HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-08, Page 8;VT l'! Itq iirallWralit1209101=11110 ange malade PR. tin at OL WAX STRING at 2 for 25c swErFir , AiRs o' (0: Specials 11FUSTARD PICKLES, at. 25c -' 30c Newt, 19 oz. jar *Ms QUARLES MILK, Marge tin at PIPERHERRING, fromato Sauce, at 2 for25C AXEED Free—A 50-centJar of Jasmine Vanishing, Cold or , Cleansing Cream with $1.00 Box Jasmine Face Powder. shade mawith French pinlr. Her sippers and gloves were also of pink. Her iheuquet oli rases in a deep rose bade Was in contrast to her gown, Fred Wellington, of Sarnia, was best Toronto; E. J. Stockhouse, Guelph; Toronto; E. J. !Stockhou.se,_.Guelph; Bruce 'Cohoe, Woodslee; Dan Cameron Seaforth; !Morley Funston, St. Cath- arines; gels. Patterson, Stratford. The wedding music was played by %Mae. Renni? of Seaforth, and, during ti -ie signing -of the register, Miss Harriet Murray swig Love You Tnsly". The reception after- wards was held at the. bride's home, Holm Farm, 'Seaforth, before a bank of ferns and cut flowers in the spacious living room. A buffet luncheon was served. After a honey- moon trip Mr. and Mrs. Whyte will reside at Holm, Farm, :Seaforth. 'For travelling the bride wore a tailored dress of leery crepe and orange jack- et with which she wore a hat of mat- ching shade with accessories to match. 10c FRIED FILLET OF 20c ffilERRINGS, per tin cowl 4STARH • lbs. for BORNES CUSTARD • 25c Tube Mi. 31 Tooth Paste 25c Tube Mi. 31 Shaving Cream BOTH FOR 35c 50c double size Tube of Mi. 31 Tooth Paste mad a knock- about Doll -T-55 cents. "CLOSED LIPS" Preeenied Tuckersmith Aggressive :Club In Eginondville United' Church on Monday Evening, June 11th '; at 8.15 p.m. •Admission 25c and 15e* ANOTHER BIBTIIDAY airs. Robert Olwaters celebrated another iliutleday .on June 6th. She hes reached the age ,ofS Years- awl wag' as bright as many much younger. It was a at pdare to be with her asbe we/emu:ad the peePle to enjoY the day. fStte received -a great many greetings, 'also gifts from far and near frons those who remembored an old friend. Arnm; the guest were, Mr. and Mrs. R Dunsmore, St. Thom- as, life long 'friend and old neigber; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Grieve and Miss Margaret, from Egmontleille;Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charters, Seaforth; Mrs. Robins and Miss Bertha and Marilyn, Miss W. Chesney and 'Messrs. Edwin and James Chesney of Ruscoe Farm, Tuckersrnith Twine 'Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heard and Mae. Jervis, (Clinton. 25c 3ac 21c J.Iib tin sInWiEls SHORTENING 2 for lut'i4;1 R `MAR-11:ILL PIONEER, " CHICK STARTER Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples and Feathers taken as cash. ° A. C. Routledge PHON'E 166 - Keating $ Pharmacy The Rexall Store PHONE 28 : SEAFORTH This is theSeason of - WINDSTORMS Are you protected? • The cost is small. The automobile season is with us. We issue special policies for short periods; also reduced rates to farm- ers. Call or Phone us. WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance. NEWS OF THE TOWN Junior Women's Institute. — The junior Women's Institute will meet at at the home of Miss Violet Tyndall, on June 1-3th, at 2.30 p. m, Will Banquet—The Anglican Lay- man's Association will assemble at a banqUet to be given- in St. Georges Parish Hall on the evening of :lane 7th. A number of the laymen from 8t. Thomas Church, •Seaferth will at- tend. The guest speaker of the levening will be Mr. Sherwood, of Waodstock, Ontario. sa, Will Entertain Neighboring Soc- ieties—Next Monday evening June llth, the A. Y. P. A. .of .St, Thomas Church will entertain the Young People of the Anglican •Churches in 1Hensall and Mitchell, at their closing meeting for the year. Also thy will have a special service in St. Thomas Church e next Sunday evening When several members will aesist in the 000000000000 o S. T. Holmes & Son 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, Gorierich Street, West;' phone 0 0 No. 119 W. Charles Hohnes' 4 'residece, Goderich Stret, 0 0 East; phone No. 308. .0 Ambulance Service 0 Night call, Phone 308. .0 0 Day ealls, Phone 119 J. 0 4Charges moderate. 