The Huron Expositor, 1934-06-29, Page 444$442,14.41.44:4'44i/i4c0411:44144 ' .i4141416444444.;4441444i1W4444,4411444.$4411,1,44 .4 44.444, • , A444. 1 . .
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(Continnt4 from Page 1)
As lation
Fbs Round
11414t(aned fran Page 1)
0 63 •
1 • -
• t
• •... • '12t7 g 65, Baker •elimin ed Ross -19-7. cently 'Fishingwit) old friends and
•,,".e, 10 0 19 NoTaggart eliminated Millson-- acquaintances in the Inleighborireod,
. e. 121 6
3.6 :Reid eliminated Beehley-13-12. While Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broad-
•McDonell eliminated McKellar- toot' were driving to Hensall on Sat-
V-• a :.4 a 4 12
. .4 • 0 1 46 14-11. who were very pleased to have them.'
'1 05.... olf?
2440. ' urclay evening a car ran into their
a,,, "','?', •• 746 16 277 McDerriad eliminated Sills -44-13. buggy, breaking it somewhat. Other-
jority for Ballantyne -469. oSproat eliminated Willis -18-11. -wise the occupants were not injured,
.. . Usborne ' Second Round only receiving a severe shaking up.
4.A, '4N'' /a • • ' •A• 64 0 ' 44
McTaggart eliminated Baker -19-1 . There was a ' large attendance at
'e• 2" iMcDonell eliminated Reid:7,-17-9. the lawn social at John Turner's,
; ',NO.• a,-- 101 0 18 ;MeDermid eliminated Sproat -•15-8. Tuckeremith, on Monday evening
...,,'Ne.,. • 4 117 ' 0 25
Iminated Swaffield-14-10. when an interersting program was
Brook eliminated
7 53 ogan eliminated BinicIFy-'-20-6. provided by local talent and the lo -
63 Third Round • cal orchestra under the leadership
of -W. Pepper. Misses Little and
McTaggart eliminated MeDonell- Manning sang a. duet to guitar ac -
1J, cl: McDermid--(Bye. companiment. Readings were given
;Majority for Ballantyne --238. ;Logan eliminated 'Brack -1440. by Miss Vera Hudson and Miss butedJean
• Clinton McNee elhninated Beattie --1078. Smith. Earl 'Whitmore contri
Ne. 1 109 1 160 ' Semi -Finals a solo and Elmer Trick several piano
NO. 2A. .... 56 ' 0 107 numbers. 'Selections were also given
131cTaggart eliminaeed Mc.Dermiti-. by the Stewart orchestra, and the
te No: 2B .... 83 1 ,96 10-5. ., Brucefield trio. accompanied by Mrs.
No. 3;A .... . 50 McNee eliminated Logan -4442. Alton Johnston: Rev. Mr. Farrell of
tat 0 93
-1- Finals Clinton acted as chairmen. , The pro-
• No., 3B .... 63 0 .96
ceeds amounted to over sixty dril-
r; No. 4 85 2 163
Ad. Poll 6 0 17 ' MeTaggart eliminated McNee-
- - - 4 lars.
449 3 732 Consolation
Majo-rity for Elliott -283. First ----- T2kNI.,EY
Brucefield on Tuesday night. by a last Thursday.
score of 2-1. This was Brucefield's Mr. J. Ballantyne, of Ushorne town -
first defeat of the season. In the ship, the neWly. elected. rneinilier for
first half the play was about -even Huron Legislature, was a visitor in
with both sides missing some good town on 'Monday. '
chances to score. Early in the sec- Mr. and Mns. Alf. Sinith of Cros-
ond half Wiison. of Kippen scored well, spent the week end with
from a scramble in front ef, the relatives here.
Brueeffeld goal, but five minutes late Mr. and Mrs. A. -G. Edighoff-er bave
er Brucefield tied the score on a moved, to Grand Ben.d for the sum. -
beautiful combination play, Denfield mer 'months where Mr. Edigthoffer
scoring on 'a pass from L, POPPer. conducts a barber vhop. ..
Kippen, came right Sack to score The county higirway department is
what proved to (be the winning goal • preparing to tar the Zurich road
when Wilson again scored: During through -Ile tvillage. When eernplet-
the last fifteen tninutes Brumfield ed the road, will :be surfaced for'
b•omibarded the Kippen goal but were heavy traffic, and should have good
unable to scare. Upshall in the Kip- wearing qualities.
pea goal was the star of the game.
