HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-11-02, Page 31934. xes asitor: other day a few ob- . Getting. ng that we . ur friends, '-lay take tax oollec- deal with as to mind `Difficulty."' cultyI - ral popula- have been gent times- slow g ro. niake ae vioua year dizions are Prices of ith the ex- een higher the - are no they mucla spears that little eas- not forget - of us are. it improve -- liabilities had a little d if it has ^e in a bet- ast year. - ty is "the tax collec- a natural ind it hard uty to per - •he munici- ls cotatract- id and tax - of getting - collector to ust make a that is ens - rust decider pay or not- oll to . the that those- a positions subject to the Munici- in the last are ready- ," I could -ted in 1930, Tied eleven,. carried 23; Will they- 34? hey34? They 1. What is ase I know - r townships ck and pro - >ay his tax- ; stock and; 1934. Pric- 1uring that. ,!mer made - ince; to pay ade fun of - when due_ justice ire the reasoner rs is doubi- s employer 'd the rate - at it frons man, I arm Lice his pay - any irduce- palr up OTL o our coutr— nditions dor ' sympathy unfortunates .ossible for the chanter 'eh discrim- :ertain fav - ter I called They welt 1 judgment.. +stration to' rmers, dist- practically erent town - in a toughy. Hector call- eie his matt is man off - 'or the next ,n had to now clear_ off and his ty tax sale 1. The Act it. These the same man told r proved tee called himy. e. He said. til he talk- tive in the t collector tpl oyer and id collector arties give taxes trust ,rived front * ro ni- •e assessed - failure. A. good divi- have their ?payers are! L little co- n all sides t the loci stioes that e past and 1 more like 31 VER- st. bar and we ,ther. The Tees F. its four days, fallen only rgether too • into our xi through 'pet of yel- ✓ our foot- beautifullq y's .strong he trees. more 'var- eir beauti- »trger than and other' ix) '1 F r NOVEMBER 2, 1934., Seen In The County_ Papers Two young men from St. Cathar- ines, Douglas Campbell, musical di- rector of Welland , Avenue United ("lurch, and Norman . Upper, tenor gold medalist, will assist at the recital green by older pupils of Elizabeth !Mill$, a A.T.C:M., in Queen Stream Church, Thursday evening, Novem- ber late-�Blytlh Standard. Miscellaneous Shower SA miscellaneous shower was held last Thursday evening at the graotn's farm, 'Bluevale, in 'honor of Mr. and Tire. Cordon Hamilton. Mrs. 'Ram- Hton is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott, They re- ., ivied many useful and y valuable gifts. The evening was• spent 'very pleasantly in dancing. Before leav- ing for their respective homes they all wished the happy couple the best ..af luck -and -happiness.—;Blyth Stan- dard. Death of W. L. Mair W'illi'am Lewis Mair, an esteemed. resident of Clinton, passed away on LSaturday afternoon, in his 78th year. Mr. Mai; had been in failing health for two years, but was taken critical- ly ill one week previous to his death, and all remedies failed to check the trouble. W. L. Mair was born in !Brantford, June 17, 1857, his par- ents 'being the late William Mair and .3ane Knox • Astir, who came from I1 wick, ,Scotland. In 186'2 the par- ents moved ,o Hullett township and lhom+ecsteaded on lot 34, concession 9, and it was there that the deceased lived continuously until 1920 when he retired to live in Clinton. On June B, 1885, he married Mary A., daugh- -ter of the late Mr. and M'rs. Wilhiam Riley, who survives him'. Surviving, also are one son, William A., on the Mullett homestead farm; four daugh- ters, Mrs. F. H. McGregor, H:uile'tt; airs. J. H. Bru isdon, Clinton; Mrs. 'William Leach, Toronto, and Miss !Margaret Mair of Detroit, Michigan. There also survive- three brothers: Dr. Asa Mair, Detroit, and Thomas ' and Walter Mair, Clinton; also seven grandc'hildren.