HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-11-16, Page 2, � .1 �% � ­ ­ —��IA;"q 1. . � - 11.1 I— I., .11. 11 ,­�11 - , tki, "', --- 1---1--.--, --1111 I I ... �, I , , - , , , 't ,lr­�, "?��,� q, k" ; ,.'�11.1­. q I - . - � ,,,, , ". , , � , ,­ 11�0,� 1,1111", "XI A,� t;�-',,,,-k , t�r .1 I ,� �,,- f-' � � , , "', " .. 11� I �, "' 11" 1. - , �', -r-, I,; , �, "I"" -d � ; , , �1'­ ,��,.,, , yl�� I , I-Nll'tl aik' '1%, 111�1 ��:""�iil!�."4�,i�.�""I��l;; ..... ,-,.. :, ,5R � , I ,I, 1� , , 5' I "11 1 g �'i "' 1 ,, "' , - � i � -�31'�,,,�� 'j &, ;i2�j�'­, ,; , 7 1', .'., :,�N ,?�.,'11' . � -',*,� ­�' , ;��'�T�j�,,'l'�,,�. � v -, -4��'i. � �1144 1.1.11 7.W— T:17`7­n`�' 47 ��,i�,�,","a""��,,,���,��,,�lk,,A"� fl,.�is. ,., k �,­, . ," -,A"��S­"'M'f 14M�,"K "i.,"'ffl,", �, - - 71i��, -­,!:l�`77�,� ��'7`77­'F';:�� ­J-,­,�P. ,7, ,'�� 4 �� 1.v i'.'��*'�,;,A",�.�Y,',,!"'�,,�,�":�,-�ll'�,-�",;"'I "7"�,�,�' '�,I� ��J' � J;�,,',Plq­�;�, -;i� ,�i�, .,tfti,,,�& .I." 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I � I � , ig I lj!"," � 1,�. i'l , � t I *1,111 I ! i � . , 4, , , . " , I �', I I . I: , , :,T i i � : � � , I 1, � 1, I r ,; ! , � Z I I . 11 - I I I '� I ,��,' ,2` 1% � -Rjy,� . u ,-., � " Qur s vnug. of ' extr-4 , gan - , - I ., 1. '-� , ,, .* I wl�­­,. ""�.,., �i.,, ;-l'1.1. .."". ..I �. � 11.111 .: ., :, ,�� � � � �,�: �­ '' �, l, I 4'1��i�'I�,� � . I. .­'­,,�� . , el,p: il IP 4A, . I I � I sAA P , . . ya , �qe, � , . � , , 7 , . - ,.�.­ ­ � I I. It' ­­­­ . I I ,.. . " �;15 .,,. Pa �.1'4 � �. � " � " '' --A ," . 11 ""I'll'', I , �4Al� 'i �t­� e., 11 4 ,�J, i., '441. �.,"� , � . , ''. . Jutwestlng. . tlm � 1w, .i qmmq - tr4lin-4*4 400 '4l 1 11-'-4i 1, 7, 1 ,& %441 , ." . " " �. , I ;1, � ", :�% I ifi� ��. �41 A I � , . 'il�� '7'--. :`.il��,�-" . I , 11 1. � � ?� , , , - wis, �;;� �i !"I"'T " . .,., � - . � � I a 1* . AT- ,W%019k'V,A7A #P, he. .o, ", WO 'w4p, . . 1 '1` �: . . .gep ,�� ,�, 1, , 11, . .." 1 1 : Ul"i'40'a'a. &A, arw ler-,,* I The� ZFW, 110f, '' I. : " '­,,"; , 3 :��.,,,l. . . . ,, I �.#f4; �,�. . . I . ,*ay �IY4 �A,p 't � -&(Ja. le4ding P, ",),' 1 ...", . A . .j ,'� ,, lj'.,.,� - .1 i � " I I - �:o � -� ..... ' ' ,�'jj;4 '1'1' ' ' �l, -i,�,.� - �� i " . I � , ", , - . P -� _ ' ' ­­'�"4 " """ ""' . .. ,� � I 11 : �',i ­ ­ - - .,— I I ' . . 1 Ite q0#0! -. el%,"t,� : 014 I ��:,m, -­� I "' V �' ,,, I � '' t ­' ' ' " k t re er '641' to . I I . I . ,�go . 'tW�, J 1��, 40; ,Tlewl , "j,.�,� , ", , , . . . .... �� r ��'!. tj .� I �� " , �, . I"" . , avle , -, I . '' Tronk 1 "410'.0 11 If 04. 5 AW "I'M , , �, I " , . ha*e, been - gi .n or � b'' " , , ,. , *,i�A:p l, i , on!;��,W.Qtx , oq� - . 11 V , ; 11, wh � �- *L0*t � I'll". �* I , ,," � I ,,�� , ( �thii,,O,,�m : � t4keo' U1,40 , plaod., -W , ,,�. "" , � , ,41, I " 'i, V, � ,", I q : ,Y,e 4* Q t� , � lth�* Eh Wh MI I ­ 4. . _4 , w ' � . I " "I 11 . VTT-711�1­777-- ` 77 ,�. nl :;.'l'��.'. , 1'�jl . , , L . I . 'd, X --40,04' A -440-04I' " I �Woutyl-fi".Xtqr$ . . 11 , ft. M,4� * a a.%.i4 ;NrOW ", -4, " --A',"-`;' . �. 04r, �, , '. '�­",:��- . . . I 1 '8 1L_ ­J* . I . � I " 14.1 .: - , . ' � I � 11?�s ,�. A" ler I ; , - Ale 1;, � I 4 harl�.orr- . -t wlag, ,W .,,.%'��JWU �, I , � . 17, . �, I IT , �, ­,A,W.4,,,.­y*, 0,,,L40.,0,J ­(" �0,,,�4� ,, 11 - , -.: , ­ ­ I 9 - , 'I'm, 9 ,:,"I.." I " 7�4 ,,-­�t � ,,,,;, , .11 , " r L "I :� , , I'll � ), -" �­­ , , . , 1. I I I MI.. , , .., , 7'.4 , " -� .�, i - � I . . I :� " ,., , ". ,, ;:��i.��),X�1� - t, ." '% ".. . . ". , '! �;, �. "­ - .1 . I ,b - - I- , � �,­�'.. � , I .'' : . .1� I . � 1 .04" an' enVnQ, nq ' , '6 -., ., WQW0 , , , IA,`,��l: , 11 . ... I . � I I � , " , - , "s , -�i .I ":, . I . - -�-747'-.".1100'. " . I , UA .0 , �, i' ` i ., , I . � , . I 11 I . , Z, iv�.��,%.1974�,t Oatmin-eqnsis�t,l, iheft g; �bwice " th "ka "I #.,ill,p , their- personal tax collQqtdr, . "' 11 AIR . I : wh L -- — -*'ablauto the. , � � . 'i. I I . �tvvo .ha' ., 'i ` ' , J ,., �, , . I . I I omm o - -is, -the rest I I -l,,,.,. ­d.. , . the c ­­ -.n he'rd—that ,�, � '' , 4 �, 10-0 -J! 111%410��',�­,;a I . . , 4ng:, �Iu i i �ir, , , ­' � 4,t. # ho WP,Q ,'il:�,1.','Z;, ," 11, A, � �. ,; " . _4 1- - � "I , ,,, � .1 - . ing E , ne ,,box. c0a."'i. ,,�A,d .,W.bet $0 , , 4, 111. -;. - �Ik "". J t . ,, ' "t, il L , *1 L tb . 1 , �`w 'L,��, 0 ,� - lk�4 ­ ,� , , " - �iwoii� ... � 166.4*` I h1.110%, d � � , ", , ,� " R �, - I , i. I � I - . I . ositer, of .11 I it � , y`�ltg, TOPO, ' t49"A"N "' L. L 4 - .- . y 1 -we are rom The Huron Axp I , ." r� K1,51",-, r ' .. , � ry� . of, us --can Va. . , able 2 .or for I - r, boi,ke � .,You; arm% ea at. that hotur. L e �,U"" a' Xv 111*41, ,. � �, �7­ 4, -1 - 31� , ,'�00 �,4*; , 1. I , ,*uu,iorge" '. J# . ei,�!M. a . -.7 �, A . "" 4 11 I . I , ­ !ipn . � 1-11--L., ,-f 14, i884- - . - ­ Wool �%, " . ra � .1 i PV�WA-� �P,��.,,,, 11 11, . � � I 11 ,, , 0`bs T, � � , yard, made, Vh'?.t , , ,,, , , L �neq X4, ... "'k0s", f,eit o#y farms or ooRr, property if I . . ,1 . , . I , 1, " I" t te� $1.50 .a year in, - �,,-Q,010�011 . q; 4" - ,0 . . . lgove�m� =,d on entering the, �. - , .,,,� ­;,"'Ic. . . ,. . � .-L, - , " ­ "'. � . R, . e - , �. "� 1. 11 �1. � ) I * -e erv-;, 6r 'of e 44P wo '61t. I r .m�­PP.;!,-,§4$lC- Xr .,iand, A � ,�'j­ " �a "". '9n, � . lidd 0; 'Wfiauxig'sibunt," th th, 11�1 I * , 4 " , , ,v4,,,.1cq; t6rel $2.00 a year. Sing,e' ; Uh�er. thp. hq.#d�ug of "Im0oxitant 1'5 ca I � Ow,: Mg 71:11 - v,,;., L . , , - 4*0`1' -�' 14" 'i ,"VW ,�ftere two "w'-wim- ­,-, 1�- , 1; � ,F , cent$ each. - � , I we are not. L I " litp ii engine' ,* us , ront of tbe�14n - .