HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-07-13, Page 61-1 V.11:1 " ­;",�' M _w I '­ �_:, 17.- ",.1" ,,, W P� A 0 777, stowed me'*Anp i4l Ad,* 1104* -�smesalj�x - O-Qou�,4 -pno -awom; 7, the e0umon in=. he w4s. 01-P 1Q&mQ hon -W on tho !®r4l 0,40''of one of W �jlidl4r.e. Suoh wo*r. *epo b6Wx innoi., ell A Lie,. Pavtor bWk;4pe4d'l" of qwcouwwn b"Olers, 'Me sex .4 liteltoose- and high zoodi hum fou -1 y I V, PAZ fr9m 'Weenis� 6� the Cherry Treell iTtRea&T1s: 04�t) Iduoed.1 d -ior. in *e 'Parson )y a 744n, whpse U e fiQ thehx, That ww. 9 hard ',!u� 0ricall, ftik- Ai Ong! a, M 1A og -A�A! *ph" iand -our -,r4-sa4r-, iwt, Wag Up, N11 lore, N at ing to; T"M -e%�T, hotic prokauct of 0 c k (�- f, or, wo .thei Hied #q ft In �n native t4here is "N vll his U9 Teetotal offo was. Uwe, 4frec� %i0opon 'Pecur more AA� rquurt mther etra A, in Ve I= 'Orhiking nien were may JR1W er of the last cen- legends or thp �y L 6 ewzt 'na *A, It ps� his own fecund iuwgir',ad6u, had- IBM seat was slu gentleman in, ''black This itinerant patriAM4 wm the (no rival I this' own day or in. the the strit,99116 TO Usid. in 40T '111r�dep lumPed roughly uAD two oxtigorios. % 1garD, with a ruddy, Tnerry !%,evererd Mason Loao Weexas. side- ventury that ha�s followed him 1 The 1792 -the you�n' wa(B.'', In Enk- narrow an(l, da 1792, at the age of "Slinger4'1 =Ri4 have thoir rum 4pn,t..9 q IM are ov �,.Nad benevolent white lotks flow- line prea&*r, publiqher� bkwmpher, tory of Washmiltbo and, the. cherry''land as a for hoylly I 'An W, qu�t the adnistry for the. chang- dings 'before lbreakfQA. "Blevenerel and: t1hootl V�=, wesub-MR I gi '.1 1 1 . U ", t un. eg� v4p a V;,@ Own Tablep d his hat, was a'fahi�, tractariau, fiddler, OM k. 'on at of the 6 Nvaud zi' PlAr - tree is foradliar aj g the upper . d Ing seenes. and 4ohance idouilradeships Were of mom -a gure on the incredibly ill -kept his actual vooad*a of rr&v#1hvz book reaeltes- of', the Aniazon. and, t- 'Chumli, -he returned to bwo fore xetftl ; soa'iq tbe"M Op.4 he WO.- r of the open�oo&& -an hour before they we hol?,O In , voiding whisky untill of All-Rallows Chut-reb in, his' e M11AM126151., , the stabes south of agent in the broad ra(Uw frotax, Mla- Y4n,-,tz% (being one of the most wide- fStarINng as book agent , 'with drea". aw.0 eveulor'the tialot delphia to E%vaxrmAh. To ihe elect lY known iteiri:46 of histoneal p a nood. Tio,these cwm6isseurp Weem kabr effee. A little 'horn of i er- -Pari* in Uwyland. suggesifer the vlrtu,6�­df wine a7id e0*eet1Jftl9tVkb1etP q M pack:';yh his back, he,,svonl attained 31 Id the lapel of his coat he was distinguisAhed as the- author ?onalia i1a any tongue. Even now it (Weezhis broilight to his newduties a to the convenience of tied -to be;er and he was, TWO 7 eve colic# a. com the Jer'se�y wa- 1 )t6 t, simP16 fever and 0 MAD R a quill pen stuck in his hat. His of the. most &ucoessftl, &A in many is the salient "fact" that springs, in� 1? ent of coffee as em ou's, b 0 an .,better education,, m4re energetic mind gon. gi, 1 0 ks d hymnals, WL,1_00 25a. Oacka.ge, ss.ip, 1.;?�Sersey' wagoil" contained, a Toomy restpects the most reaarkable,, bictg- to tho-minds of milliocas at menti6n, and keener zest for life than the av-- were his.literarp staples, He kr- stimillari- brWiffiams? Uokcase stuffed with Tolumles, a vio- iraphy #k '.the history of Anterican 'of the name of the Father of his. erage pastor of his tifive.- SOuthem su&ded IMathew Carey, the celebrated. 