HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-08, Page 1- • • e,, • ",
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otion Object
Heated Deba
Voting 22 Vor
• Against.
Huron County Council opened lips;
1p.te ;Session at Goderioli on Tuesdenr
ti• all the naenafbers preeent. lan Elliott presided. ,
The business of the oitening.setsion
ncluded a short addrees by the Wave
n, in -which he eulogized the work of
iie new Glen& and Treasurer; presence •
tion of reports and reading of reso-
Wednesday's business brought
discussion on the action of the- pro-
al ,igovernment in paving No; 4
highlvray. The debate, which grew
very heated at times, centred around
a motion 'that this council disap-
proves of paving loping done in, Huron ,
Co.unty, and that,a resolution be for..
warded to the Highway Department
o that ,effeet." -
The motion finally carried 22-7, the
vote being:
Yeas—Archibald, Ballantyne, Cage
diff, Dernerling, Eckert, Elliott, Gam-
ble, iGoldthorpe, Heniingway, John-
ston, Jones, Leiper, Matheson, Mei-
ick, McNabb, Mawhinney, Saunders, '
Sweitzer, Scott, Stewart, Wright. •
Nays---133Owniart, Crosier, Davitisen,
Iiaake, (Mnimings, McNeil, Tomer.
Other business included the report
of the good roads conimission, the
county treasurer and a long series of
A full report of the proceedings
will be given in this paper next week.
ommittee Buys -
a New Wagon
The property committee:A tcsw no I''
on Friday -evening, purchased a new
wagon for -the use of the town scav-
enger, The wagon was delivered On
Thursday and • inmediately put ,into
The committee also considered a
nusnlaer of sites for the animal toun-
ain given to the town by the late Miss
Anna Campbell, but were unable to
decide on the location.
Candidates Open,
Committee Rooms
James Balla/rhyme and George 11.
Elliott, candidates in the coming
provincial elections have both opened
committee rooms in town.
The Independent Liberal Progres- „
sive rooms are over the Store of Wry- .
J. W. Beattie, where information rel-
ative to Mr. Ballantyne's campaign
may be secured. Miss Grace Free
is in charge.
The Conservative headquarters are
in the- former Sheffer store in the
Campbell Block. Mr. Alvin Sillery
is in charge.
The Football game played on Tues-
day evening between Stratford C. N.
R. and St. Columban resulted in a
tie, 2-2 being the score.
London Carlings Football team will
play an exhibition game in St. Col-
umlhan on Friday, June 8th, at 629
p. m.. This team was to play here
last week tbut was unable to. Anne.
Announce Engagement. --Mr. and
Mrs. George Swan, Brumfield, an-
nounce the engagement of
daughter, Laura, to Mr. Ervie Schil-
bie, son of Mr. and MTS. Louis Schil-
'hie,Za-sieh, Ontario. The marriage
te take .place the middle of June.
Mrs. Janet 11/Joss and Mrs. Alex.
returned their home in the village last
week. .
Mrs. S. Thomtpson, who has heem.
spentin;g the winterswith her daughter
Mrs. James Moodie, returned to her
home in Kippen recently.
Miss Mary AllcOully's 13".rucefreld
friends were glad to have her pay
them a visit in her wheeled: chair last
week. She has been confined: ta her
home for the past two years.
Miss Mary ;McKenzie, of Twitter,»
smith visited at the home 431
Janet Ross this week. •
Miss Norma Collins retarded .te.her
honaein the rritlitte last vreale.trota
elidon 'Hospitairtvere alto-tvdervvtatt.
.an operation for spinet siKtie.. •
The Young PeoPIeare.lholdt*.,t '
picitie on Se:Wide*, Sul*
field and h oOrdiatitvitatielC
tehded. 'te alT the
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- . Weather .
. .
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1111,F,T,E .
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Seaforth and district climate
r ;the - ,weekthas been albs
nfOrmally hat—in swine Places es-
tablishing a record for June.
",..tg4 S• siKe•- e, 4' • nte e
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i .
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-• • •p.poes ,: , -
F Li
Fortunately relief came on
da when cooler weather ars
Juries Ballantyne and J. H. nesday. .
rived. With the exception of, 'a
, •
Ann.ouncement M a d e by
; , •
e: e " • ; •
i ,,
Football. Players
• : . From .
