HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-12-07, Page 4,�', '"I""", ­.­ �,�,�', �; .± " , ­,Z,�',;. "I ­ .... ... io- V 1'11�13 4� I I ­ V, �­­T,111 .11-W ­ ;11­111�. �� ., � 1 I -.1, 11�.-Irjrt 1iM11'1,T­%'Z­ I 11111­1­'Y,�, L���""I.r.�,�,�.'����,�'ll�,��,�1") , illgil. �Y,��,".,"��.-, ,�Itl,�'�r� ,,;�;I�',, I �." �,% L I I . , , , ,'', srg�,�'il'i�f"�� ,�g j,jk.� ,,, 4�,�, , ­ ., , t , -, V , 0 ,�,-,,,, � . �� �,�?V�� � ",,'. �N, , . � I 1 �,-.',� ,,� � " � I 1, I - , �,',F§ .�� ,­ ­11611'�,�t� ,, � ��., � 1), " , 'P 11�,�,, , � I , , , � I , qw. �11i',' ,J,,J��q:�,,�,1111,�W, ;T. �;, :,,,,,� � " ,i�',,�;����!"�"-,�'11,,�,,,'�','�� :��,�,,,,,',q,��iity I , , ,� ,1,,,�,�,,�,���"i'v�,,�:,,�,,�"'J')T�'�,,� I � 1 � , . � , I , ;!, ,, , .., � , ". . ;, 1 I � I ".. I . ..", . I ,: � 11-11-11-- - 1;-:1.;1-1-r, ­ , -1 - " � - , I I ;� � � �; :, � - .,,�,.,'.','��.�"";�1.111"""A,J.,�.),r,6",� , - .1.-I'F"" ", ., ffia , , �. , , ", V , , � "' " ,,,�" ,q'-,. �,.'i�'1­111!` ,�, , �,,�,�,"��-.,-'���?,,'5'�iitj!�"',"'���.����� , . . "i ' L . ,, , . , . ...."",­ 4-' r ­ ". f. , ­­ ­'. � �'­ 15, , " � -,.,I '. � , � � - - 1,7� A ,� ,,,`,,,!,$��- -:,�`­ - -.-- grg. , , i , �:��',4%,,��:Q)0,'�,�,�� , , ". , " �: n'�', � � � ".I!, , - ­ I- 1---.--- 11 ­11-.1,1�1­11w­­­­ , �,,," �g � ��;-17�-, 7,W'�111�� "I'l "jg,.J�!�-,�Iqg4 t `4 �,�,46, � , . , . ., 1 "7 "t:", � : -,�­�k",I,� - - 11 - , rw" 4 , w, ;�,.,:( , .11 � ...'...-.11- .1 - L.- -��,%% . 4 '.";'.,*r-,�I,.��, 11 , "I"", " , " , �,,� ,`,�,`,"'11 _ , , V1`111, � V , �'�,9 , V�, Ir "�I, �,,:, "',- * " I ; �j�,' , , . " I i ; 0i � I On . '11 � ."V , � �;, � q� , , � "J, ��'! - , � n ', , . : , ; "E, ,� 4��'�,,�1;101`4 110FV'440 ".AlW�'r, - , , "I"."R ,�, b T � V, ,,,, t� " 1�, # N , �!,q , , , �,,� .� " il, � 8 ,,,, I i. - -- I , , , - " - ­-� % ", -, ­ -"..".1, . �:. , �.,.,;!! , ", ,� r I I," . ,, .01, �'! �, .., I I � -.11.1 �,R� 'NO g, I L�� ,�.L, I � 1 �, �,- I " �-, I �. t ,:,�,,,'� �­,,� ��,�, [�" I -111.- 1---1--.-1 1". "I" � 11 11.14.i -1 I I I 1.11111- ­­ .. 0;­fl­Vx,F'1w ­� �V - , I,- L. ��."� . - "' "" ,�,, � - - -­q,q�-­, -,,,,�,; �,, . , , , , , fi , 4, I 'o, ". ,I �, - - Ir"'10 'Al �',', Ul.".. 1, . , 11 � '10 ,� W, 1;, � ��.�� *� . . I I I ix,lt , ;t,.',� :� I" 1�."i%Q11K, � . - "" --1 -11--- � I.-. 1. ­; �! : " � , V , " I ;1 , , I 'I ... I , , . I " I 1.011 ,;� ." ,---1'1 !��,�,�,�fl,!�T,AR7 � L � I I ,. , 11 � " �.,;, ,,, 4. �, iw, "� ;1� 71P �1 F� 11 �. , � I I : �' . . '. - , W , �­ I .1 ..1. -1 %1" .. � " L - I 1� 'A�,*,'*", -, '�`31 ^1 . ,i ,, 1, , Nt*,� IM . 1, , � � . ", , A 491 7 �7` � "'J", , " 12W, �V,F: ,,,, , i, ,j�': , -111.111.1 1-1 � ,��,,�, I. : . I 14 in - Claim 111hu, * , . I , .". , " , ­ J, . , �, - , - �! `1; � , -11 ­­ , %""'�"`0011 W., 10 " ; ..", , , "s ,., '.'.: , ",:� � . ; 7 , ,��N�.`:,,, , - "... . ­­ -.­� - - �­, , '' w ", , `� , "' , , ,,,,, J �,­, ,", -111 � ,,, , :T, ,;,";,�t'5 �" I � I � "I -":�� �', - I . . � � , �:, P"I'l, , ,7,-4;"K1, .� �, P"M � . I , " - . I I i ,.`4 ,�,',�j� �1,4��, � , 1, - ­'�, . ��, ji. .,----, ., ­ , , ! . I 1. I I .1 I I 1� I �. r, ----- - - - 0!r�.­-m,�­ , , I—( 11 � 1F,�, �Wf�� ft I � ", " , .4 � I " ­ �il , % , , .,C, % h " " . I'. I I "'i, zw.�"',Ictk Q'i , �g�4­ .'". - ­ , , 11 " 04 %* IPASA,��# L 4'�' , , , � ­`� 0. re ,s' I P . + �� , �, W.", fill ­� 411i . ".., � "" , I , , � . . -�%�Q, ; ��-s,,::"�*., �'P,�L , Th' e New Ftwr . ,"Ill ." I ­ lost, un0r�'*P, Aus"'l T. I ,,, �� I., � Xle -'§i�4,llp J)0c­,4, 19;",�' , I "I'--- ,","MI ".1y .W,� 4.­,,2�; �;, . .11,��,,, ,�, .11, I � I It - , �, = , I , , � --g �P�2 Aft6,4�. " , � .. .;" ,1�1 1 , . — __,-;- A a I igllsf . "Im � V , " P61A. bmq,j i,; - . . � �% "' I A I I . . yju %,,.U�A�, 'W�R? ­ " , 00., 0 1 �, tL, 0,11", ,, ­ N,, , � ;V1 11 '- , '� * (continixed from PAP 1) . .0 � eis, aio�d vootors� �� h".)"vVAV,0 N i 01A.""W, A . TRM,�,, � �f I �,2.'V,R 1 ii � �, , , a ed . At and 1; '"' I � �0[ I � I , � a 1: �i. .. 1. very large nuWber a Adi [,ti�p v -the, gaseii4y� - - , ­ � I 11 I "I". i, I . I 1. I - , , 10,of Ifoli"W �v 04, �T"Qyv N, - " . I � " � ,,,;,F .� � , ,­ I I . I , ))vvvL � . I 1. I �40 � . , � I Ver MD� - 49. t. - i � 69 the r4*q,q1pW Q ­ '. Ty , , "' to' "' " � � , � , n -,- froj�� rage I pvo�eeo , Y, �X " W­,�, h JoPeR ,4 RT ) I . I . 11 :,- , L,,) I - I desire tO thank rawt OLAQVIVOr' -, ' A '01 �.�, . - .T , , ... ,,,� , . ,',,P� ,,,,, 4 ^ . .T ..�. , , , '111 �-n'."�,(Co � 1. . . . " ,, I .1p. , I I . I BakqT� 20& 1 1 I I ­. � Returne , � . '. � .0. I ­ . .rqr. OeputY RJeeve"-4,V'- L- DA � . 11 " ly aal ' = f tt�#qi;4 � the � . - .. �. I - �� � i � ... . 14k, I I 1% . . . , , ; X . I. . vidson ��,` NU . k . . 4 , , owl'ital d heartily all MY friends 44 0 MOIF AM'-' -­ ' . I ­­ � Ch A,g,nqj� Delaney,Ar- 1� 11 I '­';,�,,, '' , - .�, ,, � , 7, F �, .]D�Iioi Ch iP Ass%V!, � too 1,004TIV, tAl , I ... , I �g,,r g7r­r­- � , . � tiriefide .091 MT, Axehi supporters who ve'teCkkad I tl�r. ? ,,,,�­ I � 471, Tbrs: ells 452- � I ,The, ,many ­ 1-11, RoWclW 'IROITA " :'X-, 11 11".W. ' "1t-.,-,1 - . . GkAding, Isa� I Y FATU4 me the ReevesfiW - ` 'XO - � ,,, " ' , I " ., ,wi , be., imerte nev . , ,,� I S I or I Pal . - i , �, M., 1,9 . . ,C I 1�,, log ill d at 4OW", rate 6 r U,. c.