HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-07-27, Page 2I I 11 1. � � - I—— 1-1- , � W ,� . I I ­ ­ ­ I -11. ­ ­ � ,._ _ ., ___ _ .1 ­­.. ­ 1, .... ... .... .... .... - 1 .... ­ "­ — " , .. � , ­ Z;,,-,,,, �;;,;�-, ,�;. , " I 1, I. .. .......... I'll I � 'Nil,", ��Ilp, i, ......... 1. -1A.111", , " - � �,� .; "', ­�_ � ,_ __ - . , T-."', � �� I Ili! I ,'Ili, I : , , 1� � �`­�,,&""`i�­,'f,i.,', i,.:��11�,,��', ��or, , ,�, , , " ,; r �:�­1�1. �; 11� ''. '. � .. I -11.1. 11 ­­ .":, ,'NV7'i ;:,­­,� I— , , , .11 , -11�',,,, " �� * ", 11"ITAP.i.11, � _ '' "'I".. 11 1.11 'i. " !4 � , ik, � 5. 1� ,,�7�,,, ,vx!�,� - � 7i I 11 ,� ." , ,�, le ,I l�:,��' ", ! , ",ii,- 1, �' �� J�,i "!7",�1:7:!, ','�,�, ,r".,7.7':',��,,; '-�;`[";�7.;�,,­ , � :�i,,t,I,.; �,:,o,i ,",,� - 'j�_, "' , J." "I I , R - � : ,, � . � , 1.1q;7 � g , , , . , i", �,fi.�-I�ii� , �� I � ��:,; � . . 1 ",Jii �,'� , "V, ,,� , , . 1�� , , . I'll, �1 ; .11, I . ,., ! :,��:`,� . , W . ­ --7 -, - . '' . �� ... I -11-i—, - - � �1,1�111,""��1,1,�," '.1 . � - 1, I 1, . "' #i , � " i �, I -, ."', ., I I I, ::,�: � .. 1 " I . . � ,xii, li, I . ,,, , I . , . z, . I" . I . "I".., ; ,;� "' . .1. I 11-1. � "'', �, 1% , I I .�;.. - . ill , � I ­ 11 I .1 ,� , " I ��, '1� . � .. , , I ,� ,� � '1�11111'1113M , " ., :, I �� -.- 11, Much, inv T d, "' I , "T" �� . L`Ts","#`Ze�'��' � I �!," � . - 0 .; 'T, �- ­�� I I , � �, �T ., #'...� � Not C wr , t ,r� .1 ,, I � , I I � , J� . , .. I" , ...... , ,.�!, � .�;, 1, � I ­ � . _ . I 1 '7 i— .1, ,. 1, ,, .1 ;. ", ..Vft �. ,�, I 11 I'll .". ._ , , '),. i I I � I `:,r , , , i ;.,..0, 14��'Jm"`l,__ , . " � il-11; , A- 11, � ,0 , I I �;l' � � , ", � i i� ­­�! � , _0 , � , , , �� -�"",�ll,�,�"l�"",.'.,"�,�:,�il,et�.'I , , , '� - - _ I - , .14" Ili A � - : , I i6 , r -, ,op'a; . , ' ' , � .1869 '' . i -- I 1. : � o � I,' I , .�-,i ,�; � .� � ,2 '�: V I �. - 0 ed I I In speaking of the tauil*er X�rcb,.i f - , - , ­ I .S 1, , , , i , , , . , I �, , '. ,� , ­­', ., , 'b , " 1, '. 1.1"- I A 4�rs, . th , , � I " � I � - �*_ - I,, ,1 ­,.:it_ , i IV I � 10 ", 1prl"� �'. I 11 77"", -_,�, I". I � �,. "'. ­11� -1 li�., � 1. I I" .1.1, o' -V , �, �11!1 � .1 I . I 9 ' who�e,a�proaching 08COR� on. , 1, li, " 1; "' i-" I __ � I ­­__ - , , , ,, on � . 1� 1.11, I., .", ,�. _ Yv, - " Am- 0. 'R � M 0 � . ­ " , ,� I '. 11 .1 - I- , �,, ,­ �, I . �� I 1" -11:1 ­�17. , . * ... * , , ; a " , ers _ ,. , 11 ;,� f,;ft.1tk, I I i c If , -_11. i, I ­�. "', I— I . . - "", 0 LO , Z Itor.. . , I 11 . — I ", I "I 1, . A" IF''. 1-1 — 11. 1. . he , 4.1, 1 . 1. ) ... "'.. ��11 11 � ,,, , ". , �- , �7-""-_— - , - . I 0 of - , oreful I az I . � I , �' ­:� . " : , .E , I I g', - ,�, ,.V_.,_ _, , I Queea a Park ba§ raised ,such heated .1 . I ��. L - "' 0 , � . A I _ I - InteweiUng $ts=' VIOVA from _,1,1�1�� ','* � � " .. , "I����,�ll,"Ii��,�"F,!,�'�l;'�'�.�f��""".,Il�t.�i�""�,�,,,� i, vo e �. , ' '�� given a 11c .1 I � 11`1 6 Rd,il�av"",�i, 'When, tke i*,Ootft,Aef�iwas i. *n, .- 0 ai.w:� �.'a �0'9- 51 , , MIM , il� "'O ,�,V�­ ,-the Act�n Fre The ExW.sltor Afty �nd -The y e . , 17 71 . , ''I I , 11 vr , converse in Toi. -to . I Huron 10oudty?' .. I ," ,­.. i " � V, .1 .. I . - - -i, ,, �- il ."? 't "� I #iio, ev. . ' I * , I ", -1. ."', ., . i� -1 _9 2- , ,!� P ," 4 1. 1W �vod Mm vote was ltalm,A 00 g day arrived thle, 'ciu� . . -l"'M I-"-!- . , ' , ,� , ' I .. ron, in ",� . ; "I - � rt, , I , " ,71. 1­11i"W1,41 -) 111� !,�o oxio %, I Olk ` , .,, % I I , I I . '11'111y� � . I", "" " . tw,elity Iva years -ago. " . �n T,otin , I '.1 It � W '1`4 I- ., Ut - . by�, � , I ,I ­�l , I ernoon � :X ess wonders, this: - .11 � . . . 11 I � - . -,l,i,,­ � I � I . . . I . - ? 10 I a , -ean - - I -re VMS, _. I ... '.." � " ,,, I , eL .- I ,. Tharidw, Oatoher 30--i4st 60 7 s 9,qA& IW - ' , , ,, Pr . � " ro . , . OR* . _ ha4W, vierywell and the 1, 'i .�,Oy . . ' ' 1 ... . .1 . . .1 I IM -4 .1 �4-�,V 1" , . I � "We wonder if during the harvest . .1 I .. ago this fail. � �. . I � ,11& ie?u.41;0� ,pu �he streeU,,i 1p� Wip Celebr#te, Her 880i. 1 %. xy, � , ,I it I ,L�,,7� - I . . , t ,, 0 r - ."', . ' ' ..i;i� i , , � I 1: � ­ "i". -, � .. � I , , " " 0 . ,- . . ,From The Huron RKpositor of The InteV00 camPailga which ho, " � ev ng it wa,s learned ,the Act , ,Mrs, SJdney!0=1ybeJ,1 1, � Jobi;.4 ' , . V � _ � , , .11.1'..... . , . � I _� ", S 11 . *i 1' ce , t � 'N -� ,,_�', time the hunger marchers ou ... Queen .Wi 11 . XN , 1, � I ' , '0 'l, 01 , , I � _41", ". � .- . I been c6ndutte-d byprolhibitionistsi and had carried in'Seaforth by 32 yote:31firer fth bi lg,� ,,", , I I . . � . . . I" , i;, ' � ' 1, * t, ; d s. 11 1 J14y. so" 1,909. lanti�iprohibitiojgsbs du4ing die. tearl,y iand tbe,1oH,ow1,a rithday qn, ThursdAy"', -July.. � " " " "�..,��-,�,�-�-,'.�j� ,', .$1.50 a year, -In -. Park woul 'call on farmer along t e I ���77,��,�,1�141..'l ''..'