HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-11-02, Page 8:; F,i,,, ' /s ; li`, -• .' ).', ', ' ,: 4' Oi ilx .i, •.J - i, • ?'. i, • 11.el• 11 c qi." - '•i 1,T1' t 1 2:, 4, I 'A '', ,,.. :,•••c • '1 ,,' I ii 1 1.(t 1. 0,, 1 1::1•:';:'(,,I. % '11.', e... a, • (...; 1 t: •i .j' b., , 4 'k) , ,1: :',''ile ' ' ' A •1; i•C , s t , ,t1 :IS IA 1 1, 1,, ° 41 . • . i '' ,10.co . t ¢' • t, i„ ' 4 ' ;i'l . i attlEZZIMealla,a141,26X . . .. . . cia.1=5,1=== . . , P...F "36,114 44,7irotioq IW-, 1.4%:'..: 4.0.03... 'Dom . ,... il elVire; '4., : .14,. '4 4A• .,.g.: . \ . 1 N, ;,•( - _ T 'Ru a lima n el 7 imute:. Mr% esell DOT.. • atiay. I 1 ,s:' aSserscl. a. t %,• •:,, ..., . .1 ., 1141:411"-tgeil 750 °DM' at lie t o. for 'lic . - 'Sc. . NEXT a 'WEEK ' .. lad am, ranee 'Very nicely recited a poem en- rho snow had Covered it wen; ' titled ``Speeela.'"Ilie 'Glad Tidings rho iittie Cgr refused te start- Pager was taken 'hY JeanSeatt•• An ilatit- site out in intereatiag• feattire;the :Meeting . lama: . wae-thet presentation of a life mein - 15ership eertifieate ' by Mrs, J. Ilugill ' on behalf of the soeietY. while Mra" , , , .. 1) 19.X.te.,011‘4P‘ a TOr.diryir -wrt1 hji' Mait11*-.4.1A1Ve I'. • Keel -ger, , end :3 lia'ne‘t '9AtiOi404:,;',914.-.N0.4r.91. , Of Ili ailieleaagat. aPet4a,allealich., at, - ...,11Viae;-: and Metp.: .t.c. Regele and lwrxe, WiThain Acre .or. ,..0serit ,Wednesday .in. • ,•• . 114107' 4 9 g a'.;;'„, • :i -, ..- .... — .... -- - ... ‘ 4Clea *DI FreAsNIITS, igodays wallop, llogg read law address. VIM . ' • ""` • Stratford-. .• - • . .. ( Shilm°17.A1 R4val*(1- Mielief SHELL ServiAe . • S' ' ' _ i moLL, OAM.Ii.10..);§%,. 25c unds, ,fo,r, . Wed. ur. Fri. ... Th . - - 0rendered _ plea,sing vocal . , ,,.. , , Dare duet. Mrs. William Thompson' then Dodge almi. De Soto Sales 84 Service ' ---- - - • ' read a ort aetiele. .The ofrering .• PRETOINIE ' D ' t E LIMVII 'LE . . , .. . .. • Place - - 1./ r • - • • c • ' .. , AS ION'S ,rABRI S., AN , . „ .. . _ . Range ••STYLE CAPRICES .FOR''' *,* 9lTEESCl--40ne year old ' 14, I�b'Jane; at per peund ..... 1 uu Sat • . .ALCO0.61., was tak4i. a hymn was sung. and- - • .- e' - .. _ . .... the meeting closed ber all repeating .._,... ... . _ .. ,: , an's.' Li reirnie 'S-eaficifth "ViSiii;;'" . I $4.95 . • L-,---•• Ea dia 4_,..., Nov.. 7, u) &. I U .-blie Lardi.e Pray)er in unison. (e4 relativea in the neighborhood laSt , . to are embraced in the Alfferent attrit,&. Mr- IA, STEAVIBERRY JAM 43c 02 Sermon For Sunday NeXt. :' aeviesitra"s.roWiallilveiasrn • •Sicu5 •. , tive-priceEL-- .'• ' • ,. ,•*.b. - . EilliTli EVERY $1...no GROCERY OR.- , japala..1 ,paand. Maple Buds I e A -T.-' g %iv . . opaiii\ISTON..GLICIWAT--Shines 7cf, "•• 'ItiO.fit &les, at pea, tin 4 1 ww 1141U-COTEe-Permanent gless finish,. •-• et par' tin 40c, 70c, $1-30 , ,.. 16TOODYnS LYE ' 19c 2 tins for ' • WATCH FOR , . 'II ay - • heating s ,vi. Reirall PHONE 98 : •. SALE BILLS Yharinacy . /Store SEAPORTS. - ,Subjects .... .,.. =-4First Presbyterian. 