HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-07-27, Page 54 cA 0 tt aC 4A r it'N E 74AStri l4OVW`R Fro, , in 41.4,p11:0$ FALL IN J Oy " ooN G�fii D'AY,'Turier IAY .'(IMP SPAY : OR1N BOLES and AR,�irA4:ET SII44AVAN, •in ' I "ONLY YESTERDAY" The pict NiMVIreetthaat raised Margaret Sullavan iron the ranksEL -Oto�starrd�ont: THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT'.URiDAY• 'NORMA- SHEARER and 'ROBERT -ION r oMERY, in "RIPTIDE" The Sensational Pieture of the Year. 'COMEIDY .. +CART.00N d { Matinees Sat, and holidays, 3 p,mil,. Two s'howa nc htly; -17.80 and Fail to Recognize (Continued from Page 1) _ mid, "and all I 'know is, as Will Rog - ,era says, `what I read in the papers.' `"But I could (talk for hours .about Out wonderful ,Californila ctlimlate—" 'be suggested, !hopefully perhaps, and ,.. i h the complete air of a native an Who prece'd'ed the • Forty -miner's wig Aridiy IBurnetti's mountain !mien party. .Windsor and its adjacent communi- ties were 'a. matter ter of astonishment to Mr. Kelly after 20 years' absence. "My surprise is so great that I can )hardly expmess it," he pointed out ,esily in the interview. "It has grown Amazingly and it has taken on the 'metropolitan appearance which this 41 ontinen'b associates with civic pro- gress. But that isn't all. Mr. Kelly 's'po'ke enthusiastically of Canada's future as a whole and ex - sed his firm belief that the pop, - illation of the Border Cities will dour the in a decade, That .the N.R.A. had, under the leadership of President Roosevelt, ae- eomplfshed a great deal in stimulat- ing !business recovery in the United) States, was Mr. Kelly's firm convic- tion. "Any student of affairs ImOst ad- mit," he staid, "that the N.R.A. and others of President Roosevelt's enter- prises have done mturh to restore lbusinevss in the United States with idllu red�wble speeol, Bnt the greater surprise I have had in recent years came with this visit to the Border mvhere I have found such unibeliev- .x ..for your Separator for a Limited Time YOUR'OPINION is wanted! in exchange for it we .offer Two Rubber Bowl Rings for your separator; any, size or make... free and postpaid. We will also tell you .about the -Cheapest Separator in the World to Buy and the." the only separator made in America with a guar. ,anteed Self -Balancing Bov4l ..'.. a separator with twelve valuable features not found on any other separatorin the Just send postcard to address below telling - •your address, name and age of your separator and name of this paper. Full details will be sent promptly. .nker lioltk PORT HURON, MICH. BOX 73$ able development." IMr. and Mrs. Kelly are now in Seaforth visiting his tnoiiber, Mrs., Rebeteea Kelly. i1&. Kelly, who is allow in the advertising 'business, is a former eni ployee .of The Huron Ex- positor. STANLEY 'Miss Annie M. Foote was the guest of (Mrs. Arthur McQueen this week. Mr. and 'Mrs, Joe .Wilson and Miss 'Sheppard of rGodierieh spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Thomas Baird. 'Mfrs. Thomas 'Baird, Sr., returned with then and will visit at ,Goderich and Sheppardton. Mr, 'Stewart -Baird: attended a Me- Dairmid reunion piens at Canljp- beil-viIle on Saturday of last week. Mrs. James Acheson and daughter, Mildred, of ,Seaforth, also attended: GODERICH TP. IMastter Elgin Snyder of Munro spent last week with his 'grandpar- ents, Mr. Levi. Snyder of Colborne, and Mr. Wan:. Lobb of Bayfield Road. ,Rev. and Mrs. R. J. 1VIcOoxilnaclk and daughter of Hlamilton, and Mr. Ben, 'McCormick of Listowel spent Tuesday. with Mr. and 'Mrs, Win. H. Loblb of Bayfield Road. Mir. and Mrs. 