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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-14, Page 4it 1 flied Ads will he inserted at new . low cash rates: \Wented, 140)4 and iFound, Coming Events. Etc. -.per word: L weed, ..- l Gent 2nd week % Cent 2rd week.. % Cent minim= ok,ige, first itulertion 25 Cenlsw Each :figure,. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. pf Thanks In. Memoriamo. Notieea-1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. lea inaiy he, directed to a Box Number. care of The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents ,eentptp'aadstit pal,'week will be charged if ads in above classes are not paid by the 'Safi, rd sr night in the week in which the ad was run. • virbhs, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of 'charge. Auction Sales, 72otice to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application.• Wanted Farm Stock .For Sale ;RTANTED.---CATTLE TO FEED STRAW YY /for balance'of winter. Rates reasonable. ''Apply to BOX 20,'EXPOSrPOR OFFICE.96x1 HORSE FOR SALE. — GOOD GENERAL purpose horse for sale. Apply to BOX 12, THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 3484.4f YOiB G ENGLISILMAN, PROTESTANT, desires work on a good 'farm. Fully ex- perienced. Will hire by the year. WW con- sider bush work or any other kind of work. Write giving full particulars in first letter. Free J'anuat y 71b. J. .1. MORRIS, R. R. 3, Hippest 3496x2 Lost and Found T OST.—A SMALL BLACK VALISE, ON '• Thursday. Roder leave at Miss S. 'Gov- enloek's or at The Expositor Office, and re- ceive suitable reward. 3496x1 Articles For Sale POTATOES --FIVE TONS LARGE ?OTA - Roes, $6.00 per bushel either feeding or eating purposed. Phone 34 an 616. THE HUGILL POTATO `FARMS. 3496x1 j OR SALE. ---SONE McCORMICK-DFERING 10-20 Tractor, repainted and in first Bless shape. Apply to The Robert Bell Engine & T hersher Co„ Ltd., Semforth. 3496-1 Help Wanted WANTED..-6.XPERIENCEB GIRL TO DO general house work. Apply to MRS. N. E. COOK, Hensell, Box 234. 3496-2 f7fAN1'k:U- — EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR • " general housework. Apply MRS. D. E. HOLMES, Box 128. Goderieb, Oat, 3495-2 Announcements XTOTICF ALL BOOKS MUST BE RE - turned :bo the Library on or before Mon- day, December 24tJh_ GRETA THOMPSON, Librarian. 3495-2 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE.—.FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3. McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulate apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 33584f Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS maltpisfo •School Report The following is the school report pf S. S. No. 8, 'McKillop, for the months at September to ,December. Names are in order of merit: 'Sr. IV 1Bersiiee Manley 89%, •Gerald Mc- Kay 84, Vera Leo:nh'ardt 80, Dominic Murray 80, Joseph Eckert 78, Marie Heegy 73, Mervin Deitz 73, Clestia Johnson 71, Aaron Kistner 63. Jr. IVB-,De11a Eggert 8.6, Carl Siemon 84, Raymond Kleber 80, Morley Koeh- ler 72, Annie Eckert 71, Laverne Goer 70, Louis Hoegy 66. Sr. III --- Dorothy .S:eherrbaa-th 679 marks, Stephr en McKay 676, Elmer Kleber 665, 'C'y'ril 'Johnson 645, Joseph Johnson 612.. ..Primers—Joseph McKay, Mil- ton Deitz, Allan Kleber and Martin Deitz (equal), Teresa Eckert, Jimmie Horan, Rose • Benxsewies., Mammy Koehler, Kenneth Bauerrnann, Doro- thy Johnson. Nun -thee on roll, 55:— Helen 5:Helen M. Delaney, Teaches-. The regular and annual meeting of the Young People's So'cie'ty was held on December llth with 'Edith 'Hillen presiding. The meeting opened' with a hymn and prayer by Margaret Montgomery. Wilson Little read the Scripture lesson The minutes were read and adopted. The roll call was answered and showed a large attend- ance. Isabel Betties gave the treas- urer's report for 1934. Stewart Dol- mage acted as dhairinan for the elec= tion of new officers for 1936. • They are as follows: Honorary president, Rev. G. Er Morrow; president, Neil Montgomery; Nice