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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-14, Page 6- __ --...- "I j� ______ ---,-,-..-..--- V-qlrqrF�,,�,kr,� , n N'�yi7"�7-7,ipiv-o ',�",,"�,,',,,,.,'�;-��'e""�,��;,�,�i,�,'4 l��,,,�,��, ,�. '� 11, �?A"*�'1111111-�', . -1.1 i-_-- , I'll .... I'll, � 1!� . , � , t" . I �7, � ,"; 7,;7i ,,,, , ,F ,�i,' . , `;4, 11 1. N 1-11" , I I , ", "' 1, ,�,­­7�",T,Ilr ",kr,.7 _-�"Tm , 1, , , .. 4 _, ;J, li, ­­':��,�,��'q.,,� , 'W'' . �,�.�l;l"!,")4,�,,,',,',,,,i,,",,,,Iz,�l,,�'l,�!,�,'�,�4i;:�e,���,-�6��, ��,,,,����4,�'l�;�Y"'�l..;��-,P,,�;,�l�-,�1;1,�N'��-�4- � . I K I 11 . 1 77-r-W%7� , , "I,:,,., lq­, �N'­,­�­,,­,,,' -1 - -11, , ,, �,­­ . . I .�','Dr,�, - 1111,M- ­J --,,I- .,­�Pl, ,,,,, ""­�,,�,­ -�,,��7",,'.,�"'�,��'���,�,I�;""�!"'K'l� ,,�i,�',��"qlk" ,� � '.,:4";,� ,;��,',,��,��,�'�,i�,�-,',�,,�,I vi�;;"�'i� �N.1111,V�1111 ...... 41�,.,�, 1 1 �,� � , I ,,��l`lp ,�� vl�','-­111 X """, ., ,1�111.1111 I", wl­­ 10,7FTT7 7777=7m, �.,wq,.g,,F"� " �;-J "­ ,"P� "I'll N­1111­�'. ��, 1"�,�",,i,.,-�,,�_,_ - , . ,V� I . , � J'�, J­,� 5o.01A,-1, ........ 'i" '', � , , ''. '' , �,`q.l"'��,"�" �, ­X"lli""Of � 1'� !�,,­ 111�411� 1'.,,,� � ,,, ,, ,,, i�, , , ;;,.,;, 1�1, ','�,,�, il ','�-�;-,.,;,,,,-!,,,�"n"",z,�w,l,��,�,1,?����F��',�� ,�,�,�.,,,-i�,�.l�,i;,,;i,�ll,�,l��.,-,�,�� f,�',(,�1,4t-,��k�i�j,' ���,.",,���,,,u4t'���",�,�,;:I��L,'M��,l�o ` Vj� , ll,i,��,, 111,114 ,." "A � � ,��,R�,�K -71� - .,:�,7. ,V �, "' I , �, , ��, , i . ,�­ I 1-11 "," "',". I 1 ,�Il ,,, , ,­%'i`j . .... i � I 1� 114 , !­:., �­11_ �Iq,k� �.,,C�', JO�"",.?&,��;1;,"��­ . i `�,,, " "", "4'�','��',,J� ,"J�-p ,,,�,i� � , ". 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I I , � l� i I ; ... I , - �If ! `,", ��', �e �"'111.�� 7 "I �i , , i ) , � ,,; I.. IT., :� �� , ..... � . .� , I , , , " , I -ck ,W - , M � ,. I . 1. I "?�1111 . I" �� � M�!11 . I I . I r� . � , - . I ,�` 1. , I � -���., 'I 1l411VR#1.1_. - I- I . ­ . . I . 1 49 1 ., ." - I. FQFM_ i " �'l 4'" . ..... � ... , J , . , ��", ,I . . . . ... , ,,��` ,,­fl�` 'I C "I . �, - I llllllpl."� J�ewi, :4 4 As a � 4,"*�,Xjvo,ee , 0% I I o' 11 I-W 1 "I''. .. I. .. -11 �. =* g. for tho.. WIC _., **.,R�,40W �� � j'! "11 I 11, ,, , -411, �1,66, 4 ;: � , I I I ,�-, ., � . I . I . �Taslon OT, 11 the . . ., I . thut the lmatter of tb ' 0M , �, lof ixxi.' ifives.tij� : qwm� V4 , - CATARWA�* * ��i4j , "'so "., , I I 0 � el ,�i Hlu�m �WgiO a& '. , ' 4o . � , " I 1-1, ,,, il, I "a. The 4eaft, Nwdith , - ,R= .�O ,( I i, , , I . M - stable 0itooton l�,W_7_1 .. - t �im, � � � r % 4'r , I r,�,f.- *7 f kuno to IlMe il Wl , I 1"- v1sulbility of some redecoration as 1. I I I t� I . 6 , % T_ . . This i&- a very imporbaTI't �Mlaft*r fbu4d-,­�' `� I . " ov"W" , - . :. .1, , " , . I . * '. �, ! . . 01 I d W19 UsI&T, it should, IwOie youp, , 1. � That .them I , �,- .�� � �;i '..'", ­ -'11 �___.�� 1� ,6 en -lightened ort mod- I " , I I I q .4r , on,4Q,erutiov — I I . ,,, , , � t K INM 64", oatpl*al DO - I " 1. I 1�", 0 4we is. PP49,400, �1111 � I P� t11,11."', n_..Coantp Councit well. were elf . J I "S'llous c ww� owchf- Poosib'RUY, '09 "socuring 4, -se � l ', i , ". of laying out eguipapent I � I . I ern methods , I .. I I '.1 . . * 11 X1 ii ...... I evec I i : ,. - -lillilillpililililliiiiiiiw to - - ­ 0'. , . I % 't- ,Vipcia 014per -to assist JIM4 Owd 0 1 1 ill I., � I I . I �.ai *��'or atle 'g0*1p' . W ia�eres� and I , 1, , I � t. . . I . I 19 . - lllim� best serve I Rei �-of Finanpe Committee . 1f, earlor,­­ ' 't � yq� ­ I were gre I a I )u6 li ran, .6asili gatch cold- , -Constable U000y. . lh�4 0 h " I go - tip . -ymw, - &,� 11 I ;-,l ilpire,'s� with 'the V.9 I - W'..l.''" , I . tly UAU "4 1 Word, of Hilt.. I I 0,_ - I be deposited I their ac,count. All ex- So iq,. Russe . Re 'quot Vie, only. *,Qgioent, " and- � get -I adimie, ` Of,, � ftmiint (&WARI I '"O tinued,from Page 3) .In cleanliness of the Qffices in question, joly Says: "If I accounts *esenteld, to us�,� we 12. , . . ' � . _#� Beach. Out. W11 - re ssist 'Xi"d9y is , , streflob A ( I ,!�-., �'. �. I , penditures will be paid from that ac-. the of a recommend the same be paid, di - ,Cong%ble to a I I ,),,' iiA Addl-to it I/ ,ig* of .. - the access-ibility of documents, notice that iVro iioax dir a MaWiLW011 Over I I little gwanulated I � �'­, . . 0 blots I th t the Clerk and Treasur- will then be in a position Baliy's Own 0, fused us louttline)i herewith: Gundiry, ft, over � bot water. and -a ' � , .a count. We fire protection -afforded and the pre- � cold I ve I .9 L�' ( - '... .1 es are always open during to give a clear statement of the op- sentability- and brigl.�-tness of these and fiarthey are a great help.. To be ,paid- of age, �nd having other omupations- , w*".I Take , I ltqU'epV00nW, fou f .11 .i ,., Tho do of mothe- do the BUM6 ' I .. 11 - . - . .s and -as a rule are, open erations. Certain charges such as, tel- Wangham Advarwe­,Timel� ..$ &00 S. That" in pinion a younger times, a day. . I � . :1 l , . or 915 until between 5 and ephones and, stationery are now piihlie buildings, a whole- felt the 'lot u,2; for colde but for fretful- Stgrml Printing Co . ......... 72.60 man, who will boeuralfull, -tirde bovistable This will Uften bring qiA& relief * The tonilmlittele as dige§tion, C%StiPsti0n, - u ad- nees, In H set Record Printing Co . ........ 4.80 is required, as a competent aasis6ait- from the"Alstressiog he%d noims. . in the afternoons. On Sat- charged up under their vario s he trip'well justified in view of the valu- teething tioublos, Cc a. