HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-09-28, Page 4lKlV ��,�;�J�R,11�111 M r T.1`11�`bPl'�'10T, P � jl?� I.; 1l. .", ­ ,f", " "' 'I", k"z p' ��,��,�,-,-�4�', ":" , " ,� " I'll., � , "T .,� ­, -'A ­� 'kk . ........ �,4, "� � ,n- , ,,.l,w;, � � 1141, ?"N 1 .0 . .. , " , , . . '. - ." , ,� I" , ., "., 11 �1�10U,� I � A , ", q w, 'l', " ! !;4 �g�'J, h��`,�.,,,, t . . ,�,'��,,4 ."? ", i ,7 ,,i - - V,. Lv, - F, . it, , , 11 " 1: IS ."'? ik��Ii[�7 "I IiR &1101iz'�z.'3',,, j *,"""', �­­ ,�; "i � , � ko ,.,�'l "t" I , , � I � � it " � - - �",I-# I "" - ,:. ", , """ `06 i"O" R", �`, 5" " # , . " , , , ! ,, 1 ­j­41li;�1:,,i�1 � " - , Z.�!� i : : I ."* �., , ., t %, . ­ ," �;,, -­ I - , ", �41 !,;", ,wo " "'L wp' ­-,� 41. � . -,t"'-�g ��;�, -l1- ., ­,�­.','�I�:�-,,` I ,'I ftw ` ' �',::?k,q ­ i� �, I � "' � I ,!.,., '. � " I',, I 4 100*01t',�" ...... ,w 4 !, , , � Aw", ­"­­­kM ''O Z � "" I 11 3.1, I �­ I . , " 111.11,11. -1%. 111.1 " 1,5111%111�0'"R"­' Ill I 9 � 111A 0111 I I I * A , N, k 0 ", N F � , 4 � * I �� �.�"V%,�,.pjj '�l,�,��,�l,�-.i;�,rA-W,�)""".��,,-,��'t,�"4-,71,114,!,�u.� , 2 I ��­­.. ,� �' , .. ... R '­�,%,��ir I � � . � , � '.41 1i ,L� o"', �i,,i�t, , . ,; " ,�, l - , - f " 4UP04 AARVA .MOM X, - 4 "Al"F11,11T � ,�. -? " "' " .1 ,­!,,.i,�,,��-,-­ I � .1111 I .1 -44* 11.5r,".A. , Twn�lqf� tbo Apt# ij P.�-p i 1141A ".,%ix ,,;!�IIAWO- .111� -.1111 ;,� 10`, . , 1,� 11 " � � 11 . , " , , ,oFf 71w' - I -X;,�, p � 1=4"-,50� 0 t I Re'�, ILI , . ,, ,, � " ., ,, ..; ,� - ,.,' .9 W= � t - '. I 'i " �, ,)�,,,,,�,,�:7'i",��,,, . ,I � ", , ,� , I'l '. . .I., ,. . , , , k N �1 i ,� ,. , , , � , " " , , ­ , � , � , , , �.. , 5 . , , � Ir '. " I t , a -"110401, ,. - `!�.',�­ 1��­. .,l,a, - i �,-,%. - FV T1.1 111"�*1'1'11P ,p 1 -1 ,:f;., '1�1�1'1"'�.Z�14,V 11 . '4k � l :,, �1 " 11. I 1, ..., � ''I . , 1, X -If� , , M, 1,FRNX�,TRR., I ', �var,V2i��--e�� � �'j , " 11 " , (�", ... 11 . � '; `,�, ''. ­ - 11 111­lw''i � "."', 'If,""" , 'k - - -- ­ -ir , , .; ,.,� " � , I " , -tl, ',-7­­­;­--,­,.�',y, T1* . y ', Ok",;,qf*:� ""ItA - K , i. I .1, 11" " I'll, . , ,%�" "��,:" ", , �E� 0 " %,.� ''. ,� ­� 1'1.T-.,� � , , : �� -,' � ;,2i'�,"'�,�"L,',.,:,- ";;", 4 �, ." 04-tl 4, .� " ,��. I V,l"'t - �.41.*"-�,,�,kO'a�,vf4�,i-�x,.4vA Iv. �,' 14 I lij: . .. 7 5 � , , , �, �rqriq ON 1, 01 I,, � !;,2i , k , M , W) , " �:_,,�:- ";;,; , llal� , �, � mt, I I �� 5ripq,'��Wy,',,!,%P#Z� � % q�k,ywk",rpw, "I'll, M�:� M I . . " 11 mb, lue, �Vbqvd* 04 - k. XeAft ;klpl 0 "I . v,�, , ii AR, �, , M 41 V. , , , z- ­�-,,l, , "tm Wa e g ­ P ft, VeM100A T4R� ,:, ", 0 I . , r, " . ""', R ""'To"M N .., : I , , 1- I 11 �i�,, -1W",,Jf � I 1,�� ��,,, , RM . , .t ,%%111 fq , �" "' �­,� I I., .. 0'. , ...., "I'll", ?" . .. , . I -i ­,Ipp� 1 qq, Aw, A19ttft" .'.. , , 11to'' 1`140 I ,, , t . . .t., 04, , 0 ,# �­. � ,x- � .... .. , .�O�lp ,R�:�t:p �.� -," , , . - I ­ h- ---W ;�,�,,�,y , , ­ ­ ­­ ­­ "A IvW"ll" xll,mi�;�- W�,40"".­ ­­ ".,�V',;�, � 91 - , ,,, . . .. X 1. 11 �11111 ;­,l,�­111' , 'i'4�.1U,":, ­., ". I . i- , 5-1-- ,��' t '4,: " ­` , , I 1, 15 Z - ­,- -0, , , I , " "I ­ , A,4 111, NOW , ..; .IT 7. , , "� '6­'�-�M . ,4 01,T9.tR ,;-A40. ,0 '4A,'"! 0 I I ­­ ........ ,; ­ M , , , � ,,,,­��k' �,'�.,:­ " l 40 � � boqw *Xt" = Wfk r,lvo 4�� -W , I U111 , " , - - ,�u -A gm=04,gAe pound, I . W-'. *4 §9� K !, I v,l w e I U6041 4W* s - 011e 40,4114r, PnItll F4047 - 04 AppeOx , 4V , -.00"*OAI " .'T M 19*1 .1, - tt"', V ,, , � � 0. . .. *�t -WW"iimpu ­�.-p ""� .T, ­Iq � ,,,,, , . 17.'��',17� 'k " - 'If , �, , A��,.. �� I; � � , "I, , , , " � """ � , 1� 4 �'$�0'17 ,.V& , ,�W. �,4m L, I . U, �, "M ­ P -1 .11 � At fte­-0!0�k ... � Ay 1.11 Twii ,,,,,, Q j", � . ,1*Mql�,W,- , ,QW ,� , 1� ''I "I ll ,11.,- ` 0 � :.Ipr . 6, ... I 11 , 4 I . " ,� . , , , 12 " , ,01$4141k�� YV,'�,'t V -1� ,,,l " - . , '. ­ - . " , I "i IM I � .11­�,­, `-.1, ., . 1. " ��c�-d­ ,�-`-A.41* , V, , ,-, -4 '' , -1. �� I � J.4 # -j% il* .or, W W L 11,11 * - 9 �" " " 1 '4 "1W � -, i 11 -�)��11.1i'l�Tlilll!N,Y*4,tl'�,1'!� ''. ­ L 1. . dowo at, jx1ght',"*.'a Q eaT 'C' yi, qqW1,07'' t-,Q� -�W­ #­*.,,eA- I, 0 " ,4, .,��.. , Z I . w � , 0jo, " alwOr - .1­1...'­� , . ,',$, I 5i �- " , A " ,,& '�,,- , .. 4,�"­." "490PRIA , 01,�, 4jondou, and" ilefted y, . ,% " 41 ' 0 Ij 't , " .!,jA1j0,iq ­'.' �,; #` R ) � I mciencel tw- 04 . ­ - "' 4 Oftk,,-10�,-00 1 Al A , , -0 � ril I to I I , � wlw�� � :�,�jwm"' , ,� ,� ­ � i , - W.Wau .,. ., ".* . ­� '. 1i , 4�iew­.:'40w* . . - I 1, ­ , -44 " W . r 1" ,,,� . , " '. � �� 0'' * a l, " M� ltd,wAll , ry *W 1", Z'M, -*,ex wq��,4- '.. L -, - -� p Ine mt can Be W. 10; , -1-1 -1 " , "" , I i, 11i. 11�! , 'N " 0#.�1414p; .� , ., �so to, Iive d. - ,�e4 §' ,­.. . I 1h, "' i %44 k dt.Xi�, , 1.11 " 00'.. . Pwl . - l 42"0 ILI. Aftly. 1'�= 10=4 ,[*A I 141"JOWW" , T 11 ,'�,,�F" �'f"�-,�*,il�,,�7"i"�A�'�'�IW-fM�� 1111" 44-.�,.,�l agnt , . �It* 0 L i� � ,,,i�-'rg , , , N �, ,6?,,R�l k�7-.S W. I 1"1V1-T�,W---.1---. 0, Z± .': �,'�,: �. � .��!, k , , ffl��, ��, ., �, x � ,- .11, , , , �,,�, - - ,k �­ z � "' . . , . I qv ­t .1, , ­ 1. �, � , . I 1§ L'.'�',`�`�-,,�,� - ;-:� '' "I ­ l� . - I L. . . I . O& �lM - , , _4 0 , I I wi,*. "I ,��­11.11W, -W I 'M ,P w ,,, �kxlo�' -Ig xit ". , 11M, 110 to - � . ; , . .,i� , 7 ,"1% , " � 1 " thout .a gqxj u2i'der imy im p.. �a;=PF,W,* ., -, �64;, " , I, , , �. � I wi yw and tho ...Or. � - A,,.; S ­`,�,�� � "I -44 ,, ,1,.;�i,�. "."? �Ir. ,, 4 - �,.; ... . 