HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-29, Page 11 °
1 I,
$i ienty :fourth Year
oTe. Nuariber 3472
Horticulturalists of District
Meet in Seaforth on Tuesday-,
to Discuss Their Problems
Delegates Are Driven • •
Around Town and Are
Loud in Their Praise of Opportunity
• • .• •
Seaforth Gardens.
The annual convention of District
No. '8, of the, Horticultural Associa-
tion was. held in, the 'basement of
Northside United Church last Tues-
day. 'Societies in the district, which•
comprises the Counties .of ' Grey,
Bruce and Huron, were represented.
A delicious lunch was served and
while the members were still seated
at the tables, a very interesting pro-
gram was given. The president of
the local society, ,Mr. Wm. Hartry,
Mayor Sutherland, in a short
speech, welco'mted the delegates and
told thelru of paints of interest in
the town which they might visit.
Other numbers included a solo by
Miss Ruth Thompson; piano solos by
Miss Mary. Barber and 'Miss • Helen
Lane, and addresses by Rein .J. But-
tonneof Feed -with; and Canon E. Ap-
pleyard, '$ forth.
During the afternoon, the dele-
gates were tak eeround the town.
viewing the different gardens • and•
many compliments were paid to''the
,citizens for the fine display of roses
and flowers.
Cars Damaged in
Highway Smash
Seaforth and Kitchener Cars End in
Ditch; Two Are Injured, But
• Not Seriously. •
When a car on Number 8 High-
way, three miles west of town, at-
tempted to turn into a lane as an-
ether'ca passed, a smash resulted
which irl}ttred two persons and wreck-
ed both cars. The accident occurred
in front of the farm of A. Irwin,
about 9 o'clock Thursday evening.
W11ia'm Livingston of R. R. 2,
Seaford), receive& a nasty cut on one
'rand as well as being shaken up, and
Mists D. Kronis of Kitchener suffer-
ed a possible fracture of the kneecap
as well as lacerations to the; head.
Livingston, accompanied by his
tarifa and .baby., was driving his coupe
east on No. 8 Highway and the
other car, driven by Edward Cohen,
60 Irwin St., Kitchener, in which Miss
Kronis was riding, was also going
The Kitchener car overtook the one
driven by Mr. Livingston as the lat-
ter was about to turn into the lane -
way. Livingston's car was struck on
the side and -travelled 35 feet before
turning over in the north ditch. The
Cohen cdr skidded a considerable
distance before striking a telephone
pole in the ditch: Damage in excess
of $126.00 was dope the car.
Provincial Traffic 'officer J. W. Cal-
lender, Mitchell, investigated.
A. A. Cuthill Heads
'Phone Association
A. A. Cuthill, of Seaforth, was
elected President of the Western
Counties Telephone Association at
Opportunity, contrary to what
the school books teach, is knock-
ing in Seaforth three.. times this
week. On Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, twenty-nine merchants
of the town offer to the buying
public ofthe district, a splendid
assortment • of merchandise at
sale prices. Bach of the, stogies
which display the colored pen-
nants, has hundreds of bargains'
which thrifty purchasers will
take advantage of.
• • • • • •
Final Meeting of Year is
Held on Monday
- Evening.
J. M. McMillan was elected presi-
de'nt of the Seaforth Lions Club at
the semi• m'ontllly... •meeting held Mon-
day ,evening. Lion McMillan 'held the
office of vice-president last year and
previous to 'that Was treasurer.
Lion J. F. Daly occupied the chair.
The program, which included an ex-
cellent piano solo by George Daly
and a series of slides depicting the
proper method of tuning a car, was
much enjoyed.
Other officers elected were: Vice-
president, J. E. Keating ;treasurer,
E. C. Boswell; secretary, Gerald
Stewart; tail twister, J. A. Stewart;
lion tamer, A. Y. 'McLean; board of
directors, Dr. W. C. Sproat, C. A.
Bather, W. J. •Duncan, R. E. Jackson,
'George D. Ferguson.
