HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-10-12, Page 5� 4W .:: C.. .11 ._1rr111­ I - . .. .1 . , 4- L . ,��;�:�,� . e.;r.�� ,'.�,.: 1 . . "I'll , . , ,:,�� �­. -'q:l 0 � 11 �:, I ,,�,,, . .. ,,,, 11 I � .,:1.. - I 4 j, .. " "', I '' j�� L" .11 � ", ", �", 1, _ , -.1'... . � . � __.. W A. . 0 .. -....-��, ill M I ..... .1 ..... . - ..,4 i ' . � , ; ... ,4 LLL .4 . : , ­ 1� . . ��l - ­,�,�� , ,, "'Ill , '' , I - _ 100; 1 � :� ;Q , i ,� . I,! , . . 11 , W . . � � 11 11 11 , . I.. , . 11 i .... 4 - . . :1 ! , , - �, . - I � , �.. �11 I I I .. .. 11 : - , . , � - � I ;; _.."_ k ". . ;;,... ''Y"'I " '. ", ,� J� I l, ..:" - I 1. ; * - il 0 : ,".0, I 1. . F��.'1�.,_ . __ � ,. , , ',,'- -;; 0 .,� ."�n-jr,A,x I - '. , ,� I �� I �!l,�, � , j�­ - -1, I_Irr"�,," ,.�?., , 1,� 7", , �,�...!,",,'.,,,,�-�'.������.,-.�i-,.l! , � , I.. i�, ," . , . ", .. .1 , ., I . � -- �;4,� _ - I .. . " I � '� " .", ".." . � .. . ... �; . � 1,,'�, , - . � �l 1 . , .1 5? �, I ! � � . , - .;' ,, , '. ,'. ,�­�, e Al i e7 , , , , 4 , , , � � I I '. I I 11, -�'. . ­'�,. , 1. �� �1.1 . .;�A, Y .l % wl, �0 , ." , - .k."-1 ,." , - , , , I , :. i � . " � 6W. 1, f�l 112 �l 011, 01V . ", _!A , ,, r�-l�,�-' �,Ia, "14 �4 ON, " 5�:- , ,,�% 14 . 1, . . � . . 'f : � � ;�, , , , '� '17-1, =+,_P,ll� ir.�­�.,R,lljy $,�-6w, . , � _T'-!�ffT.�l �'"'­' ll!� ..". ,F,r," ,;. �,X�:��:k�-� I? � � ei -"-"� .j � ---- !�W_��tr,4-��,�,. -.'MT-�4-�T'i��)�z--,Z�,,-,��A4,?AY,..,$.'--Wqxsps.-'=.-,E!a�$nw '!(,our ',yF',,,-..'A'y','�.� 1�' 4BU ,�?t�wwi ,v, .1 . ,� 4%,"p-P,�p � WAM, e�, ow,�� A, fte.e. 11".11 , , 0&,�g, -z�, I I . ;4-j%'*'�,r,jP , "I , �, �, ., , " �1�,,�, , 4,:.,�'T.4qpr"vqm�7-n,6"twe�5"�-��orrao,g,L�-', -, Imms ft., �)s . 8 - -1 �0,,Vardtl �Ir� " �0;, q=)Bl '�r I -A&MR. '­ - " ", � , . S, I , , . I �� , .� , . _ ,M, I I ��"r ".� H . " 1, r-1 - � ., ,. ,.. 1.� --�-.. . e,,,,i� 1"; � , ., , . ,t,.'k 1� WV! ". ­­ ... - - - - 'ed, 'so 1,10 , , ,-, , ,�,,� �,, , jw* m. � _ .9;: . % . .� . - '', , � � I- n -4` , , , .. .-, � I I � I , �.­,­ 1,t.'�,!/.,� pvoptwj� 640*,§#� f1qwtWv.,,.W.W-h,_A1XF-A mdtlh- _4elpful messages � rbb� , gatio . , ?Malyllnft, - '. . - , ...... , . " F.- '1-11 . ,_ ,_� 's-4 . , `�, !��! " I .1 �% . . . I . . ", 0 . � .1 !r Lv-�­ .Pilllly� POW'hwo �'. �4M �, .�,.�,. �, r"', � � . , ";" , .,!T,� ' - ' 0 Ti" 7 � P I � T. ve4eot xamg, li�. each jday 01l'Ae week 6h. t i - pa, le,uVs wcopt d 444 " the hi h stan, 4-,.Oj,f I 1.111, - .... .1 '�. 1. 11 . �i ?"�-;,N­ i'41,11 ,!q . 111­� I .1 1-1-1 , . -1..-F--- I ... ­­ I Nm6nds-0, yvild, 0 I 1, "'!-­ 1. . ":. , I t , � �l I".. 11A-1-..,_ ;a�,;;.,w1wi, tW? , . , I -;�­ . .1 . - I � - . �� " hW­*h&*-0he--h4d,--reWjtd1 berself� . ­Tjjo__4� , 't , w-'. . I " ' " " "' "' i '�: ... I � - ,, - ,he, .* . 9mi ; , lffffr-wl , "' , it , , . ti ". ,dar, " I � �' "S"I'l ;i� i., �,,.-�`� 7-MeW, - '". ', -14 L � � - 9 _2L - _.n"­� " ? , 1, 111, H, ,: I Ad�-,- %..os uwL SMth"' ',jW'-`--:aV TAX= cumoluded, lby�read the, fol -low- , I - I., � "I 1. �, 1, ,. , -Alg t� - ' . _. ., � , 41L�),.,qn�_ bg buttOA-14- I , * �. I . IE ,��, , � ;i� , e -.1. � ... , ., - 1_1.1:'R,��,I­T__� _.s, I pg , ­­� � ..i.1 -i ,___..___ ��, 1�_. n ­. ,,, 14, 77,­� �.. .7'. ------- I., - . -.1-1. ....­:: -1 . ", - ­--rr,'m , .�, -4 _4 orrile, , - tble, , :6� : , �,h', — . .1. ­ r, 4; toast to, tho hoslpltl 'i 011114 01A , , , - . .7, , � n,4,1' , I Of ,�g&S�pni�;I�regq inig Lon,'fii#�- ` " 10 ld-,4e, te isiked , . 1. I— , ­ I � ,�� . . ".,l � "r ­�la:�,, 0-11.1 .. I , . � . . - .11 ". . � *40,4*M.. .1 '. " .: - �­ `�,` ,,, its�.�,&.__L .- , " " Qiv�­t,;W-W, � . ,� . I I- ___ #, Si ',Di�' � .0 I prespT - I . 1. , 'WO I Ru "" L ,8 - " . &D' w_-.e'.,**i,4v.,i1,- � '. 'th ,�,po;41;Wn - Here?s a f6ist to�'th6iel,,,Oast and you becdaiseof the - -n,c P � -,-T j�­ ­,,W�4_ MR " Im"K 11 �. . Or ' . n, 01 _ . ,:er,B 4' afty, 144 � P'n of -'-Lion- �fid! . " � V . ­ I , r . E ­7---;�­­-­,��-.,, - , . � -� ` �:�� X 4 -�ohi,61f--,-�,m-I-I,kp,,e,p,tlw,,fliO.wet§'6Nv,eet� for PT#sAat Who h-el-pe.d,'T�lo�e.ini�larg6.6,r, --k p6loji-it re . .W. 10 � L aoftne lume, Out -ther,0t0=,;,',..wLt)h,, a, small waj-Lfte 'Miles' , qrty� .and. Unselfish Servici. . ", , . ... - . z ­�p 0 I I .1 I I , I I tones in Hospi- , The ,c6lor's'.. - , , e �,Sfl*'v weeoX !