HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-10-26, Page 7• • • 1 OCTOBER 26, 1934. These Advertisers Are Behind the Frolic. SIX LUCKY PERSONS WILLWINPRIZESNEXT WEDNESDAYNIGIIT Draw For Splendid Prizes. To Take?. PlaCe -At Regent Theatre HAVE ,. YOU A. TICKET? • Will your name be on one of the wiz tickets which will be drawn at the ,Regent Theatre onWednesday evening next? It certainly won't be unless ' you halve. purchased a ticket. As a result of the wealth of prizes being offered and the splendid cause • in aid of which the Frolic is being bead, hundreds of local people have *heady bought tickets. But in addi- tion to these are many more, who have put bff the actual purchase. To these the Lions Club says: Buy now --the need is great -the cause was never better. The list of prizes offered begOs with 40 gallons of gasoline, the win- ner of which will be given the oppor- tunity of purchasing a Ford V-8 Coach for $1.00. Next is an up-to- date Majestic 6 -tube two -door con- sole model radio. A 'beautiful hand carved oak chest is third prize. The chest is cedar lined and stands 31 inches high. It is four feet long and 20 inches wide. Fourth prize is a 15 -jewel Mars wrist watch, ladies or gentlemen's model. Next in the list of -prizes is a 97 piece Wedgewood & Co. dinner set. The last prize is a Wills razor. All the pries are on display in the window of Daly's. Gar- age. Arrangements have been complet- ed to hold the draw in the Regent Theatre preceeding the midnight show on Frolic night. The tickets will be .drawn by W. H. Golding, M.P., May- er A. D. Sutherland, George A. Jack- son and K. M. McLean. A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance Real Estate Conveyancing Wills' Drawn, Etc. Phone 152 SEAFORTH - ONTARIO FOR MUSIC SUPPLIES call at E. H. Close's Barber Shop and Music Store Grocery Specials An Open Letter 11 To the Citizens of Seaforth and Community: The Seaforth Lions Club ie cele- brating its tenth ann'iversary in De- cember of this year. For five of !these years the. Club bas conducted an annual •Hallowe'en Frolic for the !benefit of crippled children and carr minty welfare. Prior to that time the Club raised funds by means of concerts, euchres and dances, swiim ming meets, garden parties, carni- vals, "etc„ but - the policy of the Club since 1929 has been to concentrate on one individual effort, namely, that of the Hallowe'en Frolic. Therefore, the weight and energy of the entire Club is brought into action to assure that the Frolic will provide ample funds for the various activities of the Club for the period of one year. The Frolic has had a gradaa1 and successful evolution from a Modest beginning. Naturally changes have been found necessary from year to year, new features added 'rid old ones discarded but the Club has al- ways endeavored to give the public "a run for its money." The various games, events, etc., are all so ar- ranged to give the public a square deal and good value. At the coming Frolic on Wednesday, 31st October, two new features will be introduced which it is hoped will please all pres- ent. .. The really active LionsClub will serve its community in whatever ca- pacity it can serve best and the Club which merely exists does not impress anyone nor is it carrying out the real purpose of Liomism. Every Lions Club should take its full part in com- munity affairs and it might be well to briefly review the activities of the local Club during the past year. These include: Operated Lions switt- ming !pool and employed a full-time life guard; conducted clinic for crip- pled children of Huron County dur- ing which 42 children were given ex- aminations; financed tonsilkectomas on siic children; staged a community Hallowe'en Frolic; erected a com- munity Christmas tree and distribltt- ed treats to 560 children; collected and reconditioned used toys for