The Huron Expositor, 1934-06-15, Page 3yf 7s €r: 'iQ',`��G?di`ri'fi II, fie k7: rg, ,h� L•i k.ny'rl,Ry �'H;J 4 04 �'1rStiYi��'u U �yt.,3.iar a cr .t# tatted f'fa a, 'PAP 2) ...t Waved +by Ioeev'e. McNabb and sec' '}ended by -Reeve . Leiper that we do now adijourn until • to -morrow at 9130 County 'Council Chenthere, God:. •-erich, :June :8th; 19134. Sixth Session, (The 'COunty Met today at 9.30 a.in. The roll call showed all , members , : 'esen , 'The minutes of• be previous meet- ing , were read and adopted, as cor- -reeted. • XT. R. 'C, • (Hays was present and addressed the Council in regards to 'indigent patients. Mr. Hays also an •.swered any questions that were asked- orf sked•+of 'him.' IIt was moved by Reeve Crosier and seconded by Reeve -Saunders that a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. !Bays for coming before the •meeting. IMis. Archibald asked' whether a tax sale would be held in More places than G'o.derich,, to which Mr. Erskine re- -plied that a change could only he made by lave. . 'Mr. Cardiff asked if it would not . be well to ha'vie Tax Sales advertised in the local newspapers. ;Mr. Erskine ' replied that it could be if authority .was given. Mr. Erskine spoke, in general on Tax Sale matters. • Mr. GoldthorAe ' referred to the Charge of $37.00 in connection with the Bell case. He said that if people who should be censored was the Wel- fare Board and the policeman who in- vestigated the case. He thought it wrong and the County should be,inade to payethat amount for a paltry 'cord of wood. 'Mr. IMc'Nall, in, reply stated he tad asked for a bill, in both• the Mag- istrate's and 'Crown. Attorney's offices. The 'Crown-Atorney suggested that a +Gamtiuittee of the 'Council meet him and he would look into it meanwhile. IReeve Matheson asked if the Coun- cil was aware there were three letters in reply to the Clerk's correspondence in connection with chartered accounts for auditing the County books. It vvas decided to leave it to the Finance Committee to decide. The second report of the County Road Commission was read- and ad- opted. The report of the Education Com- anittee was read and adopted. The report of the Executive 'Com Inittee was read and on motion was ee-read clause by clause and carried with the exception of the following clause ,which reads: Re mption. of Davidson and Tur- ner as to 'Hospital ;Grants of $650.00 to the Clinton General Hospital, Wingham General Hospital, Scoott Memorial Hospital and the . Alexan- c+ra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich,we recommend a grant of X500.00 to each hospital mentioned.. An amendment was ,moved as fol- lows: IMoved'by F.L. Davidson and W. W. Crosier that we grant 650;00 each to the Clinton General Hospital, (Scott !Memorial 'Hospital,, Seaforth, Wingham General Hospital, and the !Alexandra Marine and. General Hos- 'iital, Goderich. The Yeas and Nays being asked for the elate was recorded as follows: Yeas.—Archibald, Ballantyne, Bow- anan, Cardiff, 'Crosier, Davidson, ilJekert, 'Elliott, Gamble, Hanley, Baaoke, Hemingway, Jones, Leiper, Matheson, IMunnings, :McNabb, -Mc - 1 ell, ISaunders,Turner, and Wright. Nays.— Denuerling, -Goldthorpe. Johnson, Mellick, Mawhinney, Srweit- ner, Scott and Stewart. The. amendment 'was therefore car- pied. Mot ions By Wm. Sweitzer and Q. Heming- way that we hold our annual picnic at Bayfield on June 19th. :By -W. D. Saunders and A. J. 4Coldthorpe that stationery and. other salesman calling at Courthouse deal ,direct with clerk and not endeavour -to sell at different offices. 'Carried. By O. 'Hemingway and, Chester Mawhinney that 4e adding machines In the Court House may be requested in any office in the Court H(ouse. Carried. ' IBy J. M. Eckert and Peter W. Scott that 'Legislative Committee be ap- •pointed't:o consult with Crown Attorn-' ill -BRAN MADE HIM REGULAR AS CLOCK Delicious Cereal Corrected His Constipation 'We quote from his voluntary and enthusiastic letter: "After reading -your, advertisement; I decided to Luse ALL -BRAN. I had been taking ;pills right along. But now I don't -(lave to take pills. I' take ALL -BRAN every morn- ing and am as regular as the clock. It has done me a lot of good."