- ion'.rate, . ,.g day the .results i 2.6th, *b the home,of he.r,dgught v p , ,4 e . I I , lr, t 0. .. . . . . . . . .. ,; , , 1p i �ed as far as -1thel. le iisgd the Act P 'Mrs. ,peo. Hawthorne Lower W-11ig- , "I'll, _ , p ," � . I sunimer, clor , oun* inflo ,� _ - , I...";(. ", 11 I � � PPM9 I ",,�. ro te, offering theii services to a and I , .11 f N , g'i, I LL I � ; foreign $2.00 a year. Sfi�gle U P .. The "ters" list,for the Township %e prohiibidlotdifU were concerned 1pa--sed by 1653 voteg'. � . ham6 and wl. be at'homp­to, her. . a J�, 1� �n '­ 8 e;ch 'their hunger. The number of of ,Grey contains 960, names thi§ year. - � Im 11 -5.30 p. . Ta. . .4 to ", .. . .. I pease with iL mos moetingi in -the, recently '440ne gr, g c - Stiendsi tEr .0 o�elodk until r ��:: � � ,, cent 11 . . st'ifyin feature," w"i . I i � , ' , . I . �, � ,Mr. Robt. MdKinley's barn on, the b -on Monday, 0 . editor, 'list that , ee,Tim . . . 11P i, �, I.— I'll 0 I ullf ,Cardno�sl Hall ot m ­�Wingham Advaq , ea. I �, ­1�11, ­ I ' , �, d. diminish rather enta Tho Exjosi�Dr 11 rk V I . '. . 'Gosihien Line, $ta4.1,l was, 01ruck by 18, with ppowhes both afternoon v,,d all the inpor rated towm and Vil- . i . , .. l I -10; � I , Po Fornier Resident P99ses - - - 1'1,­��! _# - ra" on applifeatioA.' . than increase as it neared. Qupen's , lightning on'Thursday 140'ruilug last evening. .,The -hall was crowded to l4pes, H� the,oxcept1ion. of BayfieW 1 4 � V 1. � I , I Tr ­ .11, ., . #verd,Ang . az;d was buimed to the groun& the d�oor6 ,and, Th Huron Expositer, ve V. jo i W. U(tbeTt RKW%, who f-MIXerly A -11.R, �..:. Park." 'Now hay delivered off the field, -is of ,that I el , ga i1ar r ties for the ,Aev, me- I led on a farm south, of Hen,salli.- if " i ,_� . , . . I . � - . , date estimates the aftandance, "lop, Stephen, and -Ozy. .Were tl* TeS1( I IN 1, Quite an -idea' isn't it? , During bringing ,$8.00- per. ton. This is , and. whe for, a 'number of years hv,s ' ,J I ,9N , an at over a thom, onj� townshipavotingagaiXwtitheAct. . i t ill aViiBlvlon, di, , ;'A ­ � X e 2 ­ iAnd. and .ex6laims . ,� a 7, �1� . . 7770,mbers of th Canadian Weekly plerated 4 .vO 0 . -crop q , gtis - . R'd . ' lj�­jl , . . harvest almost every farnier along indication that the - is "It, 8A wit'h4pe .gratificatiloT4 Of ully one haX� More excitement and, hi0erest was Monday evening' a1t the -h_ 0, W. M5 ", , 1 -one. , 'ea." I raised in town when it was liarned It IEII!�It�";. �1, ppers Association, Class A abundant 4 of who'nif ��* lach .., Fred -Smitheis, Londo% after, a ivery, if 1W rs A U " s � � 71 _V.1 w . recent ,. 11 1i 10114k";, Ct�a , and the Tilarion I Rev J., %�y, EgulDndville, occa, on the Xmd1ay 40 'ss. For the-yast flow 1PV , ii', ' follo�fl _' thO -TOtfe, ler�-y i 6 ,I m1pister,of. St. Andreves, Church, Kip,, pled the chi* in'tho afternoon, and that a nuhi)ber hallot ­boxw - bl�adl , - ,Jln i M, __ e of �e a man a meal for a , ' '7� . � iiw� , I , Pr 8 S� - Of _ � ciatio � �� _Z ,1 . left,Wedne-4,ay morning for -bas , years he has lbeen livIiing retwe4. Hie the line of highway march duld be ,'Rev. -D. W. S. Urquhart, IN ; 0,�-:��' . ' iun4 es n. willing to gi , ,pen Win John. Beattie, Sletaforth, in the, ev- been Stolen. from ithe' court house, If I k 1. V I was associated with hig,bro�hw, the . 11� I , ,A a -11 1-�ilii. I I few hours' work. new field of labor at List4owel. . * lowtug the &Neches, whidh � the late Dr. 1C. C. �Ross,, of Hydo Park, I .127 �. ... I . fMr. Robert Mallis, ,'eX­pDsbmaster emnX Fol 06deTif:4 9t wa�,' apparently 11, � �. , I .. I 'M I'll 11,�,�,�? - . Perhaps several hundred could be were Hstened to with, mueh pleasure, thilef's intention to 404y the com,­ in the grist ,*]L !His wifei predife- � ....... 11111,�: � � 'S!EAFORTH, Friday, July 27, 19n , * .'of Kipplen, celetbrrafted, biti 8Kh birth- the",Good Tlemlplarsi choir stang several m0womfmt of opemti,6h� unde,r the 10 ;,�� . - ,. ,_ employed until the end of the bar- day by taking a inualber of his ,Anice and. ceased' him a num1ber ,of ylea.'ag._ I U; I 11;167�7 . - youn , al�propriate umsical selee-1 Act, butt in this 'be fall�d' for Re- -He 'is survived by. two brothero, Ii. � �.. 4 1 , 0 . friends "I 41 ... " ­ -, vest—if they would work for their _i, both -old and g, to a pie- tions. ,, . `41 turning OE"cer M*gTa`ve had provid­ Frank, of -Byron, aind Guy, DfAAxfit,_ MT " �,' . moing those 11 ...., � R", F . nic at'Drysdale. A pres, ,,,.,,�-� h ' Gathering meals. . 1. ­ ,There was, howeNter. a fly in the ed MmIsielf,with dulyMeateretturns for Fomter Timep-Adviocate. ii 11 I I ;,% . Th e St. T omas ent were Wir. and Mrs. Andrew Bell, ointment, so to speak, and its nome legoh. polling - subimflivislon. which b& . Ar, I ","". ., . . . ­ � � ,1VIT. and 'Mrs. Willar, -Mr. 