54 � ,, , "I ., Al"l-.­'ll, * , , , in i"Ll, X91%, � �ArA�,311* , ,,, ..! � . ", 1.l'o., .,,:Vz�,�,4��: 1 .. " I � -�� 4 I ... � I . 0 1'�' i � 4& ,f �. —I - r­.�"" k - " - '. ­,,� -'4' .� - ,4 .-,,26 'Conto , .., I VIIAM J, 'l.w " ,c * , 1111,64 ..", - , .. ­', ,#'A'all, i Z , ung *%: oftoaln Quill'"', vn%: -, : , -,Zi'ft', 1: ... .... rmL, ` j il� ,,, " Vulhaunted byl the, f4o", of those to ,,% , & � ,", ,,, g - ter, hlW viassodd �, y:.aTW.rn0)an4AA;.*ft ---,j--- , �­­` - I ,, , , , " "� 4, � , . %, .... .. qje �;9",�.,�.�;.�"^,.k�.'�,�*.:"�?', , " -4, Q "". � ,­ , , K,.J 00W � . j , , - �,,,: �'1=09 , , , , ,--�M .�, � pgz­ ..,'y — , *hoiml I -have - bir0u&t pain. , I --0 ;;;O"..�.p 3 . '", .11 -Mum Al I ­,,j��k ". �­. ,, l. I , � �,-, 1 --11 ,?'�� `717- "'T"I"1*104, '144 - .. !�!,Ov*tjoa dounts 0q, one -,Qr(L , , I-, - ,­, ­,. , - 1 ' j ','.' -, who, � I'- , , .; . , ', . learn - , �: %� P I 11 . �� I ­ I , I � I 1 `!11 M .", I �,�"­ �lw, I . -1 L :' 6 If . 4i : , . , ,� " " I .;.A .k�4,ewq,g -I -1 -q�j,e§-"%l.4 4510'� POR WAVI�, MbillMula, 50 cents V.cr week. -1 D14 -Y - i = W.� 140r-, 14W RIP, Mr., A -4V" --W 14q,10 ­,­ , Ift weok ­1� . - -q, '"'.01'', ""' ;F 4 �,��, - �!, o� It, I ' 'fo 'ftal U ,j.M,6$ -., -4 -1 I I I 9. I)AAt 1h 1 . , I .. . I ­, , L I . . I&M 11� ­ , � ',vim", " � . �., ", i� � ,"T b4m. N " 0 . L,,; ', ,� , , 1111"', - , . �, mw -'4 ,7e,o w 00 d4coaged., Wall - . 1=11, C, "" ,, . � , � pot, � W , 1111l,"r TWNAIV4�040U(rs AA ,�.- ed, ., �,� I I , "'t , , " ­ - �­ 'Grant that my meal th1a�P0pVtAr,ffii�#pAet0r- 0 0. ()eU I I ­ . ..­W_eM _ _ , �c , , , .4 , � Hotel, b* - , ­ -1 W , ,. -'k _ ab , , 1, WL . _04t ten T, -r . ylear,�. . ,� - �, ,�, 0 �, .1 , ,�., Sinclair V*cWg .84o, V -11 -0W, "74. ft � :11 Lr I . V", 0; , ', I 1 - , �If , , 17 p", .!%a �k4*A4 to ,% P09 *uMW. V*iA,.'4 T,b,L,m ).Uuxw Bxpqa�ir, for 10 cents ticke, ou thes uwe, and juearning , - " ,� , !W- I , I I , � � ­,�,`,,-�t, , , ��', ... . :! ". . . , � . t . q ag'E� re- iversww, W.- ona V"mm Tt4 , - ­ � IN � 1. 1. ., �, :, 7, la, � 'tj'hn1'7 b . I . - it , . . I . . � ,�. I -�u ? , A,--; . I � - ,X I fired a;nd slum that 'time the preots- Aces. at, - Hohn4sville, , ono of '4* ., " I a'' W- Woor, ii 1 11,,� � * .- .. � I MOY 14D U�Ift!0�0t]�OTS als, I Would" . s', first E*M,ft. , . I .� - iq�� ",i` I , - 'T", � � . I '' :0 , , .1 . ill 111,,� . . . � 77,',`�,�,T ". I .1 �, 11111,111 ... � . ' 7tuW, ,Qhapma# bf,; �.�'I,W ,k . Aft " l �, L L ,� 04 I loim.lwol ,'., -. Us �chp,;ved, ,# .ads i" 4*ve ,classes "lsris wo,j paild by tbo h 'he= 'a 1. eS ,have lbeen r , ;,,. , 1*1� " ". h�� , : . I ,.,.,?AA . "9113 , _ t UJA � T- * , , . - , ', 1��ll�,;, ;I I � ., I 0 �f I -w , _ _ I . I 40 . 0 .0 **. � e0t*4. � Sum"ViAgg him charges. : - . " I I . T, � j5,6", ; - Qa"O� -1� ��, . . 4 ��, , t I ,I. - " ' from the ,,n1laVe , . , n , I no . . , _ _ " , 'I'll";;; I'm 4t", mg, ee�, 1� ­Wwr- �­­Ilo r�­14 �-. . 1. I . - , . - , , . � 11 . gg !A, - plgle of are , A hwg�- luumber , I . .1 . . ,,, ,��* , - , , h�, DefAmcl T�e ftam , the j hi� Wi40101,and tWO SoTAS anill one .1. . ils, vndlklft -ber V11,0419 I - � l - ­ . .. ,W", � W.4"N"M'. .10 11.0 . I ", , ,i,--- i I Wq", and Deaths * � � I . .,;,,,!,,,00,1 Ow '' 4 . . , . ,a �1111 11 ­ "I , lerto free qf ,clmrge. . I I . daugNter� A-fiol ity left hore'en IV' 8A, ',*, Gtletbk a . , : ;'A, " I - tainted monen and from'�6 rustle �her 44ght6gy Mirs, �nd V4414 es; ,I ilast 1W. .-joi,4 3%rls, 14m - , No, M. ri W � . , " A IS04 'ltipe " Cre -" -to tes � .. F ­ -y , s%`,�� ,��!- ` " I ' .. .#d ,ller;� me1WUT*sAn. . � f�j' �'!,�P�L�,e .-,;P, , I., ,,, Nq 0. ,..." L ­�-..Rlw on aWicaltiod. I . � , I . , � . I �. I , . I . .­.. . . � - I W and *a'A �* I I ; � I . : . of unholy olkifts, iBlind n*, �lo.,Ahe Wiatlter, bTi6de�-sl4gl hfta. �onry 4 f6w to ,&-6�d the,, 16,cal -fair at 'Z'uTich, amop ""*Ad 44i I stietA. ot, P,4* � I .- �44RIWOTJ16,4*0` �,' . .1 �.., I I 9 , "... -10' � I " I ... .11, . I * - , , � " , . I I I -11, I . . I nj R&fx -1 "'Chi' 1.11, , , ': .� . , , 1, " , � 'i'; � I L . , , - . t ��4'4, , . . . . - I , I , d", I'll 11 I ­','!��; :'­�. a f . ­ * - �� !I - , l"l. .. ­ ­ I . I I � I . V�) , 10 I 11 , I'll I,- " faults of thd 9ther fellov�, i" reve I m6nilhs- He was a,)Cons�rvative and 'The Zua,Wb Rl%Ar i4 . -years used 4n.,.kX'W�td ,vi, .t. t', ft4i , - it FA - Xor*k�pimiwws � 4'�;N, ,,, Wr l, I . ­ ­ past 'a , ba, . si P4 1� I , ­ ,q 0'' , P , , " l . a � ... � ,� ,,,, , "I �­, 1� I I , �� ­ Stock For Sale, to me my own,, . : , , ' , ,. , � I "I !)' ";`,", , PA -­ - --- ­ .- ,,, F arm e Ma5lD afid �� fu�al ioivipes on Ao 6-- ,called "The Wbrld!s'F ' 11 and 3MM,,, jobn,4jo -tone Aind[, � - , - " 6 1. �W.e �,�. , =. I . -, 1!$ . ­ bn% a 2 Q I .* T 0m, � , -11`11-1 1--'i -- - I ­ (Guide me so thiit leath night When. Monday,,�w ' 'K, , " i 041, Wiedlnesda;y � - -i , 'V - loge .. . . . . � . "Ill., . bi I - -- ,0 � I . r , ­, Wpi�� 4argely j�teud, it is ge[tft,Qr lallJ� Alid better as the A'� ft , .46 N�a ('J�*W- - , �, . . .. I ... I 0, . , yqnq . 11 " . It— ­ 11 " ­ � " � .. - '�:Wm rteld of 'Port lt6wavl; &66�- I ',^ "' ," , ­ I I % . �.. � ." � I . Nlul � , "m - 9XIM or WOM IN � ]RORSE FOR SALE. - GOOD GENERAL' -m -z --still on. mle . tweWV, .,$% '.W 1, '41 WX � � � *11 , a�AA" 7 wife ed, were conducted by Rev. 'AL A.' yesi . 