The Huron Expositor, 1935-01-04, Page 411' 77, #4. A)';•'• wasagultmasimmuammturagiziat• • '• itp #'##••: •#`•1: #.N1,#.•:.;,1'#N#1(4,1.1•1ki• 1,### r - "#:#1L4••••• #Z11' , 1 • ; 7,•'#•1' , •,•# ••e, 101•, f t ,N• „.. ..s wilt he. . c000a rates. "'''irtirrt and '/Vrazid,''.0O-rijn.i.r. tv''p.4E.tt..-tr wolawf:c , .. ...••. •• •• , ix,' . ' .... . ' 1 Cent 41#4 00it Minirourn r.„lia;zre, first insertion 24.67Ceen:Ittat ''',.: lia 'Nr, eeu .; , 4, • — - xlach figure, teItiarl and abbreviation counts ao one w.ord. . , In Henierinea Netter:re-1 cent err word. Hinbettra, so cenbeeer we4 ke direoted to a.BOx Niunber, care of The Huron Elareettoe, tor it -o coats /4. Per week will be charged ^,if ade .above closer ii•e not Pakl by the 1,11#0 in the week' in which the ad was run. riageo and Deaths inserted free pt charge. lefottee to Creditors, Eth.-/tates On aPPlication. r*F.74-riere-•,, opting Events ELECTION CARDS 0 41 No Rao Tigt.Esup,RNEN coNirE.N., ..elenAgenleineil,Hunding, London San. 7,1,5ati and 4935. CamplimentarY bntkr net .ait Hotel ..I.ceedon. evening of January ,./ap 131". wmat, 84991 LOA and Found • • rroora LOST. -OLD HOUND, Bi.ACK. •‘"' and white; raNsing 10 days; icet near Varela. Paease communicate informa- tiOn to GEORGE GEDDES, It. 1, Exeter. Re- ward. 3499-2 • Wanted . WOOD WANTEiD.-SEVEN 'CORDS OF 14- ," inch body wood, half ;health and 111a1 f maple. Applications Co be in by January 15. WILLIAM CAMERON, Secretary, R. 4. Sea - 3499 -2 WANTED. -TO BE. A FARM OF 50 OR • 1" 75 acres, with fair buthiings. Apply to BOX 22. EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 3499x3 .• c• • ( ' •## • • Farm Stock -Tor Sale Trousa -1- GOOD GENERAL 'ffl-n purpose home for sale. Apply, to BOX 12, ME EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 3484-tf AUCtitin Sales A ucripe SALE. -THE AUCTION SALE tf orinerely held at Cudmore's Barn, will be held at the Dick House on Friday, January. nth, 1935, at 1 "p.m., There ,yzill be for Bute. a full line of 'Furniture, brudetnents, Fowl. Cattle, Monies, and Pig; also the entire stock af the late. William Gillespie's harness shop. CARL DALTON, Manager; Geo. Auctioneer. 3499-1 Farms For Sale PATO* FOR SALE. --FOR SALE PART LOT •• 28 and 29, Concession 3. con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays' farm_ Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars aPpIT to, J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 8338 -ti Property For Sale or Rent von — A COMFORTABLE EIGHT- '‘• rammed.' benne, situated in a convenient part of the -town. If not sold wig be rented to a suitable tenant. Apply at 'Lan EX- POSITOR OFFICE. 3451-43 port SALE OR RENT. -MODERN DWEL- a ling house on south side of Goderich St, Seafflorth, reereblock from Main Street, chinch- es and schools. New 3 -piece bathroom, new furnace, electric lights and town water in- stalled. House has been freshly painted and decorated throughout. Immediate .noss On can be given. Apply to R. S. HAYS. Sea forth. • 3484-41 - Cards of Thanks To the Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith Ladies and Gentlemen: I ram again a candidate for Re.eve and reeve:et-fully y.our support and influence. It elected I shall en- deavour, as in the past, to do my part to carry on the affairs of the town- ship with econ,oany and efficiency. Wishing you the compliments of the season. Yours sincerely, IWIVL. R. AIR,CHILI3ALD. 3499xr • To the Electors of Tuckersmith Your vote and influence for Samuel Willitmore for 'Councillor of Tucker - smith Township, is respectfully so- licited. SAM WHIT1VfO•RE. To the Electors of Tuckersmith Ladies and 'Gentlemen: • At the request of a number of ratepayers I he,ve -consented to ibe a 'candidate for the ,position of Coun- cillor of Tuckersmith. • As it will be impossible for me to see you all per- sonally, I take - this means of solicit- ing your votes and influence, V elect- ed, I will conscientiously see that township (affairs are conducted • as economically and efficiently as it is possible to conduct them. Wishing you the compliments of the season. Respectfully yours, W. J. RINTOUL. Agents Wanted IMANTED.-RELIABLE MEN TO ACT AS TV agents. Must have car, and knowledge of Livestock Feeding. We will train you. CANADA MINERAL PRODUCTS LIMITED, London, Ontario. 3497-3 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS , morriee Is HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT to • the Statutes' in. that behalf that all persons having clairns against the estate of Elizabeth M. Houston, late of the Township of Tuckemmith, in the Coinity of Huron. Book- keeper. deseased, who departed this life on the 21st day of October. 