­� , ren 04 , .� . . . I fi�' advertisem,6xits MI'' e i� �-$ng- i ''t e ! ' ho .. e f ''gim 7%le, - , *41, V IN.4 44 If I I . Notice&," one of 4 . , a ­ I It.4 ­`�11­ . I , -11 � 18 -0, " ,�"M,q�A,r - 'm''m 4, 13=;,,�,� 1. , ". �, . - I I Ill I -1, . MU115d 044. - � �.0 , '1t41W,,7,* ., , " - - , , . I, I 1 4 77 , I . -whip-h-,appearW -was. the following. and IeMlng the cars to, Paw -4 ong . . '. - �:. ,, " '­��,p �, a - . . , " . I; -1: I . . :- I Never,have the'fear th, t you are � �, ". I . In, . . i ' the line to the �stlwtl.on. It apame� - too, ,Mounted thO vapmoo, � fbe, n =­, end, NO% Horp .�.!A.,Ad, Wss ?­�- � 'L .: ;. ,,, ­­- L W .... .. ­.. ,. I . I 11 lioxen, For $ajeL-The undersigx,ed I I _ . � , i '. , I I "� , '... . . I . forgotten, or are likely to be. The - k md. Lbeen. givien In a box"04iWillk .hiff . tidi, Un.­44meter, T#00�Mlyoqate- 11 1. .,K I , -, , I . .­ much qpeed I - d,.- the fir , bft b, . I I 4� , .. , , r , offers. for sale two., yoke of youu%; ., - A I :: "' ll, ­­ 2 .. .1 : . . . I � . , , �. ;ua " - - " " - ! % . - nA all 11"ner . 1. - .�! . I n . 'forgets. , cart,,-Invta�d the. st,A, ,and all t e uppet . .. ­1PILK ioq.,,�,�Oq,0�6� I � - )J "', A .t - � - d - I �,,e �� "I 41' it 'L , � " ' : ",". , . , I application. . . ever ; wqrk4ng pxim. , ' of 0opping at -h i , A - . 1. . JVY'414�� , I ", hif I dvertising rates o ax collector n Apply AoA Lot 10, Con I � ... ,�, �� , ' ' �. I , 7101 .. I . � 1,19n, ran ontowawds the steep, grade ing the cabin. : '' f gment, - T -b 9 -1k .. " ��"""',�"J' .' I " ' I e. y a ra, on -43r 4 �, �,�'­, � 1 14; �� Illop. Jam'es Campbell.". , � ,�: Nq'��,4;;�,­� I :,r: , , � 1 . .. L 71 . . raAn"i hand j` I ,, .� - . .q, I.: ll 4J, 4 , ­. , I , 0 . , , " , , . ­: . . ., I . . . U SA be . ', f9red,.;'w.- � I . .� . ,�-o , 0,. . I . �'Maude VI on Tues. day at IN I - "n, �%,- ffl , 11 , "", " Ing to, th4 haribor. Thiir�.. was of Athis 'ear IST,ger tian' a 111 I , 4 , " I I . - lea�d ", " ", � , i.) Lexing 't. �; � , l ,%aiv _ , . � -e � 9 le, .... I MP'. " � ", . �f 4, , � , . I , We . ton, (trotted a mil . i1i, the 'e, 4 Thu v� A� I A � ' �,', I , ; 1, , '0)1� - of th� debcda L - W, �4 , . 4., ., L - d'all wis left, a portion , ��l ) bftkesnwx. on board, wh,b di ; I' IR .�� - unpre6e, , iw 'I , � , .. , .IL -ekly . � W .1 . , I " L "', I ;�,'­ M , bers of, the Canadian . . he could, -to -stop them, but som�i of 1:nj forec nd on thq , I I , - 0i . Mt ?"",�."..'i -em �d oii�r the I , "II,Al­., n'War -donted time of 2.001?i.' � � whA( � 0"Qk* '� �;,,iof, the y I I i 1� _I t6nd6r 4. , rog. A, R.q 1�# I , ".­­ � - � . ... . ­ I I . �', '. , � " �`�` " '�.b,j ' on, Class, "A!' ' �. the cars were new and' the brakeLa did car, in the war. M& it not boeu tiliat ' I l , . - I , vk� ''i . . ,X.L i ip6r,% As.goci More Dead1p Tha L The, Houghtou. . . -in . ! 11 e� .. � " - TLM*4�` Ob ' ' t � . �w t f4mily residence, ... '�reh '., I , I 1, .., -on ,y,auAdtigi� on, Satur not fit very -well. ,He ran baA to the' wai' th,eT4 tk> stand the Following t1w, 4.trolte, she vftsi xenwv--- A ,F . . .1 . W.eeklies of Canada, and the Hur During the. pa6t four years auto- which wast sold b - - I . ; ", I I . I . I -the hrak� van and' ap-pligil-the brakes force of .the slw& it 19 Niery probabla ed 0 her I hio; , . � . A I . I 1i "I. 1. ­.. . , '­­ ' � "T ' Association. tes have ,day last, wtas purchased by -Mr. G. E. it -so quickly that the, coupling p! . n the- elelvaitor would'hal�e been de' bulance. . like in Mr. Ito*els, am- I 11 . ..� I . ;" . tounty ress mobiles in the United Sita %r condition � � i.# - I I , Henderson, for,the surn of $1,185. l.it to . , HE � I at present 4 ,"i", '. - I . 1. I . 1. "..... � I I ' nu�ftbev of 'i�en were. I. � I . �1,f � . I . . killed 125,000 men, women and chil- is a very pleasantly situated ptoper- broke and -the, nine cars stAAed down, Taoli,shed. A I is ,sPnIewhiat inqwomed.. ' Waies Ina- . i :� ­ . :1 � 1 . I I I he grade i, 0 -A " ' nd ,,, gaining m6locity as they engaged at the time, in loading the ,,��i � �, , I - Doireen WL-atcotk are in- ;. 1". ty -on the corner of John A Jarvis Jaqueia and, ,h,L �, ""." 1, , . dren, and have injured 4,000,000 . went. The bra,kusn-ilan and another ears �,t .the elevator but some parties. , . I K11111111 I'll., I SEAFORTH, Friday, November 16. I , Streelts. man tried to aVeirtake them but- they seeingthe runaway traintonting, gave attendanee..-Exeter . mes-Advioawte.� . A , � ,,, .1 ,., i �;` - . . I . I � * 11 ,Mr. Elcoat, of Tuekersmith, whose I Chicken Thieving . I "I �A,Rlt� I �1 ': more... . ' . 1 A i. �fi"!';3" �" 'L ' ' , I . - barns were burnt last week . oing too fast. the, alarm and ,they escapied. ,One man I I ", ,,­,�,, 1. . articipation in . . . ; had an wer"� 9 >% 'Seivenky.4filve Plymouth Rock chick- , ,l��q�,,,,­ . I., I ­t,�It T.- he,,Unit6d States �p I � -,struck a pos-t W i ", . ' insurance of $1,10D in ithe IvIcI0111op na�ned Dan,,PatteTson from tlie chieken � AV 'T 4 � ..� � I.. . ' ' . - ' . l,"'... .1 . r-' did not account. for - and injured the side of ens (Were ,stdien - I ,�O�P­ . I * Whip Not Teach Writing,? � the Great Wa' -Co4ripany, but as, he neglected to pro- ,1 At the- etevator a train, of six ears in jumpin� ; I N ,­,. '. � -was being -loaded with wheat.' An his he -ad, but not very seriolusly. ton house Of Mr. Nelison .Squire on Yton-,. 