. • • !,.
lb 4 e , • •• .•• •
Scott Addresses • • couple of small ShoWers there has
Meeting. : :been ne rain since the snow went
away and the crops plainly show
Hon. President and
'Stewart on Thursday
il• • ,
ie A. • • ',.. •
.._.....Take _ossession
. Clinton . •
' ' ' • •
. ' Breaks Legs ' •
. ' the lack of moisture.
While ineving a colony house
his farm in
. •
.,. .i..,,. „. 'r I'
at Tuckersmith on
-----,- • •C • • •
Young Lib- ..
Annonneement of the first Win:ner
.r, . i,
eS -
. ,
The lEfstugh Cup, 'entlalematic of
Wednesday, Mr. Montgomery ,
1Patrieh, well known farmer, had,
The Themes Mel/Ulan-
eral Cau:b held the ,closing meeting
of the season: rin the club rooms on, PROMINENT PARTY
Wiednesday eveniegl. The meeting fl •
was well, attended end was , presided • .„ ,
over by R. R. McKay, president of the •
Scott in a short see....—. •
of the Alemmi Memorial -Scholarship
awarded by the S. C. I. Alu.mni As-
sociation in honor of Alumni' of the
Seaforth Col. Institute who died in
the Great War, was znade on Thurs-
day morning, when Mr. 'Charles
Stewart, 'honorary presddent of the
e' . 1
s • ss, . setese,
• , ,. seo ,
ey o .1?•:
IS • ..,
-,, s. , .
i„ .t.-,...,
„. 4.'
• •
foretball supremacy iu Western Otite
aide ,Secondary Schools, is back int
.Seaforth after an absence. of 33
yea,,rs. The 'S. C. .I. team defeated!
Clinton:, Collegiate in a challenge
game en -FildaY;Tait. thus regainin.g
possession of, the handsome traphy.
Ills legs brelken. 'Mr. Patrielt '
was standing on. the house dein-
ing 'a team, when the whiffletree
broke and he was thrown ta the
ground. 'He fie at home sindirest-
ing comfortably. • , .:,
' !
bat very interesting address re- — - s
"vin W. 6illery, , Electea
viewied the salient features of the 11-1
association. told students that dames
Scott, son of Mrs. H. it. Scott, Sea-
..-...• T;
Neil ;Patrick, „scored the lone goal
of the game en% a beautiful corner
de • ae . 0 0,
provincial campaign He regretted, President Young Conser-
he said, the lack of local speakin,g_
talent in the camptign and thoUght . , vatiVes. '
the could do much to develop . '
• forth had won the prize.
Mr. Scott . ie a fifth farm student
and throughout hiscollegiate career
has been prominent .in the various
kick early in the second half. The
game, played in ;Clinton, was clean
and fat and a splendid exhibition of
of football.
that club ..
Speakers. i •A Young Conservative Club was
The Indep•endenteLiberal Progres- . .
sive candidate, James ;Ballantyzie, was orgatn. zed at a well -attended. meeting
held in the local Conservative Com-
tions of the school He in-
organize ..
tends entering University' of Toronto
„Lee fee.
, . ,
. - '171
MiS8 Eleanor LindenfieId, aged .23,
ISeaforth's• line-up was as follows:
F. Archtbald, K. Rutledrge, full-backs;
R. Wils.on, J. Meitvor, N. Patrick, hell&
backs; H. McIver (1Captaln) IL Hil-
• ..
• . • '
present and spoke for a fee's minutes.
eras, on Thursda. 3r. evening
The chairman assured.him. of the un- mitt'e•O•1°
- last bpeakers at the meeting were
animous support of the members os .
......b'razik Sills, 'Seafonth, Preaident of.
the club.
Other speakers were the president, pile ,South Huron Conservative Assoc-
RSelSay. J. W. iation; EL ilt..:.Denels, London, Secret-
It _ e, DTR. R., Ross,
the Weste,rn •OntarioeConser-
' MT. Stewart in announcing the
award said:
,..oenfess Turnbull the werthy and un-
tiring and I . must add eminently.
guccessful prefident of the Seaforth
-Collegiate "Alumni Aiiczeintien : reEateter.
of 11 Beighton. Street, bondon, who
was .killed ' Eriday, when- a London;
Huron and Bruce train .struck a motor
car ,driven by her uncle Mani Birk, a
Dashwood, who also lost his life in
the accident, which ' oasuneel near
Miss Lindenfieldrwas on her
len. J. Mut-ray, T. Sills, A zeho sou,
Isi- 1
forwards; and F. Dundas and F. But-
ledge, subs. Wilson of Clinton, re -
fereed• s -
The Haugh Cup has had a varied
career since fi-rst, being introdueed to
. - .
