HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-21, Page 4.: '.Ptiq: ,p.,.-: :,. ., Y:,k hint nr. ...,.'v r''., .;{i -w { :..r,a ,,, .,•,. a .,.,v , >L. t ,tr S... ,�I{, v,s ,:'i{t dt rnf. Z, �... �i7N. q.'.. r s "6 it. r .. ..... f '�' W'4 ,. F i mai, A air ,,:,F�A`dso. can�nall Tea'd ad�aFb >bhcellenk i,:,g ex the (3h� . , rush. h r..,,� . of theXO.H. in re ad to 'theaa ' iri ' �anr �c°on,d Ontf �ba 'it'bh wn ' .r oq sh1,P va eC end1^ m h15 ret. n x 1' these el ab su n corn •s s;r ata da5eia es gf r o nrd1C bits � ., !to asciI.tul^aak `+el atrte ri 9 � . ,d nl 1 3,�4d a1 excel- thes ydi it , NO. dna engage in other G'a. were ilent �visdbeddn of all duwing tlhe acluaols vrhich duties.' wjl � 'WlidNunoe'e M'aG1 r y at t"10 'Mrs. W. Reid of Pomo ;liowaax{, ch Ads ,Will be utserU4, at .mew luw cash .rates, �° ..spegt ;the WgOk-end here w3t11 her A s Clerk, A& se for the' purchase qf- Lost and Found, Coon Etc, wo 1 MR, .. IMriS. +'d. Sheffer, ed, i st wet ; rJi ,i�rr +tea 3 week ................ e........................+409. ent StadLdUTYg .,mibea- for the iyurpose of 'n�'I1t , (4 lC v 'd-Wa'.4' erred e, !11 h> , znd eek ................. gG cent ,,popiplydng -wood for re'lid, within a �rUll er �* her 0 C U5in 5 � Ma• . M+u- who a r, , had- been vis- 3kd eek ... bx', s d . . . , , 9 ....... .........:.� Dent , : xeacsona:bl�e distance from the Village u. Muumuus charge. first inserts n ......:� ......25 Cents rg r Y ,pan,ty iVmg With Xxs. Redd and Dr. Reid be ik s r y S1r � Each figure, initial and abbreviation cu is as one word, O dh"111$ t0 '17e Cwt :b '� r v �" 1 �9; ' • (aa,'�"e'lief and „framl'ly, Pr 4YS ,r�i .'lhanlna, In Memoriam Natieea-j cent •ger word, Minimum, BO cents Der week MCK9y 14IaGRegor TllBt S. H. WI1Lt- Special {,`tristlUlas Service �5+ directed a Box 0 eA Oto ted to N her 'car um a ad The � thtP Huron ositar, ' ��4' Exp 'Por 0 I ' 1 cent more be au'thor•lz®d to secure and, ar- C,hrpstrnla� s�+vices, in "Carmel Pres- C' a ., a lt a aange, terms of •-purchase of timber bybeaian Chiumh on, Sunday with Rev. `{ r� rbeni i additional per week will be ebarged iP gads in aiaove classes axe not paid by thhe }�rp,rl D. 'McLean and notii'y parties W. A., You -Ig ixt' char he' lY J 5 `"p �4iY`d4tuNF night in the week in which the ad was runcharge, will include when genre is ready to cut 'special musdc b �t ed�rrrias'es and Deaths inserted free of charge, y K71ie '(7hOlr: Anithrem., t + , - - IMcGrelgor-McKay: That J. A. 'Mur- "For Unto you a •Child is Born". m 'Safes. Notice to Creditors. Etc.-•{RaUa on application. ray lbe apgointed schaoll attendance sola, se'l4oted, M�.s+. J, W. Bonthron' 'da , officer for 1935 at a serer of $12.5'0 Cumin Events Farms For Sale Y male quarte, 9Hhar+k! robe Ronald g Per Weal•. Angels 'Sing„; anthers, ==Ar+ise•, Shazre B. McKay-MoGregor: That the £oa- For Thy I.ig+lvt ., si + �rN1QNDVILLE HOCKEY CLUB 1eS Comre male ehklr- M0 fowin'g st;Cotunts, be paid: Dr. �_ ' S?14, a, e• touchre in Finnigan' vuc- Pt ARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT liS, "Let U5 GO, Even Unto Bebllle_ 3 tt 28 and 29, Cbncession a, MoKillep, con- G• C. Jarrott, 9 ,hem” ; quartette, "Silent Night, Holy of R - 0'.00 J Beat V, Ja, • Ant s ' n 'December 2Thh. Good n 'b •o Th d y{� " IPrszea Ad¢ntbsiom '9Iu cents. 