HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-11-09, Page 8.' 1 V 'St •k , ..; t• l' ki 4 •,.. 1 ;,••• t' : 1 uq N $ 1, ', ' , 0 r'''' , , 1. , • •:Z' 1 ° ,., t '',V, • f .•r .,‘O'i , o, ' '' 0' ',W i;1 '14 liV ,, 'i A 14 '' 93 , aaauraa I, , . , , ' ' 1 , V. q 4 ,;:;4,, , r e , Lay ze,,' ., At C- .., , eent Sale Ar , 1., aIN ' tule 'ehife•ont'•gffsrvn, ite bine Were ettrati ealmeed #0,••01 ,O,.t..•0„ b ''' :'''Sbe ,oalletta ;:',Oiss •Ae•p,Ses, ,W[i with tin/4110 faithat and her flowere. rtestos, Mr. Gorden , , i .a. 1 ., ., . eS' .- t # `t." o • $14,-; le v•O;', .4 • - ''' 'elk . ' 4 Or• ay Pk 1,1t g...Peil r -t-; - • 1 4 . , g Your Attention • , to_Wort...• , Specials1 a WI .T Willies De- 4t- fi. •Il '1 PE THIS WEEK tbkrotheenefathoe&nweentof 1eteteeimgygwd lack- WinterDriving. , 2 : .. -. ..:.,. 4.4410, CWT. . gwi•., .!. . . . . gnegatni. at - $1,20 , t gattt. .... . . ... •. SO $1,10 „per Owt. .. ' THE BIGGEST MONEY.SAV- "NG SALE OF THE YEAR See Sale Bills Phone Orders Will Be Held. 'a-VIld a. eCric)earr•e. olve'f'eore.1-mcoalinterehid".roret, re,ceiyed the guests at the, reception which was held at the home ;cif the bride's parents. During the afternooe. a delightful prograni was .giveneby nee Margaret Lansdowne, pia ist, Mickey's' SHELL. Service ', . ' ' Dodge and De Soto Sales & Service Pt,TsTict,isrg. Alsip ,,A,I4C.OpOL - .44„.. . . .: -.sie-- , ,t, • ,y• The realer 'aetitiiinn theekoffiring ,,0 the Neil.. shor Ivitsmii,,i, ch,de wae held 'in the baeentent of the church on lVfolidayeevening, With the presi-, deet, Jean Snails ie ehangC, The ineeting' opened sn usual form and after sevenal business . Aood iralne:', , et.genaseantrat. . T GOWNS ; • ,c °weed . Henisenteel • .,• also Trim,. ASSOrtittent$ , — • of ' •' Dreises: PRINT' • ' . • sQuAgps ' -, . '7P^441eh Sze ?all '-'...Quiltinge- 16.'Different Designa. ' to d' Bun le. ..______eresao t• ' •*,,A,E•ME- ••• CONCENrrRATE' Sg ; .-0.r cid. ... ... : ... -..-: - - .. • eliRISTIVIAS CONTEST and liifes. Ilo.waxd Wilson„ soloist: Miss Lansdowne is the Isride's partn'er in a , . , , ,,,,... , , . 11111.111111111/MOMPI sterile ef were eliseassed, Mimes Jessie Wallace and - 4 Violet -Tyndall esersted .vvith, the de- . • and Shirring. . 75c - , , . . ' . Coa.. , -,";. for 25c 41ARK"S 'vp,GIEfrAraz AND .T0- ,,••-, 41M1P .. . ATO SOU 2 came ar ' - 2k 4 f FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Wonderful Prizes. Get names in now. Voting will stare on Piano duo team, being well known in musical circles' and on the air. Mr. and Mrs, Willie 'left later ' for,. New goea and on these return Will Him in ...a°- . at their. honies here. . • alee K. C. Beattie, Of the London Technical School,. spent the weekendly venional exercises. Men George Bruce,. a Korean MisaionarY, wee then introduced ,and iilestrated eery vivid - the Kereen life in the far East, • , allilallinall=1111 . s.t . .and - .... 4,- Thursday, Noventber 15th. Toronto with hie mother. . and also told ..of costumes and voca- . inipm.weing_ IMP:MKS PORK & BEANS 10.c ,! ..12112,ge' ein: 1 or 0.41),11PBELL-''S 10c tlfe TTIta'opee tin , . %ODA 13ISQUITS at 23c 2 pOunde for • Prizes on display next week -.AT--.AT-Masoniee-There • a Keating s Pharmacy The Rexall Store ' was a large at- tenclanee at. the regular meeting of Britanhie Masonic Lodge on Monday evening last, when, a -hundred mein- ,bere and visitors attended to see the work of the first degree exemplified by Lucan and Carlow Lodges on two • Keep in Mind Monday,. Noveleher. 19th, for euchre, bingo' and doawing for prizee in St. James' sehool hall • .