HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-29, Page 87 v'r d+t,ti,t j 9t tt ;kl�hn�I y�4Jq 3$11. s;$ 't l't I,C •ak•S'1 y;�ditd�IP,�fI tt it { t1C :POW. ds for .. 25c pound, for 1:11Alfilt (MIKE FLOUR i�9q� ar per page • Sc 1AS,Sil.'O 'MARMALADE .4 -pound tin WEABIL SOAP' 10 bars TOILET T SOAP, Pink and ' white, 3 cakes 45c 27c 13c RR1JNuSW ICK 'SARDINES 1 tin 9ifficliABENIS JELLY POWDERS -4 pkgs. OvEur F1ICKT 1T•'. -S large jar ;STAR-1White or Brown 5., pounds JETWtE1L-OR DOMES C CIRIOBTEN5NG-Per lb. ! 5c 19c 23c 29c ec Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples and ° Feathers ta'ke's as cash. • A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 This is the Season of WINDSTORMS Are yo . i ected? Thecost is t, all. The automobile sea on is with us. We issue special policies for short periods ; also reduced rates to farm- er& Call or Phone us. WATSON & REID Phone 214' : Seaforth Specialists in.. All Lines of Insurance. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m ,S. T. Holmes & Son 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth O O O O B. T. Holmes' residence; ' O O Goderich Street, 'Rest; phone 0 O , No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. 308. r0 Ambulance Service ' 0 O "tight calls, Phone 301,. O O ' Lay calls, Phone 119 J. 0 0 Charges moderate. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oa o H. C. BOX O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 rO Ambulance Service 0 O Night Calle Day Calls 0 , 'O Phone 175 Phone 43 O O 0 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WALKER'S 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 • O W. J. WALKER and 0 © JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 ,'4 Funeral Directors. 0 O • Day or Night Calls promptly 0 d attended. 0 O PHONE 67 0 O O 000000000000 NOW�G Eggs 111 at highest Market prices for CASH Give us a trial now. opt .rourteous Service. Best Prices For . Cream. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. Barber, Prop. Insurance 1 lr• HtE - AUTo prW1ND Policies Wiil1 'otect Yon. thir Rates Will Appeal To Yon. fAi f ervice and Seale?+ st of all clai lvet any heire 1a� 'Caitado or the IitMled Staten anti always) fully pro - t 1 cannot sword to take REAL ESTATE utlyithitit iii Town and Atm 4QwAYt Olt4SS POE E Ci t' Z�Y=w"fi M fit+ t+�'d'fri,lCG+lk'�.e fl,!,q.�S Pr.1�'tc(i lfN�ll"tf tai rnri`Sb9� �` ger i,. , y ifs aye 35c BOTTLE ITALIAN BALM 35e BOTTLE DRESKIN (Skin Invigorator) BOTH FOR 35c CENTS • -At_. Keating's Pharmacy The Recall Store PHONE 28 SEAPORT)" NEWS OF THE ''OWN Will Be Inducted . Friday Ra . T. A. Carmichael of Alvinston will be induoted into the charge of North- side United Church, Seaforth, on 'Fri- day evening. Rev. • Mr. Cummings of Walton will address the people' and Rev. G. E. Morrow, of McKillop, the minister. hold Picnic. -An enjoyalble picnic, under the auspices of the Philathea Class of Northside United Church was held nn +Friday on the lawn of Mrs. James Beattie. Mrs. W, P. Lane, teacher of the class, •who is moving to Goderich, was presented with a silver flower dish ,crud a beautiful Dresden plate quilt from the Bible Class. Admitted To Secretarial Science Course.