—W. H. Gurney, 470; thur Dev ,'Arthur , e, Of We �0`44 r� I I I , 1�,,, A '10'MeopTi � I'll 11-1 1� . . . � _ L ith I term of onice and, ed #Q00, Vd, with, lie � ';. I Qrace qd in giving �, ,,, �, ' , , . "' , F.. -SUrd y, 451. -lan, ho hid'the j4*rtune. tD meet W11 for the second f " .. �D . NEW 'I oon , ., I �-! bel Joamnle , Keys, , ,P .. Xmt and-kound. cominx ovent". Etr---Pqr V9r4-- t Ivor, Mary 114ver, w I M P, I I I.. 1. I I .............. .... I .......... I cent was re-elected, by ac- Kr4ute-r, J ime I �Qie d*virV his i 'all the more so 'Vail G' "';. , 'IL �­l ' , . I I.." on account of ,not I =; �":a ; fw � ote :vres- . I . .......... The,, council ocidont ,. 10'T .111, I 111'1�., .0k Helen �=, .4 4,4 i- in ,W 4� . "W''C', ....................... NQ Patrick, 8bewart PI(Put, will - Lt la�ei&x apip , ,. ­ k�. I , ..... �'% cent be 'u'e'-fP - , im ,- , �; "T I , . I I.W'l Week .--..� ........ . I .......... % cent clumation. . vanon, Fletcher near Brue4eld r'doeikly, being able, through a !recent me eri .., I,,. , 41 XV I g 6tr6A . -The 11 11" t , �`, . Ra*ia, AWville 18h,i . ­ - � �'�7 "I ;j;� ... ­*­ ... ;vj1;; ........... .. ,2� Cents . ri pleased -to le�=,. is ktome from Scott � ciaeit, to call upon them for sup, dice abOOD", Ps A .",,' i , - I ­ '. rie, first inse a ................. ,, s nice ,,; ,V ; ; d*,.Il* a -,o lately boom - , _ g tQo*� _4p-' , ". tnitia and abbre0ation counts 00 one War& Grey . W,4nore, Tom Sills,. Form I . Memorial Hospital,' Sealorth, where - Vert, which they gate me so R' , e ­ , , � . 49: bdo&� �D V Whit' ted th ' ' b" ' of -' 00 , . . I alue of $5, Sarah tiken , decom 1, '�o vkt:t 0. (r."T � , , In, Xemoriv= Notitft­a cent per word. Minimum, Be cents per week. Reeve John Me -Nab o&-Qrey town- . lorap X -Tay and treat- to roll -up my majority ever do . � ewe of The Huron ExMibw- fox 10 cmtB - d ."- ' tai , -q ment,and wil was n ", -up 0 �; :�-- Fori�ll prize, books to value 'he was 1, be able ItO MUMe his �uuch more than it a year dbeter's, ofto -v ; 901"09 . I . , , , � g to a Box Number. .Ship was defeated by Henry Keys,. more, . . Form III prize,, ' I - , a gq d up., . . 4 dubes, in the gourse of a week Or so- ago, and which will .encourage :door, and WWIA,- w= -W, sif , , . -- - I ra ri as 12g. ohvev Ile - of $6 AlImA Fin'rilga ,; rothy G ­ I -datbe�- fut,nacie', �% 8- . I'll, . j,p " 1, ,,, ., UjO ty W I ., lboolki Ao,'-Talue of 4 .01' 7 'Miz. Elizabeth G%b-, who has been , me to endeavor -to give ,my -t I -�Viil-T,4391�-Vfi officet­­­­ ­ & � ,best � "gAve �� an M we ,7,9 0 Do and dw,ellh4g ,roonu 'I _,ek ,will be charged it ads in obove classes are 804 Paid by the WhCrSe o � ­ A-r��.��r,��, 11 17 , I 0- lit in the week an which the,ad was run. . ingway was returned as deputy reeve jlj.&�, ,�m IV prize, Q�ooks- to value ver7 ill at the home Of ,mrs., R, Ban- services to the MuniciPalitY W,71­10�1w"`­ I ­�11­ 11 III', " I—. X4 Deaths imser-ted free of charge- . oyetr Silas JiahnstonL . ,of $15, All - V,ftist Prize, thrort, has improved so much that throughout the year we'iie enter- ' . . I ., * . I 1, - - . .__ & - ,f,U Keys; Form I . a�ple. - I �W - . - if ge .. " .. " RR T, - � . . , , mr I., e to Creditors, Etc.-:�,Rat tlu $o5 tgan,,,�Iwlinhl red ,Savall ; � she was taken by motor , �Goppcil Meet$, . . - - .. !��"11'., rs 672- JnD. up -on, and again thanking -- I �!N'A so on avAication- of th�6 elecdons, are: I Second ".., �� , ille to the home , " , I ,.,,,��&�,- ale.* I ,�,, I'— I --HenrY Kei , . 1. -1 .1 ' 61 k.11, - I �1-1- ..:�� ?— For Reeve I prize, $15 -ea.sh, Jessie Sonith. - AT19 '" ' ' " '"' " .1 I -V., N�,.� L' 1.­J,j��,'��'.4 , ', I I . ' . - 4! I �J. "', v1�1A"?, �� � I . ' r , McNab, 449. -Winners indudled ,Miss of ,her daughter in Toronto on Wed lub, And all for' putting me In as sting, of � th - 0 �11.11" I , I . : yarms Foi` Sale 10*61 i� ,1p iam The wegulqr we , a" , " 1'�' "' 1, .1 4y Vda, �­iat � . 14 the second ,Car- Wilj$�m G166, of - council -was held goAd, . '*i ��,�j­.J �,4 �] �`: �* , cles Wanted . � ,'For Deputy Reeve (A ver ,H,M- nesday. , Her daughter, WT,& Will Reeve with such a good maj,or- , .. t I s!. I I— 1,i "' 'SaVtVLtKt4 'th . nANTED--GOOD SERVICEABLE — ingwa,y, 527; Silas Johnson,, 412 % ty. � , �., : . .�, .01", Mair, and son, 1 4 a P -M-in, .twi.,101uncil eb"540F. va 4 :, � ; ­FI�R SALE PART LOT Wil_ ter Scholarship for Huron Co,untY, %Dutre4l, W�TWied ,her home and J-� JIDNES. , , eirlbe ' ' ' i -Atf" -,,W� � ... � BOX is, EXPOSITOR FARM FOR SALE � MQKiliop, Con- �ouvkjllors elected,-Thom�%s _ � ­. . WILLIAM . �40 11 " , A'. - , - L . , 11 ,,0V I. , e7 . -to 3495%1 2S and 29, Gov,aessi�,u 8 Ic value $60 ,casib; ,Miss Xanet Watsonv "' ridl -a' tt4sit V, t'she will . . L , .. fl�An r Aw17 . . � he I , O" as the T. & ;son, 639.'-N ter Broadfoot,'�t-613- T. ber nl�any X, &.�� .,- � � . . . � ftl ibijeaictuitibli S�h,�Jarsbjp at the ,, J '. A ,-,,,j I . ',A..