HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-05-25, Page 3�. _ � . .11--....1-- ___,_______ ­­ ---��'ll-1-1--�-1,11-1�.",.,".�-1- ..­­ ­ ��,�---��11.1i'�.----�,.,-.��-.,-,��.,;�, ��, �: . .,;� ;,,�,, 17�,f, 11'..l." 1-11-1-,* . " 11�",-V.,. 1-%:�P,1�1',�r.11�w, j,yr ", -�l",��,��'I'll���,jz�"""'�"'-'i�,,�",r?'- i7' .-I , I , li I 1"11Z1`1'7 I" " . 7pi ,,V,,�,�",V�;w7p,V.,'i - `r,:��irm-vlo �� , _'.ft,g',�;,�,�� !Ri��,,�llf",.",��..14"z.,Xp,"�i�� I �%.�! ,K§ .1 R. ,, - . ,!11 .1 � . I %, , . 1-1�?` .._ _� , f*-, . 1�x AN, - I .. .47 . I . I I -00 , " I, . 1� , .. ,. -40.1.1 I " , ,_ . A , ��,'%o -,im.gi �! / M , I ­ 1� ­% ,� I rsS �411T I � � 'i"'. : �. � , : � -., . �1. , 6 �, �. , - 11 � .9 . , , .. ". � , 'A - I r, IN " - , , � " � ,� �r , t, ; " ;40 �,: . 1 � 0 �_- .."i'm , �! n V I , ". 4, �., yl�,;� , k "' A .1.1. � , ", I �1' " ,� �.,*.X`1'�!, I . 1. I ';� M 'W­'%I.,� - - -, ,". ". - �, I , � " I Y , iu, - - , ,.':`�`,;,;-, t.�­ I ­ .9i 01 , 1. ,I I I . , - � � . � �,.'.4 ; I �, A ,JKj, ,�_ ,10ANW-Iii — . Till .. MYT, I k" 'AbVIIAW, '�%.­ I . I., W I �, 9 :11 IV, � I : � -1 � . 4c- . '' �,�.:�_ - , ��, " , `­,�. ,��.i�,;W.`��_,."1971, ", �,s�q,,. .� I f , �'. , - , " �. -� -1. . , ­: ... 1. -1 ,0 . .�t I, �!7V,� ,,, -� , " �, ��i_,��,V* 44`14 .A j�:Jj­,, I R , . . I ��'t`. ,,,,, �,' :. � IV, ov 1, I-. - 11 , � ��­ I " �- ..! , � I . , �, .1 _,­ I .... N . — . , , ­­: i I , � �., "I" U " ;,v I �'- , ,� 14 ";`.If �, 1. , 19 I'% I .. ,� "I 11 , ', �V.­,�� 1" ;: . " - I 0 . ly, , � I � aeAll .11 � 6�1� 11 - .1 . ,, - � - � L�,L�t�n ... � ... 11 ­ - - . ,r� _,$,W: 10�V',', ,;X­� � , 04 0 1 �4,v - 11�,w AV I "I � " . I � k ..., , i�. . _ '..ofttgo,& i i* 01", ... `�p 'P 'A�y-,t:7�7i,k.'."-�Y?I+��7",AW', I -----­,-g%�p1 .�, I— Ro ra , , P _1 �L , I �'11 '', � __ "' �!: �, � , 1'­1­.y,-�,,J,.- . -.� -.1 - - ­­ j , T . � ,P , — � , X , . , � ,,�,!..' , ,,,�,��1:,?'T:­ . ." , ,,,,�, '. I. -',A___ ", -.,..'�.,.,�,.i",��!..".".",-', ,V t , -, -Z,.!�'?�,,­ ­.-J..p­­. - ­­­­� . i,, � 0,e4.4 i ft*, - -�w ..Id t" "I I'll , ! �Ilez . � 'I., I ­ .. �;._�Z.� . ..... , I .�'. �"' _MZ,41'. �_ ., .1 .,A A X94 , X I . I , :4" .- I .. "' , . ��, 14 _� , 17". , 1. ; ". I � '. �,,.]=r,,sl ,g ­ � �,:� !, , I . � t'.'�­ �:: I , " N', ,�,�!j - , "".. . "il� ­ , Njtl'�f.11f ...; - �(JCA�#Jiiqg 7 I , , . - , A, -i , "" -p,,,,,,,,­�� , J I , � 0�' (T�Qa . I low when NOR* lmlm : "... . -:� 2 ,%� ,� p )j%x'. 4, " VS I I #0110',4ho 9�0,450, � pr 1�=t - . a .�. �. ., , ... _ . 41 I � I F. �. " �%y �..e e Oftl ­ ", � ,� "' ,$),r -1Jp,i-,.tq,WP.", ; , - , , 1,)., �', " IN, -_ P"4 "NATIOX � 10 "' '' . , yif 1 1, AWIFF WWAANJ,,�,. iA - _.,;,� - I V ZID ' Wrf�,O, .W, Agre-" - - ", I., . , , ,. I , . __ , ,_; 0 or"' 3*0 ;A i _ . . . ., . . V 4� ­ I ''P.W _ 1* ,; "o, pr -'4 W - , ---it" 3 vi. �d I �X` '.."? ,h � rtjon.�#] '':". _P .�.-,,i,,,'..','u��',�,,,,�,,�4'.4�,� 6Q... At t. i 11. "F"( . de 1� . 9'. , -111 A .. �i,, 4 :� 1i .1 .i i r,1R,,,,,W,;A11'1C9 . .'' but, q- , " , -1 -�yv tht ; .1 �,- V�XWA),,.,.;,%",! . �t,", � - - , , . ,v , , . �_. - .0 , �?*,.�d.*..,tm-.,A'�,#,Ry,!:.,�,,.,�"kp"ot �:, � .. . 14 1 " �L4 .'� , ,.� ' lh!iOW11 * he had '4 , . -,AbAt001M , �. ' ` Sb�� . � TO Y, May 15th , � .04A . I . , �. .. - - * .". ,. ", "I ." . . - , ''. . . (I .d 1 � . , -1 DO .�Or_ . " , ,�11 , 1.11�. �,�,,, �Q 'I ' . , then­TAPaut Owo:)3 t X . ' t '4 '11 * -,§t,.,mA1,�pp,q --.,#�,� , ^,`-.,,",;�,�� � �, �, . . . . . . I I - . pb,. I , I 0 MW , , -t .4 . . I , .' , . � ,� '00 z� it � W*U14 hA* ". I , . .* 14'V , b I beljo W+14W.V.1 , vi ,�,!1.3411'1: , . � in the How W. oet,lb'P `i'041itiftl . life t a , - U ,Qw. Woll I I .. , - _�p ­ . . -,.t"".:::� _� .,,- � ''_ I .1 11011.1 " ' ,� - , . 7 07:0,', toOk-liOr - 00V and ��Q - I '. . . . ..".", po i�-day the h4aks 49'r`V4 ' *40'WelP enjobted 40.vaeh v ' 'e I ,O h V16 4- ,, �.... ­­­. , , . 17��­�:.L�'_��".,'�', I , * , . . OQM Kid4ey Pillp.'. .; *- `- " ' ,. � , � _40 .j � �,W I I .. . , ,r � Y�­,;; r -­ ­ ­ , god. oil Vdt,ll.,Pt.l�A-41p.a-!!$V.,*,*I, B.W.. - - I .. I ; ,- : ­ , , , ;:.,, ?.,, ,,:. %tol-Arag ,6 .. 1! -, " - � . . . r reto I VWA - his 'A I ' " I I ,.. - - ,. , - - AQ00rgmkit. menbers" :xpeb,,'1d,1.�V,".- , , 1. , t1ten. PIMA 1Q.4 qd' , , -(IS, 44)i" 14, i". , It . * :�� I.: .­�­, - 1, ""... I � , �­�,�,�; A .�. � Atec'. , , . .. .. , , . : i, , , , � , �, -1 W al life "Vian, .1 I � ..'' � . �: ��� , . �F'r .X' -V'7 1 dze" - ", 11 I ` ,� . - 1­�",rlt 10n, ', T -b his cQuivt,t7.. 'mr BEA& .... Pill I � , at'' . . . �.,�?,�,.F.� ,;.� ­ 17_�'. �r. .'�,��,,6.,,l ( , . *141w". esr� T 'Is' 091itilp � -4"Podd!% 914ney Pills, are _ , ­ ;; ', I - I I onia, Out.; 7447 24' Do it lknio� e V , , , ),nogo vat" -on -&I , . : *.' t P - Va , 44 ... dabaw wvA. -pk9w whis duty to . Am. A i kl'_`�. : . . q, - ,6. 1 . 1 usod� them when I was in ' ov,;k, I I & v .. . K'4,- . .1�1_ - .1,6e r � ,R I .48-114.1 aggy uptil E�On- % Pr M , Ron. I ., ,ft. r *.,- "EU1, ' 'jid, C6ft_ , 81121414 ,r , 1ATA:J1. 7 "Peaeby 'U;�ij.:� ` .11 . . ,,, ,., , I . I . . �, 1: ., _yr, FJ, , , G . W 4, ,�, 1 � , ".- - .�dff, . , it _ . ­ ...... ; �4 I,v,!*.?,�,�e-,��,-�,��",.".".,..-� �, �`, I . step Od jffit6 the P Iture. The `V4ctof Scotia but stopped foi- awb.