'and ,Mrs. Arm Fractured il , 1 1'�, , I I I I The plan would work both ways, was a"Dr., BEartin who appeared at,fox;warded twith Ide returns in placer If 11, �, . � Ile V:- There have been few, if any, polit- ' Clegg, Mrs. ,and Miss Sutherland, � , � 1. )Gerald,, young - son of Mr. and amm , 1.': th nViieting as an opponent -to �ithe of,'the a�stsing originals. , , relieve the hunger and benefit the ' ,,� . I ��� ,,�,,, � I leal gatherings in the history of., . . Mrs. lHenry, Ivi.wn and Rev. A. aiid, - ' . . I Daynion, of ,%�S, � it '. . ' - " 1. . . � � Mrs�. Wesley .�� . . I . . is, brother, Jimmy, . �� . c.,i, . farmer. - " � Mrs. XcKibbon of Mt. Brydges. i . I I , . fwho ,With h faler . '. 1, � '. , I Canada such as that assembled at The menibers of the Presbyterian 1 i . I . . : ­ ", . ... . I I I , $1 .900 V 1 � I I . . . . I � : visiting with their uncle, W. "Allwlym f4 � . , D6 , ,,� I l, vp�. But there is not much chance of congregation at Blyth have decided 0� , , 0 Daya-fian, of Ushorne had the ime- "Uso "I 11, I � _ - . - ' ' "'�t once. . &,i'.. ithe'tity of St. Thomas on Thursday � "I kli. . I that. To Accept work of any -kind to rebuild, the mame 0 JT%JT-b'zjT A ,SMILE OR TWO. -O fortune to have an �ax;� broken ,m )� t MP 1,,,�K-.. 'Seventy-five tickets were sold, at I I . I"'; of last week, to a6claim OnUxios U - I 1 .4", ' . would mean that the hunger march- the Gli, T. R. istat , Blyth, for the I I . Tuesday when thrown froal a horse.; �. � �� ...... 1'1�1 iiew Premier, 1V%.r. Hepburn. ' . . ion ' I . I 'The lad was riding horseback and ' I " I 1* .1 A'1� � . I -on to Kineardine last Thurs- An ,Mnwi - judge has n-aed, thatt ter)Wnment going on 'here toq�dgqit? _ 1� 1. I er would loose the job of being a excursi can the horse walked under a clothesliaw 1, Z.. .1M - There may have been some in. other . I � 1,1� ' . I hunger marcher. day. it is not 4 fcAim to cak a polilce�niani Am,y&4pg that will hedip to whilei which canAt-, t116 lad a7ld threw In, "I" � I Mr. Thomas Murdock i§ erecting a va -erEk are still some joys wety an evienbgVY, . 'him tQ the ground. It was tlxt 1 J- VIer- , . . I � . .1 ­., ben ag s r aed- I . . . . . . . . ... days, which when the -then modes of' ; unda to his residence in Hensall. bigox." ThL _ '�� � , , , I 7;".. And that to him, would be a sermio very substantial and handsome . Hta:t are mot ito (be denried the people. 'Me shopkeeper gazed at 'his, 8ft- same artn'thatt was ,broken abmrk; 1TV . transportation available are taken I -Toronto ,Saturday Night. terrog0itIori, wiped his hands, and. t -' three years o- jin a imila P , , I �,-_ ' .IOUs and very unpleasant happening. Three hundred and fifty tickets . 1. . .. ,,,, � into consideration, iffight be consid- 0 replied ElowIly: 11"WW1, : I texp*b dent on the farm of his gr,,dfath,,r, 1� : t .40r, ."VY . Work is unpleasant and there is no were sold at Brussels station for the -'there's ,going to be, a ledure. I'm Mr. 40haTles Diyman---lExeter Tinus- ) �, I c� "I , 11 �.'­.-. I ered as proportionately large,, but if Sunday -school excursion to Kincar-' A speakeT ,engaged to lecture in a been --selling' 6998' aN daY-"­-�Fariniler's' Advo te� , .1 P I hunger in hunger marches as a rule. V.r ,,;�": I -dine, . lsmhill town in the Maxitime-, arrived Advocate (London). . I ... I._ .1 go, they must have been the fruits of . I JMr. John Beiattie, of the -firm of in the afteamoon. The place seemed, . . 0 1 I .1 . Goderich Youth Gets Award ., . . I AM I � I . � *'It I— . ' 0 .. Beattie Bros., has 'returned from a poiDAly ,provided Jiwiith bills, and -he f . ,'L. � long and careful provincial and na- . V Word has been, received by-,.Harryr , - . ,Someone once spoke to RossAid a � ::::: il� I . ru a- Childrienis Aid , 11;, I � -tional organization. ' . ' pleasant trip� to the West. thotight, he would find, out if people ;bout a� mi1onument to, -be ei to Ed�"`��_, I "�. � .1 " . ' We Don't Agree With That " IMr. W. Somerville will move this knew.anybihink about what was in him Rossini, not then very -;1ich, that thel,Humane 'Society has award- ­ . �1, I �� ��� . . . � ., � . .. .. ... I . , �. I It is true the St. Thomas - gather- ed a certificatte for life saving .to, I � . � � . � weedc to his nem office in the old'Bank iStore for them. He entered a groc- asked how much it was -going to . . . '! I ? � -Coinimerce block, " orne 'i I I 1'��­ I . I ing must have t4en some organiza- . � Resolution of , , tr's shofp. I eost. Wlen. toild 20,000 francs, he C lius .Stapleton of Goderich, s5 , k ,� , ", � t!", , 'i . I I i 'The Seaforth 'Electric Light Com- "Good aftecrnoon�" ,he said to -the reiplied: "'Give me 'half that sum and a result of his action, along with i ... '. , ' � .��,,�'. . , ",.I . '.tien too, but 'Its intent was not na- I At -the C. C. F. Convention held in pany ,have installed a new 126 H,P. man ,behind the counter. ' "Any len- -I'll Aand on the pedestal myself 1 11 three otherboys, in having naved.