president, B Alexander; secretary, Irene Bolton ; treasurer, :Stewart- Dol'mage; Chris- tian Fellowship, Marian Little; Mis- sionary Convenor, Margaret Douglas; wwhioh Mui. Parker responded very feelingly and'1Vfne,' Pax!ler thanked t)h people in her own able manlier. The ,address is as follows: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parker: We, the members of St. Paul's, parish, wish to take this opportunity of welcoming you as our minister and his wife. During mllany years we whavle learned' to lave beth of you -Me. Parker, as a faithful minister, and Mr(l' Parker, as the beat kind of a friend: Naw, you come to us in a new relationship, that of our minister and his wife. We want you both to 'know that you have ear best wishes. May 'all the greatest bless- ings that .God can bestow be yours, and in your h'om'e. We desire to as- sure Mus. Parker of our very sincere welcome and -else we want her to know that wp intend to stand by our minister's wife with all the love and loyalty of which we ere capable. We have brought you a little gift; it car- ries with it our best wtris'lies for your future, -'and Our ;warmest-affectioii'.for you :both, arid an assurance of our continued loyalty. Signed on behalf of the congregation --G. C. Petty, H. Aldrich, Wardens. The address was read by Miss Fee owing to the illness of Mrs. Petty and the. presentation was by 'Mr.'Aldrich, while Mr. Petty presented the ,bouquet to Mrs, Park- er. After the presentation there was a radio program which caused great 'mlerriment to all. The evening was concluded by the serving of ,a dainty . unch. ' The Sunday school members, teach- ers and officers of St. Paul'''a met in the 'basement of the church on Wed- nesday of last week when •a supper was served with Mr. and' Mrs. Parker as guests of honour, after which a very merry time was spent in gamee. At the concluls'ion the following ad- dress was read: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parker: We, the members, teachers and officers of the Sunday school of St. Paul's A'nglieail Church of Hen- sall, have gathered in recognition of your recent nuptials. We wish ,to ex :press to you, ].Vhlrs. Parker, our ap- preciation of your efforts on behalf of our school. You have helped to make our social contacts and ..our 'mlutuaI studies the benefit which they ha ie -proven to bee'to everyone ,partici- pating. During the period of years while you have been our 'Rector, we could not have wished for a more willing or 'helpful advisor, and we are justly grateful to you. We wel- come you, _Mrs. Parker, into our cir- cle with the most delighted expecta- tion Of joy in our felloalehip together. May we be able to add something very much valued to your experiences in the future, The years which you may yet spend ii1 Hensall are looked forward to by each, of us and we'beg you to accent this • small token of our pleasure. May it add •to- your joy and intimate to you our esteem, and good wishes through the many years of marital happiness which are be- fore you. May it carry with it all those things which form a sound basis for earthly •happiness' and spiritual content..—Signed on Qs,ellalf of the Sunday School, by the teachers and officers. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were presented with as beautiful silver comport and they bath responded in a Very fitting manner. ' Death of J. W. Johnston. fMr. James Willjam Johnston, late• of the Township of Hay, died at his farm, home, one and a quarter miles west of Kippen, on the Town Line, on Thursday last, in his• 79t)h year. He had been in poor health for over two years and for t' -'e Hast had been confined to his bed. rel• nun-tber of years in his ePrlie;: 1' c, h.' was engaged in framing and ''*_ ;• ling building. He' was a good me- chanic and a very intelligent and well-read man. • In politics he was a Reformer and in religion a member of the United 'Church. He leaves to mourn his death, his widow, whose maiden name was Adeline Linden+field. daughter of