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • <> <> 0 <> <> <> . •<> II. C. BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service 0 Night Calle Day Calls 0 <> Phone 175 Phone 43 0 4 0 4 4 4. 0 0. 0. 4 4 0 Insurance FIRE - AUTO - WIND Our Policies Will Protect Yon. Our Rates Will Appeal To You. Prompt service and settlement of all • claims. Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully pro- teeted---arou cannot afford to take chances. REAL ESTATE Setvieral bargains in Town awl Farm Property. SPCJAL--100-ACRE GRASS FARM Call, Phone or Write as. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Etate, Etc.' A. D. Sutherland PHONE 152. services. Sewing Wlanted.—Plain sewing to be done at' home. Apply tto Mr: S. Cudmare. care or Kiss Gallop, East William Street. 3469x2 .For Sole...—A Holstein cow and also. a Dur- ham, fresh in a few days. Apply to Pat ;Vim-, ray, Phone 23-223, Seaforth.. 349-1 For Sale.—One 500 gal. steel water tank with eiiiripsnentl One combineli 2 -rowed, scuffler and harrow cart. One riding plow. 1 and 2 furrow. Apply at Expositor Offie. housework. Permanent if satisfactory. Ap- ply to Mrs. Ed. Hunt, Seaforth, or phone 16-244'. Keys Lost. —A black leather key. cas34e69aith a number of keys. Finder please leave at Expositor Office. 3469x1 Scientific Palmist here till Saturday night only. Commercial Hotel, Hoorn 16. Have your hands read. Know, yourself, ability, heath. Reduced rates. 3469x1 For Sale.—A bicycle in good condition,; Apply at :Expositor Office. 3468x2 Housekeeper Wanted.—A capable woman for general farm work. Apply at The Expositor Office.'3462-tf Manure for Sale.—Quanbity of well -rotted manure for sole at tihe Piggery, Egrnondville. Apply to Crawford Simpson. 3469-1 Wanted.—By a young lady, ri bed-sitting- rocon, warm, comfortable, with a southern Or western expcoure. Please state whether meals would be available. Arfply to Expositor. 3469x1 For Sale. — A comfortable eight -roomed house,' situated in a conyenient part of the town. If not sold will be rented to a suit- able tenant. Apply at The Expositor Office. 8461-tf Cabbage Planks for Sale.—Late cabbage, Summer Cabbage and Early Cabbage, all the above plants at one cent per plant. Also Cauliflowers at 15 plants for 20c Krauskopf Brothers, Dublin, Ont. 3468x3 For Sale or Rent.—Modern dwelling house on south side of Goderich Street, Seaforth, one block from Main Street, churches and schools. New 3 -piece bathroom, new furnace, electric lights and town water installed. House has .been freshly painted and decorat- ed throughout. Immediate possession can be given, Apply to R. S. Hays, Seaforth. 3464-, WHYTE — McMILLAN The 'marriage of Miss Margaret B McMillan, daughter of the late Mr Thos. 'McMillan of Seaforth to .Wil- fred L. Whyte, B., S. A., son of Mrs Whyte and late Mw, John Whyte; Stratford, took place in. First Presby- terian Church, Seaforth, Saturday afternoon at two -thirty o'clock. Amid a picturesque setting of palms, ferns and cut flowers, the ceremony was performed by .Rev. Dr. F. H. Larkin of Toronto, assisted by Rev. I. B Keine, of Seaforth. The bride, givs en in marriage by Dr. W. A, Hall M:P., of Walkerton wore a lovely gown of white lace and -chiffon made on paineess lines with empire style waist and long. 'seeves. Herbs -idol veil of tulle, caught in bonnet effect around her head fell gracefully over her short train. She wore white slip- pers and white 'gloves. 