HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-11-30, Page 4. ZIURICO 4% been il I 4gaam for .4 Wedding trip, IbQ,; yan&*T , '"Me. , 0'. I i , N ; r ", 'a ' I L ' I "" I ­ . T&-tI!, M.. Clumming in -the regular Detroit, the bride tmygning -in a HO,M­p, ,01d$e ftiost, whe�d their d&T L . Hensall, No I V e ber - . . 'i I re INsstionary Society Sunday mor4ing service� -chose as hiz mnaft brown cloth . co* . em 97, 190#1 I - I I .1 I i AA I A d %N text Acts 11:24. ,He showed * thsA and accessories, to motob Upon their j, . ilbuT 'Carlos P*Mlom, To the Ratepayers a4 1— , �,, , - , -- ing a bale .of tclothiug for sendmg Barnabas was a 9bad man aid full of return they . will make their future el", ,son of Mr- aft� X -M, Jdhn'Pus- of the WyicipAWY of Ae*'60, ' '; k k.' . .. Ao- tho;,needy in Ahe ,WeAern prov the Holy 'Ghost and of faith. Pr9m., bome with - the 'groomi 5 , "relds, Xr. of .Ifensall. Uovi. Airthur Sin- , Ladies and Qqu%l�men: . .1 0,t, -4 A ill Inserted at new low cilsit rateo.: mceq, - his life niahf good" exaniples of a and 'Mrs. J-Wnges A. BeR, W6 reside ' �, ,of !3envall oftiated. T%o 10,� . I wish to 0%6k you for Veit - I .. ,,, r,,_�,.Otod Lost and Found, Gov#av Rvienia, Eitc,_.Vei wor,d.- I 1W Willard C�rriveau of near I peaormed lundqr7 an axO�h votea. and' pootawpo of a , 1�JV I Ohrisldan's way of, li are giv*n. on the.Londou road, a short 4astanco molly was, I � 11, ,, ,','4.' L , . I . . t We on . ................. 25 Cents 7&ggie Kraft, flor a term, of one year. McKILLOP .1, . �"fns ,of the wedding niarch ection that it should be made an ' 1 1- ,,,, I 46nks_ In �dernoriaan NOOC-i�--I. %at , Par word. Minirauao,, So "utw per weeig. Notice ,lips boen received by the , ' large gathering, the hall being packed VA,ad *1e . _*@0 A*0`W­;.;_Z.%",hh , ., 1; . . . . . . . . rrr XftvX be diTecited t�D 4 Box Number, cue (d The Huroa ftimitor, for 10 canto town,yl,p ,il , D 2 ,d, services of to cap . . �19 Passmope, adeter of of the closing year,,' ', Mp�,,%, T?,; ra. . co= from the HydrD On141S"j1,'td.9.`y,e',tr ec. n , the occasion being a re- the,'bride, Who ww given du MkL ge ing appreciation 4UdL'S4*_1ng the ' _'. "I,. �,,� I " ,go Electric Power lCommission of On- tia,ee , William by -her father, entel the room daint- cost and worry of an.0lection, at- ,,; , �.,,� --A%, 1 04 additional r Per week wi-11 be charged it ads in above,classes we not pad by the churches on the govm, Of it umdu ated as, u, can. " 'e., taTlo that in future all contracts for toral charge. At Beoth,A, Duff's a ­ ' '17g ,, 1, _', q g, McIG-110`0 Pas- P,�,ke nee -Miss Leona Lemon, who ily stibired -in a se-fi g though the �. I , ­ I , nd ewl� recentiy Inarried. During the ivory satin made Qn_real long lines. didate for the Reev . eship, but my I , � . . . . . . L 13#0s, BUrriaves and DeathA inserted free of'charseo . Hyclro zervike in the Clinton disitriet, C _ en Church, W4nthroip, IlFather and W 1,- AMV . cour,,m of the evening �he,y were Pre- The long ve-il fell from a sunburst of desire or wish was not re p .'t- - g, "'Pt, r I of whieL. the northern portion of ,,, rr ... ZZ ,,,�,, � . .1 _�. rrr RaC7 township is a part, will -be lor 'day will be observed- FatbOrs sente7d with a lovely.- dirung room tiny tucks which were caljgbt� .by an ed, and I was put in by vote or I .IS ,,� -, i , �: land sons wil-I sk together in ,the ser- table and -chairs, the adiftess I hea e t rentest for that office. Novi -with 111�1 Help Wanted of 20 -)eihg orange blossom -d AT Sts. Whi e T?Mll .1 I I Lost and Found . Years vices, occupying theemtre section Of read, by 'Miss G Pv * '* and haP- Slippers we.Te worn, and, the'brride another year rolling arepad," I , I'll P, - , as ii� foaner contractrs. the church. The Wtor, Rev. P. E. Dily replied to 1b'wyv,U'heP'g"room, MT'. ied,a bouquet of White chrysan- was in hopes that the ratepavem I'll, n:,_ ., ED' IMr. Oscar Klopp atte4ded the Roy- ,Morrow will delivier A seirmon �n PaVker, exprevgingl thanks for the carT . ., RELP WANT .:�BY- THE- FIRST OF, I OS1T--ON TUESDAY, $110 ..,-�,,P­-- , -�Januarw, is housekeeper positi "d t theinums and bebe mums. The -brides- would not be put to the expense ' Y��I,�,.4L lb, Va. . Ifigh ' Fair at Toronto over the keerping"with the'ocewl tion. His sub- gifts Dancing Was indulged in to ,, _7'.. or two adults; middle-aged, reasonable. AD- 1-ther Jacket; glasses in . . �, pocket FiZZ week4nd. .. maid, Miss -Bernice Harris, Sister Of and trouble -of another election' ill &&� ply, to Box 17. Expositor Ofte. 3494-1 please leave at E�xposiltor Offl". . 