— Stephen Higgins (address fur- nished upon request). - Common constipation frequently, eatlses headaches, loss i of appetite and energy. Yet this condition can the . Overcome, usually, by eating iKelldgg's ALL B`aAN. 'Vests show this delicious cereal -provi es "bulk" and vitamin B to aid elimination. ALL -BRAN is also rich iniron for the blood. The "bulk" in Au -BRAN is much Hike the in leafy vegetables. In- side the body, it forms a soft mass. Gently this clears out the intestinal wastes. Isn't this safer than taking harm- ful patent medicines? Two table- -;spoonfuls daily are usually sufi- • cient. Chronic cases, with each meal. If seriously ill, see your doc; tor. ALL -BRAN makes no claim to 'be a "cure -011. " Efrjey ALL -BRAN as a cereal with milk or cream. Ilse it :also in mak- ing flufCy,mufr'insf•and breads, etc. Get the red -and -green package at '.your' grocer's: Made by T ellogn n •''London, Oiltatio: ttvr M1 I'i�k w f�fUVi h`lJ 41 ua't3 o o an,/ w Lind cit iter la;, a Wo ar're •l ed at•� '-ruing ii► Mitt* Sort at pocelnn r 'session Oartiffi ,lBy es ' ,. natd"ing' and ,A. • Menick. thairethedrestasurer of the Coulity' a,d- yertise zzt 'the local. paper where the sale gf' operty for Taxes is to be fields +Carrie. SyI: R. Turner and McNabb that we do 'www adjourn to meet again at '2 i.•.ri4: Executive Committee . To the Warden "and ;Cbunci'1 of Hur- on County. .Gentlemen:--s! We, the menilbers of the Executive IOomnnitte beg leave to report as follows: Re motion of !McNabb and Leiper to grant one dollar per 'day to the Cornlborer Inspector. We recommend no action. Re motion of Davidson and Turner as to Hospital• 'grants" -`of $650 to the Clinton •General Hospital, Wingharn General (!Hospital;. Scott 'Memorial 'Hospital, 1Seatl"orthl; • and Alexandria Marine and General Hospital, Gode- rich. 'We 'recommend a grant -of $500 to each.Blos'pital -mentioned. All of -which is respectfully submitted. ' 1PeteT W.' Sc . ,ott , Chairman. Legislative Committee. To., ..the Warden .and Council, your Committee beg to report as fellows,: Re motion of 'W. D. Saunders and A. Goldthorpe. We recommend that a copy' cit this motion be forwarded to - the Ontario Legislature. 'That the resolution pased by the Council of the County of Dufferin, we recommend that no action be taken. ' Memorial of -County Council of Wel- land respect the setting of -Thanks- giving Day. We recommend no„act- ion. • - !Department of Pelblic Wlelfare Mothers' Allowance, in respect to appointments. As these appointments of,, officers has (been made in council, we have no action to offer. • W. D. Saunders, Chairman. Report of Children's Aid Committee. A meeting of this com i'nittee was held in the Shelter on April 8th. The accounts 'which were ' rendered were carefully looked over and' passed were: ' The 'building •was examined ' and foiind in good condition except the ceiling of „a large living room which we ordered papered: We found there were • eleye:n child- ren at the home at that time and two have gone out since then. The home was well kept and our matron, sees that the children are well cared for. •. The' et-did/en of school age are go- •ing to the Victoria school and from reports ane treated just the same as :other children. IWe have at present three girls and. six' boys, ages ranging from one year to fifteen. H. T. Edwards, Superintendent. Peter Scott, Chairman. Report of Property Committee To the Warden and Members of the County Council. (Gentlemen: .We beg to submit our report es , follotws: A meeting of the Property Corin- mittee was held on April 3rd, 1934. This meeting was called