'Towns MWWW' h% coming' an4 of Gearge Wa . shinQ7ton Country. More than any single eir- Zph,,copalrame' did not 90 tD, -the -Plifladelphia publisher, to isj�ne a 6uvh was the scramble to �,bq and generally numerous manus- lettem --- e life oarry Off A . . . . . . .... . . . . . . in course of completion,. - The volich ran through. 20 editions in cumstance it contzibtiUd to the, orea, lengths' Of the 'Congregationalists in, -Particularly handsome Bible bound in the , visitor as a guest that. t—vvern., w without springs�, but theiWeem.- lifetime, and eVentuallY tion of a false Picture of Washington, New England who fathered laws at- red moroce Carey VMS as D. ehe keepers ained, they bel�efitted and one that endured in this country tempting 'to regulatO'tbe length Of SIVO about s ious an advenbu',e little 'by his, incursions. The agtte. Swift-ou ;o ambit x angvle wings the bfteA- for a round ce-atury. In these latter skirts and made smoldnig ?but; Tw—i. gi,,; e nn, able lite of the �danorhouise — 1 $- - — Y--.. 1 g 11%&UMU aS%=1UV4LU* Winkle TUJPto days, some progres�s lias been niz�ae in pl�bljc piaWshalMe by solitary con- He aliso carried Tom Paine',& Age of 'open 40 'one wh'O-"e h'M111111r, acquaint- more than 'human '. -were Walt ft,,g ill Aimerka at getting 'a truer line on finement, but even in the South, head Reason, educational works' Of every ance with notables, anJ lively tow tbrough the happy region, and, hymia- Geor,-e Wasllin,-ton, and in so doing vestrymen read off in, church � the vari,,�ety and somo fairly ra)cy nuiels of anecdote made him, a rare source ing the great &ocessibn toward- the his pioneer biographer has come in nanies of fellow parishiOUVW guilty in which virtue, however, invariably of entertainnient. But ais aften a$ gates of Heaven,. His glorious, cont- Jorrougii,wage. Mason Weems. lives of immoralitles,, from cohabitation to triumphed. Grad4ally'lie introduced not the PaTson wa-- to be seen about Ing was seen from afar,6ff; and WL"_ in the shide of his cherry tree. One flishing on Sunday. This, sort of into his -list trwots, and, pamphlet% a, the slave quarters and, inthe. honlesi iadjs of mighty angels, bagened :fv h epi- omi. the grain of his town composition srXightly j�l of poor whiteg, 'Ne would fill 4,pul- With golden barps, to wejeoc�ne the Mason Weems, white lie has collie to him. "�'In weloo likZ� a glass of good' atyle, uplifting in tone, and inveigh- Pili Of t g This, too, isunjuot- We ms, aAy-4enomination, and his -ser- HoAored, straager, They embraw de.smetves his own place in the sun, to wine, shocked his ecelesaastical col- ing algainst -such human, shortcom­ molls; served'also. -as sales talks, to his hi�W in transports of tenderness; uim- be km,�vn for' the singular and full- leagues by saying -be paw no 'harm ings as drulaikenness, dueling, 1�urder,. books- At a time when the great utterable; while fropm their,- rooeat6 blooded personage he was, to whom in a friendly game of cards, played adult0ery'and gambling. . . -standbys of the American clergy cheeksj team of joy, such as �angeb the Nvrnamcculai, of race course, card rollicking dance tunes' on his fiddle, Wjeen-o felt for the� sinners, who were Endless Punishment and Orig- weep, toll down. table and taproom came as-, bandil and sometimes -spiced his) sermom people his pages and was not too imal [Sin, it took courage to venture With this climax, surely, as the - more forilml rhetoric of Me with humor. 