HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-06-01, Page 4, ; - ,
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' , q� r A& 1,111a , IAO% 4T, TV,"% I 7JFF"�"%'9,�,r 1,s . , 11 I I , I I P* on &%Pfty') 7 ,
�!- 11 I...., - , I M . " ., , 10, he 404vored 844e.'ano, .1 . ii, JIL"Lo .." �,.Q - " :- .. '"' ,.* _,'' r
I'll, I- I ,Rp�rulg ". WAK .1.�' - ST I . I.,
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. % W 1 4- tieT 'Spencer, Manley Jdnks, LIrTaid vAd there- is nalle on e4rth t.4 - de,ii , fl, ". I
" . ing home made cooking sale .! Londom Dr4min,6nd, Verdg . siri bedde thee.", AnA at the even- . .
ol, I I 'a a number of trucks, oiling ithp Blue - I I . lowing ow price: . I . . k , .
�1 " -June Water,Hlghway. The tank 'car, is lo- - ,Garden . I V., servil6e his subject was. "Phose �.; . . , . . . I .
� " - � Sheffer's Store, .15eaf orth, 6iii staff al$d L*r9po',,generally Peck, 3&r;�- DMdvle, Mad- Drum- Q 24,
,F. I ipleasuma in including in ' I cated at Rensala-'stition it this stetion are sufferin� for theli6ond; and Bei . yl �Drum�Zwnd,. ,The l0hii& that cannot .46 shaken may 4. 4, 0, ,X- . # ........ I t 0
. 'the, following figures re- 2nd. I I and the want of ratti . place, 'in the ,Is*, office- time any remlain," dra*hig helpftil,'thoughtM , I . - 4125"
.. ,vi . , ,The Sunday School Anniversary trucks -pass through the village with I I I 4.50-.x, 21 '! ........... IFE I ''
- o work in the Province and will be held orr Aueday, June Ifth, their loadof oil. The quantity used, The Victiori4 Day celebration held. till* director, MisO K Ellis. 1 4
. , - This play throughout rwas well, ren- e ' ,
1�1' during the past fiseal'year, with services at 11 e -m. and 7.30 p.m on a 12 -mile stretch of road is 16,000 'here on llhui�sday last under the Ap actical subjects, The mode rend- X 1.9 . .. i . ., I o-1l'd'. . 10970 ,.
. I ' I eonduic . rr:,� by the large choir wds, of a, very 5,00 . , -
ii `,a,:�t a October, 1633. , -t*d, by Rev. J. Q Britton. The galloins. spices of .the Rensall ehar,)ber of dered, and ,caused much, �nerriment, . . I $6,95 1
.. ., ' . as the -title would indicate, and fine order, the anthelms and specaal , , o
people's choir will give special (Messrs. & MdMahen and G. Plante, Commerce, proved a, great success where .
. In the Province. ' young i 1_ of Goderdich, were business visitors both in point.of excellence and in,all ,did their parts so well it would n11mb'r9 'being, well T�Sdered and en 6.00 x 20! .... * , - - - ,
e�r of beneficiaries easisted ,music in the morn. ng and the regQ attendaifee, there being an immense be unwise to particularize. I Joyed. At the morning service the I I
the 'fiscal year (in Province dhoi� in the �; ng" . "' in town on Xor�day, eed tweive ,. onflo. . A 1
. . i ' ,A number from, -the village atten& crowd. T�e first feature of, the da, During the 'programbne the pmi_ 4rithem 00pon oitr ,Eyes,," by- 'Mr. IS.
.. ,. MT.. Kelso, Adams, who ,has beenon . . Y . Gasoline .. e ..
, -funeral of the late William -J. w parade, along -the Main dent, Mr,, James, W.:Ronthrqn, called Ham u -e; duet, 1%bw Can I TeU,", Mce.
,,, 1. ','., Streets, headbd by thei-Seatorth High- the Rev.) ,Mr. A. �Sinclair rto the plat- Hess and. s. Raimie At" the ,evening . perlpm
- ,! rideri Ban,&and garshialled by Wil-' form to Present, On'bAaltf of the service the anthem, 111ark, Hi�ark, My ! .