-'1Miss Alice Devereaux, was one of the fifteen students who were admitted to the second year of the Secretarial 'Science Course in the University of Western, Ontario., Miss Devereaux, who is a daughter of Mrs. F. • Devereaux, was a student last year at Brescia College,.Univers- ity of Western Ontario. Hold Social Work Meeting. -A very successful sonial work meeting of the Vd. M. S. of Northside United C'hurc'h was held on Wednesday, June 20th, when seventy members of the Auxiliary and their friends met at the hbrwe of Mrs. M. McDermid. The weather was •all that could be desir- ed and the meeting was held on the lawn. A short program was given and a delicious lunch served, by the Group -Three with 'Mrs. George Black as captain. The offering amounted to $13.30. This will be the last so-, cial work meeting until after the holiday season. • Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meet. -The Robson Group of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary (if First Pres- byterian Church, had charge of the meeting on Tuesday evening with Mrs. Reg. Kerslake presiding. Mrs. W. M. Stewart gave the opening prayer. (Miss E. Davidson read the Scripture lesson from the a2th chap- ter of Romans. Mrs. W. R. Plant read the Glad Tidings Prayer. Mrs. Robert Carnochan gave a very in- teresting. topic on "The Eastern Di- vision of the ,W.M.'S." Miss Harriet Murray sang a fine solo entitled', '"God Knows Best." The business was. discussed and. the meeting clos- ed with a hymn and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Young .Wife Passes. The Beath occurred on Friday, June 22nd, fol- lowing a protracted illness, of Alwilda Clara May Holland, a high- ly esteemed resident and wife of John. Percy Cole, of Tuckersmith. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Holland, 'Seaforth, and was born in Elgin 'county coining with her parents to Clinton when a young girl. She was married about twenty- four years ago. Mrs. Cole was a member of the 'Brucefleld United Church and the Women's Misisonary Society. Besides her husband and parents, she is survived by, four sis- ters, 'Mrs. Arthur Welsh, Bayfield ; Mrs. Edward Welsh and Mrs. Merrill Nediger, Clinton, and Mrs. Ross Sex - range, 'Seaforth. The funeral took place on 'Mon'day from her late resi- dence to Clinton cemetery, Rev, Mr. Bremner of Brucefleld officiating, as- sisted by Rev. W. P. Lane, Seaforth. The pallbearers were brothers-in-law: Messrs. Edward Welsh, Robert Cole, Merrill Nediger, Warwick Cole. Ross Savauge and Jack Mair. The flower - bearers were Messrs. 'Clifford Keys, Nelson Trewartha, Bert Peck, Lorne Jervis, Robert 'Cole, Jr., Norman Hol- land, Austin sturdy, Will Potter, Will Clarke, Will 'Merrill and Olivier Jervis, Gallop -Holmes. -A pretty wedding was solemnized at Mr& o'eleck on Saturday afternoon. June •23rd, in gm'ortd'vi1le ' United churcih, when Nellie M. (Holmes, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Root, Holmes, McKillop, became the bride,of ' John +'van 'Gallop, son of Mrs. Gallop and. the late John Gallop, 'Seaforth, form- erly of Ruaseldale. The Retr. Charles Malcolm, M.A., officiated. The bride was given in marriage by her only brother, [Mr. Carl Holmes, and wore a gown of white silk organdie with silk net 'bandeau. lSlhe carried a bouquet of +Sweetheart' roses and car- nations. The bride was attended by Miss' Grace Gallop, of Rias' widlale, niece of the bridegrooms, who was gegrned in green silk organdie with white accessories. Ter Bowers 'were rihnk roses. The flow'e'r girl, little Edna: Ga9,lop 01 Strafford, ware a d intr5 frock of pink silly anti carried a 'basket of roses Russel Relines of S.a `hrth1, rCitNl ifs of thebride, was hest 'inti. 1 . tkirl 'art Egralond 1 3 the weddpm nanialae The ush- ers :we're Crecxge Thorne 'and Wm. Rulbineo.n. 11he bridegroom's gift to the (bride was •a pearl necklace; W the maid, a 'gold necklace; to the /tower eL a white gold bracelet; tie Pins to the best Man, and organist. After the ceremony the wedding party motored to the, home of the bride's brother on the old homestead in • 'McKillop, wnere dinner was serv- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Gallop left later on a trip to Niagara Falls and Mont- real, the +bride travelling in a pate green suit with accessories to match. On their returri (they 'will reside on High ;Street, ''Seaforth. • For Sale., -one jar of either Cress Corn or Bunion Salve, Apply dmanediately to Keat- ing's.P38aru oy, se5forth. 