( ift io I I ov -- San�gstor j.A&q',A , I , , �, , . � � A�d impr ,�. L' � ,,, "Q, - the a tv -jy. Uldr e­ '�­C� wm Wning 192 ,acres 'and ka ' s ' .1 .. J; I ones, ­ �6ttlr I I I V"I Hays' farm- I -0 �0 ,.,�', ­ .,. . Must'be sold'ito close the estate. Daerty, 5f,5; Frank Harrisori we Unaviersity of Vle4erp - Ontano, ,ahi6 9PPtinue to 91 oosint for their sides, and with W. �, . ,( ,� , W. --, -�, �, " - . V-- . , -ill be re;ZW For particulate ment'-and 4e resb6red',V,.'her­7Asual as �cptains, ch 11 .�t,­, . GOVENLOCK, Execut6r., Sea- defeated couAcil candidate. sea- ' 1�­; I d at absent. M114#*a�,".0 .I , A ­P.rq�nQusp, It not sold w . $200; LUr. 4-ames Scott, the first �*d &61th' "� . �,�,�'Z�.,. 0 to J. X .. &,*P,h�'­ R1 d Mrs. M. 'B. Parker, an, ,W . �G.' "n' I I , . ' ' a - , � # , . , '�t'heiliv- jnnet,re, Mi,s'Fee read a very . � �',­, - , ,,,, , Amouncements, .. f.rj. 4 W58 -a I / forth Coiliigiate Al,�irifi Association 9 meeting were'rea& and a';W'' . *- I �,,: Ashfield , MT. Frank! "'Mo' he" of N-ew York ,�". , I 1. I .. .1 "Ich Hes�s and C.1,,'Noore, appeaftd"x M I I memorial Scholarship, value $25.00- "d pleasing ,address, while Mr. Aldr � I " -1 BE RE- - is spending a ni)&ntW9 rviscation an of �, � ,.�, - ­ TICE. - ALL Booij6 piubi. ,delegation from the Cbegibpr ,�, N.0, — 'the Christmashloliftys w1th his aunt presented ,Rev. MT. Parker with a 11 , �'V � on or before Mon- OM cd the keenest contests in cash. . , ��,� ." turned,to the Librari RETA TROM.PSONI The awards were prevented by Miss an the Chriskmas tree and - , . 1, � . e - dx , Decerabdr Atft. G 4Farm. Stock For. Sale many years was held in Aslifield- town- 4. uncle, Mr. and ,Mrs,. d. Cook and purse of money ind Mrs. G. C. Petty Comm,erce, re onation.to saike. "-. � .A%',� �y $495-2 . . - a�sldug for a d - Z R 'braria I ,:- Mabe -1 Turnbull, ,President of the, S. '.I. Li - ship. The foliowihg were elected nt6d 1mrs. Parker with a bou I " I Mr. Parker, izon and Shepherd; That we grant, ,'' V.;- ' Agnes, qiiet of jbro.ze mumlsi. 130". 1 1 1., ... �� , c , , . I o HE HORSE FOR SALE. - QOODPIY ,�o Box Reeve, Murdock Matheson; deputy C. 1. Alumni Association. Miss Turn* -5m Harry. I s. prese I .1r,111 "' - M& LIMP H purpose horse for sale. . that the Alumnil " friepc's, of Xr beh If of himself and his wif", 'thl '01111mb-1 of Ccar4nilerce $16, to " � "" -', I I d a came. nished Samuel Sherwood; ,councillors, bull Pointed- out ' -en'eonfined -to her on a , , 1, 1, .. Cress corn salve be reeve, HX'tlith"D has I& 1 , � '. use 'a- 12, THE. EXPMTOR OFFICE, Seato � esented used for the Christirms tree..fuud- , - �," ' " "' . th forever. At Keating's Pharmac�. Se Frayne, Alex Memorial §chQlarsbip was pr room ,p .1-1 � N, `1 3495xl 3494-u Arthur Culbert, Gilbert ' ,vwi#� illness, w%"e pleased to made'a veryfifting reply. 'ed. - , 4 0 ,..,U�, memory of� . . � " N.:' .,�T . — .1 I W. J: Jones Returned Carri F. G. Bouthron, t4t, vollw '. " ""', � '. fattal. McDonald. - All, three councillors are by the asiociation- in learn ` ,i"r6v%ng tv ;� y and. able , I �.,. '.. .1 , - --- t � IN., - : . OR SALE --SHORTHORN CATTLE AND men. This is WT Matheson's those twenty4four ex -students who. ;S . ,y, I tor, reported re taxes of $4,756-00 be ,'�, � ­,!!�,— * . -paid e Clerk. reported, ,0� — F to be ulp'�' , - I Monday lasi','municipal election do, . � I" ��;,.,­,t . Leioester Sheev. Five Shorthorn holds, 9 new their coun- , ,evidenced a steady strAbam of -voters iug to date. Th 'i.�`�t,� , , , Help 1 mionthB; three red avid two 1. I I t � ,", Wanted to 1 rosus, from third term as r4le-vie,and' Samuel Sbe,T- had givien their lives. for ­'4ehgrch Ser ' ,, . dale wood has. served several years, as try. It had 'been, made possible, she . . I . 1 A . 11 re the -tax sale at Goderich and tbl� " .., .1. �, good cows and Mred by Brown 1.1 . � ,,.- I . ,wending their way to the Town Ha I . - - milking ions froni Y 111, . p ,."I','1!i� aT,- the beat Jot of bulls we ..Rev. W. A, , ,-Pung 'e% took place and the purchaser of -the Q Wolff Pr .6ty , ,?,, eted both op W%,7� - EXPERIENIG GIRL FOR Border. These illor. continued, through colutribut �� ' where the voting "W I ,,,, , � W,A�TED- couric ' - ­ pa ,,, Ep Also . � 1111,1',"� . . services at $96.80 flopr the murAti HtY. - �, i, ', , . D. E. ever bred and prices are the lowest Allrama-i everywhere. , ju,,�,,: 'Cogfinel' ' '1� ' Presbyterian J. f�q. �,i gener-al housework. APPlY MRS few fer,ales. Als�o two year old XXX Lakes- Splendid fact that notwfthstalo�ding the very ," IR I I jFEOLMEs, Box 1,28, Goderi,ch, Ont. Goderich Tp. Ath-letie'tro4pMes' and prizes were Ghu4-on" !��ii&7,'JA,At, to' 4fR*R,11'-,.'1.. (T;gistered). one.ram lamb sired , unpleasant .State ,of �thi -weather with Jones r6ported re� the gravelling of - . . 3495.2 ter rams ppleyard -as fol- eong�6jatiqft­ gi4f! Ic was me& 4 C: ram in Toronto ,presented by Caq9n Al . . ­ high winds, rain and snow :,combined, the . streets. ,, conmu i tion -A W�S,, -,�,�r4, and . 1�1 I by Wrand champion . a �,­ ,� -reeve of Goderich V 1 Hx-rv'e�y Mobar�v;' I I.".. for registrathn). ROBERT Wilmot Haacke, lows. Field Day prizes: Barber rendemed'by twv hwr. At the morn, some. s69 voes were cast, being 75 r'elad as follo* -, �'., Lonaon (Oligible I'll �. === - X Peck. Zuxich, Ont, Phone 96 r 15, - , 'h I 'p Iwspit84 �,�, . 