HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-29, Page 2�,?. I .I *11 I � 1").11 - ,4. - �_..&'t_.M-_L�"�. - &iJit"Z 17,')",N%1� 11,11'�."N . , , . 7 I I , . ,�,,�,'i� : ", — , . I -�, . " �, . "", Ri, � .i . , , , '" i �`i� )�tl%q, � t iz ., �, 1. . . 6�,'l - �Im � t% , ''14.1 . ,�, �,,11,� "W'' , , p . ,�, .1. %11;�11 "'P, . , �� 1� � –, W . .", """"A' 1"g',"', �).,', " .. . , . , ,,, , � . �, ,,, '' !,_, I 11 " I ,g n, .'' - * 1, ,, 1 W �h I WA4� 1, , it �1110 , , �� I � , ,2xm. — xd"�4 I .. .11 i-1.1 I'll— . ��-",�i, " 1, 'i�,,,��,,,�, '. V I ,I� � , .� I . � . , t e ", " qj?,�R . -, -, ­ � . I . I oil, I ..,.I %"q,(,�,'� , ,',� �V,_ 1_ � I 1. " . 11 I . at SeatbAk Ott " 06 ev- I Z� '... t �''.7% .1 ��Ililm , I � , - 12", ,�U ­ , 11 ,­%-,�.�,..11­ �. . - . �, ... �, .. � - . : ­ . . - � ..... . ',A, ,,_ � , , 'k, 1�­,V). . " .�.t. , . I - ,,, - .11; ,,, : i 1. � . � . I ­�,, I ...". 1- 11 U10-11WA, $1.W a."Y*U. = .11 I "g . I . , r4a ,11� $100 a Yee" 8ftle '� � � -,-. r, 1 1"U4 " . . . . ... I I'll " , _ &. ' 11, I'll 'K'­1Tjf. 41,- , - I � I . V " � � . ". ", g , I -ill, 1,� . , I . , I 1. , , 4, ,� �n , , , �-�, 1 . , - % ", � � � I , I . .y - " 11 I . 11 illb , i ,;,�,. " :� 7�" � * Adv*W, ,Aag raW on application. Z 'Id '�i,�,�!. 'I . , . , 11 �J'�,, � �., . ... �� ; __' . it"111 ,i� :, � "'. "..'': __ I "Ill �� Ah" � W ;� �,,, �,., I I'll''., �� 111'��, (I �:_ , 'an Wwk- , _� ,,��,,Pt: " Neoibm of the Cam& ,� � �i,:!�: , � 1. � '�i­.. . IR ,8 ' I I M j*rs Asswistioll, I ' '�k � V"Y"P, ". ��," ", ''. , , I 111'1�% - ..; CU'l.'.2's .f C�mada, and the Hurm i"10,11 .., " , �­ . � ,, , V .�, "'. � " ," '. ,,, ,��% I , .8SA, , t, 4 , Kf�, � - 'Couno PM �,� loll. - - .. � . .....", �'. .1 1". 1. � . , 11." , "I'',"; � . .. . � I . I . � . I I . June ',:�Ik I%Wt . B.F.MVRZT.11, Friday., J 1. I � �1. . . -,s �'. I I . I . .1 . I ."­­ ,;.�. . � , I—, I., .. - � �, I . I � !11� I V.� I �, ­� . . . . .1 I PkAv Of CaNnet NO erial I _;�'11 i �i I 'If - .. _. . .. 1, . I ,� . . _ . -%r to the few -s x Ni§3ed oantrar. e- Im- bV I.. ,'_, I'll � " _,_­ - ,,, .11 . � --c,�a,Ti;,;en-.IVIN-,e,l)oliU,ciait�,--, sa�d " V=11Y I , , ,Rl' :` I -1 .;-� "I',"", , . . - outanio wiU not saffer' Vew"Papem, � ,,,(,,.;,s .... I'l- - . U'All abk a 61r � to hr t qaf-1x*U - xK1 N\ 11r, - 11.1.i,-,. . i��11,1�,,� '.. .�­ * - - -1 fill C�J,bl,11,'�,-t poeltions in the 11-W lep- I . I _401vernment. . ban, C Ri � I . __-- ­.. , '' . . . 14:'. I . � I 1I.- . .1 11 . . . -&f.emr_iz*, will do , rn, iL Mr. Hvblu � ' I I ��?,� 11 E,,,� 1; , _� but Nvin', neve-�rtheles,s, 'the ehcxm�ulg ­ ,­­�," � � .. ill',', . A -hether _:ko�ght mot Iftell for ski ve NX - . I I U."'.. . . sougK and'f ram. int,e_Ai,,,,ted as ' or xcas, g ��� ... 111i,',�­ �. ­. . -�ki - wall as di -interested qu�-rt_�v, .":. _­­ .- �%P, � ,' ­ " , . 11 .. . 410w0vr, the new Premitier ap-. '�LKE.... , �-� 1P"1'-"% to Ix", altho� �-, -a .Vouiv_ Thant. � %I . . ._:� - - 101.1" - illig U1,11 -KI I '. 3 mail NAiul ,1,xwssez--�-ws a ,--+a,-,, -, , , " : gg,l --� 'wrL Rip knours wbat he. wwlts of bi,, 0 ,� 0":1 4 �, , il - kit of a. Rill'owin of soxne ,. 0 , =a � , - t I ILL, , 111", ". x - in tibe L<gi-s-1-ature, lie N ill - mem- ber-, I 1111-, �,� In � , ba -%v no trou-Ne'111 gavAting, it. I &�`�, m f"", I T'. , ?fl. 11 " I . 1 -He liss, *pfparentkv, the cabi.net ' � 1_1 - 1� 1,11: - , , i�- 'I matexial pretty unoll settled in his . . 11 ,� 1-1111.1 evai xnimwi .,�,rA is dn�v avAmiting the � I 1. _. � . - -k, t -i ,r � -�vmrnm-ent &q,arwr )f the forni;zi xv 1t,___--_ I I 1. � ' ftki,�,,ters ,f min QneeT,-- i'ark t*f ore �`�_ -�.,tl , 't , - he =1 -,,es hi,s ",.nou.nc*_n-,,-n,L' . ft�.�' . _­'' 1 -�ot ' ,z- - have Im fact, thr � new".WP.i,,e,r,, � . 1. �. V . .I.- ' alres�,iv 1 -k -en ann,iunced, 11( arry -4 -�m H - I , , , ­ , 1. N , HkQ1, Dun�=l Marsha S_n�i WIX V11 _ . . I , ... 1.1� . ' Ntb, -�ut th 1nkXLnk",e11l4e,1A , Mr, Rk uek, 'L e S.1 . " I - .i�,!,. , . ,� , , - ir m. kt�, , -T, -vf thlv-ze \A- Of the nsmx z 'L , 1�") w I a �,;,.,,�.. 11:� . . . I Up the b"ncv of the C, iina-z'iA A - al - -411 be ,i�il �,,';. �!,,ii', deferred vo a lau,r dayi. I r� . 7P . . , Wie un&rstar4 howeve�r, vhit "-M,r. ,k,�;j7, , �1�1­, I I ... �;, � � ShxLnir, form,I�,,r ka&r af tht, On- ..� Al I I -. ��,!,, .. � -tmi.) Lft,<-r.--,L-, will Ix- aske,d t -o ax- . L ;-1 �111 � I - ­ I cept a Cabmei sz,aL ' - .i � ,,,,;l ,�, _1 - -,,-,, ant x If ChAt i " s i we beh�:, -e it t'l ,),T tR.,�� , , , "' 1* tru-e, Xr. Bepburn hs.s made a - r""� [�i,`�''O f�i­ i* " - C'11,,,,,,, -t-_ Nc�z wis -1-� 'Well as a PkNPULk, ,,�., ___ .';, `,� omkv d,�� mr. ,z�_ c4air's T, -,z_ --.,:z r -1-160-11i U1.1- � ,� . &_4,-rv-, ,4o- , r, -c-( z nl&Nn ,az the rnt -,� -r' I . 