3495x1 taining 192 .acres and known as the T. F,, ty, ,prbmiuml 'an cG011e•Ct01''S •bond, ru r Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the qqa�4�,, $37.;50; F. lVaPterS, rebate dog tax, Night. In tie evening the, ser+vade y If not sold will be rented. For particulars will be in the form of a caro'! ser- a� apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, sea- $2; J. Watson, rebate dog tax, $2; W. vice." 193 std forth. asss�tf Layton , robe , tax The children of not only the village ing Wanted g $2; Ross Chapman, rebate dog tax (1933), $4; P GRAss FARM FOR SALE. - loo ACRE McLean Bros., printingbut al'So of the 001mimunity, who come ber, OUN:G, ENGLISHMAN, PROTESTANT, grass farm, near Scaforth. Apply to and ad., but the village axe looking f01'W'ard' Silo C. ' desires work on, a gaud fawn. Fully ex- JOHN ,MESsmSOMIDT, 168 Nelson Street, $6,86; W. J. Finnigan.,-suplpl+ies for , "1 Veaitnced. Will, hire by the year. Will con- Stratford, Ont 3497.1 relief, $26.71; J. 'Regier, wood for re- with very much interest and plea- mi r aider bush work or any other kind of work. lief, $11; N. Cl'uff & Sans wood for sure to attending on Friday after- Free te Janus- 7th, partitulan iii 5TsR,1R relief, $3.50; E. B. 'G'a:wdie, milk for noon about three o'clock the Chrlst- tax KSDpen 3496x2 Notice t0 Creditors relief, $3; H. McMillan, col. transfers mss tree, under the .auspices of the as and rooms; 89.18; J. 'H. Best, legal Board orf Commerce ill front of the of se'rv'ices, $450; Treasurer McKillop, Town, Hall, and which will contain a. s'la NOTICE TO 'CRE•DITORS telephone ealle'cbions, 7� Jas. Fin- g Of sand and, nuts for every, 1jr Agents Wanted n' $ ry. in? ? _ BE: MARY A. HOBKIRK, late of the Vil- layson, repair apron, .Moore Drain, ch41d.. The tree will' also he the mod- 'lax Nf r WANTED --RELIABLE MEN TO ACT AS Wage of Hensa'll, in the County of Huron, $1.40'; Thampson''s B'oo'k Store, ,sum ium for gifts from friends that m:ay 'un r 3 " agents. Must have car, and knowledge widow, deceased. 'plies, $2.95; Dr. G. C. Jarrott, com- desire .to use it. (Short addresses- b a' od Livestock Feeding. We will train you. ALL PERSONS barring claims against the m'itment of patient, $5; Dr, W. C. 'the local inti lister$ and .the (Reeve the I CANADA MINERAL PRODUCTS LIMITED, eAlate bf the said, deceased ,are required to Condom, Ontario 3497E send full particulars of their claims duly Sproat, commitment of Patient, $5; and s'On'gsl by the children will enI1V- son proven .to the undersigned Solicitor for the Dr. Jaraokt, postage for analysis, en and a,d,d to the pleasure of the OC_. r` m later than thee2n 01 of the d day of Jsaid deceased sed6, not $1..50; R. Dalryinlple, pay lis't9, 18, 19 �casrion, and it goes. wibhonl't graying 'cola Articles For Sale ter which date 'the said Executor will proceed 'an:d 20, $676.81; W. R. Archibald, that the most noted and welcodmied w e to distribute the assets of the said estate, hav- .postage, $4; Dr. W. C, 'Sproat, c'om- ,person, wriU be Sancta, Claus. H ing regard only to the