The meetings will be discontinued
during July and August.
Mayor Sutherland
At O..M.A. Meeting
Mayor .A. D. Sutherland was in
Galt •n Thursday and Friday of last
week attending the first meeting of
the Ontario Mayor's Association.
Mayor Wenige, London, was elected
Among the resolutions adopted was
a recommendation that -)municipal
councils have two ex -officio members
on school boards and that teachers
qualified for continuation classes be
allowed to teach first and'second form
classes in high schools. A commit-
tee was appointed to submit the reso-
lutions paused to the provincial, gov-
the twenty-fourth annual convention
held in London Thursday.
It was one of the most successful
conventions yet held by the associa-
tion, and some steps were taken
which it is hoped will improve the
rural telephone systems throughout
this area. Moves to decrease tl'e
hazards of linemen and "trouble•
shooters." plans for more adequate
maintenance work, and the prospect
of a training course for employees
were some of the features:
• • Mr. Al'v'in 'Sillery spent a couple
of days in Kitchener this week.
Savauage Trophy Won By
Johnston and Hunt, Goderich
Excellent Weather and
Splendid Greens Are En-
joyed by Large Number
of Bowlers'. •
Seaforth bowlers held their first
imitation tournament of the season
On' •'Wednesday !afternoon) when a
large number of bowlers enjoyed
Abe splendid weather and fine greens.
The Savauge Trophy went to Gode-
irich, being won by Robert Johnson
sad Fred 'Hunt. Dr. Collyer and
fl1gt. McTaggart, of Hensall, won the
Association event, while J. E. Willis
tend T. Johnson won the consolation.
The individual games are as fel-
Savauge Trophy
First Round
gotn Beattie, Chas. Holmes, Sea-
ford), eliminated Dr. 'Henry and Dr:
Baker -111-10.
B J.
Sproat and R. J. Winter, Sea -
forth, eliminated Dr. Ross and A. D.
Sutherland., (Seaforth-16-11.
J. E. Willis and T. Johnston elim-
inated M. 'M;iilson and ken Orr --12
to 11. '
J'.Ovraleld and Dr. Hall, Goderich,
eliminated Dr. Collyer and Dr. '.Me -
Taggart -0841.
Second Round
'kettle eliminated Sproat, 18-11.
. Ilt,a
Swaffreld eliminated
Willis 20 6.
Bonthron and Geo. Brock, Hensall,
eliminated M. A. Reid: and B. Dun-
can, Seaforth-•1'7-13.
1Boib 'Johnston and' Fred 'Hunt, God-
erich, eliminated Dr. Bechley and W.
G. Willis, Seaforth-11-10.
W. Hinkley a;nd George Swale, of
Stratford, eliminated M, McKellar
and E. "Smnith, 1Seaforth--19=11.
J, 'Broderick( and L. Dale eliminat-
ed A. *Doren and J. Shepherd, 'Hen-
H. McNee and Fred Toole, Gode-
ri,dh, eliminated C. P, ,Silks and J. J.
CInf -121-4.
John Logan and R. Bowman, 'Brus-
sels, eliminated T. 'McDermid and W.
Litt, Goderich-15-8.
Third Round
'Beattie eliminated Swaffneld-•'15-8.
Johns, eliminated Brock --21-4.
Broderick. eliminated Bin.kley-15-14
)McNee eliminated Logan --19-4.
Semi -Finals
R. Johnson eliminated John Beat-
tie -14-10.
J. Broderick eliminated H. McNee
R. Johnson eliminated 3. Broder-
(Continued on Page 4)•.
Fairways and . Greens Are
Rapidly Getting Into
If the growth and improvement on
the fairways and ngreetis at the Sea -
forth 'Golf and Country Chili?, .which
has taken place during the last month
continues for a . week or so, play will
probably commence at the new
course by the, second week in July.