11 ...... � �%�,. ... ,� 11111�1 j- I 11 , � -1 - - bur,4s ce, Onu�no 12�7r:Os, ,�I-,l 1-�e is , . I - �- ", ��j - -1 . as weil .zim. --,-x-n-,-r-ik--n,-,-0.. p�h;unnm,tw- ' L i, � , . ��: ". I I ' ian, arkii 'htl �.sS s �:-xLz6&-rab',- -�Wiow- I �� �!�­. . I ,,, .�',.. , , i7w ir th�, T'-,%,N-,-,��k, W�"o -R-�,-ald ,�;,��- ., �_ r, -, -, . 11. " . tl* ,z*P - * , - -,N hzi-=, -.,�n I-hf, OTN_,4� � , ".. �., �11,-,� As' U,�, sar. bo",vt-r� lv- -A, Hf:in"v'­"M " ; �. - _.;., _ " 11.�, - - - - "i'vi-n -*k - is Izis Piz -r. 1�,ul h,p IMSIOPO 'n�) 11, "I ";.i , 11'� I - - rg � s C�P_=:-k� " a n 3 stil, � I I 71 " ", i le'�- chl:ri .i, Z � . � 1: 1. , . ''... �, I . - -, -V - � - --- "i I - tb,o C'kant" ndky rt -s' aN,:A.r�o14 b- is �, ­ , ...""��, - - - - --' - it %t,-rr% .�—��.� -1 ---� r.q&k,-,;% .., i. .­ ,,- I , I �&r,�- ;� -,n,- �� ���, 11 � I 11, , ,1 I IC, , ' �Iect,N-1 Of h i,,- Olabln&L � " 5 13�� ��,!� . � , , ­��. , -�� ,ar 'I- --,7 ;0, � - - i'��;, cmpz r Im siw--�,p li, � 1'� 'k,": , : . - _�N * , "I -1 - It NnI � - vihi-�-. ­kver,z, �qrrv- 11 . .. �� �), . pr__�Vvl-& , ", , , pj'�.!, , Olk - �, -r-1-sgi --,- - , I.;, I , kg- N.1.1 kz.x,k " N r,g i��_ �,Ig lie , , " ��"T., r � 4- -w- � ,,, t-4riy s"MMN't, 4-,- ,Zdh- .:ng ,506&-3 ,��t": I . ,i - - 1'�_Ii.l -1 'r , � ,X " ,o�l =�wvN­k-_-D,-:m I . 1, ­ �,;,;, -T%r -T� " ���,� SIR. latm- VAd -,—�,.- wr , f6lk,xxtc-i , , * ....'%, _7: b,v .% I iv a -, E k �,�,.Ir!±, .- ,,:�.V -,f esn� w��a�_V_r sLnd �,,�� . I I '!,Iv, � I tior a ,,�Zk- ii 2kkzkk� W if, the 'Lay _%MA '-111i��-­ 1,,,�,'-i . I " �,!;. 4 &-mer 'c-ro-m-, -wZ421a le vi_z �!� ,, i".: � Nt,, t, , ��;iA I Rez'Emz r&ir,-_-, hvwvvez� ha ve mz& , �� ,�,', �,,,­ I . .',',.:::,i�� 1� - * V01111*9211ft &ZZ -12 -e -Mm, bw t�* fr__,� - 1 ;2`,..;i��­ ,,,,,1q,._. ta,cif 4_,,�N,OM, V.01,* P, V' -'-m- s�hx--L ate '1� �.�,11 I , - _ .;,�,,,. �i ", 0 1* S� ab�mipmzk- af ,,A, � =%i TNM Va �",� �,,,� � _­_ C :11- - I "Cam, 15"T,',� . __ I-ar- __ � - - __ _.____ . , , "I"."'t'. , , , . - x - !­�,­O_�- ,� T�z,,,;&,, ftozew, t4 ,� ha" zx-em tin& -*Mea ,�$.'�,, ., �,�`,Jr"�,, -,.,�k , , I !Lug bm'-ft't-k-d It-�,V iahze 7-,-��. rxdTIS ,,S�i��,,!t,,, 'i ��,,O`k"",j.� MW h ma-ky phlmk -n-J'a Iv ,% fai7z N�,� �11,i_. . ''I". �,:,.',-I-,�";., cwfp� tmlt pw4mv 'emad -,tO, _--tlma 11 I . .. - - _______ 11111�3'��,# . , , �'J " , ? , ,�?V-1., -0- if it is `�,,�,u,,-.. - em*&4,14* mripm, VM* --a7* , , ,,', U 11 . 4,�,%,_",t,,��,,.� � ,,,,�L , , �� , vbft W�T. , 'I * qmt,i;�:� ��,1�4't!7" i 10M - eiam lima, ��� � "'= "��*1�111:;""�_ I - MZ."-, T � .. ,�,,D�,O, - - . ftftg, - ,�""�,',,':, - , �, " . , - 1. 'L,� " .;.� .iu; Z&Smt ,m� =A ivimis.- . ;�A,5 4i�_. I A�=. i ,- ,R,13;i_,'�,,?�� . 1,,t#0,J' "". . . . T,N,*��.11 , 1, I �1 ­ ., I"& - , I l.,q *,"_.. 11 I , -i � " .11 �,.�,t �' . �,O � - . '1��f I — . - ��, ,, � ,T�, " �.- rvA �V�' 2t is S Bta- UD �:.; ..... ... �41, , , . ,�,, _�:�, � :ftft Ift lst� 32110=0 mmm. Q& in, I , ':;";�` "i; . �j,,"­ ­_ `� '4'-. 't #& � ,�Fo'.' 't �:�! ", �­ 402*46,�,z .V* �Wa U- - I I i��),:�::i:������,��,;A�!!,:�,!,�t, . tw W.1w , I 1,T', ;� ,'�,�.". , , , , . ,"....,: �:11 11 It . U � lwm! I ... ox, tha mbgr .. , , _��,,,�.,;, , � I 40 �, ,k,�� i�,� � � . � -a# - '11,1 R "I I I *0 t�;_ _�_ Z'm t M , ; h. . ,I, N 5 Ili,' fmvvm�' I%* 'map * -,k�il p ' A64.1, �. ilv,�' � � f& ,� ,­!�� 1.1, �,,,� . ,4J1% " % , lk�, 1, , I , ,;J,xi� �' I - � � 11 , WW 1 � SM. 1:. � -;400 '00i - �... � i ,, , , , I � �'­' �, ' 1,1� . ., W, I t. .�. - Ua:*9 jf-',ft�,� �%%,"14."". , ,� . I il ftr tm , �n ,Vm- , . ,... ., , .", ,, ��'..V - , ". �! ". . . VIUM I t3- I ..�, Ob- M t, Vi'fj,;�Ii�,� , 1�,,Iftir�Lil',; , , � , � &W, W I ,W, I a w V, MI 1 V4 . . ,#p* it %16 1 -1 - 1: . . Mums= ''i". . I � �J '.. .1 ," I . I � ,- vfti - _ 't --t I �,z-�­;�� - i. I I .. .., . , ; . . ; . . V '...., I . . , . I � . " . ,� . I . I., , .. , " ,. _ , ,''s i": -'.1-c-11; 1 7 ,� j. , -1111 P, , i, �. . . � . "., 41P,111'11. 11 ,­�,,­­ . :, "�� , , , , I 11, -.1,11. �.�4rk, � .�r�, � 11 01'' ­­,�', I " I- I , ;,slttg,wl,�, ,:Mq,w�l .,A&�t,� ,� ,,�!v�i;;,�,�T,t ,1'1,1t.'� � , , - � , ., . , A"" `Z"111"t�11NA," k-�tv r,t" 11�,', .;i,. ., , .!�, ,. . %_ I -1 . � , " .�, �,11�4:��.�T, 1 . ,.::, , ": �'.., % �i� �Lfi,VNTr . , III', I q � , L 4 "I 1�.�i.� �., I � . - I ��,,,��:�,,�,�,'��;,,�,'V,'�����i � , L " � ��J � . rt! 1 ��,10,", ,.� 11'r. "I m � I �,I:' 11.1111, il ,I ;.. ,.. I " '' , ,i� - - 1'. ",I,- �, -, . I ", 11 I " , , . , �� � I 1'. , , , [" - �%, - . -11''... , � . � , , �i'l , _1� I I - I ,� I � � V� "A" �,, 1q, ... 