HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-21, Page 1t.; 4,, • ,For \ • at>. it. • 11 r ‘1, ' • • " r ‘YriPi r4T • ••.s....•); ',AI 6' 174.. t 4f. . • • 1, 4 1,4 7 F7A, 1 • 41 Seventadoneth Year -0 Whole Number 34e7 • •- -,SEAFORTH, FRIDAY,..-DEVAkBER _31, 19 PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS LEARN XMAS EXAM RESULTS Worries Over, Are Now All Ready For The Holidays. FINISH FRIDAY Seatoeth Public Selina Christmas examination results are announeed and now the puipils have nothing to wotrY about until :school Mases on Friday. The following is the report by ekes. - es: Ai—First Chilesalonours; end Class Honours; O—Pass; D—Be- low peas). Names are in order of tmerit. Room I 'Sr. IV: A—Diva Sunderclack, Clara Dolsnage, Helen Eder, Marion Ibbert- san, Zebta Dunlop, Ferree Dunlop and Carolyn Holmes (equal), Anna Den - nice B•Leone Hothane George Welsh, Betty McLeod, Mai Hodgson; Doris -Hoff, Viola Delmage, Helen Swan. O—Evielen Ca•rmichael, Bill Warns - ley, Bob' Barlow, .Genevieve Hawkins. ;Tr. IV: AIl -elen Moffat, • Ruth Jaint, Frank, Gelding, Doneld Scbte IVLarigaret, Fletcher, Lois MeGaviii, Bruce Wright. B—Barbara Best, Sterling (Ellabkirk, Richard Dox, Joe Smith, Stuart Wigg. C --Grace Giliesipie, Leonore Ddler, Marion ISclater, Alma Elliott, Ruth cNaine DI—Jack Monee, Roy Kerr, Alex. Baker, Margaret 13erlow. Meissed exa-ms — Floyd Pinkney.— Peter B. Moffat, Principal. Room II • A1—Lois Wright, Lorne Abotson, Allan Sundereock, Jean Mills, Mildred Swan, Wylde. Ross, Charles Wood, Audrey •MeGavin, Dori's Barlow, Scott Kerr, Jack Elliott, Margaret Hudson. B—Tore 5Villbee, Jahn Sproule, Isa- bel McKellar, Reg. Dolmage, Kathleen Holmes, Thelnias Dolmage, Kenneth South,gate, Clarence Westcott, Mary Wood, Jim Southgate, C.s-)Kermeth Reid, Irene Mowbray, Charlie Case. D—Ruth Fraiser, Jack Cameron, HIen Fraiser. — M. E. Turnbull, Tealdher. • Room III Winnifrecl Russell, Ahyvonpe Illoore, Fred Welford; Harry Scott, Helen Hodgson. 6---Daretley Fletcher, Fergus Bell, Margaret Pethiek, Jean 'Currie, Lil- lian Southgate, Mary Geddes. C Dprothy Clifford Rose, Vernon Hoff, Stanley Hi11. D—Richard Eisler, Kenneth Keat- ing, Margaret Dale, Reid Allen, Leo Oke, Dania Fletcher, Dorothy Howes, AllittiS Dunlop, Donald Wood, Marg - set Ed*, Bert Barlow. -- Maude M. IFIartry,..Teacher, Room IV A—Wilma Hay, Janie Moffat and Dorothy Smith (equal), Joan McMas- ter, Marguerite Westeatt, Jean Swan, Alvin Hoff: a—Violet Dnpee, Prank 1i1ls, Har- rison Sproule, Marjory Golding, Les- lie Ritchie, George Hildebrand, Ruth Anderson, Jack Eisler. MayorSutherlandAnnounces' Himself as 1935 Candidate; Final Meeting of Council • • • • •• • Welcome Back John F. Daly, who has been in business on Main Street for 42 years, was back on Tuesday for a few minutes' visit following nearly'. seven weeks' absence at his home withr pneumonia. Until his illness this fall, Mr.. Daly had never, in the past 42 years, missed two consecutive Saturdays from his business.. His many friends were glad to see him back or; the street. 0 • • • • • • SALVATION ARMY SPONSORS XMAS TREE Santa Claus Pays ViSit Fol- lowing , a Splendid Entertainment. 'Mayor A. D. Sutherland presided at the sipleridid Christrnlas entertainment held in the Salvation Army Barracks on Wednesday evening before a large audience. The program, which in- cluded reeitatiorilS, choruses and read- ings, proved very interesting. •As a final treat for the children, Santa Claus made his appearance and 'distributed gifts to every one—even .Mayor Sutherland who came away with a stocking of candy in his pocket. .Th•e program was as follows': Open- ing • song, "Harik,, the Herald .Angels Sing"; prayer, IlVliss Thenersori; Bible ;reading, Lieut. Pope; introduction af &airman; greetings, Edna Fraiser; solo, Albert Venus; Ten Little Cane dies, a number of girls; recitation, Harold Knight; 'Seeking the Christ, a riclImber of boys; organ solo, Lieut. Pope; recitation, Evelyn Venus; dia- logue, "The Trials of 'a School "MU - trees"; recitation, Bobby Hamby; "Song orf the Stockings," Primmer; club swinging, Captain Silver; reci- tation, Charlet§ Venus; duet, M,arrg- uerite West -colt and Elva Sundercock; "Christmas Dolls," a number of girls; recitation., .Allen Sundercock; Review, "Farmous Women"; recitation, Mar- garet Fletcher; "The Granny Song," Two Graeae.; emits:mine, "Nearer My God to Thee"; "Goad Night," Elva Sundereeck. Ce -Neil Hopper, Evelyn Venus, Al- bert Venus, Billie Wilbee, Beth Walm- eley, Arthur Fraiser, Isabelle Case. D--tBettty Dunlop, Bess Montgom- ery, Jacqueline O'Dell, Jack Fraiser, Clarence Reeves. 'Missed exarninatione—Doris Venus and Aubrey Baker. — M. M. Bell, Teacher. (Continued on Page 4) ess ere r ) ese ea re ses rei et. ) is- ) iss is, et- , s et Season's Greeting • to All. 1s 41 4,1 r 1 1 „,”r ,,44 1r4 1 Ir4:1" 1Pir qt.ir Ir,jf Ireff I irar irrN .4 1 Treasurer's Re p or t Indi- cates $400 Overdraft At End of Year; Mayor Ex- presses Optimism For Fu- ture. 104 .1. • • • THANKS COUNCIL FOR .ASSISTANCE Sounding a. &e of optimism for the futbure, Mayor A. D. Sutheriland, at tfhe final meeting of council on Sat- urday Morning, 'petted out that con- ditions during the past few years had been bard but that the people must not lose hope. He instanced the plight of the people of the Western Provinces and said that &Weems of this district should be glad that they are in a position to send cars of pro - dike. '• The meeting was attended by •May- or Sutherland, Reeve W. W. Crosier and Councillors Hudson, Baltore.Brod- erick and Johnstone.. Treasurer 3. A. Wilson presented his report for the past year to date. He estimated that there would be an th overdraft at -e close of the • year, amounting to about $400. This,, he pointed out, 'would be in 'addition to the $2,000 carryover helm last year. The report in full will be issued prior to the nomination meeting which this year comes on December 3let. • The Finance Committee recom- mended the substitution of a number of Bell Engine & Thresher, Co' notes. amounting to $18,000, to replete notes taken by the Company. Will Stand Again t Prior to •acljourning, Mayor Suther land addressed the council and 'thank- ed thie members for their services to the town and for the help they had been to him. °You know it is a, thankless job,". he said, "and I hope ,the citizens re- alize it as such. If the ratepayers agree, however, I will stand for an- other year. But it is for there, to ,stay.t; • Here he reviewed the lateet de- velopments in the Wolverton Mill and CFM. plant situations and -remarked that there was still lots of chance to secure industriesfor them. "I move, a rete of thanks to the Mayor for (the kind aird'efficient man- ner in which he has acted during the year," remarked' Reeve Crosier when the Mayor had concluded. "He has given a lot of his time to council and relief matters. It is hardly fair to ask him to do what he 'has done without giving hike one cent. He has neglected his own 'business to look after that of the town." 'Councillor Bolton seconded the mo- tion and added his thanks to that of the 'Reeve.. eseees• ea ess ea ) ea es ,te es ) ) ete is,. ) ire ) ) s `14. 'Kt 'r,r • 1, 1.11, 11e. 141 1* "1 VI, 1F 14 11, ..111/. MAY every joy and happiness • be pours This Christmas Season Wm. Ament Seaforth, Ontario 7•71V4) , 'sts, '1/2't• ,i•sN •Ter 1'71Y Iv ster eet• • • si eel se res :Yik,4046,,,,,SAVit,...1.416,4:ie./I11/11111:101n/1, .!1114,1(1.,1/11 • ii44141,411414A Invitations Out For Christmas Dance Invitations for the •annual Alumni reunion dance on Christmas night have gone out this week to all mem- bers of the Association. Others wishing invitations imay procure them from the secretary, A. Y. McLeten. Arrangements are praetically com- pleted for the dance and indications point to a record attendance and to a record