0.01' , �, ; � . '181 . -9 men: w4la be held ,Purpose boxes fci� -salft knply t. ,VQ�3 1. look across the table at 'L I . I �" . L . . � A ,Lpo wen MdL Wo � . . , � ,� N 1 1 I ­ -- I ­ ..­ PW." RW -Wave -ed -el I it .. .. ­ - WMCO"w- -;,-.:';.-­'-­ -- � .1 ,� j ,� . " $l, " V , , ,, - _ ' t4o- ff, Hant -am, I'll I �, . &9� : 1. I ', . . �e. p ', �- xid&­01- Trmtt - Memmqal .. --Air! - and -NT,%.- -Geor-g,e---q=M 4j�her­friend�- awrt. -, ­ ­ . �, kt­M -,Swtaj� *2. THE -SX-PGSjT9R OFFICE;— S;,,QjW ­,' who -ha's -lbeem-a-Messm ime,;­I - -ill , $EW41­fib0WAd1- . g. 'a-- or4ic . .g I 411's 'of - . I � I . ", , ( - - � 1'0936 '' ath, iiwluding, . 1. 1. 3484-9 hdv�� nothing to conceal. . Churloh,,*f'*h,ka,x:he was-a.member. lipendang a. .conrAe - of..we - -With ap, 1 44�ayls. , ­ I � . A -.t- 40,1101, J�l Ire ,. 8485-1 . .. Of . . . . . T141mll ei"-46w- I' .. *1' " L ­ '' .. - � ...... I # . I X, If .,�, I Keep mite you.n.enopgh to 1jugh Nk. Gordon CudInoile ,has bebn ap- Itheir Ion$ at Lensingli Mch. her ull ­ ­­ I I " . I e ,this veek wilth. her qareuts�, %b. Uss M' ke igging 4?w A, oodsbock­' l � IfflIll 11. I -- with little children, and syropathetic pointad­by I 6. OnitaT101 Go' ' , qkA 9f -"d-. ­ ' Mid. �S)ieffeir. -1 - �. - - 'ir - 1 - - , - I �, . ��t , 4W. and .Mr& 'HerokL &--a ., MenbJU -, -end 4,ve,,464 rbp - , " ­ - � ­., -- � ., I . ­ ­ I 11 IMI.�" , . . I -- .1, " . I Articles For Sale enough. to be considerate, of ,qU %g% ' . ...... -.-- , 11 .. . � as exan�ner'.Tor motor p,exmits.-ancl!1' -Port M-1cimer,spenC.-the week end here, 1- . - -� I ­ . �w* I -w ,W . 1. . I -1 ,��,� # * - 1- . I... ,-s �,,­ " " , e1W Wanted ll � — And When como� thel,day ,of 4ark- 'cbsulTeur'i licenses Ila Exeter in place their former home. . I I . . � . I I 1- . L' ­ . �� I -�, "', " l-,,li, . . ,. I I � � ­ . I., . . . I I . . I I I i I I.., �1� . , 11 .. - I . � I AND TOMATOES. � DOOLEY enedlr4hudejs andihe� srhell-,of flowers, Of Mr. - Dana ;Coates. ­ W. and Wrs.'M�4tth-ew Clawk, who 1 4 . I � . . ­ � � . . ­ .1 - ­ . ... I 11 1-0 � I 'Pl. TED ­GIRL-7�R� -GE� M-RAL.HOUSZ P. 65 cents park bag, delivery next I . \ 1-111, I ... 11. fll;10,�,,.v ,; . I , inch. T&. B. W. F.- Beavers has return- hav� been wesidents of this 'VO12ge I 'K�','&,"L. .jV.Qr.k­Rebrer-eAlces. Apply to BOX 11, week; 100' )i sketB - ,oth ,the treadof footsteji�and the crt , A - I I . &,". ,"I tl I rge ba of lar a g, i4 'ITOR 4 ,�-"­�' , ­ ' � . OFFICE, Seasorth, out tomatoes. , . a . RF�u am .. hig of.Wbeelo* in the yard,'make the � . a" I ­,,�, '�' , ,, ,�.� 1. � Bring containers GILL ed from, the General Council oVlthe for sevoev& yeArs, kave I . 1. I , ` �'��'54"11 . ,f. United,Churoh the nedghboirboo I . . # I .; jlt� 34115-1 DAIRY & POTATO FARMS. . 3485x2 cememonyshort and the epitaph bne . I . I . I "', �,,4 ,- of..iGariada �Whilch, was their'Sarm in . GOING ,', F,,,ORWA" �.fl - .11 ..- . � �. I . I - . I I . , - � � ­�; I FO Here tlies.a man. beldl at Kingston. MT. Beavers, Was Crediton. - . ' I It, � . . . I . . . . . . !"', . . ,� 1. . I . ­;., .-A.- R- GENERAL I I ' " ' ­ I I . . . . I , . f �1.1�� " ," , Ai", e .work; =- Z wt necessary.� . Lion J. F. Daly' moved. a ll�arty -h-ono�n� in being,the olaly lay dei, -a IW9. Johno Berry *Is 30411911.9 Misis' - I . ' . . . I � Fl, I . Aw"M 4111.�";: A 'treie WTite to Box 10, EXPOSI- . Lost and Found 'k Vote Of thankS to the speaker amd gate from Uurou,County. Mrs. Deaq- Alair in her home on, Queein ,Street, . � IL. oll � I . .. 1�1 zl�... (M � err. and hex sister, Miss E � .St. 'Paul's Anglican Church, 4 .1 , � ` "I . I . 3.4s5xl expressed on behalf of the Club the acrett, ac- 'near �� 11 -,,-; . I ' ,�, . ON MON-DAY., ONE SMALL GREY Mbs. ,Fenner of'Monllmeal, who, ape .'IF ( I I � FOR FARM - WORK.. pleasure he had given. Lion J. E. IPIDMIParfied hin�. "m R 11 "I - . Al:,- . k- lit. WIFITH. -SEAF4­0 T . I 7 i �, �, � ,�, ', � � LT. -.00W from Lot 6, Concession 5, 14[eeting ,seconded- ,the motion. The (Bell Telephone 'Compan)r has [thesumme'r with her brother, A1*4 . . � . .. . I .� . I ­ , ". I . 0 d ,consider a yearly Job, good emmith. Tp. JAMES - DOIG, R R� 4. Seg I I ­ . . ­ . I . I - . -, ,?.S11.1 ­­�, I ouso,avail'"le for man without fami,IY- HTTG­ ]�boafj j13�-= � 3485-1 . I a gang -of Men at work removing its and Mg wife, remmed, ,to her home . - 9", . I ""I". . " �`� 'S 'DAIRY, 3 miles w,ptst of Sea&o I . . . , A?, rth on I 01.11`1"�" -1 � )GL wires from the Mein 'street to the ,during the 1past Week, . � � '�, -bray -of ibnci I 0 " ,&,�.-.�'Ibgh;93% - . 3486X2 - � i - I " . I -1 lines behind, the burdness.1houses. � Pdr. and Mr& A ton ^ I - IF�,,,!��,-,,�. "'' HMLSGREEN I - �,,�, ­ . i3l", 11 1. x - T,ft.-rd's Quality Tests: the financi Abray's par- l's 'i . ' ' xibracts, Toilet BreParations direct to Nor- -for the 0ld Boys'and Old.,G1r1s,1 Rie ents-- . - . . . -- ,, , , ­ -op I '. ".": �MA,� WANTED WITH CAR TO HANDLE Notice to Creditors I The comfinittee appointed to secure spent lbhe week end with Mr. and .. *6ffees, Cocoa. I at backft�g -of th,o citizens 'T&s.'Clofti �Hudsoni, Mrs. " ,k� ftico%, & � �','�'i'-� -0jj*0,iahed uiers in Huron County. Write , NOTICE IS HERXBY GIVEN that fm Cred- " against the Man', and " grandsoA Junior Brown, union to be field,at the -end of July IMiss girtha -Runter, a6,er a pleas- .. �`­'-�', Tt ' ROBERT ERNEST Bt,CHANAN, .. I . ,,�­ - !1 ­:WARD COMPANY, � John Soutb, H--, 'tora and others having a""` . FOR THIS WEEK � 4�1,�, - .. �­ ilrbo,a. . , , 3484x2 . eitate of and Miss Alma K,6117 of London, vis- next year, has . n Ith" her :pelatbves here, has - 0�,I�­ I I .. late of the .Township �of Tuokersnrith,,in the it friends in ,thig fV,j i . . . .i;.:­­ I .1. ed c nity. received most e - ant visit ,W I . . ��11 ­ Count.v of Huron, Fanner, who dio on the , thusiastic �Support, so that the big returned, to Exeter. . 