HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-15, Page 5, It t. .6 4 r el N TWO NMI, GitE in "Little Orphan Anie" ,.. C4RT9011 A Victure fr Trig',Ii(ICOM ilork!IlfiY, Tuesday, Wo4ii4d0Y:,,,,D4o 0, 19, tp, • BING CROSBY and MARION DAVIES NMI'S WM' in "Going Hollywood" °M1.16.1t. A Musical Treat Thursday, Fr -WO", .Satu,rday---June 21, 22, 23 • EDWARD EVERETT HORTON'and EDNA MAY OLIVER in "The Poor Rich" The Funniest Picture or the Year CARTOPN ' taimigimmil464M3' • 111,14.1114.4191.411SS,....1.1114WASKI....U. ST. COLUMBAN A. social evening under the auspices of the IC. W. L., will be held in the 'Parish hall on Prickly evening, June 22nd. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all as a good program will be part of the evening's entertainment. Mr. Zachariah ,MIcIlhargey, of Lu - an, visited at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Thomas Ryan and family, during the past week. IRecent visitors, J. L. Downey, Louis Carlin and two sons, of Detroit. Misses 'Lucy Burke .and Sadie 4ueenan, of -London. • • . Mis:ses Gertrude !McGrath and Louise Heffron, of Kitchener. .Gold Bar Extends Work. • Gold Bar IlViines, is pushing explor- ation Fork on the Hacker vein at its property adjoining .Stadacona in the Rouyn section of Quebec • and it has been indicated for a length of 1,000 - feet .showing good mineralization, ac- cording to W. A. Gamble, President, now at the property. Present work consists of dtrilling and blasting the surface structure in preparation for _.a thorough. Sampling t�- determine values and the planning of a diamond drilling carripaign. Prospecting on the Pelletier ,greek clainioand also • TtO the east of the- lake is proceeding and favorable vein zones are being uncovered. Now that ,the danger of forest fires is past, ,Mr. Gamble states that Work will be speeded up. ' WINTHROP Shower IMrs. Thos. Dodds was host to a large nmnber of friends. of Miss Mar- garet Cuthill,' bride -elect, on Saturday laist, when she 'entertained in her _honor. Out -door sports were enjoyed until 4 o'clock, when a short program was given; which included two solos -with banjo accompaniment by Miss _Blanche Pethick, readings by Misa Isabelle Betties andJ,Mrs. F. Bullard, ,duet by 'Miss Anona Dale and Irene Bolton, accompanied by Miss Edith Mien. Mrs. Russel Bolton read the presentation address and little por- othy Dodds drew in a small wagon laden with many useful and pretty gifts. Miss Cuthill received them and spoke a few words of appreci- ation. Following this a delicious lunch z. tagig Ofripi.44,. 11Q,' <NY 91,410b1011.s,Oe N ();g1'55i°SiTet'49.417I(cf?lia-446.44;ro'rg4uffT).:-. 74 • MSate residence n. the -Rh :comes-. s)4eIgiLloto, When ,the -servieos were, cinidnated .14S:pusteri.Pgrx. tE,..,1111OrrOW., Interment was „made .Maitlanclq*nk 'come* y, theleVull-:' • bearers being lie Messrs. IStorey, Thomas Storey, Sam- fpel.BICar' ter Wesley Somers, John iernes 'and john Robertson. • . • was servied by 1VIts. Blanchard, Mrs. Thos. Dodds and Miss Audrey Webster. A number from here attended the nominations held in 'Henson, on Tues- day. • C ,Be sure rim 1 •9 Ele tion n and east your vote. IMr .and Mrs. Samuel Somers, Mr Fergus .Sargers, of, Detroit, and: Mrs. Robert 1V1urdie, spent Sunday with Mr. John Bullard. ;Mr: 'Mae - Dorrence, of • 'Seaforth, visited :Mrs. Geo. Eaton last week. CROMARTY - • Mrs. S. A. Miller is spending a few days in Stratford', with her son. Mrs. Tufford, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Graham and family, of Byron, spent Sunday with Miss Currie, and other friends in the village. Mr.. 