4.. I, ,,,, -3 � . - I , " . i -have a sitearn, thresh- m*- . t.. ­­­.- .. . . I . . I ­ � I I 11 I curie apernik to . Mdo , , I 'T; 11 . more deaths, nor did it begili'to ac- e was attached to it )reading the followk-rig Sunday -the broken cars ,day night. Oonslt,mble - , oy, as . - KI I -,!,��,:,:, .�!�. - For some time past there, has been er on his premises he will not receive 'engm a t � .; � �l�',�'t -, " �" � '' , . up +he girade, The gine,ex took in. were reilnoved, I � I , � tl�ll count for an equal number of woun& Any of the insurance. en, the wh.�at unloaded Ves1tigating­E,xeJtei Time -Advocate. . ki­,,�;,�� , A - 11 %6Y��,�-, &eussion , withoulf -- end regarding the situation at.a glance, and putting from the, sq,limergedear and ithauled Bruce Beattie in Accident I � . 0&. Johu Dodds, son of W. Thomas I -��.,,,! ­­ .11 1. .1 X 11- . ' ed. on steam, to meet ,the running cars, on. to th'e �rack by the aid 4 three. 'Beatffie, 11 -year -4d . , "I'll ki',"5�1'.. . the Ontario educational system. Doddis, ,of McKillop, was driving a . , . iLittle Bruce � .1 ' . I jjrp." r I I .1 ,,��`,, .. I . I L Yet war is decried the American 4 from -the engine which had engines. The Adamage was'estimated son of Harvey Beattie, Goedrich � � �,,�1�.�' I- ' threshingm�i�ine along the road on lu'mpe � "I, 1. .. , a few yards .:when a at $15,000. � . 11 I 1 '7,��4�' - ' What ''should be'taught and what only advanced . � N", , . . � chrse . � I t ", - ' I ter that shall Monday night when one of '.the h a . L I '. I was run down on Tuesday, eivOrking, I o � I 1� . 1.�, I,- . i , ... I ' -a car, driven' by 1( 11 �,� - .1 should not. L kicked, striking him in the face and , , , . November ,5,tb, by I � ',!,�� in be allowed to raise its M � Mss Gertrude Wheeler, and escaped �, ij..Q"�Z,�,,L"" never aga causing him such. injuries as will lay . I A I 1 7 4.., . . If, the educational system is to be I �,, ", I . -Without injurdes. His ,bicycle wahs � " , 4.1'1�4,,�� -.,, - head. him up for some time. ' I'll, 1 ,,,Ill" thanged — and there is, abundant - . Mr. Lyonts has commenced the work preitty well simakhed,but Miss Wheel- 01 ., .1 Wti.l .� . Well:, what about the automobild"? -n 0 JUST A SMILE 0IRTWO 0 bi f the -scene ,of the I . � , .�- �, �i, . voom, for change—might we offer , ' of putting plate,glass fro ts. in the 0 0 er -dr , . k I �;k ,,, , ��,�� - It would.appear that the only differ- -stom in -the Scott block. , I . a - - i ile"Z, � �""'Iti ico -er,of ,St. Diavid's 14 , I- �;l l t That television -phone .. which has The Jani� wan. da,rk and des -e ed gs . 14 , pl�', `. .� . the humble suggestion that wiiting . ence in the recor4� of death and 'Mr. Charles Mackay, of this own., xt Street and, ,to, �Road, to ther I # , IF, 'I "'z,- ". has been appointed in Assistant oste, y I'Valters home, E, !,� street. Wheir , �.�IV',�,' be given its 'Old time place in the - been ,perfected- in-, Germany sounds and, Jones was suddenly ace d b , , ' ­�,,,, ' ' w ildings between war and t h e teacher in the High, Schoal and will just-d-andly. We've alimays wanted to ,two men, the bigger ,of whom said ,the ,car dooT'fv - R h; junVg,& :. .." 14 .. ou ' �1,1 - , I se of studies prescribed for both 111-el� .��C "'. . . COUr commence hils -new duties on January know what a wrong num-b" looked polltely: 'AtExeusei me, sir -I wonder out and ran. into the �.Yareut- - e �, I. 1 . '10.11�,�, , - automobile, is in their different meth- . ' he worse for h eyperi- ,,,,., , schools. - - " IA. - � like,­Toroifto ISaturday 'Night. 'k if you,could oblige me with, the loan ly not -any ,t . � I , , , , , , , , . I jI I I - � I I I - . � I . . , I"' I , 1, , , I , , 'Ile, agent on en, - .. .... .. : public and secondary I S [Mr. William So,rrervi -of a Penny?" ce. He was very empbatic.in de,- I . � ". ". I . ods of accomplishing the * ame thing. 0 0. ", . ,p - ��4.;11� ­ , I A short time ago the Chatham the C. P. -R. in Mand0ba, is, spending I 1qWhyl­-er­�s, I think lso� 11 replied climir'g ito ride with Chief Po - t1111 . .10 , �., . . In., war, the deaths and the wound- -Hitler is reinvowng his oppolnebts ,j 44 -or ' -the i - , , I " - .. I I . . "The . I on, what pur- wadU. The. dark even�inlg and I I . � ���,�'. 1, - ,, I Newsy, in an editorial said: � a mouth's holidays at his ,home here. es. Bu;t mo I ask f � �!� . I . 1 9 . ' . ings come, asit were, in inas�s forma- I A4 roller skating rink"has beeii op- van by �vton.-OMD State Journal. po. . r it?,,) 1, I ty min made vistibih,ty very poor I i I I I ­. I I se you -requa. e I �11,,.' . .. . l, other day this paper received a docu- . " I . i� the ace! .4 ��'l .A. I'm .,..,. �, - tion. So close together and in such ened in Cktxdno's 'Hall. � - 0. ­ , . . Oh, cettainly, sir," the. other re- probably Accounted for4 the ace! � I I , q y �ditors of the � ' I'Myl mate,an&'I wish to toss ­4GOderich. star, 'n - . ­ It I I . , ,mett'signed b�, sixt Mr., Willia�m Neal. is moVing'i9to Visitor-4'your ,son i -s rather smWl plied. 1� """ . ,., #� i a, comparatively short space of time ` " new store at Walton this week. f-oir his age, is&t ih.e?" . . the cointo d6cide our little argument Brodhagen Girl Hurt . 41 " .I I 111.-�, . I ' � - his �­� 11, - 'S -wag an 'excellent . . ��. .1 - . . United tates, It A n-P0+;T7-1nl nn-n-R-narl ancir-13 On Thursd(av of lasit'week Mr. Gov- I—A,11-11-e-101, no o,st ho- - to -AAA-1, us;r shall have -our I + I I - , 2 �., , . ��, . . &eument intended to stimulate , , , l 1, I all %,V111F J � - 7 . . that, one, can, visu ' - etilpek1s istore, land teleign*ph offite - I p I Of his age are overgrown, I `tbiihk.1'— watch, 'and which your wallet!'