1, Mr. and- Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable of ,,e be assured. 'Miss Grace Brock (has accepted, a Strainer ''and. Rotary ; . ,�,,W(�', Seventeenth day of Se�tember, A: D., 1934, , lebration:no*, seems tD ��'V',-,`, , 'Property For Sale'or Rent am required to forward their claims duly C,entrelie'i,ilsited the lattex's mother, .1,1� . . '- - " ; situation in London. . - 1 � I - - , , , , 11 . � T . JWmeS Love. . fir � , .1 I . proven to -the undersigned on or before the _V1,rs 0-� ' TAx. and Mrs - Crusher - . - .. . � Tweaty-seventh day of October, A. D., 1934. . . Earl Parlmof of To- � "' � I -WOR SALE OR, RENT ­MODERN BUNG- I AND MT. Otto Stephen of Hensall vlisit- . . "I" I � -4: alow. 'Drh North Main 8treet. NOTICE. IS FURTHER GIVEN that ZURICH ' .. I ironito spent the week end' with Mir. . , ' POss"'On after the said date the Administrator mother, 'Mrs. Stephin., . . I W. f�a rand $--.. I ,and Db:s. T. Amler, Earl's par,l Citsup, JeHj-' 50C - I , -11� . will. ed his . "., prodeed to distribute the estate, having re- 'Mr. -and `M�s. Levi,Ste4ck of Db,uph-. I I . . , " .:! � given .October,,. Lat- . . . . eutG. . I 4k I I . . "" ; phone- 188. 3483-3 � gard or4 to the claims of which he then in.; Manit,ob,, , ll� .I,,.,. � — . - - --- -- � . called on jTiends and, Mr. ' and , Mrs. Levi , " .1. . . hall nave no+�ee­ I Of, , Miss Annie Gilchrist of Win&(w, ItLIL -to 60c I . I EIGHT- - , i relatives in this vicinity,., Dauphin, X=., are visi-ff":1224�ve` is visiting her -qucle� Mr. Robert Xe-� . OwerStrakers 10 . . "., .'�, Fol" SALEQA CO'MFORTA T 'r' 'at' F is th frieliia here. - ,-, .� 11 I ., , romraed house. situated in a converiient gD-ated, l,xeter., Ont,.',th 26- day Of Mr. and LMrs. �C. Seimon on& son, and I . Arthur, and other rtelatives and . . ,t'�, ­­�­.,"rt of.,,the town- if not sold will be rented 1 Septentber"i934, 1. 0 0.1 ,,, I I l�l 1 Leat6h, of Zurich, visited Air I . � to. a. suitable tenant. Apply at THE FX- ., . a Rd , Airs. Claxenoe Hoffman a6d. son, friends, being a. former resident. of ".. " ,. , , , Mirs. J. Baker and family. who spent 'the p st ifew weeks, at the this village. ow brauite Teapots - I :�� POSrr0R. OFFICE . . l, 3461.Af GLADM.AN & STANBURY. �E� . . YeH - 1� l' — . ; � hom1e of Mr. a,nd -Mrs. ,W. L. Siebert, - . � . . I ,� ­ , ALE, OR RENT. -MODERN DWEL- Exeter and Hensall, . have refturned to their horde in Galt. Ux James. .Sangster end MT. Al- I . . -0�' I d I . — ".. I F lin,!bouse on South side of Go erich St., � Administrator's Solicitors. . .. . IMT. and 'Mft. '%%Iliumi Klopp ani mond' MeDwen have beeTi en�gaged to 1�:�' 'S Main Street, church; . I build a, cottage at the 'Beach O' Pines. m 6M one block from � 8485-3 1 nchools. Now 3 -piece bathroom, rL � ,elhil4iien cil AtratOord`- fv�sited T,ekLr- 90c $ 1 31.20 . !i I I . .. �l * Rev. Professor And rson, D.D., of � � I. `,. furnaelp, eftectric lights and town water m- . � ----- I I tives ,�,7e over the vvee'k-end. Huron College, . London, conducted . , . ---" I " I , ?, -� 4 stoW. Home has been freshly painted and I i I � IMT , , d 'Mrs, John Pre�eter of Kit- *2G 1.11 - decorated throughout. Immedi�tte possession I - Auction Sales Rev. ,E. A. and Mrs. Poulter of . . services -in St. Paul's - ,jE.nchurch Plu.1hing .. Furnace Work !',;'�': can be given� Apply to.1t, S. BAYS, Sea- , ellener visited relatives here on Tues- .. I Brownsville are sipeplling a few days on Sabbath last, mornimg and evenel .1, .. � fozal.. ---- - UCTION ' day. . . Eavetroughing I I . . SALE WILL BE HELD ON SAT- at the home of Mr. drid 'Mrs ing, giving rm!osib excellent sermons, I ` , 0 FARMS.- Aurdny, September 29th, at I o'clock sharpi L&n,ront. - 'Roy - 'Hay council Tneeits 'next Monday fo�r' which were listened to with ra,pt,a-t- " I jpiloR-SALE, HotrSE AND TW Mr. Poulter is phy��i'Crajly Eight -roomed frame ,,, -is CT I 'the Octo6er ,session. I Geo. Sills & Sons . .W house,' cement foun- and every two weeks following, at CudmoTe's, unfit f r h w k and is talking a A ' . tentiZn lby goo&sixed congregations. I . . r ------ ­Aatgom; elelatric 1(ghtB, etc.; a good barn and . Bann. Seaforth. Any person with anything few weeks' rest. We ho.�e, that 'he sitting of the, Tenth Division The choir rendered -the musical paxis , six lots. ads�pted for xharkat gardening op- to sell or ex�change, phone, in your list to HARDWARE ': ­ I or heifore each Wednesday may soon lb4l� restored to his usual Ciourt was held ,here on ,Monday fore- of the services mlost pleasingly. fMrl. ,, I 4 -gosite'Sea,forth CuRlegiate. Also farm ;f 15 Curl DaJibon an I . I . 0 in nQcm. so liti can be advertised. We have the health. noon with J,iidge T. ,M. 06st'9111 If Fred and Miss Margaret Al.lan, of . . � `1: -th . . . I 11 1, � .acres. the Son ball of Lot N-raber I fflollowi , 'Z�,ven cc Du �-- %T-'--� --A (1­4.1�;141 1 111.4r, A I- � I # . . I I . . # I I I I I � I I I I J � . . . . ­. I 1. . I I ;­ . . i I I I 'I I . . . � 0 I I I , . I . � I I . . . . .1 4 ­­. I . . I � I . 