Brueefield its still in second place in
the league standing two points be-
hind Egmendeille. ' On Friday, even-
ing the Brucefield Juniors twill play
the Seniors in a practise game. The
line-ups: Kippen - Goal, Upsall ;
backs, Dutot and Sangster; 'halfl-
backs, Thompson!, Riley and Watson;
fors -yards, Finlayson, Wilton, Archi-
bald, Consitt and Cooper; sub., El-
liott. Brucefield--Goal, Levis; backs,
Bateman and Hicknell; half backs,
• Millson eliminated Ross. Rogerson, •Ceek and- W. Pepper; -for-
Bechley eliminated Sills. Mrs. Sam (Desch took suddenly ill wards, L. Pepper, Aikenihead, Ruth- London were week end visitors with
Willis eliminated McKellar. a few' days ago and ori Sunday was terford, Baird and Denfield; subs., Mr: and Mrs. Hebert Eatrett.
Reid eliminated Binkley. • . taken to the hospital at- London. We .3furdock and Garrett; referee - F. On Thursday evening of last week•
Semi -Finals hope that her case will not be ser- Bullarde Winthrop. those in the Minstrel Show filled an
;Mills eliminated Bechley. ious. , - . engagemient at Londesboro, where
they were greeted with a large at -
Willis eliminated -Reid. .3,1,•s. Margaret Erratt left last
Finals IPPEN tenciance.
week to take charge of the, fresh -air , t,
camp at Whitby. Mes. T. G, Robinson and sister,
J. E. Willis eliminated M. Millson. Rev, W. 0. Robinson, who has been The' ordinance of the ' Lord% Sup- 3liss Arley Reynolds„ accompanied by
• lion:cater the past few weeks on ac- per was held in St. Andrew's United their young ' nephew, , Harry, .are
edunt of the sickness and death of Church following the morning ser- leaving on Saturday for an extended
his mother. returned last week to
vice on Sunday last, at which a very trip to Regina, Sask., where. they
Congregation Bids his charge at Pilot Mound, Man. -fine crowd was present. As usual,
will visit with their sister;
,(Continued en Page 4) • . ;Rev. •E. A. Poulter, who has been the 'congregation from Hillsgreen Demorest. They -will also vieiterela-
fives at Port Dover.
tion, .buf also of the, people of the four years on the Varna charge, united with the Kippen. Congregation
town and outside copgregations. pl.:ached his farewell -sermon laE. F. Chan -
Mr. J. CLaing then presented StInday nd'leaves this Week for his
st for the occasion. Rev. Mrs. Suzie Smit, accompanied by
(Hee gave a, very interesting and in- her daughter, "Miss Annie, and ,
.. ia
Mr. Lane with a purse and a silver row" field or labour at Brownsv.:111e. Spiring address. The 'Misses Mary Motored to Sirocoe" on Sunday
individual commun.:on service, a His successor here will, be Rev. Mr. and IF'oreifte 'Thomson sang a dtiet, to snnd the day with Mr. and Mrs.
handsome dinner wagon to Mrs, Lane Bandy. whose"Rock of Ages." Mrs. D. L. .Thompson and laugh -
and induction service will E. Vanderkeera and children.
a manicure set to .Miss Helen le, held at the Blake Church on Fri- Miss Helen Chandler, high school..
Lane. each of them making an ap- day afternoon and will be in charge teacher in Blenheim, is enjoying her ; Lois, of Toronto are visitors with
and Mrs, John Fisher.
propriate reply. A social half, hour oi Rev. R. M. Gale of Bayfield and hOlidays at the home of her parents,
Mrs. P. Fisher and daughter,
.was spent when - a delicious lunch Rev. De Witt Cousens of Clinton. Iles-. and Mrs. E. F. Chandler at the
Eleanor, expect to leave by motor
was served by the ladies. Mr. 'Chem,- Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and faro- Manse. • ..
berlain thanked the ladies 'on behalf ily. Mr. William Johnston. Mr. Cecil' The ..many friends 'of Mrs. Warren on Sunday for Gravenhurst, to spend
a the board and the meeting closed Wiley and Mr. 'Wes. Hayter of De-' Schilbe will be pleased to hear of a month's vacation at thehosne of
with the benediction, troit spent the week end with friends'
• the improvement in her health and •
Dr. -Murray Fisher. .
' On Sunday evening Mr. Lane in this' vicinity. • , all hope to see her about among us Officers Are Installed •
Mr John McBeath and familyfyis-lsoon.The installation of officers in Zur-
Baptismal services will he neld in ieh Lodge, No. 224 at Hensalletook
preached his farewell sermon to a.
large cong,regation. ' Rev. C. A. Mal- ted at John A. Armstrong's on Sun-
colm, Egmondville, assisted in the day. , St. Andaew's United Church on Sun- ,_ .
place on Monday evening last when
service. . The material for Mr. Percy John- day morning next, July 1st, at 11 respective offices for the coming
following were installed to their
,ten's new barn has arriVed and the o'clock. ming term
will commence ereCting it M'. and Mrs. • Colin McGill of Kil- W.-WM., Dr. A. R. Campbells I.P.M.,
fight away. larney, Manitoba, visited recently 0. Goodwin; S.W., W. G. Bell ;
J.W3 . Cooper: Treasurer, J.
with the latter's sister, Mrs. Serguel ., R.