'Cliureh-eReV. 4. IL Barnett of Goderieh will preach at on, were leceitt guests at the li°11te the Cornmrunion ',Service in the morn- °J- ull•- ann ---1Wra-; R- -- He ‘s"rh--4-----at- ing and alto in the evening. • IVEss Jean Buck, of -Windsor, was Egmondville Chtureh-,-The nth an- a week end gnest at the home of Mr engregation will and Mrs; W. R. Plant. alsvierstary of the e 11, be held., Sunday Selioal•a„t 10 a.m.; ser-.1* .111/1r. and. -411-1. John Sproat are adees at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m..: Rev, vislitang relatrves an Detroit, „ A. E. Elliott of Enceter will preach in • Miss Jessie Grainger of Clinton the morning and Rev. Geo. Kersey, of was a guest this week at the home Mitchell, in the evening. -Rev. Chas. °f IVIr'' and Mrs. W. 'A- Wrigthrte .• Maleohn, MA., B.D., Minister. • ss Marga.ret 'Ross, University , Notrtbside United' Church-Morn-9f spent.the week end- with faamilMr bEllfworedzalid. last Satunda.-• Wiz% 'and Mrs. N(elson Coultis and family visite‘d near KiPpen aa - anat.. day with Mr and fMTS. Norman Jones ‘and Me. and Mrs. Herb. -Jones. • Mrs. Melville Skinner has been un- der they doetor's eare last week but we ere glad to report that she is Ira- proving. . , , . Angus MacPherson. of •Stratford an Miss Jby Whitlock of St. Thenniaa were Sunday (Visitors in this; vieimity. 1111111•111MORNIM-• . . . • 411 • • . WECAN PLEASE YOU WITH A NEW HAT OF BECOMING STYLE AT A VERY LOW Pitict T.- • • . ' • e „ , . g • LOVELY NEW COATS THIS WEEK TIIAT BE - 111100DY'S BUSE at fic -herofather, 7 ad. 0s, "A Great Deliverance"; evening, . . Mr. and Mrs Brace Cooper wad . • ' • SPEAK THE LATEST FASHIONS IN -- liar Paaktge ' Geo Serviee withdrawn for Egmendwille - e many rien s &Ir. rge ,• . Mass Lavana arid Isabelk 'Cooper vis-... WINTER MODES T. A. Buneh will be glad to learn that h -e ite.d friendsein London on Sunday ' . . • 4I)* ik- C' AND MASTat LATMG .............. • NEWS OF THE TOWN anniversary.--eRev. Caa•michael, minister. • has sieffiCiently recovered from two - , • . s'eTims 'ePerartiens in st• JeseRli's aziAisn. IEGGS-1 cent extra for Trade. ' . Collegiate Commencement a-- The : Duff's and Win-1hr° Conienunion service at these two ,appointments Hostpital, London, where he has been with the regular service at Bethel. for the past six weeks to be able to STANLEY . • • Price - SOME OF THE SMARTEST COATS ' . A..C, Routledge r RHONE i66 eleventh annual commencemient of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute will be head in Cardno's Opera Hall on Friday evening, November 30th. . Preparatory services at Duff's oh Teti= h e this. week: . 'Thursday at 8 p.m., and at WinthreP * M. R.. Robertson. of Luc:know s ent the week end with her sister on Friday -at 8 P•nt Thanksgiving 1X G. D H "' h , Monday, Novernber 5th 1".s.. • -• alg • . The following is the report for S. e me „ e.}..e.„e e ee S. '''''' '" ^-"--elY' for '''ne ral°1411. of October: ' , Fifth Class -Jean Dunn 794, Range " OF THE SEASON HAVE JUST $1230 BEEN •ItECEIVED • • • t , -to: • service on of . Mrs. G. ID Fergoson was in: To-• e. Stewart Watson 75e. Jr. IV- to • , , This is the Se. ason of • Building Poultry House. -Mr. Robt. smith is building a large poultry 'holise north of his home o -ii Gaderich Duff's and Winthrop at 8 p.m., with Rev. T. A. ;Carmichael as speager. ronto for the . ek end. • MT. George Hays has' returned Ste Thomas's ;Church Services --Sun- ...i. , , ,. . . . 1 holiday Spent Detroit. ivrelvin -Greer-SO, Billy Armstrong 73, Gordon Westlake 77, Ethel "%nelson ; ' ' 64. Sr. ILI--Ilen;e ‘Greer 65, Madge . • . $35.00 They •are wbraderful value.