HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-11-09, Page 2M11 , I,',, ­ � I.. , � ;1" I , I'll'., . . �­..._1­11� '­ . - " , , " . , Ml" -W,'., .. , , ___ "I ,v. , " ;M- - IMM 01,'4 %�4',A'AjTV�A- mn ,' " 1.10'.�,, - , "1)�"" �'k j r� , ,, � . ­ -, . " .—.--.—,— — -1--111'_---_-'- .... . ... . -1--_1-_---_-.- . ..... ,�-1111-11�.",�'..'�,,�,—,?�", , 1� qy�', le., i"g,�,�KAT,gv�,,�,.I."Mv":,�,kiQ- � T, �a,.J,* ,eNl =1111 I q M. w�& � � " k�o gv, ��, g,�,,�,A�� q�y'­' -"! %, "-i , ,041f - , a , � r r �, � �41 .1 !1� " , ,tL ,,,,�,r e ,M; ! ;� , .,�� , i4 , , , � _ ''; I , "t �, �.., [. T -7,,m" I., �� , �I W'� `11;�.' 11" - I"? 'K� _ ..� - , 2.1,4,11 �1 1, 11:di..117�:`�I; ,�`�,,:!��, YIN , g," 'IT '�, t , 4g -g- '. Ft. � ., .114 I El' F z, , ,a 15,R110 1�j",M, � 00 141,11% �A , - ,% � ... I 'w- ,� M I—. � �t�� ,�,, IA�:� , , ,� 11M�01;1� ORTIZ ,,, , . 4 I �, I ,, All'�� i-11111 ­,��,.-,�, , on, I � 1,i,p� 4 "', � �', ;A, - !'A ibj,' � I .1 I I ­�c !;I....%.,:; . 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A.i.g." - - W, _-.1--­­1�;.1- �.! 1,141i ` �,,','q, .1 I ''I I'' pro"d, �* 1.1 An, b - h '� 0,1 , lik� � , " ., I'0 - _ - � _�& I V � � an as " , . owe_ V , 4 41m ,.-.. . . I 41 0 " h ,f . I probably 01�iu' the impog "o Na , "; I fil 1. -1 k� , IF.,%, " , .... T , ow " ." , t ,,. 4,tard e - -, � _At, S I 't a .4� , - R 1 1­11.1�1­ I ..4 I % ,; ­1.11',11',]�yr.�,,% ,q , k, 6�i 'O " A. .11 um r 0_4 ,111 , "' ,� ,,,I , * , " I , ., "" � - 11 . �,! . 111�& 1 . ,� : , , .1 " ,�;,l ; .-I I , � ­­ 11" - , 'a & , _ �� - . tlkr, , *,,� A "k, , ­ , , " .W . I - . � I M, - Alti, "' . �, '1'�,.4.,� �­ , �� I I -�­­ . �".__ P, _.�, I 5 �, , ii,, , � � ' ' ' V, -f ,�w �%,w V -.1 " _1 I " I�"-��, 14:11- I &I. '... ., I � �. 9 . sibW. to_06nilyiin,44' ��by Z:,t " Bxnd.j� " -101 , -�,,.�:��­_ ., " , ', �, ". � . ': . . � I � �901 , ,� t, - _ t, r"W_ � -� - 'tvam , ,. � , � 11� � , . " V'r, ; - ,4T ii� 11 yl.,;�� . - rrA 'e, X. , ; 7,.',7'.� ­� - . I '" 'T . � �'. I . 1, _:�,' r. ,.i,L mA .1 , � �' _1'11;!��'4,M 11. ,: 1= W.a !6&2.,, - ` ""..,.1.7 1 .,:,��' �:. �:­ � --7 'Ik� I I � . I , . 1, I � V110- yqarg About . Oi .1 , O.. X 1, -A.. "­ ,t �. �7! , ", �I�i�,`-'.'^,,,'!? ,.", � � , , I ­.�: , '' � " , , � , . . ,.:$am,.,e -, . TAls w4k§-*, , , -,, �!;t _�l � 1P,41a,"'Rulk"i , W 11Z ,,,, ,`A��l ,IF4,, - 7 '' I I- 7. I . . . I ". a, V ,,,, �. , e� , T111 P t` � I . .� _,�-- ,, I.-'..'I'�., � - ,,, . . .1y". I 1�,:,.­ 1 � , :� I AW -q 4- - � a -U' -`­ -'There- 1%. �4wt �-_�-h ,r-, -th - � , " " - 3 � , ,., �,_.!;'.,,".�.'.","._4 � `�'�.4, _ � 0 -,- T- ":.� , - n,x", 1� . ­ ,t_�� � :�. � .1... 7 , - - 1. -11. . ­:�-,�`�r',v9t " � 1, 4 1 , :�`. , ".",::�, - �,. .. mpnr�w,*-- .. �.:, , ,..­�r�� ;� . . . . . . :,���'1,4,� " . 11 . . I I I __;"�. � ����' I . I . , I.- ­ 1.11- 111­111�1 . ,­ � I'll - P ".. �. -_ !�4��-_ - � .:1, , 1­�; . " ., �� 1. - "i �.1,11 1, . �, . . ,. , ­d1b.n I I I 2_�y ", � , -- .", 1.,t - ,.1.1. '.. . ., Gus ,ON' was Went. tawe , , " " , 1. , . appr I .T11A. company b , "i , - �1­ ­ . 004P - , The 9 xpe,siter of . e.- 4 q.R1 I ;Olqj� V.140_1� If r,_j"­1 . )" ,,,�4I.1.111:� I 'ire a ", 11�. iii -�,. - , b- . I TOM S "'; ­ _11.1, �` : ral' regarding, the ikog.�QXIIITI$ ii 'N lcof vUV; ,�� 7'. '' �. Uua-dim , , `u .�,,�-11'1 1'1�' .'I'�% I 11 -_ , - SRI, W, 44 � � b '7 I -1 F � u �R. %4 _ �,!',. ", 1, . . - . . . . . %��',­ !­� � 1P.:! . I - , . . I .. � nur , b. I , , 4 0.0 i . � ., .. �;­ " , , , I. , 1'. . . a �qnloi$�001,y .n.0 ,t; aeti 44. b" prO �t" - ",�N I ''I ,00 4 ,� .raay,. �., '�1.11 , I , , i ., , rX iv ,ev ,,�� � ­ ; . shAring of tb e' liquor proflt� - - T111s . dX§eXT AIR , Oe lz� , Q .V1 1� , I Fill A ,41'.1', ipt .- J��Wf . . , a , A vy -!� 4 0 1 ,, ep . F I ,,, � ., Agpp , - . ppeQ.ranee arid ,with the B4 , r, .0 � . ., , .. �,, '07 I .! ' 4 � . ­ . r ay wel � . , , - ,slvx- -1141APT�, '.. V' ­.Y.. �111 I . . p dis . F '04 -M I In "!" I , W -V ,� -0 d; UV �t, .,, 1, , , I 11 , , ,;,,. � P I 01 .1, `4� , " J' ' $�R & . . ,, . !01 .'a Q'IF , , .4 Agb , , ­ � ' 4 fvkeigA. ., ,,,,,,O.O- a year. " - .7 . � . er. , � , agle k40#-40, .4 'Im, 1;4�,,gp,q�,.g.., . . qrrA 00%0�� I'll , ,,_ p. " ,, ,�.,.!Keclk . , .hI t . R, ,. - . - . . T,ex -OX Oty's", �r,AQX:;-,%A #� . gdo , H , `* � k -1 4 , " .?V - I ,,, '1111111, ­ -4 . . . . Tue 51 XT. 1MQ I I& , � - . $ A . . , 4 ' as I ftelm.g "4, *OAM—Mms V, it)pp- - i IN or. Many claim , that the wet, are - .. the town_ 00; , . I �' , nny ex� 60, I . , - . ;'I , � 4i -50' :a ;�ear in - ,, , , is a h of � , , , , , , I , i , , , - lw� III, "C � - _0 eveynber 7, I 1-Y to,thv"attiacti,14A .,'.'the � , X .0 �';p t, ,�� - 4 or. se an, entirely different ciol-, - . Qcession,mu ,;. V_M110A , YPO R I= _W, "I 1314 g, ; z - ' Uovqn1oolQ--Hay-s. -4 In, ., McKillop on 9f . � , , .(" - I I , I 1$ "D molvol ,,j, 1 4 1. I I , , , I � q g a -, ,6e. p e, , ,.. - h inst, by A. D. MvfDoriald,. Indlay"Aoill M . �76* W44.4 sp-L­ 5- t1i 10, '111WIU49#01 �' X WIN - , _ehnell,;�,," , � , � I I , J Von, Q. b �� 0 - F40 -.,Of 2*,.!,.