1934, are required to forward their claims duly proven. to the un- dersigned Solicitor on or before the 12th day of January. 1935, after which date the Ad- mirultratrix wgl (proceed to distribute the estate. having regard only to and being re- sponsible only for the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED December 20th, 1934. ' JOHN H. BEST. ' Solicitor for the Administratrix. ' 3497-3 TH_ANKS. - I WLSH TO TLIANK ALL NOTICE yo. CREDITORS thkr,e who helped me to win first prize in the Resell Contest MARIE HICKNE.LL. 3489x1 1VrRS. R. S. HAYS AND FAMILY WISH •"-" to thank all those who in any way as- sisted during their recent bereavement. ANNUAL MEETING Seaforth Agricultural Society The, Annual meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society will be held in the Carnegie Library, on Friday af- ternoon, January Alth, at 2 pene Busi- ness: .Financial'retport for 1934, elec- tion) otoffieers end directors for 1935. IIUMPEIREY SNELL - President MRS. J. A. KERR - Secretary. 3499-2 MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT Al to the Statutes in that behalf that s.11 persons having claims agtainst the estate of Heien Houston. late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. wfho departed this life on the 4th day of Aug-ust, 1934. are required to forw•ard I their claims duly proven, to the undersigned Solicitor on or beflore the 1254 day of Janu- ary, 1935, after which date the Admin- istratrix will proceed to distribute the estate. hlaving regard only to and being responsible only for the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED December 2eih, 1934. JOHN IL BEST. Solicitor for the Administratrix. 3497-3 "Births HORN -At the Wkimen's College Hospital, To- ronto, 'cm December 31, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. James Horn, (nee Vialet Rankin), a done -leer, • HILLSGREEN 1 4t, • The Women's Amon:Mary met in the Church on Wednesday, afternoon, De- cember -19th, V;tith the president, Mrs. 'R. 'McAllister presiding.. The ineetin•g opened 'with a hymn and Mrs. H. Turner led' in. prayer. The Scripture lessen was read and the devotional leaflet, "The Circle of Friendship" was given by Miss Edna Cochrane. The secretary ,and treasurer then gave their reports arnd they were adopted. ' Officers for 1935 were then elected andf. the roll called. Mrs. W. •Turrner then read a paper, "Within OUT Hand." The study, "Naming a Churchl'ff India" was taken by Mrs R. McAllister, 'Mrs. Robert Stephen - :eon and Mrs. R. Corisitt. Temperance topics were then used. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. The officers for 1935 are: lionerary irresi- deiet, Mrs.. MeAllister; president, Miss Earn Oolchraner 1st rice-presidra, Mrs. R. Turner; 2end vice-president, Mrs. Ross Love; treasures., MTS. W. Turner; secretary, Mies Annie Jar - eat; sapply secretary, Mrs. C. Steph- erieente Messenger secretary, Mrs. Roes Love; press seoretasy, Miss Annie Jarrett; organist, Miss Annie ./.1arrotte. It was decided re hold the **dingle in the home for the 'coining Year. Pl'he. January meeting • will be at 'Mese drebert Starlhenson's, New Year visitors: reiS Minty Ilegan.. and lYlies Elda SttePlat f.tif Linde* Mat, Lorne Eller and . ref Faleonbridge With Mr. a&Mj. Oicliratier Mr.„ and Itifrs. • 14060, Idtdriel4 16i -end intiereend Mr. and. Mit,' T. and Mrs. Id Richard, , T: Ooreitt of Yfleirr end Mra MeAlligter. ' trove and &t* td is 1tigh tove • • 6• ' -Anctrett'ittege -' 0.1 ;1••• , EC, • 4000i,' DUBLIN Lorne Cronin and Eddie Halzhan of Detroit spent a f-ew days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cretan. The following teache3rs have • re- turned to their duties: Helen Cronin to )3rahtforcl; Dorothy Molyneaux to Ayton; Gertrude Stapleton, Toronto; Joseph Carpenter, Chatham; Nora MdGrath, Lucan; Florence Smith, to public school, Dublin. (Mrs. Frank Smith has returned from an extended trip to Chicago and other paints. CII/SELHURST On Wednesday evening:Of last week the people of S. S. No. 10, Tucker - smith school section, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. William Proggarth and pres•ented Mites Olive Workman, of Ileirsall, with a ,beautiful end table and casserole in recognition of her services as teacher. The address was lead by Mfiss Verna MacLean and' Misses Myrtle Taylor and Gertrude Martin preeented the .gifte. The ev- ening was vent in, 'progressive euchre and a dainty lunch was served. Miss Erma Workman area' the holidays with Mr. and 'MTS. William Workman. Mee'Artgue Roberts'on is visiting at 'hire home here. Master James Weetleke, sem a Mr. ,and Mb'. Arnold Westlake, has been quite but we all wish him' a speedy reccreetry. Me. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Mon- treal and Mrs. JOhn . O'Keefe and •Betty Jens a Tftouto Opera 'Christ - Mae With Mr. 'ard kko. T. Wren': .211ve first ineetineettlie .itiavilV or- ganised Iinstittite wilLbe 'held at „the heree arTf `GleInf *gelidity, rl'airtittrY 2rtiVatr t.20.4raiir letlie0.4Aliecaularairity ate 'invited *'at WA' Whithei ine)tribtleV'er not Sixteen Reeves Get (Continued from Page 1) Morris Twp. The entire council of Morris town- ship 'were is -elected for their fourth term by the third conseeultive accla mation. Reeve—Raton Cardiff. • Counen—Johe Brown, Edward Bry are, Francis Demean, Finlay 'Weal - Brussels R. J. Bovrman Was elected reeve b acclamation. Council—iirrialter Kerr, W. Little William 'Clause, W. E. Willis, Geerge MoCall, James .Merrtd)zean. • School Trustees,—JohnIGibsere Dan lrieTes,dsli and Perry lditchell were re elected. P. U. C.—Cleve Baeker. • Zurich Village trustees, Henry Eickerreir Oscar Klepp and R. S. Stade were elected by acclamation. Dashwood Village trustees &Sward Nadiger, Thomas Klein-1pp and Clayton Pfil were 'elected by acclamation. Hullett TWp. In 11-rullett Township, Reeve Jame Leiper (will be opposed by Herber Megridge for representation on the county council. Five are definitely in the running for council and a election will be necessary. The nom inationis are as follows: For 1Reeve--James Leiner, Herbert Mogridge, Matthew Armstrong. ForreCouncil—Matthew Armstrong Bert Allen, John Barr, Ja. Forbes Robert Lawson.- MT. Armstrong • pre- ferred to qualify for council rather than enter the contest for the reeve - ship. Goderich Mayor—C. A. Reid, C. C. Lee, II J. A. MacErven, Fred Seabrook, J. W Craigie. •Reeve—B. C: laneinge, J. J. Mos- er, R. E. Turner, Deputy Reeve—,J. W. •Cra•igie, E D. 'Brown, J. J. Moser, John E. Huck ins, Fred Seabrook, R. E. Turner, H J. A. MacEwen, David Sproul. Water. and Light Co/Omission for 1935-36—J. W. •Craigie, E. R. Wigle Councile-H. C. Williams, E. J Pridhare, W. J. Baeker, C. C. Lee Thomas Sandy, Dr. H. R. Hall, Robt 'Doak, J. W. Craigie,• E. D. BiZown, H J. A. MeEwen, D. Sproul, Dr. John Wallace, Alex Malpass, Frank E. Bingham, G. L. Parsons, C.. A. Reid J. E. 'Hutekins, Ed. Bradley, N. Col clough, A. IVLacfie, C. H. 'Humber, J W. Moore, George P. Gould, Thome. W. Bell, John E. Platt, A. L. Cole. Public Sch o ol Board (1935 -361 --St. David' Ward, Mrs. George Johnston, Robert Bissett, Howard MeNee; St Patrick's Ward, George Stewart, D D. Mooney, James C. Carrie, E. J Pridhairn; St, George's Ward, W. H Blackstone, Dr. James A. Graham R. E. Whatley; St. Andrew's Ward, R. G. Johnston. The candidates hare until Wednes- day neon to qualify,. Colborne Twp. Reeee—W. L. Young, Melvin Tyn dell, Geo Feagan, A. Goldthorpe. 'Councillore—Nelson McLarty, H MeCreath,, William !Mae* George Feagan, M. Tyndall, Jas. Chisholm, John Pitiblado, John Green. East Wa wanosh The entire slate of Bait Wawanosh municipal offices was filled by accla, mation, all members of the 1934 coun- cil being re-elected. The personnel of the 1935 board will be: Reeve, Peter W. Scott; Councillors, Wilfred Reid, Stuart McBurney, George F. Yoregblut and Adam Roberts. Goderich H. J. A. 1MacEwan, the only one of six men nominated to qualify for the office will be Mayor of •Goderich for Two other norainees have received aeclamations to local offices, Robert E. Turner being returned as deputy - reeve and E. R. Wigle being appoint- ed (to .the Water and Light Commis- eion for 1935 and 1936. There are two aspirants to the of- fice of Reeve, B. C. Munnings, who .held the office last year, and J. J. Moser 'being the contestants. Ellevrin (candidates lhave 'qualified for election to t'he council. They are W. J.e.Baeker, C. C. Lee, Mayor for 1934%J. W. •Craigie, E. D. Brown, Alex Malpass, F. E. Bingham. Thos. W. Bell and four councillors of 1934 seeking re-election—J. E. Huckin•s, Norman .Colelough, Charles H. Hum- ber and) G. P. Gould. All (members of the Public Scheel Board enter office by acclamation, For St. David's WardrIVIrs. George John- ston and Howard 'MeNeee. Mr. M4- Nbe is in room and stead of Forbes Miller who ;has resigned; St. Patrick's Ward, Mr. D. D. Mooney; St. George's Ward, Dr. James re Graham and St. Andrew's Ward, Rod. John- ston. Clinton As previeusly assumed, ratepayers of Clinton will go to the polls on Mon- day, January 7th, to elect a. council to carry on elttring 1935. The following have signed qualification papers: . For Mayor—W. S. R. Holmes, J. J. Gibbings; for Reeve, Geo. II. El- liott (acclamation); for councillors, W. G. Cook, F. O. Ford, A. S. Inkley, H. C. Lawson, Fred Livermore, J. W. Manning, Geo. C. Murdock, Williaml Walker; for Public Utilities Commis- sion, Thomas Churchill; W. T. Hawk- ins. Number of councillors to be elected, six; commissioners, one. iSchool Trtistees fire elected by ac- clamatient as follows: St. Andrew's Ward, W. J. Phansteel; St. James' Ward, C. H. Venner; St. John's 'Ward, C. W. Draper; St. George's Ward,' Lorne Mara. The latter two are elm ;riven and are 'replachrg'fer- mer trustees J. W. 