HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-07-20, Page 5„�� �, ''. 'r I "I.; .I.., � ,� r ;11,1. � , i I ;, � , MI ,J,-�I,.'�.j�l'�4,1,',.; � ,,,, �,�;, ” '. , , � 12 '. �V� � , , , ., "; �-, -, 'J�, � ,v, ��, i ­,',� " P � � - � r �;� , I - i�. , ,,� ,,�!l ,,,�,,, " . "', ��,, , ".,4" I ,? - 1. � 10 � . _� 1 , n" , 1;�, !, N 11 11 I . .. ;� � ", 11 �, - , 1 , . I - . . . ,��, , , , '. I �f 0. .1 . : I , - I , ;'� " I ,, I �� I , , . . , -, ,,,, � . . I q .. , A � I . ­ ., . W'.1--l-�,6111- �­i­.)­ �-,�o .,�­ - 'A., , , � ".1 ,, "T �, 14 Il 1 c4� , ", " " ": . 'I', ­,. � : � ! 1� ..... . t, , , ; . I " I , ." I . I , � : . -, , ` ,J ,: t 1� , 1; � I I I '.. . I . 11 I _."'.". , ., I 1 llldy,14-­�,­%1141 ­­­­­­­­ I -11. ­­ � I., ­ ­­.... ­ -1 ... ­­­­ 111:� ," . �. . , i V"',, I "I', ` - --111-11, I �, � ,: , � I " �� ,� 't- li`.­1011111 I " � , ,%�',.'; � rP_..­VJ2�,:, ilt , 'W','�, 1,111�11.' I I I i , , ` I 17�1511,B'17 , 16�R,4-fm N" I .., � I ., . . ,,,�' � r? , , 'i�;'.' ­1'.',"�t`,.3,��'! L !:! %, �IF � �, �51�17 -gl, ,. . V �Frm, M �, ,,� , ,�; '0,�, V". , Y0, ,`�';��,,�R��!�?�� ,��,�`,K.?v,,-,.,�, "; I 1W ;, ,­�"-" . , __` , 0 I", ', 0 1 ,! ""I � ;, ,� " I q,4,0.ot','�"",.­� i 1� ,�, , ,�,� %. 11 tl'fii .�,. , 1� � I � � "'. ­ 1 ,4 ,� " � 11"", � I L �,�� 11 ,.., I' ,� " It"r iMIVN�,1�3 I �, ,�.. ­, , '7�r .14, E ' , . , , " � 11 '5�"" � , , 1. � � V1, � 11,11"10 .. I i 1," "",l ""'A - ; _0 4� "� . . " ,,,, ki I i,�.�, . ,',t , , ",", . " �� - - � � -A - X-1 - R ,; I _��'� — I "'N i (� .4 I � � RE` So A 111., M ", ". O."O ".1 ,. 4 ,qi , .�!­ " " V[&kgy�jc, � , I ��?�,,�'.A��,%;��f ,,' 1-I'MI.."A' F-R!'O", M,',,�, " A - � . , 1� 11, I Ii. 1, , I'- I ��, L� I .1. 11 1;1 ­ 111, P �", 6. J - - ,�, 1111,111111 -,,'ty,���15�4 ,f.�,I.,np�o � �11 � 1'�-�­P';.,Q-,, �%��,,-�� �,,�111�' "' . i ' "': , �IA , j,�,.,�,: � ,, " I � t tl,�:�% "; "I ; E"11111 -'.4". .—" L ��','�"'�,."�.��""�� V�i "! It I '=Wi��` ' : ' ,: , ,Ii��!�`��*_ , ,a 0 fi A��.�,,, � ,, k I � -NV.,W' r�r),.,4' , IG 0,1QU WA 1,44' I" 11 .. ,�!!!"� I , ,Y4� ��," .1 1! � .,,,,,,R1­,,,�,�" N�,­An,:J�­' , , M,�i�,,,,�,,i�i.�� .! �,�,'�_,j , � � � . ... . . � . - � ­� " , "., � , r', � "I 1­.;�'te­ ", � . ..... ''i", 7. "M . "'. I JIBbla , � : , -11 ; , , ,.�� :,�; � � - TOM, NIX AND NW PONY �'TQNY in., � , , , , , � 7 I I I I . I � , a . - , . _��,;��T­' il- �.J,)t,1,1V,Q1,J�1, . W., . .. , , 1*�.',dn CC . R a I .. . . .1 I : I . I . _1 I . " "I., " � " ��,!!,F,�,-4': 'A�,111 " !�� . " " �,,, �, � 11, I' �:, f .) 4,,,,r,i,��;;!.O,;ii�,�..,�.,;"�, " �e I � - 777, �,,� ""', �;� . V.,gil�irnc , .1 " . . ,q � 0. "F%Ar ', GU ' ' , ,; ,��.' . , i:,� ­�- - - � - -, , - , , " . � �­, ,�, ,,�. , - " ,Aii�q_ " . ONG , N .9 : � I . , , ."'! $ 4 -1 1"t , , I I � - 1: -, I _ , , '"'I,,," �j_�­W - f,66,1 I - , �� s,',��.�-.; ;:.,', ­111�.,- 'p I. 1: 140 lg�� 11,W1 P_ . . - , . �­ u I.".."". ', '. , 0, � I T,P,P�V�,��g , IM7MR4 ' ' J . ,Ovelsi pww* . �, ...... . .. .. Ow��,Vll . " p4a ,F i I , I I . , 46 ACK PAYN'R A4WD HIS �IIAND in . . . I � , k1k ''10. :� r!i 'k I . i - - � " , , ,,, �4 � , ,' I ,, R�1�1.'11� , � . 4'� -f M VA lK I I ,-Aho J , .7 0 - . n1) .' �Ir.� ' ee- - IV#* '. R�Ipwlf�: "" � `� , -­ � 't ': q l 4. "� I . *wMe., Taddidn,�tK*), ,Wt'.'�!W' ge �wilzl,. jbq�, 1W*1" �,, k -- p � '0,�, YVIRII - , !$ AY . ' " �, ��,`�.��-', I � , 1, I _ap I - , : . � . � gave, folliv ,,WaWs, ,' ,, I I I ,va . , , '- a . " - "'%V; ".0 I , IT I WITHMUSIC . 1. , 'P 'AqQ 4, I- -, I'.$ I .� . , t _��@t,�# i � 'M, 'g "O - W .44 t -,sim,a." -, - 11 �!� ,lowl,"i"', ", , I'V F,"-, i'O"I'RIF � N" I , " " , I , _ be,404. In G0404 0-5 " �, . % I :?A41 , , , wl? P., n ma,de'the most, iWiffi., 13-i 111� 41 I , .� , , -­ .,��..11 , 'Ilk � � �yR' - 0 � . I -N:,�, " ""� -&, � - ikp , 11, JkW nk�x,, ". 11 lv� 0M , . � 1. WONIDAY, TURISPAT, VZONDSIDAY ` '- ' .��: I'Millcivie "A01"(17t" W� � ".. -, 11"..-I I � 1111 ,� � WX .� , I .."", . .; .... � I �; , ', , , I . , tiqn%l'4Wh"-q( the'g4wo in- . , ... I , i �' � ........ 111'11.01'� I ,Z11- �, , g.jl�l "� . I - the third 0 . I . .1 . 1.1 ; .. 1, ,�If 1��'.;�! ... ,0 � �,, " .. , *` `V, ,�) g ,-�. he P tirwee ,ruxixer,s, .woe �on to , " ,I . " r ' g I LIONEL *r o 00�0 ev,er b"u It"' ,�� ; , I -- �' , 7,N ­_ 11AARTMO0 11 - . . rmu , , f. = % �8*: - .1, . I , "": 4, �N": .... �eQ,�,,­;, " 1. N .. . , I brings another n -in7dog, wbou.: -7 , . . . .. . - :, , , t�,;'�,.'��'�,�,,'�,',',',,97,"�,�!���4,,� 'y �R " , , � �11,�1�11 I . - ; . I 11 ..� 1, , �� , ")" I I A - , ,r � Mepl: 1.4 I . I ,, v,:��:'_�:�?, .%;'�:��',, �, , I _0 "I �'­ trjuwph� to t _4rrymore fam4y,,i - , . " at one time- At 1%*y I I , ;, ;.,_''.,: 1,�, - �,��'.,0- . "I'll --11. . ' ' _ , . � 4., , I 1. . 1.1'r - ... � . , " ,, I - � " - I , .1.11 � '10, g I I , � ­. , - , i� , , ,""i . "ONE MAN'S JOURNEY" se. Ai , meetm . in, 4DAnoda. . -11 . , � . '�,` . ­ "' 1'4�,V �.'�,,�'q , 4 1 ba JSam Rennie &W caught, a .11� ?6 ill 'y., Nw,� vne baeb bebilitd sorond hasft ., . I . . I ! .1 11 I .1. . . . . . . . .1� IDAAt . . . .__ .. I I .1� � .� I ." EEL .. COMEDY . , t The card. im1ullps, fore stake iaces, � ,, :-' , . .., 1. �, ,',��,! ", 'Ils, - lo ip', . I .... I I , �" � . T � � i , �� . . I 1�.