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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-14, Page 5vy ;srs irfM',I yi r 61 4 1 r tK" 934, O1' -4,4s 11 chltpter $ . mr. 400(b W, TUtEi Soar aii>,ds-'WiElrr, IIIA)'•' ONSTANCE .BENNETT, at ler best; in "I,VIMJ 1N ROUGE." NF1W�S R!F L A Musical Treat C1O VIEDY ,N!EYP "TH1URlS!DtAY, FRIDAY and BArrult IAY—o0, 21, 22 . TIM 'McCOY in "SPEED WINGS" eafo a ING and -1 ►HkN B014§1, " OF VERGIE: WINTERS" idio's Da 'i�u.g Controversla1 Dra 'anrshin, '''Shadow . Vill1Q GOMEP t``+ Full of Action and 'Mills Also "The. Vanishing Shadow" - CARTOON and COMEDY COMING—"N.OW AND FOREVER" Matinees Sat. and Holidays, 3 p.m. Two shows nightl ,,7.80 and 9.15. Town Council. (Continued from Page 1) 'clerks,. George Pinkney, A. W. Si1'• leery; East Ward, at Town Hall, depu- ty, J. A. Kerr; poll clerk, J. A. Case; South Ward, at Library, deputy, Earl Ross>; poll clerk, James Rankin. The aioanination meeting will be '.held .at :the Town .(Hall .on ,Monday, Oec" 31'st, rthiornrl 7.30 to .830 pan., and if a poll! be 'necessary it will be 'held January, 7rth, from 91 to '5 pm. (The 'Clerk was authorized to '(have the 'town seal repaired on motion of Cennicillors •Hudson arid Johnstone. Council (adjourned en motion of Couneill.orrs Johnstone and Bolton to meet at 9 o'clock Saturday mernhag. 'Relief Report The report of the relief cominet- dlee 'showed five families to. be on re- lief in November. The bill amounted to $45.06 of whish the town pays one- third, or $15.02. The accounts are as follows: 'Mtiss iPryce,''$1.55; Alex. McGavin, $L42; T. R. 'Anderson, 80c; J. Wesley Beattie, 48t ; Grurnsnett's Daity $7,26; E. L. Box, $1530; Cliff & Sons, $7.28 John .Sclater, $20.07; Tom Chong, 90c. Total,' $45,0'6. • . Finance Committee Reports The report of the finance conumi'ttee is as follows: Public School Board, $6q0; • Collegiate Institute Board $500; Jatmles V.NRyan, salary, $55; John A, Wilson, salary and transportation, $70.85; H. Snell, salary, $60; Thomas Storey, salary, $60; Arthur Powell, wage's, $!5.00; Canadian National Rail- ways, cros'sin'g protection and rent, $17561; George Seip, account, $8.10; 'Township of Tuckers'mith, crushed stone, $36; P. J. Dorsey,account, ' $4.75; R. J. Lovell Co.,. invoice, $1.09; J. :k'. Daly, account, $14.11; Public. Utility Commission, light $312.39; account. $3.25; F. T. Sthewfelt, acct„ $5.40; G. B. E'berhart, gravel, $22.00; Geo. A. Sills & Sons, acct., $2.39; Thomp'son's Book Store, acct., $3.70; John McKenzie,. acct., 75e; County of Huron, acct., $5224.50; John H. Earle, Division Court, $44; ' Public Library Board, $889.37; Public School Board, $564.20; Separate School Board, $530.16; Jos. Heffernan, wages, $2"; C. C. Chamberlain, Division Court, $16; J. J. Huggard, $100; John C. Mc- Kenzie, F'fi°e Chief, $75; Fire Brigade, grant $309; 14 as'sesse'd_ members, $5 each, $70; Street Light, account, 81,- 553.00; F. J. Burrows, M.D., 'M:O.H., :$100; F. Harburn, V.S., acct., $8.00; ° McLean Bros., acct., $22.61; Seaforth News, acct., $208.25; Bell Telephone Co., acct.; $2.45; S. Allen, account, $5.00; W. 'Hawkins, acct,, .$77.60; County of Huron, indigent, $31.30. 00000000000 O O S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth O O. S. T. Holmes' residence; O Gnderich Street, West; phone 0 No. 119.W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 808" O Ambulance Service 0 Night calls, Phone 808. 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. O Charges moderate. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 O O II. C. BOX 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O O Licensed Embalmer `BOO '> Ambulance Service 0 Night Calle Day Calls S> 0 Phone 1'75 Phone 43 0 © O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 `THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. -Ponds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH ONTARIO Phone 91 NOTICE A New Flour (Snowhite) Positi "elyG uarant- { eed :or Money ;funded r, Bag Mc* Dit PRONE -,134;" ito £E. AVORTII, TUCKERSMITH • • The regular meeting of the Tuck- ersmdth Aggressive 'Club will be held at the home of Mr. 