HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-15, Page 8.1a t a h •••""1.1".•,"Z•.! • r 11111' ' Price Wi•\• Blaclewell's PORK er.„ ; large tin e,4 IBlackerell's Chef TOMATO ,,ltdr44171',171S01) @ 14c per bottle K-*E9,0MN'S GEL -E JELLY 4 for :is •- & Blackwell's TOMATO /UWE @ 7e per tin 'arms r& Black -weirs. CRITIT ,SAfUterE ........ ,.,....20e per jar •716mousbury GRAPE VINEGAR 8c per bottle PRICK•`ROLLED OATS-, 32.40 per cwt. •- • • 'GALVANIZED TUBS @ Waster; Pioneer, Starter Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples and UAW( BUTTER @' „ 20c per lb. Feathers taken as cash. . . A. C Routledge PHONE 166 This is the Season of WINDSTORMS • Are you protected? The cost is small. The automobile season is with us. We issue special policies for short periods ; also reduced rates to farm- • ers. Call or Phone us. WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines. of • Insurance. *00000000000 4 • 'S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth 0. • S. T. Holmes' residence, Goderich Street, West; phone 4 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 4 residence, Goderich Street, East. phone No. 308. 0 Ambulance Service 0 Night calls, Phone, 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119 Charges 'moderate. 000000000000 0 .„. • Free -A 50 -cent Jar of Jasmine' Vanishing, Coldor Cleansing Cream wit101.00 Bait Jasmine Face Powder. • . • 25c Tube Mi. 31 Tooth Paste 25c Tut* Mi. 31 Shaving Creani - •BOTH FOR 35c. 50c double size Tube of Mi 31 Tooth Paste and a knock- about Doll -55 cents. •Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Store PHONE 28 : SEAFORTH Provincial Election JUNE 19, 1934 0. • 0 000o0o000oO0 4> H. C. BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Licensed Embalmer 0 . Ambulance Service 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 khone.175 Phone 43 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WE ARE NOW BUYING E ggs at highest I I market prices for CAH Give us a trial now. Prompt, Courteous Service. Best. Prices For Cream. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. Barber, Prop. ELECT .GEORGE 11. ELL1 OT (Warden of Huron County) CONSERVATIVE Candidate in Huron Riding A MAN - with a clean record, business ability, experiencedb practical tnd efficient. Fair play and a square deal for all. LIBERAIL-OONSERV(ATIVE ASS'N OF SOUTH H'URO,N NgWR-OF ThI TOWN A,NouNCE;MBIgir •• Mr. and Mrs. J.. M -Gervienleek, an- nounce the engagement of their 'daughter, Edith 'Melvin, to John Ken- neth BrOWT1, son of Mr.- and the late Mrs. BrO1Vira, Parkhill. The marriage to take place. the latter part. of June, • • ANNOUNCEMENT (Mr. and Mos. G. W. Wheatley an- nounce the engagement ef their daughter, Edna Elizabeth, to Mr. David G. Dewar, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar, Bayfield, Ont. The wedding to take place in Toronto, late .in June. Completes Lightning Rod- Fred Reeves, who is carrying oi the large lightning rod (business started many years ago by his father, the late Gabriel Reeves, has recently com- pleted two large jobs near town. He rodded the large barn on the farm of Mr. Dale Nixon and the 50 foot hen house on the farm of Mr. Louis De- vereaux. Sewing Wanted. -Plain sewing to be done at home Apply to Mrs S Cutimore care of Miss Gallop East William Street 34692 For Sale. -One 500 gal. steel water tank with ecuanment.1 One combines 2 -owed ecufflei and harrow cart. One riding ploW,- 1 and 2 furrow. Apply at Expositor Office. 3469-14 For Sale. - A comfortable eight -roomed house, situated in 'a convenient part of the town. If mot sold will'be rented to a suit- able tenant_ Apply at The Expositor Office. • 3461-tf Cabbage Plants for •Sae. -Late cabbage, Summer Cabbage and Early Cabbage, all the above plants at one cent per plant. Also Cauliflowers at 15 plants for 20e Krauskopf Brothers, Dublin, Ont. 34684 For Sale or Rent. -1 -Modern• dwelling house on south side of Goderich Street, Seaforth, one block from Main Street, churches and schools. New 3 -piece bathroom, new furnace, electric lights and town water installed. House has been freshly painted and decorat- ed throughout. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to R. S. Hays, Sea.forth, • 3464-,, Warning. -Corns, Warts, Calluses, Bun - i/111,4 , are dangerous. Use Gross Cor'n or Bunion Salve. At Keating's Pharmacy,• Sea - forth. 3470-1 Potatoes for Sale, -Choice Dooley potatoe4; for sale. Apply to Homer Hunt, 5 Seaforth. Phone 223-12, Seaforth. 3470-1 Wanted - Experienced girl for general housework in family of three. Apply to Mrs. W. C. Sproat, Seaforth. ., 3470-1 Man Wanted to handle Ward's Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Freparations direct to established users. Opening in Huron County for man with car. Write T. H. Ward Company, John, South, Hamilton_ 5470x2 • Housekeeper Weinted.-A capable. woman ASr girl to do 5r house work. Apply at The Expositor Office. '• 3470x1 •••• • •••-• • Our Service 11111111•210011 1111MMINNIIIIIM11111.11111111111111 is Like Shell Gas and Oil There is none better in Seaforth. Drive In and Try Thein ?dickey's SHELL Service Phone 2-W Goderich St. West - Seaforth DON'T MISS THE ELECTION Party :Tuesday, June 19th, 8 o'clock p.m. Cardno's Hall, Seaforth .• To Music by Ed. Daly and his Red - -DANCING „Coats, fresh from engagements at •Goderich and Bayfield Pavilions. RETIJR ;Minute by minute election returns wfl-1he announced' at the ball. SENTthe new member for girron, and every Everybody Will be preitent, including ' • beds). will be assured of a good time: , to a AO' wkole-night's fun 35c thsio toOitierti only lOc gall tng lAberil .00 ,„,k,.41;;••„4.' •,,, 4:titqq,„ 55 6 ibt (1, Stlawherry. Tea " .A Strawberry Tea will be held at the home of Mr. Chas, Holmes. Thursday, June 28th. . under the auspices,•of theLadies Guild of St. Thomas' Church. Tea served from 3.30 till 6.30. Admission 25c ProgressiNe Euchre at 8 p.m., Everyone cordially invited. wil Rev, J. H. Georghegan, Rector of St. Peter's 'Church, Lucknow, next Sunday evening, it being the 60th anniversary of the establishment of that congregation. *Mrs'. Joseph (Gru.mmett 'and( son, Master John, were in Kineard-ine for a few days and, while there attended the wedding of Mrs. Gru(menett's sis- ter, Miss •Aliee Hutton., to 'Mr. ;Oonv:ay, Huron Old Boys will Hold Annual Picnic • The Annual Picnic of The Huron Old Boys' Association' of Toronto, will be held in Area No. 2, Canadian Exhibition Park, on Saturday, June: 30th, at 3 p. m. A big programme of races and games is being arranged in which suitable prizes will be awarded.- The ladies will provide re- freshments with the best Huron _coorking. Huronites in the city and out of the city are invited to be present • and take part in the proceedings. Serman Subjects 'for Next Sunday Thomas -Anglican Church: 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bibh. Class. 11 p.m. "The Three Sources of Light.' 7 p.m. Rev. J. H. Geogheon, rector at Lucknow, Ont:, will preach. Can- non Appleyard, Rector. (Egmondville Church. - 1& a.m. "The Church School and Bible Study.". • 11 a.m. "The Spreading, Church," to three Continents. 7 p.m. "The Challenge of the Hill Tops." Rev. Charles Malcolm, min- ister. , Northside United Church.