�-Tit- I � . When the car ut which ' she was ­ . � ing jumped the cur�bing'land eras' (I ". I , `,- I I I . I 11�1 thinking in a troubled time, but af- -king , - . i d n they lie; ca .'.hear and see the wou - n was (the, sicene of gTeat excitement when over 2,00' reE;iderrts-from differ- Detroit Free Ptess. - Bits (London), I I .., . . I I bout , I into, -a heavy hydro, pole about - 4 . i, V night on Saturday, Miss Laura - i �'.. . . . at the signatures and t�ry- ,::, �, . tUr Io6 . : I . .. I . I ed. ' ent purts'of the township were arm- . . . I I . . I . * ., .. hagen, ig-ed 18tl i, ,of Bpodhagen, I 11`1�� I ,,, . �. � ing to figure them out, we are almost . . I I �,:,! - forced to the conclusion that what is ' I With' the automobile itis different. here, dously waking to learn the result of the 'Scott Act contest in this county. , As soon as the, results wer6 k,n.ovm I- f a . fered severe cuts to her face . - I I �e I � � head wheh thrown against th wi - , I ' 0 ! * d7, �1' 1�1 A ' .1 I ­­! � . �, i,4 .0 . UNDAY AFTERN06K 0. ��f��: ", � , The car chooses'its victims one the Z� shield, -The Pear was, ovmeda rii ;.�-,'. needed ds a stimulation of penman- , �l , .'. ship, rather than thinking."' One there, bne to -day and one to -mor- . I ..the steam whistles of -both saw and grist mills were put into opera- tion- . I .0 . I � . . 0 4) (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderiell, -Ont.) I 0 I . . 11 11 - . by 'Cl'arenee , Ealacotit, of R. ii N& , � ) � Brussels, He reported to- poll . he .1 1: .. .1 � . ' I �­. " ,. 4 ". . Al . A-nfl +Tic;+ ;o +bn +vq-t0i 1-rF n -F +"ka row, all through the days of the year - 1. . I -Mr. H. Shaffer, ,of Kippen, has dis- ,driving s,outh on Erie Street, .. . 4 . . .J 1-1 11 11 ­� . I'� I 1. . I - - . . . Folmomak .. � . . �, , ,-, l.�,� . . 11 ., I � . . ,countless- contributions that reach a . I and all acro'ss the land from coast to . I from boundary to bound- posed of his grain btisiness beile to -Mr. D. XcLennan- and Is abodt t6 - . I 'Take lup thy cross," the Saviour said-, , I � . blazing stories upon his breast, flash -a flughimay, an w er. e lea e ��, , . A "" - , intersedtfi,on of Wesit , o .- .. I : , I . .7 I .. I - ig ... I ,. I . t", , ,� . .iwwspaper, in the course of a -year., . I coast.and . � , . Istart ta pork -packing busin4sss this . If thou. wouldst ,Ivjy disciples, the; I Deny thyself, the forsake, forth meaning deeper� and diviner I � . wilere -he ' ma. a 3,09, .:%. . 1� 0 e po ' itr (VI ,lost Con .lbb.', -4 f Or Visi- ".. . . I I ary. I ' . 'fall. r . world . far.pp . . . -h . ",.:. � .. . . War is war. We know what it is. Edward, Prince ADf WAles, attained ;And humbly follow after Me.' . . Yet ,whatever our influence may be, bilitty and theL.f C t at lit lightF, � .Jct that brlig * ,* mi ai� approach- ' 1�, facin- rk I . .. .... I .� 'because of the.clarity of fhe hand- � i�, . We expect death and carnage and de- his ,t3rd year on Sunday. Ms birth- day was publicly celebrated on, Sat- Take u tb cross:.Iet not its weight I 7 ' Fil tly Weak 'alarm; we m�Ly lose it. The salt may lose it� savour, the light may I* put under a w ere 't�4017 I - I I , a ca I - , E s( J ,ing car. al jumped the I . J be- 4 1* �­ . -111, 1. . . writing can be read offhand at a struction from it. And we haye nev- urday. . spiiit with -ho, �us -1, and a city set upon a hill may ,cu ,rbing And e piro pole . the Stratforcl 1 .1'.1. 1 . � � glance. �. 0 His strength shall bear thy spirit up, turn its lights out., I . e side the Aen 11 .. A The �'., � ,�� i. , As a matter of -fact the older'the er been disappointed. ' li � From The Huron Expositor of And brace thy heart, and ne7e Thine, arm. . � I There is a right waS, of using in- fluence. Observe how Jesus puts the Brass Company plant. car was; I almost completely wrecked and sev- � I . - I . `." .1 . - On the other hand, the automobile' . I I . November 19, 1909 I . 1C. W Everezt matt wben-he sa gq.,t ur lig"A eral statches were required to close I I .. I vointributory. the more legible, is the while it to,o was the invention of man, P. Scott at Brussels was in Ottawa . I If I .Y�, .y- ----- I so shine before men." It is not ,em-,. the cuts suffered by the grirI.:l--Bnu- ,, I . . . - . ' '' ,:'. � .. .... - handwriting likely to be, 'and the i last week delivering two fast horses PRAYER ough, thierefore, for us to have light sells POSIL ,� was conceived and born with a direct to his 'brother, Mr. W. F Scot One . ­ ,�.''. . present day studen't handwriting is * t' We pray for the presence of Thy Id to -be luminous; -we must study Now. It is Oil , 4 " . ly opposite end in view., of these was a fasit one, purchased how best t(? throw our light so -that rms f ,I 11 - Holy ,Spirit which Thou did-st, promise ,And now it is oil! 'The fa o I 11 1151'. . ,a fearsome and wondrous thing. The automobile was intended to be' " �D.r. Wlarwi,ckfor $500. should descend upon. Thy early dis- even a little light may ,go a long way Messrs. Bert Gibbings, J. Noble, J..' , .1 ­­ . On. November 10th Mr. and Mrs I or a gr -eat Ii t best'',4hine upon, rthe Bailey M .