'Manning and M. T. COrlisa. Myth No election will be necessary in Myth, all offices having been filled by aeklaimationt Reeve, George Mc- Neil; •Counejliors, Jasper Cook, •Geo. 'White, James Watt and E C Larn- . dy. " ' Stkiheit TWO. There will ant he an eleetion • in Stephen Teriterriliptlhe,1984 reeve and, tomtit haying been given an accla- mation? eel 'franieWs1 flteeve,, 'Sareitzer, Deputy Reeve, Chester Mawhinney, P0unci1, E larriaert, Al- onzo MeCarie'and Roy Hate.. • , As the other eandidetes dirt not qualify no plebiscite will be held on. the beverage question. - Hay Twp. 'Hay Township is spared an elec- tion with Alfred Melia elected reeve, and councillors Edward %raper, Wil - Barn Haugh, Max Turnbull and Geo. Armstrong, also receiving •acclarna- tions. HoWick Twp. Reeve — Louis Demtnerling; John l3ryartereDeptity Reeve, Thos. Dwell (ienclernatien). Councillors — David ' Weir, Robert Baker, 'Hartwell Strong, and Albert- Toner (three to be elect- ed). . ., IMMMI111.111•MMINIMMIIIIMI AUBURN . . ' ,. , In the village on December' 25th .M.r. and Mrs. John Symington held their fifty-fourth wedding annivers- ary, ,having been married on the 25th day of 'Decembee, 1380. WM. Syria- - in)grcra and Elizabeth McGee etoed up with the. Th•e marriage w a s solemnized by - Rev. Jas. Pritchard, ; who was then minister of the Pres- : byterian elm/eh. After spending . their honeymoon at Seaforth they book up 'farming in Colborne on the , piece now eocepied by their sorrein- law, John lVfouldere They retired to , the house in 'the village in -arhich they . now live some twenty years ago. Mrs. , .Symington is of English decent, the , daughter of Ellen Buck and Robert Medd wire lived in West NViswanosh. , MT. Symington is S.cotch, his parents, Margaret Copeland and Jas. 'Syming- ton lived for mazy years in Colborne. Mr. ISyrnington is the oldest Member , of the 'Session in the United Church,, , having been .erilairted to that office 52 : years ago. He remembers when there wet' no churer in the village, when .serviees were held from house to • house, and of the opening of the first church. At the tea meeting pa , tables were set—just plates were .passed. There were two daughters, . Mrs. John Maur:len (Edna); Auburn, and Mr. H. Wellace (Mary Mer), , Saskatchewan, and seven grandchil- , reen: Nelson Moulden, Oliver Thorn- ton, Estee, Olive, Billy and Elmer Wallace and one great grandchild., Neva 'Wallace., The a.nnual Sunday school enter- tainment of Knox United Ohuech was held' on Thursday evening with a goodly ettendeace. A 5hort program was presented' ' as follows : Chorus, seven girls,' Vivian Straughan, Ila Craig, Mary Mlunee, Fern Lawlor, Ruth Aitkens, Betty Craig and Zeta Munro; recitations, Lawrence Plaetz- er, Jean Lawlor, Vivian Strau.gha.n, Mac Wilson, Jebel -lie Wils.on, Bobbie Arthur and 'Stewart King; son, Don- ald Yunghlut and l3illy Oraig; panto- mime, Mary hfunkee Ruth Arthur, Viv- iAn Stralughlan. Zeta ,Munro, Betty Craig, Ila. Craig, Fern Lalor. After the program ice cream and cookies were served and the children want home with a bag of candy. . Jack Bennett is in Toronto attend- ing a co-nwentioniel the toy Scouts. We are Vied to report that Mrs A. Robison was slightly improved SundaY after a -set beck on Satur- day. ......- • ZURICH • ... , • . Township Nominations The meeting of the ratepayers heir in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday aftern.00n, was well attended, the hall being crewded. The me-mbers' of the 1934 council gave a good account of the.meelves and the new nominees also spoke on municipal matters. The candidates have until Wednesday noon to hand in their qualification papers on meet:runt of the holiday on Tuesday. The concert given in the hall here by the young people of the Bronson Line on Thursday evening of last week, was well attended. A comedy .sketch was given and was well re- eeived by the audience. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Klapp spent the week with relartiefes in Detroit. The lencal skating rink is being well patronazed and Me. Fred Haberer has been, able to get e 'geed sheet of ice. School re -opens on Thareday of this week with no change in the staff of teacher*. Dr. A. J. IVfackinnon, who has beeen seeretary-treasiner of Zur- ich scheel for over fifteen years., re- signed at the annual meeting as trus- tee and Mr. William Reith was elect- ed for 'a term of three years. Hay Township For Reeve—Alfred Merck, George 'Armetrontg, Max Turnbull, Edmund Warprer, Derid Ducharme, Minor F. : Klopp. . ( For Councillors—Geo. Armstrang, William Haugh, Max Turnbull, Ed- , mend Wolper, Fred Corbett, Fred Haberer. . • i Zurich Police Trusteesi—Oscar Klopp, Hy. Eickineier, R. F. 'Stade, Leroy ', O'Brien, Theodore, Haberer, Wesley 'r Merner, Ivan Yungblut. . ; - . , 1 • I KIPPEN , . Mr. Gorden Wright, wihe is attend- l ing the Ontario College of Education, 1 Toronto, has returned' attar speeding 1 the holidays with his parents, MT. arid Mrs. James- ' right. 1 IMO. 'Lloyd o ranaster of Oshawa c visited over theePhristmete holiday with his pfeents, Me. and Mrs, Thos. t Workman of' ' Tenteiteriatit. ' Mite Dtrrothy :Tee of -Toronto vis- t Red reeently wit' -her ccntsirt, Miss Margaret 'glee, 'of , Tneleatimith. i Miss (Heflin Chastener of. Blenheim a and 11)/iss Efileydn' Ohandlee of Lon- 'I' don spent the holi;dar ereareon' with v their parents, Rey,. E. V. and Mrs. t Chandler,. at the IVIeneia I Miss, Margaret jeilinsten Of Londet. v is vigting Anger the, parental roof. e Mies Mildred 'Metre, st of Tuelree- smith 'wee tirg grielit of her Cousin, e Mists Flotrentee Tito/Won, flor a fear 0 days recentlY, ''- ' ' . Mise Etta Jarrett et! Toronto visit- sd during the Cfhrie(fhki'ihelidaye/With .1 hr parents, lift. atiffrlifie later° Jar- 0 rate' . f 1 Nnee 'Ngletkelalr!Vie tai3Oelar lag near, st*Aimg, widows ,vviith her Par'eet0; gr. said WerlOreen a iri44errolittal MT. James DiOan and Mr. wad Dignan Eterter and Mr. 'IlOwntrot Dignan of Tberold visited. recently with Mr. and Mrs. George E. Theme son and farniar of Hia)c. iMise 'Philippa Penftid spent the holidays with her Iparenba at Elora.' arfiss Isabel ICearia?bell and elVnes Hilda •Riehiaeldson visited o)yee the Cheisemas (herideye at their heroes at 'Listowel. Mr. and Mre. Eldon Kerr of Win- throp event a few days recently with the latter's parent*, !Mr. and Mrs. John Workman, a tue (villager The Misses Ruth and Theda Wet - son were .guests of frierele in Detroit during the holiday season. IlVir. and Mrs. 'Archie • Parsons spent Ohristmae-with the lattee's parents, Mr, and' Mrs., Jos. Linden of Denfield. ' Mr. and 'Mrs,. Jos. ,Staeey of Exeter visited for a few days with Mr, and MTS. William 'Haney of Hay., Master Iyison Torrance, of Porter's Hill, is vieiting with his grendfather, Mr, Henry Ivison and aunt, Miss Jean of Hay. Rev. E. F. Chandler .delivered a vary fine message on Sunday imorning last taking for his subject, "Taking life as. an adventure." 'Mrs.. John Workman sang a gale, "Jesus Saviour, Pilot )1V10." The Busy Bees Mission Circle met at the 'Manse cm Saturday afternoon last. Mrs. J. Henderson presided over the meeting. 'Miss Florence Thomson tread th.e: • ,Scripture lesson. Miss Gladys -McLean read the devotional kailet and IlVfiss •Gladers Jarrett led in prayer. The nomitating commit- tee presented the list of officers for the calming year, the following being elected: President, Miss Gladys :Mc- Lean; vibe vice-president, Mrs. Wm: 'Bell; '2nd vice-president, Mise Beat- rice Deserve 3rd vice-eresident, Miss Florence -Thoiriison; seeretary, MAis Doreen Creeper; supply secretary, 1VLies Dera, Dalrymple; eorresponclingsecre- tary, ,Miss Marguerite MacDonald. After the meeting was over the host- ess served a dainty. luncheon. Mr. and 'MM. Fred Parsons of Len - den spent the holiday with the lat- ter's parents, AIT. and Mts. George E. Thomsen. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance and ;children of Porter's visited an Christmas with Mr. 'Henry /Keen and Miss Jean. 'Master Ivison) .Torrance remained for a few days. 'Mr. 'arid Mrs. Ernerson Stafford of St. Thomas spent the Christmas hol- id(ays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis of our village, 'Miss Etta Jarrett of Toronto, who has been spending the holidays at -the home of her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrett, of the village, has re- turned to resume her duties as teach- er al one of the city .schools. , An 'old time dance was held in Wateenis Hall on Monday evening, when a goodly number were 'present to dance the old year out and the new year tin. The hall was nicely de- corated far the occasion and a good time was spent. Celebrate 25th Anniversary On Thursday evening, December 27, Mr. and 1VIrs. J. McBeth of Stanley