HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-09-07, Page 7I � : . I � I . - , � , I , "I Z. , . .. .- . I I I � . I . , . , , . _: '? . , ��Mr;�.;. I - 1.11 I .1. - 7, �,'T, ' - 1 �7 , .. . , I ; � , , ,,, :,- � , ", I I I � I I I ;. il � '' ., t :, , 't , � , "... . �� , I I - I I ­ I I , � � 1". , , � . I ­ 11 ­­­,�r,r ­,­;,�__) . � . . I � , . , 1, # I I � . � - 4h 1 % . � - 1-7 - � I ,-, ....... ... I � ",'I'll, I � � I I - "741 � - , I � � � "I'll, 44 � . -,W7 �. 7"W'177 1 � I � , . I - �., ,1': �, � , "', . I I I I I I I 'O I., I . �� � I 1. . � . ��,, ,Z � I . � , I , � � . , -� � " .i ��, , : � t , I . 11 i - I . ". � .. I -1 . � t, 1. � I � .1. � 93EMEMBER 711934. 0 THE MMON EXPOSITOR 0 1 r I ­ I I �, - - � I � PA -- , .. I �; - - -,- .. I - �� 1. � I � 1711 LEGAL 11 Pbous Me. 91 . a I ' � ' . JOHN J. RUGGARD .1 I _,_ � Bwrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, L'-tc. I Destdo Block - - SWorth, Ont. I KAYS & MWR I Succeedling R. & Hays MArrister.% Solicitors, 0on"yoneers and Notaries Pdbhc. ,Solufton for dhe Domadnion Bank. OAke in rear of No Dominion Bank Seaforth. Mvewy *10 Ism - � I JOHN 11L JEW . 4 I Dark"r, S"ter, 3W. . , . . . Almearth - I - Ontario - - W . . - N 91UNARY I � . . I JOHN GRUMA VA . 'm M graduate of Om�� veterin. my (Wleve. All diseases, of domestic submb treated. Calls Womptly at- *wWW4 to and charges moderate. Vet- adisoj, Dentistry a specialty. Office and resi4exte an Cvod� Street, one dew east Of Dr. iwrvws office, sea- fwtL . ___ __ � I A., IL CAMPBELU V.S. C*aduala of 0vtario, Veterinary V011le0d, University.of Toronto. An Aiseases of domestic aDiWALIS, treated ft ' the most * nodern principles. Charges reasonable. Day -or night calls promptly attended to. Office on Xsix -Street� ,Hensall, opposite Town UAM Pbone 116. Bke�r of Scot- tiA. terriers. Inverflap Kenne1q, Iffensall. . . - I - MEDICAL - . ___ , � DR. GILBEUT C. JARROTT I Gradutate of FacWty of Medicine; UiivwWty of Western Ontario. Men*. ber -of College ,of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 God - crick Street, West. Phone 37. � Suceew. to Dr. Charles Mackay. , , - DIL F. J. R. FORSTER I ' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Tioroate. - fAte assistant New York Opthal- and and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Ho&- 1pits4n, I,ondon, Eng. At C4rranercial Kate; Seaforth, third Wednesday in eswh munth, from 1.30 p.ni. -to 5 p.m. 66 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. � -1.1-k- , WDR. W., C. SPROAT . .. - ' Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, 1,on- don. Member of College of Physic - Jana and Surgeow of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, 'Main St., BW*rl%. Fh6ne 90. 1 1 DR. F. 1. BURROWS OfSee abd residence Goderich Street, east of the United Church, � Sea- Sorth. Phone 46. C*roner for the County of Huron. DR. H. HUGH ROSS , Graftate of University of Toronto . Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- Ontario; pass gradbate course in Chicqpo Clinical School of Chicago; Itoyal Opbthalmie Hospital, L*ndoi4 2logland;.Unbversity Hospital, Lon- dion. England. Office -Back of Do- smisim Bank, Seafortb. Phone Ne. 5. Ifight calls answered from residence, Vietwia Street, Seaforth. . I - DR. K A. McMASTER Cwadluate of the University of To- routio, Faculty of Medicine. 36ew*w of College of Physiians wW Surgeons of Ontario; graduate of New York,Post Graduate School and Lying-in Hospital, New York. Of - Am on High Street, Se-aforth. Phone 27. . __ DIL G. R. COLLYER 41 arsduat,e Faculty of Medicine, Urd- wersity of Western Ontario. Member "ece of Physicians and Surgeons of Ont&urio. Post graduate work at XW York ,City, .Hospital and Victoria SmOtal, London, Phone: Heneall, C& Ofilee, King Street, Hensall. ' , DIL J. A. MUNN Gradmte of Northwestern Univers- ftyp Cbic&Wop,, III, Licentiate ,Royal CoDere of De;ntal Surgeons, Toronto. *See over Bills, ,Hardware, Main St., Aksfer& Phone 161. I � . . � DWF. J. BECHELT (haduste Royel College of Dental Morceons, ToroTft. Me over W. X a ill 14 Grocery, Main Street, Sea- ler& Pbone: Office, 185-W; resi- dewo, low. I I � - . I . D& 1. A. MeTAGGART I Gr&&WU Royal C*Ilege of Dental - Zurgvonm, Toronto. Office at Hell" as% Ontark. Phone 106. f,,'�, -_ - - -_ ________-�� I AUMONEERS I A - . I - I � ItAROLD DALN I T Ucensed Auttlonew fteciallet in farm and todoehOld sales. 