HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-10-26, Page 4% - . 4 ��� ��,!,� `!11", * . .... .gii �,4�?�-�,,�,9,'.�,1,1�','�',�j�.�,P,,�-,4"�,� lr�T,��,W�`t�j, �.,#M;�� ... 11,�,�,�i�,,�l*j�lig�14,iii"W���,l�4,i�'ll"�,�,���,��14"f.i'i�,�i,�'-',I��,,,,i7,�f.i,',.�R�,,�",Vl,y,�lli��,�V�i;,.,]I;A��%P,'61,1 i,��y� 1, 11111�11 1-il"YE, 11 � I, ", Y�12 il;I.;4"i41�1 - - - -,f,k,,,�,,,',%,�5.�iii��j,'�"7,f,�',,,P��,',�4�,,,� �'.�ft;�,", ,1,Tj4�0,0W111Vq,Rj'., . ­­ 1-11 - - -1.1.12 �X �,, � ,� 'M 'Aill, F-*!�11,� ), ',"'��,�,',�",T'�-,,�l�'.'�',','i�,�:� , n( - ",- ,".; I—, , 1�, I ­1� ­J,�� , , " � �)-J' �rp. ;- -- - ,�' I, , - ---g, gqg­"T�,�,Yvt,�A'.,�, ... 1'1�1­')""�;"",�,.t j�,- " -q,,%, -" " �,� �A ­� � , - ��­, "',,�', I I 1, "A"' - , i � ,; V,� , I �,, g � �, g", gp ""�)'�'��w'x­,,�,i ikfl' I lfflTM xq ,V����,,-�,-,�'T',"'�--�"'-'-�T,---""��,,-�,),,,r,,,�x";,', - k,� ?gjj,��,,,�� , " - ', � '4", ; " � , �".tl��'�g�,��ri'l,l)"""",t �',�,� 101'11k��,&,,,� " 4" 1��, . - � , �'�,�,N �,,� ".., "'­­'. 11 I 01 " ", - �'i% �,t3�'i�i� 1, ­­.­ ,,,,, � M : ", "I " ; , ,';,'41 , ,)5V,f ��i�lvvli�"lil�,,�",�ldii;�!'I � - P), ,�� * 4 , 0 ,,;,,,,, RI` , , � �', , ! r, ,,, 11.0 '.1 V 1.��, " -1 , ; ­­,�,�"­ , - ,�,­ - " I .. wpyg� . 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" - �� 'J " ��,A- W. -vv 0, . 10,"11 t1l".1''T .0-130or ot, .. 1. rw­ . t"*Ifto'' . , h ," 1, , : ly, " � , - �; V'71#1111i'p 1111� , , , " � �,�:" , ,, T � p" . ,.­� . ,s , '' � ­ , , "'. , 11 t.lw ij­ �111 �, � �gm ,��i , k, ��, A9A0.1j;, � 1 rc, 474, Ot �� . 17-1 W i�,�.;I,* "i . .. Jh A-MoO i7 00'' * �,X, ,,,4 *, , , go �,�,,,,� !, � .,,'.'' m,oxv 4. Ww, p#W ,,duet ., �, T�m,^`,m�?.T , . ".., , I aa,4 IX IF y -1�14 � , � - , il, - ,� , . ielt rA041,14 I A V.) 4�`,��',�,.,, -4 14 i . SPA ­ op, M,X� i iW. ..:Chq.m I .11 '.. I J)" � � ",010114 � �, - �, , �c .,,,�t . . , Aw , , ,. ,#­§ 50 'TT, - - - - i,! a N, I �� �:;iWy §"(�";',e ," w:"rm'', - ��g ." I. , oigm � ! M: , I - - , , ,,,,,, ­� "pA , , Y I %, , a 0buy"A at�� 111" , F 11 , I. �, :. . I A �'al. HOddo`� z4ow ,qu d ,�,, ,4 , - ,`�,;h 1 , - . . -� 014- � ­ q'Ilpo,, of - -,� 7-10 I WM=1'111* � � V 11 � I I � I , - , 1�11k, �V" -ei-, "Rullett, t6waAlp, NVIMAIn'; with W, `*,Q'M­e. I I � " ma, 11t; . . � . , " , ,- "v -,!n't;10a, O'n -� �.A%��2"­ -----., . 11 , , � , � $ I , I" ,V , X4010 " X I", ,­'�`.,` � 141asi 'I " , * �, ,4 -V I A 1ILM " �,�, , 1 4 ��P'4- 141: , , , I . .... � I . 1110 ,q .gLj,4"$jP , '. 80*04. 's'st I'N , tA.'..'t#0!'!`% a 44 1 �-.i� , A . . ' , ­" ''% '" 1.11 I ,. A.-1 �,` - � ,,-.,,, q ­� �, I # 7 - to, ,. jo.� W ' "I'll ... AwUy' f .. ", ; ­i,`� mpeasn !'*Tatieel�-74, *sAt 1per:W94. Xuuhnul�'4- 700 .,404% M -WX ,. . * "'.. " 14T. *04" NFI,144u6r'0�i , t 4 , ... '. -1 N � r k, . ' - T .;or ,10 cea� WTO 'Wh7te; M-4 bl., , C444r have " , - 6' ` " - I I #'14 ."VOT'Alfty . I � k�4 I., 10 -ii, A ii`g M44104 �,n . 5 I -�W , 'd f*T!,4. W, I -, koi­ , - N'Milt, ;�v �, J . lip, Tam.es L er4i�p - 1146V, s" Makinj U. �, bk ette 14'arm, No. r, .t , , e L- T I -.1 5 , '', , J�'i� . .1 ... I '*,q,! 1, , lh� ,,:, 5S Ve . . , � 1flWFW,(d1eA).. 11-110mbs 04VOMA pl; yl a , �. , � � I - I I - � . I � �.,.­'­'.. �� ­ , , .1 . ---- � u . . 4 1 I � " .. . '* I . d., ,� . , , ", I �i,� a�l'f',Rt : �,,�, -4 . . . . � , -� , �` W& OpprPI I � Mom ­;Geo, 0,1106s"*ith i4 k ser" , , � �. ,�ii 4�� 1 1 ., P, !a '�Qt'o iq,s�rtedfr- .W-aam ' . , , � , ..�, 1 �"t I . . ye. �P - en ,N10 I _ . _. 0.1vk" P -q - -6 ' 40610-` �­%k -,,, I . , �. : , .1' 4 , , , � & . � T I "t"11. I ., IiSq -4 -,,';*-1':Sa G1!aAyt%`-!­* ,d , - In W , . , . . -W' or 04. ­ WAY tQ-W* lia ,!� ,,Ing, 1 ,r A - f6w. haVp refi�,�Jx. ­.-to,'t-t .4 Vgai = "M . 01 ��� . I ,i ,, * *tq u, Box 141W � , . - . T- 1;51 - ; !111. 11- Ij I � 91ton . j , . . . - , j* I 6i�,�, w* 1; �­ a . . abor.j i* .44 Uur�.q ZK P', , ..M . W49F , " , 0" , _ . . . .. , , . ,� .Xillop t0WnSl1 J�4phn ,1X. Eckert'aftd' retti irg �,,,.,r t w , n - ,4 " �1, . I . --. - I . I 1. . I ,, , f�wlll x I � I "I , 01 , i* , , S,44'ift, " 0 , t " AdA . I . - 4 - V,#h� tjzv.�,O, Vr., Tm . " , , - . , , r, , . ,,,, , ' I - I I 'r , ync.q f n , �, �j , he ,We, wh .14 ObPv,% q1,09* ,01.1* Oot *aid bi 00 T . " . � ere,jhqy - . . 4 �% I , ., rT, a lio ,-�V�, �.-,u will be 04T014'W14 M' Q d 'J&-Cxav,i-n; Sta ' ' , , , :e. ,, 49;� 4,4 which #ke p4 twap wp,n, - . days , , I '. " - , , PP` ,� , , . ,� 11 , -W,W ­­­­­­ ­,­­ ­- I I -it - (O'k ':, i I er�, , 4P ­ � b4ft. ji9mo. I ,,ihlo�; . the . , SUP, U.Oy Lgbil"t and, ,:X:.r&,,,$t4njey W,%.h fi �t , , , xc� ­ , I �,,, , I � 1. . . , � - e. , 1,6i�, -t '. , . , - ' t Lamlvjqtqn.� of"':', � .1 1. I I : "! M, , gjgj, ,h r . , , , 'Stephen to* riship, Pa li�� �, I . , - �, . ,.� , . , ,�.`-,,'t�&'��­ �­j 'i I , I ..... I ..", Nqtire to Vredttox5, .rM. at*s qt4 . us0b's#4 -7 . � RmIllie, 44-4i . . , 1, . ­ -. @I e , " I . . . I ., ) 1. . . . - I. - - '1% I . ­�:­,7�11­­'�,�.­ -, � I . , 1;;i,�,t, ­� .. . , , � . �Mls 4 ' , . I k I �, ,,��: ", i, "i" Q'4i'� '­­� .11 . . (" ... i - -!4 V - ed ,e duvjng, tbw�)Ra, - 4�ek t I � I I ��I, ,��. I,, . . I.. AT",,", - , � 1 , , m& - � � ,'� m .-,a . , . -� I , , I Van; -Mut Eng -la Sal .' 11W'4'1�6 " - . acc� nw, � ��j­:, 't `,�:;3 , Qn . , �.. , � , 1-14"p.: b taken. �� 'Dr.. I I , k 9 "i� - , 6- gi,olie -! ib in 4du .. - ­ ­ . Fred Kerr , ', W. A ,. nzie . I some h4r­ , � ,',��,,.,. �'�, " �, . . . . N , �. and, Urs. 'Chas, n4i 21 k;r* - lfopr�v�i�eixta on hi 'she.. , �. .,,, - . stv ,6 x,A�190.�nor 24$ . . I � .;� , !; 3�i5�* . -, �, . , I ,� ; . Tacker i ' .. , I ,­ ,, f ... P . � �,,,� j , ,%,�,, ". , , -a -o Ith .40 ­ ,­ :­ '. � t, 4 . M. 11 I L I i .. . i I I ;�� A � I - . I - :. . " i #11'1�`�11, I .