=:Clinton News - Record. - It Pays All Right Miss 'Cunnngham'e, florist, called -the News -Record last Thursday af- ternoon to tell us that before she had sone to the post office for her own copy of the .News -Record, a customer in the vicinity of Blyth had called Ther to ask about Chinese lanterns, which hadbeen advertised in that issue. The customer knows that ad- vertising brings results and she -wanted to be sure that she sh,culd get her order in early. "That was a pretty ,quick result," remarked Miss sC.iningharne, "having the ad. bring Ston* rs before 'my copy of the paper containing it had been taken from the post office. Oh, I know it pays to advertise," she added.—Clin- ton News 'Record. Almost Completed The new wing of the hospital is being got into shape very quickly, the contractor, Mr. R. W. McKenzie, speeding the work as much as pos- .sible, and it is hoped that it will be ready for opeing next month. The ,addition is really an improvement in the appearance of the outside of the building, as well as adding so much to the convenience and comfort in- side. The elevator, a convenience to which all have been Looking forward for years, is now in place and will be .era very welcome addition when it can be used for moving the patients up .and down stairs.—Clinton News -Re- cord. In Critical Condition Mrs. Harry Welsh, who was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in London ,an Thursday of last week for x-ray .and treatment, was brought to her home here on Monday. Mrs. Welsh is suffering from heart trouble and her condition at present is very crit- ical.—Exeter Times -Advocate. Missionary Dies Word has been received by Miss Si. E.- Grigg that her sister-in-law, Mary E. Grigg, beloved wife of Rev. Ernest Grigg, died October 15th in Maymyo, ' 'Burrria. Mrs. Grigg had been in failing health for a long time. ishe" was a native of St. John, N. B. Mr. and Mrs. Grigg have been mis- sionaries to Burma for 38 years. They have returned to Exeter from time to time while yon furlough and both Mr. and Mrs. Grigg were rvery much beloved by many friends. The last time they visited here was in 1928. Before going to Burma as a mission- ary of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society Mr. Grigg was a former pastor of the Baptist Church IF'ferth, Ont. The isympath y of many friends will go out to Mr. Grigg in his great loss.—.Exeter Times -Ad - w ocate. Winner of Fine Prize Mrs. Myrtle Squires of Mitchell is the proud possessor of a new washing machine, one of ten prizes donated by the Ridgetown Rotary Club for the crippled children'. 'fund, and drawn at the Midget/own Fele eeoently. The local lady won the prize. Con- gratulationsl---Mitchell Advocate. Church Organ 'Served Its Purpose Well "The old order changeth, giving place to new," may aptly apply to the Lutheran church organ, which last week was replaced by a fine new organ .of modern type, dedicated to the 'worship of God during the even- ing service on Sunday. _But the his- tory of things ancient and modern is always of interest, hence we recall: In the year 1875, Trinity Church con- gregation ongregationl erected. a frame church on Blanchard Street, the grounds of which have been. need down through the years as a .cemetery. Between 40 and 45 years ago ienew pipe or- gan was purrchased and planed in this church. Thirty-seven years ago the church in which Trinity Church - congregation now worship was built and the organ was moved from t'he old church to the new. Some years later' a new organ was installed and. their former one was purchased by the Grace Lutheran Church, when it was dissembled and set up in the old Lutheran 'Church on St. George St. by Mr. Richard Thorne. — Mitchell Advocate. Goes to Picton ,Mr. W. D. Saunders for some years accountant in the Goderich branch of the Bank of Montreal, has been trans- ferred to the 'bank at Piston, Ont. With his wife and two children,- Mr. .Saunders left for his new home on, Friday last. On Wednesday of last week;Mr. R. C. Wihateley, manager of the local branch of the bank, present- ed Mr. Saunders with a beautiful table lamp on behalf of the staff, who were assembled for the occasion. The Goderich branch of the Canadian Legion held a little get-together on Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Saurnder+s, who has been a valued Member of that body. The president, J. W. MacVicar, after presenting the departing member with a fine bridge set, voiced the appreciation of the members for his active work in the Legion and assured him that the -best wishes of the Legion would go with him to his new horna.