All that• in needed is a continuance
of the 'fine weather with a few
showers. •
At a recent meeting of the direc-
tors it was learned that the greens
were,. in .excellent condition and that
the fairways were cteve1eping rapid-
ly. The humping system is in use,
every day and is doing excellent work.
,�VIencibers of the Seafortle Club have
had the privilege of playing at the
Mitchell Golf Club for the ..past
'month, but despite this arrangement,
all are anxious to get under way at
their own course. In discussing
when play would commence, Wednes-
day, July 11th, was si. ggested.
The course, despite, the fact it is
net yet open, is the mecca each day
of golfers from all over the 'district
who have come to Took it over. All
are loud in their praise of the lay-
out and situation. ,
Cattle Feeders to
Meet in Clinton
A meeting of the feeders of beef
cattle in Huron County is being held
in the Firemenfs Hall (above the
Bank of Montreal), Clinton,, on Tues-
day ..afterno•on, July 23ri1, at 2 pm.
sharp. The object of bringing the
cattle }feeders together is for the•
purpose of discussing ways and
means whereby marketing conditions
may be improved, and possibly the
formation of a County Association.
Mr. R. W. Wade and Mr. Frank
Biggs will be the speakers for the
afternoon. Mr. Wade is Director of
the Ontario Live Stock Branch and
Mr, Biggs has had a wide experience
in the feeding and marketing of beef
All farmers are cordially invited to
attend this meeting and especially
those interested in the production and'
feeding of market cattle.
Children ' Rid
Fairways of Stone
'Stones on the fairways of the Sea -
forth Golf and CountryClub are now
a thing Of the past following a de-
termined onslaught of boys and girls
on Saturday. The directors advertis-
ed for 145 or. 20 'boys to pick stones
and some 38 boys and girls respond-
The majority of the children
brought their lunch and enjoyed a
picnic at noon. The following day,
it is said, the majority enjoyed well
'sunburned portions on their persons,
Presentations Made At
Gathering On
A largely attended and interesting
social gathering for the purpose of
affording the congregation an oppor-
tunity of spending•a short time with
their pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane and his
family before they left last Wiednes-
day for 'Goderich, was held in the
Northside United Church on Thurs-
day evening. Rev. W. P.
Lane pre-
e -
and conducted the opening ex-
ercises, after which E. C. Chamber-
lain, chairman of the board, took
charge of the meeting. He spoke of
Mr. Lane's splendid ministry in
Northside United Church, •Seaforth,
and also the work of his devoted
wife' and daughter, and .tho deep re-
gret that all the members felt at
their removal
A very enjoyable and well render-
ed program followed' which included
a solo by Miss Mabel Turnbull, ac-
companied° on the piano by Miss Hel-
en Lane; reading, Mrs. (Heb er
Snell; violin. and guitar selection,
Reginald and Cameron. Rintoul, ac-
companied on the piano by their,
mother,'' Mrs, J, 'Rintovl; solo, J. A.
Stewart, with Mrs. J. A. Stewart as
accompanist; 'piano solo, Mise Mary
Barber; recitation, Miss Jean Smith.
Mr. and Mrs.Lane and Wag Helen
were then called to the 'front, when
P. B; Moffat read an address which
stressed the pleasant relations that
had satiated andthe large place which
the • pastor and his family held, not
only hi the hearts of the congrega-
('Contnnued fmoan Page i)
Students Learn
'The following pupils. of - the Sea -
forth Collegiate have been promoted.
A subject or subjects after a pupil's
name indicates a failure nn that sub-
ject. "Conditional" means that the
pupil will be given an opportunity in
the advancedgrade and if he does
not Make good will be returned to
thy lower grade. "'lion." means an
average of 75 per cent. or over.
Promoted from Form Ito .Form II
K. Adams (Br. H.) ; I. Anderson;
H. Crich (Fe.) ; B. Driscoll; J. Drov-
er; R.Duncan;' H. ' E1diott (,Eng.); I.