the late Jacob Linden - field and of Mrs, Lindenfield, still living in Hensall. There are six sons and six daughters, th•eir,name; being Gordon, of Spokane, Wash.; Clarence, of London; Mervyn, of Windsor; Al- lan, Elgin and Gelrald, all at homie; Mrs. George Ingram', of bhe Township of Hay; 'Mrs. Gordon Parker, Hen- sall; Margaret, of London, and Mil- dred and Ethel, at home, and Mrs. William Ayling, Detroit, the latter being a daughter by his first mar- and a son killed in the late war. The deceased, as one of the early residents, will 'be much missed. He was born in Ancaster, the eldest scn of the late John and Mrs. John- ston, and was married some forty odd, years ago to his widow, /ho now survives him, and was such a faith- ful wife and good nurse throughout his illness. Mr. Johnston lived in ITensell until some 12 years ago when he engaged in farming. The funeral service was held from the home on Sunday afternoon and was conducted by RevMr. 'Chandler of Kippen Unit- ed Church, who 'spoke very highly of the deceased. The service was very largely attended and among those at- tending from a distance were Mervyn of Windsor, Clarence and Margaret of London, Israel Lindenfield orf Lon- don, Mir. and Mrs. Cyrus Sehack of Kitchener,' Mr, and 'Mrs. Ed Linden - field of Exeter and Mrs. J. Lind•enfield of Hensall. The pallbearers were Jahn Jarrott, Walter Fairbairn, Herb. Jones, Hugh 'Mc'Mua-trie, William Pet- ty and W. J. Homey.. Interment was made in Hensall Union Cemetery. Church News !Services in the United C'h'urch were largely attended on Sunday last, Rev. Arthur Sinclair conducting (both ser- vices. A pleating solo, "The Sacred' Flame," was, rendered by Mr. Sam' Rennie, and at the evening servie,e special parts in the antherth 'were tak- en by 'Mrs. M. Hedden and Mrs. Hese, and a' quartette, "'Galilee" by ,mfrs, rFlless, Mrs.'Redden, Mr. W. 0. Good- win and The I. 'S. Smillie, which Was mach enjoyed. 'Carmel Presbyterian Church ver - vices were conducted in the morning hy, Rev. Mir. Gordan of Cavell Pres- byterian Church, 'Fiteter. The an- them, with a bass obligato, taken by W. A. IMelearen, was sung at the morning servi4e, While the evening was taken by the pastor, Bev. Wr A. Young,,' and is.,leasing solo, "]Hold '1`heu My Han ," 'by Mrs. W. A. Mae - Laren, Waste/much emajoyed. There was a splendid =attandai ee at (both- ser. viebrr, 'Sir Paul's -A/Viican Church service beautffitl banquet of bronze m'lim'ns, to wn0• "co111duCted, by , lie Yl ettjt, e+;' Citizenship, Gordon C. Rennie; Liter- ary and Social Convenor, Thomlas Blanchard; collector, Ken Betties ; auditors, Harold Bolton and .Stanley Hillen; pianist, Elma Pryce; assist- ant, Edith Hillen. 'The meeting •clos- ed -with repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. RE: MARY A. HOBKIRK, late of the lage of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL PERSONS having dfaims against the estate Of the said deceased are required to send full .particulars of their claims ,duly eroyer, to tlhe undersigned Solicitor for• the Executor of the Will of„the .said deceased not later than the 2nd day of January, 1935, af- ter which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, 'hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice has been received - DATED this 12th day of December, 1931. J. W. MORLEY, ' Solicitor for Executor, Exeter, Ont. 34964 Property For Sale or Rent POR RENT.—A GOOD BRICK HOUSE and stable on Brock Street. Apply to L. RANDS, Box 261, Hensall. 3496x1 WANTED.—TO RENT, WITH OPTION OF buying, farm. 100 acres or more, or two separate farms close together; good land and buildings ; well watered_ Apply BOX 19, HERON EXPOSITOR. 3495x3 �j Oi% SALE. —, A COMFORTABLE EIGHT- rommed house, situated in a convenient part of the town. If not sold will be rested to s suitable tenant. Apply at THE EX- POSITOR OFFICE. , 3461-tf FOA SALE OR RENT—MODERN DwEL- line house on south side of Godericli St. Seadlorth. one block from Main Street. church- es and schools. New 3 -piece bathroom. pew furnace, d'eetric lights and town wader in- stalled. House has been freshly painted and decorated throughout- Immediate possession can bq given. Apply to R, S. HAYS.. Sea - forth., _� ... 