HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-07, Page 7R i
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JQHN H. BEST -', .
. R=Ti'eter, Solicaw, Eta. '
Horth.:. _ - -,_ .... :Qnl4
Homw.gradtu'ate of Ontario Vater -,
ors, ge
Oolle. All diseases of do'mfes'tie
auivial� 'trealted., Palls proinotly 'at-
tenaea to and charges xnodezate.. Vett-
erinary Dentistry a specialty., Office,
and resid'en+cet on God''erich Street, one
door east of Dr. JurTott's office, Sea-
forth.1. k
Ghaduate of Ontario Veterinary
College, University of Toronto. All
diseases of domestic animals treated
by the most almdern principles.
charges reasonable. Day or night
calls proanptly a�ttelfded.to. Offilce on
Main Street, fHlefnsafll, opposite Town.
Hall. Phone 116. Breeder of Socit-
tbish tecrriers. " Inverness Kennels,
,Graduate of the Faculty 0 Medi
(eine, Unmvfe`rs'i+ty of Western On�ario,
and . St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Member of College of Physicians and,
Surgeons of Ontario. Phone 67. Of-
llce .v+ Polity, , Orft. - ••3493 .
G+aduate of: Faculty of Medicima,
Unity of Western_ Ontario. ,Mean
4;er of College, of Physicians and -
Snrgeons of Ontario � Office, 43 God-
esich Street, West. P�loner 37.
successor to Dr. Charles Mackay.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine,, University of
Toronto, .
Late assistant New- York Optha.l-
mei anti Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye and: Golden Square Throat Hos-
lpat . , London, Eng. At Commercial'
Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday ,in
eaeb*mioihth, from 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
SS Wlaterloo Street, South, Stratford.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
V�pyersity of W'es'tern Ontario, Lon-
don• Member of College of Physic-
ians and -Surgeons of On'tarie.. Ofl4ee
in Aiber+hlart's Drug Store, Main St.,
�forM. Phone 90.
Office and residence Goderieh Street,
east of the United Church, Sea-
tortL Phone 46. Coroner for the
County of Huron.
Graduate of University of Toronto
Fatemdty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physimans and Surgeons of
Onitario; pass graduate course in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Oplithal'mde• H'ospi'tal, London,
England; University Hospital, Lon-
'dvii, England. Office -Back of Do-
minion Bank, Seaforth.., Phone No. 5.
Night calls answered from residence,
Vetatoxia Street, Seaforth.
Graduate of the University of To-
ronto, Faculty of Medicine
-Member of College of Physiciams
and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate of
New York 'Post Graduate Schaal and
Lying-im Hospital, New York. Of-
fice on High Street, Seaforth. Phone
27. '
Graduate Faculty of M'e'dicine, Uni-
wersitty of 'Western Ontario. Member
+College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario. Post graduate work at
New York City Hospital and Victoria
Hoepiittal, Lbudan. Phone; 'Hensall,
66. Office, King Street, Hensall.
Graduate of Northwestern Unit ,rs-
ptjr Cihicago, Ili. Iricenbi'ate Royal
Colege of Dental Surgeons, Torontor.
Office over Sills' Hardware, Misin St.,
Seaftrith. Phone 181.
Graduate Royal College of Denial
Surgeons, Toronto. Office'over 'W, R.
1Stnitth's Grocery, Main Street, Sem=
forth. Phone Office, 185; residence,
887. •
Graduate Royal College of ' Dental
Surgeons, Toronto. Office . at Hen.
Sall, Ontario. Phone 106.
Licensed Auctioneer
S�p'etciali+st in farm and household
sally. Prices reasonable. 71 or dates
xuli+d' 1dorniation, write or tp'hone Har-
old Da1e,�hone 149, Seaforth, or ape
grly at, �'e Expositor Offi+ee. ,
Auctibhear's• License
l Si'Xrteli t dears' 0-Xperie'it+ee.
ft gaaranrteed.;
x'elr 'ho',e; 1341,•,�t %call.