Flannigan (Lit., Br. H.); J: Fortune;
G. Free (Eng. [fist,); Dorothy G.em-
reell ; Robert Genilntell '(1i%si:; ' Bot.) ;
H. 'Jamieson (Comp.); 'M. Keating ;
J. MacKinnon; M. 'Mdiver; H. Mc-
Kenzie (Alg., Fr.).; . R. McLachlan
(Canna); B. 'MeSpaddere . (Dr. Hist);
J. Mills (Hon.); G. 1VPow! ray; : IM.
Moore (Camp.) ; E. Plant; • M. Pretty;
A. •Scott (Hen.); G. Scott (Hon.) ; K.
Sharp (Hon,) ; E. Sinith ( Hon.) ; R.
Smith (Hon.); M. Southgate; F.
Stewart (Hon.); J. Stewart Rolland
Stewart (Lat., Fr.); W. Stgakopf; J.
Thompson; E. Wallace; S. Whitmore
(Hon.); A. Williainls (Eng.).
Promoted from Form II to Form III
R. Allen (Gram., Lit.); H. 'Arm-
strong; V. Bell (Lit.); L. Box; R.
Cluff; C. Dale; E. Dexter; J. Drager
(Lat.); T. Drover (Lat.); J. Eckert
(Hon.); A. Finnigan (Hon.); W. -For-
rest (Cond.); S. Geddes (Ilion.); G.
Gemmell; IF. Grieve; M Hanley
(Phy., Arith.); M. Holmes; A. Hud-
son (Zool.); D. Hudson;• V. Hugill;
D. Lawson (Here); E. Leitch 'Lit);
M:'McIver (Lit.); M. •MeMicthael; L.
Nott; G. Pinkney (Cond.); E. Shin -
en; V. Storey; M. Wigg (Cond.),
Band, Legion Gard-
en Party July 19th
The Seaforth Highlanders Band and
the• Canadian Legion will, hold their
annual garden party in Victoria Park
an the evening of Thursday, July. 19.
'A splendid evening's entertainment
is ibeing planned 'by the two organ-
izatione. •
Local Young People
Win Competitions
'Miss Marjorie Wigg, daughter of
Mr. and 'Mrs. F. W. Wigg, has been
.successful in winning the second
prize in the Challenge' competition
for a short story on "Courage," of-
fered by the Challenge, to contribu-
tors of fifteen years and under. The
story is entitled "A Heroine."
H. Glenn Hays, local law student,
also was successful in winning a prize
in a competition conducted by the
late lamehted "Straight , Furrow."
Mr. Hays' Winning letter was entitled
"Why I Am Going to Vote Conserva-
® • • • • • •
All Over
The Seaforth Collegiate Insti-
tute closed its doors, in as far
as classes are concerned, on Fri-
day last, The pupils are now
busily engaged in writing depart-
mental' examinations which, in
some cases, will extend into the
second week of July. The pupils
of the Public and Separate
Schools will be finished on Fri-
day of this week.
• • • • • •
Building Lumber
all Kind and Sizes.
Plaster Board.
Sash, Doors and
Cedar Fence
Frank Archibald and Vio-
let Tyndall Win
Champion Cups..
The Eigth Annual County Live
Stock and Household iSeience Judg-
ing Competitions were 'conducted in
'Sea'fgrth on Friday, June 22nd, up -
der the 'supervision . of the local
'branch of 'the Department of Agri-
•Thirty-eight boys participated in
the Live Stock Judging 'Competition
and the. following farmers in Tuck-
ersmith supplied live stock for var-
ioues classes: Dairy cattle, Ee B.
Goudie; Clydesdale horses, • Harry
Tyndall and 'Robert Doig; beef cattle
and Leicester ewes, Roy Pepper;
swine..and.ar,,(arket lambs, Albert Pep-
per; draft horses, William Black and'
A. and J. Broadfoot.
The judges were as follows: Dairy
cattle; C. D. Graham, Department of
Agriculture, Stratford; horses, J. A,
Berry, Dept. of Agriculture, Walker-
ton; •beef cattle, Bob. McKeroher,
Dublin; swine, Fred Forsyth, Dept.
of Agriculture, Walkerton; sheep, T.