*l 11, writes 011W home - , , . �4,� �] Apipme-.d $'by the 3ise of ev-47 iid*�- , a . . I wl nfo ,Of',t3a0­W.rd p4ze,,e4shAJ;#, ;, ­ �, " I 1� .1 " 1 ' Mrs. Thowaoi---C. 1*,%, a know* 'i �1. , - , 1, : �f : �:���'i;�:'��V;,'�,,,%'���,�."R,",",�:ILE,��,�AE"k?��l��!V",. " , _ '. A- - �,Mr. Fide 'Reid of LoUdon, , - .­� . " _-�.. �p . r is a. genial fellow. in'--ioma ; w"_9'. bu%ftiveposslble An,4 in th'0 pe"eren way . rid ivopeebo-d' id - SulAday in the Tlll�ge.' . .. vloni�ev Poultry . Floods log . . t .7 . � I .., ­ .. .. � I - . I r � ave an uu 11 MI' a . *` �, � . . . � " ,..� " OA, are in, P*e lLaybg Conte's 'held fecenti,y. - 241 .. 11 . N11 3 � 1 "'4 , _V * , AppeArp to h . , 11, -temp .d,,.'h@a . o �:�A - the extravagant. expen It 904_� ."I suftered1ro,n�ind - -_ - 'There was it I" ' - hint; time 't - . Z,.. ,.�, . I . , . -7�jwfl *­ , I Ile - eqUI ,. r - _ ,,� u animation, of the ... __ _0 .. - , ... � . 1. , I - - t � PeacW.-s en*'4 ir ': t�` � I U . ei"'and on,& , = i��. nectio, -thb,.fii . divi 1' T A � .. a with' the,o.'.GXX,.. rider . �IVq 'd; er, -and -when I _'T� . . 'St . , -, I . ing . . I P felt. it,comMo is tho many . 4. ��;. -: ��� I I � , " il , . oir 'nursday ,&veni4g .ao.'�* �_gulk - ",�' 1 .. .. ... - . .g ev1pn. c , . . ­--�­Jlk . . .40� . W., y�- and 'hollerin, ,,Liberal Gqv�rn,Thent, ' - � � : ir .-.'L- '. 14 ", N � A�s. - . wxyt-Imurg - ' ;the me! �iQZ_1JL_fl0.1dM'Aff9.:t*-1W. . . I . IN - , . I I" — , - ii J took DoddIs Kidney Pills" phone calls aroused bd - . j-1., 11 -1 . ;3 'T ,�C, . - " " - ._�, . 19'hbi Not that he said On the'mo#Q�J* � . " . ,1j11w,4j�,-,,, � � . r.,t..he 9'hborh* cessful poultr .. :- . .� , . �, , i � 0 1 .. aogset6 9'a .9.. - K when _y raisers all over Cau� ,' . I... , Air, I .y they did mwa, t �' . '640W, `49P,A i �bf , any.' .ai*, can s 6 ia , , lof . i't was, known ,that fire had . , 11 .� . -It is "At 'Wee of Ways -1 , 1!J*,F,V �� I great imp6rts,ace, but -1 , o oComi . I . hom, 0 r_; Meams, -a are. gqbtlirg spkn'did -results with I I I � � N ,, , ***is inake-tip, and it would' seem en- ,�n d. I have-beeri Using Dod&s Kid- broken out in -Mr.-Percy Johnston',% ad I - . V I ,� 4 . . the QCW.'s ,moved an. , I " .� 11R.. I - - . amendmwnt. 9*0 the'full line of Pioneer Poultry Foods. -_ bao'p­. ��'J.r , 04 ly " �A "' "' , "' 4 ­�ire'ly."..Q t of 9 tiud � not ltke� the :pr4v1O-.-&,­ ­­ - - i I - - h,i.a ­:- � , ney - .Pills -,for, six 7eare and, I - a- , _,%t1j.l ,barn. .1 Ow.1w. A -Q � tiLe. _.f;Wqt .::I;hi0,__�.a 75, 0'rudu15, i�a; a to feed -,_P.JdnP== - ' . . _., Z 11. 11�� -n�,T,f�gm- ", , i M mom6ff �11 ­ I � _*y -d .� "' � , . , P oo,osoi�.`-,,,il 1, I' " .1 . I . jaze LLI� y' the I.Abera 9 m - y . _. :".��.11`12�,' I .,��?g , , , . " ,straiig wind ,*w, -on by thetime help , - 0 I " .11cr; " . 1. F did not stage, a using tham. Laan'sixty , , i I 311!1�1 �,, ,,, � I doctor_at all if he ut 'amendirdent. The IndweiIAents yearj� of age Goderich Star., I - .. I I I I L"_"" �11�111 �,,, 11 , . ­ � . 17 ,� � perforrnance as he did,to-dAY. His erit. . The. a . . . _'. r"Ll"t . had moved a sub-amendrn ird -am married, with -nine. children', arrhred-, little coiildrbe done,,j6 'jamvp . . . . ' 7117- 41,11,101 � , ­, -" 6�. , , � , . Im" � , I . . . , i . . i 0 1� - I . , . - 3f"� :'L ..'; *ock in, th�- interio-r., �mi. .' 1_1,'p_n' ''�Q . -0 T-, ,'' r4 ., 34A , , , ms", were all' I - 60,Ca ".'ic 1�11 - iliouts end gesticulati4 'sub-amendivent was ruled, out �df -or� 'all living, and can, iitill do a . good the liv*' . � I I ,. .. r � T! -, li,35­"'L�-` . , . I . - - -, '. "O" � . taken good ,natured .11 I - 11 � . � ,� .. -.Wt 1;; . , , ,:"�, �, Z, . . � ly'by thbi Opposl- 4er Fina dm-ent, was rul,, da. ' w rk.01, Johnston had a real good b4zni we . . , , .4, n 1� I ya ol I ... '40 11 ,�lly, the amen I . t � .,� . . . .*.Us 'put e , r4a . , � *., ", �: "I .�ALL F11 " "I I ; .,tiou -who are used to his extravagant out of Order and. again. the Im'e " a . � .i�� I .d _ . Dows Kidney pi Vi� kidnWs equippe , and -his loss will b , "heavy. C.onij) g COU h G ,!� � . . e.d . � It.,, �4 atin, 6 rass .. If 'You, open a: S�yv� , ,�, 11 statemient& .. ,. . -k.oqd *orqdng order and all the, !in- � was partRy covered bv insurance. .. . ­ ; ,,, .1, . � . , . ; � .,�, 1V �� 11 I - , , . ' I . I . - de- .pendents made' another amendmen)t In I . . , 1C&11ejh or -tiack are-sents - a - - I ,- .� � (,However, near the eloso of the which was allo,we to sta,i,d and. tM4 purities and poisons are strained 0 t .1 . . . . . - I titis, Bank, ev. � _ 4opup - .1ba d , -_ - - i '. . ery � " .1. te Hon. MT. Euler arose to correct of the blood. The resVlt is that' U . . I . . . . I . � very serious ,problem, in Eastern Cah- I i � I— ," 11 : , , �. defeated by 167 to 14, - Mr. ,J. C. . new � ­ .. ad,% Inpperiments have shown that . I I ,. consideration .�e -it044'' . I—. 1.�,,_, "I'll .. . � I some of his references to the C.NJR. Elliott then . . . strengt1k is carried to every . . , . Mill, el , �. ., ,.. �0.li I , ,�; . . ..­... . ,. � ,� , I :,. .... . , `1 'made. viAothee ani�end- � part of. STAFFA ploughing 'as early in the gurnmer as - _11­� : , ' " ' ' I.Mr. Euler frankly acknit&�d, that if Imient 'which was ruled out, and tFe the body. That's why so many suf- ­ . � I 'You; a�nd yQ4,94 And t6prac�4. ,­-, . I'll I anry one. could halne, foreseen the d&- . , s carried'withoult a rt-gisr femrs, relieved .by Dodd's Kidnev * .k the crop can be removed, cultivating _.. I I .. . . � xpe:,L.