HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-29, Page 5, ?r� i:' 415 ti `(y gtl9AYm4rdamyd®vuxn �Mtumwlts+uG�ICairu^:••^::"':.:.'-•^,-•:�':••• L r' I V ► ' .;e ea o1 't y(� NOW FLAYING TIM McCOY in . "POLIC 3 CAR fl" The Picture of Action COMEDY . C(R OON Meaday, Tuesday" and Wednesday -July 2, 3, 4 CLARKE.,GARLE and CLAUDETTE COLBERT, in "IIT H.APPENED-ONE NIGHT" Full of Comedy and Romance—Liberty gives it Four Stars. SPECIAL MATINEE MONDAY AT 3 P.M. Katherine Hepburn in `•`MORNING GLORY" The Picture That Brought Hepburn the Gold Medal COMEDY CAIRTOON IMe7n .4i o .e j'j4' and slAyolgo,g.M dew Y. ''ISRest,y,, y31n, *LIL OrS`pk'Yp4, figs .raig4 wall,, S loam au," N.eyie, York.'A ' 4'eai''ox th. Phot , MVIORTGAGE $ALE OF yALUAELE FARM PROPERTY - contained in a certadn mortg-age which' will be: Prottniced et the tisne of sale, theye be offered dlor sale 'by Public Auction et MILLER'S HOTEL, IN THE VILLAGE ,,OF WALTON, IN THE COUNTY OP HIHION, Thursday, Friday and Saturday—July ,.5,. 6, 7Under ard 'by virtue of the powers of sale Matinees 'Sat.and,,holida ns, 3 p,nn. Two shows nightly, 7.30), and 9.15. ST. COLUIVIRAN A lawn social will be heldlon the e hurch grounds on Tuesday evening, July '10th. The affair will be Spon- :uored iby the 'Catholi'c Women's ,League. Further announcement will Toe 'made later. - :WINTHROP . Messrs. A. A. Cuthill, Ferg. Bul- lard and John Eckert attended the "Telephone Convention in London last 'Thursday. Mr. A. A. Cuthill was .•se1'ected Presid'en't of the Telephone •.Associa,'tion., Little Roma Johnston,.who has 'been. attending school in elleville, is :spending the holidays with her pal• - .,ants, Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Johnston. tMr. George Kinney, . of London :spent Sunday with "bis 'brothers, '!1lMess'rs.• William and Joseph Kinney.' 'Miss Norine Armstrong of London • s visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Bullard. Quite a few from here attended Eche wedding reception- of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon., Kerr. MANLEY Mr. and Mrs.. Leo McKay from 'Texas are '' isiting their many" friends .mere after a sojourn of thirteen years 'and are sonle of' our boy, and girl' ,who have made 'goo_1d;:.They. arrived $by motor last 'Wednesday. • Mrs, 'C. P. Sills and Mrs. M. Des- troura, accompanied -by their parents, Mr. and .'Mrs. 'C. Ec'kart, cal}ed on -their friends here last Week. Hay 'rr,rai:i'ng has started and is ;)Turning out better than expected. • Mr. Vincent Eckert, who has been -:.attending St. Jeronlc's College, Kit- u9,2hener, is spending .his vacation with his parents,-... Ir, and .Mrs, P. Ecliart. Your correspondent who took a -(trip through the Eastern counties, :.•admired the lawns the late govern- -*++rent built over the ditches along the fnighways, but did not perform/ the itrick for .which they were intended. 'They have, however, helped • to pile ,up more debt for ..the new demon- stration to pay, and will, no doubt, imake it hard for the, new admnnistra- • • 'tion to face and balance the budget 'because of the enormous debt that oas been piled, up under the late ad - .:ministration. CONSTANCE A very pleasant evening was held oat the home of Mr, and Mrs. George "Wheatley on Friday, June 22nd, in -the form of a shower for their 4danghter, Elva, 'bride -elect of this week. She was presented with a 1 eau.iful electric lamp as a slight token of the high esteem' in which :she is held by the community, Rev. J. C. Britton ' read the following - verse: -We, of Constance, would like to ex- tend, -Wishes best from drery friend, .,And neighbor, too, for they can't tell - glow they'd like to wish you well. mut now we friends have all perceiv- ed "That you are going to wed this Dav- id, '1So may the links of love be strong And ]ast,throughout the year along. (Signed on behalf of the community. (Miss Annie Ashby made the • pres- .entation and Rev. Gardiner and Rev. 7. C. -ritton gave short addresses. Mlle Constance orchestra supplied ininsic • shich 'was much enjoyed. Mrs. -Peter Lindsay sang a. solo. The lawn was beautifully decorated with colored lights. A very pleasant ev- aening was spent and a dainty lunch ''klv'as served. ° The ratepayers of School Section No. 3, Ifullett, presented Miss Gawley •wio has resigned her position as