� �g t-,", �1" �� — , . �, I " ��/ih'.,. * ( "', N I . I , - /s100 '-".- ' - ;7 LO., I I , all'PJSUAY, FW]MY, SATUMAY I R,,Q.,Dunr 0 4 ".0 ­rjWV I;& ye��:�Id­­ � — I 1'. � ,�� �,J �1�1 !0;:� � - ' , 0 pace with. ., ­ I 11 -, I L 11 .1, -'3v, 1. 0 � I I . . .1 , ... "I I'll � . I I EDMUND LO`WH - ANN SOTHERN . . spax,orth 1 2 0 0 1 * 0 50,.9 'Mee; I � I", �� I I ; I 1. ���Vll I I 1 4 .1 . I I - � , I I " in a Musical Romance of Real Merit . . ,,%,. enkiis; the Free,F(of-All, with 17 11 �1. - , � . 11 `� I"? �,,gmuql 11 . I I - , .., iii R , ; I - I �,,i t-, 11,1'-�," i I - .. I �� i, 4 w . I L , * T �� I-, � F� X. .. 11 : 'I "LET'STALL IN LOVE" love, c,.f.; Noorehead, 2b.; Halliday;, , ,". , ,,, r R. G. Donp!s--Ming, 3b,; 404 evtrie&_4,5 entries all toid,-4ould, . . , I " - �, , I ,,, ARTOON V-0ke some wondel:fful racing and ,-4 1 , 'S� . -11, I t 00M,,UDY I . C . e, eattie, 1b.; ClZborne, IS.; Beales, � . I v ; I I . . , I ,;, , I h . I — . ,� B 4 i ... .... ... ,� . -1 th C vic Ho dij I . , . ; I I _`1 " , .. Xaiinees,Sat.'and b9li 7hows -ni,ghtlY, MO -404 9115. . s.s.; Treleaven, r.f.; Moyes and Pa& tbe� ate,',Arugust �, , , I i, H . . - .., .. . . , I � 11 I ftys",8,p-mi�Two I � �.: ,.11 �. . � ��,,!.­' I . . . � . , .. , ,� :A, 0 I � don, p. - . . Races start at 1.30 exact, � ,� I . . .... . L ,,�� 1 , � , I' � � � 111L' � . ­N_�".L� 1 .2 "".-n - �,,�, . 0* , ,, .-,, ,,�, � " , .� : ,,ap5� , � �, I ., , 'L , . I � . - I I ,� , ." �'­',L! . �. 11 . ; I . . . r . Sea&*rbh­-4G. Rennie, s,.s.; Mb[Caul'- Dr. -Dr. W. F. Clark,' . I.. . I I I . : " . - 1:�i N r - �"121�.'-�.,`,� w..4,Pff 1! I V&Itely, . I I . . "",;�4�� . ."'.1 I , �. . . I , I I I I . . ley, 2b.; Wright. 1b.; E. Rennie and -presideni. . � Seefetary.' � -11.1 � . r,W I . I I I I � v.. �.__ - ��-,�_`�, `­v,Q7,i11 �; " � , ., ,r,��,�� - A� ,. I r I . � � ­; Lln'_IWNI_44 N! , I . I . . I 1. - '' fi I J I I ,Burgpss, c.; McGregor, c.f.; R. Ren- . . I - I I I . - . I"— ­ I ­­­ "I .11,11, . I .1. I RM , LLL ... �� . ."­ . _� , , 'Nitft-,,8- I. . ,� 1�1 Q4 4��'.14" - � . . i . , , - lr"F,�� �,,W, 1 . ,�v_ .14 . � ." L I �_ I I . . . . . I 1'� . :__!�,'.�,_.", ,P,P'.,,.'�,;N; - "' " � ; I . % � " I "�i der,of theday will be og very,s�hort 11�e, T.fil,­-Plant, 3b.; Cudmore, Stew- � I . . , . . s' -_,f ", "I" - , t", I I I "' `�I""i �i4 , �: Buck -n I .t,Ml t . . STAFFA . - . ,duration -this yew unless ,some niore art and- AUCTION SALE , -Women's'Allover - . Crepe �R- al, �'Y"-�;,'O":;'�,l�,:�'�;'�ll,',,��, -,,_-'�_];�.%',I, � I - . . ' , � � Jine. Tains comp along. - Many;,.iberrp- EglinondTle PW�ins, Loses I . . I . I. �-­ , � '-,* .;$ . I L" ­ �J., g - I I . ,, � . The Womien's Tn-Aitake picnic . will . pickers report a shorb�ge in the ' , Zogniondville wbn ,one And lost one A UCTION SAJ,E OF, HOUSEHOLD EF- . . ., . I oomiir Paub �, . � �i , I .. . 'be beld ,at Grand' -Berid ,on Thu�rsda,y tihougli more than was expeetUroapt �, the town league softball ganies. FECaS. VrC�, on Main Street, Fast, . I . B1 .. st evi". -.4 1 1 An invitation -is the beginning,of thte veason owing to " Herisal-I. on Saturday. July Met, 1934, at 2, . I I I I - . ,, I I.. � . 4 q..."'"", I � afternoo They defeated the Indiistries 13-101, o'clock p=L Mr.1 George Elliott has Te�eetved , , IR the :rain.,., - � ­­ Finest quality, perfect fit. V it ` _5�" 1* %, JW,y ,26. Short p-4.ff'sleeves;'White, Ecru, . �, j�rl�-4,-,p�..�'... 11. dextended to ,all (in, the c0mmiiunity.to but -lost 16-1.1 ,to the Merchants on instruotions t1p seal by pulblic auction ,the , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ousehad articei5, e?a- , vi ive- - Blue,_Flesh. New t I . � . 1. � ... �� � -1 _11 4,111, �.t , " . � .", . ��� � , Mrs. Am,bde ,PaTsons 't a few Pink, ,S y e. . ", '? 'be sPell ' Monday. � A small riat .geene'was. al, soldowing h - z: F I . V, 11� I . '11 . preseot.. I � daiys recently with -her parents, Mir. ­ piepe. living 'room suit% sildeboard, dinin-g on , � k , ,,, .__.'11­11� .� . . I .. room table, 6 diningi room chaim, hall rack, . Size -16 to 42 .... . . ,P ,most enacted at Monday's game when �(3r7c Pink, Peach. 411 sizes,.. . . , . ­ - wc�,��,��,,,,,�, " A I .... I . I . . . . I I R�­ ,� t . ____ __ Joe Linden and' &ug�r the football teams -of Eiginilandiville arid 4 'bedroom suites (complete), feather- ticki I I " . .— �. :111� , - I _,� .... gl�,,.,, 11 . I � _ I , 11*� ­ . I , , �,.��Vtt� ,,_21! 4 ) ST.. ' of'Denfield. Seaforth lined up their P4' d pillows, exteneron table. 4 small tables. .__ I I . � � I I �.., I � I " ,'.�,�, ,'ii .�; 2� . . 1. COLUMBAN layers to " . 11'.11 W11"a '011. 1 ­ 'The ��sl union ,Sunday school . glass capbosa-d. number of kitchen chairs, oia . . .1 . 4, ,V""U'S& . .1 I I I 111'1�:;, ... ��, �­� 1- I I . . I" I , - I ... � ��� " `;,�:12111. � Play While'the Softball ig'&MO W&S In cloth Tug 4 carpet., -mirkin . '.. .. �:r � -`�! I . ind q chair, dock, . . ,.,! .. I , I of St. Am&Ws, 117tited Church ' " ',� ',�,�,�, """'""" I plenic .: I . `1 , , .�", . I . ­ Fne gairden eL ' fprogreso. ,Constable -Snell, stepped in stove, gramophone, kitchen utensils, :egleumterl-e' - -ow-.Proof , '�Rubber B .1 . I �.,., 1, . ; �i"L,4v, ` iparty of July 10th on . . '!!"