�o . . 6d . , 1�. � . motion, wa (Intended for.last week.) -fall, and replough- � 291 . . .'I.- 11 . . -qTession that was- still spread over . Pills'sum UP their.,pondition, TI feel . � . __ ibelaid durinj the tical bi4siws,e �'ln .�� '. " � ) . _' - ", I "I V tered.vote.,_ ,' - � - , _ . . The funeral, of Mrs4 Joseph *Noirril% in�g -jriot-'..before. the ground freimes . . I , ­ " .... ­ .. f 0 . 1_.. the. -pountry, *WT4 Q.uld not have . ,�Nlow we will -be able to proceed li-16i�"i new persofi'�' . , in this way extrexwiaely�. lelpf" I, 11 : :, ��.� i ; � - I 1be6u the expen-ditures­bm. railways wi,4� ­�th4, b.jjs . . .. . � wdll ,known ., ffibbert pfoAeer,,' who conaditufte a very satisfactory, meo- I I . . . I I .� .4 � � ' was. . . . I . passed away Wediriesday at the home od of- comtroll. If this procedure can � I -.,.-. � I . � � I that thire � � . 11�e pointed.,ou't that we were,.pass- Worth -request, lience his, lecture men� of her daughter, Mrs. N Mitchell, be followed fbe next.year bry & culti- ­ ­' ' .4 Savings Acc6uhi - I ' ..., 11 , *ednesday, May 16th - Ll I .. ­ ..... 1$ very, colt- , I" I R1112 � . .�, 4� 5_., through an era of vast expan, . . . tinned ibove. . Cemtralia, was held 'Saturday after- vated cmp� or a smother crop, prac- . . I '�' R;1 , g, g, ,, I I I . ,P�.k. . - .. - I . � 40 and these'tbin-gs W& being de- The. H?�7e. again 'turned its attem- Jn th 131a �fl Clornirdtbe6 a divi- noon to� .Staffa',Vnited Church. ,,Rev. .61ca,117 Complete ,eradication wilL.,be vemFnq and, once begun,,O.nth . ,.... ! ; � 9� �% 4� I . .- . -, I I . �� -i�.� . �, g, , ') . . mianded 'by - the People and that all tion To zni� TylarkeTing Bill. ,This bill sionon straiglif party lines, developed R4 N�-Stewart, Centralia, and, Rev. & Isecure& It is surprising and,,.dis- I. ,War . de�m.��s. - aird, ipWest I ;V11 I . . - .. for the is now� cohsioerably ainend�4 I B k"'gill" * Con- Turner ofliciated.. iAhm.,, Norris, who heartening' sometimps, - to find Ail& . reg . . . ; . . --parties in the 'House voted' I .. . ..... but over the Centra am. ,. with . . - ' - . I L. 1'�. - . I . I .." � I . oon groN�s �p 4-. ", -e , " I . . I S . ' ""h I . ,ad" s Pimciahl!V.- ", . ,i ... �,_,,,, . add-JtIon;* and improvements. to our with,� all the imen�ment­aiiii. I 'be- serviativeg rallying to T e support of Was in her� eighty-ninth year, enjoy- eoulb.h. grass, wiH persist even after :1, ' . -.,_.railways, and tl�at some,of the Coln I - lievel�,there .are eighteen, in, all, it is the private,'ownership' which he health up -to iliree years enn.-iderable work has been. done On' It naeans,L enjbyuient, , kMl 1V I ,-%t,� � . - greater I 1. - ," - * . . 'serviLtives wanted then, to claim that still to my mind a very 6bjectionable ,,vAded for, �and Libei*ls, and otfiers -ago when'she suffered a stroke'. Her the land. ,.However, whe'O'ngbt nieth- I . . . I . ��,�p.,R',,o I .. . ; 1��,,,�*,2 - ­ I ,1 ­ it was they who bad really started meastre. (Mr. W. IH. Moore of favoring public Ownership. - With a huslbar0 predeteased her j�,me slx� ods, are followed,, and -provided .reaL I comfort and confidence. r ...... ..;�­:,"."": L "... '31 .� the O.N.R. on its way. . .Oshawa, Mr. King and,,Mr.. Woods- commiendable celerity this, q1jestion teeli'yearg. She leaves to mourn, her .sonably.dry weather is enjoyed, com- I � .. . � � , , T� ,,�,'� . . I ; . . I . P�,1,11.1,,�, I .� -1 IDuring the after,ntwn DT. -Mani worth were the leaders in the debate was digp(4ed of to -day when the ,passing four daughters, 'Mrs. Joseph plete :,success iray -be; assured. In, � . 9Z , ,.,",r�,,,,.,,,,L,�, I I __ _ �,. �. 1-11 1. �1, ;11, "� ,'�� ,,, , " _� " I . . � ,�1,1�� . I . . . I 'Western Ganada, the application of � I I . � I _1 . " F :���"�'_"�­' �111 I . .qd referred to the extravag e . to -day. One statement made, by,.Mr. vubU& ownersbip.propositioli Of MT. Worder, Staffa;'Mrs. W.1m.. Fawcett, . . . 1, �1..�'iv!s,;I,.- , . 1i - ; ' I . 1� . . ... . . . . . . . I..— .. "I � connection with the C.N.R. At n lit Woodsvviorth is significant. He claims lan, McKern4e was voted, down 17 to Aflt�chell Mr -g. I�T. Mitcliell, Centralia commercial feitiliz�rs with"s, combin- I . .... I I . , 1-- _ r �, ' ' - ' . . , r I . ' ' .1. . I British Coluntbia. ation ferbilizer,Land grain drill hs6s .- I I I. I ,�,#, . - Mrs. H. Thompsom6 `�`�"d�,71:" . Mr. Buler asked him if he .had - that he is attenipti-irig,to set up a so- IS. P!rime-MinisterMennett. confers 1 Ll�"71.,%;4�1", . ,*:�, �, .1 . I I I . ­ proved very offective, in controlling . , _- I 1�,, I I ' ' 'that ,at the outset he ,had been and one son Albert,'on the homestead,. . �_ , - . , .. I . cialistic sipite and at the same time ed . . I � ." " �11._, , , - . . p but The pall -bearers were her six'eand- many Wee . I . %;�. 11 .. I & �., .1 . , . _. -..:— .. , — contends that he does not want to inclin1eld - to -�*Ivwte ownershi 4 i � ds� �, . TM CAN BA,N,K . �, � 11.1 ' I . . . . . I . . 41 -.0. L .:.. . . V", � riterfe-re with Pxis*hg institutions.. the Opposing considerations- had out- sons,: Alvin Wordien, Russell Wordon, ' . . I ' ' �� . . . . . ' I, , ' , " , �', . L , - - .... I � - �!,.