HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-07-27, Page 8r". .1•.•..411; "" ' .
1 I V
4-t the regular
't • a n (*Mon
4 ,i hISPRAY-Kills, flies meths-
.' e •
"air,' 44.19. aitetes.
""S JELLY POWEa.S lfate
ikir -3 for 25c, at 4 for.. II mu
tuoplE at
far ........... 25c
y, 2oc
OLD (MEESE-411gal Tripp
n',Ver Penni
SIIIAMEGN-lecuound tin 10C
11r44.7..a fIRAND MILK
per- tin
tins for
tireitINIUT BIT hR at
2 pounds fox-
' Stags, Butter, - Dried Apples and
Feathers taken as cash.
A. C. Routledge
feerefernalliga .
Tooth Brush, equal to any 50c
Two Tubes Colgate's Tooth
Paste, $L60 value
for 49c
Keating's Pharmacy
The Rexali Store
afilstkh '51rovtive, IJohtt McQuaid
.of .Suleinealleerry, Sask., Gilbert Mc-
Quaid of Arsthfield, and The. Uz,ell of
Birtile, Man. The funeral was held.
en Friday afternoon, July 201th, from
'theaDangennon United • Church of
fwhich she wee a 'member with a ser-
vice cond,ueted by 'her pastor, Rev. D.
A. McMillan. A feature of the ser-
vioe of song was a solo, "Gently Lord,
Lead Us," eery feelingly sung by Miss
Mildred Trelearyeri Luoknow. The
aetmeinis werelaid to 'rest in Dungan-
non cemetery. The 'pallbearers were
her three eons, a nephew', William
Reid, a son-in-law, Robert J. Eagle,
and a grandson, Harold Finnigan.
Web Sympathy is felt for the be-
reaved family.
This is the Season of
Are you protected?
The cost is small.
The automobile season is
pith us. We issue special
policies for short periods ;
also reduced rates to farm-
Call or Phone us.
Phone 214 : - Seaforth
Specialists in All Lines of
With In011ei AS scarce 85 s, We are
Wring' to give y011 8' chance to
For Sale. -A good manure spreader, even
at The Expositor Office. 3475-2
Washings Wanted..=•Price reasonable. Ap-
ply at The Huron Expositor Office.
Wanted. -Foot sufferers who cannot get re-
sults &ram pads to use Cress Corn or Bunion
Salve. At Keating's Ph;armacy, Seaf.,s, •
Brooch Found.--Feund in First Presbyter-
ian Church, Seaforth, a gold brooch with
monogram letter. Owner may obtain same
at The Expositor Office. 8476,1
For the next two weeks -starting
Saturday -we are offering a "Balto
Balloon" Tire and Tube for the same
price as any other nationally adver-
tised tire (including tax) of the same
quality. These tires are guaranteed
for 12 months too.
Our Tire & Tithe
12 mos. gearantee
4.O -2i. $6.22
4.75-20. ... $6.24
5.00-20-, . $7.77
• NetIce.-81r. Thomas 4it•loron has taken
over the business at theirWaVverton Flour
Mills and will clantinue on the same terms
as formerly used. Phone us at 13, Seaforth,
Ifor a trial order. 8476x1
House and Lot For Sale. -Ten -roomed frame
house with all modern conveniences, on East
Willsama Street, 'property of the late ,Mrss. W.
L. Keys. For further particulars apply to
J. T. AICAsh, Varna. Phone 622-28, Cli-
ton, •3475-2
For Rent. -The residence of the late Mar-
tha Gibson, on East William Street. Pos-
session August 1st. Apply to Kra . M. White.
House 'For Sale or Rent. -The residence of
the late Mrs. D. M. Those; immediate p0:384213 -
aim. A. D. Sutherland. Seaforth.
For Sale. - A comfortable 'eight-roonsed
house, situated in a convenient part of the
town..If not sold will be rented to. a suit-
able tenant. Appls• at The Exstoeitor Office.