�L� �7�T!, and H *green is to b ,held, this. Fri- iron, 2,1�w Pi4ue Skirts - Shad ' � ­­-,;�­,,r ,,..,�V�7'.&_M 'A and confisicated the foothall until the , nor electric plaite, fruit gems, lawn - . , � 11 1�.. ,, .'�P,�F'..' W."', ,�, ,':��, � � , 1, ;.�. ," im", ,� -the parish la*n. proved rbD [be It very other artildes. TermB--Cash. __ �,�. , ,.", . . ., gig � . I � ,,, , � R . ' ,day afternoon, Ju,ly 20, -at joweWs ,softball ' game wag over. 'Much mower ancL , .. . ' " .. 0 .,,�;,� 4 1 . L , ,!. ,enjoyalble emendng and a decided sue- G� BaTfijgd. JGIIN SHEPHERD, Proprietor; George H. . .­ .�..,) 1. , I I :,?,��Ii , , A very live sporto wrang,linig, t . . I 1��'11, ,,A,N� �, I � . �,,��74�.��11�1�M , ' ep aps ., - ,,,,, 11T ­ . ;oe,ss in every 'way. Net proceeds i0ok place and tmpe*, Eiii**,,Auvtioneer., 3475xl Cr e Slips C I ... .1. ,­ .11��., ".. I I con1niftee is, ,planning a. -splendid � . Variety of at- : I ',�, -."`:t � . were at -the fighting point and fist- '_ � ,., -Vjer,e $27& tiimet and a larlge crowd is expect,e;d. . C i 4:1,�,: �"_`� , ""',", ., I : , � I . I The following tea.thers -and stud- 131r.l. S. 7%�onlis=6 'Sr., is, spenoffing� cuffs would have resulted had, not ' tractive styles; Substanti a I I y All ihe wanted 15 p"t" . ".. �ents are at their resipective homes the ,Chief been, on hand to sq,uelch it. 'MORTGAGE, SALE I . . , �,� !. �,It.-, . . a few days the guest of -her alsmr, The town leagne softball executive . I . excellent qual- a d e, lace I colors,clever to. � , ,. - ,:,�,i' ' -for the holidays: 7bo'nias McQuaid, ,Miss Ka4 Moir and .brother, ol ' . 14� 1� "I'll ,�'_ � , 'F ...... I � :,:!�..,, ­1� . R bert, 0 MILL PROPERTY AND CHATTEL . 1. , - had ,decided at a meeting that if a .tyle,-,��All sit , ­� .. � �:,. . - ,�, ­, I i �, 11 -aCornwialE.; James Lane, "Rainy Riv*r; 0 in -1.95 - . I I,.,?- ' " 1.*O � - tri " ' ity ge ,, mined, white ". . _ I Till, who schednledj��football .game fell on the :` �.�;`?�, aso 'Mr, and, Mr& Colin McC _; good ran 4 MORTGAGE SALE: OF FLAX MILL , I I . .. I I ' -33urrke, Lond,o the EQUIPMMT only. All sites. - ' es. .... F .11 Charles Malone, Windsor; Lucy a,re,leaving. shortly fortheir honie at ,night of a softball 'game, then of sizes ....... .... 1'0 . 65C I � ,%,:,...�41'4, -n; Gertrude and' Agnes Belmont; ,Manitoba. � . I I ,� - . � I.. "k��,!, , ,, . , I .., �,, I I tball gante would be pp - � <01 .. . I - . � .! ,��_, " � , - . , �. .: - �,�..! �'. NoGraith, Kitchener; Margaret Me- '(Too 12hte for last week.) . :so,f sbpGnedl un , � I � ,,�,�.. .. , """ L �Grath, Brantford; Mary , Deamsey, til the next evening. Monday,,S foot_ Under and by virtue of the powers con- . - � " r : . � . " � �, �, ....... ., . ,��., .1 . . I I I , Mliss, Margaret . Walker and, her - tained in ,a certain mortgage,which will be I . I .. .. 1 �,,Tl, . . 1 . ,, � I I ball gwne was a postiponed game from produced 'kit rffie time of sale, there will be � � ".. . I � � _ � . I � , �Gueliph; 'Helena Flannery, Liaw'00'd; brodi4, Ivi,son, Sf?eteilbaro, were Wabasso Hemmed Hemmed I - �, ,§ . . I �:.�4. ... I ',Joseph, Williams� Dry&diale. . re- Safurday so the st6fthall teaffnis would' offered for sale ,by ,pub4id auction at the 1* : �;. .1" I . I'll, . � cent guesits with Mi. and Mrs. Winl� . ... . . .., . . .. I - ,,�� ,�, , I . : ...... ...... "', , - not give in to -the footibaflers, and Pre-Ises, on . I 1. ,, __ ..�, , , , . . I.. '11", , I , I (Rev. F(a;ther Austi7n; Brown of Sit. Iv-4I.S,0n lan&� He' 'son FRIDAY, JULY 27th, 1934' I .. . . W. nry Ivi and thus the mix-up ,occurring. .- Sheets , Pillow Slips I . ... ,��,.!V, ',TJd,cbael's Ooll-lege, Toronto, and bis d�au ter, Miss jean., . I � o'! .... t gill IDgmand.ville 0 0 0 5 6 ID 0 0 3L-,,131 at 2.30 PmL, by Harold -D. Dale, Auctioneer, I . � . I .. � . 1, ­,"', I . . - , a . I . . 311 ��, 1e0o,th. Out I . . s - .. the following property, . � I I �. . , 'i '4�, -parents, Mir. and MTs. R. P. Brown Mrs.- Edward, Taylor" and. daughter, I d stries, 0 2 3 0-1 0 0 4 0_40 Pure white cotton famous Wa- ne quality, pure white cotton, � � �� . ., .:;,LL� , , , . I - All md, ainiuja�r those certain parcels or . ,�, I ,land Paltrick Brown of Kinkora visit- Patricia -of Straftfb,rd� sipent a .few ' ' . P - I " ' . I Egmondlville 0 0 1 0 0 4 10. 0, �--1 I t.t. of land ,and premises sit.te, lying � , I --- .--- .ed relatives here on Manday'last. i's par- , 1, 19 1�i . . ... �'...r-- t I 1. I days recently with the formes Merchants 3 0 3 2 5 0 Oi 1 2_16 and b6ing in tlw Township of Tuckersmith in basso make. Sizes 72 x 84 inches. , neatly hemmed. Sizes 4� inches. 29(0 _� ., . � I � ­ . I _____ - __ . .. ents, Mr. . And Mrs. Robert Dinsdale. Good crowdo, " Ei�e been' attending the C`nty,jolf Hi`,ron And Provinceod On- . . . . . 1. � . . . I . . I .. I.. . �, .. tarlo and being conizmed of: .. . V��, . . both the town lea6e games and ,the FIRSTLY -Part otf lot number -ten in. the . , 0, . I . I . I . . : � ��,, DUBLIN I . �", , I exhibition- games,. first iconce3sion, Huron Road survey of the .�,. .,­� . . . USBORNE ... Township of Tuckersmith (now in the Tow. Men's Pure Wool 'Misses' & Chfldi? , . � ""i..", I I _;� . _ ' . I ­ Egmondiville---�Kruge, Willig, Dale, New Style Dresses :�,.