HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-10-26, Page 5, a 1 a o OCTOBER 26, 1934. - REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, r NOW PLAYING SHIRLEY TEMPLE and JAMES DUNN, is "BABY TAKE A BOW" •MIONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY - BI( DOUBLE BILL — Charles Ruggles in "CHARLEY'S AUNT" Auto Buck Jones in "THE SUNDOWN RIDER" 'T HO SDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE — John Boles and Claire Trevor. in' "WILD GOLD" ALSO Leslie Howard in "THE LADY IS WILLING" Matinees Sat. and jRolida 3 ,' m, Two shows pi , t1 7 0 'sad 9.16:4 TUCKERSMITH Dr: MoLeba and' Mrs. McLeod and NT. and 'Mrs. Pearson of ' Brooldyn, 'New York, 'called on, Mrs. James G. 41Chesney. Dr. ,McLeod and Mgrs. ,Ches- ney were schoolmates of Brucefield school. iMr. and Mrs. Jonah Green and Mr. and 'Mrs. 'William Caldwell and fam- ily spent.a day recently in Stratford. IMr. William Hooper, of 'Seaforth, drilled a well on tie Doig homestead which proved a .great success. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClelland and 1Mrs. Hugh McGregor spent a pleas- ant day in Stratford recently. Mrs. M. E. McDonald, who has been the guest of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Green, re - Town of Seaforth COURT OF REVISION The first meeting of the Court 6f Revision for hearing ,complaints against the Assessment Roll for 1934 ,of the Town of Seaforth, will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, the fifth day of November, 1934, at ft o'clock p.m. . JOHN A. WILSON, Town Clerk. Seaforth, October 24, 1934. 3449-1 CAN'T SLEEP ST'S YOUR NERVES • Relief comes soon with use of • Dr. CHASE'S turned to her home en the Thaw Road. The death occurred at the Scot Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,,, .earl Sunday morning, October 21st, o Betty Houston, youngest daughter o the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hous- ton, of Tuckersmith. Miss Houston had not enjoyed good health for some time and on July 30th, in company with her mother, sister and •brother, was motoring' to London to consult a specialist, when they were run into by a car at an intersection of High- way No. 4 and the fifth concession of London Township, and Mrs. Houston suffered injuries which resulted in her death. Seven weeks ago Miss Hous- ton was taken to the Seaforth Hos- pital, where she underwent a very critical operation.' Her condition -im- proved during the following weeks, but last week she became very weak and was given .a blood transfusion, but the shock of the accident and her weakened condition .proved too much for her' strength, and although every medical care was given she passed away at nine o'clock on Sunday morn- ing. Miss Houston some years, ago held a position as stenographer" for the Dominion Canners Company at Brantford, 1 for the past number of years had been at home on the farm with her father and mother. She .was a Member of the Egmond- ville United Church and, her 'bright and sunny disposition won for' her +-rIany friends who deeply regret her death. The funeral service was con- ducted on Tuesday by her pastor, Rev. C. A. Malcolm, Mr. John Beattie sing, ing a favorite selection of hers, "Beautiful -Isle of Somewhere." . The many beautiful flowers gave a silent' tribute to the esteem in which she was held by her friends. She is sur- vived by one Ibrother, Andrew, of Tuckersmith, and one sister, Miss Frances (Houston of the Grand View school staff, Brantford. The pall- bearers, all neighbors, were Sidney Briarcliffe Mines LIMITED On the Mother -lode, California. Well financed and controlled by well known Lon- don, Ont., businessmen. Well developed with 50 ton mill now in operation. Low Capitalization We recommend this stock to anyone seeking a good junior mining stock with attfactive possi- bilities for appreciation in values. Prices on Application E.A.Siegrist&Co.,Ltd. INVESTMENT BROKERS Phone: Metcalf 3370—L. New Bank of Toronto Bldg., London, Ont. Or consult Mr. Wm- Watson, R. R. No. 3, Mitchell. 'TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON •BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued under the 'hand of the 'Warden of the 'County of 'Huron and having the !Seal of the said Cor- poration attached thereto, bearing date of the 16th day of July, 1934, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereunder enumerated for the arrears of taxes respectively due thereon to- gether with costs, notice is hereby given that in accordance with The Assessment Act I shall proceed to sell. by 'public auction the said lands or so much thereof as may be sufficient for the payment of the 'taxes thereon unless the same be sooner paid. The sale will com- mence at the Court House, Goderich, on Wednesday, November 7th, 1934, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. A. H. ERSKINE, Goderich, July 21st, 1934. - Treasurer, Huron County. TOWNSHDIP OF AeKILLOP Taxes Costs Total Frank Murphy, W. 1,( Lot 16, Con. 1 134.98 4.67. 139.65 John Nash Estate, E. 1/, Lot 17, Con. 3 60.82 2.75 63.57 TOWNSHIP OF TUCK.ERISMITH A. T. George, 'Pt. Lot 4, W. Centre St., .Eg- mondville B. Powell, Lots 15-16, North St., Egmond ille K. Powell, Lots 23-24, North St., Egmontiviile 22.61 62A4 20.88 110 2.81 1.77 24.31 65.25 22.65 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. H. Eilber, Exec., Lot 1, Con. 6 ' 13.31 1.58 14.89 Blossom Press, Pt. Let 13, S.E B 2.28 . 1.25 3.53 Enos Herdman, E. Pt. Lot 9, Con. 5 24.31 ' 1.78 23.09 VILLAGE OF 'H+EINSAiL .J. E. IMeEwven, Hay 'Pp. 66.82 2.58 69,40 .C. Wolff, Lots 212-213, P. S. 93.2.�3.66 96.80 Adjourned sale, if necessary, will be held on Wednesday, Novem- iber 21st, at the same hour and place as:aborve mentioned. 'Ai) lots as described above are patented, A H. ERSKINE, Treasurer, Huron County. Treasurer's Office, Goderich, July 21st, 1934. ('Puiblfahed in The Ontario Gazette, August 6th, 'September 1st, sad r 6th, -1984.) 8486-8 �L;;cii:may 'i THE HURON EXPOSITOR Village of Hensall Notice t f to The Village of Hensall hereby noti- fies all parties concerned that they will purchase all lands at the County of Huron Tax 'Sales that fail to produce the ?mount of taxes and costs reg- istered against said lands situated the Village of Hensall. W. J. JONES JAS. A. PATERSON Reeve. . Clerk. C 3489-2 DUBLIN , .. Doyle ., Ryan_ _. 4, Marof interest was sol- emnized on 'Wednesday morning nine o'clock in St. Vincent de Paul Church, Mitchell, when Mary Angela, daughter of Bir. William Ryan, Mit- chell; was united in marriage to Ger- ald Thomas. Doyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Michael :Doyle; Dublin. The bride, who was given in marriage her uncle, 'Mr. Michael Downey, St. Columiban, was lovely in her wedding dress of sapphire blue velvet with frilled Victorian hat and sandals match. Her Colonial bouquet was orchids, lilies of the 'valley, and vio- lets. The (bride's sister, 'Mrs. C. Per- cival Laing, Windsor, and Mr. Thos. Molyneaux, Dublin, signed the regis- ter. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Doyle left on a honey- moon " motor trip, after which ., they will reside in Dublin. McGrath - McConnell A charming wedding took place op Monday morning at St. ' Patrick's Church, Dublin, when Rd4. Father Foulkes united in marriage Veronica Catherine, youngest daughter Francis McConnell and Edward Stan- islaus McGrath, ; of Ilderton. The bride, 'who was 'given in marriage by her father, was attired in, a Jodehe costume, a combination of black satin and rust colored wool crepe, trimmed with silver fox. She carried bronze and yellow chrysanthemums. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. ,J. McGrath', 'of Windsor. (Mrs. Mc- Grath was becomingly gowned in crepe dress of Hunter's green with black accessories, and her bouquet was of yellow and white chrysanthe- mums. During the offertory the Ave Maria was beautifully sung by Mrs. Leo 'Fortune of Seaforth, accompan- ied. on the organ by Mrs. Devereaux, Seaforth. William McMillan and Jos. Rowland were ushers. The wedding dinner was served at the Hick's Ho- tel, Mitchell, where the table was prettily decorated in autumn flowers, after which Mr. and Mrs. McGrath left on a motor trip to 'Mor .real and the Border Cities. The bride wore for travelling a suit of rich 'brown, having a large collar edged with coon and abrown tricorn felt hat with gloves and shoes to match. They will be at home' to their friends after November 6th. A cable extending best wishes was received from Rev. J. McConnell, of Rome. at by to of of V. a Gemmell, James Love, William Tay- lor, William Bell, Peter Simpson and Jack +11tcKay. Celebrates Birthday Mr. John Nicholson, a highly es- teemed resident of 'ruckersmith, cele- brated his 75th birthday on Friday at the home, of his son, Arthur Nichol- son, on the Mill Road, where a fam- ily dinner at which a few' friends were present, was given in his honor. Township of Ti ckersmith VOTERS' LIST NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the Electors of the Municipality of the Township of Tuckersmith are here- by required to examine the List of Voters for the year 1934 and if any errors or omissions are found there- in; they are required to take such steps as the law directs to have such errors or omissions corrected. If no complaint is made within twenty-one days from the 19th day of October, 1934, which date is the 10th of No- vember, 1934, inclusive, the said List will, be filed as Vie correct Voters' List of the Municirality of the Town- ship of Tuckersmith, for the year 1934. •D. F. 'McGRJ;GOR, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith. 3489-2 / i I 1 ! 1 ' I 1 Clinton Creamery.' To take care of winter deliver- ies of Cream, Eggs and Poul- try, announce the appointment of MR. A .C. ROUTLEDGE as their representative in' Ses- forth. Mr. Routledge will re- ceive produce at the full mar- ket price; commencing this Saturday, September 1st. 8481-ttf E. C. Chariaberlain Clerk of the Second Division.Cotirt County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build,- higg, ` Seaforth. Office harm— Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday, i.to p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 10 p.m. SEIWICES WE • CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance. If in the mar- kerb tar " any of the abo"ve lines, kindly give tie a wall., E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance . Agencies Phone 834 e , Sftforth, bat. L . ; ' $4854f Y. • Money Saving Prices o uality Merchandise ASS TO DQ YOUR BUYING AT STEWART Men's WORK SOX Heavy ribbed, all wool, 26c. Code's Famous, e x t r a weight, pure wool. .35c Snag Proof OVERALLS p _ Black or Blue, in overall or pantstyle. The best Over- all made. $1.50 Men's WORK SHIRTS Good weight, Grey, Pepper and Salt Flannel. All sizes. 