'Wm. Lobb spent Sun- day •at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Rdbt. Williamson of 'Munro. Mr. and Mrs. ,Gordon Livermore of London and Miss Rorie -Gene Croden bf Detroit spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 'Stephenson. Mr: and Mrs. Robert Dunbar and family. of Lami'beth and Mr. James Cavanaugh of London spent the past week as the guests of their cousins, Mlessrs. Arthur and Oliver Welsh. !Master Gordon Dunbar of Lambeth has returned to his hotmle after spend- ing a few weeks with his cousin, Mr. Arthur Welsh. ' Women in Japan cannot own property outright except in the case of inheritan'ce.. Theyy are usually mode proprietors in name only by someone who desires the arrange- ment for business reasons. a Drafts in the New For VGa Clear -vision ventilation with no exterior parts to obstruct view A new, better system of ventilation to prevent drafts, with many advantages over, o1d- fashioned types. No exterior parts to obstruct vision. No fogging of windshield and windows. No "roar" of air. No splash from rain. Effective at all speeds and temperatures --winter and summer. Here's another big point—You can open the windshield and cowl ventilator in the New Ford V-8 to get fresh air as needed. That means cooler driving than with ventila- tion systems that won't let you open the -windshield. The new Ford is the only car under $4,000 that gives V-8 performance. Know the thrill of driving, it today. Ask us also for details on our low down - payment and easy terms. DALYS GARAGE Seaford' .. - = Phone 102 alt kt ''elf O.O. lr tax y OOnuareic - :n. t1 Q teiwal. After b1e lli ` eallaxdil 400 e ch yli tom its eourSe,` 1th h lip /n1OKOO Ito 1hiS' effiee1 wast PIaslaad tCoitr►c 1, 'a]'so meter 'argn�iemlt, and) `'4'.it )unction, decided to 'lave iilo 0110fe v ]'bell rung eadh evening At .9 to We*. ''Phe =-gang of the bell VIII fall under the Jurisdiction 'ref" Otlia'ef cif Plaliee, 'I ?e1i er 'Snell and he per; formed the task for the firstt .time an Saturday .:eleenimoo,.:.Children...9f 15 yearsi Of age and under' must be off .the .streets wlhen, the bell rings.. Civic Holiday tOoun'cil• passed a 7lvation asking the inlayer to ,proelaim dl2ond'ay, August 6th, tit civic llolida for the town. EXETER CONTRACTOR BUFFERS BROKEN LEG John Hunkin, cement conbraobor of Exeter, 'was painfully inljureed• to -day near Imgersiolf when during the re- moval of scolding front a silo se thing 'gatvte way and a "gins" pole fell )upon hhn breaking his leg in two place's. Drs. M. C. G. Fletcher and W. E. Wleekes upon his arrival in his home village' where he was brought for trealtnilentt Made the dou- ble setting ---a portion sof bonle (be- ing loose °bestween the two fraotur'es. The setting is being checked by X- ray. Farm Notes Weekly Crop Report • Fall wheat is .ripening fast but rettorns will 'be definitely (below av- erage. Spring wheat is pro'gre'ssing satisfactorily. Coarse grains, the acreage of which has been consider- ably increlased to supplant the feed shortage, are filling .out well. Corn has improved with the_ warm weather and shows satisfactory growth and color. Pastures show improvement but still need more 'moisture. The yield of canning peas will be less than normal. Tomato plants " are corning along nicely and forming well. Root crops are pronnfising with the exception of sugar beets which are patchy' and a poor yield is' fore- shadowed.. Damage to orchards due to +w'inrter kill was more severe than anticipated and'' light crops of applies, peaches, pears and' plums are indi- cated. Tobaco'o plants are showing good growth but dile to the activity of the ' cutworm. a small percentage of the crop will be spotty and in Nor- folk County some scattered damage has resulted from winds. Expensive Marketing The carrying over of cattle .from one miarkiet Yob another is' an expen- sive ibusiness, detrimental to the in- terests of both producer and tradle. It is the opinion of the departmlent that livestock markets would show' a much more even trend if the ha'lit of loading up every Monday with the week's supply were discontinued. Better distribution of deliveries to the sto'ckyard's would seems to be the answer. In the Province of Ontario, motor truck deliveries have reached' a very heavy volume. At Toronto al- most 'half the supply of cattle, dur- ing the month of May, was received off trucks, and a large percentage arrived at the market without pre- nQtice. Water For the Poultry Extremely warm weather often causes heat prostration among fowl. Therefore an abundant supply of c -lean fresh water should be available to the growing and laying flock. Wa- ter, making up 66 per cent, of an egg, makers its use imrperative to good