claims of which notice mdbment of ,patient, a W. R. Arch+i- rMr, Harry Smith, the efficient care- �a OR SALE. -FIVE H.P. GASOLINE EN- $~� F : has been received. ,bald scalar w ¢cine and cutting box, in good shape: Ap- .DATED ,this 72tb day of December, 1934. ' Y, $65; Chas, 'McKay, sal- taker of the United' Church and of -i PIT W. F. ALEXANDER, R. 2, Hensall. Phone ary, $55; M. Clark, salary, $15'ti5; S, ed. J. W. MORLEY, H'QruSa,ll vY111oII 'Oemebery, has beer[] s2 r 13, Henasll. 3497x1 H. Whitmore, salary, $55; J. Macre- s'ufferi'n from a s fall Solicitor for Executor, ' 1 g strained back for � ue @ Exeter, Out. gor, salary, $155; G. N. T--urner, bal- e $15 ROGERS ELECTRIC CABINET RADIO, 3496 anOe salary, the past couple of weeks and, his son, $12 `Y in .&=s't class shape. Can be seen at $100; D. F. McGregor, Alfred, Ihras :been attending to his dv- $36 n Presbyterian Manse Friday and Saturday. 1. balance ,salary, $67.60; W. R. Arch'i- g B. KAINE 3497x5 NOTICE TO "CREDITOR'S band, salary, B, of H., $8;' W. P. ties. Ira11 ' �O R SALE, -- SET OF HEAVY BOB- NOTICE IS.HER.EBY GIVEN PURSUANT Thomipson, salary, B. of `H., $8; D, Mails Heavy. dry, 1 eleigb4 in good repair: one heifer due to to the Statutes in that behalf that all F, 'McGregor, salary, B, of H., $8; All •roaid�s Seeeum to lead to ,the local L,o 1 freshen soon. Apply to BOX 21, EXPOSITOR persons having claims against the ,estate of H. McMillan, .balance salary, 1933, pOst, office during the Christmas boli- C Elizabeth M. Houston, late of the Township 0• H. MacMillan account salary, days and the m ""OFFICE. 3397-1 Y, y ails are unwswalll N. of "7Sckersmith, in the County of Huron, Book- 'Y k r, aede�aea, who departed this life on 1934, $100 -D. F. McGregor, Clerk.. heavy, :both -going ou•t and r✓'an>ang in. $3; POTATOES FIVE TONS LARGE POTA- yle 'Trat day of October, 1934, are required to It take's la good deal Of time -to deal H Ie toes, $6.00 per ton, either . feeding or ]forward their claims duly proven to the un- NO with The many hundreds a. letters { _ eating purposes. Phone 34' ,ori 616.. THE der•signed South r ton or before the 12th. day �•r _ .a1Ld Ca1'd!s to Sia ri Schi l� HITGILL POTATO FARMS. 3497x1 of January, 1935, after which date the Ad- PUBLIC SCHUOL y nothing Of scores' of J rrrini3tratrvc will ,probeed to distribute the parcede, C'ataQlagwes and aai kind's 'Orf V_EY SATISFIED SAXS.: "CRESS' CORN estate, having regard only to and being re- adiVle2'ti'SIn}�Hu br Buniop Salves are worth $3: They speneible only far the claims of which she STUDENTS, LEARN g lmiaV er, and as a result Hl do the work. At KEATING'S PHARMACY. sham then have':had notice. patrons are 'asked' to be 'patient when $2. 3497x1„ DATED December 20th, .1934. (Continued from Page 1) -delivery its somewhat late. JOHN H. BEST, Room Y R,. R. McKay Speaks $1 4 Solicitor for the Adminisbratrix. 34973 A- Patadci's Bechely, Marjorie Mc- �,e Youths' Welfare 'du,b"of Gar- 56'5. Property For Sale Or Rent Kenzie, Helen Smdth,'and Jean Wright'mel Church met on Monde ` (eequad), Harriet RuslseTl Helen Car- - . Y evening sou' WANTED.