�,:, �, , - It is that way because the older peo- gh . and Mrs. Fred Tyndall, i .! ciples, so -that those who have become '. I I . J. , the sery a*nt of man, a helper, an ed'u- Thomas Mason, of 11-ullett. celebr;;�� roAd of him -who is in. perplexity and Tuck,r, ith and Hullett, ,,.have - �" "i . . Thy --professed folb�*i�i'z may be true M . ­­- . ple, ,while they may, have lacked much ,g . their golden We� ling. They were p - to Thee. Amen. � by a company which will bore, r'. . . cator an annihilater of distance 7 doubt. I leased' ,I, y sented with two handisome morri 1Chri8t Tegairds his follower 1�� I in the way of an education, as we un- a as Salt, 4 for gas and oil. If no, gas or oil is ' ,� I ble to old and- chairs -by their ne'gbboTs, while thedsr S. S. LESSON r0R, NOVEMBtV8 light, and a city set on a bill. Let discovered at a reasonable disIbance, - derstand.that term to -day, did re- chEdren presented'therh with a purse ' us answer the grandeur of the, chal- the work will be Ahandoned and the� , ' �­ ­ . . . I young, to rich and poor. - of gold. I Lesson Topic - The Christian As ­. ceive a grounding in at least one sub-�' And it has bee I n all that. - Andy if ( . lenge. But he tells us that the best well ultlliz�d for punilping salt.-CHn- , I ­! . . . On Tbursday of last week Hensall's -Church Member. I influence may decline and die: salt ,ton News-Ueecird. . �111� , ject that has left its mark througli . '. . . left alone, it wofild have continued irejuvenated post office was thrown Loiss,DO Passage --Matthew 5:13-16 ; may lase its savor, the light may be Fowl Stolen, From Ed. Pollard ; I I 1'.1. I 'Efe. . . open to the public. It is a credit in Acts 2:41-47. extinguished. Let us hearthe solemn , 41- ,: I., � � . . to perf orm those duties alone,"and to internal fittinig to the enterpri]se of "den Text-Ephesians 5.-30. exhortation, and- exercise a spirit of 10n, Hallowe',en night, some one� I "I I I One"Subject thoroughly mastered . , 11,111. - ings. Matthew 5:13-16:. Jesus Christ in vigilant caution.-i(Dr. Joseph Parker �tc4e QAI theducks and hens belong- I v . ' have increased its ratib of bless* thepostmaster, and H-ensall has now ; �Ii �, one of the most convenient and hand- ing to Ed'%A�ard Pollard., on the 5ift .1 �' I � is worth more than a smattering of . addressing His disciples,- calls them in The Inner tif,� of 'ChTist). I . : ,'�,�.,. ., I . i&tt man was not content to leave somely'fitted post ,offices for a place .the salt of the; earth, the light of the Acts 2:41-47. line of 2-vloil,dis. Provincial Constabl& �, I '. . many. We wouldlike to have writ- t h . I , �!­ . . . . . at. He wanted the automobile of its size in this part of the province. world, a city -set ,on -a hill that can- In this second chapter we have the McCoy of Goderich is, on their trail, I I ;, , mg again taught in the schools as it Hensall post.office was opened thirty -not and 'it .may be interesting for some- " I I'' ", � to symbolize just one thing—spe,ed— years ago by the late James Suther- -be hid. He sees in them ,t h e history of the first Christian revival. A conside�able amount of, Achickent , , , . ,�t, , I ,. . I used to be taught, because now it and more -speed, with the result that land. � eburch that is to be. Not address- It was us4ered in by prayer which stealing isbeing done and thisprac- 1 1! ing them in their then intellectual led to the quickening of those who I f� . A� ":1 , .;.Iil seems to be something of a matter of the automobile has become, or is rap- 'Messrs. Sproat and, 'Chesney of Sea- ,and spiritudl condition, but looking were already disciples and" to the tive, should be stopped at once.---qBrw- A -,4" �'­ . forth have purlehased the "Gem" The,l, f sels Post. "'.1'. " . . pride among schools as to which can . idly becoming, more deadly than war. aftre in Listowel. �1,1­ orward Is men look from the germ bringing in of, many converts. In f 4 , � . . . ) to.the full fruition, he regarded'them verses 4-47 is recorded the outcome W. Wawartosh Reeve Injured I "I boast, of the -worst penmanship, I Mx. Robert Willis will move his ,',� �" That, of course, is the automobile's as the beginning of his own divine of St.'Beater's sermon. Tbey who lis- lReleve Wm4 Stewart of West Wow- 4 -; -.. . - ��r�. ' - , , - boot and shoo -%tock hito his Ovirn st,ore I . . . ndTeceived his: message were anosh rillet with an. accident while I i ..., � rather than o� the best. kin'L,domi. tened a re- . 11 , . I . record in the United States. Is its on Matti 'Street, at present occupied Jesus Christ says: "Ye are the salt baptized. They showed that their con- turning to his home from Dungannon IY I '... . I record in Canada any better? In -by Mr. ffa-Y Graves, who is. goting of the earth" -says to a man who version was true and vital.for they -on Friday night. Very little is know -M `,` .;`�,'j ...��x­ . t- I 0 1 � . West. . thought himself useless in the world, were not ashamed to confess that of what ,happened -but It is thought- ": �,, � � � ­ I ' . proportion to population and the ­ Messrs. Thomas Dickson, of Sea- "Thou art as salt I cast upon that they now Ivere joining up with the inI ,txyinig to avoid ..being hi't by an. on- I I �; ;;, I � ' f:, . t .. . rl.,, . � One 'Who Never Forgets I number of cars, we would say little, ­ fort�, and D. McIntosh, of Brucefield, ,which is already good, -to, preserve it society whose members owned a cku- coming car, Mr. Stewart had to ran 6 k""', � � , �. I . ,� . , received a fine shipment of Clyde fTom decay." Jesus Christ adds, "Ye citfied MAster and'they did not wish into the �ditch. He receired, a bad ,�� , .1 P�il , � - if any. , � h6rses fr6m. the Old Land oki Satur- ,,�' � .., - - are the light of the world" -tells a merely to adopt a new name, and not shaking up and head, injuries, and " i6�1 �,' Aay last. The shipment was compos- e,t a a -S hAdy S U in 118VA �11'11. , There is'a seasonable truth in the What are you going to, do -about man'who never suspected himself of withal to show by their iondu th t the c T i I d to ged.