--,Goderich -Sig- nal. Leg Broken By Car (Mr. Robert Harmer, Goderich town- ship farmer, was knocked down by a car driven by George Hutchins on Saturday night and was taken to Alexandra Hospital with a leg frac- tured below the knee. _The accident occurred on the Square at Hamilton Street. Mr. Harmer was, wal•kinz around the Square and was struck by a car as it crossed the sidewalk to gp dcwn Hamilton Street. llutch- ins, a mechanic at McGee's garage, was . charged by Sergeant Ross with driving without a permit. No blame was laid with regard to the accident. —Goderich Signal. Tom Inglis' Big Spud Thomas Inglis, a formler popular Warden of Huron County, has retired from public life and is devoting him- self to his farm in Howick township. According to a paragraph in the Mild- riray Gazette, he has distinguished himself this season by producing a champion potato --a three -pound Doo- ley. "It was well shaped and evi- dently perfectly sound and looked like, a miniature ham," say the Gazette. —Goderich Signal. Thrown From His Horse Harry Cook, son of .Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, Goderich township, was thrown from a horse at his home on Saturday afternoon and suffered a painfully injured ankle. It was thought at first that the leg was brok- en and -Harry was taken to Alexan- dra Hospital, ,but examination show- ed only badly strained ligaments. He returned to his home on Monday, and is resting comfortably. This is Harry's third experience with leg in- juries, he having had an ankle brok- en playing soccer for the G. C. I. and on another occasion strained the lig- aments in his leg while wrestling.-- Goderich 'Signal.. Many Apples on Twig We have on exhibition in this office a small ~branch of a Spy apple- tree which seems to give the lie to the report of a scarcity of apples this fall. On this branch, bunched so close together that two of the apples are growing together, are six - good sized, well formed, well colored ap- ples and a little ,shriveled one. Then down from that a few inches is an- other good-sized apple. It was grown in the orchard of Mr. Wilbur Welsh in Stanley, and if his trees were all as well laden as this branch he ought to halve a bumlper crop.---+Goderich Star. ' Won Thirteen Firsts To win thirteen first prizes at thirteen fall fairs is a unique record. This was accomplished by Mr. Wm. Decker, just east of Zurich, withhis fine general purpose show team, "IT NEVER PAYS TO TAKE CHANCES WITH DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER1,rWITH MAGIC LESS THAN 10 WORTH MAKES A FINE BIG CAKE." S SAYS MISS ANN ADAM. popular writer of food articles Jar the Home Service Bureau of rho Canadian Hone Journal MAGIC COSTS so little—and gives uniform results emery time you use it—actually less than if worth of this fine -quality baking powder makes a luscious big cake. Don't risk failures! Bake with Magic and be sure. Ak "CONTAINS NO ALUM." Tho statsmset on ovary tin Layout guen►ntee that Maehe Baling Powder 11. la pee from sham or any harmful indent. Mads ha Gessda ' '•' THE HURON EXPO8ITOO toommeammumommullimmimminamminimon Sunday Afternoon (Continued from Page 2) one-man show but a man with a vi- sion ision of the needs of his day and a still larger vision of coming needs. Dr. Williamson died in 1890 and Dr. Timothy Richard of • the English Baptist 'Mission took up the torch. It was always a flaming torch in his hands. In 1899 'Dr. Donald MacGil- livray, owing largely to Dr. Richard's influence, caught the vision, and the Canadian Church lighted another torch. I remember the rooms they occupied in 1899 two small room's over a book shop in a crowded Qkin- ese street with ceilings so low you could only just stand upright, and stairs resembling a steep ladder, no well lighted offices or arm chairs or stenographers or telephones, just men fired with a vision and a determina- tion to forge ahead carrying. _aloft the