HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-09-07, Page 6� ;'.;� ,,, ,% .... q, 1- , I ­.�11111 ,�:),,� ,-, , . r77,11it,., Ulot-14 i I :�:;, �' , �'�,�;'%��­� , 4 I . I '. , ,�zaj��,t��l-lik���m,�llfl,-!;�,, V , -�,,�, -'"-.:M,7,__-, �1711, ,, �, 7A i .-, - - ­- 9, I- , , � k ­-, I ,�, I I", - I . I .i -�,.',',?�!-, N."J""' I 11N il! , �- �-,��;til i , , " A ;" I � 11 � . 1, , . . . �_w I .. PIX ,,,, V 4N,", k �, I -i i ,,�� - I I 4MI, - � � �� I ,11 � "" " , �if ft mm , .. N." R , I " " , I , % �., � �10'% " I , . "" � I. ., rt�mp � L 4 , 8.2 " _� N"" - , '. ,� , , �Q I ., , 4 .111, 11 im, I. , � I 11115 " 11_yVQ;; 11,�;,, ,�R§,�'114210 � 1 . I . - , I ',,'I .. ;, I 1� ­ IN"., � � 1, , I 011-11i'M I . 11.14, 1 I I . I IMI I , , I , . �,V,v , � 0. S 'i ... M ,.�; k ., 4 1 � JN I . .�_ � .. %-.: �1_1� . � X . I � .. . , � , � ,� - ls,�,Vl 1", -;."'4177 ;­ , -,�i . I ;. , !''! I- . ,W, � .. *--51, ­,��' 11. , " , , i 6rw% il� Sk , . t'. 19 ,W, � . �� . . . . . � ­,�, I � , %, . , , , . I . .1k ifff I te, ", W , P, I`— -1�-- . ,,� � �jj I I i�q�,�,ov- "I � , . I I . - '�"] , ­!:,��- ... �, _ � , 1�1� V � ,.it P", , "W"30 . � " 11 . . __ , . , __­­_ .0 , rl§mwf, , , - ." .1'.., - I I ... � . _�, .? . _ �, , ... . �, 41. - � ",n`!.,�*,' �Y,,','," . � ". ,_ - __ , . 13.40 21'�;!i I—. , � , � "N .. Zk,,',',"Vt�1,` ""i" 7 . . . � ... 7" .,_ ..... -i 10�44141;11.., � 4 I I'll I '11 _';'.. , �'. , , , " It'A VN611f 10, 1� I iff em Im ,,,�.. , " I , , I , � ., . .� I I r7l � �;i 111,� 111..4k � , 11 , , I - 0"M , " W, on" 4, . ." ­f,� . ...... '-'M'P'��"."$�'-"",-'�-,��I.I..i"".il",%�� ...... _'_ ." , . . �o4l 11 4 .WQQ.P , . " � , 51 "_ V .1 I... I - - YWA ", "'! le , � _'..., __ , ". . ,!, � _ , ,.. ­ �. , : , In the pat, "ou a r,q,n0vQi_AhW,1Q,4MPq,0lt � I ;F+V.ly..J 'M . I I A 2�� WIVJ y . , W.I.W"W: 14��,`I,N-,N7, � � ��`.'. , -1 1, 0"W'4,0�,­,z - :­ . r�%`n; )"ears `�,0111'0 - =4 4400T p 0CMImm ,* 4,0" "%q­,­"QQ �- I I "PE, :33,11 .., "Vi �., .­.- - ­ . � , e _,aad I I lrowumepq, Iii . . - �,,Akl ,NVN4�004 Z , ,, _._ I 91,114W 'W � ".;"ter �" - -M - i ".­k,�,1­1, W , I , v I fo "' MT,''..''..?, mo�,,W_, I I ",lt, I- I" tT .,. ! � 0N, F,Q.#,�, . ail. ie -'em - ' ,, , �� R.--.4� J " i ,., _ , , N . fiam D" . I ,,, , , , , - " I ft":1 . ­ . , od o3i 110 A " ­ - , - '01"i't ��!#p , �, "R ,4� , M AdIm.0601A , � .�, '�4 ,� ­ �� I .�8.00 Goo,, , - qm * . n " FA '00""' , 'T."'", M, Aa� , i �i; , %*,' . I - Wed. 14W U .11,1111, � , 4 " ,,At�,,9470.4#0*'� " �,.�,,,, ��,�: � ,� I 0,11 0 AMP , ,-- , ". . :Imin,�r-,7��7,,l " "9, 14%0�,bft�rk %n 4,= ". 40PPY WrIta P. I � en- . ..... ft:�w 4411A tow",Ar-4 - - - - - .-, 10V A 00 dig . � , 3 ; " . � �, � , - I , 4� -40 0.14 MW , , ,i. '1[149!�� ,-,xl-r , f9 , ,P -, %�`PJA _ Iotaklmls,, .,.Wp,�Ly i -o -t -,v I .,; !;Mjfj,p""..�,,�,. .'*q,Rr: � I I U1g*.oM',%'$tA e� ?:T, -, .. ,­��­I,,,­.§.'j".' �­­. =14, , 10, - " W�j , a , `lf .'# 'P�tit%. r_ Dae A--ilFX '� '_'Q��U - �Y�� ,, . tj F�l ial= Aw It' -4 "" , , i 4, " Of - I ., 'tain­,& A -Pre, , % 0, W_ � , - W offil 01' ,� ,9 I '. 0 � , 1 4.1 W.Aq%.:iT _;; F , 'O �. MR , , Ust, Vatioti .; � - "" , L Tf, " , , ... 1 6­�X �__ ot ,Gxftt Bn - 40 A %I lt4 .1 I 17.904 th%t . �? . ,% � X �ygM 5010kh�,,Ity A, W tw'.'"'* -, -':' i**.' of tho, _, i .:�" L - ". 1� 9-11 OVIRE, "I"IN . R IR� A ioe4lp -4 IQ Pei _ -41 P ob , P," 'I *V,x Vie. *,V0", �� a WX w , , _:W , " _ .. �, ,� -.T11 N pip ,.t; I - all" P4,.J"1Z;W1_ , . , 9'e. 1200,1111, r'Ur "I"" _p.," , "" " , ., , r,,,,, -,,,,N , , ".. ;�M-4p"W','i�"Mlplr"-'I�grM6� 4r`�04t_ � � � ._ _� --1 _ F,+ ` ` '. e paid , '# i',�,4',. "f,�,! _ ­­.I.I.... i F', 1�,! ,,, P " ' UlW' ­ - b 1p� .1 e f�� R� Imm " _ . �� , _, -4 _ ,1 A - W. -1 ., " ugties;pf the f1root War. ''Th# trevt­ . X mic fov - F"; WL '� , , " , � 1 �'�. , , ,.., . 3", I. , !_.',(_Mft1?ft,9b - .., I ., y - , __ , "a . in � "I. . AN., " �� 19, , " ,",�,i , "�i `� '1 I I 504 "=` vllftft�.i= V ft. � I I— �, ''I , W: VA 4,040 ,over �t a, layer. IDAW,1044*0 L i. t �:, I ,.. We I RT; , �`.,� � ", � ",­ - .. ,.. ! 9 .. .�, � ­* iN.­' , ­ 3 - , "A . -, '. " , .. ,, t. . li&., � - 40t; Jam. Fill, th� disk . it �,,.� . rV .7 , � .,� , ,�_ , V , , , , , �­ r " #�; � .4 it - a VAr, I �. ,- _ # - ".. �.� f �.1 ". �'. ,,,, � , -red, is. Cost. g out %, ? 6, , Istory, 3� wp�"q �4kb vw" , , Wl".?W,1�1 1. . N .Uwg� mr"rw . , � %9 bp* -a � , � 14 nearly, 04 , " - 'I" � ,, ,,� "; � " ,� 1%X%`T­W' RM � W , , �q , :0,0910 ,P 1. A " 21M " , , . . , , 1 1 4, 4#-V ­p'l `_' h9i alA, , 'T, , � Ineut of the, fiiju I �p � 4 " , �. is 110 ,ivw��, ( ; "" `.�� ��_ - ,�I-�z"e­­,��,-­,- r - V ; . V,le A _0041y ,.,,�., . V I ,*, _i, ,I . �. ' _ '1�� .',­ . ' I , ,� " 0 !��,.,M,l 11, ',"". , l!", I , ,� , .e­1R0r40,: , , .�� " "*.i�vp , � . g ,,%, ", �, , .,,,.�_"� , , , ATT i . * - it � i,'§# � IP1.1aX., , 1b I . , . ...; , 'm .�, ,� ;":,.,. "' - , - :;of .0 - a4clen'M . . � � W� , W i's g NO X.F:*1T .9, 11 ­ ittell an _(P4,�grp - er �6 To ee* ., toa L n , - , ,,,I',(- . ,_ I . __ A"- '414gZ, ,i, IM I IV "I . '04"'. A lialy - e4 I T.- � " �, �. I 11"PUAi L .7. ,,�; "y' ., , ,. . .... vle 5�'W WU K , �, a Q. . v, ­ , d4e "to human fthwe. . � . . . � I -1, I - �,, - k16 *04%'; 0 Wlt . - , . - ,. I v -d . -1 , �5. ,�� ,�,.;�,,��" , '' . .. ,,q .r. R _01, 9 ,,, $U4,CtT- , , . - . . , � 7 , .f g0p. O' "�Ake �­'layers 'b'e'iAX spri, "do , 'nal � heiiek sitaggem".w. 404- _.. -_ -) �,,� �j,%g �'J"'e%". 1. ��",' � I �,�',' , ;�, �, ,"I � I � I .�, # 't. b n, -* i.� poino "r@q , "" . -111'.. pmo ii , 1, 17-11 W , , �,` , . ,6� , ARY. W ,,L��, ,,,`.�W)"'., 4 ,,w .!,W. . . " -hip. 'w ,�. .. , , 1 .A. - ` ­ ­ , , " T,;TA; ate. t - I I I '.­­ � - . - � -in , 41-1 1 ..L1. , � -,"­:: zt3o" - , , ". ,11 % I . OwK47, T. I 4 gT � ed' a' U'9AZ-gPfflg_ 4i i t � .f . , . . � , �, - ,, "' �;, . , ,#..e _,Q@ Jp . ' ,,-4-. I .1 . - 'TL - "6, 190 ; 11-- . "r.":,.1 - 14 IWWAVI 4 ":)?'k;� � ­ ,� I W 'm , oxiiiat 3 .. V" , �r �, ... ` ' Cs, no I dalft stdZeriag 1, - ,."It. i' jj� .5Z t 4, � v, ng .... ..... 1 - . for.An I tmr% 'A - ,:" ". _:: 7 1� 14 -jo ,. I ' , � , 1fa , ng It , 00"mim i: 4 agmLqq� '"' " 4�4 �'A�� , i'­1,11.!