1)�rice@ reannaMe. For date$ 6"d Imemwation, write .br pllm* lur- . old Dale Vhono 140, -Sealorth, or ap- Saw at i��: zZabaw oft& ._ I I � I - I "------ : � ��', 14 , T . � � I . I 1. I - 11 ". . . ­ __ - - - __ 0- W00400- i 0 , I � � ,,, . � L have "rallowed himup, utterly, m7s- � - ­ _­_ . --- I'll. * 11 , . I "I , T I . I teriously. I �, � . I ' , - . . ­ I * Potor sped oup through the, ,. , _ brig& countryside, thinking of his WINDSOR DETROIT � ,.,�L � 0 CIGAR. 9 in., - . . And at taat very =. . t ' I ment, tbousands of adles wway, in a , , "',"... � , �,�'; , � ,;, � � � , L ,� �, cous *3-20 Rmnol $3A5 ps"M �,,!�, ��i �, � . "" ,,, " . �*.�,;_ , creat hotel 4t Los ,Angeles, OLlifor_ , ! .,�, - , - "O � . 1, ��,i�� , " 1, ��,� ,, � ," . ;If 51all MERCHANT-:,.." ­ ,QZirl said to hemlf: ,"IWen if BarAWn-SJ& , � -­�� �'. ��:, L, I I ,% . L L V SEPT, 15 hvm SEAFORTH �� ), I - ,,�� ,�._� ,: � gone to the war, it's nitan- of SM HANDRULS FOR COMPUrrZ UW0AXAn01,L , ".1 Vftrr - J1 h ,- , -. 4 1 ­. 'M t* write an<1 tell me So." She , I - 1.1 I _--, I 3t:=t the window for a moment, 'I I 1%c"ft, D-Wx infannaaois. Rws"Ug fr9ft Agents. ' By Gilbert Frankau * ­ 11,19 I on,to the sunlit lawn. - 1 .14 k6mance of, Manied Life Till suddenly, the lawn seemed to ,I CANADIAN NATIONAL I I grow dwk. "He cati't have been kill- I : . A . L.. I L ad." ahe whi-sPere& "He can't have I ". . - - - I __ - I been killed,11 I I . . W. IRL PLANT. PHONR V or 4W. I .. I L Continawd from last w"k nuntw% Onet OF logtamd- at ease," It is not easy, for Aagents in enemy � 9 -mom-" , I . K I 5 . 11 countried to keep up ,a Tegular cor- my ,comipany. Do you li iStand easy," canw back to 0orparal Pat OF understand?" few who keipt up the practice all !his L I .. "Well, We have a look at it. ft 047lie w4ole thing's, a farce, 11 reopondence with -the young womien 44 1 1� ,.� I I JaekSon's-ampetuDe of the EXon, Dog- said ,p,et* Yes, -N�ajor." life. Ae a boy of ton be had astou- , down, won% you?", He .9pened the r, el"ing his after break- whose 4>h0tographe they carry in their -And if he knows his drills. y*uFre ish-ed his friends by calculating the I I:: I -potters, as he and Travers made for fast cigar. '14Dno umderatau&, of 'Pocket,books, envelope; began -to read. "IPIn. Ha- the Golonel's marnn.aA I not to put,'hiim 4nn +ha " a V -,A P Q,=" ? PF +n+,WV-,&a+ - ,01 I 1.1 I 'r- I I I � 1 4 � " 1 ,What"s the nam? Jackwn. Y*u'r( - 1_70, ,E - - --i-T-710imm bouse ? " on, . .1 Are 7M , . � 01IMPwai, Sir."- . . Wajor Anstritther had nat trvu1bW to finish Barton's letter. He was am 1 old Eltonian, bisnself, and the qualffi- cbUon sufficed. "' "Good chap6 luopey. GoivC to send TW brwt to him nevt haff. Sareas. tie devil, thougb. - Ajift bell, "'Yes,'he lie, T*tber," sodmitted Pet er. . . I � I "Done saw sokBerine, Jeekson? WMV -you in, the Dpgvotters'- bog pardon, Volunteerst" "Yes. air. I wag a lCoqyoral " last-haff.". Not for'notiting hadPaU er spevt adic. years"on'the rm&! . "Goo& Now about this conwps. Wi0n. What do you want it in?" " Istromow jpk� I "'Covalryp ., , . - "AinOt going to be no, lCavalry.r - "'Axtillery, theu." "As far ag I know there ainit going -to be no artillery either. Not in the New. Aringes. ,Bothered if I imaw why Bartoli sent you to rm Colonels We choosing their own subalterns nowadays. ThaVsi ', go, ainFt it, Lark - Ing? JOr 14 1 `I%e saburnine one looked up from the table; said: "I bb-lieve so." It was Peter's firA experience of War Office methocts; and -he mt there, rather nonplussed. L "tell you what I can do," went on Anstruther, brightening visibly, ­ "I can give you a chit to one of the new I . ','Very well indeed-, sir." "Right -o. Any preference as to where you'd likei to -be? � . . Near liDndon'as possible? . . . Well, what about Brighton? Cheery spot; do it In two hours in ;mV car.', He turnedto the other nmn.. "Dunmng's at BTighton, (ain't he?" `�Shoreham, I think." '"Oh, well, same thin -'g." He pulled a buffl slip towards him,- began vmt- ing. 1q:)unning's the chap we can't get those returns f-om?" be. asked his colleague. "Right.o." Then to Peter, "S�pose you 6'an -go d1own to- day. Got a car outside, ,have you? Stoi4 feilow. Well, 'here's your chit; and .you can tell'Dunning with my compliments that if he don't send in those returns Eve inentioned at, once, we shall lose the war." He got u,p; passed over the chit; ;sb*i>k hands. "Hope you -get on aU right.- Turn to tht left as you go out." � § 3 . They nade Brighton by' twelve o'clock. _ Shoreham -on -,Sea twenty nilnutes later: inquired at the statdon for General Dunning's headquarters. The racupps-eyed porter had never heard of General Dunning; but there was a camp at the Golf Caub; they might know- there. . , 9N,ey did. "'Dunning? Dunruing? Oh, yes. that's out new G.O.C.