HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-09-21, Page 27M.6�.:M�TA ,,'�, Ill 1;, � ­� � , , I , , 111­'N,�,��, ,�I�l�,j ­ l�7,' 1 �­ ,-f - � I I , �,�, I , " - � , �, j. '., ,, - i�j; r 4 1� , , , � "A" . ; �. , , ,,� , . , � . , , , I I ,� t I -� � , , �, ,� `,e , ,. , ,�,V- 'O .,'1*11 ��',`,;,. , ` - , , " ; K" , � , � , '' . , ., , , . , ­� i "T '' � ,� ". � :1, � � 11 , -`-','-�`��,,�, �,'­ 4" "� '1 K,014' '4 , , I , ,:F.� . ,� � �� ,� I 0", wt ,,l '16 , '' , Valt "A"',", � ­ ,, .* � ", , . ; "', 17­� T ­,,,7T;. , - .., .. - - ,.�- '��,.`:,li' I . ". :�, �4,,,, �, � '4'tX­.­-­ ''' , I ,,�; �.- ". ,:, I , I : : . ,' . , I ", , . . , ", �, , , �111'- Be � Quo , :1 , � �,',", ���M I 4. I af Orth to ,V , 11-111--, " A - "i , : .. -.W, 'Ila., I � 1. �­:, ­­­ - , , � 1� I' I 4., I � # , "'. ,,". "'401.1Q0A 'Y'A . .. , , ­ W�,MX . ­ , ., , ,. , Tl,`-:',t:�,;t� �'-,.,­ ,.�- .1 1. — , I i. I "". . ­'. . . , , " -, ­­:'. . . � ,Z".,:�'.. - l - � �,.��, `� .. , - . I .., t 1. ., I 1, , .11.;71.7704TIT, V . : I � .;,�I' �­ �,., " - � . , ­"�'-­�,, '7. "", 1. I .� I i.- . I I , . �` I "1044&4MA, $110. a. yv,s-r,,:*n, , .- . ' W , .a , I , . � I . , , .., " I , . lore Pell_ Am_ ,,#LqQ--a year. $iu & . , .. 1111­..�,,,;� 11. 11, lttl,­��2�1 � 111W C . I -;�',)V,,",V.X1 Fi* IV 4=1111 R , , , �,-�,,'� """ Pli"11 V ,. . . !.I'.- .1 I I y,,�.�,.,Iq ":,;".� ,,, : . . , " �'11�11.t; . .% ­ , .1 I .. . ''' i In re s As. de fr6' all this,. the ' �i th� 1. � I question of th)6 policies of the.-Awo �'. -, . i leaders and the r parties. ,�,'Q­�­J: " , 11� * , ,'�,��:'�.:,Advertfising rates on,l,applicati= ,.. , . OR �,,� . " �;'E,�'­�'�,� " .", - I ,"o " , , I � , 1; . , '111 V.,':.1, ,�� I �J 7.4­� " - , .1 - ."', ,,�,, -'l, I � , � ­�­ ­.'11.1�1 .. I : ., , . �1. ,I . , , I t"'" , - I of the Canadian Weekly, - `�� ,,X*bers , '­4�­. �,�,,,: I ` ,,��,,� I -1''. . �� I I . ch was heard'bef6re the Senate, ..... ... 1, . . whi I �'�l . - I i C411�1^,. ,t. -, 'I ". , �. ­W,',�'W',p apers Association, ,Class A 4­ip No change my heart shall fear, , Ana safe in -such coinfidi ' - I ngy i , ,, , &'.. 55. ?`��;:��,­ I , I I . 'kh , ''. - " ies of Canada, and the Huron ,, . � WWO --e history of the, country �vhefi their . , - , ".. ,(,�­­. �l �'Iililll:t. 1, "­, 1, , I ' .. Coxinty. Press Associat on. ': ' notipe of thenti, or,so Inuch as to al- I", -4L , N, I!, � 0 i �T.,:�, �; '' 7,�, - ,�,' , , .11:l , �'. . I Z, - �, , I — I ", � I , I . , . - I . . � .1. 1.� I " .. i �18,EAFORTk 'Friday September 21. . I . I , 0 1�4�:" "I 0 ­��'. �� ?P'­�� I I :, I J','r'. . � .11'. .1, , . I � I I ... , ­�,.;:" , .., . . l� �t i, ­�,, ,� Limit Divorce Evidence In , -, , ti�,:­l gk,�,X�: " ... ''. . �� ,,,'1K,i1??..... - - . . . . . `k�,p,, I � , Newspapers . - 'I AR.--- I N , 1�6.1 ", � I I ""'. I .. � . . -buck has in- Attorn General Roe � '­.!...,. � I ........ . t "4. � I.: " . . . I I timated that atL the coming session I I ", , .. 4-," .. 'R .A I I �111 . . . . of the Legislature, he will introduce . I 11.i", I 1, �,,"­:, . I ' I Je&laden restritti.ng, the publication . 4,4 "I .n.''.. ."", .. 1,,,� . I � "'I ; . of divorce evidenc6 in Ontario news- - ., I � �',�,�­ , , � papers. I �, . . . I . . I IS ... '11 �. ,� '0,7". .. ' . That Mr. Roebuck is right, in his I . I 1� 111� . � -1 ,, � - . . �- . intention,,most newspaper readers . . . .R �,��., "I ,,-!�C, ; , -�,­, I vrM agree. We believe . . .- .. I . , too, that most . � , � " .,­, "I " 11, b �i,.:, " ., I . � newspaper proprietors' will' a'p'pIaud , 1.1 , � n�,�;­.. ��11.1­ � his,action. I 7 . . I I � I .5.? ,,,.�,:, , - . I ��,�: .. . � Before ,Ontario divorce courts, . I Y.11,�;,','-- I "' - I � *erei initiated the'.general readin .9 1��;. , , " ;I, ;i1z­:,,. - public knew little about dlvote6 pro- - " ' . . "I I I "I'll 1. �. �:, , . 'J. I . ,cee dings, and'with the"exception of ­ I �V',­.' . &,?­ ! "- . �"J. ".1 I those -ftnmed1a'tely'conqerned,, cared I'll , �...., I", � , ", l,t�. � " I , , I . .. les& - ,", �1. I . .......... ..... .1 .. I � - Formekli 'all div e were - � M. nrck. : I . a..'' A ,� �'f �� � ­­ '%'"p -1-,",�,F�J.—F � , �� -,.,��­?`l'r, � �, ��', ­ tq�p � , " . , , V -S, As'�,0,47'. �,'g " ­ - --� .�'�i', - -, ., -"� ", , 'I'll ";,-,,,',,�,,,��,�,,�,��"-",�,,,��,.', . * .11 ­ " �,�, , � , � , , - Am '' . - IF ^',Rq,�r7 , - -1 ,,'.rll� ., -.",�,�,, .� �,'y �� g"M " 48011RA �01 ,1111 ?011`15 """""' � , " x" 'T , , I ,ls,� � ; ,­':,;, ­� - , , "' 7 .. e,'­.-� !''Wh,� �M#1 -- �, � ' � 11W. ''W - W$#RVR�,=RV.W%t­ ­Aw.,4 ­­,Ipffl�, ,,�lx"-r�,'�4�.,4i;�,�W�q-rkq"§",,�,��,��l,�ij,7,z',.,'T,I'i�,.;�'',,'.,�,,'...'��,,� , `!,-�,t�. I I ,It M ''th?a,t�,�par,U-,oq,t�ar-I.t'..� ith. Z,�, "� , -,p, ,Ar*� �,# "" g 1. I . ,;", ��,k,.,, ., F p ,� I . I � ,., ,,,� 1. 7. 1 l�, ;'�Y­. ­ I . , � , "I'' - q , , ", 'I r `Z'h#­AWeW1*V;.!sn, jl,��Igg �. P,i ',0'",;p.,.,W', !Ty a '.!�M'Ry��--",.'"'.�f'�,�'���'�'��',��,���*�.,!,,, I V;��",,",,Y�R�,,,.i ; ', 11 ". I ­ �. � . 1-1 1. . � I .:�M.P-, , , 5A,�,:,, - I , ,,, � - X�Rg, �',' ­.e.,�;­ " . ! , :V , M-1. ,','i,��,,,�'.-�,,�'.,,,���,,�,�,, V0, l ". . . . * I . , �e � 4 ,�, ,,,,, , ,­,,� ,� "y' I—— . " ,., , -y ,�s . 111.111 � I ve, Q w. 1, �1� ." . ,s,�, , """ , "I � , ";, ­"­ ­,�'­'­,­ , n, 1. ­,", . .A I 0" � W'Ji-Aw", ,� 'O md;, , ,4, p � "14 m � ", a �,� ,!,,X,,� ,#- 1 ��, ,,y,,- � 'I - ­ -- - ., , 4-4n -'�O I. .4 ,,� , i :, IWPIPOT `J�rlfll �, F� ih � ., R. . I , . ­'; . -, � �, .V " � � . �� ,6 � . * #4 1 'o;.