—TO RENT, WITH OPTION OF NOTICE TO CRED'ITOR'S mi�chae'i. and he'll' their -meeting with a goad buying, faran, 100 acres or more, or two OT'I'CE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT I$—este Merl Williams, Dan Gam_ attendanpe. .Following the devotion - Fl. ` separate farms close N p al and 'i}llSineS,S C`=' together; good land and to the Statutes in the behalf that al] moil-, Azmateph waodli Kenneth rulm-rt, period, Rev, 1Mr, buildings; well watered, Appy BOY i9, persons"having claims against the estate of !MarionM�CJG3Vin. - Young iritrOdU�ced the spela,k'er• Of the i; HURON EXPOSITOR. 3495x3 Helen Houston, ]ate of the Ttowmship of evening, .Mr. ROs,s McKay, t�. Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Widow, - 'C�--,Eilee'en Anderson Wallace Hol- y, who spoke �OR SALE, — A COMFORTABLE EIGHT- deceased, who departed 'th•is di'fe on the 4th On the subje�ot, "The 'C'hurch in Reara- i'- ]ringswortrh, Lorna Dale, Kenneth rammed house, situated: in a convenient day of August, 1934, are required to forward 'tl'On to Political Life," after 'WhiC - part of the boron. If not sold will b ted their claims duly proven, to the undersigned 'Mowbray, Beverrly Beaton, of h an �n peen discussion book lace. Lt was' An ccyy solicitor on or before the 12th day of Janu- ''Dt---Ernestk Clarke Don.ecl'dia Hawk- p rets to a sui£a�fe " enarrt. ;k'pply at. T$E• EX- , also decided at the m+eetrin to POSITOR OFFICE. - 3461ht 9935. after which date ,the Admin- in9, Marion Making, Jack Makins, g 'held. Cam' istratrix wfll proceed to distribute the estate, Watch I�rtght' S•ervnbe. an havinv regard only sr DorisD7Eisler. , New ken), POR SALE OR RENT. MODERN DWEL- y to and bean responsible Year's EVe. mss ,ling mouse on south side of Goderich St., only for the elaians of which she shall then Missed exams -Donald Ross, Baliby 'The chair of. Carmel Presbyterian O°a Sea4brth,. one block from Main Street, church- have had notice. Humbe'y.---,E. iH, Elder, Teacher, Chlumch on 'Monday 'evenin, o s Heed k . • furnace electric fights and town water in- DATED December OHN�H. E T tratrix• A Gord'OT1 Wil OTiV Donald T'llornt, week m g f Olive "The es and sehogld, New 3 -piece bathroom, newet at the home of Miss GthiVs L stalled. House hes been freshly painted and workman, bride -elect of this month An _ decorated throughout. Immediate possession 3497-3 Billy Sproule, Fraser Swan, Lenora r '" cam be given Appty to R. S. HAYS, Sea- Habkirk and Donald Munn (equal) and pres'en'ted her with half a clown 8 of forth. 3464 tr - Doris 'Ferguson, Joyce W'ilbee, lave'ly 'almlber sherbert glasses. Al- car. --- In Memoriam IB-Hamol'd Ross, Louise Case, Rich- though years much surgrisad', Miss ! "U '�•`' Farm Stock For Sale a1d Fru'in, Johan Edler. Workman made a Ven- fitting reply ton N LOVING MEMORY OF MAnY REBECCA C=EI'eanor Weaver, Beatty Clarke, titer] in keeping°with the OCC2SlOn'. the HORSE FOR SALE GOOD GENERAL I Bolton, who died December 21, 1918. Edina 'Frad-sser, Jean Barlow, Rhoda Mi Annie 5riyit, who recently left Mr - together with her mother and Ibra -F. T vurpoae horse for =ale. Apply to BOX Beacom, Tommy Fletcher, Peggy - 12, THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. She is not dead, the child Of our af°rrtion, ther, Jan for -their new home in Delh,i,, '(Fra •. 