%",`a, . I I i . � , Ve­ instea ' Of seppipr�q,'i.011 4S'tal: lgervice�adown all the ,-years- to � it.) , ad, . ,. - I , . -.1 . .. ' 1. . , , 4 -co .Qr q ;.�, - ... � . I � . gml (1, are purple' and'.- gold.' . 4;Miere ey ........ �._ :, , -TV=,E , TO ��� " , f � . ­ f the canopy , u0ters, I I I � , . . the letaiviles 1kat are imidier we'ter, for this day. '' " , I ,T? '. , n . I . , = , � .1.1 ......... � ........ �­­l . . / - I We paugeat.this,X91l plac- -FwPle WAA+"t e - "I i , I . � , .. ,, Apt . ., . ith,,ey.; Oofsbn :of tho - cho ,Of King Solonion, a --mv-0mv, .. .. I .. . " l the,'plaut*.�,. . Dbinit'�,erowd ed Milestone where, lome and'human� . D., St. rs�'. �.,Covherlirrbl ? . b" -, � - , ' , , , , k jidwilersAn a T;4plie..'Di ?ZAAde.'gLi,sst& Ity m,eet'and, plave.fragrant thoughts the q1d,dJsV'enS,jtj6n�' 1putple;�was the ­lo,d -It*-f� I S. Il ' . ,; 0�,ankl - - I I I . ..". " �.. I y "j, , . . -_ � -1 '' ' ' ` � . 1117� - I � . I- . I .,�., - '. , _;1. V, " I . `� I . _ ,bur, _00her' 0.0 I - . ..,. � , "i I. '. ;at, the diihnertable, wriz -high, flowers. *X, the. w rk­ - . . COW Af tllel" klarinenitS WOMMM �Y,';Dilr' .. ., � , ., . . �1. , ". I ., I , gg- .r 0 . ave 'travelled , '4i I gg i t - .... I'll Dr.' A� . Aoag,'. 'of 'Malzdoinald Hall, this,11o. ital ' -'-' '_ Saviour At -the time of Ms u ., g, zgnva -- %0-1-0-1-1 ,,- I sp'L Strept.: Som,6 have' left T rucift-MOR, . 1ARis Mlwgaret Robiyw* is spend- . `�;l -0 fiQ " " ��,Ogf,,W,/ TLPTov -L ax ors, , _ "Guelo, in. A,kief aiddies-si congratu- jis f or much u,xpIe -ofT'-Lionism, theiefore. .��,;o a ,weeii, ' �.,,�V/gp, 3 W h1104- ­�,,,_A -.'L-- he ip - 44.d- _llt+fh.-A.A__lA. _-4. , � I .. il, 4 vr I I . � 0 i . . — — - � a ,-,11�, E -1.":A; . . '. - �0 , - the officets of the, Institute on sicImess and pain ' -ta'Ads f, ' `,�'Ity and wisdom.; 'it 1. .N. 1 3 -1 .or -xv. a 11 Itato _ �. ­­ . L, ..W.41 ?, �, . - 1, , 1'Lu I . I . Flint %!Mich. , - � . , . ;,,j,,1U . , �jj , 11QW10 i nt r o d(u. c e d US who are left hurnbly* w6rnise, our . . . ., � , � %, 5,UccesSj�ujjj ave no part. Let stands foj�­,,*1,6, gTea� - sacrifice. it g� ' , , . 01%�l !M`sses 216xy iand:,Adelene PSI- . I .. 0:111 11, I . � . . I ��/, . Achievemem, *Day in ,Huron, �tands :for *Aerly, ,love towardsall 'ton mit; ji en ��1.1*11 I .06unty. livds-to a imitreb. larger, pdrt. , mer of. Hamill - spe. t e. week d --- �. ­, � Let u,b ' ,,, . " - -Me spoke 'of -e Advantuges-young toast the :Su' eri. n eL Bp nien; , it - itancl# lor . WWI ty Of 0i with 31r. and Wris.''WiR Reid of Var- Fit dfid'"Tailorin Guaran � . t, -A'.2 4111 �41-f.,N;, � - - th - p. nte dent, th ard', P - - I ­ " I 9 , toed , k - i � �) Neoilil;.e possess. in, their homes, -here. Aid and ,StaftL act'r � , . � . . .. ua;..and ialsla assisted,with the ma 93- I " 1111 I I - , , I . I r. , ,,- , , L I _&ne; 4nd all -the Doc- Ae . �=" '. p.0 I � ii - attefid universities in ,tors,' The -jold" is judicativ6 ,of the sur�i at the =,Uj4 Ty. �erv5cles on Sun- " , , . . W you camnot Tseg in white -who stand and. its ray * . : .1 , 1. ;-.4'.q�,q! �% ` . the Nu , risia -(Y'/'��-011, ��, � ,*.. And is - signific ' . ­�--. I . �dtfter places you can have a univers- -day and. night to an ncy's . , ant, of "-A , . I I � ­ ; s .� . swer emerge , . I � 1. " _ , heal -Vii, "hajyp�ness, harmony a .. I .,� & --ty education- here in Huron County, call-tthe, Nurses in Blue who are trol. . nd con- ,1MT_ and Mrs. -Smale anld�familj oT � ­- � ., ,.2 .1 t, ", � "4 , I . -for educattion meaus 'the developing treading each, day through. h ital I ,There- -is not 6he imlan. sjW,Ag, ait Stla-ga vigted ut Mr. :. ­ . . 11 . .,)!4'11 l I � 051) this table �6,,,aight,yvbo 'has not learn'- Stephenson's ion iSuu y., , . 11 I. I I I 1. �. . y ,of, yourselves. 'Too ,get our life into ais, 9 a . , !!+Ws. W ­..1R,. le, service to do the sick folk- u* � .. ". 1. I , ... - �� -," ­­­.— ,,,,e� .1�, I . ea from 'the -.stem lewons of life Report of No. 14 S$,anley - - ", ,�, � , , I . �. I . I , ___'�.�� �,;`, �_',!", � � I viropDrtion we must. ,have, ith:rlee-fold and add to this Blessing a :Smile. Let ,that, ;beqalth,,#!