-, � IN,., J , �, . � , - , . . *11 benefit at the expense ,of. t - .,of d � � kl-to. AW, �,d,,� . �,�,4, ., epl, � . . I . . I �d ,a I ,� "X.��'IIq . I . . he dry, . John X Coviezilook, th� bri A lip cannot 1011% bQ' con, 11 _-�.:,q,� ��. , I . , I . ,,�, -1`1- wa . . , , oldes,t � son Ia,y in the )111004;� Of I I , .,A W, mb.. � $ " . t", - . I C , . . � � 1i . ,;, �'.; ;,:� �-._' � (110'r x4ttch. I, T , ey � , ,. , 1 A - - .k, .#I. RNT ;� , � , , 4",_.,-, L _ _ _-,� ' there I . = . , *b' I 1-1 I �...k , I- 1, I:- I �, 7 I -11 �.... reas I ' 4 ,� � , -M -k resider' -in 's , . , d, .,L-- - , P�, I . .. . �_], . . 11 . ­ ,,. . .,-An Are Some in wet a' . J'l,,Spent. . . , ' %W � I'll, ".1 11. . � -4 - , that Robert Govieplock, Elsq., to Miss., Nel- 'that day'the recen'tly, purchas , 4 We �oderi#l,,, L Vli�,� I. jj - I �Jm first tryout-, ; d :TO, folieve the burdoih, AmlevvhAt the ­ �... I , .. .: ''? k .-t, ,..I t : - v � t .4. 1 Star.: . " , � ". , � - - . . . ,­�, ­,. I I , , �.,J .� � ", I I- I . a ci ' ' hli�ll 4A grea .1 11 , , * to , . I . 11 s I- 11 , --d. i'did - ion to- Sharing ' .: Hiays,� - Eaqi, iboth`* of, XeRilipp. worked iperfectly.. The display , 's 40 , q .I a, Apec I .�* , A � ,"'al , . , , V%, ,R� ,'Or * T. R engine w, s given its. ,� �.4, ., - 1 ' j66ti . lip, S.eott, eldest, d4uot of a , f,'�n. . L. ��'141_ ,. sing, rates qu application, I have 7 644 I � !k'�V',',�! I 1�� :0 ,e ` I . : . � 11 " . , � . , . yor !�l I A I . . . , , "'O'b";'. ­; - I I in, ­', - I' b . I I . - '. , I , � . , , $90eW � � C P U. . ff.;P, - .".. I .11 " . . � I I . 'in profits that.d6me from the ,pale of . � or- , I 0 # - -64t $a,,:f b or -each ...,. : , , , 1, . I. " "NIM AWT94, , �.. ' ' . 1 i . V I -er, I . I .. ' Wheat was 4uoted at 08 'cent ­­ watched- by ,wemibek,s; of the -- 0 . � I . '_ _. , . . . I "I _I� . I . . I I , , "'i .- ) whIph t I - X 1, ��. . I . . the__$eafoAh market this week; oats, and a large n4mbeiOf 'z I ! -) i , Id. )��.Jq _ tR,:'� -,`� , "' I r . I . iq'a . , pe�, v4i§;,.:h "" bl . ,. y 11�v ... their ( , AP ers'. of . the Canadian WedldY _VQ&'s, easily , A., W _ - - '< .V 1W - . §a_y§1 c - tile 9;'P-li�R'LIM. rid .. . . . n1u, , e � . - . .1 - lia ..I'T f., - - .1 L' defic . in . . ii4ber joined, k. gb 41 Years, xetired,. q liquori and they,,have a. fea thatthe 28c; barley, 45c; buttei� " 15c; em - ", orary ,T 4,1 go ,,4p,0si,hfg� , i f li . , _a.con � ..... . . . .0 .. . .% ; ' L '. _ � 114p S' -.-Agso-ciatim ­ Qlass A " , 11 . 'UP , I L I . I _ t�Klp pa � ' - _p. .. 't in,� .. 11 �.:11 NOWSpa` shafing 0 qu profits will liave a ' l8e; p6rk, $6.0% and potatoes, 40c,report, ",thrdws 4 .huge � vol e. 61 t i . � � . '11� I ­ I . ,,Per . y 'hushel. - . ,. , -, , imter '. In , , u ber 81st ahiAr ser­m,h0.a`to,ta1­6f­.- ,.'- , ­ -, I 11 __ tendency to make dry areas wet in- per . . . and, ,gh.. enough to"' -a the; 'ter in @rs,.. year the, brigade . � I � . ai,i r �I A ­ ' ' i6S 0 . ) , 16 -years with the Co0iiii-ay.,­,be, 'has: . .r " 11�1' � W��';1.00k, ghiest pinriaole'of any build i iW 9 anized e fa us hook and lad, I I . , . 1.� �,b. J . I , ­ . I . f .Canada, and the Hurom Considerable excitement was octa- bi I '11, 1, . , � I I ..... I 1; . . .W�:. fk . ly. W� , I gunty Piesi, Assodiation. '. - . . . . ' _' -he 6 , , 4of _­ .----. I . SX.. , -hTi W4 k * was, � to -set a 'ne�w , Il d , , i 1, - L � .... areas dry. - s4oned in town on Houdak'when. it town. .It Lis generally a , teathed t go Imit an ,b now 'gai � stead of wet . . - .11, _..F!i.-,,��;. � V .. t the. , r ' i record.' . . I I I I . , , I let I . . . . . . , " . I � .1� I begarne iknown t1lat three of the bal,,, those wh�o-.saw it worki y . ; � I I an pefislon.. - ,Zdr. Zodep. - is 644 of the� , ,.;",-" . , . . But viewed as a whole, there I I I . I I � . . I . � . .. I I � -West �� �.., "I ��Alk ! - . I � . I - 1. ", �'. I - is lot boxes.' �ontaining ballots ,cast at - � I I.., . � . . . . best Imown railroad ;" in . erm.- 't ocai ,.. 11; ­­ I I 1`."'.. b . I I I --- - 1. . I M I ", ,',,,I I . � I .90 little likelihood of any such 1ear be.. the Scott -Ant eleetion,'h4d- been stol- . I . 1.1-111.1 " ­1� � . ;Ontarlo, having been in the� oervi�ev- . A 'i 4 1; ,� ,,, ".. " .15EAFORMTriday, November . � . � . ` ' ` � ' ._-_.._.1h London, Windsor and Trahtion, be,,. 4 V �`%,.r I I , .. . . . , _, en sometime'lbetWeen Saturday night M . 11 .. . . ,Z,.� , , , ". . . . . . I . . ing:iealized. Even if it should turn ,and Mon,4ay morhing. The � returning 'T'' t:. L"s . 11, ­� 0 fore eoining to Goderich, H� Will. be . . .hw �­,,!­ I �. . 'OR.T .... ' 17 I go, - �,,,.'­,. 1. . .... � I , . I I , ... ­1�1 , 1,,�:�,e.; 7 I . ,iur.j M. '0 JUS—T,--A 5 ''' I , . succeeded here by EdWard �Uartriey, I'll, " b, b � � . . out -that way, the decision rests, in officer, Mr. BE"grove, Wingliam, hA&. 0 b . 0 � i . :ye� " __ I .. . � -_ , --- *hp has had long train' in thei 1111.�.`�'_ - . ., . - 7he Five' Year Term, the hand's 6f the people I' .each ** di- 'placed the ballot boxes in - -_ - - - - . , ; 109 . �A I , Iri( .b,..�'. . j'.,. 1�� '..". � . . I ality. - - �� In jury rooms in the Court House, Gode- . � . I . .�. �. I company.--Ooderith' Star� b . 'N -n , ­,.'�,,�: I I - ­ - vidual ni i i The teacher was asking, questions motored through that part of Vi -r. -a . Z,, ' unicip I I �. . . rich. Entrance to this room was IIM6,se! -is,a Life -S ver �11 . $ � �%�" , ., I Many friends of Jate have -been - . I I I Cris . �gll�-�'�-, � , '. �, 1. Th -gained by ,breaking a wfa&w' and about famous characters in prose and ginia. It seems t1hat this was all very An accident that might liave ha& ) 14 1 the , , �0",'. , , - 'ing what the boys call "a ri&" . ,rough local option the people . . , pdetry. I . well until a- now pupil only a f6ty , !�.. k . the.three boxes taken. The missing , I U . seribus eoiis�uerices for at least one 'to : I I . . � � . III "Cun' anykdne tell me about the shaaet lighter, than :4MIdul lit" . .. 11 V �, � IX . � have the right to. -say whether they -boxes axe froin Division, No. 7, Me- . en- . I 11 , . I _1.1t,�, 1, ,� out#Qf The Expositor over Mr. Hep-' ' Xillop; No: 4, Grey,.and No. 3, West character Ali Babat" she asked' the ' te�ed school. Ou being '!gflned his ,person was averted one day this week ...... .,�'. will be wet or d 'y.' With a two- ' Wawanosh. . . class. ." . I . niekria,me "Midnight" by .7 ... 1. ... ,�,.'., I . . *1" b M. Robins, clothier, An individual - - znd ,�,` '' bur.Ws declaxed intention of retain- r . � . t new fLly.six feet four, says MT.. Robins, . 1( I -to : ,, �,,� , , , 4 ' ' ' ' 'thirds majority necessary to carry it At 'a meeting of the town co 'I "Yes, teacher," re4plied a; boy; "he Pupili the black One answered: I .. ­ � , un!eil i . - 11 . �. . and . not lacking in ,correspondinSr 1kin, �,�.. Jng, the five year, term passed by Mr. " was a rimn who wasn't there -when a "Lissen heah! Don' yo, call me no ,� q 1. �� 4:('- _. . ) - either 'ay, the re.gult is, going .to on. Monday, night tho Mayor was in- poandag,i�, i6ritered thd':� store- I -the .. ,4,r. , ]Hehry at.the last sesgion*of the Leg-� W ce-man crime,.w . I ,Midnight. 'Yo's 'bout hal-fpast eleven irou " �, 11 V ,4 - structed to. employ a � night poli ,A,§, qommitted." , . y . sers clutched in aAlryd grasp7u !an( .A",:,. I � ' . show, conclusively the mind of the for the purpose of 4.0411irig the dis- . 0 YO self.sy I 4 Nh! ,. I . . . 1. . V* . 11 I '`�: - , islatillre. , . a .4 . - 0 1 Yom dion't, help me out thett)`s * goin&- .*If I . I ur ances on Main Street so fiequ6nt-. Young Wife,-11PIerile, i perfectly . , i , ", � ��'. , . . . 11 people. And that decision, if not '-- t b . to be an 4ec1&,fi.t,"' he growled. Mr- , I . -do �'. ,:.., I . , . . . . 17he, Expositor, of course, is not re- ly complained of. wonderful to, me_pqther. He gives 'Little Mildred was poking at sonie.. Robins -didn't waft to see whether tht-, I. 1,11 I - "by 11 -1 permanent, is, goin to rule for a , thing in the grass. ,Suddenly . . . . , , .... " ... ... I sponpible1or Mr.'Hepburn's actions I 9 ISIr Richard Cartwright arrived in me ever7thing I ask for.". . .. . , she accident -would be, to ,,, himself Or too , I 'i I I bon ­. I .'��,'... . I I lonViongtim, e. I . � � Seaforth on Tuesday evening a d is Mother-I"That merely Ahows., my Sl� i d; . . 'he tent's' trousers, but thrust upom. - �, -6 11,11. Z , _ . , , . . . a guest at the C.on=Arct:k1 H n A'Oh ,mother, dear, here is a little sitor',the means I -it I , �P:�­, , . and decisions, nor ha§ it ever'been . . . . I � _ otel. He dear, that you are not asking for jen- 1.be-, ,vi, of suspendin� ` k � . '' , Z.�Iw,�.. - . .. . In the meandfile, most municipali-' addrtased-meetinzs in WCX1116P on �ough.'�­- - I' - . �gT`een smake.11 & ,­­_ -gansulteo �egarding them. . 7 - . � . the latter a -bout his,;eopious mid -see- .� ifig,( I �!", . , . . ' - JWoman , (,very, cautious), - "Keep -tion. 'The. clothier confessed. that -he il . " T. . - I.. . I � tieswill welcome with open' ar ms ev- W�edtiasdgy and spoke in Car,dno's- : 0 . 1* . zoo I M, : . � ,.'Ir . . At -the same time The .Expositor is I . . . . Hall on Thursday.e . eninig. . Jones: "Why do you let I ' wife away from it, 'darling' I e . I � ., t - I . . I . your . I I It might'b Ireath4 a sigh,of, relief wheh­hW . � -Pos 5p, - .cry, increpse, in� -their revenues 'and . , if wiiit�' shouid v I . A - , .W...'. ..., I r set in no-#, as ap- rule the,hou§e?", . . Ju as dangerous as it,''ri e one." -visitor departed.-Goderich. 81grial. '' - - k I 11 I I . an. admirer 'of Mr. Hepburn and of .p the I 1'11;..�. . � ; I pearances; seem to indicate, most Smdth: "'Be�ause'if I don't let her � .. . . . . I ! I W�,,'.: � , I every rebate "in their. taxes. . . * I I � . Childien'Recoverini, . - .., 44 � I ��­K.", Ow.way"he hii administered the af- . I . faMers v'6111 -get cau;#ht with 'theii reign sihe�d storm," . " . . lhho 4T , . . . . - 4,: " , , I . A colored truA ) "., � , . 1. . . operator was in-. ' Albert Durst, 'six-year-old. son of , Z'. " I .. fairs. of -the Province since he assum- I Q1. � - rootsas:veTy few hato their turn�ps . 6 formed that he eould not get hiii k.j 'and . bfi.s.­ jo ,zno !,0� , " I 0 , - I out of the ground yet. , I � �. I . hn "Durst," Colborn&. - . - - 1� �� .. - � I ?,46".