flaming torches of Light and Truth. Others joined them, including Chinese writers. What was the Vi sion these men and women saw that caused them to dedicate their , talents and lives to, the cause of producing Christian. literature? Methinks they saw China in danger, emerging from the old into new paths; they saw the Chinese Church illiterate, the Chin- ese pastor untrained, the woman with bound feet and a bound life, the'"Child in the Midst" and heard a voice not only crying, "How shall they hear without a preacher," bfut "How shall they preach without they a r e taught?" and `".How can they be taught without books?" At first the Society catered chief- ly for the literati. That was inevit- able—hardly anyone else could read and barriers had to be broken down, contacts. 7nlade--(Light' hard tt pene- trate. But as years passed and the needs of the Chinese church became insistent, the voice called, "Feed my sheep," "Feed my lambs," and again, "Suffer little children to cone unto Me," and men and women were ready to answer, "Here am I." (To be continued.) BLYTH 'On Thursday evening, November 1, in Queen Street Church, a musical re- cital will be given by the older pupils of Elizabeth Mills, A.T.C.M., assist- ed by Douglas ,Campbell and Nor- man Upper of St. Catharines. Mr. Campbell, musical director of Wel- land Avenue United Church, will give a short talk on musical appreciation, and Mr. Upper, tenor, gold medalist, will sing sacred and secular nurrJ'oers. EXETER Celebrates 73rd Anniversary Ca'ven PProsbyt.erian Church cele- brated its 73rd anniversary on Sun- day last and on Wednesday evening the ladies served a fowl supper which was largely attended. Rev,. Kenneth MacLean, B.A., of Wingham, preach- ed from the text: "This is the House of God," at the morning service, and in the evening he took for his theme, "The Altar." His sermons were marked by clearness of thought and fluency of language. The music for the occasion was particularly fine. Besides the anthems which were ex- ceptionally well rendered, the congre- gations had the pleasure of hearing Mr. and Mrs. Case- R. Howard, of New York, both in solos and a duet. Others who took special parts in the music were:.'Mrs. Sillery, ,Mrs. Camp- bell, Miss Strang, Mr. Cochrane, Mr. Francis and Mr. Cousins. The man- agers report very generous collec- tions, consideraMy in excess of last year. The +-mister, Rev. S. 'Moore Gordon, B.D., took Mr.- 'Maclean's services at Wingham. The Exeter Lumber Company Ltd. planing mill changed hands this week. Mr. D. A. Gordon, with whom is . as- sociated Mr. H. R. Henderson, of Woodstock, has taken over the assets of the former company and will re- open the mill at once. Mr. Gordon and Messrs. Egerton and Claude Morse took over the plant a couple of years ago front the Ross -Taylor Company Limited. Main Street United Church anni- versary 'services will be held next Sunday. , A surveyor and engineer are at work on the farm of Mr. Garnet which goes toy show that Mr. Decker has an outstanding span of horses. The team was shown at Milverton, New Hamburg, Stratford, Listowel, Seaforth, Zurich, Ilderton, Bayfield, Parkhill, Teeswater, Dungannon, Fordwich and Wingham. One of the members of the team at practically each of these fairs mentioned, won the sweepstake prize at halter, as best individual horse on the grounds. The team are both very young and in another year or so when fully de- veloped, could go a long ways before their equal could be found. Mr. Decker is to be congratulated on possessing the ability to mate up so good a :match. which is an art in it- self.—Zurich Herald. Goes To Toronto Branch Word was received here last week that Mr. George Smith, manager of the Bank of Commerce, is being transferred to the Parkdale, Toronto, branch as Manager. It is likely he will leave in about two weeks. It is just three years since MT. 