„ and Mee H. glinett end Mr. efe and Mts. J. J. Patterson, of Toronto, Were Viaitore at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. 'E. L. Box. ' , , tions in tire. Orient. 'Misses Mary Stewart, jean Gernmell and Alice '11.hompson assisted with the literary. period over whieli tVliss Marion Wal- lace presided. The •nteeting closed' with a hymn, and the •Illiznah 'bene- diction. - • Misses Margaret •Breadifece and ' „Silk Crepe • ' 'WHITE SLIPSFINGERING, - ' Deep Lace Trim.Sufficient 'Regular $2.25 Value Special Price , Hats to '' • sccyrett - . ' YARN . 4 -Ply of Extra Quality Superfine for- Knitting. ' '41.1L-YLMJER CHOICE TOMA- -• g PHONE 28 • i SEAFORTH candidates. Following the work in Marguerite Black [ OS -Large can, at , 1 UC • , the lodge, lunch awns: served' and a short programme svaa thoroughly en- CONSTANCE ofellamilten were weeksend guests at their reepe'ctive honing. s .,.. . S-1' .7'5 , •• make %-lb. Skein 35.c •IVRITY CRACKED. WIPEAT .1 7c Joyed• by the merribers and their One .:dent Sale this week at Keat- , HM2". James 'Chesney has returned a • i This.. ate Per bag .......... a .,:1 A guests. . ing's Pharmacy, the Rexall Store, from visiting Toronto. and Hamilton Ftid ay 'Seaforth: friends. -, IEGGS-1 cent extra for Trade. • I NEWS OF THE 'TOWN Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. _First Presbyterian C•hurch Sixig_,- Phone, if you. can% get in. 'The Live Wire , Class. will hold an , Mr. an . MI A 'in' d Mrs. James Hewett of , u in, were guests with and and 111111/111211511611213.1111 A. C. Routledge- Announcement. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland, of Kippen, announce seventh anniversary services with ; ' , Rev. Donald. McKay, of St. George's open meeting on Friday evening, No- vember 9th, in the school room of the church. A good program is be- e. MTS. Hugh 'Chesney. ge ' - Botany 'Wool • . • . • Saturday A-1 Church. London, as minister. „ .,.., SPECIAL r• 13840NE 166 the engagement of their youngest daughter, Beatrice Lavada, to Lonis Elgin Taylor, Mr. Mrs. Egiarlondville (Church 10 aril Sch.00l •and Bible Clase.; .11 a.'in" ing prepared including a debate, "Re- solved that more good -than,,,evil will. out the depression. WINTHROP. . , TWIN -SETS. , ...Fancy Knit • • the Biggest. APRON Made front .111IliS i's the Season of son of and William Tayler, of Varna, the mar- riage. to take place in November. "h. Story book religion, "The Way to Peacee-a Scene in the Barracks"- p.m., "Dreams and Visions -a- Th7 e• come of Lunch will 11 be s;erved. ' Golden Links. Milsaion Band . . . . The regular meeting of the Y. P: Cent and . Pullover. Best Yet ' ' • of the- • Print., Guaranteed Tub -Fast. , WINDSTORMS - Are you protected? The . cost is, small. r The automobile season is with us. • We issue special Will Meet in Holmesville. - The Harem Presbytery Officera Congress for the centre of the. Presbytery is being held in Holinesville -Thursday of this, week. Rev. Chas. Malcolin, of Egniondeille, elms the . special speaker for the evening. . Prince of Peace."-eRev. Charles A. Malcolm, M.A , B.D , Minister. 'St. Th.omas.' Chu'rch - Armistice Day: Sunday School and Bible Class: 10 a.m ; mornine ra er- 10.45 - en. ee. P 3' P ,sermon to ic - "Earnestly Contend"'• nee. Te - eebange. in the time of ser- viee. Evening -.Prayer, 7pine; ser- will hold. an .open meeting in the school room of the church on Friday, Nev•ember 16th. Each „member is asked to bring a white gift offering. A ,good.s_p•- rogram is. 'being egneeeed and a hearty levitation is extended o t all to ettend. Lunch will be sere- en - • • . „ ES.diwthasiihneleldn ponresNidoivnegreTrhe6t1hn,eevvititithg ' .opened with a hymn, followed with 'P.rayer by Rev. G. E. 