� ?. ��.. � . a ,of'sugar wcor�t o, the _j 6 W wb , , .11, e amm. t'.. I � sC .. _ _e::� I . , , - e's ! . , t7t,", .. JK I ll ad TeeA,T�P , ,%thevift. .'O - ..... . "am * ,1� s�vjitaeiL% of, the Iphains. 'Many'. 0ov-, I the c . ,T 0MU1 41111st. 41M LVA -417 - . 7"tI, .!rm"�100 AW W'.� d. 1. , . - � �"'_ I "t. =11 __ (m 11� appreciate "a impbrt=!Ce 'of ar is.paama 07y,v e � U. itir 0XIM 14,�Y­ .4d i7e44iveO . kfwj� � .V,O,. .14., , " . I, , 0010" , i 10 01,14 k lkepe�ivo` AQW-4401Y.- I if w ..".-a - . _R_ 11�1. ;___,._, . � 11 I , 4 . . . W-4 .1, 0, ,,,, I'll. �.., ' " " � " 0 , 0 ., " I .I.- ­ � them wit,h 4 . away are - pie- 'o , I 1Jb_jUe4­: ll Ill - 'W"I", '' a . , rou�'d �'f. P'$t'-"-y B"lle 'devices described below, by nigAus t , -- ' . fe 7� . - qiii4d, ,three, �-7 ��Jaw, �,&*,J '� 0 b . .. .-."� P,L� . _ �6 )0M_._.; . - � , , ,. � - . er at ,U Jk7M . thougir th "Ok , , V,.Vk I . or* 11=11t, suf;=.. f of 1�rcw of 76U viftem . . . " , turw ean �te - .e..41t f, ed _' _;,.�� ,,, ,, 4. - I �� .11, - TUM'.,114''ei�Ma. - - -wWch ii ig now -possible to find out twp ,posts, *Ae, stiM%luary -and ,the .. .. ,.it - " "" U. V ".1, " 19, .7 � � I .%.,.:.�. � _ :� - I in a hot oven �400 deg. P,Y foit a1bout . otiq 't , � I ti, I '­ I ­ I., � hi _.!QU` , and 1 - '. I— 10 miaute,% then reduce the tempera.- . and they oomme me. .11.0 TR , , , '' ­ �, '. ,,, . . s�.aro,�4 Ta-eaMM .. .1% ,. *1 Itili ,� I . - 'Im ­ 0 , ,, , I l,' ­-, ­ Id -1 1. -X. , "C' - - I 9 ** , , i.. . _ .1 . t , , ­ tstio - "wom, .0 �W o �t , %W.,,ai on s�: , .. .'' I I L 'M I 1-11 �­ , ,_ - 4, � . , i eaffm IU . . . � pl timp to 350 deg. F. -And bake until , f� "I "I I . I U199,V9PXXV A' �94WLVY `X —1- R , - . Ag. 7- , .1 6a . ,drain Ike. Tice. ace . . -he, at,tached to -a,. vabb� ena,bles 7.04 , , IT `h , jrth,, ear1ki dpysi 1440vile. ,� 94 -1 I . 'd- ?vhether.a -1�erson ,is likely to, become ot4' ", vaia It. IAX button iqied,O�ess,wiktb the"PmAdi 3- er ;=OVIOW , . . klwk W , ,-� 4: - I , , , a ieasonably safe anotoris[t before . �00 tl� 4t)w cost �16 IPAU -F qlum,e, , , s,W � .4 . 51 , ' , , -in all'. . 1, . 'any m3foment � 1po*elllw also,�4041'00 . , ft . . � I P, done, from 40 to 60 , 11:4411utz$ . . . stop the moving post �4t' , - - i I "' ­­ ­ - t'' at, � ., , � a dollar for la,;,4=0.,�JA . ,,�;�,qp 'Of a duuble� ihoiler ,Oith pan4rive. .. . I of I Varies ­ � *2 , I , " " , While still bolt, brush With A"glaze sw: to stop it avory vnii ,. �hese, tems , ,Us in .the aabe'Ws Vat�,v I � ,�, , �U- 0, ge , ...A- h 1. . ". 5�� L.J*d , ir, Covier, and, , p$yc - to Such -an exte"t t�at it'is in*04;;� - � � till . �e�._ , I I e. �... I V,,,,� ., ,kol- you..dosive. � Yen, are * whereas to -day haA, and sug'. - iThese tests'are devised by I Talore I i ' ' 11 . . I ­ I lia .1 ` 7--_. made W cooking 2 tabl . idd.vidual when you .c.otsider' the distance In-' I mwteUrj evev... gk 5 1, . - r'*!a ric'i is Goft -stir. In. espclon� of * ll every ii. ' V,4710_1.�" 44.0 ., IMP ., 1 .4, more. . P 'L '...' ti - -, 4ufftien,t siOle -to find a .- I k tim . .1 . 11 . auCtio.4 r- ,,, ,�, a,��ge. � Rvery'?'-�-- o - ,-,,c � :fare to. and from hW3011, ....V "I uailty 'has ll)iem ... . . -11 11111 - ., , Turn into i, sulall p ander identital conditions and record I W Jtist� representS, a � monetary ZaAw � w -S I I . , I ..;... '- � each or. apripot jaau with the same 'gists to exam . tween,thel'W'o �poq _Vy � _ ,k q _ . _ .. _.... . � t -1 ilia of : , �, I , I �;, , I. -O ld -wmaunt'of water and I tablesppm . od to in" tthe screen ... stoe � 11% �, IM W1.15T. IDQ.TAP,�I ... L i=, ter 1 e pi I I ... � I �, I 1. a, glass S . to spare.. . Uh t1went - ih,- -��at�-- - !� - . . . .. . . I.. . '41#�. "I Va - I . "I .� I . ", ­ I .. * - , ` 4pouid rived -.With 6(l � the results ,with tuiather4atical 'Pre- to enable 7 .' ) eoho, ipar t IN ,t.4 *e producei!. '' Ul� , _ &et�, IJnmiould M'' aijir for about ­7 unnuteo� or until cisio,L They aim -to discover innate through them�'Ivith not s0seel :, , . TIT Is naw: � ,I. � .. 1, K` 4=* . I � WEL �y__Vlctures, Ahea,d, coad a .. I " - -- �� ,thick. . I . - The � fWa test is -by. far the most . . .eestate 'In" ��,004i-.� t . . I . I _,,� ,1,11,� Abeew.. Ahe reengages' and , I abilities and disabilities without re- � Cut . .� Is I ... ; . �he , . � � , .. . . �I _ ' p, 'A., . 1. ,g. . I pleted,inAhe Ung,roomckrinpro- ­ . . I ,,,� " ,- �,­ 1, � I'll, __ , . ank' exciting,"W" the w.- . - Mgr1LJ,ue.. - - .. . . . . . . � � th to t�iate. Cool Thus iriteresting-�� � 1, '' ProliTesi - I I.., 11 , � . I ,. �,al, �. Damson Conserve gard to* driving ,experience.- maJor titudie may - have I . . . .. , , I 'N� I 'T*4 Vdur' iutx iw. ale aj�paratus ,devised by ­ ' ' ' , 4� �: , . - . '11:1,,,�q , r. 'Rau ecalls A0#Q,lX '. . I -!.. � ­ . D 1 - isdon' R Jw . . I'll q TV . I . Memo" the stems and. pits from, they are able to prevent the vaste, of I I =?'u'r, to ten m0ion dollars a Cil ft 1-1 ii,j ) th� Is �. � � " ... � ' aohii -T...--iftniaden - 1011 X. 17 ,,St.,, A­fbolifto � . , I . I I ".. I ; . ,134arnish -,��i ,Diroctor-bf.ths Institute, I .. � ' storly � . vrbU is new .,,,I I .. Tice Would, a two qaaTt;s,.o-f'd,as,qn plums. Plaoss time, money and life that ivay be in- G- rg- Wl* . capital tied, up.. ' ,, I 1. ,, � , 'I-, 1,1,1. i h * .. I ­ experl- . -whoq0J*y with the'Bimple, LeaO aft I q,e, c�Aerbs the,be&w, iialt -h-e�. via* �' �l 1, . who epa*ep the�.verlest novice to I . i ; � I . I , . -6:111111 -11, & . Wily iefibalM 169- ., ' 11 11, It'..'$A'it -blanched s4�Mdp. , .� I the fruit, * - kettle -with curred th6qough teiiiching a ,person-, .. . � : . 'y It _)6',.J K �� "': ".. .-� . . .: TA Pres __ � . [y.1-01.1 Rav' 'zL cl well ' . ul tQ,:J . owe of E I - - 01 - � P , 1� " , ., ternate'la4 � - ____`_ . _---d-f I — . ­­ I . . I . Is ` ��:edjuj.: toi B "", 11 ,; �, .. I . � yers of sugar ( , n ,&np4ainentally in- 'sensation I ' N�Mng a 7 -i _�_—� � _1� � 1� - r - s some -of the .. eftard - I I 1 PIMA. Ffilt" . al using f,v-e is physically, -a ence with je,markable, iNkli�*_,the 0_ , BeWto' , � th,�", goi I—, �.�A., . . L I . b 11 qia 4 . I . vi y ecall vki , . 