�A- . . _!,.�� I . 'At'the opening. of the House t"ay weighed this idea. He said that 90 ffilliani Fatweet, "a&ence Norris,k A California autboresiss;ent a. man-' OF COMMERC. 13 ,.� 1-:,2 I . A .266. lbs. MANI ' Norris, Harold Mit6helL ustaript to Aaribrose Pierce with the ' . .1 . ,... X . I . the GoveTnm&ht Winisteri gave no- - oer '.cenf. ` of the countries - with cen- NorVal I With WhICA ia at'narOaMaftd I � * 11 ::,":."'11''..." , I " , , '" _ . __ I �� _�,�� �Q . . I.- I _ i ce of coming legislation and there ?tral- banks have pri�mtel owned Mir. and'Mrs. Fred Parsons'','Sarnia, request that he give her a '�criticisan , THE STANDARD' WATM-OP- ) � �. ,, .Z , I 1i y i . I . . ; .1 .. .. ,.s plentyi brut more information will banks Of thuy sort. Iftlen in.a very visited 'Sumday'.,with Mr. -and Mrs. in one sentence and drop further corm- . . . .1 . . .. C , " � I.:. - 1. ��.. ..,� I �. I . . . ­. . ..:�� ., � . - �� __ '' . LOSES._FAT - .. ment.11 Something was heard, to �.,.! � ��!;� a � be given to-�morrow. solemn way Mr., Bennett gave big ex- A. Gmale. . � - '. �'.4, . . � I . ' I . . . . . . . . . ... ,:-.:­� 1".. I ents and 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Bushfield and- Mr. drop up and down the Padific coast I .­.�O­ . . .1 There is a large public works pro- pienence in making appointm . . . I - I I � -%L,... I , �rgram to -be considered., and -all the 'oointed out t,be'm1aTiy,thirIg9 that Mid and Mrs. L. Harnmor and, family when te r6pqied: "The covert of your . I . ''. "',.. .,.�,,%. � . :""%. I , I . ,;;;- , .1.. 5� lbs. Off—Feels Better M aiting the tobe tak-eh- into consideration in., :;'. I I . .. '', Mem1bers, are eigerly aw . such spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A book are too'far, apart." . . � .". . L . ransa ,- , I I "This brings to mind a deft ac- . I . _.:�.,�.­ . 1A wo�man writes vbouther husband full announcement of - this pro -gram. t 6ti&�S. - III listening to the Jeffrey. , I I � ,�;� , ­ . ' , as �.o1J,QWs:_411H.e istarted. to take Then there is the election act. RUm_ ,Premlpr one could, notbut be in�,pres­ kno ledgineirt -of William Makepeace � I I 11 . ". v.,". ! t 11 w I . ��,1-114 - , . �_1�1.1 " . ,�,' , Xrus,chen- Salts for r-beuniatism. Iris 'ors have it that this is also a drastic %ed wit'li the seriousness of these, Thackeray upon receiving a , 'book 1,� . . , � '"', � . . I � r— . I Branches at Seaforth, Blyth-, �,.. I I 'CHISELHURST fromn a notorious heck: "Your volume 9 ,� -11 ; I , , I . Vreight was then 2,66'lbs. He began pie,ce of legislation, but p6rhaps it problerms. I . . . il�, .1 . to no,k b'e is ­2' g Bill has arrived. Isbal-I lose -no time read, �:, , lose mreijbt, and 10 lbs., will mot -be so bad as it is expecte4 'In, the, House the Marketin I � . :::��',­ M I , I . 11 �, ing it.-_ -Cumberland (Md.) Daily U 11 , '. I tter. .- He t6ok half -a- 1 it will be. , , . was still being discussed.' The Lib� Brussels, -D 'blin and Exeter � , and feels be . (Intended for last week.) ... � .r � . teaspoo'nful -of Krusch�n in a cup, of Orn miderable speculative interest is, e1ral Leader was, successful in having . News. . � ,� . ! I 11. �'. I I .1 � The early morning.senrice on Sun- I . '. '. � * I . - I ,._.... - I . ,;1. I Ay ­_., I -warTn water -'every morning'. People indicated in,.�he coriling here next some We�. important almendments d" was well attended. A Baptisnial I ,,� I . 11 . , I . - I I � -keep asking what he has done to week Of the Rik -lit I -Ion'. St�anley' matd.e. I believe there aTe! now some servilce wa o . I � :.,., 11 I - :., . 1,etch his weight down, and he always Druce, former Fremkr of 'Australia, twenty amendments made to thig bill - - � I I .11 __',". . . "" . ,says Kruscheii tSalts."-('Mrs,4� E S. who now representr. that Dominion -and in m, opimim farpiersi generally ,vhem,five children were' .1yaptizedi. A' �--�.It,, , ..t,'. . . * � y goodiv riuInber attended ,Sunday . . I - �..�,!!� " I ousands of OWTSt011t men and in London, while being a Mem-V'er of -ill resent it if it should be putinto school following the churA service . I . . '. . '' . I Th I ,.:" ; I , , I , , -women find in Kruse ar rnment at home, The .Brit- full ;.:�ffect-, I . - � 1. ." hen. 8alts 'a. f tfi'e Gove wqlen a Mother's, Day progr�xm was �,�­' * . � . _ . ' I 'better means of reducing than 'by jr,b press sugg,eds that Mr. Bruee, Friday, May 18th' . carried out.' . . th, � . Command the .Road., 1. -.1.,"111 .. . I taking drugs-. The little daily dose is desirobs of the Dominions present- . On Friday etv*niing next, 'May 18 . � I . .1 ... � - __�111, - -of Kruschen -Salts keeps the organs ing a solid front in the situation de- sProg,ress was Tnqd,b to -day on the �the, Young People of Duff's United . I 1. .. . I -1 . �,,�.,z . 7 ­ . ., , . . -functioning properly every. day and -jeloping over the Ottawa agree- Marketin, Bill. There were iwo more Church, McKillop, will plit on a play .. I . ,.'', .-A-lis you with such a feeling of radi- rnen:ts, of which. several -agricultural .9 ninth brititled, "All On Account of Pally." . . I. "! �! 1. 11 . � 'tality and vigor that before arnen6mlents added to this I with the 1934 . I . .,-"�, . ant v,q provisions, expire next year. 