'Morrow. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adapted... The roll call was re- -sponcled -to by a favorite hyine.. The devotionalpartof the evening was in eharge of Walton Y. P. S., who were . at $4.25 the Set. ' ismaills22=21 _ . . Season 4.„ 0 Biastape Finish. . 35c 111212051121111222111gagig policies for short periods ; HIalso reduced rates to farm- -en- . . a. ' Call or Phone us. Arrange For Alumni Euchre -Dance. --Arrangements are going ahead for thes S. C. I. Alumniseuehre and dance, • , • • w,hith is to be held in the G. W. V. A. Hall on Friday evening, Noverte e, her 23rd. A splendid evening is be- ing mon topic, "Found - in Him"• speeial hymns' at the morning servIce suit- able for Armistice Day. All welcome. . ..• . . Anglican veterans requested to meet 'at. Parish Hall at , 10.30 e - Cao Appleyard, M.C., /Rector; Rev.Friday, Canon A. Smith, Choir Master,'.7 (Miss Ferguson spent the week end at her.lionte in .Clifford. . . •'Mr and Mrs Parry of Toronto at- tende.d th'e funeral of her father, Mr. Alex. McMichael, this iveeke ' The Club of Progeess will be held N b .d kteresting ovein er 231. , on wee earl- ier, the invited guests for the evening. . Mr. Stevsart.Bryans presided.Walter Shannon led in prayer. The Scripture lesson -was taken by' ;Carmen Hazel- wood, and 'Mts. Nelson -Reid read •the ioPio- 'Rev. 'ambling recited an in- poem on a Scene in home life , • , ''' - • 7. anticipated. .Northside United Church a.„ - lide as the Seaforth 'Collegiate Inite. . and. expressed eery clearly the WATSON & REID .. Moderatoreto Preach in London.- morning service will be held at 10.45 to tu te Cormanencement is. being.. held on " a - four male parts to build up a home in a Christian. way -reverence, pur- s'on of the •late William and Janet Henderson, barn in on Saturday afternoon at the usual' Phone 214 ....' Seaforth The Right ,Reverend Richard Roberts, observe the two minutes' of sil• ence; topic, "Factors in the. Saving ity, faith and love.. A hymn was and was the eown,enrip.. The, deceased had only hour in the school room. It is ex- that , 8Pecialists in- All Lines of Insurance. DSD., Moderator of the United Church c'f Canada' will preach in St. ,An-, drew's 'Cherch, London, on November 11 at 7 p.m., and on November 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th at 8 ,,„,, .-Lne of a Nenene, 'Service withdra in the evening for anniversary at First .e,reseyterian Church. -Rev. T. A. Car - michael, Mieister. , - . '• • - .... - rung and the social 'part of the even- ing was taken. by Jack Helskirk, which • included musieal .selections, readings, games and contests. After lunch Was served thorneetin,g was brought to a been ill for a few days, being active in his every day duties until four days before his death, . his su,dden passing coming as a great shock to pected every member will Irian to be present. • ,iPreparatory service will be' held on Friday everting in St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church at 8 pan. -- ,Poo. public is invited. a First Presb.yterian. Church -.Rev. Donald MacKay of St. Geozne's .. . • c lose hy singing "God Save the King." his familY, neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were married 41 The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- Der will be observed in St. Andrew's 11:04><>00040.004:><><> 'Churoh, London " IMP ago, and had lived all their United ,Church Sunday Junior Women's Institute to Meet. will preach annivers- ' ...................