. W. Bonthron; eSecretary, A. W. E.
Thomson, Sr. ,
Miss Dorothy McLean, .nurse -in- Hemphill; . Chaplain, T. Chapman;
training. -in Clinton Public Hospital, S.D., L. Mickle; J.D., James Bowey;
pent Sunday with her parents, Mr. I.G., E. Kyle; S.S. M. B. Parker;
' J. B. MeLean. • JS., A. Robertson; D. of C., F.
and Mrs.
Manns; Tyler. James Priest; Install -
Kerr -Workman ing Master, Wor. ,Bro. R. Dalr-S-mple.
A pretty June wedding was solem- Following, the installation Mr, L. R.
dent; pi esided. The meeting opened nized at the Manse, Kippen, on Sat- C,oles, now of Listowel, and a Past
with a hymn; Mrs. W. Turner led in, urday, June 23rd, at 2.30 p.m., when' D.D.G.M., was made the recipient of
Mildred, only daughter of Mr. and a fine umbrella and radio, lamp ac -
prayer. and the Scripture lesson was M
taken from St. Matthew, 26:17-30 re- Mrs. J. A. Workman, bf Kippers, be- companies' by a nice address read by
ecame the happy bride of Mr. Eldon Wor. Bro. Thomas Chapman. The
ponsively. A hymn was sung and
the Treasurer then gave her report A. Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Presentation was made by Wor. gro.
and the business discussed. A letter Kerr of Winthrop, the ceremony be- ,J. W. Bonthron to which Wor. Bro.
was read' asking for a tub for the - Coles Made a very feeling reply. A
ing performed by Rev. E. F. Chand
Goderich summer school and approv- ler, of St. Andrew's United Church. number of brethren present made
The 'bride, who was unattended., wore short remarks and a very pleasant
ed to buy same; In 'the interest of
this year's allocation, a letter was a pretty gown of shell pink chiffon social hour _wee f011owed by
with blue taffeta sash and dainty blue
light refreshments.. The presentation
read and the allocation is again $90.
The Auxiliars- accepted the kind in- tnatching accessories and white shoes was made in recognition of the valu-
buttons, white turban hat with
able services Mr. Coles has rendered
i'ation frothe Manse, Kippen, to and wore the grooni's gift, a beauti-tm
to the Lodge while here.
hold their July meeting in the nevs ful wrist watch. Following the cere"-
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stewart of
be on Wednesday, July 4th in the the .home of the bride's parents where Toronto spent - the week. end here
with relatives and friends. Mrs.
cottage north of Goderich. which will mony the bridal -party returned to
Peening. The study. "Chinese Work a buffet luncheon was served to the Stewart had a sale on Saturday of
in Canada" was taken by Mrs. R. immediate relativeS of the bride and some surplus furniture as the dwel-
Consitt, Mrs. Robert Stephenson and enoorn. The centre table was beau- ling has been rented and Toronto is
Mrs. H. Turner, A hymn was sung tifully decorated in pink and white; now the home of her parents., Mr.
and the meeting came to •a 'close with pink and white streamers; white bell,' and Mrs. D. W. Foss.
the Lord' e Prayer. •ferns and roses, centred by, the Mies Elva •Shafidock, bride -elect of
A nurriber from the Hillsen-een bride's cake. • The favotirs were also this week, was presented on Saturday
Chinch attended the morning service pink and white and the bride's • table evening with a handsome floor lanep
at the-Kippen Church on Sunday and bouquet was a gift of a friend of from the choir of the United..„Cherch
also partook of. the Lord's Sepper at the bride. 'After luncheon the happy of which she has been a member for
the close of the service. couple left on a short henemyoonbea a number of years, the presentation
Mr.. Lorne Eiler and son Donald,'fore making their home on the being made by Mr. W. 0. Goodwin,
of Faloonbridge, who spent a few groom's Arne farm near Winthrop. leader of the choir.
days with her parents, Ieft for The .bride was the recipient of many • Attend Service
Seattle, Washington, where they will beautiful gifts. Heartiest congratu- A large representation of A. F.
social time was then spent. spend a short time. lations and best wishes are extend- and A. M., Zurich Lodge, No. 224,
Mrs. Joanna •Steacey and son. John, ed to Mr. and Mrs. Kerr for a bright at Hensel', attended divine service
of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. in Hensall united Church on Sunday
and happy future.