'Graham sang several pleasing solos at, Ray's Special Ser - ,vices. • Mrs. Allen is visiting her sister, in Zurich, at present. A number from here attended both morning ,and evening services at Boys. IMr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie and Toni, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. R. G. 'McKay, of Prince Albert, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. • Scott. Mrs. McKay was sent as delegate to the General 'Council of the W. M. S.', held in •Montreal, ••• McKILLOP Respected Pioneer Passes.—A well- knoWn pioneer of MeKillop passed away June 8th, in the person of Samuel Storey. Mr, Storey, who-4;vas in his 84th year, took ill in 1928 and had been an invalid ever since. He was born on the old homestead in 1851, where he has always resided. -In 19'78 he was ,married to Isabella Their, whose death occurred in 1919. He was the last of a ,large family, 'an adherent of Cavan United Chbch, 'and a Liberal in politics. Six of , a family ,survtive,..two sons, Samuel and William, iii MeKiLIop, and four dau- ghters, Fannie and Mary at home; Mrs. W. 'McClure and Mrs. John Mc- Nichol, 1McKillop. The funeral was held on Monday at 2.30 p.m., from ' BIRTHS araitth.Scott Memorial NosItital on Jin* `71h.' to 33r. and awes. Gilbert Smith, a daughtan way -1n svott Memorial .13ospital, on June 'Ith, to Mr. and Mrs. Casey' Way, Tucker, _sank*, a sort. . DEATHS • Way -1n seafortli.. on June 9th, the infaxub son of Mr. and Mrs. Casey Way, Tucker -- smith. POPULAR STALLIONS The Pure Sred Three-year-old ' • .OlYtleettale Stallion. ' BONNIE MAC (26221) Will stand at his own stable. half mile west -ef Henson, for season trf 1934. Terms. $10, Payable February 1st, 1935. Donald Burns, Max:lager, • The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion VALIANT GUY No. 4070-67856 Approved • Form A 1 Will 'stand • for the improvement 44 'stock tba season as follows: IVIondap-.Will_leave,hia own stable, Brice - field., and go by way of ,Clinton to the Base Line, to E. Roza's, for noon; then wet by way of the 16th Conoession to Hobnes- ville elk John Potter's ?or night. Tuesday.— South by way of the 11th Concession to T..9 £12.0 Ratlhwell's, for noon: then by" way of Varna to his own s4ble for night, Wednesday— Will remain at bb own stable. Thursday By 'MIS' of grad Concession, TuckemMith.to Fred Cook's, Huron Road, for noon; then home for -night Friday.—East to McAdam's Sideroad and north by way of Harpurhey and Roxboro to Frank Coleman's, for noon; then west to Livingston's school corner and south by way of Alma to his own -stable. Saturday.—. Will remain at his own stable. Terms—For Standard Bred and Registered mares, $20.00; Grade mares, $12.00. WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager, Brucefield. Ont. 3467-12 FAVOURITE AGAIN (24337) , /Monday afternoorn--tvtll leave his own stable at BrUcefield, and go south to Ripen, by the London road to Al. Harvey's, for the night. Tuasday—East to the 10th concesstart, to Angus _McKinnon's, for noon; then east to Ken ltleKeller's, Cram:arty, for night. Wednesday—East one and a quarter miles to Lloyd Oolquhoun's, for noon; then west to Wm. Patrick's, for night. Thursday—North one -and a quarter miles to Coyne Bros, Ttar conceission, Ribbert, for noon; then west to. Robert Doig7t, for night, Friday --/West t Gemmell's Corners .. and north to tile Mill Road at Wilson McCartney's for non; then borne to his , own stable Par night. Sasturday—At his own stable. Tel -ins -415 to imure. , R. D. Murdock, Proprietor )(Merles Manning, Manager, S.0 OT LAN D'S R EM,BR.AN CE "26035" (25329) Will stand alt his own stable, Brueefield,. Term -To insure $15.00 R. D. Murdoelc, Proprietor and Manager ATTEND THESE Independent Liberal RALLIES In the interests of the Independent Liberal camlidate, JAMES BALLANTYNE which will be held through. out the riding, as follows : • Speakers: Crediton • TOWN HALL Paul Martin, Windsor Arthur Le Bel, London William Black, ex M.P. Seaforth Zurich TOWN HALL Paul Martin, Windsor W. H. Golding, M.P., Seaforth R. J. McMillan, Seaforth • Friday JUNE 15th • AT 8 P.M. Saturday JUNE 16 th AT 8 Bayfield TOWN HALL Vincent T. Foley, London Gordon J. Gillanders, Saturday London JUNE 16th J. G. Stanbury, Exeter AT 8 P.M. Attend every meeting. Hear the questions of the day being discussed by these prominent speakers. 