1, �jl,� '�,�,:�`,�J "!,�.!i3O%, I" _� .,�, 'L '�-�,'," ­�, � I �� .11, I , I I " , . !��:,�`�.��', �rl;� . L _,', �1 �P,,", � ,; T, � �, I . �111 �,! I ,.." ,7,i �,. , , , I I . ��, ; ,,,, � �1. , '�, , 11 , ", � ,�,� � I I I ,t: . ... � , - . , , . , ; I . �­ I - I 1, "I, I i, � �, ,I `�� Ill, ,.,,��-,-,��,, 1, ,.',�.V, `�`-, �­,:`�,z`,�,,,,, ­.."!! ! ""', , I I . � � ,� I RN W I , k "'e". . ,;.,?", 1 �1 - - f I.. I 6 I I � __ 111.1--l. ,­,,,­,,,,, -1.1.111 .......... ��� 11 .. , !.� .1 ql;�,��, Aw"_ - ­ I—— _1. I ­ I !.1- ''­­ ... 1-1-­­­�."ji"' - I -..." I I -1. --- llk,�' ": � ,. - ­­ -1-7111- �­ . I 111�11r­ _ ,", 1'�V;Ii�'111 �: � I ,��,5:i,�-­ L' �, , - .1-11111111L, " , 4".1111111 "I'll -41�11-".` .,:� I- . .1 .1 I - ., �., _�P:_, �1111� � , 1, � .: -1177 �Z, 11-1. 1--11r11-1,!11; I '­­ , 17 1! ,. -11. I , tq:­ :' '­­��,*,,' '_ � �, " I I � P ," 1: I-., � � � I �`_ 7=, 7-i',`7 _ ", , . . 1. . � , 0.1.0� J, __ _ I - n, 1, 11, I __ d , ;� . 11 'p- . ,:. 1. :: 1.11,'', �11z­­�­­­­ -qwmm"%� I , . `1-'-_,;-7 — `­ ­ — " " -"I'- ­ .. , . ftste SIA . - I— I , �7i; -1 �.,!,;, .. � . I ". -1.111, ­ ,4.,, --:-.71i7_,._--- , ��; I 1, . !,, . ­ I 1. _,----1 ""11.1 -11 "If �11­�­­,11711­:� '�:,�i 7777 , , . . M16AV A' Wk. �" - �� 11 ,� 1 d, I I � i - !7 �.:,,,�11_ -[�,.,;,. I I " .,::, � il � I , I I . , � ".] I . 0, , . �: "I., . 11 N. " " I . , U, , :., 1, I , '!,t.':� - . 0. - Am& , .1 - �. ,.:. I I . , I Ix, , I . �, ... IR 11 ., . " � ... I � � Valo the Vid'ors Wong I.. ell,e, , , , -, , � . , I 11 I I - I . . d� I � __ .1 MI ,. , I t � I ' _ P the vol 'I ,Nl .. I.T �. ,goine �. dt, ­ .R . B4Ri` �­ .. ,.., ., ,,, - A 0 Du x 010. U .., . _ . .1, 0 ,� '' , , . . I , - -7 d - , I . . 1�1 � , -, "'I""", , . , � __ � - t 14 . , 1 .7"",!, ..., , I - 1_.' ".. , , I . .. , , , '' , - w , - I . -1 7;- I- -11 11.1 �, �,�! ''. ____,_;­' , �. '' - R , R. _ I., I , Y""', , I Is §al 0143 sa�*ig mid jufthig �,v 110" . .... ... I . �,.14 .4p,..11,1,1.11.� .. , . ,'' , . I . . .. . .. 11 I . I . . , t', J,. V,ag &gmvimd and -in addition was a *fend - %.�. , .1 I , - 7 I . , , , Iften C�. �. . e $ I uUmere I"" Oafd sroTa . 1; 0�'Du ..r . 11 -� - - Mr. Utt '-sNP0131tor of aty , and founded th� vianpe of E;g*ondvine? lop'ls- I ' . 11 L. I - :::: . . ' , r,U�X:r rt,"nl�e,\N,00"Ullt�ar\i\17011�llelliei is %�, " , - .0. it is last M . U WW eWmt he was -awarded the _-.~-N- � - , ft.,.%,�, �"..�ft� . 11 ' I as Y" 114 *9% JUM U*1 ; I � ,a" Y '44" . � % � I , .1 d � � � bd, ' bes-i .%d . . � road . i, 1119 - I e19 . by, office seek -em. them I,. *fttp I . . "'! that W, Nhm Egamd &ed at his contv4 to'cut the Huron it�eot pan I'd I . , I W- a -, .0 - .P.- I.. ­-.� . through -the Virg -IB LDMSt and was. sue"Aafni " . 1. . , , am tho, usmids of people .who . 1�pAieve .,� . hol4e, ip ftt�iwtmuo, - . . The jitney ,otroet,dgkuce, held lak . � � . From The Harm Enwmat6r to 'T%e amrversary *U bi's death re -i 91V*4 to conduct fOUr T , hursday evening Under the wiopices . I ill iL I . � ., - mals kneidents and eveaU connected g=w=TMORTZ Van E900ull Of the Vire Brigooe was well' vairoz- � ; for fmate- - Neut" eleew 11-tembers, b3o, am , July 2- 1"9 - � with �&e famly, VC& mo,m than any eVrJr proved his a2ifto I tion., ti7ed a "I' �ho'egt�_udu,d"eUa ' 4 ' d I odier, aeft its avark ea'thiq pordan lug ,the great r1lSh Of ezrigran ., t 0 0 t OV� y e, oL he had laid in a StO& Of fiVe hundred : h"" 11 beLkgi1111iU,9 to find oUt thilt "O 19 a U11. Robeft No0artney and his son, Of the figrou tra� h :Ihl 5ra f M r I thues. Radio he4 E; I �� a the 1,egis'latum is 'lot go- � -, - 0 I eorzi I e, Uve I ��� aiorn in OeTnwmy, AOEU 8 IM .at barrels of flour, and Aftpir 1802 he . t6 ,the -aWsfactjon of all, � I I �Yavv * t to their boM0 On ia-RtOe village equ -the i�;mL of 11L; 1ad 2(f -1-ho;.e teams on the road to WuSlc iag to be ally bed of m8e& .. 11 I affill d. Mr, i bad v,mn,e, ()onst=t V.au Eguwq �U ettie Ir good, from Winghaxn Advance-Tirnei, - � � . . � 4 ww br g. s rs and the I � I . 1. a tun e0cuo", of I=d and good Wadir the son of Anthorly V= Zg�wnd, who Torg,t, to Goderfeh. 'in this work "' ' , Some'Jack-in-the-Pulpit , . , Alr*ad,V very disductive- path -s 1bgs wbi& he� disT �- of 1br'W-00 in 1828 ommitemed the .�onstractian I Cor , kant was of inestimable value to We have lhad on I - display in . our - M --have been beab4i to their doors and , tm =4. . , � .