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*' i a fuse '�';.'i.�^'15"(+
C t''Ar"'lp'tt' for ,herself am' two Ox:dered �'wY .+l ' �' t:• 1
(Gonttlnved`,iipm last:w sertea i'xuciia-root -tu+ Gasr _ tateis; xw:y�naitd., Fi?ug 'lel coot ', ,k +''�,
,' �� Dakin.talbe r Arain th The oc dxt those early days, the lyndaleig�h t �brotubleCt tp argamuze axis, t cf~l?- �►T.' i, A"
p ouoers a,
for her weary fishtang men. They < ,'l .. , r
Pe ed mess lte.s ailftg,' wh e� sio�nal cluaxugirt cif k, ! , bube+s 'Gardens Hospital, for would arrive, as.Pelb is a aixd, a %vv.. '
will, turn ippanxon'- -'(this-yb..sec1 �ltn 2aattsl.._.- _ • ,Tinea crF easy discipline, aoanLy V. A. vdLuntary* znRtoY' drivers had so of- " :' '
zruY' hOn2t' '+gxayT.x•'
t p1, ., , A ilnYr es crud dio,licsiime p�tlent,s 'tori-+seri 'item^atrrifvle;-Tbeerl�sssagr;"u .- _.. ___.__ -
The three pastsedr out throtugli � he Mny from s lung the• :o er atxeA. Francis, skill eatable t'a u�allc eQ'uld mat f cinvtrelcalmted, to, Slee rile n tut
sluatt red �Iglas door; ug pool stteps � the -,i*a'r'd. ,..But be Ikii4 Tw them i R ,Rae � f6olics+om+e; but ,they gave him 9 ' ed, P � g ,
v1'6 best -they. .
into the faairxu. man • and, lying awtake aft night, he roomri;-to +himse4f, , a tin s y atrag+ht in.direless!w;aitixrg:
Verk far awn Peter 'he$rdl a low y' , y room, 1'uuoI rooms or. tramp `Nhe s'trei is till dawn, were. so ; etiaugh gra ulp, Cha
5' coulld bear :the orderlies, rvhutil avg �lp�d, hyghi 'up on the sixth floor; � comments $h2'cauglut• £roan itis.. ask
,wMatlG, 'a w'hissOe that rose to a high- Didnff e,•acpe�et -to 'see you here to-
g round,, int their ''listt-slippers; Chair and iri a furtr►y introsipective way 1ne night, 'mpzmy" isaid a ,porter onto 'kne+� sefvgers behind; and vv+hen she -s ,p
pitched sex arn,, .seemed to 'surge' up «Are you awake, sir?" sounded an was happy.. ped the fear at a shuttered 'house in+
the., skies.. 'Interminably they waifried, unrealsi her of old, touching his .cap. '
ng chorus to his. dxea . ITlltie f'ai'thrful Protut, overjoyed• at his Albany 'Street; when there camxe
penned in ,t+he dusk. Imn tentl .Doavii (She told him sire w'as wanting for•
'po' IF`.ar the alert clean shaven 'doctor mtastei's return, insinuated hirrtsel� frdml ,the muytsfterious lower n.+e ons7••-•
upon i hens, fslster and faster, shriek- , { her hms'band; and he 'bustled off in '
had reduced the morphia: anti Frarr �amebaw or other into the hospital ; ,a woman 'yvho ,said, `Why, Alf, it
search of informatiozn
ing rand `howling, ruish'ed not cis had man dwamis,. The carie as -brou'ght mea'l's'• ran errands as of 'h really you? ` I've' .been wa'ttiu up
7)hey were deaf .. The, tuxind y " Another five myad cr mum. They g
the manphia-wave ,sum over him in y'm'e• Anew doctor substituted B. just on;. the �ff-`chsnce you, might et
staggered . 'Light dn,saptpear- ^omforta:ble Pain -killing warmth; re- R• . P --!al isa`Rrori ointment of nailer minter 'hget •hada ,bad crossing. 'She :home to -night"; whenwith a grate-'
ed ' Glas's -, tinkled aliovit tm didn't get to F.olkes+tone •-Citi nearly furl "Merry +Cihristmas fo you, sir" -
ceded as the wave lebibe',dy leaving him . hi!tlh, iodifprm and ,petroleum -for , „
one o cladlc.
hem Tihixx thudded' from the+ Carrel�D+aki t t th tuv bi d
t'lle scan °up tea 'M
of that sample.
and also A; ..emu
merchant expleti�tta
prey to s,uf%rrng. And always, .in n •ren sent; and pas A bell clanged; efts saw''the glow e o 'Newry men siumril ed' own to give first -stasis seavue. + ; s
walls to Horn Noise'stop- his dre'amta he saw Beatrice: a',. departed. His kik arrived', from g the sti 'out of sig.htf it seemed to - _ ":;V4r
of suniake and, spar+ks'; the train stied
ped 3'eber heard the Weasw cions Elton a vignetbed in silver radi- Fr nce. He began to read ormnlivior- her as though, by grarting with those ' <
eI'.s voice; "Good Gad, I hope that ' alongside the platforms, ,tapped, be- t
op ante' agiiin;A the ' bac'kgroun'd ' of y: old Iboo+ks and new.