-,� Week-en,d visitors were: MTs. Chas. of SealQrth) and ' - . I I ," ,� " "� . . . � . I ­. , G, Rennie, Kling, J,. Flannery, 'Sher- SEOONbLY-Part of got .number ten in . 1. . . I . '. � . , ", I 4 I -Strubb and childre'n, Kitehene-r, with I . . , -1 I _,A . Council Minutes wood, Venus, :Iiagan. ,the second concession, Huron Road surveyiof _� 1-1 , . -Mrs. T, Burns-; ,Miss Margaret Jordan Sox , . . . 11, the said Township of Tucken�mith, . 0 " ��,, . " I I The -municipal council -of the town- ir,rdustries-4Muir' Bucknam, 11art, Togetiher with amd including all buildings I � I F a n c y voile.9, 11 Ankle S x ',,., . ..'# 11 I .of Wlinds-or with MT. and Mrs'. James s I . ,:41 I ship of Uslboyn,e ,Me,t on SLI't,urd'ak ! d, E. Buck- . � .�:_ , Barber, Reiman, Hildebran I �, . . on said prIsmises amd the pl-t, engines, boil- . R i p p I e sheen . ­ . Jordan; Miss, K. O'Cannell, London, July 7th, in its regular T�Ontli!7 naTn, Weston. . . medium weight Silk or mercer- . :�� Z'11'. ­ I � ers, mac,himery, shafting,'belting; Pulleys, Im- - 1. --with 'Mrs. BTuxer and MIss O'iCon- mee-ting fwith " the rneTr4bers of Merchants"C. ,Christie, .B. Chris, plements, utensils and eflects.im arid about or . g o o d assort- . ' .. '' �1'.�, . mell; Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Byrne and council -present. The,,minurtes of June belonging to the works and lands and the - I . . � ized; - extra ' , I . . I . -.,-,.. * I -tie Tamian, E. Rennie, - R. Rennie, yard thereof u,nd.whether the same be of the 11 Grey, sand or ment. 'Big - re ' 11 . .. .1 �.. "�;., I I enumerated or not. I - quality'- all col- 1)' � . .. I . , . Detroit, with M,rs. K. Byrne;' Mis,s the special meeting of June 4th, Were garal class e C duction in price . � ..�� I I T,h said property As situate on the out� F . � 'Vera Feeney of Toronto with Mrs. brown . ' top. Mc � - 11 <hildiren an, -d "Iffiss Margaret Byrne, gnd meetiing, together with that of Fre'e Card -no, Ha . ysT, Weston, Rog- . 11 '. , 1. .1 .- 739" ' "' ors. C'Uff . ­A� 11 readand a,pproved -on motion of West- ski,rtq of the Town of Seaforth'i,fi-the County ,'ribbed; ,Z5 � ,.��,_ I . . ''; I -Kathle-en Feeney; rMy, and 121irs. ,coitt-M. i�,% ,10 ron ,and on'It is a weld -equipped flax I . "'; I . Corresipandlence: Com- . . of Hu . , I I ,.r��, , . m �.�l .. 0 � mill. , I �8� - James Sbea and,son, Junior, Win& munication from Dpipaxtallent of Pub- , ' � I . . 1 """AA4 .. __ 4 I TERMS ON REAL ESTATE . ..nl.,, ,Eor, with Mr. and Mrs. Jo-bn Flana- lie Highwayt, re by-law for expqn, I ;:;�,,. ''. . , Farm. Notes The property will be sold subject to a re- Men's Fine Sweepstake . Men's Better Worsted : . �;, I . I jgan; Mrs. Shade Queenan, Lon,don� diture on township roa& for 1934. - . . serve bid. . . . . I � . . . d's 1; . I - . 11-4. Ten per oent. of the purchas I ,�. 1, I � -*rith Mrsi M. ,Meagher. Although a copy of this. by-law, No. Sandy Soil Management . . �,:�, . I I I i 2, 1934, had. been passed and- -for- . I paid sit rume of sale and balance in thirty . � " I I I , - " , . I I I days. . I Shirts - Suits", . I .� .''. warded to the Department at March For drifting sands ,a plailt Im,own . " . . . . - I$ .1 I , HIBBERT 3rd meeting, the 'Clerk was, adN"Ised �Iaq se-a-saind reed, or beach gTrass hhe Under and by virtue of a chattel . I _. �)". - � . . to send another. Letter from Audi- been used with con-siderab e mortgagee's warrIa,nt for arrears of principal The best shirt value we have- Highest quality of pure Bot- . 1. 11 I ,- ,-., ,x.� - , a., success" I I 1, .. . .11 - -, I I Promotion t�a,Tns Of S. S. No. 6, tor Hydro Commission, re. arrears. of it .is valuable because of Rs and interest, etc., -issued to Johri H, Earle, ,ever,. offered; attractive pato- . . . 111� . Pass 60 per ceint. For Sr. taxes in Usiborne-notea and 'had grow Wh ' ro0t- 13.11iff, Seaforth. Ont., there, will be offered any Wool Worsted. New pat- , - � ., .the same time and place the fol- ,-,I 1� - "HiNbert. - stock th i ich enables- -it to xur'�sade at - terns; full sizes,,collar attach- . 1. ' I `41�� `_ ' .�. I S 7 2, R. been answered by Clerk. Letter frolm grow ,up through rapidly aecumulart- lowing artkles:- . I I.'', I 0 1, V��. Tri,vett 73, 'H. Norn 1000 ..... "'..., . - 11 __ - � I- ,Au-stin 69. For Jr. tIV---4F,iieen Craw- the Glo'be Indemnity Co., steeking in'- ing ,sand. When the sand has been Two Breaking Machines, I Soenens ,Fibre et. AlI sizes ......... : ........ terns. New sty�� . ............ 22#50 1 41 , :�, . , �,:� . Scutching Mo hine complete with belts, one I 11 . . I .:;� I . � I ford 79, B. Balfour 76, li� Mc-Naugih- formation, re township ,mileage, prev- fairly well qontvo,1l,ed, there are two 'c . . . � , F,tr+ch 'Torw Scutebing Machine comi>lete with . -_ -_ - � I 1. ... "" ,,�� I .. . .1 iton 7,�, B. WeLellan 72, L. MdLellan i,ous claims and' dia,teof council mect- ,Other -ras b I Etrich Tow Shaker complete with . . . I ­.� g ses, namedy rat-tail and elt� . . ,i,� . I . t 1 �,M&6, J, Norris 65. For Jr. III - C. ings-4to begiven. Forms tobe filled wild rye, which have, been found Use_ bell: 1 Kalbfleis,ch Tow Pr6s, I Fibre Press, . ...10 1".,.f, , I Seed Carrier and Shaker, I Shive amil Hull . I ".