HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-11-30, Page 311
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Ch 1. au t,xt :atu act Y Comlm'a3utjr. �v'tu•;",ax'txlpafi?la1Z
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(toalltinued) � d,'..;N�,•,�?,. '�
_� drown, in !tbe gaisOw k Of , : ,�geil .c
I Ine lollowi,ng Taust be emolasiz..mmkl�6hlex at. howl nd, C,Q4nE1't!y 9wli, 't
` ,. {ed: , 'Imelfailid'. 'i1'mp., McKndlght reeved . a. e
#. „ „ oablegmam do that effect o I+.1Nd!o- .,'
In order to halve this building, ail sad ,, a4iei;oa;mliaig 1>IiaTu of The a,
%the resources of the •Society were put lady wale in her .84th year-•-•'Mtibch�iI
„ into it, 'I't is feared that some thlux Advo'c'ate,, , '
the Society has now no .need of Tion- Wedding' Ar6aversary y , t
11 ,�4ey in shape of donations or grants. Mr. and #Mrs.- Melville .Hurn cels c
iBwb that is far from the truth. The
I ae4lts foam t'he offices are needed to brated the 2otli anniversary of their T
pay the interest on overdraft - on Marriage on Mlonday evening when I
.t building .accoynt ai"id gradually to thirty guests- were present. A fowl I
pay off the overdraft. The trustees dinner vita's, served to the iWinle'diate•
trot wishing to impoverish the ,pros- family ad 6.30. The roam was taste -
11 lent for the sake of the future give a fully..dedorated in #pink aid wMte t
. I ... .. and the table was centred with the I
.-certain proportion of the rents for
( , • the work of the Society: But here 'bride''s .eake. The erenin+g was ,spent .s
anyfriends, ,we wish to .take you in- in. music and gameis.--„Exeter 'Times- �
&o -AA d k to Advocate. ' F
t ouoo once r an as you
chars our'burdens as well as ,our
Dies When Boats CAlide I
,, joys,, The Society has grown' tre-
Joseph Langridge, well known' God- c
r:1 endously. We have ,more than
erich boy, 211 year old .son of the late f
#doubled our sales 'since the .Ling of
Mir. and M -g.. Stephen Lamgridge, is t
1923. ?I now quote again from, that
dead following an accident do 'which c
5issure: I
his ship, the W. 'C.. nz, was rain- 'E
thea frelghter Ed- a
I "How pathetic it is to• see the C.
m�eid and suruk by
ward E. Cadmus, at a point .some 30 'I
L. S. which so 'h'elped the New China
m, off Thunder' Bay Ly Lake I
I to birth now unable to,meet the needs
Huron early Wednesday morTiing.—t
, •� that New China! %Hence'this For-
.. K
Gaderich .Star.
ward Movement. We must circulate
Removing Poles
11 o'ur books, 'or all our Ipre�vfious ex-
' ]penes of labor and money is in vain
The Bell.Telephone Tel'ephon'e 'Co. now }}ave
I ,and this has been hitherto opr weak-
a gang of men at work scrapprolg i
est link in a chain which Imlust be
the avierhead system of ,wires and 1
strong in every link before it can
'poles through the bruisinesis 'section of t
justify its exiAence. -It is easy to
the t'ow'n. The new system of under-
•sbutay, Advertise, advertise, but that is
ground 'wires• has been installed ;
' . mwre than our revenue at present can
through three blocks 'of the ,main
Justify, esperiallly if we, advertise in
'street and the business iplaces, are
the great city dailies, when we ought
,now 'being isupplied from the rear of ..