- Morning, "The Heavenly Horne."' Evening,' "The Heavenly' Lite." Rev., W. P. Lane, Minister. Cavan Bethel and Duff's Charges - "Next to the Bible, the Greatest Book in the World." Rev. G. E. Morrow, min i st e -r. Junior Institute Meets. -The Junior Institute met at the home of Violet Tyndall, and son -be. 33 girls were pre- sent. It opened with the singing of the Institute Ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll was answered by, "Don'ts for the Kitchen," and was followed by com- munity singing. Miss Jean Gemmel gave a guitar selection. A very ex- cellent eport of the Conference held at Guelph recently, was given by one of the delegates, Miss .Winnifred Kruse. Miss Josephine Edge gave a pleasing solo; accompanied by Miss Violet Tyndall. A delicious lunch was served, and was followed by a half hour of wholesome recreation. LOCAL BRIEFS 011VIr. Jack Daly, Gunnar Gold IMines, Lac Bonnet, :Manitoba, is spending his holidays with his par- ents, 1VIr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly. •IMr. and Mrs. Robert Coates and Mr. Harry Coates, of London, were week end gueSts at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. IWlilliam Ament. Mrs. Coates -will remain for two weeks. 01Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. '1VIzirtin, of, Englehart, are visiting relatives ' in Tuckensrmith. • •Mr. and Mrs. Crowley, of St. 'Paul's, were visiting with Seaforth friends this- week. • Mr. W. 3: raulkneri who has been on theiDeminion Sank staff at Brant- ford for some time, 'has been moved to the Timmins ,branch. •IMr. and 'Mrs. J. R. Francis and Beth, of 'bight, were 'Sunday Visitors at the home Of Mr. and Mr. Herold Lawrence, in keICillorp. *)Mr. and ,Mrs. Elmer Rossnieisl and son, Ronald, of (Pontiac, Mich., have been (visiting 'Mrs. Ross-meisPs parents, iMr, ancl„lVIrs. .1. Yfero, for a gas. aVlero returned 'to. Pentiae for a short 1stay with her' daughter. • 401Mr. and:Mrs.. E. W. Edge, of To- ronto, spent the week end with hie father, Mr, A. Edge, end siSter, Miss josephine. Appleyard i ehanging 11, • J:1 in the. FRIGIDAIRE • '34 EVEN.the lowest priced • Frigidaire '34 has an amazingly durable finish - shining, easy-to.clean,baked- on DULUX. Only one of over 30 Frigidaire '34 fea- ttres. No other refrigerator gives you as many features as Frigidaire-no other gives you as many features in each price class. Made in Canada JOHN MODELAND f'hone 4 on 143 - Seaforth A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Notice Use of` my name as financial agent •for W. W, Cooper, Inde- pendent Waight Candidate for Huron, has been Made without my knowledge or iny cox:tient. Notice is kii/eii that I am in no way connected with Mr. Cooper nor an: 1 responsible for any debts contracted by him. Signed ' Isaac Hudson, Seaforth. elMrs. Monica. 'Desborough and daughter, Of .Northville, Michigan, are visiting at the 'home of her par- ents, Mr, and lV.Irs. C. Eckert. ' *Mr. Wim. (Stevens, jr., left this week for Rouyn, Quebec, where he has secinted a •Position. *Miss A. 'C. Lawrence , and Miss Pearl Lawrence left this week on a trip to Prince ;Rupert and Alaska, visiting their numerous •friends en route. Miss Annie Lawrence taught school and nursed at 'Hazlewood, BC and Miss Pearl lived for some time in British 'Columbia, and they are an- ticipating a very pleasant trip. 401VVe are sorry to learn that Mrs. C. Eckert has had a relapse, but hope that nothing serious will develop. •1\frs. L. T. Deft has returned frond Toronto • and will ace -0y her home here for the summer. She was accompanied by her nephew, Mr. Jack IHOdeins. *ligr. W. H. Pollard has been ap- pointed Principal of the Sebringville 'public school for the coming year. siMisa Mary Broadfoot has returned from Port Nelson' 'Miss M. W. IlVLadkay is in. Toronto this week. , •'Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Somerville, of :Woodstock, spent a few days with k•elatives and friends here this week. •'Mr. and Mrs. Perley Banbury, of Winnipeg, are guests at the home of MIT. Banbury's, father,,,Dr. F. J. Bur- rows. *Mrs. A: W. Coon and daughter, Margaret, are spending the summer with Mrs. Coon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Doherty, in Egmondville. •Miss Jackson, of Egmondville, is spending this week in London. syIrs. Little and Miss Jeanette Wilson are in Fergus this week. *Dr. E. A. 