79c Men's FINE SHIRTS New patterns in Sweepstake Fine Shirts. Collar attach- ed. All sizes. $1.00 Men's FELT HATS New style wool Hats; Grey, Sand or Brown. All sizes. $1.95 Stanfield's UNDERWEAR Heavy ribbed, pure wool, unshrinkable, shirts o r drawers. $1.50 Fleece Lined UNDERWEAR Tiger Brand, extra quality, wool fleece. Shirts or Drawers Combinations 79c $1.50 Boys' WOOL SWEATERS Pure wool Pullover Sweat- fors; weat.,rs; V-neck. All colors and sizes. $1.00 BROS. Women's. Coats SPECIAL 15 °° Made of the new all -wool Treebark or Suede cloths; good ' lining and interlined as well. Colors are Black, Brown, Navy, Green, Red. All new styles with elegant fur collars. : Special $15.00 A Dress Special Stylish Crepe Dresses in all the new colors; long or short sleeves; good quality, well made and finished. Sizes 14 to 44 $3.95 Men's New Winter OVERCOATS 19.° A high grade Overcoat superlined and trim- med throughout. Tube, Raglan or Slip-on styles. EIysians, Miltons and Fleeces. Black, Grey, Blue, Brown are the g colors. Special $19.50 leadin ecial - p Men's and Boys' Guaranteed Leather Coats No matter what style or weight or kind of leather, we have them here in your size. Boys $3.50 to $7.50 Men's $6.95 to $12.00 Men's Wool Worsted QUITS 16.° Made of fine fancy English Worsted Cloth, in single or double breasted styles. Blue, Black or Brown, with fancy stripes. Well made ; well lined; good fit. All sizes. SPECIAL $16.50 Women's PURE SILK HOSE Fine quality pure ,silk, ri 616 foot and welt. Sizes 81/2 to 10. a1 596 Women's CASHMERE HOSE Good weight, . pure wool Cashmere Hose in all popu- lar colors. Sizes 81/2 to 10. Extra value. 49c Woolcot Overthrow BLANKETS Heavy weight, full size and satin , bound. Colors a r Ree, Gold, Blue or Green.' UAW- Striped FLANNELETTE Good ' weight, soft finish ; light or dark stripes, also. white. 19cYd. Women's VESTS, BLOOMERS - PANTIES In Pink, Peach, White; ex- tra quality, new style. All sizes. 49c Women's White Flannelette NIGHT GOWNS Short or long sleeves, full size and length. 79c Girls' WOOL PULLOVERS One hundred per cent. pure wool, Penman quality; long sleeve; Red, Navy, Brown. 98c DRESS GOODS A good assortment of var- ious. Dress Goods; Crepe, Plain or Fancy and Tweeds. Regular 75c to $1.00. Special 59c Yard STEWART BROS., Seaforth CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Notice is hereby given that I have onvplied with Section 7 of tit* Voters' moist Act and that I have 'posted up in ny office in McKillop on the 6th day f October, 1934, the list of all per- ms entitled to vote in said �Mnniod- >ality for menbess of parliament and Viunicipal Elections, and that sue& ist remains there for inspection. (And I hereby call upon all voters o take immediate proceedings to Ave any errors or ontdsak ns correct - seconding to law, the last day of t'ppeal being the 27th day of October, (934. JOHN 'M eNAY, Clerk of the Township of MIeKiliop 34884 ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer's License Sixteen years' experience. Satisfaction' guaranteed. Telephone; 13-57, Hensel Write ARTHUR WEBE*, R. R. 1, Dashwood. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate . Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICEAFORTH, on. Oi1FICE1FtS: Alex Broadfoot, 'Seaforth - Pkat Jansen Connolly, Goderielt - Vico-Plea Merton A. Reid, Seaford) - Sec. -Tram. AGEN'l S: Finlay MleKorcher, R. R. 1, Dotes; Jolm nts% R. R. 8, Seelo dt; E. R. G. 'Yarmouth, Brodh gen; Jas. Watt, Blyth; C. E. Hewitt, Kincardine. DIRECTORS; • William Knox, Loaxicedboro; George Lambert, Branagan; JearreD ('>� 3G derioh; Alex N. 3,eaforhh; Robert Peer* y&; Jas Pepper, pper', BniaeBetd• James ShoI diee, Welwyn; Smaf Wa TivoanaiAs f.&& No. d► Usborne & Hibbert Muttu Fire Insurance Compaixt Head Office, Farquhar, Olt. President - ANGUS Vie. -President - SON DOM DIRECTORS SAMUEL NORMS J. T. A IZE Ow WY- III OOATES MANE: McOONNEIA.AGENTS. JOHN EMERY, Centralist, Agent his Usborne and Biddaiph. .A LvIN L. HAWES, Munro, Agessflt for /Nanetto* and Logan. `THOMAS SCOTT, m, anal far ItIbbert. aVIIIIIS e ► $'rr as . t ftrater, .Ontario. G%ADMAN & 9'TANBIJIM