,.A�� 3&rs,, j. 0. ,Smith and son, Harold,, noon- The late Mr. Polibek was,
.. � " ,,, ,. Chamber of 'Commerce, beautiful Soul", soloists, Mrs. Maude FRKMon,
1. !P 4vt�� M6 230.20. of Regina ; Mr. ,and, Mxs,. Jack Dav- well known farmer of Stanley town- liam 'Sangster of our mill -age. The bolquetk to Miss Florence We&h�h, I
I ." �hip and passed away at his home in public school,qu, as well Motor Oil .... 65C �er - g4flon
, , following shows the cause I 'to,,Miss Fdarence Welsh,, as "Turn Ye Even, Unto.Xe,"Mis� Flor-
. ,. I Brucef�ield, were guests of Mris-'k.bt, I that tow of obliprs,.book part. The foll�wing . . As Ford Model T New Parts at I
A.. 4",�" "I ency, the n,umber of fami ies Lawson r,ecently. is the list: Tancy costume, Verda accompanist, and, 'Miss Ellis, as da- e7voe Welsh, Mrs. 0. Hess, Dr. Smillie, ,. _- I .
... 1.'_ Ahe,number of children 1 a �ach I I . Watson and !Glad3ns 'Passmore; colmde rectox od the play. The president aand Mr. W. 0. Goodwin. The'church . one-half pripe. ,
I ,_i . 1.1-111 HENSALL ' - costume, Jean Toster and'An'dy Cald, also paid tribute to the able services was beautifully decorated for the oc- ,, I .. I � I
:,,� __ I ___ I ler; decork-e-d cars, ist, Dr. Ivan repilered by Dr. iSmillie as,''diTector . USED CARS -
4., � 11 Smillie ; 2n,d, aird Mick.le� of th6 njusical parts. c� -the minstrel '. %rp. Roy Webber who li".beeu I
: r "', Among the� many fine displays of , Mrs. L Pricesi are reduced on A 4
- 1� . . I corated ,floats, Sam Rannie. best show. IFOIlowirig the evening's en- "very poor health forthe ipast-nomber
gl,, ".. 1Mr and Mrs. Rex Cluff and little flower,bed,s in.,our village we might ) , Of weeks,, had her tonsils removed used -cars far below their "
1: A— 111usanity ............ ; 251 909 ' dressed store window, Seott & grocery. tertainment was a dance under the .
��,, 1, lie, S*e , . . Following the parade and judging auspices, Of the Chahillbei of Comt- on 'Friday morning, in the hopes Iffiat market value. , All are thor- - _
i.,". . ing here, gueats. at 'IT -he Albion." .' knany hundried§ of beautiful tulips for Prizes" tile crowd. wended its merce, which was -largely attended it would prove, beneficial. to her . . . .
I 111,W, , Margaret Tasker,. of 'Clinton, spent that Dr. Snidllie has. iied -by -finq, i ' pie by the health. 18he is at present With rela- , .
��,' "' �' '' ' - F I oster�mother ....... 2OU 497 " t(; the Park, where' the first t accOmPal 011 oughl-y reconditioned by our .
% .. 1,:. . — ---+- the week end with Louise McLeod,. even tivgs in Zurrich. I I own mechanics.' .,.,. i -q I
,,.W I Our ball �Nb are arranging for was a giame of soft ball,,ib�tween Sea- "Murdoch Orchestra,. y I 1:1 +
. . forth, Ontario finalists Among,th# store fron-tv not previ- Mr., -and Mris. A. S, Case ratur I I I
. , �!!"�It, the sprinkling of the diamond when . f 1933, and I , .
