The Huron Expositor, 1935-01-18, Page 1• • 4 ss „ 121641.41, t.,,,.�¢2[.,;.Y,+.' 6e vere iefou eth Year 'Whole Nrumber 3501 • SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, ' J:MUAR'Y` 18, 1935. C4th AGR1CUtTURAI, SOCIETY ELECTS NEW OFFICERS FOR YEAR Annual Meeting is Largely Attended and Much Interest Shown. 13. SNELL, PRESIDENT A large abbe:dance and keen niter= est teetered the annual meeting of the Seaforth Agrioutl'bural SOcieby held Friday' afternoon in the Car- . eegie Lilbratry. Hu neehrey Snell was re-elected pr'esi'dent for his fourth tetrhnt. The, secretary -•treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Kerr, presented a .splendid; report, :showing the year to, have been , most enceeseful. The So`viety'nadte a sub- stantial payment on a mortgage which is against its. property. Mrs. Kerr was heartily commend- ed for her efficient work during the year and a bonus of $25.00 was voted her. The President was appointed a representative to a meeting of So- eitetie's int' District 8 to be held in Stratford. Elect Officers Officers were elected for 19345 as fellows: Honorary President, W. S. Broadfioot; President, Hnlrnphrey Snell; let Vice -President, J. W. Beat- tie; 2nd Vine -President, W'nx Beattie; •seeretary-Treasurer, Mrs'.. J. A. Kerr; Auditors, R. J. .Beatty and J..1V1eIn- rbosh; Directors: •Hibbert, F. It: Car- hert, Russell Scott; I-Lullebt, J. Leip- er, John Free:lean, Ross McGregor; t&oKillop,' Miss Velma Haist, Robert Campbell, Jr., Gordon McGavin, Thos. 0. Scott, John Eckert; Tutkersmitth, Mrs. A. Broadfoot, R. Archibald, Jr., S. Whitmore, D. 'McIntosah, Wilson, McCartney, Jean Scgtt, W. S. Broad - foot; ;Seaforth, Mrs. W. J. Dickson, Miss Ethel Beattie, Mrs. R. Eberhart, N. Gillespie, J. M. Govenlock, Mrs. Tyerman; Robert Smith, A. Y. 1VI'c- Lean, H. G. Meir, Dr. Harburn. Arrange For Spring Show At the directors' meeting, which followed; Mrs. Kerr was re -appointed secretary -treasurer. The, date for the Society's annual Spring. Show was set for early in April, and committees were appointed to ar- range details of the show. • Young Liberals Hold Stag Euchre An excellent attendance featured the first of a series of stag euohres which have been planned for the win- ter by the Thomas McMillan Young Liberal Club. Prizes at the euchre which was held in the club rooms on Friday ev- ening were won by Allan Reid, Wm.Biline, Dr. E. A. 'McMaster and T. G. Stott. An excellent lunch was serv- ed by a comlmititee headed by J. W. Tree. • Township Councillors Take Declaration of. Office . At Their Inaugural-. Meetings • • • •" •' 35th At Home Invitations have gone out for the 35th annual At -dome of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, Which will be held in the Arcadian Court of the ;zebert Simpson Co., Toronto, on Friday, February lst. The program will include old and new time dancing, euchre and bridge. G. E. Fergu- son is President of the Associa- tion; William Powell, Treasurer, and R. S. Sheppard, Secretary. • • • • • • JOHNSTONE. T AMAN BADMINTON CHAMPS. Local Club Holds Success- ful Tournament on . Tuesday Evening. Tuckersmith, McKillop and Hibbert Appoint commit- tees and Officials For 1935 At Meetings on Monday. FEW CHANGES SEEN AMONG OFFICIALS Township tereencils held their in- augural meetings and nvennlbers took the declaration of office on Monday, wth'ee l ofiileers were appointed and other preliminary, ibusiness disposed of. 1M ciKi•11op council is the same as last year, all members having been returned by acclamation, while Tuck- ers pith has one xiew councillor, 'Motions adopted at the Tucker - smith tweeting were as follows: Whitmore -McKay: That 7 copies of Meunicipal World be secured' for coun- cil, 'Clerk and .Collector. • Bell-Gembeell: That the D.R.O.'s at eecent ejection he paid $5 each, Poll Clerks, •$3, and each .polling place be paid $4 and Mre. J. Walker be. paid $4 for hall for nomination, , Bell -Gemmell: That Dr. G. C. Jar - nett be appointed M.'O.H. and W. P. Thompson, member Board of Health, Members of the ,Seafortih • Badtmin- both at sane salary as in 1934. ton 'Club held a hnostt successful bourn- Whitmore -McKay: That Edwin anent on Tuesday evening when over Chesney and Harold Crich be audi- thirty players took part in the games, tors oaf 'boo'ks and 'accounts of 1934, Miss Mildred Johnstone and Ted salary same as in 1934, viz., $20 each. Taman came through to the finals Whitmore-MoKaye That' R. Dal- . and defeated Mr. and Mrs. I. H. rymrple be Road Superintendent for Weedmark after hard fought games. 