� . , ,p ,, 7 -, ." . I ".. g", kkffi`�,�­� ... lll,,:�: f,!; - - � .* 11 ""'i "I ': � I I $1 : � , -9 - lel'p, I "".", ,,, Ill - '' � , - , �' t4 .V. e lid li, - "" M'41 , -, � � ,�,4, " 1"" I M I � 1,, A � �.­ "I � �.;:, - , , — ­, " ,11 , I 1 ., M- " �T� , , 4'." .e 11.1 � . 1PV.` �;., Ae� A �4 , 0 kee`.�1$ds 0 �-T,P�T,!M'A I -11P ­­ I , , 611. ,. , �"." � � � I 0, . ? 11?� .-) I -�, ­! I -4el, XPV 1, 11�. 1"'k;V , , , ""', * , ""'. �! 4 = �L­ - - 1. .. ''k4s". I R �, ", , . �W. - It , 9. .#ZV - - - , . I., A.." 0 ­ l. I—. -11 .s"J.R . '' " y bems , >�.­W W,42� 1141� IRI"'V. "7", , A .,�� - ..,. . � ,i,4,,��",� ��"� M �11� ­ 3, so 04� ��% ,,� `.��,'�,,, , ­­' , - ­, ,,,�,­AN��!"A I , " "'' 4 I " �, I . , ­ � �T' , d, , ! - i#A 1?1 , " ­- ­­ " , V�, -1, �1,1 1! ,,,, y ,b"..0 4 M � 4. � ;;4 -, � M.114 4 ""Op ",-,4404 g P, --- , p.W"a. mor ]kindly slde'to� the f 7 X � ��', Ir, 0', � a i� ��1�1� 1111.A'1.11',��; - - , V r", .0* !" ,,, ,- " , , ''10 ,�, 4, . W'VVR� , ­,7� 0, I , i I P. y b"4140q, 11.1 11-pft ..", - ­ � I_ ­ A, , . - N , A") - 0 " - - , til, . I � , ` " - _- I.. y V. " .1� " � , ­ _4 ,� ,11PP'l , .4. 41"" I .. Pok . , - -sq I I - , , - ,Ri� ftifft*.`� . fw,,� � . ve'' -0, 4T!,�, A ,,, ,W­nW­,rtW­L00 t . 4 'bl, ,01*A, . ,� ft,�,sjhax4 he has -to the greit 6xfil- ." , , � 0*0,jp�,4"� Api,ak � , % .,J , I ,ti� of �,44 0, .- qWlb� 4 I q , , "?A- ��, � ­`:�-,-",;­.�. �w . ,, ts,rto . -1 , ii4101.. 'j;� "6-11R1--11;,* "i"'.."'. *`!,,f4,.,,. ,.,,!-� ,,C,,,,��, . I . I L . , .. ­ - I I I t 'f'A ii '4#10�,% - -1 " I � 106M. 1% ,,, is ,�,`, �� �.. . , , .11 , " � . - 1. I -t, 11 " ''. , ��44,eijii �,,*05 . *00, ' I :1 I � , . I . 0(m 'Al M'"'.4 � I I.," , , - lie $0,10 " I .1 tiont ** *� in. �Ql, semo )� ,',' " it* 0 , " ­. - 14", -, 11".. , . - I . , - I 3 - , 3", ': I" 1. . .1 , V . '" � q � � � .. . � . I 1W, �� -U i` . laoth � , ,0,-,A , ft "' t "'. I #: � A.V,,JA#tq.,'4 ­ W1,113i!X.g-,9fA . . ,.-. . � . - , ,� " '�J , ." ly , . � say - .#At IWA, 0.�' I ,k . ­ , �,, . � . � i , . Ith! el aii. � T ,Jyr,q9 ki � " '. " . Aft 4 ;�vtl, A . -141�r - ,, '1909 "" " , ­­'�­'leptM ' "' " " � , � I � ,i,e 2 I , *tA 44, Ap',�,!� ., " I ," ,,, . . I 'oe ,4 ,�,$ " . ,,, ,4 WV';,.,.,) �ATV � ".. , . g! - ' -# ; § t 1, 1, -, V. as " 4, , -",, " 'Allid - , , , , , V. i - , -, §X �T, -,AA ,�-, .. ., . - 11* . I X a � 16 .11 . I I I �,�',; � .. . , � ,, " �& ' - g �0 0, " Ai Q .9',. 11 ,t� � -- I �,,, � . ". �,M �. - '00, "It"' , " , . 10 1, � -11 , . I I. J-'-,- ,,, .", ��, . . ", , . . ' I I - � w .., ';� -4 "', , sq, 4Ubl, L,, ,,,, t I ... ,. , �, , - , tftell,lf 4 . _ . �,� , , Al, iliA ,. Yes, ind,'m -10 * 8 oine�.,7';: - Ilk , 14; 7., I I .1.1, "' . , . 'I ­P`�W ­ . . * I .. � mve Ju4t, A0!,:§PT4P%,.y !,py �, �, " _��. " � L�,"� 1 , ,,,' - - ­ ", i .r . . I , I ­ ai.�., it� I . ," �Vp ­ 4ek I - 1. � . . I W�� N."*.'i ­& r, i5 '� , , � t ; , " . I " , I I I , " , ;r I I I .1 . I . .n- , 1) 0 ,F ., ,.; wo� I - I- . i .... �� ,,O:. 4�,,.,, W I . - :1 , ;, ,. , I.. . .,*,�,;. , 'YA*, ". . . . , - , , , ". � I I li I., � ". , -, ,. �� v - I.. �- I I �"", , gr , " V'ft . ",.a I t IC', il`,l" ` .,f,#P;L . I . . -,, t '.,.',q;, it..41 , , , , .4 I 7� . 1, 1. . . � 11 , ­­ , . I ,.. �. F .1 T . � "M 'N. -I 'Ph , , ,.. ­ -�,!: a0k. **- had - aw -4 -1;� ,..�-� .., . � -, '' . ., l .. �'p Vk ­. , , , . , �­,jLt, .. . , '. , ,13 , I , 4 , A - "' � ��i,`411 !pc, -, � � , � 'U- " , ,l, . I . gpp , . , , � ,* . s,�.M -ft. -t , 1, :., ­ - , 1� , , ,4 � , . 1 .17 S,,."X,-,@r,,., "ir - , . � '10 . � , .,�4 I i". , '' ­., " ­�, .4 �Z"r4 . �*6�,N%­4, . a . ,iqo,�., r . . , ,b , I , rw , �,,,;,,�,:� . - ., , I I ,: 0'�:,,­­, -,.,O�,, '' � , 'W"', ,,� 1. I , "' - " �A 0. " `* iow , , I . I . Jut . . ­1$�.V*.at-t .4. . ;' 4 , , 11 " A , *1 ,�A-m, 7 4 � I " omp.. J, �� -,��,,,01 - t� - , , 41#�11141 ­ ' , ;,I #r . �, L' , in �, . she ww4o, - - ;� -fall Fair.' I Ine. I I . Wim a WIF)K !��, , 'rm-was"on, ,h _ P, I , - , .a n U,nidn Government Aga' "M . , , . . .. I � - ,., , -Y .6 bg 4g% tt�r'�as Faiv, ''' I P . "O Ow� � , Or, er �110en ,�",,-� , ", ,V P""q'o. ,.----� -_1 . . . . I . � ., ­ . t,F�T ' '4 , -1 , Mr, k L . -11 " I L. I QT A4W."', a 0i"I'44 . T., 6, 6tanbqr-.r of Ex I I I �,' lMP'W'!n " *',� tSpZUnkhi1J'4'� "�,4 " ` .. � tv ­ IT ..,Ors, ,z�, .- - A Union Government, or' as its taben,TkZ49 for fiaw.ft-s ot tho Lon- it - ,, t, b n&eo ...'' ftl�:4,-. W;1141 ,;V .1 .., p*y be th"­gh k 4u 9, , 116 110t., -� Qft, ) I 11 ��f�, wio,-,�Wvo ,V�trugvlog , I . . 4her", ZA.#q , Kil", T'. I ,- , ' ­­­* . " I I � I 6 , " . rpons . �# : I— rv�:� .1 . � flt�w. �g "."�, ��:. 4 � I ousa�- 0 pe --v"'o -the *4, . teaoa.- ,, . ps �# � ,�Md , e W, P ,­­ , #140d 'nope . -r. oes.tt.,47�4,4,,, Fair,� , �! -, " - ' . , I # , k , - - I - 1". 11 � rs -a Xatioiial,Gov- ' 'do' - ,In - a��.. ,was, hel 0 � w4 V- - , I ,,, -, , til� 0a, 04", of, , - he " ' ' ' ' T,,hA- r ' "' ' promote term it, INT. Thomas, MdWchtwl, jr,lof HW- 'World's Fair Of I ,. , . -ioi. -�, ,., I e t , ky'lellk,FT. W*- ,, . . - ,. , ., � I$ V - 444, , ­ - -, .,.#, I '0 - , .� .. #Qwir`,J��,--, - -U 'r .7 4 V f4 , , __ t ad*�,,, the,' , ' , I , 1. ; as 'br6ught.,v=01 �. M. .� �� . .... . .... ,�.' 