S. 'Cooper, t Dept: of Agriculture,
The silver cup awarded to the high
boy in the entire competition was
won by Frank. Archibald, Seaforth.
WilliamPepper, Seaforth, won • the
silver medal by securing the second
highest score.- The C. N. E. Shield,
awarded to the high novice, was ikon
by John Shea, R. R. 5, Seaforth.
AI first prize. of $2.00 and second
prize of 81.00 was awarded to both
Junior and Senior boys as follows:
Heavy T-Iorses - Seniors, Alfred
Pa't:trr=ran, Lucknow; 'George 1Mun-
dell, Glenannan; Junior's, Allan !Vie -
Lean, Glenannan; James Atkinson
Dublin; 'Beef Cattle -Seniors, Donned
'Thompson, Auburn; Stewart Mus-
grove, Wroxeter; Juniers, John Shea,
Seaforth; Arnold Craig, Auburn;
Dairy Cattle -Seniors, 'Ste$ -art Mc-
E;ven, Clinton 5; John Fotheringham,
Brueefield; Juniors, 'Walter Short -
reed, Walton; John Locking, Brus-
sels; Sheep, Seniors, Harrison Taylor,
Lucknow; .Joan Patterson, Lucknow
Juniors, Orville Rodger, Goderichi ;
Royert Proctor, Brussels; Swine -
Seniors, Gordon Reynolds, Seaforth ;
Stuart Bryans, Blyth; Juniors, Geo.
Alton, Lucknow; Bill Turnbull, Brus-
Household Science
The Hlou.sehold Snience Judging
Competition was held in the Town
Hall, Seaforth, and 25 girls took
part. The judge,. were Miss Flora
Durnin, Dungannon; Miss Florence
P. Eadie,. Institutes Branch. Toron-
to, and Miss Helen McKee -cher, Dub-
The 26 -piece flatware awarded to
the girl obtaining the highest score
Was' wort by Miss Violet Tyndall,
Seaforth. The young ladies who
acted as models for the day includ-
ed Misses Eleanor Burrows, Mona
Sills, Mary L. Hays and Helen Whit-
Miss Margaret Durnin, President
of the County Junior Institute, spoke
to the group on ".Junior Work," and
pointed out that the Hui'on County
Aehieeeme'nt Day is to be held in
Seaforth in September.
Girls were present from Hensall,
Dungannon. Fordwich, Wroxeter,
'Brussels, Exeter, Auburn, Gorrie,
Clifford and Seaforth.
Other trophies were as ,follows:
Nutrition -Seniors, Well and Tree
Platter, 'Marjorie Baker. Wroxeter ;
Juniors -Silver centrepiece, Kathleen
Strang, 'Hensall; Fern Welsh, Exe-
ter, 81.00.
Clothing -Senior, Relish dish (sil-
ver), Laurette 'McClure, Dungannon;
Juniors, Macaroon Tray (silver),
Eileen Treleaven, Dungannon; Wil-
ma Wilson, Fordwich, $1.00.
House Furnishing -Senior, Water
pitcher (silver), Eleanor Wilson, Au-
burn; Juniors, Silver sugar and
cream, Ila (Maize; Dungannon; Cath-
erine Reid, Dungannon, $1:00.
As the result of the ;standing ob-
tained in the competition the follow-
ing girls will represent the County
at the Canadian National Exhibition,
Toronto: Laurette McClure, Dun-
gannon; 'Marjorie Baker, Wroxeter;
Mildred Baker, Gorrie; spare, Thelma
El'gie, 'Seaforth.
High team in the Good Grooming
Demonstration was: Ruth St -rough-
en, Auburn, prize, Delineator Cook
Book; Eleanor Wilson. Auburn, prize
Delineator Cook Book.