1. hard on tbam, He pointed. out that forth, as,the protagonist a a kindly V.entured ap &F as any biograp)mw pulplt� Vinally, the reverend, kiqn�j�� to tium frog*,bjje patb�sj of wayward-, Deity. Weegns thought the dochine would dare. uring the n,exT few ye—S, WeelmV To ensure a good crop of straw- Wasbiniton, continued, to be bought ber'ries next year, it iis important largely by people of all co'nditi'OuS, that the plan t-ati on set out this spring IJKI V r.. Respectable Philadelphians, had it on rc-ceive 'careful attention. The culti- their mahogany lil�,rary tables.,,,and. vator should be kept going to main - the Southern cracker of the pinebar- tain a fine soil mulch, and 'as -the rens scraped- hii'pennies togetNer -to runners develop they should be plac- make Perhaps the �6rrly literairy pur el to ensure a full, well -s -paced mat- ch4se of his life when the agent rode past his door. Parson b0'01, beff row. All blossoms should , be pinchtd'off the plant. set 'out this Weems was -Ns, not umresponsive to spring. the la -of supply and 0�emand. Who�n. the fifth effl-tron appedred, in 1866, ,eXp, and flie 80 pa -es had ed into a volume.of Over 250 pages, of the livie- Marketing Soybeans T%^gf lie -,t content.' 'jRle title now read, Marke,thng soybean seed is not com- "The Life of George, Wa5hing-to�: plicated. Th4-, 16-eans are- used for with curious an-eiedotes bqually 'ho, three ni'ain purposes—for feed, seed, orable to himrself and exemrplary to and inciiv,-trial uses. Very little, if his youlig countrymen." The author, �ride hwomme tod'a"y any zoyoc- moreover, desicTibed bimself on the , an Fyeed is maTketed for ititle�page -as 11foilmer rector of feed, and, if usled for this purpose, Mt. it is usually fed at the farm on which Vernon Parish." 'i?. Of the beans sold for This title was a pleasing inventi Jt "DI *'T�Jtte�z�. on e C a nomy Cn; seed, 1)�-obvbly the greatest proopor- not th.c� Tda-qt,. ar&nt of Weems il * tion is niark-ated directly by the grow- bR),graphical ad -ripers, can affer any ers tberns-elves. Sonle seed is dis- ethical excuse far it. There was no' 4 A of -ough th? regular seed GO"DYE At Veri-non Pairioh in Virginia, Yet po,;;c thi AR Weeins, with hi� instinct for sale5- houses, while the oil mills may ar- range to supply the reqatirenients, of manship; in later pubiications specl- fically described himieLf Uf rnle intending growers. Sded used' for in - 'as 0 rector -of Genera] Ww-Mngto dustrial purposes ismarketcl at S' pau 1prw- TIRES ish." emt directly by the farmers. There The enlarged biog-raphy gav"e for are at prergellit. two oil miUs ciushing the first time thestory of the cherry ­oybean seed in 'Canada (both located trf-e. Weeimsv Stated that the story iT, Ontario) and the, seed require - pr liced almos* mefts of.' both are od came to him from the lips. of "an ag- 6' ed lady" connected with the household entirely updeT contract. of the elder Washington, I'll an at- ti%tic sense, the Yarn fitted in well a ear Dealer dghf here with young -George's ebaracter as There's"' Goody lXeenis developed it. The bov',9 habit an slciost of veracity persiste(l wit terrifying relentlesSrie`SS througli with Complete stocks�readj to serve yo Wee"' Pages. After he wern - to % school, if the tewher Wished tA) le-arn, the facts abo�lpt an,y escapade, he A 8. would call on George. If the boys The convenience of Goodyear Dealer service 9�ot entangled, among theniselpe, any dispuite in mattersof fact, they added to Canada's most famous tires! More would inv",'bly sumnbn Georg to I sit in judgment as a supreme court people ride on Goodyeaks than on any