The Huron Expositor, 1935-01-11, Page 141 4 r* IV 86"Sty-fourth Year SEAFORTH,, FRIDAY,, JANUARY 11, 1935. 0 0 mcb= Bros-, P*kshfts V%olle Nunter 3500 $1.50 a Yeor in Advwwo 60 YEARS FIREMAN 14cM ILL AN C U� P Wo R. Archibald R e'tur n e d Tuckersmith a n'd Mc'Kiilop RECTOR JS HONOURED O'n TO DEPART W. HOCKEY UNDER WAY A" Tuckersmith Reeve; Five Reeves Are.Candid ates, For PRI n oun IN CR 0'"' D E D 7, RINK Huron Reeves are Defeated Huro C ty Wardenship FOR N EW FIELD 'Rip 4S t. Columbah Wins First Tuckersmith Councillors W. R. Archibald and J. M. St. Paul's Anglican Congre- Game Eginondville, Eletted Are S. H. Whit- Eckert Will Be in Field gation, Hensall, Honor At First Meeting of Coun- Winthrop Tie Second. COUNTY COUNCIL 1935 more, Andrew Bell,' Dav- Hard Luck Rev. Parker. The members of the Huron id GemmeR and Charles ty'Council. Seaforth's Intermediate O.H.A. NEW PLAYERS, SEEN County Council for 1935 are as hookey team has hard luck with OTHER HENSALL NEWS follows: McKay. games so far this � year. After LIBERAL MEMBER& defeating 'Wingham two weeks T-he:;6mt gunwe f0T the- XbMi'llau Ashfield Muedock Mataeson, bvfD;e a, pa&ed Samuel. Sherwood. ago, *he team was to play its The �Wardens of St. Pauls AugH- Goderich Tw�,*William Haaelke. NAGLE.ELECTED TURN' TO ELECT, opening home game against God- can Church called a nveeting of the =Vz=ght, when Tuck- Colborne-4,eorge . C. Feagait I erich last Thursday. Blizzards comeregation receatly-to do honor to erkmfth kw� to ift Colum"n 1 1-0 in Keys, *01ivVr Hem- IN HIBBEAT I the ftvt and EgramXivine and win- Grey—Henty I%o I def eat of five Hurm Reeves at and blocked roads necessitated Refv- and , �XTS. Parker to bid� them 0,0, 1-1 tie in, thO second. ingway. the polls on Xvn&y -put an entirely 'the postponement of this game farewell on the eve *�the� doper- 0=eZy'l-wa 10ayer's appeared on HAy—*Alfred Mellick. No lew than five HuTon reeves went, chfferent complexion on the race for to Tpesday of this week when tuTe to their new labor. 4 the tewW*:fbr,;tR* first time and help- %owic"ohn Bryans; Thomas down to defeat at the WIS on Mon- the Wardens -hip of the county., Sev- &-)ft ice led to a further post- There was la good uuml*r Lovell, Deputy. 4clay. lMu&-d in tbe list is A. J. ponement. ' A - game here with but owing to the inelemmt weather ,V ed to Pe1p UP the games, wbich were Hullett—Herb. Mogridge. eral of the defeated reeves were pos- Clinton on Thursday night has a nn�rher of country Peoyde were un - fast and tuxious, throughmrt. Sam Goldthorpe, veteran Colborne Reeve. George A. Wills, who petired as sible contenders for the honor 0 McKillop—*J. M. Eckert. aW had to be postponed because able to atten-& A very enjoyable *6 -Beffinie stmugthened -the Winthrop Otbers are B. Q Murtnmigs� Goderich; 'Treasurer of the Seatokh Fire This d in aemrdan*e with a ,ga� Morris-­00ston Cardiff. Jamrow Leiper, st i g rrangement, the War- of soft ice. time was spent music and games Hiallett; Louis -Demer- Brig4de it the annual meeting long a u ..4 -team, wbile J.'C. MiAr in goal for St. Statdey—*H. M. Hanley. and a dainty lunih was served at the Cahw*aa W&&red that team. I hog, Rovick, alid I. J. WIright Turn- on Tuesday, e'vening. den colhes from the Liberal ranks in close of which)Mr. L. Clark spoke on FM' Stophex*.