^'�'�-vision. He hasn't arrived yet," said, an officer standing by'the sentried gate. "Come in, won't you? Wind. yow car over those' ruts." (Pet4pr edged -her between the, posts over the ruts, in the hard chalk. A big marquee was Just being erected close -to the road; round it, a few bell tenf�s clutsitered. Beyonscl, jzust a.bove the crest of a lbare Down, showed other tent -tops. "Better come and have vomie lunch, said'Peter's new and nameless friend. "How about your man.?" 11. Ille signalled to a sergeant in khaki; gwe ins4tructdons fof f * eeding Murray- led away to a little wooden 9 clt$34.h � wwe; inqufred Peter's name; signed it in the mess, book. �At the bar, five junior officers stood 3$pping cocictails. One of thern, a weak4ipped, handsome youngster. looked up and said,, K'GoDd. God, Jackson, what are you ,oink down here?" (Peter fumbled in his inemory, re- . �ogmzed the HlonDuml),Ie Archie Trav- ers, son-wtimes his fAg at Eton, whose career in the Guards had ter- . rmnated, as the result of a ragging mandal the year before. "Have a drink., -won't you?" went in Travers. "I suppose you're after a 'cobv-4s.sion ? " "Yes," said Peter. - The other -four men turned round at this; ejaculated simultaveousJy: 'You'4, better come to im." "I siaw him first," protested Peter's introducer. . q1hey passed, wrangling amiably, into the exiguous luncheon roK)nu Peter, eating his coid beef and sip- pring his whisky and sods, weighed up �he claimants.; decided on Travers - who explained that -he was the Ad- jULtant Of the 6th Northshires, that U9 Colonel would take anybody he recomimiended, and that the others, �eing onJy Comtpany Commanders, would 'have to ask their Adjutant, ate., etc." M, tather a c"i way' of Idoing Lhings, isn't it?" convoiented our Mr. Tackson. as - ,luncheon over - they 3trolled out of the little club -house, wer the already derelict last green bowards the miain cam1p. . O'Well, what are we to & ? " ex- plained Tmvers. "We keep on- send- ing applications to the Vir Office- kud nothing happens." He flicked a q*ek of dust from his shining field- bodta. IeWeWe -got -twenty Orousand men in. this caqrlp. All in eivTies. Kardly any N.C;O.'s. And about two )ffken per battalion. No rifles, of iourse---except those two you saw at the gate. I borrowed them. from the [Aming O.T.C." I My now they bad mounted the brow Df the hill, All a%out thm% little, Kuads of poorly dressed awn were sh0ling,through their first &Als. Dthers lay about on the dry burimm Hkym and ther;a an officer in kbaki haransubd %is cordpany. 7% old words of - - WmMands 1*.04 tump by � , I I I ,: . I �. .1 � . course, mat zhey,ve got a biggish job -11 . � " P A, %Xa.ya OL10 *:. . "You nvust stand to attention when to tackle --but e*M . . .,, § 2 "Quite, Major." I%a acting Adjut- 5 per ceqt. per ammmi. gobting the an offilcer Vasses, yon know," said Me had atilizod the fartnigh to To cet from 'I,ondon to Shoreham, ant dnished his tea hurriedly; went answer right in am adamte, an& by L., - Up US (,riU.L bUy,�F You -must change traim at Brighton. ouit. taking only half that timis to extroob I Travers to the obvious cockney who Polish a re d6l 12- Peter used the ,opportunity to IuWh WWX 100meng Ift the entrance. ma i '"Between you and me and the gate- the square root of 1;19R50FM,VA- .,..'"Pan sorry, air." UntrY Tminiale A�i goWng thii 7 at t& Royai York Hotel. Seeinig poa," whispered Fox -Goodwin, "An- When' he was fifty be wvote a mono - I . 0'0h, th&V8 ,all right. YOUJI lei= L&dM� 0104 'Witboat diffiL�Ultyl himth alone at a taWe 6y the window. drews will make the mistake of his graph on the subject whwh has be- - in time." , 11 the IMM., Of Court" O.T.C.-�re a Elam Preston, nwst vitilaat of Pro- life if he keeps that young bounder con -As a classic. This'dispells ail wly- . . Bow W1&r veteranl. bowler bat slams. - , came omr; proffered an old in the Ordlerly Room much longer!r atery from the gif t wifhout in ='y I L They paseed. into the cool obacur- Med detedy' on bds. 1he&4 bu#omed . ndy in celebration of the new uni- , hy of the big tent. - Traym PaHed (boota staa*ng U,e graft,, had raved (Pet,br nodded comprehension- and way belittling it. Granted that the him"If up; &&ed ' rred heels; so- gud zojmWd gi so=* ,t" tmmdred , , fornu the old nuuv-he was, as he inf - boy has a natural aptitude for iftni- , . "a . ormed , ' . 