HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-10-19, Page 6, , �11. ­* 1W . ,�mo , �,, �'­, , I " 1; 'Pa. �..'X%l I? ,.��i"� ')A �5�.;-, k, 1� I 1��,;V.11�?%� �,,,�,, V"I""",�;�', 1, PIRR "'. , " " 11 vyill � , ;�� ",,l,-�,;t,-- �,',"",;� I � , � �, .�,11 .X ""."".. �� 9ARAW1141 �,:'oj',, .�A 14,18 �� * I I ,,%N�3,IR� 7Ff''4,JW­r1', �V ­­ q � �, ".." 0 ,,,,�,,,';,,,',k,,�,',,,,i���l,��, . ". , , ,,.,�" . , l;jr%; ,�F ,,, M �,� " 'i"y'. , � C . , �l �, . , " -,--­­,q�--.- -0 P- ".., , 6�;,;13 3 ,i , �tl�l , f W Q ,�, , , � I(, ,� 7 :` , . I i I'�, "I %q � I �_ - '11"'11111 1, I ,� , . 71 . . #� 'i I " i - k�,� .�, ""', -,--- ,�.70��l"""il"�'��"""''�.",:.�lI '11,1131", §1* -�,. ', , `�:';n 10 � ,1,�, , � �,! ipm�Ir.�T,�R.�O4�,"��l'.7�'.1�,�IMIP'l",:,�plip4e-,� 4S. __�,I .�, " .", "li""., ,;, 11A " -, - qq!!"""t, "" , p -, ; ­'.',,.�,'�,�, ,� " �:,;..,V - ,!"-, r� is '� t,f� I , . � -,4 " , "w": - "', � ,,,, g�,4�!� ,, lh.,�,, -,,�,� ,% . , ..,�,, __ , _ - ,,,;� X_pk ,,, �,� !"r 4 !� U"11, " * . mi p", F� 4&* . p pr , . , k% � ", j, 0 N OR , _ J, ., � , - "y , r", I �,�! _ M, .3 , �,, _ "'�, . 11 , 0 � ? ,.,,� . ,, �, ", � , ,', 11 .t.11,, ., , _,�,­ , " � -q ,-� . ,� , , , , . � q ,ki, N.00 "'A 1, - 1, , it - �ir, ­ �', .-,�""', -`!, -, ", Z 2 , , , . ,�, � 'fil"1777", , 'ok "' , _�:,:,;­�­', -��,,­�,!�'�' ��.(�� �,j�,,, i1-7'47-'-__ ,,, ;,;,�i,. ,�,.,, �,,., ? R, k`0, "I �, - ,, ,,, , I— ''A " . ­­ ­",T,T�,�,,,,,, � � , ,i. . I - I , � , ,'t"I'll � - 04 "."I'm , I ItC ,,-- "" ., T 'i .�,k",*04 .31M � '� , �R ',!�� , .1"E.Q , " � , , ` N"i " �; 1_�� � 1,11' , ,,, .. ", .... .. . ... %� , ��,"r�".rg -14 ,���'. ,.'' ", S " 01 , ." _ 6 - "I" " 'i, "I I �, . , 11 ,,� .." ,,,:�, ga'afA d"'I'"Me I . . 6 , I ., ,.,AAAp':, M_w , - '' - " � g", f" `�� '' ", , " �., . 1 111; � 11 " .* ;,,^��i " `�, � ��,.,M#� 1, WOO _ '. ,r���i,,-,,-�,,�t,�"",����,,���,��""Po-,.�;",4,��-,�Y �,,��,�`,�l,,i��.",`� , , '' . . .� , � :"", " , ,� ,�6� ��(,,�-'..',', " , �,,,,,,��,,�,,,,,�,,��..',',�""".�,,", . , , IQ , . ,� �, ,",",,11',�:,i� , t.!-. 1� "I. I , 37�T� I., t0`1 - 28� A. 4,4!,�:�, " 1"", "','�-Y, 'Pur", _,", -i,�i��, tol , 1. '. ;,RM,0_1F1,TR5VRR,s -� li- %. - i .. . � ,� i I.".., � 'I' ir 4410111 1Y "", �." � ,115�'-. � ,, v �) r, ,Qk,,,% #9*1.* � "Pt 4 " � 1� � .9.1 ,�,, ,,i,q�: i, , " ;fir,,V ,,, " , ii I . _f # , V11111 , '", io, -it,. a ,* - 9% -9 - I ,, , '. _', . , 4 1 . , ,�, I Vt,,�4", , � ,�, . . :; ,. ­.�-.- --�f, ''R " " Nrll�l� �"` lki"��W,ift,_. �,� , 't 'W,l 11, , �, I , - , 000, , , . -4 M�, I'll I 24 1115�1,' ,113118 � i ,, 1� W ,, � 4 , im 0 , � J�J,IiW I , , I 0 , , _ - I . % �, �gr� �q',!,' "q ,w,�"m'. ,1111'Atil�:f', Z 17 r ,I , W't�,im I . , , , -`4 a , �,,� , 0 1� , ". , _� , "e � , ". . � T� , , � _ " . _4 � , , � Ww', '1§4`��"`NRXV �, f .11 . . il -- _. r - .W I . .,�, . *1�1:4, �. as i�, , , ""'�,�%� RUR U I ­ " , " !�.; '. . l 0V �%, -� ". 1� , .'We �`A'T 4 MAWPAP1,1prIat". IT) P� 9#`;t1?,F, , . .1 t 1, I � ..... . TV-, V, � �� #4 , . , - - 7 'YV � � -4 *0 r'!�,T!,I��p go �, � 1 it�,Q, - . , . "I ,,.�� , gt, " �'i"'�rks, ,qm, tWe'. An. �ftris 14P .4� - A "I, 1�41X' "IF, ;� - � - , wit, AQ , I _., I " . " � � i 0 '.­', � , ZA1#4 �' ,Jrj� 11-1.1 T , �q ,bt I , ,M, " "7-, ,"I ", t'11111.'�",�` i�11�� :.., , , , , A, i � ,V `,,'� , . , , � 4 - I " , ,_ mm,', V A _.w* ,;.0 p,;.,� , ". W, �, , . , V " ", 4x*-%,. , . geg ''', Ift , , � I '040, , M��, a 07 nk , 'i , - , � ,I 01_�. �'� � ". Pilo OR, w,�, - , ", io "i, N, 1 - l i . . . - 44"I A . "I, ., , " a VPF �0# A. g ", V In ", gp,�e -A , 'A - � " 91, � , 15 ,� X1140. i t 't " il y 1 m 1 ., N 0, , or xm� , i i, ".An ,T, , �,A,ryicei 0, � , , I �,. �� ., '' � ep �TVA 'Q�, . . . � 't I , 1* " � WVPQ*011"*�, ,x.-.0. , v a In � � , M. � � "Oh, -, il -, ,4 W �,� 0.4, -�', -� � I.". t Man!" n ,, '14% 1V`57i �1141*5 ".1", 0. -`i-11101 .. X .. 'A . . W711 ,� I .,* 10 a . ._`�", "A I �_ 1m.i.- ', . W I ,� ,�tmvwt�_,,t ��,e�%� , _I' , � �', ,�, , ­_ll`ill� "T ,_,"j,7,,1, � ,,,� _ " , , ,., , :0 I I . � A ., . ., �.w ch . h., � '14 = 'R qpwlture, and"M �, taff � � ,, I ­; , .M'­�,,,� . "I _., � �, , , � h4 '-- 14. . ", , fl',,;;�', . I '. ,.� . '! . , -�",§,tation "Ot itli,q_mwr-� , FVUTO '!,TAqn ''I'? ,�,I",W­11' I,,- Ti"A -, I " '��,� ­-Z'v *J1_',f1 , "..: I , '41 ". ,,I Q'i W, . . ­#­ 10ti R - , , P " ,,, i AMA: 1111M.111,12 � Ok '. - � 49 , % ","'I'? .1, -p , , '. �J�', i . . , 1�4, - I, ,I �Wl; 0 bi, - he A4 _401"., V I> I , . �'. M li"i, 11 I ­... - _1-1-111 � ,.04 , Am'"04, cih 5of*A944-11 At I A �5 I . � w,k0,xP#` A'�, ,��brp 1� U-4.1'. " *VMW ill - it �PFX t � ft 4 ..", R"`*�A'AT �.,�,. � o; ni�,gjg,�,,�'V Pop; gi';;,'�.�,,��,'�'.,t , - � - - " , , "Te 1-401A %, � #00,14"40 k ., .1 F, , '41U00%, a 0 �*, I" ,F,X_pe,Til*0*W - - , ,,�,%&PwArR.*,.,,Qr,�,,Oy,��.40��,,., " . I 'Aw-re � �6f Or. "P..""o-901 A � ,�i " VQ .,,,�4.,r � 4,1P dt,� , .�OPO#S` �.; ­,� I , Mi I I g�.rjpa§, , " , . uubeu !S441% to , , Q'W,O,-' TA, 401 WIM1,05-1 -T - - � , I I __ , , oular I", i0r,"., _ - 01�1 1 4004N � � 04i *1 � * . - , , ililj"J� ,* t - , � 010A.0t Alli�lt4oll4ol.0,4�'i'�#41.;,�,o�i 041 �ftk�l . . , , - ..� � - . I V ,T��Pg-,�:�;Slx MIS" .1 4 ; .�.� , s 14M . A00 , " .� . ,,� , �� "I", , I �.. _,� _ � , ,, 1 A � , ,- . b �_ I A1*11. � . - , , - I 1 4P�A% W 'reduce, w-)r­w,-'0gJA,,,�.*, 10 `:,�.Ma 2.22,lft.' - - "W" " 5A _.. 00 , , "r . ­ � � ,# . � .-, 1� 11, 11 ­' 't -biph, ­ 9,Dr,, i�,� *i4qff 0. If 'Of- 1k, 1.3 alk_-!� ... pd ape, -T . , A ims 222 Ifis., � ''. AW , $ - : ,, yp ow , '0 . 99 . kil- I __ 0 , , , auso: ,;,q W. 4.0, i_4A:,AJ1 ­*Og�ai " IWV�#"x W, ww"I""i, .. - ; . ,, 1 --`"�##,�,,,q W, 1 n "' , ' - "' � 1111. ., , r ..,,.w.meh *47),�ft=-Its- romem, a *0,'.�b 111.4 � *t ;,,.�;,may be '!P' , , bl" , , � �, _ " , I I i4l , `51 : y?A Mi. I -UP - -a .4ami � 1"., , '' 'r, ', M " ," k ., .a _ 157.1 ,� land, , R is '#Vloo th. t so* -*�A�i wou k, ... � A, : I - , I , �%, ;V� , , '' -or � .1 ,l�j .. . ... I ",-q, , %.�to w � maturity - _U , , - n __� �� _p �jw � "I Nni t", � .0 � ii... �qur �- _ _9�_ _ ment lu',thr" weekv 1.104, ot*- -4 ,qzs,�, . '84- , � .,",:� - C&XtW,* Utd-0 of . stone X.Vull � . ; ,,� � * � - I I , I I . I . . I -, P,,,,Omq.� - glgri; 4 - " ,-F��.-Ov . -o,,. --li.- -- , 4, "I"o, . - �tw . . _' I ,!, , @ 0 $0 . 