3472-1 Carload of Salt exDeated this week. Price` 48 cents ped ow!t. off ear. Come and bring Your: 'hag's. Thomas Dickson, Seaforth. Phone 13. 3472x1 House For Sale or Rent.—The residence of the late Mrs. D. M. Ross ; immediate, posses, sion. A. D. Su'therla'nd, Seaforth. 3472-+tf Wanted.—Man wants transportation to Niagara Fails, going Saturday, June 30th, re- turning Monday, July grad. Will 'pay par'° ex- penses. Apply at The Expositor Ofbce. 3472-1 Housekeeper Wanted.—At once, for family of two adults; must analk. Apply to John Robertson. Kippen, Ont, pr Phone Hensall, 84 r 12; Lot 4, Oon. 12; Tuckersmith. 3472x1 For Sale. — A comfortable eight -roomed house, situated in a• convenient part df the town. If not sold will be rented to a suit- able tenant- Apply at The Expositor Office. 3461-tf For Sale or Rent.—Modern dwelling louse en south - side of Coderich Street, Seaforth, one. block from Main Street, churches and schools. New 3,piece bathroom, pew furnace, electric lights and' town stater installed. House has been freshly painted and deeonat- ed throughout. Immediate possession can be given Apply to R. S. Hays, ,Seaforth. 3464-4 Man Wanted to handle Ward's Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocda, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Preparations direct to established users. Opening in Huron County for man with car. Write r, •bl. Ward Company, John, South, Haaxflbbon. 3470x2 Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -iSgmondivil'1e Church -Rev. J. IR. Peters, 'B.A., Manville, will conduct services and teach Bible Class in church school -eRev. Chas. 'Malcolm, banister. +Gav+an, Bethel .and Duff's Charges. - iPatriotic sermons and Sunday School exercises in keeping with. Do- minion Day. - Rev, G. E, Morrow, 'Minister. . 'St. Thomas Church - Dominion' Day services with reference to the coming' of. the United Empire Loy- alists of Canada .and the 150th an- niversary. Sunday School at 10 a.nx,; morning topic, "A Nation's Greatness"; evening topic, "The Div- ine i Presence."- 1Canon IA;ppleyard, Rector, assieted by Rev, Austin Smith. First Presbyterian Church -Rev. J. Simpson ,Black, of Sarnia, will occu- py the pulpit at both. services. 0 Present Life Membership. - The June meeting of the W.M. S. of First Presbyterian (ihhureh, ,held in the church Tihes'day, in recognition of the 70th anniversary of the Missionary work of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Mrs. Kerr, president, gave a resume 'of their work from 1864 when the Ladies' Auxiliary Assocfa- tion, in connection with the French mission work of the Church of Scot- land in Canada,'was formed in Mon- treal, until the present year. Mrs. Brodie gave a summary of the work of the seventy year in the Province, of Ontario. 'Mrs. John Cluff recount- ed the evolution of the W. M. S. of First Presbyterian Church from its origin in 1877 of a Women's Foreign Missionary Society, until the present time. A very pleasant feature of the meeting was the presentation of a life membership to Mrs. J. C. Laid- law, the only charter' member who is on the roll call of the society to- day. The special campaign collection was 'tethered in a wooden box used by the late Miss Margaret Hogg 60 years ago,, in collecting missionary money in •McKillop. (Mrs. J. M. Go'v- enlock .gave a very appropriate solo which was appreciated by all. Rev. R. C. Scott Heads United Church in B. C. - Rev. Robert C. Scott of the Marine Mission was elected president of the +Britis.h Co- lumbia 'Conference of the United' Chureh at the opening of the tenth annual session in St. Andrew's -Wes- ley 'church this morning. Rev. Mr. Scott was electedon the first ,ballot and was escorted to the platform by. Dr. W. 