• See them! ., •mimirimmom WINDSTORMS • Are you protected? Street.' He is utilizing the foun"da- -dons of the old Coleman barn. day School and Bible Class, 10 adne Hely Co:min:union, 11 a.in e sermon • 4 topic, ' Much; to Remember" ore a in • IVliss Helen: Mtoore has raturned •- after spending a month in Chicago. Hatiston 64, Wilfre.d Rau (absent). Jr HT -Andrew Rau 60 H -.--Dewar ' • • . The cost is small. ' • - The automobile season. IS -- with us. We issue special. . 41.•• - Will Speak At , Clinton Banquet.- Rev: Canon Apployard will be a ker at. the banquet and reception Ander the aus(pices of the Local Conn- with re- ference to All Saints.' Day. All corn- - - - -- munirants requested to be- present. E,ening prayer, 7 p.m.. sei.eme topic, ,The Force of Example." All wel- . • Miss Lily -Sanderson a •Calefor- nia, sPent last week (w-ibli her de and aunt, Mr. and (Mrs. Angus- Moore. • • Mr. and Mrs, Gordon `Hays of Detroit the Talbot 81:5', Hazel Petry 73, Anthony -pp• „„ Ran 67. Primea,--jean Greer, Lor- raine; Talbot, Jean Ran, Elgin Perry. -Frances Mossop, Teach.er. • ' - • MacTavish's . , 'policies Deanery. Huron., in St. c.orne.--(Canen E.- Appleyard, Rector, spent week; end with for short periods- ; eil of the of e • -I '1,r.lark' ere. ' PauPs Church,. Clinton, on Friday.A. ev_ Rev. Canon :.. Smith, Choir Master. ' Iv ilVirs. K. M. McLean and Mr. A. MANLEY . ' • ..••• -• also reduced rates to farm- ening ofthis week. It is expected • , , - under the leadership of Marjorie Toll " Mr. John Oro , - ;:;i that twenty-five' from Seaforth will be in attendance. ; Death. of Mrs. Samuel Dickson.- The death occurred at the here% af her daughter, Mrs. S. 0. Jones, in Y. McLean spent a few days in To - onto last week. • Miss Doble spent the week end • Mr. Gordon MIcKee has returned to , his employer, Mr. John Deitz, after Mr. Charles Million read •the Scrip- tare. Misse,s Dorothy and Ila 'Craig Medd.went to Taranto ex: Thursday for further treatment. , W.e are glad to rePart that Mrs. --with ' Cali or Phone- us. . WATSON & REID - Phone 214 ..f : Sea orth fipecialists in All Lines of Insurance. • .44.• . . VIII Celebrate Golden Wedding.- A host Of friends in Seaforth and vicinity will join The Expositor in extending congratulationa , and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Goven- lock, who on Sunday next, November 4th, will celebrate the fiftieth atmi- versaa-y of their Wedding day. Mr: and Mrs. Govenlock will be at home tie their friends Monday, Nevem- Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, on Sat- urday, October 27th, of Anna Han-- na, a former resident of -Seaforth and widow of Samuel Dickson, in, her 94th year. Born near Brockville she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hanna. „She taught. pchool for some years in Egmondville and was mari-ied in 1867, settling in Seaforth where most of her life was - _ H. Toronto friends... . ivirs. J. Best and Mra. j 1.1.. . Bechely were in Toronto for the week end. • Mr. Raveley Fitzgerald, of To, ronto, was a week end g("uest at the home of .Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stew - art. o„ , • Rev R. Fulton. Irwin and Rev. - • mr. Holmes, of Clinthn, we•re the receiving treatment in Scott Mean- ‘ oriel Hotspital, Seaforth, from which he le much imiproved. Mrs. W. G. Seimion is still .con, valescing ;in ;St Mary's Hospital, Kite chener. [We are sorry to learn ^that •Mrs: Pat IVIcLaughlin is not progressing as ra(pidly •-as her Many. friends wish her. ' 'started 'with rendered a guitar and vocal duet and 'Miss Irene Stoll gave an interesting talk on "Our Deny to Our Cornmun-'- itY." Mr. and Mrs. James Howatt visit- ed friends' in 'Seaforth ' on Tuesday. • 11VIessrs. II. Wagner; W. T. Riddell, George Hoviatt and James Howatt went to liensall to the ;Liberal nom.. • dilation on Wednesday.- Visitors; Kenepten, Mrs. McGee and Marion •- Bogie are all ianproving. ' XI'S. Arch. Robeson has been. quite ill: ' 'There is to,be a •bale packed Ntive 6th for western relief. Clothing or ;anything :suitable May be left with Mr. George Hewett. in the village. (lVfx. Mille is eon,templating build- in' g• a new barn. - • on , her 5th, from. 3 to 6 p.m. spent and where she Was closely identified First gnets s t of 1V1r. and Mrs. Herald, Lawr- ervce last vveek. (November has out a .real winter appearance; and ne doubt Mr, and Mrs. Walker of Toronto with the lettere father, Mr, The annual Hallowe'en pezty was held in the public -scho;o1 on, -Friday 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 • -a- Home School Meeting. The with the .work of Presbyterian Church, being the first -wben the white blanket will disap- Alex McKenzie; Mr. and Mrs. Bash, afrbernoon. The room was decorated 0 and - pear it Will revive: the water supply. Guelph, . Miss Ruby Carter; MT . with pumpkins and black cats. The 42°'S. T.. Holmes & Son o Home and School will hold their reg- President of the Ladies' -Aid S•ociety, MCKILLOP . . ,with and MTS. Olive.r ;Clark, Goderich, with program consisted, of a song by the • -War monthly meeting on Monday, a positien which she held for fifteen •relatives; Mr. Robert Roberton, of, "The-Mapl.e Leaf"; or> FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0. Main Street,' Seaforth 0 November 5th, at 4 p.m., in the teacher's room of the public school. years and also a life member of the Women's Foreign . Missionary' So- "` (A programme will be given in the CONSTANCE • . Clinton, with • his brothers, William and John, in the village; Mr. James stlioal, recitation, Billy Raithby; dialogue, , 'Waking Pinnpkin. Pie," L. Platzer, Zeta Mune 'PO ---t--. 40' 0 • S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 Co Goderieh Street, West; phone 0 43' No. IISW- Charles Helms' 0 4> resklence, Goderieh. Street. 0 0 sk phone No. 308. Fla-e . 0 Wfiss S. I. McLean will talk on a sub_ jeet of interest to the mothers. The kindergarten • ils -will ,sing two numbers. The •Cleb is giving a prize of fifty cents to the., room that has the most mothers out to themeting. ciety. After the death of her huts- 'band in 1916 Mrs. Dickson went t,o Fort Saskatchewan and made her 'heme with her eldest daughter, Mrs. S. 0. Jones, returnitig twice to Sea- r forth to visit her daughter, Mrs. A. Evangelical Church on Friday even- ing, November 2nd, at 8 p.m., by the M iSS'is Sit:pi FOUT, a colored male euAtette.. IVIre and Mrs. Henry Koehler are e (4- . The first literary meeting of the Club of •Pragress was held ‘on Friday evening in -the ForrestersHall when ' about 100 people were present. The teacher, Miss Ferguson, and th e eehool Children had the hall McKnight With his brother, John. Mr. Harvey McGee sang at the fowl supper at ATTOO' on Wednesday. 