4n � roth, Twig Of Q_Sgible, And ... th, ,�, �, , %Y�0;rA�. k�, - �, - . . -1 I and I felt A.", year��; .14 , P"§A,TAO b, " ­ 'A '114 'k , ". l 0- ill I . pJj<1-e;v,.er -un, : I li,wvp� , now er,or qV,x0xV',,.:,0, . ,� 00 , . V�,�` wltv�s- late, ua th ==­W.(,we,--taken� , i0yously, - 144 . .1, r s. � , ,y, -phase. of- the . -, , � , A 't?, s"',go. k MA7Z � , � I - I . , " . ' 0,440� . - 7 'd - '.tfi of%�� ,," I , - .W . ." am bY WpM' — .low Oct 28 1h A � ',,, O � 4 1 ic �,4, a, _*., ,, , p,pelnr ,op '74flq­­Vfvwm,"&�� O_V,9,W'�,,7�1 V , .1 . . . . I . , ,,s, angu ea p1giar with. cholera ,_ _, nearly died, ,, � I - .s, � and. while. be . . . ,in \_� I __ � .is ki. ptigatbid,; Five ,p U T " - ' J t .,ft,.On . . �"-19'�­?-'!Ve­7� - , '' ,. , I i I ..�:#V lavee lx`�,Ihe ", isbest"becaus I 1% ,J Summer. fore t6 go lqpStail�*, . . . W " s4ro-3 . .� -41 ­ � 0 !"MIL , . . ��. . I . , , � 'Py't ,� Whilst the oth6rs -=Cored' noll-I ef . .... . , 1. Iferent I Al". - - ­4,J,0_,__Ai"A,."_t..� ,.. *­tba --b . J ,,, a, , ': Jmo- ­;�� "I �111,� ��i I ap"'I 11 " � I I*. .. , - , , ,ATM , . I � . . I , � , _*..�* � � , , , . -4 �. ­: . explerinwat prq,%,qqd tp4t, - � 411. - _, '604, . ,VVQ,04� 1 14.14JO, rb_*413� 1. �., '­,0r-,W4.f14Wi6- ViO7,07,04"V41,01 �,-.",".­ � , . . . , I 51 I - io 'W" -ham *rAting In "Kill"*_ I I., !0.0.7010 - S. , , . Mai, 4 "� '11=��L i.111Z#411, " , ,A! ,� . ,,, 111, �­­ '? ­ nia. W::::::; - - 9A,h .. .. two�ye, J old ?I " - !Pr�t,.Zolw'l as my""h'400-444-sayss-1 trio - " g., , K -�4 t o ,, I 'Vii4lic Dr_ Koch was vight� and, WDr,44over, stbottische-played as a Waltz alt,,r- p s ' � —WrO, S. 11'1� boA I . I . . I A'.- 14 't f its R. a ... 4 , ,�R� ' ` " . 'tion, Up li . . .­ I . aiA - vit - ' , 4 . - I T I "' . ,I! ­ h 4, o sible , nee A -.. , " P � I . �,' ��. �J X _- wa of ., �Venera . . . , pd, ,4, �provide for the,gro, .h.,of . ii�,, I -mate. , . :1 . G. B. � I . � �., �e.. � " L bo 7 , MM I � .. 111 1, I ,. I I 1. ,ii 11".11.11 A - that certain people .possess -1-pi,manity . and, .. L . �'qsqel%. L, ­ .1 .1 -1 I , � I I , igg. , 1,4 ' "' ' , I , ­­�- ;­ . 4 #0t*ij �om mmors,.. peer through these Sources. ovier ,,k . , - - ­ �11 -se Vqu, tqo,- -can taie %;'�* fat V' r ,� ,,, 1. ,­. �..�",! �­ -, I .1 It ', . I - 1, � rious talki of thein- from cholera., I �. . Y ith I - ",`-�"'��`�T�T �, I � �. , . , \ 9 i Whiffs of tobacco, waft aerom� .the quer naires h-syle, b . . � �� . . ,�ti,qa ee r * oat in . � XT 11 , . " g . I . P. Many kinds- of , , . ­ i. �- -'4- "Ilv" _� g =p.te 11 I R,* , r�., . , KrWmheh :Salto if iou ;�Will; take onb- � - . ca� Xdr tos ­�11�, i ,1. ., . , e ,, 6 .. � 11�1-11._?,ri��,X.,*-_,w; - I � Okiii LL ,*'T There are few men' who dare - to floor as, a Sport. lights' -m1a,de- packages of -fruit. As the , E. , �­�qr .1. It . - i ffiJ6.Y11M'n' of.-:11)ew, and more terrible .a tailor I replies � ­ . I . I �'. -,Q. . " ,,., .. -�­ � 1. _ ,half teaspoopful' bi hot ,O,L,t,r ,very ougar$ `-and starchos qre .trans pran . I I I 'ii rip -g._ i ­ -J' - ' - ,.- '41 . :. , 'birds IdIled 44 _g._ Lope . - ' of gas for U -se, b;%i 'war, No ,carry out personal experiments with �Hd dbes not omake while with, a are reburfied-,;.r,%=W­ers to twelve dis,. - . by di-kes 'r """ 01 ' 111.11 L.W. ., ., 11' 2' LLL ' r ' Is uld not de- tinct ,quon,tions *ill have been, recem- morning before, bregkfaqt� modify , ,tion: into' orie_-.4gl , - . I � . ucq.oe;?�i u-, r4n _n Sea zt, %�. s : - I J . " I " 'i ,, 'g� -� to these g4Sies, �uq that Most dread Of all Scourges which d�y, however.' She wo ' ' 1' _ - - - the -;re-aI-..energY food'of 1�� allOwed'in'01M, ,, ,, ., XaTA 318flo '' , .. - _­ l. , . c � ii�.,___ __'�': ­ - 1, . I I- - . and it may well be aftet mankind--�cancer. -Yet there gradie ,herself by being seen with a ed .front bothL-dealers. and Consumers. your dd6t, apd exereise regularly. 0:510 is .4191110*iug.-� .1, : -V , - . , - . . I 0. RE , W �i�L�_ r4wiz, ---J,t � . 4�,­ � �gM ,thl. hiph surroundq is one doctor who has gone so -r. as - ette. CigaT&9 At the. W..Wle you­atw losing ... fat yen -v.n*ll the bbo , h A --;;�e1;4-1d-nd'­ 'Ba , I . - , . , mystery v .1 . A ,,, man :Smoking. A cigar I I . .. same' -,time, --samlyles of the . , 1--y" il'�-,epqi­re g Limits' - � 1 2 _, . " - - __ . - _ . 1. w * . ­ . ". , ,.­ . , , , . -4 � � - twi - a �, Lself Yes, when buggy riding. be gaining in energy. in ienftrance 1i � ,�,�,� 1-ftlakes theTb appear to th4 civ ce to endeavor to give h fruit ihave been analyzed at the EX , p of fats found in food. Through 4, jDareitt 15,,Opese 115,' Brant 15, Raft - I "I � -t agonizing disease. tion; ---i Tq , � *,14,. armchair . * I , I "'Waltz me around--a-gain, Willie." I m,, ambition. . _ 11 ulations of cities which they this mo, This pl4rimental ISta tests, I 11 , .� I " 11 , I pop . ' 4 t" n, these are,converted, into gly, 15, Coots and Giallinuliei 25A'A. tha, . " . ,�, g�p= mn- they actu- was Dr. Kiiii-tskahn of Konigsberg, Bullidog-toed Shoes glide in rhythm storage trials , and, 'Pta . tests won't hold- you any mlore­lyo-, ac . � � 1� - . ilson's , or, iack�smi,14 %. 11 V � . oh Zt u'll .want gos� 11 4 .. q - to be worse th aeandfatty ids. Thebodyipos grekate,,yV .1 . I �Ldai b tobe up and doring—you"11'enjoy,vork cer'] . 091f . . I " ,�,� ,,�,�p . whose coLntenti-on was that cancer ,with Inty slippers. . Feg­to�ped. made 'for sugar, acid and other eul - , . . ses, -8, an not i;��ie. than i2$� 11_�V' �k4y aft. . . ses � to a limited extent, the, -power Woodcock' -d. I ", . Z . , , ' 'the -stances. hi� tibis, w.,gy definite. and amid activexecreation, and you'll sleep k, $ ,, - Tabst kno,wled�'could no -ansferred. to a healthy trou�ers fla�,as 4ppily �As. Skirts,, I 'change ,�' ducks in one� -sea- I ffl,`�: ,In order. that the ut t be tr b) , lat into sugar, and starich Woodcock or '115() . 1� I ". I that no "avenu-61'sub'jeet, and himself, being -in excel- ,"Ael,&have to e ef A.,,,,.,.particularly re- Uke a top. You'll lose. fat, and feel ' . . . i � qy W � ­ cgg be. obtained' and, . . . 11 ­ sugar' into fat; evtdQnce of this js spW � I I . I t � , ", " - * - shipping years younger. I I . I . . .. 114i .,.. . . , ­; �. A L � , , .