For Sale or' Rent. -Modern dwelling house
an south side of Goderich Street, Seaforth,
one block from Main Street, churches and
schools. New 3 -.piece bathroom. new furnace,
electric lights , and town water installed.
House has been freshlY Painted and decorat-
ed throughout. Immediate possession can be
given, Apply to R. S. Haw, Seaforth.
•844 -
Announcement. - Mr. . and ;Mae.
Montgomery Patrick, • Sestforth, an -
mince the engagement of their
daughter, Rena Ross, to 'Mfr. Charles
Percival Wtestaway, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Westaway, Hamilton. The
marriage will take place in August.
Early Nome Grown Tomatoes. ---Mr.
W. N. Knechtel is the first this sea-
S. T. Holmes & Son 0
Main Street, Seaforth
S. T. Holmes' residenoe,
•Coe:rich Street, West; phone
No. 119W. Charles Holmes'
residence, Goderich Street,
East; phone No. 308.
Ambulance Service 0
Night calls, Phone 308. 0
Day calls, Phone 1•19 J. 0
-• ,Charges moderate.
<> <> <> <> <> 4 <>
son to report a ripe thtome grown
tomato, which he picked in his gar-
den on July 20th. Since that time
Mr. Knechtel has been using his own
tomatoes on the ,tahle.
-Mr. James Dekereux, of.Seaforth,
an enthusiastic amateur gardener, is
also an early grower. We do not
know when Mr. Devereux garnered
his first ripe tomato, but he had a
whole basket of ripe beauties uptown
on Tuesday, the 24th.
McKillop W. M. S. Meet. --The Mc-
Killop branch of the W. M. S. of
First Preshyterian Church held its
July meeting at the Three of IVI-es.
William Drover on Thureday. The
often -soon was spent in sewing after
which the, president, Mrs. J. L. Bell,
presided ,over the d,evotioinal period
and conducted: the opening exercises.
/Vies. J. M. Gave:dock sang a beauti-
ful solo, "Sweet Peace," accompanied
by Mrs. Helen rM,cMillare 'Vas. M. A.
Reid was present and gave an in-
epiring topic, "Blessed are the Peace-
rearktars," which proved interesting
and thelpful. .A poem in keeping with
the Ureic was nicely' recited by Mrs.
R. N. Dorranoe. A hymn was sung
and the meeting closed by all re-
peating the Lord's :Prayer in unison.
0000000 0.000
0 H. C. BOX
0 • Licensed Embalmer
0 Ambulance Service
A Night Calls Day Calls
4 Phone 175 Phone 43
o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o
o WALKER'S • 0
0 W. I. WALKER and 0
A Licensed Embalmers and 0
0 Funeral Direetors. 0
A Day or Night Calls promptly 0
0 attended. 0
A PHONE 67 0
4 • 0
A <> 0 0 'Y 0 0 4. 0 0 4 0
WE ARE Li gir ere%
Brucefield, 'we're in IlVtilton on ,Slatur-
,day attending ,the 'Oarmadbeil-IVIaD
tpiid tendon.
• Me., Clare Way and hira fratlier,
•Va.. A. W. Way, tof Seaforth, (Were
aniong "Phe loeal Harrold:bee who at-
tended the reception given, ;Premier M.
F. liepbrinn and his, Cabinet Minter
tees in Si. Thomas en Thursday; hot.
• 1VIes. 13, K. •Pryce of Aylmer and
Mrs. Gordon Wert fu -4. daughter of
Wrintsoe were recent guests, at the
hoimIe of.. F. D. Hearchiston.
• Mlessrs. Joe Delwin W -Bell and
Alonzo Matthews 'of Dundalk spent
Sunday at their'herniae here.