'Brewing, He was .given a rousing reception by the conference. In a short addrese Rev. Mr. Scott at- tributed the 'honor of •his election to the fact that he had been 'twenty- one years on mission fields in British Columbia, and he appreciated the honor done to the men who manned the outposts of the church. "With - cut us," he said, "you would die, and without you we could not live." The newpresident is under appointment as principal of Coqualeetza Institute at Sardis,' the Indian school over which Rev, G. H. Raley, +D.D„ has presided so long: Rev. Mr. Scott is a great favorite with his fellow rnin- isters, and when he takes part in the debates of conference, his words. are greatly respected apd his sig- gestions often_ followed. . Thenew. head of the United Church in Brit- lhh Colummfbia, who is a natilv+e of Paisley, Ontario, is a nephew of Mr. John Scott, of Roxboro. Sudden Death of Mr: Robert Belt. - Robert Bell, for many years one of +Seaforbh's Moat promineilt residents and a' widely kno`w'n Can- adian manufacturer, died suddenly at his bathe, Goderioh 'Street, East, early Tuesday morning. Mr. !Bell had been a +su'ffe'rer frond heart ttroislble /for several years which had prevented to a great extent,• his active partici- pation in business, although he was able to be about his horde the great- eir part of the time and: also to visit ,his office for limited period% at times., For a few 'days previous to his+death he had not been as Well as aisnal, but When he retired Monday eveningnone could realize that ,'tha- end Was: so neat~. +VVlhen, ho•we-r r, "Mrs. Bell went %toe..frii' roe early T1i'esday, miorn%tm, she fo'un'd that he ..had passed quietly and peacefully away in hit sleep, his sud'dett' pass''' earn, ireg at a. great arbor it,, not only to 'his, immediate f a'ndiy, slid' t'd; the citizens. ,ge40a11y. MI`r Bell ./to a sett of St. James' Church Grounds Vied.,' July 4th SUPPER, 5:30 to 7.30 p. 25 cents and 35 centsm. - PROGRAMME BAND IN A'TTENDANICE Admission Free. the late John Bell and was Iborli on the Bell homestead in Hay ,town's'hip nearly seventy' years ago, but prac- tically all --hie life had been engaged. in manufacturing. He operated the foundry in Hernseli until 1900, when he took ever the Coleman foundry in +Seaforth and; organized The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher 'Company, whose products are widely known in Ontario and the Western Provinces, where the Company later opened (branch plants in Winnipeg and Re- gina. The Company was also one of the 'first to engage in the manufac- ture of Munitions, which it continued during the Hoar , years. Until his health' failed Mr. Bell was a member and active supporter of First ` Pres- byterian 'Church, being, a member of the Board of, Managers for a long term of years and at his death was one of the three members of the Board of Trustees of the church pro- perty. He is survived by his widow, formerly ,Miss Sarah 'Sproat. a daugh- ter , of the late James Sproat .of Tuckers'm!it41, one of the prominent pioneer families of this district, and by one son and one daughter, Mr. W. E. Bell; who since his. father's forced retirement has been head of' the Bell' Engine 'Company, and Mrs. R. C. An- derson, of Hamilton. Hie is also sur- vived by two -sister, Mrs. Ketchen and Miss Bell of Exeter. A .private funeral was held from his late home on Thursday afternoon, . when the services were conducted by. Rev, I. B. Koine. Interment was 'made in the family plot in Hensall Union Cemetery. LOCAL• BRIEFS • Mrs. Hance of Mitchell, Miss Al- ma Love of Brandon, Marr,, and Mr. Ross Hamilton of the University of Toronto, ,a.xe_ guests at the 'home of Dr, H. H. 