1935 ata salary of 30 cents an hour The results are as follows: ' and that he 'prepare a statement in First. Round I •detail at the end of 'the year. Gemmell Bell That Jas 53rd Anniversary Of Wedding , Smillie, Mrs. Munn and Alvin Sillery elim- H'. M.'Cih--.ey and Howard Crich be lasted Muss Dorothy Carter and Crewe Sheep valuat.'. at same salary, 25c Hays. an hour as in +: 4. Miss Mena McGregor d St an Stan Gemwmel1-.Bell: "• at the following Dorrance eliminated Miss Janet Cluff be re -appointed P keepers for and C. Carmichael. ' 1935: Harvey Jacobi, W M -.Buchanan, Mrs. D. H. Wilson and Ted South- Scott Cluff, J. Storey, Thos. Cohvill, gate ,eliminated Miss Peg Grieve and Wm. MoGregor, Austin Matheson, Ian McTavish. Wan. Flannery, and the following Miss Mildred Johnstone and Ted Ffe'nce Viewers be also appointed:— Taman eliminated Miss Nora ,Stetw- Alex. Broadfoot, Win. Black, Harry art and J. (McKenzie. Tyndall, Wm. HogagartJh and R. D. Mn and 4Mts` William . Morrison,- well orriison,swell known residents of,Se'aforth, cel- ebrated the 53rd anniversary of their• wedding very quietly on Friday, Jan- uary 11th, art their home on Jarvis Street, with a family gathering. Two of The guests who were present on Friday, Mrs. W. .1. Sillery, oaf Eg- mondlville, and • Mrs. John Shuotbbro'ok, of .Lo'ndesboro, were also present at ttihe wedding 53 years ago. Mr. and Marg. Morrison, formerly Miss Eliza- beth Jane Sillery, 'daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. George Sillery, of Hibbert, 'w'ere married by the late Rev. Peter S+oatt, of 'Croniartty, in °1882 and set- tled on a farm on the lith concession of Hibbert where they remained for 32 years, retiring to Seaforth in 1912. Mr. 'Miorriso'n is an elder in No;th- e idee United Ohurch, Seafotrth, and has been on the board of the former Me,th- odist Church and now the United Church for aver forty years. Read about the Big. Shoe Sale on page 4 Mrs. floss Sproat and Bert Downey eliminated Mildred Johnstone and A. V": McLean. Mrs. W. C. Sproat .and L. Hlog- gamt'h eliminated, Mrs. H. G. Meir and John J. Haggard. Mr. and 'Mrs. I. H. Wieedimark elim- inated Miss Marian Bell and Jaok Crich. Miss Betty Southgate and Dr. Sturgis-ibye. Second Round ' :Miss Mona: McGregor and Stan Dorrance eliminated Mrs. Munn and Alvin 'Sillery. Miss Mildred Jo'hn6tone and Ted Tainan eliminated Mrs. Wilson and Ted Southgate.' Mrs. W. C. Sproat and L. Hog- garth eliminated Mrs. Ross Sproat and Bert Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Weedmtark eliminated Betty Southgate and Dr. D. E. Stur- gis. Third Round Mildred Johnstone and Ted. Taman eliminated Mona McGregor and Stan Dorrance. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Weedmark elim- inated Mns. W. C. Sproat and L. Hog- garth. Finals Mildred Johnstone and Ted Taman elim wted Mr. and 'Mrs. I. H. Weed- maark - • Golf Shareholders Will Hold Annual Notices have gone out for the sec- ond annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Seaforth Golf Holding Corporation, which is to be 'held in the council chambers, Town Hall, Friday, January 25th, at 8 ppm. IReppeets of the year's actio es; will .e be psen•ted and directors'will be elected for the ensuing year. • Wins Scholarship At Detroit School Bell. 'McKay -Whitemore; That the min- utes of each meeting be published during 1935. (Continued on Page 4) LIONS HEAR' TALK UN CODE OFETillcs AT. MQA - E. L. BOX, CHAIRMAN P. U. COMMISSION Officials Are Reappointed At Inaugural Meeting. Special Christmas' Commit- tees „?resent Splendid Reports. DR. SPROAT, CHAIRMAN Salaries for, Are smote' .Concrete evidence of the helpful work being done in the community the Seaforth Lions Club was giv- en 'art the meeting of the Club on Monday, evening, when (Chairmen of Cha'isthnias Committees presented their reports. Lion J. G. Mellen, Chairman of the Christmas (Cheer Committee, report- ed that 249 articles of .clothing had been distributed to 156 children in 45 families in the town. The Christ- mas tree report by Lion