good time for every one. Music will be supplied' by Fred El- liott and his orchestra of Hamilton— the orchestra which proved so Popu- lar at the Alumni dance two . years ego and at numerous golf •derices. • Santa Arrives At 2.45 Friday TOWNSHIP- colNc1L CLEANS 11 S AT FINALTING Tuckersmith Seelis Standing Timber For Relief • Purposes. ACCOUNTS PASSED The Council of Tuckersmith reef in the Tow; Hall, Seaforth, on Satur- day for its final meeting of tthe year. Minutes of the last meeting were adopted and the following Motions passed: • .Whatmlo.re-IMicOregor: That t h e county rate, $14,185.20, be forwarded to bhe (County Treasurer. IleGregor-Whitmore: That bhe Col- lector be given an extension of time for collectinig taxes until the first meeting of the new countil. IMeKay-IMcGregor: That the Bank of Montreal, .He-nsall, be given .auth- ority to collect 'taxes for the town- ship at 5 centsfor each item under $15 and 10 cents for each item over $15, but full amount of each item to be transferred with bill for collection, also penalty of 1 per cent. per month added from the 18..th of December, amount to be transferred every two weeks to Collector, Canadian Bank of Commerce, Seem -tie McKay -Whitmore: That Bylaw No. 9 to designate the time and place for nomination and time and places for election with officers for same, and Byla-w No. 10, to pay , salariele be read and adopted. 1VLCKay-McGregor: That Hugh M. Chesney be paid. $6.00 for sheep killed 'by doge. • • 'Whitmore-Claek: That the Treas- urer, Town of Seaforth, be paid $30 for use of council &ember' for 1934. (Continued on Page 4) Win Season Ticket At Palace Rink Miss Jean Df6Issen won the season ticket to the Palace Rink at the draw held on opening night last Friday. On Friday of this week and. on Christmas evening, the Highlanders Banid will play for skaters and on each night a season ticket will be awarded the 'holder., of the lucky ticket. Fire Chief Issues Warning With the nearing of the Christmas season and its accompanying decora- tion s on Christmas trees and through- out roams of Seaforth homes, Fire Chief John 'McKenzie issues an An- nual -warning to citizens to be ex- tremely careful about the use of dec- orations and 'their proximity to heat Which may havie clise.strouts results. Semis of the pointers to temembeT: (1) Do not place a tree where it will obstruct an exit from .a room; (2) Keep candles and open lights away fromep. aper decorations); (3) Remove the tree from the hOuse before it be- comes too dry. KIPPEN A very interesting and delightful (Christmas concert was presented in, St. .Andrew's United 'Church on Mon- day 'evening last by the pupils of S. S. No. 2, Tuckersmith; under the lead- ership of their teacher, Miss H. Rich- ardson and musical instructor, Mr. Goulding, A.T,C.M., of Exeter. "A Joke on Santa Claus" proved to be a very interesting operetta with both music and dialogue. Other dialogues, drills, recitations and songs were put cn by the pupils. Some senior bays and girls of the congregation put on a short two -act play, "Spirit of °heist- mas," which was -very well given. Pupils from S. S. No. 14, Stanley, un- der the leaders'hi'p of their teacher, Miss P. Penfold, also presented some very fine drills an.d dialogues. .Santa Claus called in at the close of the pro- gram to unload the Christmas tree of its many parcels. A very enjoyable evening rwas spent, the church audi- toriein being well filled with an ap- preciative audienee. Rev. E. F. 'Chandler chose as his i..ubject, "The Birth and 'Growthtlef a Christian's Character" on Sunday morning la.st. Mrs. John Workman sang a very fine solo, "Lift Up Thine Eyes." ' The Young Pe,ople of St. Andrew's United Church met on Sunday even- ing last with the .president, Miss Jean Bell, in the chair. The topic, "Jesus' Evaluation "of the Dollar," was also taken by (Miss J. 