11 bited a stocky man with sodsovater Wyo--j3h. City ' "That's"the, Malimbim badige you're his new subalterri, "rising sixty -11W, bers, -knows the dodges, for do' the , ,k,ed and rifile4 but mostly Ing I bho eyes and the West Aftiem med- in black tailc6its---s=ba�oull wearing, isn't it?-" ad I cod HaaTy Pres- -4began to Teng-nisca He had sot- calculations in the *horteat way, vA ''I SA, wbo, set writing at a little v000den, .bu#tW them through � diered undoer 'ChiW Bradley � in the ,has good vizu K i auditory . L . I . let tom - a zing or � table. � . *'Yes, I'm Joining thema;t,Shorehaw, late sevtnties, or was it the early Sense f*T recollecting numbers, the , . I "7his is .7fticson-, "I n Trav- coulpany movements, which a famom this afternoon." I -eighties? "D&mned if he know, but results follow. C.,,onsider,one of the � 9 foothialler read afit, in acomts hwilly The little wbirded, I L eye. "H.e won at school vnth me. audible, BMWs ttm great gm C*iPa-Br%dley had the beat eye for Problems which the Arab boy could It " Wants a' CautUissio7L I think we rthe TftVle Girdens. eu. Of 'Wbat'v the jolps?" queried Peter. a pretty gal . .. - and as for his dD. Mle evaluated 6. to the 10th ' ought to have him, doWt you, air? IF wThe wshikle thines a farce,- O'Not !for " -to iaY, Of COU'Pe. But two '&ughters, -Tessa. and 'Dolorft: er mentally as 6o,466,176 wi P>W- I - pwted peter. , thin 70 . I "Donet, any soldiering?" asked Col re- Vve beeo doing bmimess with 7*UT 'bit Jewish4looking, though . . . seconds' This, I find, can be accur- onel -Sk"fflngton, looldng up f"m his Gm f6r'aftft years; Und if you'll they got, L that froml their,mortber, ot ot*ly - ;Ioril;� out with pencil and � ., L Work. � 10atwordky the sftuhtion Wwldbn take my &d,Ac9-4don!`t play cards coum." He rMbled_10D �f,or nearly paper by a - � I boy good, at figrures but , 01"o two bad 'not altere& Rewwn with a �, gentlen-mu named Imloley- ten manutew- Itben CAIW across the 'not avrodigy in about 25 9eeonds. "CorPors", Eton I Voluuteers, siz�" told' her that this new love she felt Jones." I . . i i awswered Peter. :for him could win IU reward only by , MWbols he 9,1 . ,rem, a�wel. Mvmley, come and- be The profty, if he works the sum by . , 'L' "AN right. Mravv�s. Make out- his patience. And she needed-. 41 her .,"Youll di;d ' . introd4ced to our latest." . waying, 6, 36, 216, 1296, ete., .h" 1. L Islue Paper and I'll sigift." . Oub m0him - you ... get lHarold ,Broniley lounge,d over vith nrmly to -be able to multiply -by six Tatlence, those da -M Disorga=a- there 11 the unnilstakable gait of the ex-cav- (,which we can, #2 do), keep thege . The L Adjutsfit.sat down on a wood- ti*n, held no humour for Peter Jack- ' 1,MMnks for .the hint,w Smiled ah7man. A tall, wmmllug- fellow, mftelaive UuMbem in his n -And (by . I en box; filled up -Peter aimisting- ,sam gis pat.riotism�, if it could have Peter. "Have a cigar, - won' is ing . � the -necessary document. . t You?" heavy-mloustached, light-bltge 'of 'eye Vi ualizi -them or %earing' them or 1� . L (found expression, would. have -vented § 3 and auburn4haired, who wore th,& two. both) and go at about third of the ., � "You'll have to get your doctor to itself in ferw' , - , words: "There's a job Colonel Andrews, a difttent, not South African -ribbons,. yellow -Ted.- wrnul pace. 7bwe a' , is nothing mit ; vign, here," ewplained Tmvers, "and to be done. A rotten job. Let's do unkindly u�an of the pav43oer W,air Ma6k-green-white, across his, rather of the mm -Y here except -in uslAg the . �.�� 1,suppme'�me tut -or' will certify your it and L get back to our businesses�?' school, expressionless of facek and cruoVIed tunic. . I education.... .L . .ip mind as a sheet of paper. It is known, 11 _.. He was, still in the inbervals--run- stocky of figure, stood talking to his -111-4mve you two youngstem'alone'n tb&t the unbz� . ,*r16& 1 'PMdigies -work - ,L' Colonel Skeffington signed the four- nLing those businesses; hearing tele- Adjutant, in the recently occuq*d announced the Wajor. . introductions znt�ch m .. I . sided form with a little flOuTish; .#honed reports; suggesting this, ve- camp on the *flat fields near Shore- Wre 310TAy tban those, who . sba6k hand�; -said: good-bye; and went toing, that. Burt more than a over; and wkping -his gray nwustache 'have . been. L,ar1thm*tie__ProPer­. --I---:- on with his work. firaction ham railway station. ftttled a tax! with a. brown bandanna handkerchief, I . If , . .11 . 