�ppiness, hairmony and 11!he, :eollowizig is the ,W,hool, report 11 __'L_ . � . I I 4 ,,,.vrolpD,rta,,,on�;"w'e',&.ras.t"hav,,o a threia- us jqin hearts -and Whisp - er,a BI , . I I ... .... I �. _.�,:_. _­."", , '. '__ .__ , . . e,�s­ corltrol :.ore nlew,,y attained. except of No. 14, Staplely, for September: . I . . . . . . . . �. , : � -, , , , .... L, "'., "I ... . -�&Id development, that of thinking,'ing to the great Physician o ' I i . I . ,. . I . I I , . . '. ...'. �'. �1101 , . I " 4 �-; ,� 1,A,-`,h,t­ �,. .. I.. , "I � , . ..);. - 1 . " , . 1�.,, I . . . �­� ,��.�� . . *naive - hud . I I . �_ , 11 ­_* f feel-ing and.doing.,­&Lscovering beauty' -who 'has made hearts resp . 111. ��;;� 'IS I . f all----"'thr6ukh' thp.';-dautious Observance of ST. ,IV---NAt1b1eeh Jones 76,, Mary Far- . . I . 1 . � " .. I , -- . 1. . � Z 11 �*',-M- I . I . . . � . . er & of , ma . �'tb�',e Al,:�' he -4G9 . �. i . I � � wfflb� glad to Show. �'L , . �-, . . . I. . ...1. I . ­ I.. ­�." I 10 I .. in th'o Itow s, uAture and .people flithful ,to the need � -h-u- - :3 #��hsl;,?j; ,Social' and mOral qu T 74, Xr, I,V- urge Clifton 59. .. I.. _� .11. I- ,, . ', I I— 1 - M nity's � I ... . , ".1 1. , , -0,l,N,� Pt .0 . � . - .11 - 11 - .11. " '10141", .. - . . .. . :!. .. . .6id b4l"It that Jupilter sent ,sr . . e . . .. ­ ,V, p;e.�t""t I I -aTiound, . . , i ", . . . '� --rl I 1- 1, " .. you, interested, %,in the welfare c -all, ". . . .49 III-­81ric Switzer 62, �Iurilli OWA. . . . we . . � YOU . � . - I I . . ' ' � .1 a, 4y 0 ' ' I � : I I I I .- ,, - ., 1-11 ' � qp�wn' " 't �..�golden R in� 61. -Jr. 111=4As_iRath*eH 75., . . . . . , ; % �.,�V:",�Y: ... . ., . ,,of others. Mentioning,,in'this, c6nneel - !A lhe*ty vote, of,thaffim wa.ls,tA .. ght to the IBM I -- I - , ;�',��,U . F . . . ' - ' ta�thl'.&',Z�Ae `&e.jj ei,ii I . . . . these wonderful! values Whe- , , .. . 1. . I 11�1 , . . I I - -Hon, Dip. Lazar, who gaVe his life *io de'red the speaker by iMrs. 'E' . r upward to Jean -Speir 63, Ernie Tagbot 55, Don' . I . . . � ... � li�i','�,A:",P,tt �,, 11 I . . ' . . . . .. I.. 11.p.,­4V�"g. . � I � . . ,,;!,,�,,� - ill I I . .. , . .1 . dviVard their final abode. Putple and gold, 86itzer ,95.,. Sr. - II_Vvlm� Witcombe I . . ther " or not."' , . 11 I " 01W ... . .diswme,� the germ of yellow fever, Appleyard and !Mrs. W. 'E. Bell for ..therefore " -represents -the; .,principles .68, M41dred Jones . . . 7QIi buy, . . . I . I .. ,�', ,,_4,CA.; $1 ; 4 . 1. ­. �_-', M , " 1�1.. A, , -2nd doing -our (best.' The ,reading of her hi-foTming itlildresiv . I.- ..64,, Kenneth Me- �. .---" . 1. . .1 , .. , I " " ?, , I 'i � ! ' — 11 I �1� - tc�,',�,l,g, . . d books and magazines have a . . and purpose* of"Lionism.'' , ' . . I � . .. , �,:­:.,;lq . I ;.", I . . � "I'll , , . I �9100 n A half hour of pleasant social in- . Kenzie,5o. .Jr. II--Juqle Murdoch- 77, ' - " I I . 11.1Aj e'It" 1� - ;,0%.,?-Mk"T. - 01?��,;­.'-1171;�. - .. -1 - `--.-o­114�1 . :�::��' ,,�­,., - � e -,m NO ��g . . - , i .. �� ,0. a I *nilpioortant part, too. in, the thr"-fold Wear your buttons, Lions, with 'a Dionney McKenzie 55,,'Betty Switzer ­ � -:1111111 ,'.-��.,: . �. - ;; .......'.­.-,� .. ..I�, ,­� ,-�,­.­-r"­­- , I .� 'ei. '� . ,­ff. . . tere6urse ,was then� sent ' wbjen a justifiab e pride and may. these -eoll. 5o, .'.". "..."".. ,. �. I *1 . I I .111,�,.�.�.��:�::I��,-",.,:?*.�.,,*�.-"*.�m,.,',"rr�.,".�'�,','�',�,"...I'lI I �­� -714* - you can get in dellct&a I , .-P�;�,�.,�,,i.',**�,"f...:sr�r � . ., . P-Mmer-Rulth Rathmell. Nurh­ . " , "'.05' - I , � , '' -,,�. -;,,�­,W 1. --0"'.." i`_r.`��Ir.`.`?, . .1 � ,,,�, ! -11mon I ."............. . .. . , . ,development .which I 9 lunch was, serv6d by the so-, ors anffl�the principles and. ideals that 'her on,rioll, 16; average -_,attendance, � .. I 1. , . , .J.' � - Ooirnyty. � I j", � "'S � ", .�,`,'. . �11 I 4 �ll�' . . dal o6atrilttee with MTS. R. J. Sproat. they reipr I . 11 . ­ , .'11:,P. . I . . . 0 The properties of nidlik arid, its uses as convener. . I esent ever predoininate your 14.93,--4P. iC. per4plil, T,S,4�rher. , I . I . -.,. _'. , I I . 1. � �n_ . m­;�111'1 . , �,,!,'. id, ir�f . ean � . ; . 11 I �,, �.!�, .. , —_ . . I - . ,�3?� . . . . . . I I � . . I I .. ." I : , I Mrs. R-hynas, formerly Miss Tuar- Your flaj,'but �t�nding ..;is associate ., . . . , ��,�,?