-the: I � _V . v� . ... -boiler, manufactu . red 'by The Bell En- .1-11 ... � I life of a fifth youngster in Toront& , �M .. ti6n.al or even' provincial in scope. Wimupeg last week, one of the dele- I � . . -C., H. Bucklaul ' � � . .., . . gine lCo. I last year., Inspector . � 4G, ,� - I I _____ . �L 1'�.: I .1 . It was simply *the spontaneous gates present moved a resolution miss M. L. Holland) of Beechwood, .. I . . I 'Ne il . - ' . I I of Toronto notiflied, Mr, Edwards of- I - W1. I - ' Rev. Father Michael Eckert ,of Min- 0 '6 ficially by letter and the local. official . . . ,��J , wish of his owwn constituents, and - that there should be'a pension of neapolis, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. 0 SU N D A Y AFTERNOON * is endeavoring to arrange for thEy, . � . W: ". I . ' . I"? those in his home county, almost ir-- . 0 11 : It ­1.1��, . I 1 $100 a month for 'all people over 45 John Eckert of St. Golumban, ni#d,e (By Isabed Hamilton, Goaerich, Out.) " ceremony of presentation to t&k*-- . .1. ..�� ", � . ' . I " up the -pleasure party that left Beech- ',, respective of politics, to shown hon- 0 9 place in Godierich.-Goderich ,Star. ' & I years of age. . wood this week for Altaniont, New I . I Have Won Many Prizes I I 'i "Te ,w , _. I . . I 1, �� . or to a young farmer, who, by his Aside altogether -from the ques- York. I I Thy kingdom hath none end at all; ference wa . s .1.11 within 'and vital. To 'Mr. Rdbert Webster and M -r. Wil- t , f . . . I � . 1. . 11. ,V; - � . . ,Mr. Henry Smith of Springbank I . I ?11 " ­, own efforts, personality and ability, tion, "Where would the money come fi all'ren-bain, stand, well with the 11powers,that be" liam Mutch "celebrated the 12tb im. I . 11 I ��� W., , , . had attained the -highest office in the from?" we don't agree with that ' Farm, near �Ex�eter, has gone to the The Lord -upholdeth all that fall, was the -glory of Zedekiah- to stari-d Lucknowlthis yea.r. It is forty-sevem .1 ... I " f .. 1, .. .. .. . " West to act as judge of thorough- The cast -down raiseth up again. well with the heavenly powers to years since ,these gentlemen fhvf�. I ,,, I bxed cattle at Brandon Fair. I I il�,,,4 gift of the people of Ontario' resolution for several reasons. hear the Lord --n -11 � . I . s "Well done," was"the played in, Luck -ow, wheli Mr. Mutch. 1, I q , ,,� I . � Missi Lillie Ballanty-ne, daughter Of my mouth and lips fill glory' of !Micaiah. -A 1� I 1.1%1, All people, naturally, do not think ' . Therefore - I ,played the fife, for Nile Lodge an& I . .11, I And one of them is that it would Mrs. James Ballanty-ne, ,of Farquhar, frame A Supreme loyalty to, truth was the ' ­ -1 Ms , , Mir. Webster the Snare drum for the, , F ,, � I � I . allke. There are many -people and put too much work on the shoulderg whille visiting in Exeter; had the MIS- - Lucknow Lodge.' Mr.'lMutch -,had not I . I .. "I �. �. . To spemkl the praises of the Lond: essential element of Micaiah'a posi . ! , I 1," . fortune ,to fan " from a step ladder To Tna,gni.f� His holy name tian, as the - non -conformist pro.phet 'been in. Lucknow since and. noticed, . I . "I t". 11 � many newspapers who have" pro- of the Old Age Pension Committee wh . I ? - . ile picking cherries and fracture For ever let all flesh accord. in Israel; and this is the one vital ents� in the village- lr..� � . -both bones of the left ankle. many improvem ) . ,� .:,.,.-. ­ nounced Mn Hepburn to be an ir- � of the ,County Council. � .1 . ,C. E, Miller. elemient.in all non-confonmdt/ which Since then they havieplayed in nmuy- I I � I I . . iresponsible, scatter -brained jingo, .,That committee is a body of many iMr. R. P. -Hay of Stratford, who hasb6en worth anything it<>, or done difflerent towns and in fourteten sue- .1 _9� . I I . . . I 1". . , ' passed through here with his automo- PRAYER , anything in, our world.", cesswe years TecelVed eleven first, I I i � I., who.4f allowed a free hand for even members which holds many meetings hi& way to I . 10 prizies--Clintoil' News -Record. . . , . .. I %', ,Grand ,Bead, i-nade the trip ' from ,Our Father we pray Thee to take WORL MISSION,S Wins $100 Prize , . I - .... "..,., " i I a short time, will run Ontario beyond ' to discuss with great intensity and at Stratford to the Bend id two hours our lips and let them -be filled. with .� D . . � - I 1. . .. 11 � . . I ... ­' redemption. . . more or less greater length (but'not �nd 20 minutes. � messages from Thee. .Amen. , 11t is idl�., to suppose that t�e Bible, Mrs. William ,Brown, of, Usborne�, ,. .11 "i, . 'The - official returns; for Ithe year . holds the place it once. heldAn Eng- was , the lucky winner of the $10(r, P , ­.,., ` . . But a large majority of the people I until too late in the afternoon) the 1908 S4howst that the seiveral officials S. S. LESSON FOR JULY 29, 1934 lhill, life. 