'Ile relief car for the West left • the Auburn station on Wednesday moving. It was filled almost en- TO and Lois Ferguson; recitation, Arnold Phillips; dialogue, a number of the children; du:et, Betty Craig and Vivi-an Straughan ; 'tar and vocal duet, Misses Dorothy and Ila Craig; guitar solo, "My Wild Irish' Rose,' 0 • - Ambulance Service Encourage the teachers and pupils by D. Sutherland. , She is survived by suitab- tirely by the' Auburn district. The Dorothy Craig. Then came the fan - 0 • Night calls, l'hone 308. 0 0 Day Phone 119 J. 0 your presence. one son and four daughters, (Mrs. S. 0. Jones, Fort Saskatchewan.; Mrs, 1Y decorated for liamewe'en• The we- men proved to be. the better spor contents were 'some 640 bags of •pota- cy dress parade. The prizes were ala calls, 0 Charges moderate. 0 0 0 0 '00 0 0 0 0 '0 Successful Tea and Bazaar. - The tea. and bazaar (held' under the aus_ !pikes of the Goforth Mission Band of A. D. Sutherland, Seaforth; Mrs. Ed-• 'ward Corbett, Mrs. W. M. Cor- bett and Mr. S. A. Dickson., of th I I nmVersary ,ts 14-'-- as the majority of 14'----'------11 came came m masquerade as was r'que•sted• The school pupil winning fi.et prize. dress,- toes, applee,..turnips and cabbage as well as squash, eirton, :onions, can- ned fruit, maple syrup, etc. The Wo- „limos Institute donated 820.00 to- follows:: Best dressed girls, Ramie Ball and Vivian Straughan• corni costume, Betty' Craig; iyest' dresse& boy, Delbert Ewing; _ . 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 <1. <la ,c, 0 * 0 • <e, 0 • H. C. BOX . , * 4 • 0 FUNERAL SERVICE .0 0 Licensed Embalmer „ 0 0, • -Ambulance service 0 4, 14ight Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 First Presbyterian obarea, was a de_ eided ouccess. The room was very prettily decorated in Hallowe'en col- 4:yes.. -Mrs. W. A. Wright poured tea and Mrs. Charles- Brodie and Reee MoNairn presided over the bazaar table. The fallowing musicalnumbers were given: Trio, J. MO:Vaster, Ruth and Eileen Anderson; duet, Kathleen Holmes and Isabelle McKellar; solo, Lois Wright; solo, Doris Ferguson; Edmonton, Alta. The remains, accom- pa/lied by her son, Mr. S. A. Dick- sere were brought to Seaforth for in- terment on Wedn•esclay, when the fun - eral service( was held at the old Dick- son home, now the residence of May-, or A. D. Sutherland and Mrs. Suth- erland, and was conducted by &In. Dickson's former minister, Rev. F. H. Larkin, D.D., of Toronto, assisted b'Y' Rev. W. G. Hanna, of Toronto. OF EGMONDVILLE CONGREGATION Sunday Nov. 4th 1934 1, , 11 a.ra. • Reverend A. E. Elliott, of Exe- ter; subject, •'Gratitude." ed as a Piekanininy, was Betty Dale. , (Miss (Edna Armstrong won the lad- ties' first as Wi a Itch. The meeting opened with the president, Wrilliam • • • The Pivgrannne Jewitt, in the thair. consisted of readings; dialogues, solos e.nd quartettes. One of the main fea- iniNres ,ve, as the club paper "Kinburn 4 ewe, read by) Ross McGregor. The meeting closed beer singing "God Save the King." The prOgramme commit- wards it with which was bought rice, flour, honey, oatmeal, wheat flakes, cheese, golden syrup and beans. There . was a great .deal of interest taken in the ear, even little children bringing their gifts. The roadway frorh: Clinton to near Blyth is now paned. This is part of No. 41 Highway. comic costume,. Will Raithby.