mainly for the purpose' of dealing with -tenders in connection with the decorating ef, the . Clerk's and ''Treasprer's offices, and also 'in •connection.,with the tend- ers received from various companies relative to office filing equipment for the Treasurer's and Sheriff's offices. The tender of Mr. John Cuthbert - on for decorating the Clerk's and Treasurer's effce was accepted, at the sum of $90.50. The tender of Hay Stationery Com., Limited, 'of London fes office filing equipment, was accepted, .including a filing unit for the office of the Sheriff, "at the sum of $455.10, and the com- plete filing equipment for the Tress- user's office at a sum of $455.10. The rather unsightly, bulky and obsolete wooden filing equipment in the Clerk's office has been .remodelled in part, having been cut down to suit l-iis requirements. The remainder was distiibute'd for other use in the Court House and 'Gaol, This change was 'completed without.. any cost to the County. Some books were order- ed purchased for use in the Clerk's office for a cost of about $10.00. We, the rnem+bens of the 'Property Committee, would request the Council es a whole, to visit the offices of the Clerk, and Treasurer, in order to see for themselves the great invprove- ment that,' has been. made by this ex- periditure, both in appearance and satisfactory working conditions. The matter of new flooring for the above offices came up for discussion but it was decided to leave this matter in obeyance 'until the 'Council Met in June. We would recommend• your favorable conside ation in this matter. —Carried. In regards to insurance on the court house building we felt there was not adequate insurance carried] Therefore the committee decided to increase the sum carried from $25,- 000 to $45',000. A request by ' 'Robert Johnston, Clerk of the !County Court, - for an adding machine was received. As the county at present, owns two adding machines, which are in use at present in the court house, we feel' it should pot be necessaiy to purchase an ad- ditional machine. iWle feel that the above .mentioned machines should be available in any office where they are required. Your committee visited the Gaol and found 'conditions very satisfac- tory.. We find there were five pris- oners in the gaol at the -.present time did also that no repairs are asked for. (We visited the Registry office and find it in 'good condition'. More filing equipment is needed which will cost the county a large amount of money. We recommend that the County Prop= erty.Committee visit one or more other registry offices in' other counties and bring in a ireport. We visited the Magistrate's office end find it' in, god condition. The com'mi'ttee was told by the Magistrate 1VIr. IRsidr,• that the magistrate's office was not large enoti'gh and was • not satisfactory to the 'Provinci'al Inspee- tor. - We visited• the Clerk and the Tr- ease ' ,''a as "so stout albeit 11 months ago,” a wanaari. writes; "that I'became a ibned:en ;to. nijysself. Then muscular, rheumatis'n% set into nay joints, and I -had to go op: w sticksfor . some tunic, 'Then I, started to take Krusche?l Salts, and i.I am overjoyed with" the re sults I :have ..derived front them.. H'dnesily, -I• had no , idea one- could feel• so different in 'such a short trime. Since taking Kruschen, - 'I • 'have' lost nearly 28 lbs. of superfluous fat.. I. can now run about as well as When I was 20, cook,, work, and attend to seven growing children."