spent the week end with her
.. A., Ninetv iner cent of th;a beneficiar- . 4,,,iA V 1.41 -.11-- 'ouslv mpritioned as bein ta— 'home after s-ndin- a week visit!- hill . I �
I �,1. . Mrs. ,George King. . there is a strong wind would other e rig In a score of I a, y . I
I ��": " fes are Of British stock; sixty,three ilg_16, in favor of Seaforth. At the,fu,Vy Te-, friends in Detroit. ,"
'. ".. Mr.. James Camerion. and son Evans wise make it dusty, as they felt the dose of this, the opening game of the it�nnie estate, M Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook spent & I A
., 1, , . per cent, are of Canadian birth. �of Toronto, w I lapns& Farquh Huillson a DistributeM
, e. . . ere week end guests of want on the twenty-fourth. 0,&A,.A. Inter-fCounity hydermediate John Be'an. - , , .ar hild nd Terraplane
.% " . I few days in Toronto durifig the past
1, " .. ... . In Huron Count . Mr. and, Mrs. John, k., CamerQ4. The A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's Angli- base, 'ball ,between Ingersoll] and, Hien- A number 9f our� villagers as. well I , I
-1 - the following figures'relei to Hur- 'Mr., and Mrs. '11E. Lord' and, daugh- can Church held their closing meet-' gall a e .
��N, , , I iwas. played, which Mensall won as many', Toore in thie vicinity h v _'_
�E_`on county. ter, and Mr. and ''Mrs. "Unger, Of been exchanging their .. . . . . .
R", . " . ing- on Monday -eveiiing in the" base� 5-34 This was a keeply (contested .,cars for brand . I . . .
I I i new ones, and our -dealers have been
R's". ,,, Numbeir of applications recei,ed London, speiit the week end with Mrs- ment, "A very p-1 asing prog-ravilme, gaimip as the sicore shdws and most
,.Ji� I K, Davidson. was; giver�. Violini G creditable to the. home team. The ' I I .
from Noveniber Is.t, 1932, to October; . selection, Misis , . doing a good'business. .
�4A", - ;, - _. 1. . - I Dum,can -Campbell, a former.. resi7 Lammie. Topic, Mrs. T, Laveridar. 'ball matches over, the interest cen- Mr. and Mrs. John, D Bick, of I f
,!Z,'� � . 31.1st, igm-19, . ' I d'ent Qf. Bayfleld, is with a fri,end Vocal Til Orillia, are 'here, spending 'a codple
211'1 I umber, by the A.Y.P.A., of ered in the fine ,minstrel show held
�` &I, , Nunmber of . lbenefitiaries on pay I taking a motor trip from, Saskatche- Staffa. Reading, Mrs. Jarne�3- S -imp- in the evening in the Town 'Hall the of weeks with their many -relatives .., .
01111.. , list, October 31st, 1,983---i59. Number van� was guest of,Mr. and M-xs Fred' son.. stage, of whipli was very prett,ily I dec- and friendse in the . village and vicinity. 11 . . . I
.. on list for part of year ,but later can- "Baker, .9riday, and called on iriends -,'Following the program a banquet orated for the occasion,. .-'The hall Mr. Claude Blbw�s, 'Principal of . .. I L .. . 1.
" ' following toasts was literally packed so much so that our public school, received 'a, shock at ,
!1. celled or suspended -15. Total 74. . 'Mr. George. Barr, of Londesboro, given: To the church, Mrs. Varl,ey;, irany could not gain admittance, and.. ,noon' on Monday, when be received I
,_�" . Total amo,u:nt paid,duripg fiscal r Jletty., To the so ard of 'Commerce has ar- I a message infoilmdnghim,of t ry I � 111111 . .
�i, , I , I visited- 'his vi9te', Mrs. George King responded to by-M�. the Bo'
.41, � . King, Wes. Rogers, resp'onded ,to b iianged to ,Put it on a second time in sudden ,death of bis� mother-in-law,.
!,. sailed on,Friday the National Anthem Y i
;, 1. — . Cause of dependency-nifintber of ly�iss Lucy Woods , , . To, the offi- the town hall in the near future. Mrs. Walters,of Exeter,but who was no .
'If,'7. -- IH�ies-��'umb6r - 6f - cliilldr6n.' : f`o"..M,O11t4e4-,..t0 vi-Int,lier aunt �n cers, Miss E. Joliff,ston; reEiponded, to The progranim.e for the-, indristrIel in London receiving * treatment for . ..
i Widow .................. ..41 Ill Louise Drummond. To the Ishow *Eis .as' follows: (ypenr2jig �er health;"Which"hag been very sieri- 11 - ` I -1 11 . I., 1.