Beatrice gam to .disgorge its khaki, She had few moments of her own selfish harp- s.. ,
didn't get hlrm• , saw a, shadow stum- thought. It seemed. as though her wrote -a chatty letter; roves azucrvvenr- piness, ,she 'had 'somerhow earned the A 'C�3 o , I .. ��C , l i
meet flint train Iso often': know so ex- . .
ble up the s+te+ps. They waited -in- spirit 'watehled' over him tender, in- ed in thle sarne strain. And, of course y what toe but always +be right ,to enjoy' every moment of thq ��
terminably. 'Mur'chison's voice called': finitely F,olicitovs. thele were visitors, flowers, cigar- tet' seven .d+aye during which Peter vaould Although 'no longer in: 04=1da, t .,
"It's all right, Colonel "• fore she Chad watched the third class
rile had been in hospital a farm ht 1 1, well wishes from admirers. 'Far be hers ricer' hiskaric apple. ices 2iu':iVo -"
`FW ill you. please speak to Mr. itetPore. it Arcs' borne in dn' his dazed among a limited, cixxle,.Francis enjoy- carriages. Now she had eyes only (Continued! next week.) America is intima4iely oontyecbsd svzt ' ,
Purves, sir?" said the unconcerned intellect that life' must write to her. ed' `cel'e'brity' for. klue' (Pullman. Excitedly, she _ the Dominion 'Pirie' 10+8 year-vld .
operator at the tele ane, It way early afternoon of Gillet- scrutinized the. descendYng officers. whvch still bears fmit innual%y 1$ bo- ' • k 11
Pelt ' Sister- and doctor fought him' for Last off them all, very calm, cigar- cited at Zti.ort V,ancyauvier axr Cite ;�ta1�a �' "
§ 6. three weary ,hours. "He •was too ill m'as Eve. He lay. in bed, �wick,er p , pu of Washin tom ambers it was'p]anubecl
++ „ cam a over his legs butt between 'his lips, goat -collar 11-
And the next,` night;, last of "Sep to write letbaxsy said the doctor. Let o , props ed ori multi- D1eSt1b111�j' o ChEeSe g
temlber, the were relieved'. The thin ++ tuclinous it p ed up to the eyes, cane under his in 1826 'by offtcexs of the Hudsoxp's
Y g' me write for ,you; begged' Sister p' ]pus. Through the open arm, came Peter, iCheese is made easier of di,ges+tion. Bay Caltn�tany-who were file xazlers ;K1f
seemed impo slots. They had. always Prothero: But Francis insisted. They window by the glowi'n'g f►re�place, he ,Obvious) he did not `e ect ,her. 'by oombining it with other foods. 4
xP Old Oregon and ihereaibaut. Prior gid'•
lived in that fliarifsy tonne]; would, con- could neither. perstiaad+e nor coerce could see the 'high hills of outer Lan- y' When eaten- with bread, or atter �,
tinule to live there till the ,ehd of don tree -frim dr (blue a She Tet him saunter a yard or two to the treaty of 1846 whreh fixed 'the
him. He' would write :.a otter, write + ge + guest gray along the 'pllratform; noticed the clean- stsmehy food, such as pota'toe's or boundary between Great •'$ritain and''
bitrue. The (big man in khaki who sat i* with his own, hand.• Lying there, 's(kies: He had ,been alone all d'a'y, lines5 of his boats, the sheen of his macaroni, it forms one of kh'e most t
g Po feverish, broken; not even certain of ng Po the United ,States. at the 49t'h paral- �
talkie to them had no corporeal es visioni a ern which had eluded sums Then ►she, tloulched him on ,satisfactory food comibina+bions and tzfi
istence. He was a- joke --an elaborate -re exact ward's his li uttered he him for many years, a poem called- „ „ lel, Fart Vancouver 'nuns the, princi- .,
lips , the an said': . Taxi, sir? one which will not be difficult of di- spot in +Camadh and dig-
joke. 00f -course, Stark, I ,shan't oc- for want of better dame - 'Anglo- pal PacfTic d
forced them to hist will. At last'they g He, burned round; began' to' say gestion for most people. If 'eaten at'tributin ,centre of this C'anad'ian a,
cups, 'thesre headquarters." Of course yielded for they knew ti's c'h'ance of '.Saxondam•.' The original inspiration the end of ,a heavy meal as is' tom- g