'ai s OiA of OeFvim en-, . to A, V . . ernment, is. now. in the air., tiett. t6dik fr-ClilciLto Ait IW, o celebr, #ep A ... ., , ­ .. , . '. .A prize r : , p* , . - % . , , ' . - � -1 tile - diii, FAir. I - - I , � with Aeat ol�l Ki�o,is ­ - . fbur,hundredt� yw. since "'' '' �' I qi! and:­aJ,�(&',,H*, . ­- " .1 :0,6 . tn. , - . la:A -week.: . covety ..of � I ArAierica ts�( - ' 'di on. , V #d""'. -Wwtk:� .,ij6­ , :, "' But we fear - from, the plans I and tries at -the w"st'ra Fair, Londc" I . Mr. We%* Nott ,of Tuck- , Christophei ,,:,. This could' b -Ar � ie%�iiesty , Dun�t :- and be�o ' . ­­ ­ . spqcMeations, , got f JJVu ,, �,,. . . ' ­ L 1. . . . ell , T-196 through ... p 'therl*., " . -1 .as described .- by the , er4rdth ir# and s*eepstalW for .Columbus. It waq� A irear �Oe be,mwe 4 ,ted . VT,ebs'4 alffil (L . I . -M, . I . his three year oldhewy draft filly. the buil4ings were not in readlixtess iDid. Anot always ha,ve a io�jg list country --all'. mo,st intel.�pti­el. . , . . prome0rs, that . this' new Ship of - . � .. 1. I I a I � I '. I ,� I . I . I Mr. aind-,,Mrs. W. J. Dawson, were in 1892. , - . I , . iprinted.prizes for.the differ4at LO',m. il have Just returned � f ' - A., , I I � 1. VOTA -1 State is of too weak construction, here last wmk visiting his father, It, howevor, as we see it, was not ;.�Vetitions? ', I ,, ­ I . - . I week!�`vack;bion in jdq�# , , p. -#v,e 1� , , I I , � l3k. Dawson.. is '.tbe-,`Grst,�� . .., Fair I I .. I Diatance'did -not bar� any, . aspirant - days of -which, � , '-, "or .' . I I 11 pt. Ed. Dpwrion. As- - , . 11 �ftW4� `tlie ffnfejet-,� ' � . and,comes from too high,up to -make s s . intendloixt of � the Detroit Inter- The Chieag,w W- orld',s Fair,'" it *as ,for honors. ,, I . t'. 11 ­ * .9 ings,of "The Federated, Mjwsiens!� i'a -. ,� .�. . . . , ' ' I , I , ' : iiitere-% a sAccessf ul landing. UP.. I syp��m of. electric railways. calleds was Qut�tatdirig jnssimutc4 a� IA*. prize might be ,;�oh (by - - K'Arnig,WWW--d most, , fing gatfi- k I Kir. Samuel Vielmithas entei�ed on itbrought to oni place thq mast won- person from gnywhere. . any �aring of nien and women frbqii:,21X . 1. I - I _ . � .. � '"d for this fearAhere 'are many - ,,is 45th year - .Por,tmaster at sea- derful collection iiot onl' of mauu�� (It wu(i open 6ot't�he whpI4 -parts of "Japan, ,China,,. Korea .' ' as I I 11 . . .. I y - - w4Ad. , -`4 ormosa., I . ,a . T4 I I reasons., A former Union Govern- tortih. -2 . -faetured 'things, but lilewise of pro� - Therefore we, ask- the' o4tioi" F, , I - . . / 'he Sell. Iptigme '& nreshq Co. dutts of �Vie world', that had, everI jeould-any, Fait be,fair4-0,.. , At. r on ­ I , An'd ,�i pretsent her�. in Tainan; Soutit ,, , ment and its effects ' the finances - of "Seaforth -idid and delivered ma- beeir afibeinpted and'veen. 1 � fa a�. Formosa, -there: is a' Sunday Schoof A and the m6rals of the country are chinery Au,rin.g the months of July, lGreat credit is due Chicago for ,the, World"s, Fdir�­ . k'' 'Teachers' Confor;ence -in sasst�U. It— . , in, I stilfgreeh in the minds, of the people. and A t this year to the amount- aniazing Wfift*- City, that was built V il I I I "' the eighties vrbeqi o= is bdu* held ln'� ei y - 0 .. f� , ' of $XfV on the shores of ,I*ke.Tdich1gan to be I Moaiitinued on Pfun, 3) , I soealwi�arp'all' I Dsans. In. this .- I . t I ' There'is to be�,a gen6ral Federal ,: 'Messrs ' ;- T. J.- Derry, William Tow- ­ 1. I 1 � �,- , , � � 1, ". , - - . . . , I �� 4, -1. ,� I - , . I church Sunday .school puplk,��4srfly, - I ers and 3L-tster - W%l , erry of Hen- . ' ' ' 111 , , J � - ­pon B . ,., - i �,� � . - - ' 1. two TAI@§$�naries;I, assist, the other election-mext year—or sooner. " 1 �7 � � I .I.. I ", . ro.. is i his eall returned home"Itrom the old 2?1111- A& V �, tteaeli�, also[ �uperintendent and d- �, , - .� ' .., Jf, Premier Bennett believes I try on Saturday, where Mr.'B&rry 7 iVST A SMILF,,a'QR TW l .. ficeTS--4are -ill Fornios,ans. I � fit*e I I`- flue entire and,pther 0 , ,,,,, the .honor to 'be the choir leader, � of7- c-hances,of sweeping the country and * purch, ed Isome .. -.,.�6, " � ­ 11 . . ' I horses. I , � 1. . ., . . . this, -chureh an& all mem�ere,'twein4- I - ,; ,- -. , , ieturning his government to power � MT. M Seliaff er of the Kippen ho-. ,,,l ,avenot . sad a:'bite fox .1 . .1 � A ve in number I ,.a I r . e . *64.hers in � the� I 1 ,,,4 . They h�d Jusit, .1secome engaged., .1 pys.,", said _ I ,re Mr. tell celebrated his 72nd birthday this - - landlady of the George "I 9hall love," she cooed, lkto share . ,Suaday'school'. The spirit of co -op --w '' , , a , excellent, is he likely to take a tramp to the . week. Mr. Schaffer says thla'� early and Dragon. "Vyer think you could all your ,troubles.il . eration. betweenthe old and. the Y46unox- . I ' . Xing in -to sharethe glory? , . Tising in the morning is'the, secret of spare 3iw one-?".. � . I . "Put tdar1ling," 1he xn�urnlured, .tq %�eople Is most h6lpful and hopefilIz ' .