'Smith came here from 'Hamilton as manager, and it if with regret that his many friends learn of his leaving but their best wishes go with him in his pro- motion-,Winghatrs Advance -Times: Southampton Won Malcolm Trophy ILaiknow and the Southampton .Fishermen played two games last week for 'possession of the •Mtalcolm Trophy. At the game on Wednes- day the Fishermen won by 7-2 and on Saturday in 'Southampton by 4-2. In he game on Wednesday two local (players played for Lueknow, Bits Groes caught and Ken Somers play- ed left field. Neither games drew r+avxeh of e crowd. This winde up bas.11 for this season in this d'is- Wicte-iW ngharn • Advance -Times. - INDIGESTION? . Then Try KRUSCHEN at NO EXPENSE If you suffer from loss of appetite, indigestion, sour stomach or a miserable feeling after meals there's nothing like Kruschen for relief. The little daily dose of Kruschen first stimulates the Sot of gastric juices to aid digestion, and then ensures a complete, regular and unfail- ing rtirai*rition of all waste matter every day. If you suffer, you'll welcome the opportunity to try Kruschen Salts now positively free of charge_Ask your drug- gist for the Kruschen Giant Package. This is the Regular bottle, togeet_ ee with ea -separate FREE TRIAL' bottles Use the Trial bottle first. Then if 'you are not entirely convinced that Kruschen will do everything claimed for it, return the Regular package unopened to your druggist and he will redeem it at full value. But act quickly or your Free Trial Bottle will be gone. Your druggist has only a limited supply. Frayne prospecting under instructions from the Public Utilities Commission. for a water supply for Exeter. There are a greet many excellent springs on this farm. 'Better times must be returning in Exeter district as our builders and contractors report having had a very busy season. New Road Foreman The new foreman for No. 4 High- way, Mr. Roy McArthur, of Hensall, with his assistant, .ljIr. Bere, both veterans of the Great War, have tak- en over the work from the former superintendent, Mr. Webber. The new home and garage of Mr. Gibson of the North End Service Sta- tion, is nearing completion. •A cdmanunity car of foodstuffs for the West was shipped from Exeter station on Tuesday of this week. Rev, Keith Love of Kintore delight- ed the congregations of James Street United Church last Sunday morning and evening with two excellent ad- dresses. STAFFA Mr. James Miller, who has been seriously ill, we are 'glad. to report is improving rglcely, this cousin, Miss Margaret Mahaff, of Clinton, being his nurse. 'Mr. and ,Mrs. A. Smale and son, Arthur, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stevens of Varna on a +mlotor trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls ov- er the week end. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dingell and son, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. Eizerman of Mitchell, and Miss Minnie Camp- bell, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sad- ler. IMr. and Mrs. Ed. Herres and Mr. and Mrs. F. Ingram, were week end visitors at the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. Turner. The Women's Institute will meet on Wednesday afternoon, October 31, when the program will be: Roll call, ("M'y earliest reico1l;ection"; topic, Historical Research,, Mrs. H. Currie; reading, 'Mrs. A. 'Hey; demonstration, Paper Flowers, Miss Vera L. Hamb- ey; recipes, Mrs. R. McCulloch, Miss Margaret Miller; contest, Mrs. A. Smale, Mrs. A. Jeffry; program com- mittee, Mrs. W. Mahaffy, Mrs. G. Wilson. Members are asked to bring a book for the circulating library and all ladies f)f the community will be made welcome. ,We are sorry to report Mrs. G. Wilson under the doctor's care, but hope for a speedy recovery. +Miss Catherine Oliver has return- ed to her home in Sarnia after vis - ting a couple of weeks at the home of her uncle, Mr. h Balkwell. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Reed visited over the week end with friends in Hamilton. Mrs. Hugh Norris, Sr.,' and daugh- ter, Liza, of Mitchell, were visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Drake. 