1'eu- To�"sbip, for the ipast three years, 1 3492-3 'T by, highest scoring ,boy, Tom ing serhc,6 aA1,W. , ,g � ng with per cent. of ,those entitled to the Wb�r' 'Xe=OT*I'f' on's . 6.11� ,4 = `1 filed. Bills V, "'. Auction Sales sun. . was returned for a fourth term by a �op 1' . bMlls; Ballantyne Trophy, highest jun- a tenor, an4'�§'Oprano �` 10 The interest relniiained at H, J. A- Net*Wn" me .1 I - I ,,, - taken by franchise. ' , `,�,, , majority of nearly ' ' 1fiiVW- A- �'-y ug, and at were passed as follaiws: . , I � 11,,,� SA 300 over, Frank i�or boy, Stewart -Geddes; Senior boy Rev.. and . . high-water mark until the result of and - accounts grant 'O 1. LL, �1]�,� 8ALE.-TBE AUCTION z4ng; ,.serqices�;w.9-iss Dord'thy the voting was made knvv�u, And the Chamber of CVrfimerce, , $15- 0; " . AUCTION will be Powell, a member of this year s coan- chaTripion, Tom Sills - Intern ediatb the ev,e . " �, �. . I twraerly held at Cud=Ore's Barn, - cil. There was no, contest for coun- Llatats"-s"g -4. ,pleasing solo entitled, Votland, labor on stre-et�,' I 1- ,t the Die& House on Saturday, 'Decem boy champion, Rol*nW Stewart; JUn- , P9 ,standing of,all Ithe candidates given C. - $� 0; , , 1.", 1,�­, t�. held I >x Ben o, $6.88-'C. AC4 � . . . . . . 5 "I ,� � I stfi at I p.PL There wiJJ .be for sale a cil, Oliver Jervis, Herbert Cc , - ior boy champion, Stewart Geddes; "His GliVP ifl�*ifflcienit For Me. - Hensall:Hydro, Hydr 5; W. 1. . , 11. � ­ I . ,line of fumiture, .Implements, Fowl, ORY OF OU Rathwell and Harry Corey being re d .6hurch services were in as the, fbllowint,stafte�neut z-h0ws:- ander, gf&vel, sbre6trv, $10-i ., I , . ��� , 1;1 " DALTON -IN LOVING MEM Senior girl-champrion, Irene Eberhart; -Undte For Reeve-4VIlliam J. Jones, 217 ; � � . 11. . CattI4 Horses and pigs. CARL - K'STNFAL whs turned by acclainatiom, Intermedia -W. girl champion, Leola charge of Rev. Arthur Sinclair and ,Ow � Harvey, draV104i gravel, .9000tai, 1i . - I � , �- rftuag,6r; Geo, IEL Elliott, Auctioneer. dear son andbrother, Robert George. . I � re en,Geiger, 163- majority for 'Mr. legal s6ico',, died in Detroit December 10. 1926. 1 r girl,cha�pion, Jean Me- gond congregations we � - ' � William $50.7,19; F. DounellY, M 1 " - �4 Nott;. Junfid� . In attend Jones, 54. Por councillors: .. �.. I . I "Bayfield Dona'ld. Hurom County A. A. A. priz- ance. The monung anthem was, �7 E. ,Wmphill, suppli�s", - $�,95; � , � i"- leve -d him, yes, no tongue can tell . .1 . Shepherd,,,274- W01am Sangster, 254; A- W I W, In-' ,�Hark, TeiLT-housand Harps," with printing, $41.75; Mobr# ­, , I -Tow deep, bo,v D. Robison, Y44; George C.- Petty, 212; F. W- Ikss, I , . P�,,,'. Property For -Sale or Rent we v deq,cly and how well; lSuceesisf�l candidates in Monday's �ea:. ,Cold -medal to Leola Nott, . ­ it best For Sichool Trustee$ Bros, repairs to 'In , I . R I..". — Christ loved him too tand thought or village trustees -were Bar- termediate igirl c)iamplon- Salt Com� soprano solos by Mi6s Annie Smit, ull 50c - Dr. G. , , �1,1 - , . 'Him to rest I election f I F. Daturs, 1,57. . . ll;w,, salaiy� . $70, expense, *20.7,5- 0 , . 11. .1. I .-� ,F Aj�i,ly To tiake him home with -by the In- and in the evening, _in addition to the 0 �� �, FOR RENT.—A ONE.cAR GARAG ,. _ -Sadly missed by Parents, Brothers and old Branoon, 101 votes; Donald Mur- pany Trophy to the school .� 1-1 er- --John Shepherd, 297; W� O. Goodwini cc�. nty Tkii�aanr�r,, tax sale plirchase, �!,r, '' . . I ,0,�r � . GIBSON" High Street Sea- 3495-1 g, ChampioA team,; anthlem, a . - AlfredE. Clark, 282; A. Filshie; u , I . 0 mas. IL J. Sisters. '. she Elliott, 76. De� ,termediate 'GiTh ,pleasing duet -was rend 294 - "�." - , t 3495xl ray, 91, and Le ys, Chinipionship ed by 1mrs. G. M, Drys&�e and Mrs., ' ned- coun- $96.80; J. A. Paterson, expenses, God M�,­ forth. ' 88. The -four first mpntio ' g -,'i feated candid .., , ky., H. Pfile.-­ d and are the same erich and express, $2.07', Q Cb*k, � ,.1 j� � 'FOR SALE.-M.'LWEy-HARRis GASOLINE 74 votes, and Samuel Houston, 58. team. In the absence of expected supply 'cillors are electe $W.&O,;.J. A. Paterson, §a1ary 1�111,1,�� Cards of Tha RMarry 1MIelver, captain of ,,the vic- for the past year. The salary, 1 , i". ,, .4 . LOUIS t, the services in St. counfillors as �1 I .T,,�, engine, 11/2 H. P., aanl0st Pew � I ted Gii Sunday las� -re 'elect- and by-law* $100; F. G.,Bonthrou, ,,, � u in first Ithree, ,school ,trustee ' salary, "I ­ . Road East phone torious Ho, gh Cup teara pregen s we Ilk�'- DEVE1REAux. Huron ., I Paull's Anglican � - were salary $45- Geo. Hudson, � I J, r ��, 1Z.2.5. Se.f,.rt&. . 