W. Jarrott and Annie. •morning last. Following is the or -
"Mrs, Wilfred Huxtable a Centralia der of service: Prelude, "In a Mon-
"isited her parents, MT. wild Mrs. astery Garden," . with 'Miss Eleanor
James Love and family. ZURICII Fisher, A...T.t.m., organist, and Miss
'3+1,r. and Mrs. Frank Farqubar and Greta Lamm* A.T.C.114., presiding
son. John, of Hensall, and Mr. Joe The culvert and approach on the at the piano; doxology and invoca-
and Miss Margaret Forrest of Eg-tion; Hynin 662; Scripture reading;
Blue Water 'Highway adjoining Turn-mondville visited with Mr. and Mrs. anthem, "Open Our Eyes"; soloist,
bull's grove, has been completed and
J. Coc'hrare. on Saturday the barriers were re- • S. Rennie; bass solo, "My God and
A number from this vicinity at- rn,ovecl and traffic • allowed through. Father While' I Stray," Mr. W. B.
tended the decoration services at theCross; atmouncernents; offering; The highway is also being improved
Of -
Exeter cemetery on Sunday after- fertory; 'Intermezzo from Cavallera
no -on. sauth of •Bayfleld. Every spring and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt of fall soft spots were encountered and gus•tieana-Maseagni;• anthem, "Hark,
rk, My Sou'r, egoists, IVIrs. Maude
the Depirtment has let the contratt
HenSall spent a few days with their edden and Mrs. George Hess; Hymn
to have that portion tiled. .
son, Mr. and Mrs. Rpasell. Consitt A short session of the Tenth Di- 267; sermon, "Aneient Free Mas -
and daughter, •Mrs. R. McAllister and vision Court was held here on Mon- onry," Rev. A. Sinclair (a splendid
family.discourse);, Hymn 306; Postlude,(
Miss Edina „eta:harm; R.N-, spent-' -sim Pridsy- ,,
a day in •London. evening. the .. Zurich . -"Swedifi--h-Wedding March," Soedet-
maxi,. The brethren marched from
baseball team; played a close game
Miss Annie Jarrett 'visited Mrs.' and to the lodge room.
with the 'Staffa team on the latter's
James 'Inkster in Goderich. The many friends and relatives of
diamonit At the end of the game
Mr. John IR. Stewart will regret to
the score stood 1 to 0 in favor of
learn that he was taken seriously ill
and removed to London on 'Sunday in
Bonthion and. Drys:dale-ie. ambulance;
and an operation - lwill be performed
in the course of a few days in the
interests of bis health.
The folloivinig interesting reptnt
refers to Williatml Bonthron,.grand-
son of 'Mrs. Robert Bonthrort of 'this
'village, who Made a sensational one
mile race at Los Angelee. on June 23.
Bouttliron's defeat a Cunningham in
the mile race was' one of -the most
sensational episodes of the day. The
Princeton lad nipped the Kansan in
thtalast SO yards and won going
aW4sr• at least sibs yards separating
the; pair at the Anisle Banthron re-
versed a decision - of a Week ago at
Old Nassau when Vulkane-ant Mt a
new world's. record' a 4 (WM-WA '6.7,,
Bonthron's time of 4 minutes 89.10
secende, was better than Cunning-
,hatn',0 , MICA. record of 4,09.8' last
year; id better thin the recognized
World, lender.
• Mr, and .11fria."Laird klickle and
ohildeen left on Tuesday for Nadeau
Government Park, on • ;Laloe Erie,
there- the' will helidaY for tt •few
; •
No: 1 -, . 104 .1
No. 2A .... 90 0 95
No. 213 .- ... 77 2 58
No. 3A .... 84 2 55
No. 3B .... '74 • 2 , . • 7612,
'No.' 4 27 2'
. ' • 452 9 . 493:.
Majority fel. Elliott -41.,
, Heniall
No. lA , 133 s' 1 83
No. 1B 125 1 67
- - .
.0, 258 2 150 '
Majority for Ballantyne -108.
' •
• No. 1 ' 133 1 57 '
No. 2 122 0 . 69
No. 3 124 • 1 59
No. 4 82 1 67• •
No. 5 55 ,.. 0 ' 71
No. 6 84 4 • 72
603 7 395
Majority for Ballantyne -208.
No. 1 74 3 47
No. -9 125 •1 106
No. •3 131 0 109
No. 4 80 • 1_ 51
No. 5 115 4 107
No -6 74 • ''), 50
Ne. 7 141 2 80
Ne. 8 87 0 '47
No. 9 102 1 128
No..10 143 1 105
,No. 11 84 0 37
No. 12 108 2 116
Ad. Poll 4 0 5
- - ;--
1274 17 987
'IVIajority for Ballantyne -287.