� 1. I - and Mrs. Leo Fortune; tsborne­fOwn,- � - . "I .. � . I 1 ;, � 1. I ­ ..I ... :, " � � --r . I - . - , � I � _ ­p� I . � � eg-iviinv, . . . . I 11"'I"A"T" �, , t", k ". . VeAts rem , . , I , I . a ,yort,w Nd'�Mx..a &� -C. repe.1-viaMR,.- , , 1� , , 1� �, Z, ", E, A1qCfi,6jj S�JeS , , ' &n*tb township,. William A ' bald) .� 1. A, I -, . V --- ,t!, .. -11 . I � � . � . il � ,. . 1, �­." 11; . k. .McDonell, 1M,ri, �L I . . r- 0� ma -,r -- � "I I .. A I 'i . . 4naghtoiVo ja . I Y LANE YOUNG WO- UOTION SALE AT GLtIGEWS I � . ­ le ., I . NOW'' C , . ­ry I 4. a . 1. . , , "'. I" "I I . . I .7, ,P, , "it S. ,,, ­ 1� -.11.1 .1 . , ;� � �� � Remall, on-SatuplaV., Nave� er ,8rd, I I � I'll �,��, . I 1. � .1 . I I � � . of N,w the,,,�,Interesss of, the,,L-'ard's.- Day Alli mal Vr�qs erian', ,Church� - con4ucied , � I - -L'. 1�� t. I , , � . I I . I'll i ,*,,'re on,Sa�gr4ay. Nov,w4eldcod tari4 waaon=t new ­`set (' is ,,and, Flo u. ,,,Fullartono . I - 1. . . . .- . . '� , 'r j�`.,­-.:­.­!-- �*.. -� -A-11 . � " qqfo 'ro . � - a: ,,.� ce-tiving. consic1brable, ctrt ,,,m * ' -vice- oili Sunday, last -. - - , �,-,---�.";,!��,,��-,�"?!"�,",.L",�',"'15'�"t, 1.!� ,:, . ,� , ­ .Va 4 1 -0 � 11�-!Upg- . .. I I . ­ OR; Tues196 410V aInTle -a -,W�nsb � -pp . a 'I , .11 . � 4 rme Saska sa - the- per 7 ft",; 0 ". 11 . 1 1348M . P � Man - 'to . ip, Orm " '. xcl)o�gall and I *- M - li`O�i oil n lr,716 �� �1 . ... ... � � -1-1 , � I , ,,, �), I � '11, , . . 6" � I . " F;;!,� lop ,�,;t"' 0 I , . � , . ­ . oung, pastor �.f Vim- ' thside United A . STABLES. e ip, Arrdhie lNer-gan and Mrs. Ch4 . �, I t9114A. I , ,It 11 . ed their *rts. ; ,� " ,t'..", � K I , , . ' - - , - I , - - , - ... ZURICg" , I �. L canvasser*aq h6re,this week in TRtv, '' . A. Y _ .a at Abns­ Hibbd�xt, tQ�rnship, F. O�Brien . � -11 . � � , ..�� i.. � . . . , be I . . . . ,.�. , ; . d m., consiating of the ftill(Wing, one - I )Yd jC!DJ14hou . . . .�� I 11 . � t XIN - ,,,�,,.,l 1A, , ;11 I I , ir ftne . * g,0 �W.Ojft.,. 1; I R- ",­- , - - J, d, - , �, ': ild Ylendid, -discoui Alklo- , Awlailwawauff 91. e AN , , , ­ I �, otL% walki:ng vlow, set 3-section'imrrowls. 40 ,.Mrq ---- . - -- - . - Won,- Sask-, ds-visiting-at-thu-Iome i . ow " , a . (ledivered' A si - se. ''. C .1. W- , � � ___Leslie S " ... ' '';, L ' I — - �,­-- te.Veu,Son� " .0 n1tok 1: � I R-01,01FUM . . . . . . . . . - . � L I - ­ - , ­ �- . ..... - - _ ----1-- koot� extemian , . -4410 I I . . . pacity 70Q 'pounds. aamf,%,jkei, I , "! � I I � :.� I ; ,� I . -aip Paterson.' , . i ,� * �r -for . ­ his par6nts,- Mf. alid' M S. Joseph #� dit4�' � ,n- jig', coutributions- The,.cKA�:" ­ - � th I -No 4' , L I ladder. ere= seb�x 4' . Of qf� w � ,� .Dir sang an an em with ,. il.4 '' .1 -,. � � 1, . "::6 �',,' - � .11 'T . . I �� , ,ftf : -� .1, . I I , .U.�*, R!� in ' " ' ; -h. wagoti _�_ - iii � � � corn a*d lux , , o t=- ",= M. P. Speaks ,L Bldcharine, Drysdale, .and other rela- aT4"'cOming - n A ,am&T,4e; in the way parts ,taken, by -Mrs. James - Un t d Found , 4� my 11 I I - 11 box, hay, ,�akd"�':atolqk T, .'�: covmWed, cutter. * Golding said, that the success t�ves at present. . I of, loading theic4� ht the 4-ailway �sta� 'The evening� service was -withdiaom. I I '' " , 1 , - I , � I . . �, .�, , .: �, 1� �:,'L6ST--A STi,lq. Op M , -theWest., Ilierewerenosem''cesin'st: - ,'4 . I hi. . A A _ ONEY ,LObT Fo,rd ,touring �=r,, ro car battery nearly of Premier !Hepburn. 'in Ontario in jXr. -and Ms. John W,eselob� Of tion.for f1le Uce4y,,,Pne§ an I I , All n i radiaix3i x4over, neckyoke. .getting lower in.terest rates on gov- V -p"Ul's - Mr. Durigan .1 . 1� .1, I -a*. John D. �Diciq of Orillia who. Anglican 16hurch as -the ,R c r a .. 11.1, 0 L " , � 4( I'll 1�� 111!11111,-�1-111�";ft on =, set,dar chains n' 1ruterloo spent a 1�-w day.1 here last ' I e ,to nd I . � . 9 IV I If datn,l I i"r Z wheelbarrow7whiffletrees, forks, & ernmerit boTrow,ings, had undo�ubtedly week T -, spent the pa .,-here with his the choir assisted at the �,'Hsrvest � C I � W Ies -Z , Kellog 13' 0 ��� ON �,VD��PXPQWTOR OMICV , . . � . so9xi room tnNe. bedroom audt(i. cupboard. B,n,,. *na ence enewing'old frieLds .S , ,.­ .. .... ", .., �1 , . I . I u Mr.- Bennett in his con- tgir. -and MTs. J. P.* .�ijL - pt week -D I - �L . - ., I .. . 13 ��, ��,� ,� . L - . good .dinner set of dishes, eumplete", , hen I d . mother, Mrs."Thomi%s', lek, and .also Thanksgiving services at Staffa. 1K. . ,� .. L I I L : - ­­ - " L � , , articles. Vrms version loan 'effort, 31r. Bennett ing relathles in Detroit this week. � , 4 I I ..�.�tL��'�­ � . visit . I I ­ atens�b, and numerous other With many relafi:�es and, friends, has A meeting of the Chainber of'Com- Here 'is his e ' *e letterr 1- . ", il - I --,r,a.j, 'ROR4 GE Gm. P-%�F; G, H- 'might just as well have done it in Mr. Milton: Oes0h spent the week- retlirned . 1'� his- h&kme. - I - , M L eree .1 was held in the couiteil chalm- 11t4ugiast, I ". 1, �Iwl--. -, �' . -2 . .L. "Am 70 years of age,F�an � d f6ff 11 :a I �,��"",L"".-.,-,I,Announcemeiits , I mu-tt, Auctioneer. I 8 ... 1992.w,hen rook -bottom 'Was reached end with ielatWes in 'Achigan. Tlx'o Chamber of,,Oominerce iutend bers-on. Friday evening las-t with a ... , �,� . , ... . I',, I �QL",j.. ­j�" . . L 0 . il ; � �Mv-�j . . ON SALE � , -nev -1 .�., i� OF FARM STock. im- for agriculture, he sadd. 1f he had IMT' , Jr., putting on 'a dined vaid euchre in the good attendance. years there . er vvAn� . . ,'­'R,&W,IPGj7r-S GOOD HEALTH PRODU veau , . I'll � I Wi CTS* A b and MirtsiJoseph 0orri The chair iras *C- L 40 Of'these . a q , , , ;xlemeuts and Household Elfgcts.