'The sad truth must be ad- prize d1raw staged by the Orang�- .1 I .. _ . , . ", NWI. ., I . . .- - e ' iness Of C_ niftted and faced that we are no 'Order at the concert in the Opera- 11 I �. . . - ­ - I " . ority receive remuneration. from thcir Truth. I that book the Bibl,�.,P . . � ,of Ontario, as � the r cent provincial bus* prepared for it by theCoun- this coudy under provincial auth- Lesson Topi Micaiah Speaks the longer "the -People of a book, and House on fthe evening of July 13dt,- IS30 .11 . electioyi proved, hold an entirely -dif- l wards passed up- Tne, draw was made by Reeve W. D_ ' ... , 1, . respeqtive offices'as, follows: Shieriff Lesson Passage --I Kings 22:1-14. J. R. Green so dia-scribed Enigland. Sanders. 'lMrs. Brown, a -former resi- 11 � .1, %1�11. fererit opinion of him. To'them he on by the Government Inspector Reynolds, $2,639.69; Judge Doyle, Golden text -I Kings 22:14. at a tim,e when the English Bible dent -of Ekeeter, aind -n employeav , I ,, � U . . : . .. 4 y eiii�,, - I I A ,,;'�,, . ' . $1,286.09 ,(t�his does not include his This chapter finishes the history -of was still a fresh treasure to our on a farni in Usburne, hoa'wd the oVtiam I.. 1�1�, - ­ I is a man ' of great promise, a man. who who has the first, last' and only say. salary as ,County Judge); c. Seager, Ahab's reign. It was! promised in people. At that date there were few- of a number of prizes including $1W .. � I ­ I . - llil , understands the needs of the low as And they are foiced to do all that Crown Attorney, $2,150.99; D. Me- the close of the foregoing chapter, er distractions to draw men away in groceries and dry goods- which sbe- . � P�.. . " Donald, local Registrar, $4,164.60-; that the ruins of his ,house should from the mri � .. i! ,well as the high'and a man of his,' w4k,fojr 0111Y $4.5.0,%I)er day - (per sit- ptures, but we live in has accepted. We have been.a*scl I ­ , , 11R),�, word. � Joseph Grift, Jailer, $700; his turn- not come in 'his days, -but his days. an age when the -competing interests to explain ithat the Stub of every- ' .. 4 W.0- ting we meant to say), plus mileage loey, $500; and the 'Matron, $200. were near their ,end, His. war with and idistrgetions are bewildering in ticket sold was in the box whether . e4a ",l; . I R". It was to give expression to 'these only one way, wheill the old age pen- 0 the Syrians, at Ramath�gilead, is -their number and v-arie-fy. and.-, the 'the p"ty wag at the concert or not- � .. , beliefs that fifty thousand people sion is only $20 and the age limit 70 Fnofn The Huron Expositor of that whiIoh we have an account �f ift� piain truth is that the Bibl� has now -Exeter, Times-Axilvocate. I I � . . this 22nd chapter. 'we read of the -been pushed into the -background. To Changes At Court House , . . gathered at St. Thomas last week, , years. ,preparations he ml for war after what extent- it has lost its -hold upon The property committee Of . thet, ; t R"'.;1111411� *. . to mark the most outstanding tri- I Why if that C. C. F. resolution'be- July 25, 1884. a cessation. that lasted three years. the Atuation ,gives no cause for com. �Clumty Council under the oh -airman- � ,,, , I , l' ' �, , In the first place betook counsel with Placency. §&11 _: I " ,On the 12th at Walkerton, W. IF. his advise _V bute that has ever been -paid an On- came law it would mean that the ' ;ell V, " � , I Ts. After that he approach- Wat can -be done to bring the ship of Deputy Reeve Turner jow- ', ' , �,`�� - l , * 10P., . tario Premier. 1. Scott of ,Brussels was first in Ave ed.the King of Israel wilto was only British nations back to thie­� Bible? neye,d to London on Monday to in- ,, i �_ ,� " � I Pension, Committee would' have to cut of seven events on the athletic too -ready to join viyeet equipment for the county reg - ;4,11I I.', - him. He sholilved- VV%at stePs'can ,be taken to.make, the isftrar's office in accordance with the" `14 I �',P,l , It must have been a day of meet every day in theweek and ev- Program. , ; this by his offer. "'I am as thou art, S-cripbuTes the daily bread of the . I 1. i, . .1 . D, Wilson ,of Maple Grove Farm, my people as, thy people� My ,decision of, the last"ineeting oT thef, � I" 11,1�1,��`- gratification to Mr. Hepburn", but al ery week in the year. I horsew People? Erasmue pictured, the plough- council. Dquipment was, chosen an -4 11 I A I" 4 - Stanley, 4 . ,V,; . ,delivered in Harrisiville, as th'y horses." (man, the Weamer and. the traveller at a subsequent maetiag at the Court: D4 - . ­ , so a day which brought more f orcib That would be asking an intole�r- - Michigan, last Thursday a team of He went further for 'he advised finding in the words of Holy .Wr'it House on'Tuesday A was decided W. . � A Zll� -,i�� "Sorrel ,Cloud" colts, which he had Abah to consult his -prophets. This songs