HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-11-16, Page 80,4 i a, i, w n r..a�,k{: N9. a � a,61' t.i P ,.1,. 2 1, 17� I., q k I1'4• ,..cd^ m i r ��{1f: R,•i n 1°4i 7't Al:'� ,t, t.n i. : �.1 rnr1'fI ��: nl�m. i ..,e..i L1 Ek�: fi f.,e. aS1,. ,%, , {r}. i N..tir tg ,491:1,r •f �. IT '!�. vlt S9 � I� r ,`��S 7 I �' ,ri IJr , u'� i ta!< r <{ t h �'it dl� � i1 � ,f{ �:h 1, �Al r�ir Iv n , �, A arith ., " . I i •td�, 1 Pny, :k;.7��„x <y r�u. Fr � $.`ham R,.♦ '7 it4, � { vtL ,\,Y. tu F :,i A ,3Ht{, Fr`.usi•.I 4" 3ft � it.� w rF.fw u.t ar I.a�h. S , 1,5��'S't -..1 . .j.. !h r 4a� p 4' y ! F w.dr; l 1' ,�. "A � hf t f fi . +rti 1 �Ya{bt"R�� �a.:, .1.1�#! I}�:r. t V f t�"It,Tl r,.5 r«� t Fd 1t1�,�� pyoS��E. f,td.•�:hi..,11 aawh Ifo +..tA; "-(,}^11f�l...lbsViµ' ;• . 1 b r a ,rte,, , �i _ c tlsiY•s� t.z?'I>4 tz,d , T � .to-, _••—f--- , • ends Dnried Peaches. , ,tYI;..1 lz 1� r<FI ?4 *rl of Cross & Blackwell Tomato fr i- 1 rYr�g4t x , i Qg efabie -Soup. z1tiaS' 1 ,..._.�� , "I I ,",1 'r� ,.�"aunde of Whole Wheat Flakes i ,ri 61 J,. ,"I Irl y ,N Y, I , �a - IG, m Cans Pink Salmon. ., r_: � i $ ` a It Viounils of Mince Meat. . ,IST #' ' 4 Cans of Tomato Juice. �,,„ "(ears of Laundry Soap. �ti^(t�•'i,, 1 � h� } f1. ckages Young's Jelly Powder. .".'V11� _ i -1 % .- t ! Packages Ingersoll Malted Cheese. � U .4L• - 2 Packages of Sunset Dye. �, ... - r" : --- . r P1. 4 Pounds of Rolled Oats. .iIL r,, s n , c;;,', 1 x „i .':,r i . tS Bit, . ." , P rize . R Contestl 18 Wonderful Prizes Any boy or girl 14 years or under, ,may join. by putting their names in. One Vote with every cent spent in our -store Voting Starts TQ -day, —AT— heating's Pharmacy The Rexall Store PHONE 28 . SEAFORTH NEWS OF THE TOWN 4 4, d^ 1 i , . 1' I a �' d � a � n 7 ^"I I "I' ,I '1 � z� { a a 1 .m b I d � • lif W-91 . .. o 0 ' a6Pa. � � �'i r 1'lkll ers Are I Axa yr ' ' w a All h9r a a . "C,ar'D�"�nl ozk '' '�!•0s'lld'W guilt up � va$aT!- • 'n el ` the out d � . x S �, � A � � hes• 1 I d t in • $ '. � n r 6iU a h p �. � g g � o etnn• e i he Mia h e s t a the �� d th g 4m . e t•a D .ne ...n.. Sermon Subleets 'F'or Sunday Not. --Virs't FresbAetria'n '(huaxh — Rev. Weir of Knox Co'll'ege, Toronto, will ,preach at both. services. Sunda 'school at 2,30' 'p m, ' . ,Thug's Cavan and, Bethel—Service, as ' usual at thew appointments R1e+vi 'G, E. Morrow, 'Mi=, ter. IEgm(ondv'ille 'Ohurcfll — 10 a.m. School and Bible Glass; 11 a.m., " Stranger atthe Fine"; 7 p.q%, Dream and Visions, "Tris Lord God•.,irs King.' —ttlav', IC. A. Malcolm, M.A., B.D. M>inistier. ` . iNorthiside . United' Cliureih'--(Morn ing, "Going Through Samaria"; ev ening, The Mission !Band, Thanko'ffer ing will, be held at this s'erv.ice. Th children will sing chroru'seas. Rev. T A. Carmichiael, (Minister. 'St. Thomas' Church-- Sunday scJhoo andt;,Bilbl'e Class, 10 a.m.; Morning Prayer, 11 a,mr; sermon by Rev. T M. B. Parker, B.A., Rector of Hen- W, Tien sa11; Evening Service, 7 p.m.; sermon by Rector.—Rev, Canon' Austin �mith 'Choirmaster; Canon E. Appleyaid MA., Rector, Home and School Meet.—The meet r'1 IiIT� AND O. A. C. LAYING ing of the tH1oxr<- and School Club wa , i', WASIL ., Junior Farmers' Hockey Club Hold held on Navernber 5th and was large i ,i,.:: Dance.—Memltrers of the Junior Farm ly attend -d. A kindergarten mother, cl � �—le >dctra for Tirade. •ers' 'hockey Club held an enjoyable 'Mrs. W. C. Sproat, presided over th r '1-1r 4i dance in Cardno's Hall on Wednes- first 'part of the meeting, Seventeen S z',_ A. �a putjedge . day avlening. Musie was supplied by kindergarten pupils sang two selec- t,'• . �IHOI�TE 1S6 ,Murdock''s Orchestra, and A. W. Dun- tionls, `A Rosy Apple" and "Darling .. lop acted 'as floor mddmager, •Little Baby." .M.iss McLean gave a - - - Most interesting, and helpful talk on K This the Season of Bold Enjoyable Bridge. — Mem- "��liat the Kindergarten Does For " , bets of the Wronven'sl Hospital Aid the Child." Bai4bara Sproat recited WINDSTORMS • sponsored' an enjoyable (Madge art the and the kind'e'rgarten pupils sang a '+ `T homle of Mr. and Mrs. C. Holmes on Thank You" song. Quoting a To- r .Are you. protected'.' 