`J ,I, ­'R�N&ughton 9%, A. X Kay 87, X and -forwarded tp Provincial Goiviern, ful. Unfortunately the supply of Carrier I Hand Truck, I Blower 25 H.P., 1 Men's Outing-]�ants Men's White .. .1i. I , . I , M6n's Fast Blue � . � 'Trivett 85, H. Laing 83, N1. Norris nient, re.:Sbed Grain Subsidy. Notice the seed of these ,plants is scarce. Heating Coll 11,141, pipe, I Hea,ting Coil Ill . . � ;,I,. , . I 1; ,�, , "So blow- p Drive Shaft and Hanger% 2 , , , . , IM. Scott go, M. MicNaughton 76, of stray be-ifer by Alvin ESSery, Lot Therre are many aress. of . ipe, I Main :,, I I A. Cole 73, L. McDougall 72, M. Me- 2, Co6, �, who hadi'adivertised sanle Counter Sha(fts and Hangers, General Pur- PoloShirts 1: ;,,' ,,4and which will never be fit for any- P�re Snenens Scatcher. WorkShirts San,f orized ,,,� , Kellar 71, H. Muxworthy 52, Jr. 11 And no lowner found. Passrmore-Shier: thing but the production. of �rees. It Pulleys as, follows: 14f, x 8ft WS, 1411 1 . . . I I .". ��t I . . . shrunk Outing I . , !-W J Wl IS; 141f x 12?l IS; 12, , I I ..:� ,,, 1B. McKellar 96, K. Trivett 90, - That Councillor Wes)tcatt be in&tfuct- may be necessary, even; in .the estab- x ,", - I Westlake 76, D. McLellan 61. Class ed to sell same on Saturday, July 21, 1ligi-dng ,of desiralble types of trees, lote x 7t, WS; 4611 x V1 WS" 3-,""". wl,,s,, Color guaran- . Pants, f an c'y - White Mesh .1 I ­ ____1 .... ; I 1, - I . WS - 24?l x 1211 WS; ,S2/1 x 'k4' 1,H. Murworthy 97, L. Norris 92, J. at 10 o'clock a.m. Notice of Boun- ,first to, ,plant quick-gavwing kilids-, 8�1 WS: 7fl , 31, IS; 121� 1 11 I ' cLellan 86. Prim- dsry Drain Award from the Clerk *,sh beach grass, or use other x � � teed,'full size ; - e o I o r stripes _ . cotton, s h o r t I -,,L11. a McCulloch 89, R.- V establi 20f x Ill? WS: 1211 x 41t IS: 4011 x Ill/ . J .". i .11 I i3ary Class ---4G. Hougi�hton 93, G. Me- �of lf�bbert Town,5hip: Tabled until WS: 261, x 101, WS: 341, x W�'ll WS. ' s I e e v q, open I 11 ,,'� . methgds to co,ntrc,l the sand, until the B i g " Bi i , "�i I ­ Beirtinx-30 f"t of 4-in,h rui;ber belting. , P; Dark w i t h bottQm. ::: %Naughton 92, R. Laing 812-R. R. A.-Ligust meeting. Bill from Blans-hard yol.-L.-ng permanent tree-, cafn. vecure a 11 � � . .30 feet of 4 -inch rubber belting, Z2 feet of I �.1, 'MacKay, Teacber. council for fee for truant officer of �roper foothold. As to cro,p yields, 3 -inch leather belting. I '. blue idhambrgy. 8 9 C All sizes . ..... 195 neck. Size 66-40 75c ,. ­�.` I IN I --- Usborrie ,pupil. Shi-eT-Westcott: That cin sandy so0s, there appears to be Two step ladders, de�k and drawer, three I � I . .. � I . I I �t� I Pronto fire extinguishers. 2 - �,, - I � I . ,� e arrivunts, as a, ighbqner, t.bl_� as follows: 5 ft. 6 ins._x . Usborne agree to Pay 50 per celit, 1jittle ddHerenee in 't(li-e oil cans, belt . I TUCKERSMITH NvIlien Blansillard has done so. Pasis-1 result ,of the various Triethlods of tj ft. ; 4 f t. x ,4 I t. � 6 f t. x 2, & ; 2 it. x . . . . � � . I . "'M . I m1ore-iShier: That the Fidelity Bond . , ,� � . ploughing. 10 . 1 2 ft, . � i.� . � IMT. and Mrs. Lusco-n*,L, -and Max- for S. J. Pym,l Collecbc�r, be-, renewed. � I Two Threshing Whippers, Selfbinder on I" I � � ecial frame, Carrje� 30 ft x 3 f t.. Carrier I I . 14, I I I _�garet of Detroit, Mrs. Sarah and Rae --�C-ied. Sh i e r - Pa ss,niio re: That Canadian'Honey Eiports 2F_1 ft, x 18 i,ns.. Livingston Fainning Mill. ' /) 1, . .1�! MeNfillan of Londlon, Mr. and Mrs. t1he ,prayer of ,the petition gl�esented First in Urtited,Kingdom Clinton Fanniw Mill, Seed Elevator, $haft-. 1 , " , , . ing 32 ft. x 1�4 ins., 3 Sha,ft Hangers. � ,'� r -Gordon Walker of Bad Axe, ,Mich., by Miessrs. Wiseman and Malloy for Clanada, ,�io fat ar, world exN,rt of Pulleys (leach) -3411 x 9tf WS; 2 Pulleys .1,� . and Miss Mary B�roadfoot of Palm il grant to im,pTo-ve Kirkton Stone fbon,ey .to the United Xitigd-om is con- l2fe x 61f IS: 24/1 x 711 WS; 221" x 121t . ", - � 4 i . guests of Mrs,. Church Cemietery, be . granted and, first WS: 22ff x 1211 IS. I I " .11" Beacb, Florida, were cerned, has risen from, fifth to 11 tewar, . ,ros., . ea o - ... Alex BroadSoot, '15dill Road, while at- .tfhat $5OiOO be 0, otted when the work- Unkyfidinv Car and Track: 240 feet of 7-8ff I " " place in the peri -o -d ,between 1928 and, rope: Ladder 9 feet; 60 tons of Ratted . . , � I . dinding the Broadfoot Centennial. is completed to ,the satisTaction of 19S2. - with � . ,:", ; . Straw; Bench ,wooden vise, desk and I I .1 Mr. and Mrsc Donald Junior OT council. Bill from County of Huron, The 1928 figures, being the latLASt drawer; Bench; Water Tube Boiler: Poker. . 