—i(Ines) G. H... ,Unlike certain drastic drugs, Kruschen does not aim to reduce by rushing food through the body; its action is not confined to a single part of the system. (It has a tonic infhi- ence upon every organ of elimination, every gland, every iverve, every vein. Gently, bat surely, it rids the system of all fat -forming Wage, of all pois- ons and harmful -acids which. give rise to rheumatism, digestive dieord- ers,' and many other ills. • urer's offices. We recommend the floors .lbe repaired and covered 'with the most. suitable floor covering. • We visited the County Engineer's office and find it is• in bad condition and in need of repairs and decorating. We also recoinmend that a floor runner be laid on the floor of the main hall of the ,Court House. We had a representative from the Livingstone ' ;Stoker Co., meet the property committee in connection with installation of a stoker to heat the court house. The price quoted was 4650. iWe recommend that this mart - ter ''bp dealt with in open council. We also recommend that -the ladies' lavatory be 'decorated and' repaired. R. Turner, Chairman. Report of the Advisory Agricultural Council. • To meinfbers of the Huron County Council. Gentlemen:—We,. your Agricultural, Advisory Committee, 'beg to report as follows: The semi-annual ' meeting of the Advisory Agricultural Council was heldin the Agricultural office, Clinton, on 'Monday afternoon, April 9th. All members .of the council and the War- den, fMr, • Elliott, were in attendance.' ,The Chairman, Mr. Cardiff, com- mented :briefly on the 'work' being car- ried on by the Ontario Agricultural Council and expressed regret that, not having received a copy of the minutes of the last meeting in Tor- onto, he was unable to present a more complete report. (Mr. McLeod, the Agricultural Rep-. resentative;'gave a review ofthe work carried ori in the County since the last - meeting, of the Advisory Council last November. , The first item discussed under the heading of "Live Stock," was the question of conducting a number of Sheep and Swine Parasite Demon- strations during the month of June. The Council approved of this work providing .such ;meetings could be ar- ranged for 'by the 'representative in' districts where no previous- demon- strations of this nature had been con- ducted. !Mention was made of the Ontario Swine 'Producer's Organization re- cently formed at a meeting in Tor- onto, and that it was the intention of this organization to form local Associations in each county. As the: aim in this organization work is to improve marketing conditions and tc areprove the quality of .our bacon, the Aldvistairy (council heartily 'endorsed the formation of a county Swine Pro- ducer's Association. At the November meeting of the Council a County Hog Fair was dis- cussed and it was decided to lay this over for consideration at the April meeting. The council are of the opinion that this is a matter which might be sponsored by the County Swine Producer's Association. Under the heading "Field Crops" the first' item considered was the holding of two or three field meet- ings in connection with the fertlizer tests being conducted on different crops in the County this year. The Council recommended this and the arranging of these meetings was left with the Agricultural Representative. ("The Seed Grain Sulbsidies Act" was discussed and the Council were of the opinion that Municipal Councils shoutld assist and co-operate with the Minister - of Agriculture by passing this legislation. „ ICon:si(ieralble discussion took .place on the question of pasture improve- ment. The Agricultural Represent- ative pointed out that there were over 150,000 acres of cleared past- ure in Huron County and was of the opinion that the average farmer paid less attention to this crop than to any other crop on the farm. The Ad- visory Council were decided. in their opinion that some work along the line of better pasture mixtures, hand- ling of pastures, etc., should be un- dertaken and suggested that this sub- ject might be discussed at a series of farmer's meetings next winter: ,Members of the Council spoke ill favor of Klub Wbrk with teen age boys and girls and recommended that a Month's • Course in. Agriculture and Homie Mieonoinics be conducted at some point in- the County during the month of January, 1935. The