Majority for
weeks at -the Mielde cottage. . :LoniSP Drunimifind played ,the nred. • -
(Billy Caantibell, young son. of (On ding Mara. The bricle-eleet Wan'
and • Mrs. tA. R. leamilibell, had his prelim:W(1, with ta .beant„if4 end table
tonsils ;successfullY removed 'at his and`electriei toaster. .4 dainty lunch
was served from a laeautifully dee0r14,'
home ou IVIonday morning.
Mine Acny. Yuill of Toronto was a abed table, the de6orations being pink
guest •over the week end with Mrs. and white with candles. The roent
T. Murdock and daaghter, Mits' Eth-. was artistioal1y decorated also. At
eL - • the conclusion of hinelh the %mend
The Collyer and iMrs• Callyer, Mr. dispersed with the singing .of °Mel&
and Mrs. Hemphill and Mr. and Ms. Lang Syne."
W. 0. 'Goodwin recently motored to a Celebrates 90th Birthday
Listowel to spend an everting with Mrs, Jane Henry of the village eel.
Mr and 'Mrs. L. RT. 'Coles, form,er, res- • ehrated her 90th birthday on Frldtsr •
this village. .. of this week, and is enjoying fairly:
(Mrs. 'Harry Albray of ;London is good health and is wonderfully marls
yisking with; her parents, Mr. and and active for her years. A.t
rs. C. •S‘. Hudson and family. relatives and friends called upon her
Mrs.,Lammie and daughter, Miss tto extend congratulatio-na, She ale*
Greta Lannimie, left for Brantford on sewing numerous gifts, lovely fiew-
Wednesday where they will attend a er'S, telegrams, etc. 1VIrs. Henry takes
reunion to Se held at the Institute an active part in many organizations
of the church and is rarely,. absent
It has been necessary to change for the Blind.
the. date of the St. Paul's Anglican Margaret,
'Mrs. 'Habit -irk and daughter, Miss from church except in case. of • in -
Church .Sunday school. picric from accompanied by Mrs. ness.
the .5th to Friday, July 6th, to be Broadfoot and Mrs. James Broadfoot, iMies Margaret McLaren, •
motored to Bad Axe to spend the daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Me.. -
held at Turnbull's Grove. -week end. Laren, who recently, graduated att
Mr. and Mrs. Earle L. Borger of A number from the village attend- Western University, London, receiv-
Detroit, Miss "Dorothy Pierce, Miss ed the military ball at Goderich on ing two gold 'medals, reoeivediword]
Florence Watson, Mr. Clift ,Puther- Friday evening last • from Toronto University that she -
hough and Miss Aldy'the E,acrett pf A number of Masons from the vi•b was awarded the William McKee:tie
lage and vicinity 'on 'Sunday everting Scholarship, worth' $500.00, and a
last motored to 'Clinton to 'attend an- year's free tuition at Toronto Uesi-
niversary divine services with their versity.
Clinton brethren. The Wohela Class of -the United
What -promises to be a most in- Church Sunday School met at the
teresting , and keenly :contested base- home of Rev. and Mrs. A. Sinclair
ball: !match, under the Inter-Gourity 041 Monday and held a very enjoy -able
Huron Intermediate ",B" Series, *ill evening. The first part of the even -
,be held -On Friday eve,nint• on the ing a short prpgram was -given: -
diamond, between Ingersoll Hen- Piano solo, "My Rosary," Miss Mil-
ian. Ingersoll just recently beat the dred Smillie; reading, "Tonsuls,"
Stratford team and will make a de- Mies Mildred Forrest; -solo, "Wedding-
termined effort to win, from' Hensel' Bells,'' •Mise Bella Sinale; solo, "Just
so that the game will, no • doubt, be a Wearying For You," Lorne Elden,
witnessed by a• iarge number. • guitar selection; congratnlations, Miss .
The Sacrament of the. Lord's Siaf/- Kathryn Drydllale, Following the
per will be observed an the coming prpgrani a social hour was spent on
Sunday morning, July lst, in the the lawn in genies and amu.sements.
United Church with prepdratory ser- A dainty lunch was served in the
vice on the Friday evening preceding house, after which Miss Elva Shad -
in the school room at 8 o'clock. dock was presented with a half', doz-
We are Pleased to report that Mr. en goblets and e half dozen sherbets
James Robertson is recovering nice- in an -fiber color: The address was
ly from. his recent illness and ' able read •by Miss Verde Watson and the
to be around a little although not yet nresentation made by Miss 'Marion
back to normal health and strength. SinclairThe program committee
The gentle rains of bits first part was Miss Florence McDonald and the
of this week have done much to im- lunch committee, Miss Marian Sin-
clair. 'Following is the addriss:-
piove all vegetation.