X. G. Mills, showed that about 500 bags of candy, eta., had been dlistributed on the oc- casion of Santa's visit to .town. Lion J. W:. Beattie, who locked after the entertainment and distribution at the County Hoene reported that a quan- tity of oranges and tobacco had, been given out and an excellent program presented. Resolutions of appreciation. -of as- sistance given the Club in its work by Mlrs. R. M. Jones and the P.U:C., were unanimously adopted. Lion Dr. W. C. Sproat acted as chairman. He was assisted with the ptrogram; tby Lion Charles Stewart. The talk of the evening was given 'by Lion 'Stewart, Chairman of the Ed- ucational Committee, and was listen- ed to with keen interest. Lion Stew- art, in •spea'king, said: "In the instructions and suggestions which every Lionis 'Club receives from Lions International is a recommenda- tion that we devote at least one meet- ing'during pur Lions year to our Code of Ethics, and as the responsibilityR of this Meeting is charged to the Ede ucation Committee, I am with your indulgence taking advantage of my appointment on to -night's, program oonmdt't•e to discharge that duty. Out of courtesy to the guests pre(s- .ent and in deference to those junior members who have not had time to familiarize themselves with our code, I'atm' going to read' it: 1. To show my faith in the Worth- iness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may mer- it a reputation for quality of service. 2. To seek success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or succes's at the price of my own self- respect lost because of unfair ad- vantage taken or 'because of question- able acts on my part. 3. To rermtemlber that in building (Continued on Page 8) The inaugural meeting of the Pub- lic Utility Commission was held in the Clerk's Office on Tuesday after- noon. E. L. Box having Made his declaration of office, took his seat. Mr, Box was re-elected chairman of the Commission and officials were reappointed in a motion by W. H. Golding, 1Vk.P., and Mayor A. D. Suth- erland, as follows: That E. L. Box be Chai•emlan of the Commission for 1935; E. Mole be Superintendent, at the same sal- ary; J. A. Wilson be Secretary-Treas- brer at same salary, and that An- drew Little be W'aterwork assistant and Weigh Scale Clerk at a salary, of $55, per month. The Commission discussed the ahniount outstanding on merchandise accounts and a motion by W. H. Gold- ing and E. L. Box, authorized the writing off mierohandise accounts re- ceivable of $831.65 as .uncollectable. On notion of . 'Mayor Sutherland and W, H. Golding, an ac'counrt of $6 for advertising in the S. C. I. Alumni year book was passed. The members of the Property Com- mittee were present at the mteeting in connection with the lease and use of certain roohnls in the Town Hall. The matter had been discussed by the town council at its mrieetin'g Monday. Jack R. Weston, Detroit, and a nephew of Mrs. Robert Carnochan, TteeketrsInith, and Mies Verna Graves, Seaforth, has graduated from North- ern IBligh School in that city and has been awarded a scholarship by the University of Michigan for the best student and athlete. Mr. Wieston stood 'highest in a class of 256 and in addition to winning' the scholarship, will have his name en-. graved on a plaque of honour which hangs in the srehool. South End Flax Mill Is Sold J. G. Anderson, who purchased the Goderich 'Street flax mill property from the town last spring, and who has siaeo been operating it, hag par - chased -from the Rioyal Bank the flax mill on Sotuth Mate (Sdtreet. Mr. Anderson `dosed the deal this creek and expects to shave his new niii11 operatinrlg ii a s'hor't Hine. • Rev. H. C. Feast Is Honoured • Home and School to Sponsor Recital Reeve W. W. Crosier Gives Notice That He Wiil Present Bylaw, to Provide For Renumeration of- Mayor,, Reeve and Councillors; $100 Per Annum For Mayor and $4 Per Meeting Per Member is Suggested Schedule. FEW CHANGES MADE IN.APPOINTMENTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS AND REPRESENTATIVE -,. The highlight of theiadjourned meeting :of. theSeaforth Council on Monday evening was the' notice of motion giv- en by Reeve W. W. Crosier, that at the next meeting,. of council he would introduce a by-law to pay members for their attendance armeetings.