34ft2a 'Mr. J. D. Merner of Detr 4 . Ject will -b6, "LThe Paxable of the I , qp,�, exe& ent music supplied by differeat tb�e brid,, was gracefully attired in '' I - contest, but again opposition has 1, Fp',Ij -3. " .- - _____ I i o"t' is Prodigal Father." At Duffs Church .lMal oreheStraS, and a very enjoyable I - )� . tl:,��.-!. ­ I I — STRAYED. -BED STEER, WITIR WHITE visiting blis 'brother, Mr. J. W. Mer- a choir of the fathers and sons of ,a wine chiffon Velvet gown, and car- been shown to that course� and - .. 1§,); . to Lot 245, ConeeMaian 6, Hibbert, 5 weeks ner, of town this week. le WSOOS�;._, v .atson', riled a bouquet � , - ,�o I . ` Owner way have same by paying feed The -many friends of Mir. Casper the congregation, 4111 supply special ,!.,, - � I F111 .2 ,, , . of yelilow chrysanthe- as a consequence I am running -'11 Farm Stock For Sale agaand J 61t red 9OU10 mu�n`s. 'The groolm's brother, Lloyd at the wish of a large number , and chairges. P&4one 43 r 14, Dublin. mus c. At ,Cavejn Church, Winthmp, iplies'Fing Iso,los wft 1gu0tar a�Oc�m� Passmore, a6ted as best man. The of the rate -payers. I have'to ask � . .1. 494,,l Wallper will be sorry to learn that 1, ;�ff!'.o - HORSE )FOR SALE. - GOOD GENERAL be is Seriously ill at present. bTldels mother chose a black satin you very kindly again to put me I ���­ ,, , and at Bethel Church. The choir, as- Hold Nomination Meeting t=ic while the groom's mother was in at the head of the poll and I 11 �l,l. .1 purpose horse for sale. Apply to BOX It is reportedthat Zurich may have vistted by Mr, Charlie Boyd, will sing. Nomination meeting, oil Friday ev- i,to 12, THE EXPOSITOR OFFICF,,*Seafor,th. , 1,_.1 . — -V�nts a creamery in the near future. The gowned in black crepe with velvet will do my best in the interests. 11-! ' Coming E On Monday evening, December 3rd, ening la,�t in the Town Hall, was not ltrin*ningys During the sitning of the of economy and servim A week , I . 1 3484-d matter is now under. consideration -by a 7 o'clock at Caren Church, Win�, as �argely attended .as usual, the ,register, j)r. Ivan Emillie of Hlensalll ago I met with a fall from a "I ,%, ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER Tle Board of Police Trusttee& . I . Leicester Sheep. Fi e Shorthortr buRs. 9- 1P.m., in W. A- Orich's vacant store, a Rev. ,McDonald of St. Marys has throp, the fathers ind. o te date of 'holding this year groom�s, I , to 11 Months; three red and two roans, from isang "At Dawidng." The wagon while doing municipal I ;�,, - salei of home baking, candy an,d sewing wil charge vAll -sit down to, a ba4q,uet confusdlig many as, to the occasion. gift to the ,bride was an sero -pack, w4k, causing me for the timp be - I ,I , . good milking cows and $!red "by Browndale ,he hold under the auspices of the Salvation taken charge of the St. IlDniface R. . - Border. -These we the best 'lipt of bulls we I lby the ladies, of the three Those present tPok a d4e!e�p interest in tb, ; Army. Come afid buy your Chzie,troas, gift, e. parish .on �aecouutt of the illness: of tprepared the'L ., the .bridesmaid a'purse, to the , ing to use a crutch. or cane, and , k'. ever bred and prices, wre the lowest. Also a I . 3494xl Rev. L, PoWeT, who is Under treat- churchee. An orchestra will play the nominations and Rddresses; as .. 1 low females, Also t7wo year old XX,X Laic&- . - -- The cou, Ao I cannot get around,to see as 5 I ter rams, (registered). One ram lamb aired ment at a I.,ondon hospital. I r i e by those nominated. pianist, ,a vhinesftue -bracelet. Im, many voters as I would like top - . , 11 by grand champion ram in Toronto and The local school was closed on eil for the past y1ea,T gavie a good me- mediately following the ceremony, a do, but win have'to rely upon my , and the usual toasts will be ,Pr*PD- count of their ste4ardr ".1 , Lmdon.