dis- tribution among under -privileged children at Christmas time, in addi- tion to providing 170 parcels of warm• clothing for needy children; mailed 250 Christrnas greeting cards to shut- ins and sick. people of community ; donated a quantity of fruit and other Christmas gifts to inmates of Huron County House of Refuge, also con- ducted a musical program at the in- stitution; paid hospital and medical expenses for a boy suffering from Good until October 31st ROILED WHEAT, White 'Ma% 'Swan,, package , L OAfI'M1EAL, 6 pounds 25c COMFORT 90AP, 10 bars 39e OXYDOL, large package 18c LUX, 3 packages 25c With every Dollar's worth of �1 Groceries, 19 lbs. SUGAR for.. J. J. CLEARY PRONE 117 SEA FORTH -SmITTIE'S- Recreation For Your Games of SNOOKER OR POOL • CIGARETTES • TOBACCO • SOFT DRINKS • SANDWICHES ostemyelitis; provided eye glasses for five children; contributed funds to the Town Relief Committee to supply an additional 750 pints of milk per month to undernourished children; placed crippled children in hospital for treat- unnt; cleaned and prepared club's evri ening' pool for 1934 season, (Without the support and co-opera- tion of the public it 'would not be pos- sible for the Lions 'Club to function successfully. In a very generous measure it has been the privilege of the Club to receive this support in the past and by a careful observance of the rule of fair play the Seaforth Lions Club hopes to abntin+ue to de- serve the confidence of the people of this community. 'Again thanking you on behalf of the Lions Club for your past patron- age and soliciting your generous sup- port in aid of our Crippled Ohildren's Fund. Yours sincerely, J. M. McMillan, President. •- a THIRD PRIZE A hand -carved oak chest, cedar lined,- similar to the above, is the third prize in . the Lions big prize draw. The chest stands 31 inches high, is four feet long and 20 inches wide. Beattie's Meat Market Dealers • in Choice Beef - Pork - Veal - Lamb Schneider's Pork Products Home -Made SAUSAGE a specialty. LION J. W. BEATTIE Phone 96 N. Cluff & Sons LUMBER and COAL LION JOHN CLUFF FOURTH PRIZE 'MO splendid 15 -jewel Mare' Wrist Watch is the fourth prise in the Lions prize draw. Tickets will be drawn at the . Regent Theatre on Frolic night. One Year's Inter- esting Facts About LionsClubs'Work 3,987 children were furnished with eye glasses, bye 394 clubs. 4,198 white canes were presented to blind adults. $16,697.27 was expended Eby 35 clubs in supplying milk to undernourished school children. . 475,318 free meals were furnished unemployed persons by 8 clubs. FOR A GOOD SHAVE or HAIRCUT See Lorne Dale at the \-- Commercial Hotel 12,617 Christmas dinner baskets were distributed by 187 clubs. 14,600 framed copies of the Moral Code for Youth were presented to schools. $26,553.02 was donated to other or- ganizations for various projects. 4,533 underprivileged children were given medical attention. Operations were performed on 527 children. 2,034 underprivileged and undernour- iihed children were provided with summer camp vacations. $30,004.69 was donated to other charitable organizations. $23,285.40 was donated to welfare organizations. 479 children were placed in hospi- tals to receive medical care. 44,117 trees were planted through- out the country. 1,960,000 fish placed in lakes and streahne by 5 cluibs. A LION can roar, He's supple and fast, He keeps in condition By using SHELL GAS. MICKEY'S ONE-STOP SERVICE This is a Tip for the rest of you Dons. die PROVINCE of ONTARIO SAVINGS OFFICE • LION J. M. McMILLAN Manager W.R.SMITHI TEAS COFFEES CROCKERY GENERAL GROCERIES Phone 12, Seaforth COMPLIMENTS of H. M. Jackson LION R. E. JACKSON • INSURANCE With fii~ty Companies our services to you are *unlimited WATSON & REID PHONE 214 Specialists in All Lines of Insurance Have Your Car Serviced with SHALER RISOLINE For Winter Driving