-Crearge farmers would have been -enabled to of,.near St. Joseph, mourn the death TOW0 'I W,1 on the evening, of Novem- cupied by,rbheL president, M'r.. James, a,week. but what. I' had, t�. take 1 4 1� " 11 �V, , .�,' I , , , . I P100 4.e living; in , u-ilett wi.11 -please have H. Elliott ,has been instructed to seU-, without . .N.�:.�4',', . � . I 1. . ? "U.. . . I . � "1L, em :X%m readv diging, next three weeks. reserve, at Lot 21, Conedssilon 2� R�R.S 'bGrr*w money at lower ratesl and to of their 11 *oInths old, daughter, lber,7th. I I I W. BontbTon, and Mr.Mark Drysdale . ­ ,pill or some kind of cathartic.:, I ­ I , �..Ia " ' I I . . � "',"106M CARTE& Phone 268-W.. $eaifortb- ' e6j> thbir heads above water. . �. 4 �. I ­ j " "', I � I I . , 1 3489XI Tackeramildh, on Wednesday, O�iolZ Slat, Wt k . which took place on ,Monday. The Mir. and- tA&s. Ed. Caldwell, . of as s4eretary, A numlber of commlt� 11 took everything bu A , - ,,� , ; , , .1 . a o'clock sharp, the followirig: Horses---Oue Hope that at -the forthcoming con- funeral was held on Tuesday, 17 on. Sask.. are spending, a month t�es made their reports which 'w'*ere only temli Mir= , .. . I a 1�� i 1. , . it. . � . I 11, � �,,�, I I dh&t team a mares, 110 and 12 years old. ite.T- Laws .� oorary refiR. ­ '. A�,;,�.. I I I in the R. C. ceme- visit ing the rous relatives and PasSMOTe i 4s a nurm k T :a ,,�,�, ference between the provinces and I eral government steps would j. . :1 . . ,. , , , 0aftl&­11 DuAlam. caw 4 yeazu old, due De- the fed ment taking place ir nume very favm-able. Mr. John I spring my daughter, W116 I I . .. �541, ,' . I 1 comber 26th; I cow 10 yetars old due March tery at Drys&1e. friends. -eported re the skating rink and etat- , some . � ."11�0`-": lArticles For Sale . i in a hospital,, brought we I � .... �: 2,M; I cow 8 years old, due May 10ith,l 1 be taken.to effect major reductions in Kellogg's Ajj,BRAN. . 1. . I id L' 'X�.qj ��j"�­ � � At -a recent meeting of committees ed about'forty-five doflars would,, for .1 . ..., 11111 �, Durham cow 8 years old. due November �;& -. the ,cost of government were expies- Fowl Suipper N.;ets $450 . It ,,, , . I R- , '' - BAj`N ]FOR SAI.R.-IF NOT SOLD, WILL I bane cow 4 years old, due Novesuber 13th: sed by, Mx. Golding. I I . I I connected With the -Chamber of Com- the present time, take care of needed "At, the end of the weekl I kiievr I . r . - . .�.� ��" � . pen�. or sell 1br wrecking purposes. For I black cow, freshened 6 weeks, 8 years old, 6 last Thurs- TAIE�rce to arran�We for the Old s . I had sorm - . L �,�,,� ,,, " write BOX 124, Bras- The daim-Age done by the Bennett - The fowl supper, -held Boys improv"ementp. The, committee wa, -thing that *aslt, and 1. . I j,i:;,'-,jfu-rther vartiou.102s, day evening ,at the en'i tskm I . . ­, , a Durham steers riwag 2 years: 2 Durham tariff policies to ,Canadian. export' church shed of .Reunion, the fp1l6wing'-were appoint- empowered to go -ahead and' make kept on taking it. I ka'� * I � ,, " '' 489MI 11 � ", � � sels. 8 Ift., �l' - I . I teors rising I Tear Implements -i Massey- trade .h the Lutheran Church, was largely st�- ed.as an inrv%%ti6,Ti committee, A. L. the ,improvements. The matt& 0 the a cathartic since. A ian-eat West . � . 1.­,�,-. ,!. . ;, Harris binder 7-fq4A.rut, I McCormick mower as 'been made much greater . . , I ­ 64bot cut, I WCormkk rake 10400t� *IntL,ns- by the Imperial trade treat* which ' Gige, chairmalif, . gaTA -Il- � P, - . tend�ff and a, i , lq&,r . 11 T.", .great success. Nearly , : Johnston, Old 13*3�V' Reunion, to be, held here any time, as oftila.As like, or aiw-' I i �-,"��. - � �, "I G Minnie Reid, Ethel Murdock, Mrs. on the last day and ' other kind of food, and no cowd- �� 1,6� 1 �� �� ,I le.''. �. m Stock For Sale tu)majl bay loader and Intemationad side ruke. h -Ave resulted in� 38 countries inereas- LOW people were fed. and about one of June, 19315, I i . - . " 13 ing their tariffs against Canada, said- ton of fowl was consumed . two ±411owing days in th Mr. L.M. Durig - - Far 1 Mass�y-Harris culliVivator, Mal3t3e� Bertha Bell, XTs. -Aigiies [McDonald, the first --an. (A& .. "" " L 1, . , �Har - . The"pro- . - ,e . Nation." � 4 i I � 1. K1.", 1� I - disc drill. 1 Massoy-Harrib nranure spreader, Mr. ICTOlding. L L Land all re upon reque � I ., L . - dbic� harrow, didmond barrow. 2 ,walking net XV8 John Shepherd, William A. Me-, month of Jif�y, Was discussed , sa furnishe ): � '011 ,� R SALE�--DUAL PMPOSE. SHORT ceeds '-amounted to $665 and the i I I I I I , �, F -O ber of gkoy-gees.. I �I drill. plow, I land roller, I turnip Predicts Victory , I amount left in. the treasuryis about Laren, V.-illiam 'Sangster, G. M. .0ase' present were of one mind to endeaiv� Laboratory tests show KelloWs - I . & � ,��­: 'Plows - . I , ---- . � " 3489-1: *k1bulk" to e3r- . � � ���� a num . 1- Bruc-416d. -pwer: -I a $450. Tbe pio;1iram was provide& and, Mark Drysdale. s tary. The or to provide ways and means that ArA-BRAN provides I I . ,cuffler,. I hand �vtting box, I Olin- 'by ftte� I '. , . I . - � . ... ' le i. I i ,,, �. GENERAL ton fanning mill, s�q',scaaea, (20 hundred); I ,Tdr. Sanderson, in speaking, said local talefit ai�,'d Zurich Brass: Band above COMTM . will rep ased to would �nqie it jboth.