A. R.T - ' bull attends 10th
Internhtionat. C.ongress
of Actuaries
Beattie; E. C. Charid;eiliiin iiia-s.3/1.arY•431
vative'Asociation; and Melville Arm-
Govenlock. strong, Totelite. , W.
Arran.geneents were• mrade to . hold
an election patty and dance on the The meeting elected A.,..nr. Seiery
presidett of the cub. Mr. SillorY,
quested Me in my capacity as Ilonor-
ary President to substitute•in her
unavoidable absence tits morning
and a.miounce to you the winner of
way to spend her .holiday it the home
of Mr. Birk and had been a passenger
on the train which struck the car.
Western Ontario football in the 1880's
when Seaforth foothall was in its
•h,eydey. eekt,the turn Of the century
the cup Stayed here for nine years,
. .
Mr. A. R. Turnbull,. son of Mrs.
G. T. Turnbull, Seaforth and whois
s tary for Great Britain of the
i • ' • • •
eneeria•1 Life Mu -ranee •Corinpanor
night of the eteetiOn Tuesday, June
t Who is apprenticed :to the firm of
119th. Music will be by Ed. Daly and
his orchestra and up to the minute John H. Best, Barrister and Solicitor,
will be announced throughout has 'been a prominent worker in the
the evening. ' . • party for a number of Years:
the 19314 Alumni -Scholarship.
The selection of • the winner ' was
.made through the -medium. -of three
votes, a vote by the pupils, a vote'.
by the teachers and a vote by thel
- •
, .
Listowel has been its home for a
large portion of the past 31 years.
\Hanging on • the walls of the audit-retu
orium; of the school are .pictures of
the team of 1894, '1895, 1891 and
lam,. Players and others. in the earl-
headqVarters in London was a
delagte to the International Gozigress
of Acturaries, held in Rome, -May
7th to 10th In an interesting letter
- • '
t''o-' his, ;mother recently, Mr. Turn. hull
• pres., isosffimceornsa 1
• . H. Glen Hays; 3rd vice -pees., W. C.recounts
Cooper Meeting
pi- pa
Alummi Execiative. The inci
points of consideration were:
iest -pictures are R. C. Cheswright,
some of his experiences
• • • • -
w.hile an Rome. Entries from 'the
Barber; cerrespondinrg secretary, -Miss
"• • Madeline Hotham; recording seeeet
Late in Starting ary, Miss Mary Barber; fin. sec., Har-
old Jacksan. The executive commit-
. .e...... ...
rest—iAcedemic Standing represent-
in•g ability, general preficieney and
studions application, - .'
2nti—IP larity which is intraribly
• .
Industries and Merchants
Win Games From Egg
president; W. J. Elliott, secretary;
and A. D. Passmore, Han. Pees.; ,}I.
'Clarkson, right hack; W. 'Prendergast,
principal; Allen Bethene, right wing;
T. H. Browidee, centre forward; J.
letter follow:
The Congress is over naw for an -
. .
other three years, the next one tak-,
place in Paris in 1937 This ,one
• ' ,
tee, county repreientatives and chair-
W. W. Coopers meeting scheduled men of committees were left until an -
'bo of a kindlye courteous, thought-
reerne likfeeible or !gentlemanly icon-
11VIcKinley, goal; Keith McLean, left
Sant Dickson, left J: W.
wasin Rome just couldn't Mussolinibebeaten. It
ea by in person
for Wednesday evepin,g in -the Town Other meeting. •
Hall and with H. 'Hallert, Windsor,
,sideration for others.
Sni—Usefelnes.s. at echool, which
The Towli &mall League is now
wing; wing;
Liislingsi0cnentrrei Th'
Wilson, J. A.