'The bride's bouquet was .white roses, orchids and lily -of -the -valley. Miss Willa ,Couse of Streetseille, was bridesmaid, wear- ing a graceful frock of (blue chiffon with large hat of crepe in the same Buggy Tires John M. McKenzie BLACKSMITH GODERICH ST., SEAFORTH trinounces to Rubber Tire BIT ggy Owners thet he has the equipment for setting rubber tires. Orders will be accepted for said work from Owners only. Tap -Dancing in Seaforth. Classes will commence at once. All ages. For n particulars. phone 41 or write Box 167, Seaforth. ELECTION Party Tuesday, June 19th, 8 o'clock p.m. ardno's Hall, Seaforth DANCING „.:RETURNS PRESENT • To music by Ed. Daly and his orches- tra, fresh from engagements at Gode- rich and Hayfield Pavilions. Minute by minute election retutne will be announced at the hall. Everybodsr wlffl be present, ineluding the mew member for Huron, and every body will be aseuted of a good timid. 4:a whole ,niglielitn .35C Young taihetal 1,'111 rr • 4, was the youngest son of the late James and Frances *lust Houston, first settlers of the farm. :Mr. Houston was a very quiet, un- assuming man, but his cheerful dis- po-eitionmade him a friend of old and young alike. He was a life long member of Eginondville Church and a member of the 'Managing Board for several years in his younger days. ,He leaveto MOUTH his loss his 'wife, formerly Miss Helen Story, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Story, and 2 daughters, Frances, teacher of Grand View :S,chool, Brant- ford and Miss Elizabeth, at home, and one son Andre* J., 2 grandsons, 2 granddaughters and 2 sisters, Miss Marion Wonston and Mrs. D. C. Grant, St. 'Marys. • Several nephews and neices also survive. The funeral took place from his late residence on Wednesday, to the Egmandville Cemetery. The services being conducted by his pastor, Rev. Mr. 'Malcolm. Dyrillg the Services Mr. John Beatty sang two beautiful solos accornPanied by Mrs. R. E. Kenzie. • :The pall bearers were Mr. J. D. Gemmel, Mr. James Lave, Mr, John IMeLachlan, 'Mr. Roland Kennedy, Mr. Alec Simpson and Mr. John Story: 'Those attending the funeral from a distance were Me. and Mrs. Robert Houston and son, Ray, Mr. and 'Mrs Jas. Houston and Lorena, Mr. and Mrs. John Hyslop of 16th concession Grey; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sellars of Morris; Mr. and Mrs. Schultz, and ia,trhingsto Bk -A. LE 1011%, 3-PIAVE SUITS Nrsthing :risrd popular for preeen'a. nse. The English knit style We never' offeied as god value. the pe as our special at ....$16.95 • „ SWEATERS • 'Library Has New Books. —New books vrhich have recently be.en put in circulation, at the Palk Library are as follows; Fiction—The White Glove,'LeQueux; 'Cross • of Peace, Gibbs; Young :Mrs. Meigs, Corbett; Bird -Of Drawin,g, IlVfasefield; *Yellow flraor; Slater; Flaived Blades, Wien; She Saw Them iGio By, 'Chapman; No Second IS:pring, Beith; Prince of 'the Captieity, Bueltati; Rainbow Cottage, Hill; Wonder Hero, Priestely; As the E.arth 'Turns, •Carroll; Within This: Prese-nt, Barnes; the King's Men, Neil; Nest 'of Simple Folk, O'Faolain; When Yellow Leaves, Boileau, Eng -- and Their English, Machlonell; I3eigins at forty, Pitkin; First •Over Everest, Fellawes; Fam- ous. Trails of England, Birkenhead; Art of the N.evel, Ed,gar; African Intri•gue, Batson; In. Scotland Again, Morton; First to Go Back. Skaria- tineo; Rook Garden, Wild'er; Shet- land, the' Isle of. Nightleas, 'Moffatt; Seuth African Summer, Ratcliffe; Juvenile.:--I-Ieros -and Heroines, Fais jeon; Grey..Eyes, Adams; A picture history of ,Canada, ,IVICEven; South- -worth Stoees, Barbair; Stories fron" the Bible, Dela Mare; Out off Doors, see • Masonic Church Services.