1, .. I . . I I I .. � . I I I . I I . � ; . I . I I i I I � I I I I . I . �,,,., the 11th Concession of the Township 01 -c- - . r .. Ti Viss May -Doyce, of. Egmandville is j,— n.g. , n,uv.,n, er V1 Staffa, �ook slpecial,parts in the an7 - I . : 50-a4re grass. farm, the Jersvlm some milk.ihg and some to Ilrestien- . . Killop. nind -also a ",' -4 4+, , .I- 4 vir. -,I,tlr cage,19- we,re, &s6osed -of. The new 41 11. -4 I I I � � # ! I � I .� South half a Lat Number 19,in the second 4 ­uy we-, 300, Pounds each;. I Heref , the buli 10 months old; I Yearling heifer: I black 11 Concession of the Township of 1103-bert. $ rig cous 11, ss argaret . M,CKii1ley. . . - officials, -Mr. A. J. Maltifleisch, d. as em 0 ng and eytmung, AlLs. " W. 0, Qood;win rendering Very ac- � , estate of the -late Charles and Margaret htifer.LCAM 3 months aid. PigS-58 sucker%-- 4 Mr.,Ilervyn Keys has resumed his' Clerk, and W. N. Gascho, as Bailiff, , ceptably a:,.solo part in the anthem. . , For' further P�culftrs avvly to and chunks: I Young York sow. bred two � Hoblbefn. . . MRS'. L.-RICHARDS ,or MRS. C. McCORM- -months. Flowl-A-number of hens- impie-A-uties at Weste kn University, Lon,- were in attendance. Johnston-Gingerich. * 'The chuTeb was beautifully decorat- .,. § - ments-McOormick-Deeriqw rnanurle spreader, ICK, opposite the' Seaforth Collegiate Insti . 1. ture, or JOHN IL BEST, Solicitor f4r the nearly ,new; I set' of Gurney scales, 1,000 don. - . ,, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ru.slkin Keys oif East . An i'lltereSling -event took place at ed for the occasion"with a wealth of Ilow,trs ts and . lbs. Furniture--�-One I . . 3482-3 hed and springs. one Executrices, I Single felt mattress, nearly new; 1 Small I cos . Windsor spent the Week end with the the Evangelical Parsonage oil Wed - I plan grain. Mirs. Nicho,hon. of Bright"s Grove - . . � stave: I Coleman lamp, I clock. 'I -wash t�b, . form,ex's parents, -Mr. end Mrs. Vel- lle`36Y forenoon, Septembe'r 26th, lwhen has !&;en spending the ,past week oi I p&ir of 3Ox3V, chains, an assortment of �'. . � -ew fork. a,, -i�d Shovel haLndles; 1 garden Farms For Sale " son Keys. . , Rev. E. Burn performed. ,the Ce em"'y whi, ' r so with her colusi-n� Miss Emma John- . � . . ;:: . . : rake, 5 bags of portmtoes: also one NamPny . .Miss Grace Robinson has gone to 16D E!,hia M., dbmghter of -,Mr. al�d' Mrs. ston. 14� .. goai; , twenty-five eedar posts eight ;,'�l- FOR SALE—FOR $4LE PART LOT feet long, Rules of saAe will be made known FARM . I London attend Normlal whool, Mr. and Mrs.. Ed, Stelick spent Sun- Chris. Gingerich, of Stanley Town- 'p., The annual Mission ,Band. Rally of Hjuv,on ,FiriesbylbeirGil wals, held in - 28 and 29, Couclssiou 8 MaKillOP, con on, day of sale. Watch for nekt week's ad. ;, I. tafiring 292 acres 'and "o,Wn as the�'T, F- Terms --Cash. CARL DALTON, Manager * � day With ; IM[r.land Mrs. Sam Oesch. I I .�Ihl ll and Harold JoTimsto,n, son of Mr. ' and M,�,4. Ross, 'Johnston,, . Goderrich -on Saturday, September 22. ., L Must be sold to dose the eState- Fred Wigg. Auctioneer. 3485-i r Ra '�&f'�T -Ul For Rally -Day will be observed, in the of -Blalke- After they return from their weddinal There twais a g,00d re,preserotattion - . � . it ld w be rented Particulars " . 11 Sun -day sieboods next Sunday. , - ro,m ,different Missio, f n Bands and a � ":,: eipPly to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor. Sea- , 3358 held on Sunday, October 7,th. Rev, trip, -W. 6nd T&S. Johnston will take . number of ,certificates and, svlals were , L, � � forth.- "I I . -ti � Births r I . . up h1vou ,keepiiig r,in the D6tz ,block. pkie�t�04.1 %Iss Tzime -, 'ff. �.:Iftirtk- and .Myrna Hud on receiived Life �111 errors against the Voters' LEA -for 19134. GRANT. -tri Clintim. on September 17th, . . JAMES A. PATERSON, Clerk. Mary F� Notto�wife of W. A. Grant i pARm. FOR SALF--TENDtRS FOR TIM' . — — . I . ., purchase of 1.,ot: Numbef 2n, CbMtession MOIR.-Ln U&borne, on Tue-.�day, Angust 28, . HENSA L � '' Membership Gertificates , and Ruth � I - , ,1 .9. ,nibbert, vvill.be received by the und-4-­ to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin, Moirq (nee Bertha KIPPEN ­ I . - I , I .; . 1 . .- . . . I . ,. . . ed up to and includi;ng the fit2i day of Oct0- Soldan). a daimhter-Elma Elizabeth. - ber, 1934 . 117his farm ,is located two and a BABCOCK-In Toronto on September 24th, I I .1 . . I 'Ile Wum�een'ls Missionary Socielty xvLoig TeLlelVeu her thdrd seal. . Huron Presbyterial Meets � � � . haqf aij,jes we,t of SthfT&. about forty rods Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Babcock (nee Freda �11 to I , Buildixigs consist of good bank Webster, Qiij -mber attended ;Seaforth te a mu If Oalmel ?rc�bVberjwn ()hurch, H,en- � The VornLin's Misisdonary Society, - a soa-,Willipim Lorne. - 1 . g,ow ,ohooL , to . ba,m f house vvfth asbphalt sidillg. good AUSTIN�-In Varna, an September 13th, I rarre , ---- -*m-ho . 5 acres F 11 Fair on -Friday last. The wea- a ther was all that could be ,hoped for . sall met for their regular September , .. South Sectiol -a of the Huron Priesby- use -an& -pig pen, good orchard, Mr. and Urs. - Fred Aus,t&m -a son. .-1. I of hust�, three g�od wells, well drained, fenc- M.GUGAN.