'A�� )OY'Imd fiTlat evalu- , 1, y the =-M lit of the Qd'-�tlme keenness had, evapor- down the road; stopped at the gate. witbdrew to the ante -room, ated 6 to the fith Power as 7,776 and .1 How about that General' of ated. . "Another officer. I suppose," said � yours?" said TraVers. "Suppose we **,Marvellous old 'chap," con*enjed known -the dodges for Squaring a I He walked over to, the bureau be- the Colonel. "You'd -better go and 13'romle-A 'He 'SVOke rather islowly num*er filke that mentall L The two Stl�Dlle' ' aw haVe g4�t hi* a L 7, he could I � �� go and ,have a look for him?" tween the windows; picked out a tele- look after hiuL I'moff -home for tea. but,without any dT 1. "Always re- 71"er with the balt- 1. d out again; down gral>h-form fTom tbe.racked paper- Send up to -the house if you want me. minds me of a character in Thacker- minute. . . I - � ,; the hill. . bolder; began to write. ' � aek L � I . .1 foy, anything." 1 -le strode b across a . � 4 I � "Yoti don't seem to -have many � Y. ^ Do you read Thackeray?" . * Ill . IS110 looked at him a=vss the break- the parade ground, through tb6 Hues A I � .tents, said Peter. #*I'm not irnwh'of a bookworm, ______TW -- ­ i ,� : fast debris-�Im. golden-bairecl, very of tents; disappeared. said Peter; and waited for -more , P'llwen-ty-five for our battalion. And fresh in 1her white blouse, her blue Peter acknowledged the silute of a fo=uti n. H had knocked u I'n- ' hipments of'livestock from West- � - we're twelve hundred ' 0 e db* t the S - I of the chaps are -sl sl�rOng. MOSt walking -skirt - guessed,. from the bent sentry, still in civilian clothes except world enough to learn the adiventage erri to Eastern Canada frOin' JS=4a7 " , eeP1ng On t4le -back, the co;4�entration in his, taut for a swagger cane; paid his taxi . . 1st ,to August 17, 193.4, Lincluded 62,_ . ATound- Lucky the weather's fine! brain, ; of listening much and talking little 368 cattle, 540 calves, 145,,135,b 8 I 7%e irrVart I,,Doki-ft& love leaped into. her gave instructions for his kit to be on first acquaintance. But his liking I DO who selected this place for dark eyes, moistening them� . dun�ped at the guard teint till further for the grave man and 45,000 sheel;. 1. a, camP - . ." The Honourable, _whorf4 in 'spite "r think this'll do," -be said, turn- orders. of the single star on the shoulder With . I . . ATchie's language became unfit for ing so suddenly that she scarcely had "'That's the Adjutant, sir," said the of his high -collared tunic, be judged the egg export season close '. I Publication. "On the chalkL-wait till ti " - me to drop her lashes: "Colonel entry, pointing to a b,ow-legged figure to 63 nearly fiorty,­%vas instinctive. at hand, there are indications that I L it rains. In full view of th15 Slea- Thom1pson. 'Room 154. War Office. in khaki u�aking its way across, the (Continued next week.) . there will again -be an 'active expox-i ,, wait, till a submiarine pops up. ,.No Reference our recent interview am para -de ground towards them. Peter .1 tra-de in Canadiaueggs to the Etritish . ". 1. I rifles. . No tents. No clothes. No now ready and shall be glad of, in- -salluting although the newcomer - 'Isles. � . I . �._,,1111 mthing. And they're going to build structions to report for duty. Reply only wore the two stars of a'full lieu- �. - , - I I . I , ,;i, . * .1 . - I "I hutmentg - - - perbaps.�' j)aid. Jackson, 22a L�own*des Square, tenant --,saw a pair of puffy eyes un- I 11 �­� �.,, At the ibig marquee now erected by ?F Mathematical Mind - �� r - I I W. cier a thatch of sandy hair, bwo ears IL � the roadside -they found a little knot - "You canPt send that," said Patricia. rather full in the lobe, a goodish A short accoumt was lately given SA CKA � � of offlc�rs. ' � , nose in the correspo-nden,ce pages of qWddy dhappew wb" &s -, I . I ", -1 � � "Can't I?" He rang for Smith; and a; set of bad teeth between thin Na- I t. . "That's Dunning," said, one of them xaVe instructions for im-mlediate dis- lips. tuTe of the exploits of an uneducated 'Liver.and Kidn'eys to Peter, "the old chap in the blue patch of the wire. "'And what can I do for you?" said., Arab boy of unusual arithmetical � we wonud by . uniform. Got a letter for him? From § 6 the other, carelessly acknowledging ability wh6 recently died in a govern- 1. the Horse Guards? Ovam ilong, [Patricia, coming in fro?m� her after- the co", liment. ment asy1rum. in Cairo, He camo of DR41HASK's - then." a ,poor family, was unable to read or I .PW 21 a, 'y 1 .4 &� � L noon walk with the children, found a "Are you the Adjutant of the 10,th :ij IPeter, hat -in hand, found hiqrlself tawny envelope on the ball table. The Chalkshires ?" wTite and was of low general intelli- . - talking to an imposing old buffer, big- wire was