- . I ;�, � --of -, , .4".. . S � wriphip, is recovering rapidly ., � 1. . . a mieeting of "There, goes Richman. ,I wonder money -until he had siibmitt�d' an it- to froux... , 1; , ed office a iew'month ago. Ile is' . At r ' a �anitinittee of If ,!' , . ' 'how & made all his money?" emized statem�ent for a certain haul- an attack of lo&jaw. . The affliction. . , ;,wa T, 11 � � I k"1:_._. - . ; aneasy. man to defe.nd-s'o far. , ' . Some More About Snakes friends of the -Scott Act, -held inSea- ,qleaven kriows!" . I ing jobi After much mWitation he s; I ,i5 I -I, V61 - I * . I . ,followed a Wound in the youngstee 11 - .::,..�, Conixary to an apparently widely . ,forth on Tuesday. evening last, the ,11,&q e alAys scribbled the -following hill- "Three foot when lie stopped on a rusty riiii - R., � th ", I . _J, that must be why h I , Al, 1.11 animous- . d three goes at F�ur bits a on September l8th. Betty Cleinen I I, .1 I I-. : followift: resolution was un ' looks so worried." I comes an 3`10 . I io�,�-,:'- "' - held belief, we do not believe,that Mr._ The Clinton N6ws-Record of, last ly adopted: Resolveil'that in the ev-- . I W went -48.11 . . tI,. I . . -i - F. . . I . . . , . e,�, . . Repburn -ever said,'he would rescind , week says: "Thp editor of The Hur- ent.of.fhe hotelke�pers en,fdrein- I . two ,year old daughter of Mr. an& 1, � I f 11 ? , t� .37 rs. R. Clement, ,Kingston Street,. �� �'; , � tbfir'tbr-eat,.9f raising, their rates O ,In a ne- o school neaT Deariville, . * I M; I 11 �,,�, ; the, five,,year term of office i and re- ' on Expositor seems to think that the x1ioribant-or unreasonable prices,we Virginia, therewas one boy so black He_ --,N# woman ,ever takes an- whe unknowingly drank froin a bottler . .1 I 1 lon . I 1.11. . . I . . that the other pupils called him other woman's advice about frocks. of disinfectant recently, is improving - I I .. 11'1�r�-. -I - .. turn t6 tbe four-ye'ar principle. . editor of this great, fainily journal - eproceed it' 'once to make arrange- ,4cc i . �" , I . . . ments whereby farmers and others "Midfiight." This comes to us rather She­---,Naturall�. You don't ai�kthe nicely- She is now able to'take liquid' I . I , .1 ­ . :, . ' "thout mu& --, discomi- ste I . What he � did say and what b6 did- doesn't know much about sndkes." -doing, business Jn Seaforth can,get straight from a. traveller who -has just. enemy .how'to I nourithmemt N 70 . . . . . win the war. .9 i,: . I " * � I . . . . I . A 4 1. acconnaodation at'fair and reasonaoble � .1 . f6rt.7-4Goderi'ch ., Signal. " I I ,J I N:e ." -maintain was that when Mr. Henry - � And to put us ,right, or as the Clin- , I , Too Far , ,- I ­ , � WT 1� I � I . . . NIMES= . _ . prices- Going J�.J ' . k t �Si I �i -extended the'life of the Legislature ton editor- put it, "a man convincP-d IMr.' and Mrs, McTaggaxt of. th 9 * e . , . le a Mrs. W. L. Horton 're-oorts that the 4 V . "­..- I . " O.. agailrist his will 7 Y� she thereupon re- Com-Mercial -Hotel, Cromarty, recent- 46 st6ne,bird-bath in her gardon'on St. . ', 11 ... Itan I � . �', . . . � to five years, tile amendment was, 'not ; . SUNDAY AFTERNOON' ,� 0 . I ly picked fen bags of apples in one * 0 Geoige's Crescent was. broken last -'er , . "I intended to prolong the life of the late's some hair-raising personal ex- afternoon and they would like to 9 � (By Isabed Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) I . 0 evening, presumably by Hallowe'em �," to - 1, - 1� ' . I . � I It I .0 . ____ -',.%' . then. Government or Legislhtpre','but . periences with snakes thatAe en- -know if anyone can beat that. . ___ mistblef-makers, If the ,perpetrators 11 il . . . T I I 1. ., �,`,-,. . . * countere ,On We4ne�day afternoon last the . . I of this bitof wanton destruction w'ere� I � 4 I ,: only to Governments and, Legisla- d during her.'summer.�oli_ barns, sheds and staMves on the Me- ,Dare to do right, dare to be true; and -presence, unless they are first punished, it would be a lesson, to � ,do ­ _ . ". :,.,. . I I ... Other men's failures can never save washed..and sanctified,, a limit to - I _', "', tuies which would in future -be elect- days. . . Donald farm, the -.property of Mr. I a'ftd" justified others that therg is Hal I car , %, ,'�: I . . Appleton Elcoat, were completely Ae- YOU; ' � in the name of our Lord, Jesus, and 1.0we'en prank' Goderich Signal. . 1, I - I I a.- , , 'I-,, 1. . ed. . � No little Garter sitakes, mind you;. stroyed by fire. , . Stand by your conscience, your bomor, by the Spirit of our Ciod.11 Deat 11 h ,of a -Mother , � I 'Te - , �,�� - but experiences with Rdttlers and I . I . '. . your faith; � . I 1n. verses 22-29, Paul enumerates " . .." I I I � , ! ,... � . . _� It. was not the principle.that Mr. __ _. � . 0 . . Stand like a hero, and br4ttle till �he.fruits of the Spirit or of the,reT The a ­.A occurred at.her horne,ira �� . 