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,,; 11, I-, 11� 80( , 'IS ' ' b I ............ �,Ili I 1� 11 -1 . . �Lt' ;,r,if"­`�."^,t,a�0 -ys we c4f- ings. I propose tol charge the various able informtion obtained. � . )u. Baby a wn I Alexandra Marine Hospital. 6.60 JWle therefore recoxiOnead. ' Clogged upstrilo shoOd o^ - reath- . I I . , , I'll, ". I "C"V", ft -have found tbaft our stomach an I d in reliev . I . I "Ill, , J�,,,, , , are tM'only ones open and that -ilents with their share of these Old Age Pension ,Account .. 180,8.02 L That lJohn FwgV0011-, ,County ing bepme oasy'and ae mwirti stop ., , , I 11 .� .. , ,­ff departp We have for the benefit of the equn-. Tablets are afO On sure alim ;;z I , � ,,, . jug childhoi common Wingham, GenerAl Hospital . ' 157.25 ,Qanst&h1e,,Dlyth be,pbatiwwd It"Gi6d�- oroppirW illitto the throat.' It, U, "By ,�, 1, on K � - I the actua , 1,*,1,,. "' 7, , I � ! ... j(",M,,. ith, very few exceptions th�ye are coots. We will kft15,v-v, then I . � ,t..01',,�.._ , cil ds a whole, secured the co -opera- Price 25c. ?, , " u -Court House. cost A administration of thW,e de- tion G,f M . 13G Jos. CL Qu;rie ............. 1.95 6ricli as'a full-iifi�e county cowtable. to prepare, costs little And is IP161w- , _�, 2AV callers at �� 2 the .1 Is it I r. Ray of the Hay Station- I ji, , 11. 2I, � * ithe intention of county counci that partments. I have discussed these 0 Wroxeter Oomi. i8chool .... T , !;��2.q§ 12. Uiat 'Bylaw No. 16, 1934, -be, ant to. take. Anyone who has cmAarrh4 k _� I � J R, I � , .", Company, Loadom Mr. Hay has - - deaftem or. head, noises. -should 6 , ft'f ��, -.2 ' cry. � ie Hospital ... W.30 ai�i' I and th6 f6lifting added I .�, I 11" . berk and Treasurer changes with Mr. Qibbs, the auditor, IfIve I . ), �M ".. ther lie in, the � wry kindly offered to address -the 11MM . Clinton Publi endid n I I - I " 1, Court ,House on all ,Saturday after- tenda- . . (19-65 thereto: net John Ferguson The th�W prescription a trial. . , � ma onin . ..". �'� council during,the -present session I . � I , 1,,��4� � noons9 it is understood of ,course t,ions in his report. t matters Pertaining to equipment 'such. .- Seadorth News ........... g. �,;,3.60 paid the sum of $290 salary as court- . . . . . I -.,' �- �, that ��hen our w�c,rk requires it ,we I would take -this opp .0 as ,we are interested in,. . .. 6 -&ment officer under the IAq- . . I I . . k P ,,`�" � Drtunity � tolL John B. M=tard ........ . .55. ty enforc I -..-. . . , . ­­ -6 . . . . - ��, ,�, � . " �_ 1. ,would always be in our. offices on the I pay tribute to the Warden. Mr. El- plo,or covering of inlaid linoleuvii we do not believe the Statutes re- A,Ibert. Steviewon .......... 3.00 uor Control Act, Payable quarterly. � I I . I I . l:he E such ibills. We I L; 10 ,��,�, afternoons in question, whe'ther liott has ,been, very th"o-ugh in t1*' has been laid in the offices of the nL quire payments of Post Pub. House, Brussteels. ., - 3.00 K- Thgtt this �aunty council peti- AUBURN I ''I `;, . . . , ,� , bylaws require Out* presen.S�e or not. dttities of his position. He was ever This would like a Reifused- tian the Ontario Legislature to have -, 1q, . I gineer, Treasurer and, �Clerk. ,discussion in open copn- I � ", , year 1934 your e u u his matter. Dr. If. Arnold S. Vokes, M.O. Jobn tFerguion spipointed Provincial The regular (monthly" lypestinj of I �11. ., . Income. -During the . � ready to arrange his tim, to s it () r was completed after the flooring in 61 on t ,�- that,the auditing Of the (H., Ashfield ..,..* ........ 15.50 Enformnewt Officer under the LiquoT the Cou'acil of the Township of Hay �� 1, �IUL , Clerk has dTawn over and above the needs. I NNrisb also thank the Talem- these offices had received the reces- iW.e believe k - 0 ,6� 4" regular salary the suni of $128.50- berq of the County Council for their -y repairs, sanding, etc., incident,, criminal Audit Accounts could be ac- Not to be -paid until ei by Reeve Co-rj�rol Act at a ,salary of $200 per was held in the Town Hall, ZuriciX - sai 1. I �- This is for attending to Old Pen- co-operation als,o lbe various county , -oper layin ' oqlm�lished in a period of three dajV, .,of Tp. where patients reside. annum -replacing The& GundTy. Sr., on Monday, Dec,omtber 3rd, with all , � I - g of the floor cay- ��, ..... . � , . . ,auditing on criminal accounts � officers. All ha�-e been willing to co- to the*pi rovided such accounts ar%in P -r -^-r Strathroy 0�nera Hospital. 278.25 and that Jas. Ballani �ALL.A., -be the inembers present. After dispos- k 0 �� . " -, sions, ering, We found the supports under p ;; ::1 " ��, i and all other extra, required of him. I opertiite for better service and 'have h Engineer's Office, in a very bad order for presentation on the dates Paid, when o.k.'d by Reeve- . requested -to see that this uppoint- ing of the communications the fol- J ... " .; .. y thahks to the, b, rteous to -any requests- t e set for stch audits. St. ,Mich�aells PIDsp., Toronto 43.76 ment is made. lowing retlolutiow, were passed: That ,i�-,- I wish to convey in: ee statle of repair and it was deemed ad- Honour the foll1owirAg be appointed polling � I ­ bers of the county council for � Receipts -and Expenditures, (Gen- vis have this 'corrected also be- ,We ,have found that almost inv,Ar- We met -School Insipecto, I, Field and lWe ihave requested lHis I memf a,ble to r k f i- � I,' � to me during . iably these audits have ,been prolong- Beac(nn in the Judge's Chambers at Judge 'Costello to have the ixamle ,of places, Deputy Returning Officers and ,�,'. the consideration shown ,,eral Account, Jan. 1 to No. 30, 1934: fore laying the li I Aceordinglly I pol�l ­ . I by .the. -bills not being presented to 2 O'clock pArk., Thursday, I?ec. 6th, -re Th,os. Gundry, ,ST., removed from� the Poll Clerks for the sevem .jIng L 1. "... , r. - as coun- Receipts this was done. 1_-�_uf my fl,rist year in. my pos:it�on . he , ce of the En- e� 0 � , ­ I . - Taxes collected .: ......... $13,253.80 -A- J- dispute of Inspeeto,rls expenses for list of county constables so that Mr. places -in-' the Townlship of JEDay 'for R.