� of the U&*iL Vp'� Sbr 'dx,e cpna4a I bil,f,thex- I d . window a jack -in -the -pulp# �hat for I t,hey al -e learnifig for the hrst Wne W -hen 3' "'away hom m "to the CamPany, ' * miM a distillery anda Store were ,sizi will take some lbeltjsk: U is I buggy in wl&h they vem drivpg an .Fellowing the' Napokeonic 'i opened in M2 at what later became 251� inches in, height and has leaves� ,., and, no doubt, with -great anlavmient Wain Street on M*nday ev'�au M' Mr, iSiS the ader van Egmpna, with b,qs, F;.�Wm&in�- i�d the family .-faimed about the size of a pabn leaf. Wle: --- ' - , -,rhat a wWth of Patriotic and .s&- and Mrs. Relseirt D'evvireaux had a fWMIV., in,igratx-A to ,ludianna Couv�y, a large area in the distr ' ict. Constant are indebted to XTs. J. D. Seeeraft ' wbezne� A,,thony Van -Vam-ftmond following his father's for this sWeimen-i-M-Augham� Ad-, % I supp4t they have had at Tr4h,Zmrwbu'g�sg�y- ...'r*,','I,I',-';'e.r.�,,,,ild'j��' 1'em;sylva7`ia� - e f th e vsnce-Tlines. . . I 11 t114e = , =no st bept stem C�on &.th = IM, was in charg a . sao-Fificilm &I throl�Z 1p&i h - - 0 M a= - I -s _ 15 . Thkir-one �sb2&%ts w_rote , the' ed speak and WrI10-1 Vanous enwrPrises- Yfiss Margaret Wright Honored %r their back, I Normal CoRoge e=Vnim�'*tJ*e, Gennan amd F th in the e - J, t in m -cipal maatters and Friends, I Ill, , I - rein .ad oun :�romftieiu uni; tjl,& 111attor of Political Patrol), t"Oneigiate this week; twenkv--thre-', t;i%v anA wbile workimg 'in Amw_vl- pioneer arganizata-DUS, the young Van Iniatritulation, mim�,Iteen for TsculTY x-azia s;�q�- a wo&-rate edqqva0M Egownd during his life held a num- On M-onday Mrs. James lw-�ghtau&�, lio,wevei, new members- vm,Wd . ,,, fain I ily zhoved to Windsor to join Xr- A ap-1 11 d of Usmtwn, and th� f*r Homar m Erg - gh.-h. ber of respon-able posi-aons i includ- 1 4 �ug that of towns, be well advi,,,ed to make haste slow- M.trieautkon.� _Seven4-sve ,1�txzhemtz , 4n 18127 the famiky f*rt=e appar- hip Clerk, dittrip-t Wright who with Clifford Elliott has . . . - or Ma_Qtra�� and up to the been operating a serAce statAon there- It � , wmte Me Rntrsnce exambatioms last ently no% farrug as *eU as ovuld Ua cp74 .111 - -.tain - for several weeks past. Previous to- . . 131r, v*A_ -Mr. A- Scott was Pre$�)ding dnsued, the-Vian Egmxm& decxM- to ti,� i�s death . , ed the posi i . They-,-,houldkeep in the R" front e�mminear and Nir. George H01m=, raove w C= 'is. .ommajs . I , = Ainthom,y Vaz Eg- -tion of c ssioner of the Queen% their departure, her ftugbter, 'Miss. ' asl_�J$tamt. . . I mand bad w,o,. it appearteed,� consider- Bench- Like Ws fatb,,, -he was Margaret Wright,was honored witim ,, 4 � I Of their Mind a1N%`ar,-,, that Mr. Hej�- I A-Speow Tneetang of the town able yolitkaa pun, or vpbat&4er pa­_ss�- promineint in the -militia and rose to a dinner Party at the home of 31iss - , � d . i&- rank of LZ I Jean'Gossman on Friday night when � , roiazzdl VW Nod ,on Waz�*V evienk4v� ed :�or poh'ticial puz im those days, aeut-e-eant. ColoneL � burn%s twomi-se to ne"Ce the operat- - I I - - ' - ben th� hs -law for thle eonstr--tion d I - several friends gatbered and a de . of ce-overnment, by hal W, dl�� - -_ I I f. a cemont ,sidewsaks. was passed_ 77he lightful time- was spent. At this *is one of the most telling points of t,mder 0� Edge and Gufter,dge for . time the honored guest was made` t1a . the con,,tr� Work at 834 -qiitts a 1 0 0 redpient of a lov,el�, pen and penc;Z Y . his suem---sU canipal-gii. I.., , � _111-VSre foot was accepted. I 0 J"%,J:'&'QJT A SMILE OR TWO* Set fCT Which 57he expresa,ed her ska- - , . Firbig presell,t Conservative office , 'X,,- JU..BS I'aurie 'Of �Egmm-&;inel , I I .cere thanks. Later ia the ererin&- - . leal.ion 111,4es&3- for the Weiit. wbe,re .% � . the guests metore-d to Sms-riord ter :: ,4whT " , J hold!.!�Ooplxi f fflin�,- their filacez-, -with � - 13 _Rwnd - T.- tivz_ - , Fkzien a , . -tave �Wu g5ven .the 'Mainimy's rn-M was T-zza. attend the theatre--Mii,cheii, Ad -a-, I �he Vil - -10 -4 - - g(- ''to le -_11 -sen e -x- - , Mr. szd Mrs. jalhm X*rrisum" left ge"en.-J'',sma a pspuhar.posse�" " . . uberOs is' not :, ..ang I :;=0-urzame, Ulen?" cate. penditures or bring any mlief tct,the ' 't- t�h-- Va2l,nouver sand S-_%�-tk Ex- S-00�-exz 'Y<-, zste� TL -Us s-Za'-ela .­-VamcoPv-_r Province. Heads C-6al Association . I . * I I .1, I '. I . positiccL I as *,n etq;?_�- stazae_ szd Abem ,Le . Mr. J. B, Mu7-tard, bead of the _T_ ' I txq�a.yex,& d . � I :EOUMd �t�`.V COUlt� SiffOrd 'C! --C-- -VSM-';9e'r: -Well, whars .P * was; T$1e HMXTIA, Nd B.031-- -af Toromlzkl k-1-m-d-l-ee I . I '. Ylusta,Td C,3al Co.. Goderich., U ru,n t�*ir ie"Co-orsior to tftte 01,d, -he --x-Z-�--r-,B1=--rWd B-0-1110- wl*or_� MW 9, I t, What the country w -ams, and ey.