� - From August ; , , , -rei, I i I If Mr. King, as 1�ador of the, Op- -his good hemilth and activity, I ACertaittly not," replleii the land- have, none." Ist. to the' 8th, the � 9 , Mr. Andrew Scott ,has opened a la,�yt l "No," she agreed', "but I �nean was a. young peoples,, &nferenic,e UK Oition, believes he has a chan hool in Bossenherry's ha4l in. Bruce- "Thank y,er," said , in Shokwa, a -cit� in the centre oE , . g- e ce of -,sc ' the �� and when we are marTit)d.l' - Lite outh from north, 0 fea field and- will teach there until the r I I . . .t.71 - ting the Government next year ,louched off,"but a few minutes' ater Digest. - In ' . . -a-st, south and West -gathered to d$s- i . . I P new school is ready for use. . - he was :back. - � 11. . , � 0 ' I � c Is he or his party likely to join Mr. ..The Tuekerspigh 'Rural -Telephon'P 1%%atd'yer want now?" asked the IM6ther (at 2 a.m.):, "You neechi't cuss ,how belst thes could li&lp'in' ther- ,. � � I I I CO- will soon have itheir.line in OlpeTa-, I I , bringi .Bennettand his party now,, in -order landlady. ,. . 1, I have waited up for me, Ruth, I It ing ,in of that gla& dar whem 4 , tion. The poles, are all up and, the . ,,V,,uld I' lave a few words with (Ruth: '11 know, mother ' all, ,shall. Iniow and love the Lora "' ' . , ,, but some- Jesus Chrtlst." . .� . 0 to save that Gov6rnment defeat?. , -instruments installwl and nothing m- George?" queried the,tramp. - The one hasto let grannie in.11 - London I , ' Can anyone visualize Mr. King , mains but th6 stringing, of the wires. Pas Northern,,blail. '� .1 Opinim � , 1. cnly xneant -to write a note Of . [Mr. Thomas C. Wren, one of the I .1 � . . .. -1 apology -forgive its length. With hZ 4 working under Mr. Bennett, or Mr. pioneers of 0hiselburst district, died - I. I I . M good wishes. . - . Bennett taking orders, from Mr. King euddeTA-Y at hig hom�e on 'Saturday � I I I . Very sineerely, 1, I . , . . . last. He was a -native -of Nova Scotia. �. - (Mrs.) Margaret A. Gauld. L. or anyone else for that matter? -At S—use Wh 'Y on T,u�sd- Of 't SUNDAI "' AFTERNOON''D .1 I ..", , -I ,�­ . i -- � lj I , ,�,.�­ �� �,WV­., , heard before the genate of Canada, " ­ . I I � 1"', ;­ - . . and ,�, 1.": I --- � granted or dismissed as tkat 0', ���� . I . .. "il �i I body saw fit. No evidence, -however, 1, i In re s As. de fr6' all this,. the ' �i th� 1. � I question of th)6 policies of the.-Awo �'. -, . i leaders and the r parties. I .1 .1 I k,� week "Dark�y Ha " 6 d,.� by J. E.--tSvmrtz of Wingliam, lowered his " rew,rd to 2.62 4. " - . y Mr. John, Boyd has sold his farm W ,�, L, W � ". ". A& . I . .,(By Isabed Hamilton, Goderichi Ont.) 0 w . I - - . . I , , ., .1 ' In heavenly love ablding, - I ' pears against -God, they are but like ,,��,,� I -1''. . �� I I . ch was heard'bef6re the Senate, ..... ... 1, . . whi I �'�l . - I - . . - There has nevek- been a, time in the , I �On the 11th eqn,cession. to his -neigh- . bor, Sft. A. Godkim, for $5,500. No change my heart shall fear, , Ana safe in -such coinfidi ' - I ngy a -multitude of poor simple sh6�herds 1. shouting at a lion, who scorns t.o.take , . �, .. could be made public without the l., .11�.: ' I '. � history of the, country �vhefi their . , - , The preliniln�7,trial of A. Walms- ley 4or ,the blowing uvp of My.. J. Me- For nothing changes h�re. I . ' notipe of thenti, or,so Inuch as to al- ",'', the H .�-.' i ,consent of ouse 'and tjiitt con- policies were more divergent or more , Murchle's safe on A—il 2nd, u� - last — — — —, _,; ,,'+. ter his pace f9r them. . Surely they +1-+ k It, -1. A:s--� . .- y , I . 11,� I+ . sent covered a- ve' limited amount , , �� , �, ". �., I I I ry 1'1'-w., I 'of evidence indeed. . I I - . ,.;�',',l,­-- . � . M., ".... , T lil. Since the - new Divorce Act came .�, � ".."..", . , , lt��, , , , I into power, "apparently all, restric- I'll ' ..,.� *",. , 41ons both as to attendance. at the' It"N.1 � y � ­­­ 1� .1 � I trials and publication of the evidence � � . I � I . I , �;3,�� : , ,have been removed, and divorce cas7 -- "I . ,, �, . �� , �, 7 , , I es have become a new source of pub-� i� '': 1. 1,�', . . . , . 1. - "I" -,entertxjnment. . . � � . ,,�,, ,Up ' . ­,�'; � I �1!. " ' ' * " - ' i � * 11U�,,� . � . .1 IV6*,ipapers 'have had a rich and "M', � . i", ' .1111 I �,,: 11rasy field of evidence from which to "I'll, ;�,­ 1, ." -, . . A .1.- . . pick, and it must be admitted that I ­. 11 '%>'. M �, �. � I they have omitted little for even the , 1. ,. i "". , �� , /1 .. iihagination to work on. .,,�;, ., ... ll 1 . .. ,�,.�, . . The result has not been pleastant. ��J,! ", 11,,� , , - The 'newspapers have not increased ,�. . �� �V 1,21N �,, . ��, " �'; ... �,,,,` their dignity or their influence, nor . . . I . I ,..��_, has the moral influence of either old ;','��, . . . . . . , .1 V, ,.,� or young been in any way improved I..".,. . . . � 1.1,1. � � .- � 1,� . tyk the columns of divorce .evidence , . 1- I I I . . " ,4', . I set before them almost daily, and in I ''. - . . I . . 1-11 t;: -increasing . . ,v� " r. n(Imber. . 11 iA.�.,.117 "" ' lind do6s''not want to I IA�, � I The decent n ,. . � , �,­ 1. .: 0, 14. ''. read this evidence and the other kind 11,A "I"V, I " . 411,11". le. '�l, lb, 1,�.,'.. . should not be given the opportunity. ,,, 1. . . � . � !". "41-- Mr. Roebuck is absolutely right. Vtl,; I � . : I" I I I I ��,�, I I 1�,-". I 0 ., . !� , I 1. . , d I . " " . 'A' � The Weatherman and Yhe fairs 11.1.1 lgtn� 1. � � I - . Ift"i . . . ! ". Beginning with the Canadian Na - .011,11 I - , "I 1, � I , �,' . 61. �j.'., .­ tional Exhibition at Torofita-and con- . I ��i � ... !,&,', , .the Western Fair at - 11"(11 ". / tinuing with. 1- I " � . , �.. , W�S,, , London,, the weatherman has been , I V%, ' � �,�, I I Kg.., l� � . �,. I di4aying a most discouraging hard- ... '� ��,;'­,� .tz�l ness of heart. .. �'., . . I . . 