- fty clerk. I also express ii".�, apprecia gineer ,was redecomt d throughout. the auddbors in, proper shaptil . , � . 15 iti,on to the W'arden and to Mr. Ers- Licenses .......... ..... 544.50' Goldthorpe, Chairman. the, mlDnths, of July and August, 1930. Ferguson -will be given the Work Of the year 1935, and that By-law No. ), I 1i . The ladies' wash room was also re- mmittee Hie Honour Judge T. W. Costello re- .t,he offlw,L. I,. Cardliff, Chairman. 1.1, 19,34, confiriiiing sume' be 'read I � Ap throughout the 429.89 decorated. Report of the Education Co � kine. for their lit C ' - ,,, I - r.-J� M. Roberts , Co,unty Clerk. I ��,.,!gi:tlyy - 6fiie.e. .. . - - - -. - - .. .. 317.37 During the present sessi We herewith submit lour report for served. his decision -but may give it Report of the Executive Committee thii6o -times and final-ly paw&d: P*11 . I , "I . � I yea Treasurer's Report ' d Age Pensions . * ....... 7,157.10 committee has visited the following the period just conclu&d. Raving fol- before ��.the end of our sesision­�John We, the members of the Executive No, 1, School, House No.- 2, E. Camp - I 0 d'hij i� - wed instructions contained in the 24 Eckert, Chairman. �, , a � I n li. _ 't1al -� The close of the year denotes the A t . n of Julstke 1 1,037.79 county buildings: lo Committee, 'beg leave to report as belill,' IDVRI.?O,, 1CHfbon Proutly po I - ­ close of my first year as Treasure,r Magistrate's fines ........ 251.00� At the Gaol we found there five High Schools Art, Sec. 33 (2) and the ' Old Age Pensions Board follows: -� 0ler1k; Poll No. 2: St -hold House Wo. . 1. � , ,of Huron County. During the�-year I Interest on Bonds, Chil- prisoners. Con,ditions were v*ry sat- Ca , See. 7, we As Chairman of the Old Age Pen- iOur duties for the session have 14, D. Burns, D.&O., S. WArthur� I � I 1. . , .1 have 'been faced with quite a problem. dren's Shelter ......... 60-00 isfactory. We recommend, that the have,arrired at the following figures, sioris Board, Iherewith tender my re- been very light. Me ,only ,matter re� Poll Qevk; 'Pa. No. 3, Town HaIL W. � ) l ,� � . in June I submitted the.estimates for Redemption of lands .... 349.29 physician's Record be purchased, which will be remitte4 for with your p,ort for the ,.period, from June. ses- ferred to us for eonsideratiloiii being O'Brien, DX.,.O, IVL &hddbe, Poll % � . ��� I .. the wlih sonie misgiving, hav- Division. 'Court fets ...... 85.05 At the Registry Office we found the approval, before Dece,inber 14 next, sion to,the present -ti-me. a cominunication fran� the Agricul- Clerk; Poll No. 4, Towii Hall, D. Ols- . I . no concrete precedent to follow. Sundry 'revO,nue .......... 71.28 to the several schools concerned: Since the last report the f4lowing, tural Council of Ontario asking for a wald, DJLO�, A. 0. Hess, PoU Clerk; . ing * building in a gc�od con0itdon in gen- , -th- July ,15lth, ,grant from this county of lmoney to Poll No. 5, School House No. 5, U. A. I . At that time it was our aim to wipe Hospitals municipalities eral except that in our opin:ion it High Schools and colle I giateSL wi meetings have taken place: , 11 , h: out a carryover of $40,000. As it accoun� ..... � .. ...... 1,84.5.31 needs considerable repairs and decor- in the County: . SepteWber 6th and' Npvembpr 8th. assist them in the ca I rryin,g on of Pfile, P.R.O., IL Truelafter, Poll $,5,o0iD of accounts Rank loans .............. 70,'000.00 ating. We feel this, matter should Goderich Collegiate Inst...$ 9,gr59.40 The following is the result of these their worX . Clerk; 111611 No. 6: Kelleuriman�s Store, I I turned oii�t Over . M I , 1. en listed un- Bank loan, carry-over, i933 45,000.00 have attention when the qqestion of Wingham' Higih Sthool. - .I. 7,482.00 meetings,: I After due consideration we ,have IC. Pfile, DALO., A. Welber, Poll Cler1c; I � der cu ' hi ­ . rrent liabilities, came in. This � new equipment is, dealt with. .Seaforth Collegiate, Inst... 9,381.f>5 July Sept. Nov. decided to recomaiiend to t it council Poll No. 7: School House No.' 3, J.. I , , oogition of having ,High Schoo4 ...... 6,571.24 Appli I . . _.� placed us in the I -a' $14,0,402.3S The Magistrite's Office was in'fair- Exeter ' ,pations granted .. � 11 13 29 that this matter. be left *ver to be B.. F%orrest, DA.O., 1. A. McAllister, g I Which Expenditures Iy good condition. Not being sure as I _ Cli_ntoA,,,Collegiate Iitst. � .. 10,229-00 Applications recon* ,considered at (the January meeting, Po,lI Clerk; Poll No. 8: Filbert Den- � . $45,GOO to wi-pe out, $5,000 of � . . I i mended� . .� .......... 