'toss. • Mr. A. G. .Smillie of Toronto was calling on Seaforth friende °this week. • Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Hinchley returned on' Thursday evening last from a pleasant trip to Victoria, B.C. • Mr. 'D. H. Wilson has return- Croquignole Permanent Waving WITH GUARANTEED CURLY ENDS, -- at - QUEEIJ'S HOTEL, SEAF©RTH WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. ' $2.95,'$3.50, $5 and $10 for C7,,1 Complete �V u W. HARRY GRICE and MRS. JEAN SMITH GRICE Stratford, Ont. Here ,s Real News At last we are able to offer an Auto Radio giving home radio per- formance, eta, remarkably low price. The New VICTOR AUTO RADIO can be quickly installed, $40 Cn and is priced at only ��WW``�� �LJJ IAdd"the thrill of radio to the many pleasures of motoring. It makes ev- ery minute of that vacation trip you're planning more interesting. " - SERVICE. We are now equipped to give you fast, efficient sekvice on Auto Radios as well as home radios. • Daly's Garage Phone 102' Seaforth It's Here • The new Shell Gas ha rapid pick-up, no vapour lock, increased Mileage) greater power, high anti- knock value, free from harmful gum and corro- • sion, clear combustion, no dilution. You can_be Sure of SHELL t. etroit 4 k'Ia Hi'r'e Suiday !The first half .of the town league sthedude will be pamllaeted''l.'l urstlay' night When the. Industries and the. 'Collegiate teams battlfe for tap posi- tion. The losing ''tease will be tied with ElgmondMille for second, place with the 'Merchants runningea close. third with +two points less. .Egraand- ville finished strong by +winning the last three games. afterlosing the first three. The Mere'hants were nosed out of second plane on Tuesday ev- ening when Egnliondville . defeated their 11-9 'in it nine inning game. There was little hitting done by either. team and the Rennie brothers (Ross and Sam) (battled away on the Mound with Sam getting a little better sup- port. Egmondville swamped the Indus- . tries on Thursday last by an 18-5 score;, The River Rats had the 'In- dus•trials 12-0 ;going into the last half of the seventh. Only two Industry players reached firstt 'base in the first six innings. 1•t was an off' night for the "Butter and 'Shoe" men but a real game for the °River Rats" and they took advantage of it. The 'Collegiate nine defeated' the Industries in a close game the first time they met. To -night's game will .decid'e .the top position, but the points: will continue on in the second half of the :schedule, so anything might happen yet. Standing Before Thursday's Game Won' Lost Points •'Collegiate 3 2 6 Industries 3 2 6 Egmondville 3 3 6 Merchants • 2 4 4 :Below are the dates during the last .half of the schedule. The games Will be . played on 'Mondays and Thursdays as us'tia1, with postponed games to be played the following evening, if pos- sible. Schedule July 2-IInd•us'tries vs.. Merchants.' July 5-'Egmondville vs. 'Collegiate. July 9 -Merchants vs. 