'••si ayoi', who is a member of
the, or '• ,n. "I never heard of
"t think I can explain," replied
Reeve Crosier.. "They feel a little
sore avec putting that sign on the
door. Mr. Golding approadhed -me
and asked us not to put it there."
"They (might wart till they have a
meeting before they send a leer like
that," stated Mayor Sutherland. "I
suggest that a committee see them
to -morrow at the meeting."
'Council authorized the Property
Committee to wait on the P. U. C.
with reference to the letter. The mo-
tion was introduced by Reeve Crosier
and seconded by Councillor Murray.
Other cemmunications received in-
cluded ones from the 'Canadian Bank
of Commerce; Ontario Good Roads
Association, Executors of the Estate
of Anna Campbell inquiring re the
Bylaw 361 was passed authorizing
the borrowing of amounts up to
$30,000 for current expenses.
'Counrdill decided . to advertise for
tenders for teaming arid snow p1o'w-
irie on a motion by Councillors Mur-
ray and Eberhart.
Finance Report
The Finance Oomtmittee's report re-
commended the payment eif. the fol-
lowing accounts,: Jas. V Rayian, sal-
ary, $56; John A. Wilson, Salary, $70;
H. Snell, salary, $60; TheV,Storey,
salary, $47.50;• A. W. Dtinlo,P, acct.,
x$40.81 • Arthur Powell, watg s; 41;
Cann. r'ation'al" Railways, erosssinrg pro-
tection, $7.67; H?O. Box, 'steenunteThe •
Bell Telephone Co., acct., 7(,2.45; W.
R. Smith, acct., $2.25; Canadian Leg-
ion, w Leath, $10; W:' D.. Kerslake.
acct., $9.85; Geo. ID. Ferguson, acct.;
K85; 'Municipal World, amt., $1.63;
G. C. Jarrott, M.D., acct., $1; J. E.
Keating, acct., $1.60; John Knight,
ace., $24; W. Hawkins, scat., $42.20.
Belief Accounts for December: A.
0.. ,Routledge, $3.11; Alet. McGavin,
$6; Jas. Cleary, $3.45; Mlslst Pryee,
$1.91; Angus ;garter, $1.72; W. R.
Sns Illi, $5.16; H. J.:Sm oat, . , .48;
Mrs. R. LI. Clark, $6.6+&; J. 11f Cardno,
$6.26; i �'Y' ' •A- 'Criehy. 44.0644T,,••
considerable discussion.
asked for an unders
derson, $6.08; J. W. Beattie, $4.24;
B. Christie, $4.12; Grundmett's Dairy,
$19.40; Goudie's Dairy, $16.96; Rey-
nold'e Dairy, $18.64; Barnett's, Dairy,
$4.32; Hu.gill's Dairy, $6.40; John
Sclater, $5.24; E. IL. Box, $19.34;
C'luff & Sons, $21.10; R. J. 'McMillan,
$23.45; Stewart Bros., $17; W. G.
Willis, $1.35'; Prop. Conn., Town of
Seaforth, $1.80; Tom Chong, 30c; T.
Phillpxs, 18e; G. A. Sills, 45c; Beat-
tie Bros., 5&c; Olympia Restaurant,
$1.69; 'Commercial Hotel, $2.50. Total
$216.64. Town's share, one-third,
$7.2.22; less Lions Club cheque, $15.20;
less worked out, Nov. and Dec., $31.25.
Net cost, $25.77.
Food $126.55, fuel $71.23, clothing
$17, shoes, $1.85. Total $216.64.
The January meeting of the Tuck-
ersnith• Aggressive Club will be 'held
Tuesday evening, January 22nd, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Haugh. " The roll call, a favorite
verse of poetry. It is expected Miss
H. I. Graham will be present to speak
to the club and Miss Margret Char-
ters will speak on "Robert Burns."