A large number of neighbors and "IViiss Elva Shaddock, Hensel', Ont..
friends of Miss Agnes Wren, bride- Dear Elva; We, yo;ir associates of
elect of this week, met at her home the 'Wohela. Class of the United
on Wednesday afternoon and present- Church, take this opportunity of ex -
ed her with 'a .iniscellaneous .kitchen pressing to you our great apprecia- .
shower. There' wen about a hun- tion of your loyalty and faithfulness
tired' present for the shower. A very both in the weekly sessions of the
pleasant afternoon was spent in a class on Sunday and also to many
social time followed by a 'delicious pleasant social times we have spent
together. We regret that these hap-.
A large number attended the py associations are about to be sev- ••
denionstration of the gas range prp- ered, but we can assure you that our
ducts held at Bonthron and Drys- very best wishes always follow
dale's on Tuesday afternoon and ev- you, and we wish. you much happiness
ening. George Hess was the winner and prosperity in your new home.
And now we ask you to aeeept these
of a f.ree camp stove.
The Girls.' Bridge Club was enter- 'gifts as a mark of our esteeml, be-
tained last week at the home of Miss lieving they will remind you of many
Minnie Reid. Following a very pleas- profitable and happy occasions we
ant evening spent in cards, everyone have spent together. -Signed on, be -
present repaired to the dining room half of the Wohela Class."
where a dainty lunch was served, at
the close of which Mrs. Jane'c. Peck
was presented with a beautiful cut MOTORISTS.
glass, vase and an appropriate mes-
sage of farewell.
the afternoon in, sewing as usual.
The president. Mrs. 1. L. Bell, presid-
ed, over the devotional' period. The sne.....--....-
program •opened with the singing of 1-IILLSGREEN
a hymn, followed by the Scripture .ammaaemaa
lesson taken by Mrs. William Hogg. W. )1. S. Meet
Mos. J. L. Bell led in prayer. A The Women's :Auxiliary met in
c.hairter from the study book, "The the Hillsgreen Church .on Wednesday
Seven Seas of Service was read .by afternoon:, June '7oth, with six pres-
Jean Scott. A pleasing solo, "lou ent. )11-s. R. .)IcAllister, the presi-
Can Be. a Blessing" was rendered by
a a• Mrs. John E. Daley, accompanied by
a 0
Mrs. Helen McMillan. Mrs. James
T. Scott read the Glad Tidings pry -
5 '8
. . 0
•-• -a' = ea A hyrraf was sung and the meet-
= ▪ cc F.::: ing closed, with all repeating the
Exeter 452 t 493 41 Lord's Prayer in unison.
Hensall 258 150 103
Clinton 449 732 283
S'eaforth 60r3„ 3 208
• Goderich 1214 987 287 ....... ..
Usborne 552 314 238 The regillar meeting a the W. M.
Stephen 835 518 317 S. of Egmondville Church was .held
IHay 959 351 608. at the home of Mrs. James Brown
Stanley 484 547 63 with the vice-president, Miss Mabel
Goderich Tp., 340 537 197 Cameron, in the chair. The meeting
Hullett , 632 401 231 opened by singing the hymn, "When
McKillop 669 271 398 I Survey the Wondrous Cross," Mrs.
Tuckersmith, 746 277 469 James Stewart offering the mission-
ary prayer. The S,cripture liesson
' 8253 5973 2864 584 was read by Mrs. H. Moore. After
Majority for Ballantyne -2,280. reading of the' devotional leaflet by
Total vote for Wm. Cooper -122. Miss Thom; the minutes were read
Votes. polled -14,451. • by the secretary and Mrs. McMillan
'Rejected ballots -85. gave the treasurer's report. Mr.
Not polled -3,699. Malcolm presided during the busi-
4 ness period. 'Interesting reports of
the Conference Branch Meeting, re-
' BRODYIAGEN cently held in Woodstock, were ably
• given by Mrs. R. E. McKenzie and
Visitors: Jack Diegel of • North Mrs. Malcolm. The meeting closed
Bay with -relatives. His son, Ralph, with praser by Mrs. J. Brown. A
will spend the summer 'vacation ' with
ids grandparents,'Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wes; 'Henry and Philip Pauli of
..-; Stratford with John Bennewies; Miss
Marie Meyer of Stratford with her
pare -fits, Mr. and Mrs. William Mey- , fMrs. Duncan, Mrs. J. iReid, Mr.
er. Cecil Wiley and Billy Johnston of
Outgoing visitors: W. L. Queren- Flint spent Sunday at the home of
gesser is •attending the pastreasters' Mrs. W. Reid.
convention which is being held in • Mrs. M: " --Reid spent a few days
a... Windsor this week; Mr. W. L. Qner- wi•thher sister, Mrs. Fee, of Seaforth.