4 3495-1 rrHE -BROTHER$ AND SIS OF T .I ,Medals Church , � ,,-': - . ire o express re -eir tax notice; the Hough Cup to the schoo . , ed. Saginaw CAty, ,,�?56;1 A. iFo6ter, salary, Fire D-ept., , N . - JL ute Herbtat Johnstone d - hool rebate on th to Winners. in Rifle Contesksi Stra,bh- chlairge of :Mr. Robert Varley. Mrs, Minnie Muir of , ql� SALE. -ONE WAGNER 5 H.P. ELEC- their appreciation of the man kindnesses . . Torba. $ftO.40. Poll Tax'By- , 't bepea e- information forwarded. Sheep valu- cona Trust Silver Medal, Ian Mae- . Honor Minister . - a '15- 1 1 &,R,,`,��`:��. - ' Ft W with So foot cable. tended to them during -their recen't bepea, I MiclilgaTi, Who ' recently spent W �L - I tric motor on sik 3496-1 ment also to.thank those who sent flow ators laid information of two ewes Tamish- Dominion Rifle Associathon I I re necessaW .M�;"- � , r . AX.P.A. held -a very enjoyable , couple of weeks here with, her uncle law No. 10, 1934, was ad �,4,,­, p1lone 2.51-21, SeefOrth. - 3491xl nd 1 1 mb�beloriging to R, D. Hun, ,�The I times and passed. ft;�61- R"111 I and louned care. I a a ,r cent.), I and aunt, ,MT. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer, number of 00-1 , PTION OF' Medals- Special (over 98 Pe Monday night iK14".11" 1 ,� ,ter being worri I � (aver social ,evening on .19 - hat we now a& , �� . ANTED. -To RENT, WITH 0 ed ,by dogs. Laid over Ian, MaeTavisb­ Secowid Cla--,, . The eve=g now in PoTt Rowan' ivisiting her son and Shepherd. T � " ,,,,�,,;;, - . 1W o lendid attendance.' , , - hn,ing. farm, loo acres or mom or two until December -15th mieeting. Joshua 46m� Rutledge Allan a 'sp meet again on , , d " t.) radlo pro! -. I ,� , , Births Johns presented Sanitary Inspector's eel '�ill,, Har,ie Hille'n, A- was V. - & devoted to a gram, fol- relatives, 'DT:' W,; H.- Reid and, Mrs. journ -to December 15 't t,ogethe,r; good land and � --J. A . separ,at� -f rms close BOX. 19. 19� P � I... , at .8 p.,m.---4Carried. . Pate�rSO`i4 ly K,y,7, Tp lowedby games and a spell Reid and sons. ff",' ., � �,,,.;�L-'�- - b.ildi.,,,� well watered. APP 3495xS f4 of .�4.50 and Ben Williams, sheep I VPc -�HT5RON EXPOSITOR, thur DevereauYt. - I The relatives and friends -.of Mr. Clerk. . ,., , I — on Nov. nses for -034 $9.10- Guitar and: ukelAe ,selection . . . I o",i ,,,, .. ---------------- — HAV,117HORNE.-In Victoria, B. C.. valuator, expe � s by G. with Misis Wary Fee. and `M-, ---- I . . . d �, I I . M '', -- FOR;SALE. - A COMFORTABLE EIGHT- 18th to Mr. and Mrs. 1ohn Hawthorne, a bothordered paid. Reoaipts6. County ", P. Southgate, ' J. 1, . . - convenient Kraurber, J, Dun ey, . . , . rom7red house. situated in a d.;ht.r--M=Y Elizab-th I-sbeft'l- ea- equipmept, .grant, $9Z9; 19M taxes, el � I I "K - if net .old will be rent�d STANLEY. -In stott Memorial Hospital. S Dale and E. P19 t came ne%t on the , . part of tho town .t. Apply at InTE EX- forth on December 5ffh to Mix and Mrs. $175.00; refund, arrears of taxes progranj,,and were much enjoyed. A 1.4 -- - . . . to a Sui-talvie tpr 8461 --ed B.;��. SbLALY, of i,Q..1. (.e'. ElitabetS . � I., POSITOR OFFICE. . from County Trea�surer, $36.90. The �. i:. � I � . Rolph), a daugbter. vocal tii�. �y Dave Stewart,. 'William . I I . R RJ;NT­­MGDERN DWFL- following accounts were paid: R. G. Cucl=re'and Douglas H. Stewart re- . I -WOR SALE 0 -Treasurer Exeter I � ljn� hollqe nn ,��uth side of Goderich St., Seldon, Secretary c&,*ved a hearty encore. � .. . atsax�rth one baock from main street ckureb- Agricultural Society, grant, $15; "Educatin', Mary" wa the title ­of I S .. ,�'- I . . r,d �cbccl,� New s -piece bathroom. new Deaths Bay Beef competition, $15.00; Amos I . Come 6NE GRAND�' OPENING, 1. es ft . I in- . -e well- resented one act play which . A �, -� 4 # I 10 It -1 4 0 � I r . .) I V I �- I � I I I V S ; I 11 I 'I I I . I t I � � N I �,-! , . � � ftpvh"- -A-ctnc lis,hts ,and town wa er . I Doupe, Sec.-Treas'., Kirk -ton Agricul- followed. V Those taking part inchid- -1. I . I.. I SQM. H�n;e, .b,,. been freshly painted and ay, De- . .. oo , jOHNsTON'P­ln Seaforth. on Me -al Society ,grant $15, Baby Bevf ' , �. d#comted throusz4hout Ay� 'tmore, Brenton God - Immediate. %scasion in his tui ed Fletcher! Wbi ­ COME ALL . i7 to R. S. H �i Q­,� �oember 3rd, Herbert Hug1h Johmto e, competittion, $15; Treasurer Kirkton . ; , an' I 8464-tt 55th year. kin, Stewart Plant, Jack Fortune, Isa- � I 1� 7th. Libriry, grant, $6; J. M. Roberts, Co. I Jamieaon, Marjorie Wigg, Mary I .".1 � . I I nshi 'be ol,mies and Ruth Shinan. The play 'w I � " . Clerk, tow p's portion, A. Latta, .- . , I ;.. . . I 'to .Stratford on Friday and were Iriospital fees, $25.35; Gladman and H -rected by Miss Fennell and . I 0 " . - it was di . .t. .1 . SATUR Y, D�EC' 8th . I 'v " T , $11.69; Jno. i - I �;, .-. , -- .cco. aniO h,c,m,e by Dorothy Wil- Stanbury, solicitor's fees Mi�­ Wood. 'A' , 1p Normal Kellett, burying dog, $1; Joshua . 11 I ZURICH son f-rrom. t h e Stratford An exqelj�nt truTapet trio (by Ross I . 