he, wouldn't. Wlhy should he? No- i' for that rsom,ethi'ng; r'eco:gnized her; burst company. The • Fort 'was fbtfdlt in
ifs, still home +by a' hair: 'and an or- poem) had come from Bea- out "Good Lord' Pat what on earth mon custom, it may tax the diger- •1824. Later' on, anticipating ',the re- "`
body ,except theimselves.' ,« . deny . brou+ght hi;n paper, an. sanest- trice. And now that he had, as, its are you doing herei?" • } , ties organs, .but if eaten as the main Solt of. the' 1846 treaty, the Huds'on's
' Iitallo; laughed a voice, your, Ad-' ape, ,an , mde'lilble peniall. . , thau+ght, d'e'finitely put aside all hope +
ubant's ane to -,sl'- " of mar - "Meeting lonely soldiers, she dish at. a anteal, Arhich is finished with Bay Company decided to move to ',un= ;
j g P• The sister 'pro+pped him with pit= ryin'g her, the :theme -a feller- laughed: put w her lis to `be a light dessert it is not likely to toy and 'se -
"MI's not asleeap, sir." Peter,'.very loves. As she lifted him, he felt his atidn of the English-speaking races- law ed: and p p ?' equivocally Btasli terid
indignant, started up from the Weas- seemed som'e'how s consolation kissed. .He to•o''k her in his arms. ' cause any drgestl''Ke disturbarme. - ' lec'ted- Camolsa , the Indian name for a
head turning, spinning . 'Yet ,c F"But you ought to be in 'bed," he ' 'W'hen used in cooking, care should the territory, on the southernmost e1% berth on whiebi he had .been sit- he wrote, tratin each . word with Mrs. Jackson to see you, Mr. betaken that the cheese is not heat- y'
g ,protested, as they made way arm_in- end of Vancouver Island. It is the r.:5
ting; dived' bark to his, own part of pain. He was in hosipitad - wound- Francis," announced Prout. Patricia arm cion the crowded latform. ed to too high a temperature, as . ; §
ed -all sli litly 'wounded she must g p site off the city of Victoria, but Cam
the tunnel. The two colonels heard y g followed the little man into the room. W3 dear, if I can drive Tommies heat will toughen protein foodsr:and i
his voilce down the telephone: "Very unders't'and -in a few days, he would She 'had been driving the car; and • Y osari was chosen, not with a view to .ra.
' ih`e dark +n Iotcrin Borrie four nights a weeds, surely'.I slake them harder to digest. Cheese becoming'. a :city, +but, .as, a favorable .
well, 'Corporal. If 'the Brigade s• gone. be •about• again -would write her a g' fears accentuated can devote. one to meeting my awn is• very 'tharo4gh-y 'digested. - It is spot on which to ereet'a fort. This . i.
you can disconnect, Are the horses long letter meanwhile, he sent his the blond tallness of her. Francis husband. Have you had anything to all,'or nearly all, used by the ,only was done in 1843. Shortly afterwards
xeady? Just coarsing up the road. 'very. kind regards.' He folded the had thought, once or twice, that the eat?" to build new tissue's and to provide the name of Fort Canvasen wan I
Tban+ks• •". _ sheet hi'ms'elf; put it in the envelope; strain of Peter's .absence was telling "Rather. And a 'bath at Boulogne, energy for the body to do. its work, ;6
g chanced to Victoria in honour of the
Arco then, for the first time iri ••his wrote iris addleess•; stgned in the left- on his cousins wife, graving little And: a cabin to ,mlyself on the boat. and for alder, boys ,and girls, as well late Queen Victoria.
htfe, Peter knevr fear. Real crazy hand bottom corn'e'r . Then he line;! round eyes and chin. But to -day It's quite a can-dortable journey if as ad4alfis, it is ane of the best muscle The story of the planking of the ;'i
fear. It was midnight. Pitch dark. fainted and for a week, doctors and 'she Ib,oked young, radiant. =aYr - ices is •as follows': Int 1B��fi, at Lou
only one knows the r es. I builders.
