HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-14, Page 8int ?4i '4! �A! ,r? ti yr, IH if 4 READY FOR MOOT PROM 00 Alt m .FEB CWT. !BISC.'UITS ,salads foo` t1TOB TWIN THIN MA BISCUITS, per pack.. ZC '* EAT 2 pounds for COU'NIG'S JELLY at 5 `for COIi;;N STAIRC'.H B pounds for, • IM. TAPIOCA 2.paCkagee for 25c 25c POW'.lD'ERS 25c 25c AIK LEAF SOCKEYE SA.LMONr Halves, 2 for CAP() DRAIN CLEANER (APO TOTT FT FLUSH 25c 33c 25c 25c COLD DUST WASHING PO'WIEEtiR-6 packages for... 25c HOUSEHOLD MENDING CEMENT for dishes, crockery and 25c furniture, atL CAT'OSOtL--Stags Peak in SL, ,alumimim or granite ware .. . WASTER AND 0. A. C. LAYING MASH. EGGS -1 cent Extra for Trade. A. C, Routledge PONE 166 ARE YOU PROTECTED AGAINST THE FIRE HAZARD? Winter months are the most dangerous. INSURE• NOW! WATSON, & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All , Lines, of Insurance. XMAS WITH GIFTS FOR THE ' WHOLE FAMILY • 'KODIAKS • MANICURE SETS • ROLLS RAZOR • BOXED WRITING PAPER • PERFUMES • CIIIOC;OLAT.dS ---A.T- Keating's Pharmacy The Rersll Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTH Skating Commences. -.Skating • at the Palace Rink commenced on Mon- day and an Friday night the Seaforth Highlanders Band will play. The ice is in excellent condition` Announcement. -Mrs. H. Workman, of Hensall, announees the engage- ment of her daughter, Hannah Olive, to Mr. Herbert J. Britton, son of Mr. and Mrs..1. W. Britton, of Dublin, the marriage to take place the latter part of Decemtber. Many Happy Returns --A host of friends will join The Expositor in extending congratulations and best wishes for many happy returns of. the day to IMrs.• E. Murray, who on Monday, December 10th, celebrated her :90th birthday at her home an Goderieh Street, West. Mrs. Murray is 'in excellent health and many friends called to extend congratulations. Junior Institute. - An interesting meeting of the Junior Women's In- stitute at which thirty girls were present was held Wednesday .after- noon at •the home of Miss Josephine Edge, with the president, Miss Ger- trude Webster, in the chair. The roll call was answered with "Something I Remember as a Child About Christ - MOVING Beauty Parlour formerly at Williams' Barber Shop, NOW AT E. H. Close Barber Shop Commencing Dec. 17th Irene Porter 1 Santa Suggests For Xmas FRUITS GRAPES 2 pounds for ORANGDS per dozen NUTS 'PEANUTS 2 ponn'ds for MIXED NUTS 2 pounds CANDY MIXED 2 pounds. CHOICE 'CHOCOLATE CREAMS and JELLIES per pound CUT ROCK per pound' 'McINTOSH TOFFEE per pound 'CHIRLST'MAS HUMBUG pelr pound CHOCOLATE'S per box FLOWERS CYCLAMEN Tut CHERRY TREES ab, CHRISTMAS CAKE Dark, lb. 39c. Light, lb. - 30c CIGARETTES - CIGARS - TOBACCO T SANDWICHES - LUNCHES • 25c 30c, 40c, 50e 19c 35c 25c 19c 19c 25c 25c 25c to $1,50 50c to $1.50 30c up Make ' Crich's Your H, a fiquarters When Sh.EIlpping. Arrange to ea Your Friends Mere. Crich's The Home of White Clover Bread • Phone 34 - Seaforth The second vice,peeesddea t, Miss Th 111.10). Eagle, t1'eti 'boO9 rice cha th ` re'm'ainder 'of the prove e Popple 'ga'v'e a 'helpful kon IkeMotto for the day, "It i aaMiore Blessed to Gave Than to Receive." Miss Florence Whitmore favored with a piano selection. and Miss Elizabeth Taylor gave a good re'por't of the dist' 4rret- meeting at Hnrromdale. 1Vli'ss Ma,t-ian Thomepson read a -Christmas story. After e contest, lunch was served Each brought a gift to send to a needy district, in the West. see Sermon Subjects For Sunday Next. --4Fiz st Prestbiyt"erian Church -Rev. A. J. Fowlie, B.A., will preach. E,ondville Church -10 a.m., Sun- day School , an'd:' Bible 'Class, "The 'Christian at Ole' Communion Table"; 11 a.m., "The Underpriviledged"; 7 ppm, "l:saiah's Vision of Immanuel, God With tis." - Rev. Charles Mo-vl- colm; ;Minister. `Northside United Church -41 a.m.,' "Dreams and Decisions"; 7 ,p_m,, `"Phe 'Real Prwdi'gal," the last sermon on the Prodigal Son. -+Rev. T. A. C'ar- michaei, Minister. Y. P. S. Meet -The Young Peoples Society of Northside United ,Church .held their weekly meeting on Tues- day evening, Deceunlber 11th. Miss 'Grace Kreuter had charge of the pro- gram- A hymn was sung after which Miss Alice Hudson led in prayer. The Scripture reading was taken by Miss 'Margaret Beattie. Miss Donna Mole gave a reading, The topic for the ev- ening was ably 'taken by Mr. Jack Stevens. 