1111�," �� 41�� .1 ,� I ,�,:­ The cold days have exceeded the .� �`!l '1,�% � 1. ., -the wet"days h ' P. ,. �,,!�. P � warm ones, and ave,, �., , 'I&P"e,�"., I �kkrf� . bi6en all too frequent. ,�,, �f - I . " 0;5! I I I , . .. '!;;P�;-' * , The country fall fairs are now on , 0 t�till -------7-- . -the way. ixe for a Q,o i4rV­ .. �,,�,, .and will conti:n . xw, 201,111R,��, � l,m,onth. How 'will the weatherman , �,,,,, :, I M!"' `;" � . 1. I . I AN I . kg -' - treat ffiein? , �R�, 111'ri. - � ,, .,, ��10 �1.1.1 .. 1� " , ��-r­: . .,R is to be hoped a little better. The k;�fl.,ye":, , 1�01,` M'.,��'.. . 't ' fair is an old institution ' ,� , '­ - eou# y ­ Z� , ,k ,� ", In ", , '4��,�, Al - ",;, "If, o; its roots go down deep. 'In ,,,,� �q " '�, 'A� I " 11 I Ontari 5�,R �"��, TIW1;,",�l�,.��;, " X.. . . Itbe Pas,t,,,as an educational, feature � . A" �, `---'i-,, , S Ii .1 11 � 1, h �, � 4. ,­ I ; �, . in a � - ­ ' , "Mp"111, 'I, � � � edultuie'� III ha �'.ft�4� l , M� � ,­:�, 0.1", , 01 ... X'��,�,;,. . , . second,, to none. And, as a social, fea- . , ­ �)"­ "I �,� , ' ­­,'.,1.�,�. I , V' 41" � . " 'A". 1, l"?, "�', �` tur6j Mi the eoAftu,#iiy life of coun- � 44, . � � . . � I-",,;, , -�, try -distriels, the -popularity of the . �111111 11 11,�'11 �.'�,,�­ - , � � � � �.". ­�'. ,, � ,,, lw� uIr ''has never waned. * 11 ­� � ,­­ , ., ­ �i I " . ­ -��, " '-, , '' -Sr - h '' 'ho 641m that the " .... I - 1, , "'� % I 11tere, , 6 U We 1W ,." '11 0; -1 11 - "n �..:. � I 7 . I ....... I -�­�11 ... - 'I., ",,� �,�� � 1�bl th101 -country fail 1. ,,� �� �� ,,, ,,� �� �� I . �, zl,,­� � � 1.,.,� 40 fiir is done. . , le I ", �;.,l,,- - I . 1 . . . M .0. �, -k ''. . � IN& ., �iiio, d., - I I 'an I - � , ,;, ��'1'11 �� %.11 " All- ,i. 'l-7, ; It I a&&�#Alp&tati ", 1as com- r�,,r. I" , , -,�, A'E"11". - I * R ­', 11 -1�1�,��t , ., ,�;":, ,',�, 1- -�,-, 1, r - �, 1. �r, ��, J� "k," �A, �!";,�,!, ,, L I 1`611 '. 1. , . 1111� 1111.,M, I ,,I , ­­ , .,,f.-4#&di­q*A1`, life. by its in. ^ - �` " l4,;" 'r o, "' " ' . ­;;;..­,:�'�;, .,`�f�l vol,6pportun� , I . 10 ,P ' �686J.A,;',,�BRW-f ,.' 21'1�,�..,;­'�­!, �, i � t6ld of,#* -1111 l, I'll I/Ift-M, 1.1­,�-'­­�, ��, �1. , 1�, f 11 �,, ,�', - "I ­;`.,�', , . ;,�­,�,A,�.�;,"t,,,P,,, . .,r , I tl . � -, AVe-1-1-11, , " . � 1l, K " �-',." �",�,, . 11 ." ­. -, . �k ",,�­� I �j 1. 1. ,,.,,,, q� l. I , � " I - ". i�;",AW?Mu " ;0 I " 11"'I . - - id th , �� -;, :�,,, I - , ddtibliAl 9'n .0 -, "�;;,,?. - 1,117 "wo -1 i., ,-,,-, ", ,, , , h..., 'i, � '' , �- , h t IT '. %­­ , �� i - * , . , " , , , ­�­ - 60i`i1"`A`�, A `�: 'ItA �1� - :.i . 11 li -111 I It - I I g� 11 � , d -14, � ate 4- �-,.,. "', " 11'' ft W -1-h I '. �,�,��` Ill, 4,,,,� , 00M 4111�'� .it .. '' , ''", A,- "'W", . e, , , "" , � , ��'. .i ' .. I:- , ­ ��,�iq�04 .11t,Z%0'.,v,' , - ,,, A� .,., ransp,ornh,to � ­ ,.,',' fi ,,� P- -.1% L . , , ,,,, 1�nr � � ot.��', ,,!��,V,­­f, ,U`,� -, Vi .. I" " ""' ","" � � i ,04*4*; ., , .1, - Xffoft X 0, "' t I � , ,,,, 5 , I , I I . ­ � " t ", I., ,,�)"',; I "',1.1 ­; .. I:_ 1. I � , 4 1 . 4 I I . I ; I I . I - . e - .l' ----t H V .11, a ecuor, need nut . � � clearly 4efined than they -have been year, took. -place on '111ursday in'Bly-th � IMy hfart may low be laid, - go to -Egypt for,help. . . . . Attend Pa . .. . . . beflare Dr. ,Mlne and 'John Emigh, But God is round-arbout me I God was ready to gather Jerusa- The Blyth- Firemen -attended a I par- 1, for the past four years or are t07day- Hie was comnidtted to stand, trial at ' And can I be, dismayedT lem "as a ,hen gathers ,her lbrood un- a'de and-,dlivine servIce, of �the. West- . Mr. Bennett and his government Goderich. ' . A. L. Waring: de� her wing�." As birds flying to ern Ontario Firmen's Assiceiation im . . 4 'Mr, M. N. Cantineof St. Joseph'is - PRAYER ,their nests with all possible speed, Wingliani, on 6unday afterno,on, whem- believes in and practise protection. . ill in Montrea . I with an attack Of -,O ,God -our Father, moke us true! When -they see them attacked, with Rev. -Kenneth MdLean, of the Pre�g� I ,For four years.., the tariff walls surN pneumonia., .1 I So teach us and establL,h us in. truth ,sulch care and affectiop will the Lord 1b,yijerpan 10har-ch, delJoered la vel -7 � Amb'nig those who won prizes at of hosts ,defend Jerusalem. Defend- # -rounding Canada have been iaised �,- the Presbyterian Sunday school Vi that the cri�es of life shall n,at gur- app,ropriate serrrion for the oceasion- IIC- prise, us into ,weakness 'aiiA wD ing he -will also deliver it; the A,ssyr- "Blyth Staliday(L . I ,,� --high and ever higher, until protec- nic on Tuesday were J. Hays-, Fgrgus Ong- ian! army was to be rodtied by a, de- I I I McKay and.Evelyn A,dams, bo, were rl-tmsZ 01. .action!, In .Christ',9 name. stro3d� angel who should pass: over A Narro" ''Escape . w I w - ' ' . - , Doug. Hxrnew and, Rich. Rion, nar- I tion of any product from any coun- fir-st, second and third in the infants! Amen Jerusalem and d1raw -his sword only . - try is practically prohibited. class race. . . rowly escaped serions injury on Wed- � ­ 11 4� S. S.'LESSON FOR SE"EXIBER 23 against the besiegers. "Then the - I �;` "Mt. Kift and Eis'party' be'lie�� In - ' , I 0 Lesson Topic-Isaia I h Counsels Rul- angel of the Lord went. forth, and netsday evening of last week when m � 1P smote in the camp Of the Assyrians 'bii7,ycle on wh;ch they, were ridiiiZ7 I and would practise freer