(eligible for registration). ROBERT Births Thursday in honor of the wedding ,of 'hip and di-- dainty wedding ,dinner was, served in friends to do the best they can ­ ed and replies made. Rev. Mr. Ker- cll,t� . Sag. 3492-3 Prince ,George and Princess Marina -ed the pUbrLe j=tter$ that they ,the dking room which was tas ull for me. Again thanking you for . l.-- BRUXEIL-1r; Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea, in England. I se . y astor of Mitchell United, Church had attended .to dwoughout the Year, decorated ,with color ,sokemes, of past favors, 11 remain. , 1� forth, on November 26bh, to Mr. and Mrs. ' � te the guest Speaker. including the reduction of taxes ow- pink and white sltxeam�erz and we& Yours ver truly, 11� . 1 I Louis Bmier, cd McKillop, -a daughter. 'Mr. Ed. Schnell of Bayfield visited w' I I : ng to the maturing of some of the ,ding bells. The bride's table was . y I TAYLOR.--Im Clinton Public Hospital, on his mother here for a few days this I I ' '.11. . , Farms For Sale November 10th, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth week.. I I debentures. The _meetin'g Was very beautifully -decorated with ipiplk rose ' W. J., JONES. I , ��! I Taylor, Ooderich Towlnt�hip, a/ ,son - John I HENSALL . ably ,preslided over by the village candlestick holders- containing white I I ." SALE­FOk"SALE PART LOT .. KAITING.--At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, ' ' ' � _. .!. candles and centred with a wedding duet, oThe Cherus,­From the Kilb.- I Z I'. FARM on November 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold BAYFIELD . I Mr. Limp bad ,calluses so ,bad he I Nominations cake which was served by cousins of chie,n,�, ,Miss Pearl' Elder and Lorne; % I . I taining 192 acres 'and knoWn as the T. E. - the bride. Alm Alvin C,ottle, Mss a very huniloraus dialogue, "The Twm ' . ,� Hays' farm. Must be sold to allose the estate. I ish,ed them foTe,ver. At Hewphar 8 Those nominated are as follows: - "I ". - ­ if ,not sold will be rented. For partliculs,ra I - Xiss Marga,ret Groves -of the Post Drug,Store, Hensall. , 'S494xl Fior-Reev"I�reu ]Geiger by C. ,S. Viol�et Westlake, 'Miss Violelb Squaire, C%owS I " by Mrs. Falleoner and Mrs- - apply, to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea- 10 Hudson :and J. Elligs ; William J. 3fiss 'Beatrice Dayman and''Miss Vol- Rathburn in CostuThe; 0010 isaro'ss- 3:. Marriages ffice, staff is enjoying a two weeks' , I , I ... . holiday. I PPY couple left On eyed Kelry From Peensalvania ' " . � I . ., I - . - Sunday Sohoof of the United Church Da,ters; j, W. Ortwein by T. Datem, a motor trip to Hamfilton and places ClgudL.-Blowes. This number was a?- , I, . . — — — — — — Xna Fraser has gone to visit. .her have started prc�pAratibna for a and T. Consittt. _ ,. ristimos entertainment to be held - 'For Ooun,il. - the program was a humorous miale �., , P ed Cburch Paa­onage, on November Inh, by -There was a good attendance at lar-4--�Da,vild Robis*n by 'the bride wore a marina blue crepe '' Property For Sale or Rent in the lbaseTAent of t4be church Fri- W: J. Jones a.na- W_Shepl�eerd; Geo. tunic with trimmings of 461ifffon vel- quartette, composed of Miessrs. W. 0. �, . the Rev. J., W. Herbert, Ed'a Marion, the Town Hall Fridlay, evening last, . day evening, December ,221st, when -,C. Petty, C. in, T. J. ,Sherrot y .. Ntiey,,W W. J. Jones and vidt, tretebark cloth coat, with gmey Goodwi . , . '� GARAGE, Ap- son of. Mr. and there will be h Christmas tree and C. S. Etudson; 'William Sangster, by wollf colllar,' Smalt black velvet hat ton and ,Laualee Battersby. The num- ': to Alfred Mrs. when the -sing play, "George in -a I I I . ply to MBS. H. J. GIBSON, High Street- ETUE-W111D.--At St. Peter's Church, D Jam," was put on by'Clinton players. Santa Claus4 C. S. Hudson, and W. J. Jones; Wm� - with metallic and ,accessories 'to beT for�thaa quakebte was"composed ", . ". I . 