teacher, with a silver casserole and silver ' salt and pepper shakers' on Friday pre/ling. Miss Hattie Arm- strong read the address and Miss iDonelda Adams mlade the presenta- tion. The address is as follows:— '°'Dear (Miss Gawley: . As representa- tives of the section, we wish to ex- press our gratitude for the efforts' -you have put forth for the advance- vnent of the community during your sojourn here. It is worthy of note that you have gained the confidence sof the pupils'_ by gentle persuasion and have gradually imprinted in their 'thoughts and actions the principals 'of truth,- honor and sportsmanship. "The results of their work in school :area reflection of the studious na- ture which • you have exemplified. Since we have come to th parting sof the�vways, we would lie you to rccept these 'gifts' as a token of your ,tappreciation. We wish you every suc- ecess'and» happiness in your future un, tiertakings.--4Signed on behalf of the" ',Ratepayers." - 'Rev. J. IC. Britton left on Thurs- Allay^ for ;Ilia appointment at Calvary. :Mss Elva Wheatley. returned to "Toronto on • Thursday and' will be snarled on June 30th. The best wishes of a host of friends go with 'her. IMn. 'Harold Snell ,of Clyde Forks, • ' SOnt., called at the home of !Mr. and "•tlVtrs. 1'Wlill.iamj Britton on Thursday. Peelings of deep regret of the ratepams of No. 8, !lett, were learned' (when ,Mass Ethel GawleY, tavha hats taught • so ,successfully, had (tendered her resignation. • During her stay among .us she has endeared herself not only to the school_ chil- dren, but with everyone with whom she came in contact, The children are loathe to part with their teacher whom they .have learned to love. She has contributed something to their young lives by her continuous giving of herself and patient, tireless ser- vice, both •in.schoo•1 and church where she took an active part in the young people's class. !Mrs.-- Ed, Britton and Misses Ina and Gladys of Staffa were guests of Mr. and Ma's.. Ernest Adams. In the iters., re Young People's meeting on' June 15th, the names of 'Miss Phyllis Medd and Mr. Ross Mc- Gregor, as those responsible for ar- ranging the program, were omitted. BIRTHS Mn'rray.--I'ti Scott Memorriad Hospital, Sea - forth, On June 21st, to ,Mr. • and Mts. Mirrhael B. Murray, McKillop, a son. Veal.—In "Osborne, on Thursday, June 14th, to Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Veal, a son. •Clt,t•ertnnnt.—ln Alexandria Ho,pital, Code - rich. ou June 175h, to Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Cd'aremont, a daughter. Hahner.—in Go•lerich on Sunday, June 17th, to Mr. amt. Mrs. J. M. Hohnsr, a daugh- ter (Anna Jean). •, DEATHS Bell. --In Seafnrth, on Tuesday, .June 26th, Robert flea, in his 70th year, Dietrich. --In Stephen Township; on 'v/,?r/ne - day, June 13th, John Dietrich aged 60 year,, ,1 month and 24 days.- Sehrorxler.--In Stephen Tow•nc•hip. on Mon - June 18th, John Schroeder, aged 72 ycmr'. IN MEMORIAM 1n lo,ipg memory of Eileen Bennett. of ',y,:Iton, w -ho pas.:ed away July 3rd, 1033. Sunshine passes, shadow; fall," Locus rcm esnbrance out.laats all; A❑e1 th ,ugh .the years be many or frerv. They are filled with remembrance, Eileen, of you, —Ever remembered by Mr. and .Mrs. 'inc,, Eaton and family. - 3.72x1 CARD" OF THANKS Mr, J. Percy Cole, Mr, and. Mrs. C. H. Holland and family wi,;'h to thank their friends for the flowers and the kind expres- siuns of sympathy sent during Mrs.. Cole's recent illness and in ,their bereavement. 3472x1 IMPORTANT NOTICES pIGS FOR SALE.—.FOR SALE, ELEVEN r YCrk pigs, .about ready to 'wean, Apply to P. J. COLEMAN, Sea.forth, or phone 22 on 238. 3472-1 FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF SILVER Hull Buckwheat for sale. Apply to W. F. ALEXANDER, R. R. 2, Hensall. - Phone 1:3-82, HensaLL 34712 FOR SALE. --REGISTERED YORKSHIRE pigs. The mother of these page was a prize winner at both Toronto and Guelph Winter Shows, 1033. .Sire was three times Grand Champion, There are no better pigs in Ontario. Price at seven weeks, $10.00, D. A. MacKINNON, North Road, 13/4 miles from Seaforth. 