• Miss Julian Kenner of London
'visiting her sistee, Mae, O. Eckert.
t• Reeve Z. M. Eohont has again
engaged Mr. Jams Morris for the
season's threshing. They are busy
at present orverhaulintg M. Eckert's
threshing enuiranient and replacing
defective parts. •
• Mr. and Mrs. F. Hugh and son
of Vancourverr; Rev. and Mrs. J. Me-
Dorald and family of Owen Sound,
and afle. Inglis of ;Fargo, N. a, were
the guests of 'Rey. I. B. Keine and
Mrs. Keine last week.
• Miss Jennie Hogg and Mr Frank
Hogg, have retuanect from a three
weeks' motor trip through Quebec
the lVfaritrimes and the New England!
States. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reid and.
daughters,, Alees• and Evangetline, of
Verlo, ,Sask., and Mr. and 'Mes. Mel-
vin (Reid of 'Hamilton, were the week
end guests of 'Mr. and thlks, Merton
• ;Mr. A. W. ,Sillery spent theweek
end with\ Kitchener friends.
. • 'Men Page and Mrs. Watson have
returned to their homes• in Calgary
after spending some weeks with rel-
ati,vea and friends in •Searforth and
• 1Vliss Janet Ilodgert of Exeter
spent a few days with ;Seaforth
0- Mrs, James O'Connell and Mr.
Louis O'Connell of Windsor are
guests at the hone of 'Mee. FeDev-
• Mr. and Mese Frank Freeman, of
Dtetreit, spent the week end with his
father, Mr. William Freeman.
• Mess ArchielScatt of Ottawa is
the guest ;of Mr. and MTS. J. M. Gov-
• Mr. and lqrs. ,C•'asey Way and
Mrs. •Alva Way, aecemparried by Mr.
'M G J k dei -
Other Tires
9 mos. guarantee
Price Tax
$5.25 + .30
$5.90 -I- .32
$6.96 .34
$6.65 + .34
$7.40 + -37
$8.15 -I- .37
Mickey's SHELL Service
House To Rent. -On John Street, all mod-
ern conveniences ; garage. Rent reasonable.
Apply at Daly's Garage, $earfortch.
New Prices for Kodak Finishing. Any
sem six or eight exposures, developed and
Printed with border or snide edge, 25 cents ;
extra prints, 3 cents. High class work. Mail
us your films. Burgess Studios, 1Vlitchell and
Clinton. •5474-41
Florence Laidlaw are wending three
weeks in 'llemagami.
• Mrs. F. R. Beattie and Mr. Ken
Beattie have returned fon Boston.
• !Mrs. R. C. Andersen and little
Miss Betty, who have been the
guests of Mrs. tRofbert Bell, have re -
'turned to Hamilton.
• Mr. E, Creststwell, of Denver,
spent the week end with his sisters,
the Misses 'Cresswell, en route to
• 'less Elizalbeth Jones, who- has
•been the week of Mayor A. D. Suth-
erland and Mrs. ,Sutherland, has re-
turned to Toronto.
• 'Miss Elinore Burrows has re-
turned from Kincardine.
• Mr. W. L. Watson of Toronto is
spending his holidays with his father,
Mr. James Watson.
• Mrs. Nation, Mrs. E. C. llVfe,
Clelland and two children of Toronto
are 'guests at the home ,of Col. R. S.
Hays and Mrs. Hays.
• Mr. and lake. Alex Braadfoot
and Mrs. Shoecroft, who have • been
the guests 'of'Miss Davidson, have re -
tufted to their home in ;Moose Jaw.
• Mips Nora Stewart has 'returned
from a holiday in Toronto and Was -
ago .Beach.
• Miss Marjorie Coupts of Neep-
awa, Mantiteba, and Miss Florence
Coupts of MacDonald Hall, Guelph„
were visitors 'at the honie of Mr. Jno.
Murray, Egmontdaille, and attended
the 1VDurrraenGibson picnic at Bayfield.
• Mrs.'F. Fraser is at present vis-
iting friends in Fordwich.
• Mies Pearl McMinn and Miss
lelolly Harvey of Toronto are visit-
intg this week at the home of Mr.
and 'Mrs. Alex Lowery.