Mise Margaret Durnin, Dungannon,
received a prize of $2.00 for coach-
ing. the highest Junior team. •
"Bride Elect" Caste
Picnic at Bayfield
(Members of the cast of the play,
"The Bride Elect," presented in May
by the Seaforth 'Collegiate Institute
jAl1(r�mittjf Associ'ation, together 1'wi'tjh
the committees in charge of the plaay,
held an enjoyable. 'picnic' at 'Bayfield
on Friday evening.
Following the picnic, the party at-
tended the dance at .the 1Baytield pav-
ilion. •
No •. Chap
a� rity, f
Of Returning
• • • • •
The Ballantyne family had
ample cause for rejoicing on
Tuesday. In addition to. Ex -
Warden Ballantyne, who '" was
elected in Huron, two other con-
nections of the family were .al-
so chosen by the electors. W.
Angus Dickson, who was elect-
ed in Perth, is a cousin. • Re is
also an Ex -Warden. In Sas-
katchewan, Hon. James G. Gard-
iner, another cousin, 'had his
party swept back into powen af-
ter being on the opposition side
of the House for four years.
• • • •' • •
Will Be Placed, .an, Gouinlock
Street, Near Main -
iHelding a special 'meeting to. con-
sider aspects of the Wolverton Flour
Mills situation, the town council re-
solved itself into a comtmittee of the
whole and thoroughly discussed the
matter. Mayor A. D. Sutherland
.presided and Councillors J. J. Brod
erick, Thomas Johnston, R. W. E'b-
erhart, Isaac Hudson and L. F.' Bol-
ton were present"-_
Following the meeting of the come
mittee of the whole, council approv-
ed a site for the animal drinking
fountain recently presented to the
town by the late Miss Anna Camp-
bell. The fountain will be situated
on Gouinkock Street, near Main St.,
and parallel to. the Oddfellows build-
ing. The work of installation will
be begun immediately, it is expected.
In . Football League
Southern Section
Won Lost Tied Pts.
Egmondville 4 1 1 9
Brucefield 3 1' 1 7
Bayfield 2 3 0 4
Seaforth 1 3 1 3
Kippen 1 3 1 3
Northern Section
Won Lost Tied' Pts.
Walton 4 0 2 10
Moncrieff 1 1 3 5 •
Brussels 2 3 1 6
Winthrop 2 3 1 5
Ethel 1 3 1 3
The Huron County W. C. T. U.
will hold their annual convention 'at
Queen Street United Church, Blyth,
en July 5th. Convention speaker will
be Mrs. T. T• George, Field Secretary
of Provincial W.C.T.U. and National
Director of Scientific Education in
Sunday Schoyls and Rev. A. W.
Gardiner,A , RD, Londesboro.
Wm. Frayne, After O
Count, Announces Bali
�tyne' Has 8,253 Votes;
liott, 5,973, and ` Cooper,
• Teachers in the 1°9111 Collegiate
left for their hones on Saturday,
•Miss Marion Bell to Toronto, Miss
Rena Fennel to Grand Valley, and
Miss Sally I. Wood to Kingston.
Following the ,otfieial. fount )heldeat-
his residence on Tuesday, Returning'
Officer Frayne annouiteed that 11Mh;
Ballantyne's Majority was Z280. `..
This is the figure that this paper are
rived et the night of the election and
is the majority that was published
last week,
The official returns, for ind%idnsal'
polls, are as follows:
The .Vote By Pools
Goderich Tp.
Ballantyne 'Cooper Elliott
No. 1 80 1 109
No. 2 63 1 . 72
No. 3 '59 0 128
No. 4 22 1 102
No. 5 65 0 • 66
No. 6 51 0 60'
340 3 637
(Majority for Elliott -197.. ,•
No. 1 134 1
No. 2 66 ' 2
No. 3 80 0
No. 4 443 1
No. 5 30. 0
No. 6 . 94 0
No. 7 85 1
632 5 401
'Majority for Ballantyne -231.