Not a shell falling. ' But a shell sisters blamed theimtseld'es for, their "Peter's coming home.," she said. � „i
what are those poor devils going to .*. .don, England, a farewell dinner was
might fall: If it did, what 'would yielding, fearfuf les,t'the man should "On leave." ' do?" He looked at the crowd -of givers to Captain Simpson axed a.num- <
happen to Little•Willie. Little Wil- die, "When•?" men, mead -stained kit -loaded'. Bu'r'ning Stubble ber of other officers of the Hudson's
lie was trotting ,up that'damned road, As, a `case' he puzzled them. The '"To -night. Isn't it splendid.?" "Sleep in the waiting rooms. till ;?ay'Company, who were ready to set
If anything happened to Little Wil- wounds were healin slowly, -very. They talked Peter for a whilt� g•" sail' for the Hudson's Hay p'o'st at •' °
g� the Tubes start running." When stubble has been burned off
lie, If Jelks had'n't fed Little Willie slowly. Thinking to cheer him, they Prout brought them tea+ o'tx a little He let o her arm; stood still, and the land again seeded, after a
properly. Little Willie was the fin- told him of his progress. It appear- g Fort Vancouver. Apples were B'ei'ng
p gr ppe wicker table. "Supposing I weren't here," he said, mini7rnum amount of cultivation; the served for dessert.. One of the lad= . '•
est hares. - ed to hare no interest for him, He '"I heard all about his +brigade .the „what would you do?" • yields of grain have proven this meth- ,
"Your coat, sir, and yataa spurs. was content to drowse awn the other day," said Patricia, 'bringing a + les seated' least to Captain Simpson
y Oh, we usually try and find two od to be superior to any other treat on cutting an apple, dropped the 'R'
rve packed your 'b'edt in the. valise. hours; watching his leg move up and second cup to the bedside. Captain or three who live fairly do e, not sent~ Objections to the burning of seed into Captain Simpson's pocket l
And thereys only two cigars left, sir." down for its dressing; listening to •Torrington -you, met him, I think, more than five miles out. Then we stubble are loss of nitrogen, lass of telling him to plant them. when he "'i
,Driver Garton, smiling, proffered the mturnitur of the' ward. For he had hes a V.C.-told ole. They must .drive them home." moisture, and some loss of soil fer- .
one of them. lived in a year, this broken man who ,have had a dreadful time at Loos," blit whiles supporting the rattles reached his destination, and perdtaps
e had v Husband and wife looi:ed at each Y, upp. g P they would grow. Upon the arrival
"Got a match?" asked Peter., lay there so quietly,a thousand aeons "Torrington?" Francies' thought other: then Peter said "Dash it all, are weed control, clean crop and con-
„ , of the party at the fort, Lite factor, , ,
§ of terror. He had -walked, unarmed the name over, Yes, I remember pat " venience.
The batteries of the Fouath Bri- ,and alone through countless caverns himl. 'Hie was there the night I din- •+ Dr. McLoughlin, insect i that lye i
g As' you like, dear, she answered: seeds should be planted immediately,
gadle had been amazingly fortunate; of fear. Now, fear had departed; ed with them. Where did ^you meet but the heart grew heavy within her. detailing his own gardener to look, 411
got away aliTrost without a .casualty. and the imlind took its revenge for him? 'Is he on Ieave too?" She wanted him to herself, to herself
Laughed the Colonel as he and lou coercion, .refused, to function. "No, He's home for good. He WhyBritain rOVeS if,er them. The seedts were planked
g and he was away from her already,I in small 'box'es and kept where they
Peter trotted side ib,t side through The mind knew that its body would never ought to have gone out, you striding here and there among the Canadian Poultry could not be touched +by anyone. Af= - -
cool rain: "Weil, P. J., you won't Hot die; and with that knowledge, know. (But he insisted -and broke men, ter :seaveral years, the tree bore its '
forget Le Rnxtaire in a burry." was content. down, You men are so stupid' about "An of you chi live in Lon- The British Isles are in to have i
Peter turned in his saddle, looked that sort of thin I Sul y y g° g first crap --ane apple. This apple y
They pronounced him `out of dan- g. suppose you'll don?" asked- P. J. Canadian turkeys again for Christ -
back towards the farm. "I should • ere' nurse Prothero brought him want to do something again as soon „ when ripe wa'c picked cut t i Mc-
g' g 'Yes sir.' I do sir. So do I, sir. mos this ear, and there are several Loughlin', who carefully cut it into 1711
think not," he said', and added; many letters. He read them languid- as Your leg's right.", A dozen voices answered the Y .