111 Q . � . I I . I . .. n Friday, October 26, .1 -i :ill Hep�urn fought against but the fact Puff Adders. . death. % newed nature. Byplacing these over Grand Valley o I i, - 43i , �',., , ' From The Huron Expositor of ' . G. L. Tayl�r. -against the works of the flesh Paul of Xary Georgina Rudd, widow' Or' . �sid � " _,; ,,, ­.that.'Mr. Henry was taking �dvant_ . Well, the editor of The Expositor ' . directs V9 to what we are to Mr. John rMoIntyre of the sanie place �� 4 " �` - - . I November 12, 1909 - . . "....- , avoid "I . Li�- :1 - age,of an amendment, which he did 'is a married man and there- isn I a . PRAYER and, to what we are to and mother,of Dr. ,'Ht A. WklntyT th ` , . and oppose, . .0'oE ­ ) , I w,-. I not believe the latter had any moral man in that class, or condition, if you Dr. J. G. Grieve wa's elected pre,�i- We ,pray that the spirit of true cherish and cultimte. And then ,he Clinton, who was in her eigbtieth. . . th I,' I I ;_ 11, . , right, although Mr. Hepburn's con- dent ,of the Horticultural Society at brotherh6odmay spread and the prin- ad4, )that ,they that 0�re uhrss,t%; year. The -funeral took.place on Sun- . � .. 11 I. �,,�'Ir- .. will, whether in or out of the editor- the annual meet:ng last Wednesday ciples of the Gospel of Ir_,ace prevail .they who ,are Christians in deed, not 'day to 'St. Albing Cemetery; Grand � i 120 � . I �'­ % , tention was not upheld, by, all, even - I only in show and profession; bbt In, .Valley. en Dr. and Mrs. McIntyre whop ... ) �as secretary -treasurer . it her bedside also drtrin&� , ial chair, that hasn't been "a man evenim.g. ,J. A. Wilson was elected throughout the whole world; and .A.ricerity and, Red the I truth; have crucil 11 I 1�� - had be ,��; 1 1 of the Liberal followers in the House. : may the sacrifices of others be to ,her last illness, went up to be ,present I - ,I convinced against his will" countless The tov;n council inet on Monday us a remi-ader of the TeL�l mean' flesh' -with the affections and lusts. I i . Ing ' at the Aineral on Sunday. - Clintow ; : . 1, . Under these circumstances. and in .times. That's easy. - evening and authorized the Purchase Paul closes this discours., on, the . ,. ;ar ,�, . I . of citizenship. In.Jesus' name we fruits of the spirit by warning them News,keeord. I I 1. of $4,000 of Goderich and North Main pray. Amen. - . I I �:�'. the face of th ' e fact that the law now . But all the same, -� we have to take Street debentures and $1,000 worth to beware of being desirous of vain Paving Completed . �I . I I I I I �at ", 09 I of sidewalk debentures. S. SON FOR NOVEM . tio .;.,,� . -provides for a, L q'slative- term of " off our hat to the. Clinton editor, riot S. LES' BER 11 glory, provoking one another, envy- The McArthur Construction Cow- - ' . �.. 1 (Mm. Jobn,Edmonds died at his home Mg one another. "The glory which pany, who had the contract for lay- I . .1 lap) e �,. . :five years, unless of coi:trse, t h e only for her bravery, but for her" on Market Street, -aged 71 years. Lesson Topic --The Christiaii Citizen comes.from men is vain -glory. An ing thepavement on Highway No. & I -Ja 1. It I ; .14 . reigning government is defeated on luck. She survived her summer holi- Jonathan Miller, one of the best (Armistice Day). undue regard to the awro'bation. and from Clinton to near Blyth, finished 0 .. ., 41u , . n . It ,.:,:,. known hotelkeepers in this part of Lesson Passage -Galatians 5:13-26. applause Of men is one great ground the pouring of co crete on -Thursday, - ", . � . a want -of -confidence vote, we do not day snake experiences, an'd alone, and, the province, formLer ptopTietor, of G*IdL',n Text- #tthew 26.52. of the unhappy strifes and conien- evening.. It will be but i Ishort time 4, � I, -be ' 11 - �� � - . �s�e, or would any reasonable person . unassisted, she won through. Aman the,Grip Hotel, died at his home in Jesu,Q 4 His. sermon on the tions that are 'among 'Christians." . 'now until both sides of this road will , F 1. ,co . see why.Mr. Hepburti should repeal Carlow on Monday morting. Mr. Mil- Mount: "Think 'not that I am come When indivfda'als, when corr�murii_ be open to traffic, There is, still con� . I Se �.,* , I . couldn't havo done that without the I .tJ e S 0, '. � ,;�, the Act. - . . ler was a -man of irfimense size and- to destroy the law, or the prophets ties, When nations, set themselves to siderabl ' h uld r work to be -4otib, Pit � J&HO '� -, . . . aid of..at'least'one doctor. Weighed 463 pounds'. It was neces- Paul not come -to destroy, but to ful- strive after rigliteousness as it is, this stretch and' it will be* another' 5 1 1 _W1 ill I .1 . I . I . I . � � ". sary to have a special ooffin made in Al," Paul, in J -his epistle to the Rom- pointLM out in the words of holy min three we�ki`before it is completed.—. - . . --on I � . - I I I ..6 - . . I 1.�' 11 M Undon. I ans (1&-10) �;ays, "Love iq the ful- of God set forth in 'the Scriptures Wingliam. Advance-Tim;es. � % . " SU .1 D.-mas Darwin, a centenarian re3- filling of .the lawland in, to -day's les- then there will be 'a' real �Armdstice * Fifty-seven Years Marri4ed - �th .I',- . . 