1Ant§ of sugar in all) and' add the Capable of becon-Ang a reasonably safe f, -actual y A . . . � P."... , ,.V,�, �i,, . - ' . a orthonVtoi , , , . ". � ­ .- — __ . , a _FaU0_,a_7by--�7,JQfM-k, __' , '" , ' Z�1�1,��j, This dessert may be ,Partially fr=r M6 n along a Country road', with none of ,,0bstJ)aaey an4 Va"hemienee in Oplu- of the ,Eqmrt ,here. - - ­ .. _ix Olqib!�, of: N M. was,IJOR �11�W,'�-! � grated rind and' juice of 2 lemons, and, ,e ip t driver. � K.�­,,Ien-or-=Oxely chilled and served with . s ." , One �Qf ,ft .1 discjjiij� ��4' peel, the juice and rind of 3 ,oranges and Take the "Reactio,ii Time'Te t," for the ri�;,kq, and it- ma-kes an acmra�W !on are the, surest proofs of stupI& . ie biggest .Idekg I gott -1oWW1y' P1 . ", k"'. - jVnth. it w1i,119ped cream� I . � , e t -3& '.- 'Coolidge , -1.1. I . is$ me.r. ,7 a ma I ne. Utii,K'­ Pr ,.OL 2 poun,ds of seeded raisini, chopped instance, whi h i ell tter record of the Toute- taken and the ity.-Bruce Sartein. I . Out .of the ga,me was the, timx� w . hA I I - -had never set.- ibO_ , . .1. d very'fine e * Vit � I I '" ppw. .,. dh14 ., - . . 6, an4rhas nothing . ,� I . wept A "I . 766 - I., - , .,. - " _Y.­Ist�Mt au . enough ripe - I B(kstDA, -to - -fie, g��. mask of I fine. Let.stand for 5 ,or 6 hours and of natural aptitud speed of trkv,bl -at every itage- of th# � , , . to , .. ay t wqio�� y " $1 . ­ . � .."" -�, ;� " ,III I.; tor , -make tw,o Cupfuls nbo A British Julyl urtb The pausmg. . inquire ,whether, 11�" I � - . , You Are asked to step i [team on Julyl . a . , , , �,_4 1 ' -ly 'held that. Aace a Wnor on heard ancti& I ,��PAP ik� had ever - IN�I'L ,IV41 i0vin, I - mQderate 'heat until to do With experience. You-sit,down Journey, . I device con throw the hu- , 1, _,. sitiorder over a I ,1� of that v "Wl-,, , ;. ; ­jtI6. '. � � Whip the whites of tw& eggs th and jelly-like. ,seai as for faci fit ,A Ouni1my t*0-seater" car, cdn4plote two I usual � I.., t ,�- , , if,". _� ., , � . , � , ,. . I ing a screen. Close to`yoiiur� rig -ly - ,poe , : . efy org4rd;ed, a, in'0imew I Z"i" I . I 'a !Partial �,frut,h, then. ,begin adding 1 jel y. 1, . . hand are thre large battons-a Tied with seat%, steering wheel, accelers.. man voice *lea.' 'a -d*tauce of the bofiday but the7 decided'to book . h . . I � . .$""Z�71.11�10. ­ Whip un- .1 miles. ,How far can it throw an ors- ,,, .- , � I e - pl- * pulp kri-dually. tor'and a'foot brake., 'Projected on I us and billed it for the'ehampionship , -L - . - um, � . , . I at *nm, , . �'-%,'k-_' � �. t , , - ne lb, a yellow �,w&y zidtl _�Detro" News' . - Li no MWre.,fAdt*u'rn,thai ,, ,j�:,�T Wrig 2i table� Tart Plum Preserves . o beneath, your thum a sbreen in Iront of the car4pan at- t0T a"d ` . of the United'States., . � 0, . � .. Now ,on �. � I,' "'; I , I , ftht!and very- stiff, a� I ' f _ . . . �Mit'..:,"05ft 'a " '.' � ik-t k"6 Alaliitp I 't � . "., 11 it sugar from - time to 11 quaTt -red 1plums . - � irst finger, and a . 1 40 , I . ee.. , _ � 1 31 iTill bne beneith your f tmetive, lands;caa3e, with trees,. fene OW16' ...plaked before crowd bf any other Yal* _ ­�P�.,­P_ intit. 4 ' green one beneath your litble finger. I - � . . . . . . Tdb6t -of the, stories dbout- hiii I , . . ��, . mmo* until � three-quarters- of a cup- iGrated ri,dand pulp of 2 distant mountains. On the . ,� 1,5,000.0n '130A�6,n, Commons. Imagine . .. . .,. , . ahlias , the surprise of that 'big turnout , 6 *aculty-a '� ��'11..... . I ' 'has beeen usedi, oranges When. the apparatus is set i, 2 . . .. . - . 4 �p �- rp . . . presel= ' W, % pound almonds road it a -,little wheel to which is fi Igikw froni: ithw . I N and.beat stead -1 ii. motion es -and .!�,;.� ,..;." � I f x- The Storage of D U_;_.� I i . I lemon a series, o red, yellow' and: gr-een I tor. As we 11drivi � lity � to Ant th, = 'd the mlixtuie increas-ev and, stif- Grated rind ;and �ulp ,of I . � . ed a tiny, .projec e . I when we led� at the- half 1 -to 0 and I " in ,e i , L I 1. _ ' . . a* are then won'the ii4iA, 2 to 1, the dier. the - amillAr. I Caretully, -roverem 31��:, - . , lights are flashed.upon the screen in X i.. jiM. J�Ile lightly -in tall dainyl gugar. . . I .�. , intervals. As the Carl it. is really this wheel which VuluaiQe varieties, of dahli 1;4 . . tS, vari0U9-.Ip0Si1,ior1S at odd . ,ee, showe(J him', abou �_� ­'Li"s,ses alid cl�ill. or pa,rdally freeeze, - Quaiter ,the qylq=, - discard ,lij . . -the model foadway-­or, often losi as a result of diseases c1dirg ,goal being soored' by Harry 13r. the emimitt I I Xl---Pjri - . %Z ' ­ , lWlrays of te - each light apqear� you'are.expected moves I along h-xperi; . .Zarldn, . ,Our first- --goal-.7ent 'th " , t and blanch and ,qhop _ --.-. - - ­­­ moile accurately, the ro,aJw4a,Y-4A0ve,s .. . �H. . -to, �the Dickinzaa --plate, _,U ­ in mechanical refrigera- - veloq3ing _,.M.. _Otorage,a - . � � � This -w .- I., ` - ­ .. d. I '. . I . I _ _.t - almondir to pres-s"the Vaif�on of. the correspond- -by the Division,of'BotanY W` - M1.11ne. . . . . rug, Rmidly-�s� feet had.,pressed, - Het -�-� :-Ur.--. � . ;'� . * ' - - �,77=.'- '1-111 . . I I . I Add t'h4 .find and -pulp of oranges ing color -as ,quickly -as possible. beneith the stationary wheel -while conducted ' I '. " the projector throws on to the screen of the Dominion Exp I tal Pax ". * ,k.11,:__ .. I Fro . lemon. Measure the whole and erimen "Most of our - practicing in those behold. the chair - in . which she .sit S�, - _. zen VIum Custard . and Don't ,get in -a flust.er- if you. can- . I I. -94 , . . __ these losses canbe d ,ton yonA4,- the candlestick And sim ec e '...tz. . . ddid an -equal Amount of ,sugar. Put , ,,, 4)11,4. &..i' OU a ,picture of the larkdscape which, is granch ishow that ays , was done at the old Stem . ­ . ?l _,Ml i- -A. � -11.1 P.., . """ ,_ Aeli­ '. i,,,�.�,�­ 11 �c . .4 " A� I ­li,. p-,�,,111_,� _ � ,., * �_), , 1, . .. . 11"....', ", - 1 1, . w - - 1� " � - ft - 1�: _.`,,I�l ". "" - 'L,.-- ,,fi,�� , , - , , 't'.- " -..-,�,��-,-,:.� � ;l. .. . . � I : 1:1 ... I R ,; � � 1�1 I. .,L;, . �.�4_ ... - ,�.. . ­.. , ., . 1:: " �-; . . . , I t, I .�; , , , ��,,­ . . .. � + � � . ,,,, . . . I . L I - Jl �' i . . . . - � �� ,� �,� . % -;. . .., .11 11 4' �. �, _1� 4. I I . . . 