I., I a- chorusby'the enti'i� company, a ined ously affected for some fime. Mr.' , -
?I- . - ' . .Mrs. iC. E. Groves '�and Xiss Joan forth,; resiponded to 'by Mrs. Errold ley -beinggiven; this 'was, followed, by Nowes at once se&ured an assistant - I
" , , � on .... I ........... 7 17 'Groves, of Goderich, who visits in, Drummond_ Carion Smith, of ,Sea- another chorus, all popular numbers, and left, together with -his wife, who . 46 . 411 . ..
I` I I Foster -mother ............ 4 8. ,England. forth, was ailso a guest at the ban- "Ti -p -Toe -Through the Tulips," by was in Exeter at the time and where I
` - I . I ,There have,been a 'number here quet. Jerry Drummond, D. Sangster, added' she joined.ber husband,. Very ml,ch 4P .
. , ." . I recently looking for cottages to rent I I . ,,,,
�t to by cho�rus; "Russian Lull�by," W. sympathy is felt for the bereaved - -
,�:;,ii, . Children to -be a large number here this sea- 'The Arnold, Circle of Carmel Pries- I I
,:, �Falnffies with 'one child and'. . We -notice fr(ynv reports in the se xte tte -
" " ' son. ... Sw,detbeart," from May time, Rev' byterian Church held a ve'ry enjoy In the twenty-one years'that we fifive
�� ' itated, father. , ... 3 3 Death of Mrs. A. I- Irwin diilies of the recent Toron,to 'Uni- . - 11
.,F.. incapaca i�', A: Young; Broadway melody able and successful "blossom: tea,'�' 'in been building Preston Steel Truss ,
-, , Famailles with tw& children. 44 88 There passed ,away to her eternal jo ' it , B. Cross' and qu"tte. I . I I school room of the church on Barns not one of these barns has
�'_ Fan-Alies with three children 4 12 home on Wednesday, May 23rd, one very creditably passed his final e1X_ Rann)ie, "'Carolina Murnmy," the Saturday afternoon last. There was , .
.1 i chorus; "Asleep in I I very fine re- E.S.P. gain Ventilators One fire can wipe out a lifetime's work and . .
, - Families with four childrenl3 52 who ,had- l3een ailing for some, six arninafloni i� medi,eine and is now a the Deep,rl a good attendance, a
..,*4- .. - 35 months ,and whose sufferings were full fledged Doctor at the age' of chorus;, "Goin,, :Home," by quart�tt,', union and an interesting pro' inme. cge, utaneous
7 gra vent 5 savings so that fire is one thing yolu, must
4" Families with five children, ' bustion�o Priced
I . I . . ' boirne wit!b Christian patience, Mary Although now ninety years of age, "ne -Man on- -the Rying Tiwpeke,'; A nulmsbei of Oddlellows from our from S5 up. think about when building a b4m,' I
i, Families with six.. . 12 Kathleen Beattie, wife of Alfred E. along- the line of ability., an. a Cose 'Bage and district on Sunday evenr Preston Steel Truss, barns are -absolutely .
��' ' - Families with senlen children 1 7 Zrwin; ,daughter of the.,Iate Mr. and Golden'Dreami," Th"s Sberitt, and ing last inotored, to,Seafort� to unite I . . .
.;� I application, and his many friends are 11 fire -proof from without, Theyga:e lightning-
,., I I ...lCause of cancellatioi�: Mrs.. iSamuel Beattie;- -Deceased w�s chorusi JThe ,end ,men who d with their SeAforth Brethrgh I .Proof too whpa rodded to-..,,,,, e blarshars I
;`,' " 'only one chil,� or no children under born in Tiuckersmith townshiip and, in so as be has been ,given right away a � 80 Anniversary Divine Service held in __ —, - - instructions. "
"' . " Apgust, 190; was married at Wing- - - ,were: W. B.';Oross -C 81*l e 'the Nortfiside United Church.