- re g the � I - , t 1)��, �5,�U,' e t* 5 im6ilent 'health lhe,,spt about testin and get'under and crank u-0 his auto- gardinig 'the. h4mesting and . . �i­, I .1 ,,search bi'une.xplor d it 1 . I . . given by those who eat too freely'of - . 111.11�' . . ists and volunteer *orkers I trut% of -his own theory.,..In, the -first m I . . 1�� �,,,��, scient . . - being accumulated ' I i, obile."' ("Well, well! - They got the of stone fruits, is . .'.' Guns and Appliming.es 1 ,� . A. . .. I sugars and starphes. - I . . ". � �,�,7 .. . I , ,�,� "I i?,, . "I 1! ....... �,bL­tlke laboratories axe ,taking .... th,& ifi§tdh&:­h;6 ... i,6 i,Vi6d­-a pdrtion of' a -thing to go, but a horse is good en- istome, fruits,.owing to their tender A' , dt. is evident, then ithat the tissues I � . 0 A�,4,�,,, - z + " ' "and TaJAd ,growth and riipe�n- 7&e use of automatic (auto,4oad- � I I., , 1. , the guln4i�a-plgs and the other cancer tumor from iFpatient and lul- ough for me. And another thing, it nature Apples ,,Are Appetizing �, 5_�,�?...'�Iplam Of l . . , a the,body can ,be properly nourish- . , " . :1 " I %, l*33=4 is ,not only i-suft right. to, go sky-vhooting along, Ing . ' , ing) swiver or machine gqns, or bat .., , . ,'tz P"' ii Is usually used in imirtor exper- planted it in his leg. Th dA -ring sumimer- -temperatures, -Have you everseen. an7ope ipass a -ed only if the process 4�f digestion, is - . l� � `XK��';.jr".',.:, . I . un laiger than numbepi - ,� tery ,or any g "I � .'V, " W ,�'f' _:1`11.3wnts, and a:ie themselves, -accept- ceased to grow but quickly died. maybe 16 miles in anhour, and gear- present a ,diffleult marketing problem tree 'Whose apples were within reach in pro I r,operation, but no matter I " . _9e .. - , id the usp I I i- , I �� A - _. risk of injury and death. . . (Dr. Kurtskahn then. vaccinated him- ing the livestock. Hey, iw�ter. Git but experimental shipments have in- without picking me and taking at how..perfect digesti6rimay be it can- 10 gaugels �prohibited,.ai , f r,.::.- "). . dicated that*stone fruits, by careful least a bite. Evem gr kmowledge not provide the materials needed by `� I a a 'hoss' of any heropl'4ne, vowerjbdat, 'sig M '. : � , -., �, I I . -1 order to test the effects of car- Iseld'. with cancer aind prepared, � 1B nd red paint! ;Canvas p-aaking and. ,handling, may ,be ship- that the apple Is - green will not the body unles ,the --ht kinds and b?at, wounded live birds as a- , -I � . � �,� . on. monoxide poisoning, Prolesisor J. Serum, with which he siought,to cure rass a . stili is . rig . ht� light' a�.d -shooting from .1 I � :', I �% 1. 1,dane, shut himself up ,in a cancer patients. This serum, ,how,eiv_ buckets for diloping water from cul- ped,to market in fully mature con- deter a trial in, t1i6hape tha4t it .may amounts"of foods are taken. rug MW . ­ � . � . . I . 1,�X,�ll, 1. amber into which carbon mon- er, had nega-6ve results. vert or horse trough! Tires thalt dition. The border line, however, b*- lt&begood. .1 . . horsedravm:,,or motorv,fflucle is' -for- . , I . ,t,�'.'..' . - t�­­' I de S which is found, in the The experiments were carried out were nightmares of patching and tween mature fruit and ripe fruit is TVs is th�: tinie-of year when we — . . . ibiddeTL ..' I . I ,5 - I ' I I . ,�� _, t. a gtL s c ,c , a a,pp e& th our li�art Ej con- IPersons using blinds or decoys for i �. �. V��.,�,�,, , � t of gasoline-diriven internal under the observation -of the rv,erman fearful attaching devices! Jack up sometimijes too narrow to allow u h anr., t - I RE`t,,�,-, � I , ­ � NN4 �, 11,100mbustign engines, was Introduced, 'Surgical Association, which, in ,Addi- that Tear wheel, put her in gear (be fruit to go through the 'regular,chan- tent. Wari!y,delicio4s ld ng migratory igame.,' birds axe I I, . � .. . ads are ,On Harvesting, McIntosh Apples huriti ,,, ,,�,,�, - � ' . 1, I � , V - ,,, P and!took note,.-, and. studied his own tion pa praising Dr. Kurtskahn, frotm- sure she's blocked), and then spi-i-n nels of trade, and arri�e in condition thw-ma;rket for ,eating and cooking. urged to consult the r.pguhdions for ,, '1, ,; . I " " I Harvesting'pres4fits-a real problem details of the 'estricti6ns u1pon this - �. . � ,., , I ­".' . sy�nv s as they ,developed under big ,devotion -to the cause of.. juffe.r- it. Automobile caps,- goggles, dusters-, suitable for -sale. . . . r . ,', ,U__� ,,tam . E AL,ople sauce, aipplie ipi% apple dumvp- to the grower of WeIntosh apples in 0 , .1 , I ,,,�,,,% ' e 6f the ers from ,cancer, stated that .he -had horms that'burl)-burped baritone when I .1 I - lings and cobbler, apple Strudel and large acreages, for .in nify orchard *0thod of hunting. I . I 11 ��:,,,_Ahe i�keet of"the poid,5011. On � . f,orwiTd in the bulb was squ�ezed! . . The shooting. of anumitory game '�,',v " ,eg,ects which made itself apparent made an. important -s . 1 , - tep - , applecharlo*e are someof. the porpu- this variety remains. in ideal pie 4 ... Z I �111,_,.. I . I. I king ., 'It..- ISOng records brief a Dr. Hall Nominated for Grey -Bruce birds ,earlier than sunrise. or lator I 1, , .- :lj_ , -VV research work. A ' 1 "''.. ,, . '" loss of ,in - . cancer . lair ides,§erts,-. Fried I I :_ - , emoTy- I I word or a line. "Alex; I - apples, Ripple frit- condition for a period of about on y -th sun t I,* bi 11 �.. -Xi' ,� * LAt the end of the. period spent in . I _,i4der's Rag ' ters azid, baked',ap1ples appear with ten- da ' In many cases, however,. an See pr, bibed. I , , . . I I , ,_�. . . I `11orne Fires 'Dr. W. A. Hall, 'M. -P., of, Walker7 meSt Alpole Salad U�4 YS. . The- penalty for iviolation .*f the _' , -, . I .0 Time Band," "Keep the , . it ', " `� , t frm ', , W,chaniber, Professor :Haldane 'was - 11 I'll p, . . , 1, r,,,,�,,,,, ., " unable to remember anything that . Burning" "Oh I -low I Hate to Get ton, sitting inember ,for South Bruce, tails with, apples are.found. in - s9ys the Superintendient 'of the- Do- migratory bqtd laws is a -fine, a, not �01 i * " ' ' ' I �­ the, choice of a .:crowded conven- -minion Experg I ,,�­�,. . had transepired dh�ing the last hourIP6pulAr Songs Mirror Life Up in lbe Morning," '�Kee!p Away was i are-lbei ­ oental. Station at Stilm- mom.*,4, three hundred dollars and I Ai . Grey-�Bruce Liberals at Dur Wean. In addition, apples nk -we-is are inclined to 'not less than -ten dollars, or imWiS16- .. 