-'W g ., ,,� .", . . ." . ed of tten fillies, one two-year-old stal- having any light at all, that it is in ,their Christian 'name was a reality. AdvancejTimes. I L .�t " statement of the Shelburne Free it? Let it go on? Let it increase, lion, and A Welsb pouy'thre,6 years t. " - 1� � �. I � " him to throw a -circle of radiance a- What they learned from �St. Peter and K', 11 . Press when it says!: - "Don't get the, or are you going to stop it? old. . I . Neighbors Present. Gift "i �. " ' . � round his, family, his neighborhood, the other hLpo,stles they began t prac- . , I'll . (Mr. Dan Brintnell, of While visitting at Mrs. R. J. 0am- ­1 I . - - ­ . Chiselburst, or it may be his country. Lot us tise and continued to ,,do so.. They L, :feeling. that the world has, complete . 1�11 . � , . We say you, because the remedy shot a wild-goose on Saturday that learn this example in some degree, were Also rmiuch in each other's com- -erou'a, Mrs. ,SusieMdIl,er had a very- i 11'�P.l ly forgotten you. There -is one who lies largely in your hands. It, is an weighed eight pounds ' . ,,pleasant suTprise. on, Tuesday of last. �, .. I � , We get from men- in many cases just ,pany. They were concerned for one " Th.� sparrow hunt n what we tell them, we� expect from another, -sympathized- week, whe:n a box was handed to her I �,� '' I - bther, and, heartily es,poused ,one an- ly bath,,robe and a note saying it wa& � 4 bas not forgotten—the tax collector.!' individual matter, rather than a mat- running for two. weeks in the vicinity them; there is something in the hu an- and upon opening it, she fiound.a love- , .4. , �rhich has bee with one - "!", � I , 'I., I Jer of government. of Kippen, was won by Mt XcGre- ,man - other's interests. Though they rn�et from her "'Quality ,Hill" ,neighbots- 61 I- ,�. - . And isn't this -about the time of I 0 � " �. , gor's side, by 25 birds. O'er 6 that likes to be trusted with re . i , , Vear we learfithe truth of that state- Now is a good time to consider the ,0'00 sponsibility, something in us that re- with the Jews daily in the court!V,Of As Mrs. Miller is leaving to makelher I #, I I.. . sphirrOws! rweTe iaccourilted for. The aponds to -great -occasions. Jesus the temple, yet the Christians kept home in Winghanl� she wishe's top i""', '' inent? And are these 'not the kind matter. With winter here; the dan- winning side was treated,to an oyster �hxistalways supplied a grand occa- together by themselves, in their de,lll i an eac .11 � 11 I . 1-1-1 . . , I . � I - . 1i,11. � . supper in' the public ,hall on Firiday , , I ,"',. . th. k h of 'her neighbors for so �. of times that,the tax collector is not 1. gers of automobile tr'Avel have in- sion to his bearers, and, he opened votions. V&en he met to celebrate kindly remembering her. - Lucknowr I . 1, . 1�1,1�ll- I � evening last. the, �road And sunny road of hope., He the ,Holy :Communion, it was in ,the (Z D ­ likely to forget either? ' creased an hundred fold. Will you Seafarth's markets last week were: enti ,1. n �.j,y ­ ,,.,� . did not point,to the low and dark cav-, bouse of some Christian they assemb- - 0 -:� �11' . I Wbeat,'$1.00- ,oats 35t- barley, 48c; Lost Finger Off Left, Hand �.i, I �t,,;�,�, , ., How can he? One can not have do your part, or will you wait until bran, $21; A , I erns of despair. 'led. ,., 1;�' . Aoilts, $24; butter, 20c; :�,11; I . 'his cake and eat it too. And have, the Government forces you to? Jesus Christ recognizes the -true They continued inprayer. The dia- On Saturday at noon hour, Billie , I " ��,u--,'- . � . l I . I . eggs, 24c; hay, $12; potaltoes, 60tper inifluence of good men. He calls them ciples bad seen ltliekMaster go aside Orvis, 4 -year-old sonof Mir. and Mrs- I.I , . . ' ��4� ,;�(�'-, . not the people of Canada, and espec- mooXXi fbiag. On the 'Toronto market, ey,pc,rt- 14,,­­­ .. . salt, Nihich is pungent, light vIlkh is to pray and he bad faught, thom. how ,George Omis, Lower Wingliam, hail A, �"' 't",if". ers were selling at $5.5g. picked but- hi "' - . aUy the people of Ontario, been eat- . -ell as speakingofter, to a most unfortunate accident. He was, 10,11, � cheils at $5; cows at $i.50,; feeders, is conspicuous, Rnd whybe seen. afar th ty of prayi.og plarying about the car in frout of the I ,T-,�, �1� i strous, a city"set on a hill which to pray as w, -, 4�11. � )%;, . " . ,ing a lot of cake, been living on it $a.75; stwkers, �2.25; -and hogs It by travellers and thy those whio long and watelling,if they would, grow in hand ""i"I-, ,I 'N 11 . WHAT MER PAPERS SAY* 'house when -he jammed, his left 4 j�l � 1,v t; e qui ,�,,, " -�, t $7.40. ", �t,,` I., ,p­fhet, for " ite a few years? for home. Sortie influences are ac- the ,Christian life.' `I$ey practis,ed between the door and the -body of the , ­­: . ' A company, known as the GodeTiell ,prayer and taught all who, joined the car eutting his Ithird. fivger off 'be- , I ,, I - tivAe­Asalt, and light; some influences .. I., � . If one -r', to judge by the reported Rural Telephone Company,has ,nilade IM,-, I Farmers WiH Have More Money passive--l-A city sell on a hill. -We must prinifitive church this easential feature 1tween ,the first abd second joints ---t . �:i ....... ��� `11`1"�� " � - I . application to the .township councils I I .111,11- toAdition of the ,'Ontario's finances, it I not ju�&-,one another's influence by of its doctrine. Winghum. Advavee-Timies. � � �., ' � "La �,!,��,t , 1"J. ' (Bowmaiiville .Stateaman) of Oolborne, Ashfield, West Wawan- ou,j ,Wn, A � -- ' jA '- . ' � 0. 