11 14 I I I Nedstead, Sask., arid ,Mr. and Mrs. '110SPital expenses Victoria Hospital, available, indicate New Zealand as, Rake, rdue Scmverr� Puldey 42fl x 161,Y1 WS; - - . . - . . . I ,:I George Brunglow, held for investiga- 1) - the heaviest exporter of honey Cuplioard; 3 Breaking Machines partly dis- 1. I . ,:. ,Jobn Dallas, of Hensall, spent an, af- I eing mantled; Miscellaineous Gears for Etrich Ma,- . ", .1 I I . -ternoon recently at the home of Mr. tion. Woir-Slhier:. That, each ra�"pay_ `to the United Kimlgdom, followed in chines: odd Pieces of Belts and mR,nY Pthei� i . I . :and.Mrs. H. M. ,Chesney. er in the township be requested to cut order ,by the United States, British old Tents and articles. I Clerk's Notice of First Post- FARMS FOR SALE ­ , I - I I the weeds on the roadsid�6 abutting TERMS ON EQ Ud PMENT- -Larger articles ... I . — - � I I - . West Inch --els, Soviet Union end Can- will be sold sul,ject to reserve bid. All art- in loving memory of Jeannie F. WrWht I ing of Voters' List ARM FOR SAI --FOR SAll PART LOr I 1. their OW71 farms to fkeep down, expens- Ada. . I . icles must be cash. . . F .. I � . who passed gway on July 21st, 1932. 1 . 28 and 29. Oonoesslan 3..McKQ1ev, em- -Jli , MANLEY . . ,es and le�isen taxes. Shier-Phesmore: I It �s ffitere,&timg to note that whille For further varticulaTs and conditions of tainine 192 aar�ss iiaid knavra im 4he T. IL 1.��, ___ 'That a gramit of $15.00 -be, made to New Zmland exports. declined from �`d', I'll to . God knew that you were suffeiiTig (Section 10, Form 4) Hays' finTa. Must be sold to elfte ** 1 I I , I I . *Kirkton Agricultural Society and $16 And the hills were hard to climb, Y1 not sold wN be renbsiL For vfttSm3bM 1� . 4-r. 'Fred- Eckert accompanied Mr, 20,971 cwt, in 192:9 to 1,845 cWt. in, - HAROLD D. LANG, St. Marys Ont., so He closed Your -eary eyelids, Voters' List., 1934, Municipality of the Vil- Appdy lbo J. M& GOVENLOOK, Etwatim, Gap. , �.� - . . I .and'Mrs,. Johm Bue-Mey of Barrie �Lnd for Baby �Beef Competition for Us- 1932, Canadian honey exports to thee solicitor for the Mortgagee and' ttel And whisvered, "Pe"e he thine-" . Inge of Hensall, County of Huron. . tortih. sm" ,: I 'Mr. Joseph Dantzer -of 'Dublin to lborne ratepayers, each animal enter- United Kingdom increased from 3,- Mortgages. To __.Sadly mimed by Brothers ,and Sisters. . � . .Ii'l edJ havIinig, [been in Ithe exhibitor'.g the DATED this 14th day ,of July, 1984.' 3475-1 NOTICE is hvreby given that I have com- I -- ! i I . �Oshawa to attend the funeral of 9T -S 161,.6wt. to 19,648 cwt during 3475-1 plied with Sedtion 7 of the Voters' Lists Act �� . � hanAp at least t(hree mlonths. West- Samie period. . I and that I have, poste4' up at my office in Usborne & Hibbert Mgtud "; -Buckley, ,Sr., which took -Place las'l cott�Moiy: That the following ac- 1 High qualifty and im1pravements in I - I I . 'Tuesday. . . t,%e Towm.Hadl. Hensaill.,on -the 8rd day of I.I�, counts be passedl and paid: ;Mrs-, J. FOR SALE July, 1934 the Jist of a.] persons entitled to Fire Insurance Company 1. Mig. Joseph Dckert and family of B. lReynalds, Election Clerk, fees the bleniffinig amid, gradli n g of 09ina,diam MORTGAGE'SALE vote in the s -Mil Muni,dipality At Municipal . .. I ' . I I �Oakville visited friends haxe . 1hovey, in addition to, a vigorrouss sales Elect -Bons and that such list remains there Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. 1. � I last Election board, Usiborne�s share, I I -Week. . I . poldey, are cited by the Ontario BOUSE AND TWO FA112VIS.- for inspection. President - ANGUS SINCLAIR , 11 $106.24; B. M. Francis, insurance ag- H Y,nderr and by virtue otf ,the powers con- FOR SXLX' fmme house, e,,ment foun- - . Eight-r,umed voters to take Vice -President S01MON'DOW, I !Harvesting the fall wheat will be as, . oney Expout Association as reasiom8 tained in a certain mortgaue, which will be dation: elect,ric lights, etle.; a good �1'1�� ent, 1preimAuxa on; collectorvs. bond, � barn Gnd AND I hereby call upo � � was, ,but the I for this, product's inicrea,sing popu- produced a,t the time of sale. there will be , e i , oP immediate Wvl 11 . 1 , light -a job as ,the ,ha: . , ix lots, adapted for market ward n ng - Proceedings to any errors or IRECTORS � . $22.50; Orval 0ooper, cutting weeds, larity in offered for &ale by public auction at I po its senforth Collegiate. Also famn of 75 om.ii3sions corrected according to law. the "I ­ . -T crops; -promise the British market. " , I I spring to, be good. $4,50,; V.Oiart OoofpeT, cutting weeds, had,f of Lot Number 10 in �,Iast da, f,r appeal being the 24th day of SAMUEf, NORRIS J. T. ALIASON .,."t, .We sorry to learn that W. J. nerem the south are $6; W. Glanville, cutting weeds, $6� 'Promising New Grains at the HANLEY'S GARAGE, CLINTON the 11th Concession of the Township of Mc- july 1934. . WM. H. COATES, FRANK �� I f Welgh is still on the -sick list. . Killf)p fbna also a .50 -acre wr&g farm, the I MeCONNBLL 41 ,Charles Glanville, cutting weeds, $6; I Central Experimental Farm on 19 in the Recond DATED *is 3rd day of July, 1934. 1 1H, �G. W,efbber, blacksmithing, $115.05; sb.th half of Lot NumbeT 4� ! I I Conc the TownshiP of TI'Llobert. For JAMES A. PATERSON. AGENTS ,�, - I 'i Traquair & Lindentfield, $6.87; W. The entpal Experimf-mital Farimi, at FRIDAY, AUGUST 8rd, 1934 E'sio" rof s-3 JGFEN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent fm .. I'll I � further pa tioular, a.pply t� M`RS. L. RICH- Clerk of the ViJlage of Hensall. 