3472x1 TOWN OF SEAFORTH NOTICE Taxes falling due on July lst will this year be payable on Tuesday, July 3rch, since July 1st falls on' Sunday and Monday is a holiday. The first 'installment of taxes will thus be' ac- cepted at the bank on July 3rd. A. D. SUTHERLAND, Mayor. on • I THURSDAY, the 26th DAY OF JULY, 1934 at the hour of 2 O'clock in the afterrnoon. ,the follownrrg property, ,natneIy : i, ALL AND SINGULAR THAT CERTAIN parcel or tract of land and premises situate. lying and being in the Township of Mc- . Ki41op,, in the County of Huron and Prov- ince ' of Mario, being composed of all of Lot numm58r Nineteen (19) in the Fourteenth 'Concession of the said Township of McKil- lop, containing -.184 acres rwre or less. On the propeity there is said to betwo houses and a barn. This -property • will be sold subject- to a reserve bid. TEEMS.—Ten per cent. at the time of the sale ,and the balance of the purchase money in thirty days frpmr the date thereof. For further particulat'a and conditions of sale apply'; 'to JAMES TAYLOR, Belgrave, Auctioneer, or to COWAN COWAN •& GRAY, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against the 'estate of Catherine Jane Hill Henderson, late of the Township of McKi,llop, in the. County of Huron, Widow, who died on or abouit the 13th day of August, 1933,• are required to forward their claimer duly proven to the undersigned .Solicitor, on or before the 14th day of July, 1934, after which date the "Administrator will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to and being responsible • only fof the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED June 27th, 1934. JOHN IL BDST, Safort , Ontario, - Solictor for Administrator. 1;t.% �c4+�.b.,�, .h,alp 01 l ;, 3472-$ Solicitors for the ,Mortgagee Sarnia„ Ontario. DATED Sarnia, June 21st, 1934. 3472-3 POPULAR STALLIONS The Pare Bred Three-year-old Olydebdale Stallion BONNIE MAC (26221) Will stand at his own stable. half mile west of Hensall,• for season of 1934. Terms $10, payable February 1st, 1935. Donald Burns, Manager. TOP NOTCH CHICKS were bred by R.O.P. Government ap- proved males, they are well started and quick growing. July Prices — White Leghorns, 6c; Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Wyandotbes, '7%c; 1 • week 'old, 2c more; 10 day, 3c; 2 weeks, 4.c. TOP NOTCH CHICK HATCHERY Box 55, Phone 1257, Stratford. (Formerly Fergus) The Standar! Bred Trotting Stallion VALIANT GUY No. 4070-67856 Approved Form A 1 Will stand for the _improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday—Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field, and go by way of Clinton to the Base Line, to E. Rozeli's, for neon; then west by way of .the 16th Conce,sion to H'olmes- vill'c at John Potter's for might. Tuesday,— South by way of the llth Concession to Isaac Ratlhwel.l's, for noon; then by way of Varna to his own stable for night. Wednesday— Wild remain at his own stable. Thursday— Ry way of 2nd Concession, Tuckersmith. to Fred Cook's, Huron Road. for noon: then home for night. Friday.—East to McAdam's Sideroad and north hy' way of Harpurhey and Roxboro to Frank Coleman's, fur.,noon; then west to Livingston's sdhool oornet and south by way of Alma to his own stable. Saturday.—Will' remain at his own stable. Terms—For Standard Bred and Registered mares, 9220,00: Grade mare=, 912.00. WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager, Brucefield, Ont_ WAWANSEA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 3487-tf FAVOURITE AGAIN (24337) Monday afternoon—will leave his•own stable at Brucefield, and go south to Kippen, by the London road to Al. Harvey's, for the night. Tuesday—East to the 10th concession,. to Angus McKinnon''s, for noon; then east to KenMcKellar's. Cromarty, for night. Wednesday—East one and a -quarter miles to Lloyd Colnuhoun'e. for noon; then west to Wth. Patrick's, for night. Thursday—North one and a quarter miles to Coyne 'Bras., 7th concession, Hibbert, for norm; then west to Robert Doig's, for night. Friday—West to - Gemmell's Corners and north to the Mill Road at Wilson•McCartney's for non; then home to his own stable for night. SaturdayAt his own stable. Terms --$15 to insure. R. D. Murdocic, Proprietor Charles Manning, Manager. • SCOTLAND'S REMEMBRANCE "26035" (182'9) ' Will stand at his own stable, Brucefield„ Terms—To insure $15.00 R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager hree Days Ending Saturdap Night, June 30 DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS IN DRESSES All the New Styles 1 DON'T MISS THEs: BARGAINS IN MEN'S SUITS Our Entire Stock --Two Prices Only Canada's Largest Fire Mutual' Eastern Branch, Toronto 2, Ontario Windstorms have •arrived. Get pro- tection from the strongest Company in Canada at the lowest rates avail- able. No premium note required. Automobile accident protection to farmers at the lowest cost in Ontario. OOl SU'LT YOUR LOOAL AGENT J. H.SCOTT, Box 142, Seaforth Rbone -336. s"^n,)Leb;; Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Farquhar. Ont. President - ANGUS SINCLAIR Vice -President S11140N DOW DIRECTORS SAMUEL NORRIS J. T. ALLISON WM. H. COATES, FRANK McCONNELL AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Ustborne and Biddulph. ALVIN L. HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Fullerton and Logan.. THOMAS SCOTT, Cromarty, agent for Hibbert. II. W. F. BEAVERS Secretary -Treasurer Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Oomexesllon S, McKfllop, sow tabling 192 ser s and known as tba T. :Ilk Hays' arm- Must be sold to clove the estate. Lf not sold wfli be rented. For particulars aispoly to J. M. GOVENLOOL, Executor. Sea - forth. u68 -1f THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE-,CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTIL ONT. ' OFFICERS Alex. Bro'adfoett, SeaifmPoh - Fos». James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Merton A Reid, Seaforbh - 'See.-Treas. AGENTS: Finlay MeKercher, R. IL 1,, Dublin; , oli n Murray, R. R. 8, Sea£o}'th; E. R. G. Jairata rtlh,, Brodhagen; Jas.. .Watt, Blyth; C E. ITewitt, It ieardino. T1i%RIECTORS Wawa Knox, Londe boro; George Lieonhaa b,' B'rodhagen; • James don- nlolJy, aiederieh; Alex. BroadlfOot, No. 8, Seaiff' itlh; Robert Ferris, 'Myth ; John Pepper, Brucefield; Jamen SboY ; Thomas Ylon, No, to 4t h_..•; inn. , ; ?leo. 4, i CHILDREN'S DRESSES, Prints or Ray- ons; fast col- ors; nicely. trimmed 59c New Voiles, Rayon, Celanese; • •Fujee or Ripple Sheer. You will marvel at .these values. Here is another won- der value in stunning new styles in all the latest materials and colors. Regular $5 and $6 Dresses High • grade 'Crepes, Organdies or Voiles, plain or printed, short or no sleeves.' 'Size 14 to 44. Regularly to $7.95. Print House Dresses, full sizes; well made; fast colors; neat pat- terns. Think of it ! ,75 3'95 OSMOOR HOUSE - DRESSES Fully guaranteed, big variety to choose from. Sizes up to 52. .95 • Neat, stylish, New Worsted' Suit's, in Plain Blues, Greys or Browns; also with at - 15.95 t -e95 tractive stripes o r checks. Regularly to $19.50 This group -includes all our best ..Suits ; highest grade mater- ials and workman- ship. All new styles and fully guaranteed. Regularly $25 to $35. Youths' 3 -Piece Suits Fine Worsted Stripes .or Plain Cloths, some with two pants. All new styles. Sizes 33 to 35. Boys' 2 -Pants Suits Fancy Tweeds in this season's newest styles. Well made and lined. Sizes 24 to 34. Regularly $7.50 to $9. X1.95 201fo, 5.95 BOYS' SWEATERS Fine- pure - wool Pullovers 89c Here are some additionalvalues that should be Big Boosters for Sale -lays. BOYS' 'WHOOPEE PANTS Khaki, Black or Blue, elastic backs, holiday wear. Sizes 24 to 34. .Regu- 79c fancy trimmed. Just the thing for . larly up to $1.50 MEN'S SUMMER .OVERALLS Good weight Blue. Red Back Denim8 , generously cut and substantially made; four pockets MEN'S SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS Pure, fine Botany Wool, pleasing Weaves; White, Grey, Blue, Green, Maroon. Sizes 36 to 42. Regularly $2.25. 1 1 79 BOYS' FINE BLOUSES 50C Extra quality print in fancy stripes and checks; full sizes; well made. Blues, Sands or Greeds. Collars at- tached. All sizes. WOMEN'S WHITE SKIRTS Just in time for Dominion Day, these stylish new skirts are made of good quality white pique, trim pearl buttons and pockets. 00 mel with PENMAN'S PURE SILK HOSE You will notrbuy these again at this very low price.' Pure silk, full fashioned, new Summer shades. All sizes. • • - CLEARANCE IN CURTAINS Frilled Curtains in all ' popular shades/, Checks, Spots and Plain; 21/4 yards in length. All good widths. Regularly $1.50 to $2.75. WABASSO PILLOW SLIPS- Good strong cotton ready for use pure white; 42 Inch. An excellent - •value' 1 a , .. ' ' PAIR 59c 119: PAIR 9c ( IS wyl R