—*Wm. Sweitzer, *Ches- berry. -council. The Liberals will choose 4ddevibly. Two St&p1Vwn boys from ter Mwhinney. the behalf of the Wardens and, expressed, I Mkiblin. iiaw also joined'' the Saints In Tucker-snifth, Will1am. 'Archibald or* of thekr n=Jber -and this, cMce tregr� talat the ffishoop had taken .04 somul. Row Rennie hek)6d Tu&-er- Tuckersmith—*W. & Archibald. led the Voting for -reeve am, wV Tw—, -will be -endorsed by the council asa Mr. ParIker from, this; panish, but re- 10"Ath, while Clarenoe Trott on the Turnberry—R. GTain. turned for his fourth -term, He'GEORGE. Ao SILLS whole, making it unanimous. cognized the need of the parish bD Egm*mdryille defence stopped a I -eat Usborne,-George Westcott- was opposed by john ,.'1%%Gregor. Reeve W. R. Archibald, of Tucker- JAM"y CHURCH -which he war, going. He thanked .4 gT . 11 & Wawanosh—*Peter W. Scott. T�uckersrnith council this year wi smith, and 'Ree�re J. 1VL Eci;ert, of ST UX er for his loyal and faithful W. Wawanosh—*W. J. -Stewart consist of Andrew B. Bell, S. N. Whil McKfflw, areboth candidates for W. Paeke 31ae.Rdbertson, star of last year's *George H. Elliott. t� FIRE BRIGADE whUat he waA permitted -to miere, Charles MeKay'- -and , David: office of Warden this -yew. =',e CHOU( ,Salmto, ftotqo the. oTdy goal. -of - -the 'Clintork ot, IS HONOURED rewwn here 4nd it io: vith great re - first gain* in the, first period. Neither G-oderich--4. J., Moser; *R. E. -are the senior members of the lu&ante that *e ebufth is called up- rom, then on, although Turner, Deputy. The result of the votitig in the s, URER R coun have had ym;7s of. ex- - on - to its connections- with him 0& Scored f ' ier. ev: E1110 TbAersmith. pe"ered Muir - iwith Seaforth—*W. W. Cros eral municipalities which, held elec- perience, in" -'Mu ipal work. The Rev. Father T. P. Huqsey 18 as -minister. Mr. Pu*er responded W`iqgha.Db__r-*F. L. Davidson. tdons:, Monday, is -as, follouw abots from everk ungle. - Robertson on I honor has not fallen on a, Reevq of by thwildng the, Wardens for: calling. came near icoring in the. third for Blyth --*George McNall. Tuckersmith Has Been a Memberof Lo- either township for m�any years. Host to Members At the. ooet;ig and giving hint, the OP- Saints6 but Sandy Doig held it Brussels- *R. J. Bowman. fReeve­4W. I R. Archibald 338, John Other asipirants to the office include qu,. portunity of, bidding farewell to the Vat Exeter—Thomas Pryde. McGregor 253. cal Brigade- Fqr Nearly Reeve Sweitzer of Stephen, and Reeve Ban ' et. congTegatioul, as, he had not belen able Play Tie Game Hensalt--*W. J. Johes. Matheson of Ashfie14 Those marked with an asterisk 'Council—S.-H. Whitmore 384, An- to got around to see*diem all, owing The second game proved better than drew Bell 332, David Qen�mlell 326; Sixty Years. The new council has sixteen Con- A very 7 spent 4rgely to the storms of the past re-elected. serumative "and 13 Liberals. It is di- enjoyable evewng was the first. The first and, third -periods' are to Chayles McKay 314;- J. Rintoul 273, by the Imombers of St. James' choir, week 'or so. Mr. Parker t1amited the -vere whirlwind hockey with evevr` Crich 157. viaed as follows: on Wednesday, when they weire the people -for their loyal suppoTt and 4 Vkyer going at top sTeed every min- - SUCCEEDED BY SON