947 . , � KIPPEN Batten, la.bor, crushing gravel, $37.50; Ottawa-h-ulne a our niolst noted ARDS or MRS. C, MeCORMICK, DPP�RO the . -I . $ 1 varieties ,of whealt and of certain st- 2 o'clock, p.m.. the following valuable Int4titute. or JOHN H, Usborne and Biddulph. I 1 John Kellett, lalbor, crushing gravel, property i �4�f�,tb (Wleglate Munro, AgeM _i�l . oirn this com- $36.60; William Bradshaw, labor, other cropg�agakn off-ers much of BEST, -solicitor for the Exemtricm- 8475-3 A2LVaN L. HARRTS, . '��. ( Quite a number fr 9ift; Igam Gow�r, 'special interest in the way of new fi -- la Lot 10, o,n the north side of Bay- for Fullarton and Logan. �11`." Imil.nity attenderd the Butts' reunion crushing, gravel, zvlload Concession a the Township of MORTGAGE SALE THOMAS SCOTT, Cramarty, ,���� o I - -whii,eli was theld at Harbor Park, God- labor, crushing -gravel, $21.80,; G,,,,t ca,elations in the crop wor1dL As the Stanley, (d&�s on�quarter of an acre church � I for Hibbert. " . I ,erich, ,on ,M.oTbday last, ju,ly 16th. A McFails, power crashing, $194.85 ; season a&1anices, the peculiaritiies .of site), ,containing 193 acres more or less. On MORTGAGE SALE I ..'13! . . theisle new forms, are, gradhasilly being the pToperlty is Efflid to be a fine bank'ba.rn 13. W. F. BEAVERS . � "7: very enjoyable time was spent in John Willdainig, operrating ,crusher, I . ,��, - $11,44; Frank ' ,Routley, operating UM&o1l&,dj,,r,eVealirng .in many cases in- and domffortable dwelling. — ' Under and b,y.virtue of the Powers of sale Secretary -Treasurer 11. . meeting ol,d friends and, relatives Idlioations ,of superiorr commercial va_ 'a TERZ4S OF SALE. -Ten per cent. of pur- Under and by virto of the Powers Of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will Exeter, Ontario. �, �� t . i3riss M�yrtle fraymer a Benmiller crus,,her, $39.38; 'Fred Fordf, gTavelling . base money at time of sa.le and balance in contained in a� certaie rtgftge, whiOh will -be pTuduced at the time of sale, there will GLADMAN & STANBURY 4 I �',I' . vistited with her relatives, Mr. and $18.98; ,Gbarleg Stei�beli, trucking luev. ' I three months' time, unless armnged. Farm be'produced at the ,im. 7fo sale, therre will be be offered for sale by Public Auction at I . , I t PrlolbablT of greattest intetregt to rlo be suld subject to reserve bid. Possession ffered for aide b7 I . Sorpeitors, Exeter. .1-11 � Mrs. Robinson IT. Dick and faroily. ,gravel, $693.38- 'G. White & Song, bel . November 2nd, L9&4; fit]] ploughing o . I., " H, Davis and ,for crusher, �18.00; Dominion Road' pasitern farngs, this year aTe thenew- g'a'sribe done im October. For further par- GEORGE ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, 1AILLER'S HOTEL, IN THE VILLAGE OF .�� WALTON, IN THE COUNTY OF IJURON, . 1- � I I Mr. and Mrs. R. ,Machinery Go., repairs, for crusher, or varieties, of barley amid oaft, some t&ulars apply to the undersigned solicitor.' I at Public Auction . . . . 1�.J. faintily -visited in Exeter reoentlYwith 'of which promdoe to oust our old es- on I I ,. . . , their daughter, Mi. and Mrs. Gordon $16.07; Canadian Canners, belt ELMER D. BELL, Brussels, on Tuesday, August 7-th. JW34, at t2te hour ".. ) I I . Cudwore and, fomiily. ,crusher, $1.00,; Thomas' Heal, tablilshed islorts in the very near fu, Sciieitor for Mor4ragee of two o'elock in the *fternbon, at the f arm THURSDAY, the 2Gth, DAY OF JULY,'1934 THE MCKILLOP MUTUA-U - , _J T6 ' R. R. No, a. Sewrorth. 1� service in St. An� nd tute. G. IEL Elliott Auctioneer. . of Melvin Or?ch, "' . I I The nrUinillg . lunliber, $3.00- H. T. � Rowe, Oil a I Ontario, the folld'Xing Property, namely *- at the hour of 2 *Wook in the aftem0on FIRE INSURANCE CO`Y, -".;; .... ���" -dnion Road Ma- 8475-8 1 1, drewig ,Cburch on SundWy next, July Recoun't, $19K.Y6; Don 0 . is, ' J I ert,ain VRTMI the following ProVertY, namely: READ OfTIC&-SEAFORTIL ONT. . . � � ' I be cQndlucted by P . ch i n4ry Clo., crashor and dirag line, I ALL AND STNGULAR that c . I . f'L I . . . "i . � 22nid, wd -elv� W $3,400,00; Henry Forrd-, superintend- I � 131RTHS 'MUTUAL or tract; of ,and alid premleffi, situate, lying ALL AND SINGULAR THAT'CERTAIN I !. I .; � . 11; . A. Bremner of BrucefiAld Ut thO u'-- , and being in the Towrtshir oil TackenmTIM, OMOERS1 � , r or tract of land and premises situste� .,P,� I I Mal hdur, Of 11 0�clock S,M. Rev. R. eno��, $90.'30. ;ouncil adjourned , t'c& Bod-31'riger.-In Scott Memoriad Hospita in the County of Huron, and Pi"Ovince Of On- PaTcel - Atex iBroa-dfoot, ISPA&Tth - Pfie& .�, gust 4; ab�A� . ta,rio, and -a t1he ip od me . �j , . F. Chandler will be conducting the meet on- Saturd!�y. Au . Torth, on Wednesila.y. July 18th, to, va­ WAWANSEA ,being e,mp-,-d of Let number 'Y'ng and being ' Tow'wh :�1�4.� and. Mrs. Fee Hollinger, of Brussels ' . Thirtv-eighrt tn the Second Corimsion of t1he Kill,% in the courft of Huron emd Pmv- Janwis Connoft, Goderrich - vioe-Prom. �1�,P -Hp-nry Strang, Clerk. ei-nir conmlimed of all bf . ,��, I serviices, a,t Chliselhurst and Brucefleid p.m. - L Stlapleton-In Scott Memorial Hospials' seean_' London Road Sirrvey in tlre, said Township inice of. Ontario, b m A. Reid', Selaf orth - Selc.-Tkt.M. 