HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-14, Page 7i I t � , . , , . , � I .. I . I . I , . .ii I . , 4 0 . � .1 .., . . !'..sw I , qFTNI 11 ­ � '.1 . . . I � , , 1, , "11 -� , .. ,� , v K., . . , , �, -_ . .� , 4`11 01`14RIIA, I . �1: ­ i1l�.1',F,.:,s,j��7j!.7'.'V , 4, 7P %�1.7111114717` I ­ . � � , "� . " .4iv;w,qg,�ld'YXI&�����,;��t�,,�;"",.,47�;7�, 1P1.'MXXNW,1s1S'P-.`, lli� -,�i:(PPM Tell��`.'PINPI , ,_ , . . , �av;;R�"tw���,!��ll,iW�l"i�.-14ri,e�ill�YltI M.2%104 ­_ I fi lQi _ , , 21�11�"1115'11 ... 174 , �:, I , ­ �, � Irl-I'�.?�,�,�-.,r,,,�""�ii"�,;�, - l:wgm V,Jr1i0i1'1;2,A­. ... - , , - 15 r,i 1 ,_17'%, -p- ".,�,,.,!,--,�"'.t�,,,,���",;,P�,,, py, - -�, ­ K ` 1`�'� - "",­ 111,r',,� � OR IWI'05�141w_. "lrl F �� �� , , , i 11 � _1!`1T51V7i1"­f: 2 4 "; ,,,-�',v � .4 ,, ." I I '' ,..I,., I -­.1,;""­`,MW`11 111 I le,11111"1100w,API P . ­ _­- ".f.", � ..- . , I I " �X -i?�',Iil . ." , RM '111�11 "11,11111F."F 114 I'll -VA I � ...". 1, 1� �.-l`11.1 I I ". I � , . .�� I '111101.11* 11�i�ll P 4�.­',?" 'll ,� . ­­Tr­,'.�j�,,�'x .��'%,'O­ 1::, . , " 1 , , , . �� . , � �?'. , .. � 1:­41,,,�_ ''t . ,g,� , ,� .1"", �... .11 - -, . . ", - ill. �, , , 1`1 '' I � "' I . ,�; ','l;!,,�;r,�.' , � �t I ,- , * . � -,- �_'� 1. , ,:, ;­:.S1'.1,"Aiq� J) 11 , ''�. . 'i _C::: ,� �,i�;� ',,'�."!I;, � '. 1. ,., . . i*d � . t , I 111. ­­;, ," ` ­ l , � 11", ,­,Jl',41';i­­#. '.­!�­�ePilll , . . I 1, . ­ It � j �, I ,�P_ ;�� , 0 -, -, I "� :�� " .., , ''I , - I - _­ - 11 ,,, I .�.­, .1 . I '­;., . , '� , A , ­.v�. _. �� I.. . a . , - i , � I ,�-C�.-�-':I��,.;.-�,!�",�;",E ',`-'V`� ". wo .4� _ , ,,,, , " I " , ", 00. "..", , Wal) , . '', , I - � � -r.;; 10. , , ,�, , - m , I A,A.L.. 't �,40 , ,-. ,, 0 ,�� I '. , " ,''I'A . I . I . I � �� � ­� _;,.�� , � 'A"A "' I � - 1. . ... I., I , , IRR ".. I .­ .1. , . Mamgm "Wtor, .1. ,!,4. - . , -: I.; .1 . I -� I,- 11 li!;: � 41 . .11 "'., - � 11 ,. , �� ,q, I " .. P,x .. . . T� � .1. . 11 I..:, g , l, , ,:' - Ndtay Poblic, Etc I �,�-., l� , , 1, " V_..; �m' XWT' � N, .11 . � 11, - , .-i i., , "' , 1: - HANT ''' WV X.V-4,,; � A"OkA, 4*1;11171.N�i WT.-," . . 1. ... � � I ", wwpw; I - � I-, �7 . . � 1(;; '��,*pj,��,' ..- - �Wortu, out. E, R. , . � � g. It : g '. " 'j, "', �, IWAW4 01W4 J " 4 .1 ­ . . . .. .. ­ ­ 4 -�,- � . �_ '. A'. , .- . .:� ,,:, I , .'' �&­ . ,44 , . t"Ir "bf.0"Ib A ijumi,"".., ___ � � �. . � . �i . I , � .... % I I., I Va..", illo .Mlt , " � , . . . . . . ''. i ,, A,5 ^, ` " ,�", ,� . I - . . I � " , ,, R I., M. � . .. , . , 0#�.Aflik � 10, I I. , i, - I . . . " ,� . � : � ; " .. I , ,�q� - �10 .4 , . , I 11 � I- . . --w 'APPRIPA"I'v - 11"! 11 . . '* -, � *i W"Ohl Awe'w 100 I)U *,P,W,# 11F.M. I .. � ", ill I �.� 1-1-- ­. 7, . , " . .. . I \ . , . , . � �... . � , , , � I I I - ,.W . .'." q , RAYS 4* M14K, , ... I . � - .,�� M, � . .. � , AutedIll-', lq*tlel ` - *" , .M . . I I . :,.. . �, I Zr,a ... W, O'swk; #a. � 447, � - I .. . , . . I I 0 - , , I Ousposeeding Jk. S. 08YO JD'.� " s0,.,._Q_4t;.,9 ., - 4" , � J, , *MAJQ,;- A"q_ - -, ., .11-1 -�,., : @! , ,4 d -L , � iao� �,'10# "" � 4%��, . By �'Gilbort'Franka­u , 9 101nance p[MaitM - .;�� , kw 4 , � P . '", I , . ,g� _ , - � !"U%ptAWS; S0111citora, COA-veyancen � 11 _141 4* T . , Ife h 1- . ; Journey to W�pem - . ._Aft ki .. 1� . I - � . � �, � ie, sw* Mh 001or - 19* 14 I , ,., sm lublic. -Soliators for I , . I - I . � I � � � . . I �A, WIPW", =4` WiO*TWO ,,�49 . . . I I . , , , , rdb­W_.a � � � I ,-Mm'. -, . . . ,�,'J " uces a, , , "Wxv,p tbo-VIMinion Bank. � Ofte, fi� �qr,00f - I . ... � 0 . i " i lashod?out his" 90stor VAIN, Ymor..Pw =:ww .1@ j�g; I . .1 . I � WD ,aww A I ?. . . I I I .. V. , , - I I I - ­ I M.�,. ; I's 'I', I'M, 3". M-g" ,, I - I I I . .1_. .. .­ I . ­ _.- -11 11 I, . ..... 1.11 .1.11. I., � I .1 N - I I , los. Que'ev Biss and Jelks, joa,w tp, � OW *oAtlis 4're, ie4WOd' *Pf J�hji�"r, , " I" X* 11 0 . tb.e V-ovisinion Bank � Seafor%. Money - . -- - , *d; Oncied, ;errat,wally ove = , ,� . � g #� 'a 140 ,$`, 1 40.1"U. 1 . ., (0ontinixedfrom last Week) laughed to see this old man whe' _. _ I . , u the eWokqn- drank a boMe of cl. � - Qrg , "Powo �-�nvvtm_"M I - . . .. 'Pls,t' is soberly- in rear. . .**C:, ghangles, to become � ,W .,;, P. VZO ,1,he OAWAR4W i .-.,. � 9-0, � 111. . sarrisvivid, He sent out for three "The only, goodtWng ,Wbouib coutu - aww"nee.' " 4.4 ii*'��,;`., -11F � I § 4 - 11 sliow Usol peased; but uA4ser� and the res-ni-TAnt I ­.$� Pp�� , � / I bOttleg Of ChWnpaglle: Moreacy rod,e back . 1� JOHN, H. BEST. ', And, for her one off leave," said the 'Major, ,help" goot, the streets. were -still sitarT,Ad e APPearftPce '"4 'Vrp't'g-!"W--�M�pp�%'W'Olf�('41 week Patriaa ' I . And much of th � , , , I - for . � . '. .1 ;�'111 :_ . , ing lihniself from Peober's- cifigar sooldlen; and, whieqk they ca. tbe� ally the I - - SA Me value I AV bir*pd�, �09. ok" clpr -a little,of that ten miles Amm�: and we had to -Caset, 1_10 A* P110 'WWW" Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, was happy. Not h,mp-' ,drink the-youngsiber's, health. Iwish �lslsl, ,that onei nee4n1t..panic me to . . 1 . 1 .00PP , ___ l;, 'res, "OP i ii Seaforth OntaAo Pines$ camb from the knowledge,viat yl�e W .. I . About ra* great square, men were at work, shov, umnum ' . L, � . � I . � . I tjr,-W. � I . 4,!b 'Was_x..mgn..��Jli . - - bad' -sent On Paw' o"Mmg onesis J Th' , nw-diity--brown heaps to -'the irx& - � . . - , . 