other and would accept his, decision with- out question. In fact, this, young -kind. And they are economic'l ti es. No need Admirable QichtOn Was th;e, hero of a ir a literary artist who knew the com- IMAT FOOD mercial alue of laying on virtue with to gamble on risky "bargains". The real bar. �011 Fill! the beavy trowel. In blies,&,and other fables of a similair cbemeter'scatter- SRI be' thesomorsels ad through the book, Weems created mi is in Goodyears. Genuine guaranteed Goodoo a WaMington that all the studiv and ga 'd, "i", , research �of the scholars (hav;e_beerl Kellogg's Rice Krispies have ye unable to erase, It is the weemsiam ars for every make of car ... and at priceg to a delightful taste -appeal. A that Persists in ffie echool r treat for the whole family. suit your purse. And prom t, expert "ontothe-. eadevs and in the popular imagina- p tion, a figure of So crisp they crackle and truly terrifying piositi-es, and incredible perfettioni!, spot Service!" p6p in milk or cream. and, as Albert J. - Beveridge - re- m1ark's, "ala impossible and intolerable All, the nourishment of Ptig.pf wholesome rice. Light and P or instance, young 'George, as the easy to digest. ideal for parson represents him, was not Only too Proud, to fight hirmself; be took breakfast or lunch. Fine for upon himself to forb.id, the OtheT boys the childken's supper. 4,1.ways 'ftdh exemi9fe; Here ier his Sptech to, his 'gehoolmates,, the patenW Weems: as quoted- by oven -fresh in inner WAXTrTa bag. Made by "You shall never' boys' ha"' my Kellogg in London,' Ontario. A consent to A Practice so sho ki T,1 RES' I Aodking even in alwes,.Md dov. then how utterly soandqj,oug in llttl!� t 'k boys at school, who ought -to 100 on. J4 one another as brothors,.11 Li e. .01 As boyor Tdan, there was, no bum - or in thig For Cars Tr'uc k's Tra;tors indelaligable, patriot oe the W�Mnvetaii I*n,, rno hunjan, frailty, 4 W no stOPPIng Xrom his eelsortial. plate. g Whlle,Gtiorge ww on, mleog his mar tial lexpeditto", , sm Indian *%je shot j- rN at hlr� 17 thni6s #t doge raiap,,but -eould-ftot hit'him. 'Iffe is n6t born rb6 bel killed br a W14 'un 0 07. , Ae noble t#,d jr0an, n- loph.0, e .0 WiS 010 hItUdi' h4d iulflnbd aside hig V, Te it WM 0 Y". eldai up t6 hftv6,- 6�. --MD111 of a well-to-do planter, Mason found -the views of his �Church too ness brought rewards on this earth, 0:1 lnzanrr, amAnaTA071 un�mvilized and a bitter critit brougiht out that hiz, favorite text was I�God is love." ' The enlarged volluni�e proved a ht - erary Pot of gold. It had -the field to itself, with -no ci�mpetitorz- in sighL After three years on the road the It is still in. demand, and no othm 7 parson married Fanny Dwall, of an Wdgraphieal w6rk in the his of tOz7 affluent Virgini4 faiii1ily related to American - letters can, compare; witb George Wiashington. When, at his its reowd OT Popularity. The obscure riew home, he sometimes, honored, the Virginia pawson, had tunied -out a pulpit a neariby Pohick Church, masterpieee which Tda' a Iitel� NO DELAYS —NO TROUBLE. which was Only seven n -Ales from go-getter of 6ur day miay view w9h Mount Vernon. Although 0eneral envy. Drive,in, buy your tires an4 Wiasbington'wao,a,pew-holder at Po- hick, he� had not attended,, this house Hie coul& now have settled down under bAs own vine and -fig treet a drive out with them onyour of Wors'hip Ance the Reimlution. It Virginda gentlemam of the landed wheelsl-That's the beat and seems certain that the subject of o4.T class. But -this Was not