8464-tf In Memoriam TN LOVING MEMORY OF JAMES A. Thompson, Who passed away December 17, 1930. . —WIFE, • SON AND SISTERS. 3496-1 Cards of Thanks MRS. JAMES W. JOHNSTON AND FAM- ily wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the, kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement. and those who kinkly loaned their cam; also the Rev. Mr. Chandler and those who helped with the 'music. 3496-1 Births TINNEY—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. on December 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Tinney, of Hay, a son (still born). STANLEY School Report The following is the monthly re- port for November of S. S. No. 4, N. Stanley. Fifths -Stuart Watson 47t'r, Jean Dunn 46. Jr. IV—Gordon West- lake 81, Billy Armstrong 80, Melvin Greer 75, Ethel -Watson 67. Sr. III— Ilene Greer 71, Madge Houston 71, Wilfred Ram Jr. IIII-•+Andrew Rau 55. II—,Dewar Talbot 82, Anthony Rau 59: Primer—Lorraine Talbot, Jean Greer, Jean Rau.—Frances Mos - sop, Teacher. Miss Hazel Smillie, the teacher, and the pupils of S. S. No. 5, Stanley, as- sisted by fire young people of the sec- tion, are preparing a Christmas eon- - cert and entertainment to be put on in the school house on -the evening of Friday, December 21st. Rev. and Mrs. C. Eicher and son, Elmer Eicher and wife of Chicago, visited with Mrs. Eicher's sister, Mrs. Nelson Keys, and friends in Stanley. MT. Eicher also, gave an interesting missionary address at the Goshen Church last Tuesday evening. ' Mr. Elgin McKinley attended a poultry convention at Hamilton on Monday. IMr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and family of Detroit visited with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry IHlayter, aver the week -end. HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs, C. Robinson spent the week -end with friends in Mitchell. MMrr. and Mrs. W. Davidson were visited during the week by friends from Stratford. IMiss Dolly Hagan has been nursing Mrs. Norman Cook of Hensall, Miss Edna Cochrane spent the week end with her cousins at Clinton. The service in the Hillsgreen church on Sunday afternoon was withdrawn owing to the funeral service Of the late Mr. James Johnston of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Deters and daughter, Marjorie, of Dunnville, spent a few days in this vicinity. .......SEAFORTH'S I EW SHOE STORE Shoes and Slippers Make Practical and. Useful Christmas Gifts LADIES'] FELT COZY BOU- DOIR SLIPPER, soft padded • soles and insoles, ribbon trim, Purple, Rose and 65c grown, LADIES'Y FELT JULIET— Leather soles andheels, e i Black, Blue or Brown . . BUNNY SLIPPERS for the kid- lilted. id- rvol li; ;ed69c, 79c, 89c Rubbers L i IES' IVIE:LVET GOLOSB-' RUBBERS for street and farm HS ---nix trimmed, Black • wear; also Overshoes with k, o1r•. t➢3Q@ 2}5 2, 3' and 4 buckles at lowest ° drawn e2prices. AUTAIORIZED AGENCY FOR DR. M. W. LOCKE SHOES MEN'S AND BOYS' CHOC KID EVERETT' SLIPPERS, warm lined, rubber $1 and 95c_ heels MEN'S TAN MOC SLIPPER— Soft leather, soles, Si 100 padded heels ' BOYS' SIZES MEN'S CHOC KID ROMEO HOUSE SHOE.. $239 Elastic sides . MEN'S AND BOYS' "ARTIC CLOTH HOUSE SLIPPERr-- Felt and leather'”" X00 soles $ 75c '?c BOYS' ITH' tits SHOP ion GOOD •SHOES_ t Theatre a the Z , ALICC,U r. In a jack rabbit drive on Monday, local hunters bagged 162 of the jacks, •Mr. H. K. Eilber of Crediton, man- ager of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was a visitor in town on Saturday. !Mr. Harty G. !Hess' has been laid up the past week through illness. ;Mr. J. (Block has been appointed bailiff of the 10th Division Cowrt dur- ing the absence of Mr. N. Gasdho, who is taking treatment in a • sana- toriums. The members of the local - Sunday schools are preparing for the annual Christmas programs. The