- years .on mornin,g, l° S. T. Holmes & Sort %''' -The regular, meeting of the Insti- tute be held Wednesday, •, ary services at 10.45 a.m.- and 7 p.m. • IGILiPr ST. COLUMBAN married life on the same farm in Mc- Novemiber 'llth, • . Killop. Mr. Henderson was one of The W. M. S. held their annual will on No- the early members, of Duff's Church. birthday 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 10 Main Street, Seaforth 40 member 14th, at the home of Miss Thelma Elgie, at 2.30 p.m. The in LOCAL BRIEFS • , ' . ., 13and Euchre Miss Rose MicQuaid and 'cousin, James. of Toronto, spent the week meeting on Wednesday af- He is survived by his widew to whom 'ternoon, Noe -ember 7th. The :Mission the sympathy of the cbmmunity will Circle' .put on the program and the. /0, p 0 'S. T. Relines' residenee, 0 i0 .1GOderich Street, West; phone 0 le No. in w. Charles Holmes, 0 ' 0, Creetidenee, Godes-kb 0 Street, meeting, charge of the Legislation m Department, will he addressed by 'Mrs. Helen McMillan. The roll call will Ire answered by rules for drie- jag% , mmeregmeseeneee • MTS. Arch. Scott of Ottawa is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' J. M. 'Govenlock. Mrs. Scott came west to attend the Golden Wedding a , and Dance .• CtW• V•A end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph McQuaid. • ' Mr. and Mr. s. Jas. Moore with Mr. and Mrs. T. Flannery for a short vis- M it; Miss Agnes McGrath, of Bamberg, be extended in her hereayement. The ladies served 'a very dainty lunch an funeral was held •from . his late .home the close. of the meeting. - „ Mo on Monday afternoon, when the ser- 'A miscellaneous' shower was hel d vices were conducted by his paetor, at the home of Mrs: Harry' Norris, M Rev. Mae orrow., Interment was nee Miss Luella Jarrett, on Thursday 40 East ; hone . . pNo808 0 Ambulance Service 0 0 • Night calls, Phone 808. 0 40 Day calls, Phone 110 J. 0 0 . Charges moderate. , 0 eee .0 0 0 0 0. G. .0.. 0. 0 0 0 • St. Thomas' Church W. A. Meet.- The regular meeting of St. Thomas' .Church W. A. was held on Tuesday, when Mrs. Appleyard presided. There were ten !members present. The meet- ing opened with the hymn, "Go, La- anniversary of -Mr. and Mrs. oven- G lock. • The Misses Lawrence have re- turned home from an extended trip to Vaneguyer and other points at the coast. • 'Miss May Wightman, of Nelson,Miss • • . . • at 8 p.m. • • A dirnission35c Mr. Robert OGrath and little daugh- 'M ter, Dorothy, and Me E. and J. Flan- nery of Detroit with Mr. and .M,rs. Pat McGrath; 1VErs. Jos. Rehill of London, visiting her sister, Mrs. Jos. ,Carlin, who has been ill. Gertrude IVIcC-ath has re- made in Maitlandbanleeemetery, the evening last when friends from Hay pallbearers being 'Messrs. Albert Spar- and Stanley gathered for a secial ev'- ling, John McElroy, John Little, E. ening together. The bride and groom Hunt, William Anderson and Frank received some very useful and.beau- Storey. The flower bearers were his tiful gifts. four nephews: 'Chester Henderson, Miss Hilda Richardson visited with Leslie Hogg, James Hogg and Hubert her near Listowel ee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0? ••••• boar On," followed by the passage from St. Matthew's Gospel and pray- ers. Reports from the various socie- B. C., is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hinchley. • Mrs. Mulligan, Grand Ferias, including tax. turned to resume her dies in Water- leo school. Mr. Min. parents over Sun - Henderson, and friendswere in at- day. tendance from Toronto, Hamilton, Miss- Halcyon Chandler of Western 0 G . ties were received after which ar- of North Dakota, spent Wednesday , and Thomas Morris