%,, .. ,were -,clearly v ' hown .,by Misses J daily lives not abo,ve the ,colors .of . I . � ­ ��f-"&�, �-,?.-­ < I 7-otheringham, Seaforth,' a -rid Mig� garet Ferguson, of Balydeld 'is not colors . _., , - . . I .S I , :7�, �.f,xl, 1_ � ".. - " I . _�:I�,�'. . . . . with the flag, good 'for all ' I . . I . " �� " - '�,'.'4 1 , I �� . I I lKathleen Strang, � of Exete'r. The only an active worker, 'but I'S', also a - AUBURN , I I I .... , ­,".', f # I 'and all for jood. . . I I '-.1 11 , . "I :­ . ,,, .r�:`,A a - , 4, I . I . I " 1,7'.y. , .. ­��X .. .. I I.. I . �_ -1 . � _­ � 11 - _. - , it -singing fr6m the -§ong she,ets.A'VAlliaTa F,-:Tguaon, of Egrnondville. , t e, that at the close of eveO day a I 'i I I - , . . . . . .­:� ". I . * VTogram was intersipersed.­,with ecim- x1fted write�. She is' a st&ter of Mr. We re told, ,and : 'believe it "is : . �, I .Lq= , y ru ,We,are glad ' e ew Winter . , .� , T . he hall was filled at the kfterpobn. � . to report 'that iMrs. .... ­ I 11 � . . B. C. Wieir is, Much '13131PTOVe't - 4 . "14)". imleetir,'k, which began at 110, p.m�, I wise m ok of the day's ac� I - : . I . I . .. ! I . . �... ,,,!� _�__ � .. p ., , ,1 , , . I . Several are conifined to �hbilrbomes 09 i -'-- I .. . . !, W', '. .0,,:,� I f -wit1h Miss Ke tions, notinj' th,6 things done that f.Lli' 46 . � " ,d,dy of the Hurondaile which She played on the'guitar., Re- ought not to have been dQne, with colds and sum(mer ft. I � `.,I�, ' ' . . - I ,, """ q . � Insititute i4i the chair. Aftso E. - I � . ", , I I I - CLI'lvin.Gr a' ,earty encore, sh�- respond- things 1eft undone thht should hat've, , ."�, , - , -xa-�n, editor of the Home Sectiolt of C, . , I -1 . I ; - .. , . , ".. .. ... I ,�:'�,_ . �::, with an amusing recitation eniti gathered at -the home, of Mr. Amos . , .. ,�, , 111.11 , . I 1: . ,��i. I -The Farmer," Toronto,. w1io. was� the led, "Settling the Estate." irnent an1*.&me,nd:rnent,- 'It is. .,good for , . � I . � "" I'll, , ,� I �i - . I . I '* , t- been done, with a view to,impxo�e_ , Ball on VAdneA,day to .make -a pres- I 11 'I., ih-� I . � . . -guest speaker, ,gave a'�niloslt and the A .goodly number from the Section . COATS . ' ..- . I I "n"Joy- Ml�gses'Ruth Straughan and-Elean- your bi it is good for us, phys- entation of.blarikets, etc., to Mi% and . ; . . .. 1. _2: . 1 '71,-".'� 1 1 zable and, intetesting talk, -taking Tor- I 11 � . �, _ ,. , , .... a� , . -.or Wilson, of- Auburn, gavii a &m- ically, socially aro morally- ,Mrs. Harold Stanbury (utee Vernice . fk�. I . . ,�;� .I, ­� ilher subject, ""What 'Carl Reading Do 6rstration, on good gr . oon-dri it is good ' Bal -1) A iplea�ant time Was spent. ­ �� . . . � - � 41-l" g. for to for both body and soul. 'it Wi . �4 . : I I : �. . - � �­A , .. "i , . . . I . �'A . I I . _ .."i- � '4' � , i, -For - Us?" "to -read ain- he well 'groonved is mo,re .4mipoTtent good for our Lion -i 11 be ;all- was held- attibe Atrin of Mr. 11 , ' , ",:,4,� , . sfn - I am going to ­ . - , , rl'l ... -r , therefore, son - . . I .", . I . .�, . w ... '' '' '' I . . 0 1 onlent and enjoyment," she said, "is to the ferniinine n-4nd than pr6destina. conclude 'with and Mrs. James Collin, Vn Wednes, Are a Style and Value * I . . . .., ,... 0 1 . . . I � , I �­ . ­,,� xot enough. The great ,purpose Of tion or the tariff, and the Dum-gdilnon check-up we might use on oiiT daily . . � : . ',I,, " a little day. I ..... . - Canning Club, one Lionism. � I , . . I %,"', I � . Teading is to shake us out of,our Girls' Garden and AMe Sale ,glad to report that Arthur '.I. I .. . �, I . Mortimi?re is J.,a i h 1� � , I I I 1. . , . 11 .. 1, 1. M Aug I . " . -complacency. 'Uncle Tam's Cabin' on vegetables the year round." Can you say to -night in parti I I I . . . -Sensation , I I .. �� '11.� - -was a gripping book but it dealt with A hurnorous dlemonstraf6o�, "D%. -With a day that's slippiTig fast� ronto -General Hospital. . . . . . . I .. I I I _,." , d I . .. ,�` A � ,�l � �­ -za vital prqbleni we should definitely -mex is . Wr Darvid Lodkhart"was, in, 11 I ..".4 ii ", ....';r , � .. I $.erved," was vpull'4n 'bly, .t�e That �You helpeld a singleperson .. Gode- y ' ' r I � n !..'Yr ' ' * " - ",--�`, I �knfovi_ about. -Almmst aii-Y book that Se2&Tth, junior Institute. � . I I � , :�. � f�j j, ,, L, I - & : ".7 A I . I ,Of the many that you pa- hi� "diughter, �, ne , 0 .. . .. � . ssed? �;1111, I , � ", , is wortli. reading makes us feel more �. .... ... 