addressed �'Jackson,,11 &n.d "I'm ,Lieutenant Lock-sley-Jones, at gence. When first discovered he.Was moustached, corpulence accentuatedby -she opened casually; felt her heart pvesent acting in that capatity." - making aprecarioue living by exhib- his tightAtting ' dark -blue tunic and stop as though two fingers bad clutch- 'The deuce you are,' thought Peter; iting' his powers of calculating men- -red -striped trousers. ed it; heard ,Priinuls's voice: "Wbat's then aloud: "My name's Jackson. I've tally_ in the cafes of Cairo. He could "Wbat do you want?" asked the the matter, munmy?,, been ordered by the Wax Offi,ce to square numbers of two qigits almost . . General. "'Nothinz's -the matter, dear," she join this battalion.pp instantaneously. * He could give pro- . . 0 1 Ma:ior AtnstrbMer asked me lbo said calmlY. "'You -and Evelyn had - "I don't know anything about jNm eucts and squares of numbers with . 44 three digits in times varying from . give you thisp chit, sir." better go upstairs to Nanny.11 The W. -O. haven't sent us any instruc- . 'LionS." 0 Chit! Chit! Been. in India, have :Sbe watched them running up, the L Locksley - Jones fingered eight to forty-five secondis. He was *u? JWhat regim,ent? On buai - broad s tone staircase out of sigh t. s,craggy mouatache doubtfully; scrut- hardly less slow in caing num-bers. . � ness, eh? A box-Nvallah." His tone Then she read the pencilled message inized the telegram Peter produced. He cb,uld ,work out the exact values I � of 5.10 in twe t I . changed. "Who the hell's Major An- again: "Report for d'uty 10th Chalk- "All right," he said. "You'll have nty seco*nd's, of 6.10 in I I struther? Never heard of the blight- shires Shoreham Camp immediatel to share a tent with the other fea- seventy secords, and 8.16 within five I . I 90 . y of . leT. "uT application form t v- lows. .Weanwhile you'd better come minutes. .. '. 4. . . . Division he did more slow- to Teter, who knew his Anglo-Indian ed please expedite. Thampson. War -and have some tea. * Those are the ly than multiplying; nevertheless he I . I . . of old, explained Aartly"; suggested Office." officers, lines" ---,he pointed to a row could do ast'onishing feats, there al - the General had better orpen the let- f tents by the road-oltbe men are --,D* He could break off calculations - . - ter; stood quietly -by While it was be- "M�hat a*lool f am,,"'she said to 0 in the middle to attend to other busi- , � over there'�--his stick switched across i ng rea d. - ,herself. "What a selfish, ,unpatriotic the parade ground -"and we mess in nests and take up the work accurately ' Best of all fiy kiMkr& - I 'Retums, " ,growled �the GeTwTa�. fool!,, . . this big marquee." again where he had broken off. His 10C Clean, quielk, sure, "Returns! Nn, at the devdl & I know I I "I don't wonder )F-hrry Preston metho,ds of wark ivere rot discovered, WI-ly cheap. Ask your about his returns? I've only been in Drug - this damin PART Vil whistled," thought Peter, as they 'but be had obviously memorized the gist, Grocer or General . place half an hour. Here, picked their way acr6ss the 'tent- 8quares of numbens urith two'digits, PAY Store. . you," to o,ne of the officers. "Why PLAYING AT SOLDIERS ropes to Mess; ,pa�zed through the and less completely the products of . . the devil haven't we sent in any re- § I MORE THE WILSON FLY PAD-% turns ? " �deserted 'ante-room,l where a red nuxrihers with two digits. He was CO., HAMLTON ONIV Except foT the newness of his Icav- stove glowed ,welcome into the main 19 when he died. I � `4Returns have been sent to ,the alry-cord' tunic and a slight lack of part of the miarquee. . This boy, comments 'IT -he Listener" . War Office every night, sir." suppleness in the carefully brokv-ned Scattered about in groulps, at the w3s a good, although not a remark- LONDON AND WINGRAM , - "Well, this blo-ke writes from the. ,belt, nothing about the quiet gray- ire-stle-tables under the s,vdngin,g oil- able, illustration in our day of the South � Horse Guards." He ad&essed him.- eyed young man in the,otherwise- lamq)r,-,, little knots of officers,sat eat- rare class of calculating boys (they self again to Peter. "Want a com- emoty first class compartment on the ing qnd drinking. Civilian wait,ers ,are apparently aNrays boys) wifio as- I P.3L mission, don't you? I can't help you London, Brighton & Swith CoastRail_ bu-stled 6bout, serving them.- tonish their conterroolraries by their Wingham ................... 1.55 with a commission." way betrayed the civilian of a day "'Hello, Adjutant," exclaimed a tall quickn,&( Belgrace, ................... 