'Wallace . 'Haugh on Tuesday, December l8lih. The re- port of the eonivtention will be given by Miss EtnIm'a Brotadfoot. The roll call will be answered by a Christmas message; The Monthly meeting of the Tuck- ersmith Ladies' Club was held at the 'home of (Mrs'. Norris 'Sill•ery with'"25 members and four visitors 'present. The .pgogram included a reading by ,Mrs. G. MaeG1regor, instrumental by Mrs. V. Terryberry; solo by 'Miss Mar- garet 'Crich. Mrs. A. Pepper gave a short talk on a trip p to the Royal Win- ter 'Fans The roll -call was answered by sulgtgeisltioh (fob• Christmas and each member brought a gift to be sent to the north country. ,Mrs. E. Crich the retiring president, conducted two interesting contests. She also thank- ed tbe executive for their co-opera- tion during the past year. The re- mainder of the afternoon was spent in packing 'boxes to be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Solman who are in charge of the school car at 'Capreol for distribution amongthe neebly peo-• ple • in Northern Ontario. The Jan- uary meeting of the ladies' club will be held at the home of Mrs. Howard Crich, the roll call to take the form of a question box. • BRUCEFIELD _ Miss Margaret Mustard, R.N., of Hearst, visited at her home in the village and community recently. The annual Christmas entertain- ment will be held in the school room of the United Church on December 21st at 7.30, when slides showing Christmas pictures and hymns will be shown. IMr. and 'Mrs. James McQueen, Mrs: L. Forrest, Mrs. James Thompson and her mother, Mrs. Chesney, Mrs. Pearson and Mr. John McQueen spent a pleas'an't dinner hour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McQueen last week, the occasion being the cele- bration of Mr. McQuee'n's 80th birth - 'day. He is now enjoying good health, his many friends will be glad to hear. 44414 • CONSTANCE L r , Ross McGregor and Ephriam Clark put on a dance in Forresiter's Hall on 'Friday evening last when a- bout 150 guests were present and all report a good time. The Live Wire Class are holding their Monthly social on Friday even- ing of this week in the church. On Thursday the W. M. S. held their meeting at the home of Mrs. B. B. 'Stephenson. Mr. George Wheatley is under the doctor's rare at present but we hope to see him out soon again. The W.A: held their annual meet- ing in the Sunday school of the church on T'hursda'y;,, November 29th. The pre'sid'ent, 'Mrs. Jas. Hug -ill pre- sided. After singing a hymn Mrs. Ray Lawson and Mrs, E. .Adams of- fered short prayers. Mrs. George Wheatley galv'e a reading entitled, "Nat Time Enough." 'Mrs. Gardiner took the Scripture lesson from, the 2nd chapter of Peter. This stressed this theme, "The art of living." 'Her talk was very interesting. Rev, Gardiner presided over the election of officers which are as follows: President, Mrs, Jamues Hugill; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Robert Regerson; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. George Wheatley; treasurer, Mrs. Earl Lawson; secretary, .Mrs, E. Adams; work committee, Mrs.. James Dale, " Mrs. Austin Dexter a n d` Mrs. William Knox; organists, Mrs. Peter Lindsay and 'Mrs. John Fergu- son. Three were formed and the leaders are IMa:s. E. Adams, Mrs. George Leitch and 'Mrs. Robert Rog- erson, The meeting closed with pray- er by Rev. Gardiner. CHISEL-HURST 'A meeting was held on Thursday afternoon last in the basement of the Chiselhurst United. Church for the purpose of organizing a Women's In- stitute for tisat district. Miss Keddy and 'Mrs. Cottle,.of the Hurondale In- stitute, were the 's'pecial bpea'kers. The following officers were elected : President, 'Mrs. Glenn McLean; 1st vire-president, Mars. Alex. McGregor; 2nd vice-president, Mils. Roy McDon- ald; secretary -treasurer, (Mrs. Frank Rathbun's; ,.Branch Directors: Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. 