, to advertise .most, because they reach
their premiiseis' instead of from the
. the non�Christian public. We can
front. 'The cut -rover from the old
the missionaries and Christian
s'y'stem to the new was going on for
1 reach
papers, .but want of money has fifth-
sevemal weeks' with little or no in-
, erto blocked our way to this most
door tg the
terruption-in the service. 'The mann
wire's -lave ,been placed'und'erground a
aeffective very reading
3niblic at which we, are constantly
froim Huron 'Street to ' North ' Street
arming., The hitherto 'prohibitive
and from there to Caven Presbyterian1
, incests should be Prohibitive no longer.
church a cable h•ais %been' trung Along �
As to colporteurs, if'the Bible Socie-
the Hydro poles. This will :permit
. ,_
hies find it .nece's'sary to employ hun-
the removal of the telephone 'poles
clreds, we may modestly -hoipe to eiml
from the 'Main Street, the work of
ploy tens.” •
is- now going on. When cam-
pleted it will mean a big' improve-
iAll this is as true to -day as the
meet to the business section of the
The Society, progressed, h'. s.
town.-Txeter Times -Advocate.
_'has ...
st v.en to meet tsh•e needs of the day
Heavy Consumption
but always more or less crippled in
the Distribution 'Department for want
%During the past week 160 geese,
I 'oP-funds. 'Friends must remem mer we
.,t ty-trw•o chncikens, imm'ens'e quan-
a es of vegetablies and innumerable '
I are living in China where poverty a-
ibaunds and where Protestant 'Chris-
pi'els, cakes, 'jellies and loaves of
tianity is %till in its infancy. Truly
bread were devoured by approa:iunate-
ly 1,70.0 people of 'God6rich and vi-
Gad has done wonderful things in
sChina and is waiting to do more' ac-.
cinety at two church suppers, Seven
' �
, • ,cording to the Faith and- Sacrifice of
hundred people attended the fowl
supper sponsored by the Woman's As-
His people.
sociation -of North Street United
. (To be continued)
Church on Thursday last, but so gen-
:: r.::
.:: e ?' �`' MAGIC FOR A FINE,Ic
wea-known Director of th"c Chatelaine Institute
COSTS so little—and you can depend on good l ,
results. Actually—it takes less than Y
svorth of this famous baking powder to make a
big layer cake. Don't take chances with inferior ' / ,
baking powder. Bake with Magic and be sure!
•"CONTAINS NO ALUM." This statement on every �N' u+a,7o,uu,•
tin is your guarantee that Magic king Powder
i'a free from alum or any harmfulingredieMade in Canada
"q; , .
i'. k,
J r.V'.
you finally land the job you've
been after a a a and things
look much brighter - and
you''re feeling happy .. Is
Tell your family by Long Distance
... it will make them Nappy too.
c .
*Spread good news, get bele, vanish 1pnesolma
nese--by telephone. Long Distattt:e falces y64
where you want to go. quietly, b1*•
eeanomicslly — 100 mileo or Il0 for fi llti as
$ft Bee rates in the front of yon' i"1firoctom
Op N
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tor' '0 �. ,fir,. ,. . � P • k i n:i:: 1'�.. , r, 5 s. �„ n t�
TUi r 17.• 3 d,.
4. U'.. ", ,t, 12.
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3�Nb!'fs, ... 1k'bsi •� thio ohnrc'h were 1 : 'o t ,, ,r , a :fY. ' rs rr, t , ti t`. m, , � .. 7, � .. t . i?3R,q , +� .1 , ;y,
.. � . E � our ' d. ac. eF.eTcd+�,TN s, nae tkm�u� ab �� �� ;� , .,:� ,� .� ..a
♦ .w :.-. - V :. , . .M,: * t }., kn �r, e,ti�r� r-, J,�t�,h.
!i7; r
1n boa %,awl su' er � th fan ; , . .. �'�?� �n � a
s rain 'Elluaa,' m18.. � 1. , ,•.�; r -.,rt. 6 i ,, W yu;.
W, . ed pp y 'e p� l�ra. 'Ek Nf d� .., .......: �`" • r, .' r,, a, 2..., ,' =.r 57r,„., , . ,i<
.'++erlch 'A7'i 'ale 'I! f"'xifw.-lkiel�!R+w' '�'X^ inn{.I.•. ,1 •}h1 ,,.�,FrS 4/L: 1+.
uety, Prod ,....,... $_� Nel. 6:710 ']C1 ; Mr. agtl lt�rsi. IlaTa 1VJ .:,
h"c o - �r a ,{ ,,y, yy
inns 1 Bloom g71 4i uSt1Tt d'
F.�, F�fMRD''AN?Mm." 'P�",tiy..'!`"., 5,�� ,,��1 I i 1�;'..t� S'
'Di4del >1 w d , ' pe NA+ i".01�f79r*s,
c r �""'"� t!h v 11a ReR e..r p+,' t''1 .;”
,- , '^l',ud
Wha11'i. & dlffeme!n e 'from last year $ � .. $�'. . ".,'.; ,.;, ;<,. 4 Buz:. t; ' t �?ai• �N,5 1%•`° m'r<",.uq ,� ."',•. 1'��„-+t��'s°5,``:.