,1 engesser has returned after spend- School closes on Friday. Mr. Aber-
ing 'two weeks in North Bay; Mr. and hart has been engaged for another
Mrs. J. C. Diegel spent several days yearat an increase in salary.
with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diegel in We are sorry to' report Mrs. Jas.
6'teatford. Grassick is not as well as her many
friends would like her to be.
Miss Prances Mostop has been re-
engaged at an adivance in salary in
•S S No 4
The closing Meeting of tie Y. P. IMr. Fred Draser who has been in
-,-,S... o Dafris- 1Utittod- Church was held- the empbry ef -M-r. George Beatts,
in the church auditorium Sunday ev-. Sr., is leaving shortly to join his
ll '. ening. The pastor, Rev. Chas. Cum.. family. in Roumania. While here he
'' e .' ' ming, presided. - The y•ouri
g people's has • made many friends who wish
choir' tinder Mrs. Colin Finland and him a safe voyage.
accomipanied by Miss Margaret Cum-
ming, sang a selection. Miss Kirby
Yenng accompanied with the violin.
A report of the year!e• work was giv
,•,-- .
, t - en- by the Secretary, Miss Edna Reid,
• and the treasurer'sreport *as given
ib y Kenneth . atutledge. The choir
4 sang la ,selection, Miss Mildred Sel-
,.. ' biking the; 'sold. part. A splendid
lectUre,4companielt by latrtern slides
i, was tgiVen bY !Rev. T. A. Broadfoot
, of On% :China. A solo by Charles
Thysit iiott-litticli appreciated.
.. ,
,,. ,,:, si, ' • , . '
V..;11;16:11,1g 4. the W. M.
0: it: of 4D476. Church, kfc-
.14fid; on Ttiesday, June
tti Itteteel)n.
l4l' 4 6%14'1)dd:tad.
ta - A' -o, • tibred a
4 •
t) 4. ti, goad
1,,,-, ,.„. .,
, of. r; , , 4The iW..101.
Mr. and Mrs. McGill crf Belmont,
Miss 'Jean ••MoLachle.n, ;;;;tho bas Manitoba, were the guests of Mr.
spent the past year in Moose Jaw, and Mrs. James Moodie last week..
Sask., returned to het home this Min. W. A. Bremner spent a few
Week. •days at tbe home of her friend, Mrs.
few days ago a doe was seen T-ilamilton of Goderich, last week.
grazing in the wheat field of MT. Minn Edna Bremner R.N., of Sea-
Wfiliant McGregor about thirty rods forth Manorial Hospial, is spending
from; the barn. A dog chasing it, her holidays et the home of her sis-
it soon disappeared. One was also ter, Ms. West of St: Thomas:
seen later grazing in the oat field of OATS. Alex IPJass of the *011age, WhO
Mr. Robert Green. • is now in her 93rd year, he able to
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doig and on, cast her vote last week. We wonder
John, also Missies Strauss and Catlin if she is not the oldest voter in Stan -
of Detrcrit' were Stinday ;visitors with ley tOwnsibip.
Mrs. L. J. IDeig and lass Janet, Mrs. Janet Res s received word last
'Mr. and Mrs. William Green at- week from her son-in-law' Mr. 'toy
• tended the Tkecoration- -Day servic Monteith; of London, whathas beeii
in Exeter on Sunday, a large crowd seriously ill, is now reenVering, his
from Kippen and surrounding ovum many friends will be glad to hea'r.
try being piesent. • Mr. and Mrs. John H. MeEwen
Mr. and Mrs. Andre* tDoig, Jr., of an a 'the. rificinier o Stan-
rheeteter visited ,tvivh (gra, J. ley visited sit the limns of Mr. and
Doig at Miss Jima tiaa Mas. Anger *Wt.
Lose Gatlin
week. •
AO; and ibetittg- --plittet a seal XipPen defeated Brucefield in a
fat& spe,rat .gottatt afib*kooil re, closely contested football Meth at
Mr. and Mrs. M, G. Drysdale, held
a picnic at Turnbull's Grove recently
and during supper gave Mrs. Peck a
parting gift of a silver rose bowl
and reflector with accompanying
gifts to Ronald and Elaine.
The many friends of Mr. William
Otrien will be sorry to , learn that
he has not been enjoyieggoodlealth
,for some time. On Tuesday he un-
derwent an operation at a London
hospital. His Many friends hope for
a speedy ' recol'very.