'Robert McLean, Mrs. Wm. Pybus, Mrs. James Turnbull ;• au s, Mrs. R. Siin'pson, 'Mrs. Alex Mr" '` or; press representative, Mrs. Ca'ms.. • 1 Eyre; ' Branch Representa- tives, Mrs. Glenn MieLean, Mrs. Frank Rathburn, Mu 9" Wm, Martin; District Director, Mrs. F. Ratlhburn; pianism, Mrs. Wm. Pybuss assistant, Miss Ger- trude Martin; Convenors on the Com- mittee: Education, Mrs. Harvey Jaeolbi; 'Healt'h, Mars. Ed. Chappel ; Agriculture, :Miss !Maude McLean; Home Economies, Miss Gertrude .Mar- tin; Legislation, Mrs. Harry Caldwell; Community Activities, Mrs. Carl S`t;bneman; Relief, Mrs. George • T. Wren; 'Historical Research, • SinSlp!son; Publicity, Mi*. Roy c=1 Don'al'd; Indusitlrier, Mrs. Jas. Turn- bull. The January nneeeting, will' be -Meld' on January 2nd. oEier 4�ark.00ln+#• R + " Cxa3i bail Tied Ptatt'a Dog$iscf!14:,tn the howl on 100.143•14.410' wi'dt w.. This offer .ilk. goad'till "POOembex • 21, 1934, Ta the 'Ore* nearVit •to the ,correct eunniger. will" be given.,. '1748 lbs. PRAIRIE ROSE F14).V'R 1-24lbs. • PRAIRIE ROSE FLOUR 1-5 lbs. WHITE' ROS'E', WHEAT FLAKES. Make it a point to Call and make a guess:. WHERE PRICE AND QUALITY ARE TO' BE HAD $2170 .. / 0 OA'NAIDA 'FLOUR " " " . " $2 iV FRA'IIRIIE •ROSE r55 $2.40 POULTRY FEEDS NEW LIFE LAYING MASH �P2.40 19 per cent.�P �! N'EIW LIFE LAYING MASH Quq 41� 17 per cent. • 'Pub1 NEW LIFE LAYING IMIAS'H 'O.A.C. 'Formula • $Z40 NEW LIFE LAYING MASH @3.00 Conlcerita ate "4-1" �D NEW 'LIFE SCRATCH @ i .80 iFEED �P 1 GR1IT CO.'MIBINATION but OYSTER 'SWELL $ 1 .2!0 at •SRR All kinds Mill Feeds, Molasses, Cod • Liver Oil and Animal Minerals. SACKS BOUGHT 'IN GOOD CON- IDIITION—ILamge 3c;,.Sana41 2c. • SPECIAL, CA'T'TLE MINERAL — Stip your 'Stock from/ 'eating boards and bones, this has ;given wondlerfnul results, 100 lbs. $2.75 50 lbs. $1:50 Wholesale and Retail KING ElDWI.A1RD , 90c D. C. Warwick PHONE 51 W S'EAFORTII E C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office• in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office , hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and- Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m" Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 10 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, au'tomolbile, fire, sickness and accident insurance. If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly -give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies • Phone 334 Seaforth, Qat. 3485-'tf STAFFA IMis's Vena Drake of Stratford is at present visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Drake. 'Mr. and Mrs. D. Eizerman of •Mit- chell visited at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. IR. Sadler during the week. IMr. George Tuf In who has been for a time in Stratford Hospital, return- ed to his home on Saturday, his friends hope somewhat improved. MANLEY Much is (being said about the Hep- burn government as regards farm loans and the liquor control. What about it? s The Henry Government had made all kinds of liquor promis- es so Mir. Hepburn had no choice and we must remember that we s'h'ould train our children at home to be tem- perate and have it inculcated in their minds in the Sunday sehools. We were all' created with a free will and if' we have to enforce laws to .take the place of our free will, we don't deserve credit for being good. But if by our word and examiple, we pro- 'du'ce good, we deserve credit. As far as farm loans are concerned, the gov- ernment inspeotors that were sent out in years gone by valued the land so high that ,soon the government will own all the landis they 'have made loans en. It's no wonder they have to be careful. We hear many say the farmer has his living anyway, but if the truth is known they have not got the choicest of living, when struggle to .meet their lawful debts and the long hours of labor they have. to put in. Everyone has to admit that Hepburn is carrying., out his promises by cutting the cost of ad- ministration in two and will bring back 'prasperity if possible. It is easy to find fault even with those who try, their best to legislate. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley spent the week -end with friends in Seaforth. HULLETT .moo. Death of William Dunlop The sad news of the death of' their brother, William, 'Dunlop, reached Mrs. Walter Rogerson, 'Sea/forth, and Mr. Hugh .Dunlop, Hvllettt, recently tram Kinistino, 'Sisk., Where he has lived far twenty-eight years. He was the son 'of the late William Dunlop and was born in 'Howick Township 79 years 'ago. When a young man h'e moved with his parents to IIu'llett Township. He was married to Mese 'MMargarret Lawry, daughter of the lade Mr. and (Mrs. Charles Lowry of 'Sear forth, '$fty-five years ager • Mr. Dun- lop had. 'been in failing health Dor three years wind a week prev'iou's to his death suffered' a 'stroke and died on N'ovrnibt• 7th. His wife pred'ec'eas- ed him eighteen' years ago but he leaves to mourn hi S, loss, four sons, three near Kinistino and one in Brit- ish Columbia, also one snorter, Mir. Walter ,Ro'gesson Setaforbh, 'and one brother,! .tri': -Hugh D tnil'ols, of If31i91- lett. Mhr. 'Dunlop twits a man 'who had d many friends and Witi hiniae'lf a'tiine fr'iend, noted for bis itntegritY and 'tao'k a gnat); lobe&es i` tl tha;tillait+ar cff' his countryt ' Ih'ie area Vast t. Y�ijr Christrnas Shopping At This 419 Store (i: are Lower Prices t 11t t,t 1, You Can Fill Every Gift Requirement Quickly, Satisfactorily, Economically Below is a partial list of Ideal Gifts .Space will . not (permit of description but -you may- rest assured that in every ar- ticle the quality is up to the high standard always'maintain- ed by this store. The variety is greater than most stores. The price is as low as reliable merchandise can be sold. Gifts for Men IN FANCY GIFT BOXES NECKWEAR 25c, 50c, 75, $1.00 HOSIERY 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 HANDKERCHIEFS 5c, 10c, 25c, 35c SCARFS 95c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 GLOVES $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25 FINE SHIRTS $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $L95 BRACES 50c, 75c, $1.00 GARTERS 25c, 50c ARMBANDS 19c, 25c NOVELTY SETS 50c, 75c, $1.00 BELTS 50c, 75c, $1.00 SWEATERS $L50 to $4.50 PYJAMAS ' $1.25 to $2.95 WINDBREAKERS $1.95 to $5.00 LEATF.R COATS $8.95 to $13.50 LEATHER JACKETS $5.95 to $10.00 HOUSE COATS $6.50 to $7.95 BATH ROBES $2.95 to $12.00 MEN'S SUITS $16.50 to $24.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS $13.50 to $23.50 Gifts for Boys NECKWEAR 25, 50c SCARFS 95c HANDKERCHIEFS 5c, 10c, 15c GOLF HOSE 35c, 39c, 50c KID GLOVES $1.00 LEATHER MITTS 25c, 50c BRACES 29c BELTS . 25c, 35c, 50c SWEATERS $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 CLOTH WINDBREAKERS ...$1.59 to $3.75 LEATHER COATS $3.50 to $7.50 .Gifts for Women IN BEAUTIFUL °GIFT BOXES SILK HOSE—Semi-service or Chiffon ...75c CREPE HOSE ---Pure Silk, Ringless ...$1.00 SILK AND WOOL HOSE—Extra value - .79c WOOL CASHMERE HOSE $1.00 HANDKERCHIEFS—Singly 5c to 50c HANDKERCHIEFS—Boxed 19c to $1 KID GLOVES ' • $1.59 to $1.95 FABRIC GLOVES 59c to $1.00 SWEATERS—Fancy Blouse .. $1.25 to $2.95 SCARFS 69c to $1.95 SILK KNITTED LINGERIE $1.00 SILK CREPE LINGERIE. ... $1.69 to $4.25 FACELLE SETS—New Novelty , . 35c and 50c RAYON CREPE VESTS or PANTIES..49c VELVA SUEDE LINGERIE 79c SILK KNIT PYJAMAS $1.95 KIMONAS $1.95 to $6.50 TABLE CLOTHS $2A9 to $8.00 IRISH LINEN SETS $7.00 to $9.50 BATH TOWELS 25c to 75' GUEST TOWELS—Linen,. pair $1.50 FACE TOWELS 39c to 50c FANCY CUSHIONS 75c to $3.50 FANCY DRESSES $3.95 to $12.00 WOOL BLANKETS" $5.95 to $9.75 Gifts for Girls SILK SCARFS—Big Assortment 69e WOOL GLOVES—New Slipon top, 50c to 69c SILK UNDERWEAR --All garments 49c KIDDIES' SILK PANTIES 39c to 49c TOILET CASE -Moire rubber -lined with Wash Cloth 25c PURSES—Colored 79c HANDKERCHIEFS—Fancy boxes, 19c to 29c HANDKERCHIEFS -Singly ... .5c and 10c HOSIERY—Fine Cashmere Rib 39c SILK PLAITED HOSE 35c KIMONAS—Bunting Cloth 35c FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS $1.00 ...,. JERSEY DRESSES, child sizes, $1.19 to $2.50 SWEATERS and PULLOVERS, 85c to $1.59 MT STEWART :r,i.:, {r:a re sss,r" .. - „1. ' 1- sit