11,W, , '' I has beeA the, richest kind of cake we . Aosh, ,Ea j � ...... � ". I . nd condemn any man's in- "They had all things common; a I t, ,, � ��,, ,* . . JM,Ve:be - ­ r -ii.- -4 � The farmers of Canada will have more money, sit Wiawawsh, Tfullett -and t6 Gradei is'Found ' , � - I ­ 1-1 t lerthat; , I , � 0, " �,,,� - � . e In iving Goderich Township to e6nstruc fluence in the church because it does soldtheir possessions And goods, And road, scrap " to spend during the coming year as t,he result of . I- - , " ,"." ., I I I � Ire I � � on at that. 'and not take its tone and range from our i*rtted them. to all mien, as elvery man ,The Huron, county ) I ,�, '%'�4'j'l operate telephione lines, within their, -own method of doing things, Some had need." .. . . ' better grain -prices, although It is impossible at ji - my - 'U 411, ,.�, I.. I Poople do not realize or refuse to . ts, stefiously disappeared from k I "" 1, , 1, ., . ml The officers'-sre: President, clocks do not 8,tr.ike. They I NW,4o,,�, - - I .1 this stageto even guess the amount of increase. 'have to Matthew Hen in his commentary 11 �,� . . % ry 9hed a1t Kirkton on. Halilowelen night . 11 ,-,:,'�,�-,�,-. ; 1.0 , .. I - . One estliniste declares that. the revenue from William Hill; secretary, AndrewPor- he looked at if _from them we Would . Mv,�­': �k#ag,Ze the truth that you can not get ' pays ow.,this ' was found on Thursday lAst. It had ��A,?, - '. - . . � � ..., -wheat alone would, be $51,000,000 more than last for- directuris, A. U. Wacklin, W. F` know the tirine of day. Some cloeks had'...... Practice: "PerhaPs"bey b6pri �'[P"ed dowtl a Toad shout a , 1. ..'M', " - , I , � ,- - - tables (-as the .Spartans ?IJ qC;,,-f",.,�., � . . o6vidthin for' nothing. The only oaho;wl G. Gamble, H. PRRI�'1!11� "I � I,- 9". . year, while- the'pricies of oats, flay,,barley and . G. T. Blair, A. do strike, and they strike in the dark. hak mire'froin ,the village. Et WIRS 11 MI-,, - � J I 1� � - ; �-. - I , XR,�,� , , 'i i' . J. A. !McEwan, Andrew Porter, Geo. - ,� , ,�,,�,v�,��,��L�, ' *5 �thing&that are free Jn this World . -are WAteiiallylidgber than I y -ago. , of oqd) &r familiarity' tMriperance returned undamaged, so the authorl- !"',P ��. � . .ryo ear I eSs as well as in the light, and it and freebmi of conversation. th y " ''I ,4�g`,�. , ,% �, , , Lakhwafte, Dr. &natb, wi.11iam H.,ift "" 0 tios are �naking no effbat -to check % 1,1�� llr ­ 4thnt these'advarites Axe is seen * - ­­,,,� '... . �. iire.i,ir and, the Gospel., - 'now impof in is'plessant to the *eary, sleepless one atei thgethex, &at they who �-,Wd ,, ch I I ,? I., � . . pi U . ,1,01,�i,,,,,,��," "'': , , . - Morgan, Dalton, ill. now and again - I w1e, the less, and so, be kelyt I 11,,� . ­ .. I . John. schoehInald., , 11��.. I . ' - the announcement from'the Rank of''Nova $cotia , . up on. the Hallowelen. goblins re- , pl� � ,:.�Y - �,.",, l . W4" , . tto -catch the tono, might'li . - I'--, "a, absorbed so mur,h free'hir that J. Allen and W. T. Riddell. . T spoinsibIle for the pmnk.. '-' Goderich . . - - I that its index of tl1e purehasing pow�r'oif a which tells him ;, at thei darkness -is fftiin ,he temptations, of. ablin.d.ailce; s,,gnal. , .1 , �­:,11.1i.. ' ­" . - I. . x I �m-- - -,­7�i�- , - " b Clliiiw 'b1o.af6&,'4hf1e at the. � buawel of wheat' t -nipeg, ($1.00, represent- ', going and &-e light is coming. �Do and they vlto had little- might have � I I a 11 FW IF:, , .,;t�' �. , � " , a Win -.1-1 1. 0 - - . `�jl"!;"";�e, ,�,., I .. , , ­;�, . - " ,,, 1.,:�,� , . ,. I � �,,A. -!,,1 ­!. ­ , ing its 'average P-12rchwhig p6weer frord 1921 to . � , . ­ not 'underrklue ine because I am A ithe more,, and so ,be kept from the Narrowly Escapes Fatality I �, 1, ; 4 ti, ti t �i ,113, t, ". , " . o ,,, I me '*.e, e'n. irely forgot that our , - M 1,11 11��, ").e.,;.&,i, 4'' I" - 1 A , " ' � ' - � 0191,21inhas risen from 86.9, the Junto Average, to I Even in numents of" extrame, e,x- nian of but pasaiVe hifluence. Do not [temptations Of want and poverty.11 His car &majad, William Colqu- . �. �,� C,I�tj'%llq�� ,�'.,­, 5�9 Ju I ­,,Nr,1 ";"�,. �, ar� �.% :,,, � , '' � tye ,. ,, , 1Y, Only last March .this, index good ,1h A, Votdid eonsj# of the things . - anilb1tion �, I ,"��NQI,y i� 1�'';,,C.""' I .,,�,W, aiperation'a certain bo-Ning chInVio,a charge me with W"', I, ,,,, .. I end mad- "'They did eat their r4leat with &4ad- houn narrowly eoeaped death on, Fri- 0 ",,, . I "I'll, "" i.", 1 ­.�:, , I , ,�U ,,, � no higher than 73. Thus in, the short space & , hats an eye to lhugina,.%. . I Ji" ;, i'- "., k 5 14 ;, ��*#�!,, "ad,$'644�1 I ­ . I nest becausel. am. a man, of energetic' "g." None have,such cause to be day aftmoon When; r*uni�ig froin ,, "'IM, ","J." , A - . . ,n i, . i i'J,i", 11;' 4.�, ", � , 'Jj4, � ­ four months -the purdiasitge power Ofthe bushel A passenger letaving, I. train tr�d influence. Let ftdh W whatthe ,great, theerfulas ,good Chnstfaw. have. . fbo*fi -to ,his hoM19 ,11�,Vullaibi� The "t, *11, "", � . .., �,,`C�ll - '­.