"Thou, h I suppose that dv out must '1 It •a "I wonder," said Francis. "Yon goes` good reasons why the British poultry slices, one for each persch seated at
g Ppo g- y ppeared that Peter had been tion trade is full of praise for Canadian the table. Next year the tree bore 20
Crave been pretty safe:" moving heaven and earth to find out sees, I'll never 'be any good at my "West London? Marylebone? Re- quality and Canadian methods. Can -
"Safe?" Stark laughed again, if he lived; Patricia wrote asking him ow rt job again. Aman with a limp gent's Park?" adian exporters of turkeys know that apples: and has been bearing fruit
„, g y ever since.
Wiry, man, it wouldn't have sho'ppe'd if he wanted (books, cigarettes. Prout is too easily spotted'. And as for o. "Albany Street, sir." A heavy- the British market demands the best
a direct hit from,.a pip-squeak. wrote and sent on a package of press fico jobs, there seem to 'be enough laden incfantryman� detached himself and the Poultry Services of the Do- I
.They passed the cross ro'ad's 'of Cuttings, But 'Francis Gordon cared stay -at -(home heroes without m+e." from the crowd; y.,looked, up expect- minion Department of Agriculture as-
'Corons de Rutoire: 'Trancis!" for none of those old things. He "I wonder why it is" -Patricia lit' A&AMACHE .
th'oug'ht Peter suddenly. "Through wanted Beatrice. g herself a cigarette -"that you, are all an"'Ri ,ht. I'll drive you home. Any- list in every way possible p anon Ili
"'Right. Y guarding the Dsdmi.nron's reputation quickly disappears when she•
the blur of sleep, memory came He used to lie there, hour after so ,bitter against the people who stay one else live that way?" for correct grading and uniformity Liver and Kidneys -
back, clear-cut, horribly personal. 'Hee 'hour, srheened from the ward, think- at home. Everybody can't go to the "My mate was coming home with in the,,,,ppaaeking of the dressed birds, erearoused by
must find out 'what had happened to ingof h'er. 'His mind went back •to front." me. Could you ttake rim too, sir?" All of\,.the poultry exported fromDsCNASE'S r, +'
Fr4acis. Then he fell fast asdeep days before'the war; and he saw him- "It isn't everybody who wants to, asked the infantnurian. Canada is government inspected and l
in his swaddle; woke with a start to .self as he had been: the tango-d'an,c- commented Francis acridly. "Very well. Hurry up, • though," certificates are issued before the poul- 2 W27 IN s ._
find Little Willie at walk through ing, cha,rripagne-bi<bbing egotist, very She changed the topic; produced Peter t'Urned to the crowd; said: try is shipped. For this work of in -
shadowy traffic, proud of his little literary achieve- the Christmas present she had "Sorry, you , chaps. I can't • manage spection, it is necesbary to engage
"It's a pity that attack didn't suc- menLs, neither -good nor bad,"mer'ely brought^ -a Whytwarth fountain pen, mlore than two. Merry Christmas to a consi'deralile number of inspectors ' LONDON AND WINGRAM _
teed," the Colonel was saying. "If a drifter, He saw himself, ruined gold,m,ounted and o+f enormous ink- you all." each Jall, and it is realized that in • South
it had, we might haute got a brace of financially, miserable: And'. ne met capacity. He eyed it doubtfully at "Merry Christmas, sir," answered the selection .and training of these
medals between us« As it is, if you her again, in, his dream.; sa'il'ed with first; till she showed him the sim- a dozen voices. men who place the mark of the Cana -
live to be as old as Methuselah you h,i once more, the tropic seas of plicity of its action. , Then he began `Tve' got a brace," he told her, "and •dian Government on each box of poul-
w�illl never see a worse show than the theeir delight. to take profe',sional interest; screw- they 'both want to go to Albany St, try lies largely the secret of Can -
first two days of the battle of Loos." Beatrice the Woman Denie•dl Sure- ed it un and down again; tested the It's -hardlyout of our,way at all." adla's success.