'Bell. Mr. Wilmer Harrison, OS.E.T. Leader, gave .th very helpful talk on the werk of the Young People in the Presbyter -se Miss Jean Ivison sang a very fine solo, whichwas: much appreciated. A splendid Christmas iconcert was presented in the schoolhouse of S. S. No. 14, Stanley, on Tuesday everting last. A very full program of drills, dialogues, songs, recitations and a very interesting play was presented by the pupils and some senior schol- ars. ISanta Claus was also a rvsel- cense visitor. Miss ,Penfold, the teach- er, and the pupils are to be congrat- ulated on their fine Christmas don- certe The ;School was filled to mime- itse &Ir. anilines. Thomas Workman vie- itecl recently with Mir. and 1VIrs. Reid of Toronto. 'Santa Claus will arrive in town an Fridley afternoon at 2.45 and will dis- tribute gifts to the children of Sea - forth and district. The .Seaforth Highlanders Band will lead the par- ade. The visit is under the auspices •of the Seaforth Lions Club. Stores in Seaforth, in order to give every assistance to Christmas shop- pers, will remain open evenings un- til Christi -we. No Junior Farmer Hockey this Year? Bemuse roti inability to make satiss factory arrangements for the rink, the Junkie Faiemerss Hockey Club will 'probably not operate this winter, ac- cording io William; Alexander, the Secretary et' the Club. Negotiations between the rink management and club officials have been in progress fo,some Cave, but veithout any defin- ite understanding being arrived at. • Paints Xmas Scenes Mr. George Daly has recently eom- plated two fins) Christmas stems ,on 04) TratirMS in the elbow 'windows of W. G. Willis' shoe store. The paint- ings are attracting considerable at- tention and add considerably to the pleasant appearance af the window. Board fiop00....*. For Scc*..MPATIO1i4 HOS 'I. Ii -i Al a •••••••••,./rpmar • Resolutions Thanking Sup- erintendent, T r e a s urer and Hospital Aid Are Un- animously Adopted. FGRMER OFFICERS ALL RE-ELECTED. A- eomPlete report of the annual meeting of the Scott Memorial Hos- pital Board, held on FriAay, and as prepared by Ds. R. R. Res; Secre- tary, is as follows: 'The fifth annual meeting of the Scott Memorial Hospital Board was held on .Friday evening when the Work of the year was carerfully re- viewed by thie vEfribluS committeesand the hospital and all equipment was found to be in, good condition, con- siderable neoessary equipment having been added this last year. During the year there were times when the hospital found difficulty providing sufficient roonn for all pat- ients. .0wing to this condition there was a lengthy discussion regarding tthe advisability of building an addle tionral wing to take care of the in- ereasing number of patients. The property committee agreed to aster- tain thie estimated cost of the propos- ed wing and the necessary equipment The treasurer's report showed ev- erytting in good condition, but the uncollected accounts., showed the re- sult of the Serious depression of the past five years. The members af the Board felt that it shaeld be their am- bition to give the best possible ser- vice' at the lowest possible cost, and it was felt by the Board that if all accounts owing were paid, the Board would then be ableto make a very ,substetatial reduction in the costs to the patients. • Adopt Resolutions A resolution was unanimously adopted expressing the thanks of the members to the treasurer. Mr. Mc- Kellar. The position entails a great deal of work and Mr. McKellar was highly complimented on his efficiency and accuracy in keeping records in accordance with the requirements of the Department at the present time. A, resolution was also unanimously adapted that the Secretary write pressing the Board's appreciation for the very efficient, econelmical and cap- able manner in which she and her staff have -managed the affairs of the hos- pital since the opening of the insti- tution in October, 1929. Another resolution that was unan- imoulsb- and heartily. !adopted