I 6 years or not at scbool--S. n, of Bayfiel . position on the University staff, 7 . I I
I . _04, -s also been . Clark, Errol Drummond, ' � _TA. The many,friends, and relatives Of Tanks PREtTON SfiEL ThUSS BARNS
".' ,Should be self -supporting -,41. bairn to, Alfred Erwl I a .given a very envi- is'. 'a t'i._ ft;�l values, now. _ .
:jare one sister, A son and .M. Drysdale. The 4'oh 'N are the strongest barns you can bdy. Side
. . ' Surviving !ime, .0,,s,, Tfis. D. McNaughton will regret to ri for pnees.
1�, I . Unsatisfactory home, conditions;.. -4. (Mrs. ,George Toping) of Winn able position during the summer composed, of D. . 'sangs�.er, ' j. liearn,ds confined to -her home through ' Pr . . trusses are of 'heavy structural steel rivietted
.. I 111ttoband or Older child no longer She arrived here -a week b4fore and on, one of th Drummond, L.411der, ROY McLare J illness. .. . eston Barn Door with pneumatic rivetter's. Sides and ends am
" .. I e fine stean-alidips which Farquhar, J. Benigo I I Hardware bracedin'all directions. Roof hassipleaBimg .1 .
� . totally alid permanently incapacitated was caring for her sister. Two speaks for his ,popularity and effi- ugh, C. Passm�lrel The condition of Mrs. Roy Webber ij� .
I H. Horton, -W.,O. . _, M,nuau sa,�e you pitch., Cornices are deep and neat. Heavy I
,.� , -1. A brothers, Robert,,of Wdngh9.,m,'and ciency to be given- such a position Goodwin, W, A. Mt- who is and has, been so ill for some _ _ 3l on factory built doors with strong
,, . Laren, Rev. W;. A barn door Irry- c"y rollin
1, , . lonly one child or no children und- John:, of Cheiley. The funeral, with also good remuneration. . Young, IS. Raraiie, time past is at date of writing very W�re. Write for i =1
' whi:oh was Rargely attended, - was Mr. and Mrs. John Parke, of near Dr. Smillie, J..'Watson', B. McKay, T. ,little improved.. . . Mom . . . openable iGable Windows keep the loft cool. ...�
I . -'16 ye 'th the,mother-1. held from ker late home, FridAY af- Hiensall, accompanied by Mrs. J. Sherritt, W, *�ster, W. 'Spenser, I I I . You are jad.ged by your buildings. Buy a I I
Berieficiai-y died -1. . W. Drumm6nd 'R The Re,. Mr. Poulter, of Varna Preston Steel Truss Barn.and you will always
,s ternoon, May 25th, to Bayfield cem- Keys, of Hensall, were in Seaforth on ',' - Welsh, J. Flynn, will conduct ser,vice n the Urdt;;�
_ iNow in possession of assets of a eteTy, the service being conducted %6nday last attending the funeral Of Rii Love, ,and A. McDoneii. The ac- Chaj�th on the cumirsigi Sunday, June. 1- be proud of it- distincHve in appearance- .1. . .1.1
I , ' disqualifying amouint-1. by Rev. W. tP_ Croson, of London, as- Mvrs. 'Robert Scarlett, who was an companist was Miss Florence Welsh third. . - T low in cost - erected by one of our crews ina , .
-1 ., sisted by Rev. R, M. Gale, of the "Intimate friend. . , Ithe the orchestra was,, composed, Of (Patent-Appliedfor) few working days without any 111aising Be&.'!, I
� . Imeapaoitated. hus�,andl or older . Very large congregations were - . .