0 I . . .A� : . 9 I . . . , l L t . I . I I �. 1.11-1 ; 0 I I .11 .. f I . . ", '" 9"', II - � , , I., y I I I W . I . I V . I # I 11 . I . % I I . � ..., . . I . " .1 � �-, . . # . I y � ". I . I . t I . , , . _ .. I , . , I ­ � . I f I ­ I r�l � I . . I . L I I I � I � I 1; I .. .- f I . I �, I . . 1; - It I '. . I ". .i -C .� I duCed nigt�_ . li�. I . � . IV . �, . over. the. fire ap-d stir until sugar dis- no eep - � I J imineffately'In front of. it. Attach- re 'TiAlly IDY proper .a-- Athletic, Field where Tomai 1�0_ Isne had uWd. 11UTOU01 . 0 r . , .,." ..''. . TA ciip,sbgsf� solves, then cook until the mixture certainly will not do so on the road pparatus is a recording tion to the lifting and Storing Of the warth, the. English heel 'and toe n-gaintai-ined the, silent .p4trifleation a . . ,�� I . ,,.-..a -fiablespiclon flour - when a aild suddenly darts right in ed to the ta � plant We ,dhe GTeat Sibone, Face.. The cominit- � f, - , - tablesppons light corn, syrup reaches the jellying stage. Pour in- . pen which -runs over a chart of the roots. As soon as the, dahlis � walker, helped train us. And I . %. , 1.2 to steriliied jars and seal. This pro- front of your car. .; route, and so indicates, the exact track hus 6clinpleted. its full 'growth, it -be- Las to do lee ,labored on. They Produced hqr I i To measure you resistance to dis- .sure 'did train, A player 1, . ,,, . 2-�, � egg yolks . I - ­� ,duct will be a Clear, richreclanct has T -here we gins storing material in. the'root -for , lot. of - good hard running in a .spinning wheel, the Aesk at ,which I . �11� . . tralebion,. the test Is,, ripeated -Aile a of our journey, showing A, :�". I YZ 4tip plutm, Puree . . a . delicious flavor. I ; . . out Corners amid where we ran off the future use. This will very with the match.. That was one of the'reasons she sat. No response. Finally, " A - , . I cup whipping cream . lAnother version of this recipe call Cinema picture on some interesting roaa This -pen is vibrated electric- E.eason,,,locality and.,the -voiriety. When frani Boston. Every player the coulminating privilege, -they threw .1 , ' .' , , . Few grains of salt. . �, add foT 2 ,pounds Ted plamis, I pou s subject ig thTOW.n' upon the screen, ally so �that it maikes, - plant is niature it should -be cut we won . I . . op9p a secret cupboard. drawer and ,� Mix sugar apd, #6ur well, the_ . nd al- you must try your best ndt to a dotted line the was in tip too -shape. . . . i I ....'. . -in double boiler for 16 irrionds, grated rind, of 3 medium-siz- and at the rate of te . n dots to the second down and the roots, dug very ear- -We usually' did very little ealting pr�daced vbnle , amiruscriPt. Here I , , . . milk and took 4 orauggs, pulp Of 3 0 . r let it put you off. In this case your - during orur-,hard braining season but were poeans im.1heir own, haud, I ;, I . I . . egg .ed ranges, suga , so,that the faster ,you go, the far- fully with a spadin-g fork. The loos, . Unpub- ��- , =Plrbes, stirring often. . Beat reaction'tinle will a4most certainly ther apart the dots twill be. In, that ened clump should never be pulled ,,,,d our Appetites for .the annual lished, And the first gleam of, inwr_ � � �,,, I yolks and,acid s ' r this intoo as directed,, an4,2 lemons. � increase,' and the' extent of that in- the Be e� s cama to Ca .s eye . . '" .yrup.. -Pou . . . speeed of. travel at any ��p, ,by the stalk and the use of an ,b,1,,,,,E �wbiiki tern-Anat6d h e t e I' - I , - frat mixture slowly and� cook fbir" . Honey Plum Butter . crease gives'a measure of your abil- `�ay you'r . ifWrote vrith a pen, , � I . ol, . , sprk . Ml minutes Remove from fire, - stracti given ,point is recorded. . ordinary spade is to be avoided be- d,We. . I . AlUin!",he said. . � I . .. ` 'I, . � . Gook plum& with enbugili water.to ityi to resist'd' on. . eh? 11 dictate.", " � strain. aiid-. cooL Run plums .dr-Ained keop from burning,. until fruit is iBut to-be'Able to resist distract' The Psychologists are experiment� cause these practices may -cause (As proof of this Ramsden showed . I I � I .1 ion . I ;'. - - . . I . wounds which render ,the roots very thl, writer a menu card from 1896 . I . 14 : . :,:� . . .. firom syrup through puree sieve. Add sOft. Press through a sieve. TQ ev- is of little -use uniless you are able ing ,with'various additional devices I �, Plu�n ,Puree to custard and fold in, ery two cups'of plum pulp allow one fo notice at the.samle time just what ,There appears to be no limit 'to their susceptible to Attack by rot -producing with the menu Calling for raw and L I - ­ �"'�,_ _ � s I A",_ whipped cream. Pour into'traY and cup of hon-ey-or use oine-b,iilf culp.of that distrac,tion is, in case it should In-46tiveAess. 'they haiV16 worked out diseases. The removed,clumP ho-uld friedh oysters, chadcken croqu�ttes, I . I . 1. . - " .. , .. oEow to freeze to ,=why cousisteriCY; -honey and one-half'emp of sugax. fbe important. So the test is repeat- ideas for gadgets which would ,rrjake be turned up-sidt-down to.let mois- I . 1. . � . � I . :�, . ­ . � - reWave, to liele, cold -bowl and,brpat with Bring the ,plum pulP to the boiling ed, but you arre as -ked �to, give some the car aurch when turning cornp-.r.s ture drain out of the stems, and al- � . ' ,-,,, . 1, ir. t, Retu I at speed, -they :have derim-d. methods' lowed to I dry for two or three hours Wyatt, a 22 year old American girl, I ti_. I . 110taty ?r .electric 11beate rn to pol , . J 1,� �;% ,� lilt, add the honey and cook uhtil attention to the filmso. that you may of introducing gear changes and oth- ipa�hcularly if the soil is wet. - who - h s4;reen debut in a . ,, . - Re , makes or I ea; ur . . i97 anWallow to, fin1sh freezing thick. 'Store in jars covered with answer qn6stions about'it afterwards. -roots east of fifteen Briffsh Players f t - . - 2'-`�`- � without further stirring. . - melted paraffin. T. ­ � � The increase in reaCtion. time is the er mechanical details, and Ahey -have ;noving.the g6il adhering to the -ng Diana - 0 e . . I I even hit upon a plan which, in the is not necemary, ,particularly H'the i Wynyard, Colin, liv ,, I . : '* , .. .