The -members of the Lutheran
Church have decided hold a fowl
supper some time this Fall, the date
to be set 3ater.
Mrs. E. -Taggart and nieee .1VCisS
Myrtle Raabe, of 'South. Bend, Ind.,
and Mrs. A. Welsenbach of Peoria,
Ills., visited relatives here the past
05r, and 'Mrs. Alf. Moritz of Guelph
spent ,SiliidiSr at the borne of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Fritz.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Meinitiger a De-
troit spent the week end- at the home
of the latter's parents,' and Mrs.
H. Wetieloh.
'Mr. Daniel Smith of Now trosiibto*
is visiting relatives here' St Preeent
Messra. Tf. G. Hess and A.F. tress
and -Mr. P. Melaaac of DashWood at-
tended the •Westerit. Coinities..'reie-
phoma Convention told. '40,„tolidOti
e • 't 1,44.
• . ; 4
. • .
The Ladies' Bridge Club of whioh
Mrs.. Peck was a member, met on
Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
C. Cook and presented -her with a
silver tea pot and farewell note of
good wishes. Mrs. Peck has been a
most esteemed resident of this vil-
We are selling regular
heavy tires at -the following
low prices, guaranteed for
twelve, months.
4.40 x 21 $5.25
4.50 x 21 $5.85
5.00 x 19 ..... $6,95
5.00 x 2$7,29
Gasoline 24c per gallon.
general regret is felt as she has dF-
lage for a number' of years and very
tided to' make 'her future home in Motor Oil. '.. .65c per gallon
Clinton. The best wishes of a host
Ford Model T New Parts at
of friends will follow her and her
. '
young ,son and daughter to' their new one-half price.
s Elva Shaddock, • bride -elect,
Was presented this week with a hand- USED CARS ON ELAND
serole, frorn the Young People's 1930 Spec. Pontiag_Sedan.
some Pyrex iiie plate in silver cas-
Leag-ue of the United Church of 1932 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan
1932 Ford Coach
Which she was a valued memlber. The •
Ca Watson; President of the League. 1929 Essex Coupe
preSentation was made by Miss Ver -
.A very pleasant evening was spent 1927 Pontiac Sedan
e 1927 Ford Sedan '
on Friday. evening at the home of
Miss AnniConsitt, when the young
hmeekit, itnhehooncocr oofn mibeisisngstavta•shoererused cars far Shad-
Prices are reduced on ail
girls' bridge club numbering sixteen,
,lock, bride -elect of this corning below their
week. The early part of the evening',
market value. All are thor-
waspleasing. and humoroui features • of ; oughly reconditioned by our
devoted to bridge. One of the own mechanics.
the evening was a mock wedding,
the •part of the bride; gviis COOK BROS.
with Miss
Florenee McDonald taking'
Farquhar, as groom; Miss Mildred
Hudson and Terraplane Dis
McDonald as the minister, and Miss •kribrcka
New! - Day -Old Pullets
Here is something poultrymen have been waiting for. Pullets divided
from cockerels as they come from the incubator. TBuy "day-old pul-
lets." Save the cost of raising surplus cockerels. We offer you this
opportunity -the first offer of its kind in Eastern ,Canada -in White
Leghorns only. 85 per cent. ,aceuraty guaranteed. Immediate ship-
ment. No delay.
Standard Quality Foundation Stock
•Day-old Leghorn Pullets $16.95 per, 100 $19.95 per 100
-3-week-old' Leghorn Pullets$25.75 per100 $29.75 per 100
Oar other breeds ere still being sold Arts 'they come"-Inillets and
cockerels together. Genuine Bray Chicks, backed by the senile breed-
ing, blood -testing, etc., as our earlier hatches. For the balance of
the season, they will clear at the following reduced prices:
Standard Quality Foundation Stock
Day-old Reeks, Reds, Wyandottes $7.95 per 100 $9.95 Per 100
Day-old Black giants 8.95 per 100 10.95 per 100
Day-old Leghorns (as they come) 7.45 per 100 9.45 per 100
10 -day-old Barred Reeks • 1L95 per 100 13.90 per 100
3 -weeks -old, Barred Rocks 15.95 per 100 17.95 per 100
•• Place your order with your nearest Sray Hatchery or sales office -or
'write direct to St. Catharines. -Send $1.00 deposit with your order
and Pay balance en safe delivery of chicks. '
• BRAY 'CHICX HATCHERY, 97 .Clayburn Ave., St, Catharines, Ont.
Brooder & Mee, fl. W. Charlesworth, Clinton.
This advertisement has received Government tikpintaval insofar as it
refers to -baby chicks:
, •
5 • '
4 1.'