'em:WKI, , ,.,�_­ r,m 1. '11P . . _.. ,. , I ­ ­ !t� - man whom - wor. � ____ liw� � � ere I � . . ,46�� ", . . , back, She, 1knew the chance remark al- in my old show who t6ok �a fortnight. th , I Grain Class Winner's . Ism* 4440 ib6 VW V- sp W. 011, .1 � -, to her ,was -no longer. -the. some crea- jowlt mearjngless�., jomg.aco, of * rosA 'Gloomy, the, place Took- , I i I . . .... ".,. ',,.; 1:, 4" 'l " �. I ' " �"­*,­ VETERINARY theY bad �to get from, ITOwe to, Givenchy.11 - The Grain Class.opeii.to A-vigul, I .. k 1. ".�, . 1�.. ­ ture whom she� had given �to war. He abandoned, the ,hope of & so finally made Way Out Of.the bUJ . e.d, gr�w­fioV*id unole.r I.%, gry sides, t Ottawa !�Aev-e ufl�- I _ �� , , . 1, 1--.. I 'W let't her6i a civilian in' khaki' he theless, it ,depressed her n: nlbver- It'mms'lialf-past ,three bseof-ore the i phospitable, a vision -of djgeom�fprt. tPrAl 'Societies ,at the Teftu ,' � ' , JOHN GRIEVE, VZ. - . All t014 pair _ - I I -.11W ­­_ Current ,.0 ,Rg ' ­` ' came back --- ja member of the Brftish ,day� . Peter roide on, inclining left 4bwm Winter .Va!F'resulted in, , rop ­­]?.W.'.4-,:z,4,�� very - On. . - .. , . ; I . _,when thle.children came in to' fet, allong the platfOrm, across, the I . 0UNW, I- Honor gradvate of Ontario Veteri� Expeditionary -Force., . a narrow. bropm street; vast the -competition iig,Slocieties -in Eist- 'Mild W1§,athe!r' i -Pi. Vxviv'�, , - I . .4".......'11 ­... .- '. _1 Joil ", . - ed, - .10 'A% .1 ... ary College. All diseases of doinestie IShe found -the change in ,him. dif . I sm the otions of In ,my. , armeii-W, 1091 , ", I be played with, at lunch with- lie� muAdy pavesbetween the lbaded-rail- Ts6nscl and the vtearn�.laundry, amid 6ill Ontario, who pro&- , ing i� � 1, � 1"Im', I I . d;evieloped ,so stock out, ,thus, sa,vi iowl, �,;, 166�m` ....... . - fitaier, through the matinee which way -trucks, to, the .. -, 1, treated. Calls promptly at- ficult of ansidyBiei. The old absorbed Offisk.rst Club, the toy rai�.vay station., into the long high. class grain -has A I I foollow"-,shel thought of it. For now where --in the chai-r-crowided reading straighst1 To -ad between, the, s,ar,r,d rapidly. in. -recenst years. . roughage and relieving t . w �. ho',4. , , � I to and charges moderake. Vet_ Peter isitill lived -7-a 'reticent animal; ,he seemj�d almost gone again. And room* -the Major insisted, on beer be- I .174--l' �.:,, , . poplars__th�e popeTi31ghe,.ypres,4Mem_ The purpose of the competition wa;s age situation, It has waso',,�" id_­��v. ", 'erInary Dentistry a. specialty. Office unwil-ling to tell her of his, life- ,out 10AU44! �. � il. 11 " 1�0. T.WIV -.:�.; I - . .0 ,.,;" _ _00 . lo I � had been so good. to have him -home. fore 1fiter`v:iewing the R.T.-O. art the I, encourage the Society .to foster f4riners �o complete. ,;a- I I -1 �� � 7-*-. 1, oft.. 1 ', ii and, residence on Goderich Street, one there," though eager eplough to -ad which led, into the heai�t of to ' .f u der favorable cond-Il4ont. I Too. - '- o d1i erent kinds v. n ."A� 11 JA!t! : ex- If only she could feel that -he would -Central Station across the road� that beastliness, men caJl,ed, 'the Sal- the Production f ff potato growers lik 18011th §Imwe'. , , door east of Dr. Jarroitt's office, Sea- Plain the chanjes in the Brigade: come back safe. If only'she'Ead, giv- The' Railway Transport Office,, , ient., � . high class seed grain ,by its , ';'Crxi 1". How 'Major Lethbridge had been pro- . .1 ­ W, . . . ,� , , - � moted Lieutenan"Isoulel', and Co en ban a sort. � young Man with eYle-glasses who liv- I&anfb houses gave way to flat ospe, e . .. on.el -been 'kbi,ced. to.. mg�rkgt -their, �txkq�w'; W,,'5,.pns!:. I I . ,� - ;,.N.21, . 1. �� . I n- b r r4 a oi� a7ing inadequate . 1. ptio - - " ­,"'; " , '. I . I � � e I I oc ety , , . . ' j7i�m ; � . , in h,s stead: , "Th' Optimisrtl Arid, the Fiessi- id in a smiall inatchboarded. office at couutv '�,.eAtber side bet,ween - The Renfrew Agricultura, S I ' "' h T h Ls -results ifi - an . sirva* * ", - � I way eVen 10' Bat6kY " yt_�whit, , laciAties. qV40'. � ,, �� � � 11 'Mist!" �sang the two colonedians, on the side of the station, listened, care- the Atell-ploc,ker.- i . . , , 41, '.�. �_ .1.4-..��, %'_­ A. P. CAMPBELL, V.S. - h,Dv _d trees. It was very was 'awarded first possitioN w2t,11 a `;;;;�11, y Torrington's sucel Caeptain supply on the worket, and upimsqe, ­ i I . the -stage in. front of her. Patricia fully to theMajor" in udries r th sible Dw . 1; s q , fo e silent.- An occasional car, a return, po Wee%. liuvers in Haldimand, axe of� 11 4' "ife I Gtraduate of Ontario Veterinary Sandiland, was incli.r.-ed -to take untq :ooked round the, auditorium. tvery- Southdown. Divisiotn;'fumbled The Jots of peas, -barley, ' . I I �1,1� R . 1."'. I .''. �,_ I . College, University ,of Toronto. All bimielf too much credit for the work . among ing G. S. wagon, thei -clap of their alfalfa and fering as h h as � $1.00- gaid 1IN ".,:, " , f I ' 1� t., 1 ifiseases of domestic animals treated done by his subahlerns: h-pw, Little where she saw excited" men, smiling a ffle of papers; land said: Own hiors&$ -hooves, alone broke the oats each scored, over .06 per cedt., ; a bushel �or Durham wheat, '-P;& . ,�,-�,!