Te,•,eisrip. celebrated their twenty-fifth v-: tr'ar.g aeniversary of their mar - g -. A goodly number of relatives a:- 1`.. lends were present to help cele- beate this happy event. After all were present, progressive euchre was played until supper, after which a beautiful and tasty lunch was served by the hestese. Mr. and Mrs. Mc - Beth reeeived some beautiful presents and it was the sincere wish of all present that they would be spared many years together. After a great deal of 'social and friendly talk, each and all left for their respective homes. Mr. Lloyd 'Workman of Oshawa spent the 'Christmas holidays at the home Of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Workman, of the London Road. Lloyd was amOng the passen- gers who were on the passenger spe- cial which was run into by the Maple Leaf Flyer at Dundas. Iris many friends were glad to hear that he es- ea,ped unhurt. The Misses Helen and Halcyon Chandler of 13,1enheim and Londonare spending their holidays at the Manse. IMr. and Mrs, Edgar Butt, accom- panied •by Mr. and Mrs. 'Phonies Butt, all of this Village, spent Christmas at e home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,. Butt Seaforth. Misses IRluth and Theda Watson of he village are spending a few hell- s with• friends in Detroit. rMr. .and Mrs. Edgar Mousseau of he village visited at the home of the otter's,parente, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, f Greenway, during the (past week. ;Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper- vis - ted with .Mr. 'and Mrs. Wesley 'h of our (village over` the Christ - as holidays_ Mr. Jelin Doig, of Detroit, "seent lhe holidays at the borne of his other, Mrs. Wm. M. Doig, of Tuck - smith, during the past week. 1Mir. and Mrs. Alex Monteith of the don Read visited' with friends in ondern during the past week. Miss Margaret Cooper, qf Toronto, ent the holidays with her parents. r and Mrs. W. W. Coeper and also er ,brotliente William, of the London ea.;d during the past .weelc. Mr, and Wit. William Prison of our liege visited. with friends in Lon - on during •iii•e past week. ' Many in this vicinity will be sorry hear that MT. William Butt of eaforth has not been enjoying his etial good health: 1Mir. Butt for a o.eld many years lived in this 'dein- y and since going tO tgeaforth has lwaye enjoyed ecarang errand epend- g a few days ear deaf' trim in the' 'nage. It is the rincere WiSh of his any-firientle thar he will goon feel ke his old self and his inany friends, be %eking torwardro seeing hint t aed around again. littr. and Mrs. Thos. Clibrehill and of Clinton.; visited. at Vie home •Mr... and lifirer dliff Watsific. of the' Maga, during the past Week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Eldon • 1(so 4 ',Wft, it* spot IChtistaikis home ne. and Mrsir, e .1,. er; ^ _ 51 A • -` Su14griptione solieited fer anadailY 'aid Weekly papers at the 4-,estai Poet Office. Parenize your Peratitires- ter wire handles the papers and en- deavogris to give good eatisfaethen. Poet offize box rents are due in the menthe of -December „and Jar/nark Those in arrears Idndly make up such. Ont. 347..2 Postmaster at Hese- Mlle following is ithe pregri134149701 the Mission tBand concert held in the Scheel room of -the United Chnech en Friday , evening last . and which was one of the best, the numbers an 'be- ing well given. The meeting was provided over by the pastor,. Rev). A. Sinclair in Ids. usually pleasing man- ner. The attendance was fair but not as large as the-pregrant merited:— Opening chorus; Chairman's remarks; Mother Goose play; reci•tatien, Jessie Paierley; hillehy song, three giels; song, "Star of the East"; recitation, Pe:arl Harpole; dialogue, "Santa Claus At Homer; guitar selection, Kathryn Drysdale; mite box exerciee; shep- lharnierdn'e,s deill; song, Bobby Hese; pant - 'Mr. John Reid of London was in the village on Wedneeday last visit- ing his easter, MiSs We are pleased to see Mr. Lorne' Foster going around again after sorae clays' illness in the .home. IVIre. Peter 'Munn was visited by her daughter, Mrs. M. Ortwein, of -Lon- don, .cluring the Christmas holidays. )1V1r. 'anci Mae. J. W. Ortwein were also visited by their sons and daugh- ters living at a distance. Mrs. Hutton ef Guelph and recent- ly. of this village, was here this week renewing acquaintances. 