egg prodyction, and also helps great- ly in t1-11. assimilation of poultry feeds. Clean water is necessary not only from a sanitation standpoint, but also to help control Begg flavor. Century Year at C. N. E. Under a new arrangement the com- petition class of field crops, fruits end vegetables will 'be brought to- gether at the Canadt4an National Ex- ' thilbition, Toronto, August 24 to Sep- tember 8. About 60,000 square feet of floor space in the western annex of the .Agricultural coliseum will be used ler display. To encourage growers 'to co -'aper - ate in .the securing of a 'large and attractive exhibit to feature "Cen- tenary Year" celebrations, additional classes, with offerings .supplemented by $1,000, have been provided for fruit and vegetalbles, and the field and farm crops divisions have been revised and brought up to date, also dhanvpi'onship classes for sheaves, with 'special ,prize moneys. Prize money in the Ontario Vegetable Grow- ers' Association 'branch exhibits sec- tion has also been extended and bronze medals are added awards for vegetable collections. Fruits and vegetables for the first week showing are to ''be staged and ready for jwdg- ipg on Monday, August 27th, at 9 a.m., and for the second week show- ing the date of staging and judging is Idenday, September 3rd. Ontario Department of . Algrioullturel officials 'and !heads oat' depNarttnents are co-op- erating to the fullest extent to melte the new showing attractive and suc- cessful. Judges for fruit and vegetables are: Field crops and farm crops, Prof. W. J. ,Squirrel'1, OA.C., Guelph; Ontario Vegetable Growers' Association, Mr. 0. J. IRlobfb, Vinland,; garden Veget- able, W. Harris, Jr., Hinnherside, and !'Tho'm'as Del'wtorth, Westton; commer- cial rpackages of fruit, P. Fisher, Burlington; apples, except commer- cial packages, W. •Hamilton, 'Co1Lintg- wood; pears and piulrti'a, except com- mercial paekages, F. J.Sheppard, Sit. Catharines. A'T 4GRIfill'Ti.A,l4 PARK, I . Monday, August st 6 at 1.30 o'clock SUNSET STAKE Three-year-old Trot WHl'l<ELY STAKE l�t1 Three-year-old Pace • 1 BLUE WATER STAKE unn ..Free -For -A11 a YID GOLDEN GATE STAKE.. 000 2.17 Trot or Pace Y GODERICH STAKE .. .. ..$0o 2.24 Trot or Pace ll New Covered Grandstand GOOD TR'A'CK $500, Betting Privileges Allowed GENERAL ADMISSION r 50 cents (Tax Extra). J. B. WHITELY, M.D. - President E. R. WIGLE - - Treasurer W. F. CLARK, V.S. - . Secretary 8476-1 farmers to increase their poultry flocks, duce chiefly to the fact that their ptoultry haS been their chief source ofready revenue in the past two or )three years. However, due to poor hatching results this spring they report' a shortage of early pullets and in manly cases a lack of uniform- ity throughout, which leads them to believe that there Will be a general shgrtage of fall and early winter put= let eggs. " Trade is Reciprocal The trade in apples is .reciprocal, Canlada sending fresh erop apples to New Zealand in October, November and Dece'm'ber, and New Zealand send supplies from her new crop by direct steamer to Halifax for distri- bution and sale in May, June and July when domestic. grown comtpet- ng varieties are practically off - the market and new Canadian apples are not ready for ¢narking until Aug- ust or September. 4 Advides to the. department indicate that New Zealand desires to increade her. purchases of Canadian goods an- nually and the credits established by the sale of apples help Canadian ex- port trade, The value of such trade invariablyy in favor of Canada— for the fiscal year ending March, 1933, Canada sold to New Zealand goods to the value of $4,480,000, and New Zealand sold to Canada for the same peri•os goods to a value of $2,575,000. Ontario Cattle Raisers Organize for Exporting ICotnnty organization rnreetings of 'beef cattle raisers are; uow being held throughout the interested dis- tricts in Western Ontario. Muddle-. sex and Wellington led off a short time ago, while within the Hast fort- night Kent, Lam(b'ton, Huron an Bruce, each have held meetings. The remaining interested counties ate or- ganizing shortly. The meetings are l?eing held to form county- organiza- tions to be