0# � � 0 smwmm� Jolins , I , 'i School. �, Sanitary Inspector, $4.50; Ben Re,nnie, Roy. Oke and Douglas H. . .. I . ,, Hanson - Schwalm Mr. John Medd has returned from Williams, sheep valuator, $9.80- Mrs. Stewart v,t,sf,followe,d by a. pbysieal � I I - I . I I ' �1. supplies for 1%11 I 1. Rev. E. TuerldieirG PerfQrined- the the Toronto General Hospital. Mary Kellett, �ON��-�ip �rain,'ng'(f,;-V6-ywhicb concluded, the - 1. I \ " . �, " � : � . , -- ceremiony ivt the' Lutheran 'PaTsmalge VishoTs: 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Wan. Ger- hall, 401c; Hydro Electric Power Com- . , .;� ist, which 11 ,-"-. � �,l . Saturday, December The bbys,Jpreg�nted di-rrl'ye . on. man of Wentworth and Mr. and Mrs, rndssion, arrears Hydro rates, $63.42; p'rogram" FIC te-d i� marriage Nelda E., daugh- George German of Lisitowel with Mr. towns -hip postage, $7,13; Court of Re- !..'� 'i " uni sthenic and wand drill- qr" ' t'le " ?4 ,Mrs. Peter Schwalm, $5L50; Ja ' -- � s - o.e o e , " f� ter of Mr. and and Ws. E. Phillips; Mrs. S. Cox of vision, Voter's Lists, mes a - novel number C-nti'1-1. " r- ; 4,1-n,-, ---t . I F. of Ray To,wnship, and Mr. Lorne Goderich with Mrs. 'H. Mogridge; Ballantyne, ,salary as Reeve, $55; C�- rvy Hand." Th,c 9 . 4 � TU .71's 1 . ! . ��, . 11. r and Mrs. T) 71T f Voy­t 'D es—tt salary as councillor $45; . - �1, T � I � �x lianson, ca straufor . Miss Mary Moore, .1 � ? . I I I 'ded G Krauter, A. r 0 , ' ,S, . ; �; Hanson will reside at Stratford. with Mr. and ,Mrs. Archie Robinson, Petr Moir, salary as councillor, $ , "'I 1. A,' .1 45-1 - Inf I councillor, Eberl rt, �A. Storey, A. HudEon, L. I . kl'; � ty was held in the .Hullett- Mrs. Warner Andrew and Reuben Shier, salary - as I No TO THE BUYING PUBLIC: 1E, F,11 D � A euchre par, 4 .9smore, salary as coun- ,,,. D,rover, M. Broadfoot, E. i. ." Town Rall here on Thursday, even- two children, Prosperity, with Mrs'. $ 5; Percy Pa .�, Habkirk, A. Sproule and J. I . �. Henry Strang, salary as The dis-play 9 directed 'in coming to Seaforth and opening a new, modern, up-to-date shoe I' - Williaim, Dobie; Anna Dobie of Blue- cillor, $45, Ander oni, .. I p.. mg. . , a - Miss Donna Clerk, $260.0 , y , sona - ,4i 01 I I Gascho left for 0- Mrs. Mary,Kellett,l � i:a .11 I invitation to call,and visit us, V Mir. Norman vale with her parents, b _ and Mr. edmark, i s,anovtorium at London on Monday for Armstrong of West Wawanosh with salary as caretaker, $12. Council ad- The school orchestra which added I parlor, I wish to extend to you a per imber of the family, and. all - ,� . �11.1.1 10 treatment; - her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. journed to,� meet Saturday, December much to the proogramh as its mem- and inspect our new footwear, for every m ' c I, �, . er Tl,tomfpsoni Mr. and Mrs. W. MdtC,h 15th, as per statute at 10 o'clock a.m. iolins, I walks of life; Shoes 99 . , . : Wiss Ethel Hess is visiting he bers- Piano, Reginald Pryce- va with style and quality, moderately priced, but with a L. k 'T�l Jas. " sister, ,Mrs. (Rev.) L. Kalbfieisch, of and ,Doro,thy of Clinton with Mrs. -Henry ,Strang, Clerk. AMILY SHOE STORE, where they I . . Eugene Dunican, Fred OALea ., I . " I Elimira, for a few weeks. John AAltur; Mr. and Mrs, Stephen wide range of fittings; in short "A F . 1. 1, f the Luther League I Sherw.-iod,; trumpets, Douglas Stew- e in and see us any time. Yours truly, , L The members o "edd of Woodsto,ck with Mr. and M,rs. I art, Rots Rennie, John Hotham, Roy fit the feet. Cont . , I . 11 ce.lebrated the 21st Anniversary of.the �ohn Med4;- Miss Luellac Johnston of . I Oke; Bass, D'Orleorn Sills; trombone, I ,. . .1 . I Wednesday evening. (,li,ton v4�h her parents; Mr. and kIPPEN s, Frank Grieve, . .1 , I local society on � - I Fl�-hn Rennie; trap . �- ' "': . held at which a num Mrs. Lloy&Raitbby with MT. and Mrs. aind was directed 'by Reginald, Pry". I .%�. Services were 'Rev. E. F, ,Chandler gave a very I I �. �sl�"` in - any - Z, - j, Taylor'' I 0 Men's Section "I'., ber of interesting add,resses we're giv " . en. ,After the services a Program 'fl� r;�Amen are putting tiling in interresting talk on the Parable of the - - Women's Section . - I Consisting of a pageadt and other at the side of the roadway on the bi,g sower and the growth of a Christian - . �- . . . I I 5tyles, for tb4 . e. bouse,. : . . I . � ell . and, the event bill leading out of the villake to aid life on Sunday morning last. The HENSALL . I ' /I � , numbers were given . - . ,I 11 .. - th.t street an,d the Shoes -and Boots for ,,, was'elosed witth a banquelt. . surface draining. ' oboir sang a very fine ant&m, "O . I I I . I . , A play entitled, ,,Civil -SeTnce," was . Several wended the a io C,Dme Lot Us Sing," which was well Manufactur's ;peti-al at liemphiflls X. '­ not forget- fine dress up,. wear , I given in the %own Hall last Thursday centres on Thursday �morning to"hear rendered. ' Drug Store, Tkur&day, Friday and! I - ,.i, � I farm - I . I � . ;;; �, . evening. Th -6 play was given by Ex- the broadcast of the'wedding of the -The Young People of St. Andrew's 'Saturday this, week only. Gardeas . ting Slippers for or the -hard knocks ( I - I � ,eter young people and was well worth . Marina. United Church met on Sunday ,even- Face Powder, $1.00 size and bottle ., I I '. . Duke of York and PrWcegs . ; going to hear. The reception was veilr good.., ing last. Na&r�an , Alexander pre- perfume, Por 29c; GardeniL " Cold I '. I . c o m f o r t and of every day W1. I : �t I The PWice Trustees of Zurich in- The Anglican ,Chur , ch 'held a very si6ed and also took the, topic, "The Ch-eam, and bottle perfume r1r. 39e; � � , ; I I I - . G . r, "' . e council' cof the Town- Rev. E. -F. men's special shaving outfit, S, Blue I. , I � warmth. - I z terviewed th. successful cafeteria tea in the base- Secret of Happiness." I Ste�eel blades ab i plam, stypbi� . . �. I ­­ . I �, - to " I" , . aving , r , . 