'ded bill. i0ne. was to provide � . ­ "I .1 L I amen Dn ,Sunday evening, May 20th, a . . . .. , . . . � .,� , jumping �-, I I zrou know it,you are fairly " A.fiew� Imp6riai Conference in Lon- gTant% to local boards for organiza- special service will be held in the . � . . I M.M � , . � . . . _.;-� . . �,out of your.skin" with energy instead don is then talked of as il idental to tion purpo,4es; theother ' Gvidevthat' church in the interest*of the Women's � "I., I , �. moping ' und-and reduction fol- tl� P Pr ­ � � I : s.. .- ­ I . . . �of aro I .,, Silver Jubilee of the King. Mn there shall be no compensation ,to Missionary Society. Rev. Mr. Taylor ,�.' �. "' � . 1,ows as a matter of` course. Elliott, ,BrPtish Minister.of Agricul- vroducts: pi�evented from, Of Thames,]18ad United Church will I ..'', .1 1. .; ........ _,�.,� -1 ­. . marketimg. � I "I", i, , . ture, has initiated, a campaign of if tbe ,reasom were an infeiio� qual- be the speaker. , A musical and lit- . I . I., I 1.11 . . I . . . ' I I . I I - ity'of prodeuce on, the imposition of a erary cantata will be given by the .. .. . . - I greater Protection for ,British, agri ty 0 . I I 1. . I 11 culture. . choir entitled, "The Beautiful City, I I � - The Lib- ,4 . . I . quota by a foreign country. . � � . -1. �1111 ALL -BRAN RELIEVED - Mr.nBriace has repeatedly been ad- ,�rals, ,of course, take some satisfa,_ consisting of choruses, duets and 91 .1 I vising the Australians to furnish a fion in the fact that they -have forc- quartettes; -the reFLders, Miss'Bernice . I . .­'. . . I I I .,..:.1;::�&:!::�::f�::! _:';. . � more free access to -Grealt Britain in ed- the Govern-n-vint to make §o many Harris "The Pilgrim," Mrs. J. 1VL .­%% �, �: -.1. ­­ -;::;O:��::�.:-,!.�� .. -.1. .:,." :_ --,-.­,­n.;.­�.,;_­.1 � ' ... _­ 1� - �4 ., -.0 , . I . . R-- -1 -� -� g. - their nifarkets, either that, or not to ,imendrr 9 S I .�.'-. �;,g,;�,)',,, �:�� ," '. _ ,:X. ,I .. � . .L.rLt to tbi hill. . Glen, "Teacher," Mrs. Edgar Cud, 1, go. . . , , , . -,.�,-,..;.�..:.�...:.:�',Y.�.:fl;�,:.. I .? - r _;>1,10�.::f�-.-x ,� M. ,:iiffl;.�.'i,.�.'N, n , . ,� HIS CONSTIPATION -have more, "Teimpter" and a numlbler of . . , 'I 'j� � rely upon the Present arrangi,rnent� as 'The., highlights of the week �;:::�l.:,.,-,�"'.,��iii�,�:i.'��.*".,'��i�,*'i.��,�i".�3',��'-',��� - -.::: : , . . . . ... I : - .,.>' / . . ". ,�,,>,-,�.-�.- '��:,-:::::-'�';" ,:%,,� I � an assmred and permanent. right. This included the passing in the C,Ouimit members of the Sunday school �.,�= ��.;M:'�.�.�.� ni _ Junior 11_fz . . 'm . , ,-;,-; . i., � ". �,&: :.:. , I .1 - /" I M I ., ­Iw� . . of course is plain talk� but those who tee of the.Mank Act, the adoption of 'as �%essengers_." ";9;;k;!,;19.�p7el5,,.:...:w,�,,"�- ...r. and 31Ts. M., i� .:�.. '. ,:- , , -, ,4 1. . . . Z " _,.��; _-­ \., * �*,��. � * - . have watched developments suitce, n party vote of the principle of p-ri- CUdmOre of Exeter will assist with ,-X11.,..._1.._' I I : Delicious Cereal Brought NeW ­,­ . '::�:.,,�_,::;d:..:­ ."'.' � . -71. . . :�:,�:_,�1_,::;d:.:'­ " � ;:��-..,,-, : . , id, .1_ ..:.:.. L . . _'.:.:­ Y.� these treaties - haivi,& become eff,ective I.: -.:'. ": ,,::�:_��,::;�:i: i" , �_"t, ;;­ ­. .�.:��:_��,:j;�i:i.',- _".. . . i � . I . the singing. Note the, hour of ser- � ... I . �";-.- . . vate Ownership Of the IDentral Bank, . I !: :,:,;7_ � , . ..!� ... �. . i :'. . ..;,. I � - i'�,�.:.­' . . vice ---17.3,0 p.m. .. .....-,�;::` � , �. . 1. :�, ,:. . . ,�,­ ... �'ej�. I'll ... I �,i ... I F :: , . . : " tll ' -ting this as the Do- the adppition, of the principle of the . I , -r , . .. .:. . ,have been expeL I : , , ': , . :. � ,Health,tor Mr. Bartholdiffiew ndxCons, are all wanting to sell to budget'inAIIV dhanzeg Mr, .anA ,Mrs. 1�hoch Parker and - ;;-::::j::,::-:..,:�­. ::' : ,:: . '' �'. . , � .. ..:.. . .... Z-1, I . , ­ -, . ......: .. , . �...:i:!. '';.:: -.: , . , . . ... �i ., in the Market- .'.x:.�..:.�W.'...:.. . I , .,�. :_:. ..: 411^. . ! :: I'll * . . Britain, but they do not buy; that, P I Mr. and Mrs. Russell'Xeys and li�tle ..,!... . .. �. .. . , , �-'-�:, -, 'j::-.: .1. 1: ..� � . - ;,,A - . ing Act, and 'Mr. Bennett's spanking ,.i-ri-.,:�:� � . '� I �_, I . . 1. ­'... : I .':1`1�,, , ,,..,- :k ::.' _ S.._,��..11. - I :.�. . . - .. I ", I I _, ,.: .:::::." - - I - 11 ith .'-'�:�::�,.; I I -Mitchell, visked wi .:-:��. . I ,:` �:­!�� ��, �:_ � , :'' � :. , .......... --i*,zi,,` �;: , . . Of COUTse, can onl? last so long, and of thLe press. - . 1. I daughter of I - .... . . ....111:X:.:j�...;_ . �'.�,_ 1: ,*:�, "... ,"', . :�,! " ". .. � . . " already there -axe indications that The eveninz sL--,;si(yn -brought forth Mr. ana Mrs. Ed. Cudmore on Sun ;,�,.'��'YQ. ... .:.;�, - . x, , . �:. I 1.�. .".."ll.'..... 'L,�', _t:........'1:::.:-.-..... �.. I - `:,,,�..�. ­­­' . ,:. . , "', �� - I We quote from his voluntary 16t- ' ... lk�5 ­ .. ­..­.�.. I I ��.i.ii I§E�-ill,.N I . . � 1. I changes will -have to 'be made. day. _.:.�"X! ..... . ­' :, .,...,. I. . ". . ... .; LL t:*j$::Z:., , .. ,­ '... ,tert . 1. I .1 .. .. . 1. : ... I., .:,,;�.�:�­ .: I . I 1� ..." � - "I had considerable trouble I one of the bitterest debates that we .­. . :1 � I P.,! - 1 !, , , X. ,.e. 0 , . � �......­__.­.. ­�,.:: : vith hatvie had. and the row was all over : : '. oi_ j:` � �,.!::::�y �,,�. 