his way. For anomoir never preached, before Wash- nineteen more Years he kept to the most economical way to buy road, prea6ing, crusading, writhj& tires. . Saves you time and On the death of Washington,, every Uldling, making fwlends, and-ine�zor- clergyman in the, land delivered, a ably zelling books. Governors and ney, sermion in eulogy of the Alustrious state legii9latuies now entertained dead, but,Weemsl effort..was the only -him,. He produced three other biog- n o -e of historical significanee. This raphies, that of Francis Marion riv- stermon he carefully combed- over and aling his Washington in Popularity expanded,; and, in' a short time-, he- and historical inventiveness. Age had enriched his, literary line with came 1cefuily upon the wande gra. Ter an 80�page pamphlet 6nititled, "A His- He mellowed without souring, and tory of the Life and Death, ViAue� died in his 66th. yean But the ficti- and Exploits of GeneralGeorge Wash- tiGus Was-hin-tan he created has liv- ingtion, ded-ioated to Mrs. Washington, ed on, to our own day, avershadow- by the'Rev. M. L. Weems.` ing the Wasthington- pbrtrayed� by - The little book had a ready sale later and, less imaginative biograph- 'and a,selcorld edition, quickly followed, ers. to the title of'which the, reverend autboradded the information, "Faith- fully talven'from authentic dloen- ments." The New, Strawberry Plantation uring the n,exT few ye—S, WeelmV To ensure a good crop of straw- Wasbiniton, continued, to be bought ber'ries next year, it iis important largely by people of all co'nditi'OuS, that the plan t-ati on set out this spring IJKI V r.. Respectable Philadelphians, had it on rc-ceive 'careful attention. The culti- their mahogany lil�,rary tables.,,,and. vator should be kept going to main - the Southern cracker of the pinebar- tain a fine soil mulch, and 'as -the rens scraped- hii'pennies togetNer -to runners develop they should be plac- make Perhaps the �6rrly literairy pur el to ensure a full, well -s -paced mat- ch4se of his life when the agent rode past his door. Parson b0'01, beff row. All blossoms should , be pinchtd'off the plant. set 'out this Weems was -Ns, not umresponsive to spring. the la -of supply and 0�emand. Who�n. the fifth effl-tron appedred, in 1866, ,eXp, and flie 80 pa -es had ed into a volume.of Over 250 pages, of the livie- Marketing Soybeans T%^gf lie -,t content.' 'jRle title now read, Marke,thng soybean seed is not com- "The Life of George, Wa5hing-to�: plicated. Th4-, 16-eans are- used for with curious an-eiedotes bqually 'ho, three ni'ain purposes—for feed, seed, orable to himrself and exemrplary to and inciiv,-trial uses. Very little, if his youlig countrymen." The author, �ride hwomme tod'a"y any zoyoc- moreover, desicTibed bimself on the , an Fyeed is maTketed for ititle�page -as 11foilmer rector of feed, and, if usled for this purpose, Mt. it is usually fed at the farm on which Vernon Parish." 'i?. Of the beans sold for This title was a pleasing inventi Jt "DI *'T�Jtte�z�. on e C a nomy Cn; seed, 1)�-obvbly the greatest proopor- not th.c� Tda-qt,. ar&nt of Weems il * tion is niark-ated directly by the grow- bR),graphical ad -ripers, can affer any ers tberns-elves. Sonle seed is dis- ethical excuse far it. There was no' 4 A of -ough th? regular seed GO"DYE At Veri-non Pairioh in Virginia, Yet po,;;c thi AR Weeins, with hi� instinct for sale5- houses, while the oil mills may ar- range to supply the reqatirenients, of manship; in later pubiications specl- fically described