• After the singing of the National Anthem the children were treated to candy.' The Hallowe'en program in th et Illigh School was also held ort Fri -- day afternoon. The playground, committee held a. danee on Friday night in the For -7 rester's Halle *, 0 0 ‚00 0 0 0 00 '0 0 00 instrumental, .Jean, lVfills. The pro_ ceeds amounted to $23.00. Follow- ing the tea, a party was given to the D-uring the service the solo, "(Cross -tee trig the Bar" was be,autifully sung by Mr. James T. Scott, acco(mpanied by -7.30 pen, Reeerend Geo. Kersey, B.A., of Mitchell; subject, "God Work- f ar -next month is Mrs. Roy ;‚von, Mrs. Howard Armistrong and Mr. ;George ;Wheatley. . , • • e :'':. Z' ' . children. •/,' Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Interment was in the family in Maitland- ing With the lndividuar' The Mission Band irrtend holding an open a:fleeting on Friday, Novernib;er . 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,,J. .c: -- WALK.ER'S p <> ito Patrick -Snell. -A charmin.g autamn wedding of interest was solemnized in James Street United Church, Exe- ter, Saturday Deno E-E%ade plot bank cemetery, the pallbearers being 'Messrs. Samuel Hanna, Jo,hri Beat - tie, Thomas Jackson, Andrew Ai- bald, a fernier school pupil of IVIrs. The Choir will be assistedby Pr. I. Smillie, Hensall, and Mr. Jas. A. Stewart, Seaforth. 15th m the school room of the chur'cli. A good ‘p-rogramene is being • ;prepared:. Lunch will be served. (Mrs. Adam Nicholson spent the Se f o-rth 1-1 a . iganers • . hldBd an ' FUNERAL SERVICE afterrexm when thy Isobel:, ;daughter Mrs. Dickson's• J. G. Mulle nd •t n a Kei h week -end with her sister, Mrs. Wm. • e' ;0. W. J. WALKER and cP"' AG' JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Em and '0 0 Funeral Directors. • 0 KO DaY er Night Calls PreMPtIT 0 attended. . 0 0 PHONE 67 0 0, ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- <:› 0 0, 0 eldest of Snell and .the late Mr. John C. Snell of Exeter, was united in marriage to William: A. Patrick, son of Mr. and Mins. Montgomery Patrick,of Sea- forth. Rev. J. 11. Stainton perform_ ed the Ceremony. The bride looked lovely in a brown diagonal tweed swagger suit trimmed with brown sciiirrel and brawn suede accessories to match. A shoulder bouquet- of , McLean. Among those from a dist-) ance attending the funeral were Mr. S. At Dias -cm, Edmonton; Mr. John S. ,Dickson, Mrs. D. C. Gillies, Mrs. C. B. Berhrens,',Mra. J. J. Gilmore, Rev. W. G. Hanna, Miss Anza-Stutherland, •Miss Elizabeth Janes, Mrs, J. II. H•odgins, Mr. Jack •Hodgins, Toronto; •iVir. and Mrs. M. Bates, Gadesrich ; Mrs. William Somerville, Woodstock; MTS. Vanstone, Mrs. Nornabel, 1VIts. - BERTS BOWLING ALLEY • NOW ',OPEN FOR BUSANESS ^ , . A special invitation is extended • to all Bowlers to form teams. Prizes will be given winning teams and runnera-up at end of season. • Moore, of Toronto. .Mrs: George Wiheatley spent a fear -days in Toronto with IVIr. an,d M•rs. David Dewar. Mr. Lorne Lawson motored to To- route on Saturday and visited. friends and ;b-raught home radio supplies. for his ain w(ork. f Mies Helen 'Britton sqpent a few days in Toronto visiting her sister, Mildred, and other friends. • EUCHRE Frida: y, Nov. G..W.V A FIALL • • and DANCE .., a 9th., at f SEAFORTH ., balmers . . sunset roses completed the enSemble. Followin•g the ceremony a reception Mallion, Mrs. A. M. Kay and Mrs. -,A. PRICES, 10c a Line . • . lines 25c Splendid prizes for euchre • 41 • splen- • I We are nowbuying was held at the home of the bride's mother. The table w -as centred vAth H. Alexander, Stratford. ' 3 for AUBURN . , I the Come and Enjoy Your Favorite • did lunch • • • splendid music for danc- . .ggs wedding cage and silver 'holders with tall tapers, carried out in a col - OT scheme of and white. 