DUNLOP'S GARAGE Ppne 187 : Seaforth KEATING'S PHARMACY SERVICE and SATISFACTION LION J. E. KEATING Dispensing Chemist HERE ARE A FEW SEASONABLE• L9Ofley paving apeciais- Women's Coats—Heavy weight wool suede or treebark cloth, substantial lining, fully interlined; good selec- tion of fur collars. grown, Black, Navy. Sizes up to 44 $15.00 Women's Genuine Rayg) Crepe Nests, Bloomers or Pan- ties --Newest styles, guaranteed quality 490 Men's Overcoats—All new styles, good honest cloths, pro- perly made and trimmed $12.50 Men's Underwear --Watson's or Turnbull's, heavy cream colored cotton combinations, long sleeves and legs. Ex- cellent value $125 THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Our Motto is: Best Prcies and Entire Satisfaction Don't hesitate. Bring your Cream to us and buy your cream- ery butter from us. It is the best on the market. Highest Prices paid for Eggs and' Poultry. LION C. A. BARBER Stewart Bros. Members of Seaforth •Lions Club Cleaning and Pressing ADDS TO THE LIFE OF SUITS AND DRESSES Makes them like New. For quality work, call Sidney Dungey COMMERCIAL HOTEL Phone 227 Seaforth The Robt. Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Limited, Seaforth 'DEN IGH Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sutherland, the Lions are enabled to extend the Frolic to include a Special Midnight Show at the REGENT THEATRE, starting at 11.15. The entire net proceeds go to the Crippled Children's Fund. The program will include that Splendid Musical Success: • SH Manufacturers of Steam Boilers for power and heating purposes, " Traction and Portable Engines, Separators, Windstackers,, Feeders, Gas Tractors. Repairs and Supply Business Will Be Given Prompt Attention. Regent Theatre Seaforth at 11.15 p.m. AN OUTSTANDING VALUE Our 3 -Stone Diamond Ring at $15,00 Other Rings from $15.: up. J. A. WESCOTT Jeweler " MANY HAPLY RETURNS " Featuring Guy Lombardo and his Orchestra AND ALSO DRAWING FOR PRIZES By W. H. Golding, M.P., Mayor A. D. Sutherland, George A. Jackson, K. M. McLean. PRIZES 1-40 Gallons of Gasoline, the win- ner of which will be given the opportunity of purchasing a Brand New Ford V-8 Coach for $1.00. 2—Majestic 6 -tube two -door Con- sole Model Radio. This is the Ford Car that the 'holder of the winning ticket may purchase for $1.00. 3 --Hand Carved Oak Chest, cedar lined, 31 inches high, 4 feet long and 20 inches wide. - 4 -15 -jewel Wrist Watch. 5 -97 -piece Dinner Set. 6 --Rolls Razor. Cmpliments of the Canadian Bank of mrn erce LION J. G. MILLS Manager. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS- -on— LADIES' COATS, HATS, DRESSES AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE SHINAN'S LION E. C. BOSWELL Manager USINESS ,....,STATIONERY should be an asset to your business. It must be care- fully planned and well printed. You are assured of this service at The HURON EXPOSITOR LION A. Y. McLEAN "SUPERIOR STORES" Hallowe'en Sale — Good to Nov. 1st Crosse & Mackweill's Orange Marmalade 32 ounces 27e Robin Hood Quick Cooking Oahu, lame pkage19c Choice Docking Figs. New, 2 lbs. 17c Tomato Juice. 10' ounces. 5 tins 25e Derby Cheese. Slice or Spread. 2 half -pound packages 25e Clark's Pork & Beans. 2's, 2 tins 19e .McLaren's Jelly Powders, 5 pkg.% 25e Amber Honey. good quality. 104b. paii'1a85c "7 Deliveries in Town Every Week Day" ROSS J. SPROAT PHONE 8. N. PRYCE PHONE 77 WILLIAMS' BARBER SHOP For High Class Ladies' and. Gentlemen's Work MARCELLING The Bowling Alleys are now open. Have you had a game yet? BUY Trade Marked SHOES FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTION SELF STARTER, Patented LITTLE DAISY -and TINY TOTS, Registered Trade Marked Shoes Manufactured in Seaforth, Ontario, undeZ ideal working auditions. Prizes on Display at Daly's Garage, Seaforth. Admission- to Show 35 Cents Including Tax - .1 LION W. J. DUNCAN