- : "i , - * 7 . h -lected pre--iden-, of tba Cariadign Rio- , -o=ty emall Trwim izi,iaarubaxer man. 'Ewry tiine t e ; il C a, , this weea_ A �_r, �z , -tion .A _, - �oc e ­ 1wts th,e new g-overnment to do is will read, be,-* a: 11, '114�1,A&z --,R-,r- _,y,___z, hi� - *a -S;� - La �0 la � its annual . I . a mr� .&e Liltle miw�_ -,oT,g Njan wrap_s a lerLeT he use� i-onvention . h-dd recent1v at the Kin- � I - � � , Zsx,_, . . . , m, n7�e. Z-1. TUP .puz h�s n2iz-=kes ...... 7BO's- ' �_, . I I b�oy. -I am Zs=ned f= tn,r piiazl�� 11 Dd-zvard 1�'otel.... Toronto: m�.:.-Ktis- I ' I ' .. .. I to make a thorough arA C44!ete, - .1 I . I The' -inv,sc sc)-pCO dlhr4i;� Is$ fmmgag�. �1_ka-d,a-QT,s­ ma.me, v -as. Fen�nand zmvi t�-_ Transcripl, . -ard ha� b­ianch�ez; of h;s extensive house ekaning of all Govier-rinlent wed 'M -r. .1. T_ C'--tas of G­_,Z)�! as P�-:_- 1 1 . ­ . . � . ­ I � coal business aT Ckoderk'h�Cltmwn and I � . .1 Nw-irtntent& To fire all the unnec- cap&i of Z�* lonsl s­-N-kL . . 1. . �t Brucefidd.-Goderich ,�ignal_ . . d . ru", %"' Re&i and 115ZT,tzy R-,0.---_rts0M_ I 4101 . 0 Fi'ger Proken"At P,Uy -1 e-1-1-171arY hwig-e �-7 -S�-.n.fiN.-_�l-'s ey_,:��, quol: z u , .xs-on th�at'have sccunva- . "Al' 7 �)Ay- 1 �. '� , . lated with the ye -ars, and to put the I �-�zs. W2,re` an Eg".o-,?.k--��'e C'm MmAw ,SUNDAY AFTERNOON 0 Walt,er Sh4ar&,x-m 13-Vel&7­`:�Id WC - ,i , - I .(-t-,v L�� %gynilzton, Goderkh, Ont.) . -F I "n -.rn, st- .11 -T,- -M 0 0 1:7. ZT,I.d 3d -.. & shear -411 I .5� __ C,ncj��_�-,,- -K� -Z.,r, -s. _*C�t, I . ' " delmritnit,nts on �d prilv­ate busine_Ss � I Egn,,:)M;� �.11, � to I . � knd-pw­ Szreiet., suffered a *brokem d . .. and F. IXZM=,�-ay, zh - ,- - . - - __ � I 11 . t�_-S&-S. 7!�,Q F4M,_&o-n_,iT`.-.1e . . . fing-er while play;-- basem Th __ - - basisi. . . I 4', . 11�11r�z nA - ", b 1_�e . -i . -_ -ingt' . . I . 1,":z Ubfta... I sa.i wez%- <�= hs:� evil zli_s ----S--- S a e. -�rs,s; �, House of David mns- .-,-,v ,n,orning. du'r hi,e r�cess, .De7- 11 1. - Mr- Heptiuni'ha'd previottsly an- x !.-- .,_,-za�n�,_,; azi,� 1:ez): in re I I � , . � J��-,-141 Kiz,--,ey, C --re= ;7a1L6z,-*:_- �oz I 0.,d t,-,Vz ,_:,Z!S sizrVux- prove - pu-�araoz iod a- Vjczoria zchool. He was­m'­ , . I . . I . I - - - _� I . ' nounet&d that a -B appoiniments made Z�Zir%;_-, ,o,-,Z",--y� VV_ -z lw_tt 2 Tire zm,:�n =,Der.,��,y - -- ' �1"az, ; En i -em. . , I *-h" '11'1� . � .,:be Qzee�_� =Mv tn�i bezal_­�- a-.]-, Of --ke .Mezisiah , -i s,cb;D! an -5 given mediicaf - � I . . - , " , 'tv� , __ `� -Y'�L, :�he f' -'l, , , =:�e - , - M waf- gn-ven -.0 iiLM.-e-r- I a�- ,;i:ion. Tilic- 5 -i -all fmg��-r c,n his -% L,-_i� _L-�_f -e �eszz ; �m -_ �n,mi-,OT-T_-, at MI � ,C , - love.. a- , - -je- C't�:v_ e-, , � . . , ' ,by the jNreNisaus Governmealt within 'fa-Im (�izl wi!�e!�:d&T- , - I I . I S -=.d -�hz-, -_i,r-, grkn: Of ,:-ne C:-C,-;,--_,7e-r-. h?,-zd s-t;f,E-re,d the f:-_-_-ure.- . . � . . .- ' . . the 1w,t y4ear, -\vould be canc-elled, � XT, R --ae-, sihqE -Zley lmo-�C. 'Z�Iev -,�;a � . : . Rek-!��-.�-: ,,f K�n-­M 'bss dhs- L t love :2�as: na.r. 6::Tirg -Lx�_, .:'E-'4 I aT2i)'-Z'_ I Gc�:!erich S ' gnal. � nk�ed Of -hi:- mnnn�z-:� S'h:,� si,',"._-� 7'es�- H,�M re -'sed 3"K 1 FrartX:reS (`40]12rbo,�e I d ' � d . . . � . � - . . I � Yh-, ren-,�ng- of -,'-L K�nl-d,-,i f-om I and we belleve lie �has alnple ju'stifi- - 1-11-f.1.7 MAPT _� ol:!: I - - ',�f ; ,-:.Irl_ 1�z�' Mn A'4 -x M�K,r-:Pme I H"v- z.'- . g, I � I , � In hi� ha-F.e .o --. -- ­� on a -a- . , _ ­ - I " :-e,.tr - &M- . - .L_�*= C�. =-�nc 1 --he -,�rea-, S,:'1;1__Wn '. 4i a -n< =,U, _: . , egtion for'.-Idopting that aitiva,de. " . %z�-R --ise r-:.�,.�M,-zy r�-- K;n-z-m ��. A=z - � , � 4.-. _# . V - - -S��:ay lac-� Can- I . I . f ��rd%; car or- Th.�T I dr* -V hg�z �LP12, ilk 4s !Fm,�z zy�az smn�e 7n��: h.az;-C-T - - S �,' -� - qaE - ­ .. . �nC,�ZihfirLDOC-L �,,�F.C­T� T,� -'- .:�t=,_-.7. =*em nior= I - Z_ - r. ---E -_ � .� _ I a -'e'.0 .. JT.. d- no- ,"6 c2 7­T-�F�r, tz--# I -1 Tile -re aire-t-o") maniv men occupv_ -, Cha::_1e__ 1C_C1f1_:__ : o ,_-: S `z_�-r-7. W14i Owe. lhe .;�ead, v f a , , � : . � I -fiOds a7 -e nir -Cr.,-r�_, :-Znzmr� � I I - oie': - ar S�p v. �ku- - - - , . :11�'_112_ - .1 � I - � . , li�n � :_ ix .� I _n �he c af�'. . in�i�33 �� � ­ � . ' 1 4 1 ': , . CA" zle 1. _-,1-M.C-.e1-1. a -)z -)�- . �-Ct � . -,,- a: - -a- _ -- --- - - ing re-:,ponsible governmentpositions : NA- A:'ell N'T­--',2- ­­ PFUYER s" a.::-��_- :z -_'�E 711:=S . h :%zi-d a - ��., '_ - ig 1�pp zo th e =i =.'7 z . � - ir 2y. -k -h 4<�:_,-6:. 