-a--pleagant-wid ­ - intestines, and vitamin B , 0 * 'a . ­�,� ORSE FOR SAT . -GOOD . . . � I ­ � erciser the . . . . I I ";', I , ,H I purpose horse for sale.. Apply to BOX eliding bay rack, aftso I hair. rack, I low that the transfer,ence of two Perth played during t�e ,evening. ' I receive names .given by- any in the 7-rofitable reunion. In this connection to help, muscle tone. Also iron 1bi Val 11­�, I I wagon, 1 rhedium, ragon, I totp buggy rub- townships to -thi� Huron riding 'Was a ' -1 � I � I . jL2, THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, ber tire, 1 democrut 2 sets bobsleighs, I cut- Sa.nllpl,e - Mir ,�Hawesj.enginoer with the De- neighbOthood who -would like to have the need of reorga I I 01 '. t,, I Seafqrth. , � nizing -the Hensall, W blQod. . # I I "" :; oil sta&ing the cards and, , - '- - I 1�., . . 348" . I � " . . . ter, I wagon box with spring ses�t, el partment qf Highways, with'the coun, relatives Or friends invited as the Band came up and met with 4 very . �"1111 " .. . I 1 'etav, loading the dice for political advant- ... . :The 'cb@k" in 9 Is miWA ar ", " rl� - box, bay forks, ropes and wling%, 1 s cil- and road superintendent of Hay committee ,are, preparing a mailing hearty, . reepption..' A committee Was , , Am- RAN 6 I ti ,UP., " � - double Irawness-, 2 sets single harness, 5 hbrse- "age. . I I like thatof lettuce. Insidethe baft. , , �� 1, �!�� 1. ' 11te I stoneboat, forks, shovels, Referring -to the Ontario general township, inspected a number of cul- list to.send away as soon as possible. named to look after the reorganizing it forms a soft mass.. GentlYi. ft �$ �;�.;�', Property For'Sale or nt h"tra, ' ", Dr.'Ivan Smillie is making, good and iletails. The forming,of a Farm-, . I " I ;.-:11 I . oes, chains and numerous other articles. A ,election. Mr. Sanderson said that tflie verts on the township roads orn Tues- 1. . clears out �b.e intestinal wastes. . , . . , ' , I � . I'll, 11'.�.� I I I.,quantity of Rtunber and Vhnk;.21f cor,& of . . -1 ! .. ­ ­ I . I . I ­ impTorvemen I - . .. I i. ­1� I : .- I AI&E. - A COMFORTABLE EIGHT, ,�tove wood: 10 feet %-:indh ga.1vamized pipe; ,Henry trovefnment in its pre-electiori 'day- I ts to his office 'and dwel- ers" Junior Club was very favorably How much safer than Patent' . �1, , �', Falr 8 -va Mr. Richard.� Jeffrey, ' who lingi rooms in his block ,on Main' St., considered and steps .will he taken, � . , 15, I'll . 1. ;1 � medicines. TWO tablespoonfuls-diOr I L I �.F.. . rommed house, situated in a convenient 27 ton� of hay. 5 tons -aff-alfs. bay, and I hous, works 1program'had n de ,a brazen 11 -pent , 1 ­��;, -town. -ted hold effects� - Terms-CaBh - effort at open c()rruption of the elec� - ee S wi h , anion- which is the taking down of in that matter. The meeti .. , ng was A , . part. OT p If not sold will be ren I - JOHN T. MAR - some IV k t his mother here, has - . I are usually sufficient.'With each . L � =1 - - torate. Detrodt., Llb. vault that was so well and se- most harmonious one and evidenced "If not re-- - ,,,�-,, to a- pable tenant. Apply Irt THE EX- TIN, Proprietor; George H. Elliott, Aue, But public senti ment was left for I . . � :,,,,,�, .�, 3 1 meal.in serious 6ses. 1, �, ,,�,; POSITOR OFFICE. 3461-ld tioneer. 488. aroused and, practically wiped out the The recent rains have helped tr -'urely built when used, as a'private that the members,were all intent in lieved this way, iee-your'doctor. .1 I . I 11 . �,,�, . - . i . ''. — - — . *-)ank by the lateJohn -McArthur and doing their part. Another meeting � . .11 R RM4T­MODL'RN DWFJ- UCTION SALE W`ILL 13E HELD ON SAT. Tory -party provincially. � Tnnke plowing easier for the armer It.. I t I Sold in the redran&green pa*4 , ' . .. � ­1-.FGR'SALE, 0 A . ! ',iis brother-in�law, Mr. 'Harry'. Arn- will -be 'held in ahout a month f 'me . , � "I, � 1''.. ling #mse on south side of Goderich St.. urday, October 27th, .at one o'clock sharp, . Says Bennett Facing Defeat but wateT is still very scarce in soull s t -I - - . . . I 1. 1, . I ck from'Main Street church- 4ind every two weeks following at Cudmore's ,'I don't'expect a geiieral election * )1d" the ivault being taken down . age. At all grocers., Made * K4-, . . ... :1 , .-,-. Segd3t,rth, �Dne blo . �,ections and it has be4n necessary ly L for The'comlinittee fo-r providing coming logg in London, Ontario. ' I . -1. ,.: es and' §chools. New $-piece bathroom, new Dam, Seafoith. Any pen;ou with anything this year but when it does come the many cases to haul he purpose of giving more dv�elhng entertainments., in the way of plays, , . . . . I , It, -�r fuxmt6e,,4ectTic lights and town water inat to sell ,or exchange, 'phone in your list to ' I ths - I I -- . "', has been freshly painted -and. Carl Dalton, an or h Wednesday defeat of Bennett will be on a par live stock. ,.,,I.,.. loom,-9pace, as the doctor, apart from concerts, dances. wnd euchre parties " . I I " I . I �� .,. I.. . . ­ I . . - n b -' - -bat received ,by Henry onl dwel- mlet ai the, close of the meotin .1 , , a ,�Tgjs 1. I 11 " . "j - . d=�� �agtou,L bpmediate possession 1 noon, so it can .be ad=.a We have the with t Y.it The growing of celerv, which hw . , g to . I , ­ I � fine office, is fittin' urD tine . . I � . . �". I con be given. Apply to R. S. HAYS, *Sea- 1 lkyllowLaV: Cows -A nurnber of 'cows. two will' cover nine pre 9 -ground' flour ,conifV.r together. I 11 . . I I "I ".�.­. � . , vinices instead Of developed rapidly in thi's section thr ing rooms, hoth on the ON GUARANUM . ... I 1 if -4- ��P. .,: ,- 3464-d Jersey heifers 'due to fresihen sdon, I good one" he said. " pasi few years-, received a severe se' ind second, and jitst recently bid a M!is. Laura Miller, of Wdndsor, who ' I I ., ", t" '4 ,,� : .. ....... � �,��'� 1 �­ , — milkink; I good Dur(ham cow 6 years old: ThE , WST 11 1, I.. . . 