'r'VI'L" yn 11 in �he Wlk>rn,1vC of tSwiday neont. - 0. — '. tforth, on Wedne6daj, JW3� l8th, to Mir. INSURUCE COM -PAW of Tu�akeramith. dontaintrisr b,y �dmeaaurem,,a% Lot number Nineteen (19) In the fburtwnth (MeTU �g . &r�rg. William Kyle of the West iL% , arid Mrs Joseph Stapleton, of Dublin,, a . I aess. Contestfon of the said Townsh-FO of MeNg- AIMNTS: � . �.-,,J Okne Hu 4�0 .,; . - lConvumer appreciiation of top quIal- , ,daug][iter.* I Coutdoei Larrmt Fird MfifftP11 ndred (100) aore" mbre Or vb� lop, cotddititniny! 184 acrAw twiwe or less. 1INTAsy MaKereher, R, R. 1 PUMMO . . " `11W visiting with 'her rgatives� Mri John, On the said farm t1he'I'd, is said to be erec On the vroperty there ,is said tb be tw6 jofh;n ?&M7, It. R. 3., 9 10 ,�',!,�,r,j . - lity beef is irldkinited by the Steadily . I '­ Eastern Branch, Toronto 2, Obtarie, ed a dwelling house with sui*aWe farm build- &a,"&. 91. & , I ind, manY houoss and a bam P 1-�", Deitz and'Mm. F. TOMIKSoll'o ill'", a G. JaxmbuMh,, Brodbagen; .169, w1aft , . ..-,:_,�.��, increialsing demand for ,branded beef. Wjnds"rms have arrive& Get pro- The I#mda will be sold GubJect to a ,reserve This property wiu be sold subject to I. 1, , 411", I, , iot her old friends,. THE JOHN'RANKIN tection from the strongest Comp r4We7M bid. Bay%; Q T) HeNrA XhicairidiM .-'ol,�, .-I I I IMMV from this di'strict took in - any bid. TMMS,-Teu r,,r cent at the tEme , I ­ I. ,1111.� sallies flor May, 1934, wnlountedl tlo of i)iia�8�,.`ftis: . %"�,,,�,4, . whirJh ;sorde- 4,286,360 pounds, as'cOmPired AGENCY .. in Canada at the lowest ratds aVail- FlIERMIS OF SALE -Ten. Per cent- Of the ale and the balance of the purchase . , " 4, lev, I � fte OT"ge Wak on jully 12th . I I purdWsas money to be Vald down at the time the 8 ;W�nivm, Xwx Thftdle,�-, G60ft& : .M"..16 . a fl ,,�, with 2,754,678 0ounds &t V*� 1933. able. No premium note required. monery in thirty dal"frrom tfh4S daft thereof. t I " , . - Was lh4elld at fteteT and report of sale and the balance within thirty days D. 1. _'-�.;_ . u.nd Left1hatt, ETOaa o 1. For ifurther Vart,culaTs ,,o.nditions ,el vor ,rnr,uheT,1,articn1-ars amd conditions of pt- Jaum . 106tk. , I - - § , " , .1 ,v,lu �apply % JAMES TAYLOR, Belgrav%- i & ., ­ � 6 � " ,�'. , " .. I crowd and etteTtaim,ridInt. The increase in, lsdelg of braQPd beef Insurance of all kinds. Aitomobile accident protettiou to nolly, 40daTich - - M so . �, .� ,?, ,�� . * ,.,�� q,,� , . 'Mr. 'and Mrs, Normall, Holland and for the first 'five `olioni" of 1984 &V farmers qt the lowest Cost ift'OntftriO. gade. apply to Auctioneer, ,or to 9, SeAfOrth,; Rio! . I I f, ;...", � � ��""�i,. . , 11 ; .1, I HARRY W. PAGP, Esq., . ,J?eft%# 7 % ';rr;,. � , % - Tt end, Miss. conlipaired with, thoSe of the SUMO -CMSWJr irOUR t00AL­ AbENT GOWAN, COWAN & 61LA't, � I *',�_ ­_ ""T, . . , ,i.g , L. " , I . re , efdounts, to, Money -to Loan. - . � I I past Block, Parlimnetit Buiddhigs, a . John P4, � = I h* 0*1166, ��,-�,�,Y�Z,:�,,­, � /I . ftugmer, ,M§s.'Wdtg ) . ,�, Period Ifilst rNar anrox- I 4 = l3ft, $a* ,," , I . ,r,�] I ,. .%,,:�,�� . " I , _ (W 11 . 11 ,� . ,1� gmis . T.�,onto, Ontario, wldtom foT thlb MorbMee . , �. ��,,91, ,4'0 1 "I'll ,,� -, '.,�C,, .1 . / . � *14,Aolfieffld, ,A 'Clinton WeTe ; Twouft" M . Uft , , .___ " � " I I 0 iniately thfttyAliftle 1Y.eir (*n1t. Such &Wnja� OftWb. I " ��,.A�. - .,,�, --.1 , I oft Zunfty rvAth -a(fid Mrs. Ge . I SHAVORTH, ONTARIO J flL "leitor to the M,W*ageft 1( fth . I "� . ,� ,.:, , ", 11.1*1 ". I . . , l �,­* I � , 11�1 ,,-111 "' " I , I , , * " , I " , , * , , "It, , I �,l ,,, , � �" , 1 , , ; i . � , , ': " . , , , . " . , " I , I � . . , . , , , � � 1, 'Si ill I L N I � �, . 11, i � so il � , ` I I § ` � I'll, I I � ,�' 't � a � 11,11111!!"11, I I I -Wro, SCOM-Box 142; Wid '� *' r of DATM . IL . I r�,?,-,!,*W*'­,Ni "b"n, fgwes, of come, apply to domage, , - pi m .4 DAeMD #it Tomn,m thfil Seventeoft dsl qaftti, Jurw gist, 1084. selfdbAlh, fwl�m A. Alf&W4t) .. , , �", 1. , ,�, " * "' t. W ­l . �. ­�, - E. mow�n and f1amfly. , . , , _� _ 1 04 i qj,LUj_W�_,.a__.'__" ��_, � ,IF, - 04124 ,%00% - ! .. I, , " - � , , , ,- �",, .��,,,,, i 11 I Y. - , . :___,,.�_­�._ : , .. . � w �X,­­­­_ , '­ ­­',rl?b"* $30' ""'_ ' ' J"" $084� ' - _ & I � � i, �, PW*Joid= the OT. s[alm MI I . A . ­ ".. I 11. 1-1. - 1, I - �',';", , g *%&-is liow I . . - I ... ... ­ I � I . � . I � , . I � . I I .. �1 , " , , . . . I �11 �, . - 'A", , . I , . . , ", � I I . 11, I ­ . . . I 1. � �, � .1 . . I . . I I I I . I . .1 . . . I I 1. "' ,.,* , .. " .'� I ,11`�`� I . � 1-... - 11 ... �fl.�. I . � I . I ", �"' , � " :, , " �." " � . I .1 I 4,t_ , a . , ,P"t-"`!N.K! 1, ,;,�, , , '11u.1 ,,­P­,,�,4.Y�,': . . I � . .. � � �. . I I I , .. I . I r � . :,: : �r.,. ,�:',�,��:7 " �- - "it." � ", , ,., "". ­ , . ", � . .. . , ,� 1'. I , I 11 ­­ I . I- - -, � . - I � ­ I... ­ _,,,._I ­ ,. I I I , , , . . .. , I— - I.. I r, '­'�,1411*­ -, , ` " - V'y- . 1. ­ � - -­ �.. ,= � . . .. .. I -1 11 .. I I . . . I . � , ''. _., .. ,,, , . , � , . ", ;, -� � . , � , 11 I � I �, 11- ,,, . I I r - �,� ��6,_­__ � _4��.'.W;. ,,�.�,. i "I'd- ., 'A"111, I I - . '. �. L, I i W ;,��;� ,,,",'�O' " ,1� ,,.� +­�..,- .� ­ . � . � _­ I � 'Z , �,�.,."_�r� " , , ", "j�, , I t%, � ,�, t� . 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