18 ' 23 20 0 . I 11 �, ,ms not provided for in the 6r,timates. I Mother!s Allowance ...... $10,940.00 ' f tbig counc4l ,and that in. the mean- oirtme's Store: F. E. Ducharme, D.E- ..'' to - -,�,hether this building will be - re- 1 29 Not recomnilende,il .... 6 5 4 tiry,16 our .Cle,4k correspond with this 0 J Clorriveau, Poll- 01"k * Tha�t - ' " - . , . � . . In .conjunction with the' Clerk this Children's . Shelter ........ 2,726.20 quired another year we have taken $43,623- _;i;�7 re"munerati,lan for the Tax Collm- I I 11 . . angle of the, situation was given .rnuch I Admini, tratim of Justice, . 13,4-24.6.5 the , necessary precautic,rhs- of notify- Continustiorl, Schools within Coun- Applications- deferred' A . 3� ' 3 organization and secure � more inform- . . - I . . . - � I .ht. cidet-there--wa's -1Y Old A sion§ ..:..._._12382�39 ing the landlord by registered letter ty: , . Increase in � Pensions ' . ' . a,bian reglarding , their - work anA fin -an- Ttor for the TowrisliiA -of-H,ay be, fixed . . -.1. thoug We de ge P6nr . . i, one way to clear it up. We must make Grant ... .......... ...... 2,650.00 Our intention of releasing the build- �Uensall Con. Sc�hool ..... $ 2,062.50 recommended ... .... , 6 2 13 ciaI. requirements. -Peter W. !Scott,, at $76.00� he to furnish a bond satis�- --sufficient savings in the various d- Munizipaf Governmert .. . 5416-10 ing. We still have the opportunity of W'roxe'ter C'OT� School .... 1,176.00 Increase in pensionls, I . Chairman. factovy to the ,council in the sum of I I ,e -e of it. I am Schools .......... ...... 6513-88 Blyth Con. School ........ 1,31935 granted . " ... 1 14 - - , Report -of Legislative Committee $5,000.00, and that Bylaw No. 14.- . I pm,tments to tak care,. , - , : re -renting , ...... ... . � I I glad to state at this time that we Regis�ry Office ........... -381.21 , I � nsurance Policies have 'been check- Brus*sels ,Con- School _.. 1,6152-60 Reduction an pemsio,ils I . . [We beg ,to submif our report ,as .1934,,confirming same,be-read three '. I L . hsve affected ,savings that will ainouint Gaol 3 , 4,51.42 1 1 F�oydwjclj Con. School " ' ... �,225.25 recom1mended .. ... ... 4 1 follows: , . times and finally passed. That ac- - . I .1 . Reductions in Pensions ** I I to aver $5,000 and I firmlly believe Pr.nting*, * *a�v'e'rtis*ing**,* *s*ta­- . ed and -found in good ordler. au 0�f Zurich Con. ;Sc,hool ....... 445.30 ' � (Re moti,6n, of Bowman and Sweit- counts covering payments ,on tow -n - The new floor runner in the h ., � I ..i �: . tliat' the end of the year will show a t;onery an('. postage ... 1,965.41 the Court H . ouse has greatly im,prov- 1 — authorized . .... .... ... 4 .. zer, re local'investigating committee -ship roads, telephone, salaries and , clean sheet. Redemption of lands .... 349.29 ed the appearance of this building. $8,881-20 Notices cf death and on Old Age Pensions, we reconimend general sepounts be ,passed as� per. I � 11 i stated in June that there would Denu-rd loan interest .... 3 , 699-59 When �-Dmpleting this' runner - we These figures include the special those transferi,ed.,to that the resolution, be forwarded to vouchers: Towrishirp Roads -George .., be considerable. savings in interest CounLy Prolterty ........ 1,126-89 ,,hou-ht it addsable -to have the edges grant allotted to each school.' Of the other locakties .... 10 13 1,1 the ,Minister ,of Public Welfare ask- Hess, signrs, $2.50; A. G. Pybirs, Road I ., � . on loans. I can now state that the Insurance, heat, light and : . I an-ount paid -to county high schools Request.. for reinstate- ing that the Present system be car- 5- $3.65; A. Snifth, Road 8, $8.15; J. ,.;. . cleaned and varnished. I .. savings will be, telephone ...... ...... and Colilegiates last year, totalling merit ........ ...... .. .. rie,4 on as in the past. I 1: - o�er $1,300. . I also 1,766.2-1 We also had the seats for public . 1 Sararas, Road 15, $4.52; Canadul Col. . . derable amount in Hospitals .......... .... 17,714.79 . $47,296.1,5, each school board is en- Applications fbr pen- !Rie communication 'of the County Co., pipe, RoaId 18, $24.48; E. Erb,- % . Pic uqe cleaned and varnished. . I . .." I ,crimi . nal jusbice'lwcount� that had,not Yis,cellaneous ...... .... 1,32.63 ' " We feel that -with the excellent at- titled to a refund,on the proportion, sions refused .... I... .. .. -8 of Haldimand, we reconymend that Road 9, $95.01; W. Heist, tile, Road I .. . . been -sent in, .Some . of*theni as far r4 Tran-,�ter to County Home -ention being given by our caretaker that each town�s equalization bears- Amounts paid ,Board covering cc,s,ts -this matter be dealt with by the coiin- 9, $5.60; J. M. Riclilardson, Road 5, . . . , 2% years back. The Clerk will report bank amount ........... 9,900.00 that this hallway will add greatly to zation. of Board meetings, $104.30, $10,20, cil as a whole. . %6b'T: T. Steinbach, Road 8, $6.30; � I I a reduction in hig1h and dontinustion Audit ........ .......... 176.95 Of the amount paid'to Continuation $97.6-5. Re fresolution o(f the' Counity of X M. Russell, *Road 1, $7.50; F. .. I I . I due solely to a new C ') the insidle appearance of the ,Gourt Seblools last year totalling $5A,37.07, Amounts paid, for Old Age Pen- On.tarib, rethe -taxing of chain stores KaMoilg* luviber, Road 115, $51.76; . I I school payments orn Borer Inspector .... 