was one to convey to tthe Ladies' Hospital Aid a vote of thanks for the splendid assistance this, organization has ren- dered :by supplying the Hospital with '(Continued on Page 4) New Constable Assumes Duties John Ferguson, recently appointed County Constable,•under the direction of Provincial Constable lifeCay, has assumed hie new duties. Constable Ferguson. who comes from Blyth, was born in Ireland and has been in Canada 21 years. He has been Chief of Police and Fire chief in Blyth for the past twelve years. Always interested in public welfare, the new constable instituted the ComIrrtunity Christmas Tree in Blyth a few years aeo. He will make his home in Goderich. • Doctor Visits Soldiers' Cemetery ,Dr. 'J. Frank Docherty, son of Mr. and Mrs,. J. G. Docherty, of Egmond- ville, who has just recentlye.F. T, mrned from a visit to England and France, .brought with him photos of the graves of Canadian soldiers in Garnoch Trench cemetery near Arras, France. Included in the photos is one of Lieut. Pra-nk Cluer.s grave which Dr.- Docherty has given to the Cluff family. There are only four Canadians buried in this cemetery and Dr. Docherty would be pleased to for- ward photos of the graves to rela- tives of these. VARNA • • ,• • • Lived Here Aimee Semple McPherson's, successor at Angelus Temple, Los Angeles, is a former resident of Seaforth. Mrs. Rheba Crawford Splivale, who succeeds her'as ac- tive pastor of Angelus Temple of the Four Square Gospel, Los An- geles, is a daughter of Andrew Crawford, a former resident and worker in the Salvation Army at Seaforth. Mrs. Rheba Crawford Splivale acquired evangelical elo- quence as a Salvation Army work- er in New York where she was known as the "Angel of Broad- way." • • • • • • DRIVER NOT LIABLE FOR INJURED CATTLE Car Was On Right Side Of Road When Crash • Occurred. Providing a motorist is driving within the law he is not liable should he run into and do .damage to a herd of cattle on a 1public..road, His 1-11enor Judge T. M. Cestelld hes so ruled in an interesting and im- portant judgment handed down in county. court, Goderich, on Monday. The motorist, Walter Thomipson, is awarded $95 damages to' his car, with count costs, etile the counter claim of thela'rmer, Glen Cornish; for $115 for cattle ::-..jurred and destroyed in the crash, is dismissed. The accident happened on the Clin- ton -Auburn county road on July 9th last while a herd of twenty-seven cows were being taken to pasture from one farm to another, a short distance alpng the road by a fourteen year old girl. "It would have been much better had the girl assumed the practice of leaping ahead of the cattle so that she in:light be able to warn approach- ing traffic," commented the judge. "I cannot find otherwise than negligence on the farmer's part in not taking proper precautions to at least guide the animals as quickly as 'possible through what must be looked on as a dangerous zone. There surely cannot be any duty raft on motorists to do anything else than keep to their own side of the road in coming to the crest...of the hill providing they are not exceeding the speed limit." The evi- dence was that the motorist was travelling between thirty and forty miles an hour. Christmas entertainments are now the order of the night. Mrs. Mame; spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Dire. Mossop and daughters are now colmlfortalely settled in their new apartments ethos* the store. CONSTANCE The W.A. are holding a "pot ludk" supper on Thursday, December 27th. A good pmagram. is being prepared. Mr. and MTS. Jack Ferguson were sin Goderich on Wednesday. Mr. Lorne Lawson is visiting with friends in Chatham over the week- end'. 