3484-tf But Kone unto that school, Trapnell. ryas 'res? Where she no longer needy our poor protection D�Bruce Dwgee, Glen Cameron; p e'11''ted with a hymn book- on strop And Christ Himself doth rule Earl Robinson; Charlie Venus. -R. S. Frid-aymarning in recognition of ham,• roc's —Sadly mused by Father, Mother and Sis- fa,ithfu'1 Service as , mem,ben Of 1h3 ?lea Thomason, Teacher• Auction Sales ters• 3697-1 r AUCTION SALF. AT THE DICK BARN —� y� �v r on December 22nd, at i p.m., Of Cattle. Deaths BOARD PROPOSES %a Calves, Pias, ImvIenients. Fruit, Vegetables, 1 Poultry, Furniture and Handles. CARL HENDERSON.--In Seat'orth, on Sunday, Dec. DALTON, Proprietor: Geo. H. Mli4ott, Auc- ,16th, Margaret Dickson. widow n the .'late - NEW WING ',�•{�' tioneer. 3497-1 Thomas Henderson, in her 85th year. (Continued from Page 1) as, � ,v,ery ne'ces'sary 'equipim,ent where it u�. ;a TOWNSHIP COUNCIL was much n'eed'ed. 'C'he Board feels minion Bank, Seaforth, to consult that words can hardly convey the ri4 with -the im(anager in regard t0 $300 sense of appreciation they have to- � CLEANS UP in question 'b'etween the Telephone wards the La'die's' As'saciau,on for the Conrmjs'sion and Township of Tuck- valuable assistance they have given ' (Continued from Page 1) ersmnth. in carrying, on the work alt' the haste MCGre'gor,McKa:y: That the Ran- i_VlcGre'gor-Clark: That as the Tel- pital. kin Agency be paid $8.00 for rent of alt ' t ephome Camrl ssion' appeared, bdore Elect Officers *v box in vaulh.64 'McGregor -Whitmore: That the C4n1-' the council requestinz that a line of The f011ov ing officers were all re- 7 ]e McG for bel,ephone rentals $5,580 credit be created' with the Bank of elected: W. H. Golding, Chairman of Montreal in Henyall. the council }were- the Board; John Finla son, Vice - and $'484.33' for long distance; ac- s, rot g b authorize the said 'Com.mis,sion to Chairman; Dr. R. R. Ross Secretary-; .�T }r� counts for 1934, be paid to the Tele- y , interview the manager o£ the said M. McKellar, .Treasurer; House 'Gam- pharve !Comtnisslon^ bank in regard to terms, etc., and' re- mibtee: J. W. Beattie, W. J. Duncan �V!h5ltknlorelVLcKay: ThaE a cam- , 1 port at the first meeting of the new Mrs. Hays, I.y1'rs. � in vvee of the Reeveti Treasurer ands council in Janus We take this opportunity 5 .our Friends J. T&GTegor, Councillor, meet with Mars. J. B. Tye'rmian; Property Com- n pportunit t0 ,the Telephone Commission at the Do- �1'tmare,MrGregor : That th e mitte'ee: Jahn Fdn,laysorn, W. A. Gri'ch, �`0r' d John C. Laing; Finance Committee: '� and Patrons a Very Happy. Christmas and W H 1 a��- Dr. R. R. Roes, Golding, Prosperous r. ` �� f McKellar. P ospe ors New Year. :.. - 'The following is the letter of ap- We O CI a Few CHRISTMAS Sll reciatiom sent to ,the Su erintende7tt; We Wish all Our F� r p p'� ggestiansBeiow: y ih� ri Y oil f_^1 !Dear Miss Wilson: It gives imie � Customers and great pleasure to let you know that Pride of the Valley Peas, tin . 10c •• at the ,annual meeting held .in the ' ' ' ' ' _ Friends ONE AND ALL 2$ (Hospital Decemiber 14th6 that they Golden Bantam Corn (el>,oice), 2, tins . 