. . .p ,
in Halms Caesars H,all at the ICapi-
tel. Mussolini is sure 'a fine chap—
billed as the principal speaker turned u
out to be nothing more than a series -- -•
af ' questions and answers. ' will Preach Here
means a whole -hearted enthusiastic
interest .and co-operation in all the
well underackan;d
way. Eginondnrille gat
urang t e past
up two good battles d ' h
week but were nosed out by. nareow
Jackson (Captain), and half -back. •he
, impresses me imhuensely—so
strong, so alert ' and resourceful I
The trip to Rome tools about 36
The hitch-inkin-g -Independent Can- , .
didate "the man with a mission" in On Sunday Nekt
Huron politics arrived late and alone
bid a few faithfuls were still waiting . .
various scheel activities and welfare.
4th—Good conduct and general de-
,portment, which in the final analysis
is a! willing cheeeful obedience to all
matiginrs; ‘Inilustries winnin.gt on
Thursday, 17-13 and, the Merchants
15-13 'on • IVI da
on . y,
League Standing
MI' . • .
1SS M.White \Aims
beers. We crossed the Channel by
. boat. [It evasn'terough at fittraSS it
usually is. Front' ()alais we took train
to Paris,. thers across France'to sVa-
and before the % meetmg ended a " As 1-. ....- T.,
•• BAe maser
crowd of about forty were present. (Rev. C. Aetuiown,
lawfully consituted authority whether
be Soleelastic, Civil, Social or MoraL
. Wors log Pts.
. ..
lorke, on the edge of .Switzerland,
thiongh- --fierland, 'passing. along
Mr. Cooper having promised a will conduct divine worship in First
bigger and better ;meeting. for next , Presbyterian Church next Sunday,
week when it • is understood, 112.ar• June 10th.
Hallett will be present,. Die Ashdown, of Toronto, has spent
ITt is therefore a signal honor to
win a 'Scholarship under these re-
quirements and it was with the .sin-
cera hope of developing in the
students of this scinn34 the adoptian
Industriesrht2 1 4
i e an s . . 2 1 4
Collegiate 2 1 " 4
Egmondrville 0 • 3 0
The ,Collegiate and Industries naet
• At the Toronto Western Hospital
,graduation tetercises which were
held in Convocation Hall, Toren
on Tuesday afternoon last, el '
the shore of Lake Geneva. The
scenery .t here was wonderful. You,
could, see snow capped Mountains in
the dstance. From there we passed
on Milan, in, Northern Italy, and
most of his ministry in Canada, and;
'Thursday night, Collegiate winning
Margaret White, daughter of Mrs.
LOCAL BRIEFS • • went overseas from Toronto with the
ee•••1, 81st Bt. and saw four serviee
and life-long purstit and practices
6f these cardinal virtues that this
' •
12-11 in a ten -inning game.
M. White, Seaforth, was among the
then on to Florence and Rome. The
Congress people had a special car
. years
Scholarship 'was offered.
-right through to Rome which was
•Dr. Carl Aberhart, of -Toronto, is in En -gland amd France.
spkntling a -few holidays with his Since 1925 he has served the Preshy-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aber- terian ,Church in the 'Maritimes, where
hart. . he rendered service in gathering to-
*Dr..F. H. Larkin and Mrs. Lar- gether the scatter•ed membera of the
kin, of Toronto, were week end guests church. S . •
a take great pleasure in carrying
out my instructions this morning and
announcing James Seott the winner ofto
the 1934 Alumni Scholarship, (ap-
plause). 11 am pleased to see this
voluntary unanimous applause in en-
Falls Dowm Stairs
• • •
Injures His Spine
!Mi ss White received a scholarship
" J.
post -graduate work, given by J•
for ,
EY Atkinson for highest standing in
examinations, also DT. John Fergu-
son's prize for highest total marks
during three years, and the gold
very convenient. Friday morning,
May 4th, we were up bright an early
see the sights. We event over to
th C •t 1 t • M " •
thee shaopwi o no, _thee ussolim open up
e afterneop. we had
a session at the Quirinal Theatre
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dr •Ashdown's subject next Sab-
Scott. bath will be "NcoOderrius, or the pow-
•alAlre. E. T. Kellam, of Niagara er of the Crucified" and "The Christ-
Falls, was a week end guest at the inns 'Charge, or froze Glory to Glory's
dorsation of this award.