trade, reci- ers. . a hundf-ed and four -score and fivie colltd-ed witJi the side of an � alutionw- , . . F rout The Huron Expositor of Lesson Passage. -Isaiah 31:1-9, 37; thousand: and when they .arose earl�- bile. Douglas was on his wheel, and -1 I procity and open markets., September 19, 1884 36, 37. in the ni1orning, behold, they were all was carrying Richard on'the handle,-, I Even entertaining the fact that . . ,Golden Text -Isaiah 26:3. dead corpses ,go Seimacherib, -king boars and as Mr. Andrew fIa,miltom I both political leaders 6ould-,be dro It was estimated that nearly 40,000 This is the last of four chapters �of Assyria, 'departed, and went and was about to make a turn. with hisr� ' t P- people visited, Ltbe Toronto IndustrIal together, that begin with woe,- and returned, and dw4&lt in tNineveh (37- can the boys .failed to -notice it aTja ped and others substituted for them, Mxhibition on Monday. . they are all woes to the sinner&that .36, 37). The great king, the king oi .ran into the car, Fo�rtunatily ,theyr 0, I I is there any common ground that - Wessrs. 'McBride � and Smdth of were found among - the professing Assyria, looks'very small, when he were tbrown clear of the vAieel a-, A . _ Strathroy ha�,e purchased the flour people of God; -for men's, relation to, is forced to return, not only, with one of the wheth� of the auto patss- I could be found by thb two'parties on mill in Se,aforth, known. a,s the RecE the. chnY-,ch will not secure them from shamle because he cannot accomplish ed over the bicycle damaging- it, con- 0 , which to form a Union Government, Mill, and A -ave refitted it throughout &vine woes, if they live in contempt w,hat iie had projected with so much mderably.-Exeter Times -Advocate. . I I with alll the latest machinery. of divine lawo. assurance, but with terror and fear, Kent -Christie I V or a, National one, if you prefer that Fall wheat was selling at 75 cents The woe in this cliapter was to lest the angel th6,t had destroyed hir, A quiet wedding tQo,k place at. 4 term ? � � 1. . on the Seaforth marbet this week; 'them that go down to Egypt for army should destroy bipi. The Lord the Presbyterian Manise on Saturday- � � , oats at 30 cents; barley at 45 -cents. help; iodilizing the Egyptians, 'and ils kn wii by the. p 0 3uJiMen-ts whidh He morning, September Ist, wh�n XTt- I .Under present conditions, or even , butter, 13 cents; eggs, 16 cents, and making *court to them� as if 110PPy executes, known to be a God, which Beatrice 'Christie' of town' "' I , J as far as one is permitted to judge hay art $6.00, per tcqL were the people who had that strong resists the proud. Angels aye em- United in marria�e to 'M,7. ,�. wwal! - the future, is it n6t'reasonable to be- Messrs. S. G-MoCtaughey and Wm. nati.on for their allies. That which ployed, more than we are aware of, Kent, of Woodstock. The cereinoW Log'a,n have enb6ed, into psaftner.hip invites them to Lgypit is that the -as udniste,rs. of ,God�s -ijiAslti,c.e, to 'was perfo7=,eld by ,R&v. S. 1M. GOT- I -- lieve illat the National Ship of State for � the - purp . ose of carrying on a Egyptians have many chariots, bors- pun'tsb the p I ride, and -break the pow- don, B.A., B.D. Mr. and 'Mm. Kml-- . will remain A long, long -time in the. private banking 1�uslness in Sealortb. es and horsemen which if they could er of wicked inen.-,(.0ondenlsed from 1,eft on a mc,to;r trip ,to QUe,bec city- , . They have rented the prewdses form- get a good body of force,-, from thence Henry's Bible). . and through the Eastern , 0 . landing, -erly ocoupied, by thi�-old- Royal Ca air before -it makes a ' n- into their service, they would link Statee. 4045i safe adi-a-A Bank. themselves 'able to go against the � their metarn, they will reside im I or a landink of any kind 7 ' . King of' AssyTia and his numerous ,I WORLD MISSIONS I I Woodstock-1-Fixeter Tinije,g­tAavocate, 4 . 9�iebarns, -%tables and sheds of Mr. n a village in the north of Portu- I In the meantime, five Federal by- Irwin Johnson of the 9th concession army. Their kings were forbidden gal lived a simple family with a lit- Suffers Double Fracture to Leg 0 . of McKillop .vv!Lbh their entire con- -to multiply horses and ehaTi6ts and tle boy about four. 'The child was Mrs. Lori] 1�utson of Munro meit;, I', elections will'be decided within ther"' . tents, were com1pletely destroyed by were told of the folly -of. trusting to ambitious. and constantly spoke about ,with an unfortunate accidenrt last Sat- I next few days,, and although three fire on Wednesday evening last. The them (psalm- 201:7); but they think -what he -would do when he was.ricb. urday m'Orning when; shiet'slipped om, . I buildings, are supposed to have Iseen tbemselves wiset than their Bible. His m,oth,eT would daughingly say that the wet ground ju�st q��id,e. of her- & . of them are to. be held in strong Con- set on fire. I . . ,Slighting ,the God of Israel, "they ,there were two, ways of getting ri* home with the reisubt tIL4 s�� gaffeT- servative ridings, the decision of 'The section in the neighborhood of look, not unt*- thee 0 Holy One of one gy -hard work, which she strong- ed tnvo breaks in ,her leg ibet­ --the # , I OW these constituents will 8bow I Nie 14th concession of XzKill,op am Israel, neither seek the Lo -rd!" They ly recommended, and the, other, by knee'- She was iinxnjedlately�, remove,d' pretty asiking that a post office -be installed treat Mm "* if He were not worth haviii,g -a legacy left him. in a will +,o the ,Stratford, .General,,Hospitali 6 clearlv on which � side ' �. nearest .post taking notice of in this distTless; they Wh s a little -older . public opinion 'there, At present the - -en be wa' hb wZ where the fractures were stt,'16ter- . ofktoe its Leadbury pLnd many people advise not with Him, seek not His Sent to visit a grandiuother who liv- Tetllrning to her home where she wiLja. I I intends to lean, at the next eneral r�vel over, six miles to get favor, nor are in any case to rrakq ed in the country wid I le� --f'yl tche 9 have to 4. Owned ,much -be confined for .some, tim I I 1 M election.' I their agail.: I Him their friend. Would-fiot infinite 1propertSr. 