11 . . - merland, B.C., gro M', I - I From the Fellow That Owns an Auto- tiOn 'Of ., .., . ,, " . of the experiment, although he had 1 (By C. T. Martin, in the Toronto Star canned,"inade into Jelly and aWle- -be stgni"ded, into rushing off -the en- intent for a ti�rm not'exceeding six I ..., , �!f � -beem �alking and answering questions �, mobile," "Joan of Are," "Play T,bat ham recently. It took four -ballots- to butter and put ii%to A . e A IN I , Weekly.) ' t decide the doctor winning with 204 ImInCe'M at- I tire crop as soon as, fruit begins to I ,. � Barber Sbcq) Chord short, this is apple ti;7re. I ­,,� . m' mal manner. , " "There Ain' months or both -fine and imprison- , . , during -that time in a or . ' ' ., � I , "i" . Something more than. words and No Paint About .mly iullett:e,1, ,'E,v- votes -to 197 from W. Harrig, barris�- . fall from a few trees. - Accurate -mea-. 74ent. ? . ,.. . With failure of'meinory came inabil- , ._ � . I 'Ity -to 1. i music was, in. "Brother Can You Spare erybody -11kio, Step," 9`iS_bL_ik of Ara- ter, of Warkdale, -whereuipon the lat'_ Have you made spole, IdUnPlIngs eurements indickLte,that M.cIfitosh ap- : I . . . I . I : � ;1 � co-ordinate mwv�ements; Pro- a'Dime." The song was a mirror that beeve-ee," "Dancing Around." The last ter moved that Dr. Hall's nomination laiteily? In our family, we always ples usually. increase about I 10 per . 4P ,�:, I . _:.� fessior Haldane's gait was irregular re&cted the -hopeless attitude of a one introduced the turkey . trot, bun-' ,be made ,unanimotis. Dr. Hall will had two kinds—steamed and, baked. cent. in volume,durin- the last two I �, . I , I . �.111',: - �and hi:j . haiid-writing progressively . . The :former must be served iminedl- ­ . ��� �� - �.':, . 1. I -world hogged ,down 'in a sieeimipigly ny bug, grizzly ,bear peri0d to the GPIPOse . removing all Planting of Perennials_ - "I Miss Agnes MadPhail, INV.T., . weeks they remain on the tree. Ae- F " , " � ,,�;:� .on tely upon theMl from the -cordingly a,lb,ox or two of windfalls . I I , �.."r' I . . . shaky as the pois ing increased. , kbottomless depression. Yet earthquaking. dance er-a of 1915 to who basi already been nominated, by a or the� will be heavy. The 'under a tree ,does not necessarily in- Numerous gardeping., O-perations . An-�ericperimemt of a similar charac- , steamer . :�.'- �! . . . .. y1i,la pe irti ring "I few months ,later, with 'Just �� - '25,,. that decade which flowered in the UX.O., for this- rid'ing and' there .''W'.. . � ter was carripd ,out by Professor Jos. . - ' . lot -ter can stand lbut should ,be kept di(cate a reduction in the 'yield. _. which are often ,put off'u. I ep i I I V,- A 11 . - rvative can- , . ?,,@'�4 1 .Tner ofhope "abead, the Dominion the chiarleston.. - . will probably ,be a.,Conse . � I& , Z. Banerioft Of, ,Cambridge University, , ot . i with ,� ­. i� , -not yet nomin ted. 'Wingham 1, - Ile baked dumplings were con- cords'kept over a ten-year period may be'done in fall every hoper � , ,p � � . I I -when, -he spen-t six'days in a hermeti- skipped up ,the trail singing, whist.1- "Take me out to the ball game - didate, a sliftrdd better -for ,the childhren so, Of ,show that loss from McInto,-h wind- 'of 15'uccess- . I � I "I,;, ng, frequently hun��ng off-key take me out to the Crowd," swe 1, e' . . . . p4- th Aclwance-Tizrles. ,�, " call� sigaled glass chamber,. his ob- 1 1 course, we' all wanted th�m- steamed, falls at the 8ummerland Station has , ,NO - ing* Statement ..,can be 1, I z" , I '�W,ho's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" country when organized baseball - t _�� (Apples -have excellei*. food na = gardening -in a iountry .1- ­! I . �, � � ject 'bei to dbi—ver i was pos- � . - value never exceeded 20 per cent. before I de , - ' ,.,.I ", - . to calculate the amount of ox- I as if the song were our national an- gained its first Teal hold upon sports. I and nearly everyone likes, their ffio- September 25th. Fiutherml,ore, there with Such a llliyei7sified climate as . ..� I Al - ,'.. . - , I . them. Baseball retains its popularity, � and Plant Desc'riptioni or. Althou, ours; but in, gouthwestern Ontario, � � I ,,��,.:,�' . , ce in I ,.�, I '2 , ­�, 7 in a n's blood und 'This is a simple example of a -fact so ,does- the old song. . . A they are availaible near- -hag often been a 50 per cent. increase where, we usually have a'long m-ilft F;��', .. conditions. e problem . - � . I ly all year ,round, in the fall of the in �red colour ,development ,between . . �,- �. . I � I . "I �if - . ,ortant during recent ye s in eon- that widely popular ,songs are keyed , 'Did pQpu'lar songs of an earlier I... ,Difficulties year theloaded trees and baSkets 'Of September 5tb and 20th. The differ- fall, perennials of many varieties. ea4z 1-.....". 11111I)p . closely to current trends, of thought ,periop rgle,ct public taste as , clear-,` , . "I'll, I . nection with aviaitiom at b alti- ,ing de- thenil'in market make us think more ,ence in returns for Fancy and C, be planted at this time very satiisfac- I , , . , I . during the 43eak period of their popti- ly? , . The difficulty of standardi2 . I , . I I . . . . . . . �: � - ill' " tudes. . larity. In fact songs, like lawv, must jprobo�,ly with.in the last 24 hours Iscri . ptive ,termg in the surveys,of the about the�i and,use them more fre- -grades is -sometimes 25 cents per box. t-orily. The soil is usually in excel- I I I ' By riSking their lives in making be in tune with public sentiment to you have heard "The Man on th various grasses and ,plants Of the qu,ently than in other s�easlomsl. , tThe actual calendar date wh,,.M�_ lent working condition in autumn -Le I I , , . . these ascent - . . � e . . condition which is often absent in i I ... , ,,, ,., . .. � s the, scientists have dis- I British Empire_ and: _other countries lrt�%sh apples are ready to pick var- . �11 il ! d, for instance, that a high alt- ib" Successful. - . Flyihg'Tra,peze." Aftler a lapse of is a rather Torimiddble tas,k It is 11 Apple Charlotte if ;plariting is done ixL - �. itad any ordinary form *I respira-1 It is within the songs sung in -- mote than half a century it ,has re- , ies with the�season,,the district and spring—and I �1, I covere I . I I 11. . I mal times that we find' the redl rieh- turned. Although the flying trapeze almost impossible, says the Imperial [2i/2 culps co , even the individual. tree. However, early fall enough warmtblia will have - 1.,.. . rn flakes 11 "', - 1. tory apparatus which, under normal ness of eurrent'events and belief as ,sung is popular to -day only as a nov- Economic Corny-Aittee's 27th'rOort on been - retained in the soil -to encourag�& I . 