142.70 House. I . I ,I I each school board concerved is e'n- sions: July 3, $1,092,06 for month of by way of'asgessment: As this is a A. Reichert, Road 4, $5.41); B. Elder, I " .system of accounting requ,csted from Taxes returned to, Tps. - - - 13.206.81) We reclommend that the barristers' . ,'', � . e o adminis.1ration of need and painted as the titled to a refund on the proportion May; Aug. Ist, $1j613d00 ,for month debatable question we feel that 11iis) operating crusher, etc., $71,08; R. I . I I �. room be clea ,,, .. I th,e, Old Age Pensions is materially $107,968.60 caretaker 'has ,kindly offered to do that -each town's equalization bears of June; Aug. 18i $1,2M75 for tnon-th ,"latter shoWd be dealt with in open! Miller, Road 9, $106.05;, F. E. Den- , . . ill County Highways the wo'rk ,without remuneration pro to the tobal county ,equalization. ' t. 21st, $1,2,0&47 for the council. � j 1, reduced; inunicipal government w - omme, Road 10, $1.65'; S. Ropp, RdL j, . - ' July. Se . I 801,91 10 J Re resfolution of the Roa � UISID show a o*od reduction. T'lierL Sur-dxy' revenue ......... $ 4 month of August;'Oct. 1 -9th, $1,212-99 County of 2, $2.10; Q. Surerus, d 9, $24.95; ;, . . I .. vided the paint is supplied hi ;1 for tSclhools OutAide the County, Grants I ., �.- are several oth�er changes made in Rebate gas tax ........... 1:616.76 ,his purpoFe. Payable: for Sept.; NolvL 30th, $1,308.02 for Peri we recommend that this reso- W. J.- Jarroft, part salary, $40; O. 11 ,, . . .,M. . . . the system that. will -,-how no Tnater- Department Highways, sub- I I Re the purelhase of soot destroyer Cliffor I d Con, School ...­$ 832,40 October. � lution be read'in open council and Koehler, Road 3, $17; J. Oesch, Road . . , . . ' 119.32 ,�,,* 11al res-Ult this year but have been in- sidy, 1933 .... I .... I ... 45,525.67 Harriston.High School ... Pensioners'on pay roll at June ses- ftnally ,,dealt 'With. F, $2,62; W, Fischer, Road 11, $10.28; .. �� we recommend that t,he council, as a I . . 1. , lstftuted and -are taking effect, Gol. Hig�iways, un2mploy- . whole, deal ,with this matter. It is Listowel High School .... 1,188.86 sion, 6M; pi since'granted as The report of the Legislative Com- W. Farrell, R,oad 18, $4.75; G. J. I . rk has been heavy. rrent relief ..... I ..... 15,221.77 Lucknow Con. School .... 1,680.00 per above list, 53. Total 736. mittee was read. and on motion was Thiel, cartage pipe, 75c; N. Foster, � ,� 1. I The year�s wo oLr opinion this matter should, have I . . I � he highways has Bank loans ........... _ 108,001100 due con34 deration. Park,hill High School .... 466.40 Pensioners since taken off,pay roll re -read clause 'by clause. Reeve Roads 6-15, $37.95; -H. Stetribach, Z. I 1� I .11 The relief plan on t " Ripley Con. School ...... 59.61 list, 34- Pensioners on pay roll at this Wright occupied the chair. On *)re- P. V., $16.90; F. J. Haberer, Road 7, � ��,111, . required more work", the new systein Bank loans, carryover, 1933 54,000.03 We cordially invite the council to � I bookkeeping requires more woric; — . St,. Mary§ C Institute ... 176.401 time, 742. I. reading the report was dealt with as $3.15; T. Dinsmore, Road 18, $7.70; �� Of jn�.pect the work dionle by the Pru- ..,", :. � I ,the tax- sale list was. not ondy large . $929,166.11 porty Comi-nittee �gince the June ses- onon nit -al & H. S. 372.501 The details in connection with Pen- follows: I J. Parke, Road 1, $19; J. M. Ziler� - I 11 I (H -A troublesome, but ,we have manag- Disbursements sion. Stratford Board of Educa- 4,,.,.l sions are constantly in the process, of Paragraph 1: Re recommendation Road 10, $71.70; W. E. Turnbull, RdL . , .&,% ..$124.9 . 1� I - . . ed to overcome most of the diffi-cul- Payment "uchers . ... . 275-91 The Property Committee ba.s bad .t'on .. ......... . ­­ change, Owingi to, the I cointinuous that a resoluti,bri be sent to the blin- 12, $50.06; T. Welsb, gm,vel, $10.72; . , 11 wrigh to state to the council Pay I ists ................. 406.00 Ripley Con. School, for 1933 104.3) c�-r,-q a great deal of detail is re- ister of Welfare asking that the pres- A. Mousseau, Road 3, $4.35; P. - . I , ,, tfes. I two meetin-2--, during the whole vmr ()0=21� . I I �'11 2 — .— ,_� I W. Coleman, Rd. I I I . that the assistance of the Clerk was Deniand loan interest .... 133.13 and in addition one,trip to London .:-d in order that the county may ent system of Old Age Pensions be bell, Road 14, $1.40; . 11 , Loans retired ........... 4000-00 1 '5,042.30� - rried'. 2, $2.60; Mbare Bros', repair account� tV ., a �big factor. Mr. Roberts gave m� 5 : and Middlesex County in regards to 4) P� , 11 time; be conversant with the carried on as in bhe; pa&t--JCa ' � "I f, ch�ools out,,;ide the county are .-,)a:`1 -,:tuation, The records as they now 2: Re resolution from -the County $16.10. Salaries -A. Weliek, Reeve, I . ,, -a. -good deal of his time, ,mostly ov, . — . lz S. ' I "I $180,815.04 in.plection of fUing equipment for the grants as follows: 80 per cent. of the, e ist permit the members of the of Raldimand regarding milk trade; $75; G. Armstrong, councillor, $65; :., � ertime and Saturday afternoons dur- Registry Office. Total cost of these x .. � Rep6rt of Property Committee net expenditure apportioned on basis Board to ,obtain any data they may moKied by Reeve Cardiff and second- W-. Haugh, councillor, $65; E. J. Wal t , "I �, " jAg the busy .periods. three meetings totalled $149.50.