himieLf Uf rnle intending growers. Sded used' for in - 'as 0 rector -of Genera] Ww-Mngto dustrial purposes ismarketcl at S' pau 1prw- TIRES ish." emt directly by the farmers. There The enlarged biog-raphy gav"e for are at prergellit. two oil miUs ciushing the first time thestory of the cherry ­oybean seed in 'Canada (both located trf-e. Weeimsv Stated that the story iT, Ontario) and the, seed require - pr liced almos* mefts of.' both are od came to him from the lips. of "an ag- 6' ed lady" connected with the household entirely updeT contract. of the elder Washington, I'll an at- ti%tic sense, the Yarn fitted in well a ear Dealer dghf here with young -George's ebaracter as There's"' Goody lXeenis developed it. The bov',9 habit an slciost of veracity persiste(l wit terrifying relentlesSrie`SS througli with Complete stocks�readj to serve yo Wee"' Pages. After he wern - to % school, if the tewher Wished tA) le-arn, the facts abo�lpt an,y escapade, he A 8. would call on George. If the boys The convenience of Goodyear Dealer service 9�ot entangled, among theniselpe, any dispuite in mattersof fact, they added to Canada's most famous tires! More would inv",'bly sumnbn Georg to I sit in judgment as a supreme court people ride on Goodyeaks than on any other and would accept his, decision with- out question. In fact, this, young -kind. And they are economic'l ti es. No need Admirable QichtOn Was th;e, hero of a ir a literary artist who knew the com- IMAT FOOD mercial alue of laying on virtue with to gamble on risky "bargains". The real bar. �011 Fill! the beavy trowel. In blies,&,and other fables of a similair cbemeter'scatter- SRI be' thesomorsels ad through the book, Weems created mi is in Goodyears. Genuine guaranteed Goodoo a WaMington that all the studiv and ga 'd, "i", , research �of the scholars (hav;e_beerl Kellogg's Rice Krispies have ye unable to erase, It is the weemsiam ars for every make of car ... and at priceg to a delightful taste -appeal. A that Persists in ffie echool r treat for the whole family. suit your purse. And prom t, expert "ontothe-. eadevs and in the popular imagina- p tion, a figure of So crisp they crackle and truly terrifying piositi-es, and incredible perfettioni!, spot Service!" p6p in milk or cream. and, as Albert J. - Beveridge - re- m1ark's, "ala impossible and intolerable All, the nourishment of Ptig.pf wholesome rice. Light and P or instance, young 'George, as the easy to digest. ideal for parson represents him, was not Only too Proud, to fight hirmself; be took breakfast or lunch. Fine for upon himself to forb.id, the OtheT boys the childken's supper. 4,1.ways 'ftdh exemi9fe; Here ier his Sptech to, his 'gehoolmates,, the patenW Weems: as quoted- by oven -fresh in inner WAXTrTa bag. Made by "You shall never' boys' ha"' my Kellogg in London,' Ontario. A consent to A Practice so sho ki T,1 RES' I Aodking even in alwes,.Md dov. then how utterly soandqj,oug in llttl!� t 'k boys at school, who ought -to 100 on. J4 one another as brothors,.11 Li e. .01 As boyor Tdan, there was, no bum - or in thig For Cars Tr'uc k's Tra;tors indelaligable, patriot oe the W�Mnvetaii I*n,, rno hunjan, frailty, 4 W no stOPPIng Xrom his eelsortial. plate. g Whlle,Gtiorge ww on, mleog his mar tial lexpeditto", , sm Indian *%je shot j- rN at hlr� 17 thni6s #t doge raiap,,but -eould-ftot hit'him. 'Iffe is n6t born rb6 bel killed br a W14 'un 0 07. , Ae noble t#,d jr0an, n- loph.0, e .0 WiS 010 hItUdi' h4d iulflnbd aside hig V, Te it WM 0 Y". eldai up t6 hftv6,- 6�.