'Ctill egiate. July 1 ,Egmendwi.11e vs. Industries July 16 !Merclh+ants vs. Egmbn•dville July 19 -+Collegiate vs. Industries. July 23 -Merchants vs. Industries. July 26 -(Collegiate vs:' Egmond'c+ille July 30e -Collegiate . vs. Merchants. Aug. 2-,In'dustries vs. Egmendville Aug. 6 ,Egrnondville vs. Merchants • Aug. 9 -Industries vs. Collegiate. Detroit Plays Here The softball fans are assured of a good game on Saturday afternoon when the Union Guardian Trust team of Detroit will again travel to Sea - forth. The Yankees won an easy victory from the locals last year on 'account of the pitcher throwing such slo'ty balls across the plate. The Sea - forth boys, being used to fast ,pitch - in were co'm'pletely at his mercy an 'he struck out good batters by. simply lobbing the tbaT1 over. The Ideals, however, feel they know how to meet 'this, and are confident of victory. A large crowdeaviirilikely be on hand as the Detroiters •are a good drawing card. Executive Meets !A meeting of the Executive of the intermediate town team was held in the Library on Monday evening, The local 'tears has again entered the 0. .A:S.A. and Clinton and Monkton have also signified •their intention to do likewise. As the !Sea£orth committee 'sent out three letters' 'to each club ie aa attempt to form a league at the first of the season, it.was thought advisable to,. let Clinton and Monk - ton send their entry -direct to the O.AS.A: Secretary and let the of- ficials of that association group them with 'Seaforth if they wished. ed from Toronto. - • 'Mr. Ryerson Hartry of Welland is spending his holidays at the home of his father, Mr. Wm. Hartry, • Mrs. Joseph •Meru has returned• from a two weeks' visit with her daughters, Mrs. John Klein and Mrs. E. Rossmeise, of Pontiac, Mich. Mrs, Mero also visited her brother, Mr. C. Bedard, at Detroit, who ac- conrpanied her home. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Elder left this week on a trip to Victoria, B. C. • Messrs. W. J, Duncan, J. G. Mills, J. E. Keating and C. A. Barber were in Sudbury this week attending the annual convention of District A. Lions, • Mrs. C. 1-11. Staples, Miss Gert- rude Staples and Mr. Howard • Staples of Angusville, Manitoba, are guests at the home ,+of Mrs. George Dundas. • Miss Jean Smith is attending the Rebekah As'sem'bly in Toronto this week. • Mr. Perley Banbury, who has been a guest at the home of Dr. F. J. Burrows, returned to Winnipeg on Tuesday. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Neil Bethune of Detroit are the guests of Miss Bethune. • Mrs. Everett Little and children who have 'been tlhe guests of Mr. J. A. Wilson, left Tuesday for Iroquois Palls. Mr. Little, who spent the week end in town, ,accompanied them to Toronto, en route to Quefbec. '• Mr. George. A Jackson left en Thursday for the Old 'Country where he will spend the ,sumlmer, • Mrs. C. R. Somerville, Miss Jan- ette Wilson and litr., Don' Carr -Harris of London spent Sunday in town, • Mrs. T.:Swan? .Smith, Mrs. M. A. Reid, Mrs -.1. J. Igelater, Mrs. Keith °McLear', Miss Janet Clue and Miss Margaret Thompson attended' a meet- ing ing of the Executive of the W.M.S. of Huron Presbyterial is Bayfield on Tuee ay. -'Mrs. 'G+eo"rge•`Lilley had•' '• the mis- fortune to fall down the stairs in her home this week and seriously in - Aire her leg. • 'Miss 'Gourley of Winnipeg was a guest at the home of Dr. F. J. Burrows, this week, • Mr. ,and 'Mrs. J. G. 'Mullen are in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. John Bedard' of Stratford and Mr. C. -Bedard of De- troit were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mts. J. Mero. Mr. C. Bedard has-been in the ph m, b'in'g and gas business in Detroit for the past 45 year's'. r. • 'M'rs. iGeorge Chesney of Toronto via'ithig Mrs. ,George Weir and other friends' in 'WWII,. . - - For The Week End • Clearance of Exclusive Cotton DRESS - FABRICS Regular to $1.50, for , ..., 49c a Yard. • Lovely SUMMER VOILES Sale Price, 23c Yard. • COTTON WASH DRESSES Voile, Rufelette, Pique, Etc. 98c to •$3.50 • Wonderful TOWELLINGS 'Sale Specials+ . 