'Miss Margaret' Habkirk favored with an instrumental and the Mrzpah Benediction was then repeat- ed in unison. The new officers for the year 1935 are as follows: President, 'M'i'ss Ruth Thompson; Devotional vice president, Mr. Sam Scott; Missionary vice-preSidlent, Miss, Laura Mole; Citi- zenship vice-piesid'ent, Mi•, Jack Cheoros.; Social and Literary vice- president, 'Ms. 'Jack Stevens; pia'nis't, Mise Joe Edge; assistant pianist, Mass Ruth Cluff; secretary, ,Miss Vera 'Mole; assistant secretary, Miss Edith 'Haag; treasurer„ Miss Verna Storey; press secretary, Miss LaBelle Hawk- ins; assistant press secretary, Miss 'MildredCudmore; auditors, Mir.• and 'Mrs. Keith Webster. si Egmondville W. M. S. -The month- ly meeting of the Egmondville Unit- ed •C(iurch W.M.S. was held Wednes- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Reinke, Seaforth, with an at- tendance of twenty-six. Mrs. M. Haney presided. Passages in Scrip- ture referring to the birth of Christ were read by Miss Tom and Mrs. Me- Quarrie. Short articles On the topic were read by Mrs. Richardson; Miss Tom, Mrs. J. Allan and Mrs. J. Broad - foot. Mrs. .Mlalcoim then took charge of the program. During business per- iod it was decided to present a life membership certificate to Miss Fran- ces Houston in memory of her niot:her. The treasurer, Mrs. W. F. McMillan, reported $212.31 senttothe Presby- terial treasurer, Mrs. A. Kirk read the devotional leaflet, "Be of Good Cheer." The topic, "Francis Xavier" from the third chapter of the study book was taken by Mrs. R. McGon- igle. The election of officers resulted as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. D. 'McKenzie; president, Mrs. C. A, Malcolm; vice-p'r•esident, Mrs. J. Al- lan, Mrs. 'R. McGonigle, Miss Mabel Cameron, Mrs. M, Haney; rec. sec., Mar. David 'McLean; cor. sec., Mrs. •McQuarrie; treasurer, Mrs. W. F. Mc- Millan; assistant, Mrs. A. Kirk; mis- 'sioarary monthly, Mrs. J. Stewart; strangers' secretary, Mrs. T. G. S'hil- liigil;aw; Iftemipemance, Miss Torn'; press, ,Mrs. A. C. Routledge; supply, Mrs. Jas. Browne, 'Christian steward-. ..hip, Mrs. Hugh Chesney; peace, Mrs. Isaac Moore; pianist, Mrs. Harvey Moore; assistant, Mrs. J. Broadfoot; Mission Band Supt., Mrs. C. A. Mal- colm; Baby Band Supt., Mrs. J. Al- lan; lunch conveners, Mrs. Richard- son, Mn-.sR. McGeoch, Mrs. G. 'Cole- man and Mrs. A. McDonald, Lundh was served by the ladies. Dies in Michigan. -Mrs. Isabella Aitcheson; a well known resident of Ortonville, Michigan, passed away at her home on Saturday, November 17. Mrs. Aitche•son was taken ill in April and although she seemed to rally for a time her condition became critical and complications existed which prov- ed fatal, Mrs. Aitcheson was a daughter of the late Andrew Mprdie and was born near Seaforth where she spent her early life. She was married to William Aitcheson, M.D., N'ovemb'er 5, 1875, and has lived in Ortonville since that time. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Ortonville, of which she taught a class up to the time of her sickn&ss and was an active memiber of the ladies' organizations •and an ardent W.C.T.U. worker. Mrs, Ait- cheson is survived by one brother, Michael Murdie, who is the oldest na- tive-born resident of McKillop. The late Mrs. Donald McGregor of Sea - forth was a sister, also the late Mrs. D. S. Canr•Ipbell, Mitchell. Two bro- thers, George, of 'Seaforth, and Wm., of Detroit, predeceased her. The fun- eral was :held on Tuesday, November 20th, when a private service was held 'at the house at 2 p.m., which