1 i Durtham cow 5 years old, bred live months I TF w"': ,- � I , several weeks here visiting , , . . — . November 1.5tih; I j�od Dur- ing to do with any National Govern- 'Me A.Y�PLAL of St. Paul's Angli- -her sister, INTs. Charles % . I r - ' " 1�1, .1 ' . 1 . -, due to freshen ! Liberal party will have noth- �baek this ."asqh, The �dry weathe- - -,00-d furnace installed. has. spent ­ . and early frosts have cau Ji�ks �Lnd 41 CERTIFICATES ... I I . 11 ��'. . , - rms . ham cow 7 years old, due Va freshen Novem- r. Sanderson. sed conqid ,an Church -held their meeting with other relatives and friends, in the . vil- 4 4 � ... � fa For Sale I ment, said M: .1 erable damage- and the crorD is onlN " I . I �t.i . I . , . I her I&th: 1 Polled Angus hall ready for ser- .Rumors that the health of the Lj,E)- wtout h.41f . .. -t spj-endid itte7idance. Installation lage and ivicinity, wag take�.L very ser- . I I � . I . �, ,,�'�*,!�, — -F - Pigs ­33 rucken. and ebunka. Sheep- ' is I 1 44 I" �­ ! k pOR sALE.-FOR SALE PART LOT vice G.ab-Oue eral leader is slich that he will not what grown in nornu . A legal investment for Trust Funck . I . Pure bred Leireiter ram lamb. ye"s, . I -pf officers took place with the follow- io�ily ill the latter part of'last week �, , ,,�:­ .. ,2&-u�ld 29, Concession 3, TA,Kilov, con-- ny goat, making: I y6ung ,nanny goat. be able to lead thie party arle other . I . . , . I . I I , t� acres 'and known as the T. EL Lrnvlomonts-1 walk - ing plow, No. 7; one samples. of Tor7 'propaganda, sdi - d 'ng -Officers ,being elected: Patron, --and on Thirrsday evening was t en .. ,,, , Wiring f% Zurich Junior Institute Meet�Th, Ak $100. and Ppivards, Accepted fiw I , ",'I ' I I I ., I!. 1, , .� -;Haysl.foizs� Must be sold to cdose the estate.- baggy; 4 haxdllghts for ChevTold . Zurich Branch of the Junior Inst; Rev.. M. B. Parker; Honorary Presi- by Dr. -CoIlyer in the ambulance to, , For Particalars t*, three shift Mr. 'Sanderson. I . , . .1 11 � U noteold will 'be rented. gears; 2 C-bevi4olet radiators; I set rear end lent, Robert Varley; past president� Scott Memorial Terms of 5 Yeam o : i . apply to,j. M- 60VTINLOCK, Executor, Sea- r Buick; 3 pair of chains. t ... heel . Wr. King was never in bi-tter fight- tute beld- tbeir monthly meeting i Hosoital, Seaforth, . ­­ r , ,::::1 It', - , tort& "" �. S358 -ti gears fo Hiss Louise Drummond- vice-presi- for an Operation for acute appelboi- - � . I'll ­ . . ,'e,ngi,ne neawly new- Harness ,ing -trim than be is to -day. He has the Town Hall, 7iurich. recently. Mis I Unconditionally Guaranteed . . . , ,� c . , � I I il I — -2'setn of double harnm3s,*l set sin -Ole bar- lost a little weight 6,it not in tj seau president . of ttb r; secretary, citis. Dr. Feever, specialist of Lon- � . . - ­ . . - , 1 ---7 Club, pTesided-'­ Tolin Farquhar; treasurer, Mrs., T. don, assisted with the operation and . t: , ie Tre'ne, Mous ent; Mrs. 0. R. Cbllye' . .1 - . ne- -fth collpr rmd hame3; I set single way the Tories would like. over the,business s � - 1, . . .1 R.z!.,�, � harness with bireset I I . , I . 11 � ' ' Creditors a coliar: 1 set delivery . . d es , . � , 11,,�., . , NOtices to . harness. with cfo�lar nd ham6. Furniture— Tells of OrpInization Sion. Ths meeting. was ovene b- ., avender; pianist, Miss Ethel Clark. at date of writing, although very crit- ' , 'TH 1! . .­­ . . he 'officers who -were present were ically ill, is doing a� well, as can be . . 1". ;", -- .. I bed and sr&inva, I bed spr4ngs and mat- IMr. Fraser's speech was prefaced sing1bg the. "Intstitut6 Ode" aftp nstalled. ' Followin- . . , .... A .1 7 "t, � . frets�3, I extension table. 3 was,h stands, three . . wbicb the Lotrdts, Prayer was reefte I I this a social expected, Her man:� relatives a n -d: �! Tt�� -� with a few remarks on or the fol- friends hope she -will make a'goo,d re- , STERLING I t`­;-�,,,­,' p . - XO#'NCE TO, CREDITORS toilet. sets� 1 three�ivarter bed mattress,. one ganization. .in "1:11, � � tl." I � I—' � I, I � el,ectrix ir,3u, gr-las seed sower, 2 coal oil unison. Tbe3�bll call wag iesbor,4 . rogram was enjoy�--d, with . . ""i il, The Ftontenac-Addington ,by-election .. ' ' , � � . , . jjo;��MATTti OF"A PROPOSAL FOR "-ster­� in which a Liberal won the seat for � wl N 1 . ­­ I One -Sv--.qtitin,1.11 TI, I r- ; ;I �� 1. It � � ed to by "TvTv , " � mllqical numllmrs: , -Girls' covery. ­ Her family, 'Xiss� Moxie, of. - I I . , , I �,:'' ., , 4 ,6.1.,Dil 1.,nns, I hanging Iamp, I : I I 01 I � wood h,vater. I box stome, I 3-bm-ner coal ad] Prinutes.of th,6 I&A'meetlng- i Kay 'Dobbs, Beryl Wlindso�, -and, sons, Ro§s, of Wiri∨ I I � T�v ette, Misses � ­ TR U S- T S � , - o=lcsitioh. exteryt,ion or scheme of ar- the first time s,inee Confederation were -read quart I L �� �. �. a , stove. 1 feather t1lck, a number, of new axe, , and -,Dorothy Drum(mond and Jean and Jilin, of Toronto, are with her. � . g.�� . ""41, �� �. , , . 41 , I 1 . rangement of NICHOLAS J. K1LkUSKOPF1 shovel, pick� harnmr and fork handles, 1. Ebows, he said,'that there is a float- and adopted. Miss , Grace Gelinas . musicnI selecti,)n. Mr. Pcus- 3fiLster Bobby Collyer, Imuug I I , ! . ftrmer- ', V Fnqt�4r. CORPORATION . � '.,4�,' Take notice that Nicholv3 J. Krauskapf, re- new hack saws. I long ci-awbarr. Fowl --42 ing, disinterested vote which is a took charge of the literaty meeti.ng sell -, son , . o � .11� Jersey Giant piallets ready to lay; 20 year- fertile ground for cultivation by any ,which eoMfsted of sords very ,guitar selection., Kat&ryn. Drys- of Dr. and Mrs. Collyer, who has beeni., I . TORONTO sidig 4n.'th . , .. I P , e County 'or District of Huron, inter- ,;�'. . I rst was a ta & on - I ."i. , ­ in the roviace of Ontario. ihas submitted to ings: 2 Guinda fowl. Fruit -25 bushe!s of party. The Liberals, organized this jesting numbe!rs. M d&14,'and, a violin - ,S01o, by 51iss Greta I I , � ... .... I , me- for the comideration of his creditors a �-les, Spys and E&Wwins; 5 bags of cook- viete in Frontenae-Addington a n d "Breakfasts" by 3fiss Irener Lam1mie, Games and lu-neh were en- I . I �,:�, onions; a few bags o,f p,dbatof-s.. RaM3 Iwo - * � . I # . I ,time or s4heme of arrangement). ' A general log L - .W �.. ..,7,� � ere swept to victory. of 18,0oo on seau. This was"follow�d by joyed. 