'Soon after -big arrival Advocate. . I I Men are ,busily engaged putting wisdom, engaged on their side, stand' there was a drought in,the*coilntry, A. D. Cameron Local, j p. ,he 11 I ftbe old Nopper foundry on gain St. them in ,tter stead than all the help and the parlsh� priest organized, a pil- Under the tre . . </ I l * Of Egypit? They ai�e'at the pain of Organization of . theiv � in shape for the new proWietors! grimage to a chapel situated on the Magisterial 87�stem, for the ovince;, 4 MY. William Logam,returned irom going -down, to Egypt, a tediousjour- top of, abill near the village. It was A4. I'D., Oamemon of i,,M,W,,�11,1, ,,,,, WHAT OTHEIR PAPERS SAY* Manitoba on Monday. -He madie ,bhe ney, when� they might have had Wt, a hot day, 'but all were a=- � - i IOUs to, serve *As district as justice Of thf-- I . trip from Winnipeg to Toronto in the ter help by. looking up to heaven,but do penanoe for their sins. . . Soon the Peace. They will charge no fees but. . unprecedented.�hort time of 65 hours, they would -not. But if they will not adults started. off bearing heav,y will re,ceive an, annual allowance oF f A Bonus For FaiUhk to Raise Rogs 7o I ig engage God's wisdom to act for them crosses and harners, whil, the ,chdl. il;;.n b thle C. PI R, b, . '001" i., -from $15Q to $2DO. - Xtehill Ad- Wer�.s V,s lo" on they shall find- it sets 'agairist thani; dren were - i I n. s Vocate I � I g von , S,rgb sto, 0 to I I . - .. ....., ­ - (From. Brookville ReeardeT-Times) Main iStreet for market purposes for li,� is wise, too wise for thlem, to Aut- carry. Ai the little fellow wasl sta. ' , . t, and- he wil � . 19- Early' Morning Fire in Dremm"n's . $1,300, wbidh is -v,6ry reasonable. W1 I bring , e�fl uPOP geiringo along under the weight of his 1, The absurdity of what has been -done-, across Up to WL-dnmWay no,on, 196 tickets them that'affrout him,i "He will a- stone ,he n,ot;iced -a printed piece- of I Alleys . .1 . th� ,,border to pay farmfers for failing to carry were sold aot Seu&ortb station f,6 -r To- rise against the house of"the evil- ,paper lying oil the groundl and piek,. 1FIV'o broke Out in tbia basement of" I on their'normal operations ds well illustrated in ro'nito since'the, opftifig 'of the -Fair doera." God, will appear to their con� ing it Alp he Put ,it in his poeket. the cigar store,%Pool -room andbowl-, the following letter ,which has been, received by Rev. ,Mr.' McCoy of - Egm�otqWl� fusion, and will oppose the help they W'hen "he gbt b0mV, li�& -asked his, ing alley operated b�,, E. Drerman 01V 0 different New York financial journals with a bas moved into the new nilause. . . think to firing, in froin the workers grandmother -to read: it to him the northe"t �jde .of the -square view to publication: . , . . : I �She . . XT. Jas, Petty of, Yorkshire, Paelk- Of iniquity. Some think that ,the -did .tso, -and mad- ,out. ,dThe New .s,hortlk after inidnight on. t -b%, m0en- 4 . . ­ . ing Iffouse, ,Hiensall, has �beenl appoint- Egyptians ,made it one tcondftioTi of T,estameZ&.­o.f " Lord a d. I "Tu t�e Editor: , our n SarvioliT ing Of iftbur(hy - laet., Heavy smoke- . ed as one of the she,io wid cattle their cominginito'alliattee with them, jest,% ,Christ.,, 'It was the fTb,nt page was issuing from dlotui)s and Windows, 0 '.4Dear 'Sill -A friend of mine in X4w England judges at the,Wv� 1?air. that they should worthp, the gods of of a New Tewtgyont that so Th'B- fire ftartMent W99'qiAtkly--oiw has a neighbor who has received a government . and they �owented to it, and OWY Of,the Truth had, destroyed. I� cheque,fok $4,000 this year for not -raising hogs. ­ � . -thereforb they are both Iled evil Portuguese the i�tord used for Testa- the s!OeUe and 'located- the fire. in x: 4 The',Pre6byterlan t6on&ogationiT of EgYPtt Me en Mppeh sad . have iemt;end" ' " - - 9'mall room at the rear of th4 6ase- So MY friend W9,Mt9 to go into the 1busifiess him� ' 4d 4i ,call to Rev. Samuel Atheson,lof doers and workers of iniqu%l I ' meft'OndWill are one,andthe sanL�e, Mem-tl -&OTmOd by amlitling .1ind 9'"rlw, I . self, he not, ,being very ,pro rous just novf; he the preAyftTy of- �Lindsay. � As it is ,g�ood, �br men to know at4 R6 -boy, rankAering what his Partitions, It was bwning, fieTeely. . istygs� fit fatt, that -the dejl� n raising hogs - The Methodwtt; of f8tafft,-hame lot thomLqi-llves to be but men (15a. � .201) 6 had -said " V tPOiwdg to him very ott'"gly f Ot . 9 a ,about - " - 4b I TyLi firem"l gained eutraWa, throug7w . . I I ' I ney . 11-Z-11 I . .1 � I ,, -,a 4��,%t -� - ft V14 `OW *'th6 Teat and - the &iftaet fok-.