her Sunday school class attended in a body and a public service in the church at 2.30 p.m. conducted by het - pastor, the Rev,. Luce. Interment was made in 'Ortonville cemetery. The pallbearers were Frank Brigham, James Leece, Will Narrin, Roy Wolfe, Cl'are Wolfe and Archie Zimmerman. Among the floral tributes were those of tee W.M,S,, Ladies' Aid, Eastern Star, Sunday School and church, W. C.T,U., and neighbors. Those attend- ing from a distance were Mr, and Mrs. Stewart McIntosh, Miss Agnes Hustle and MTs. 0. J. Bond, Detroit; Mrs. A, C. Cully, Mitchell, and Miss Malvina Murdie, Seaforth, LOCAL BRIEFS • The children of the Public Schaal Kindergarten will give their usual Ohnitsbm'as programme on Wednes'dhay morning, December 19th,, at 9.30. Par- ents' and any who may be interested in the Kindergarten, are cordially in- vited to attend. • Miss May 'Broadfoot left Satur- day to spend Christmas at Pout Nel- • ;Musa Ebdibh Davidson let an ' Ved;- ve Him Something for the Car This Xmas HiO'T WATER. HEATERS $10.95 IS'en'ior De Luxe Model , .,, , 1 it J DEFROSTERS - 2 -wire, four cup grip; sine 5 " x 12". (Regular $4.00•) $1,75 4 'GALLONS "SHELL $4 /IRf 'SEALED" OI•L �A ��d (16 sealed quart bottles to case.) 13 -PLATE BATTERY $7095 (guaranteed for 2 years) A Cou(jon Book makes an ideal Gift. Ask us about them. Shell is "Sealed" for Your Protection and YOU can SEE what you pay for. Mickey's ,SHELL Service nesday for Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where she will spend • some weeks. • (Mm. Jack B•e11, Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, was' the week end guest of his sister, Miss Marion Bell'. • Mis's' Ruth Thompson, Miss Cla'th- arine Hargan and Mrs's -Elizabeth, 'Mc- Lean, of- London, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith 'McLean. • The annual meeting of the Pres- byterian W.M.S. will be held Tues- day afternoon, December 18th, at 3 o'clock. or 7mas Send an S. C. I. Alumni Year Book to the Collegiate Gradu- ates you know. They will ap- preciate the book' and thank you for remembering them. On Sale At: STEWART BROS. KEATING'S PHARMACY J. J. CLEARY THOMPSON'S BOOK STORE CRICH'S HURON EXPOSITOR 25c EACH ENVELOPES, 5c EACH Euchre and Dance WINTHROP HALL . TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 18th Good Prizes. Brussells Orchestra GENTS, 215c Ladies With Lunch, ,Free. COME TO THE ANNUAL ROXBORO ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, Dec. 20, at 8 p.m. A good time for everybody Full Program - Santa Claus CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT AND NATIVITY DRAMA St. James' Parish Hall* THURSDAY, DEC. 20th Orchestra Selections ADIMIIS'SION 25 CENTS YOU CAN'T LOSE 1 put 'ONCE'rRYING YO 131 AT A TRAIN TO YHf 't ROSSING, EVEN 10 • Y'S A 1 I E,, You t,OgE . 7- . And another thing you can't lose on is Rogers -Majestic Radio. It is always ready and capable of bringing you the best programs from far and near. Give the family one for Christmas. Re -tune with Rogers -Majes- tic Pubes for perfect satisfac- tion. Wm. C. Barber Phone 10" e . Seaforth xtoo, 'Tetturpel' from Tere'nb4 'wherer l ehe spent; rine past thaw weeks, • **Ss Mlatrgaxet Ross ,'M'ies G]l4ys Rw c P+ol' an cd 'Mlis�s lima.,' . `Urn elr;s'i'ty ef Toronto, were week -.end guests ett the l pn e of 'I7r. If. tH. Fees and af'tended the Golf, 'boli •donee on Friday evening. • Mins 'May Thompson, of Palmer. stop, is a gu'e'st at the home' of 'and Mrs. Be'v'erley Chs*is:tie,,.. • Oa"non, E. Appleyard attended a meeting of Huron College Council in London on Wednesday and a meeting of the 'Execu'tive Committee of the Diocese of .Huron on Thua cloy, 'Mins Gertrude Appleyard eeeampanied him and will s'pe.nd a few days with Lon - dim friends. .• Mrs. George Lowery is confined to her home ,this week through illness. • The annual Christmas enterbainr meat of Egmondville Church Sunday school will roe held on .Friday everiing, December a1$. - • •Mr. anidr Mrs, Leonard Heard and family and '1V7rsr' J'er+vds of Clinton, Spent Sunday apt the C'harter's home 'on the Mill Road. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billlett of Egmondville also i were +;nests of Mr. and .Mfrs. Win. Char- ters. • The many friends of Mar's', Thos. Henderson will regret to learn that she is seriously ill at present. . • 'Misses Jean Smith and Dorothy Broadfoot and 'Rev. C. A. IMalcohn at- tended a meeting of the Huron Coun- ty 'Girls' and Boys' Work Board of the United Church on Tuesday. • 'Miss Margaret Wilson, Univers- ity .of Toronto,• was a 'week end -guest at the home of her uncle, Dr. J. A. Munn. . • The many friends of Mr. Robert Govenlock of aVic'Killop, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia in 'Scott Memorial Hospital, will be glad to learn that he is improving. • Mrs,. ".W. F. McMillan is 'visiting at the home e of 'her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Grey, in Stra^±jord, • Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKenzie and) two •sons and Mrs. Hugh Chesney leave on Saturday for Miami, Florida, "Where ,they will spend the winter. • Miss Bell of. Toronto was a week• ,en'd guest at the home of Dr, and Mrs W. C. Sproat. • . • ' Mr. and' Mrs. George Hills have returned to their home in Egnmond- ville after' spending .some weeks' in Toronto. EER17 111T , S ' AS KIPPEN Rev, E. F. Chandler delivered a very •fine sermon on Sunday morning last. Miss Beatrice Daynnan sang .a solo which 'was much appreciated. The Young People of St, Andrew's United Church met on Sunday even- ing last with Mr. Will Thomson pre- siding and taking the topic, "Uniting Our Forces." Re'v. E. F. 'Chandler very ably took the discussion. The Busy Bees Mission Circle niet at the home of 'Mrs. John -Henderson on Saturday afterrboon last far a so- cial time and' also to do seine sewing.. A very enjoyable t"--: - -as spent. The Sunday school Christmas con- cert wilt be 'held in St. Andrew's United 'Church on Monday evening, December 17th. Mr, Goulding, mus- ical instructor, is training the chil- dren in a cantata which will ;be given as the first number on the program; other numbers will folio v. 'Miss' Florence Thomson visitecj over the week -end with friends in London. The Kin Beef Ring will hold its annual meeting in schoolhouse No. 2, Tuckersmith, on Saturday, Decemlber 22nd, at 1 p.m,. ° Miss Marguerite McDonald return- ed from Windsor during the past week. 'She has been visiting for a few weeks. W.M.S. Elect Officers The December meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs, W. Sinclair with an attendance of six- teen. Mrs. J. Finlayson presided and, led in prayer. Mrs. Cooper secured the eo-operation of all the members present in the temperance research topic. The findings show that busi- ness has not improved in towns where beverage rooms have been opened. In some communities it has been neces- sary to appoint extra constables, thus increasing the expenditures. On the other hand, one dry town reports an increase of 20 .per cent. in business. since midsummer. One of the most unfortunate results of 'the new law has been the arrest of women for be- ing intoxicated, same of there were mere girls under 20 years of age. Mrs. J. W. McLean read an article, "The Circle of Friendship," dealing with courageous friend, Jacques Cartier and Robert Morrison of China were given as example's of courage and perseverance in the tasks under- taken. The same call for courage is needed to carry on in every day life, she said. 'Mrs. 'Monteith had charge of the study period. A resume of the fourth ch.aptea• of "Builders of the In- dian Church" was given, Mrs. Coop- er and Mrs. Henderson assisting. The Canadian mis's'ionaries work in Cen- tral India in a group of Native States which include about 20,000 village's and' contain approximately three mil- lion people. A. W.M.S. missionary wrote in her 1933 report "that the days were gone when Christian 'teach- ers were turned, out or treated. with, indifference." She visited 173 vil- lage's, the horn's in city or village are open to the missionary. Miss Sin- clair led in prayer. The slate of officers brought in by, the Nominating Camlmi'ttee, Was ac- cepted and is as follows: W;1VI,'S.