198 - "I . . ship of, I -lay at the meeting heo on ment d the. Presbyterian Church on Chandler took the cliacussion� �,a I , ­��-1 I I - Monday on the matter of fornving a Saturday night. . I ,The Gauld miss ll meet pencil and �lacle shdrpener, all for I 0 . . 0 .�� . -g this village. At The hockey elub met at the home on Saturday afternoon in, the school 29c. W&1 " , . , 'to : fire area surroundin . . OR C � � the prresent,time no proper afrrange- of Mr. Keyes on Thursday night. roaln of the church, Abl the mem- Subscriptio'719 solicited for all daily , . � 7AJP 500 , I I ,� ments are ip force providing for the A reception in the form of a dance bers am urged to be present. . and weekly paperrs at the Hensall . -44V 10 , of the fire -fighting equipment and card -party was held, on Friday The Busy Bees Mission Circle girls Post Office. -Patronize your Post-mas- � �'. use . I I ,!: . oWned �by the viUage and the serwces n4gbt in the Foi�rester's Hall for Mr. are -invited to an "Wt home" on Sat- ter who handles the papers and en- 3098 i - - I . . i� ' _ to give I 0 . � - I �, " of the, firemen at a fire in. the rural 'and Mrs. Charles Nevins who were urday afferiwon set 2 -,P,.M. at the deavours d satisfaction. 1 0 �, recently niarried. During the even- bo,im of the Honorary Presiden box re . i� " section. It is proposed to see if, a t, Mrs, Po-st office 1 re s are due in, the . - . , ­ be secured fro,in the , Henderslom. The giils, will months of bece and Janugary. . ALSO SPATS � 1 ,7, pRtition can ing,a purse was presented by Mr. Geo. Jghn SMARTLY I . �111 ir � farmer- living in. a f6ur4ndle 'eircle Hallam and an address read by Mr. please bring their needle and, thimble Those in amears kindly make -up such. I ,, I , 'i Hen ­ 1, � and if this is poossible the woncil �W'll A. Rollinson, both of whomi were war as there is some sewing to complete G. J. Stutherland, Po,stmeaber at STYLED . (ft��-%� . ,� 1. " Every comrades of the gYoom� YT. Ne,Kns before (7hrisidmiag. sall, Ont. 3495-3 . ­� 11 pass the necessary by-la,v . . . I ---., 1 198C .1 11, .. 1, I I ftrmerr in t1la area would -be g�ssegsed was the firsl man to enlist in this dis- The Sunday school Christmas con- At the special request of ,quite" a 0 - V�. I k I ­ ., , � T 1, . zimil sum to pay for 1-11si'atetiaut!e', trict and w"t with the -army of oc- celit will be held in St. A.ndmw' literary � . I " a . -9, large num1ber the splendfid ' 1. .. � , ete. It was also suggested that Pub- cupation into Germany, United Church on Ro -cember and musical pTogram which was giv- I V I - nday, DL � I t" - , The Sacrament of B-Aptism.war, ad- 17th at 8 p.m., sibarp. Mir. Goulding en ��y the mev�bers of the Young . Chidreas School Shoes �� 0 � he liability i.-nsurance be .goeured to . � 1. , , I proteot the firemen .in case of an ae- ministered in Knox 'United Church on of ExeteT, musical imstr4tor, is People's League of the United Church � I ­ � ,, . cident.. I 'Sunday morning. Dr. Mortimore an- training the children in a cantata. a week or so a -go, is to be repeated Shoes for iSchool, AW Play , Or for . I . , " ... Mr. and- mrs. Gordon Biagett Of nounced to th,e. �oohgTegation that he The school mneert in S. S. No. 14, on Monday eveni"g, December 10th, I ,Sunday dress, up. V, : Godo -rich -were visitorrs, in town on wou3d be leavigg at the end of the Stanley, will be h,eM on Tuesday ev- .and will, no doubt, again draw a very . . . . . . ". Tuesday. ' 'on ening, December 1841. large attendance. 98c .,,,, $2.98. . RUBBERS r �. coliferrence year. The congregati . I � I � . 'MT. Ed. Schnell of BayfielA spent greatly regrets this. ,miss Halcyon Chandler of "West- Missionary Night was observed at - - � V, ,few days last week at the bOrfte If on Sunday evening in the Anglican ern" -visited over t�e week -end with th,- Young People's League of the - SPMAL+.�Bedr,0`01ft �,Slippers, sat of Quality . P bia rd4her. . ' Church Rev. L. V. Pocock gave a very ,,her parents, Rev. and 'Mrs. E. F. United Chutch on. Monday last when paoded insole and low Tubber hedis. . . Miss Alice Decher, of the 906tt interesting talk ,on the life of the -Chandler, at the, Manm . - there was a very good attendanlee. Colors: Red, Blue and 47c I � For street and everyda7y I �., H ital S"TOIth, '-spent late Archbishop Stringer, telling Of The speaker for the evening Was, &11rs. Grey ....................... . . - � , "`rial� :,"Zt,,j,0' ,home here. the great hardships undee which he R. J. ,Moore, wife 'f the Principal of . � . wear, not forgetting Rub- , . ,the Week el ­ ' I c I . . N1, - labored sio, faittlifully. . the high ,school, who gave a most I - RUBBER SPECIAL �- Men's six -eye ber ,�Boots' High Top Lac- . . I � 1. ­ --- I - I Huron Old