3fiss Louise Drummond wag 0 1 . extemion of of sale will be made known on day of sale. w a fruit -9 I 11 , I ipr,opo�al lor a composition (or a Watdh for next week's ad. Terms -Cash. the lists, only goo or so didn't rVote. contest of which,'Xiss A�ary Coleman coWener for the program. , . . . .1 11-S, Taesting of cripatbrs will be held t the Town CENT A MILE FARES-NOV. 8 FromSEAFORTH I , I- 1� � 11� 5th day of CARL DALTON, M,anaver; George H. El-' Mr. -Fraser reviewed busin-ess of was the winner. The guest speake -i,� oanquet for all Anglican young . , '�.. Hall, Seaforth, Ontario, on the liott, Auctl— � 3489-I 4 1 1 ,ip�g - -, I - Naverd,ber,;F 19Tj, at, 0. bon, of T.30 .'cloclk the past session and ,predicted that of the evening was Dr. -P. J. O'dwye )eople, in ,Huron Deanery will be To C.N.'R. Stations in the. Maritime Provinces I I'll, 11 . . . . . ;,,,� ' jin the afak-no6n. — I the C,onservative appeal in the gen- of Zurich, who gave a vei- inst c ,eld in SV Paul's Anglican Cb-,vrch, Province of Quebec, New Brunswick, Prin�e Edward Island, Novd 9" � � 1.�'­: , MATEDI.At Farldwich this 23rd day of .�, ru � I I M, ,4 eral election 'will be on four policies: tive talk on "Elealtl,," whi 'linton, on Friday', November 2-nd, r I ; ;'g.�--� . I 11 -1 1.1, � October, "&4- 1 Cards of Thanks ch was en it 7 p.m. The speakef vn"ll be Mr. . NOV. 9 to OTIrAWA $7.20 1 1 r,, f�g �J'r , 4 E. A. CORBETT, (1) The extensiOn of the Steivens joyed by e�eryorie. tMiss Grace Gel C " � � � , . , i �;, I -sprea investigation; (2) The inas thanked him on behalf 3 � .. "I , OfEcial Receiver., 3489-2 MRS, JAMES BLYRRY WISHES TOP ACK- ce �ds of the In 3hemood, of Woodstock. 'to MONTREAL $8.30, QUEBEC CIT* s i 1 -SS I . , I - 11 1;�1'01 I 11 . — '. -- - nowledge with sincere thanks to her Bank of Canada; (3) The result of stitute for. showinz his interest ir . The Y.P.L. of the United Church ,­ to Ste. Anne do Beaupre $12.1S I . . . I "I 1, - " �1� . the Imperial Trade Treaties; (4) e their work by speaking to them. Th, ield their weekly meeting with a . ROUNP TRIP FARES I ,,�.q 1, : many friends for their kindness and synVathy U'1�1�1­1 . Th ,,� ber racen ,rood - attendance. One of the pleas, ­ I . 1�1, ,,, t NOTICE TO CREDITORS t sad bereavementt� also for the Natural Products Marketing Act. program was interspersed by com . " . 4�lt :. beautiful floral tributes. MRS. J. BERRY. lyl-� ,�- I I _ . i��, I t.m ,!" � I I 'n . . Outlines Policies ng features of the evening w I . 2Y,ckets and Information from . �'.­, I . 3489-1 as a . Agents -Ask foj� Handbm . t" I ALL munity sineng. The meeting cam � "'. �,� HEREBY, GIVEN THAT Concluding 04i�. FrasOr declared that to , close by stnging " ; . " �' NO-TICE Is — very interesting talk on, "Heart Gon- I � �, . I � I creditoft -and others having claims against HOUSTON FAMILY WISH TO EX- the Liberal party can 'be expected The Mapl iitio,n in Middle Life," giv,pm by Dr. . 11111�� -'the estste-df Andrew Doig, -late of the Vil-ITHE to Leaf" and the giils join�d the bay . CANADIAN NATIONAL . - ' ' ' ­"'­ 7-1 ress"their g��+,%ppT-edarbjoa to all theii. enunciate polieies for the benefit of 1. S; Smillie; a solo by MISS . I � o I , . , rD '.I .Uge ,of Egmondville, in the County of Bur- p Bells ,', .,.� I . on, Retired Parmer, deceased. who died oil 1 friends for theJove and syrnpathy which has 'all. Apart from the general for the joint tme?tin,g. TW--nei' ': T3b I 3E. c j � .' been shown to them during the illneas of policy Junior Institute meeting will be li�el, 9nitale; a�comlpanist, AESs r lorenjee - .. � 0 � � -'. -6he l4th AY of September, 1934, are required, of removing trade .,barriers, two of � , I . . I � 1..k� their sil�ter. f3ett�, to the names and BOad-d in the Town Hall, Zuricli, on Novem, XcDonald; ,solos 'with guitar accom, I Ry �t ID forwara thdir claims duty prov Scott Memorial Hoqpt4tal and Dr, Sproat . I ,,- 4 .e� to �he,,,,, the most impoitant measures will 'be: -0 -1 11 .." ., 'um"rsi""d solicitor �or the A,dminotrat=- � 1, .". �. :� I who mve her every care and atten d to !(I) 'The setting up of a Nation -a] ber 7th. All young grrls in �be com- -f"-"entb� Jim, Watson and a -read- . v . -1) ,, � i i,,,�* � tion am ng I I . . 11934. ' a -rid assisted Economic Council to control incor- miunity are cordi&�ly invited to at rs. George Hess added much ,- .. R'." on or *befoie the Third, day o� November, I 911 who ,Ioanod cam, sent fto,wera by M . I . I ,,:: ,: . . y at the funeral. - 3489xl Lo the, -program. t(11 I.: . AND NOTICE 14 FURTHER GIVEN that - so kind) porations and expansion of business, tend,. ­ . I . - In, The Youths, Welfitre Club of Car- . I I � I �, ,ft, '. otter, the %aid lait mentioned dote. the Ad, i . not to control, or to own, or to soFeiai- Misses Phoeb�- G-elinas and Ar , I . ;��, , . Infniati%itrix will proceed to distribute the — ize ,business ,but -to regulate its de. D"uar, ,of London, �pemt Sunday a vnel Presbyterian 'Church met Mon- . . I I �, I , , I ,�'. -.