00 0 1 ;11:l1;1 hae ary Achieve- I Mrs. -Roy Xarion, who husbeen tak- 08t . , .. W1.1 I . I I I . -, �Iil... . - . ­ � . . . . . .1 . I . -d-eeply. We shmld rea,d to get in- ment Day next year, the. place of Is some heart to -night rejoicing en to-the0aderich h9spi ii. , . . . I 11,X �� �� �� , ��� � W.. I 0 0 . . . . . . . I.. �_,, I formation, th distinguish -between t14- . . 6 - &13 - I., - : . . . , imleet-ing to -be chosen by the Execq- At what you, did , .H. ., . . `22. 50---A rkh Zn Friday to see _ . - 150 1800 1. or said? IMn, James ow�tt -ha4 returned .. ill I I . . : :: . I truth and ipropagan&; to readithings t-' , l. . . . I . . �:.,.; I I ' Ve. Does some life whose hopes were fad, after visiting ,his dairgifiber, ,Mrs. .. N," � - . .. I �: -with anopen. mdn-d and forward look. ' . ' � . , I I � .... t I .1, . �� ... I .4.1, . 'The officers elected were: . Presi- ing,, . Percy Wauning, of Lo,ndesboro. 11 " ' ' .. . I . 'We should read, fbr in�,vpiration and dent, Miss Margaret Durn(in, Dun- Now with courage look ahead? The anniversary of Kn6x -Presby�, -.1 .; �.. . The height - , , __t.' , , ­-, :. t � . � .m.f­5 of coat smartness at ' the price of , an 11 ...- ''.��":I� � ... �l, ... "l . should [balance our bodks. We want zannon; vice-president, Miss. Gertrude terian 'Church will The hal-dom October _:!!!! ?I 1;;� . .11, I I ?11; . ii;1 ­ , ... ,_". -.', . , 1 ' aa pro'gral-n 4'fiction, ,biography, re- WiiNsteil, SeIaOrtlh-, secrettalry-treas- Did vOu waste the day and lose it? 21st. Rev. Wardlaw Taylor of God- 1. "Mi. ordinary Coat. They are warm and as smart as . .:".;. 1 . i �.�� � ligion, philosophy, science ": . � .;;; :! � .i i,',,.,,;, A. . .. - " . . and Ooetry. urer, Xiss Irene M-ousseau. Was it well or poorly spent? erich will preach at both services. f.% l!%li`l`d':.v. coats worth twice these sensational low prices. .,� . 'N' �.. �, � f I . I -":�,, ii � . ­ . , 91, , 'To ban a boo� is one way to ciftulat& Miss Margaret Durnin then jave Did you leave a trail olf kind.ness On Monday evening there will be a .. - �, 1, ... :...I'.,. I .. 10 I ..� . I i l 4t. The reading a good, b1wranby �i� 1 �- , -P-11 .1, 11 13 11 i�, _A, _44-u U , I I I I I , P , # 4 Ill A ( I , . . I * , . 0. , , I I , 0 A 0 11 '. .; t', � I � .. 'k_,.�, ". 0, -will do more f e C GOB n,g 440ress- o,n ­Huro,ii, Gou y Or a scar or discontent? _1,1�r o owe , y a play lby I . �;..�!1111..... IAI a a.L C U0 . 6 avish and. ven the lin- , , 11 -or us than, anything Looking Ahead." She remarked that . I the Lucknow Dramatic Society' 11 �- 11 '4� .111" � W . ' - . _., 11, I . ,.1., ­. .. � I I . . 11 . , 1 4 -telse. -We rea,d also for culture, So I : 1_51, � ... 11i ings are guaranteed. All the wanted shades and- , ,. me the Junior ,Institute work in, Huron V�ihen you close your eyes in sluarber SiEarrl Raithby has finished filling � . . . . . ::.,;� 14 read a great deal 'but bav�m't read County is really in, its infancy, ,but Do You bbink that God would say I -os. He has filled 43 silos' this styles 'in the new Treebark and Suede Cloths. I I t --What has done biu& toward their there are srplendid,pros,pects, �rhea'd. That you made the world much better year and there has been an abund- . . --s"'4;, ... � � � . I I . I ,:;�t*l . , , liculture. There is a difference between The exhibits which Were ,open to ,For the, life you lived to -day? ance of corn to fill them. Colors are principally Black, Brown and Navy. . . . . �"`. . � I -- , � . I ;smarltness and culture. We should gifls under thirty, resident in Huron, — -_ - There is a wonderful potato crop I ' 1. . ., I.. read what'lielps, uls to obBerve and were gl,etn�i'd,,, the -prize winners be- , in ,this district. . We can't urge you too strongl ese Coats ... �� , q . . I �:: -"d*rstband &-rid feel mor -enly. , p I . I � ,� e ke ing: e, qullt,'tulilp pattern, STAFFA, I . A'weill atitended concert was put on before you buy. , . �.:".' I . L . I.. 11 — Z . Books of -travel -give us a knowledge Mrs, C. Eyre; Second,' rismig sun, . - in the Forrester's Hall on Friday,ev-- I I I . 