5 repeats th - Day. . . � , �� ,�� Giving the Ta.xpapers a Share ,Dr erit of Sea�forth, died at his�home son ,be at saying: "Breth . ,On Tuesday -Mr. and ,Mr�. A. E_ . f "I � 4 On Mon -day. He passed his 1()Oth r�e-n, ye.bave ,been calledun�Qlibe�rty, 0 ,,, WHAT 0'PHER PAirr,RS SAYO "' I Hvinuth celebrated 57 year,s.qf mar-� w � , -P ,,, . . L birthday two months ago. only use not liberty for an. occasiori . * . . ried life. Although well tili in years�. . . . . Mr. John -Murray of the wer,t end, to the flesh, but by love serve one WORLD MISSIG,,I.S . i -, .! I The pronouncement- of the Hep- .... I Tuckersmith, left with The Expositor another. For all the law'is fulfilled . � they, are both enjoying very good A ,( �do li,. � . burn Government, that hereafter I Christian Literature Society health. The Advhnce-Times together -of . . An Apt Comparison 1. this' week a beautiful collection OF in one word,'even, in this: Thou shalt ' . �.. ��, were love thy neighbor as thys.elf." . with their many friends, extend con� � ., in . municipalities in which bee� and 'I b .�� I . .1 I wine . pansies in full bloom, which Wherever Light and Truth 'Pene- g,atulations and best wishes for mIarrr . .1. 1. -, Reenses are in. operation'are to share . X�l (Winnipeg Evening Tribune) picked from. his garden on Saturday 'Paul defines a Christian citizen as trates changes must come. (When,elv- inore years.4 happy wedded 11fe,- I I 11 " ; . . . I I last. , one who loves -his fellow men. Then er people 'begin to' -read and think Wingham, Advance -Tim a. I Ibb ' I ­�­ m a proportion of the profits, and A good ,sito-ry Voiim in a fev: plain, words he sets 'down then things happen,. The writer re- , e .4a �11. d Wal&hington is A large carryall filled with ladies in Ties Up Goderich PqiZt I ,I . . , - Yo.me, d, g 'ar ...... 'r' the outcome of the opposite way of calls a luncheon given in -Shanghai if . " that berewfter municipalities will not Owen D. saription in a recent diree- left here on Tuesday morning fo , . $for I , , . . , life, "'But if ye, bite and devour one about thirty-three years, ago. A I h st. 4 , , I tm' meeting of ho* the business world is act- Blyth to'atterid the 'Huron Presbyter- Wl Apped -by a strong- nort we It PT , "I ' ianother, 'take heed, that ye be not group of ,Chinese officials felt there wind, a heavy sea was running Ore � . have to contribute to eithef the build- 1#19 in the depression. "It stri'k.es, me,�, he said, ial of the W. M. S. ' ' .,de . . :1-11 . I �, or upkeep of provincial high- . *'that we're all in tlae same boa.t with r�b.yi � Mr. Robert Garrow has just coriv- cOnsumed one of another." And', -the was soniething wrong with their wo. Lake -Huron, all Saturday night. 01 (f StoplleT only way to take heed, be says,is'to menfolk, They therefore gave, I 'I.' � 3129 Clolumbus. He didn't know where he was going pleted two large cement silos- on his a Storun� signals were hoisted early Sat- _ 11.* - -ways, will, no doubt, be welcome news when be started. When lie got there be didd't "walk in the �Splrit, and ye.shall 'not luncheon'. No in . utday and kept up Sunday. The graim � ­ 1, en Were present, only 0 0 ��- �, . 'to all municipalities� and doubly. wel- know where he was. Amd when he got back he 'Mr. John Beattie of the flim of fulfil the lust.of the flesh." their Wives and a few foreign ladies. freighter Aycliffe Hall, which arriv- , . "'. ... I didn�t know where h& had been." Beattie Bros., is going to get into the Un verses i7-21 Paul describes the The object was to 'try and get these ed off port at 6.30, p.m.. Saturday, wast : "I . . . come to many of them t are in . retail business again. He intends ov- Christian eitizenabip as ,a constant women interested in education. unable to.enter the haribor and lay- I I I. �� I & conflict. A Writer in The Christian miles off shore for o"r-six hours T . - . . .real financial straits. ening up a f5, 10, 15 and 25 cent store 'Mrs. Timothy Richards was tb, two I I '' World Pulpit has, this to. sity about, r6hi . ., whed' she moved across the lake to, and has already purchased -his stock, the natui;e of the conflictf" ­ el speaker, and thewTiter, then. a Harbor Beach on the American sham � 1 y L�_�_ , Regarding the provincial high- Farmer Facin ' Odd Problems At a in,��ting of the Ray township The '­tr'1'ig- 'Young nidssionary, was also an invit- T I I , . '.*-.1J,.. . ways, we believe all people are agreed 9 council held in Zurich, a petition gle of the watchful,ever-4usting flesh ed guest. "When now I meet groups for shelter�Zurich Herald. . �_,. , , . I, �. 11 against the spirit 1, 11 � �'.4,'�-.;. - : that the new policy adopted by the (Owen Sound Sun -Times) containing 244 Uarrit6q,was presented, is a ,matter Of 1114, of Chinese women able to speak and Gets Government Job V, . �,�.'.,�,!, . I � -askin�g the council to submit a local commonest Christian experience. The ,preside at meetings,' to give tallm on Mr. William J. ,Snidth, who for :a I I I " e, "., I ,1,1��W41'., t" .