Liberal s—Ec k ert, Archibald, Sweit- - q ut,% Allthough the game was fast, it Hullett zer, Matheson, Mlo,gridge, 1.:,ovell, guests of Rev. Father Hussey at a trusted that the confinilty. of this banquet at the Commercial Hotel. support wvtidd- be e*tended to his suc- Peeve_---Ee_wb Mogridge 353, H4"nfingrway,, Westeott, 31-awhinney; Atthe clotse all joined tan& was faiAy -clean with only seven pen- Y. V JaTnes.Leiper 317; Mogridge elected George A. Sdl , f sixty y�ear 8, Turner, 'Moser, Pryde and Mellick. Mvring th-� evening, Father Hus- singin jgAUld Lang Syne," f&]OVVd altieks being given, four to Egmond- Is Or ey acted ap toastmaster and,proWs- 9 'by mAjorifi�r of- 36. n rvalives — Feagan, Haa-cke; s e and three to Winthrop. To- NOMINEES QUAL If Y i member of the Seaforth Fire Brigade CO. se , by three rousing cbews and it-, U varde the finish the Ice was gettiM I For Council—Matthew Armstrong and for 40 years treaswer, retired Eryans, Keyes, Cardiff, Hanley, Scott: ed the following toasts: "The King, ger raffier ati;cky and the puck rolled a 376., Bert Allen 374, John, Barr 381, from office at the annual meeting �S:tewurt, Crosier, Elliott, Damidson, responded to by singing "'God, Save for Mr. and Mm Parker. - 3ft. &W, nobeirt Lawson 359, James FOrfbm held on Tuesday envyimg. !He will be 'McNall, Bowman� Jones, Grain and the King"; "The Pope," by sainiging 'Mrs. Parker go to the parish of lot COUNCIL COMPLETE -Morpeth. Frimk Kling scored the first. goal 326. (Forbes defeated). succTeded-by his -son, MT. Frank Sills. Sherwood. "Long Live the Pope"; "'St. 'James' Mr. R. M. Dougiffl, of Moose4law, When: he colrdlyined with C. Flannery Colborne Jolm McKenzie wag re-elected Parish," which Mr. Andrew Sask., is visiting Miss Mlimie Reid O'Leary resiponded and. St. Jameis' and George Kruse and pressed into Members Will Be Sworn in' A well fought election in Colborpe Chief for his third term. and. other choir reqp- - led to by M.r. Frank Sills. Of towni. VhnthroVs tone. 1�ling shot from ., Townsh�p -had the following results.: officers elected include foreiman, E.' The organist, Mrs. Devereaux,' made Miss Mary Hemphill returned to aboilt 20 feet out and Montgomery At Ceremony on George C. Feagan. with 286 votes, de- L. -Box; assistant foreman, A. W. Thaw and Rain Vvldtby on Monday to.resi=e ter had barely'a chance of seeing it as feated Albert, Goldthorpe with 236 Dick; -secretary, John Cumn-tirgs. a few rem -arks, thanking the pastor st;udies, in Ladiesi' C61lege. several playeTs were in front of him. Monday. - reeveship, - The BrigadLe had an easy year, eir lMrs�. Anne McDomld� bas 1vottes in the race for ih:6 Follows Blizzard Z-opmereambiboenr9an6df -etxhperecshsoio'rnsfl(yorf"'tghoo'd been nursing in, Exeter'for avoluple Flerg. MI -lard tnade a folo' rush two 1\The 1935 council will be: John- Pit- there being no big fires, and only wil) toward,- her in her work, and nA�ruters later that resrulted in the tie- All nominees for public office in tilado, J�r-, 382 votM; MeIvyn Tyndall twd or three small onte§. conclude' -d 'by moving a -hearty vote of of,mouths, has returned -home- ber Hussey for ing goal. As Bullard, neared the Eg- &,afo?th qualified within the stated. 