.1 I ehi14'&ed and only (me child under United Chur(eb, Bayfield-. 'Me pall- Mr. ,G. 0. Petty and Mir. Aldrich 'S400tt Welsh, Claire Zuefle, D_ Hog- ,present at the Anniversary services . Wrhe for our Barn Cinular. i - . �
; . bearers were -George Elliott, Charles Were in Wingharn on Wednesday at a h nd Ji ' 0 1 d11tVe10p I . f . I
I , _ 9 It a m- Wats m A ,pleasing of the UnAW Church on Sunday last, . %
16 years�l. Toms,' James, H. lReid, John R. Cam- being featuie,of the e-�jeningls prog,ramme I I
�, . Ite'diing the Deanery meeting Nail. Takes five =me
I ,National y of 7nothers,: Canadian F -the speaker" for the occasion, being r ,a
it _rn, Robert MicClinchey and John 'hield, there. �__ I was tap danicinj by LornaZuefle,- and Rev. Albdft Workman, of ,petr lia, a as much force tod t inL— lis I
I 69; Other British, 7.4; Foreign -birth, Greer' Those atten�ing from a dis- � 1Dr. J. A. MeTagg-art was in Tor- a"guitir selection byjim Watson. -son of the late Mr. And, -Mrs. James as a standard barbed . ri - I - 10. . I
: I ng the -medical The musical rtuiiAers were splendidly roofing naiL Factories also as
i, , tance were Mrs. George Masbin, Mr. onto, recerity attendi .. Guelph Street
�__ 7-%e local board as, at present cOn' and Mrs. Robert Beattie, Wingharn,; convention. rendered, and called for repeated en� i0illage. Mr. Workman in his, early I I .1 - I
, . -nd Mrs, John. E. Beattie of �, Services in Carmel an ICG es ' . I I -1 I
g- - stituted, is as follows: I I , as inter. years was a memb6r of the ,Sabbat4h "rite.Lap" applied . . 1. I
? I - , Cbesley; I&D. Alex., Sparks, Vorda, 'Church were largely attended on doctor, did his part Teimarimbly well -Sebool of the then Carmel Presby- . 1060 I .
1. &W Sunday last and -were conducted by And'tagetter with tfhe end im ' Idt *te; I 11 V;;�i�O,AII I - . . I .
,... Goderich. and Evan Sparks, London; Mr. amd I en. ded, the V --Nails, . �
Maggie 'the pastor, RevL W. A. drig to The desired in the way Of'cfiurch, and is now and' Now nailing space -4 .
'... Mrs, John Walker, Miss Young. In nOth
, I Secretary -A.- T. Cooper, Clinton. Robison, *Seatbrth; Mr. and Mrs. A. the mofting tibe soloist in the anthem fun and sparkling wit, . I . "
; , . Xembers�Col. P_` s. Hay4j Sea- W. Beacom, Mrs. Matthew Armstrong Was'Mrs. W. A. Young, and at the The closing ' I
,t:.1, . Mr., and Mrs. evening service a Indies 4,uartette. pro ipart of the evening's Cessful minister Of the United Church it I . .
, . forth; Mrq. (Dr.) Fowler, Clinton; of Hullett towinship,ii gramme was A ,Cloudy Farm in at Petrolia, A -host of relatives and . I
j., . P B. A. Sauder, Mr. land -Mrs. Frank XT'sk K. Hutton, Miss Irene Hog- One act, entitled
` - WS. X ,Palmer, Goderich. , I Want a Divorce," friends were ,pleased' to ha�ve an op- ...
, - . Erwin, Kitchener. . garth, Mrs. Harold Bell and Miss in which those taking part were Wal. iportunity of -meeting with, 0 - I I I
1. ,Applications should be made to the . I iIreme Daterr, On Sunday, June 3rd, I .f and hear- . � - .
., chal-Timian or Aecretary, from whom I - - Arinkylersary ,ti,services, will be ,held, . - . __ .. __ . I I I - - I-ENNE0
J �` ,. Thi -board does not ne�d to meet . In answer to a petition from. the ,Spelcial anthems, quaytettes and solos TENTH ANNIVERSARY SALE, "STARTI SDAY, MAY 31st .
�1_ to .pass applications. Thesp Eire for- business, 'men the board of public are being,arranged by the choir, and ' I
,. wazded, when received, to the Depart- a special invitation, ,is extended to To shoiv our appreciation to the man
�', ,., trustees have proclaimed a -half holi- I .