�: 1 Willie still flourished-, -omen. Once shel,.had jenvie.d such, "Ali, theSo4thdownsil" Then mV- silence, They came to the red, ruin wheat alone fell slightly below -this sal . f&& 7 qa _,tky�­ '�, . ,�,, IbY the mo-st modern . es in Frontenae are , I ,h , , ,, I , � . " :��, , ,,� principles. But ,of Loos, joyous couples. Now she only won- teriousilly: "Of course, I can't tell you ,of Vlamertinghe- passed' the church, -high . standard. i - vn �, "��' Charges reasonable. Day or night Of trench warfare, of Reninghelst and deredl it like herself, all, 'the women exactly where they are. But . . . " halv!ed by a 17 I Societies were with *,wes ranging from 00 cienfg, ' ' �' ' � ,, _fna she,, a The leading " ' , ' � � calls promptly attended to. office on Dicke,busich, and, the three wel rest fr a man P laced -to 60 cents a bag. Two ftiloiadis! of 1: �::: ,,�'. � . 1�,:'. of Acquin which the Fourth were hiding, stifiing, dirugging away He shookhis- head . . . . as follo - Z - Main- Street, Hlensaill, opposite Town "th - . "They're- hal"lles, cheese with a knife, and the . ws. cattle havie, beem, exported'from. G)?.en_. ," �� -*'�Eamehow the sorrows at itheir heart. a longish, way from here.11 * four Toads andi' the railway. Now the 1st, Renfrew Society, 450 points. ville to the U.S.A., switbj�p to,� , " "' .111, � , T-109 �� , I 11all. Phone 116. Breeder of Scot- down Brigade was.. even then- eiijoyj,, r"But we must laughs" she said to "They haven't -gone to Salomdea, I 2rid, Flakenham, Society, 43-9 points. � ,1,,� ... � , "4 tish. terriers. Inverness Kennels, ing-he to,ldher little or nothing. d'It road mounted, glistening bluely, ven- ,being paid for accredited, a'nd1.61;;;4_-_ ' . h;;s;4i- "T%.ey mustn't think of us suippose?" put in williams. , 3rd, Carp -Society, 434 points. L ,!��:' eered'-ith mud. Peter heard,- in 'tested cows just fresbemed�' Close-LtOL - I , , . Hemall. was really not so bad," seemed 'the as unhappy.11 � "It's not for me to, say," 4th,' Vankleek 'Hill Society, 422 ­�' I I limit of hi's 4escriptive powers. And again, as on that last -'day at the R.T.O. . "If I were you answered fron't of him, the whistle and burst . 70,0,00 pounds- box -packed, koverA- .. I _��'. . I . ,�! . I . . . . . . . I MEDICAL 'But, grafted on to the old Peter, I should of a heavy shell- slowed to, a walk PoIn't's' ment inspected, ,dressed poljlt�, I , �:., . Deepeut, Patricia played out her com- go to HAzebrouck to -might, and asik )6th, Drummond Society, 420 points. Were L ":�.' " __ I " . - there existed a new Peter,, Irresistibly edy to the end. But for the first -time the R.T.O. ,there. Youw train goes ut At - -the top of'the inickne, bei;z;- .. - . shipped out.of Prescott aind Russell I 1:1,1.i-'11 I I I I DR. D. E. ST Yount, who amazed his wife. He' It the trees,, sitood a . litt.l.e 'white. toll- , � la'st week.. Graole cows, I �..7,�`. .URGIS seemed to. have acquired a capaci in her life --she admitted, as much to nine o'clock- . hlcmse. From . Cod Liver Oil and -Cattle n Middlesex , "'. . ty her father after Peter had ,And so One khaki, h it emerged a $man in Cod,' liver oil has never � attained have' been selling 4+, $30 to $35 i0or �,�,,, , Graduate of the Faculty of Meld'- for enjoyment, gone --,she the chase JbegaTL , "',", . a careles . olding up his hand. . . bessit indivi-diials'ahid down to $12 to. ". �, 7 I " ,� 571"-m about let, alcohol shoure her troubles. O'cicir-k that morning found them� very t's the matter?"' asked Peter v( '$15 for cosminion kinds and good cow , ­. -, cines, UTAvoersky of,Western. Ontario, monejY-miatters, a <4614 '&'VM,a �ry great pronninence in sua3plement- I., � ' " - ' s. .. . I . out Ir.' farm merciad pure'bred c:ows-at'$50 to � .:� I I , I ght "' Jetly .'Cowardly? Perhaps it was coward- weary, knocking up a somnolent "They're sheRing the road, si i ing the rations of the larger . and St. Joseph's Hospital, London. personal comforts, utterly of 1-y- but she couldn't'face the, prosspe�t waiter in a large frowsy hotel aninials, because the -nutrients- which. �,,cb. I . Memlier of College of Physicians and . V76 il keeping with his civilian self. at should wait a *l'ittle, if I were you. . I I 1��O . � - � Surgeons -of- Ontario. Phone 67.' Of- of spoiling his last night by tears. Hazebrouck. The hotel had be& but It's big stuff,11, A �an supply, or help to'make- avail -1. . . .... 1.1�. I Forraerly, . - . _ . - ..-.-- , 11 I 11 .3 the thes're had' not sip- And the alcohol helped her to, put a no food. , Food and d,HT,k--,a :�asty Peter , dismounted'; surveyed, t he .able, can be ,procured almost equally Cheap Feeds For Ctate_ . . -..---. 11 win I ­ - I , 1, , . I fice at Dublin, Ont. 493 pealed to ,him: now7be wanted to go brave ,face on. things. The cocktails -of goos,e-liver, and white 1L. well, and, much 4ore cheaply from, . ..... . ­ . ", I, which cou _ , . a . i mtrY. -In front ,of him the -road . .�i . I , . ,Finishing of Poultry . , , ,11" , ",' �1: 1. I I -l--,, -..A,- I I every night. He'disliked eating a;t Which he offered, after tea, she took; ,they discussed for an hour the ,ordinary fa.rm live, stock'feeds, I finishing .1 . I . . 'home: seemed h' - thf-17 lolippeld to a level-crossirog; roce. a- in experiments in, crate I ,.,�,..�', I .. DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT '"'es" in'some' gau- and the whisky -and -soda wlien they found at an adjoining estarnmet. plus -a minitonfum of ,purchased sup, .1 .i_ I � . dy restaurant, sonie..r4g-timse night- , gain. In the hollow stood, a red -and" Of Poultry, it has been found, that � �11 I j . Graduate of-, Faculty 4 Kedlaime, club got home; and the champagne for "Do You -think we really are goifig yell plement-s such' as protein feeds and buckwheat screerdii9s or standard -re- 0, . ' Hoi took taxis everywhere ; Idi `,� ' ow chateau. - Goldfish Chateau, I ...