1. . ;m , �of thei world M' " ChaPM9,71 nle`11- Miss Eleanor Wilson- third, flower Mr. and- Mrs. Halliday of, Toronto, ening by the Eckardt Musical Bell I � � 1 1��. i ' 'I I " I � . 7 !�::,� - . .. . - � l, I e tioned -a number ' V,rthwhile books garden ,quilt, Miss D�ra Dalrytive returned home Monday after speind- Ringers. The progmni waS -good and ' I -, ' ,l . -"I .. for both old, A71,0 young allang differ- sweater, Miss Fern -e 1 ; ing a few days with .,WT. and Mrs. H. tbis was followed by a -dance. .. ; . -1 . ­.. �10 Welsh, , Mi 1.1-1 ., -ent lineg, `b,oth ,classic and modern. Eileen Treleav , I iss. . 's's- . Les�lie. . . . I _1�. 1, le�n M Kathleen - ', TMr. - Robeirt Scott is - reported as . . 7 * , , -he said, to keep Strang; mitts, Miss Annie Moore, ,Chu - , �- , , I I . It is. i1irpowssible, 8 Surday, -October 7th, at the United not being go well. Ae'.is with his - I ., 11 rch sdrvice, Rev. Hagels,tein, of dal7ghter, Mrs. Jewell.. I . �!".. pace -with all the boloks that 03me Mrs. Edith Pudmer; socks,'Miss Mar- STEWART BROSO 'rl� , 1. . 4Dut, but we need to read ,enough to iaret Durnin, Miss 11a ,Maize- mother Fullarton, was the guest sfwa-ker, Misses Ruth Straughan' and Eteaft- I � . - . - - :L"tttt..� " f be 'a gpod backgro,und for cu,ltuire. eraft scra-p book, Miis Gertriu'de Web- Rev.. Turner taking th-6 anniversary or Wil-4on' attended the Institute at � . 1:1 I � 'The test of OUT reading is bow it af- ster, Miss Winnifred Kruse, Seaforth, services at Carlingford. Seaforth on -Saturday. . � , . . I . ­�,�,, I I ( fects, our llivii�ig. I Miqs_,-Yileen Treleaven, Mss , the United Wiss Marian Quipin, Detroit, i�t . . . . .., Zurich, faiv- ,M , ,'a 0hurch 'anniversary sei-vices will be ed w4h Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Ta or. I . I I I ,III ., I * Miss Grace Gelinas, O� ,off"; rugs, Miss -Violet Tynd-all, or. SEAFORTH . X . ,.'111 I . . , 4�)red With,"a 4�1o, "'Willie Has Another Miss Dora Dalryirlple', Mrs. Keith held with Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of On her return She was, accompanied I . I I I I :�...�� ,,,, I (Gdrl Now " the acCiO1n`pa,11in1-'nt Of Webster; canned asparagus, 'Miss HeWall, as the guest speaker. . I . I I 1.� 11 � ... " I, On by -Mrs. ,G. Taylor, -who will ,spend-. a . I f%; .� A - I Eleanor Wilson; canned Miss the following Tuesday a -hot fowl Sup- week in, Detroit. . __ ____ . . . . . I . 4 ,71� ... . , I I -, I . na Maize; canned pears,be Jean per will be se�ved, with talent from Rev. MoTtow, Winthrop, will preach - . I . . . . . ", . liln", I % \ , f 4 4 , I . I . F9theringham,. Mrs. E. B. Goudlie; 'Miss. "Y"Wriell and Exeter. . Wri. J. W. Gray returned home on in Knox United Church next* Sunday . � . I . I . a . I . ,.. I , � . �� � . I , 1� � canned beets, Eleanor W"'s*nl Saturday after a pleasant two weeks -, morninig. � � . Mr. and iMrs. John Baker of British Rogis had been re,markably strong . :: , Usborne & Hibbert'KntW ... ill I Miss Ethel J ackgon., Mrs. Goudie; canned corn, Miss Ethel Jackson, Min spent in New York and Berimuda. Columbia, is at present visiting at the home of MT. Joseq�h Speare and and active man until a Short time before his deatb. Tbe deceased) VMS � .1 . .. :.1 _ Fire Insurance Compant 11 -.,. . I 1- Gertrdde -Webster, Miss Hilda Pinni Mrs. Vivian and daughter, Velma, CROMARTY other relatfives. a son of the late Roderick Row Of ... 4".. I I" gan', canned tomatoes, ;Miss Tbelma of Mtchell, spent -Sunday with Mr. and-Mrb. Jos. Warden. . I '. Mrs. Wilbur Battien olf Elimville, I Stanley Townshjp, twbere he was - Head Office, Farquhar, Out. I. ��' �. - - --- ILast Sabbatih being railly day f0T Elgie, Miss Ethel Jackson, 'Miss '81,6anor - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller &T Logan visited over the holiday with her aunt, born 81 years ago, but from early . 11 President - ANIGUIS S(lN101AAM ': . ,.: � 'Wilson,- dining room table, - , V�sited on Sunday with -Mr. and .Mrs. the Sabbath ,school, a very nice ser- Mrs. .S. A. Miller. - mianlhood he had been a residient of McKillop. 1 Vice -President - SDWN DOW .