vas. ited in Kitchener Stratford, Fort Erie, Mussels and University, London, visited over the 0 Hz „C. BOX o 0, '..FUNERAL SERVICE' " 0 (0 ' Licensed Embalmer 0 rangements were made for the an- neat meeting next month. The meet- hag was closed with the benediction. with •Seaforth friends. Dr. and Mrs. IVIul- ligan have been in Chicago, where the doctor was attending a Medical • . , DANCE on Sunday last. Mr. John Rustin and family have moved to Dublin. . . Blyth. ,-; e week -end with her parents, Rev. and Death of Alexander McMichael. Mrs. E. F. 'Chandler. Another old and respected resident Miss Isabelle Campbell visited eve. of this township has passed to the er the week -end with her parents at lo •Service <> __________ Convention. in Molesworth. Ambulance Mission Band Meet. Seaforth . • 'Mrs. great majority the person of Me. . • -The Canon and Appleyard are - .„. ZURICH Alexander Nivison McMichael, who Mr. John Petty, accompanied by his 0, Night Calls Day cans 0. Mission Band held their regular meet- speeding a few clays this week with died in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- aunt, Miss Blancrhe Petty; both o Phone 175 . nape 43 0 0 en ° 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ing on Tuesday afternoon. Betty Mc- Leed presided and Alma Elliott acted as secretary. Doris Hoff took the chair for the devotional period and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, a.nel Mrs. Charles Appleyard, in Galt, where 'Mr. Appleyard is principal of the Technical School. , BY JUNIOR FARMERS' - - HOCKEY CLUB ,. . I i -in-,-; AMMO The Many friends of Rev. L. W. Power, parish priest of the local R . C. Church, will be sorry to hear that he underwent an operation at St. of To- forth, on Sunday, November 4th. Mr. ronto, motored here on Saturday last McrMichael had been in poor health and visited at the 'home of the for- for 'same time and for ten years past iner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. le had been a great sufferer from rheum- Petty and aunt, Mrs. J. H. Petty, Mrss se 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0'0 ° '''' 00 ess O WALKERS FUNERAL SERVICE o the'collectien was take•n by Fred Wel- fred. Lois Weight offere•d the Band prayer, and Jean Mills read the scrip- ture reading. The Story was told by Mrs. Wilson, and the 'meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer, e Mr. Fred Burr and Mr. Gibson White of Walkerville, spent the week end at the hcmie of Mrs. E. W. White. , • 'Mr. W. R. Smith, 'Mr. Henderson Smith, Mrs. H. R. Scott, Donald and Harry, spent the week end in Port s ardno s CRd Seaforth P WEDNESDAY NO V 14th e • Joseph's Hospital, London, the other day .and he will be unable to continue his work here for aome months. Mr. and ,1Vtr!s. Theodore Haberer and two daughters visited relatives in Kitchener and ElNmira over the atism. The deceased was born oh Blanche Petty remaining, for a few ' the McMichael homestead on the 6th days owing to theserious illness of concession and his entire' life had her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. H. Petty. been spennon that farm, Forty-four 'The W. M. S. of St. Andrew's years ago he was united in rnarriage Uenailed Church held their autumrs to Miss Mary Love, of near Toronto,th cffing• service on Sunday 10 W. J. WALKER and 0 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0. 0 Liee nsed eemeaeneee and 0 o Funeral Directors. .0 co Day or Night. cans Tay 0. 0, attended. 