2.11' "W's already attended to, air," ex- ago. sS in,multiplying, a d"v'd'ng Blyth ............. . . . 2.23. L Me biattemd valise and an old- thin Major twinkling face red -veined and factorizing - nuv�bers, in extra:ct- ....... * ' . h42ined our Mr. Jackson. "'Colonel fashioned Army basin, leather-covei- with port and the open air. "What's ing square,' cu,'.)e and other roots, and ......... 2.30 - , Skeflim-gton has just filled UP my' aP- ed --relics of a trip to the East--clid this? Another bud&fig" Napoleon?" in doing mentally other arithnvatical Clinton ..' : 3.1* '_ ­­******'*'** plicatioitw form." -not ,smack of 1he'newly-joined. Close Locksley-Jones introduced pet,ar work which an expert mather,natic- Bruccifield ................... 8.27 "T~d," said the General, and turn- cut dark hair, clipped moustaches, deferentially; the Major shook hands; ian could do only with the ai'd of Kippen ............. Is ...... -3.35 � ed on his heel. ! correctAy-wound puttees and dubbined asked the usual I'Dhone any soldiering pencil and paper and a generous al- Hensall ................ � ..... &41L sion. 'before?" apologized for talking sh towance of time. They attra .............. 6! . 3.65 , . * .. 1. shooting -boots- coirr.pleted the illu. I OP ct at- Exeter ..... ,,If it won't inconvemence Mrs. ButPeter Jacis�n's mindbad not yet in Mess; and buried his nose in a tention because they are expert-, in 'L .. Jackson and yourself too much sir," cast off its old allegiances. large cup of �boiling tea. a niediurn which we -all understoo,cl North I said Murray, stooping to adjust. the 'Rather, as he whirled Sussexwnrds aclks I on?" he said, enierg_ -and ,can appreciate --in which, A.M. . 'how- Exeter ..................... 10.42 oiling -cans as they swept through .did those discarded problems assume ing. "Let mie think. Name sounds ever inexpert, we are all performers- Hensall .................... 10.65 � thAe long .-;vtreet of Horsham in the L;cuter import. One by one he conned fairrdliar sormhow. You're not Tessa 1W. W. ,Rouse Ball in his ho-ok I du5k, "I think I s.hould like to , i over the wrrangem-ents ma,de - fort- Bradley's son, by any chance, are "Mathematical Recreations and Es - Kippen .................... 11.01 the Army next week. Mrs. J . Brucefield ................. f., 11.09 acks _p�ightly repoIrts from Lime Street, you? She married a man nam -ed says," devotes a chapter to these Clinton .................... 11XA . is quite, capable of driving now; and weekly statements and a bi-weekly Jackson." prodigies which will amiaze anybody I.,ondesboro ................ 12.10 the garage peo,ple will keep the car letter from, Bralmson, accurate statis- ,"My father, sir." said Peter. who has never studied this subject Blyth ..................... 12.19 clean." -ties from Reid; wondered if they �'Go,od GadL," said Major Fox -Good- Ware. All of them have really ex- Belgrave .................. 12.30 . - "'Very good, Xurray.11 Peter look- might have been improved upon. And win; "why, I W6 at their we�dding. cellent merwries, especially for lists Wingham . I oung speculating on these things, Peter be- Thirty-five years agp, or I'm a Dutch- of numbers. (They can see the num- I ed at the clean-sha,veN earnest y ................. :..- 12.60 m1an. 111sn't it a very sudden deci- gan to feel--4or the first time. -the man. Fancy little Tessa having a bers in their minds, and hear them C. N. R. I sion though?" real pang of parting from Nirvana. grown 'up -%on, I say Jonles­bog there, and they get addlibional helA East I � "�Couldln't stand, what those fellows it was as though he had cut the main pardon, Locksley-Jones . . . 11 it is said, from the muscles of I I tj A.M. P.M. said to me at dinner,"' admitted, Mur- interest out of ,life - as if the en ty "'Yes, Major." The Adjutant was speech). They develop from the age Godeiieh . . - - ray.; and relapsed into silence. of his -creating %�� died. ,%-mbolic- visibly irritated; firstly by his super- of a -bout six onwards a quite tAerrific .......... 6.46 !.W § 4 Clinton ............... 7.08 3.00 ally, be seemed to see -his two flashing ;or's reception of the nerw-comer, .Qe:c- interest in numbers of all kinds; they Seaforth . .. . � ...... 722 8.18 Followed a fortnight which com- signs, as they had (been before the ,ondly at the mistake (wMch he knew think of nuMbers to the exr,lusion, of DU prjoed:_ now lighting restrictions: "Nirvana intentional) in his own name. alnvost all else. blin .............. 