- L, �4 . Fr��,. -f . I he agent f� , 4 I , - is a fair and While, there has been much during the past . of revolt; the knowledge that a thing %ure -presidents of schools and col- for the Internatio ,it ,� Hepbp= Governmen4 option by-law to be submitted to the sense of obligation rbus-es the spirit the radio, topreach, to teach, to lec- nun%ber of years has been It i;ii v )ropeW one. Heretofore, the mipici- few months, to encourage the fariner in, so far. - municipal elettors in January. nal Harvester Com,,- P�,11�.111 I I - , I . - I I as the feeding and marketing of . Wessis. A. F., Cluff and ,ffloward is f*r1biAden makes us, comet it -the leges, -doctors, nurses, etc., the "mind, pany last week iesigned.his positiozz .� ( . k � , ,,� .... .. I Valities have had to shoulder gt- "' livestock is Hartry were, in Toronto this, Week nvore. God permits the flesh to, lust travels back to that luncheomi.-not one and ,has been appoInted Inspector for ' * ,,, . . . . cOil_ conl�irned,,'the situation in -Grey -and Bru.,_* coun- � atte . ' God B 't L, p natural feet, I hardly the -Ontario Agricultural Development � ... i ties, wh,e,Td a ,great mahy farmers depend larke- spirit to lust against the flesh,, in anyone could read,'an , ;. � - siderable proportion of the cost, m4ing the Provojicial Horticultural against the spirit; .4rispire h resent with * I I 1, , 0 I 1 4 Olt -the livestock industry in their farrhing Show as delegates"fro'lM.Seaforth. d not olle cap- 1�oard for the Counties .of Mron anct ,�.: : Without any.�,say in eT that we may not do whatever alble ,of takin ;­ the administra- ,operations, could'be much improved. . MT. and. 'Mrs. X. Y. ,McLean and ord 9 any part in, the aub. Perth. 'He has'already taken on h1s; A I . � . ' I .., � . . . . . . Miss S. 1. 'MciLean beft on Tuesday we way wish, wid simply because we jeet under discussion, namely, 9AEda- duties and wasin, Toronto On ,Taes- . ­ 10 , ti='Or recei�ing any return from At -present cattle prices are down, to a point for Ottawa. Mr. 11McLean goes -to at- wish it. Anyone Who lmows 1107- cWtion for W-6meb." And this only day getting acquainted with the ron- , I I "' . I � '?� _`�,'; - � '' 'the -revenue derived therefrom. '- Mowing tend his parliamentary duties. .thing of human nature or of his own thi-ity4hTee years agol gut at. that tine Of his new office. W. Smith , I I 1, IS4 -- - __, where some farmers are hesitating in fc - I .. - is ., I ­ - 5, ,",,�I their usual ,ciistom of wi.nt-ering- ,`�, � . - . . . I - ifide­5 - ffi I , a--Mumber of lGeny Bros., Monstrels paid, Seafd'Ah, heart Cannot doubt thaf this- is- -8-0-. tinfie there ,w4r-6 gii-1.% i-li -46u-t 3nsgi.16.4 � � .,�,'i, 06h .ring e fact that the for- cattle for spring and swrdmer delimery. .,. y .1 , -t&',blo -','hgmtu � "" 4,,��.­. . . their -annual visit on Tuesday e And to thia! coniflict ,goes on� tending ;schools quietly but ftrely, being ment. 0 .� lated - on. lis aMoiit- I . ­I .. . I I IV, Von- I 1� , . . - ' "I �.*;P.."` I., Ift ' 01r,, Gov'erliniefit .has collected in, They are undecided ,whether it Would not be ing and as usual -had acrowdedhouse towards the sanctification of the heart trained to be -leaders. There were . . . Office Robbed , - I 11, I ;"i", � . a bettdr Policy to .sell the grain Which'they had ID. Cantelon, Clfiton'A apple -ng,, . . .1, 1, �L I ?�` 'i I The,Philistinea are, yet iii b 11 ,�, ou&mob le and gas taxes� enough t ia of man. 1 05% in our mission. Mhoo'le who, are . . I'll .4 - � �. . � . to - .the offica Of IL F . A,11 . L ; �'. I W - While ,the prices are high, or has 160 anen. engaged iii paoking ap- -and othe 14ad- M. aregee, *oprie -. 'I", %,;,,, ., , � I 0 � . intonded' to feed, . the land, in -their strongholds, though now -taking Christian 0aining, entry 6, - . , blifld� but nidintAin the px;o- , -takee a efiame on cattle -prices improving. . . r ,� 1 - -;-;�. . , -hg to Ithcrj�(�,orple Of 'God. ers,hip in ,0 ..v ".: ;ro_ .. _ Aa, 01dy . . p�p,ff,lln this distkict. the l9nd. belo I ., _�;, _-, , . . tot of th6 Parkbill . in". , hina. � 1,;�­ ., .A I � 11 � . . . . . .1 I 1?� , ' ' Wta a l9rge ,Percentage of the faime,rs I 1. . Matthew Henry b -as. This to say Of ,Wh at ,hag, th " . Winbor and Coal Convpaiir, at the 1i W�­4­. Ail: hfghwaYs� the imposition -of , lia", % is to, do with 'the Chris- ji0on. hour on. y a I "P � ... . 'Ict 1:_ . - . In addition'to their. Vain . the constant varfare between the tian Literature rced 'I I �, - . a - I I " It ,,..� I I X� bill - , ti crops,, 4 good, supply - -through , .1 !I 11 , I 'nuflicipali - 0 ,., Society? All. - 'i�, .. �, w . 'r . . es for this same ­ of torn, roots and Other feed which they. o&# . . flesh. and fhe'-spirit:* ,"If you mhke these yes-ts a dII&T19* the Society the cash dra*ei and- dsoap" f I I � �,,t�,��,,.�,,,.-,�!,-, - *' "' " '' , � 'al ' l- - : .. I 11 I . , ;� ". , am" ' I "...-, - � , f. : I ..�.;' h" �Afways been -looked - , dig"S# of "in no'*o,th�er Way,ex.ceot for feed, and . First Salegman-41m from Montreal the �word. of ­GVd kour rule, ana the has; gone steadilk on, writing, tran&. =h $68 in Wis. The dayltht break '' , ". 