'hss -.t-_-'�g-z:�'L I I -n 6-,-e-_,',,Y -­ " 07 t, � ,- * -- , . . I . ."a-,; -i: lt� Tr � , � I h � .. , � ... � . I - 107:711� a=10. He Slip— . tk,-�y. Who have ,nLi,.,q-u,,;�-13-i�i�,i-'t-ion.�- 73, " - - -n�5 ,7,77 -�)-? in,-_-ar,­e0-.),:�ng OT the- . .,p - i�­�-i, ,7- Mz- , T­7;h��-z Gi�-- " St . .-,"?�e. t - U. , 0:: � es�,j , - ,'­ us, I -x-6- T.Z) �3eive. TI -Yee V�_-e­_ ! ,1-�-,�`�_" , -e . 7-a-1 C - " whst,-ver for the Pi-,skR)r__-z 'vl which � sor- !�Z� ctemz-_:�­f�r_ . ,,�az&­,Cq, - -,,C,- 7-r4nz zk*�� szas- znlz ----, -Se-_2: Fe, ,-z;--: � --nz-- 1­"e_Ve2-E-r -z, . na, Was -,io ce� whocl:i - I I - - , r W-.-­t-_-a� g­arel 032 �:,he �,a�d an:E � pe:�- viz! -,.j-.,-� ir-ir- 1-e ,-n-r, '�: E. ", - . � I -,;�.ir,=, ,#-ns , 1?)�- _K:nza. "L ,,--- Eszvt&m &M": &I, (,--he- �us-p_:r�-d :.;­­� MA:.,.�'31 - -,:.-.2ieH a:: -�h :�' : , - - ­�,z - ,.z _' . -.:, '.1�1.?2-"t:-,-. ­`Z_aC,:1.77,rW_C1 a C011arbo-ne- 0 : .Lhey hare been apl:)ointe-d. aSide fr011, S-t<,:-�,�-�.; 1-,T ,�-t p7z Fndsy 1ES.-eT=g. -,,h4,4,--: s�-�&:: "he nzid-z- Urzt, T�ntee_,- '-r" ,v­it�__ �L_�..s c- can.-;- anle en- - , I . -r-ty , = . -e ��evc - - ' I - .. ­fn� - -1 -:=­ *1 H,, , .'! " h a i I -!-a! w�eL, --- -,rmr- T t ", � I . r- s- - - -`4-- he Fp7 se-oo-i . tl,ze fact t1azat thi�v a1v or have lwn A I -!a, C�',� , Tx A, W. Glswzs Amll� zL",__ - er-'_ a ::� C, --s-'on- - . - - - -� , - I- - -. I ; . . I - -I' 1'. - - .- "am VC -I'd la,r�i,l. . . z � _) - r.,E _..iie on T ' .;t � .. if i ,I .,411_ . , M T' -,e C­� 7. S _" 1, ge 4 , . I - , . : go� party men, i... .1 .71, �V,7.7�' PU-S M&M -S SM - - , . - - . I I IM1. _1N. ]LESSON TytR IULY I -a- I n4 , . .'n a : '- e :n: gh -. ha r e _zs v,e­d.---Go&a6z_.-L - - " , , C,-44V-7�6'r, Ims nssse_,� �-,M Sm-_%rmiT . 0 . S: 971aL It , I I .1 - - - -r - -_ -a Topic '.�Pl i 11 i The_�te -sbould., and no doiibt wilel -,e i la.sz, Mr. Gmss .r-Z.n.:�:,us -,�, z-z� ,---ac�. ­ ;_--_-m -�Ua and I- Ili- . Nliller-Rader , I � '- .S :�kvv�M_ . WORLD AUSSION­ . � ,� I ,_�,- ,�_�-,: :�,� I %ihefl Ringilwn. . 1! replaced. t�ui quahfiest�on zsh,1,:i1,4 be . 1 15 A q -24e -z -v�-�-&i;mg ­:4c.,,�'.- r�a,c at 4'-- 1 - ! ; L.e!_z_-.= f,a_,-,:_agf_1 Kings. 11:24-�& - � I e . -, 0 1 I � of -,hc b--�.�`-'� -,arezii:_ 3b-. a-. 2 0 - ` - i ont- of the first pi,iints ,-ons,ide'red in I I I o&a1&m Texi-Provi-arbs, IS:I& A ,-.­Z--_ia `­-Ook en::-,�-_4 --Tt- �ne ';%Tr�E' - � I , M­� E -E-5;: Razer df Gosihem LL--, , ' I ' reTaacing such, -officis-1--s gr sr,x- ,;Y,th. Rmirm Exp,,%-_� ,if Tit,. Ezm of Z.b- le -,-'ams of -Zhf :1-` Wo:ic-" _rs.:- ra-m4e ;,� my ha�d n ni, - -- -_ - h. - 7-� � ear -�'hi: DasL�-woo,d Rz. fd - � e r,-,, i I rza= I ht . I , , I . -1 ,qaP�.:E,7. as w- d�stciivrt_-, thzvn:q�- . n.-; �.�-`ngz CC.PF7-_--!nz-CL e_xt-,.r,SCz.-z friln! .� " 1 . i4-mcty <�� r-Ts")en'l, 11'rz�li�le:z- 2mt: R -M --ii -t V- , _, -,,e -.faol-snt-d in -_�as ZZ.&C-1.3- rnen �1�:r c,n.lv daug:�L-e-, La=v. The 6n.mrlo Cit"11 ,_,,eL,m-oe,' both irt- J� 3 un�-' :.-, -4 -,-,A\- - - - � - - -: -7 L,-i,-,-,d;p . �-_-a_-m_-'t!1e j:�n IJ I - I , . tr -t=1;1-� ea&-. U-a6e- 1 , -me gz�,& --nn, =-s o__-77e:T. J-. i� MO -L CL.-- -, - --de o -r 0,--av . ' , - - -, - - !-- _: - '" . , . I V,�!,-- Y,--.17g-� scm 0� I&-$- S: MIQ__ sa 41 11'�' _1 1371- - , - I die and out, is -�Iul red w��'I, - � I , ,1L-� 71'�O:r�. ,� 1�0c_-".-.S�s-. wh.�,-v-. a an,-�. :�h_- TrnTt,-_i-n_1eS Oz- -_11- �eazk--�L, :5,--..-, ,!, ��Z-Zjzges­ I r . - - , ��Zex: rea.:-onsz �a,h-- - ­­ - - IF i'l , ( � , ,­, - - '11:0 _111el-:1 _ly_- - ­-tt clr�z­_-az :rz-'. Niii:e-z- an.j -,'-i, 1-e si=c'm ___-r vf- , . nz­,-�-_-,�,an- 01R,--�, holcit%rs -anti t1k, 1 --,�­-- ci� 3­s:��, W, � ke � zfv- , , 11� i -M . . , X_ - , , - ; . - . Thz�_ Z -11-Z trl. lez--Z nz1V1 - � _.- - .,� _��­t,o::Z:d i -le -,'),-Zc�- ',� - t1_-.-X-k-e_ V -2s &-C,,Vn��z = lt._-,7,�_x-ti ml�ios- -n- - -,u,- �: I, -- Very car =e pU,Pz;­­4E-d -_­C.zg�?oz-, -�',t,e 'V-Irld C3r .ne La1e R�Iltsti_ Rev.. T. 1,1&. pe-- _ - . . pruning knife ,shou)d Ine wi:Atiet� ,vith , tasa 'Weci­-L . ,-.. ..z, ,c --�_ = F ' - 11- '_ � . .. I �r I I . - I , �-7-:1,11z'd _hi� ,-,&7-e72-X)nV the V!1C-sf�,L--?- I ! 1T. ZW- MM: e_7n! V-_---�-_- Of Z.ne : 1":i S�Zae:. -,b.:, - _­ -, -,,-R-. C-,-=rr-ar.�i ,-- . � I � , ; ar uTrzi-al-inz 1planci. nol N?C.-Susie- t::,_�ev C,0Z:,'Z:&=. ' I Tain E_-Miun- djej = C:n2_-3C;E!_- Of 1 RM -_ZZ_-!"e IS 51- - -- -.A _- - - - _.� C.: -, i� e :7rn-ie_Ls-�-, relazTes, -rne b7ida� � I g- _W rx n�,,i 1)�,' .,�, -h,- 'ZUTT-.Ze�- -1 . - I I I '� �1� - ' . if I., . .- __-._­ WaF i T in C -r - , Egmvn.e�,-,', im h.,: -ft� Feaz- rkz , �-nzz-nt riff -S,1�0-n%nzi's 11�--ht: :' --. - . � _� �� -_ - .