'It is my privilege and pleasan s
duty James to convey to • you the
hearty eon.g•ratulations of the Sea-
Dr. J. A. Munn in comfit down
stairs on Sunday -evenine•slipped' and
in falling injured his spine. He was
medal given, by the staff, Grace Di-
• •
viziers for the highest standing in
examin.ations. ,
se e
n re our meetings were held. Fri -
.ay nig was our reception
d ' ht'by the
Governor of Rome at the Capitol— •
some affair it was.
thome af 1VIrs. James Beattie. Since coming to . Western Ontario
*Mr. and IVIes. Cyrile Tasker and two years a,go, Mr. Ashdown married
IST,iss . Florence .Laidlaw, of Toronto, (bliss Annie Taylor, of Blyth, who
end at the home
forth Alumni to which may I be per-
' matted to add- my personal congtat-
ulations in your success. It is the
removed to 'Scott Memorial Hospital
w'h.ere an examination was m,ade.
int will be necessary for him to spend
some weeks in a caste in bed
. •
Special Services at
(Continued on Page Six)
were week guests will accompany him oe his visit to
of Mrs. James C. Laidlees. Seaforth, where she is well-known
rsiMiss Ernestine White, who is still as a worker and former vice-presi-
sincere hope of the Alumni and I am
sure of your teachers and fellow gin
dents, that the rwinning of this &hob
and during this time Dr. R. R. Ross
will be in charge of his ,practise.
S s. '• 1
. James Church
Judge T. M.Costello
a patient of Grace Hospital, Toronto, , dent in the Huron. ;Presbyterial of
from her oper-
arsfhip will be an incentive to still
the "Feast
is recovering serious the W. M.. S. Her father was the
stied • Rene johe geed seaysee, whet, lase
'Mtn. Charles Wright, Mrs. Robert
greater efferts. and more scholarships
in the years to come. t
, The solemnity of of
Corpus Christ", was fittingly observed
in St. James Church on Sunday last.
' L.
nevis es VotersList
ministry, of ten years was in Luck-
Campbell, Miss Helen IVIcKercher, of knew.
iMegillop; Miss Helen Whitfield,' of
I would tbe unjust and remiss in
every duty did I not take advantage
M. arid ;Mrs. Robt. 1VIeLean and
sons of W abashene spent the week_
Immediately after the High Mass,
which was -celebrated by the pastor,
Judge T. M.1Costella sat as revising
ISeaforth, and Miss. Margaret Shan-
of this opwrtunity to compliment
the hearee acolytes, Sodality
officer for the Vot,ers' for
en, of Egmondville, attended. the CONSTANCE '
graduating exercises of Grace Hos- . . •
the princinal and staff of this school
• in the fact that there were .so many
end with the, former's parents, Mr. . e . , ,
torch band
Ts, Jams •n, clean ea girls, alta. 'boys,bearers
and NI n a,
Rev. Father IltuSsey, a procession of
forth Tuesday morning in the
Town Hall. J. A. Wilson acted as
pital, at Convocation BaIl, Toiigonto, „IM'ss
einoTneeslaysuLternoonelesst.a.--- ' 'Mlleg-esurge _Witeatle3s iseonethe sielr
pupils who stoodup under exact-family._
Dorothy MeLean riurse-in- small flower girls was formed. Then
l —_ , ... ' senile_ see .• eeos ee.,,,yeskeeeee _ekes,o4
train CriEtbri 14n. Ps
clerk for the revising officer.
__In Neel_ pose 2,8..4194,,,,...were..,ddedi
were -added --
. -
0111,1r. W. J. Faulkner, of Brantford,, list and his many friends hope for a
was a holiday visitor at his home speedy recovery. .
Lee. . •IMrs. William Moore is confizied-to
•Miss Mary 17Olalker spent the week her room through serious illness.
end in Toronto. ;Miss Elva Wheatley of Toronto
•FMr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, London, spent the week end with her parentsr,
and Mrs, Routledge, of Egmondriille, Mr. and Mrs. George Whe•atley.li
centages so high as tq make the final
selection no easy task. It surely
speaks vtolumes for the discipline
and efficiency of the school.
To, the remaining -contestants I
wish to co-nvey the thanks and corn-
men rY congratulatione of our
P its .