295 votes and Janws -Ch4sholm, Jr., XTI. Sills, joined the Brigade when Fcdlowing fast on the -heels of the thanks to iRev.' Fat . Mr. and Mrs. E. DruminIond Nisited mondville blue line, he, was checked time and ag a jeau-it it will not be 277. old-time blizzard of last 'Thurafty bis kindness in eTLtertai to their daughter sad son. -in-law *in Kin - and, fell to the ice, but just as he necessary J)6 lwld a second nomim- Defeated candidates were, H. '-MC_ it was first fomed oit March 25th, and Friday, the thaw of the week- this del caxdine recently 1875, and hat been -a n-meniber ever ightf ul bmilIq Was 3Ers. W. SUMCDOer received - won failing he batted the puck to- tion -meeting as seeq� probable a Creath, 198, and William Marsh with . end and since came as a decided sur - MW the goal. The puck rolled andi week ago. 152. 'Rince. He has occapsed, every posi- seoQnded by Miss all tb4s week ofAbbi debth�-&­Iyw bro- tion in the brigade and during the agreed by an e c appirrg IFL McGooch made a swipe at it but The members of the 1935 coum'l Cfinton past forty years has been Treasurer. Snow shovels -are no longer a nec- of hands. an tber, R43ert Sinclair, of ScoWand. m*ned aM it slipped'into the nert. will be'.vvfta7n in at an iuteresting W. S. R. Holmes was electeA mayor e5sary accessory for motor cars since Mrs. Fred Fugeor and daughter anO 'flw tMrd -perdod. went SCOMIOSS al- ceremony in the council chambers at of Cli n at the a ual -el tio , d q%e officers of the first brigade in- A short program followed, cOumst- Mr. Harold 3ktchall, of Wlng*m, nito nn ec Tr e- elluded Thomas Bell, John Currey the rain and thaw have practically ing of a rvtiolin solo by Mr. Eugene visjted t th "mDugh 'them were some close 'calls- 11 o'clock next Monday �norning. Jt feating J. J. Gibbings by a majority Lip cleared away all traces of snow. a e home of Mr and Mrs fi Dennis Duncan, accompanied by Misr. Alice E. Drunumnd *is' week. for bodh tewns. Tlie goal posts -were is expected Rev.� Father T. P. Hussey of 444. The guTw were: Holtnes ' Hogan, William Hill and Robb. 1hft five timeg - in the third. Sam will be present and address th un- 16; 1 2. G. H. llio * h d Willis. T -ravelling, even now, however, is Dialy; solo, I'Darfhy Boy," Mr. Frank Miss iMaiigaret XtLaren has re - N Tnade four solo rusbes but cil. e 00 6 Gdbbings, 7 E tt a no sinecure for a heavy,fog has -been Sills, and solo, �Iri_qh Eyes," by'Mrs. turned to Toronto where she is at- obappeA befoTe he could get to (Following th previously 'been elected reeve by ac- —0 in evidence since Sunday, J which Leo Fortune ; impromptu choruses tendi- UniveTsity. e e opening ceremony, clamation. 'A makes moto;Hng slow and, hl�IS. by the juniors, with banjo accompari-i- ng the goal. council rwill appoint a' stTiking com- Thomas Churchill was elected to ('Continued On Pail* 4) ment byMona Sills, and. the dTawi h--4G-oal, S. iDoig; r. &- mittee which.will select members, of dhe public, Utiiliti.es C)omanissiofn orsn- Young Liberals . Ug P. %ig; 1. defence, N. Patrick; the of a lueky number prize, which was various standing committees. er W. T. Hawkins by a majority of centre, Bob Arch -a -bald; r. wing, Ross Council will then, adjourn until eight, 184. DUBLIN won by Mrs. Sills, and all combined Remnie; I. wing, J. Doig; alternates, o'clocik in the evening, when the re- The result of voting for cwncil Will Hold Euchre to hiake mbst haippy and enjoyable' Western People F. Spr F. Archibald, W. Mic- port of the striklrlg mmmittee, Will Death of Francis Gallagher evening, �idh was b-r6ught to a close were: W. G. 