- Honorar r president, Mrs. Cooper; president, Mrs. Chandler; 'viice-rpresi- dent's, Mrs. W. Alexander, Mrs. IL MdMrurbi ie, lMVlrs, J. 1%layson; secre- tary, Mrs. 'Mloate•ith; treasurer, Mrs. Fairbairn; .1V1ission'ary, Monthly sec., CHRISTMAS CONCERT TUESDAY NIGl'1T, DECEIVIBER 18 will be given by the Y. P.4 -L. in the basement of Northside Unit -- ed Church. In addition to a good program, A Play "A STORY OF OLD BETHLEHEM" will be given. • AD'NLLSISION - - 25 CENTS -.. 449'64. - ALS' READY .NOW TO SERVE ' YOU WITH BEST VALUES, Smart Dinner. Frocks $6.95 to $10.95 Ladies' Coats If a Coat is being considered, s e e our valves, from $1250 to.32.5O Fur Coats If you contem- plate a Fur Coat, talk the matter over with us. Hat and Scarf Set Very smart. $1.50 • Neck Scarfs In new fancy wool plaids and Bonne effects. 75c to $1.25 111111112111111111111 Stamped Embroidery Sets in Packages With instructions and . enough ma- terial • to em- broider. 59c to 98c Each BABY Should Be Remembered Irotsk of Gift , Things for it here. This Big Busy Pleasant GIFT SHOP OFFERS SUGGES- TIONS Christmas, Greeting Cards Seals, Tags, Wrap- pings, Etc. Big Assortments of Christmas Novelties mammommommi Hand- kerchiefs Scores upon scores of them. Individual, 5c & up Boxed. 25c to 85c memerszimmia Hand Bags Very important it- , ems. Special; $1.19 each up to $3.50 Hosiery We excel in quality Hosiery. Cr e p e, Chiffon, •Service and Semi -Service: Very special Silk Crepe Hose. 69c Pair Gloves Neckwear Lingerie Smart thinge shown to please Christstas Gift Shoppers. lttri Til STORE: SPARKLES WITS, SPIRIT OJ THE••• • GIFT, SEASON •imamimist Madeira Linen, t' - hand embroider, - ed Little Beatty Guest TowelslC,ol- ored appliqu;,, 59c Each', 1111111011.1111111111111111 Madeira Pillow Cases; wonderful value. Pair $1.9$ to $225 Lovely Soft Wool Beautiful 0. V.. 100% Wool Blaze- ke'ts and Covers.. $ 5. .75 to $7.7 each' Pure Wool Auto Robes} ,and Couch Cowers. $3.95 to $4.50 Silkalo Bed Spreads Sun and tub fast; unbeatarble vaLu'e $2.98 to $7.50 Lady Galt Bed Spreads In the new ef- fects. ffects. Each $3.75 and $4.50 •. Fluffy Bath Towels FOR GIFTS Two - tone anal Rainbow • tones. 39c to 89c Fath MacTAVISH'S Mrs. E. Sproat; Strangers' secretary, Mlrs. W. French; Associate Helpers' secretary, Mrs. T. N. Forsythe; •press secretary, Mrs. J. W, McLean; Y. W. Circle Supt., Mors. Henderson.; Mis- sion Band Supt.,,Miss Pe fold; Baby Band Supt., Mrs. ;Horny; Supply sec- retary, Mu s. Robt. Dayman; pianist, Mrs, Henderson. Women's Associa- tion -President, Mrs. N. Jones; vice- president, Mesdames J. B. McLean, J. Cochrane, W. Sinclair, T. Workman and H. Chesney; secretary -treasurer, Mr's. T. N. Forsythe. The January meeting will be held in the' Manse om the second Wednesday. Announcement BELCANO FACIAL ., a1 5OC MARCEL- LING c 50c SURFACE q5c • WAVE L FINGER 5Oc WAVING- . , . SHAMPOOS 35c for Turbinator Dryer Used Dorothy Sutherland PHONE 152-J 1 Block from Main St, West • GIFT SUGGESTIONS MORE THAN EVER. EVERYONE REALIZES THE ADVISABIL- ITY OF GIVING SOMETHING PRACTICAL AND USEFUL FOR CHRISTMAS Year, by year we find as increasing demand for our Christmas "Shoes and Slippers, and this year we are again ready to help solve your Gift Problems with a Bigger and Better Assortment of Christ- mas Footwear at Lowest Prices in years. PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Slippers Dress Shoes Rubbers School Shoes ° Comfort Shoes Rubber Goloshes Fur -Trimmed Goloshes Skating 'Outfits Spats' Rubber Booth • Why not make your selections now before the rush begins? Remember L WE SELL FOR LESS! • AFP.Pril (OPPOSITE EXPOSITOR (TWICE) _✓,; x Mil �i