- . - , ty of last year's attendance only. i ; "I r . ,I have a few recommendations to Since the last session of coun Robert Turner, Cbairman. require from time to ti'me. ed by Reeve Saunders, that the reso- per, councillor, $635; M. Turnbull, coun- I , 'r,l The following statement shows how Our understanding of thenew regu- 4ution be approved and, a petition cilloir, $65;A. F. Hess, ,ballancle, I ., � make and I wo,uld like the council to council the Property Committee as a Warden's Address $235- . ." � , , I IlrecGrd their approlval. At the present whole, and with the slanction of coun- As members of the Hur6n County the expenditures will have been dis-. lations applicable to the handling of sent to the Winister of Agriculture. General Aocount--Z. P. Village, town- ' .. 1. time the Old Age Pension cheque -9 ty council, visited the City of L -on- C tribute� These agree also with the I Old Age Perisions is that the Board _iCarried, ,ship -grant, $138.75; J. Albre,cht, care- . . I . fo,r the inmates of the House of Re- don and Middlesex County Registry ouncil for the year 1934, -we have Treasurer: appointqd by county council each year 3: Re resolution received from the talker, $40; L. 'H. Rader, refund tax- % I , I I s revenue of tht, Offices, for the purpose of ' . arrived at th,y closing cha:pt,er. Thp Committee Pay sheets ... $ 42.75 will bedisband'ed. A-11 applications af- County of Ontario regarding taxing es, $10.75; S. R. Hart, tax arrear / I , . I fuge are t.aken in a u inve-stigat- year just drawing to a close has been . General Account. This is real4- a Rev- ing filing equipment as in Se in these - High Schools, Colletates ter the first of the year will be com- of chaiu stores, ordered filled. ledger, $5.35; N. 4rTascho, Divisiou "I I . - offices. an eventful one in as far as county and Con. Schools within pleted by the Clerk of the Municipal- 4. Re resolution of the ,County"of Court -sitting-,,, �8;" H. Imausius, in- I 4, � . enue of the Home and as such is en . . affairs are concerned. Last December � I'll ", I titled to go direct to the bank at The result of our investigation we witnessed the ushering out of a ... . �52,504.4q ity concerned. He will forward them. Perth in regards to liability of par- specting West Branch drain, $5; W. . 0". V ' Clinton. Trairsferring th�e mon more conversant with the Schools outsid,e� the county: to the County Clerk, who in turn, will ents for the maintenance of their Miller, ;error dog tax, $2; Treasurer . . I �y af- very unfortunate episode. The year . ' I I ii. : ter costs exchange and this expense Zqtreursents of registry offices in as 1934 -was, in a sense, a new begin- ,Fifth, Class grants, ..... 2,960.03 sen,d then! to the Commlission to be ,chilld,ren in hospitals, -Ordered filed. Huron, hoslPital account, $61.Z; D. I I could be elinidnated. The result will mfuch as equipment is concerned and! - n . respect to the handling of Examination costs, $1,- 1 dealt with. The Clerk of the munici- -W. D. Sanders, Chairman. P. Village, towwhip grant, $46.14; . I , . : be that ail revenue of the Home willi revealed tbe necessity of .early con- n' 9 1n 210.47; less amounts re- pality will in due course receive noti- I Tp. clerk, asses.smerntg drains and __ county affairs. , 1�1 I funded $429.89 ........ 780.68 fication from the Commission of their House of Refuge' Committee police vidlage, $66; J. Gallinan, clean- . ;:. . It wa,s my proi�d' privilege to have . .0 I . I been honored with the Wardenship at decision in each case. The Clerk then . ang Schwalm Drain, $3,90; G. J. Thiel, I , I � . . . Total net expenditure ..­ $61,80623 Roll call ,showed all memlbers pres- hauling wood, $3; T. E. Druhmond, I I:., . this crucial time. I entered the post has 20 days in w1hich to appeal, fail- en.t, inclu .� .. I I ding the Warden, namely: of Warden fully conscious of the re -,Comparative figtres for the ing whic�h the decision of the Cam- a,cc(nmt iriftvnt, $11.30; J. Block, re, . I Reeves J. W. Gamble, Jas,. Ballan- transients, $2; 'Hy. VAegand, error I a . sponsibilities entailed and determined 'Year 1933 ............. $66,2N.12 mission will become effecti,ve. . , . . . Since the last county council meet- Weheartily approve of the fact the tyne, Jas. Leiper, Wm Archibald,, R. . �� �, I to carry out my duties to the very dog tax, $a . Telephone Accounts- �111]1 WHEN best of my ability and 'having now ing the -Chairman and 'County Clerk, County Clerk will continue -keeping Johnston,'and G. a. Elliott, Warden. Bell TelephonleCo., tolls, Sept. to Oct). .�i - K paid a visit to London in order to the records of thi - the completed my task, I can stand aside. .. 'a important -depart- Mr. J. W. Gamble- occupied - chaiF. $10f7 10- E. Gaiser, refund rates, $18; I 1, ll, In the absence of Mr. Roberts it E. Y. *�Iper, ,galarY, $10; M. Turmn_ I ? I . - s-; with the London Board of ment. He will he the 'key man and 1� . mti-sfiad that I have -erved- you faith- I'scu . . . . . I . � you rush madly to the station a m m fully in the task entrusted to me. ' Education the question of Huron through blis records only will we have 'Is m6ved by ,Reeve Johnston and' bul,11 salary, $10; A, F. Hess, 'balance I .... I I , t. '' The financial affairs when the final County pupils attending Technical access to the figure facts of Old Age seconded by Reeve Ballantyne, that salary, $225; Tovuship 'Cle"k, Stan- ; P and you jus'#,, rniss the last train figures -are -presented to you, will .School. Your chairman, -through the Pensions so the -County will ,know W. R. Archibald be Secretary. -L -Mo- ley, re Ha -y systenf,7$5; E, Laird, re I : .1 . ­ prove to you that we have made a County Clerk, had on. July 26th last (how ito mloney is being used in this tion carried. . I Hay system, $1.60; P. McIsane, labor, �1 . , � decided improvement in the financial advised the London Board that in his work. ' The minutes of the meeting of Se� $3&20; T. -C. Stevenson, re iffay sys- I 1, . tember-4 were read and adopted. , I ult 'pinion they should permit pupils- at- iWe, your committee, have discuss- tem, $1.50; Northern Electric Go., .1 'l 1: . . . L . condition of tl'h,e coiintv. Thi, res . . i, ir . I tendance to the Technical School pro- General accounts- for t1he quarter -sulpplieg, $33.3'4- A. Melick, salar'Y, . , I has' not been accoiriplished without ed this qhange. Wle cannot under- # �� I �� � , the very loyal a."istance of you gen- vi-ded theyare willing to arrange set- en,ding November 30, 1934, were and- rig, salary, $10; W. � ,. stand how the applications" will be $15; G. Armstroi '',l I I " � -I . tlemen, who have served witb me dur- tlement of -fees on -a basis thlit would Investigated as very few contain the ited and found correct and signed 'by Hauigfi, -salary, $10; H. K. Eilber, re, I Cr_,�_I_ ti,,e Chairman and the Inspector. - ,,: V_ ing the year, and to the un,selfishness, 'be vati-sfaotory. Otherwise these pu- proper information. We will watch The new garage, which was authoT- Hay sys,temn, $Z5; V. Fuller, re Hay . �� , I � of the county officers who have, se ;; tpr _ pils would be prevented from enter- the change -with in, . est. I srysibern, $2fl1 Zurich Central, switCY-' ' " .il ing Technical School -and it was not :zed at the last mileeting, was iw,pm1_ - I 11 I ed you for long hours to accornpi During the preceding quarter we ing 4 weeks, $68; .H. G. Regs, labor, 1� ; ed and found to be satisfactory. The '111 I the r"ult attained.--4G-eo. H. Elliot,t the wish of your,chairman to prevent reported that a ,Mr. Green� Ingipector n etc.', $96.95. The c6unciladjourned to- w,-(,' . - Warden. ' these pupils from obtaining the ad- for the Comlinission, had called a spe-, cos;t of construction. was less tha meet again on, Saturday, Deeember , I e'ril.. . I . nical -al meeting of the Board onMay 13 $200, the amount authorized for the ,l __ I. 1 M �Sa_. Report of Criminal Justice Accounts vantages of Tech SCI1061 triain,­ ci 15, 1994, at�1,3,0 o'clock in the after- ", I - . "I", V11 , . W --X-.- ing. The 'Board -had previously de- last. This meeting was expre%sly fo ,construction of salmleL noon.—A. F. Hess, Clerk. . .0 - We beg to report as follows: r 511� Sk I That tthe accounts, wlitch have been ci,ded not to pernift pupils from Huy- the purpose of discussing certain mis- The accounts paid for the four 4 " , �,Az , . n attending unless the county would understandings that had existed for quarters of the year ending Novem- . I presented to this Committee during I . ��� I i .1 I . I . Ir 0� the current year, Ilialvie been most undertake a contract to belcome re- months previous- ber-30* were as (follows: Feb. 2fth, Joe TOM Hdra 'of SalpUlpa, O'ld&- .. % I carefully ,checked. sponsible for go per cent. of the cost 'Follorwing Mr. Green,'s visit a great $4,558.92, ist,quarter; May $19, $4, - . I '' of such pupils. rrlanY applications 549.33, 2nd quarter; Auguist'31, $4,-- (home, announces the birth of a 2ftd I I . ll I it ) ,In some cases errors in calculation The London Board, is now awaiting 'pending for month -s that had been 930.14,, 3rd quarter; November 30tal, chdld -to his wife. who is 88. Mr. I I . 1. l,ave been discovered and -have been were dealt with. . , 1, - corrected accordingly. In, -some cages the decisioii, of Huron County Council You will note that the June pay- Uo2O4.19, 4th quarter. Total, $17,- HOM shOulldft"t li'o� so loud�_�­ ,."... I Met. . der Cities Star. . �. , account% -have been, disallowed. In all in this 'm6 merit amounted to $1,4013.00. This in- 251-58- _. 4 , ;­ . . . I . �Ix " . . cases we have ;based ou�r decisions Meanwhile the Board bas apparent- crease wag caused -by ,back payments The total receipts for the four quar- One should not speaik evil of peo- I ;;�,� ',�', � n . and .they're expecting strictly on ,the Statutes, and the ,ly -permitted iKuron pupil's to attend to pensioners whose applications weTe 'ters of the year ,onding Ndivember 1_ ple with ftdiiom one boa just dined, 0 ;�,��', 6 I Technical School in London pendd finally 'Passed, and to which we allud, were as follows: February 26, -$du 1 ilkl� ng Ki� ", arrendmenbs. F ,L� the decislion of county council. Me ed previously. within a)radius, oif a hundred Yar& � �, Oqiring the present year we have 457-31p Ist quarter; 'May 31, $1,584.9N f M t,hfgir hous�__A.ndre X-Aukois. . ,,`�N`, you home tonight a a e ro �,, I �, ndco-vered from the Provincial Go,v- following is a list of such ,pupils,:- The -figures sbown. in the statement 2nd quarter; ,August 81 $1',tG3.94, 3rd 11 �!- I . I ,M, �. Kewneloh 'Broolk, Blytll; Ida Chuter, previously read ate Ag at November quarter November 30, $869.P77, U% -_ � I ll I'll, ernment about .$M,00, that had been ; .1 I 1. �i ," Get to- a telephorm - m n a overlooked in the Past. Varna; Chas. Dickson, Seaforth; Gwen, 8th when the last meeting waa held. quarter Total, $5,49"7. � . , r;.:'. * ---7-,-- __ , �,­,, - ___ \ ,\: -\ . , 1 k � , .I i ;, � . , This was due to Hydro bills at the Hicks, Centralia- Hbwltrd Leslie, Whe tfollowing figwes allude to A committee of two of the mem- _­__11� "I A �. ..