-In Clin,tiDn Public Has ,tal on ­ �- I . . in and.an exc6llei�t crowd was present � iria8bing on Thurvdj�ily af�em��n last, - . . Sisipbem,ber 20th' in th-6'ibase;ment of terial of the United Church, met in He,dsall on S&Pteirnber 26th. )!Ts.'C-. - ­ 12S Sq1 r�nOd 'Condition- September 17th. to Mr. and Mrs. Archibald 11, x; fffirhe5t Of any tender not necessarily ac- ,McGu=TL a son -Hugh Charles. to admire the fine exhibits in every . the church, wi �1 MT& Frank Farqu- M. MicDovell, vice-tpresident, presid, ,-% : cePted. ORR --In, Wingharn General Hospital, on Sept ,�,l ­ R. EL ,MUNRO, . j 13�b, to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Orr. Luck- class. Rev, E. F. .0bandler delivered a bar presiding. The meeting oplened -by sin-ginga hynn and Mrs. H. Arn- led. The meeanj opened at 9.30 a.m. with Kippen am,d 1flllsgr*,*m Aumil- ; . . I Mitchell, Ontario. mow. a Sam . I �- � � 348-1�-2 WILLIS­-In.Wingham General Hospital, on very fine sermon on -Sunday morn- ing last. Mimes Halz7on Chandler, old led ,in. vrayer-. Nim. B. Ed,waj,ds, the Bllbl lesson aries taking the devotional tpait. The ­ . I � . . September 11th. to Mr. and Mrs. Wi!lfrid . ;-� ­ - Willis, Brussels, a son. ani d Jean lvison, and Messrs. J, B. read e from the, Book of :provenhs and the roll call was address of wellconle, wast ,given by Mrs. Airthur -Sinclair -and responded � �. Court of Revision . ,.�. ­ . .McLean -and W. Love sang a quatt- "i 'Like -answered using "bumility- -asr a text to by Mrs. Christie of Exeter. The I � . . . , - — ette nun-41yer, -More Thee." wlord,. The minutes of.the previous, is t w morning wa. -aken �up with dis- : I � � . . VILLAGE OF HENSALL � Deaths . The.aut&rnn anniversary services of meeting 'Were Te4cli and- aporoved(, - ion, reports and the appointing - , ­ ' � � - . A Court- of Revision on the Voters' List St. AndTew's Unitvd Church will be Mrs. J. Dallas took the topic and- the o7s'sl committees. Mils -5 Greta Lwnnte . 1. *11 be held in the Town Hall, Reus-all, dn MccLOY-ln Egmoad,ille, on Monday: SepL �-, held on Sunday, October 7,th. Rev, busines1s period followed, conducted rendered a very fine solo and th ' . ., Tuesday. October 16th. 1934, at 8 P.m-, to ,24th, Mrs. Jane Gernmell .Mccloy, in he, ' 76th year. .,,- - ,, ke;Lr and determine appeals, complaints or ' Staintonof Jataes&areet Church, Ex- e ter, will (be the special speaker for by the presidell4 Mrs. W. A. YouM ­ 'and -was splehdild muzic by.Elimivdll,e a'emrde 7Aon 'Off�er- �111 errors against the Voters' LEA -for 19134. GRANT. -tri Clintim. on September 17th, . . JAMES A. PATERSON, Clerk. Mary F� Notto�wife of W. A. Grant th,e morning service, end. Rev. A. W.' the offering was r ecery ed�. Mrs. Farquhar -then gave a very appro.. Auxiliarie& Prayer was ed by Cent'ralin Awdliary. Dinner . . DATED this 27th day Of September, 1934. HALLMAY-In Clintan. 6n Septemb I �. er 15th Gardiner, of Londesbor% willl -be the piia-te reading entitled, ,,Mrs. pick- wais served ilf, t,hd church -to loo dele­ I � I . � 848" Adam Halliday, in.his IMst year. ; . . . guest speaker for the even-ID9 sel I r- ett's (Missionary Box,11 and W�,s. ates devo g . The tkonalcW.riod'in the � I . . - vice. The choir is prepe"""e special number.,;. Services Will be at 11 am. Young favored with a eolo. Mrs. D. Nilcol led. in prayer and) the closing afternnon "s .t�ukeni �6 delogatw from Thames Road and Roy',Church. I . .- � :;, " �- � I I ,, :;. I I I .SweLgtheart roses. The best man was I I . I . ,And 7.30, 1�.m. ' bytmn was sung followed by � the 3rws Ella' link iang a solo and mos - ; � Mr. Clayton Eliliott. brother of the � I BA'YFIELD The Busy Bees Mdesion �Circle will LO,&, Prayer. I it given ,by Grand, Bend and Cvediton ' �. I . - � bride� and -the whers weire Russel ,bold their Septeyd)�br alleeting on. lComIrntunjon -service was observ�d Abodliar�es. . Mwe. Hubw Brown, of .� . , Heard and Ah -in Elliott. After the . �,,., . �drs. Calderwood ,of Ottawa is vis- &VturdaY afternoon. at 2.30, P -m- 'at ie,fAs -in the U'aited ,Church on Sunday - Ch'in 9 a rY 'fal on 4, mve ve e address . ". � ceremony, a reception was held at 51ing her brother, Mr. Georke King '�a's the home, of Miss Margaret El morning last with a goodl attendiance. the mlissl'opa-ry Work- in China. Mrs. I the bri home which was attrac- - :., 'and Mx.s. King. �,� � tively� deewated with autumn. flow%$., trhT this is the commencing of , 'I, meetings, it Is hoped all the girls The Pastor, 11,6�1. A. Sinclatir, gave AIT- ­41�1_nll_ . Greer of Wip,gham, urged &e dele- ,i� ..4- �1-- ft -- I k #0 � . I . . I , I I I " 0 i I I I I I , . I's � - I I ! I I, I I I . . . I . I . 4 1 1 . 0 1 . I I � 4 � I I # . . . ( . ; 11 1fts. Pal of Caledoma visited ner The collot . -- - W Me 6c rnon� ,r;,--- 0 . 'wavy CUL"U. .Lne I . . . ­ sebeme tbroughout was Vill',,plan to be pr,ment. . . . . . . I ,� , omirenits, 01r, and 'Mrs. W. R. Jowett -.4-1- --A I—— 4 -* : Air-, ; whille the ch-oir rendered fine an- Hensall Mission - Band delighted th� � - , ­ ' �. W Rece ng w th blie, , I sa Raw on Chiamaer MET :Low lchemis,- awkence w1i a p* entitled, "Housie .1 z last week. . bridal couple were Mrs. Ueard. thi;' London during,the week, where she B&11,y Day ,Services will,'b6 held in, ,of Do What You Can." , %Ts. Gairdriew ;and daughter, Bet- Reports Of �,: � lgilloolmYs mother, and Mrs. Elliott A- will attend Western University "for ftfh,e . local chur,heiii on the coming committees 736tight this verry inter� , . I I , �. � ,. ty, of lla,dcn, Were home :for the buffet l.unch,on was m,,,d to ,b,ut amther term. ' . Sunday and Promise to be ihost in- esiting meeting to a 'close. The �; , week end. I fifty guests. A'rndd, s(howers of good Rally Day, srvices will be held on te,mgt.lng . �� - 7 . j,., I ,VT. and Mrs. George M. Fisher of wishes and confetti, the 'bride 'and Sunday next 'in ,St. Andrew's United ichoi , and a feature will be, the church -was Very -beautifully decorat;- . ,�, *74terlo'o, who were guests of Mrs. I rs; ,being compoeea of saubaw ed, Tea was sierved at the ci,ose oof , . groom 7eft on a�,mcitor trip to Que- Ohvireb. We 'hope alL-tlle Sunday eohool children. - - .in. co,nnecti�lyri wirth the meuting. . . ,, � - � V. ,A. Edwards for two weeks, re- bei, and Montreal. For travelling the school dAldren will plan to be prea- , . 