'MdMaster, who recent- ly purchased the residence of Mr. A A. McLennan., on High Street, will open his office at his residence • on July lst. Former Resident Dies in Regina. - The following from a Regina paper will be of interest to many of our older readers, as (Mrs. Logan was a well known resident of Seaforth for many years, when her hus-band con- ducted a private banking business here: 4'A pioneer of :Manitoba, Mrs. Charlotte Brent Logan, 82, died at the home of her son, Walter M. Lo- gan,. 2900 Retallack street, Sunday night. Coming to' Regina in 1923, 'Mrs. Logan had lived previous to that at Portage la Prairie and Carberry Man. Her husband, Robert Logan, predeceased her in 1924. One son, Frank,Iormerly associated with Wal- ter M.. Logan in the real estate lansi ness in .Regina, died in 1928, Fun- eral services will be held' Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'cleck from Mr. La-, gan's residence, 2900 Retallack St., Rev. John Much will conduct the ser- vices. ;Sneers' ,funeral home is, in charge of- arrangements. Mrs. Lo- gan,., a former Presbyterian, was a member of Knox United church in Regina. She was born in Quebec City on .April 7, 1852, but spent her younger Years in Toronto -and Sea fiarth, Ont., moving to Manitoba in 1888, where, at Carberry, her husband conducted a grain and private bank- ing business." Your Protection DALY'S Automotive Service on which you may ever rely. When you 'buy service here, no matter how small, you have expressed your confidence in us -and we have no intention of violating that confidence. • Have You seen the New Dual Automatic Refrigerator? Remember a refrigerator is an investment in health. Westinghouse has the worth -while features of other makes plus features exclusive only to the Westinghouse. Daly.'s Garage Phone 102 : Seaforth WHITE LAND BAGS Smartest styleavilth traetive fittings. $1.010 ia-nd $1.25 NEW WAISTS 'WHITE GLOVES Made -from 'an nu --- usually nice fabric. 59c, pair Candy Stripped, Patterns three prices $1.49. $1.98 $2.95 - YOUR SUMMER HAT Wide Brims and Medium Brims, with Low Crowns are smartest fez, present wear and White expels in pornilarity. Best Sellers, 69c to $3.50 Home Baking Sale And home made candy in Sheffer's Store - under auspices of Barbara Kirkman ' Auxiliary, of First Presbyterian •'Church, Seaforth, en SATURDAY, JUNE 16 ALSO AFTERNOON TEA WILL BE SERVED. GARDEN wasensismsissaria , 'PARTY monomommum .Under, the Auspices- of CAVEN CHURCH, WINTHROP Will be held on the idhurch Grounds-, . on k'''xiday evening. ' June 22nd. Supper 'will the serVed_from, 6 tO 8. hollowed by 'a splendid loogranaline Ines:el:tett by the Kiteheit Oithestrat .of DelaWare.' ADMISSION' sd &Ida at 15 bents COTTAGE CURTAINS Top Curtains with tie backs, also Sash :Curtains. Colored spot pattern. $1.25 set MANLEY Quite a number from here attended the Holy Name (Rally, in Clinton, last Sunday. .The late rain -has !put a smile on everyone, and "all hope for a bumpe crop which is much' needed. (Mr. ,Harry Benneweis and Mr. John Leonhart have rented the Zeigler -farm from Mrs. B. Gray, of Hibbert The :Political Pot is beginning to boil and many are wondering how those "-schem•es will work out, whicl the Henry Government have insta led to fool the electors. If they, the electors don't wake up to -the fact that they intend to retain power by hooktor crook, by making the Public believe that all is well. Surely every intelligent voter knows that an un- parallel debt has been placed on the 1:i6vinee of Ontario', which we or our children, or their children will not see 'paid. IStill they tell us all is well. Well here is hoping that every voter will use their franchise intelligently on the 19th. HILLSGREEN Mr, and Mrs. WM. Love and, daugh- ter, MisS