0 0 PHONE 67 0 May Lane Auxiliary Hold Thank- offering. -The May Lane Auxiliary held its annual thankofferingmeet- ing on Tuesday of this week in the basement of Northside United Church. Mrs. Ross Savauge led in prayer and the Scriptu-re lesson was read by Mrs. Colborne. • .Mrs. Leo Fortune is spending a few days with friends in Beffale .• The many friends of Miss Eunice Leatherland will be sorry to learn thee she is ill at the borne af her bro- ther-in-law, Me.,John Murray, in Eg- mondeille. OLD AD NEW TIME DANCING Murdock's Or .---- A Real Time - . EVERYBO•DY WELCOME . Admission - - - 25 cents week -end. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dietrich of Ay- ton spent a few days at the home of the latter's parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ruby. MrsCelina Ayotte has left for St. Joseph and will spend the winter months 'Mrs.. V. -Denomme. who survives hins, together with a 'morning last. Rev. Hugh Taylor, of family of one son and two; daughters, Tleiames Road, was the guest speaker.. age Percy McMichael, of Clinten; 'Rev. Taylor is a returned missionary Mrs'. Parry, of Toronto, arid Miss from China and proved to be a very - ' ', Jean 'MeeMichael, at home. He is al- interesting speaker As he told of so survived by or ie brother and one some of his experienceswhen he was, '' sister, Mr. Robert McMichael, ative missionary . n of Mc- engaged in tbe l' Killop, and Mrs. Hawthbrne, of Nev- work in China.He his text, 0- ,g, J. H. Reid. Mrs. F. J. Becliely dee • In our ,report of the McKillop with M r. and Mrs. E. Brand London chose as • , ada. The funeral was held from his Peace be unto you." The special 0 0 0 0, 0. e... 00000,0 no . _ lighted the gathering with a splen-' did solo. The president, Miss S. I. Wood introduced the speaker of the Branch, W. M. S., 'published last week, we omitted tb mention that a life membershie certifieate was . , HOUSE FOR SALE of spent Sunday with' friende here, 'Miss' Ruth Turkheim and frierid, , late home .on. Tueaday afternoon ladies' choir rendered a very pleasing '1, when the services were col/dieted by nurriber, "All People' That On EartlIs pe - e ' ,, • Ill*. GE:nee:ler, do Dwell, , . evening, Mrs. George Burn, of Korea presented to Mrs. Helen McMillan. s . . • Mr. C. •Selzer, of Waterloo College, spent Sunday at the former's 'home "‘"`v. of Lonclesboro, Mrs. J. B. McLean taking following which interment was made e Obligate solo? . and Manchuria, who gaze a splendid • Mr. Hubert Henderson, of the here. in Nlaitlandbank 'cemetery. The pall We are now buying• and informative talk on the habits the customs staff, Fart Erie, was here On Residential Street, Seaforth Rev. E Tuerkheim will exchange bearers were Messrs. J. W. Thew- . E. 8 .,,Nirss g and.customs of countries. A solo sung. by ineMspr7e. mHoovgegdarathileaartnyd Mary vete o speaker.aDavis, on Monday attending the funeral of shoismunele, thelateJames C. Hender- of Ottawa, - 1% STOREY FRAME HOUSE in excellent condition. Garage, 2 land. pelpits with Rev. Kirchofer of Phil - lipsburg next Sunday. Mrs. ',Brown, of Toronto; is visiting her mother, • Mrs. v Aff '-eyers, ' Blake, s.on, J. R. Scott, R. J. life/Milian, Peter Dodds, ,Miller e and Andrew Snell. _ ' a C. E C Cham er b 'lain Clerk of the Second Division Court • meeting closed with the Mizpah bene- was visiting with friends in tow -n acres .. ''''''' 1)0Ultry diction. • this week. ApplY Box 14 who suffered a slight stroke one day last week. HILLSGREEN County .of Huron . . • Mr. Walter Murray is having the Mr. Mrs. Office in the Dominien Bank Build- 1 • at highest Died in Edmonton - Mr. Hector Cowan, a nestive of lIcKillop town- died his home town waterinstalled in his home resi- dence and in his other property ad- joining. THE HURON EXPOSITOR