and storie hat filled their have li, laid on the . : �; ly home to him the great responsibili- able sacrifice for any county council- sold to George Rbdvon. They are Ahab did and they-toM him, to "Go daYs with gladness; can this dream fioc,, ,�'othe �� I , , S, t I M , lelum covering I . J " f :, . ties he must assume if he is to con- lor to make, no matter how much he from trotting ,stock and will make a up; for the Lord shall deliver county clierk's, treasu:r- . � ) i ,, it be realized? Some ma,y re�ly that er's and- engineer's offices.. In add�- il,::� , ' I 1-.1 tinue to merit the confidence express- bad the, welfare of the taxpayer at handsome dTiving,tVanif. (RaffAoth-gileadl) into the hand of they have no great faith in the Bible ti,on the flooring w1ill he.given) a com�- i 1, P � Mr. Thomas Nash, one of the, pio- the King." One of the prophets, in and its power to elevate thought and I t ... 1 . ed in him. heart, or'how willin he might be to n -pl,�te renovation. A .strip of rubber I .. ,, . � 11 . i . 4 9 I eer residents of McKillop, died at Particular-Zedekiah-was extr1emely .life. For .them the Scriptures are floor 'co,vering will, be 'used, On the, , " 1 I 1z". � To date, it must be admAted that be the sacrifical goat. Ids residence onSaturday last after a ,eager, 'which 'he showed by making ,discredited -a book that ,has had its g. �-,,,�', I s-hoet illness. horns of iron and said: "Thus saithday, a voice that has, lo ce,ntre of the main hallway Which, it, � .1 � � st its autbar- is expected, will salve the 11 , I �'.. I he has made few mistakes. And if I No, no! It is hard enough to. get - Mr. William Ciopp, the well known ,the Lord, with these shalt thou push- (ity. They regard the Bible as the floor andf I � I �1. . will make, for quieftnes, - in- the -build- .1 � I , 1. he can continue on the eve""n tenure county councillors to serve on the'' contractor and bricklayer, -has sold the Oyfians., until thou hAmei consurn- beautiful story of an outworn r- - , S I i" , I., I . . � . . I . suN ingf. Th EdVcation <',dft*rAttee of 11 ,i # '" �� I , rf�ce of such public Old Age Pension Comm'Ittee now. fbis farm in Tuckersroith for $7,0040 ed them." The King of Israel said, stition and nothing more.' It does the council - ui�der ;Reeve Archibald, � . '. .,i..�, Pf his way in the 'not sp5sk to them of 'God and truth . � I i-nd,intends comifig. to Seaforth to after 'hearing the prophets Speak "Is I -also met on Tuesday to discuss somo . �1: � .4 i INI7, � I adulation as he received last week, .The- Winnipeg resolution might make there not here a prophet of the 'Lord of duty and love,. of I �*Ie live. , I immortal lofi ' ? , , �- new phases of their work.-Goderiebt It: I l, besides that we might inquire of ings and hopes. It is discredited, in Star. . �11 �11'1 ,,�� Mr. Hepburn will prove more than it impossible. . Mr. William Murray, the veteran ,N.- ,?,� - Ahab, said, "'Mere is; yet their minds and they ha . A I I ,,�, , . , . ,. . �3�,%.r � . l- � thre;vher, has purchased another '"* ve quietly � �',f%, ust a popular P "'mier. He will . - . . one man, Micaiah, by whom we may P'laced it ci� one side, To such eis � ­ i re . Wk. �: , FeJ'] 35 Feet,. Fractured Leg � I P I "" 4A , . - - steam engine fur thiiesbihg pu-rpos- inquire of -the Lord; but I hate him; hold this view the idea of trying to 10, 5-.' , rove himself a wise and a strong � , d will run two steam threshe Jim Scott, of the Bell Telephow- 0 � P . I . es an rs for he doth not prophesy good con- win our nation to a new allegiance bad a very unfortunate accident om E- .� , mail. . d ring the coming season. . 11 , , ��:., . � �i�` . terning Tne, but evil-.,, .However to the Bible ,will r=6 no appeal, I 1�,�,1" Mr. ThQtmlas, Duncan of the 'ifirm of Jeshoshaphat , Tuesday morning about 10.aoL, .. Ro_. , 1%� I'LL) - SAY,, u '' 44 , WHAT OTHER PAPE" �, �� 0 . - Dlimcan & Duncan, left on ibis senii- say so.- A Said, "Let -not the king We believe it to be God's Holy Will and Dame Hutcheson were working- It 1, . messenger was sent to that His word s!hould be known -and, ���if, � � . . e n we better Gorrie. Jim was cli,mbihg a polwand. 11 ') . L� - , . No Truer Words . � M11111al visit to the ,old country On Wicaiah and h tiied to persuade him read by all men; where ea on the line about one imine south of, tl.-� Mionday to `pUTcbRSL- goods for the to say to Ahab just what his own ,begin to bring about so glori s a wh q&,� '' , AGES OF ONTARIO PREMIERS , fall and winter trade. Ou ep about 35 fe4dt -up, in, some un.