1..Vy,� e airman to . 12 cups sweetened app,1,6 sauce .o there is a very simple maturity test . � 4 �'.� conditions, -allows tb grassland seeds, to avoid such terms ' deteril'Arie whether the McIntory r t - owth, bh s- all e pla I 'i Well as the stvlles and .manners of clt�,-it is a harmony history of the ,Z . ,Rind of % lemon or juice of. One- to h 00 g7i U owing th utr. . � F,�,� 1 breathe when in a., rai,efiedl atmos- 1 the country. - as persistent," 1�learfy," "hardy," and hWf orange or lemon is ripe enough to harvest. Cut a to become thoroughly re-establishi6d 0 0 �_ � There, arej us�less, as, owing to the days,when a circus was more inti- . �, "There's an oi�igan in -the rparlor to entertainment than to -day's the like, someof which do not always 2 t4blespoons 'butter., . few apples, and, if all the seeds are before freezing weather sets in. An, . �;.*­ mate . ,, ,,� , . decrease of atmospheric pi-essuTe on plant is better able to, t. . . �,E� , . give the house a tone, and you're *sel- super -super spectacle. The song was mean the sanve thing. In Australia, In, -a buttered cassei�ole spread a completely brown, the frult may be CstaJblisbed I f ..L�., .. the body in the stratosphere, the oxy-, come any evening at Maggie Mur- used by singing- entertainers. Im- for. example, a hardy strain means a layer ,vf corn flake crumbs. Cover Picked with the assurance that it with -stand summer drought than one . I �,�,;:-, -.,: - _­.igen, which the apparatus supplies es- - .y,'s home". may be, bad rh)nning, agine a .clown I trying to reach" ,and strain ca�&e of resisting'extrel'Aes ,wi-th a,plAe sance, to which the fruit will,develop full quality. newly plantedii this is another point . . I I �. , '.. capes from the body faster than it Ph -in"'favor 6f Y;11 planting, I , , - . 'I, but it is good irAication of- the Can- bold a three-ring audien,ce tc,-d of beat In Canada, on the. other juice ,has, been added. T�ip with corn - . , I . ,Late -flowering dndl tender varieties � . . ., ?,� " " .. caiL be breathed in. . ay hand, the term denotes a strain CaP7 flakes and dot With - . Bake for if- - 1, ".- idian -scene at that period. The par- without a battery of loud speakers. butter � ',,� . . of perennials should be -planted in ,;-,i . To overicoruie this Professor HaldL lor, a step up from the work -a -day I able ---of ,resisting extremes -of cold. 115 minutes in a "moderate own (400, 1 1 1 1XI - - ane has suggested the use of a "di,v- 49 Closed Seasons early spring, but the early -flowering 601 i.". , sitting room,'and the organ symboliz- - . .� Jn ,,both countries it connotes drought deg. F.). Serve with.whipped cream. I .I -,;�� .. .... I lug suit 'of the air" in which the "istance. In respect of-tempe Yield: 6, servings. There is a closed season through- sorts give better results if planted i . 'O" . ed culture and. prosperity. The organ . re-si . ra- �� i;1 ; , .-pressure upon the who�le`body can ,be. THE CAPDIAC, CHILD ture, ,however, the term is used with in fall. The accepted time forplant� 14;" .1 . P,- �vheezled' '11)oris," "S'weet Marie," . out the year on Wood Ducks, Swans, 1, ,�-,,,1,1,:. � maintained at the normal figure of ,, opposite meanings. Again, in Can- Apple Dumplings Cranes, Curlew, Willets, Godwits, Up- ing"iris seems to be July. and August, . . l, ,. � � ,; . . 0 although on this Station excellent re- ­V.i�."', 15 Rounds to the square inch as up- After the Ball," "Sweet Bunch of Heart disease in children is either ada winter -hardiness means aobility to land Plower, Black-4belhed and Golde I '__ I Daisies." On Sunday nights in count-, . ,5�§,� congenital or acquired. Interference 2 cuips, flour ri� &ults ,havebeen ,obtained by planting ; I '_.�i,�::. 1, on. the earth's suxfa�ee.' less homes it welded an entire' neigh- resist dity cold or snow. -In the Unit- Plover, Greater And Lesser) Yellow- - ;?-%, . In. research fof the purpose of.com- I , with normal development brings into 4 teasToons baking powder c in October. This is not recommend- I I ,� ed Kingdom it means ability to re- legs, Avo w Knots, ed as a general practice,and we , 12". '' borhood, group ,into a sing . the world a child with some defect, in % �teaspoon salt .. 'Vfm,� -- bating disease, some eXtrao,rcbdnar.v . le harm . on- ets, Dio itehers, I ,',, ,'� - s unit in thought, as well Sist wet cold. Strains that are "win- _only -hardy"' in ,the United Kingdom not provided with an open season in transplanted without being divi( ''. 1011 a' ""- his physical stru' ure, such as a bare ter e s -birds _,­ tomes and 4, all th hore , courageous experiments have been ct 2 tablespoons sugar - Turns 11­1�1 - foll6w ib in the case of large,plants '. "But you'll look sweet upon the lip � I . ­, �� carried out, and many doctors -and . or a cleft palate; in other cases, will 5 tablespoons shortening L-& �,114;11' . . seat of a bicycle built not necessarily be "winter- I above -schedule. . i .;;,�.", biologists haive sacrificed their lives a % cup mil.k. . If the soil is at all dry at pla . . I ,� for two," is it is the heart which is 'not properly h, rd,y" in,Canada. ,iOn the other hand nting --- ir.". 11 in their search for new methods of more'than a song. It is a ,mirror formed. There are cases of conge-ni- a red clover that resists the Cana- 'Sift dry ingredients.. ,Cut in short- There is a closed season through- t�me, a thorough watering is advis- 1; . _ i., � .., . . . . . -,��,.. ' that i�erflects the maples of Elm St., tal �,aft disease, and such cases are ening. Add �malk. Poll dough to Y4 out the year on the following nofi- able although this is not often nee� . . .-1"I" dealing with such grave diseases as than or .Russian 'win -ter by ftiwing I . I'�� arishly new telephone (poles, the . ' . . 11V�, cholera, sleeping sickness, tetanus 9 commonly knovirn-as blue babies be- the crown under the ,soil to keep it inch thickness and cut into 4 -inch game birds: ,.