1� holne Sunday. . the Rally ,service of the United A pleasant evening was spent at , -turned . bride donned, a, knitted wool plaid 'ent to receive 4:VM 1% si� Tie Y,:';';, � fRarviest Thanksgin-mg semces are i"tir seals, diPlo"nas Clhurch,gabbath school, a bean , pper the ,home of HL Con # . cently, ��9;"" " , -ft -be dress, ,mith coat of blue tree bark and' certifimtes for the yew's at- will be ,gerved in the school room, for ffhe occasionbeing a shower for Mrs. ...... . . . held Sunday, Septembex 30th,, cloth, ,blue fox fur and matching ac- tendiance. . I the children, pameqfU and teacMn, Plarmer (nee Miss Gram Stone) ar- ,., � � .at Trinity 'Church at 1 1 a,m. and 7 cessories. On their return they -will 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons of lC.," I .. . when each, class will give one nunii.. ranged bY her girl friends. Tbe I - , . 4; �,!.l , Wmrd,, hen Ven- k-'�e� Peacon Jones- ,,side in Goldbrich. They were the LondoN visited over the ,week end ber in the .way of a prograuL Sile. home was very preftily decorated in z,.,�.�,�� " 139teinan, of Goderich, 'will condAct recipients of many beautiful and we- with the latter's parents, Mr. and cial features will 081D feature the " ,,�"�� - ,zervioes, . .. ,?.�:� 11�.. . , I fild gifts, among them being a hand� Mrs. George E. Womsio�n, of -Hay I I ­ b'a, l2ait Vome efteque from Jan -*s Lloyd & Son ' . - lm__ - rL1- I ��, 1'. ,, Ai . rpu r contest recently _-, Carmel Obuirch Rall -y -day services. ,,,:. I .1 ., . � i I I � I � I . , % . . , I I 0 I . . t . �,�.�. .1fteld at e avilion, 'Alass A-u-nie lVic- . no s�v e . -one I � . -1 . I �, ", .... I . I I . I I - .. � � - I ��,�,",'�" 1elod, daughter ,of Mr. W. J: McLeod. the groolm is a member of the sales . am . I I , i, � . auld employees of Stratford, where United Clhum-b o.,A,the colming Sun- � . '. " � � � vnw the winner of a trip to Chicago ,taff. I fdow evening 6VAng to arinilversary Motorists' - - * ­ 1;1�,.��A 1. , ,"4ve dollars. She chose the The groom's gift to the -bride, EXETER . ivervicles in the Mister cbu . I I . . �64101`l, ,brtwer . I � I rch 9�t Chis- 6 I %, " � � � 4 . - was a ,beautiful cabinet of s4lve-r; � elhurst," but the lnl�ornjug service wi'll . . - -tw ' I -t- i'll'tt . . . v"i",,, �� 'I " - - .11k-! " , I th 1b, *deonwd, a gold necklace; Used- Cars Selling �t,Gteat- A.D. Sutheiland , ,-�.�, 1. 0 e ; I'M Vhe -Young ladies of CA'yen Preft- ,be .held at the regujw hour I ��il�'1111111 I . iftalalblfullr dmorated with Pink and to the best Man� gold tie. clip and terian , , a 1.1 - I- . I ��', i", 1. Church were loTganized on, Pri- .,,clock, . � '' I .4- . - I .­., I ly Reduced Prices ' INSURANCE Qualky 34,""". 'iip4ftle apter. s and autumn leaves, Stt. coll,Px set; to the pianist and soloist, I I , 1, � ,�, 1'. ", I . � day -evening into an AundlisT7 of the The Young People of the United REAL ESTATE - 0 , ­­.. � ,. . I ;",P�'��',!� atend,- W. AL S., On the invitation of Was 'Church tield a Weiner roast on Ftri- 1929, Olds=bile Coupe. 0 � ,�2,� 4 bs' Church, Vaima, was the scene silver nut bowjb. Relati,ves. .� I � :; .'. ;u pTetty autuTan wedding on jug :from a �&stan6e .were:, MT. and, Hlurvii' Presb�r- . Representing s#ong land re- 4 ,� *� , , I liable insurance companies and $ . �'� ,'�n 'P evening las:t- ""t the hoT00"of -B&-'w 1929 Hudson''Sedan. . t, j V =1 %firs Jamies, sinin- le nort) I I and. Service ,, . I ` rdft7,, "SePtelMIbOr '22nAl when Mrs. D. A. Worriso -Mr.'and Mts. T=Zl- 1'n We% Z.=, agoaft nuin- ' I ��, "I h I , '�' P f the v, a t , a TM � . rendering empetent and rei. , I , ,,i 11 th � ' Osyght&r of Mir. and F. G.'scotchmmr, Kitchener;, Mr. and ber of -the girra met at � .... ��, �,,�, " r � the W Ver 0 11 ge� on hehiAway- 1927 Pontiac Sedan. - . � � ,11 � ­'Elli0t4 'Of VOXna, Was A&'-'.' 'S1b0Cft00, C01W&Wa, rratei, 'hour. The - Meeting l followhig - the t,h Gs7nes I fia.ble.pervice in all matters of .. Are Paramount Here. Your. 4 A I T.. 11.1 I and-obiltest, &,tuted- e. evening af- protectioiC, Smallest Order is Assured the I I "I h: t4wriago, to prt;&Mick 000 � nwny *jefids at Balyfield anjL �V&Taa 'SUPPW -Wag op -yer 4�y w ,- n ' ' . � ��d wilth pra ter MA well en and m1srlsb,mallows 1928 Audson'Sedan, t I 1� tiW,'qf'3Trs. geard aid the extend to then -best *,itwz; , ; Mrs. 0ordou, aTUt which tho Aew So- were swv,ed and .nmeh :,en,jG.V,ed, slid 11 .. ..FIRE - LIVE - BURGLARY beat of Attention. �, 1, p . . . I I I ,,,, 1h ,m-a,rd, of jislmfiell The I -1 � . ci,AY Was &rtued alld duly, christen-' a vi,ry ,social ti,m,i� *0 spej,t , 1929 Essex S'e&n. . - , ..AUTOMOBILE - AN I %­!