'Cook 432, F. 0. Ford cartney" G., N wankel. be receimed. 281, A. S. Inkley 400, H. C. Lawson The Thonvas )McMillan Young Lib- On Thursday, January 3rd, Francis by the Iging of "Auld Lang Syne" 8t. Coluntb*n-�al, J. Muix; r. de- Gallagher died at his home in 111bbert and 110 Canada." Appreciate Help 3,67, F. Livermore 490, W. Manning eral Club will hold a stag euchre in fol fenoe� E. Xa�pne; 1. &-fence, Mae lowing a short illness in. his sev- 2,86, G. C. Xii�rdlock 570, VV. Walker the club rooms over J. W. Beattie's A Robertson; c*ntre, Joe Lane; r. wing, 41 - (Ford and, Walker are the de- store on FridtLy evening of this week. enty-eighth year. Deceased was a Letters of appreciation received D. McCarthy; 1. \wing, John, Moylan; f eate4 candidates) staunch membeIr of St. Patrick's from Western Canada for food and s1ternates, Ferg. ', Stapleton, Frank Want County Road Good prizes have been. secured and Church, where his funeral was held S. C, 1. Lit, Holds elothing recently sent there froM thia Stapleton, C. Malft'e, Joe Malone. Turnberry refreshments will b@ serve& It is on Saturday morning. Rev. Dr. Win-thrqp--Goal, I.W. -Montgomery; Made Provincial For Oeeve--R. Grain 432, 1. j. expected thpre will be a large at- Ffoulkes sang the Requiem Hi Grain., tendance. 01 Interesting Dehate "st"t 'RnocleuhdeePte'rece'e*,"S*aws'kn.,g:Jam 2, r. defence, F. Bulla*rd:; 1. defenoe, S. Wright 245. Majority for Mass. The pallbearers were his six ftiiw; centre, . a;on; r. wing, N. 187. grandaon_,-;� Frank and FA�Win Staple- The people of Roche PeTcee and L wing,-�. Nicholls- a]- The trustees of the Villa'g'e Of For Ccuncil-4. Buckingham. 493, ttT, John and Louis Morris, James vicinity wish to take tbais opportunity An interesting debate, "'Resolved to extend their grateful thanks to -g a petition, J. Breckenridge 'E. Dorrance, V. Hollan R. Dashwood are spoworin .427, Roy Porter 282, NVMTHROP O'Sullivan anJ Joseph Ryan. Burial Id, that a country child should have at the Missiomary Societies of the Carter. Whieh is being largely signed by Richard 'Wilton 280, W. Austin 275, was ftradie in St. Golun-rban cemetery. 1,east tvv year's high school educa- churches in Smforth, Stewart Bros-, ftnwocf�d.lf#--Goal - k. Western Ontario residents who go to Jakrsm 'Meq-�avish 262. (First four A go(A crowd att4xW the euchre He i,% virvived by four duughters: tion," featuTed the January meeting and all othe�s who 80 ki-nd-17' con - r. defence, 10.. Trott;,.I. d0fence, D' Grand Bend in the svmmer, asking elected). and dance -last Friday ni ht. The Mrs. Peter Krauskopf and- Mrs. Wm. of the iseaforth Collegiate Institute tributed to the boxes of clothing, and that IH)uron County Road No. 7, the Date; centre, V. Kling; r. wing, C town line betweed Hay and Stephen Howick prize -winners werf: Lag's first Stapleton, Ddblin; Mr_%. William Mor- Literary Society on Wednesday after- al�,eo to the junioy Institute who sent ffi%mnory; 1. wi ter ize, Wiss Vera Forsythe; ladies' ris and Mrs. Jamas O'Sullivan, St. 4 ng, G. Kruse; a] townships, be taken over as a pro- For Reeve-4ohn Bryans, 564; L. Pr