­ essrary,.,as an a normal fall there ix . ' " - �;�.-,�, Jones' surrey rolling dustily toward ' "' L' ­ . cause of the bluish tint of the skin 'squares. On each siquaree place an tAuks, Anklets, Bitterns, Fulta, . I , , rrr" and Other enemdes o -f =j nkind. gso under. conditions in Ur s, a fair supply of moisture. I �,L;'.' a picnic up by the stand pipe, a flut- warm, in doin apple while � L", A.particularly courageous and Self- which may be general, or be confined Great Britain, fails to survive the .� bas ,been cored and P.ax- ,Gannets, -Grebes, Gtillent6U, Us, In the case of dreciduo,as trees and " .1 __§__�_nT - _&&­V,EUg,,t - -e.,H. ter. -of -window blinds as meighbors--to thv--li-psT -nose -eart, -fingem- and- wg--,��t�­- ­­­ _.,,;6, - - ­ - e&- Fill. centers --mitiv. sugar and -cin- H-eronS, Jaegersi -Loons�j tM4urresi-Pot, shmbs. 4t--w.ould-be.--ad[visgble-ta,-wait, . . . ae CT "'J.", nk jar �Of JD,r . I l�,ll.,��', �, Barlow, a medical missionary slyly snoop at a bloomer girl mine- toes. r against ich the' nitiVe namon, adding a small armouflit of wa- rels, 'Puffins, -Shearwaters ai�d Ternsp until the plants a" dormant before ___ _. .. . . ' t ,;;�', 1. to ing toward the hoirse block where s,pecies ,keeps the crown above . ,,,�%;�;' 'China, -who was studying 'a mystery Acquired heart disease, or disease t&r and a small pierce of4yutter. Fbld ' � . 4 IW;. . eLm- waits with his'tandem,'k"r`s"` developing. after birth in the normall ground. . . edges of dough Qveir` apple aud�- and there is �a closed season through- transplanting; 'otherwise, the wood I ". 11'� , disease which yearly takes a ,deadly y - do I Press out the year on the following insect- 'will not bei proper 0 , ;�* , head lamp and all. formed heart is, in children, near] " . !','4 '" , .��' . �`.:, toU. of Chinese lives. - y . together. F%ace folded -side down. in 7vorouLs birds: Bobolinks., 'Catbirds, will entail -the loss, of a certain I,— I , 'i"" ` 1"We'll have ho-Aseless c!axTia&s always the result of rheumatic fewer. bur�teried baldng pan and balke in a Chicadees, Cuck,ocs; Flickers, Fly4 amount of vitality. Two very good '.'-- ti � i, � , I . lRefused permission to ,bring 'the sorr�e of these days?'! . . . "Quit If we are to succeed in preven ng Traps Set; No' Catch . ­ ,�,,l-,­ , I I hot -oven (4007deg. F.) for about 30 catchers, Girosbeaks, Husaming birds, -reasons for planting trees and shrabs . I I ,;g" .,: gernis of this disease out of China your funning. T'hey"ll never make a heart disease in'childbood- and am,bng No signs of infestation by the Jop- minutes. / I Kinglets, ''Martins, ,(Meadow Larks, in the fall are that there is less dan- I . '! , " " 1, 'k for ,4tudy in America, he absorbed, chime that can travel itself around dults, -we must either prevent anese beetle, which has been doing iServe with cream or hard sauce. Nighthawks or Bull-beLts, Nuthatches, ger of nurseries -being Lgold out of � �.. ,I'll , ". � . ma .. ! 41 I into his the streets. Forget about it, young a . 1�', �, %, ''. 1 .32 disea1se-laden parasites and the occurrence -of rheumatic fever, or serious damag46 to trees, shrubs, . ' Orioles, Robins, Shrikes, Swallows, the material Yequired, an -d time is 4,' , ,% , own. systern so that hi§ ColleSgUeS in le -es go down and watch -the flyer treat such cases as develop ,so vegetables and lawns , . Hard Sauce ' gwifts� Tangiers, Tiltinise, Tjhrushes, less fully occupied blian in -spring. E7- . I I 11� 'I., Baltimore could carry on'iesearch in- tha owers, fruits, I - V 1, ­. conie through.") I the heart will not suffer any perman- in the north-eastern States, hawo'been 2 t � . V7 1, Warblers, Waxwing�, Whip- ergrepris may- be successfully trans- ,, ta a =r w lich is, known to 'have e"Y I ablespoons buttiez ­ lh Oil don't know, Nellie like I ? . I I , I., Ir V , , '. P'Cib , ent damage. foumd in Canada. I txblespoo,J'W,11hg'Vavb&r =rw7ills, -Woodpeckers and Wrens, planted during September, but no lat- _ 1�� . - " . , been. ,for the loss of m,il-. do,' said the saucy little bird on Nel- The'specific cause of rheumatic fev- , "'d, , - ,Dr. Barlow becaviP iie's hat." Feathers and featherts'! er -is not known, 'but it is generally ese beetle traps' in which were ,plac- teastpoon vanilla. , t", ..�,-;",. I I Tions, of lives Early in July of this, year, Japan- I cup powdered sugar and all other perching birds which er unless the: location is exception- . . I , , . l, fe.ed entirely or chiefly on insects. ally favorable. 1,i �,�,';, grievously ill; as be lay in hospital Green d ... g, pink parrots drO0Py*0s- believed that the disease is due to a ed geranoil and !ei;jenol, two essential Cream btittor "aftid sugar, adding . �Nio persion shall kill, hunt, eaptiire, The ,Don-dnion L`xperiimental Sft- I ,Ik i�4-`V, -n Balthnote his body wasted rapid- trieb viliimtes in al shad4ai: a ,penguin- 4 I -Wili., .4 . I germ which'gains entranc through oils -used in perfumery, to which it water frolra time to"timL. to injure, take or molest any migratory tion at It -arrow, -Ontario, will be 1.4"""r . J 11,4N ,, . 14Y. . . mcock spread-eagled across a 20- %e tomils. This beli6f is e strength- has been found thebeetles are strong- beating easier.. Add'flaworimg. ,Chill. game birds during the closed, seasion - glad to supply lists of plants which. . I ., ,-;i " pe make 110 �1. ,4 4 ff.X�"'j"4 Nevertheldss, in spite of his suf- inch brjrn� pert tiny 'birds with yellow .ened because there is usually a his- ly attracted, were distributed in the tBrown sugar may be used instead amid no -person shall 1, , glass eyes .solemn purple birds, fea- tory of tonsilitis, sore throat, or Niagara Peninsula, Toronto, Montreal, of powdered sugar. f9ale, offer for Sale, buy, trade oT, traf- planting instr4etions for these,planta- 4 ," 13,il',�.--,, r9rings he assisted the -doctors study- sell, expose f;; may be tran-Vlanted in fall and also �,1,7f�- . hig his caise in every way and kept,ther boas,'feathe,zi 'dusters! The bird other infection of the throat markil"g Saint John, N.B., and'Yarmouth, N. .1 . , n any migratory game bird at . I I I �`�`11 ­ on, hm&-by-hour record of the pro-' on Nellie's hat sings, of a bygone the onset of � Apple Strudel a � � �1 �_ ,c , 1. '.