�. - Universky of Western Ontario. Mem- bo, * nner, the nighticap, of creme, -de- to Salonica?" asked Pe-ilier, pulling f minerals. _� night � orlorm aknong'ilts diank gardens. A . . . . cleaned sdreemingst a by-product from - - I ".; . expensive -presents for -her, menthe. I off hois boots -by ocandle-light. long the railway, to Ther,*,are some occasions- however . bm of College of Physicians and for the children, for himself. Wbe the left of the .the grain elevators consisting largely ,,,, Surgeons.of Ontario. Office, 43 God- n Poor Pat! She was only a very "Dunmol.­ The 'Major was already road, sho when cod liver oil constitutes a valu- I , . she'attempted ,to expo�,tulate, he wed a line, of dug-outs,igig- of wild ,buckwheat and ,broke -a -wheat, _ - ...... !...! erich Streelt, West. Phone 37. laughed at her -and taxi'd to Cox,s her m. *4 -ills, ,brown and shapelesls. able feed for, the larger farm: anim- . . � human, very lovIng. wommn; sendin�g i-d'ibled. "We'll find'o t in t1ke m9rn,,antle m.oleh. . Successor to Dr. Charles- Mackay. an back to the 1�nds of ho -to, ing. 77 ­ .. . . . with a small admixture of wild oats, ,: ;. to draw another . 44 Pigs -being grown during"'the flaxseed and ,other weed seeds, give ': . .1 fheq . Seems safe -enough," he saiii to als- �' � " -_ , . . . ad .�:. morrow. They breakfas�ed at leisure-, sought his groom: 'but even as he spoke there winter months sometimes develop' an excellent results both as to quantity ' I..... � ,. : , I . Then, too, -he ome quaintly § 6 � outanother R.T.O., who sa'id: "South- camle the ominous whistle-, the double unthrifty rachitic condition, resulting and, qualify of flesh. It was 4 . . DR. F. J. R. -FORSTER ' tolerant. On Boxing Day, Heron , He would, not let her see him off down Division? They, � so . ..... I ' Baynet gave� a fan�ily dinner partyi re on the crash of -a five -nine shell, the ,black from an evident deficiency'af sobie of ,shown in these experiments, that - ' . .. . el . . from the station: gnd she lay in bed (irove." He called acros's his Office. spattered fountain of k among the the vital feed elerrRmts. Such an- . � �1 Eye, Far, Nose and Throat Rawlings and Violet came in their tching him as'h,e laced ,his high "Corporal ,'Wi be ough.t ,-mail unmarketable -potatoes may be .� I I Graduate in Medicine, University of new car: Violet overdressed and ov- wa IcOx, do� we know any- trees on, the crest in front. Hell for imals can. often br into bet- ulsed"Ito adivantage in crate fdedi'Ag. .-,, �_ ... . , boots straightened. his spur -chains, thing about the Sdulthdown Divl6sq ter condition by feeding,,cod lisver oil. ­.. ... , , er-bearing- ,,? leather thraQ-gh the spattered, f Fed in caTfjunction with home-grown , Toronto. , ,her husbandi, who had- I ' .oun- I , pinned -khaki collar. "Yes, sir." 'The little man, ob,v- tain galloped a heavy two -h If trouble is anticipated, small dos- . :1 orsed graVis ,these ,potatoes gave its ecoll- , . �.'�-, I . , I Late assistant New Vork Oplthal- been promised a knighthlood. in -the "Anyway, old'ithangill he said, "we iously a railway clerk. in, khaki, bust- wagon; driver I .1hi oes of the . oil will ,probably correctany oniacal- -gains as corn and pro'duced , I I I mei and Aural Institute,- Moorefield's New Year's Ifonours list, full of It have had a �reat time together. And led in -pen behind ,his ear. "Arneke's fr6m, his as ng frantically tendency to .a rachitic cofidition. I I � Fiye and, Goldem Square Throat Hos- arid of himself. Peter, i4 eveni The wagon bounded -better color and finer qudlity in skin lo 'ng in four or five months we'll make an- their railhead. Train going in half- across ithes-Z. -_ _ . . �. I " spitals, London, Eng. At Commercial dress, new enamel buttons in his other week Of it . . . . 11 an hour." . . safety. �aiJway, up the slope inito Pre l.aring Turkeys and flesh. The potatoes mfay be fled- : . �; I I " Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in white waistcoat, welcomed the pair . . Other boiled and mashed, ,or raw and I . �" each month, from 1.30 p.m. to 6 P.M. like long -lost. friends: cong-ratulated He went down. to his early break- Xnd to Arneke, which lies many By now. -a little crowd bad congest- Turkey gi-csvers are now beginning finely choppeo� and. mixed with t1lies - .." fast; came back again; kissed her miles back from Hazebrouck on 'the ed round the toll house,. to finish d, .atte . ,,, I n their birds for the li" � " 58 Wlaterlool- Street-, South, 9tratfordi. Hubert, flattered -Vi-olet. "Hubert," Peter beard ChristIm s holidays. " It is customary groun. . %.." . good-bye. I branch line to Dunkirk, the pair wefit a . d grains 4M in -ilk. I � . said Peter to. his face, "was a dev- � t -lie men talking. Said <Me: " ." - "Take care of yoursell, Peters" she, -fiudiqg, at , journey's end, a tiny "Funn to begin the process of preparing the , ' ' I " . .. ,. SPROAT. ilish clever fellow. Perhaps when smiled -at him. And again. he ans- station and long sidings crowded wi y? I don't call it funny. How luscious turkeys for the nation's fes- For the third -successive year, it ,; " ..... - �11'!, 1 D%W. C. Hubert got his knigili,thood, he could ' th I-ong have you been out, 'Two months, tive" din-ner. table3 by feeding the m . would appear that , wered "Trust me, old thing." laden wagons, whereamong, notebook I 'thought so. p ,;;. . �,� Graduate of Faculty of 'Medirine, find him, Peter, some solt job at But as she listened, to'the taxi purr- in hand, stood a diminutive Supply 'of it. I've had over a year small amounts of grsiin which gradu- Cansda i's goving to fall below nlOT_ ' . : �., , ", 'University of Western