1m LOCAL BRIEFS Recreation. , Visitors: Miss Ella May Wilson with Mrs.- C. A; Howson; Mr. and ing • • • and above all,. a splendid cause! Pou try pink mediately after the reception Mr. and Mrs. Patrick left on a 'motor trip ;hotlareeir return 1,11adkeo . will , reside on Drive, Toro • Mr. R. J. Winter is- on a trip to Ntevada and points on the Pacific coasetivirs. L, -C. jack son left Thurs- .81:BET PRIZES GIVEN - . BERT'S BOWLING ALLEY Opposite Peat Office (Mrrs. George Eckmier, Mr. and Mrs. '1 9_1111 tyl ' F ' av v 1 rM :11* d 14' a 41.1) fra 1 v t ' - "e e "It - J;ohni'ston; Mr..and Mrs'.5.Rjaaymalu' nillso. 'llalrs. Admission' 35c . , ax nc u e (T I I d d) . 1 .. at highest Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meet.. day mcn-ming for Toronto, where -she will spe-nd a few weeks prior to go- SEAFOR.TH - ONTARIO . and faridlY and Gibbs, of lVfrit- chell, with Masses Blair; Mr. and Mrs. From Any Member of the Band; or ,at the Door. •• -Mrs. Wigg, leader of the Robson ing 46 Mei-rid:vine, Where- she ivill (Haterty and faMily, MT. Bud Haver- • , '. • : , • - Give . market prices for.CASH , . us a trial nOw. Courteous' •,„„. group, presided .at ilhe Barbara Kirk- man Auidlia-ry annual thankoffering %%Electing, which was held' in First Pressflraterian Church on Tuesday ev- ening, October 3ath. Mrs. W. M. 'Stewart gave tbe Openiog •ptraiyer, Mrs, W. R. Plant read the Seripture spend the winter with her son, Mr. 'Fred Jackson. 0 Miss Watsoa and )111iss Marion Watson -ivere in Toronto over the week end. '16 Mr. and `Mrs. James Kerr spent the week end in Toronto and Oshawa.. - A • . -ZAAR -AND-- 15c TEA ' tY and Miss Anua Be,adle ;Stratford,' with Mr, and Mrs. George Beadle; M. and Mrs. Jas. Begg.and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Young and fairrily, of Paisley, •witbh Mr. and Mrs. Frank rAtiaithpya;,,r.t.hnintrnro, MassfPai-khiT., The Seaforth Highlanders . William Kerr, President. Band Chas. B,,.. -Stewart, Secretary. . rivhnipt; Servi - ' - - - - ' ' ' lesson. MTS. Mater, the president, • Messrs. John Schaefer arid Jack with 1V1r. arid Mrs. Tom •Wilson. - : fieliit. PIT. For Cream. Statka a few, worda and timnkiecl all Emminger and the Misses Kathryn under auspices of the May The Sunshine Club met on Saar - 1 iraal; . ,,...„ r' e'..Seafortli Creamery ',.V. A. 'I3arber, 'Prop. who had helped so tgenerously with the allocation. Mrs. Sclater then in- traduced the speaker; Mrs. S. Moore Gordon, of Exeter, a returned mis- sionary front China. MTS. Gordon brought a very interesting message Colli•ns and Margaret Sehaefer, Of Buffalo, are visitors this week at the home of Mr. and •Mrs. • Leo Pork:lie. • att.: and Mffs. E-arl 'Smith and children, Miss Gertrude and Mr. Geo. (Crick of Toronto, spent thea week -,1411,e Ail -111417e of ..cN°Ltit'scid.,_e '-'11"."1. •-entrfc", °eat°1'w, m CRICIPS VACANT STORE .. , , SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd ..c• - ' - Aram- $ .0 6 . iktit. ds* ''''‘itil ['rem Ilaaw/Pra, aain_a_charg7' Masses DerfAlt, 5'' 6,:tiu- w.,'L .