-erg In ,Yrerpitat, lent
Clarence Melean of'London, spent Sacrament under a beautiful canopy
S da withMr.and held by four young men.
en; y their parents,
Mrs. James B. McLean and Miss 'Members of the cheir end the con-
Gladys.gregation followed and all marched.,
Miss Etta Jarrett of Toronto, was singing hymns and reciting prayers,
a week -end guest with her parents, around the church grounds to the
and Mrs. Isaac Jarrat. Rectory where an Altar had been
No. 2, 11 names; No. 3, 17 names;
No.;4, 12 names; No. 5, 12 names;
and No. 6, 20 names.
Fourteen names were struck off,
'' of which were transfer -
the majarny
red to other polis in town.
were guests at the Charters' home on Miss rMildeed Briton, R. N., of Out-.Alumni,Mr.
while you did not win the
. Benediction
the Mill Road over the week end.-ario Hospital, Lontlione is spendirug
ipmrs. W. G. Edneunde is rvisitxig her holidays with her parents, Mr.
Scholarship, nevertheless you gave a
wonderful account of yourselves and
T. and Mrs. Thos. Butt were erected. Here was ,given,
visited by friends from Stratford after which the procession, returned.
t to the where the services
her daughter, Mits. D. L. Curtis, in and Mrs. 'William. -Britton.las
Marinora. iMr:tartd•Mrs. Clarence Rath of Vira-
•IMr. and Mrs. John Bedard •erere wanosh, were guests at fthe home of
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson. '
Joseph Mero. Mr. Robert Moore of IStratford, and
*Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, IVI,iss Mr. Jack 'Moore of Toronto, are here
establis,hecl' a record that must bring
honor •to your school and reflect
credit' upon your teachers. and your-
selves - -To you S would say the
winner will surely be”, ,
. . ,
we.4c-end • • church,
Mr. and Mrs. Rolbt. McBride and closed with the Benediction of the
. '.
a hter Miss Eroana spent Sundayless.ed Sacrament.•
aug ; ,
'th Mr. and 'Mrs. Eddie
wl . McBride, The day was ideal for such a ser-
of our village. voice and the beauty of the flowers,
rme, 'w, AK, S. of St. Andrewls colored lights and singing• af hymns
The weather man is still in the
dock, while we are waiting for
moisture. It is hearining serious, but
we hope for a break soon; for it's
better late than never.
Church are packing a hale of in honor of the Blessed ,Secrament
It is to listen to those
Joyce' Carter and Mrs. William owing to the illness of their mtother.
Jeson are in Toronto this week at- Mr. and Mrs. William; Britton and
tending the graduation exercises at MTS. 101ifford Britton and two (taught-
• .and
of second-hand clothing to be sent to
es the near added much to this beautiful devotion
the Western Provinc in ma de it, a very memorable oc-
• • •
-Oho are seeking election in thesHenry
overnment who are us
the University, where Mr. Aubrey' ars motored to iSarnia on Friday to
Carter will graduate. attend the conferente, and also to be
•Mr. Jack Hinchley, of Colling- present at the ordination of their son,Maas,
tweed, spent the week end With his Mr. J. C. Britton, which took place on
mother, Mrs. J. D. Hinckley. Sunday morning..
\Bethel Ladies' Aid will give a gar-
denJunehat the homeleft•
part3r on 26-t , e,
of ,Mr. Isaac McG ,an. .Watchfor
further notice. '
future. All donations, that may be •
at either of the in the canon.
willstores'On (Sunday, June 10th, at the First
vinaige be gratefully received. the little ones will receive their
• '.
The Gauld Mission Band -will hold
First Holy Camrmunion, and at. the
their regular monthly meeting in the close of the High MaS1S the "Forty
Sunday 'School Auditorium on Satur- • •
Devetion" begin,
all they have done for agriculture and
education. They are still favoring
Township School Boards"+which we
think is just another way to creat
more high -salaried officials. Under
School Board
*Wes, 'Wipe Dougall, of Muesli,
and Miss Alice; Dougall, of Toronto,
were week end guestsat the home of
'IBUr. and Mrs. W. R. Rennie.
•Mr. Percy _Hoag; of Rogersville,
intent the week! end at his home here.