3493-2 r1,1- Those taking -part performed real well The Band, 0aminittee, under the Shepherd, by C. ,S. Hudson and, *. ,,, - . . . d -al% b3A Rev. Father Marchand, Ma,ry Lil. I match. , . lian., dwhghter of mr.. Wild and the ,at,, andby the ,applause and many hearty .. 3s of thp Chamber of C - :Air- and' N'Ta- Passmorc will -by Mir. Goodwin. The accompanists . 1'2__-.__ 1- ­FOR SAL - A COMFORTABLE EIGHT- V.lenti. Wild, to Anthony N. Etue, son ,,laughs pleased the audimt-e. It was''auspici om- J. Jones; Fredigick Daters, 1C. S.Hud- rle.4& in- Exeter.' . ,for the evening were -Miss Florence . , _.1:1 . ibii�'house, situated in a conven. nt QVMT., and - . -Alex Etue. . ineirce, are holding a euchre and eon. and P. Stemrt; W. R. Davids;on , l . -t of the town. T sponsored 6y th-6 Badminton Club and . Y. P. League Enjoy'Program Welsh, Miss Eleanor Fisher, Mim - I. Va. If not sold ,will be r AYLOR.V0, - .-At the Presbyt.e-rian the proceeds were Shared em danct in the Town Hall; Hensall, oil by J. Geiger and P. -Stewart; Dr. A. TW Young People's �,eague of the Greta Lamimie and ,AUss Gladys- , . i "' to 4 suibable,,,rfefiant. Apply at THE EX- Mamse, HensaA, an November 17th, by the bl� 411 and, V. I Wednesday, December 5th. This R. 'Cab�lZell, ;by J., Geiger and -P. United Ghurch held -a delightful so- Pas Vwe. Following the concluaien , , . POSITOR OFP.ICE. *k 3491-d ff�t4n. W. .4. Young. Beatrice Lavuda, Youn�g the Clinton ,Hospital. . to be very largely qatro�niz- Stewart. . . 's I . - W -t daughter W Mr. and Mrs, Voliand, os Under the auspices of the Dramatic promises I cial evening on ,Monday nd,ght when of the N!ditil6hal� Anthem candy vw I . ALE OR RENT.-MGDERN DWE� I Tuckersmith, ft Louis Elgin Ta7lor,.-n of Club of tlhe Anglican Church, the ed as the -proceeds ai,e to go to sup- 'Schooll Trustees,' two year term-- there was a splendid attendance. The served. 'Monday ervie-ning next- will! ". �'.., FOR S Mr, and M,m- William Taylor, Va, a- plying a long -felt want in the villaige, Alfred, Cjtvk, ,by O.,_Geliger and . ­ ling house on south side of Goderich St-, i ru W.'ehairmam for the evening was Dr. I>e missionary night. l I Seaiforth, one block from Main Street, LATHA_X-B&ATTY,-,At St. John's Anglican Play, "Here Con-bes Charlie," a. Three ramely a;,good band, and under its . 'I", I church- th, Varna, on November 20th. by the comedy in three acts, by St. David's -new leader, 'Mr. Battersby, who to- Dougall,fW. 0. Goodwin, by A. L. I Slmillie. Followingtibe opening hyknn The Arnold Circle of Cailmol choreb .... es and schools. New 8 -piece balbroom, n Rev. W. G. Bugler, asais,ted by the Rev. J. Players ,of London, will be,,,given in and prayer by MT. J. W. Ortwein, a are holding a sale of home cooking, I .. . . furnace, efiectric lights and town water in- Case and W. J. Jones; Eldward Mc- I :�, freshly painted and R_ -ily the -Town Hall on Friday gether with ,his ,two7 sons, 'have had Queen-, by�,W. J. Jones Qmd A. L, Case; -1 very enjoyable program arranged by baza,ax and ad-ternood tea on fttur- -1 .: decomted throughout. Immediate possession t644 late LaUTACL-10t - s of good ex - 1, ,br -s-e and ithe convenoT of the ,social comirdttee day, December- let., in the basement ��, can be givenm Apply to R. S. HAYS ses'" Latham, of London. Bets�. tb Boss Edward cember 7 -tib. This is an t'xcea)tionally gether with a ntkirtber ,of our citizens Orville Twifthel y A. L. Ca � 11:.� forth. i464 -4t good play. , J. Geiger; John Shepherd, by A. L. - was' -given and mlUch enjoyed-, every, of the church, bazaar to commence I I . I . L The annual meeting of, th,e able who are NY. I musicians, will insure Case and -W. J. Jones; Archie Filsbie, number' calling for -an encore. Fol- at 3 o';cloa�aiid afternoon tea ser,v- I "I I — __ — Society is to be held Sunday evening a fine band. As rhere is always, con- by W, Consitt and R. Higgim. . 