25c (• p Board by unanimous vote, insbructed� Devan Tomatoes, 2 tins . ` A VERY MERRY and we sincerely � me to write a letter to you and your 19C � extend to 4 staff express'in' ovr full. confidence Heinz Genuine Dill Pickles, 31 -oz. jar ...... 45c (� CHRISTMAS you the g 4 in you as 'Superintendent and' also in h'd SEASON'S the staff in Banquet Queen Olives 26 -oz. ar.......... 45c 0 D general. To thank yo'u r ' W. C. Barber GREETINGS for .the able' efficient and economical Pimento Stuffed Queen Olives, 26 -oz. jar ... 45e I -: manner in which you have run the Club House Stuffed Olives 31/ oz y' Rogers -Majestic Radia$ p affairs of the hospital since its incep. � , 2. • • • • • • 15c � Beattie Bros. ` .tion. That it is the w=:'anamow9 opines Club House Combination Olives, 1212 OZ.. 25C S.ion of the Board that vine have heir,e CHOCOLATES IN THE B'OX. 7 one o£ the most economically run ,pl and one oif F - allnho a itih tind'riingtheff',Provvinc'ee.. we `�'r arasC Cherries, per - ox ......... 29c M hlnb C errs 1 lb b m yourself and staff m(ay P Marigold Chocolates per 1-1b. box .........50c hang be aparedl to caray on bhe good work. We wish �9 Colonial Chocolates 1/2 -lb. pkgs. 25c ,. Star you .all the compld- , ........... nveabs of rth'e season,. On 'behalf of ;9 Campfire Marshmallows, 2,pkgs• �'a,E� 15c the B+bard-4R. R. Ross, D.D.S., Sucre- or 4 packages 25C lacy of Board. n�. Mixed Candies, very special, 2 lbs......... 25c l ref HENSALL Lorna Doone Short Bread,' per lb. Special,35C Sl.'tb'sertiptian�s solicited for all daily � ORANGES an,a weekly ,papers at the HensaH r { Sunda Post 'Office, Patronize your Postmas- Japanese Ora'n'ges (in cellophane bags of � yAristmas papers ter who handles the a ors and en- 2 dozen), per bag 55C 04 P I ♦ deavmrs to give good satisfaction. 4 S{t{ l Pock Office lax rents are due sir the California Oranges dozen ....... 39c 49e Dznner 6Oc , 29c, er, % •Drabs 'of Dteo er and January. NUTS --New Stock, Clean and Fresh ,s I Those in arrears kindly make up such. ( Mixed (without peanuts), 2 lbs. . , ...35c j Menu G• J. Suth®rlaild, Postmaster at Hen Peanuts, 13 pounds ...... ............ ..29c _' gall, Ont. 3497-2 team alters, or Consomme tiT�le-ttmalsttar; . Cranberry o� �d IFnfiYs out tal9alt Special Prices on Candies, Oranges and Nuts H vtvU� F dY $qup Roark Turney with Cranberr New Year's cards with for Schools, etc. A 'l',�'t; Sauce Roast- Chicken withh Di`easing Roast Duck with Jelly no messages ,pass for one sent, the Saud Fried Sirloin Steak with French Mushroom Pork Ten- only allowable words bean ;' tteloilt Breaded With Tomato Sauce VEGE1'A$LES!-Chicken Salad g "G0'm'pB- .. A Supply Of Fresh Vegetables including CEL- �} •. tui dd C�Iitdy on Sliced Tomatoe's Gree1>E.aP s Mas( Potatoes of the Sensart, HtaPpy Ch is s g ,Sr ci and Ikutter DLSSEItT-- Plum Psi 'fling With and Sauce m� or New Year's," but mlo men'sages. 'tR,Y HEARTS, HOT -HOUSE TOMATOES, � All letters, cards' and.;iparceils shumiid OtiltI lYiislS Cake Boston Cream Pie D fNKS---Tett 06ffee y a1r dressed erns] mrailecP HE -AD LETTUCE, etc., is' no'W bnr hand. - W M1 t�lr {r b. ver � ' Aseio tnnilE of Chocatlate xh; r:ga°jF Carte 's Gash �ir®ser ""Jr°ryF ,t l + e I.