'The candidate and others will speak at each • - meeting. VOTE BALLANTYNE This, advertisement inserted by the Independent Liberal. Association of South Huron. • 5:41M0,04i, • • gh Grade Merchandise from. ever ment at prices that demonstrate it pays in Quality and price to buy Here. Read Every Come and See theT. 000 Staples Yard wide Curtain materials, Netts Marquisttes 25c Cottage Setts — Curtains, color-. ed spot patterns, pr. ....98c New Fancy Voiles, 39 inches. wide ' 2§c Printed Linen Suiting, • yard wide ......... . • • • -45c, Plain Linen and Pique, Dress Goods, all colors 35c Pillow Slips, indhes wide !29c Wabasso Pillow Slips, hem- stitched, 42 inch. wide, pr. 33c Wabasso Hemmed Sheets, size 70 x 87, pr. Pure Linen Glass Towels, extra $3,00 19c Pillow Tubing, fine quality, 42 inches wide 35c Bleached Sheeting, 72 inches wide 50c Unbleached Sheeting, 72 inches wide 39c Wabasso guaranteed Prints, yard wide 19c Women'sHose Cotton Hose; all sizes rib or plain 19c Rayon Hose, new shades 81/2 to 10 size 39c Pure Silk Hose, full fashioned, all wanted colors. Service Weight and Chiffon. 69c and 75c Silk Plait Anklets, sizes 5 to 101/2 Children's Sox, fine cotton, all colors 25c 19c Floor Mats, for Kitchen or Bathroom 75c to $1,75 Feltol Matts, 14 x 27 inches 10C' Dresses Children's Dresses, fine floral prints, 2 to 14 yrs. . .59c Worhen's House Dresses. good prints, full sizes ....55c Fancy Voile Dresses, extra quality 16 to 46.. $225 Summer Dresses and Suits, big variety of new styles and mat- erials. , $3,95 to $12,50 Misses' White and Pastel Coats, new Waffle Swagger style. $6.75 White Flannel and Crepe Skirts $295 Organdie Blouses, all new styles Undies Best Quality Hickory Elastic Girdles • New Sub -Deb Pantie and Brassiere Set $1.50 $1,00 $1.00 Panties or Bloomers or Vests, Crepe Rayon Nit Cotton 13loomers, pink, --peach, white Crepe Night Gowns, pastel shades 49c 25c 79c Women's Crepe Pyjamas, plain •5r fancy $1.25 ME11111111111111111111=111 Accessories Women's White Silk Pique Gloves 85c White Net Gloves, pique , or organdie cuffs ChammiSette Gloves, good quality 59c New White Purses, all sizes' 25c to $1.75 Plaid Pique Purses • $1.26 Monarch Wool, • Dove or Butterfly all colors 18c. Men's Suits Fine Worsted Suits, blue dark grey, black pr brown with fan- cy stripes; checks or flecks—. , well made guaranteed to wear. $18.50 • Men's Flannel Suits in light grey medium grey or sand.. Newest styles — 2 pair pants. $17.50 Men's Flannel Trousers, light or. dark grey — plain or striped, also sand or brown. $2.50 to $3,95 Men's White Duck Pants, good weight, well made, new cut. $1.50 to $2.00 New Hats Straws, Sailor or Snap- fronts, new weaves. 95c to $235 Felt Hats—all the new colors and shapes. $1,95 to $2,95 NEW SLEEVELESS s Sweaters White, fancy knit, fancy- trim- med. $1.25 Fine Wool, fancy weave, all col- ors—plain or fancy. $1.50 to $2.95 MEN'S Fine Shirts White plain colors or fancy pat- terns, made by Forsyth Arrow. $1.55 imismimmin• MEN'S Underwear Athletic Shirts 29c and 30c ' Fancy Shorts 35c - 50c - 75c Naincheck Comb. 95c - Balbriggan, two piece, ea. 50c Balbriggan Combs. 79c to $1,25 • 11,t, 35 • ";.,'s„ . ' • .4r