Nov e. ,,
uredo Y 411 w �yT§;... 71r.iM�,{�1T , ..1 �” r� d„ +a,Uy, tS k,, + tt •,a,.n3 e.
I : . .. na l y e' •4'n4 ,- .. I d A0 8' ,..;ter ,P r ,,;�rt'�"1 ,., ?t .,,..Q, ,r t 1`3T. r, "¢t M. , I`.
e Th 1 weather and iMa. and Ml's. Geon S n1+es tud a,n 1 F. sF. >v ,: , fir . • .:
t ,1St t'um IY1I1 d a ,. � w••
ftp' e . _
is+. a>'. ),,nfl^ x2 i,a`~er.` e: .tk . � .
1. murex a hanclr, d and Y 4 Cao .. _ , .`" ^tY .,, , , ,.m: , l., .. i{. 1 , , y
sins ,olE !tl1,e lasFb few days hats- Iputr�t �•� �6i14I1a a:nld, • Iiar�ry • of r���s�,",l'eIL '9�'It�,r�i, ; -.: ' � r '::: 2-::: P; r•:; . 1., :, M ,. Yt� l>a'•"?r�r. ,r ..,7.,, �:;3� • ni. ,.,� r,,fi t� ,i7o Sn7or• ' � '!� �i?
fluend's and neighbours of Mr, and 4•to with ' Pet4 cd l„
be, dazidalioTis 1n bloom. .The lawai Sundlay vas xs _th Mr, and
Mrt� rWa lace.
i'>i VPiat
g • W,21i lm B1rta,dishaw. _ qo f�, i ` .P i r r
f Mmsl W. W'illiani1son 'has a large f� r,
soFni's Tall Nip -to extend to them �1 ti . , �• ;, 3 ,� f pI , ^ +„i,,:
I Hall, Ct"u `7 1'I •' i, F1' C'-.'-ld -
ber in b]od and we have re-
th ' ood wishes for a lou . ha ,� . , ,,: •ts
arts of others in 'bloom.—Ware ha e4'r good , ,.... , g'7 pipY .. :. { , c��,” �; �• ~,F�y,
.. g married life. ?Wore lunch T. . - ,'!�",
udWance-f!`17n21s: .• 7.. ...., 1�7 In_ .. 9x 1a5 week, 14F: ¢
. N om he the address w le WALT •+� . �, .- ,. �r f-- P ,�. # ,r
v I'' , S1"b read h , ha '•Miss! B]I?'.w9Ppy Ilia ;.., .t4 .,4+",:K,e.!�T£ ±Y t Cr 4Yh of w ts'! , ,'kt i tk y + •, Y:k,
Rev. D. J. Lanes Address i � : , ,, , ;.r „•d ,l �-t; .
the Ipieisentatioar of a beautiful div- ki' 1t school etafl', a eflt• i e. wg?l cud + "', r , ;
Rev. D. J. Lane of Goderich was' P h iw,li,
i . walnut reltte � ilnteflded 'for , last week. , " t....;a '1
en„ ,,�' and a lovely wain coda at her''�tomie fry Ba7t+olul'1: . ;'� „ • >> ,, ..
2""" •,..x;�.,....r.'nx- , •'4..
iti r at the meetingt, y
he sea e hof the
p n l- v ,•
4nlade. 'Mr Hou h in a excel- 'The IVa smirer meeting of the Ver. s e t e .. 4 �t ,1tI1F•„
,was g , g Dr. J. G. D4m1, . rwa the6 �, , r ~°1. �
om, es
Club Tuesday a 's �r -�.