• hires. John W. McWilliam and
son, Ja-mes, arid two daughters, Miss
Edwin J. McMullen and Mrs. George
0. Dudley and Mr. Dudley motored
here from Toledo, Ohio, and spent a
few days last week with Miss Kehoe.
• Miss .Elizabeth G. Ryan, Mies
Kathleen -Ryan and 'Mies Ellen Ryan
of Chicago, motored here and are
'spending their holidays with their
'sister, Mrs. Bidareigek. ' •
• Miree Helen Finkbeiner is spend-
ing her holidays in Preston and Kit-
'to MTS. James Aitc'hteson an Miss
Mildred, Roxboro, and Mr. T. S. Baird,
Wins 2.24 Pace At Toronto. - Mr.
Leonard L. Guy's well known pacer,
Cap Grattan, won the,.2.24 pace on
Satueday last in Toronto, at the
Grand Circuit meeting being held in
that city. The time of the heats
wee*, 2.06, 2.07, 2.061/2 which was
step -ping right along.' He',was driven
by Gid Litt.
Egertondville W. M. S. Meet. -The
W. M. S. of Egmondville Church was
held at the home of Mrs. Wm, Char-
ters with a large number present.
Mr,s. James Allen presided. The rneet-
ing opened by •singing a. hymn "0
Canada." The Scripture lessor:, Psalm
was read in unis'on and also the
Lord's Prayer. The devotional leaf -
flet was read 'by 1VIr.s. Jas. Broadfoot.
During the business session, Mrs.
IVIalcolm presided and the minutes
and roll call were read by the secre-
tary, Mira D. McLean, Mrs. Mc-
Millan gave the treasurer's report.
"6 Jesus, I Have Promised'," was
sung. .A. 'reading entitled, "The Vis-
ion a an Intercession" was given by
Miss Louise Allen, 'after - which Mise
Grace Cassentieri contributed a pleas-
ing solo. The topic frein the study
book was taken by Mrs. Jas,
The hymn, "Jesus Calls Us O'er the
Tumult" was sung, anst Mrs. Kirk
closed the meeting with prayer. A
delicious lunch was then served and
a social time spent.
for CASH I I I
at highest
market' prices
Give us a trial now.
•Prompt, Courteous Service.
Best Prices For Cream.
The Seaforth Creamery,
r C. A. Barber, Prop.
- Our; Policies Will Protect You.
Our Rates Will Appeal To You,
altomPls service and settlement of all
" &tines.
• Vote* •anaadhere in Canada .ar the
• Oland ba ea and aldvsdl.n.fnITY pro -
ba -no cannot afford to 'take•1
iSeVerid hargaitis itt, Town and Farm
s • • PrOPertY•
•Phdire cii NS/ate
1i=„.114,10.11ANCE AGENCY
$andtg' �4a1 Estate, Etc.
Indy Bowlers Enjoy Games. - A
local tournament for the lady mem-
bers of the Seaforth Lawn. Bowling
Club was held ori Tuesday evening
when three eight -end ,g2untes were
'played, with twenty-four ladies. .on
the greens. 'Phe prize winn,ers, were
Mrs. A. Rieman, 3 wins plus 14; Mrs.
H. Stewart and Miss M. P. Patter-
son, 2 wins plus 12, and Miss Loretto
Faulkner, with 2 wins plus 11.
Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday.
-Northside and Egmondville Unite,d
Church -The two congregatioris
oo-operatin ,September 9 h.
Rev. Charles Malco •
service at Northside at 11 am. and
at Egmondv•ille at 7 'peri. The• morn-
ing theme will be "The First Por-
trait of Christ in the Early Church."
The evening story will be "Jephthah's
.Daughter." July 22nd and 29th, 11
a.m. Northeride; '7 put., Egmendvilles
A-ugust lath and 12th, 11 a.m,., Eg-
mandrville; 7 p.m., Northsidle; August
19th 'and 26th, 11 a.m., Northside; '7
Egiriatdville; September 2nd
and '9th,,11 am., Egmtoniville; 7 p.m.,
Northsi d,e.