4. in stomach. Digestion was . - , ". I . g-,. 4 1, . 1% , . . . . � , , , I I of tKe question.' I got medicine Thursday, May 17th -r% and it'sure ­:�,:.11�i.`.:�:: ::*:;: .. .. ".", , I" � . " ,.�, 4out . tb*se pesky grasehoppe ,��I.k:0:,K -i'm. �1.11i� .. ­ ` ; , .:: !X: �i - . � . .xi i . I :-��-.. i,.... ��.,_ ­ ":; :X.;:;. �, - - - "I"', , ��- !-�!� ........ K_.,...... . I ,.. -,. . ,._:..... - I � v1dch gave i3ae Only temporary solne row. When'the House op- . ... �'�-�:�,:,-.-­. .. . -In the doings of Pirliament to-daY w" Mrs. Joseph Norris Dies .11,_'.."�'."...".� ,..:,;;:�::�. - _,�, I ::, ` '' k�-�4::;:�,,-:-.­._ --,�. 1:;.:;-X-..�;��:i�; '� , , Iq 6 I ' . '' relief. . the Prime I*nider was, very con- ened after recess there wiere a num- !�i��i� �;',";,;i,*,:_ _ . -�'­-4.._:, 0.,.-_ " 5;`1.,-71.,-' -,.,::!.-:::;;,_ i% �,":t::;:: .......... � -­ ` ..... -.t-;.. . , , �? I � :::� ;; �;; �:; . ..: .:; . -*;�1;tX-';.:.:.:r:.. - . 1. : ­.. .!i;�;'.':';:';'; .., .15..� '14 ALL n- em, their various read- X.X...., �:.:.".:�i��:i:��:..:.:.:,:.!.�,�,.:;,.k:I -:� ..... 'i, � "Then I thought of taking - spicuous. [He made a coupl,e Of i - -,ber of biEs giv The death occurred on Wednesday i*��.* . .:; :. . . I . . ...'."..'j, '.' I . .­,,7­�;�:: ._ .. �.,�;$,� X; :� ,. ..... -� . .. I - . '� 13RAx. - I started eating a cereal - ingo. The Minister of Labor and- at the -home of her daughter, Mrs, :�::::.."�:�:;:;:;,;,:!��:::�i:���iii�ii��� .. ... �_ . teresting pronouneement� at the up ::t���.������:���!�i����i����.,i����:���,,�.-,. �-.:�*:-::��`� XX.:�;;: ,,.,,,,..1.....-1.,..... .. ­.;. _ecl�� . -an Utchell% of a highly 'Fre-, ::;�iii,';�'i�.::::i�..""i�i�i�i.'.��: .: �.:,�?.' - _,$1 ­ I 11 ' . ....�:, --- , ­�:;�:�ji��:!��:;��;�i� ., dishful two or three times a day. ,ximes, ote., Hom. W. A- Gordon, again Nor will . ,-­-,i-.--.i�i�� ening; afterwaMs in the Banking :;.::;::�::::::::;:,:,:::::::::::.:,;,.;.;.:�.:,.:�A4.. .:�:�� . 1,� - . I ­... 11 ,� -6 -:-:!::;::�:::::::::::::.�. -, 1� � .:, .� , . tqok.bis seat t pilot his estimates, spected and esteemed citizen in her :;�:;f:;:;2::;;;:;;;:;:: K%.* ::: .:�: .,�-.-.;!;;1 I., , -ConrInittee, be.lifted the veil-vdiich, - 11-.1 ...:�� ........ -­..,.X..'.-'-10��'. . � �:.". . "it has� been over a year now . , " . _�:ii��i:i� - , .. � I ­ 1- 1� . . � !;. - ::i � .. , . �MM !�i�:i I gnnce I ate "that first dish Of bran, . to, the ,view of many, hangs lover'the -�`A_ ,;Z,M1.-.W .", �!�;i,.i, ..-, . . through. S�me two weeks ago he eighty-ninth, year, in tbe� person of ... '�Irl ..X'N:;",_:.. ��]� .­._ : �f -, i . . . bdt from that day to this I have had processes of goverrinwrit in maddrig endeavot-ed to do this, but there wis, Catherine Miller, wife of the late .... I .1% ,XI I . , - -,�,.. -the pleasure of enjoying the proper such a bitter d4ebatef that the Minis- Joseph Norris who predeceased'her �.. .111 I .". I � ::::::i,jiji�i� . ja appointments. Mi. Bennett cited five � ' � - �-.. i:�;­ �: `%­ iii I ;.-...k§_1�11)��X: . ;.',�, :::; k�::::i�i�.._.... ... 1. I '�,.:: 1 o be ter, who was -not well, abandoned his sixteen years ago. The deceased had ....."L' . i:::�",*�:::.�.",.":,:::::%:::::�'�;��::::;�:.""*.:..-.; _,AZ " "...1. ��i�,� - -doning of the�.digestive organs. . ......... .1.1'... .1 X .:.. '. I . _JUnL ,of the,A *hich norm9lly, have t LL .?� ­ "N.. .... . . t I �� , , � I ­ t§ for the -time -being. Ile had been ailing for some ti,me. She was .-.:1_1 ,::-,-,1 *�:X__,:.::, :�'*i!;,�:;�..:; .::! %! %j*::: I _ _ , , 11;,�., ap,pointing effor ::,:" ��:��::�!.",........,..,......'� .. ..... . I .1. ,, ­ . , , ,;,.� .. I:::... ., . . I , :.. .:. ..;:...::. 1, -Thanks to ALL-BRA,N. I still eat - weighed when it comes to ,.":, 1.. ��'7:.� .1 ;X.iZ; I -been in bed, through illness for some born, in, TlibbeTt in 1845 and lived : �W-mmm'.-,3.n"�.%. ­ .. . � ..... - k:X1.11 '. - � ..:. I I .: I .: I .: I .: I . :Z�,Z�V�1�1. .: I .,it regularly and like it better all the anyone to ,the public gemdoe. In this .-%,.,... t .: I .. ;;;;.:.. , After his efforts that evening there continuously until two years .I.-. ... , ..:: - I . . . . . . . . .." .. . ., I -time."- 14ster Bartholoniiiw (ad- latter regard be was talking about time. .....1.1, - .." ; _'.. . .. j", X.,:-. *.... 1k..*,.. I ; , - -.,.. !:.,. , I , , ,, , , , - . ..... . , " N 11..�, ,: :-;."!' � :.<;:.".` I :::::4 , ,dres "s ar he was again forced to go back to -a-go when she went to reside with her ::::::: ..:! : ..: .� . .:* ­­ . - a furnish4d upon request) � ,justNying bi - . ,*­' .__ __--__..1_.... *e 'Central Bank, ' I I . . .,.. I . 1 all , . .-. : .. .: "I 11' , �:�; .. , , .... . - . . __� --,A--------.-- ,tter and is m�rvived- by iour : . -I...:, ...." , �:....: 1. ... ", s. b.ed_To=n4 .- ES 4 ­­ .­.:: I ----djj-- . . � IF% .., ; ;­ .. I Llly e f6�--Tunwn-t-that-it-ougM-to�-be--pi4ve4e,ly ad_MdthAh!q._ o Ug m . -Staffa- - wvq�__. ____ _. ... 4 Constipation Is usus . hterD:Mf _J 1r."WOMLyn . �2: .'... I 'Aack of "bulk" to exercise the ihtes- owned to avoid those persuasions of all this, the ,Liberals kn n the I P � -_ - - ­ . . . ." . -nisrtWs condition, passed his it� Mrs. William Fawcett, MAdhell; Mrs. _­­. _.