� . 'I,' 11 I point of interest, for it provides a t , � � . . , . Plum Melange - Plum and Pineapp!e Conserve event of a collision, would -produce clump hasbeen blibroughly dried. The Frank Lawton and Mirs. Patrick I J , I ". � I 'Ww�h ,and skin five -pounds measure, of your vigilance. . 'N . . ., I . 1, � - .. Ivice, 3 yellow,. 3 red and 3 ,blue of dam- the physical sensation of- a mild rodt should be stored, in a frost -proof 'Campbell. ' .1ill 1, i -, .1 . I I ',�-' . After an ordinary eyesight test . 0' WaTm, Further changes . I I , ­ . pluirz� cover -with granulated sugar Son plunis. tGut in smiall pieces and y , cu are given a test of visual co-ord. crash. I I place but not where it is to were forced ou . I 1 . � ­ �._ - � to taste and. set, away to chill. Just add 2 cups, of crus,Md canned pine- ination. This is fcr the ,purpose of So much,for the tests .an# the qual- to prelvent shrivelling. Good ,results Sheriff ' by the demands of the � I d: oDe- ort � L" e. re serying apple ,&-ained from its syrup. Mea ities which they a -re devised to in . f6i"&d m,I:F well anc4 ad ea- were obtaiiied -when Vie roots were screen. , -The Galsw by characters - - *,, � ,; " 1. fthird cup of oran juice. Serve very sure and add three-fourths as much d:scoverinj v�hether you are likely to� sure. -But axe they of -real -practical -stored at 3-5 to 46 degrees Fahren- of Adrian :01lerrell and JAck. Mtlsk- - I I " . ge err in the Judgment of distance. The - � ,,,4�.". 1 ,, cold , Use as first, course f,10T I fall sugar as mix6d frdit. Simmer slow- apparatus ,consists of two strips Of value? Of .twel:ve lorry_&ivers who hOf. Sphagnum moss was found to, -ham, were virAtted from the picture - d ;''.: .luncheon. ly until the irdxWre is a thick. clear glass illuminated * from behind. The werd subjected to these tests, the re, be most satisfactory for packing the script because. they develop Unny's - I I �, I .� Plum Blosson Salad . jam. * Add the Juice of I 1�inon. and' -1 sult revealed that the worst four men yoots. This moss, when 'thororghly istory, not -Clares. Again, Gals- - . . . 1�_._-. 4 lairge red plulmis - V4 Pound blanube,cl and sliced almond upper one is Ted and the 1pweT one . U the tests had been involved I in air-dried, took care of excessive mDis- ,vitorthy gave Durnford ,the first I . - 0 0 - 9 _; I ,1� u - 'Seal. green. and they can be moved trans- I -roots and, at the same name of F,ustace. 'Sherriff� changed I I ' ., ,I package cream. cheese (3 Ounce) rAeats. Cock,5 minutes longer. versely by rotating a kn,yb mith the runearly three times A many accidents ture from the I 1:1 , ,.1. �, � 2 tablespoons icing sugar. I Plum Jelly as tliebest four. It wasnot ap ideal tinite, prevented excessive drying. the character's name to David. In I �? . chese andl,,Altd, sVgaT; right hand. If you, look through the eans of comparison, but sufficient to Well ,matured Toots, stood; a higher the book.'Dornford wears a mous- . . . I IC;eain'the Wi In .. — 1: P . I �_, � id� vie,11, Out plums in. half and 4 cups (2 pounds) juice from Cook- eyeple-ce you 11 -notice -that they- justify the test. storage temperature than immature tache, Ile, has none in the film, I ,. I . �-�_ blej , 4 For ed fruit .� -.are solme, distance apart. , Rotate, the . plays . a romantic Part , A I , . wdr,66vei pits. �m dhees,a�,iuto bells * . 01142S. Mature roots survived temper- since 61he 4,�' .holes the pits came out 8 level Cups (3% Pounds) sugar knob until they Come together in -a am r- atures ranging from 65 to 70 degrees opposite the young Jane Wyatt. I , and place in, I . i '7, - of. ­(�[hill fir freezing tray of 'refrig- I cup i6quid pectin stTalght line. Upon 1qoking at them but suffered considerably from 'dry- D�rnfbrd`s cam1pafgn for electign to f , eTifer for' one hour. Serve, two on I find Many Factors Control. Cost ing. The vigour of Plants grown Parliament is not Sho in the - . I " � Crush iwell about 4 Pounds of ripe vurithout the eyepiece, 'you may wn mov- 11 1 ,� 1 a W of let -tube -with one tAiblespoon fruit. Add 1 cupful of water, stir that they are not exa�tly in line as from roots stoi�ed at low tenrpera- el. -In. the -picture it is given exten�, I I . I I . I e r-11. -',of nfaponnAlse in -�uee cup as a . Of Producing Pictures tures-�95 to 46 degr E�es was greatei sive footage. -Domford's Campaign .. - .11-1 . until boiling and simmeT te� minutes, you imagined. If so, 'you have a I I _L_4 let in -red saucepan. Place .slight defect in_6cl-ordination if I I _.�� I . - . ghznish.. Serves four. a,closely cove . -a bpeech oftrAirty-dre lines was writ- ' .1 I "" _, And ,�Zge Cost,, i1i the tha those s,bore4 at 60 to 10 degrees. ', cooked fruit in cheesecloth bag and the strips are a con derable distance . . . _.. si There is no 11ay. There was iess soft and dry rot in ter��:ly :§herriff, not Galswart ',�* _..11 *, �Greengage lee Cream " . by. , - '-,,,,� '. -, -squeeze out the juice. Measure su- apart, it -means that yoqil hre liable to, production of motion pictares, Vary, I L I . erent it- the weLl-imiattiPed roots wh4ther stor- Alkold faririer. BenJy, has a aiii0e, ' . 1, 'j.. . ing phanges for widely diff �, � , " , ,. � " . lCombine two cups of - stoned� chop- gur and juice into saucepan, stir and, err in judging distances. ' enis, sdch as studio overhead, stare ed at-bigh or low temperatures. Re- scene in Vie novel, the death of his k '.;,�i.� , Oed, ripe greengages, I cup of sugar bring to a boil. Add pectin, stirring Another apparatus is, for testing es - o ,1,,� - , constantly, and bring to a rolling the speed of Teco Salaries, story'costs and production gardless of what the storage condi- -wife, Sherriff Also giv, 1 Benjy one I .1? � , and one-half cup og water. 