7 � 16,10 , .it will 1pting'. rpreparing, bOOks fof the Virrigs. : 10� ,!I. ", I M_'t , . Up- ' thiWO Aft rather inclined to gi%ble on the. erlailed , and I inlanulfacture /Persian rtigs� . carried ott while tho tooni crowd ' � A I . - -��)1@,j� I I WOO 190 , f 111ju , . M1.4. ­ 11 �� , , *&, , fUt 06rhAP9 in FAftarY, Of- Apfil at the lkt- Whiere do. you corne, from and- what was 166ut and, Within, a few feet of . � , grace of God yout principle, Was -1 , an i , sti 6� If . inenoe appiar that you aTo not under Was -it Halley,�,g ;Comet in .'' - , ­­, I I 11'.... . , - 411 .�. t. '1`6 dull C - 1, , � . I I ith en is, yoili spendialty I . . 1910 ,and a the home Of ,biie ,df fhotokl ,y-.a'fd fti- 11M �ii 'It" 11 " - - ..� �,' est'. aatt-1 'ylees will show solne , the law- not, under, the coridewWrig, fear, that-' r46.ts � k i j,"', "I , ,., ".- , I P at , p6vem t *0`06 t*k4­tPl46&? . . 9 ,f1k­,(. ,,.""''. . second ftleslr�hnlI-4,irt from Wb � though �`Ou, sTe Still under Ole cOMII ThAri;,& ,Poster must be de. . I - . ,P I 1 --A MWe4j,, " '�_ - ber $06 to Nell a pront, lft� I P oyeas bu+­ the "thief - wA8 trot recog �. ,,, '�� -I;,,�""t­ I , I '-r '. 1W I I Ifi . , I . , �1 -.-!*'i i,,,tD ftally-­thou� - , gild, Aty , A�'_ I , I ", 6it ,, i . � � �, : , . "�I, top. I n0ake getuite anflqi!6�,, MOnding VoWer'6f %; for. there, is now Send boadoa �W`11 To hized, .,by tuy�6ne.--M,xeter T6,,e , I , qM � '4 %_F4 �,XjLJL Zj% . era av#� oMdrbwh� ddefd6d, gm, theit. . , . I . no!tondelridatioit to them that ate in st O"r the j. wg& voc&te s -Ad -I . , . 0 , $.' 4 11ar ch'count � I It a ,e4r, 'of ,,,,,,,,,,., ind, � �. I .. y and" 9"Ifi, Utd also thbir har, tho latter being high- # 11 Then a ' I MrIF91; I � ft -W Vr A. tho present time. than �Or a � ntimbe,i #r I , Christ Jeguii,, vto We,& not aftar the book'p6inting out the da*ers, �.nljhs,t I 'Die4, in. thig4est ' 1% 11 I �,Z,.,T.:�--,_ - - 0'," � *111, '103 W. b 6 - ava. I b - . or I , r2v ��� 1, , " M " � � #" &L' " It "WMI'll per mit 6f I �aw.:--' - . " i 1: ' . . .., �, 'le, I y - � (Mrs. S. J. I .1 ' . 1�_. 11 , ,L�, � , ' i a lie, f IL ' Ots ':at 'have been-tov bot. Lk 'Scotsman and,hig wife and thr4e, flesh, but after the Opirlt; ghd, as ibe pr4gk#d, Did the ,Chin - ..tooth- 'atta, 60, wits Of S�in- I. , , 7�' .1% The Md"tiops, Q , A , , ILI . � -'-spng sat dowft at 'their 4Vehi � are 14d by the Spirit qf 04 eris� (Christian I � . , , *0 )aft 'her ha,v� N* iiiatorial, .f� n T#04 inar� " b"b*t Ilk* Of the, first Pel J. Latta, tti)threr Ininistei of edli- " � .� �A # , , ,�-,,u , , ,I. 1, , , 44 1. IPTV", = It . I . P""'M ."54 " * lesn't, in ea, ,,, ,ik ii �,�. 4 - ____ an'�th4% deciding fkiztor With - I g 19,11. , I - " I �t ; ... . I . them would. rather fiavoa nidlek thAn VOfteg , 19-M. VgAes 'the work$ Of _11iolo e* umk' thdilk I . I . W, A Satidy"Ing,dir6cl of 'th 4boyx 41, they ate the, soh:§ ,of God," Paul. in generatiof. -) "t �4i'need $or,.' tO, dation, died. at 1�egina last .* k trom . k i - ", �411 r id ..,V 4'. , L , - � .X Un . &TMOM: 1havalft. k , , I , . to 11 " Z�.. I . & , -a, minor, E �_,I� ; I �-' :,.,, �,� � y ". tbte6 bb". ,the flesh and o4ft that they which, wl'"dix ltb� what was first thoaght ,,, ,,,ee , 1.4,*, 61,61 W�alt, thor *6*o 16V4 'tht T*td 16�aqj �,"�; , 11 - AX rltdiui 611, 1,6��:�'I'�i#.''�0)'b�.",��'..4 � �t $ed. All - ein ""I'- I'M ", , , 'I'll Al I,.,,,. -3 I ­ d% illne!�8. W.b. Latta Was the oldest � � ,.,_hk - -- - - . �.-'�!�, ''. ­ .. .... �, - h�fte, fieda fat f& iWoot i0h4rit "thi 7h,d - 11%�igtj�ltft , , L-Ift, -ill " , " I _­­ Auutht4r , of the. late 1photairl Boyald, I a , . y !'� - ... �,-,i� � '1�v i.A'p 61,141 N ,", I whg 10 V TWO. .�O,taft44 ,01,61�'. , , . . ft 41. . . M - W*gddrAv � bf , G6 , At' me, , oietwftti ,,,,, 'i ��`_ I " . 6_Tt�vTted dl� :,n16k,,4 wA'&­&t4y�,;gAV* ,do' owli thiligg' � �11 � _r-,� J. 11 , , I, 61.1% S, .., ­­ P�,�, '' it OR " '40. "Wr , -, . " '' ,thwo 4ach � g:, �,M ,h _ �,. 1 41*, slh4 _­ t . I _t,§r*,h,*QA -�& _ )'I'* _� - -`m& 6d �P'1�0 e, uvitii , �; .0 J,�!�, , 0, I ,W '. .." . ad* , oid,16 ,V, r Service London, , �;%, ­�I- ;,--i�i tt�-,, �­ - . , - I AM p ; .7hi�4*i't ilid4al& 1_1 ''I" I Im":) . IV , 91 ehalit 1114 �, . ". ,,, . ,� . t , � fW , # I ­ � 4. .,. ., inT. bt - - � _41, , ., . .11 . I 1. I " 4 ��&t '%mvii , , , (_ Eild, N W '_ Of , - ' ­ , 134-t *06 *6014 1h; t1h , , , 6 bbl?x � .,M*l*i1(T­ 8he Was .married in Lot- . ilk " , "' I I , k�th I I "' , " "11 I I � I �1* , " I 1-11 I � ,�,-��F-1,��lli�,��lli�'ll,�114i���,4t,� I I I I I i�l I �. I , �,� f �bft', e4'bfl6"04ft1. 6� ' J '�ty`aW 61, AW0, -i --,: . 1W, -*,heT4,--Xr- tatu, :, !.�,-, ,�� ,,,�.�',�I;,:�� 44, ��'d 7 thd, *9' "A be m. ,7Vhe,W_.QJA,wW. filiM laft *4' . � ., 4 .� , . _ . . I, 0" � ., � 111M.."'.- .1, g _ " .:, tyi­ - ,; "', -wd- I ""A'�:!y � ., � 11061 'if "I 'M164,11116.1p � M �� .11 9 -dw 111.104 , t7l., , 14,111. I 19 . ip thb. MY ')aA itOv6d L 4 � "a .r "I I , " I V6 , I 11 I 14"'! .1,11 P. 1W -** 41VA4 timda plu 1'. on. , aii 1�4, `qtOW I I . I . ,A, - V1 'TJ18:"W,t * , - � , .� � , ii ow. , , tafg%, % ilttf AM ,p:� 4186 ftug4& ,111 V, , .1. �%p kl,� !,� swak'14"AVR,dildl tr4d',�*ji& 1'6 ",ftf wiWA164 - My � I , . , I , , lflk-�: .1 - _1 - " 19!�71% , A I . I \ I � I I , . 1.* . , V. � . - vv� �'. . v '.11 . . �, , . e�_