BOYS teresting account of missionary Wornk Laced Gum. Rubbers, red ,S1.95 � I .. , . � in Cbira and also read, *some very roiied Soles, With felt insole� � 'r"- , I , . I . ed Rubbers and 6 -eyelet � I. I �. , , . , � . I ,L,4,M:.1J � � USB aunt, I I � 'gen- . . �� 0 . , ,g lettem from hor . , ", � ORNig (,Continued from Page 1) itit*restin Imen's Red Rolled Edge , I .1 1� Laced all rubber for ' , . . , � '", ­ , I � I "I 1. . �Sto,We, Mrs, G. C, Young- Program, Miss C. WellwoA- who ia,,a, mils%idfil akot ftbber ......... ;�;.. " " Z 93c I i 1, 1. I I , I �., - a - ,.. �� e,fy oi '�, Rtn'o'x I '' 1� W; W'. A, VAtntp6el ; 9&i�i;,� Mr. TM., ­ I ­ .1, ­' I _ . .1 , oft. Z, Plies) Abid, . . .; "t 1-r = 6fikiR iflutes i ' A vocal duat was veTy eral Wear. , I , lar wee,47 M-1keting -0� t4e IVIA", I ,. _ I Ary in Chi � TuesUy The munid-Oal council of -the Town- 'A. G. &Mifli; Property,, ,Mr. G. N., * :ely rendered, by Xt. and Mrst. BDYS', SOMB Style- . ­� . �, I 11 t, . At SpecialTrices, . . 'Naw hulth was -held on sbirp of Ushorne met Pursuant to ao- N, . W�en�-,y. pJile, ,�Uj,&,'pjatio solo 41by Miss I I to's '. , I t 83c . I � . � � P.,�, ,4 ,,� 1114. �. led the . , I �; �, ,,I & I i � .0 - lig At' I Sizes I .. ",4 ...... . -11 ? t, . . I I . lo IMottirvore journment on December ISt, With Iff - .11 I ! I a mr-trotig " I � 1. . ­ .1 =ail n i : el Peai�f r-I&TI, .1blo by I , ""'."t" �,` .� � .. 4ong,- Harry -Stu,Td,y bad charge � I I * �,�*11",1-7j members present. The minutes of the Mr. J. A. Qvnikron; Bluevale, Mr. H. and a reading .by MiFis Milldied Fol- t ' ' ", ' ' . . , - , ij- Bob. Craig read th'e" n�eeting of NoMea"r 3rd were read B. Obowo; Blybh, Mr. W. J. TomNyn� I*'. &*d much to edhe, 'PrograTarne, k . ., f?, ,� A " , ­ - I � I . . I ­ .1 � .. :, J,h1pWy#, psgadij.p, and I . . �� 1. 9 . . I I. ­. S, . e , � I I . � ,aiid approv,ad1,,,,W%1r the follovftg - Br1*9 , * . -SIS R SIP19C- . . iql", . . , 01,611 Arthur ... � I .. r"his trip, to - . I I t I§rucefldld, W.T. T. . tard- ' L�Ing WW, arranged by Miss- . .. . I . �� I ) "I 4 . I ittp Thoc ., ,,­ so * 6 'Smi I . I . t, WINDOW DIS. - . Vwm , - ulnt6 't . � Rub AUTROA14,ED A.Qr , .. . ", , IdWo b 1;, r q r L -y Jink6i� Who & couple of ,, �,, � � " I e , . , I ; , W4 � , A I Ilie ,and Pearl Eldlor. � � ,. F� OU , wpi,g eb 'r4 a Joh" Luxton Dr. 1, G. V or a , ' " . .,: detail Id" 0ount d ,�, ' - , ,:. ," 4 I a - �e: ,� , ,� P. Quin- I ton,�, . , , !, . , 1�. . YA h .' 39 ,.I�Ifo �, , . . of N - 1), & a , �MITH =1 .1 . . I . X, In 0 F, �y 13 . .. I'll , ­ � -&s, awo�fr icisyto, , rim M - totIV er -- VV 1,1s6n; I �, ' - , .. -, I ,, V. " . . , "I , , - W& ." - bod, , Weeki ago -underwent Ah ope'ration for . � 'VO 6 g� Low "�, .. S.J. , . ENCY r6k OR W, I � ,� , .q, " . I =P0111 P Iling Sub W. LOCIM W6& % I 1 , R]�AY . ­-,� '11� I ,,02ja ,W,,- anip ,Vp 6ra ,Di, gi � , .", I �,. I I I I , � � �111� I "C'. ­ ,,, ,)r,.,*. 1. -ft. .I- �­14 � "it"', erich . 1 V�a-ft ­ . I- I , �i .�, Shoes . . , 11 ... ., . h .jp I oil = ad 11 . I , .. ... ;J, I &6 �;, 111T , R" , Val ;4� of Wesitovft i erkh, MT. I uarrie; dc;i;E-, appendicitis in the 101int6n, H60itdl, . . The Shop F I ,4111 , a.. 116, 1 1 -t6 fri4ndS Shier. X,*ce ft6M .B;anb of Mlont. , L ` ... .�",' f. 0 1 ood I �, ­ , 4t.,,W � 0, g,'�e,,��,., -,' I ,; . IC ;�q ( �ft 0"d re0o; .... 11. . .�"11 � I I . " V Mr. A. A. Greer - Heustll, Dr. D"on bas been makift sb . ' . - , I I �i� , 01pbd1hp LC ar�,,,h , V . I I'll, ,�f 1, . P"M , �,� . -1 . I - b -Vpis 11 , , ., M", ­ "' � ­-- ­ .f' i i - 'thut 6, . -4 k4k ii � *��040 I 111,1 4, � ­ " i - -9- M- 11011 teal of overclue,geed grain 46te%c .0- $ 1� ". ,.' .11 141, ," -W, ,,�, k, �` , , m", : ,T;. wk, ,,* -- t'. _ , ,, I F 091ft. ricitoes account for the yearli* ,�'dqksro, wn John 'br_ _ _ . .1 I � I . . I ­ I LL 111�� it"' SO fir 4&Wtv I logo 'Can , ­ 'If'- = Z I AM, v- SaItford, ,*. R. C. King; sea,�, swilie 000V i week - '' & , .. .", , "' . '. . VPV rwar,ded byGlAd- lil'oo - . 1. ^, PEGE 'R 111Z 01;�Ii';:, , , ­ L- yw- � -1.4 ,Xok With to 1934, .inelusive, fo, - - Win-ghum, able to go around a a . 'NIEXT - Q . . E R .. I 11 X.I.,11 J� -,h " 9 ".0'r ER", a 11 NT'TH AT E 9 SEAFO T,H - , � 4' "i I ;j! il �Ibv , d , ' T. R4- nUn .& Stanbury for $17.69., es - � - - '. , � ­­­ ..... I -­-­­­­ .. - . 11 �J le � 1, -44--r) � , ­ r. ii *. W. IV t f6fth M. &-r A. R Foi�.� , , I �, -, I, '-' ''. I , a , " 9,9.�,,,, , ar . , Io, I , ,L, - .­­: !,"4 , J,f . ":,." �.�­Ad � ­­­­­-­� I'll, ----- � ­ �.­ I 1- . � , ,�, � 1,',�, �­'V.,�. v,,;,qr'�" i , ,- � - , . , . . � � . 1� I -,*.,I ­ �� I I , .�� , , , - , I,' , " - . '' �,T,"2,0�17,­.�� ,4' :� .. - .1 !-%,* uar.) , �� , ,,, . . I � , 0, I *4% " r - - � , " I � I � 11 � I � . � . I , ", I IT A. �'..:." . g �, , , �" - "' i,'r ,%,�, 1, - . W.* � �Mllv- , , 71*1 IV Toa"o 410'14,.19�0 D,PJ4e.VWe.4d,t00,: A , W�it�,,' , I �, i �, `­­,� i .. -, , 'i " On , & . . I . , It i -- I �Ifl., I 11 " Et�ml;l &4Vk9Jft , 211 " V4 , "a , . I - ­ ; 11 -6 ­1� I N., � '"' W * a" Owed " to I g , I I I v, .1 . , , . I I I . . 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