'Tuesday evening. Miss Aplpleyard' ron•to private kindergartener: "It •:'f'1 The -cost is Small. � speaks well of the town, the school „;t. wogs the ladles first ,prize and . Dr. ,board' and the kindergarten, that Sea- 11. 1:1J. A. Munn, the gentlemen's. r L; The' autOmoblle Se.aSon TS forth has a kindergarten." After the �Ilvtth us., We issue special Died Suddenly in the West. Mrs. business the meeting adjourned. The :Y R. FI, ' 'Sproat, of Town, has received kindergarten won the prize of fifty � o I cents donated by bhe'Ho•nie and School ,: ----- '-�iiili.CleS for short periods � word of the death at 'Marquis, Saslk., ,Ckufb. to the room having the most ,� r, "' also reduced rates to f arm- of Mrs E. J. Caldwell, while on a visit. Mrs. Caldwell had been in Sea- mothers at the 'm'eeting. Of the 40 .1211. PI'S- Earth and vicinity just a few weeps mothers present, thirteen were from ago, and was on her way to her home 'the kindergarten. 'Miss Hartry's and 1 Call or Phone us. in Lawson, Sask., when• death over- sixI.MiElder's rooms 'cams next with took her, six mothers each, . 4.: . WATSON & REID R' Congratulations and Best Wishes: LOCAL BRIEFS — __ _... __.._.. - . — C:ongratulation's' and best wishes Phone 214 Sea-erth .. . ;, for mlany Itappy returns of the day are entended to .Mrs. John Wanless, • 'Mr, and Mrs. Ewart of Ghesley gr$rzpeclallst5 IIl All Lines of �,o celebrated leer 86th birthday at were week end guests at the home of ¢ '` the ho'm'e of her daughter, Mrs, G. T: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, I Insurance. , Turnbull, in Seaforth, on Wednesday. • • Mr.. acid Mrs. Fisher and family Mrs. Wanless' carne to Huron, Caun- of Brayton, spent the week end a It .. i1�1 O O O O O O O O O O O ty with her parents at the age of nine ohne home of Mrs, fisher's father, Mr, t..a years and has continuously resided John -McDowell, in _McKillop. g! • O here since. For many years she was • 'Mrs. Fred Willis and two chii- °© S. T. Holmes &San O a well known resident of Varna and loch left on, 'Monday for Chatham. vicinilty, • Miss Margaret Cardno, ,MncDon- 1. t ` " O FUNERAL SERVICE O ald Hall, Guelph, spent the week end tl O Main Street, Seaforth O -'A Subscriber For 49 Years, — Mr. with her parents; Mr, and Mrs. John ,ter I ' +C! O Walliam. Berry, of Brucefield, on 'Carduu. 41, • - O.. t3; T. Hohn,' residiene% O Thursday of this week, paid his 49th • 'Mr. Dawson Reid of Guelph and 'r, �, O Caoderich 'Street, 'gp'lesyt; pihone O annual subscription'bo 'The -Huron Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Reid and Miss ria O No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' O Expositor. Forty-nine years is quite Barbara of Stratford' were week end hi ,,... :O r nce, Goderieh .Street, O a span of time, ,but as far as The guests at the home of Mrs. J. F. Reid. • O East; 'phone No, 3M.' Expositon can see, Mr. Berry is still • Miss Dollie (Carlin, wha h'a•s been ,fit . - O Ambulance Service O as 'big and strong and as fine and visiting with friends in Toronto and- '. Night Calls, phone aN. O healthy a looking soeedmen of man- St. Marys, has returned home. p (Day Calls, plione 11§ J. - O hood as he must have• been 49 years • 'Miss Florence YNcKexrzie, Miss n O Charges moderate, O ago. Mare than that, we venture to Rhea Martin, Mr. L. Momn and Mr. two ,;" .' :,' O O O O O O O O O O O O say .he can still pick put a horse that Bruce Wright of Brantford spent �y ;