No. 1 .... P 90 0 29
No. 2 90 0
No. 3A 229 4
No. 3B 186 1
No. 4 87 0
No. '5 113 3
No. 6 53 0
No. 7 107 1 '
959 9
Majority for Ballantyne --60'8.
No. 1 20'7 2 24.
No. 2 191 2 79
No. 3 143 4 72
No. 4 128 4 96
35 .
669 12 271
Majority for Ballantyne -,398•
No. 1 57 0 77
No. 2 42 0 53No. 3 111 2 63
No. 4 147 3 54
No. 5 90 0 28
No. 6 119 2 92'
No. 7 72 0 30
No: 8 58 2 57
/No. 9 x331 4 64
•835 13 518
Majority for Ballantync 317.
No. 1 64 0 61
No. 2 82 1 24
No. 3 ....i., 83 8 33
No. 4 47 0 170
No. 5 28 0 72
No. 6 81 2 54
No. 7 60 1 •• 10
No. 8 49 1 133
484 13
'Majority for Elliott='63. 547
(Continued on Page 4)
Huron Councillors Hold
Annual Picnic at Goderich
Enjoyable Gathering of
Members and Families
on Saturday.
,Members of the Huron • County
Council held their annual picnic in
Harbor Perk, Goderich on ,Saturday
afternoon and the large attendance of
members and their families fully en-
joyed 'the affair. Warden G. H. El-
liott presided.
The program included a sail on
Lake 'Huron in Th'om'as Sandy's
launch; .games for the children and
grown-ups; speeches, and 'best of all,
a bounteous lunch with lots of ice
The• members -elect for Huron and
Huron -Bruce, Janies Ballantyne and
C. A. Robertson, respectively, were
present and •were the recipients of
,manly congratulations, 'During the
addresses, Isaac Wright, Reeve of
Turnberry, declared that the great-
est honor any county council ever
had 'occurred during the recent elec-
tions when two members, a warden
and ex -warden, had been selected to
run against earn other.
!Warden Elliott, who. expressed his
thanks to the committee for the at-
rangenvents made, congratulated Mr.
Ballantyne, the member for apron,
who was his opponent on his mag-
nificent run and assured him that
the ;County Council would berigg++lit
behind )him). Ile thought Reeve Mur
;id :...Matheson should be comgr'atn,
lated for picking a day of such ideal
weather for the picnic,
Others who gave brief addresses
were Ex -Warden )Inglis of Howick;
Peter Scott, introduced, by the war-
den as "the great Scott"; Owen Gei-
ger, of Hensall; Deputy Reeve Tur-
ner and Reeve Munnin'gs of Goder-
it`h; Reeve Archibald, of Tuckersmiith;
County Treasurer 'Erskine, County
'Clerk [Roberts, Reeve Wright of
Turnberry; H. Edwards, 'Superintend-
ent of the Children's Shelter, and
IVIesars. D. Campbell and W. H. Rob-
ertis'on for the press; and Reeves
Bowman of Brussels and ex -Reeve.
William Bailie of Goderioh.
Race Results
The results of the rates were: -
Boys under 8 -Ross Kennedy, Billy
Hanley; girls under 12 --Helen Gra-
hem, Helen Radford, Lillian' Stew:
art; boys, 12 and under--IAidie Ec-
kert, Arnie Archibald; 'teenage girls
-Agnes Camvpibell, Betty 'Camphill,
Edna Elliott; 'teen age beya--+Geo'rge
'Elliott; horseshoe throwing, ladies -
Miss Edna 'Elliott; horseshoe, throw'-
ing, men -E. Kennedy, I lensall;, open
race Or county councill'ors' (fht),; .
Reeve Davidson, . iRl'3itgtha1 nj; Reeve
Eekerb, 'McKillop;' Reeve Wright,
Turnberiyy ; open race for tatintty
k(ouhucillot . 1(lh'in)i- ti* 1006
iMatallli trey, iStepbeny fortrler depiitjt
ley, (Stanley; ladies',
ley, Burnley; XS.