�ffie Ixtilding,, of a so Wis, 9004 f6i us- to realize � i�t lefb"by a twill, wa-v n10 elng 4 haOdm*nt I d 'I I 1114DII ' -MV4!h hpregsed, I '11' -need a hireA mim, and brkk " , th#� cost .6f tho'build- . I fh� child, was ele�veft � I qM1 I . r0I jift�%, of �hogw " course he wi those -we ove,. wq io - are bui Wheii � akly- had ,se*e 0 tf' I ears- old flaf 1,9. W -he � I come, 10.. I write to, you as to ing & - . axing- si'mo,- - twem '41be 80t I , . f lit'. . On to I -We with an playfttg- on. the ceiling., dad, .,Wane._ , ..."Ib .�igns Are Inen d he Wag's6lit to T-Lisib I . � . Me Ovet " L 1. . attend school , ,One ftn L ter, 4 � :.", lit I � 4 -10, and ,�� ophin n of,thebest kind of a &rm: not to not r0od, and 9 Gold ich lgtar�,.,.­ 0 , � Within, ',didftnee ,of a , 6 ' tlibts4s- eq,h,,and Unc - I �. . =166' hog$ 07� %'116 begt-,straiji #k hogs not to a rdle, *6m, rtfi,e iftffls ial R* 0 . - . I ­ I ­­ , I -0 of Beni O-Wiu-swfem' ­iwa,s, Vfi&r� 00 I' ,day .:evening bis -'relative took ,him to � �',,rsostniisur A,#paaed v I � . . .4 J tafft"idnd ,how best to ke6p aii Anvout4rr df Jogs , 1h4rd,'ift z.k Mi -',6'f fine,,=i encee, , i d's pro- 9,1% -Eft'nolitat 'Church , .1 ­ 101to , "' ' "' I - � 0 'W , f1f � I -%"* after *7 �&N-0 00" ' dd ofil� � I th it liorftgti , #eeli3r iOu''' ot raising ml§6, ,do ��Oli think capital beift ftftW-dAftp1Vd#9g ithfo,4 IUZ�Stt­ t6loti6ft' and' the" --#- W49 nd' the 016*116'eftict6ftieht �Of khei-searvI66. e 'di I tu.. , .d , Tticberwa*- . �Ad - , flie ,frofee, 11un . ftooi�� rykWiftr 0 , . ' ­ � �to":bj Ivo­tsdad 6-k issilAbco ,,of a non-ftdg�--kxisilig, , , jokfi -Stewdtb� 4,6 . prei4hei 'Wd'-'-4V'@ -,Will MW Xftd A. pzdm, the �foilvd Ig c6ft , �.6 '. Y,-,.' o6g*g to , Vat it, ft6i, , , , I I ,%Jou � 4 1 .1 , � I - .-� 1-11 , I 1. . "kit R, , , 0 *",' I ."', th ` 1. ta4-t4j"h , 0�ia�d '�, '' bbtd'? I ­ - W I *gfffti Aluo 611 s .1 - Mae ,of Zdhh`a1aliAlst. A., A-hir., bf, bg I w 1, ?114 10111. . I awl iii - 6A .. ­... - P I . mm, roilt. W6, New T " , 6.0f, Ott4wa, 'of lid 'Multweillb " � , st- # -1 - — .Wtj" "i'lig , 'd "Fu ­7ij ",&Tr`1en-�----`­ � al*,, e 411k I -0dj%viour i-eglis ohii�kt" rif4tfer fitft to; 'A -,oil Ira '�6adv, ,A* .' I Via, ii;� &�.-j4�bllai6w� -M,--0�iWjiA4"ei 4&Z*aU-At& I - L �, I I I tftgit 0614 "'.''diat �� A, �4,p - we I 811 0 � . , 1,; , �, � ,�-4 ­ ­ - ; I , P-1 Oe p Ji" ell , t ­ % "Ill' k1o, ilot Aigl#g Sft, hO& - X4o*.j,'*4 16' 1 PSUI D. `B4111 ii, 119y. I -, , 00 , wtt"�` ,ft`a1't&e`s` 4At-1bhW4,h6 'b- --k"'Julo I a] t�L& iic� I - , I "6 h ­ 11�10 - - , I I gur, I . , ' ,,, ' I � .. � . � 0 . � V�d -V- 0 I I '.. . I 1W � I I ­ a - - d"t of, �mug V. Adsil�.,, not "i"4166, J;N -'bt 2'. " 0 h $ 8 I � i. .; �-, �1' . - him fb,fho ,erk6h T -0k. -,,, � ., , . *6k& -6 1 '116 le, - , &�yjdt � a-nd . MrI, ja,m . , 1. I - 01 I " , . .0u. sApdh"t I � . � ,, �,. a � qg 0. .... , .., IN -000 I, 14i, �, ,# ;f d he 1M , , " 00 , , 7 , I -11 I I o , � � �Jki& . 1,W . X, �"­ If .A*-,, � ". Y. �, if, b � '­�#'�.'� ..IL�..."­, '.-;!&%��Z*1, ,io,�'l ,,,bfti,- . "4"had, It % f�j . 'If" ' ­ . , " I , �,�4 _J'� 0 r"tiftmY to ,kW*1,*hat b6-th''In isee4rth b�t' htm'jpent j�nostr. , �& t , ,,­ � , I � 0 �, " � A , 1, , "I , . . 11111'�A'rr - -i's , ,­ 1. .. . " , , , I 1, - A . w# - tMul& �1� 4W b& I I - ,W 11 I ,.!.,.l 11 ji. , , ��i -, � ,��­ .11.1,11 .fry .4 �', '. , F , , " , 40, r 11 '11'111�01 I I., 1;,, L, . -.' � 1 I I . M : , � ", , , -, . et­�PL'11l­1­ "'­ �� I ­ I , VU: ""A , , t tafti h - *� life" th' dihid iid I ' well a, , I 1, .1 , , I., . WL .�Ji ­� W l4t , 0 M661f 4 .1 � ", � I I , n I 1. I a1adr ,I 1� . Od I fo I , , . gal a eftl r "Y VIA . "�, ,. ­ , 10 i I , r1i* I " 0 � , .­­,t�� , , OVA­� 400, I . - .1 � .. I - - t , �` , ; & ,60a, , --� -- 11"l- .1-1 . ,doof, * V I �100rk' W . f JA, - V .A , , ..... . - �f.JL , . I_* , �� . w. . I . 1. i , I I " v FWW, - - . , ,., e, - ... Mtitm't 0 - .." -111 - I , 111.1-111- , '% ,�* ��' GT@: , . ar, ,when 4 . *6410,�"' �4 �', �"'.`,L,"' � ,��f,�4"�� �',.',�"L � ,,, l,, Ag,�,3f!m 2016'reltlww, I �I 11 , ", ,l,�'L_ � r , tho teodo IN ` , , lt�. , I � ,4� �� R "M � , " , ". "' ' 'A��, � � ­ 'R ,i . .1 , `314`� r :1 X IZZ, .'', N " '' " I - , � �""`�`o * �4 , 1,"', m!'l � . � . *"* �­ , "�,e , I 1 �4 " " - f I I '.It& &A -. k4'i �!, � ,& . , " , "' 'I., "I'll, � .1 " , -` � , � 1V* , twe, pomitlfT4, 0 t'41 fa ,, 'y , I '. , , ,, �'Y' �. i , *. Ix 19(;6ft t6uh'ter- wav ' """ X. "' 43 i, � I , " " `� . `-�' `il `- *11' I �-` " 4"'116`� I -I 011L. I - 11 "', , %,-,,:lj ip, � . , I " fg. ,.,% - I ea 0 ,p4 , , ... ... . 7�, Z'::'. 'r , ,, �,w A.�111.; 1. .1 ", T7i .'� ., I . I . " S , Y , , , � , 't, �1'1 � ' � � � Ill: , ", V"L - , " ­� , " , , - P, - U* ­14 .. I � 1; , : " - ­ . ��� , , I � , . .-, , , , . . �. , It . .""W", 221 " " " - , 'f,�,Nlfbfv. 11 - 1-11-1- ;6"A, .""W", � � 4, '- 4� 4 , �, ,go 1 .. 01EAz. 5 'a "g, � i;`,'j,�" " , 'y'!66 ft , "' � � "F' "',441",J''Nl��. ' "' 11 ....... :::::: - I., ;IR -d"126 fig ti�3,��2 0 166 4 . 'lf " , - I I'll, , ; � , , ,�11 I - I. IV " �'* , � too, '4� "� I �,; ., '' - '' '' ­ ­ � ,1� �W'X" � V,'-�,�T,m 1. � _A, I , & ,,�i& ". ,,,�..'��,,�!.��,4.,4��",U�'i'a�",,"'I .. .4 - ­ . -�, 6,f, k, - /11 # I I 10 Al " `;,,,`�, � i.,-- � A . I " . . I I , I . I I I I I ? . I I I , , I I I I I I 1P I . 'i I .. I , .l ,., l, � 4 I � ky, ... " -,,� L - .- , Y'11� � , 44, 1 11 �; ,.,��i!m�'", , 1.11, tr!";�,t- .A­ ­­,,;