Ontarm, Lon- home . . . . "I You wait till you've, seen a bit ally are increased until the -birds are inal. The peak year was 1931 r0lien .1 :!, ing down Harley - Street, to the slam, Officer whom Billy Williams recog- More. Funny, indeed!" on full feed. Due to the large sup, 29,66607 pounds were produced, but dm ,Member of College of Physic- "But I thotiihlt You didn't like of the clossing front-do,or, it seemed nizidd. .. . , .. � 1, ians, and, Surgeons of Ontario. Office Hubert," Patricia sald to him, when They waited half -am -hour, as civil- iply of wheat ,available, this grain due to winter -killing Of clovers, I : ,,,, in Aberbart's, Drug Sto,re, Main St., they were Come, in their bedroom. to Patricia as though there were no "Lawson," said the Major, "can you ians wait for it to stop raining; t,rot- should be -used drought condlitions -during the sulm- !I _ to advantage in the _`,�� . Power, -either heavenlY or earthly, in tell us what's -happened to the D-i'vd- ted on up the ,slope. Now they could fattening rati6n., Wheat has nearly rrie,r and insect daurkge in certain Te- I A Seaforth. Phone 90. "Oh, he's not a bad chap," laughed whom a -woman of those, days might sioll?" . , ..�� Peter, -"not our class of course - I 5ee th10- %-battered roofs of Ypres. At the same fattening qualities as corn, gionis, the, crop of 1932 fell short of I I put her trust. �Phe A.S.C. man laughed. "What that distance it still looked the rich yellow the previous crop by 10,19,5,597 -1bs. . I I mean, one can't have any respect for q On earth are you chaps doing here? c, Nke a but does not produce P1, . DR. F. J. BURROWS .. . ty. Only a, they 'came to Jt was color of flesib tha I him. -still, I daresay he's all right." . I PART XX The Division's in Wipers.,' t yellow corn does.. An increase of '73,000 pa,unds over ;'I . Office and residence Goderich Street, When she pres[sed h-im further on . I . its nakedness, the ruin and desola- It is important, - however, that alf 1932 was, recor-d-ee. in 1933 with an- , . �', . east of the UTdted Church, Sea- the subject, 'he suiA­---after a little I THE SALIENT "%pers!" purred, the Major. "Then tion of the place anparent. grains -be free from moldiness and other aight increase promi I sed for I "; . . 1�, � fortli. Pbone 46. Coroner for the hesitation: "It'� a question of caste, . § I why the devil did the 1R.T.O. tell 116 The huge red bulk of the 'A,s-.vlus' they should be fed' in hoppers to 1934. Apparently every clould has -its . , ..11 .. . . . - I think, Pat. One looks upon those -this case fhe .-..'. Had Peter Jackson been an Irish- to come to Arneke! We'll have to turned, -as they apprroached, to a gut- counteract certain -diseases that cause silver lindnig, for in, . �, ran, a . County of Huron. . i Gaul, an Italian, his'mind- go all thle way -back to Hai6rouck" ted skeleton of a -building. and be- heaimy loss., Do not confi,ne turkeys Short ,Crops have permitted the pro- .. " , "'. I sort of people -you know, politicians , .. u I I I . � s -he taxi'd to Victoria . Station- "No train till -half-past five," re- vond, the hcuse$ which tbey passed for fattening especially if they have duters to dispose of all carry-over .- . and the Whitehall gang -as one used . _. ' I DR. HUGH H. ROSS to look on the lower orders. One Would have pictured -to itself the Marked- the Supply officer; ll'buit.this leered at them in drunken burlesque, been, run on a range, for range birds from ,previous years at slightly ad- . I I,, ' i Graduate of University of Toronto dbesn't ,disfike theinii: one's just sorry physical charms of the wife he was isn't a 'bad little. burg . . . 11 shameless. Here., -a-mad ebed lurch- cannot stand confinement. � vanced prices. The .present crop Is . .. .... FIA�cculty of Medicine, member of Ool- for them" leaving: her d9rk eyes framed in the They inv,�stigated , it; discovered ed 'half out Of a shattered .window; - ' - moving quilte briskly on the dk�mestic I . , golden, -aureole of hair, her smooth, two esitaminats, each pre -sided' over by ,there shells had rippled Qway the Thirty-two Boys' and Girls' Farm market at prices slightly in advance 'i lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Arthur Jackson came. to town On loving bands, the tomes of her 'low charming and almost cleanly maid- whoj� Team& Competed at the Royal Fair Ontario; pass graduate course in two days' leave; and she let them . - fronst of a dwellings exposing over last year, while a fair amount is .. , ��'I, Vvice . . . , Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; make.one night of it together. F - t sts in connection with the Boys' advancint& to the export marketF, Aj�. .. li But Peter, irr -his at- -ens, who brought them food am,d, beer -as a lewd'woman exposes, herself In the annual National Club Con- . �*�, and Girls' Farm Club mo ement 32 . . .. I -�, Royal r 'had the Englishman; and his thoughts, of ternoon, pallid tea. once been a hoom�e. ClUc honey . �! Opbthalnide Hospital, London, their boyhood, Arthur and Pete rc'm titude towards women, was 'very much --much beer; also, late in a gray af- all the petty secrets o,f ,,list h�d ' v though i�t is risky to'forecast pro- . , lub teams of two members each re- tion, the condition of main .