7.33 I 3.31 . i(l) A perfunctory medical `eramr- or Nothing," they had blazed. Now "'Young Jackson will be posted to They. discover for themselves, or, )&tdbell ... . . . ... . . - . 7.42 8.43 ination by 'Patricia's father. they blazed no more. Nothing'. - . I I � - learn from others, devices -f or Dublin .......... Went '(2) A letter (enclosing the Blue ,'He pulled, his ltnfantry Trainin--1 I shortening soyne d%f their vvvvd%n ..... 1.1.19 9.32 Form) to WT. Impey, who returned it frmil his pocket; began to gudy Bat- -<k]Y signed-4with a note "Duke et talion Drill. "A Battalion in nxw.9, decorurn est fpro patria marMl IBut the subc,on,scious ,rnind would (3) Two da ys * I delay. -not visualize lbattahons either in. mass 14) A telegram from Travers:- or other foaTtutions. The ,mind re- , "Wlar Office instructions cw"lle& turned to its old love, refused to be Advise you apply direct to thern." comforted- T%e mind did not recall (6) A visit to Major Anstruther', the mor�ing's partings6-vith Patri- ' who said,, 043porry I let you dov m-. Take tia, careful to disPlay 'no emotion - this chit to Colonel Thon*son, Room while the childrM excited at their 164, scross the road." . first vision of 'daddy in khaki., In- -(6) An interview with a iniild-fac- stead, it called up figures front bal- ed gentlenwN very determfined that 2 anCe-'sheOt-1. the factory work�nc at the Nbrthshires bad Tnore sulalterns full pressure, that dimp-lit back office ftn they wanted, and proposing a in, the city; till, gradually, ciani# re- eowmd4ion in the -Chal-kehirea. ^*%u* "ilectiOn Of `Mr. Raymwud P. Sed - Division. Yould better take It. ,See lets. . ,. .9 I I ge�t that Blue Plaper at once.11 IPeter -had already posted two of 1(7) 9Me ordering, ttying on, and the -letters to Prout; bisited .tl* delivery at Lowndies iSquare of a sub- Bloomsbury list .&a prMiged!, fbund I a4terin's urgXornx I 1. everything in 'order. ',Only a Photo.. : i(8) 6ix days? delay. , I gra%k, a Virl"s photorrh*, Was migg- t �*, � b ".. 1814 V ing. And th4tPetter b*J not' noticed L Engiwd, offliciatly, was not In & B* ftom lrlr� 'Gordon 'himseU Q kwry,forvv Mr. .7admon I .1 00M DO WM* MW ww won" to -- and so they proceed from strength Se,aforth * 11.84 ­ CliyLton . 9.46 to strength. Like, - nvogt people with .*.*.*.'.*.*. Godlerich :.. 12.10 10.25 good nrenlbrit-S, they are self-confi- ......... dermt. They bm_� stimblated by I � I � the astonishment which their per. C. P. X TIN* TAI" 0 formances excite in their compsAiOns . 11ast " dnd this encourages, t-bem to appl their A.M. 1�0 Powers to ever increasi .... 40 *..gel 5.50 floulties. There is, however, notbAng Xenset 5. FA I . inexplicable, in any .,of the perfam- &..*..*...a.*...1*f***T McG&W ...................... 6.04 ances of which we pom*ss reliable re- . Auburn 4.11 cord. I . ... * .... 0. 0 0 0 0 0 *....c Bly% ............. f, S." I The gift, wbilegood withi,n bounds a *' 0 0 *i*.&) WivIton :........ 6.40 as a trick., is not one excessivel Use- I 7 .............. , MeNattAt ..0666�00 0 0 * 6 a 0 0 6 04 6.52 , , ful to the -boy in after life. No prob. toftrtt� ..,.-...........,,..,.�, 10.25 1 lein in eontemoorary life is helped by West ! 1 knowing the tenth power of the nuvs. - . � 1. . A.IL her $, and, for shr4her' tproblerns, there are such thinks,. ag logarithm Tomto ..................... 0. Me . . * & %I* . 0% .,* . 7.40 11.49 taNes. As the calcqating ,boy gets oldler he t6nds to thinif'of -Naught . . :0 6 *I Wolbon .*_.***J****,0*,..6*,� .1 12.0T 1. . other things ]Bly% . . 4 0 0 a * - 0 6 * 6 4 0 6- 9 . * * : , 12.111 � berk1ft numb6rs and, as his gift re- AvAmrn ......*6.&.,.****,**,4.1.i 12.ft I *1 oires cons tant ,practice to keep it in 3%G&W ....................... . 12.34 ..., 1, gftd form, it tends to diminish. G. ?&Met ............ 0 0 a. * 4 * * W, '12.4t � " P. �Bidder (lW6-18781 wiaia one of the, r.v.u..i,& I '20 AM .1, . � . . .. . I. .�. .P* . 6 0.00 ** 090*A] I , I . . . . . , I I .�. a . ... . I . * I , I ,, I . I I . 2 1 . . . I -1 I . 11 . � I I . . . . .1 I � i . . , I , � .151 11 � , 1, I . / I ­ - I 1. .­ I I " I �, I I I � . , � I ,. -�, � I � I '. � . N . " .. . 1. . . I I . I .1 � . I. I I . I I I . V , I , I I 1 13 - 1� I � . - � I � �1 "I'll" I � I �\ . .. 1, . , , I .. � f ",", I � 1, . � , I , I . I - �1­ --,-- . . _. -, � � - , ,:--,. , , - , ­_. - ­ `.___ _ _��L,L_t�­_,J��, - �__ __ . � _20 __ . -1 �_ ,i,A"h*_1 ­ ­_ ­'. �� - _ , - .--___-1 - - � I , , , ­ � �, � .�. �zj . . . . . . . ��_ �4� -, - ` , ,'i" 2," i�, 'J., ." '� , , ,��, ,,�% ., - - I. 1�1 0 " I ........ lm.iL.1,� ii��iw�"