�% 1, , ,the disease; many 6n-�- ,S., districts. , The traps -were distrib- ay tb*. 11 li, 0 �, I - 6ver,he Sank into a aorna, and it was W 4 he bee e . I � . .... __ gress of.the disease. At last;� how- day. qider this to be the fmst stage of the uted to determine h ther t , tl Thre talking of the nests or eggs, of 1, I . . I., .. - . q*1 feared that ndt even the most skilled In Buggy -Riding Days disease. I -had invaded Canada, but,none have Line a, buttered pudding dish with migratory game, migratory insectiv- ," - ­ " _�� I 1. � ,�,., � I ,,,, . ' A I 11, . "Waltz .me around igain, Willie In older persons, the attack i's fair- been caught in any of the traps. The eol*n najr'es- ()Over wilth a . lay,ex.-PT Ous, and migratory non-gamebirdis. is " � . 11�l ­i,"' doctors�, could ,save him. But already Around, around, around. The mU151c ly typical. Following. an acute onset, trapping activiti`bs attracted consid- es spriftkk prohibited. . . - "I, 11 W t !P1, �,� very thinly -sliced appl , ChalfRi a0d Skin '. . . 'P �,"" . sufilcidn6 knowledge of the malady is direamy, it's peaches and creamly. there are johqt pains of varying de- with sugar, a little cinnamon amid dot . - . . I �'k`, '.'- '­; &ad. been *,btained to enable his al- Oh, d,Dn,t I my erable attention from the public. The killing, hunting, ca,�6ring, tak- Ir ations . �;�ilzb',j' et feet t6tich the gree and severity, a,cco, with pieces of butt,er. Fill to top i 0 mo, es i to _y as '17',F 'c � ' .rnoauied by IT&ny persons submitted insects to ng r I ting of m gra i i ect- quickly I �, ,A; tendants to sarve him, and Dr. Bair- . I ��,'�'�5 1, , groum-&." Let us "flash back" as in loss of appetite and other s7m1ptO`Ms the Entomological Branch and to En- with alternate layers, covering With ivomm and nligratory non -game -birds Dv%4t1"^SES*. ,� , I ,z §,*, ".. , a layer of corn flakes.. Cover dish Zl�,;tN 'low camle back from the grave, cOa- the i8aIlywood movie� technique. commonly associated with fever. tomological Inspectors wbith were ,or thei,i nests or eggs is prohibited, I ,4N�"­. ,�. , to n-han's ,g"p�"fl 'isclous that he had 'added Thesummorpark built by the trol- The disease is frequently not sus- thought to be the Japanese beetle closely' Bake in a moderate oven The -powession of migratory game I 10 I 3k, ,1,V,��J���,'­ 1, dirm',ament against a deadly killer. ley com I � A I pany is crowded. The girls pected in young children 'became but none of the insects proved to - b-' (375 deg. F.) until apples'are soft. - . ,,.��i,, ", , I . I - 2��W�_-'­ _When Dr. Koch announced to ,the wear shirt-wals&& a1W .P010padoursv there may not be any marked pains su,eh. The j e erve with hard sauce lemon sauce . I . 5 . I I'V, ', . *�;Id that he had ...... ded in dis- the men the newfanglad style of belt- in the,jo nts,_th apamese-beetle was first S '�Ql_y � or cream . I . . . ,; "' ' i e tylpical symptom in found on this side of the world d,bT- . . ' ,g,.,�,,-�',, ., , , . e 1110?"0 ., Pried Apples q"�` I ;i` � , )" ' ieove�e and isolating ,the 'germ of ed pants, that make it entirely mr- older . persons. The -the summer of 1916 at Philadel I , .�,,;,1,,1,,%",,,. ,w,Mbly disbelieved, rect towalts without one?s coat. C at- considered " n,g n 1, . __ . . ' i � , re was .pai s are Often ing - 1,''M­�_, lelwlera, I -0 as grow, palms PP A phia Pa., and since then it his.,moltl 6 apples 4� C;pjT.,A L . . ,. . 1�'-""�",��4."''I�'. - ' I k . , '�'§')`Tt;`�� and in order -to provii- the truth or *d consmimtives -sweat through the ebild MaYbaive Pains in his extremi- pliea and spread, in -the northeastern 2 tablespoons melted fat., -MILE ROUND TRJP BARGAIN FARES , ', .14V � _ ,li.��!,R,t�,!",�.,� ,., '. . �. ... . I '.1 � — 01��".�,�,,.��!' ties as a result Of some unusual use part of the United. 6fates and h � �nuln Fare6:' Adult 75c. - Child'400 I . ���!-;f""W,,,, 7 I.! . .1. -1 . I as Wash and core apples. Out in Ys- -_ . . (W,Zd . . . . I - . . 4 ,g , .11, , - of -his museles, or for Some other rea- been discovered at several rpoints not inch slices. Fry in fat, being careful . . �R ,ZRR",:' , '' , " , 11 A t,p',, .I _­_­�xftv ....... ­ "_ , � I -- --1.1-1.1-1. --010-1-1-1 I L �;,,�,,. ,�,,R , , , , . .� ","'1�1ZV"C' .1 '. � I . F '. son, but never because he is growing, far from, the International Boundary. -not to break the slices.S1prinkle with '6F.. , " . . . i 1. �, " ­ I 1. 1�nlflil:, , � if suob palms recur, the child Should � from SEAFORTH" ;,�m " ,,,�'! I .. . HEALTH SELDOM COMES,BY CHANCE be exanflned by a doctor. ?Chiorea,qor 'It is one of the most destructive of igramulated . sugar if desiredii . . . � . . 11 � foreign insetts. The co-operation and I I 40 — ­ I ­ . . �. - . '. '.. I I'll .,­,�'O. � I.. -, . St -Dance, is it form or symp- assistance Of the ,public is appreciat- , I W, . ;, . . � t. VituV , , , , . ­�;'.1.1, I m TO PERSONS OVER THIRTY . tom, ,of rheumatic fever. ed -by the Dominion Entomologist and Digestion gmd a CAIL Staitions SARNIXTOORAMPT04 . I- � . . I . . , I I I�Zill ", . .1 . The -heart muscles and the heart his staff. . � - 1XC=1Na ALL B9A9CR UNEig Waik -to - . ; ? " ,t, � ;�_;,., . � � . � 1. ,­F,�., � ,-p�, . Goodhealth otaiii6t be taken. for granted kny more than a good valves are frequently inflamed as- a . . . It'is, well known that we. must eat . i �­ -4 . ' . 1,l.,,.r _,-.;,-,.,,, , ,, - %�om euxii..',0o for pergonig,ever thirty it is just as smart and busi- I result of the v.heauiatic fever itfee- - ­ ,­­ to Hvia, but it is not so, generally un- . I .., - . . . . �,�­ .- I .;, ii'i-_111�­ . - -,)i6sg�l&etbp,laiitoiorti6ygooclheilth-tisitio, plan to enjoy ago6d tion. That is why .rheumatic- fever is I t , .1 dersb;�d why bating makes u8 live. � . I WN I I C '," , to 4,11 �;,!4 �` - ;L�i��­..,,,'�, "' . 4 " " 11fedator. "Aad ieg Jtwt as inuch a- matter of plain common sense to . 11 the foods which intef ` I !�'jj`l%­�4 ` L a' serious -disease. There iW only one , `.��',�"'�4,,"`,­ . ,:� ttoni. . , �4,,'�tj ", � . , I 'i I— " i,- 11. "! tMooktio-od'yo,drself.. .. . .. I . CA A . Vie I �. - V j, ­,� 4 �;: L' .. - - . ' TAPERHAL D,8A,FN)gS& ach- via ,the,, *outh go, through, the I - . .11 11 , ` - MAY BIR I _­��'_ _ egili, �-�oar Abwte6minp are, at Ara,. likely to te thos�L Vmy to tftat'these cases, and. that is . " . � �. � J'jj hi _ . . I . OVERCOME process of. digestion, ,d1uring which � % 1 7�; � "" -"iftift'ri by havi,ng ttem,"rest im, bed wo long � I . I . . . . . . � ,,Ot;,",tt�!ur.,vt'U'fiteliiiga. At such times� if your P166,d . he myee I ..