`•''4"-W ren- ,e,rm a garter Ana aaeat duet. fRev. IV1eerae of Beniniller oecupied the pulpit of Knox 'United Church on ,Stindlay merning, Dr. aVrortimere he- • ,_. . , • THE -WESTERN FARMERS!. INSURANCE MUTUAL • Organized ,.. WEATHER COMPANY 1905 ,• . ati.' d told about her ameng the Chine ese., A special et/Neale-ma amounting to $617, was reeeiated. 'Mrs. . Reg. end at the honte a their parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Oriel/. • Mr. glibert 'Smith', Gaderich St NOTATIN10 um. *Loa tag at Boratiller and Carlow. Rev. MeOrae yotai the guest of Mir, Mrs. T., Wilsoil ev,iiile in the val- HPAD• OFFICE:. WOODEkTOCIC, Cash and Rothis on • / ONTARIO ' , Hand: $218,720,62 .. 111 I Kerslake Offered the dedkotory. pfrsy- talst, iS erettin:g et large chicken ge. . - 'United ., • The . ., , •44 Q . , „, A :COMP ' • 'LA** lotk*Ittitall itih. '..r '' "f114 0 tathiPle (0,,e.e•e'eff!!01-„eeeei4---,---,-- ., hii,,,e4"'iVAll.- jtititAirit*hr', er whielr Was followed by a beautiiul Solo, "A Little Prayer," ,eung by likrea• J. A. .-bikurni,. Mast H. lvIturrety ree,de the Oledi Tidings 'Prayer, The Ineetifig closed *ith the Lord's Pray- ele yeventeff. in kthison,. titter which a ilVtaige aelmihtflid. litmeh sias AttOklei hottso on- his. •Oncyperty.• On Wednes- day he held a bee to put on -the root avEr.. Smith intends going into the poUltry Villainess. * Mrs. V.....L CilleSpie•and• Mrs,..H.N Porrest *ere iii Tore -fit° on litende*".a.ttending a diatet in hotter .- • . C.).TIC. l'" . The. Sfaithyillie Church hold their 142nd aniiivereary SUutday. Rev. 3. L. 1814alil,. torriverly Of AlilbUTIT, Carlo* arid tlYth, ilotv ininisters to ithie Congregation.- " its "Our.stare at yolif doortrade lest teip ilor AC seosort ori Sattirday. largest reSerae balaneta a tidy i Mutual' Oonritnatti doing PT. Ontlit AajaSitlielltS and SlitisfaCtory . (Ask YOU* bittlighbor) • theititd ro IVOttorat aopek,;t4ftreoui, 1 ,neotigtOidelt.emittiv4,1; fettanadian Weather insprance• baguets in Ontario. . , Settlements, • . - not fail to see or Write ' % ,i, t'' 4 '4 , ? ' ' 0 ge*t• tiait • ., . ...,,, ' ' , 1.. . 'I t. , „ ..,,. .,,„ &Hi 'Ankh' M >2-1110 VI& . I ' -qat---;itaiet Wit ',1,4;: af Firat • 4 #rolt lot .4. tlobeh/gr ' ' " au,,...; ,,,.. cirge,;.. #006: itoatt , ''lleilititt , e' ‘ :4', " ' if ' It . . • ..:.,.,., or. hvo,..gene lYft. Earl Oiillespiel. e avriAtixi4,14114keive, a the 0-. A. Ca: Otait +he iviteek'elsti tilth Mr. aid , . : rim, ." .. ' -.. . ' 0 : . - 141 :Set elyent ,the NIA* 4iya „ .O''!: # '" lei': qt:•10#4 'with': Irk* . •.,: , ., , • :TWO ria„„,....".„,•'• 16.1211101:14 0 ,•••c. LINT CAM rto§o. A • '"'"'n't 0, ii 8 r , , , ,., 1 ,, „i labtic. AAL*4. stoom* eactir4eil to Vining, hard on (Saiiiirdaye '. . Mr, ,060011.1016, is trisiting in i ea Cr, , • : ir ;., .. &ft - ' ' ' ' ' ,I,tkes*s..: PArl Itaithhy - Jend ',VV. , .. . teethe* . +Wk. Tortottie this • " ' ;':iive4Y'iiteter tt tlie 4 . •, • •• .,„ 147 • ti ' - te . ' • ,L0Iu ,, 41010fta.. AiliES , ie -grater •-,..,,.H. '''' -7, .. . '0 liki, '• .1iti' -4,I§tit . .4 . OW . . AIVAIVABLE . john A Murray . ... - . -,TOO'keraiiiith '- ,,,ilititie'po'r2.,.'Segtortfii.• ' ' ' '..' .. •.jrr ' -,'. -:- e -, ', ''''.,,,Y,h , ,, 'i: 14 °'' '1''1' MI if 4 t. 'P 7• • • ..i 1 C '..ri, ;1,. 1' '., rl I f f 11 1, \ I, ecee, laettelet.ea )