�+Drc - �'E i2,`O,wWC�lit"e lyes'' �RItI'fl'CIOLt-. w e rff�, Cigarettes and 8 �r�et r dd #' h>� fits tm i pacif�agos: 7 Q n ecowor�r% Pram ;his recent aura ( E 42 FOR PRO N O•udemk gager in his dutties, t r r rss MPT DELIV Y garret Johnston agailn N J Dir o`� the u'p'itta i 'n rota nkat] >A o .la 7 a �. !Or dIe 11v melon on, anld IMAss Fl9ft ncp 'Wean, The-''anniial C41ristma�s�',cemv7enb 'of rwel Presbyterian Sund&y' whool I !bre hod in tdhe Iba:semput of the itavh .on Thuxs!day evening for whilcii 040ndid "gram has been pre'par. The 'Christt nems concert' by *o Siun- y ,sehaoll of the United' Church will held on Friday evening why .a Pro of readings, drill's], panto- 7nlirlles oto wi' i given , ., be and Sail lams will be p(re,s•ient. � Special 'OhAstGmlas services wllll be 1d in'St. Paul's Arug'l+ican 0hurc'h on Swruday. Qood add're'sses and ufs�iaal 'seleebions will Xesture the y, •On 'Christmas Day a service w1ll bre held at 10 *V-Qg-k Rely. W. 'Parker will deliver his last der - on, on Snunda. evening, 'December Oth, before lea ng for his new field, labor at Morpetht Council Holds Final Meeting Th,e last magu'lar mwlting of the 4 'council was held (SaturdUy even,. at 7 Ip m,., , in the council chaYhl rs, with all members rbeling present, McDonald appeared', re the asoes's,- etlt of has son,, Alden, F. G. Boma iron reported], re the ,collection oaf es as being 'practically the same last year tO 'dlate.. Several cases errors, etc , ',Came utp for discus,- ru. . Petits and Shepherd: That we truct the Collector to return the es of V. IPetit and- M. Cooper as eallectalbl�e.- C'arritedl, J. Pa'sslmjome ppeaTed, re ,the rink ':commditee of Cham'b'er of Commerce. G. Hud' reported re the poll taxes and s instructed' to proceed with the ection of siame. Commvunicaltli'ons re road from Deputy Minister of asipatals, re Caldwell; also Railway Tax ,Distribwtdon, J, A. Ellis, re un- pioymnlentt relief --'same Ordered) fil- ,Bi'lls and accounts were read as Ows,: W. R. Davidoorn, coal reld'ef, W. R. Davidson, Coal, hall, 89; Bontrhroe & Drysda'le, supplies 1, Dominion Road 'Machin- 'C;a., 'Ltd., mold scraper, $180.00; Hudson,, gasoline, Fire 'D,ept„ r)ot; ak 'Bros., supplies Flire Dept., $4,72; Blatchford', 'Sanitary inspections, J. Pas,srmiore, supplies, shed,' $3.99.; ensald JHIplito, street lights, $$50;.09; r an County, cotun&y rates, $20'14.80; oo1 Bfoard, s,chooa 'rates, $30454.61; AL Paterson, R.O., electjon, $5; G. rlls'011, COn,9ba:l)1e, election, $2.50; R. ggi¢ns, P.C.; $2.50'; G. ,Parker, P.C., 50: J. Hhudlson, "D.:R.O., $3; N. atchforrl, D.R:O., '$3; A. Swan,, er-. Cio111eC:tor's roll, $1. Total, $6; 70. ?:obi -von and Petty: That are- nfis as •read ' be 'paid, HRISTMAS SERVICES DECEMBER 23rd, 1934 Hensall United Church Pastor—Rev, Arthur Sinclair MORNNG SERVICE them, "Singing of Him," (Wilsbn), sol: B. Clark and F. MacDonald. Solo—"1 Came Upon the Midnight" (Flemington Hae Mir. S. Rennie. .Anthem—"The- Oha•iw Glory Song" (Meredith), soloist, A. Hes= t—"The Holy City" (5tephen Adams), N en and Dr. I. Smillie. Pastor's Subjed Bethlehem ,Star." EVENING SERVICE them—"The Song