� I t I . '11.1 I ' Smoked and CurQ �, ­,"", "I 11�� .1 -11.1. , NUITTES V ,; ll �i,,�"" ­ *y,*"'06� �­ ,�� b, Rev. V� ' ' I i r, . me 5, , �.,l ; ed "The ,MargAr4 istrang Auidliatyll' ACCIDENT - ETC.. , ',.,1-.,1...l ­ �iMd " e ,,� 1� indebted to, . . ,p .7 1;�, ,i,n ... .. - 1.1-111, e"", . , � I Bit-- VARNA I I in honour of , 1928. Vor,a Coach. - .1 "I'm 9 W,A ,� ,�4, l:., . 6g, i 4RX , 4 1 6,. Th I young Peopae f") Inueb 11 - "W '. " t6 distinguished Inis- %. ­and'-fainfly for ., - - I # I , � ...... L"'o, '' � ­ :'jj�"q 110rug 9.1 . � I - 1 2 I I 1. q&. and ah 111'-",30.,4�,�,Eg' " smillie, 'Wrhe Tight poilicy to veet your Meats,of all Kinds , I I ­, , 11110 I I �10 . sionary from lokveft Chuith 'to. the . . I ­ ,� t. cloljk�oiwe their kfftxjftem;. I lift"kMij-, ftdm .. I The many friendg,6f ,Mrs.1toy b&W- Peace Wver District Thel,weetftlgs Ggsoline. . . . .224c pet gAllon ftl�ed 4nd your P�Iaolok" A ', � ­ I.— . - iotry U'ik. idif. we Vo ,be iheld, at i6he suppi&r ,how iAnn�*MTY Sem,lces Will be hold 11 . _ --, . I � VeTY, Choicest " - ­ � � I 11 � d"Iby' t1it- got win' he -to hear s 'at lChWhurA %,hTA 4 . .1, Main Street ..' - I . 9 . ­­ ­,�- .I 7v*Am-.§v&t 6vory two woi , . W **1 iW ei. Motor. oil. .'.65c, 0 . . .. I 1. 11 60 fair, ewffilned to htw 64,tii� *a ',bhel,f1ftC to, �6 �on.eagt a," Vill ,11 ISland', .Pei gallOn - Phones: 1,524 & 152-W* 4 I., X "p, �4 1 i ". iiy,' Se0& . ... - . . i. .of aq-Fresh Meiitg' . i . - the .Sft, af erl I Tho goegl Regular Heavy, Tires at . I I i 'I P VA,th 1W L. "i� !, fie zq* a SP690,���l 4, � ' 'n, tt&y &�6z,iith I I I ,�,.,� . I - , I , a &-Ad W,Wbk, I -1� , I C " -,. I'll, 1. �1 ­­, I I I I -i Of4�r I 1. I ­ I ,,,, .1 �, ., t. Cy HA" 1�, . � ., ,.w -acehen -�I%Q "a, k$, 1W. 'and -Aws. gt,*�t*,, ,, t";6l , �6,.. -presidLia, anit Use - 2skibm* A#dn- iiptskir VAH ,be IN�,AI*. 16rcoliliv 'One- - Generallitsid YO'd 1U9D' .TWV - �� ­ .f ,, I ---- , ' . "t . "14' , ­.' I I I . , . , 1 ­iq��, 46* , ., - 1.� .. , aor�&�ft�' 0. ".b ",`j��14A­ftijl. ' Will Hold 'Id, 114ya"Reaftiott , . � ,� i '. , 1. I . :. .1 0. EYANCING . I I . I I 4 4 I j, �, , - & a ' . 'h'4' -' - . 6 'TENDER *AVi1lt`8TEAk?, , �ft . � , , '" , .. ,f, 1, , .fttted $0 F a ,0 tb � , -a , ­ , q � 06 ­trit s poff in arge, A, ldlad� ,a r9n*A* 11 - , ' I � " . - T* , , , 0 , &�i less than. Atandird :- l Eft. -=d­"� M , 'Ag of _ ,# , I , . I �,­�­­ ,� 1 , - . I 41:4,L 'i . I 0 . . 14, --I - , "I --Nd-, �Wg"ppqihtedA -*61 I �t.14,jfig, "olf. the. ,� D",Iltw* ul-- � 1, A-- I Onec-l- I - . . 1 ,,4 . I ; . .3-r ­­­,,$ )� * " Wo Mar,GtiWor "' I , � ;,� �', '. -.1'. r �, �­ I I . ­� I - , , . " � .1-11, 11;1-1 .-. I �- r, �' , ' � 1�16,� � 11 M&I _e WX 'l t'dflat jft",jftjW W4*k' �4, " � 'the .�--- � 4 I fxft -11.. 11 , ,�. , I ,:,1..0 "W. 00 "MIt", . , I . �- " 1, , - W&" 'i Ail � . . - ­ I I ;. ­ I W ' I :�*Hiw, , , . . t l I , -46). ,. ,1-4 ft'd 103�� .1 1, . 191T I - . , - - ket , , : " bil 134011eld ix ,I*r ,�t C-O�M�:-,ft -�'f ��, I . ... .... � I AL ESTATE . 11 FSA&I ' " ­1�yl­� - '10 � Alf"11% A6, leduhal . �91 , J. ­ � �, -4 . ., , 6 .fi . $4 , _ , � "". ­ �". 1 ou" 11 i W ,16 vp , " V 'Chair it, 1, I . . & NA' , � �, ,"Whil'Prgy '06? - I i � I "M I �%M-.M'1,1 -1 ," It.111a ;,.,, - - A - . '7 ,*�`4", , I I I I , , . . N p W I " :T 10"'t :� , if , . ,� �1111� , . . I 2111 , AV -t-,"- Aft,�! :, - - L%",�' fti &6&d" '. �".. 1� , I , I I L It .6. , aid, It"; .. . - 11�1;1.l �Tl - , lw,,�� - .�,� `1 I M . . . IrIft �, AUT6- ''WIND mmee ", il - aftb­6 h& tal � ;d�&, U ,O .An 041 I - , '" 311 1�;-., 'i :� 7= "'wo, , g j A . " 101d *W �� , '!Awl��M )*#*,�ft - , . 1, v, -�r­ , ,�, '' � I ",'�,','g'1­,-:, I a "IyAseow" , � *W W,,:111 , ­ �'Ajg r,a,� r , �,, ," ­�� " -- � ,;,,, I , CII STORM � I . 1, I I � *', � ­ . . .�,�, . , - , , '"' , ", ", , 1,84�-qj.' , �. I,, I ­ .. 11 . I I �. I , A0 )OT 1 6 . ill 11, ,. I I L I I 11 ­ '� ,.T! ,�,ii, ji,!,� EM �g� ��,�t�lm, I , ? . I i . . . : 0 *ft' 'ft ' �W ft' the ft ,ays . :, A . � 9ft-fty of a W, -J� '� '41,t6l W 4 9;�07 & " Wft lr� 31" , I , 'W" �11 � %�4" 1, ill, , , follo*ft"g, 4m,""", " 'th# -"% � , 4, 1 , . , 'Rul"Ity- . , k,.r ,�,' ­ 000, R, ­.�X,:,�, , � . . .... ,,, 0 ­ . P:, O.V041`066*4 # to 01,�14 " & , ��. 1, . �Jk� "V - 1l1`-%.1*0*­4 -L, ,� 'V,,�ry I jo',11 , �,"­ ,, , ft'aftipt Immod ,� ".11 , ftttlk* "I 11 ... "" '43% - .16 Yhohe " . "."V5 U`�=N , I �,,,J; � �* , *40 . I i ll, , ift,,= - - - ­ , ' I . - , . 6111 � V , ­�­ � , ,,,�J'­,", Ir ­�",bj . I 'IWO - i ,M.01" d"', W, , I ;;... �'Ak& t ;, , WO -0 4- 4 't , 'F ,ft Se4forth ZVII'.1�1,1 t 0 , �4 . 4 , r ` "' pudem,""C' ,kofttao I ,'i 11 , '77 " . I A i, me . , .. I ­ I , alliw , � � I "I ", .. . ­'. 'r , 00*k , , � ", � lky . �, �". ''L' "�"'­j� " - X, . I 1, -,� A Q�� ��o� - 1�� l , '' - ,� ­ � ­. . , , - r"W"'W'; ',%,�­,�'r, ­ �, ..., . 17"!" , " , I I .. 1; -., � ,',�;� l'T rr .��, " ;i,, �;,�,� �,;: . , , �, ,� . I ,,Z4,;.�,,��,,'fta 1 1$1 IM I . . A, " - ' �aTe�.-' l' . � V ., ,�,5� I I,, � . lL �1 -, � , I I , �,.`. �Y, 1� � '0 ,�r - :&&f,j ;�J; '4��'��','4j - 'i -*'W.q' " ONH T� , ,..,�n­ V�� 11 - I , I I 1. I "I'll, , ��'­ � >, , 11L,�­ -11 ,I: Ljb.,��ii.,�,�,,"­ ... *R,h*,Vll.vl,�,�L, --,,.,, """'L' '111` ," I."", � , I I I . , .... q�,19' " � , " �i, :� �' ` �:;, ".c,`,� � , I � . I . I - I '111 I I . , '� - I -111'r ... I �.110, , � �` �,,, , ­ . .� ­ 11 I " "I � � �; �,g .., - . 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