� � DIRECTORS 1. .:, Miss Jean Maebonald, Miss Violet Tyndall, -Miss Margaret Durnain, liv- J. M. Willer. I vice was iobserved by the children of Forty-nine years ago he was united in imarriage to Miss Bella ... . SAXUEL NORRIS J. T. AIAASM, 't - McKILLOP ing roolml, -brists Jean Fotberinglism, the Sunday school, using. the leaflets pnovided for the ray. A Rinn, who predeceased him teir years 1�, I WM. FL OOA=S, FRANK " ,_ 11 . I VARNA . . Mrs. C. Eyre, Miss Gertrude Web- ,especially chdlAren's choir nicely to,* the place A""""""""""""""""` ago, burtlie is survived by one sister, XeC1ONN=Z - I . . � I 0 ' ster. . od' the usual One, . Rev. Liebold of Selbri . XcEiwen, of � AGENTS . . . 11 - - Mr. and Mrs. R. Elgie and. fsmfly, The Seaforth Junior Institute won I ,Tfi,e W, ,M. 8. last W�Tgday at I'hett ducted Thanksgi,ving services in the London,l, and Dr. R. ft-iRoft, of Sea- JOHN ESSERY -Centralia "' re,* *�r - - ­­ "I ��, . ' the Silver Cup donated -by NTS. Wil- fred ,Wliyte, nee Miss Margaret M,c- FTtances, .Dorothy and Basil, of To- Tonto, spent the week end and h(>Ii&y the. h6ine. olf 1M rs. J. M. Miller, Staffa, with ver � Mrs. S. I Evangelical Church here on- Sunday. He mpanied by Mrs. Liebold. for�bb. Mr. Ross was a member of the Presbyterian Church, a man Of ". I iY and Bididull I "'. ". ". .. '. ,'-oil 'il� I , ALV3N L. -ELkMXS, Mumv, AU04 ..":_'..."a I 'Allem. wft- !&. and Mrs. Andrew Foote of -a y good -attendance, A. ftfler . presidjaild,- Thee meerting was acco They were entertained at the home strong convictions, but genial disposi- .� " for Fallarton arid Logau,, _1r, 1. I L I"! I The committee in e�arge of this. Var,na. 11� , opened by singing a hyrnp.; Mrs. � of Mr. and Mrs. C. Eggert. tion, and 'he possessed a wide circle friends both in , V.. THOMAS ,SCOTT, Cromnrtyt ago* Ii. - ., for . "i successful event included Miss Mar- garet Durrilin, president, Miss Mar- Aminiversary services were held in the United ,Church Sunday, `Wliffiap-d MeLaren gave ,the Scripture - lMx. Norman Beimer-ies, who h . of town an,d country. The funeral was beld from his, late Hibber,t. � - . 4'. . R W. F. BEAVERS `T. li ", ]II, ...... " jorie Baker, vice-presid,pnt; 'Miss the day being fine there was a, large crowd, reading. As this was Thatkogiving time, the meeting took the form of .been indisposed, is recovering. -Mrs. Fred Koehler is at present home .on Thursday, when, the services . Secretary-T!"asurer ­�" I Il� l Elizabeth TaryloT, GeL-retary,treasur- both imiorning and evening. I a thanIkswivin- mieeting Splendid 'nursing in Dublin. were conducted by Rev. G. E. Mor- Exeter, Ontatio. . I I. :1111, I . . . I �, p; 1, � I er, and Mili Flora Durnin, Miss H�l- IThe W. A. a St. John's Church papers were read by'Mirls.'Reidie and MT. and MY& A. Huether, Billy, rOw- In rinlent was made in Mait- GLADMAN & 8TAN8MY . . . . . 4"'. .�, 11 . - � . . . . . �i�� I message -sent from 'Mrv. Tufford� Joy and �Dorothy, of K-orriston, spent , ..." �'. I I en 'McKerdhiir 'and iMr. I -an McLeod, met at the home of Mrs, M. Reid on a landbank CemeteTy, the pallbearers isolkitors, Exater, . �, �N . I I I . �n - as direct)6ra. Friday. l. . I was given by,lMrs. Thos. Scott. We Monday and, Tuesday atthe home Of being Messrs. John, Peter and Thos. ' .. . . I - . , ­ .. y ., I ^ . I 1....:''w...,.1 '. � ,� �- 0 . t - - I Q&. Willi -R lid has ,purchased twere favored with a lsollo by Mrs. MTs. Hutether's Sister,, 1?&s. Charles Dodds, George McKee, Hugh Alexan- ' A �' i' ' ' fromi J. E. 11r,trnw'e'll the -bank yrest Hodgerlt, whv was'present, and who Eggert., der and A. ,A. 07thill., - I . TM MCKILLOP M, MAE . . I . - I . I I - to 1. 11,19: � I . ­ - ,..:.,.�, I . . I - STAFFA I of t1he'-post office, and Mr. Geo. Clark sang very nicely "'Is, Jesus, Our Next, IMr. and - -Aks. Will Koehler and . . . . FIRE INSURANCE'C ; 4� ­.�'. � . I ... - . cli 0 HEAD bm,�S:11��AFORIM ,dft. , 11 1� ) p a . I ­_­­ - i has reiteil the house formerly own- D?PT Neigilrbor?" Mrs. Fitakine, Mrs. Mr. and!Mts. 1C. R-6gele were Sunday ARTHUR WBBM . -_ � ,� �� ,� ; . , . W. Brown. arid family of. To- ed by,his, mother, the lateMis. Clark. W(4odlidy and Mrs. Ballingf. of Monli ,visitors at Odhe hom16 of Xr. arid Mrs. . . . ."', ;.