—Reitan ia aVlasonic Lodge, Seaforth, attended divine service in St; Thesnies"C.hurch on Sunday evening last, wheri the recter Rev. Canon Appleyard, assist - and Geand Chaplain of the Masonic Grend Lodge, delivered an able , and apropriate .sermon. Rev. Can,on Smith' also toek part in the service and' the Soripture Lessons were read by Mr. .J. G. 1VIollen and Dr. F. J. Burrrorws. The 'choir was, assisted by Mrs. J. A. Irwin and 'Mr. D. L. Reid. There was a large attendance of the members of ,Britania and visiting Thiis Cerabisiestion ,decidedly, „ high falser antd comes in pleasing col- or tones, in lowly 'knit, fine- wool • - $4.20- • SPORT SKIRTS 1 /Made front English Cream Flanr4.- and pure wool fabrics, whithbome.11s. heather tones. Two prices ' $2,98 and $3.50.- SWAGGER COATS THF. NEW „ Something different has arrived in, Stripe Blouses. 'Many color combne- STRIPE BLOUSES tions in smart styles. $1.49, $1.98, $295. 1111.1111.1.1101.1.11.11 Some of the smartest Coats shovveas rbhis season' at •prices unthought of a,/ short time ago $8.50 to $16.00 • MacTavish's Mrs. Grant, St. Marys. MURDIE--CASSON A quiet wedding took place at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Coleman, Toronto, on Saturday when their sise ter, Marguerite S, Casson Was mar- ried to J. Ross Murdie of Seaforth, Rev. J. H. Dixon officiated. The bride was attended by Miss Helen Elizabeth Coleman, and Dr H. M. Coleman was best man. 'Miss Ivy Dale sang. After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Murdie Will live near Seaforth. Scott's Barred Rock Chicks Are reduced to 8c each, on June 1th, :the last hatch; o,f the season. Buy your June chicks from a' reliable breeding fanm where quality is the watchword. Started Chicks on hand,' 1 cent ex- tra for first week. Buying in large quantities enables LIS to offer you the best value in fresh poultry feeds. 0. A. C. Cafeteria starter, $2.50; Growing Mash, $2.25 per cwt. ess James M. Scott Died in Saskatchewan:—Word was received here last week by Mr. Adam Hay's of the death of his brother, Mr. William Hays, which sad event occurred at his home in Lipton, Sask., on Friday, June 1st. Mr: Hays had been in poor health for about a year. The deceased was a son of the late James Hays, one of the .most prom- inent- pioneer residents of this district and was -born on the Hays homesteod in McKillop Township. Over 50 years ago he moved to Saskatchewan where he resided until his death. Mr. Hays is survived by his widow and a family of two sons and two ,daughters and also by three brothers and four sisters, Mr. R. C. Hays, Goderich; Messrs. Adam and James Hays, Sea - forth; Mrs. F. G. S. Garden, Toronto; Wrs. W. J, Fowler, LeamingtoneMrs. William Ireland, Climax, Sask.; and Mrs. John Ireland, Minnesota, SEAFORTFI MISSION BAND MEET The monthly meeting of the Pres- tyterian Mission' Band was held on June 4th. During the meeting Betty McLeod, ?ie. presid.ent took the chair and Ruth l.VIcNirn was chairman for the devotional period. Fred Welford took up the collection. The Band prayer was offered, by Lillian South- gate and Margaret Barlow read the scriptures. A very pretty duet WM S sung by _Isobel McKellar and Lois Wright. The lesson was told by Miss Janet •Cluff and the meeting was closed by all repeating te Lord's Prayer. ST. THOMAS W. A. MEET The Wornen's Auxiliary of St. Thomas' Church held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday of this week. Mrg. Appleyard presided, and six- teen -members answered the roll call. Tile meeting opened with a hymn and Scripture reading.