Tien �s Clw y vening. ll�u r ' � _ - .. , . ? ,. >* , „ ,n, ,.
letup .speech thanked them vie kind M. S. and W, A. f Duff's United of ka Biu' onga§._ 4 r' air , , t,„,
„ 7 1 'h, iY ?P s ker at a'rall the Lawn l'co- °t
�_.. _
Pel y,' ,! �f:s3 ., a [•
as The IWorl +:
ulb ect w d '�'�
..-. ,,, ly for their goad washes and ibeaubt- 'C•h'urah. vu'as_hzld._izu..ilihs,_sl!e•�-0 leas ,C;nmld *>rF'__l�a,�n.__.Fxeslr�te'r1�- ;:; .., .,.. ,.,)r^ . Kip ?� �.1•��,;,h•,,,
�„_ -1 y, .. ,F, ... .
'orov+ards Unlve,as'al Peace, and his — �•-� ��;, � , ,
ful presents. the church on ,Wednesday afternoon, tssluuTk!h on Monday evenlT>. Hda ed era "� ,
ddress was thought-provoking and R+Ri1 k,:,, r•,. , ,,
The -following, is the address: 'Dear Nosvember I4t1Ii. The president, MTsti dress bf nearly an (hoiir� touclrl>kg the �,F,
radical, He ,stressed the great wank weft eel. - 'xrue i41�, # I t' 1 r `r
Lea a t Nations, th t t of Wallace and Many: We, ,your friends Cwmtmi•ng, ,presided over t'he W.M.s. (hrgblr ,of rdhe hi!slto4jy arild; ro'' . ln- . '.ht ��JJ :x,' 11 ` F. a"�
f the he ed and meigtubours, have gaathered here meeting, which opened with prayer ,nonce of medicine, was intensely in- $ 1B "r;� ,, r:01
ellowshdp and friendliness, among na- '^ P)r, , .
i . the value 'of interchanging five's evening Ito honour `you an this, and H m 140 The Bible story on 'forester Lab4ltolty teetA, eosc r , • z
ons and h u terchanging the occasion of ouq marriage. It Elijah w s given by tMtis. Noisier Mrs.. Lewes 'Love is, seriously e11' in Act-)d4W a .'. s f`b1a1 , `, " C,
f vie”. The Christian church, he was with eat pleasure we learned Reid •after which a raver was offer, i sr�
gr p p Victoria Hpspital Landon fallowing vitamQp ' $ tb "aid re
aid was the one eat factor to- f %'•'' -
rards the securer of universal, ace. that you .have entered' flue holy tarda ed"Iby Mrs. Joseph .Bennett. Several a major 'gvpenatiun.» �s supp 11�1 }I.r
g of mabi+imony. •i'temvs on Temperance were 'read by 1Mr. Wil'lliam H. Deari. 1s confim' ; � k �
4r. Lane is a pleasing speaker and leafy vesetalilea,;'AtiG•$R �% P
�Wie have always appreciated your the Tdmperance, and Stewardship Sec- ed to his•bed having• suffered a slight F x''• r, , .t
is dresls was'�mueh enjoyed', A in- rich in fU on for 01 Igo , « ' r.
cooperation and found you very will- retaraes. The tolpiuwae given by Mrs. stroke ,this week. "Ill.. � �
ereshang discussion by m'e'mlbers,-of r
ing to help in, .any good cause in ,the Joseph ',Bewley from the ,study (book. Two large cartoons of wailm cloth- $per Proceeee'te h9f" }11
he Club, followed: The Wels,lt„ arch- comimurrity. Wle are glad that you Wilnuta's olf the (previous ; Imeet'Pnjg ing were shipped last week to Dr. gavbring.make Hellas 'e Aafa[rB I. k. n v.