� I �,, Gacl not beingsent in with the Crim Blyth; Gordon i�oii, Blyth; Irene changes,thathave occurreA since that . - \71,qlq �� : ,�P��.. Long Distance call will - ScotchmeT, Bayf , ibers, nantely Reeve Elliott and, Reevp , - I � "i 1; I I inal Audit bills colvering a pieriod from iel-d- Irene Woods, time. The figures shown ,below will Leiper, *ere appointed to purdhasle . F7 9 il I .1 '. I.", "I � avoid trouble' and worry. I May 1, 3932, to December 31, 1993. Bayfield; Edna Beaver, Crediton. be included with the ftgures, shown a zuitable g1ft for the Assistant MIR- rFF��_ DODD 5 /;,-� I 11, 7;, , -T 5�111,1"� I . Also a coal account ut the gaol that U is the opinion. of your committee ifn the r,p.xb meeting of the Bo I I", 1�, , ­1� ,,.� . I that Technical school training is more which will be held d1uring ard� tToil, who is to be married in the Year , ,_ '%ff //, 1 4 . �� "I ��, I 11 11 'L��, ; 1. . ,,bad not ,'been included with Criminal. important,, in =-any 1nstpmt#s, than week in December: the last 1fUtUTe, providing the council author- 19 ��_ , " Audit Amounts in 19ft. It is believ- . ,�';� K I D 1-1 i 11�� ":,r as a train, youll ftd I "I . , 1�ry; 0 Evert if you never mi he§ the expelliditUrlb, . � E I . I �� I " I - For anY high schoqj or c6llege traiAing as, it ,Deaths ........... ...... . 0 X t"'�,. .. the telephone a ready v;essenger I ed that ,the merldbers of -this eoriwmit- , I A vote of thanks was e tended to I /, , I � qualffles, the pulpills to ,engage in- Pro- 'Pensions granted .... 1 1 ��J ,, .. "J". , I I I "I'll . kind- of news, Talking on Long Distance . tee could perforro their duties, of the x . / . I 1XI. , � Mrs. Jacobs for the effictent m1anner . . "T,� 1i easy. and so inexpensive. Look in the seliecting olf jiirora, within a period of ductilve, occuplation withio the mu-nici- (Pen1sions rdused ­.::*..­ 1 � // P I L L 11,ki _.:__7 �__ 11,�,,� example, the pupil may - Pcinsions rein.g in which affairs have been conOucted 1 4 " ;,f, OTity. For tated ....... I . � 1.� I ,� I . . fpont of your directory for the Ust of rates four days. The ustral practice hais I 1\0� / I 1 _-:77� S ., I I "I . during st y" �.. 11.1 I 1.� � . o"wo ni*dcs or so for as little as 39 centi6 been to meet for perhaps an 'hou, obtain eourses'in .such subjects as: 'Pensions increased ........ 5 It the 'Homev the pa , r. , I- . I I " '. _V,., , . .. I I I t" , � . cabinet making, Tnot;Ot mlechanics, ear- R. J. Bowman, Chairman orrespondlance received Irm �! " A � \ ­,� I ,,��­ - ,St ,w � Re o � � 1, \ \ -s. . , S�,�, � ,�, � per day for eight days at the rate- of I � 01 Z I "�,, , la,*, the Qu,een Ale3iandra Sanatorium, � 1�__ I I ��j,, - F'�. . .. "I . I . day. Thi& practice .is, not con. pentry, prinling, electrical woiii, etc. I L L K I [ �_� I lell �. � I regarding lthe abo*o unmed Ill ____ -1 ­ � � �,� I , W .1 ____ ) N E Y--' I .11 ,. ;'N, 9 . .1 . I . J = to ,economy and A,e r,esalt­ls for the boys and dressmaking, domes- , Lo,nd6n, ' '1;�. ld� L raA , - H. 1,1� 5 0' 1 I '11, vp 1 1, . 1. a cost W %.e county of peolbably twice tic scien<,le, dieltotici, etc., for the 111MORNAPIAOS, 11yatient, we are, hdornied by `0r1,-.8WW I ­ U D Q, f3 ill', ,,I ', I 11 ", 11�.­ I I � I I . " dor the I : !I � .. ��'. . I . 51" what it should b6� girlJo. I f 0 .. P !A195 R clintolvo 16 Physician L f F! H R ", � � L 81 6�1:0 4ket, W � broujido In lills *nion , - I . ,We Would &aV7 your 6t�,tion to It is obyious, that it o ild be )m- �r'vsl .0 1, . � ,'��i!,`!' . . � I W u % #046, Inouse 02 ugv"Ulul, 1� !, a -C, I Y 1L.' A (,,11,�'Jlil­,, 0 "'T Tq",�.'.!,:�, ", I ;� ,. 1 � "I. ,, ., . - ' so . ,y9y CaMok s(hould'be, NeDt to the " . , , . .- . , ­ . W�� �� ,,V�q,,. , , ,!� ". ',� '1� I , � I I.. . I , Technical i8ehool . 16l1C '. - I , - I " I �k' , h f 116 clud�d in the "-&; I �f;, �Wi,r"� l � � , % rl. �; . ' " , V01,10,11 _ within tbe county as these, i .. "_1011h � _. � � lot Fiefoca-ho W's Was the Pro- oil, I V , � : " 11 '. � rl!4 .! ' � I' ' 'Pro ""' 4 � �" I 001M 'r; , �, 7 1 I, ,�,,. . . � grus; ­ . '111"'., "Afim ­ " ""' I I I _ ;,I I . I .. ­ �, " ' ", ... I I VL"'��lr.,'�'Ijj' 1-', I , . , "',%1" 1 " �,�' 4 , e �ftg - '! "' n, ' d � r I Ole for hun,to be cared, for.- , . . I 'Li I A*& ., - , I'l, " K I �':'."; 1, i M L t �,r , , 6� - �gg -:11111 , ',� N ,, - "'. . , , , . can only b6, "taNiO& *6 I I �, �,i,;9'4i .,, ,..� r1j. 11,117,111 . -, ,f l�,�§�, �,�Ll,­, � , , I , I Ly I L, � , I , I V,� 'j- , , �,, , " , I , , . " ". , � " -fit -0. Iftgor 061ftes. k _]&.� 'Chaft"Au. I I I , _��11.,_,_­.­. I'll. � I � I—— 11 I ... - 1. . ....... ... , " ably in th 3. V6 Gamlble� 1. . I 1111111v14, ­ -"44i" , ,., � ,,�,. ..,. , t "� e"i. I E� to abilain ­ ': - . . �vffl, Is" 111'1L'­,­,wA �i � X !!,# ... .... tm# , "'! ---- - . � � r L . QI . ,_1 -iy,1' �� I ­ . I . . � � . ­ � I �! �� ..I , 11 I I . 1, . , " Nr"1,40.56, . ­ ­ ��i;4�`r . ., I 'i 11, , lR 'k'.' ".1. I . .. . li , 11, � . ,4­­­;­­�­`__�­ ­­­ I � - � . .1.1 I . . .... , �Ik 4 1 �n - " , '��-��� 4Z � . _ ...., ,511 , 1. �Al'lL L ; . I I ,��_5i! I _, & y ".. ;, I , ", , I � �!, ff, ,� 1��!`,Lj'�;'­;!�'�,� I " , ; , V. �;,,:j'). 0, 6,�,,, '' -11 '' - 1�; 11 "', ; � 47 , �. "". �"­­N­­ , .iNl11,y%,y K ��hl',',�,','.,�, ­�;�14,� 1�1.WKI , , , I V 111 . "'I ... I I V� ,,, �; ,�,i; t1W1;;;1 ..... .... � 1. . �N 47102,1 '­ ", . "� I", � '�' I �_C , �',"',�,,� 111111111111