- +10Mr. and atm. Milton Ohesne'y, of
frorentO, were week end guests at the
1Mr. Leo Stephenson went to I3eig-'
den ore Friday on business, returning
. _Miss .Donelda Adlants, .Mildrer
Britton R. N.,Edith andllelen Brit-
ton and Williant. Jeritt, Motored to
Sarnia on iSiindays Morning to attend
the ordination of Mr. Clifford Britton,
B• C., ,; ,
e R
. .
ed Cedar '
day afternoon, June 8, at 2..30 o'clockHairs will closing
. •
to attend on Tuesday evening. June 12th.
All the children are urged
Also on Sun ay June 10th, at 3.00
Al cl
and to he prormipt. . ,,.. p. in., the , men .06... the Holy Name
- rW'e tre lol'easeci to ses M/''s, E. lc' Society will attend*the Disttict (Rally
Chandler about again after her recent to be held in St. Joseph's Church,
ilness. ,e,into.. .e.rel
efMrs. S. Thameon, Sr., who *has
the present system esti'
has heir* rule and the work is done
free gratis.
They also boast all they, have done
for health. No doubt it has been
done for the benefit of the .officialS
let the patient tax payers bear
the burden. Wonderful is it not to
spent the past winter months with
have the ruled from.
bottle .of Mrs, Chesney's ;Mother,
3, R. Babkirk. . ..
T•Miss Edith Govenlock, of
..The School AnnfiversarY
will be held on Sthiday June , 10,th.
Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pm.. to be
• . •. .
• 4 •
her daughter, Mrs. J. Moodie, of EamoNpviLLE - •
Brucelield is at present with her son,
whole province
:Queen's Park. It is tithe to -wake up
to the fact that the old Pioneer 81s-
ta, and Mrs. S. l'Ilillips,' Of Detroit,
spent the week end with their parents,
Mr. and ,Mrs. J. IVT. Govenflock.
• *Miss Rose Dorsey, of - Detroit,
spent the Week end at her home here.
aalr. Ronald Mcdtay, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with his, mother
ogre. M. A. McKenzie, of Toronto,
'spent the weele end with her Mother;
' tbIriL Mae Diorritte.
g.:3. gurrotia, and IVIre. P.
Itaaibaty ' ate .6n, :Top:MO *HS Week
(Contintted OA P� 4) •
conducted (by Rev. J. C. Britton. The
choir will be in charge of the young
people in the Morning and in the eve-
ning by' the regular eheir. Rev. Mr.
Britton! is one at,the promising young
men of the cornintutity and everyone
should assail themselves of the oppor-
tunity Of hearing hint •
Mr. and4lIrs. Boy' Lawson and Max-
Ian and Meg. geeentee *ere en maga,
visiting Mr. and Mrs. 13ert Pell.
NIr. and Mika. Ben4nMin ' elt and
MISS *hide Aa1ilby' were ill enheim
On Sundayr- • , , , 1
XXX and XXXXXMilian
-, ,
. . '.
" l'It' '
• n
, Low Prices .
, „ .
'"' '41' ,. 11 soNs
0 ' ..... „ ,,....
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Thomason and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and dough-
ter of Denfield, spent iSanday with'
their daughter Mr. and Mrs. 'Archie
Persona of the Town Line.
• aVfra. Roy 1Siddell and wee• sort and
daughter visited recently ... with her
mother, !km, J. H. Petty and family.
miss mail Thotison gout ii, day
. th friends in London, reteritly. ,
Wi :
Illeu. .VitInt 'Aletander- and ba' -•
dattgliter. have returned fo (Old,.
home Prem Staferth. ' ' • •
.. . ,
'Gue,sts with relatives and friends
' the villa e were: Miss Laura Mc,
Toronto, with her parents Mr.
, , ,.,,,tMcMillan.
and 'Mr's. vv• r • t
Miss Margaret Black; Ramilton,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watt, vtith mr•
and Mrs. W. Black.
Miss Iia Hill, Toronto, with her
:iihrents, Mr..and 1Vir6.Geo. Hill. •
Mae. Geo. Hilk spent the week with-
frienda it frotat.y. , ..
a‘j.i.$9 AMA., Toronto
gnest ,over tne Week -end.
• .
- • •
the -most economical and in
tetn'w" -
these times of depression we should
- e• •
go acor ingto our means.
Hiowever the election is near, jobs
are created to deeeive the public and
as soon as the election; is over there
, ance the
will be another loan to bal
lbadget and borrow the Province out
tight. Beware a theme fi .