,� ��
stra gave sevieral selections and 'Mr. -ave not seave�rin your connections were read tby the. secretary, Mrs. -jSavaI'll Ah,*
Stirling g . Margaret Strang ger' ire decal firer,. softer, more' le t , 11 'i
ames Stirling delighted„ the audience with us and that we will still 'have. Jahn McDonald. The, roll was re- missionary in the 'Pease River 'Dis-- ordinary, raw bran. «, r '
^ibh has song. Recitations were"heard the pleasure.of associating with' you:.' sponded to with a verse of 'Scripture trict, by Gowen Sunday Schaal. and g,',
rbm Will Harris,, Ivison Torrance, :s a %slight token of esteem, i'n containing the avord: "'kill." Follow- Yonang. •Women's Auxiliary. The 10- And .because it is 61l ' -• a1 ai,
Sett Harris and ,M'r, Fred Elliott.— with one Savo " added Ik , ; if '
y which you are held, we, ask you to .ing the closing 'hymn, Mrs. P. Mc- cal meicIliants were most generetis in 9 „•"
nadleri eh S' ,final. "go you- gnom '"bt>1k :t)itas 'pMes� t , '
accept this davenport and eedarette Arthur led in prayer, their ogntritbuti'ons
and trust that its the years go by: The president, Mrs. Nelson Reiff, Exeter's old' 'asftalblfs'hed hostelry, bran pcodacta. .. r,
AUBURN they Imlay 'constantly remind you of was in charge of the W. A. meeting. the, Central Hotel, has been rented Get the red arid=green pfe>E� "r.111,11
�U your friends' and neighbours. ,Hop- The ScApture lesson was followed by ,by the esttate, of the rate Thomras at. your grocer's. Made by "
Ing, as 'you journey, through life that the minutes, of the lasrt meeting,• Acheson' to ,Mr. J. J. Cox of Brant- in :London, Ontario, et �
IThe regullar,meeting of the Young 'God's richest blessings may be upon Mrs. Shaw, 'Mrs'. R. Reid anti Mrs. ford. 1
'eople's �ti`•aciety of Knox .United y,ou• W11shang you 'all success in the Cum'mirng were a'ppoi'nted to nomGn- #The loo -acre farms of the late Geo. Vit,
hurch was held Tuesday evening un- fuitiars, Signed . on behdlf of your ate oliicers for the coming year. The Armstrong on the Tharraes, Road was w„ vi
,er the leadership of the Christian friends ,and neighbours% closing hymn, "Take My, Life and sold .by ,auction on Saturday to Mr. sister, Margaret and friend, vises ... ' e
titizenship comivenor. M B'e't 'Moral- Let It Be," was followed by a de- John Ballantyne for $3,40'0. Mr. his aunt, Miss L. M. Jeckell, over 41be' ' . a
Miss Webster Entertains week-elnd. .
have a every excellent talk on our licious lunch served by the ladies of Ball'antyne's son will occupy the farm. The Margaret Sig Yaang
On Friday evening, November 1'6,,
Ifuty to one another as citizens, elm- the 8th concession of ''Morris. Mrs. George • Armsltronrg has ,rented 11 �
tMlilss Gertrude Webster ,entertained ai!en's Auxiliary of Zoven Pres
7h'asizinig't-e thought of fair dealing. The Ladies' Guild of St, George's the residence on Andrew Street of y '1111
in honour of Mr. and Mrs, Wallace iaii ,Clhurc'h had a successful MeAfile
ie spoke on'tfie national, peace .prat Anglican Church held a social even- the late Andrew Kedldy.
Haugh. The gue1sts were chiediy an Thursday evening under trhe lestr� L.