Lutheran Sunday school program will be held on Monday evening, December 246, and the Evangelical's will celebrate on Tuesday evening, December 25th. IBM. W. J. Jarrett and daughter, Miss Annie Jarrett, entertained the members of the council of Hay town - ?hip at a banquet and social evening last Friday at their home in Hills - green. The euchre party :held at the, town hall last Thursday evening was well attended. MT. William Lament, agent for the Hay Township Farm,er's Fire Insur- ance Co., had a narrow escape from a serious accident the other day. While driving near Ailsa Craig his car left the road and climbed ' a steep hill on the side and slid back. Mr. Lamont escaped injury but the car was considerably damaged. . Weido - Kochems The marriage was celebrated at London on Friday by Rev. Killinger of 'Marie, daughter o.£ Mrs. Kochems and the late Frank Kochems, of Zur- ich, and Percy Weido, son of Mr. Jacob Weida, also of Zurich. They will reside on the groom's farm near Dashwood. The directors of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. held! the final meeting of the year in town' on Saturday. Reports given at the meeting showed that the com- pany had a very satisfactory year. Rev. E. Burn and Mrs. Norman Gascho visited Byron Sanatorium at London on Monday, The last meeting of the council of the township for this year will be held ori' ,Saturday afternoon of this week. Not much -is heard of an elec- tion. Owing to an outbreak of mhr:rps among the scholars of, Exeter High School, the school was closed on Mon- day and pupils wh.o attend from Zur- ich and vicinity had a holiday. Miss Ann Overholt has left for London where she has secured a posi- tion. ilL i13. Farlwr, .54)od 1j, ered velem' 'FIs,• teresti'ng addresses ; and- the 4toit, rendered ;I eOsi'ng. itt7iaMe.i • The program of two weeks a?go, •whiah was'so MO* 11-t'e* seated again on' Mon'd'ay evening in the baseanent of the Un'i'ted Church by the Y. 'IP. S. to a splendid audi- ence, The chairman was Dr. Smwillie. Those taking part en the program were: Solo, Launee •Batters:by; trum- pet trio, 'Mir. Battersby and Sana; guitar solo, Miss Kathryn Drysdale.; girls' quartette," Misses 'Bella Snare, K. Drysdale, 'Mildred Folli'c'le and Min- nie Sangster' solo, Mrs. ,Geo. Hess; duet, 'Mrs. M' 'Redden and Mrs. Geo. Hess; readings, Mrs. Geo. Falconer, Mrs. Frank Rathburn, Miss Kay Dobbs and Mr. Battersby; girls' chor- us, Misses Bella Smale, Jean Foster, Kay Dobbs, 'Dorothy McQueen, Olive Bl oek, ,'Mildred IF'ollick, Minnie Sang- ster, Gladys iSaundercock; solo, Claude •'owes; duet, Miss Armstrong and Lorne Elder; piano solo, Miss Gladys Luker; duet, "Santa Claus is Curring to Town," Lorne Elder and Delbert Geiger; dialogue, "The Two Crows," Mrs. 'Falconer and Mrs. Rathiburn; male quartette, Messrs. W. 0. 'Goodwin, T. J. Sherritt, Harry Horton and Claude Blower; an ad• dress by Rev. A. Sinclair; accompan- ist, Miss Florence Welsh, Miss Greta Lammwie, Miss Pearl Elder- and Dr. Smillie. Lunch was served to .those assisting on the program. Friday evening, December 21st, will be the annual :Sunday school .Christ- nes li ."t VARNA 'The Beef Ring held their annual dance Tuesday night and report a real good time. The W. A. of St. John's Church held their annual, meaning on Tuesday at the home of Mrs- M. Reid. After the meeting several large bales, of 'clothin'g were packed for the West. Mr. Reid's chopping mill is prepar- ed to do custom work to the ,public every afternoon until further notice. HENSALL Very Satisfied says: "Cress Corn or Bunion Sabres are worth $3." They do the Work. At iHemphill's Drug Store, •Hensall. The' committee under the auspices of the Board' of Gommerce are put- ting Up a beautiful •Chriitmas tree for •Saturday, December 22nd, at 3 pan. The tree will be laden with gifts and the lecal clergymen Will give a'hort, ,; Honor Pastor The cangregatiOn of St. Paul's Chureh gathered in the basement of the church recently in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Parker. •During