- After the reports' of the various committees were accepted the president gave very interesting reports of the An- nual W. A. held in London, and of Brussiel--Canon Appleyard paid ta friendly call, and closed the meeting the Annual Deanery meeting in with the benediction. Funeral pf Mrs. Issac Longstroth The remains of Mrs. Isaac 'Lang- stroth, whose death, eceuered at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A,. Gillatly, Stratford, in her 35th years whish were brough to Setiforth for interment, were laid to rest on Saturday afternoon June 2nd, in the Maitland Bank !Cernetry. (Mrs Lang - stroll was an esteetned resident of Seaforth for abeitt twenty years, where her husband tv-aa an employee in the Broadloot and 'Box furniture factory and for the past nu/Aber of years bad resided it Forest • DEATH 41 kutrt, HOUSTON An old and highly esteemed resfi- dnt of Tuekersmith poesed quietly smay\ on igatturday evenin, qiune 2nd. Mr. Houston had. been a severeysixf. ferer film% th#art trouble for year. Ele Was born, orn i1ha Itatitestead ott wlidt h died en A1 9th, 185, ond • 94 Phone 251-32 Seaforth TIRES 29x440.21 - 30x450.21 -28x475.19 -30x500.20 ▪ $5.00 ▪ $5.50 $6.00 $6.75 Guaranteed For One Year Mickey's SHELL Service Super-Lastic Tires, Catalogue Prices Goderich St. West - Seaforth The Gasoline You Can Trust • Your PiOtection DALY'S brethern present, Students Graduate. --Miss Elinor Burrows, daughter of Dr. F. J. Bur- rows, secured honor standing in her final examinations in Household econ- omics at the University of Toronto. Mr. Aubrey H. Carted, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nornran Carter headed his claes with first class honors in his final year in the Honor Biology Caurse at the University of Toronto. Brandy and Mrs. 'Mary G,ourlay, of Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. J. McNabb, of • Lulmoer; Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Howrd, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. J. Parke, Mrs. J. Keys, Mr. W. Fee, the Misses Fee, Miss M. Reid, the Misses MAllister, Mrs. G. Hess, Of :Henaall; and Mrs. M. Kelly and Miss Mary, of Walton. *E ARE ggs NOW BUYING jra III at highest market prices for CAH Give us a trial now. trrompt, Courteous Service. Best Prices For Cream. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. Barber, Prop. *Those attending the graduation of local nurses at the Brantford Gen- eral IHlospital on ,Saturday last in- cluded Mr. W. H. Golding, .M.P., and Mrs. Golding, Arthur Golding, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ,Duncan, Mrs. J. F. Daly, Mrs. R. S. Ilas, Mrs. William Arment, :Mrs. C. A. Barber, J. W. 'Beattie, 'Thomas. J ac kson and the Misses Mary Bell, Ella Roul- ston, IM-ona McGregor, Anne Downey, Grace Free, Helen Anent, Margaret Crih, Mary; Barber', Kate Ellison, Mina M,elvile and Margaret Finni- gan. eDr. and Mrs. E. Medd and Miss Medd, of Leamington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyennan, on Thursday. Death of Mrs. Robert Scarlet The sudden death Of Janet Mul- deew, a highly esteemed resident and beloved wife of Robert Starlet*, which occurred at her home, Church street, Friday evening May 26th, came as a distinct shock to the the community. Mrs. Scarlett had been in delicate health for some time and about eight 'months ago underwent an operation for goitre in Toronto, from which she had apparently made a most successful recovery. She had been able to be out and attend to light household duties until unexpectedly seized with a stroke of paralysis, Thursday evening -which peosted fatal. Mrs. Scarlett, who was in her 66th year, was born near Blake, Ont. be- ing a daughter of the tate John and Maion Mulcirew, pioneer residents of Hay TOwnship. In 1887 she moved with her parents and farnily to Eg- mendvill. In 1397 she was married to Mr. 