'Simmer very of the eyes af- cti . �-.. , I expense, make it iiApossible to find tiOna 4re, the, roots should be exa-in- -scene, but changes it to an ele, on I I I V!,�.,, . Iged.1ti- boil for onc-half minute. Remove, ter being subjected to glare'such as 'in which Clare takes the old . �,_ _. y until the phims are tender. I bne minute, skim, Pour and ,cccurs when meeting a ew with pow, an "average" -budget'for the pr9duct ined, from time to time throughout scene, Main Door 17", let. stand k. I.;. . , Add one�half cup bf grape juice ,pr. es% yoo of a motion picture studi'D. the winter. Ifoonditions are too dry, manAo, vote for Dornfbrd, and lie Lawsam MemeriAl Mama . I L, - RZ, t. , tfirough a aiL�ve and, allow ic� cooL seal hot. ' erful headlights. look through F 11ent pictures can soniletimes SO" water 9`110111d be &dde4 to the 'wishes to vote for Gla,4�stOue. COM- - The door of the new 14bitary Ila& ', I ' ,XCe L�,,' . ' Ileanwhile rwhip 2 cups of cream un- Candied Greengage's an Aperture into a darkbox, and. are ,be made for $125,000.,, si�ssfu.l moss]. If -there is evid.ence of tot the edy was substituted for tragedy, -since ing faces the MaIL The Inuld I � I '. �-;, ; Itil stiff, adi the cooled fruit mixture Rein6w the skin, f told to watch for letters painted on Aa,', �:. Tom Ave, em westerns and a few lucky, experi., roots should- be'movied to a dryer the -film needed relief of this type, A . ,,, ,r"t,d during the ,i,t,, and ( , an ,electric light bulb. The light is J�ti ,. ito it. and freeze. If the fregh fruit .1 -place. ffancy,varieties are, as a gen- death, seen--- would have accented a spring months of 1934 and will be '. 'I. "be. neces� to greevg&ges, placing in cold water as switched on for two seconds, and, in rAents -have been made for as IiWe as . �,, �, ,,,zi_ Is 4vety tirt�, it may . a rule, more susceptible to rot un, intimor 'character. , I peeted. ,Remo,ve from the cold and $40,000. On the oilier hand there eTf tc� opened early in the autumn The 1 IUC1,11,1:1 � ' increase. the sugar. I , - attempting to concentrate Your gafe have lbeen =011ioniclohar box office der artificial sio,�� conditions, for Dinny does not introduce Qlare University of Western Ontario n1l �114,�, ., . . I put the ftult into ,boiling wut6r, tak . . v- L" . . upon the letters, you are diaz2led. As isiaures. . re- iDornford until page 42 fortunate'in now having an ade- 1 '&,"." , : "Ing it out with a skimmer as it rises . which reason they (require more Ca in the 'novel.' .. 0- _ ellied Greengages soon. as the -light is switched off, a A first �eessary dramatic - L - J .. , -,i'� , th the surface. V0hen completed, fe- -line star will add from $40,- ful attention. . For the ne C0VvPTe.% ,, qn and suitable house for its �,,`�' .' .. Mlac� . one I large whole, stewed irtwe preserving pan from the fire card with letters painted, in several 000 to $126,000 to the.cost of a Pic- .. . - . sion of screen technique Shemiff valua6le and rapidly growing fib- . � " -, - " ,'��t..,. . shades of grey, is droppled into the ture� - . ., . I ,� . . ' 'fiiarka anoiher step in thc- �f"4': ":: A46 the owing box. 'nis time you are asked to read I to invent men 5 , .greengage -in' each of kix' mulds. and -return- the'Trait to it, 411 The higher priced the star the - brings -them together atonoe� It was , rary. 'Me provigion'of this gqtdp- Id to ILY2 cups of the syrup in which -the liquid and fruit to b aAgher the cost of the smpportin necegsary,for .the. adapter I . ,. _ , . "" the letters aloud. 'As the eyes recov- , 9 Cutting Story -to Fit Film a whole --r western bntari" �,�,' �, " a , I 111, the I ' were cooked , one leviel. cold. - Cast,- generally speaking. Sets. for 6staumnt is�ence ihere, progress of I 1) Uva ,er from the glare, the letters appear major production, seldom 'cost Presents Difficult Task with 1012 lines of dialogue �vnd. con- leading educational institudom '' . .1 � 7`,', ," - ft,blmpoon g*tin, - flirst softened in qlhen replace the preserving kettle IWA I Iii'.Illi I . one by me in order of lightneze. The . . -dilor characters Prospective students forL Winter' W111i;, �1111 I , - dlle-quarbex,cup cold water, then dis- on the fire, beating till the fmt than $35,000 and. 6ften ran much tinuity and seven n ,.-:, ,­ . is numbew of letters read in a given tim�e � . Se&sion are notified that M,anday, Ati,,.i;.� &ahmd ficlt water. Pour enough of tendeT, 'but not permitting it to boil. ,higher. Reducing 10,950,... line;s <9 dialogue with speaking parts,. to esta,'blish I . W,,`.,­,_tthj8_MaXWre ,oveT the -Plum,in the Drain awa7 the juice and powder one 9 . ives a measure of the rapidity with Each production a studio makes and ,prose of a novel to 3,878 lines Clare's Mula,rity and create sympa- September Z4th, is iegisirdliOn day lt".*L ' . which johr eyes recover from dag, for all freshmen. Lectures liten. , ', Imm I -e I ..'L I �� I : I ids just to cover them Let it side of the fruit with a generous sup- .. must bear its share of generaL studio of dialogue and continuity of a screen thy for her in preparation for th , I I , I'll ''; . ' � , "' stand in a cold place until firm. Turn ply of sugar; then dry it in, the sun, Zle. overheid expense. it is Customary ,Play is not altogether a problemi in coming dWoree trial. Im Galsworthy's . . n September 26& There is a 'All I pehaky- for laie. registration. . 1 . � -,t ' t -Your abi Ath the bacic isubtraetion. Much of it is a problem book this luncheon is scarcely men- , 9pen. -We now test, litY to judge to ch-arg* a picture vn � For information concerning � -4 t'i On on. glass plates and, serve garn- or a slow oMen with the door � ,,,, � . . . . . -,,,.- ,speed, not, in terms of infles,por hour, act &tar dating in addition. Words � and chaxacters tionext . �,,; :Lshled with ,sweetened and flavored When it is dry, sprinkle the other salary of the con0f courses, scholarships, tnauiculationt " " . trult but by e�rtimating at -what ,poi t two . I � , V*ipped cr"= igide with sugar. The. individual 1, U from *e close of his or hev previous must -be put in as well s% taken out. , Two detectives, silent in. the novel, ,11 - , . r-odrementst apply to .1 "­ tin boxes ,,vbkcle6 moving at different speeds Picture, T,his may ,mIount to a con. 'rhis was proved by R. C. Sherriff, ,have ,fifteen exchanges of dialogue I L . " I .�, � .