- . '�,'(f""`; " No truer words were ever written � prophets had declared but Aficaiah state Of things then in Our 0'%m ,accountable manner be fell from the � I 1,4. " I I I WT. A. GL VanEglmon4, has added Said: "As the Lord, liveth, what the country land aniong our Own people? ie"?" I (Bit-antford Expos,itor) I l -,"k than those of the Stratford Beacon- . something now tobiswmilen mill in Lord saith unto. me, that will I Pole, landing ,on rough 'hard ground, .L . "Olne day a friebdsent a Biblefram fraci�ting Pyatib ,bones of , � Re" , . , . I 4 I !,. he Shape 9X a whistle which makes speak?" Almericat" writes Mrs. his rjght h f I - % � I As hd fo,41. 'r I three dfifferent sounds, all at the game 'The follorwing written onXicaiah's J9nes of India. "On the fly -leaf -as he g7asped the ,block that is used top � Herald when it said: "Washington . wtche�ll Hepburn ,becomes "anAr-#Ject c, t E' Stanley leg just above the,ankle . " ,, �,� , I reports that strikers so far in 1934 Ontario while in his 38th year. Oliver Mowat .. . t 1,1: time. answer to the messenger whonitAhab written, 'lF*r someone Who bag been tigilifen the wires and, this 'broke MS; i fwas 62 When he commenced his long ,reign; A. sent is taken from The Christian PralYing for an, English Bible., I ]ai � .i1i, I , I I have cost the workers of the United S. Hardy, 59; �G. W. Ross, 58a'J. p. Whitney, 62; MT. J. H. X-enaul, sion, of Xn L L d I � , of the, Sl,� World Pulpit: the book awaY,-W`0ndeTing how many have been More sleri-ously imdurq ,Jae. 1 � � I` McFa.ul, priincipal :fall somewhat or he most likely ' - 4� wguld ��. -Si:- States 15,000,000 paylbss days, Some- W. H, Hearst 50- E C. Dru;:Y, 41; G. H. Fergu. public school, ,has suce d �. iO,� , ' son,, 53; 0, d. 11,6nry, 59. It will -thus, be .Seen essfully passed `God'% truth is broader t1pn any Years it wo-uld have" to lie on the was taken ' �, i i --I . "�, ", i n any - -Trie � ! . * ­. - - ins tatement of it, or ths, to, Di. Whitley in , 1G6 , ,� , l6ne has remarked that capitalists; that,the new'first rdinisiber is the youngest man li s miati,'culation examinatio for human s shelf, for the few English People in who put the fractured hrub it a cast. 1. I ", i k I medicine at the Toronto Univeirsity, systems which men, in perfect hon- our town would scarcely include a He V ms- then brought to the hospital � .49 ., �1,1, - ,,%Iv. , vaay be dumb, but they are not dull to ef�r occupy that -position and there is allo taking ,honors in Cerynan. esty of heart, may lbruild on their Bible in their prayers, -if they p I . I ,1111 _Ven here "ere an x-ray was, taken. He, I , A.i.,�Vl I . the curifoufs circumstances that he has nevier pre- 114,1��,i - enough to, shut down their plants to ebitception, of it; hence the existeni6e *prayed. Bul t I �kL � 9 NUV�� �1111, il, , I I Of godly non confohniti in every age 'known woman c' next 'day an u'n- is now at hipime *kere h* ist resting f � �3­ ViOuSaY been a member of the Legiislaturef. Mr. George Whitely received a t th'alled. I, -`6i, do th&4i,selves 'out of, profit." , wire from Toronto on Wedneaday, ,She explain- as comfortably as can. be ekpected,, � 0 1 Ii',; IP , , . the world. In the region of po- ed that she ,had come to n but it will be sorno weeks berf-ote he . , . ,. , . . of , " V& , .� I 11. t! '! ­ .." And the pity of, it is that it is nev- I I conve7ing the unwelfcome,intellif,*emiiie 1* dal -as well as. spiritual life, the her son, and s . eeing the r tow, with I I 11 , . .1 I ;on "Old- it' 'Ameri- will. ,be. AOIA-Wilighain. Admuce- ,, �,� ,1� ,' . 0 that his celebrated, stall. .yign, ,� 4 10 '. , 1. . er the high-priced labor imion lead- I 11 ClearGrit" hadv.relceired a kiciwhich great im1pulses which 'have been the can IMssion I she came ir4 as, she was Times ., lgt-, 9,111- 1.11 . � . 'E'V: , I Commencement of a vital expansion an. Am6ric ' � broke .his leg. an too. Her husband bad " I -,�". �'," , , . "? ' C � , 11��,,"L`� I ets who -suffer the payless days on #1ninal Joking . and ,progress -have mostly,come from ,cBed years ago, leaving h6r straud4d 176rafer Resident Passes � I I ..... ­ I . The EgTaondviille flotty mills have n*11--butsi&4 tha:established order � � I �.. . � ! ... ; "..,*. . - I 11 I �1` I � i�, �� account of the strikes they order and . rnh consUntly night And day, for a things"from men dissatisfied with it, ,had eXistect but nelver got -funds e,n- iste-r, J ah Sararas of � 0 . ­ (D,etroit Free Press) - of Out he" tv'th 'two little ones-. They 'Word has been -reeefAred by the , I �___ � .. idiree-til, * . � yea�until -last -Saturday night when. ,and, who Saw. SoMething , , is X", osi , t.h ­ . . . m �i� _ ..". I � , :. orie true, Ough''tO talke them, home. As she Blule"Wateir Highway; of tll,.e passing. I 1 4 , �,'�;�a . ' A rowboat carrying four children and eight " t1my shut down and am now being Inlore, ifair, U, their isions, whkh told pie her ,history she spoke, of of -her brother, John, Xiller, at his, il I . j4�,,,',, -.: , ' ' . . , V7, -in-fact Stalin in Russia exe , v , _ , , ,,,� , 1 . . rcises � 0 rg";.,�l6"",�.", I I � *&its calmeed in the middle of run 18 h0ursf a day. - ,, i;`%J4i,�1,,,*,,­ I ,gan I I a small Michi- . they would -not resign the hope of the caniiiftft her Bible 'had -been to ihome in Swift ,ourren;t . - ,�i`,��,`� I . 