-_":i::. - -� � e!Y -e,'� I are C.anSeT-N--nL--V-,-_--�, or to Ina - E, 7, ") � �_l '�_ I I I � - - . , � , 1 21, J'_7'U,-:- G, -,Y F� -,,rints a sikir ,rt- ,,_,6x)nf,, i,,,.,r-.r vf.:7�!f, r' -f.. -iesii zb_-: --ine :,4717- V-�t7�, cz,tm-..ned,-,� pzs�ia. :-,�W�,ia,��, -, - - o:zes �­a i, .an _- --:- --avezing -�rore­ . - ' ' : t ' ,,- I --d --F- - - 'd smes -- . , - - L — -, �­ii; 'Htz an ,5,g. V T F.- - 7- f�, -VrZ:- --r --V V-__�- '_1CAh3T&aT­ ��KZZS-, r_!� �`:iZZS f-TKIZ.1,�n� - -I": - - . - , i for LaN-r�.'L,, hut becisu-ZL., �h,�V iare an I _z,%:.bM!�V 1% . � MM.Zi =e ,_ - 3, . . r_ .g . ­ � . 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VIDUIr. 'n � � . ,U _ne T. W'i'7 1 �ii M1%7�' v, ,,, , I . � . ,� � ar ., :,C- . - . I , I - J - - - - , � , . ­ . I . , -t -y- J V * --,mN . k4nMd=r_S VM ­z aff'O'ML-i .�� Z�* i?zzv--�, jvlj�- ,Znj�-._ .' -M-r (4- ­:.­� !--.:zz cr- .�i-Q�T�zx lr�- ,,�_ : -en p7h:_-I, - zvez S,nivmim wn--'- -7m-T! ,?Ir, .- a.�� .V,-�z,7�6 'Vr� P - 7FLP , Z. A &-2,� F-tiaz.;,pa sw.ar . . J � - ': -7- .'- - ' �-i, d" " - `:-ans- -, " - 1, twz UZL-V.,-o-.S�,1V, I � n: a ,;Az­T1arME1= ":�. - * - =Vie -,-_�_ vwrz- ef �_ =i -ht�'� V -r I ­hf 17b7,,s-,;a7 j�-Z:%,'- 'a-�.. , � , ': , - q, " -. T�:,::ix.ekl `-t g"4ng- an.i . . I I , " &', , Z'� ,.,T,11.�,�. k . : n')._ fb,'fl ip fllc,p, ,4 ,,, 't .Nz-, 1 -he n-:1,7%. be caaf.:, I . - - wztm-e h----, he��m iuv p-._;e-_-rnen-_ I-, w-,- -c 11 , f - '. 11 . . 11 -(� li;�. 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V�1_ � - reka­j­ . . -aes I A - -:�, s r7-%i�-17 i 'i�n_�, or -.i� �Fnl r,m%.-_--mizwz re To-n-sz- ,4,L ,i,� - , , , , . �.,:r - lln7" �$: 'U'll-P V�'� t�hr�_ - 7 q _. � ,,-:v 2 T T,hi, C"'t-ne.r ,4 L-.,, t: � a!: � . "TM -�M: I J ' ,�:.RT.:*,v p -r-,_ ' __ , , . -, Mau. -1 ,,,,v -,,*�, 1VMMri_.X Z;- M7� 3�R--_-%*1 r-l� an- Th�, -�-,pi,z 2T mihom zh-- nwessazz- ral' ' Ir, q., --'T' z `� - ' I.n ---IN 51�', d T',Mk1:, Tha-,'S jR ,,ir,bd M&r.-,- " I , me - -,�,Zi t,wf.-�,_ - , ,. , b� . , - i scs"T,� X7-. r1T-:-;t=1 smir _-_ 1-0m vzw _qem ,mT-- AhUmb , of 7�hhx& Titei. :_-z� 47--,mt,�,-v - 0, , , , .,-vl,s .UV1'-%S. 1'be V-.D5C--W lklk� -um - V . . .07 , - . i Mr -l-- _-.%1r- ze _-Zz-�-- vzfal 4k. z -61V -U=3�*:- �Mmz­_�- im, --m. I", ZMTM,zs�q=_ zf Hrm-'m ," -��dm= vrus IL zm h-­nd� I ha. , 7nATzv �� , I , - .1 Tne,-_,xb,-_ . 1­.�-__ &:- fe rs. btM4t,r,, &4�,_. , ,� ,,-t�" 6ei-011-ibed azd ,,�bt,- -- - .. "bak -= ��*, � �_- ,�--,�, Z.1---kLosw-, -M�_� 4te, . I t , , _ ._� - Iffils- vo zps� ,W th� _v�� � VeR . 320�:11 � 11 , %,_ Coirmm . , wz�, "Ge 01 ;:- gr ., I . �� W - L - - . '.ti - . .�s, . 11 -VtW_- - . -�M -v_ ­ �,- , t-irTirat re , � iz m7i si��A;- -�;,Z;i - - , .!� - � 1. � 7' .,m has ­�T­sz ! s� off SZ, WD vwer� m7-mmu"y VM16--red U zlelure zr 4' 1— durk� &C . � , -ft ITir 11.* a g -e= ft�. -W,* Jz-,Zq;jrL--,<==,E Jin�w� 11 1. . Uz- �Trnzapb-z , , e, t"-A.JC!h*�,, R_!rA "r ��o�,,n. k.':-, V -7)d X:�& Xt'�,b,E:! At. n -ITb, I . .Ixi�imoh�am�eie �OCMM4* t*--- zmuk T--tter 'S=�" debvenewd h-,:, MV_, -_V_.5,-, T--­4z_� ,NK-Zk -4 - ��,, - ! 314"Wd-_ st"t-'es -Q= wb=k , __ V'I"O&Z enmtzr a70 ,-4 -n :1 ""; �,,,Ilq­ -41-�Vv.-k-e-'s ir ti�e,s�-.Ckre -1_-f-,,, I I , - nft'd, i,r. -",Ae '4 `-l'-sk" ,-,:,T.-,�,e,i ,%-, , ".,V - i, � - : lwmbw zt* ,=VW_! ­t=__ -_ ,nzr, W L% -_m as , DIM -4. sr, 31i-- Dx-w_-z zlel_-_m-,�, TULZ.- U ,Shiti., C-k�d"- vzwrd vn--- =614 -,LkE le-.-, ef'56-,nt�T hut ,it,,,' ,�,n,j Z, - m', . . �rR., ­Ome4 T]�:, � . , j�� ­zw� y wte VmF ialrkuw- sal-!_ -r ant stw-_ ,'W bermg nelive-zee _32 - t ""'Orsip 4� $�A,4 -.0 1-4v. . 4 i 0*mm HOE%. b= vzmz�* wnirrv,g e -riAg-, ezqnt I e� , ar TMOR&L 6bsr�., T'b- I 1r.- "'r'aa�-' tile liizlit ths,-, ,,as it ,,.. , ,, , " a hike ,-hRN.-, o -r 100Z�Ut.Z __�S &7�7k_rA _ _. 11 - - - �, _, 'hm �e - " , - "et kT � S �M-r dm%�_- � In. i�.,�M -_�,� iiM4 " "$ P 13,i" olT - ..,a.,:, ex;pect_-�_- ft Ibe -% bLhsm &M=d 2jng- A;- AM,T ;er-RIM wttt, . , , 'W � f �,��4 -,, �,,,,, 6 _Z,bVtt_ .=�. jhi��ff ,t=.--�,ah,�d �M� Mar- C .6 hmser 1F r. ML,w 1= - 5eb,-,3�F 1"-Puh�:� 'Co& '�rhw, 3 Ilivr-16,11A 1:11zar� I q=alt 4M Vlt�'AUaS��z !�%T2ZM_�eC_-'6,--_ Mk4g , ' I , , #-, � . , �,h, , i * J&_. in -31-- .- J , 'be - -.V;.,,h .... 1.", g7ve� - P-at'--tirm, ,mi., i,�h 7�,he, . 1. I - I ,. '& t , "ILIM-_ 7��,� th_- --,MM.T 'R am JL. Mt- , 7 -, - Z -h-1 I � I - - - '74� -4 za�d �gsr � � .8;� 0hriv-4w, C'�",rt�, Tut,wv itz, t1r,P N� I R Z=. zo ap- , ze zt_ 301-2- -*a8n1ZF t, M sd_maz lhz- PW -0#t-_-.,, !Wr.1h uf ur-�*T c-.qr, ,A,, )" S� . _�t , mar rad-_ , ,Rm,-, m-m--inc�13: lzi�a�� ni z,od,­', ,gztr, �J_ &, � 1 'Mr I i I tf,vm-tih. lh it V,.