• Rumoured for some time, the suggestion of the Reeve did not come as a complete surprise. Reeve Crosier introduced the ques- tion immediately after council had gone • into committee of the whole to discuss 'appointment of officials and pointed out that the council gave a lot of time and got nothing for it. "There are -only a few places in the county where they don't get same renumeration;" he stated. "I think a man is worth his hire. The town - :sliouldn't ask anybody to do it ' for. nothing." Recalling the trouble in filling ,the present council, the Reeve said: "This year we had to hunt up men to make a council." He suggested $4 a meet- ing for each member of council and' $100 a year for the 'Mayor, and said that he would introduce a bylaw at the next -meeting of council. "The townships pay their. council- lors," said Councillor Purcell. "I was in McKillop council in 1912 and 13 and each one got $50 and the Reeve $80."' Mayor Sutherland asked for an opinion and each member present agreed- with the suggestion. Striking Committee Reports The;°first item of 'business before the council was' the report of the Striking Committee, which was adopt- ed on motion of Councillors Muri ay and Purcell.The committees this year will be'as follows: Finance— L Hudson, W. Murray, R. Eibetrhart; Streets—W. Crosier, T. Purcell, W. Murray; Property—R. Eberhart, I. Hudson, T. Johnstone; Fire and Wa- ter—J. J. Broderick, T. Johnstone, W. Crosier; Relief—The .aayor, J. J. Broderick, T. Purcell; Court of iRe- vision--,.Mayor, Reeve and R. W. Eb- erhart, Chairman Property Commit- tee; J. J: Broderick, Chairman Fire and Water Committee; Isaac Hudson, Finance Cohmimittee. .Some discussion arose over the re- ports of the Finance and Relief Com- mittees. Mayor Sutherland pointed out that there were now five families on relief as compared to 20 last year. (Continued on Pare 5) The Home and School Club is spon- soring a recital by Bertha Louise Tamblyn at 3.30 p.c., on the afternoon of Wednesday, January 30th, in the Regent Theatre. Miss Tambly-n is an artist whose achievements as a composer and interpreter' of -child song have won for her a wide rept"= tation, 'both in Canada and the Unit- ed States. This event will be a rare treat for both 'children and grown- ups. Further announcement will pear in the press next week, • Junior Team Draws Schedule Referring to Rev. H. C. Feast, who has accepted a call to First Presby- terian Church here, the Sarnia Ob- server says: "The Rev. H. C. Feast, who has officiated as supply pastor at St. An- drew's Presbyterian Cherdh since September, concluded his interim - pastorate on Sunday and left to -day for Seaforth to become pastor of the First Presbyterian Church there. "At the closing of the morning service, yesterday, the 'Session met informally and .eecpressted its ap- .prreciation of the services given by Mr. Feast during phis supply period at St. Andrew's and the minister voiced his appreciation of. the kind- ness extended to him dist ing his stay in Sarnia. On 5atterday members of the congregation presented M. Feast with a floor lamp in reeognitiorii of Ibis services to (the ehartch." A Junior Group of the Northwest- ern 'Hockey League. comprised of St. Marys, Seaforth' and Goderich, has been formed. Jan. 14—,St. Marys at Seaforth. Jan. 16—Goderich at St, Marys. Jan. 25—aSeafort.h at Goderich. Jan. 28—Seaforth at St. Marys. Feb. —St. Marys at Goderich Feb. 8—Goderich at Seaforth. The two teams finishing first and second will play off for group hon- ors, total 'goals to count on home and holme games. The'Seaforth-iSt. Marys game Which was to have been played last Mon- day, will take place next week, de- pending on what night the rink is available. 