� If desired, the tplum mmild may is now wrappe will passeach otbeT, In, front of you siderable, .gum in itself. ,author of "Journey'a End," wj�o in the photoplay script. Galsworthy a Ifskkt, ,I , ".i.." - 6e turned out on, slices of sponge with layers of, paper between. . . . . Ty , .. ­. L , "". twel"m4bot track with two metal 1Jt is n,�,t,uncomtmon for a single, A -rote the cinema adurpition. of the late has the summons for her divorce 11, I �'.,,�..",­�ZA% vith whipped cream piped, a- ', -If dezi-red, the fruit may be kept 1-9 a UMV S1 I ," . Wotod or the -mould's may be, 5,r� ,in the Isyrup, in �ealedl jaks, and, blacks representing cars, travelling set in a feature picture to cost $15 - Jobn Galsworthes last novel, "One trial handed to Caare. Sherriff has �. p '. . . �. I ,��­' , . .) I � I . -1 . . ;��L.'.,­_�.&ftndod by custard. and topped with the, 6anVing process. ca;rried[ I ou,t in the saine,diTection, ,but one at a 0()O. The fan -As built f6r "As j�, -More Rivet." the process. server - give a sunmons � '' .. . � 1, I';". ,. . .,,.,," L. " .1 - to Ton' ' - I ; , _ .% roSette of Whipped cream ,When the fruit is to be used, gMatej speed then the other. Ev- garW Turns" cost about 'that each - ilft maidiftg big motim �ictuTe vef- .V Croom, the correspon,dent. 11 'Y- , .1". . lentually the slower one is, ,overtaken, and ,there were three of them used' osion, Mr. ifterriff substracted fifty Although both parties a" served, ne � ,. .1111, , I .. � I . ­ . 41%1.1�'... WE.. , , E'. . N ' � � �'. R I . Mi il�, ­. ­ and you can note the exact spot at The 4,1ti,ert filling ,station. ., t near -per &ut. of the original story. He i3ovel hhs no scene in which the nu-,Tn: I I I , � , . . . . , ,which this occurs. In the test a flap Vic bull � two important characters bere of the jury. dehberaAe. dt -the . J �, , . I . � � . . . , . �I.I., - .. I . . . . . I . I L . . I _torville by the sa=6 company for eliTdnA­ - - . , ��, '.. ., . � . I I is raised and the block,s,; after trav- t'Heal,Ughtning" represented a larg- entirely. In compensation. it-twaz nee- triaL Sherriff .wrote such a 'tcene I I ,. ... � ... . . . ION ,00_�­' . I �1�4�i . L .. ... I " ... Isappear from er sum, but almost the'entire, picture ,Ietsary for him to,add 417 lines of his for the picture, with twenty-one li , i"YO I ., I elling smVe, distance, da nes , . , - .- - . I . W. I 'sight. You are expected to ,estimate rwa!�. filmed. ig the one setting. own dialogue. .Ht6 distAbuted these of originol dialogue, At the Suggev,. -' ' LONbo .. .. - 11 I �, $,:�; 1'� L "� . . U I 1. ,`I,.,;�,��z, ,.l L ­ . I . I . . and write down' at what point umtong t*entyl-oile characters, few of tion,of Jaium M%al% the director. . I , � , . '�:L�j:".*".' ... . 1. . 4 the Costumes.becoul1e'gti important it- - iimpmmmi� -_ . - _� �3 � �.. �k,v , . � � . .' faster block Catches UP With (thetem in both pericla pictures and in whom had� sP�Idng Pafft in the 'book. . - I .1. 1 ,:I �.. 1, .,._.,��--, . �'. , �.. . %, . 4 ,L ­ "t WOUU)Nrr WSK FAILUIRRES I , �,1,1­1. �;,�,,;,,�;`� ."....K, , i ' . - , . 10�?".­ . I . , clitheits. � You are ialliowe& numerous films in Whith the feinW, no -players A changel - of I ..­ I . I . . "L . ," , i�01� � �. I I . I heroine was even I ­ I . ­ � . . .. � 11 ii, '_­' �111 , ��,�'P_ . I . -he reilative, speeds and distanc- wear many ,gowns. Iven a studio &=&-,.necessary " . .1 .. '.. ­ .. 11 . , . � -1111 "i, WIT#1 INOERIOR BAKING POVVDWt� .966ts, t *ben" the receiyed I 0 ­' �., j- I—, ��. F.: I t1-0'1 ,I.ii... . I — 11.*,-�­,rl ,". ". . . . . I . I . I.. .. I es being charged, � ealploy.mg its ovin desioeir "d &esa- his a"ig nt,, W. She -1 "ha,d a . . . L I . ­.. ­ . i- ''. 11 I - �;, , .,�;, �� ' . nm[# nff ... , .,k ,,,- 11 "'!-2,19. . . 1. I . I . X, "O. . �, .1 � ..'�j . ' I ' , - � 1� , r.,!,z�!,� 11, ......X, I.; " � LESS OF IWAGIC ­ -an - elaborate I �,� 4�', -WI�,"'X., L, "" ; THAN If WONTH 112attom, of *9 4191vulty of I US., , , , i( � I The next is d test 'for Spatial Re- Maker cannot, lhshi6n lull MOA to�iL�fo,', ..." �' ' 110 Wa Lr . li T . ' --E"', ,,,�%O*i�,, �. '14A.Ita -# t I , , ' . latiormhips, designed to find, out Whe­ ..*Oam f6i A- noted star !fot less than -his task. .and a . TR- Y Tri TES .. ol. ,,,, ­ ­ . AKC. AN � 9 al eady 9 I , - , . with fihe UQ"f U,0L JoeW that it I I ,':;;;;;;;; . . .1c - YOU. . . . �­ . P !ffft�r I L �- e0st is hig-her. . T_ � 11 .M"� ,,,, , ." L' I . . hattr a, proper , sense ,_ a, 5D; an4 the O*Tag, ­ . I � IF -6 ".", .- I �� : . .. . __ "I . . . � . ' . � . ., 1, A . 16VVAT5 1 - , . � , r. , 'irt -ective. A piemoo, who , an. that Vbi NWAOwne DdBArry"L contained tw,6 -to.'- ­&� of. these -e a cbeck niark opposite -any of thm you wbuld liketom: . � I f Of V L ,�,,i .1 ON" A "rAULTSP. ... ;` ,,, I - And ipe p; .X . le at . Plac . L . I . ;]� � . . . .1.` 'his sense ig.AiO14 to -it *as p1m. ined ' d - %te.. was &11 ,61 dhinsrjW'a ion, TMs ' " ., . I , III' -..-, ,,, ,, , .. . . . is, litAking 1 -Ir t to Hbisi Show sealemodelaan � ., � I .1 ,. 1. �, , 7 -1 , � � I I Well, . 2PPPrV2U1I, I ... - � , , , . .! 11 . '11, '' -Lia,dy� '01ATe C I N, I i1F. I I i . . ww the stbry of -orven �. NVAk,stfonns Maeltintry LVillo . , .gm , I M; . �... .. 4Voin§ ih, jiidhing the b#- ly $25j060- for cdAdmeg. ' I , . _ I ,# ... Pvooysm- . . .,.I '. , _ 11 ho, runs av,ty '*oin &r'� busband.' , ; � aucanrAHMIn�111culle3 16 Mid" I _ "11 . tm L , mj��,ll ,' w ne" .,d=Sf.W- , , ... caTs, fstovy costs y. For . Workt)Nf �, 'i. C .his ear and, . , TO evity ' lei Blind'. , - �. (E9 caults-dw , ,. ". 'W 1%6�'hon 'Me o*., -r story wAo, th4 #qgic , -ioil$ fladfiticki ,N�, _ .. � 're Afth on. opamtw: 4%.., bftt,a,e1Ah&* - no V ,,W i, IN ,�ip,,,,;Zg,,A,� -, ­.­­ 4, . i 1IF"i �­Tr"-q��, "".,_ ;,".;;",i ;,", 1.,� -11�. � " _LIAN - " . I., -a V61 r y - , I Clot" ft*m Lond6n, EW=d Wffd VY z �WIL , i ,� " ` ftli'yon You _ , I'M . ' " i I ardia-flob (of Clor,614 610614, 131my , L , &%6 - - And ��&. L ­ 1�141jt,F-'*.T�", � (� �, 'T, _ ., 1!, I � I : I - 'h, Adv4rse"ll a it,4&0 fto'qYar " dideb. : 11 4 A"hdf Is' f Raridd: -� - � 11 ,6, ! ,I ��--�V,� ,,�,, I , ", 6osiptlpg of �, Cabinet tovftod vit . , .I. C7 Z" " , , 024 -1 .1 g- ­'e., , I 016 , 11 I Mt : "I 22M .. _ JRP,p - i"111 _0 A"i, ewou- rrf'W-WUUWW, L ., �; Y?", , ,." I ,& " ",-,j, � b1A&k.,sh1%�,r._.' li i&-rell, wMich 4161aysy h4i - ightff& g -e � - T " , � - ��WL IYU 0 � 6 . , '. . A"", orf L ----,_1"'- ­­ & , �_ , i, il -1 , � _ " �, "L " ": . . ­ ; Ifyou, I .L . " ift __ . kw�, 1� ­. "I,, .., 111,�, -two Tho kat shfut- ,as MAW 4 4.46604161 StAo play Ul I fix�e muked two 6fiftoti,youttrils t1l woum.r* . I . . %, . lmte�' " -, , r , , :L�, 1, t4r; &bos and, I -�U g -1 (1916ha'ON n to Vordord' the *&A "&OL � JW#8,'h_0. �. . I . . - ,� 4% qke� ,_ � I ­ 1. _6. MAC W_ 11 �� �� I �_,#.