ISt. Thomas' Anglican 'Church -
Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Sun-
day School and Bible Class; 10 am.;
moaning service, 11 a.m.; sermon by
the Rector; topic, "The Threefold
'Cord oa Wisdom, Strength and Ten-
derneste; evening service, 7 p.m.;
sermon topti•c, "The Right Use of
Holidays." - Canon T. Appleyard,
First Presbyterian Church - Rev.
Mills from Blyth will ',es -each at both
Dies in Dungannon. -there passed
away in the ev'enitig of Tuesday, Jule
17th, on her birthday, at her home
in Dungannon, a lifeelong resident of
this; district in the p,ereon. of, 'Sarah
McQuaid, widow of the late Robert
J. Finnigan. Deceased thacPbeen a
patient .sufferer of heart trouble for
eight months. Of a quiet, lovable
idispesition, he will be rincrartned not
only 'by the 'family of which she was
the centre, but hry many friends'. She
Wan born seventy-eix years ago in
Ashfield WWII:ibis), where her husband
died twenty yeareago. For the lest
five years she had been a resident of
Dungannon. 'Surviving are a. family
of six, three sons and three da'agle
terse Wien: 3. and Franklin, both
of EIgnierichrille, and Rot on the
Ifioniettead Asitfield; 1Vrtsa W. E. Kit.
ported& (Mabel) OrIVItteklin, Sask.;
'Mrs. R. ad Made (Violet), cif Kipper%
and Ms 'PAW at both*. There are
nineteen torkradifblieli snA two great
#0400.02i, 1),Mhe.eg
• cluOitY.
Sale of 490
Lovely Summer Hats
6 to 12
33 1 3 per cent. off regular prices
1 ,
Summer Wash Dresses
Mold Twilight Tourney. -A. Mc-
Donald's, Hensall rink, captured first
!prize with 3 wins phis 23 at the
twilight tourney held by the Bowling
Club here on Monday evening. Sec-
ond and third prizes wept to t A. E.
Mahon, Stratford, 3 wins -plus 13,
and Norman R. Fiebig, Stratford; 3
-wins plus 12. Playing in Hensel' on
Wtednesslay, M. A. Reid and John
Beattie won fourth prize.
Death of Mrs. John Storey. -The
death occurred at the home of her
daughter in Brussels on Friday of
last week, of an old and well known
'resident of McKillop towns•hip and
one who for sone years had been a
respected resident of Seeder* in the
person of Mrs. John Storey. Mrs.
Storrey shad not been in robust health
for some time and had gone to B1-(16-
SOIS a fehr weeks ago to wend the
summer, thinking the change might
bring some ,improvement, but three
weeks ago she was taken seriously
ill and the end came rapidly. 'Mrs.
Stoney's maiden name was Elizabeth
lirraflego,ed Burns, being a daughter of
the late Francis Burns, ,of Grey town -
,ship,' Where the greater part of her
early lip was spent, until her Fer-
riage to Mr. John Storey, when she
moved to the farm in McKillop town-
ship, which was her home until six
years ago, when she came to Sea -
forth to make her bone with her
daughter, Mrs. Malcolm McLeod. She
was 72 years of age. For many years
Mrs. Storey was an honored member
of Bethel Church, McKillop, and since
coming to Seaforth had be,enr a Mem-
ben bf" First Presbyterian ,Ohraecth.
Hier husband predece,ase•d, her in 1914
but she is survived by three daugh-
ters and two sons, M'r. Levis ,Storey,
of Teeswater; Mr. Thomas 'Storey, of
McKillop; Mrs, Martin Thornton,
Brussels; Mrs. Florence Ruseel, Brus-
sels, at whose home she passed away,
and ;Mrs. Malcolm McLeod,- Seaforth.