00 greater despotism - lake sunfty as a craft so grossly overloa& ,Mr. J'sines Jarro#, 7th eonce,sision ,seeing established, vislitly , Sask. Xr, �, -1 ro'v " �,­�,'­" � I over his unwil � in. otir her. And then she said,, "It !Ff just a Mlill6r was a for�nler reside -fit of Hay � . R ­,T. ,� . � M1, W, ,M�','.;, 4.. old wafst.0anwst bound to Alo. &,­-,*kli,l I I. _'ARE , . 1. ho -ef of Stanley,). has purchased John G. w0irld. I " 11 . tiny book, and isince, my eyegl are Township, beinig raisied on! the hom�-. . ,,- % ng subje .a than do many of the . . li,,��,4l ffEolwemer, the ,pl is- 11hat ,the aclettlent oc- 'Smith's 610�.here Term, for $4,850.00. VI*jah-ib a monwaordoymist of am failing -it is bax,d to read but I an, .stead on Ithel 14th ednrzonjorti, but 1, , It 0_!�, "'..", 1,,,�, �%,Q&, 5,4_�, � , - . t Rm. - - 1! . I ", ..,,,�"i'i'l I Ubor leaders over their union mem- curred in (Plainview of a largei uUmber of . Mr. Robt. Armstrong of t�he Town graindeot type, Ababliadhis regular Praying tha I 1, I �,,,� 4� .1 � � i , ,� , . , I l" � . .. people ,. , _,� � t my Son m47'bA able to went to the 40anadian West �. , � '. I'l,V, ,, ��, , �rq. , became they Line between Hialleft and, McKillop, ,college of prophets, Zedakiah pMh- s4ve enough to get mle, a new. on,,.) 35 years ago,.passing away at the ",", , U I Mhoggid to attention at firat about I �,,, _V� , Um the calls for aid were',a part of a pme- 118d WSW ba,rn and oulbuildlil9s, sal psied in the nwoe of the Lqlr-d-, and, 1 -got the Book and, showed, he� the .&go of 63 years. I I ;, � ", , , , . " . ,-, " - � � "..", 0'' _ , k; is an Ved b -r f 'M 12, -�Ipli Ivi I .1 I . I - - ii eft obedience to the labor fma" joke- 80 t`W0 Of thle twWV* 'Were drowned. burned down --on Wedn"day, fniorning was familiar, at ,any ratei''with, His 'flY-1e0 and 'we, gave a t " "" 'I. ,� , I , �,, , �_ , ,,I Z, . th nks 0 o 9 9 araras and four' 11,�, _M, ­ -i. , 7U all $010. cOmmm PracN06 ,of overturning a IRst. The origin- of the firte is un- spirit as the agent of inipfration. - He gether.51 ., . ­,­­__'­. -Adk' whath' the order, issued'is .. . broith, �'Z. - he er _ n ister, 3MM. S A i�l , & ,1�1, 1, I" 1. 7�71.___ Y, I - bbat and,then, yelling in, prplb,ended bepor is one known'., . "ay have f6elielvied that he ,and his, ers, Ezra of XApervililpl Ill., Dan ' 1 . 5_ , , .nded, 'and ' of ,the =0'st ,thorougbly I&OM forr& of ,julev , ; " seven hfundred pound6 9f, Wild ragp- ,fellow% were the recognized organs . I � I_' f " -_Wdireet- is ,46n�a �' 06W manY, of us regard .the Bible of Lors Angeles, Ical., Conrad ,of, i . I ,�, ,, . 1� - I I ,"".."Y' "'t - k,WIVM wdbh a "$W d6voti0n? OUT' great BoYeeville, Wis., and Edward at ZuT- fl�, 4��i, " , . '6 P .1, , ��. * -n",. Actuallly it'is e,ATAJna.J.. Guilty ,�� A h , ,'pwei of I in . i, I ­;, . ,­., 1 -'i _'. , * ferand 4eath in berries Were ,expressed from Mnsall 6C the Divine vfiieef, and what they the heart of jeL The late [Mr. Mller passed I) i "., . -r �,�, ­ . t'aWc, 19 ,to, rie-creat-4 ' I , ] "I, . , f -4 � Pool Olfght to be &ggledf, . gJalhon 'dne ftlorrrjlr� � . I ,& 4 vittered ha the sanction of the ,Div. th-6 1Mtlsh'V6opJe " - , �, & '_ ` irvartdbly . get. it, . , laft Week � a 10" ift ,the aVaY oil, July 4'afterl oi two molths" I , I 5�, ' ifidk 4 I iv " . Vft�b while in 1U fdb14 ilt Wais, *� bo that . iAlt the last 'mOting. of thv, Huron ine iname. Afiab: reeog,nized Xiv Ittares which VnIl porb lot illidess-of healrt trouble, -and , ides, I ii , , IVII��` "', ,,,.Iil'411�i, "., " , '' , . i . . ..... a. ", �4,�,,: 1; _ii. . I , , , '', I S;� �& f"I :�,.�4�;!i., 1 1 a,&h Holy ft . ,,, ,. . - � �tft . , . 4 �. "", I . 7 - A I _ " _ I - 4061r' WWI 0al-AIM Us V" t*117 -in real IMRY,.� . _1 , -11 I I ,iow k�a I bes 1'4 ;"' ",�lt",' �' " , '. "6 "', '1193d" d6b� hbt #ee*"Or ,Wy,' until we have sfi"amd, our his brotheft and one 0 is. ,ourn- - , ,� �, `,!i,'_�. , ,, 4110 ,I 6k ii . . ee4 P�VAV� `1014 bt, 06ldieli* Rev I t*O,ag a pro 9,6- d a 0 b , Us reg " T, �;�!,. ,"F§ � � I " - I . I 11 �,�. � ,. 1, . . .'' "" ", ". 0 'Vh,et. old n tW , "i "', , . . 4 ' il`rl .1' $1 9PViJM6tb4,, -1 ze iny formial.b&, ial 4igbIndion I led by his Wite and two chilAren..— � "I 111�2 , � ,; ,�'l wo thb fool luivally ister nj � 1, �It .., OW��andl i� pMofts i. . , , 4, fy�, 9 Yo Or eogni pri11*1es9-t1*9S`U1* with all, nittliki'll 'I - = wa � , " X. . t -y., . I _1 a I � I I V.,!1"i,i5.�,K.',' . suffer, for h% dftdlly'� oft -11 , -k betweedlift,and, th.d�rest. The - , . prol,n T,e,n o� . , . I ,� ie �, l T,ht"W,of � � � t,.. , 1 ;, , .t r k�'t , "ll � " xaoj�OL ? a' _ h0`11,4111 lid 1 �.��, lill_'1111'11__��. '. 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