the evening strmnetithl by, Miss' G. Lacrunie *on the violin, and Miss E. Clark war- panying on the Piano. Mr. „R. -New: UM and Mr. ITILMIler fEVOraidi with a -civet, after w4efillgannes were inittitg- filleci puree -anti-Mrs. ?siker a • u?nO•S eater l 'GIII tiro VAitatt Church Peep the. date• in minds ; IiVIrK an tMra. Z,aird *tale awl faixo- aceonipamed. by 'Mos Florence Welsh and. Mrs. Harry Horton spent a 'few dais., last week in) TorOnto. The- villagers learned with regret that MTS. dItUglhtT 'Parationa leaNing shortly for Delhi,. where they will make their fu- ture bonne- Jan having secured a good position there. MTS. SMit, to- gether with her family during their residenee Isere, made many friends who will be sorry to see'theni`teave. 'Alm. Norman Cook, who recently underwent an operation in Clinton Hospital, isnome again., and her many. friend's will he pleaSed to learn she is much benefitted by her, operation. Miss Dolly IHIagan, R.N., 'was in at - Mrs. S. -Farmer, nee liDss . Grace Stone, ef Stratford, spent a few days with her father, W, C.• Stone, this past week. , Miss Hazel Hudson left this week for Toronto, where she has secured a. -position. Mr. and Mrs. William Park and Miss Margaret Johnston spent Mon- day in London this week. Elirabeth 1VIurra.y of Exeter was a guest' of her sister, Miss Han- nah Murray over the week -end: . 'Miss Ethel •MurdoCk lett on Monday tor Toronto where she intends te make an extended :visit owith her sis- ter, Mrs. Campbell, and fam- ily. dive t hx r ScreenS § .. l x Took+ reannh�'bh; V0111. Ibe 'h, jf,eld on Wed' `nesdag�`, iJeoerl�tnsa " 1>ki', program,- .Ona.. ttiryg of dialogues,• drills, songs, dames and recitatigna a] being pfeptar'ed. _ • Mr.'Earl 'Miele apbol sister, Mi$ ' Graee, , motored tc9 Niagara • Falls, N, 'Y., to spend a week !with f'r'i'endg there, Mrs. C. 'L. Jiuks left• last Wednes-. day for at :extended visit veitii rela- tives at' 'Windsor. Rev. M. B, Parker:. ;Inas `._iieceived vaord th 't he has, been removed to a new charge at Morpetll and ' We' be - 'eve this coining-Sum/0 at ,St.' faun's, Anglican -Unwch-will-be•his- fast--Snu- day, and his congregation and many friends will. regret to learn of his de- parture. IThe Chamber of Cominerce held another.,,very apecessful, euchre dance with a pahked%°hall in the 'Trad an Hall on'W.iednesday evening. The first part of the evening was devoted to euchre with forty tables in play, the prize winsvelrs Wing: ILiadh'est first, Miss Ina ,Lemon; second, MTS. W'm. McGregor, Kippen; gents first, Mn. A. Glanville, .Hlensall; second, Scott Welsh; lucky ticket, Mrs. John E. '.Ewan. Dancing 'was indulged in until the small hours of the morn- ing wilih good music supplied by' dif- ferent - local and out of town orch- estras. The proceeds of this euchre and danee were for uniforms and in= stru'mlents for the new hand which is ,being organize& Spartan •Worldrwide Radio Thrilling radio entertainment from far off lands—Lon- great stations of South America, as well as your favor- ite domestic programs are all yours with this New SPARTON World Reception Radio. No. 467A "The Corsican" Here is a well-proportioned table model for the living room where space is at a premium. An unusually sensitive 6 -tube superheterodyne radio that brings in foreign and domestic ,programs with great volume and faithful response. $8650 Never before such wonderful values. OTHER SPARTON MODELS FROM $4995 TO $24900 J. F. DALY SPARTON RADIO Phone 102 4011 MD Seaforth kg evenings -143 fi fi HER Diamond Rings Dinner Rings Emblem Rings Birthday Rings French Evening Bags Necklets Bracelets Compacts CHRISTMAS CARDS At Special Prices All New Stock. 'JEWELRY The Precious Gift FOR HOME Clocks Lamps Dinnerware Silverware SPECIAL 32 -Piece Dinner Set estcott s Jew r- ualityGifts at LowerPrices FOR HIM Initial Rings Emblem Rings Signet Rings Stone Rings WATCHES Fully Guaranteed Cigarette Cases Bill Folds Tie Pins and Ili:As Military Brushes Pen and Pencil Sets ,StOre,Seatorth 46 a • 0