'Robert :Scarlett of McKillop, where they resided until 1925 when they retired to Seaforth: She was an active member of Northside United Church and a life member of the WMS. A very largely attendedfune eral service was held frens Northside United Church, Monday afternoon, Rev. W. P. Lane, her pastor, speaking from the text, "‘II have 'finished my course, I have kept the faith." As a church member she was faithful to the church and all its organizations end was always a' iVon erful example of true ciaristianity to : er family and friends. iy special re4est, Mr. JOhn Beattie sang "Abide 'with Me." There are left to mourn her loss, her husband and two daughters, Mis. Marion T. Scarlett, .of. Fort William' school staff; and Mrs. H. Hoggarth, of ''Sesforth; also three 'brothers, Wil- liam, of IIansilton; Rev. J. S. of Vancouver'and 'Robert, of Brockville. Her pallIbearers were sbt of the elders of Northside Unted- Cinirch, Megsrs. Q. 'Laing, Wm. Morrison, P. 5. vaue, A. L. Porteous, Wm. Black and John MNay. !Messrs. C. • Aber - hart. J. G. Mullen, 1/.• E. Jackson and lL NFeltellar, Past Master of Bit- annia. Lodge, A.F. aced as, flotver-bearers. Friends' and relatives from ,out ,of town IvOlie attended tTi funeral were 'MISS Marion Bearlett, of Pert Wiltintit;' Mr. R: J. Muldrevir, of Brockville; .Mr. W. icarlet, of TOrentol !Mrs. ;Imes and (Miss Mabel $carlott, o4 Lon - delta*. and Ws. A. 4, Cadet .of lificksonr Ms. R. Doulas, innt 141.4 Glafts; Donglai, f„ttlake; Automotive Service on which you may ever rey.- .When. -sesu''.buy 'service. here, no matter how small, you have expressed your confidence inus•—and we have no intention of violating that confidence. • Have You s een the New • Dual Automatic Rerigerator? Remember a refrigerator is 'an investment in health. liVestingfhouse has the worth -while features of other makes plus features exclusive only to the Westinghouse. Daly's Garage Phone 102 • Seaforth • GARDRI PARTY- lJnder the auspices of the W. iA. of Duff's Ohurch, on , • • WED. JUNE 13th on the Lawn ofi Mr. W. J. Shannon supor` served 6 to 8 Allowed by play in the chizrelt "THE ADVENTURES OF GRANDPA.” by the Delgras'a 'United Church Drainage ADMISSION itie and 15e , • s 4; • Still Holding Off. Sending That Chick Order? Buy on Quality Basis as Well as • Price. T -N Chicks bred by ROP Govermelds approved males. ...,„ They mature quickly for early produces. White Leghorns 7c, Barred' Rocks, White Rocks, Wyan- dottes. 8 3/4c, 2 week Chics.. 2c more., TOP NOTCH • CHICK HATCHERY Stratford, Formerly Fergus:, Phone 1255 YOUR GREY HAIR can be restored to its NATURAL COLOUR without the use of a dye or tint. ANGELIQUE GREY HAIR RESTORER is made from roots and barks and restores' the ORIGINAL, COLOUR in the NATURAL way, at the same time ,giving the hair its: natural, healthy, lustre. Price $1.00 per bottle. " HOLD UNDER A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE • To keep the hair and •scalp clean, use • Angelique Special Shampoo, Price 25c per bottle. For Sale by KEATING'S PHARMACY, Seaforth. • Vote For Ballantyne INDEPENDENT LIBERAL -PROGRESSIVE Hard Times have not yet hit Prernier Henry and his Cabinet. While the common people are sweat- ing under the load of misused taxes, the Cabinet Ministers actually raise their salaries by $2,0004 and vote them-. selves an extra session at the same rates. Here are some figures to think about: Premier Henry— Salary • 14.000.00, Indemnity .... . 2,000.00 Auto Upkeep 3,144.76 Minister of Lands and Forests— Salary • $10,000.00 Indemnity 2;000.00 Auto Upkeep 4,329.70 $19,144176 $16,329.70 Minister of Highways— Auto Upkeep • $10,000.00 • 3,317.31 2,000.00 Itlaermyni ty 15,817.31 and eight more ministers like this while over 400,000 people are on relief ! ! ! • They Will Swamp the Province It is time for a change. A vote for a Henry Candidate is a vote to keep the spendthrifts in office. • Mr. Elector--Cn you stand4t?