later co-ordinated into an, Ontario Cattle Export Association. Dairy cattle., raisers interested in ex- port will also be represented on the Association. The object of the As- sociation is to restore confidence and stability in the export market among beef and dairy cattle raisers of''bo.tlh pure breds and commercial grades. Facilities are providing means within the Association for direct export ,of cattle along lines folk Wed so su'c- cessfully by Ontario apple and honey produloersr are also being carefully considered. Good Outlook For the Poultry Business Mr. P. C. Elford, • Dolntini4lrt Poul- try Rluslilandman, and Mr. George Rdberbsonl, eihieff assistant, who have just eom>lpleted a dour OnIloing farmi-, 4ITS and poultrymen throulg'hbutt On. Uri*, report a tendency ammllfg the DEATHS Storey.—In Bru_sseis, on July 2lst, Elizabeth .Hapgood Burns, relict of the late John Storey ,aged 72 years. IN MEMORIAM CUDMORE.—In laving memory of our mother, Margaret Alla-Cud/Imre, who passed away. on July 26th, 1982. —Sons and Daughters. 8476x1 Jen loving memory of our dear parents, Marion Kerr McLean, who passed away July 28, 1928, and Robert Bell McLean. August 8, 1924. — rrtE FAMILY. 2476x1 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Notice is 'hereby given that I will not be responsible for any future debts contracted by my wife. NOBLE McCALLUM, Walton, Ont. 3476x2 PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY At the request of the citizens of the Town I hereby proclaim MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1934 Civic holiday for the Town of Seaforth, and request the citizens to observe the sauna A. IJ. SUTHERLAND. Miriam Seaforth, July 21, 1984. 8416-2 FARM FOR SALE WARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT n1; 'Corneeseion 8, in The Township of Tacker - smith, three mites from Seaforth, 6 miles riven Klippen and Brumfield; eonvenient to school and church. On this farm are excel- lent bufdinge in first class repair; hard end soft vd'eter in both house and stables. This farm is thoroughly nnderdrained and fenced and in .high state of cultivation. This is do every way a flat class and tsp-bo-date farm, nicely located on Itfnpen ROW. Possesafon• given October left Tema very reasonable for quick Bale as the owner dr not ruble to work. f'od' further ,particulars pnply to the Proprie- tor, THOMAS O'LOUGH'LIN, on, Lot 11, Cott. 6, 'Tuckerernitb, or Styft;fotth P. 0. 11. R, 4. 84764 18 5° If you know value, you will appreciate these New Suits. You will say they are the most wonderful clothesdn style, quality, tailoring and materials you have ever seen at this -price. They are very right, very practical, very different and very much the correct. clothes for now or the coming Fall. You may see Suits cheaper, but : not Suits like these. Don't mistake cheapness for value. Men's Sweepstake -• SHIRTS $1.00 Made of fine stripes or checks; full size shirts, with a tail on them. Col- lar attached. All sizes. A real shirt bargain. Ready For August, -the month of Bathing Suits Penman's or Klingtite Brands stand for the highest satis- faction in Bathing Suits for man, woman or child. Swimmers prefer .them for their fit, freedom and comfort. They are cor- rectly styled. You will enjoy their comfort and smart appear- ance. - WOMEN'S WOOL SUITS MEN'S WOOL SUITS BOYS' WOOL SUITS $1.50 to $3.25 $1.50 .to $2.50 $1.25 to $1.75 Stewart Bros., Seafort WAWANSEA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Canada's Largest Fire Mutual Eastern Branch, Toronto 2, Ontario. Windstorms have arrived. Get pro- tection from the strongest Company in ,Canada at the lowest rates avail- able. No premium note required. Automobile accident protection to farmers at the lowest cost in Ontario. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL AGENT J. H.SCOTT, Box 142, Seaforth Phone 836. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. ' SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the Dowers eon - 'baffled in a certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at HANLEY'S GARAGE; CLINTON on . FRIDAY, AUGUST 8rd, 1984 et 2 o'elocld p.m., the following valuable property: . 