�l , .England; University .Hospital, Lon- quarrelled-; but now they seemed' to Patricia, .if he Could have voiced, them To the Major -two wasted days 'Left they swung, mast the chipped pre enting all of the Pr vinces oi the producing plants and. of the bees - don, England. Office -Back of Do- see eye to, eye on a hundired. subjects. woluqd not have eximeded- 'I)ear old meant nothing, I he had lounged, andi bulging Water Tower, past, more Dom'9;inion campeted ino several live themrsiihvs going into winter are � 41 . minion Bank, Seafortb. Phone No. 5. As the flying-niam-he had Passedl Pat, she's a jolly good. sort," thilough peace, was quite prepared to ruins of villadom, into a bare tree- stock and field crop. projects at the promisin . g, however, thesse conffitions I .. 1; 'Night calls answered from resi6ence, for his 'wings' and was next on the ,Still, it, needed. effort not to think lounge through the war. But, as al- lined, ,road; right a-lta'in, ' I ,. Victoria Stre,xt, Seaforth. roster for active service---conAded to, of her overmuch during the long jour- .ways, disorganization irritated Peter; Roval Wint�er Fair in Toronto las, are not the whole story. ., I I I Patricia: "That husband of yours at- . "Colonel dlo-esn't like the bors.es to we'ek. The actual contests were con- . 1 . , . ,. ney back to his Brigade. snd he cursied,,with the frank unrea� come further t*han -this ,by aylight, ducted on. Noveni-ber 20thland the 64 . 11 DR. E. A. McMASTER 11 ways wanted a good shaking up;.and. 'He travelled via Folkestone-Boul- .son of the fighting soldier, all who ,..ir,,; WEITned' Jelks., contestants remained in Toronto un- LONDON AND WINGRAM . I this wir seems to have done it for . I., � .Graduate of the University of To- him," I � � ,ogne; and that far, -the journey seeim- lived in safety lbehind the liness.1 "Very well.,, Peter dismounted. til Friday evening, November 30th, � Z. ronto, Faculty of Medicine The swift days, fled. They visited ed to him a khaki-fanitasy on his "No'good getting ratty," remarked "Which w,y do I go ? " visiting ,the Royal Winter Fair and South " � Member of College of Pbysjciams Frimcis; took the delighted children peace,time voyages to the Continent. the Major, as they cli,mbed aboard "J�sst up to that , bridge, sir. Then, other ,points of interest under the di- p.m. , I ". , , and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate 61 to the- Pantomine. She drove hizn to 'The, Pul-liman attendant-0'an old fTiend yet .anotherr tiain. "Not a -bit Of left along th-e canal bank. You'll se,c rection of the Canadian Council On Wingham ................. * 1.55 . , New York Post Graduate Scbool,an-d the sat in the ofri e, while,. lie -thin, eye -glassed, clean-shaven- gGod. We'll be lucky if we, get bAck tbe-Lock-house .just in front of you," Boys' and Girls, Club work. The." Belgrace .................... 2.11 , � Of-: talk y c recognized him in spite, of ,uniform; to our units the day after to -mor- Peter found Blyth ..................... 2.23 . 11 Hospital, New York. Cilt ; . I the Weasel, reading club teams earned the right to com- I Lying-im led away balf-an-hour "dth S' -'P- brought him a second breakfast; ac- ro,w." his Times lby the light of tbe.ir one pete in Toronto by winning tlTeir re- .2.30 .� gee on High Street, Seaforth, Phone son: whir'led him westwards agaiin cepted the old-time tip. -The train The sequel proved hi,rn right. They oil lanip in a low, timber-,9hored dug- sipective provincial elimination con� Clinton .................... 3.08 4i 27.. , . . . . . "And will you go back to ,made its accustomed timing through made Hazebrouck again; e3opostulated out, which o.ne approached down tests. . . Brucedield .................. 8.27 . � I Lime Street?" she asked as they sat t,he accustomed fields, its usual halt with the R.T.O.; caught yet another Xpeas . �, StepIT, along duck-boardis laid An unusual feature of these con- Kippen .................... 3.135 DR. G.R.COLLYER . down .to lunch. "I suppose so," ,he at Folkestone Town. Only, instead ,train, and -were decanted at about 3 ju-st above the water -level of a mudidy tests wa., the inclusion of an oral ex- Hensall .................... 3.41 1 . Graduate Faculty of Medicine,' Uni- answered, "if this war ever gets it- of the cosimopolitan. erowd�-the be- a.ni. in black darkness wbich was creek. . ., annfiniation with a judging competition Exeter .................... 13.55 � . verefty of Western. Ontario. Member self over. 'Wiliat shall vn� do this spatted, monocled -idlers and, the wo- Poperinghe. . "fIa'llo," said the Weas,oil. ,'So to form the complete contest in'each . Colaege of Physicians and Surgeons afternoon, old thing?" men in - fashionable tailOT-mades "Our only chance of a bed,t? re- have .turnied up at last. 'have you of the projects included in the na- North . 1: of Ontario. Post graduate work at 'Was he in love with her? I Patricia wiiom Peter reinembered-his fello,w- -marked the Major, as they shouldered -jolly place this. 'Wlat? is . you ? tional contest prograim. After sev- A.M. � I New York City Hospital and Victoria akked herself that question rhore than ,pilgrims were all officers like himself, their Nay through jostling murk, "is "'A trifle cramped', s-ir," laughed eral years.' experience, it is felt that Exeter .................... 10.42 . r- I 31ospital London. Phone: Hemisall, once during those breathless day-,: junior officers for the niost part, and the Sixth Division- host�el." ThitheT Peter; and began to explain his vv,eT- thi'l form of ,contest provides an op- Hensall .................... 10.55 '. I � 2 but found no answer to it. Obvious- ly all heavy portunity to Tneaslive the gtm.eral Kippen .................... 11.01 I W. Office, King Street, Hensall. -- near with sleep. he led the way. In the open' dil dueness�. . 