Sad and Sudden Death
The sudden death of Agnes Eliza-
beth Broadfoot which occurred early
on Saturday at the home of her. bro-
ther, Alexander Broadfoot in Tucker -
smith, carne as a shock to her friends
and the whole comhnunity. Miss
Broadfoot was in her usual health
and was coining down stairs with a
lamp in her hand along with her
mother, an agerci lady in her 90th
year, when she was seized with a
heart attack and fell, expiring in-
stantly. Fortunately the light went
out and did not ignite. ,.The deceased
lady who was highly esteemled was a
daughter of .Mrs. Broadfoot and the
late James Broadfoot, pioneers of
Teekersmrath. She was in her fufty-
fifth year and a valued member of
the Egmondville United Church. Sur-
virving are her mother, two brothers,
Alexander and A. J. Broadfoot and
two sisters, Mrs. William Black and
Mas. George 'Black, •a'l1 of • Tu'aker-
smiith. The funeral, which was very
lamgeiy'attended, took place on Mon-
day from "The Maine," the residence
of her brother, Alexander Broadfoot,
on the 4th 'concession of Tuekers(mtt>h,
when the services were eondrueted by
her minister, Rev. C. At 'Malcolm. In-
tergnen't was made in the family plot
in 'Maitlendrbank Cemetery.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Fred and Willie Hoegy are not as
well as their many friends wish them
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the annual meeting of tlhte MreKil-
1 ,Lagan & 'Hilbbert Telephone Co.
A e old iD1rectgrs were re-elected
ara dividend of 5 per cent, was
d aned, 'wbirh, 5luo*ed' the eonnpratty'
Ole in, good 'standing.
Old Man Winter has made traffic
so that there is neither wheeling or
Your correspondent in listening to
a series of speeches delivered by
Premier R. B. Bennett in which he
predicts an immediate reform, thinks
it can't; couple too • soon. The Premier
never concerned hihnself aoaut re-
form until the eve of an election. It
seems like a deathbed repentance af-
ter theepromises he made on the eve
of the last election, which dill not
come true. By what he says now
will we ever know what -'this Price
Spreads investigation will cosi Can-
ada? Only Inst year they enacted a
law to grade eggs to add more red
tape, to let the exploiter get away
with stuff that could have been avoid-
voided by sim`p`ly weighing the eggs and
give the hens value for what they
produce. We all know that a large
OFh F,ER1S :
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth - Pres.
James Connelly, Goderich - Vice -Pres.
Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas.
Finlay McKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin;
John -Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R.
G. Jarmrouth, B'rodhagen; Jas. Watt,
Blyth; C. E. Hewitt, Kincardine; W.
J. Yeo, Goderich.
William Knox,' Londesboro; George
Leomhart, Brodlragen; James Con-
nolly, Goderich; Alex Broadfoet, No.
3, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blyth ;
John Pepper, Bruceafield; James Shal-
dice, Walton; Thomas Moylan, No. 5,
Seaforth; Wm. R. Archibald., No. 4,
egg or a small one is just as good
in quality. It is qualitiy we want and.
no red tape.
Miss M>arrgaret Lamont and aftisi
Helen Bandy are 'at -tending Winter
school at Stratford this week.
Miss Margaret Robinson spent a
few days with her friend, Mhos. J.
Sc otehmere of the Blue Waft Hiigh-
wtay last eek.
The meeting of the Huron Conant+
Council will be hell in the County
Council Chambers, Court louse, God-
enich, at 2 o'clock on the afternoon or
Tuesday, January 22, 1935. .
All Clerk's Certificates. of Election, ,
tenders, accounts, notices of depute- -
tions or applications and other in -
po'rtant business requiring attention
at this meeting, should be in the,
hands of the Clerk not latter than the
Monday previous to the meeting or
the Council.
Dated at Goderich this 3rd day of
January, 1935.
County Clerk.
Organized 1905 .
Cash and Bonds on Hand: $213,720.62
The largest reserve balance of any Canadian Weather Insurance
Manual Company doing business in Ontario. o.
Prompt Adjastmenth and Satisfactory Settlements.
(Ask . Your Neighbor)
If not a Policy Halder now, you should not fait to see or write
to our Special Rtepre'sentattve's-,
F. McKercher John A.1VMu tray,
M&Killop Tuekei'stoitti'
Phone 249 r 4,Seaforth. /��,Phone149 r 2, Sesfor`t