and Morley Witmer of Detroit spent the week end at the h.ome of the latter's mother, Mrs. C. Mr. Ward Forrest and sister, Miss Mary, motored to Marlette, Michigan, - -eueillig'sclav. • h.Officeanct shouurse- -' Thursdaygo . ship, at in Edmonton, on October 26th, Mr. Cowan was • :qr. J.'F. Daly Decher, and. spent a day with relatives there, 1.30 ea, 5 . sateeradery, ' • '13CML.' a aY i. • Give k t mar e - rices p • for. CASH . us a trial now. a son of the late/ 'John Gowan, one of the pioneer residents crf this town- ship, and was bore on the Cowan homestead on the 64h eoneeseion. Af- ter graduating from Law- School he is ecoeffired to his berme with an attack of- neti ' p monia. • Mr. Stewart Cudmore has moved into the residence on Wet William 'Street, recently occupied by the late Mrs. W. L. Keys. Come and See Our , • New Line of Feeds d !Mrs. Amelia Fuss has jeft for De- troit to spend some weeks with her aughter, 'Mrs. J.. Swarz. 111/1r. and MTS.' John Hartman of Seaforth were 'visitors in town - on Tuesday. .Adm their father returning borne with them after spending a fevieweeks in that place. (Mr. H. R. Samuel of Toronto called in this vicinity recently. • IMr. James Cochrane eveni111)1‘ni.7 gr .30 p.m. to 10 pane n •1 SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance. If in the maie ket for any of the lines, Courteous PrOIMPte MIS Service. practised as a lawyer in Paisley, Ont., for eorne yearn moving to Edmonton • MTS. Fennell, of Grand Valley, has returned to .— ' MEAT MEAL . • .spent of Toronto the week -end at the home of above kindly give us a call. spe;nd the winter in 60 • ............ his parents, Mx. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN .P.est Prices For Cream. about 30 gears ago, where he con- Itinaed in practise.until his; death. He is survreed by Ins widow and twu .Seaforth, having again leased the res- ideente of Mrs. L. T. Deace3r. .‘ Mes. Alex. MoGavin Is t . • " 130NArer cen . (MEAL $240 e McKILLOP and 'Mrs. J. Coeh- rane and farnily. Theeflineral Of the late Mrs. Rich- . Insurance Agencies Phone 384 : Seaforth, Oat. . • • Seaforth Creamery daughters', all residing in Edmenton, rzsiting with friends in Toronto. • DIGE . -TANKAGE ardson was held from the home of 3485.41 The . and by (Me sister, Miss Agnes Cowan / • Mt. A C. Retitled • , • ' ge and 'Mr. . SO per cent. ' $2,75 ' ,One -Cent Sale this wleek at Keats ing's Pharmacy, her on, Mr. Jobn Richardson, oe MOntlaY l' '_. . , . C A ' Barber Prop of .Sarnia. The remains were 'brought and Mrs. rebeit MicGonigle were in 32 PIER CENT. • ee, $3,1 b- the Rexall Store, Seaforth. Phnile,, if afternoon to Hensel' tee/e- terY4 • # ,. easik waiving in Seaforth -on . Thurs- Peterboro on. Thursday 'attending the ea • °WIDER- — you can't get in. ''' . • • • ee• 1 ,cigly morning, accompanied he me,. funeral of the late Mrs. LAYENA So S. No. 4 . _, mumweimmilin..... A — ' .. °mean and en T•hureday afteriloon the femeral services were held at North- Thos. Sproat, a cousin- • . • (11,1iss Janet Scott has been vieit- ' ' ' ousel .. ...... , .. .. ' $2.55. • -. •a •s e es nes CHECKERS 1z,bb Fono,wii,, is the report of S. S, No. 4, MaKillop, foe September and Oetober. Those marked with •, KIPPEN . . Clinton , .. 'spend 'de. Easitaeist A ' Alta *eta (ferment tIolna.Fieflaystim, .ani side United Ohturchnfollovved be' in.- in IVIaitlandbank Cemetery. • The Tallbearers Were, John Lairrg, Robert Astehibald, Ad- Doodaa H. Edge and W.' J. Mete- • . rag hie other in aw br - -I , Mr. Jain ritrIntray, in Harelltan, for the week/ es L. Past • Mts. Robert Bell left on Satur- der for Hamilton, where vehe Win the winter with her daughter, Mrs. • H°11Virrrj1VIATIE . . MASH , r , . iikeneiceer $2.35 v.,,D7.