0owing is the qmygram: Duet, in cDs- ed from 4 to 6. . I I . I l . . . I Deaths in the Anglican Church siderable expeffi,se ln"fittiing out a Public Utihbi,e�s, 2 year term -Thos. tume, "I Don'tWant to, Play in Your We were pleased to see Mr. Ge . a- - ., ,. when Rev� ,good large Band, it is confidently ex - I ,:,. Cards of Thanks . C. E. Dougan of Clinton will gilve the Welsh, by 0. Geiger and WTn. Dou- Yard" RiAh and Bobby Hess; read, C. Patty able to be out on our strleet I _. I " address. The collectors are now out ' gall. I . �-ngs, Miss Kay Dobbs; quartebte, tho first a this week followimg a I .1 ber 22ud, William Rachel, in hi 65th year. en both througlT the euchre and, dance . M R , AND MRS. J. 1M. GOVENLOCK I>F- IRWIN.-At Auburn, on November 20th, Jos. land. meeting with good response. Candidates I i "The Merry Songsters," Misses Bella month's illness. I Are to expriiw their &incere thanks to Irwin. aged, 69 years. I ,and by others, who -will., no doubt, List of those who quadilfied on or Smale, 111ildred Folflok, 'Minnie Sang- Mrs. EN=belt&'CAbbs, who has been - . thei,r many friends who assisted in any- way CAMPBELL. -in sta.7isy-Township. on Nov. ------w� apart from th� dance, and euchre * e . to make the 6wasion. of their golden wedding 91' before 9 pxa,, November 24: eer and Kathryn Drysdale; delight- quhte illl ait the home of Mrs. Robert rlth, Mrs. Lbuise Isabel CamPbell, in her " ,contributions. ' The Band will -be an IR,, OWen Gei , Williarn J. ful readings by Mrs. ,George Falcon,— Bonthron, where she has -been visit- . a pqeasant one, 3494xl ?8th year. ev,- ,. .ger . such . I STAFFA added attraction to the 014 Boys' Re- join,, (one to -be elected). er of Olin -ton; solos, "Little Black ing, is a little improved and is be- , I I . . . '', ­ - I - I __ union to be held next summer. -0ourreil­-FredleTick Daie,rs, George Moustacibel" and "Unconsciously," ing virsited by, -her daughter, Mrs- . .1, 1, IMr, and Mrs. Charles Treffry, of A 'very pleasant afternoon was ,C. Petty, David Robison., W,rj. Sang- Launce Batitorsby; -trumpet tTilo, Mr. William Muir, and ber husband and .­ had long planned to w -rite an immor- London visited -Mr. Ed. and. AEss �pent recently at the home Of Mr- ster, Wim. Shepherd, (four to be elect- Battersby and sons; novelty actioTi her two sons, all frony Toronto. 11, e'. I -Presbyt4�riian I tal rpoen-L Then -came the Civil War Treffry on Sunday. . and,Mrs. Thomas Harris, when about 11 I I F I- . . - (Contimued from Page 1) ' ed), song, "Hats Of Other Days," taken Mr. Alexander Sparks left here the " ,-- I , in which he sa'crlfie�d his eyesight. Wigs Agnes Patrick, Mr. 'Russell 75 neigbbors and friends met at the. ' 1. . . Take for exam1ple Robert L. Steven- He became discourag&d and said to Wordien, 'Ivlx. Max Gray, Mrs. J. IvL home and' 4 W W Shower f0T . ,School Tru,stees-Alfred E. Clark, by the following girls-: Mirss,es Bella end of ,last wleek to opend the wit- , & A h-, I ilfrO 0. Good— S�mal�-, Jean Foster, Kay Dobbs, Oil- ter monthis at the.howec� hi ,.two I I Z Aride-elect of this ,,in, j,b,,Sh,pherd (,threkto be eleot- ive Br6ck, Dorathy Draimmond-, Mil- eons, reiside6its of"Detroit. " � " . som 'His father was a civil enkineer blinself: "Surely, God no longer can G,ray and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. daughter, P( , - .... , pt, I 4.1 and in the early years of 'his life the, expect anything of me," but this was G. Wells attended the Winter Fair week. Sbe,XE9 av6d' many lovely and . � ,;., son Showed much interest in that only a passiang mood, he listened to over the week -end' of, I ed) dred Follick, Ddrothy McQueen, MT. and Mrs. Lloyd Hu&on of 1, . . ' I useful igifts, to which she made a '�ublk Utllitiles­-Thols. Weilsh (ac- Gladys fSaunderco,ok and Minnie Sang- Forest were week -end visitors wM ", I I sion, but his health would not the stern vo�ce of duty, courageously ,Mr. and Mrs, ­ profes Lloyd Elliott spent very fitting repbr sulftble ta the (,--n- clomation).--James A. Paterson, Re- ster; dvet,c� "The End ,of a Perfect their relwtiyes and friends in this. 1, . 'I ,, pernidt him to follow it. Hie grew up; accepted his Troas and in tdme wTote the week�end wWi friends in Wind- sion. A progia)rn -and lurch F)(Id-] ',u­n-ir- Offi,i-cer. Day" and "The Bells of St. Marys," their former home- � , 0- . ,struggling against the, seeptre'of i, - the t�oem he had dreamed of-_lPana- sor. to the aft�rnoon. Her aun ;; an i :,,'r. - and AMTS. John Douglas of Dr. Snifillie ELnd Sam Rennie; readings WT. I -L 0. Dayman, who recently C,1,1�z� . iies�s, until, at ,the lost he lay with dise Lost. Wedding bells -are ringing in our uncles and cou�ins g -ave a nitisc , lall- T - I I 11,�r . 