nom. the Chri,,Omas boxes. natm, IR. MbGregor, J. Flannery, H. DeMeTling 407; Bryans. elected by lone hands, M". Jack Gordon; men's Columban. vincial bighway. Reasons set forth .47. me pros and cow of the subject Everyopeis very -grateful and hope Xicholmt V. Bell. first,,Ur. Bill Draper; men's 16ne hand for the request, are: were strongly contested by six Lower that 3 -ma will be trestly blessed for Refere&­-4R,us. lfoln�es. rize, MY. Sam Renrde. (1) For the.paist number of years For Deputy-Reeve-Zhomas Lovelt, Pn, Schqol students� A. Wigg, D. Mae- your kindnevs. The clothing will traffic over this road has been helav- 'Xiss TyEaudie Sparling returned to Tavisih and Ardill Sproule taking -the make a lot of cond"lorts in a great i0r tban on �vny other conxwUr4g For Council ---41). L Weft 579, Rub- Kinewd6ne on Saturday after spend- Hibbert Election Returns affirmative, and Betty Smith, Sarrah many homes. erl Baker .1,56, A. F. Toner 534, E. R. ing the holidays with her pkents, N6. 4 Highway with the Blue"Water S ' For Reeve-- Whitmore and F. Stewart, the nega- Mrs. e' R..Bittersbn Societies ill 'Hold trong 458; flirst'three elected. Mr. and -Mrs. Lou 3parling. Highway. Jos. Nagle 178 134 36 4&-394 tive. The judges, Mrs. T. A. Cat- Mrs. &� McDonald. Usborne 'Mr. and Mn. Archie CahVbell re - 12), 1 is the most ugedas well as F. URrien- 48 36 112 60-.256 n-&hael, Miss is. L McLean and- G. The jfollowing was sent to Mr. An - Annual Meetings the mbst direct route to Grand Fur CounciL-41�ercy Passmore, 401- turned to theix home in Toronto last For C*urwil­ ' A. Ballantyne, dmided in fuv0ur Of dtvw Kirk, Tuckersmith - 1) 268' week after spending the ho-Iddays j Atkinson 167 138 63, 3a--400 the affirmatiNle. Bend -and other lalkee, shore poi ryts from Bruce Cooper, 299; Hugh Berry, Hazlet, iSask., Dec_ 26. the larger 9ties of the provime. jobn Ballantyme, 246; Clark Fisher with Mrs. OamObel 14 father, Mr. A. R. Duchell 193 125 43 zs-43s4 The Presi(knt of the society, Flet- I :hope you have bad a WerrY The annual meeting 0?5,�� Sea- The petition gets forth that the 242; James Squire,, 233; Dan Dew', A. Outhill- C, Dow 47 47 115 71-280 cber Whitmore, presided over the Christmas. ff have relceivW- fr" 7M totth Agricultural Society$ w�fll be InIhintename of this road irw proper 18u; Glaeence Routley, 143; John H. The hockey game between, Winthrop Wm. Kay 46 55 ;87 82--273 prokToni. The meeting closed- vith a cost that has, helped irne very mudU ,&M.on Friday afternoon, in -the t o 9hapo would be a trememdous drain Prance, 140- Gordon Haywood, 62. and E4,ntomdville in Seaforth on Sat- F. Allen 37 W 83 77--250 "God Save the King." since we I ive on relief. I tbw* ev- C6rnegie Library, and on Twes,day '�n coranty funds and that in the Firs' four efected. urdaY night was a tie, 1-1. F. Allen 37 '53 83 77--0% erybody that mat sonwthing. We aftning of next wedk the Horticv% rear Arture the bridgeq on it will George Weston had been previously` An old-4ints socia' will be held in W. Jeffrey 49 26 81 31-487 bavie fo�= people in the family =bd taftl Society ivill hold its, annual bovie to be replaced. elected Reeve bY acclamation. Winthrop Church on' Tbursday, 'Jan- W. H. Keeler 22 22 6 7 3L- 58 STAFFA I have two chiWren, aged 10 S"d IS. n"rmg- wiumm COWMT1, DaAwood, is