`'Aim''''" :" '''' $25 terisk emissed one or mote examine- . . , . V Cla-se-Ross Gordon 75%. 'Sr, IV-Ahria Lawrenee'80. ,Jr. IV--• dasi• Frank Casson ,63. 'Sr. III -James honie Nash 67, Lois Hendernie 66. Jr, III --(Maitine Lawrence 49. Sr. II (A) itleSt The Briny Rees Mission Circle girls .. .• held their Oetober meeting on' Satur- afternoon, 'October 27th, 'at the .of Klee 1VIarguerite iMcDonald with t.he 'hew president, itfies. Marg- Eligie, • • • . • r ea , mer . T.11( take pare of winter deliver - „. , •,.:Eirittlelik Ii,teitt* 4 Otittria• . , . .... .,. - ' „datOrtifa ha*O1rartiv4: Vet Oro. Jti'•iratiiiike'",atrattgetitvetretPanY lit . ' fwest. tato •11111,,, '';pnmt ioee *0 ' ' - ' `Goiea, .. . . ..,:::. tde ' :up „ , oh tio‘. '. ' Of , '' ., , i 1 1 0 ,, .,,,,,,,, •,,„ ,,,q, .;i'1 i.,/l ., 'Willis-Milen-•-iAn interesting wed- ding' took plate Saturday afternoon Hart House. (Chapel, Toronto, of Eeegl trdith, aiitughtek of WEr. and Mrs. and Robert Oliver Wil- .gion of nee* , lee . , , elleit aVfilmt. a e., eir., Ge lwe , a, Scgdorik A -Simple arrangement ',Otte 'irtuima On •the altar and frit§ ,mlituie 'El* only deeozations., Rev'. , , it Wilt Ow, setitte 41id .1414., ,,,,,!7 ititAta,,,,011;10',16 ' •.,- -11,& -rnn#•40(all , ..:.. in 4. • .,6y , her B. C. Anderson. IlVfete.Qhve Laiellaw is in Toronto. '.00 Miss Jackson and 'Mr. G. A. jack- s'041, ere sPending the week in Toren- IIVIR/IN--(11'10S to• • • 41 Mr; and •IVIret, R. C. Harding and _luntign ewe ehildren ' -'; • VII - • • ' es.. n. e arid se Margaret nuldbegior' °f Xitellener, we're 8litt- day visitors at ,the boiho, a mr., and greeOhalrlesq Vine_ ,bbainen. 11 • ,,ogs4: ...,....-.440-tuateteltlt tillik gift • onellealle 0.0 VaSterit UPI, v4ifty,, Lotidal4 spent, thy Week tirta 141-0141i,,t , , per ton .. , SIMPS • • per ton per , ton • ,01401'' per 100 lb.S. . 4.....,,...i... Higheat Prices Paid for GrairtPonitry and , frii ,,,, .. .. • • ?be IL . : :, • , 11.2g• NI 'r tlit 71•''"', .. , , i . ', , AA kinds of , _ ......-,and—esteeraettlesidentlirtlie-Ifelleen • 0 Itt .37:;e4t. , John Henderson 69n(B)i--)Beth Camlp- ing bell 74,""tDorothy Maser 50, *Clayton Ilinser 45. 'Primer-4Bill lIen,derson, devotionel‘period 000d, teagt mietakes in spelling-- Alma Lawrenee; 2ncl,„ •Mlakine Lam- son., enee,g. whe,itiot, ,r,§§441§r. girt§ Death of Antos C. .11enderson for. There,paSsed aivay we his }mite on girls tha Of* .rniintssien: . of goltillop ,on doubt Satintlay,Oatolyer 4th, a Wen known A iirvid d'lantee• IC, HendOr4eli; In his nth ' ell" . gh stisookvia4,,,,141i6 fonAli;:. ,,. , •.. ., ........, , . , . presiding over the meet- and also took the topie.. Mies Gladys MaLean had charge of the 'and Miss Margner- he MeDeriald Wok the Seriptute less A .Coihilmittee of' three- nf the wore ehoSert to Ge responsible the ,artieles of 'sewing Which the aid tO help: Ittith .thOSO Viin it) lbe,•:read,V ,f,0 the net meeting...! poial honr with ,i &inky ltinth 1:: -1,4•7 'f,M Itobtgiit GrOnglit••••-'t13.0 tiniest/O., •t1.' t4aSa, ,:.:',..,.., ....,,..i',:',' ... .: " e 4amild Viteien Thad fMir idea: .4miiiouijoiiii— lei Of Create; Egg's and Poul - - try, annonnee• tho.appointment of - . . • - .NIR A C ROUTL EDGE _ , • • • • ' ' • • "s their • representative in Sea- ' a . fetal Mr • Routled wil e- ' -7 • • ' go I r COW°, produce at the full Mar - I, 4,. • . ,- ' • • e oleo, continenOmg ititnal ' P` " Sitifird tf.' • &Mk b6./. via, • - , 7 '1.- - :2'.' II.' .' - in ' ! ' ' • ' - 481 - ', . .. .,.• . ., .. S -Itif. .. . „