'Being Lot 10, on The north side of Bay- Re1d Road Concession of the Towrmhip of Stanley, (less one-quarter of an acre church site), containing 168 scree more or leaa. On the propet'ty le said to be a fine bank barn and dtenfortable dwelling. TERMS OF SALE. -'Pen per cent, of pur- chase stoney at time of sale and balance in three months' time, unless arranged. Farm Ito be sold subject to reserve bid. Poseerladon given. November End; 1984( fall Ploughing may be done in October. Far further par- tleulare amply to Amo undersigned solicitor. ELMER D. BELL, Brands, Solicitor for Mortkongee. 0.'.S Elliott, Auctioneer: p�/, 84154 RATEPAYERS' MEETING to A meeting of the Ratepayers of School Sec- tion No. 2, McKillop, will be held in the school house on Friday evening, July 27th, at 8 p.m. The subject for. discussie'tr" will be the drilling of a well on the school grounds. MiLLAR ADAMS, Secretary -Treasurer. 3476-1 .FOR SALE • port SALE, ROUSE AND TWO FARMS.— Eight -named -frame house, cement foun- dation : electric ,lights, etc.: a good barn and air lots, adapted for market gardening. op- podite Seatforth Collegiate. Alsb farm of 75 acres. the south .halt' of Let Number 10 in the 11fl Concession of the Township of Mc- Killop amid also a 5O -acre grass farm, the south half of Lot Number 19 in the second Concession of the Township of Ribbert. For further particulars apply to MRS. L. RICH - ARDS or MRS. C. MoGORMICK, .opposite the Peafortli, Collegiate Institute, or JOSH H. BEST, Solicitor for the Executrices. 8475-8 MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the Powers of Salle contained in at certain mortgage, Which will be produced at the time of sale, there wilt be offered far,, sale by GEORGE I:I.LIOTT, Anctioneer, at Public Auction on Tuesday„ August 7th, 1934, at the hour of two o'clock in the ,afternoon, at the fate n of Melvin Crich, It. 'R. Na 8, Seafortb, Ontario, the following property, namely r ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of hind and• premises, situate, tying and being in the Tawnahlp of Tuckersm,drth. in the County of Huron, and Province of On- tario, ',and being cermosed of ,Lot ntunber ,,Thirty-eight in the Second Ooiveession of the London Road Survey in the said Township of Tttoketxmlth, containing by admeasurement One Hundred (100) acres mime or las. On the said .farm there 4s said to be erect- ed a dwelling house with suitable fawn bnfld- WO- Dbe Lands will be sold attibjont to a reserve bid. (PERMS OF SALE.—Pen per cant, of the purchase money to be maid dawn at the time of Rale and the balance within thirty daye.. For fuvther particulars and condctlona of Mile, apply to , 8A1tRY W. ?AGE, Bea., East Bleck, Patlialn+ab Braidings, • ! orw•irw, Ontarnlb So, Betio(' to the Mortgagee. DA M at ttstitc this Sdvehteelrith; Ass a • M11 FARMS FOR SALE WARM FOB SALE FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Oone wfon 8. Mcintop.- eovi- tarlm"ng 192 ora and known a. the T. IL '' Hay.' terns- Must be .cid to eb,.s fire estate. ` If net Mid will be Tented. P'or partioolaals avail to r. 0L GOVENLOOL'H.neeut r. Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President - ANGUS SSNtOLAiIRI Vice -President - SIMON DOW DIRECTORS SAMUEL NORRIS J. T. AIIJIIFSON WM. IL COATES, FRANK McCONNELL A GENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Uslborne and Biddulph. A'LVIN L. HARRIS,. Munro, Age* for Fullerton and Logan. THOMAS SCOTT, Cromarty, age* for Hibbert. B. W. F. BEAVERS Secretary -Treasurer _ Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY - Solicitors, Exeter.i THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE--._CO'Y, READ OFFICE]-78EAFORT11, ONT. • OFFICERS: - Alex Broadfoot, (Seaforth - Pres. Jamyee O9onm lIIy, Goderic'fx - Viae -Prep. Merton A. Redd, Sea'fomth -,.Sees.— AGIEN'TIS: ' Mikity 6oKereher., R. lt. 1, Dt1 Y,� ,Toth'Murrina'; R. K. 8, iSeafontki G. Jarmo nth, BradhuigenJ'ae. W 130ryth; 10. E. 'I`Tetwibb, I in :attlrFne. Dilli1 O*11088r ° `pllhtlliahrtl lCniolf, eta; Genes Loa tihe1 t, Ero h ,. :w'h11Elt't, Y '_ Itdllly, Goderfeln � Th o 3, 1Se forth; Robert Pte, Jehfz Silver, E t:t4l > dice; C ld ► !Se go rth.r