1. , , Park weae recent visitors with Mr. Net. BatteTvb,p; duet, in cositurne returned from several weeks'. hunt - I , i . . right hari4L matjonles� at his si ,J David greatly desired to bulild "The vicinIty. e4ous AGwer in her honor r-51CenLl,.-. th:!ir relaitives here, Mrs. John John- wi-th a inedlley of sougs,' "Feather ing in -ffie 'Muskoka District, reports , ". �, . while he w� "., with his left ha . e-LTeinple" while he was King of Is- I -Mr. F'rank Hambdey and Bert Ma- Death (if James Burns I ston a'ad daughter, 'Miss, Margaret, Your Nest," "I Jhove You Tru ," a very 'pleasant outing burtthat game , _�", � Verses vv-Mcih were burning i , S , rae-1 but God -planned otherwise. Dav- hAffy, who have -been on a hunting The funeral, �'a private one, of the and Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Plailks. "Nt On Your Oild, Grely Ronnett," especdIally deer, were not v�� mwb : i k '. . . souL Someone has Said 'that his life i id did not became embittered becau,se trip for three weeks, returned to their late Ja,Tnes Burns, was held from his Passmore - Harris Mrs. Maude Tars. Geo. in ovidence, the bad weather of the, ,'4' is ,a proof that the impossible can i this privilege was deni-ed him, but con- homes here since our last issue, home at -the western outskirts, ,of the A ,pretty autumn wedding was Sol Hess; F readings previous, week or so having driven _. ­ , happen. Every step on his upward tinued &iring the remainder of his 'Mxs. V. Cahoe we are sorry to re- village on the Zurich Road, on Wed- ze ,Q We sday, N - r 28 by M -je. f;�� 111 , , chTdb, was marked by suffering but i life to prepare and gather the ma- port, attime of wxiting is very ill. nes,day afternoon, ,with interment at dain! 4 n dine, ovemb6 P novelty them into shelte . out of -the pain came tbarO,,sweetness 1 torial which Solomon, his son, used Quite a number of giT.Is and boys Tiosisl's cemetery at Brucefleld, the pall ... "I , which grows only with faith. His I in the building of the te,mple after, from this vicinity started taking the benrers being old neighbors, The de- . . I l I .frusti-ated plans forced him. to ac- his death. This consolat�,Dn David re- Short courses in Mitchell on Tuesday, c4L,ased kas a son of the late Mr. and- '"'" !ill 110114211 1!1 I 711 ill,!P I i'll:!!Illll,�!111'1111,�ll'i'I 1p AIMIMMAM ,,, , 11, cept Troas' ' but ,his epurage helped ceived from the Lord, "For as much . . I ,,, , The Women's Institute met in the, Mrs. Po�&r Burns, of the Township , pq as in thine heart I � , � him to work' dilEgently. uncomplain- as' it w' to build an hall on '"rednesday afternoon with of Hey, pioneer residents of this see- I - 'em'; , ingly and even cheerfully in'the face house for my name, �hou ,dd,dst well some 45 ladies present. The, meeting tion� and was in his, 84th year'. 'He ' Store open - .9 1 ' 1,5,1,WI'111�1; of great. ddffieulties and we have to- ir that k was in thine ,heart." operied with the roll call an.swered -by was bOM and lived all his life on the , 1 0, 0 : s ' " " onaries are serv- a superstition followed by comnitun- homestead farm and u rri , 3� . day his writings which have cheered Many of ouT mdssi was i1ma ed. , evenings in : 'Wes _S , . ." . d ;IR many. ing to -day in lands -which were not ity singing- The current events were te and retiring ; k0tt ' at I I - K-,.4� I cail only take time to read you theiT choice. They wanted to go to then read by Miss Pringle.. Mrs. and kindly disposition and very rart- e tv , : Lo' erP * I K110 Decemb 'r. - Jewelry Store Silggests. . W rices , " a few .Sentences fTvm the story,' Bithynia but they went to Troas. Bert Fell then read some favorite ly lelft the farimL He was� a g-reat . '. I . I . IV;1 �W, 1, "Singing in the Fire," told by Mrs. I)a-vid Liviingsto-ne had haped to -recipes followed Mrs. . d. and A . - . : . - - .. I " C. H. 