13c,18c, •23c"Yard • SILK HOSE, Special, 59c pr. SILK HOSE, 89c for 69c pr. The New Popular Shades • WHITE FABRIC GLOVES 19c Pair. New Kitchen or Bedroom' FRILLED CURTAINS Our best 79c value for 59c Pair. • BATH TOWELS Do not min's the specials at 14c, 16c, 29c, 35c 40 Linoleums 10% to 20% off. Rack of SPRING and" FALL COAT Prices were 'as high as $25- To Clear, $4.95. RACK Oki DRESSES at astounding prices $1.98, $3.50, $4.98, $6.96 • Our Best WABASSO SHEETING 81" wide, 89c, for 72c Yd?.,. A 79c Sheeting for 65c Yd,. Heavy :lute DOOR MATS 75c value at 55c. TWO FLANNELETTE. SPECIALS 121/2c, 18c Yard. • YARD -WIDE FACTORY Clear, even weave, 11c Yd.. • Fast Dye ENGLISH CHINTZ Suitable for many uses On Sale, 13c Yard. • SUMMER OR WINTER. UNDERWEAR 20 Per Cent. Off acTavish's Special • Showing- of howingof Summer ' Dresses • Da. E. A. !McMaster will open his office for practise on July 2nd. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart, Mrg. Desboro and Mr. and 'Mrs, J. M. 'Eekart spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eekart at Oakville'. • Mrs. L. Aggar of Jarussels and Mise peeves .spent Sunday in .H•amil- ton,.visiting the former's parents. • 'Mrs. Emma Page of Calgary is a guest at the home of her sister- in-law, iMrs. Janet''Cardno. . • Mrs. Jaamles Carnochan, 'Sr., has returned from a two weeks' visit in Toronto, • 'Mr: and Mrs. Gus 'Hicknell and ,sons, Joseph and Maurice, of Kit- chener, spent the week end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Matthews. • Mrs. James Scott and Mr. Jas. Laing of Cromarty and Mrs. W. R. Motherwell of 'Ottawa were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie over the week end. • 'Miss Ernestine White,, R.N., who has been seriously ill in Toronto for some weeks, has recovered sufficient- ly to return home. She was accom- panied by her mothee, +Mrs. M.. White. • IMr, and 'Mrs. McCallum of Pres- ton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R, Anderson. • Mrs. Raymond Glinske and fam- ily and 'Mrs. Jack Shockor and fa7nr ily of Detroit are guests at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. John Sproat, • Mrs. Neil Gillespie and Mr. Thos. Gillespie leave next week for theia cottage in Muskoka. • Miss Kathleen Asman of Toron- to is the guest of Miss Ella Eider. • Miss Ruth Thompson and Miss Fergus NcKay leave on Saturday for Vancoutver. . • Miss Bernice Caldwell and Mr. 'Anderson of Guelph were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. "NOT EVEN LEMON JUICE Altia CAN HARM -OUR FRIGIDAIRE'34" YOU'LL realize something big has happened to• electric refrigerators whets you see the Frigidaire '34 models. 'Stainless porcelaila interior is only one feature.. There are over 30 others— many of them in no other refrigerator. Whatever your - want in your new refriger- ator Frigidaire has it. Made in Canada • i JOHN MODELANW Phone 4 on 143 - Seaforth' A GENERAL MOTORS VALUW 1 LAST AND BEST OF THE SEASON Walton GARDEN PARTY FRIDAY, JULY 6th PHYLLIS HENNE-The Girl with a Double Voice JOHN EDMONDSON-Baritone and Humorist - - PEARL NEWTON -Elocutionist COME AND GET A GOOD .SUPPER After Supper—" -Uncle Josh at the Dentist's" M3M ISSION : . 35c and 20c. YOUR GREY HAIR, can be restored to its NATURAL COLOUR without the u e of a dye or tint. ANGELIQUE GREY HAIR RESTORER is made from roots and barks and restores the ORIGINAL 'COLOUR in the NATURAL way,' at the ramie thee giving •the hair its natural, healthy, lustre. Price $1.00 per bottle. SOLD UNDER A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE TQ lteep ' the hair air and sca1p clean, use Angelte ,Special Sharnime, Price 25c per intik. For Sale by KEATING'S PHARMACY,. Seaforth . • `.i.LNt3�iSlt. fu F: 11 Sr�3,�'sa