-...L— 11 I ;;`:1'41` ;! �,:;,,�g,,� etpq* � as t . on Is. active. 13m, thiby, are broken dMon, intoi,their shn- . ­ " "", , _ ji�IV,Woald wd�t likely, be- found "lowi'in count", Thig ' __ I , . " = .ftnge:�'o To..'eOrplaselod-and the co*usclog theins&*eq bie a ,matter of motth * , -' is, v you have, Catarrlial ,begfnesg or ple constituent q*ttgo This M*kev it i I L , ''. MitauuKu, "M"KUKt4AJ,XVWUUUAV&*' . V �1_,�:i,- ) I I , § ki. many ei I bo ahSorbed Barriso- Orillia 'hRdlaud, I J,,q0.*V 1'eift"gilqu. '� -.A=ii.,1r4 - �kp this double shortage, add ybt[ln;', es. 'COnValegeen;Ca must never' be (head. soi§ ot are grow id. . tAtsWn,o��X,6r& li gX � . .. Md ?1�l . - 1..111 ­ , and ear bdi' iy* pogAble for the foodt, . � � . � T.',1 . ,; V,. ''I 1 . . I i ;,�'-'-cb - � , 0646""dorta4l; ltiealth..aghia4 Negldetpl� and indkibus k6ufW ' ' . I I. Bridebiidgol-H Bdy,., - . � , . .1, , I b . , �1111... .'.4 , �� .. .0 . 'i to come .hard of hearing go to your ,druggist into,the blood attegal a1id's16 be car- , All ww" to t4t* 6A kwdii 6, "t t .."i W", I` *,&�AvA Orifido My.: , I _ - !_ .. , � , , _ I I . hurried if the. ,&art I �,��111� :9,1"'Ma .. ol , , .1 � � �_;I­­ , , , , � , , . , . . ... . . I , . ­� � 't , " ,'.�,, � through without serlouR damage, and get I oubee, of Parmint, (d,&Vble ned to the tisgue'i of "t6. wo wat&i , - , . . Py" *119W '' " ,. ,�, -,111, "I �,, ,0 . I . ��'�,;, �kbb_ I .I ,# of kgq 'Ing th#'Vltdj'0 I r Kib -,�sw�,�"' . I . ,,, 40 . . .� ; R14-.0 1 - 1,y'11�1 11,11111"", 11 M JWW#Vftlfficog�tfie finportaric .P., I . - Unforbunately, the diso"6 ton& to stftngtb), and add. to it I ey are used for tkn,�M 6*1h, or .., q �� ..N 01 no Wrol Ny� .t# . I I � ., Voodoo, 1. . of , � -%,ft,_ I I I . . . . I - - US , � V%9% to � 60,11470f: "h6m �/4 plot 11, , , " , ,:� , uumull UUMOrIty 0;7g1mdted*' . . . ,,�.�;� . ., .r , yo e "o. " 4 , ?W _4 . . .1 _ . � 1�-��­­�'�71,61-01 , 1=941 10, ft h0XPlng`.ruft�d6Wft, R100010 � recar, go the ehil&,q throat shoitjI4 be, -hot ws,t#T and ,& -little gramul air'l � t A OC 4. to 'OR ; A � L6fi - a , IT �bd& I at#d. .0 I '29B.1.4 "I ll �j,'W_ WN ;."'N � .r - '. - 4 1 . I 11 "I " " a , �,. W -ft -Nt in a, healthy t6liditAbir had 11is saigar. * Ttoke I t4bl,eSpoottul trftr. 1 ere� are inany diff i0lt ,kfn&, of � 3W kli�w lon1j. ov.Va � . �,�:�l un WRIPPO It . __­ i 7 _-�­ 7"I 4,W1118 reparanono�,,?.w &% . .. _,�_ I a I � I 0", 10 �, I . I . food, bd , . -,. � . - I - .- 1,`,,� ��f�Ml _,,i!;�,Y, _11`,�t?'.t " `�, 'P1d-','.0*6 ." , ,-no MM . vemeral heultli b-616 up. Re - should, thnes a Jiay. - of *M7,ing 941 . , ,� usis �X zRit, ' 'm , it MAU .. at' )i 6. # i A , . Z, dtfinitely'laorea - V �"e 11 't all art to#ft�osed , K'k � , IV,b � . � 1. � ,, il tl ,'11­�­­, 11 I V,xtj �',M�V,rtj-Ajo 'I ofca&,,�M,Oxe -*&t6ftg,fy1=T"rj , , , , , 1,,,,� ''M ,� � I � in&etj6j% a hi'a. moso, gmd. . - 6 . . T�,'J' Ii. _Oy, 614 tl* . . 11'�­.­.. �.. 1% -� TidobtJ at_S66 A ,,,i,j,;,,,,(q,­� ��111�, . � -4 'i 1. � _ Avoid any T-hig will' often bting JUI& relid � slymithts and kind4, of parbonifi"rAtes I ­_ ­­ - �� �1. I 11.�� , ,, ­ , '41'r, - ,� " ". �1 , P . . ,.i I I i . . . 1, I th'fda�.t, ttlTd ".if! �;� thb,)� L . _'� ­&-6ul, � ' I'l.jy 14;u 'protel'ut avtali thaodt* - , � . I . , fil - - I— Ap and, r6f-WV6,.��Sipuk;ltd� it " . .. ­ W,011`75f� � Iq 6. , " Z I . * eolh6ult ineafeat AmonL _- I � � � � � � � � � � � � � W _', 2 ),m,pal 00011 * isbid-th "in " 0 tho, . � �qx `i��i,�T _,,', �� ,Jmg?j ifth . � gjl,ls_'�' �. �� I froin the dlitrebilmg head moisiog; 1.11, rAA*Aikfdc6�&6fi" Ti�ii " ��,!% ,�, , 9 s" frPITUrg,'k. � 0;fi#%,,j6,.t�AX W10 P . , 'X ,��. I _V X 16 &I -11 0ft .­`­­_ ,,F I ". ,!$ I'll , , � 497 - I I , ' ' . .1 . L � .1 1. - ­ I . I 7PA,Xly', ,AV , 61916fit, ", , 16 hsw " lfwly: , ft'&AVilg Aduld 6peti'bi.blith-, *4t&- 111'e '00cess 03: , . , " __7%.j",k-"'P -.. ' " � .., .!-.�,T_Wl� " �, I 14, ­ I ,It-ftg 016, - . .- - 1 1W. �� -."I" 'y — ", . %. � ' '.J AIJIMIN"Ll XZ -0: W" I �. �� ��, a " , iy�, , '. - I afiblald-gts t6 - is ' ilf�,,.�, , I "', - , Nd ,I _ ,,�'. I"' . - * Jr0ed*ftd . ­­ ,,�_. _4� � , '. , , :lMUW� , Imis � , , .� '' 1. � . li ,i,: ,:,,, -, , Ing, M#eA �L VuAbAlb,16� �'U' � 0, ; ,, I I 1, , qrR0 (it It . . . I I �, ", _ k i=� I 'M , " �, W, �� . 1" iP ,, I , -, , " - 1, , � - �,4 - ,h � , .. � � r i : I I . I h � - �.4 ;�r,,,�,i;,�;, W.�,�.,,,�,p� . � & 14 to U It* ,.Wtg . � VIct � , =W * _* t ,q -.t,.'.,i� f.A' ,,� * ' ­� , a, �, I I I , At V 7 0 61ka tfio 11 �UJY 4'0 '.' I., , , I 1� 1," . ;, . , " , . � ct) X,J , � r ,,­ �, 1,; _&Mg#&'Ltq. '. 0� .,aj, fi�� 'M . I . t — V i It., I . .. 6u in thd , `��"` �' '� - "'.",-, . , , )t t;6 ­­ - - mt6tl *.' 1�j.ttl6,'.*,6a* i#. j&404. . �. I'll ­ .. .1' . i �f,3�� V., _. V , ". � d I S� IPPETaXO to I .1 01; 4- " - T - 0 & � I _7 I ' ": � I.. ''I 41'.I,,; 01i# ,. """ I ­ , '14 if ''. tha#6 — - : , , 94." Ant f6 t6kig; " -Aft" _ 10,�.,Ow� �AT41,, �,eom , iluvo`i 0011 . ", 10) . I �.. bve.�11__ ,*��I,el�!, 1, ".Ar �., 'dti6 , I �,1`1 - , ""IT, �; �; , 4 , , "' � - k "j, gi, , . , I , li 11 11�v .� 9 , " AM (it Idiflopo"94 % , io+_ ", ho, 10 ...... I b4to4w, , 'IN Im !! !!�' to . .1 I . I I " I ", $ ". qu,dgti , " " * , , '* :fi, , , Ai Ch I - .��� ` ; A th6n .1 "t . ,e ­ "', I . ,:�.:,:� AT i',%XAL,1,� I ". , i , � " 1A, �, , ,, NSA: F9 ,§M � 0 �, , ,.ft . ift � ,N.j�,,M,� ft I# . ., ­*th i '' ... r,Ai,,��Gc;,&, " -. � �b N 0 �q ,6,,'-';, " � - 11 . "I 11.1.9 ­ .1 1, I 46, ��,, , I . 4 j'#'.(� ., .. _Z 11 -i. , - .1� I 1% ��`A,Ad.­% - - �� "LL� : %�,_'?M�i� . 11, -1 1-111 11 ��111 W­emft ,�,�M�AVA­ , IV � ... I , , , "I Of �F":A,Kks" 70AXW4 i" ,4 , .� ��,�,�,�,�,,�1.1-1-1.1-l""I'l�";",�'l�'�'�'�'�'� I . - __.__.____ - ------- -------------- . . �- ­­­ 1-1-11 ­ ­­ 1. . -1. � . -1 1. .... , .10 " , _ . , 64' r W, , , . �il � '4" I �. qU401 , � - N, . . . t6 " "I'll .11 .... � q ultibidl &6MA01,11 1 %6�0 Ow" �. , , , 1,,� . ,, � -- - "I i'., : � , I , 11, ,�,I'�"`:,4_ � 1 , I . . . . I . . 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