4 4 You Always SAVE MONEY When You Buy Hamilton CO K E • PRESBYTERIAL W.M.S. OF HURON MET TUES. Miss Jeckell Retires as Pres- ident of Presby- terial. N. CLUFF at SONS The annual msec*ting of Huron Pres- byterial of the Women's Missionary Society ,of the Presbyterian Church in•Canada was held in Clinton Pres- byterian Church on Tuesday. Repres- entatives were present from Auburn, Blyth, r3ayfield, Clinton, Hensall, Ex- eter, Goderich and Seaforth. Those present remarked that it w a s an inspiration to see so many new faces among the familiar ones, as it signified that the interest in mission- aty work in the church has been awakened in the hearts orf the young- er women ansi their presence showed their intention to carry on. Mrs. Hudson ,of Hensall Auxiliary gave the Scripture reading and the prayer offered by Mrs. Edwards of Hensall was a fitting opening for the very outstanding meeting that fol- lowed. Mrs. Young, recording secre- tary, of Hensel', gave a very minute and interesting account of .the meet- ings of 1934. Greetings were read from the Provincial Board. . Miss Jeckell Speaks Ever since Miss Jeckeil'st first talk to Huron Presbyterial four years ago, the members have always expected and received something inspirational to start therm) out in the year's work and were not disappointed. in 1935. She said 1934 could not be changed but that all of 1935 lies ahead. "What are we going to do with it?" she asked. "We meet to -day to take stock and find our assets and our lia- bilities. If we desire to be an asset to our society we moot resolve to give a life of service. We must not shut our hearts to the calls for heap, but most continue in giving and doing, no matter hew smell the service." Miser Jeokell congratulated the Y. W. Secretary and ttheelassion Band Secretary for their -being able to re= port new organivlations. She thanked all officers and secrettariss foe their hearty co-operatiem which had made 'her work as presiding officer in RIM,. on Presbyterial, one of happry re- InienrlbritenCeS, and assured hear s+u'oces- s(odr of WS same relatiomslt+ip. (pntinued next week.) • • • • • Committees The Standing Committees of the Seaforth Town .Council for 1935 are as follows: Finance—L Hudson, W. Murray, R. Eberhart; Streets—W. Crosier, T. Purcell, W. Murray; Property, R. Eber- hart, I. Hudson„ T. Johnstone; Fire and Water, J. J. Broderick, T. Johnstone, W. Crosier; Relief, The Mayor, J. J. Broderick, T. Purcell; Court of Revision, May- or, Reeve, R. W. Eberhart, J. J. Broderick and Isaac Hudson. • • • • • HORTICULTURAL I ST S ELECT A. L. PORTEOUS- Pay Tribute To Late Wm. Har -try, President For Many Years. McMILL, .I` ISeraforth,sn Intertne4i team, the 'Beware, wan, ing 'Uhe :past week. Qau.: ` e. went to 'Mstohell and'woxr 34� �b°„ oiL _'homre iee.d -Glad a 4i r nesday' nig+bt 3-2. Tty'o ;plan ew %'sex two.. conseGutsvte assents prowred too inpicl y. for the Beavers.' Sam Ramie—Wel unable to play on W edrneedray t due to blocked roads; and di'sarganized the team somewhat b sides leaving it ,shorthanded. C ; Hildebrand •✓was ..also absent dui 'Lta his injury 'in ,Saturday night's Mee , Milian Cup game between St. oltuan ' '': ban and Eigmondville. Godeh Seaforth 2 The Beatvarsricmad3, e a strontg .Start;, andwere One up in the first period against Goderich. Russ. 'Holmes sem- ed on a, pass (rain A. Hildebrand af- ter 14 minutes of play. It was, a, mice coanbimatiori; play the 'iengtth of the rink. Goderich were- held seore- • - less until the second fratnie. The Beavers outplayed 'the Sailors ise the 'first period but the latter kept ham- mteringl'away until the locals were disorganized. The long srhoottin'g tactics employed by the Gader eh.. team peeved! hard to pray against anti made the game ragged and more or less uninteresting from, a spectator's sltandipoint. • In the second period the Sailor's • put on an attack that had the Beav- ers bottled up behind their blue l nae:. Sandy Doig made a hero of himself by shopping shot after shot. Finally Allison picked up the;. loose puek -and scored the tieing counter after fifteen `, minutes of play, while Rea. Holmes and :Varney were in the gen. The. Beavers broke away several times but failed •bo click. " '.Rios-11eirmes put the Beavers one up after one minute's play in • the third .period: The Goderich team re- fused to let it be called a goal and protbested loudly and lengthily. The teatnw left the ice but finally die re- feree got the game under" `'dvay again, and allowed 'the goal. E. Robinson, however, found the Spaforth net again to even, ,the scare the second tine and 'McKay took a pass from Allison and beat Sandy Doig to naie the final score Goderich 3, Seaforth 2. The game was keen throughout. The Sailors seem to be jinxes so fes as the Beavers are concerned. They are a good drawing -card, however, atnd quite a lenge crowd