'Spurgeon who was a great suf- China but instead became the io er titled, "Quilting,", by had many good qualities and as one � , .go to by a reading by, reader with a well-informed min 1 , , ferer for more than twenty-five years. md�ssionary and exploTer , I �,WRR who made Nina JandeSOti, which was lyl6,ry fit- of the old residents will be missed, , These Show how courageously .Mrs, "Darkest.Afrilca" kno,tn to the world. ting, as there were -a nurdber'of very �Ithough lirving '96very quiet Iffe. He ,, 1� Spurgeon accepted her Tx,das. , "At 10hrist of His own free will would fine quilts on display. is survived by his brother, Donald, I " "! , Ruby and Jean Mahaffy then ren- who lived with the dieceased. He had . y . .1 the close of a dark and gloomy day not have chosen the life of humillia- I i . �.. 11"';'111 [dered two musical selections, ,., Miss, Kati,e, 'Who Itiv- I . I .. I lay on nify cou-ch as We night drew tion and suffering through which -he I after also two sisters ntil the time I .,DIAMONDS . ,, - -'WATCHES .. I - on. Vainly I tried to see -the ,hand had to p"s, but *the Father tvillo.d - Which MM C. Bowmat., gave a report ed on the homestead u 1� .1 . , I If'. .. which I knew held mine and guided otherwise. We read of that night f*n On her visit to We Wd s Institute of her death some years &go, and, an- Three 'Diamonds ' . . Small and,slender, accur- 1. �J 11, . my fog -enveloped feet along a steep the garden oT Gethsemane When he Convention h,el&1iii-Lon,&n r'ecently. other sister, Mrs4 Kilpatrick, of near i, , and s1lippery path of suffering, In sor- said: "My soul is exceedingly sorTow- The meeting tten. closed with the Kippen. The service was taken by -1 , - I ­� .. row of heart. I asked: Why does my ful" and weit apaxt and Ci $ The� ladies gerv- Rev. W. A. Young. � . . , � Lord thus,deal with His child? Why My Father, If it be poss4ible, lot this ed at'dainty lunch. I Unveil Lectern I erful Va P0 UP 11 :.,.:, I Bulova Watches I , I ��. does He send shanp and bitter pain cup pass from me.; Nevertheless not — __ The unveiling of a beautiful brass - . I 11 1"". , . to Visit Mre? Why does He send or as I will, butt as thou will" and twice . Lectern in St. Pa . $24'75 fip ..t .11, . perrnit weakness to hinder the sweet again that game night ,he used these CHISELHURST' I on Sunday evening was an �event of ' I � . ,service I long to reader to His poor words,- "O My Father, if this cup � mu,oh interest. The Lecturn wa_q . qhc ' . _2 �, I 1k, . Elervant&? .For a while silence reign- may not pass away from, me, except 'Special services weTe held, in the donated by the members �f the family , CAKE PLATES, TRAYS, - -_ 12Pff. � �, . ed in my Little room, broken only by I d'rink it, thy will be done."' church last week -and dontinuing this of the late Mr.. and 'Mrs. John Petty, "I ".. I . ; , . the (Wckling ofthe oak -log burning M&at was it belped Paul at Troas, week also. really the founders of St. Paul's , .1 BASKETS, COMPORTS,, & 0 1. I in ,the fireplace. Suddenly I heard a also these others wbich have been 'Mrs. L. B,r*.g of Burford Church, and was in inventory of them. I . ETC. , 1i , � , , - I %weet, soft sound, a little musical used as exa%piles'? It was their d-giliter visdbed',with Mr. and Mrs. The Rector, Rev. M. -B. Parker, dedi- tI ,. ,note, like the trill of a robin. Again faith. Paul -believed that, God bad a William? Pybus last weak. I cated it and the unveilinig was done * — l�,��P ,. . -number from this Vicinity SILVERWARE . came a note fain1t and plaintive, yet purpose for his life. He believed Quite, it by Mr. Louis Clark, one of the War- I - P", I'll, sweet and meladious. The fire -was that God never leads -anyone into a attenidled the Royal Fair in Toronto, dens of the church, in the -absence of , � .. �Pr I , lerbting louse the impTisoned infusic situation wffi,ere ,itll the 400ra afre On Thursday last a sihower was, 'Mr. G. C, Petty, also a Wardien, and . ... !_ . I 't ", ,V: from the old, oak's inmost heart. Then shut,.rtbat He never closes one door, beld for Miss Pearl Harris, bride- son . I 6, , ,she Says: "Perhaps sionie of us are but He opens another. Paul might elect, at her home here, A lar Petty, ,but Who on a,ccount of illness , �'_, 1 tive forth no melody, were it not h could- not be present. During the I CANDLESTICKS, Etc. 1�i. T I -sive been disappointed and discour.