__ -____- -tines, axd vitamin B to promote whi�oh, apparently in ministerial af- Tn4 . "..'01 . . . [_ em -49 almk)st as fad as, he could, read Norman ,Mitchell, ,Centralia;, Mrs' H. ., .elimination., ALL -BRAN supplies fairs, have a force not easily chal �At, . , , I 0 . them. The MinikeTwas manifestly Thompson, Vancouver, and one 'son, The BIG'Straig'ht Eight of -the Low Price Field! ,7 l�f 'both, as well as iron for the bl od. . lenged. . I 'j, I , Norris; also two brothers, , � , I,, . The two pronouncements at the op, .surprised and pleased; it was all done Albert W I � :1... I. ;��4' -.� The '%ulk" in AL)r-BRA1q'is much . aim al- so quietly and quickly. Of course, John of Exeter and Hugh of the , 1Hke that of legy �vegetitbles- Cef- ening concerned: ,First, eert . When yop. know the startling . car in history -79 of them in all! And,the new ; -,-I� much of this had been pTe*ously djs� West. The funeral took place on Sa;b- . ' ' 1.1i 11, '.2'1 - tainly this food is more natural legations regarding the 1111 combine facts about the big Hudson Straight 8 will even outperform . -',14,� . cussed. Thle ,Government for the urd-ay afternoon. During a short ser- performance ... . Ahan taking harmful patent medi- I and them a sort of curtain lecture ,by 11 these records. ... I . I , "I � ,eines., Two tablespoonfuls. daily will the Prime Minister t6 the new9Pa- time being was also surprised, and vice at the house the Centralia male Hudson 8, you're almost sure the cars that smashed a . . 1-1 . there was hasty preparations to ,bring quartette sang "The Old Rugged, 11� . --tanally overcorne most types Of pers. . It was. not the first of such - to guesA the price hundreds of , And economy? In addition to its low up- . I A , I ' forth ' othor -matters. The prime Cross." Then the cortege proceeded, .. . 1q * I I I A., un- . ' ' I 'It constipation. With each meal in .4-r. Woo&worth reterred,_to an any 8 to' , , . ,chronic cases. If not relieved this nained publication which has produe- Mbister,who is always ready, quick- to -Staffa United Cbureh where the dollars too high. keep cost, the Hudson 8 challenges . ­�.� I ,�! I I ly stepped in -to the Vreach. Every- service was coiiduct�d by Rev. R. N. I . "' ,way, see your doctor. ed certain alleged parts of'tbe reg- At this amazing price of $1056,'freight give more power fro* less,gasl - - �, 31 I *have ,come thing went well until the i ' Rev. I --1 �. . . . Get thq red -and -,green package at istrar's report that never. tem on Stewart and Rev. T, Turner. . at New features?. Scores of thbm. From year- ' , _ ", . I Entomology, including investigations Stewart .took for ,hds text Tim 4-7: only extra, you get the Big Straight 8 th . ", -;- ?1. 7our grocer's. - Ma4e by. Kellogg 'in, to I-Ight. Tft* Prime Minister would ' . I � JAondou, Ontario. not pay any attention to -the Woods- -and inspections relating to d4e:struc- "I havd fouglIt'a godd'fight, I have will outperform any 8 cylinder stock tar, 'round ventilatign to the Baggage Compart- . � ".'. � , IV ,� I t....1.% . tivo insects and rea,cbe,& finished my course, I have kept the .. 6�0 I .peds, were ment in the rear. See, them for yourself. And ' I � - 4"j, I .- -Mrs. Turner sang very swe6t- I regardless of price. -,�' �10 , � . I It was tben, that the fight &-rntme�c- faitb.' , . . -,�� I . above all -drive for �i I . , �� 4!,. 1 1 . 1 ed with vallance and Motherwell at- ly, ,',My Saviour First of MI." Inter- . . , Sensationalperformance .; 1, : Ir - _&.,; ,0;;-.4 ' ' ' "! �. . � - . , . �. I . .... ,11 4�.��. i-:��--::j` � da. L 0X,;1.*:,1. �;A ;�!f yourself -the Big Straight . � -.'14 � %Vll� I -11 . tacking the 41'rime, Minister; so bit- ment'took place in staffa cemetery. ,...... A " , , I I . her'Vx grand- . claims are easy to fbake on 1, .0 . � !.� I ter did- the contromersy'rage that it The pallbearers were !:�,i:_, .-� . :�:�;::�:,j�::] :j:�.,;..%::- mands the roadt �X.11 f ". .; .:_ 1,�:,:; '' ... 'i:'7 o1naLCOM I � per. Hudson perform- ­ ­;�;�.'�,::_. W. . . i �tarted Ek general row -between Ea,�t_ sons, William Fawcett,. Harold Mit- . pa �!::::��.�i-::�:,�: ,.i, .�:��;:.:; �i% .,.,.i ,,,� . 1:: 1 ':-;.:..:.,;., ,,:` - I . ..., : .... �­:::;"�:,:::X: ; Eighteen, models -. 116 ? � I .. .1 I . ., :.:�.:!:,�,­ , , ��'�!.,;:i','i'.'i -,.., I � i Pulasell Word ance claims are.pr�ved- :. ''. . ­� .. i . ..... , ern and Western rmembers. and it was chell, Alvin Worden, . en, . ::;, ::::;_.�:;:;1;.�:_'.::::, ."I"... :,:�:X::1:: � 1 APA . " ,�.,..,.-..-: .., I LESS I � not subdue,d until the Member for -Clarence Norris and Norval Norris. I.I... :i�!��ii,' and 123 inch wheelbases, I I I-, . 'Z6 �, I s,0,�::kzl' :.;-:�t% I .on the roadl In one year : � i::Z,­ ' 1, 1� - I . , , I (Mr. Weal), In Mitchell Advocate. ,.:: ;:, :. p , -- I Cotnox Alibern.) 168 and 113 h. '. mgifaes. - I I i ,depend- -2 I .111 . I . 'k` EX.., . . ".1,1-g 2 � - VJ ;:;:!:: ::::;:;.*-.1;:;:Z;, : . S . .; I '"i ... i, Ad . Hddson-built cars Won . . I *01�1 " 11 .."..... :,� ent, ins ed that the Chairman ,rule OP I.I.I.. I ... I OR 1111, 9 - _.1. .".�� g.:g. the -whole discussion. out of, -order. more individual official I HUDS014-ES I I - , ') , � , `.". - This was dome and, the House again OF CANAjDA, LIMF.rJ&1J I 1.41 � : I -,, `� Shunting Box Cars Wreck 11 � :�,�i:!'K:if,*.iv iiii I . C.A.A.. and'A.A A. p -14 .. to � . I , er- . , � . 'I 4- i , proceeded to quietly consi4er other N. 1�1'� ., " . ;��.,,, i�ii'%iii�,i!.'