� - Auctioneer's License I � I , .�7, '. i, � , f r, . ,' ll�, vonto, , Township council met in the hall on. ton -were present and each gave a George Hoegy in Grey. , ... , . .9r. and Mrst. S. BarbouT and .. . , `� -4 ��� . Sixteen yielars� -experienim 0MCM-8: I 4 ,,P,ol�, `��, . �,�,­,� ­ e I .. 0 'Mrs. William .,Drake and famtly,. of Tuesday, ' very fine address. A number of vie- MT. John Bindefel& 49 Tor"itt, was Broadfbot, Oesdoiih ;. O%W.', - �' !'��" � �� - - � t Criam ir _ ,., - ,,HtegT1B. Alex I. . I I I v :� 4trdtfor and'. .Dr. Robert Yea 4 IDon't fl�rget 'the fowl supper, on itbra were'also present. A kxrmn was a holiday -visitor at Wm. Satistaction gmAxantee& ',�'Ily V ill, . , .; '��' !!M � lover lithe holi&gy Thurt,day night, ' , , , - . f I � k..) � d � I , 04SItek I , sung and the meeting dosed with We. we Sorry Mr.- 1%*6r Koehler Telephone: 13-67, HensalL Jainw Cionaoft Godenth - V��` ­', . ' . ' � ",'I lrk�,ta,kq� e qt wh%&r;de1iv#r-(( , : M , , Wkintm A.'96d; Simforth - Siel�dftovg& - . ­.. 4 . 1. . .".. '11, I V�Wniv WAsses, Emily and Gladys Beatty pvsyer Wis., Hill. is at ,present an -the sicle liAt. . - Wirite ALUTHIM WAV I '.:� � �;:'1,14% 1% Mr. and Mrs. R. Barbour. . W ...­& � : 168, of CIC, and 'roul- " I ACAIM: . '.. � 1 in, Eggs .Mrs. R. Livingstone ',f of London spent the holiday at their LA ut r, T from here attended the ' 'Me. and T&s. Heniry� Weiterset - :1,,*1 I � WT. and ( � W11 R. & 1, Daawm I I , , OCL Piriky M%Xftvher� R. & I " 1k .... unuottuca the appointment "amilton speni the week 'end with home. . � i. .htdwlftll� , �'j,, � se�ri: 4 -. ft"I L� "I'll" . . I � I 50th ftniversary of thlei W. M. S. at Bpent several days with. their son, I JAU Mirtmr, R. it. 8" , R , � . I �. ,, . : , .1 I h'a 'O , G. jis"00th _0d . 'r I , gen.. .: ,_! , ,; 4, ri &#�'11 ,^ _ 1 in fhe former's parents, 'Mr. and -Mrs. J. 'MT. and iMrs. Da" $rdth "' ,Mrv- Stratiford on Tuesday ilast. Leslie, in Detrbit. � # qg , . , I . y P. � , .& , "�� N 'tfi , �, 1. .- � �Lj 11 I . . .7 '. . I 0 . , , ", ' iviritsbone. Sintuona� Miss, ffv�rriet Smi and Uss Ida atewy of Toronto, visill�- Mr. and Mrs'. 4aeorge Xalbfteisreh THE JOHN RANKIN mei; c, E, New%b I rb , ,. . ..",*t2,7��,� 11"Ic $ , e_�k�, I., U , , - 11 , �i " , _;�: - � '. , -,,C ROWLEDGE L M6 are sorti. to rqmt Mr.q. Firank - IMr, T. Miller - ed Omer the holi&y with, her aunt .Mas Pearl Xcalbfleisch arid. sk. an& . . � - 61 0 ,,, s 7&,,,A .. of MOTTiS 'spent Sun P '01 - "'At, I '4 � , , � .. 11 _1, f I . Tuffin. under the doctor's caffe. 1 ft their,cougin Um W. Beat- Mm ,S, A. Miller, I . I � D1108�WS. � - t daP'vk . AGENCY - I y �',,',*§*�,@ �11f'! . , I . I I , 2. - , : , . I F WT& Henry Koch of Rottoek spent, 0 mpnia* gmt, , ���, � , 4' , , 64 I ha that a .1 . I W, Reid,, of Toroubo, hag ,purchais-, Sunday on this line. I iia I`— - 11 I Jt " ..- ., , j S �YI.7,`,,,' i , _*giore.sen uvo'1n_Se*­ . I . , ; . ., �� - - I , fd� it Uh. " 4 " Mr. . Routkillge Will tO I . IMW ,0'1"�,... MO I '. fil I` � 11­al.� ,� - '�_ Wks,..,Robert Yich*ls. of Mitchell, tYl. � 4 9 -.WW.* 'd --WPW_­&11e&_4w ,d,&Aj* stOck of WT. Richkrd Quance Dea,th of Hugh -Rasa Insurance of AH kii& M . .1 �,.'�i; 4' ., . I ��' ,., r642 - visited this weelt with Mr, and WA' I _ . n6g, M,Gto' ft I At . - , 41 . ,0-611va�-,,ij ,* nee, at the full mArl,; � hev atotor . -- fthw-ov -1 lBonds, Real, Estate 11, 1, ... 1: � 4 . . . 0 . "" . . Ai ,Miller. I , Wa., G. '11. Beatty, T AA(A+ .1 .. ! tries. anA will pi�ibnce er- --the4yirsi, . - 10tiel,p .4 o dest and most highly * , , ,�,,�.i'� W . . � . . � - _Lth . . R. iswi%AmAq a ^ a 4, ,,, f 1.1111, I . ,�., i . . , , i" �'. �, M I ,,, � - . " V � � "I .,; i ddifi-Iff6eittg r thid . & of ae Unittd� Chureb dO. I . � I , dem - We. aft sl�Tly� to lose MT. estet"ied r6% e tw of-ther, t;oWnAip- L­�­—Mmey to Loan , - - 't 1Q i Q "I ,�� ". U& .I.,brijig 11ho Y� P d ft & , . q, - . . ar"y1i 'Stotilubbi, 19t, , , - WIN mliet on. Thursday evening;dttr- - 'Whi $�sgd,s Allftbr -t"k Aft fttiv6 9u;&rt*,T,Wm,otrr nadst. ' � , PaS: , !­* ' 6�',Og, g lZ INE 43no i;.- - � I ift --96r -the ti 4a � ON R � , . . . . . �11 ­.. *i . '� _'. 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