'Miss Kate Oliver, we are sorry to report at time of writing is seriously The anniversary services of the An- glican Church on Sunday were well attended in spite of the disagreeable weather. Rev. Mess, of London, de- livered two inspiring messages. AUBURN 'Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter and family, of Parkhill, with Mr. and Mrs, John McClinchey and Mr. and Mrs. Sid. McClinchey; 'Mr. and Mrs. Dan Geddes, Wingham, with Mrs. McGee; Mr. Albert Mitchell and Miss Bawden, of Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Robson; Mr. and Mrs. Gaydor, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor; Mr. Bill McClinchey, of Parkhill, with Mr. Charles Beadle, and Mr. Albert McClinchey; Mrs. Wilmer Wilson with Mrs. Mugford; Mr. John Jackson, of Port Dover, with Mrs. 'Harry Govier; Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Clark, of Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips; Mrs. McCool, of Clinton, with her daughter, Mrs. W. Robeson; Mrs. Bradnock with her son, Wes.; .Master Donald- Ross, of Dungannon, with his uncle, Mr. Jas. Medd. lFolks away: .Mrs. Harry Beadle and little daughter, Dolly, spending a week in Detroit; Mrs. John McKnight and Helen Ferguson at Kimoka. The truck belonging to Mr. W. J. 'Craig was badly damaged by fire on Wednesday. The wood sides and floor were entirely destroyed, but the cem- ent mixer and contracting articles were saved, The cause was a punc- ture in the gas tank. Mr. Larry Harrison, of Ssltford, who assisted Mr. Craig, has his leg badly hurt. 'Master Murray Rawlinson was for- tunate enough to win the quilt at the St. Augustine fowl supper. A number from here attended the fowl suppers at St Augustlrfe and Westfield. There is a wonderful crop of beech nttts, butternuts and walnuts in this district. The second crop of ,potatoes in some cases surpasses the first crop. They are just as large end scrape very easily. The postmaster is b sy making some improvements on h s store. Mrs, James Woods attended the Women's Institute Convention at Stratford. - Two Auburn ladies were driving to Blyth `Tuesday morning when just west of George Mains two deer ran across the road in front of their car. There are quite a, few .deer in this district. r A numlber of ladies from the Pres- byterian Church in Auburn attended a combined thankoffering meeting of the Presbyterians at Smith's Hill. Dungannon, Auburn and Smith's Hill were represented. The progratnene was made up of solos and duets by the ladies of Auburn. and 'Dungan- non. Mrs. 'M'CWhinney, of the latter place, gave a very interesting and instructive talk on the work of wo- men, particularly the women of Bible times. A social half-hour was spent and lunch was served 'by the ladies of .Smith's Hill. The weekly meeting of the United Church Young People's Society was held on Tuesday evening. Miss Nor- ma Colette was in charge. Mr. Carl Yunlut read an instructive paper onTrinidad ` ' West is Hard Hit, The following is an extraOt from a letter received 'by Mr. E. Phillips, Auburn, from his brother, John, of Yellowgrass, Sask. Mr, John Phil- lips was ,formerly a resident of Whitechurch, Ont. It explains itself: "We are going to face the worst win- ter on record. I am afraid there will be a lot of suffering. We did not thresh a bushel on this place where we 'live. The drought is the main reason. The !hoppers were bad too. It is very discouraging. We thresh- ed about 100 acres on the old place and we got 700 bushels which gives us our seed (back and that is all. We had to cut a lot of green wheat for. feed for our stock. They are having a hard time to keep the schools open; people cannot pay taxes. South Sas- katchewan -ewes worse hit. There were no gardens and no potatoes in. this part." This gives us some • idea of conditions in some parts of the West. We are glad to say that the people in Ontario are responding so readily to the call of need. Mr. 