- number of''very choice gifts were a.- . I . h ". like the old log, coK, 'hard, insensible; aged that his plans were frustrated. sented testifying to the esteem i- dedicatory s,ervdce an appropriate ;olo � . ,. (for the- fire, which releases notes of He might bave been very sorry' for Which z1be Was held. With a few well was very nicely rendered by Miss T . , � '. , 11 , � ", ,, tnist in men and, cheerful compliance him"lf, because be lad missed his choslen, words she thanked, all for their Louise, 'Drummondi, There were quite I 3 -Piece TEA SERVICE . 0 �): ", " with His will. As I mused the fire Blthnia, but he saw -people in need; kindness. After vilewing the dainty a. large number prresent or( the occa- ____ . �,," . 11; I . ­ burned am - my soul- found eomftrt be had a vision that he was needed trousse�Lu, lunch Was sC-rved and a !§ion of the unveiling. . $9.00 up I I . . in the paille so Strangely set beftre and ,he had a '1 -(me great enough, to social time enjoyed.. IMrs. (Rev.) Naylor and IMrs. L, R. 1�1'.;'., �- '' ' itors fo Other Lovely Solitaire Community Tudor Plate WESTFIELD1 LORIE �� _ �� ...., me. ,�Slnging 1h the Fire," if that is answer that nleed, - Coles were recent visi r a few � �I � I �00 only vrAy"to get harmony out of These -are trying times through - ___�_ houTs in the village and this tb,eir DIAMOND RINGS 18,17 Rogers'Bros. Silver- , , �') ­_ -1'1� . be-heXted b*V,e3x times, 'hotter thanbe- that in the dayst before us we may . 'Mrs. W. H. Reid of Port Rowan, is . . i ; '. . Zore!� Mrs. 'Spurgeon desired a life .have to go to t; man� times but p - 401— in the village this week visiting her . ,�l 1, I . I a servl�* but wtepW her Troas-- -we weed not fear of losing ouT Way, iversity., I�o Western Uh- ,pArents,,,Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer. Birthday � �,�.. a life.of suffering. , if we but trust our guide, who bas ndon, Visited with his p&- Bell - Stone - . RINGS and ,113900CHES . �,�l I - ents, Mr. And ,Mrs. Joe 11�a,rnilt=,, A very quiet w4dding took plate on . $10.00 Up I ", I,- ;.,� "-$.' . - - . lit &SA be" said met Sir Walifter * as Stich promises as the'Se: ,Mrs. George Walker visited at Mrs-. Saturday, November .24tb �� 1, !,;' , Jt4t,11k, Wanted to be a. poet, `,Wat *- instnwt thee and-1,82t4h -thet, In. the Thas. Wi,liliamson,s. Gn'sl and 6�104, at' the �ome of Mile.. Eun,i I gllll,�, I;, , 'fill' ' I Stone, lkiebpr, 'when .fier 6u6ter, LEATHER GOODS �i�,� , ! 1,c .. Mrs. Kirkby and Mrs. 'MeTtvggart Ruby EW'elkf� was wilted in marriage " I vK#81rdgal and VA6h h,6. *rote Wa ch thou Shalt go; I will guide Nvere out canvagain for -the library to Roy Jamegi, youn, est Son of Mr. I . �LL"�,'_, . 4_,, W''I , 040 Bith in W, W ,Since the governmient grants and ,Mrs. James A. gell of, ,Hensall, 32 -piece Set - �,, ­11CY.. . _ia . y- , . occepted..'VrVOM4 we consider Iffela, second best?. Be- were reduced it has, b e r�ietd by the ware sets; choice of colors. 1� t� " , , ,,.,-. Jails tAWAO h,6 *ela .122 -cause after all it m8l be' GG&'s WaY keep utp the public libftTy funds)'so Rev $3.75 up . r, ' �669 softr% VW ; Ranyan't Troso, lof loadink us to do otir ;beat life's thitt any who are interested -TrAxy #ive United Church,;Exete'r. The house . . . ."; ., '' ", * , thefE� Wo '44 ork OUT dism0poilAmi6ptlit miy be their suPPOft to this Worthwhile pro- wag beautffally' dei�oratbed fh clalor . 11 �,, 5�....; i, ', � �' 'm , &;"iW, 'At"""'gi , IM -11 Fe'i sehentes of pink�4Ad, wmte, crea6 , IR , 1�1 -111 , l ­'­.' ?p'-O�, . ,4., A�:% - - " )6 Ho -will never leave us nor forsake with ,her cousin, AErs, Geo. Wstt. looked tharibing in. 1pink crepe with i I , , ­J­Vtmpi�" " 6,4n, . , 11", ..... ( 6, Tile b . A, Westcott ,� KITCHEN, MANTLE W , IV `­.. I I I I I = ::�� . ,4Z2' . , " � J� P10-1101 4un %:wuu - I .1 ­ .1 .. ,11 1,4 III", l", g; 1 -1)"O" ... 4679 so d" th #69* bo,.'* I J011U' .fimiin , 8% 51 I , I , "4,��4 , ! , ­�,`p � 4.� , . .1 I . . . .. ^ . . ' . . . ^ . . . . �