em_ George Sbraughan gave a, read- . ing at the homle of Mr, 'and' ,Vers. Mr. ,Frank Rogers, attorney of Annl'a;
n, and Helen Ferguson and Vera former pupil's of Mrs. Haugh when. i ersihar of MTs. Gordon.,g gu Bert Anderson' an Friday, Nov. l6tih. Arbor, �ahtifgan, together with his p ',
1'aylor seam she taught at S. S. No. 7,. Tucker- s,
g ra duet. The Rector, -Rev. F. 'G. Rickard-, gave
,The d'e+nth of Joseph Irwin came as 'smith. ter a Peasant social time, , '
p a shone ta11k, after while- mwsilcal . '
Mdiss Erma Broadfoot and Miss Alice
t 'deeldied shock to those ,of the vel- numbers were given by ,Misses Mary
Thompson, ,dressed as gypsies pros-' r;
age and surrounding country. Mr. ' Hluinphries, Beth Shannon, Anna �D �����
enbed their weld -laden pack of 'beau
'ween has lived in the vicinity of Au: Stewart and Mr. 'Lindsay Stewart. r ,? 01
)uin'practacally all his ,fie. For some 'tiful gifts to Mr. and Mrs. Haugh. .Games, in charge of 'Miss+ Olive Bol- . r'
w'enty tw o, years he delivered mail Mr.' Haugh thanked tlhetm for their ger, were v,efy iniiucli enjoyed,- after -' --. -' ----.•.•-.. `I '
beautiful and useful gifts ands Mrs. ;,
m No. 2 route. He event around the which a number of contests were can- !�
:rip as' usual fast Thursday. On Fri-
Haugh said ,how she appreciated the ducted .by 'Mrs. Bert Anderson. A ' I.
Y Imp PF3' d. ,�! : .
kindness of her former pupils and
lay Mr. W. Thompson took him. Sat- would ,always remember the hap&
da' lunch was then serve
1'rdlay he was not able to a but it The first comm iinity club dance of
Nag thought be, would', soon ,be about years spent in the schoolroom of N the season was held, in bad A. 0. U..
7, Tuckergmatli. Afterwards a sum�-
again but death came slbout 6 'a.m. W. Hall on 'Friday evening. The fol-
ruesday. Everyohe around knew Mr. tuous lurch was serried by the hostess lowing commiittee #was apipoi'nted to ,
ass. ed b 1 friends. (ORN
['win. as a kindly man who always y take charge of the dances. Fred w
i,ad a •cheerful word for old and Aggressive Club Meets Rwtlec]ge, George Watt, Wire. Brown, �WpRDS�VR6
youm,g: On account 'of an illness 'in The Tuckersmith Aggressive' Club Elmer Hackwell, Harold ,Sellars and pure. wholesome,
sarly life it was hard for him to get held their regular monthly meeting Jim Johnston. aJ`
iround, •but hews bright and cheer-.. and eC01]O1riiC'di table
g at the hotiie of Mrs. -Alex 13roadfoot, The, weekly ; me•etiiiFg• of the Y.P.S.Y.P.,S. *. �'•.
Ful. Hua inlfit nifty kept him from 'gill Road. After the opening-;c}ere- was ,held, in the church on Sunday �I�RN SYRof Syrup.: 'Children SOV@ d 1
driving a car -but he was a very fam- monies, Miss Jean' 'Mu-bdoch sang a evening with a good attendance. The , its delicious flavor. ''
iliar figure :as, h• , drove his horse arid' :pleasing sola. This was followed by president, Sfewart Bryans, presided
brg•gy through the ,village with the -an instructive ,topic on the value' of over the meeting which opened' with a'rNV11ANADASTARCHCO.LiMrrEiL1fONTREAL �"
nt,ail box attached. Mr. Irwin was the11 f
work by Mrs. James McIntosh. Miss "Onward, Christian Soldiers." A
,on of Richard Irwin and Mary Law- A. Thompson gave' an excellent read-, ,'S.
for, who at the time of his birth, 69 ing and Messrrs. A. Finlayson and K.
years ago, lived in a lag house on 'Sh� delighted all 'with their mus- ,. 0
the farm now occupied by George fcal nunn(bers. Mr. Gordon Wrig-t ® .
Yungblut on the boundary. His par- had an in,tieresting contest. The fol- "
ents have -gone many years, also his lowing is the cirieers elected for next
brother, Dr. Arthur Irwin, of Wing- year: Leaders, Miss Jean Murdock "' �
ha,m.. Another brother, John Heniry, and Mr. 'Scott 'Davidson; 'president, ook .,r
five's in Pa'sedena, Cal'. He married •
Mrs. John Ladd' same twent three Wallace Haugh; vice�presfdent, F]d-
Y win Johns; secretary -treasurer, Er -
years 'ago. Mrs. Irwin, with the fam- 1,1,n, Broadfoot; pragra m'ttee, isThis , ��
fly, Clayton' Ladd, of Belgrave, Mrs. William Lared'boroughRAo 5 `' w, I
George Lawlor of Auburn and Mrs. Haugh, Alice Thoth-pson; 1 nch conn- ,r
Parks of•' Dungannon, sumvdve him. mitt,,, Florence Whitmore, Annie..