now erich. uary 24th. Fint fout egected!. Them wus no crop fts the co=hrY Fteporta,6f the year's, activitiee will ciTcuJat471g the petition, among 1�on- The and we'didnft even got the seed, buft be presented and -officers eleeted for doners who go to Grand Bend. %ote at Goderich which- was Miss J. Treffry, who had the mis- and all we cut for feed was thkUe& vk� ^Ab" ;en considered one of the larrest ever to forwne to fall and breW her knee, The gave us- Son VtMW neiglibm VVW ramwved- to Seaforth Hospital, for feed. The+e is no wheTe her friends hope she will have get & job here ag it is &87 if it wwo ,a speedy reewhary. a desert wfth no rami'in the sul I I r Miss Aileen Ellioft, Logan, is vls- I itharok you N*ry, mobeh for tbo'coak itft with her aunt, Mm. A. W. Nor- David J. Savatzky. As. ,W1wes Nhiffiel !I)rake and Jean What would prove a wonderful New Srmale returned t0D 'StMtford Mon&y Code for Imnsi would be the adop- after spoen&ng their holidays at their tion of the oldesit code in 'print, the h0y" -hem. Mm M -I*A,* who has been Vis,_ Ten ComitAndments,.—St. Catharines iting with bw in TormAo, for Standard. *9 bob. amobe 01-W41hei Wturned to bw hove on Mon&,Y. There is every reason to believe Mrs. C. Stevvart, Exeter. is at thRt inen-hers'of the Ontario civil e nthus preseTbt visiting with her parentsk Mr. service are among tb wost a I - 'Q MM a. UUYN a astic supporters -of fim premisirtion The YOWW PeOP10 Imt in thP- week. — Drockville Recorder and chu-mh &vt&y eveming with 'H* "- Times. ,Xkq* RusseH Wpr&n, plw*ng� The n"*M opowd vft a h"m Am&my The aernplaw of the diqt� ftture Dinnb dm took ebarge of the rVet- will lbe able to fly as mfety and, UXA wq am gave a rt�-w monvents for aq slorwry. as do the birds ol tM air. meeditaMom FAith Tuffin read -t he —Richaird E. Byrd. Sark" lesvon R -mi Arthur Dinnin gave a rmdinx entitIed, 'A. Man's a M&n For A' That," writtien by Robert ing closed with the Mizpah Bmedic- Durm Tsabelle Gray gave the topic twn. mftW, "Me Saeredrma of Person- �The ftaffa imvior Tnwbftute afti 4ft" &nd Mr. Tarner took the dis- JuTdor Farmers. w�ll moot an Wednoo- miWimi period, aft. w wbich the v**t, day evetAjW, jamnwy I 4,A�L be pdUed here in a npmeipal election, 'F6r There has never been qmre to hate Mim. WOsIW AskkwWl. Rev. 0., Citmodng also gave an interesting was as fdllow&: Reeve, J. J. Moser, 869 votes; & C. Running 566 than now — what. with bewspapers, tabit on khe same mzbjeet. votes. Ahns, Communists and Fascists.,— Mir. and.Nh,4. William patteraon of For Oouncil _,W. J. Baker 823. Lord Da.vid C661. Cbiva-go were Tecent guesta- -at the vobm; J. W. Craigie, 761; J. Huck - home 6C Mr. and Mrs. Robert pa;b- ins, 761; F. E. Bingham, 746; E. D. teavon. Brown, 682; C. C Lee, 601. WALTON atobixwn Iranlaton has returned to Defeated mn-didstes, were G. Gould Werbern, University after sperAng 528, A. Mal"m &11, C. Number 3.50, 7%e January nweting of the -Ladies' somral we4iks.with his"'parents, Mr. T. W.- Bell 3W, N.