� �,i;­ 1i; . I I I `* �4f # 'te�, d,ft4!d.at, jfflj�'a I tUted .to OA� htft r ' '_' � . 1' � � � � I I I . L . I , .. , I."-#, "R."I V !1�j 1, V t� &i4t klimpso like 090 ".st I�ft Uftv Was, UT 19'Wdine. Isult, , L \. . . , ,, ,­",�' 'I, .. --.'..'._,,4 - 10 ; , 1, ; 1.�,"� , , *111 r& . Will ftt L be WASted. - . r , , , �, I _�", I ��NiL it __ . ,­, � i , J. ft, t"d r �, ' . �e r . � , 6�ki.l1wi$, � D.. J&d"O, 'L, , 1, , � � "P", . _T�� " , I 6i #Aody 66tod fik bw mitra. , :,* O', td ''. , � . , .- " , I &wtovfs e"i Piftid#g. .. . �15� � ,,�:.? mmm"100,041 ", :. aitle'. A! I" -06i fhO OftOU11 # e 6XIMM of V46fs " 10*9. 1, : . , � 1% & . . I W., I ­ � ­ , - ;� �,,�'_ I 11''L.-'ifie. "'thii,ty ,4 'Ithdid .00 Vietotial' j" . ' ' 116'" id V& � , . . . . I... . ­­ � �. ` 0 , h� GU mps 9k ­ , 1. 'Autb6r Uk"01M, �bh#,&Lc. .1-4mi eftlemfilgil aA4. al . 0i W h o, I I., � I . , i��' i��%, , -,. CAi - '1%, " ig h , - '' *r 4 . , � � . , ��I, 0 �.`, , do, "& . �, U, �� 't' �y ��'a' ?"'*ft6,L 0,4gn6d t TI,Wt . 1 L . .1 i� . .1 .. . . , xlr7lil _ ell � I 'Q,� ,,, . . OUL-77, " i 61 16hAft " '�' Z" � �, '' L ­'�:­ � , 4- ��­ - . We g�,JV . ft., -11 I . ­�' .- . - ,,, .;00() ,C_�4,, I.q��,U,.� L ­ Kw ,422:0;r - , I 2,,#�, ,�ll.,�,,,,�...ql��l,i�,,.�L,�,.7 ,� I � ". ,7 L :SEP T,' 110::�i-15;�, 193 - " I � 1,L'f:.,0 _ 1, 4p, fttwviiw� ;,% , . .0 "'tlobg ']ht'(W 40� to; � . ,. !, T - ' 4: 40 �,�.-:Jf,460 lb" 11, , , ' ob " dAdh -K. "ll -, , lhda clita­ , ; _. -i, " . """.2, . 1 1 � I _ . la�11" L" i. � ""L " ivb& a 412r .. Otdt* i* fivin $* it".. :9b :1 ­-.­ � L I' - � A& � L . ­ * .­, � �& ir �$Y.&� , '&ej 1J.'§ ro I . -`,hA,& ,-ft ,,, �,,,,,�� , ,, L 04* to $10WA6, to-, 66� 14 4��IdWt;,U'l 0 'L, , .�Jft' ... I . I I � ­ , ,; - t = "44 .1 "' �� , 1, ��, Owd tiei�, � 10�11nff : . . . 11 ot,'4'�,:IN4 I ,�'. . 6 4� ,:�: ". ,; ;� , I I 'W Vf4,Lj " ��,� L .; ".. I , . '' . :: e�., �` i � 6A'd r . . I I k � :, E Id, ,� &vot ift, it " , _­ "W%*! '116, hiA 16 , " . I .1 7 ib A -h0#0 . . . MUM _�: L . " k.9�;4*,Y�,1,�'illkf�,,��"L;".I.,�",I, ,"_FT�,­.. ­ : �.' ', I'. ,, ,',� B A K I N 6 t`,`,'��'-. . � V. I th; U, 10 , .W1 , I , 1� �11 . I K.- , .". "� '' �'A* 0,16 .61+4d 7 ? L . ', N 1-1 1. �Qll��i� " �, �, I., . : ,, ", 1�� , ", �.� " , " �40414f;' �",,' I "* � "." .. I . I., : ,�, _ - , ­., , 1. ,. ,... �,&,�Ij. .), � 'i, . �_, . � 11 .� "" * 0 A AM!, 1.1, I .f� � ,,, � 'ii; " " 111F': L .." . L, : t I � , .,i , . 'O , 4 "' �" I'll", " , I .� , i, , ,:,� �.. �� ,-,A 0 1 ,�' , k� ., _ , I � . 1, � _� " ��­"%L­"'; I . . � , .1 L i, �Ve 4, , . , , , , �Sl! , " 'a ., , , M I , I .. I � - I I , , 00YU .00', i P I 11 SO 1 .. ., Z , i - I , 11 I 11 11t . r !.r , . i,� � ,7�:W_.�. Y;` � : �.. =�"sq , 1, I ;1 11 . Mal"Nk 1 �,,,:.6m. V � -1 I .1.. � . fff .11 I �� � L 'W,414�le,�."-V,.,I�,,�f.�"'.K.� -�;�,!- -1 �.,­.711­1 ­".." --i-----5, ., ,.� , .� �'r I 1�4. . '. ,; '. 1� . . ","'.1, `�;� " I.I., ,,,,_,I,F ,�i�,.IWW,,­ I 1. P`11111� '71-11 , -11. '4741ITM , "", , , , ,,, . , r " I . �'_ ." _:�.T.r, _;�'F� pl,'q� , �Jvjl. �Zt��N'?V,A: "­ ,,, llj��­­�:, ­', '.,i� '11,111,-!-, ,"; " "-,.�ffi­�� I �, 40,yi�. .11 . ',,L,�� .1. ., . , , , , . ... I 1--, �fl��.,.�",7,��,,�',,L',,�,,,�,��l, 1""'W., q -in I,, , ,:'. ,,,�% � , ., " , " , _ " ' ' ��' L' �, ". , L�� " ,., . , i. . - - .� . , . , ,�;: �',.. , "A'Q­�l 4, I,I;!�­ � � -I , .Ti,.��,.M'i I , , -!"­ �J �41%1 1��1�1` ���,��'!,t.',Ip��,�",,.'��,�:,.�,,�,:, .! , '1..-J�' r _:..%�� ;.i;&V�r4. , ","�-i"', - ,,, �_Al�,"r , " M . �, NK:1 .,I. ii 2�101' 1". "' "' , - , 11, , I I , � ,.,e , .­ " . 1� Y, �.� 41 . I X ..., I � .1, - - . I . '-L I "'', , . .0, J � '' " � "' ",I, �'� -j' ;I , � , - .1 - . - " , " " '� I . , , U".,:Z2,1i,k%,, 'i `�`,, , � " , ,., .'., 1�­,�� :, ,,,,, 'C'R M � ,,, , 4� ". .. , . X.�l�� ."-.-!"��'..K.�L,�,��,�,.�'Nst�,,��";4A�...,..4,1,�;��,L� ,� �;, . , i EiAIZI,k�,,, ? ,�-I,, -`,l � 4- ,,e�, .ii, -1W`-- ,: "., ,� :�, �Z',�� ! ; , #. 11 "'� . i . ;A- .I. ,,,� ,:: U44", . . ._ 1�11:1��.,A � � " ,,�,� - _1 ; _,"t"', ­ . T_ , a�Q � L� �, _,""!4 1"", !�',­,;, "': I I" .I ,;,. i". ,,� ",. ,�! � , 4 �'.0,,-,�'W' U, !Mgur . � ... 7 � ­.� % �. . ;.�.�'. 4, " . "' 11 ­­ I—% � i '.. ,.i�'­.,4,"v"1 .� ­ , .I. , I .. . , . .! . .� 11 ill , .... ". , - v , J; � .: � � �'..",' � e, ... ".... ,I . .11, _1 . 41 ,:,`1 p .. . .. ...'l,�_,"'.'. � I. � .. � - , � . ,�, . , .1 . L ,.,k, " . 11 , 1. lt.�! .. - I" , L ­ . . .. . ,� .. 1 11 , � q. 1. 7� P ., _ .� - , , &I 4=*1 I �. 1, � 11 I . . I 1; , . . � . . .14 . � ,�4-.. � ; .... :11.1 ..: ,; .%., . !.�"!;. I"": , ., ,4P,: lxou�", � .- . WX,4060 , 1-0 ­ ­ . r. . SWOMW . , =42ita . .I � I . I riLl ' M4 a�ad` " . , ` ilikloor.4" #"-&, ". . I I I .1 .� � , .. A - . � . . I � i- Craft rommil, 4dise"es 1y ':'the 43harges calls 'Pric I Main I$t SUL IF . . Ush I Itel I Henmill. - . I DR. I 4Gradu ul&ersi ber -of lsurgvelft 11nich st . SUCM .. Ey GFradu TvIroute. TAte anei and Eye anc� �fflrltsls, I 310tel, �, Mc " watf ­_k�­r, ,Grach Univers I don. N inns 23N "in Aber Seaford . office I ,east oJ Sorth. - C,oimt_V Grach Faculty fte of Ontario Royal ( Engla- Aomo E m3inion 'Night ( vict0ail . - Gradua r4c . Mew . and Su - New Y LyLvg-i gee on 27. i9rad Tersity 001legt 40 out NOW v m5pit ". 0 Grs� ft, a iCollelp 0260 senfor � I I sw*' , tot& . Aftoo, _ . I I . I ... I . . . . ­.� . 1 loft,4 . 1 35tt" Amo:( . . I . �, ­ ,. . I .11 . ,�,, I � ;� . , .. .r 1'. 1�1 . I 4.i-_� � . . . I - � � 1. . I �.;­_, "': , . , .:,�, . � . 11%�. ­"._ 'I ,�,.. , r I � ", I . .. I R"M �. , . �� I I I ..... I "I �� 111.�". Ila... . __ .� _1 ., . , 11 , 11 , , I.. - �, - � , . , I *. �� "�Akl