loc- ation of the !Course was left with the Representative to decide on. - Re resolution from Perth County Council in regard to the 'pasturiza- tidh of milk. (We heartily endorse this resolu- tion'the Ontario Agricultural Advis- ory Council have been successful in the costs reduced to some extent at the 'Union ;Stank Yards. We also recommended a resolution in thtntax on sugar' and we are happy, to report that this has been reduced $1.00 per hundred. The Advisory Council have many more recommendations under way and we have every reason to believe that they will get eve'ty; consideration and that we Will be able tit ,re'p tt. i, igllc sss 7o3I)w yg,:is a tiR+P '„,0,0 a x4a a ya�ss ed r'Ly t$ie Der th, Co yi Cain; i1 at 4s'.Janua r '$esS o�{ ,,,. $0 R: x (Moved by"':.JQseRhis WO: by Fred Xalidricek -- • 'Bh'at- mac e's it ,ie, currently ae xtede that it. is, the intention of the Legislative •A*1513en44- 31 at. its, altinntafhing session tq pass legis+letion, regarding the pastenriza- tton of 'Milk, • :t ''And twhexea.$ -ln'ilk producers- at:the present, time laret receiving a "lee's thaiP-cost" pride ler their milk. 'And whereas we believe that such• le.glslation, would. 'lead to the esstab--, lishutent of further monopolies 'in' the Province contrary to the interest and well being. of consumers and produc- ers alike.. be it resolved that this council go on record as being a'bso- lutelf opposed to- any sueh 'change in legislation. on this .matter. And further that a copy of this repletion be sent to ,all County Coun- cils in the ''Province and to the Pro- vincial:IMinister of Agriculture. F. W. Armstrong, County Clerk. of the Finance Committee x.. To the Warden .and Council. (Gentlemen,—'We beg to' report as follorws: (days & Hays, re House of Refuge, $20.68, referred to House of (Refuge; Thomas . Swartz ( livery__fslr .Judge, $3, passed; ', 'Hay stationery, filing equipment, • $405.10, passed; Hays & Hayes, ibond_of •indemnity, $3, referred to House of Refuge Com.; pnderwoad Elliott, Fishe •Co. station- ery, "$2.20, passed; Exeter Times, ad- v'ertisin'g Imeeting, $18.30, ..passed; Clinton News Record, advertising meeting, .$4, passed;. -Harold Kating, remevizig ashes, $4, passed; Bell 'I'el- epone Co., Govenlock's bill, $3.0'3, re- ferred to House'of Refuge Com.; Town of 'Clinton, digging graves, $115.25, re- ferred to (Blouse of Refuge Com.; Sig- nal printing, stationery, $28.20, pass- ed; ,Seafort News, printing minutes, $123.80, passed; J. R. Wheeler,, re- pairing chairs, $5,75, passed; •Gode- rich Star, advertising meeting, $2.40, passed; . ,Post' Pttblishing Co., adver- tising meeting, $1, passed; J. C. Car- rie, supplies, $3.44, • passed;' Blyth Standard, advertising meeting, $4.50, Passed; Huron Expositor, advertis- ing meeting, $4.41, passed; Township of Howiok, keep. of family, $232:50, recommend that this (woman be put on Mothers' Allowance; Ross John- ston, corn .borer, $64.90, passed; Und- erwood Elliott Fisher. 'balance of ac- count, $18029, passed Freeport Sani- tarium, re •Schazenibacher, $540, re- commend that solicitor, if possible,. have this amount reduced. - !Re' Hospital account in dispute .be- tween Hullett and Clinton re Lola Rethwell, we recommend 'Committee of the Whole- to deal with it. Also Clinton 'Hospital accounts re Pollard, Carrick, Manore and Finan and Christie, we recomlmend 'County pay whole accounts. Re :Municipality not pay'ng•,their half we 'recommend that steps be taken-- to collect same. J. M. Eckert, Chairman. Report of the Huron County Gaol To the Warden and Members of -Huron :County Council. Gentlemen: I ibeg to submit for your- information the following re- port far the past six months. - There have been forty-five prison- ers committed, as follows: IL.C.A. "20 Theft 7 !Contempt of court 4 Rape ' 3 iInland Revenue Act 2 Assault 2.. Traffic Acts 2 Vagrant 2 iFaud 1 False pretenses 1 Non-payment of +poll tax 1 - 45 We have at present in custody five prisoners. Cast of daily rations per prisoner, 10iic. Your obedient servant J. B. Reynolds, Gaoler. Report of Good Roads Commission To the Warden and Council. Gentlemen: We, your 'Good Roads Commmiission,beg to report as follows: (Eight meetings of tEe-Commission have ibeen held this year, and the trntal 4139.otln{ 9 • sISes>Qu ..1jsM� ht didr$ °I ? ayson' st si tG11at' • l d� 'tfuarel on ,xpa hon} see ed in gas 'tax alyd • :'ra(oVor veli}cle , esiees, 4R,11VI; tSmu!th,- 93114.0110,74‘ T put A�1+ rale; ila+d the e ti$114�ent dlha' prav'ulclal iigh* ;tray, madeeage had'been ineneased fxoi 44'0 �rnnles to 310109 nice .einge X921, He also 'said that there Was a- deed 'for taT cheaper type of -toad " and also fee shallower .ditches.., iPr'olfeseor Laing said that track o'wne?s were not paying enough li- cense to be fair to the railways; and suggested that the railways be given a. franchise to control (truck opera- tions, T. R. -Patterson gave a historyof- the activities of counties in connec,. tion with roads, and !expressed the opinion that county roads were not receiving a fair share of the money lraised by gas tax and motor vehicle icenses. • 'lion. 'Leopold Macauley Made some explanations regarding the relief measure, and pointed out that the. extra assistance being .granted by the Dominion 'G'overnment will make it possible to expend more •money on roads in 1934 than last year. • Others .speakers heard were T. J. Mahoney, Hoon. Arthur IMeighen and R. Earrish, ' Most of the county roads have been inspected by your oo'mmission, and all are in fair condition. v An application under the relief measure' was made for wank—total- ling $350,000; and approval was se- cured for an amount of;, $200,0'00,, of which $120,000 was estimated as labor cost. Since the attitude of the council ,regardingthis rite.,tter • was not known, it has not (been possible +to formulate definite) recommends - tions regarding the work for the sea- son. If it is •,desired to raise no ,more money than last year, by transfer- ring certain costs to the construction account, the cost will be: General and maintenance $61,000 subsidy' $30,500 Possible relief expenditure 66,000 subsidy 46,000 $127,000 $76,500 leaving $51,000 payable by the coun- i.y, or about 1.2 mulls 'as the rate was last year. If the total of the amount approv- ed is a''bsor'bed, the cost to the, county will be ap'proxiniately as follows: Ordinary, gen- eral and maintenance $ 61,000 subsidy $ 30,500 Relief expenditure 200,000 subsidy 140,000 $61,000:. $170,.000 leaving $89,5000 payable by the coun- ty, oupty, or 2 mills, approximately. Naturally, all of these figures are more or less indefinite, due to the uncertain proportion that the labor cost will be, These were:computed on the basis of 603/4 labor and 40% other costs, which' would apply ^ on grading and other similar construct- ion jobs, but there would be many items .on which this proportion would not apply. The program of work submitted with the application included work on the roads mentioned 'in the Jan- uary report of the County Engineer, but your Commission are hopeful of being permitted to maleff substitut- ions should such a procedure be deemed advisable. The figures given 'show the ,max- imum and probable minimum limits. of expenditure to which the County may go, but there is a wide spread; and since it is unlikely that such ex- tra grants be available in the future, it may be deemed expedient to take advantage of the whole amount. On this account your Comanission is making no reconvmendation regard- ing rate, but await the ruling of the Couneil, as to be provided for County road purposes. No calicum chloride has 'been pur- chased for the County roads this year, and if it is not the intention to approve of such expenditures, your Commission would appreciate a rul- .1, 1ex+blli' :t'; Zw ej roadb 1 to