�_ _ ��,% �;,m ; , : ti�7­ "J­�,"I'l­ , ,%�.; ­.,, ��, ,)t�, 110111$df ll, , I 1. ,,,,,, ­�­­ A�­-­�, tloallego ex . i -A ev- - -seven pe,r cent, below Oft -his ifloot and elbowed him aside. lolving,wisdVath �' - to be. , . -driver 'Of 'the ear, beft,6 etiolgiii the ��­ �� , ?-1111-21111 .16 I Wft travagance .of wheat rose fro,ft liwebty . or n*,a4t hiini .0 �,,; 4 , ,,age to only four per een,t. below tmekojgis. ,`q W,ould��t stand for that sort of Glaotge G*1111an, in hig "Sards of the 1, I � �CX.R. tra;ck at Dublin, lo�,Wd both M " " A "o-"bi'livilig 11 � "n'' �� I �. i every line of a, , � 110J", t114*11" �,,­i,.F., � , �Iha' July 1197UT'O VM, ,%-%,�a m0tev of fact, the tllingv, Harty," eald - the indigz.-mit Bilble" says- "T66' t,eatest obje,ets � , 1�1� �. " k 1�1­111.1117.dh , , - . way.4 (Vo gee'if going was A& but owf 'I P g_ ,�, . . '7''T"'." . 5 I ' ,,)- "tit Ing 1,1, %e glare, 6f , . : I , ,..,.a I tmive!g. in nature ,are the. tflli6A 0 ocean WORLD M19910148 yi� � I � I % . hid, how our harvest, is 1highest since Fdbruary. I . I ", I 4 t I?"" , 14 " I ­, '' -� I . ­ . I;., - . .." , �4� 'I � "'MI . R g, A - 1* .11 -ty lil 006 .-in ,co In! eckpireas train, uTP- �iN&, ,, . .. 4' � I , tb6 box- lies A 0itO 4b suh is dufab in his . . The thfigtign Lit6katuie 96cie 8 4' - � � . A ­ ­ , ,,, 'o,?�yi�,!:: =1" ith4 aft, liolwled' i'4 """ ,��` , -,j,ir­�,,�," ,,;, 'I, ..; " � . 1:1 � . Worie'money for the,fa,rmit�rs. sh6uld, wean'wore, . %,En ihtend' bo 11 ied - - ' er,, ca 2ng TM bnd'dt � dob:tft ofi*.�Oj,, 'h, - I . . (continue fh,eT wfjh� redlarldable trZ r ., � Iness for fCgtiadian stores,, rmorib ordori- for , ', - fth' w bff -Ar ,t'h# �W� 11 . (0. '. ­ , 1_� .1 busi _' Of �n .t %, , 'O J L,iw. w - :4 I'�"' 'O' )a�PSL no.t,. �. � � � ,!" -�- tho6orests tour t ... Z ,!� - , , 4 U'l, ,.,: , �, ".6'ap fi'J�2'� IN . . 'f4e --ft - n --AL06k , ( -1 , I `.A� ,6,e4 - ,,,�'. . � ,,­­gn � '. .1 . chftadiax rdanu bu, r, -1-1 ,�", I ­ I , 4 nlorb 24vou'rue ftk Ca - lak, - hea�ej, Tdy 0 ,,- &jit', for ,th,6 'eme'to - A'16 . y illot;, g�;5 I qhdote from ' -11 ", 6 ,tft,4., "If ­ 'i, "I . I . . f 4 an Artidle in th# - p lott Inind he �wetkved to the ... , , 'I d't , , A apok,6. V.�swo fd&, , I Chin postnoo, . 4 . , � �afianedil*a" alia O,Wro I # for CW%"1&n w6rk- , 1;;��-'Ykinjs, 01d, aiiij 11yW'0&,9'1!1' 46f U6 - , esb, Rotordit *tztteli by I Mls�io`n ' A",&- �d the ltraialt�; ftoiulpr - hiInaelf - The . ' ' ' ' V - - � .1 - . .1 :� .L �.k . I& - tUu *t: - any . I r ft� lftb; -iud' �� , ii 9 , Okit ... 11 4601A Aud­*& I i - , , , '41, IWI& I 1: . i , , � i- 1�, � , ��?�� t1e, ., , %Mbk�, - biligh. - T i '� M044 I *617. h -A1914 Ibb A, , in steeho il The; 04 ,1§, . . ", ,�,6� ! i ­ � . ­ " �, - tt"t"' * ' � ' 4 � #j , , "; I'% ', &&du'r ey, 11 , 16; 1 - I .. d,y�A"0j!"'-",:',,. , , � , ­� �k� M 1� $, " , I , � itt, 0,tis * �� , . " & llli , A -,O' .0 , , 6iflo th I :,I, '" -h .. � ,� . #L ' ( , 0 � b, � . � - ... . Ir"t � - 'J' J%u+ � , , �".;: AT, " " , I 1.11 I 1. �p . " hi . A . . I . . I . "IP -R... I `9 , & V ), I � ., , . , I'll # t - id flo ". �,,ffl4,'�.-,, .,� of tha ear � , � tl�n# , ' 0 '1� #J1. I * I . i � 106veral YI L� -, '&fiJJb&,,,$j* 'It., - "i ,� �:,,,�" k,f;:7 ,,.�7� �,:, ", � ". , , '0 * �,4jp - ,� roe le", "off, 14fait lulil& AM � "Wfth6) ; fte�,. All ­rl�.�, " �� ,, "I � I � ,., , , . � , ; *&-el di - ­­ 01 , ,,,.�,I�:, 6��,IR��[R� �, , , �,­ ­ ,,� ,.�;, �-,,­ , ��.,. . ,� �,�,,,-1 ) ',A­� ,,, , I , �, , � I . �­ ". ­­ , I : . , �rt- " - , "". ". =111611; " 1 411 1 , , f&ikf6od, 06 uZ5 , , , 11 W ­r , � .,�,, L l -1' - . ' 0, ,; � � � .. I I I I I . . ,� , . 0 1, .��,il'q �1)',"li�,�'� ', ; ' . �, ��",., , , �­ ­ A - , i . Ppoo: 9 , 1 ". � . I " ; - I ' .1 . I I ` . , ,� . I ,""A � �' :: 4- , 1'4 ' , I , 1. %, %. I; . I l'! - � � , . . . . . , . 11 ,� 1,',��,, ,�, ­ , , .. L ; I � 1. , ;�. I 11 �. , . . ,,, 41" i ii,l 11 -4.4­�, " `j'�!,',` �, �, � �"", ,. 11 ?1, ".. ". i : � " � ' � ,.� � A . . 'I'll ­ " . I I .. � . .. , �gi ,-A,�� ­'�! - �,,,, .'-,,'. r,11 "., ,". "': �I IL . " I " . "Ill' - I 1117 . � I I I , . " � � I . 1 L . , , : , 11, �� VIM, �,`-� " 1-." " It . f . ,,, . - , 1. ;., ­.".", , , . - �,i , : , t , , . ,.. , " , 11 I 1. . .F I . ., . 1 .6 . .L�* � 1 0 �� , -1 " �� I . �: , . . . . I I I , , , � N!,� , ' ' , ��:Avt� �,� ,.. "I 0,1. 1- " � 1 1 � , ., �,, 1� � . . , ,� "W � , 'y � I , . � , "4 1 , L �.; "" ' - 1111� " i , "' � 't, , - 1, i��, , - , .�. , ' " ., ., , , , - � . � . . I ,: 'Al I � � � ,� I I . , I . � . I " " �; � , � :, , I I I I MI" , 4 I I �; I . I I . I 11 I . S ,,�'4 �'t'l�'.-'l ,v� ,­ I � I to I I . . W", !_, I", lfl�, .�"�'��' '� ".k '�!'L��;�i�;'�;�� I" ' ' �' : ., .. 11 ; % . . t " & " , , , it ;1'��,.' � . ��,,i".­ il� ,q),, �: T�, 14 '� 'I ' . , 0 ! "�, ",, , "� . "' "" ,� M �'; 1. ,-, I 11, " I 11 . . . . . . . . . I , ,. 1,11 �-IWITN ­�� � "'146 4; " I11,11, . q . �, t� , ";; � ,�"l � 1�. , ., .10 : ol 1. . I . I I , ��'��- ., - -�'All�i",�",, 11!��., � ,,� ­ )4,.' f I � I 11 �, 0 41'�'�,,�4'�k'�,��,)����,��, I I ""', ,­ """ 'I I I . ". , ''. 1, � �� , 11 . , ,,, 10 �,r',�'R,�,�,,lo .. 11 � � * ,.:,. � , ' ­:, - , ­ " " " , ,� , , iE4*��, , '' Y 1:,�I­tf,R�,q�gy.f�ll, ,." , .. ­ � � ­,` ,� gl,Tl,.i F� .� �1. I I �., I I " %. 11 I . I I Zl�­11'.M`j' -�4 T�I`J'11 � ' - "I ,� !0, � ­�:,,�-,!��,;'� ��,��i�:f�;,;.,,,', ,, �',­­ . . . 'i , " , - , 11; �� � .��"L' , , , I , I � , - - ,I , ­..fl"':�t,;" ��` !L "I .... .. 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