"4:411118" before you go •• out tO Vete
on the 19th. Go out to vote for it is
a ditty and Privilege we shattid "he
• .
. proud to perform.
• • r',1 . • "" ee, ,
A •,,k'
__A•oetwoiro-i• • 4..••4-‘,44:44,,,,n..laon44‘.4,40A.:.44:‘,..',....4.4.••••4‘t,AL:.4.4,....44..............44,o4.4......-.AA.o..:.4. • ' ' "
otion Object
Heated Deba
Voting 22 Vor
• Against.
Huron County Council opened lips;
1p.te ;Session at Goderioli on Tuesdenr
ti• all the naenafbers preeent. lan Elliott presided. ,
The business of the oitening.setsion
ncluded a short addrees by the Wave
n, in -which he eulogized the work of
iie new Glen& and Treasurer; presence •
tion of reports and reading of reso-
Wednesday's business brought
discussion on the action of the- pro-
al ,igovernment in paving No; 4
highlvray. The debate, which grew
very heated at times, centred around
a motion 'that this council disap-
proves of paving loping done in, Huron ,
Co.unty, and that,a resolution be for..
warded to the Highway Department
o that ,effeet." -
The motion finally carried 22-7, the
vote being:
Yeas—Archibald, Ballantyne, Cage
diff, Dernerling, Eckert, Elliott, Gam-
ble, iGoldthorpe, Heniingway, John-
ston, Jones, Leiper, Matheson, Mei-
ick, McNabb, Mawhinney, Saunders, '
Sweitzer, Scott, Stewart, Wright. •
Nays---133Owniart, Crosier, Davitisen,
Iiaake, (Mnimings, McNeil, Tomer.
Other business included the report
of the good roads conimission, the
county treasurer and a long series of
A full report of the proceedings
will be given in this paper next week.
ommittee Buys -
a New Wagon
The property committee:A tcsw no I''
on Friday -evening, purchased a new
wagon for -the use of the town scav-
enger, The wagon was delivered On
Thursday and • inmediately put ,into
The committee also considered a
nusnlaer of sites for the animal toun-
ain given to the town by the late Miss
Anna Campbell, but were unable to
decide on the location.
Candidates Open,
Committee Rooms
James Balla/rhyme and George 11.
Elliott, candidates in the coming
provincial elections have both opened
committee rooms in town.
The Independent Liberal Progres- „
sive rooms are over the Store of Wry- .
J. W. Beattie, where information rel-
ative to Mr. Ballantyne's campaign
may be secured. Miss Grace Free
is in charge.
The Conservative headquarters are
in the- former Sheffer store in the
Campbell Block. Mr. Alvin Sillery
is in charge.
The Football game played on Tues-
day evening between Stratford C. N.
R. and St. Columban resulted in a
tie, 2-2 being the score.
London Carlings Football team will
play an exhibition game in St. Col-
umlhan on Friday, June 8th, at 629
p. m.. This team was to play here
last week tbut was unable to. Anne.
Announce Engagement. --Mr. and
Mrs. George Swan, Brumfield, an-
nounce the engagement of
daughter, Laura, to Mr. Ervie Schil-
bie, son of Mr. and MTS. Louis Schil-
'hie,Za-sieh, Ontario. The marriage
te take .place the middle of June.
Mrs. Janet 11/Joss and Mrs. Alex.
returned their home in the village last
week. .
Mrs. S. Thomtpson, who has heem.
spentin;g the winterswith her daughter
Mrs. James Moodie, returned to her
home in Kippen recently.
Miss Mary AllcOully's 13".rucefreld
friends were glad to have her pay
them a visit in her wheeled: chair last
week. She has been confined: ta her
home for the past two years.
Miss Mary ;McKenzie, of Twitter,»
smith visited at the home 431
Janet Ross this week. •
Miss Norma Collins retarded .te.her
honaein the rritlitte last vreale.trota
elidon 'Hospitairtvere alto-tvdervvtatt.
.an operation for spinet siKtie.. •
The Young PeoPIeare.lholdt*.,t '
picitie on Se:Wide*, Sul*
field and h oOrdiatitvitatielC
tehded. 'te alT the
-414a••••:0(00,tititst:.-• • ••
• ••