­.waels - of Abe estate having regard only, to In Memoriam - Joy elvening with a splendid attend- . .e, I , � ��'�­'tthe claims of which she then shall have no- . velopment so that it shall be consist- their respective homes. . �,-,c­ :` ' tke� . � . I ' � � ,� ,it P", . -, PR*OUf) AND LOVING MEMORY ent with the national growth. 'Mr. Harvey Gelinas motored t( �nce, with I.Vhss Irene Daters presi& I . .. - ­ 5 ,,,t�,,: ; � DATED - at SeafoTth. Ontario, this I Gth .day lN OF . ing. A very interesting address 'on ' I , I . "i � �V`�, .. , - lof. 6�tobe+o 1984. : . . Pri�te Jobr,, E. B Ilaird, who gave his lirfe 1(2) The erection of a National London on Sunday. ' 1. , ,, I "Our Duties to the Chureb," was very - ` 111��, .ell�' I ) � JOHN J. �HUGGARD, in France October 24u l9agp6in his 18th year. Finance Council for ,the rehabilita- Mr. Wilfrid Ducharme spent -Sun -your . boss is Ai czar n a a and IN* �, I 111 L, � � I Sealorth, Ontario, tion of the whole 'financial structure. day with his friend, 'Mr. Claud: ably -given by Rev. Mr. Lane, of God- I . I I I ". ,, -nistratrix RoA on, �Iear J�dhn, in your distant gr.,�� 'rbe wages- of mopey must be kept Gelinas. - ,.rich, wbich was much enjoyed. � . I ,, . ,. f : soltcit6r for the Admi - - . - I � 1,11, il " " .1 . I A 8488-8 Your life for Voul' country' you nobly gave, level with the wages of labor and the Young People's Sund -was ob- ­. -'expects you to be two P1 'C" . I , 1, ' ay , , , .�� �; I, �.:, . I 1; . , While,the povoies in Flanders blow over,your . 1-1­L�,­ —! h" . Price of farm comim-rdities. The mon ' J6-- rerved in.the United Church on Sun- I I I . . . ;" .101 I . - I . �N �`t� ".., I , I lesp on with Canada's honored d6aA opoly of financeg must be broken. lay last. Large tong,regatians were : t the, same ti - and . 4 4 Z! , ,. 11­�, . . _­HiS .... I 'Auction Sales SMer, Mrs. George Eaton. HENSALL me a a a ';If I,,, .. I There is little 'hope for' the people - 1)resemt at both aervdces whic� were �1111 .. I .. � I 11 I 1-1 ... . I ��' .. 84:88xl N0MUWN0WEWEW� -� , , I - I c, ej�;". j., I a Ut,na,i; SALE OF FAIL -M STOCK- in the present ,zet-up of the Bank of ,reatly enjoyed. A large choir of . . : 4 4 � ,� 11 11 � 4" 1, , - i �� .1 ­A­tWilliam A. Mair has im0ructed the un- He won- Officers Installed 11ome thirty. voices ]ed,in. the service he vtoin*t take excuses n a a, , � 'Canada, said Mr. Fraser, , � . . & � � �4, ?, �',%. dersigned'.% sd1l by public auction at Lot I dered if the banks yielded their gold The officers for the incoming term 'd song. Rev. Wr� ,Moore a Grand . . � I . " c- .� T941 5��Aihon- % Huqldtt Township. 6 ..N. Births to the government at a loss of $15 of Ife,sall I I I . "I -k�, Lodge 223 Independent Or'- Bend was the guest speaker for the - : . '- I ;;;: ­4� ­Vbith of Clinton, on Mondw, October 29-Uh, an obrite without sorne sort of an un- der of Oddfellows, were duly !norning, delivering a ver � .10 -­ . . 11 t117111 , " . 1.11,11. : 4 .. P. -L" ,66n I ianenexig at 1.30 o'clock sharp, the follow- THOWPSON.-At &L Mary's in -stalled .y interest- I . I .� 1"*. M , HO-itaJ, Kil- IV' -I .�4 � "", derstanding. ' I ��::J, ,I . . r"-Wawo,e horse 4. years oqd,. c1hendr, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson on Tuesday evening last by'Bro. Fish- ing and inspiring miess&ge to the 4q, .,�­ ;�� h a oad: gener'al pur. (nee Josephine Li*ngathn), a daug,hter. "The new barrk bas Sir Herbert burn - I . 1. l. . .�..,., , Pistrict Deputy Grand Master young. people- At the morning ser- � ", Y�F. I I . . I .­ t�� . Owe drwnz, = ,laiyzalasnd reliable, 10 - Holt's right band man as governor. and is accompanying staff. The v 40 I 'i. , � � N . . . f - b ice, in addition to a splendid- an- . . . Z., " 31. . . 't,�,­ ,,, ; 62- hewv*,�draft horse, 9 years old. Cattle Can Mr. Bennett hoodwink the people cer -resting I - . . . . . I � I ,�;� emony prroved--a most inte * On et . . ,.'��,­ -10tithAmp cow 4, yOarti; ,did; due at time bi! them," a pleasing sol , 11 e. Swe ly . - j �, 'e, ­ f, Is." cow 7 years old. due in Janu� Deaths in allAng himself with the greatest . ,`t`�h"' �r" ��IxRie 'heifer rising 2 years, in calf; financier and manipulator i one and splendidly performed as was -Solemn Thought,", ,was rendered by . !0.4f?V��,igw � , n the - I - I ��,, I , P rnaiifested by thl -applause and high ' I I 4 IX.11.11­- -&w 4 years 6K due on March Ist; FARTRY,-In Seaforth. on Sunday. O, , .. . 'D , '29 . . .. . .. I w, . IE i ears old. due karc7h 21 William Hartm in his 82vd vigar. _wb,, country?' asked Mr. Fraser. I - -� - I ., � I b*'f.4jn .ow -L7 y Words of lyr I I 4 _Aise; eiprZiised on- all sides. , I I `� , � . I ., , . . -. . , hAim cow 3 yewts �*d, freshened- lvm 10'LkARY.-In Winnipeg, X.n., on Monday,, .1 There were pres�nt a large number - . . # .� �� . I I I �11. '� Wiened 4 montht; O'Leary. " elits and of 'brethren from' Goderieh, Cli , ,' -, ­ 1, I . I 11 i I ,,� t ! 1; I V= year odd -, 4 ;h'elf'erb1,,', . to " - MdMain beifer Z jes;rs old, milking; Ortoberoli, Ma;rY Donovan,, wife cffl James e7to with' the former's par nton,. � - brother' ,Mss. Doi- - � M 0 , rists . , ,'I t,* 4, 0 , HOVSTON�In Seaforth, on OtctGber 2ast, i . othy' Gray return- Brucetfield ancli $xeter Following . Ap�.,q7,1 ­ a-'tood 1�,� calf 4 -moighs kyl& 'I Elizabeth May Houston, daughWr of the rit ��,theim for a couple of Weeks.' thz� opening and closing of -the L*dge ; . . . . . . . ' �.111 6 11 ,"MMO ,�� I . , . ., � --- mg "j,d;#nd r16ft"t #",;, ,*-late Mr, ,an,d M . And. w 0 n, lAfift ftenser Mrs. Regan and. sons' and -the ilmstalla ,,, Vefteshments . . 11�111. -e_ M r, D,Y,t,, Used -Cars Selling at Great, . I I I - 11 11 2 Owd6g` Ltiow`.f#r awe lamb; 'Li�ili AF,NDMzSON-T.a, McKiDop on Oetober 24,th, HaTry and LeSier, spent Sun4ay with were served, in undance and A � I quMb 9 '90 albout 150 rounds J'arneg ,C. Henderson, in his 74th year. 1-1-M.'i ­.