§ 8 ly that ('rod who had once d'enie'd her nib on the•fly-leaf of one of the many The two mien followed them uinder 'The appointment of an inspector
Next morning, as they rode, Bri- to him, calling him unworthy, v,;•ould 'b.00ks to his bedside, the gloomy archway into the blue -lit is no haphazard affair, The inspee-
gade behind them, through the streets not refuse her to bi•m now. Surely, `By Jove, Pat," he said at last "I gloom without; climbed stolidly to the tors are chosen by ekamination, which
of Bethune, Peter fumbled in his now,'ht' anfight say to himself. in clean believe you's discnvered the manly foun- rear Beat of the open cabriolet~ Pat. consists not only of a written test of
breeches pocket; found a coin; pride: 14I have done my work; paid taiii pen. And I never thoutgiht you took ,the wheel- Peter cranked up ; the candidate's knowledge of the
stretched it down to the boy trattin1r full, price for any happiness this a clever wo+mmn!" and the Crossley crawled out into the poultry, and of the dressed poultry
at Little Willi'e's head; tool: the prof- world cam' offer me." Remembering old animosities,, she ,dark canyon of Grosvenor Gardens. trade in particular, but also of a
fered 'paper; spread it on his saddle- And then, fiwe weeks after he had blushed at that; and they laughed to- She was a very different car now practical d:Hmlonstrati'on of the can -
peak. w•ritter, came 'her cable: "Am anx- gether like two children. from the royal -blue arn.ished lay- didate's ability to grade poultry in
"Any newts?" asked the Weaset. g P
4'a lou's'e" �, a wired; "taus you told: me "And when does Peter arrive ?" he thing which Peter had hurled Siong accordance with the Canadian stan-
For answer Peter held up the star- the troth about your wounds'?" asked. the Bath Road' in August, 1914: dards. Only those men who take a
ing +hecial. fs. p gram on his "Late, I'm afraid: Not before countless n•uuddy boots had left their high standing in the practical test
He :read the cable
"Official. 'Great British Victory,"
fifes, read. "Triumph of Staff Work. sheet; read' it again and again. In- midnight anyway.' Imtark on her varnish; countless ac- are chosen. To be able to accomplish
taiition, sounder than judgment, told "Are you going to meet him?" coutrements had torn her gray cord that, they ,must base considerableHill 70 Ourg.„
him the trurbh. " To this girl, five Of course." lining: but the engine• still purred knowledge of the poultry trades and
+Prier ri ^d the paper to shreds ; ti,ousmnd miles removed from the .He began to tease -her, aimlessly; •sweetly as of old, bore them smooth- also be all-round well equipped indi-
cataclv§m, orf Europe, he stood. for called her the 'expectant ,bride.' "Do ly past the dark bulk of Hyde Park vid'ually.
flung it in the gutter. - 'hoi4
errm' a vague figure dowered you know, Pat, that I 'be'lieve ,you're Corner, up Park Lane, homewards. Nor does the matter end here. Fol -
with i,ll the virtues of war. It needed m'ad'ly in love with that cousin of As she drove, Patricia's momentary lowing tyke' selection of these men as
PART' XIX only a word, a weak word, to make mine. After nine years of matri- spamn of discontent vanished. They government inspectors, g r a d i n g
RESPITE her love him, schools are held in principal centres
§ 1 The mere thought was a flaring in the producing areas, to which not
Francis Gordon was not • k•illed at temptation. Why not? If ever man.:only those who are to 'be inspectors
the D'is'aster of Loos. A stretcher- had •earned woman. .....,""' are invited but the graders for the
bearer wheeled hi unconscious of When the doctor made his milia'
y "' I`` z " ry,�3gl,1�i co-operative association, and private
whistling s'h`ratpnel, to the advanced visit, F'rancisf-400king down at his 4, % ": j,��� frltmis as well. In these school's the
dressing station at Verm'elles: and swabbed legs -asked, one straight, ,K; ;>. O'. 1� mien are given extended practice in
them, slit ,unconscious, he eaxrue by question. % '( �1. •> `: �, ;` •
grading and their results are closely
Ford ambulance and Red 'Gioss train "You mean," said the doctor, "as g..:,.`::r cheek>ed, includh'ng their ability to
and yet anodahea ambulance to a great there any reason,, any physiical rea- ;4 1.judge weight tolerances, and ,par -
bare hos 'Cal at Rouen. son, Achy you should not marry?" " ticularly in packing. The inspectors
For thee days 'ire knew nothing. *'Exactly, doctor." 4s " who are to pass judgment on the
:`>'}. ' .
On the fourth,, very dimly, he grew "None whatever." ';.t: grading of others are taken aside
.conmio,us ' orf his. suffering self. It i°But I shall always` be nnbre or less ,and 'giv+en a furcther special course
•seeaplved to him ,that he lay in a four- of a cnppie?" v of instruction, in addition to that
Poster bed,..rownd which ores mttov- `"You will walk with a limtp •- a • `'' ', ; which the regular graders receive.