the Angels Sang echtig'). Duet—".Carol of Bethlehem" (� a,clsnn), Mr. and ,Mrs, H. Pfi1e, S016 - T, Sherritt, Selected.' Ladies' Quartebt ndern.eoth the Christmas S'l,arlight, ]son). F. Welsh, E. Drysdale, M'1 'Arm g and A.. Hess. Trumpet Trio—"Star o East," (music arranged by L. Battersby) Laun'ed and Frank Battersby. • Anther he Song and .the Star" (Hine), solo o MacDonald. Quinton—"Love Divine '(Fran Liszt(, M. Hedden, B. Smale, M. Arm g, L. Battereby and Dr. Smillie. Pas Subject, "What the Angels Said." nor Fisher, A,T.C.M., W. O, Goodwin C .tnist. Leader. as � fuuW=f,i-eii�d.r�,.,3S,,iti,:Rj,615,..ti -:. r..`''ur,t ,o✓uw,•.�;,,. r A. , the for W er, V If In' DOP bt vive , r h Soes or S1 t ippers AST -MINUTE SUGGESTIONS. wo s Cozy Felt Slippers, IWo's 'Boudoir Slippers. - Soft. Padded Solea- Blue, Chrome soles, Cuban j Rose, Brown. ` heels; Black,Blue, -C . 59G . • Red Picture Felt _Slippers. _. l Mens Moccasin ; Slippers,'- soft soles; sizes 7- -49G - -- ,I soft padded soles, �IIG to 2 .. for ................ I MEN'S OXFORDS Men's Feil Slippers, 98G Newest:st�yQlees.. (. Ieatlier sales .... :$. 5 n 3595' to I Bunny Slippers, fleece lin- ed for the Kiddies. SKATING OUTFITS ,�j Men's $3.45 6'S'C cru#' TSG Boys' . ...... , ... Women's .......... $3. .$2.2595 'Velvet Goloshes, fur trim' '$2.95 'DRESS, SHOES Black .......... LA=DIES' Ties, Pumps and Straps, Cuban or Spike Heels. Brown .......... $3,2'5 $1.95' to $3.95 1 ' RUBBERS and, OVERSHOES itlowest Prices. A Very Merry Christmas to. You axed Yqurs A SEAORTH ('OPPOiSITE EX'POIS` tOR OW10E) l a,; tb , 7Nc+�d lkaiat o ke • dui, > ' Si V 11 a�Kq� y`LW dS(.�ti 1 1u y " }��l�Y�/'). as � fuuW=f,i-eii�d.r�,.,3S,,iti,:Rj,615,..ti -:. r..`''ur,t ,o✓uw,•.�;,,. r A. , the for W er, V If In' DOP bt vive , r h Soes or S1 t ippers AST -MINUTE SUGGESTIONS. wo s Cozy Felt Slippers, IWo's 'Boudoir Slippers. - Soft. Padded Solea- Blue, Chrome soles, Cuban j Rose, Brown. ` heels; Black,Blue, -C . 59G . • Red Picture Felt _Slippers. _. l Mens Moccasin ; Slippers,'- soft soles; sizes 7- -49G - -- ,I soft padded soles, �IIG to 2 .. for ................ I MEN'S OXFORDS Men's Feil Slippers, 98G Newest:st�yQlees.. (. Ieatlier sales .... :$. 5 n 3595' to I Bunny Slippers, fleece lin- ed for the Kiddies. SKATING OUTFITS ,�j Men's $3.45 6'S'C cru#' TSG Boys' . ...... , ... Women's .......... $3. .$2.2595 'Velvet Goloshes, fur trim' '$2.95 'DRESS, SHOES Black .......... LA=DIES' Ties, Pumps and Straps, Cuban or Spike Heels. Brown .......... $3,2'5 $1.95' to $3.95 1 ' RUBBERS and, OVERSHOES itlowest Prices. A Very Merry Christmas to. You axed Yqurs A SEAORTH ('OPPOiSITE EX'POIS` tOR OW10E) l Wishing You A Right Merrrp Christmas J_F• DAL Y Seaforth SAY MER WITA A 11ROUND THE WORLD N`E Yy i S.PARTO.N,, Fo DALY Ph•one 102. j :... LL I Seaforth 9 �Ve!' ) V iur9 Yppprat Jd .� tp IA, _ � ,mn.uhiwwYa, , e�1t,,t,.JJG7, •ut. r, li, � � 'r ,l.,,.i,.l F,e,i v ' Wishing You A Right Merrrp Christmas J_F• DAL Y Seaforth SAY MER WITA A 11ROUND THE WORLD N`E Yy i S.PARTO.N,, Fo DALY Ph•one 102. j :... LL I Seaforth 9 �Ve!' ) V iur9 Yppprat Jd .� tp IA, _ � ,mn.uhiwwYa, , e�1t,,t,.JJG7, •ut. r, li, � � 'r ,l.,,.i,.l F,e,i