'W. H. Golding, M.P., was in the village this week. Miss Tena Kempton, Detroit, was called to the home of her sister, Mrs. Harold Bogie, Auburn, on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Kemp- ton was unfortunate enough to fall down stairs and received a bad shak- ing up. She is improving slowly. IMrs. Robert McGee has been very ill but is improving. The Presbyterian ladies from, here were well represented at the Thank - offering meeting in Blyth on Thurs- day' night of the Blyth, Belgrave and Auburn W.M.S. Rev. J. Mills spoke on the work of the Presbyterian Church. Misses' E. Stoltz, of Auburn and Sunvmers of Blyth rendered solos. At the close of the meeting lunch was served. The anniversary services of Knox Presbyterian Church were' held on Sunday. In spite of the rain there were good audiences. Rev. Wardla.v Taylor, D.D., of Goderich, preached T SAVINGS DEPARTMENT SERVICE Every depositor in this Bank has the assur- ance ssumeance of absolute safety. He knows his money will always be available when he wants it. He knows, too, that so long as he leaves it in a savings account it is growing by the addition of interest compounded half yeady. To have ready money on deposit is a first essential to success. Open a savings account with us today. THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 SEAFORTH BRANCH E. C. Boswell - - Manager saFeif CANADA AND omens= y<7R c ANDUI ElOgr morning and evening. -In the even- ing he chose as his text, . St. John 17:25: "0 righteous Father, the world hath not known Thee; but II have known Thee, and these have known that Thou hast sent Me." The choir, under the leadership of Josephine Weir, rendered several anthems. Mrs. John Houston presided at the organ. Solos and duets were sung by Masses Eleanor Wilson, Josephine Weir and Edith Stoltz. 'Messrs. Dan Geddes, of Wingham, and Harvey. McGee, of Auburn, assisted the choir. On Mon- day there was a fowl supper follow- ed by- a play by the lisengannon dra- matic club, "Peggy'sulble." Visitors! 'Miss Anna Dobie, Blue - Sale, is visiting her (parents; Mr. a Mrs. Turner, of Goderich, 'with and Mrs. Jos. Ewing; Mr- and mid. Roy Farrow and - Children of Mitdise and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hand '. of . •Lucknow with Mr. and Mrs. Jahtl. H. Johnston; Mrs- John Howson, as Vancouver, 'B.C., and Mrs. Charles s Jones of Petralia, with Mrs. C Jl. Howson; Mr. and !Mrs. Walter Mo - Gill of Blyth with Mr. W. T. Ridden; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boss and lire and Mrs. R. McWhinney of passim - non with Mr. James Medd: lMr. Harry Beadle and Gordon wadi to Detroit on Sunday and were ac- companied home by Mrs. Beadles Dolly. N- BRAND CORN SYRUP pure. wholesome, and economical table Syrup. Children love its delicious flavor. Advertising is Good for Us ! That dusty picture of an optimist and a pessimist—the opti- mist seeing the doughnut and the pessimist the hole—is just a way of describing most of us: some of us habitually look on the bright side of things; others of us on the dark side. Always there are those who have a melancholy pleasure in fault-finding. And so there are always those who look upon advertising as an econ- omic waste and a means by which the sale of inferior merchandise can be promoted. It is quite possible to discover wrong things about advertising—just as it is possible to find wrong things about water and air, about books and speeches, about motor cars and aeroplanes, about schools and churches, about Canadians and Scotsmen, about knives and forks. Advertising is news and information, and who shall say that it is wrong to communicate news and information? It would be a pretty dull world, full of dull people, if there ceased to be a disa- seminatiori of news and information. In all ages and in all countries those giving out news and in- formation have attracted to themselves attentive audiences; and this is as true to -day as it was 1000, 2000, 3000 3ars ago. What stores are busiest? Is it not those stores which give out most information about what they have to sell? The public is daily spending money—probably $2 a day for every man, wo- man and child in the trading area covered by the circulation of our newspaper—or, say, $2000 for every 1000 persons. So you CUD calculate for yourself—you, a retailer, what is spent daily in our own community for food and shelter and clothing, and for all the other! things. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR McLEAN BROS., Publishers. Established 1860- s