.ed vaguely. Ile heard' onegof the fig- slight limp. That isn't being a trip- <`<:; xh:.xs;.:•.` (Poultry is graded by the graders as
vres speakixug: "'It's, time for his, in- ple. �.....y. it comes in from the producer's. The
jectio ";" felt something prick his iAlott'e,' ,he tfoug'ht the problem out sa. ? inspectors observe the grading act the
�','... iykc: ::
fore -'arm; ,drowsed off again unto un- again; and decision caste to him, ^'�'•, j " (birds as they are p•1'a,ced in the boxes,
consei'm messl..clear-cut„ obvious. She was twenty, ACTUALLY -•it takes less than 10 worth of _ _ keeping a check on the weight grad -
Lt tools his drugged mind, a whole rich, be'anrtifvl: he, a cripple'; and 4 i]. Magic Baking Powder to make a big, three= 'ations in the box, and on the skill
week to a its new r�vtiesi. He pauper cripple intto the'bargain. Leav- Y P g r4F-I ST
gr sp layer cake. And you can depend on uniform cod- and attractiveness of the ,packing. n
had ,been wounded-, ,ba'd$y wounded. ing God, alit of the question, to take ness-every time. No wonder Canada's foremost this way, right across Canada, the
His left -thv one was shattered; leer in marriage would"jot be the act ' great bulk of poultry intended for
g'ltrlb cookery experts say it doesn t pay to take chances as: .- ,.
his tti ht foot badly smashed. The % a 'genbl'emlan . Lhivalrous', 'b'x ;' export and interprovinciml 'movement
g with doubtful baking powder. Bake with Magic �
thing' ,above nhimi--•wbich, made the ,bed 'sbubbaxm-ia feat if you will., but no ! is pa -eked under ane system and un-
- seem bike a. i"au� pog�b. lues a sup- w'eaklin,gi--+lye, traced tl�e anl§Wer to and be sure. l A ,der one plan. One of the lead'i'ng
er-sltr+uctume: a frame work with a her cablegram: "Much. better, thanks, "CONTAINS NO ALUM." This • (Smithfield merchants told an officer
pulley' arrangelin!ent .w!hereby his left writing." MAGiC statement on every tin is your , • . of the 'Canadian Government last year
le a of band es . could be Powder Is that Magic Baking
1 I how pleased he was with the Caua-
g, . g � , Powder is Ecco from alum
bauled up and down for. ,dressing. In the middle of December, 1916, MADE IN CANArjA of any harmful ingredient. �rnms poral" dian service, particltllarly with regard
1;Both left •flee and rilg,M f6ot wore they, shipped himi-•+still. ,a `stretahori ' ' to Cbristmtas turkeys,.. 'Hith'erth a>
.Ss W01; i'A the,'' *outrds .,tad been. in eaaet--'to E1191sard. tread' been the practice of matey ,;troP0-
,.... J
Toronto ..................
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4tf .. . , �' 'i' ',.".i..J . e6au" iio-'&F ".�rw.. i,,v�`�.SS`h1 ,.asi.... `r
Wingbam .................. 1.55
Belgrace ................... 2.11
Blyth .................... '2.23
Lomdesboro ................ ,.2 30
Clinton ................. / 3.0$
Brucetfield .................. 3.27
Kippen .................... 3.3.6
Hensall........... > ........ 3,41
Exeter 8.56
Exeter .................... 10.42
Hensall .................... 10.55
Xippen 11.01
Brucefield .i. 11.09
Clinton .:.................. 11.54
Londesboro 12.10
Blyth ..................... 12.19
Bel -grave .................. 12.30
Wingham .................. 12.50
C. N. R. ,
A.M. P.M.
God'erich . , ......... 6.45 2.30
Clinton ............. 7.08 5.00
Seaforth ........... 7:22 8.18
Dublin ............ 7.33 8.8f
Mitchell ............ 7.42 8.43
Dublin ............. 1119 9.182
Seaforth ........... '11.34 9.45
Clinton . , .......... 11.50 9.69 -1 , .
12.10 10.25 . , .
A.M. 1.
Goderich 5.50
Menet 6.66
McGaw' .................... 6.44'
Auburn .................... 6.11 ,
Blyth ......................1 6.25
Walton 6.40-_
McNaught ................. 6.52
Toronto ................... 10.25
Toronto ..................
McNaught .................•
Walton ....................
Myth .............. .....
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Auburn ........ ........... d...
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