She is also survived by two brothers
and one sister, Mr. Frank 'Burns, of
Cranlbrook, Mr. William Burns, Ethel,
and /Wes: Cascade, of New Ontario.
The funeral was held from jhe home
of Mrs. Russel in Brussels on Mon-
day, July 23rd, and was very large-
ly attended, many fri'en'ds from a
distance being present to pay a last
trifle:he of respect to one who all MT
life had been held in great. esteem.
The service was emiducted by Rev.
Williarn Moore, of Brussels Pres-
byterian Church, and during the ser-
vice M'r. Lorne Belot:ter sang, °'Face
to Face" and her favorite hymn,
"Jean, Saviour, Pilot 1VIre" was sung.
The floral offerings were very beau-
tiful. Interment was roidele in Brus-
sels cemetery, the pallbearers being
Messes. M. Thornton, M. McLeod,
George Dundee, William Morrison,
Thomas Leming. and David Board.
1 • I ,
tr Do Your Cattle
an ; rs. eorge san an
prhinte of Hensall, visited ,Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold; .Shera of Moore-
• Dr. R. N. Hill of Brooklyn, N.Y.,
ie spending a few •clays at the home
of his brother and sister, Mr. W. J.
Hill and Miss Hill.
• Mr. and Mxs. L. R. Thompson of
Lansing, Michigan, are visiting Mrs.
Thstmpson's parents, Mr. and, hies.
William ,Charters; Mill Road.
• Mr. and 'Mrs. W.. R. Pliant, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H Sproat and Mrs. Geo.
Dundas were in Brussels on Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. W. Webster, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Webster end Mr. Wm.
Morrison were in Brussels on Mon-
day attending the funeralof the late
Mrs. John Storey.
• Mrs. G. T. Turnbull and Miss
Mabel were in Bruce Bead -sleet week.
• Rev. T. A. Caereichael, pastor of
Northside 'Grated Churca, and his
family are spending the holidays at
their cottage at Port Albert.
• Miss ;Dolly Carlin, 'Miss Helen
Hantiltont, Miss Betty Southgate, Miss
Helen Crich, 'Miss Bernice Hodgins,
Miss Evelyn Nett, '1Vfisses Alice and
Joan Devereux and Miss iVIargaret
Finnegan have taken a. cottage at
• Mr. and Mrs. Neil 'Gillespie have
returned from Muskoka.
• Mr. John R. Frost and Miss
Richards of Sarnia were week end
guests at the home of IMe. and Mrs.
a. Frost.
• 'Mrs. Margaret Christie, Mr. and
Mrs. W. 3. Hodgins and family, Mr.
and ;Mrs. J. H. Hiawasin,s, Ma-. and
Mrs. R. Thominkins, Mr. 'Garfield
Koreas, Miss Evelyn Kopas and •Mr.
James Woleambe of Moorefield, and
Mr. and Mrs. Houden of Guelph were
Sunday guests at the .home of Mr•
and Mrs. Beverley ',Christie.
• Miss Passmore of •Rockwood is
Very Pretty Deesees in a splendid price rangei, 98c ito $3.50
TRIM!' •
Dainty summer Underwear
If so, this indicates a mineral
deficiency in their feed or pasture.
To correct this condition, lase
C. I. L. Soluble Mineral
Sold by
We are now booking orders for ,
C. I. L. FreePlowing Fertilizers.
Cons -tilt use before buying else-
• Judge J. A. Jackson of 'Lethbridge
-it sending a few holidays, at the
hone efhis sieter, Mies helmet,• in
• Mint. Robert Belleke 4a liartniltart.
", Ole LaridleaS. and Mu*
in he
''LUS power to assure
adequate refrigeration on
hottest days -to give faster
freezing -that is just one of
the features of the Frigidaire
'34 which women are prais-
ing. There are over 30 other
such features which you must
have if you want a modern
refrigerator. Only Frigidaire
gives you all of them.