'Mr. and 1Virs. John Zuefie had large felinity gatherings dm -leg the holi- days. Watchnight Service A (very enjoyable gathering ea -New Year's Eve saw the old year out and the new one in in Carmel Presbyter- tiamirt,..Charcle.an old-time honored. ens, The rural mail couriers are having a very strenuous time in making their trips and will have to rely upon their patrons on the rural routes to keep the roads broken for them and'sbev- ening the snow drifts from the rural boxes, so that the couriers can serve thent from their conveyances. Mr. and Mrs. George 'Hiess and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hese and Mr. Howard and sister, Mrs,. English, metered to Exeter to, spend a very pleasant New Year's with rel- atives and friends. 'Miss Katie Scott spent a few days (visit in Forest with her friends, Mr. and 'Mrs. Lloyd Iludain, former resi- dents ' of this village, returning:- last week. - Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hen rphill and son and daughter were recently in Seaforth Hospital visiting Mrs. W. C. Davis, Mrs. Hemphill's miother, who is receiving treatment and rest there, and, whom they very frequently call to see. 'MSS Army Lammie, who was here for the boliday, season, has returned to Toronto. We believe many of the thresber- • m.en from this district are planning to attend the animal convention of the Octetario Brotherhood of Threshermen which is being Ireldein, London on the 16th and 17th of January. ,Many int portarut subjects are to be cliseuesed, among Which -will be the threshers' lien Raw and ways and 'means of pre- venting fire during threshing opera - liens. Threshing fire losses have been ivleary heavy durin:g the past few sea- sons and anything that woukl reduce rbhis risk at threshing time should be very welcome to farmers and thresh- ermen alike. The convention will be brougfht to a close with a banquet in the crystal /ballroom of Hotel Lon- don. The following letter was received by Mr. C. H. Blowes'Principal of the public sehool and speaks for itself: "The 'Memorial Children's Hospital of Western Ontario, Dec. 29, 1934. Mr. Blowers, Prineipal of the Public Scheel at Hensall, Ont. Dear Mr. Blowes: On ;behalf of our commit- tee I wish to thank you, and your pupils most Sincerely for their dona- tion of $3 towards the work of this hospital. It is indeed gratifying to see strong boys and girls interested in their lesis fertiu-nate fellows, ancl we wish to asinine you of our apprecia- tion. Yours, very truly, Marion Tar - Secretary.' Ilhe heavy ,enowstorm of the first part of this week has (made the roads very bad in this 'section for travel- ling but fortunately the snow is very light so far but with threatened rain • will make them rvery heavy. Dr. A. R. •Campbell has been con- fined to his room for the past week or so on account of . illness, but is at date of writing much improved. New Year's,Day passed Over pretty quietly in the village as the snow- storm made getting around very un- pleasant and there was not the usual stir. Our continuation and public schools reopened on 'Thursday 'following the Christmas and New Year's holidays with a ,good attendance. The ,skating rink opened this week mulch to the delight of the children', and their seniors also, who enjoy the healthful pastime. Mr. and Mrs. Harry AbraY of Lon- don, ,Who were here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson, Mrs. Abray's parents, have returned to their home in Louden. • Special Church Services ovitteseervanticessundinoty, el-m.li 8st (wnre:42e prelotcaty) well attendedand good- sermOns• arid' musie featured all three. In St. Faure' Anglican Church the Rector; Rev. M. B Parker, preashed his farewell Ser - miens before leaving to take 'his new eharge, at Morpeth angiltherewas a gond' alit-elitist:icean3,the dilicomees Mach enjoyedL The corgregation re-; grabs that the Bishop • has appointed Mil Parker to e. nevi 'field of`lebbit. While here he gave his eom.gregations rand at; the sister . charge' at -Staffs, line' lierVices-Ofirrli4einikillt-- be, ritjeb. rsed,' together' with 1iise. the 8en1Oitentit't ilif4 Lord's &IP- 1.•'• ••;111,' J. a:Wee ebstreved the ,T344tecit • eitr ;:k'Cgtatil)ig Preeliretteentn itt4Hvalg*°cal2iesiladlIe:ttalle'ree'e'4',°T. bri):re414611' CCUrelia4e4'64*-7118: jr0e)th•a)Carboriertere7 lamtienddayied-andoNvawytaYiearet020: w;tetgleiny:Mricg"..:14unda:mbligIViaisf". 71F7rrankreeedelSence77Lr(')IstitiWale Bothwell; 'Howard Henorhill Ord sis- ter, Mies Mary, from 'Whitby); Mr. and 13/11e. (Roy Pfaff from iDelhi; 1Wali joyart, of . Toronto, ; ,-,ItiasonTiennan, Ditsaywood at lair. 0Ook'sr, - • Idaytnard of Toronto . with his -Mother • and. friends; 'Grace. Weak from lent - don, and Mr. Alex' &Willie. train Ter - renter . ,1Mr. 