."_ I ll day every Wednesday afternoorri duT- everyone to attend these services. ,. Y who have. patronized us during the
ment ten years that we have been- . I
:1�, VOWS as to qualifications, etc., are in,g June, July' Auktist slid Septemi
I to Toronto on, Tuesday where Dr.,Col- .
1!i made from, there. ber. When's,hoWay occurs in any ' You will now be able to.buy"sea,sonable goods at the'Lowest Prices. - .Benefit by'this Sale. I
I � , ,� a I d9m *ill itiot be (Mr. andMTs. Bert North and little I I ,m 1101101101NOWN I. I .
,,� mp, , __ 11n, a clean, smart ball game on the . LADIESIP " . .
I . I I * spent the week end with Mr. and Newest styles, ,silk crePes, Plain, or flowered., sizes 1446. Regular ib, sizes to 44, o 1Y . _ -
: 0 - between the Goderieb team and the Mrm R. Higgins and, family. . I Overa5s, blue, with,b _.
� .i MrA Boss McGregor inrotored to To- oif 4-1. Both teams showed good were recent, visitors with -Mrs. E,. Dktws& pastels, silk crepe, sizes, 14-20, regular $6.50, only.. $,f.')75 on-ly ..... . 11
1 , yed, the Rannie. . Newest"Fankay, Priliti Dresses, organdie, trimmed, fast color guaran- red -back, 8 ounce, sizes to 44, 'only. - ii� .......... $1.29 4
il V011!t6 011 Tuesday, actomps�nied by ga1mie. 'A few errors by the Zurich teed, beautiful styles, sizes' 14-44v only ..................... 9�c Overalls, Ligh - thouse make, with bib, -in blue, red4back, sizes36-",
�. ,," Xi§P, ViolaClark, who is meeting her boys pToved,costly and the visitors Mr. andMirs. Urne Scott and !fam� House Dreg-giis, print, fa!A colors, small and medium ........ 2 for 95c Only ...... 11 ............. ...
I I . took full advantage. . ilYi Of Toronto, were holiday misitors . ........................... $Lg9
, aUnt, Mrs. IM A. Rice, on Saturday, 2n, Offensall with relatives and friends. SPRING400ATS'' . SHIP.T8
� Twelve hundred gallons of gravel: ,, WT. and Mrs. p. B. Ruchans .- I
imd leaving for -Mrs. Mee's cottage -dust 74 of AN wool tV4" and, tritotines, dark, navy, grey, (bl I
11 I ., I on Ahmic 1-alre, ,Parry .Sound. bv the police trustees for us4 on the ativ s pent 24 . ..... I ........ "LF PRJCE M%rk Shirts,. navy and light blue, chambray, coat Atyl,e, 2 po
Mr, J- -101ifford Britton., who haa village streets. . ,In connection with the recent min- Y on, dqien ladies', ' Tweed Spring Coats, sizes 16-20, to clear I - ........................
, ',��. bpelit, the "A six years in the West, of W6?k Shirts; extra large ..(;w I
; I We9srs. Nick and Ed. Deichert, GA ..... make, specially made for stout men, mole -
L as .'Missionary, and who also attended Detroit. spent t1he week end with rel- strel show held in OUT town -hall on . ' . ' ....... $2.95 s1kin and cottonades, regplar $1-M, only .................. W
�-,_ 18t Andtewl,s, College, in, �Saskathon;atives here. Mr. Jacob Deicbert re- ithe eveningof the z4th of May, Rev. MILLI&�k�* " * * " * * ' ' " * ................ MEN'S SOX I I
,. '. . M. B. Parker very materially added to Pine Straws t silk crepes. leghorns, white and" ' I . 11
�111 _ creturriedby motor on. Wednesday, he- turned with ithem to the city and will iTnis, r colored, ,large or smiall - Men's Work ,Sox,'b,ea,v,,y and fi, .
"',%- eftiparlied by,his wife and twb ds,,u� visit fors week. I the effect of the "itage by directing br newest shades, regular $2.95. Frorr% 98C to $I -9j5 1 Fine Sex, cotton, only ...... e wooJ, 2 pairs ................ 45c
""111, 1. . I s, Katherine and Arvia, an,i, is MIA. and Mrs. Simon Thiel, of Kit- the lighting from the gallery, a de- SKIRTS . . . ....... ( ...... 15c .