Made In Canada
Phone 4 On 146 • „Seafortli
1.-4.11aranytSiBc knit Panties, .lace and medallion trine
The Pair ;
2. -Silk Vests of Genuine &keit
35c t:
'Bloomers, peed= sizes and shades
4. -White Crepe Brassieres, in the new *le
5. --!White Crerpe !Slips, new fitted lines
The friends end relatives of Mr.
and Mrs. S. Houston, Baytfield, gath-
ered at their, home last week in hon-
our ' of their golden wedding anni-
versary. The living -room was -pret-
tily decorated with flowers. After
the good wishes o1. their marry friends
were extended to them, a dainty
lunch was served. Mrs. Milton Pol-
lock, a bride of two weeks, poured
tea assisted by Miss Ruth Houston,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hous-
ton and Miss Beatrice Houstoe, a
granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hous-
ton were the recipients of many beau-
tiful gifts.
Mr. _and 11VIes. Ernest' Vodden of
Alberta left last Wednesday after
visiting with the latter's Parents, Mr.
and 1VIrs. W. H. Talbot.
On Wednesday afternoon the, Dean-
ery A.Y.P.A. picnic was held in Jow-
ett's Greve and a very enjoyable time
was ;spent. The weather was ideal
and solmie of the boys and 'girls en-
joyed a swim. Races were run off
at the water front and in the grove.
The following • is a list of winners:
Boys' swim, Yeomah Alcherackle,
Randal (Cole,' Bob Cole; girls' swim„
Grace Jewett, Margaret Groves; 100
yard dash for men, Randal Cole,
Yeoman Aldwinckle, P. 'Parker; 75
yard dash for girls, Marry Webster,
Jean Kn,eeshawe Margaret Marks;
pie plate race,
Bob Archibald and
Dorothy Park, Grace Jowett and Al-
vin Elliott; dressmakers' race, Grace
Jowett and Alvin; Elliott, Randal
Cole and Mary Webster, Stewart
Middleton •and Muriel Rathwell;
blind pig race, Frank Archibald' and
Margaret Leyburn; Bob Archibald
and 'Margaret Ousimlore; hoot and
shoe race, M. Cudmlore and'. G. Smith,
Ross Middleton and Muriel Elliott.
Afterwards supper was served and
games were played until dark.
bers, was Much enjoyed. Mrs. E.
Lindsay gave a reading, "What\ the
Auedliary means to the church. A.
short play by Mrs, Dave McFarlane,
'Mrs. Robert McFarlane and Miss
Elizabeth McFarlane, was given. Mrse
Earl Hobkirk and Mrs. Sam Pethick
sang a duet. Mrs. Gardiner gave aTE
address on "Christian Stewardship."
Edith, and Bessie Hillen, played tar.
piano duet. The 'Constance ladies
sang a quartette, consisting of Miss-
es Ivy Simmons and Helen Brittore
and Mae. Clifford Britten and Mrs..
William Britton. Mrs. E. Adams gene -
a reading, "The World ,and the,
'Church." The meeting closed with
a hymn and the Lord's.Prayer in un-
ison. 'Lunch was served hy the, Wine.
three ladies.
'The regular meeting of the W. M..
S. and Ladies' Aid will be held at
the home of Mrs. Dave McFarlane
on Wednesday, August 3rd. The mite
boxes are to be brought in.
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Car
• M.T. and Mrs. Nornien Illabkirk
of Trenton, Michigan; are guests at
the home of his mother, Mrs.' Robert
Habki rk.
• Mee Von Schwartzfaeger, aged
70, Mr. Wieldon, aged 82, Mrs. Wel-
don, aged 92, Mr. Nelsen an,d 1VIrs.
Nelson and Mrs. George Savauge,
aged_ 84, motored from Windsor to
visit ,Mr. and 'Mee F. S. Savauge.
The oldest of the party, Mrrs. Wel-
don, was as brisk and active as a
young person after the long journey.
• Messrs. George Hays, Van Bell,
Ted Southgate, Garnet Free, Frank
Sills and Keith Sharp are spending
two weeks ramping at Bayfield.