'aad-Mrs: Robert 'Higgins were. Yreitted at 'Ohristinee tim'e alletheir 'married &righters and memberie of their fannlies • • Mr. and 'Mrs. James Sierspeonf are ,spending,a couple, of weeks with rela-. dyes' and friends at London, and Mr. 1Vlickle with Mr. Mulokie's:parents at Ridgebewn, and Miss Mattie Ellis with her relativein Guelph.n Mr. J. Sutherland of the Montreal Bank staff, spent' 'ObristTas With his relatives in Toronto. • Among recent visitors from home at•Cheistarias time were Mr. T. C. Joant .ancl, son, 'Donald, at Lircknow; Mr. Rey Parkner at Toronto; Mds Gram of Derberit 'with her parents; Arthur Dick of London with his par- ents, .Mr. and 'Mrs. James 'Dick; Mr. and Mrs. Battersby 'and sons, Lawr- ence and Frank, with friends In Strat- ford; 1Mr. arid Mrs, T. W. Parlmier with their sere Earl, in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.. Daman with relatives in Exeter; Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Moffat and daughter, of ,,Bracefield, with Mrs. Peter .Fieher. Miss. Alex. Miiirtrie was 'reperitly (visited by her sons, John and. Hugh of •Srbanlley towerShip, for Christmas. ,Me. J. W. Ortiwein recently celebrat- ed his eighty-fifth 'birthday vrith his fangib, and at Mgt good ripe age is enjoying good health and actively en- gaged. in real estate and life insur- IMrs. Ray Paelinee was a recent vis- itor with her husband at Windsor. Miss May Cowarel visited with her paaeats near Farquhar. Miss Violet Miller, of Winnipeg, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Dayman, of the vil- lage. During the winter months the stores will be closed Tuesday even- ings as well as other evenings with the exception of Saturday nights. 1Vliss Annie Rands, who has been in poor health for some time, was tak- en to London a few weeks ago to the home of a relative, who is taking mare of hefand Miss Rands' many friends will be pleased to know that she is improving, and hope she will soon he able to return heene... • 'IVIrs. T. C. Joynt isvisitingwith friends in Clinton. Mr. Harry Wilson spent, the week end at his home in Woodstock. The Misses Edith and Lilly Me - Ewan of Kitchener spent the Christ- mas. and New year's holidays with their brother, John E. MeEwen, a short distance south of the village. 'Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger • 'were visited by members of • their family during the past week or so. Mrs. William Hildebrant was visit- ed by relatives from. London Christ- mas night. Rev'. M. B. Parker preacihes his first Sunday in Morpeth on the coming Sabbath. 1Miss, Hazel Cox -worth, who is teach- ing in Eterx County, spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. Ar- thur Coicworth. lifr. WM. 'McMartin is here spend- ing holidays with his relatives. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and 'daughter and Mrs. Martakinson spent several days recently veith friends in Littowel. 'OW Reeve, Mr. W. J, Jones and Mrs. Janes spent Christmas and New Year's holidays with anembees of their family in the rural districts. , Miss Berryi Drummond visited with' friends in Woodstock last 'week. Mrs. Charles L. Jinks has been con- fined to her room during the past week OT so on account of illness, lnut is now improkingericely. . • . Death of D. A. Cantelon We have just heard at date of writing of the death a 'Mr. David A. Cantelon, one of the pioneer and much respected (business men or this vil- lage. Mr, Cantelon had been confin- ed to his rem for about a couple of weeks under the doctor's care and a: nurse in attendance, but as he was not improving as was hoped for, he was taken by his doctor to St. .ros- eples Hospital ateLonden a cotiple or so days ago .but we very much regret to learn that he passed away on Wed- nesday morning. A private funeral will be held or Friday afternoon itt 2 wink, to Hensall Union Cemetery. He had what was known as gas gangrene, a very rare disease. He carried on a large coal and produce business until two years ago, when he sold to W. R. Davidson. However, Mr. Cantelon was too active a •busi- ness man to remain out of it, and he has been and was up to the Vane Of his dea.th an extensive buyer a onions. He leaves to mown hie death, his widow, evrese maiden name was Kate Qbapman, arid ore eon,Ferris, who is teaching schOol as Principal of the continuation department at Selrom- berg. WARNING • All honeholdere having any knoVe 'edge, of ,.any eammeu.nicable disease in their hoasehold are warned that they must report the sitme to the Load' Board a Health, either to the Medi - Cal Offiner.of Oealth, :Otto the 'Seer's- rtay;;". failure' td.40.- Within 12 hours leave thSiliseivei liable to a fine. of riot less, than $25.00 nor more than ;MOO es per the tPublie Health Act. . RipAittp OF HE4T11 Ge 0%4. 4dical Offieer 'of Iteilith; Jailers A. Paterson, geere. t# o' 1 0 r 1