f ),t :kha �?itnty rpfftat‘:,i,..,:;n been mia'dfl .4.:'�0 if 'tire '1raoule� tng .oh:' 1001%" of •. ooa,v,? !a'oibj'e'c't,to'thuxgptxo 01 can be seen - 1$,espeetf><rllyy strb'aaatt • Old Age Pension Hoard ICepo$ To the' Members o£' Huron County 'Council. J Gentlemen•: II place •(before You;- fon your' info,mnatiOui a resume' of 'tile worst dome by our old age pension board • for the year '194. rtz rr s3: You are possibly aware that -..dur- ing the period justcovered, • a eon;}- plete overhauling of the former sys- tem has been in :proeess, We are ° fully alive to the fact that new ideas and suggestions of the right sort tend, when properly incor- porated, to offer a continuously bet- ter service. Therefore new ideas al- ready have been and will front time to time be adopted. The present system gives to each pensioner an envelope, which con- tains as complete a history' as pos- sible of the applicant. These enve- lopes are then filed in order of a number, given to them by _the Com- mission , ommission, in Toronto, and are conse- quently very accessible. AS death (Continued en Page Six) R' epeicp s .eir�it wateeteauo � ur tile,;.ate vela,,atumet (eip;oue J; • 'f♦ii e se• 119c'6tl ate, @r 11 ee etee e:;Tyhp undred ser b9A0 prp4. note tere;etedearaawasta'rr `au dafimte =gels for•- 's . tbeml T,00lk' for•b s,?tpme,�`1' libel OC, st dr lit Holds My FALSE TEETH Tighter and Longsr I',ve.'tried several kfudd'. a to hold• niy falge teeth. ppheniixt SE that does not thin out ar:aq#) but staysTEET$ pnt;found" most pleasant feeling, a: r of securityy and noble : and: and holds. Breathds always 01eA-____ If anyone with loose-fittipg' :a1ala ",, teeth wants all -day coinfort pad ri . real stay there. St: -insist • t}pu FASTEETH, 35e. or 60c: sir" AIK as good drag store. . gN, ACTUALLYL —it takes less than 10 worth of . Magic Baking Powder to make a big, three - layer cake. And you can depend on uniform good- ness -every time. No wonder Canada's foremost cookery experts say it doesn't pay to take chances with doubtful bakiirg powder. Bake with Magic and be sure! MAGI• MADE IN CANADA "CONTAINS NO ALUM." This statemenCon every tin is your guarantee that Magic Baking Powder Is free from alum or any'harmful ingredient. CENT -A -MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES (Minimum Fares: Adults 75c.: Child 40c.) PROM ALL C.N.R. STATIONS SARNIA TO BRAMPTON including G dc sardine, Southampton, Wjarton, OWen Sound, Durham, Creemore Sarnia to Komoka St. Marys -Stratford Ettrick -Wingham. TO FOLLOWING STATIONS ON DATES SHOWN FI■. U N E 22nd. OTTAWA, Cornwall, Morrisburg, Prescott, Brockville, Gananoque, Kingston, Napanee, Belleville, Trenton, Cobourg, Port Hope, Oe'tawa, Agincourt, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro,pbellford, Aureea, Newmarket, Allendale, Collingwood, Meaford, arrie, Orr7lia, Midlaand, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville. All towns in New Ontario online of Timiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly.: Nipissing Central RIy.: Kapuskesing Hurst. • Sat JUNE 23rd. To TORONTO g oto London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls. and Sat JUNE 23rd Locn ly between lmportantStatione at which Bion Tickets are sold—Ask Ticket Agent—See Bandhill- For Fares. Transit Limits, Train Information, rackets eonsuit.nearest Agent., CANADIAN NATIONAL ns% Seaforth Depot, Phone 4w THE BIGGEST VALUE, IN a( The Roadcraft Tire — made by Gutta Percha leas � /.Lt.L"sHoCK ABSORBERS" of live gum rubber to protect the cord plies. No other tire at this price has such protection. It means thousands of extra miles per tire, and greater SAFETY in every mile. Every tire is guaranteed. GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER, `LIMITED Bead OB:ee, TORONTO, Canada. Branches from"Cossi to Coast. 411. l MADE By' T IE LARGEST ALL -CANADIAN RUBBER COMPANY, FOUNDED —51 YEARS AGO— NN 1 88 s4