,. , guest -Of his Pargvbg, Mr. and Mrg. cbener, visited relatives 'here over vice which he made hinigielf. . Fine 'Sox, cashTnere and silk and Wool, ""' ' ' " *
?" WRn Wiss3fae WicNaugh-ton, of Toronto, White Pique Skirts, smartly imade, sizes 14-20. . . - _150c for . . , assorted patterns, reg -War
,� spent the Week end with her parents- * ra, flamnel , I
' CcllegO it,erw With honors and, alsvd Rev. and 'Mrs. L. Kalfbf1eisch, of here. . I Fine silk andwool pulloveTs, pastels shades, all sizes. Only .... $1.25 ductions. .
.1 week with MEN'S UNDERWEAR
p-:,1, tion atid *Ill be Ordained, on I The many rei�Ltjveq and, ftlend, of SILK HOSIERY . .
,k, ,. a I�Gs Ali,�6 Wal-ker will regret to learn F * al�riggan, cdAlbifiation,s short slee;ves ' '
, rd in the London Conference to be Dr. and Mrs, A. J. -MacKinnon were ull fashioned pure silk thread hosiery, all sdzes and colors, only 59'0 - . tons .or buttonless, alb - ' , orjly. , knee length, with but-' I
k � -i , . "Allev�A,'l pure silk, ge-niii-fasibioned' hosiery, 8% to. lo%. poprular sizes - -_ ............
h--i-, '. visitors in Torotto for' a few days � -not as W,e]l a's it Was hoped, She . Pennian's bAlbriggan shi ............ 65c
g , 1, . . Would be through (her treatment at I shades, only. i ........... rts' and' 4awers, 36-'44, regular 66c, only 49c 1
�.A , 11 . I ' , ented Byron. Sanitarium She umderwent Rayon ,Hose, first quality, picot" -jo
,. their, plak. "Aftt suvaljls V ds Court Of Revision shadesi, 8%710, only 29c r
14�,���: , fiiom to A very long and most inte hoi�eTy, full fashioned, light service weight, regu.,lar 86r _...
, at Thames of _Xfr,g. George Fog - eveless, wbite,'l rue, gTeen, Oizes 34-40 35c: -
dp�,.� I �owl 0 Im. I -the -revision of the "era'. Lis -t of -ter, . .
T 110*4 1.6n, Abib f , - Su'p6rs-ilk ifiosi6i*', full fashioned, or6pe and chiffon, regular $1.26, only .......
�,O", ift*k*!01,4�wy vri& their. daughter inw- Pro-Anicial .election. , Ppears in o SILK SL I . . I , CHILDREN'S ' ".
, _" , 1. 1L. . I wondeT&I old lady and, p 4lufted, .White, Pink, 'peach. Dre
�4 sses, celanese crepe,puffed sleeves, white, blue, brovm and green.
�1�7�1j�..,; I Mrs, Poster ist an( aunt Of Mai Cla-r- SUITS I I Ankle hOse, aims 4-1
w4a " I I- + e, er, were Visiting relatiVIW'here over ,0, all colors 8,t
, . L , . .11 .. . the week end. Miss. Anna Rest re- Tissda Mitchell of our villiager And the Fine wool Worsted, striped, in nsv7., brown and, black, sizes 36-42, " 0�1-y .:* qi..10c, 15c, 19cp
I T 11 1-1"% 4futt 'held 'Miss Xletbell a HATS I .
.. i �, ..16W -N a, 16W a,iMeelbing in the' fd* 04r griaoi is an 11469, hfipartw eelta", 1gre-ya brown a4d sand, re9plar, $2.95, i And I 22-32
', I re on last -if wii,4:&;�Wh, � . .. . . .1 . orn "'U' to 'mention at greatly reduced
_0 2299MIAA"Akii�,-`R", " 4 "MI. `,.Ti-- "-,i,,Y,1114 ',