-_ftlost p�_-Ul'�r vef- - - , Ir " I - e okratv IX W, L ?Azteum. (M I � -Z-_� =d -fa15;-_ wed, --=-b _-Ugzis� evem T" 4n-z-,-.h-,_J,,-r . .W� 'M11*__ C&M. ir 4_4�sz , ;;a: t6 31 i&d_'1V i .,A­;�6, - 1-o.t V.M�V-r, , I . H I I ft 04Y ,it i�* Nd�r mestmMee- �us . -s� 'ZTR'P0t, :%,),i .,�b,, yli�tm ,;z�,'vl, v7as 4roke*Q into 'r-1 V, I - - . � 4ft%m "Wihl =mi--,- S% -evw,-��z ;=M,hz <_tNVjV" wz:_2 A .��,� ,-Zkm _*,qwmz�_= 7g-- i��ar - �;_A��._ ,:-Mt=A_ -Agt&W ,! -Tsirw -.�ide or "R.bl'-be�M ,,�z ,ft�r 4V � T,,0--,a&V uilol)­' NT v�hivm_,: WIM, in 4 . ,*�_I-._ ,cz- N& 2. VL,m =% & 1a_M*§8 it ifht, svwzsilir Iff 'A _,W"& "'"' ", ---Uz, 'nlv�-tm,-,��m 4 1 7V_1MMM,_ 1 - msx=w��- 1z 367V�V�,�� b�=-.xi - -),,! �tlw,.-� .,�,,,T,,",g,�, ,_s, r 2 U= ft ut tet,4-­ - i ­ . . Tht ", t4kok *�Vm tb- V1*_ at ii�� IR_n� Q%z 4r�t' *n- *Ix� %xM7M3,_M,r -r .=,b=&znt* , C�-M--�_"�-Wz T'Al::5, Tse &., Ro�,""""', i hvk f�%N-A.,, t�,p a"-r� b i�,, leb#v�.-j M.A7, � 2�, ikgz CWm FLImIter zz- xves-, � mm�e �s�� , iii; I I A , v U, � whi, ltkleT W !a 11 � I 11 - I '100 1 4= ft i;z I,* -,z- , I d-mr- 'h --k =dMWz%nis= V,k= �&p Gad eff 1�- -&qw Xh,�-01, M-?-�-rai'A- . I'll. 1, ar Z�r� _. VOLA , , Ram VOVNV�, , " U$e, I I � low eam i4mm T�V­nam- gpm tgpi,i ,-AU&-.=.,s, & Vni , X'r- Cr��.s .S�'=, eff mxmsr� Im ..Sm , ,,,*,.�U V4, O�, .&M t4b,, I ec - INP 4,:�.Zs),_ 1 1*0*, V,w4 141,--�*A *�n *n t:-Ibi- h=:,* E_ � fttlz `§1*= , - - ,u_ - --m *h d I .. I , -"Z - -=d wMr3zM V, vvme, _- bead'La,_ -T,%rA*aL­_e -tte mxn�-=Z mmiR' tn thay.,-t, th,,_- Z,,Jb== 'E'd , . IT'- ostuift" -z-, - .,r 1), ae,4,1a,'a , , I 1-,�ri.t I &�TA_ qi,,� . lwm--_-:� termima_` M d'ser, ,,, I .1 Z91 &Z V�x t*,UMV 3r, =F kME4zff '902id"M ,M_ ,-Muge wle tx%-_-r,&_- 0�mmnkg tp " , ', _T 1p�-- Aro, V%L ip . I nR: : � I "me z Vft I i" rd "V�-) gnal & jx&�, &= t-&SM%L-_1j dgsS_-78i&"sr_,T Vit *i", Tt,=, ;%m'-," to �"T 1�1(' 'Mr �W'4*7v ,%Ma SM ovwr , � 11 Tkff,--W*qt "ans, 1_PNWna9zA* 4maert- , h5z lad "M 7,'=M1_ The .n."..4 V=Q5 i -kr - . Mi WMI """ O'� i�isl-,Nr,� 11'A. i �tr,V.1­4 vauis* t&e pwrue, bed,rr I . . . .ax $--, ,V�ir zLr4 V,M U ;P fttp ,aglwfi� � " d-o�k,iak" 1*TWM§ Am of, Mwz* 4co6avw* 4q . -- �"UiW Y= *z�.- It. r=25,4 Tw -fte &mseter, 1--eid 6jur 7011, th� f4+1- The , . N9 fti- .Vi��, ma', 14, ,Ztzkt�v,,, 'e"'ITZe " * , -ZA�1471,z t�b?Nj""_r% , � " . i i� , i .1 ,am- ,W -a *Wx- Wm", 'm in t* J-*M,_,q* tsmtznz *, ,lilm-- �Zff .*&ffa=`-- AW9=2w. bsmxs�-_�Amftr "9 ommrm.nivm, In:- Oiz 1�9�_ ,WMI� sl',�,t�M ,&�,,. and =,:,*- . I -,3-. it, '. -,,-,-,=-,-,_- "-,:7, ,­"diR jhs�,�,'t* sme t2�__- ftmib� mmid mltm ing !.hj-,.r,nu:t e� JI't, i1r", '" I llt�z Artvllo$� " i4a 4. lmu� I* 1&_Tlza� . I . 1, " , k 1. -9M ) A& O'Am ;W,4ftMtL -b , . jm��M mmto * 'r 1� 'N � vl�_­Zft� -Vot -- .:Uzamma- - -_ 'UmAb , , radildwis -h� 11-* 'OU,4,t��ZN'� - 0 )"t"' tbo�`M*� 1� *0e,',ft, IMM ,Of' ,e,, � *a iwto zV-1vul=b1�k V-�- z=&*!4ft-a V - *W I tn , 42111 " " 'a I ,= , - "'M 9zV1__" ,� ant, Mr, V'1rhUkzEr - dot,, od 14W $4.49�mm v4m�), W,j �m tmer�.Mt_ . I . I'll, . v -z =L-- 'UUxiet-, ft- - - - OP2 Vitn;z =1� . . " - -_ 1--l-11.1 wil 1",$4, Thii. w44*,rV '*%.-I- &-vovw%a i7boa I I . ., b Ufte- ZiONS � , -M =Vvw. tnm* -%Z! I,*, I 11 1W$"-%bV t '� , %"*M1- �, I* t I . me, Ix, � , � ,%-t ,p 'MI"t I ."VIN'k VOMN'A�&,r - Aqft,�� vvim,�Mm VON& ,ft-- mtft zfgft iavmm!, =Mgt ,z6r,41!h0-'--4e.xM fttx- 06. vo,imb-4 !�� -,&_- ___JM'4M7rJ�J? rf '" +" ; %ilan _a� I,hf I fI - *1W V*m itsz ft� i�� -�61-*� M twe t�e� k* %rit. _,wmc�, or 1%t)*q, - , ,%t4klo ,MT $b S. ra ,�s � zamri, j � , q %�,�. VVMrWftt igo-XWE iba,� �Utfibe,tfb__ *MA TOW 1"'M*WN' "') 'N"�i*0400 ­�tl'*Abl Via,,, tso gt,r.d a, I I V*Avd -1 U� wm_� Va6w 1", ", , kr� . 14t,=4 " I Imi '41 01� clv%�'- ,a* �,-Ull lhtuit %6 "s'�- VP ,ot �P,Z�, ,,ig+-- . '" =,Li4m v� sxl�, ,R' **,�� , , 41 . "MI"' Z, so -A i I �� MqV wats%*t a ,e� cme � ; , , V ,6T t�01.ulx� iN 'S Z . I - - , , - ",c � , alk �%a 1 K. 1* 4M ���I� I : . *v*,.% it Z� -haZZiortL ;�� r ""'N i , If I � ""o -k" - - s. 31 - , , 4 - I I' I 11 ou 11� ­., . '11� - '", Atift'A' ,gw I � -IV -11-1- . = i -Z= -i "i" ,4, 1. 1. , ft"M . . . I . . I 11 I - .. .. I - . . ... . . I .. I � ': . . I . I . . I .1 . � .. , I . '41� . I I � ., 1%� . I 11 . .11 . . '.I , '. . . . d � ,, . 17 I I . '. . . - � .. . . . . . , � , � d :�,, � ., , � , I . I � i", . "�. 1. d -4 11 � () " . .. ., , ­. . 19 . . I " , . . .""I � I 1 .. . I I . , , . I r � .. e . - - - � , , . . - I 111 I .11 1. I , . - � . .... .. . I - -1 � ,,�� : , � I i . 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