Foci sdrrVe years in his younger days Pappl , Jean 'Fothdringham; inuOic
he helped George Yungblut in the coninndttee, Gordan Wright, William . '',
butcher shop at Auburn. He also pepper Elmer Townsend; social calm- "
drove the mail route at Sault Ste. mittee, 'Mrs, James McIntosh, Marie `"
Marie and Kincardine. He was a Elliott, Jean Irvine, Wilson Broad- "
member of the L.O.L. of Auburm and fob Gordon Elliott• pianist Greta ,,•{
-%,a's connected with the Church of Bmoadifoot, Sarah Whitmore; papier . IN
England. The funeral was held on edfitbrs, John Woods, Amster Broad- �`.
Thursday 'afternoon from 'St. Mark's • A retail store regards itself as being a public servant;
Not, Mr. and Mrs. D. McIntosh, Elin-
Church .of E'n'gland. There was 'a ,or Broadfoot Warren Whitmore. Af- Therefore, it is wholly fitting that it should try to be the
very large crowd present of members ter lunch Mr. Edwin John's in a pleas -
of the L.O.L., relatives and friends, 'ing manner, made the presentation best and most eager servant possible. A retail store which Y
including many on his mail route. Rev. speech while, Mr. Gordon Papple pre,- hides itself from those whom it wants to employ be- - ,
L. V. Pocock conducted the service sent.ed M•r, Wallace Haugh with two
and spoke from Job 14:14: "If a man ,delightful pict#umes. In a few well- comes under -employed, -and so its sales decline. ;A
die shall .he ldve again." He was as- ,chosefn, Words 'Mr. Hiauglh tt'hajOed °l
�sisbed by Rev. Dr. Mortimore, who th,e Club. After singing, ` 111e's a "fi
read the Scripture lesson frdmi I Cor- Jolly Good Fellow," the m:egti'ng clos- ••
inthians, 15th chapter. The pallbear- ed with the Nati'on•al Anthem.
er5 were 'Messrs. E. Phillips', James Hold Surprise Party • The public inclines in largest numbers toward those
I ill,
IHlowabt, W. T. Riddell, Geo. Beadle, On Saturday afternoon, the four- .4
E. Ball and James' Medd. Mr. Irwin stores which seek its attention and custom. It takes. the
was the last local representative of a been mein;bers' of the Sunday schoo•.1 ,•
pioneer family hand will be 'greatly class of 'Mrs. Wall'ace.Haugh meet at advertising store at its own valuation. It likes to do busi-'
missed. her homve as a surprise -party. Af-
The relgular monthly meeting of ter
games and contests, Muriel Hess With those who manifest eagerness to serve it. It
Wright read the address, while Eliza- likes to buy at those stores which have to renew their
the Wlomenis Institute was held on Aikenhead, 'Mlargaret McQueen,
Tuesday afternoon. Miss Margaret 'am Lois Rathwiell made, the pre -Sen- $
King read a letter from the West, babiom $beautiful wall mirror and stocks. frequently., ,;,i
written on the arrival of the relief fancy dashes. Mrs. Haugh, although
car from here. The letter told of the .taken by ,surprise, thanked her schol- w11,
distribution of the car and of dived ars very kindly for their thou'gthtful- ,
ing a small portion of cheese. It was mess and said she enjoyed the lessons.
decided to give it to those who had •Advertising is just communicating' news and intorno- �
come from 'Old Ontario, but when very much and hoped they would have 1
these were asked to hold up their many more enjoyable and profitable tion about on store and service. It i5 just a form Of ;
hands, 'everyone iresent of all na- hours together. Lunch was served
p talker It is those who talk who are listened to. Silent ':"i
tionaliti:es apparently had all come 'by 'Mrs. A. F.