�� z ,T h 130 Jigjpl,t�'�(!, . m'6 - 20 pulloth. Torms- coLEmAN,­OM Wednpsdta,, October, 25tb, MT. and Mrs. F. O'Brien. pleasant social ,ly Redu6eA Prices - . # x ­',� " ­ .'­­ . 11­1,�. 1-&111 I , I . I to be . -1 . I � -,W7,1, K , Well(IllEdy HohTfibal. Iraronta, Thomas 'IXTs. John E. IMANien, 9. little ' � I ;1 P'. �, " solid as proori I . I ,�, ,�,.g I ffill, I f1m WILLIAM A. Or -ttzrnaurice Colaman. son of the late Dr. I I - ' . I I , I 4 - , U .� j;1 I south of the hig#*ay; bas retam ed .1 I ' . d 4 ,'�­!,,� � I p,p- 16%,, Auctioneer. � . . I . �. �. I .q,:�'* ­ t�� . �j i T. T. Pol�nmn. and Mts. Coleman, of Sea- - . - I . T61ti". ,, I I . WINTHROP fr d pleasant weeeies vi 'it with 1929 Oldsmobile Coupe. ... � "g.,,2 - .; ft- dortal, seed 74 years. I 8 1� I " .. . fif 11. I '­'ij, " "., , .... I . - , .. , I ... -felatives and ,friends in Lansing, 'at I . . # . , I..'.&I , q V�l 1­;,.�� 11 - - ! 11 � -- - oftwommummi - - T,M . ;I. 1999 Hudson Sedan. . *11k," I,,; I I I'll, '', ,W-- ,�,;,;,.4�o­,, , 111� ­,­ - 1, - I ­ I -- . - � ­ � . I -11. � . I . � . " - ­­; — Urp. Robert Farrow and family, Of companying her brothei, Mr. Ctran, I . . . . Use your ulephone a a 0 kang . I �. �w . I I � � I . 'T ----1.111.1- I N ", ,��,�, ,� ­ . ,� --""&* - 11*0, Mir. and Mrs,' fr. ffUnAmVon Brussels, spent Satiday with Mt. and Love. 1927 Pontiac Sed9n. - I R ��' N - 1, I .11 . . . I . . � I I . � � 11-tl� .. I'AEN't, 11 �� 11 . �* - " and Mrs. ,Farquharson, with Mr, and Mrs. George Eaton. 'Mr. John Reid of' London is here ' . - .", R11� . I 1, . " I I , " "I , � "I �4 ­ � j,-. 1. '. I 'Mrs. Win. Smalldon, Crafibrook. . MT. and Mirs. Fergus 'Bullard j-nd Asiting Ids sis�ter, Miss ,Xinnie,. n will,hel J, . ,; i , ­ , . I . "I ,,, . ...... 1. -and 1929:;Hudso - `Sediii. - ; . I . . P yogi 0 � I i� , 1, I �, I : It, I , il " , , . � . " ", I �, . , "I �:.,!,',,�k 0 . ,will bei -glad, spen Ing a children, Mr. John- Bullard .and ..Mr. nes. . I , " , I I � I I ! �', , '.?�­ j� ­ I I I � I .. - � q'i � G� � , 1, 16w. ,da 1928 lgsijex 8edan. . I . The im " , �11111 ­ � Wm%. 'jean Britton is' di ftlsi� engAgM in,r-painting the t . I g, k .�s with friends ar6azld-, Kin- Johil Armstrong,, apent, Ounday with new garage- erecW 'at the -hoi - �-, z I 1. oftsible. . .1 . . I . # ..... I .", �,',& 1W, ress1mg as wel Vie oil .. . .1, Y' 11 ­ ..P 1,14, 9 .. . . I . � I �. . " �, 1p;,e �0 ;,?"O, ,U I I . . 4!,pld I ' ' I . -t: , , 1. " , 1, "I R t ,R I— �g I I I � 1.1.1-111-1... I-— I -- 1-1- - . #. ',,�,110 TE Ill i* 'A 1� ffio", peft "I � 1 4 1, ­ ' 6*n** ­dk,gft*ft the do� . ", ­ , , ", I . .1 6 ' " .. ' ' MT H '0.,.P6r gallon- � I towEr lor� b" . ,� - ­ .­� I , - t�� , "I A ,P' � .. (;w, .t, �,�,, a �7'� " ' - s. Lorne M1 . 16 .i ��. - e". � �. ki S"tv io's" "ft -td Perg of -­Montfieff hag tAk I , . *. " . -4 � I I &WRIldob 'Of -whithn. the corner of tNelSOn and ,Queen ; 'h. I 'a . . � 1010­11�; hil"", liovis - io � -�� ­ " " ­ ­ . 1 1928 Ford Obie "�'o ­­ . -A ,� '* V. �, IfIR", �, Gasofille. , " ��*- , * , , Streets.' . -W .. t1k* , 11 0 " , you t I tho tdvl6me .6 fbe � , , ,q" f 4 -q, S. . I . -. -r !"W"t �Zjr the barber-blisbies fr ,,,,F.., 2 I - --v 1.1", I— -ilk 1. .., I I I � . I om AtMLTIM . liar of Wi-Adsor, who I . . I od ftcMty, 1-ft,yoUr�ggo* . 0% "1% 14A, . I � 44 , � I , �i,*R4 .11'la ",&;4 ",at f, lias beeti, in Scott Memoijil !H�osspjtalj jqotot, ,�011,,. with,e . * ­ , . eajW , ", 61 - 1 � .1 . ­ I - , ��.�Viy, t �', 'f s" N "N"T., 'j" �* . - ,de, 1�1?2'6v, , - V I I ,Tip i -4 " -0 h � , i ­. , �, , 6 " v� 1"�,M� �11� i � I emft 110 ."I'M � �v "­ `0hrV,-y 11ann - ilie , thi . . I . -p6 bi , e n*ftoger h, Iny .. ebty, And ,,, 'A411 , � , P�nofil . , I 111'��i4 ,V, ,,� ,�?Pfth, I 1�s ,kpft.t " W'=4�- S"forth,, ji-sped.' i,awa 0, . �.16. $k� , r #41f I � V � K � j� �s A . . I nmperim"-loo mUes fdt,as. =ue as Mr I .1 4 , , - end with 'his T�aTeno, M,r. and Mks, . , , hool in the ,qllaga Was XnF (TftUftdA­Y2,�- The Iunstal wil 6 t FI;! lets . f .., t", , �',;�,'�,wr., I ' . "' � ' ­ , . y t ' I -Iff Ziesatone- , F"�'y I , - , , Tim" 1ftt bf rates hk the itom of y6or dhvdoty. , . �­ If? The High & : ��,'. , , '. $. ,,3 V . :� I 140 F� it, 'ma"", 'r,", 9ft ,;!,. I'"— � ` j,�* .-4 1 . . CIOAM on, Tri, U ar elity, . I 1 I , . , *!�, Wt - -w"IBrya*, " - .; . . ­� I day. Miss .Mrp vitit, Ir ay afft , I . . I .1 .1 . � g "to , - bfto� I -1-!, ­".", ­ - .. '­ .1., ­ I" . � �- . ; . , �,. - ,,�', - I � . . I , . " ­ � r.- �- - ­ . 6 third ."Jeag thim staAdArd ­ ,� . . ".., i1o", �t' �i To ,., -%�4x,jtt% I I �­ dd the Blyth Sch001 " -1 b- 're. . me of her sh ft , , , . � A% '' 1 , # 4, " . ". I .1�1� ­­ �. 1. ­ , . L I � `0 ­ 4 , .11". . ­­­ OIL exv ajig I � �q Ch -41 L � . v 11 " , ho T'. 'Cho , , "j; i 'M ffi,l ��, I 1. ­ ., I "I - jr, '" - ­ 'SL 4 ' ' � jifikS, * I 1. , , " � 0; , . I , . , , I .� � , , .,., 4 M1 04''I'sk, I T, �,�­.* �,, ,,,,,e,, r aftd. 'Cj' -,k inowsoft 1 . t . I . , o . 1. �1� J�­ , V ), V ,#e, ,�, , I , � . . laprAywag * �- , ',,,,..,I I , � .1 r ":, I FAI'.' . I the Aaditift d'I -om, 6f, 0'eft. ,... - � .& I., I : � I . � I I 4 * j$jq.,j,gjx no,g - . " - , A � 1�uaibeit q .Tth�' , , , , , , '' , , , �,, I . 0 Vr,­ - "y i eing, . *,! hot house by " , , , � , , ,�­ . " ,,,, ,7"� - '­ ­ � .1 q. &rsthr6 ­,;� , , '' pne I. lvw��,­t 1,�J�, ., , ...... I " . - 7"," -, T.- , ff f� t , , -,,�� , � , -,! - " � I , , 7 , . � .: . 1. up� � -� - - � - ­­ * to ", , ' 1 �.' ­ � ,i;l � -­­, ... ­. ­.. ­., , '""'. 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