'Mks Donelda Adams of the Te- mente Normal Scheel is 'visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mame. Mrs. Charles Leslie, Riehmond, and Mrs. David Dewar, TOTOTlibot, are vis- iting at the home of Mr. and MeeGeo. Geo. Wheatley. Mr. Wheatley' is the sick list at ereeent. *fr "VhilisetisisteleileteasieseittresieketeeselearieNetekteletelealeSet, 'efitses e.);1‘• ' etacteetedeiselkseSieses'essi • Case ispecided at County Court The case of The Canadian Bank of Commerce v. Vere D. Cunningham was tried in eoumty court at Gode- rich on Monday before His Honour Judge T. M. Goete II o. After • an all day sitting His Honour gave judg- ment for the plaintiff for the full amount of the claim and costs. The action arose over'a guarantee bond signed' 'by the defendant as ve- Curity for the dealings of the Brus- sels branch of the bank with the de- fendant's brother, E. C. Cunningham, who was at the time the cause of action arose, a motor car dealer in B ru.ssel s. 1H. G. Meir of Seaforth appeared for the plaintiff, Bank of Commerce, and F. Donnelly of Goderich, for the defendant, V. Cunningham. Reports Indicate Have Been lgost ,Successfut ARE WELL ATTENDE1):21:t, • North/side W. M. as Mrs. T. A. Carmicheel wase elected preside** at the combined montill y and annual -meeting ef the W..11/1.S. of Northside United Chinch held in the: ee• school room of the chureh on Thurs- . , day. +Mrs. Robert Archibald presided and .opened the meeting with a hymn. and theeepetition of the Lord's pray- er in meson). The minutes of the pre- . vial's meeting were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. Finlayson and iMiss A. Fer- guson presented the treaeurer's re-- port, The Christian Stewardsthip sec- retary gave a paper entitled, "What is Christmas teasting ,You"'and Mrs. Williams read a eplendid article on the topic, "Does Beer Pay?" ... Present Reports; • The annual reports of the secre- taries of the various departments were read. The secretary repcietecl n enrolment of 96 and 249 calls made. Eighteen letters were sent out by the Corresponding Secretaey, Mrs. Rintoul. The treasurer' s report show- ed that a surplus in each of the quar- ters, 1, 2 and 4, and a serious defietten the third quarter. The balanee to date, for the fourth quarter, is $190.62. The Christian Stevsardshisi Secretary urged all to grasp with Te - nerved 'vigor and enthusiasm the neer opportunities ;which are ever Opening and to press forward •-towards the goal. Nine talks on "Temperance"' were given through the year. Mrs. Frost, supply secretary, stated that five bales of clothing, quilts, etc., had (Continued next week.) Badminton -Club Tournament Dec. 27 The ,Seaforth Badminton Club will held an open tournament on .Thurs- day evening of next week *hen visi- tors in town and district will be the guests; of the Club. The ',Club extends a cordial invita- tion to Christmas visitors to make use of the courts during the holidays and to be present and take part in the tournament on December 27th. • ReadyResponse for Western Appeal In response to an appeal from Mrs. Dan McDonald; of Roche PerceeSask., sent to W. H. .G-alding, some 440 pounds of clothing and shoes were forwarded on Monday. The work of collecting was clone by Wlomen's Miesionary Societies of Seaforth and district and the Junior Wernmes Institute. Temperance Forces Organize Group ' Temperance forces in •Seaforth met on Monday evening in the Carnegie Library Hal) and formed an organiea- tion wb.ert John Finlayson was elect- ed President and Treasurer, and John Laing, Secretary. An executive committee composed of five from each ward of town was appointed. 'Dhe president and secre- tary were appointed to draft and send a protest to the Dominion and Pro- vineial Governments "againet estab- lishing bee.r parlors before the su- preme court at Ottawa had decided whether we are under the Canada Temperance Act or not, also to sus- pend beer licenses in Seaforth such time as it is settled." every one of our many friends with the time-hon- oured Greeting: " Merry Christmas to you and 5 N. CLUFF SONS ,;.444.14 ,, , , ‘. • 1..we •r,:r see";,:,. etesS' eels -1 ' - 004,