Mrs. Mary T. Rathwell of South-
wold is visiting her sister, lilmr
Margaret Reid'.
1Ver. Lewis Taylor bad the misfor-
tune lately to have his hand bastly
crashed! and -is under the care of a
'Mrs. McAsih of London visited her.
son here over the week end. '
WhISbeardown of Goderioh is
spending a few days with his aunt,
Mrs. J. Mossop.
Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Wm. Blue and chil-
dren of Detroit are spending their
'holidays with Mr. and 11/re. Joe AA.
Mrs. Peed Omens, and Mr. Melvin
Omens of Detroit called on friends
around ,St. ;Helens lately.
'Mr. and Mrs. Pidkwood and two
children, of New York are 'visiting at
the home of the lady's brother, Mr.
John Cameron,.
"Ms'. and- Mrs. Wm. ,Dougherty and
'Gwendolyn have returned to their
home in Guelph after spending a
week with 'Mrs. R. J. Woods.
Mmiss Anna Stuart of Toronto is
holidaying with her mother, Mrs. A.
Messrs. Cecil, Harold amid Percy
lInde of 'Kincardine spent Sunduy at
the home of their earl,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. rlane and
son; Wolter, spent the- week end at
• the home of Mr. Gordon, MdPhersom.
Mr. Gee. ,Clarke of Itamiltixa called
0'n fries& here one day, last week.
• Mr. Alex 'McLellan; .01ticalgo,: spent
a, 'day here heeettlYe
A special meeting of the W. M. S.
was held on Thursday, July 19th,
when the Constance Auxiliary were
guests. Mrs. And. Patrick presided.
After a hemlie Mrs,. G. E. Morrow
led in prayee. Mrs. C. Hilhn took
the Scripture lesson. A quartette by
Mrs. Joe Little, Irene Bolton, Mrs,.
Pack Pryce and Mrs. 'George °ham -
Mr. and. Mes. 'Sat -duel Saunders
of Detroit with ,1V1r. and 'Wes Ray
1VloCulloch, Mr. land Mrs. Carl Weitz -
Man and little sere of Niagara Faits,
N.Y. ,ara the home of Mr. and MTH-
rt01118.1a McKellar; Mr. and Mrs: He
Norris and family attending the Nor-
a -is 'gathering held in 'Stratford; Miss
Currie 'visited at the 'home of Me
and MTS. E. Graham and, family; the
Misses Marion and Agnes Scott have
returned after several days at the
home of MT. and Mrs. Neil ;Gillespie,.
MT, 'and MTS. Joe Eckart frons
Oakville paid us a flying visit lash
Threshers are in readiness to be-
gin the season's threshing, which aril
be short. The wheat in a. short crop
but the spring crop promises te
make up for it.
It seems strange that law-abiding
citizens should be depraved of their
free will by having a law that is not
uniform in ,the 'province and drives:
business out of the county by having
the people drive to the larger cen-
tres to do -their shopping, while we
all know that borne trade is limes-
s,ary for the prosperity of home totem,
The Annual Meeting of' the South Huron Liberal Associatran, as
constituted for provincial purposes, will be held in the
The election of officers will take place and all Liberals in the
• Riding of Huron are cordially invited to attend.
. A 'meeting of Executive of the Association will take place hie-
niediately following the annual Meeting.
J. G. STANBURY, President. J. M. GOVENLOCK, Secretary.
"God Save the King"
can be restored to its NATURAL COLOUR without the use of a dye
or tint
le made from roots and harks and restores the ORIGINAL 'COLOUR
in the mAiruraa, way, at the same time giving the hair its natural,
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111'rice $1.00 per bottle.
To keep the hair and, scalp clean, use
Angelique Special Shampoo, Price 25c per bottle.
For' Sale by KEATING'S PHARMACY, Seaforth.
' •
0.1 crVer.,I4•60•;•••,,
• A
. •