- C01clotigh 239. "d andW. A. -of St. George�s An- and Mrs. Joseph H-MAlton. A by-law pregenWd to the towne- 40%, Chufth vv beld, at the hmm @&. CeoW Gray of W.Sterdown peolple by * the aederich organ Cont - -4, of Wdlliam, -Smith on Wednes- was a week-eM gvestat.the hmm of Ps'hy* ca. med with 520 votes for it disy January 2nd. A iam& crowd attended the embre 'Mr. George UtWerwood. Xbo Imbel Coutft spent &mday and M againat. VM [ff. J. A. `Mac�hmn wis a rded &nd dance in the A4 0. U� W. Hall YrM -Miss Mary Dochanan. the office of jn*yor when others nom - ft Friday, eoening. The UdW pTim Kenneth Rutledge returned to To. inated failed to qualify and the Sam W" Wel by Mm. Tslmt Clark; rogto on 3fm&y &ftw @pM&ng , spiplied to, R. 19. TwTzer wft respeat gmVs pmize end tone hands by An, few.wbeka at, his bmV in ihe Vil. to the office of *e* OmWa Lunth was eerved at lage� Dublin 11 o'clock Oter which all enjoyed Wo.iParR Wl&on and son, DonaK P61ioe Trmtms he DvJffiA—JA J. hours Of &71dnIg. I of Lom&n are visWng at the home Looby, Jolm Darling, Dan Costebo. .Save_&I The Ymng Peopieps n"ting on of Wfr. afia JdTs. R. W, Hoy. flibbert 4 eknxl&7 evening was in chwgie of the 7%e montbly Mipeetivg of the W. -s Rtesdim of MmUlle rotft inHib- 0)wisftv& FeUowsb&p Oormnor, Wkl- M. S. avd.,,W. A. of V* Unibed bert aft da foho"t. lam Sharro6n. 7%s mwbins i Chmmh, was hok in the k as a 1 - im F, of Reavd , Jefth Xiagk 894, F. VM a Aw-song and VWW by tM tho aburth an We&wwky aftmoon. O'Mon X6. ATM M11, xatkul New, ==. A Th*, rftd behmen Owtorth, and Oounei�. AW 460P P. Bur - Do* , 46 Wft & y".440 "'"* Wlaltm U *jWn pasoble for motor chill 884P 0. 20 V%&1&ffi Kay 1W. LAZy s0*M1a'to* entkftd, Sam& cars after behe bbd1wd for over a 273, P. AAlen 260, 187, W. ftso at P*Smaft,". was SJV40n by week. ff. Keeler 58 (fir9t IkPW *16ded). forwne to fall and breW her knee, The gave us- Son VtMW neiglibm VVW ramwved- to Seaforth Hospital, for feed. The+e is no wheTe her friends hope she will have get & job here ag it is &87 if it wwo ,a speedy reewhary. a desert wfth no rami'in the sul I I r Miss Aileen Ellioft, Logan, is vls- I itharok you N*ry, mobeh for tbo'coak itft with her aunt, Mm. A. W. Nor- David J. Savatzky. As. ,W1wes Nhiffiel !I)rake and Jean What would prove a wonderful New Srmale returned t0D 'StMtford Mon&y Code for Imnsi would be the adop- after spoen&ng their holidays at their tion of the oldesit code in 'print, the h0y" -hem. Mm M -I*A,* who has been Vis,_ Ten ComitAndments,.—St. Catharines iting with bw in TormAo, for Standard. *9 bob. amobe 01-W41hei Wturned to bw hove on Mon&,Y. There is every reason to believe Mrs. C. Stevvart, Exeter. is at thRt inen-hers'of the Ontario civil e nthus preseTbt visiting with her parentsk Mr. service are among tb wost a I - 'Q MM a. UUYN a astic supporters -of fim premisirtion The YOWW PeOP10 Imt in thP- week. — Drockville Recorder and chu-mh &vt&y eveming with 'H* "- Times. ,Xkq* RusseH Wpr&n, plw*ng� The n"*M opowd vft a h"m Am&my The aernplaw of the diqt� ftture Dinnb dm took ebarge of the rVet- will lbe able to fly as mfety and, UXA wq am gave a rt�-w monvents for aq slorwry. as do the birds ol tM air. meeditaMom FAith Tuffin read -t he —Richaird E. Byrd. Sark" lesvon R -mi Arthur Dinnin gave a rmdinx entitIed, 'A. Man's a M&n For A' That," writtien by Robert ing closed with the Mizpah Bmedic- Durm Tsabelle Gray gave the topic twn. mftW, "Me Saeredrma of Person- �The ftaffa imvior Tnwbftute afti 4ft" &nd Mr. Tarner took the dis- JuTdor Farmers. w�ll moot an Wednoo- miWimi period, aft. w wbich the v**t, day evetAjW, jamnwy I 4,A�L