1 the physical The same oW Queen waited for of a huge square ,ability and knowledge pf the contest- Brucefield ................. 1. 11.09 1 1Y, her companionship, house stood an en- "Oh. that's all rixbt," chaffed- Star , joy otf her, -moved him as, never be- them at the quayside; the same breeze ormous padre, with whom they pas,,,- -"we'll take -the three days off y k ants, and, in turn, has the effect of Clinton ..................... 11.54 - DENTAF_ fore. They wer-e. pals again, better -blew in from the sea, ruffling the ed in, through a hall merry . Our encoluraging, on the paxt of all club Londesboro ................ 12.10 . with holly next leave. -I'm glad 'you're llnck, imenibers, more thorough study of the 131 yt h ............. ; ......... 12.19 �­ vals than ever. Slie toold ,herself to waves at harbour -mouth- the same and ill-urriin,ated cavdis;, and having tho'ilLgh. IMorency' I MUNN 'be content with that. . ,,, at the wagon- project -s in hand. i Belgrave .., ... 12,30 - N DR. J. A. -r- � And y�i�, reason was 'not content. sailors, for the same tips,"brought the -drunk good whisky, were ushered- to 14 -nes. Put7o:13, als ak_,timg-Adjutant� Reports for 19-34 show a total of Wingbam, . . . . . . . ., ..... :* * * 1, I I � 121; - " Graduate of Northwestern Univ same deck -chairs. Peter securedone; canvas bedsite"is in a cold attic. does not s'hine,. I've had to 0-o Fniio9t 1,544 fully organized boys' and girls' � I r aid: "This is exciterment, clanked down the rubber companion- "'Godi fbteso the MuT�ch,?' ptutrred of the office -work Tnvlelf. Hets out farm clubs in Canada with a total C. N. R. .I.... . fty, ChIcago, Ill. Licentiate Royal 1%.�,.scn s I College of ,Dental Surgeons, Toronto. pleasure at being back with the ac- way to the saloon. Billy Williams, lyu,lTing 'his long cloak on the Wir" n-(vw. We're command'- enrolment of 26,700 mein-,Rxrs, The . MhIn St., customed luxuries. Alter what .he has "Hall1lo, -P. J.," said tho languid over his long legs. I Fast � Office over ,Sills' Hardware, ' ng a -group. If You gilei that map projects -undertaken include a variety A.11t. P.M. � Seaforth. Phone 151.� . gQne through -al most any woman of voice of -major Billy Williams, still They spent the -next wintry morn- �iowm,, Ill] show You the battery posi- of farm activities under the general � . his own, class, could give him, what cordmander of the Fourth Brigade's in(g in lithe iTq1vestigatioln Of `lPop'; tionss." headings of live stock, poultry. fiel,d Goderich ........... 6.45 2.30 � . . you aregiving him." miratinition column. wandered about the shattered square [He indicated, them, four along the crops and home economics The re- Clinton ............. 7.08, 3.00 � o . - 'Seaforth . .......... 7.22 8.18 �� DR. F. J. BECHELY :She baited that tbought, Moreov- a "Hallo, Major. Had a good leave." up and down the -long street of low Ramparts, from Kaiie cross roscim to sults, that are being olAain�� are sig 11� ' Graduate Royal College of Dental Or, SPInlething isounder tbaril, reason, ,�So_so,, p. j. 'So-so." houses; found a store of the Expedi- the Menin Gate; One near Headquar- nilfleant and it is widely recognized Dublin ............. 7.83 3.81 , � : - I SuTgeow, Tor,onto. Office over W. R. the instinct of matehoocL told her They talked aimless,ly of this and tionary Force Canteen; and there at t8rs, just in front Of the canal. "That that t'hig junior club work has far- Mitchlell ............ 7.42 3.43 ! ! Snifth's Grocery, Main Street, Sea- that ,she misjudged Mm. In, so far as -that- drifted of,O,kwardsl as the boat last, in the person Of Colonel Brase� is Sanidiland's;. He's supposed to do reaching economlic and educational West �� i , , � nee the average man can love the woman ,dr;� away from the quayside: sat in nosse's Adjutant, someone who could counter -battery work. ' Rather amus- importance. Dublin ............. 11.19 9.82 1 forth. Phone-,, Office, 185; reside I ..i I he has been married to for nine years semi -silence till she raised the cliffs direct sthem. ,to their unit. ing at that r* � Seaforth ............ 11.84 9.45 '. 3117. Peter did love her. There had been anve, and with our ami- ." of France. I'l Headquawte,rsi are restin'g,pt fmimunitison, liit." . A Remarkable'Holstein Clinton ............. 11.50 9X9 11 no other womian; inl -his life.. Only, 'They made the lighthouse of Bou- said Samuelson, a dark young man Dwtor Carson came in, bumping �Goderich ........... � DR. J. A. McTAGGART lonly, sihe wamited more from hfim than logne 19a;rbouT: steamwd in. through with all the shriew A 13 -year-old Holstein cow that on i i1ness and all the his head oin the lintel ,as u-sual; ,ald November 231rd, gave ,birth to her C. P. X TIME TABLE � Gra&ate Royal College of Dental the average husband gave to the av- the narrow entrailoce: warped (to the hospitality of'his race. "Youtre sonie- "Hallso, P. J. Jolly spot, is not it? '111 - Office at Hen" erage wife. thirtelem.-th lively calf, and that has East . - �� Surgeons, Toronto quay by the railway station, Here, where rear the Lock -house, I think., Time for lunch, I tihin.k.11 I in her lifet,ime produced ;0,7,150 libls. A.M. - .� gal, Ontario, Phone 106. And so they came again, to the Isst the illusion of peace vanished,. Only Birt you'd -better both ,come back to (Continued next week.) .� � . twenity-four hours. I . a few jabbering French porters, a lunch, and, I'll findout the exact map of milk, and 4.396 lbs. of butter, is God,,ich .............. : .... 