Rath elii, Mrs. A. Wright g ,'
from Ontario. and Mrs. F. Rothwell. Stores lose out to stores Which carry on conversations— ;X
,,Mr. Jamles ,Woodls brought back a The following .is the address: Dear
report .from the Institute convention Mrs. Haugh: We, the girls of your in the form of newspaper advertisements—with those •!,
at Stratford. This was very well giv- Sunday School Class; .have met to ''
em. Mrs, W. J. Mortimore, who spent day to tell you how mnich we appreci- whose CliStOm they Want.
ate your 'coming out Sunday after
many years in 'Chime, gave a graphic . 'i
and interesting description of her Sunday to teach us. We know it
trip fro4n 'Montreal bo Shanghai. An takes much off your tilmle to preipare - `(
" and teach the Sunday school lessor
exhibition On, Good Grooming" was each week, but you make the hour •Any retailer who wants t0 get more customers—for' :.'�
given' by Eleanor Wilson and Ruth
most in'terestin'g and enjoyable far
Stravgham ,and Dorot-y crai'g 'sang a the replacement of customers who become lost to him an
olo. A lunch was served at the close, us. We feed sure that aur lives will
be much better ar�er for the for the expansion of his business—can, surely get them by '.
Falls' 'away: Mrs. 'Charles Beadle truths you have tau' us. we hope t}
with her daughter in Gode'i•ich; Miss '1`
Laura Phillips with cousins in Toron- yo'u may long continue to be ov,r making his store important in their eves, and by putting .4$r
teacher. As a small token of our ' 11
to; Mrs. /C. A. Howson, Mr. and Mrs. in his advertisements the kind of information which will _,
R. J. .Phdlli'ps and Mpg, Arthur with 's ... cere appreciation of your kindmess
and i'n'terest in us, may we pre'se4Ut �,
:14xs..M. Jewedl, Benmiliex; Mrs H cry help huyex�s come to decisions. �;
sovier with her granddaughter, Mrs. this small (gift on the occasion of
Ed,. Sellery, of Exeter. your wedding. Wine wish you much : `
a,t. Marg's Anglican' Church are joy and ha'ppin'ess during your wed 1
holding a tea' in 'the Presbyterian died life. .Signed, Yours. S. Clam of s Cyt
Church basemment on Saturday, Dec. Fourteen Girls, 4 • "Our newspaper's advertising department is ever will-
Ist. ----- ing to help retailers prepare the right kind of advertise- .Y 1,
Visitors: ,Clayton Ladd of 'Belgpave 't
with 'firs irdother; Anna Dobie, Blue- Couch grass is an extremely dif- , ., menti—free as$iStance, of course. � fix;
vale, with her %parents; Martha' �Cd- ficulb weed to kill with sodium chlor- '
ams, Kitchener, with .her parents;''ate, and the practice is not recom- • "� r
Mrs. Gregory 'Otwwald, Mir. and Mrs. mended by the Fiield Husbandry Di- • '�i,,I,,
Rick and Jdminiy, Kitchener, with Mr. vision, 'Dominion 'Department of Ag- ' a . ,
and, 'Mrs.'C.'Beadle; Mr. and Mrs. Roy ricudture, unless under exceptional °r'qt�;:
Farrow and family wkith; 1W. and ciretfmisbane'eS. Usually three, spray- y "',
Mv. J. Johnston,; Mrs. Will Govier, ins of a ten per oent, solution are ,`,,
Vtrestficld; with Mrs. Harry Goviear; required, using 100 gallons per aci+e. THEHURON �0 . . i4�r'1
Mr. land Mrs. Rase, Brussels, with The cost of this material, say at 10 3i,;
Mair. land Mrs. John iSymiingtom,• cents a pound; 'would be $80 an acre,:ij
°�' ani. k
Roy Mugford fig assisting 'Mr. J. a pmMfbitive cast for all ordinary 1VIcLL+°,AN BR OS. Publishers, established 18 Q: j� 'v +
Stoltz on has faun•. conditions. ,11,s ,
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