Thelma, of ',Ansa Craig, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. :Gordon Love. The 'Messrs. MeAllisters and wives, from Michigan, were visiting their many relatives and friends during the week -end, and also attending the re -union of the Soldan Friends, held near HenSall, reeently. IMiss Nellie Dunlop, of St. Thoma, visited her friend, Miss Lettie Love. 11VIr. Ross Dick, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Dick's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mrs. Ross Dick and son Douglas, returned to their home in Toronto, after spending a few- weeks friends in the vicinity. IA large attendance was present at the Young Peoples' Sunday evening Anniversary Service last Sunday, when the guest speaker; Itev. Gale, from Hayfield, delivered a very fine sermon. 4 I The 'Choir from) Kippen rendering a fine anthem, '"Walk About Zion," which was much enjoyed. Misses Jean 11nm:on and Elcina Cochrane sang "'Somewhere" very nicely. ( Mr. and Ws. Heart, of Stan. leY Township, visited Mr. Nint11. Jar- rott ,and -011(1.-tllorbt. 'Hopkins returned to her topine lt atnsdaib, „za, dfor- visiting her ;POWS Air a tett)" roVieekS. 1 ' HEAVY TURK- " ISH ROLLER TOWELLING Red, Green: and Fawn stripes, 17" wide. ' • 20c KITCHEN and BED- ROOM CURTAINS Frilled, in B o s Gold, ,Green, Blue.. 'Quiek sellers 9..t 75c Pair CONGOLEUM and LINOLEUMS ROOM -SIZE RUGS AND MATS also BY THE RUNNING YARD The Newest Patterns are 'Particularly Pleasing. Come and See Them. MacTavish's Qte Fair 'Ma** INDEPENDENT LIBERAL -PROGRESSIVE on Tuesday, June 19th • The Conservative Party has been in power for 25 years. Its leaders have grown reckless in office - drunk with political pap and heartless as to the fate of the people. Without shame the Premier and Cabinet raised their own salaries in 1930 by an extra .$2,000, while 400,000 worthy citizens were starving. They paid $40,000, to three favorites fop "advice" on how to sell a Bond Issue. Even Honest George "forgot" he had $25,000 of nearly worthless Abitibi Bonds until after Hydro made them valuable. Tor- onto ward heelers are given liquor toll:gate rights - Magistrates must buy their way to office. SURELY - IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE Ballantyne House -cleaned in Huron -Try him at Toronto. "Young" Hepburn promises a NEW DEAL. For the Worker: Productive work, minimum wages ,and insurance. For the Unfortunate: Old Age Pensions honestly administered. Mother's Allowance where • one child or more. • For the Returned Soldier: A share of appointments. In Huron Not One has gone to the Soldiers,- • Sheriff, Registrar, Crow -n Attorney, Supreme Court • Registrar, Magistrates, Clerks or Bailiffs. For the Taxpayer: Honet administration, pegged debt, and slashes in salaries. Give Hepburn a Try - - He'll Make Good HENRY'S DEBT INCREASE of over $80,000, a day • will SWAMP THE PROVINCE Help stop this -Vote for Ballantyne - A vote for a Henry Candidate is a vote for higher taxes and increased debt. Mr. Elector -Can you stand it? . "When is aWhopper?" MR. ELECTOR, DECIDE At the Conservative Meetings in Exeter and else- where throughout the Riding, Mr. Geo. H. Elliott has claimed to be "the man who made the Motion in the County Council that the Treasurer's Books be investigated." It is not true. The fbllowing is a certified copy of the motion: "Moved by Mr. McKibbon` Seconded by J. M. Eckert That we engage a chartered accountant to audit the books front January 1st, 1933, and install a pro- per systeirn of bookkeeping for this County, the en- gagement and supervision of the said accountant accountants to be in charge of the Warden's Com- mittee. Motion Carried." The above is a copy of motion that was included in the minutes of June 9th, 1933. Signed, J. M. Roberts, County Clerk. VOTE FOR BALLANTYNE - The Warden who • forced the clean-up. • 11