5.50 . ­_ �� 11 , - . , 11 AUMONEERS Bacre or so� reminded, of old days. All references," -0. simething worth while to talk- about Memset ..................... 6,55 . .1 � ­ . I I § 5 the rest-­waitinig staff.-smrs, landing- � K)Ol6y,,o,l . , . a*d much -m1OTe worth while to see, Mccyaw ....... ­ . . 4.04 ��, __ It was raining ,when they woke; Brasemose, a fiery, white- . ., HAROLD DALE officerg, lorries, military -police, at, tile in 0 Frosting 'This is the record of Colantha Toit- Auburn . . . . . , , very pod to potter about in dressing gang,ways--spoke of war. ustaloched, blue -faced. Colonel of the I culp ,brown sugar . ills O.,AjC. 111M G.M., a cow bred Blyth ....::::::::::. 6.11 gowns- and slippers, -to d1awdRe. through old school, welcomed them) in a ........ 6.25 , , - ". . Licensed Auctioneer "Question is," drawled ,the big Ma- draughty, red­�Tiick mansions with an % teasIplooll salt college hierd altomig with sevenl 'of her MeNaugh, * ... ** ...... 6.52 � M . I . 'A cutp granulaited sugar at the O.A.C., Guelph, and still in the walio� *.'.*.*.*.* " ­ * .......... 6.40 - - bosieWitst in ftm and household their baths, and take late breakfast . ,tting silky (moustache, "do -elaborate Dutch gamde*-Tarqu . -For dates leisurely imi the roormy library. (For J,r, pa we ek- t .............. ,I m1W. Prices ressolliable. % culp strong decaffeinated coffee own daug-litera. Three times she has Toronto .................... 10.25 . '4 I e Har- Heron. Baynest'spatil already wait take delieumer at the station, bufflet? floored, curtained, but windowless and infusion borne twins and seven tiTms, single . I am tworm-stion, Write Or phson inake for the Offiml Club? or ,have em an . West . . �il � the . . told X�ale' phone 149, ,geaforth, or ap- ,ed round the book-sibrewn table in, sh'ed"holed of one wall; gave th ,2 egg whites. I calves. . " �.,, _,�, J` Harley Sit.). a posw­swow with the R,T.O.?" excellent lunch; promised to lend Cook .the ,sugars, salt 9,nd� ooffee lColuntha Toitilla represents sovver- A.M., ,��,N;� fly, ii �jfto Ebepodtor Offilce. long di-Tang-sroom, fading ,�N;­ I ,­. . I! . 1. Among bier letters, Patricia found one TheY Passed down the ,gangway, them li%,ses; and havimg discovered im,fuelon, stirring constantly, unt4l" a] generations oit colliego'breeclimig. Toronto ..................... .7.40 � "" , .�, �11 from Ailice Starkii--the first si�ce her giving up their lanoling-cheelm. stood they both played bridge, strongly RdL sugar,,; are dissolved. Continue cook- Her slire, 4Sir Paul Gol,ansthuis, was Hellaught .................. Us AS'. . . ,---i') -j, * : " w,ut'gng 11 � :.. 1, � ,. the men teing �;�� vissed t1hem, to spLend- the night , . ARTHUR WEBER - consfinenvent. She wrote from, Dev)oni- with imig without stirring -to a temperature former heed sire at the OAX. and Walton ................ 12-A, 'Z11. . . I i. - shire: the boy flourished, .,bad red. hair for their res6twrIP9. thelm. : "::� I �, . of 2a8 dog. F. (soft ba,U). Pour the was a double grandson of the fam- Bly-th ........ � ,,� Xtictioneer's License 'th Stark, I ation. cow, Paul, ime 0619mthe Auburn .'.....::.*.,.".*..:...4.,.- 12.29,�, 11, r ' ffi,kteen years' etpeTience. like his father; Douglas had enjoyed "Dejebiner, I � think," deddoed the "I'll make it all right wi I syrup slowly over tho b tem, s found .. his leave; she had heard from him Major. I ,he sai& "'Well get sk�mle gee -gees 'i. �zl,� i" gi�,"P�,..,j, gg pos'ch. Her data, wm a college bred MdOavr ............. I . ...*. 1,121, fs,,� I I "' ! "' I` , ` q , " , , " , � , I `�, ` � 'L�,,,�Ojw I "I I'll I , V " I. I I I .I i's I I , I I Ill I ` T. I ; I -LIN v � � Al r1191 '. J IN,;?"! , �,'�! 11 , 10l , �11; "I Ill. , - - 1�11111 111.1 14 .Iil 11 ,ff . $hftftegon guaranteed. s, whites. Set bowl of, noix:re in,'81boti ou I . 11� I - , ae-tion- -WS7 .,*. 1� 411 I 1 1",7, Hensall. tbhutday- the Brigade was in TW .crossed the rail line; found afteor tiffin. You can flue your water and- beast until firm emough to cow, Tolitilla Rule It., wM a f6l*- M41tiset ................... *.. it.. � . hims;W igh - platform; entered for youir . Tweptbill'.: he hop��I,"Peter was enjoying 1 . climbed the h wsgson4imies, and arrange - pounds Of Golderldh .............. 6 ... 6. 6 WIR . � w W6 AWT91M WEBUR,j I sprsea,d on e&ke. . I year-old record o& 16,2W . � ,,7 .1 I ... I ISaid Peter: "You would have (the buf&t; fared suWptsuously off own nags, to flefth you tlo�morrow I I �... :: , 11 I . 4 .� ­.Ii�!; , . I I �; 14' .. . [ : Ri. Ro 1% 1�asbffto& I . I .T. I-. � I � I I - .. � :T"541,00. � , I 1:11, � 2 *_ I . . . I 4 � . � I � I , - � ,,, , - .1,-;4 ,, j �� I , 1, . . .1 . I . i�,, I I . � . . I I .. . . ­ I . ... 11_�i;. � 1� . I ,;,:. 11V . . . � 11- � - ­ ". 11 � , %,.,, I 1 4 1 � �' .1 . . '' - I I , , �; . I I I . . , ­ .1: I ill . -;.�.g.j:., � , p... �­ � .1 .. - "' I L . I I . � ,. . -` � .�­ i , � L. '�',��',l , s" , , I " - �,�.�&, �� . I . . I . ­ .11. I. ­.. �­ .., j--- '-�.,.�.�,-.-.,.."",,�.�,�.''.�.,�..-�....-,--,.--..,.�,�.I.I�.I.... 1. -1 .� I ­ .. �,�l-,�-.,.�..."...�,-�-....�..I ---- --- ^­­­ �­­­­­_ . . . 'i .1. . , I .. " � , ",.�: . � . A. I * - " , I I.. . . � � 4,;1 . . ') - - . .. - - . '_"�, �, � , I I �, �': , :,Q,�!.'4 ";,.:�, "I , , ` _., 1. �?.., ,�, � ,,, ,V, " 'ill I , f, � , I �!, li�.-I'�,��,u���l,ji-&-�'aijaii������ , � ui aal��� I,, i,4;;��,',,,,,,,,�,,t,,�,,��'i��,,,,,�.I"L,�,,:*.,��,9&�! � , 4,� I- ig, ' ' ,kM' �_` �jlil' ��,g iw,:', �,;11�. I'�,,��L"�it,�,�",!O��N�,&,�Z�a,,�4���,A�ikkiAii�,,,-���,,-,�lI �i%i' imiallim a , I 1-9-_ -I...."," 1.:,�t _7 '. .