turned out de- spite the stormy night. The. teams: • 'Goderich—Goal, Doak; r. d., E. Rob- inson; 1. d., Phalen; centre, Allison ; r. wing, W. Robinson; 1. wing, Mc- Kay; alternates, M.urney, McDonald, Nivene. (Seaforth—Goal, S. Doig; r. d., G., Muir; 1. d., C. Trott; centre, Foster; r. wing, R. Holmes; 1. wing, A. Hiid'e- beand; alternates, E. Rennie, Bosh - art, C. Flannery, Referee—Sawyer, Mitchell. (Continued on Page biz The annual meeting of the Seaforth Horticultural Society was held in the Carnegie Library on Tuesday even- ing. The absence of the late Presi- dent, Mr. William Hartry, was keen- ly eenly felt and a very fitting tribute was paid to his untiring efforts: along Horticultural lines. Mr. Hartry's en- thusiasm and support were a big fac- tor in the success of the local society. "He was not only a local member but was a member and at one time president of the Ontario society. He was the district representative for years," said Mr. Porteous irrspeaking of the society's loss. The chair was occupied by the )sat Vice -President, Mr. A. L. Porteous, who was subse- quently elected President. The. following officers were elected: President, A. L. Porteous; est vice- president, Miss Ethel Beattie; 2nd vice-president, Miss Jean McLean; ssecretary-treasurer, Miss E. M. Fer- guson; Directors for two years, Mrs. J. B. Russell, Mrs. J. B. Tyerman, Miss M. Rands, Williahn Hart and Gerald Stewart; Directors for one years, Miss M. Hartry, Mrs. E. Ap- pleyard, R. J. Winter, F. S. Savauge and Wm. Barber auditors, E. C, Bos- well and T. R„ 'Clu.ff. The Society plans to issue the premium lists earlier this year and it is hoped, that those who join will co-operate with them in returning the lies promptly as an early order means securing better stock from the nurs- e ries. ST. COLUMBAN A euchre and social evening, under the auspices of the C. W. L„ will be held in the parish hall on Friday ev- ening, January 2.5,th. • Rebekahs Hold Enjoyable Affair Members of :the Rebekah Lodge were hostesses at an enjoyable euchre and dance in the G. W. V. A. Hall on Wednesday evening. Some forty-six table's were in play And prizes were won by Andrew Crosier, P. J. Dorsey, Miss Ina Grey, Mrs. Alex, McGavin, James T. Scott and Mrs. Gordian Mohr. Following a delicious lunch, danc- ing was. enjoyed' with music by the Rythm Ramblers Orchestra, Varna. Prizes for novelty dances were won by Miss Elizabeth Cliff and L. Hog- garth and by Mr. and' Mrs. Lorne Dale. 1935 Town Councillors Take Declaration of Office • Inaugural Meeting of Coun- cil is Held on Monday Morning; Rev. Father T. P. Hussey Takes Part in Ceremony. The inaugural meeting of Sea- fonbh's 1936 council was held on Mon- day nrorninag. The members took their dteclaration of 'office and follow- ing this Mayor Sutherland called on Rev. Father T. P. Hussey to invoke Divine blessing on the council's un- dertakings during the year. Father Hussey said: "Let us pray. P>,toenp`, we beseech Thee,- 0 Lord, our actions by Thy inspirations and further them by Th'y continual help, that every undertaking and work of ours may always begin from Thee, arid through 'Thee be likewise ended', "" 1e pray Thee, 0 God of wti.sdom and *dice, through 'Wheat all tail- (Willy t t'h-o'iitiy is direiile1y ;(Ordtaided1 laws are { enacted and judgment decreed, ast- sist with Thy Holy Spirit the Mayor of this town, Reeve and the Council that their administration may be con- ducted in• righteousness, and be em- inently useful to the comtmtunity over which they preside. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct their delib-a erations and guide their proceedings, so that these may tend to promote the peace, happiness and' prosperity of all the people over whom they have been selected to rule. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (Mayor Sutherland congratulated the members on their -election. "Out of the whose town you have been selected—in short, it is a little parliament," he said. Reviewing the past y'ear's work iihe • Mayor stated that a better sI atvitg had been made than in the preek,nis year and that he leaked for a ocfi�, tinuance oaf this & iltg the ceinitl : year, • ' IA Striking'tt"rrdhelnittee, eem ieseils the Mayor, sReevb and Tfiudoron (wee appei t6 a ttiitJ'Ld .b3 sheet fk; • 06 „j ik