_�'.iffi . Truck . * I , Tilbury, Ontario �9 I I :.1 I . _11 I k .. . estimates. �. I formance records than any I � . . . � r� �,�,,� W., I "i:::;iii:�;ii,.I.i,.,.:;$.",%",�,::: I I . � 4 0 0,0 ,. " I Prws m4ea to dMugs wuhont Parto ,F, 1� �Mi. Whitehead of Teeswater escap- I � I , �,? I'll X , . .�1-X-;.;.N-;-;1;- - 10 . ., �_ � IL r- wf. ., 4 . 0 , 111 . . . ...... . :....K::iiiiiiii.��i?"'i I . I . . l. l- I � .i::ii".ii"iiiiiii,:*�,:*�",'., .:;:;:- .S..!;!...,.�:.:.X.:.:.Y.:.:.*.;- ed death by a miracle late Morida I §!,., ...; I y 11j." " , ::.:.:4 . . . .1 . 11 9 1%, '�:::%:::%_'..........., .... -�ii�,�%-i��iig . M ­­ V_1._ 1%% I — 414, . :.... il"�'..,.'.�";�...*.�"-l..2l.::..,..�I when he ran , ' . . ii T11 . :�,:::�:::::­ � Choosing Site of a Well I,- , A " i.�ili�i,�*.i:i,�'.-:',,i*�'ii:::K%*:;:;:;::::::: --..;i.� afternoon, 'May 14th, I ,:.:.:.:,:.,:,.;.:,.:,�..:.:.:.:+—;,.:.:.:.:.W:...:.;.:.:.;.;- .,��:;; I I �j�m ­ !i:i:iis,��i:�,..,.iiiiiiiiiii,.g,i,.::.:.:........,:.:.:,:.:..A..:.. ... $1,".."..; ,:`...`....!;!`��:� I I - tompleWy ' ed I :i:i:i,,.:i,,':i:iii:ii:iii.�i:.:,W,..., . . . .......... . -.j. . his truck on the C. N. R. track- be. for the coupe - CTUPP . 1:1;1-1 � I 41!1r, ?�­ ��!i:i:i:!:;,i:",i::%.:�::i:i:,�:j:j:j:�:.I.i:�j: including spante tire, all taxes paid, . ­� .... -1.1 " N*i*,,�:i�,ii:�!.I.i fft st , "I" ,* I I .... ..., .; ... X.i�iiiiiii!:,�.ii"." - . The situation of the fam well is tween the o ce building and the 6 . ... 1. . .. .......... ;;: -111 "... ::....".. 1 �1,14 1 1 ­­ 12NINN' . I . . ,... I'll. .l."'.1,2.1 *� '.... a_ . I "., � 1�.� I . ..'.'...,;�.'.,.,�.11�.I..'�.�-11*��'i . . . . . '..... I f`ten t1he ffwtor vftch ldete�inines storage unit of the ,Godvrich Elema- I freigEit only to -he added . I ' ` . 0 11 ...:, LL I . . � . ­ . . * �, - :::.,.,,:::: . . . . . . 0 . . 11 .� ,'VVER 9toP t Ahink - ,whether the ,family will have Pure tor and Transit Co. The front part - , ? ' ' ' ' :1 I rihow little the magic � - _11�!, I . cgke costs? Actu- and wholesome water -to dirink or wa, of the truck, including the cab in. There's a new Hudson readyfor you to drive -phone �6ur nearest'deater todayl - I - . 1 '��'!� X . Paking Po" d ar you -Use in A I 11 . ter that ie unsanithry, provoking dis- which be sat, was on the tracks when, . . . . ,�',.;,.,I'� � . w 4 ' . � , m. �. UN I I any -you, use lesa inAn 10 *Ofthl Mid!Vou Can VM I . � � , ' . . I I . - �.�.,., i ,;, I a ., ., "R, Si1ccessful results. That's why I ease. string of bbx cars, -shunted by an .. i � A��'. - . � 0 �s�% -it --- - _. ., always depend 611 � I It is -des4raible to ,locate the, WWII engdne a -short distahc& %way, sud- i.� - '_. � ,, � " 2 . Citiada's le experts ten you I ' -from any Polluting source - denly o1b out of the tunn�el under , , . � , �,��N;,-�e'g � ,jdln#, cookery A . AGO ifeet sh � , , , . . .1 to take chances. vitth Inferior bako �a, '.. , � .. ".�: � . 9 . such as the harn, manured fi-elds or th,6 elevator ,and stin-tek him ,before I � �, r ay. � I I Cook Bros.. Hens , ''I I ". nt4 , I I . 4oesn t I , I L,, I .,ttd b0 I . . .1 �, I , " i . . .- I � � r'A".Vow Cris taki"Ath Nagjd�a .. .aufel.' ' I I gardens, s"Ve ftillm, * utpen ditchas� he could get out at 'his cab. This ; .� . I . .: I . " " , 1�� . . I . I . , � . ..1. , , . I ,,,, 111, I ,��. � ,� . I . . .1, � , . . ': A I . , - -asbed into the corrier ' . " ..". .1 4 11, _ �, -, ":AT,. �� !� 11,f�*-,' 14 iiao` .. :� - t"4 ga;VbWge, hftpa or - eiven, away tru�k was el , __�_ ,­�.O,�4k� ,4. �,­iv 1-911MR., 11 " , I ­ "I I - -1 �;,1114 - I I : .11 , I I 11 .1 I - � I'' I- , .1 I I- 11 '.' _` 111�1'1""�'i,1'1' MR -111 011,11 � � I � I 11 I � I 1� � , I 1� A I 1: � � I. !!!! i , � I . I I I -..,& AWA�l X ,-Cdw" 14� mine* -Two -,----- __________.__.�___ �_*-;_­ _��_­ ,�_ �,'!�A,;,t+,� I , 0 I : I house where waste of the me,tal-clad ;4.rags, ripping' '&�'111 'i�,-"! iu. * , t � , G ,. I - from the dwellin , 'WA '1';t 51 , 11 : 'P .: C statouientond#erytialay6w ' ' � : % ,or *1 Program, Saturdays, 10 P.M.,b", , `��,",� Xt �11 , I I '.., : 1� . 9 ureethatM090130"19 ' wate)? nigy be roft by -here woreral sheets of sh"t 0%the'. Listen to the Terra pla ne.. Hudson ," ,t ". . .1 I - - 61,4re . - . -1_1 I __ __ 1. I- . ...11, . - -,-,-.,.,r - -i� - p � 11, - ,n,?.�,F ,g'-. -,"7.,:n .j 'T�T'�- , : --rikj;r--, � _jv I I -and bt I ;'! 1, tix , I .. ­, ­­ ;�Q'l '1.S_._-.-1 I JtSe. .. y ..,:, , , f d , ,V"111, 1.1- -11.1 1. , , , , = I V61duni6r1*1 � tP , _irl- - - -��� - tk,�% s" �- 11 " . ... :�-.` � � ­', ." � I - , _ 11_ " a", . ;��, 1, . . ,r_ i 11", f "I, �' 4 '� e�_­­ way be *6 a7..�119 OT tut& - _ At sot ,�. ��, 4A, � 0 I., r � ., ,;" �. .. . , W , � � I I ,V14 9 dak atrue , I . � , � . 11 I I . I . . ;.I ..+ . . . . .4_� . �: � - . , , � . � , r�.. . , - 14,T. , , . � . I -AVX­1*,(!AXA.WL` . . . I . � I . . . . . I � I . k �,7�� �,,,,, ­,", I -�..M,;� '.p4 , � .., . 11, � N ,X., , ow�14400_ . I I .1 4 . .4 � . I kewds. : 'I t . 0mashei, WWte,htad-',sow4h,6w j,d)f I , . ,� , '. . . . I . . � e , , "' " . I .� - � I .1 .111.1 I . ...... I I . . . * , -, " , , . r W ",',,'I'll, . I !. " , 4 . . I I . . I . I . .1 I-— ­11�11;. ­: 1. I �,; ��`. ,-,rl�n, � �.'�: ��,, :Ir�.! ,. Z 11 . . 1. I � I . . . I � ." . ; I ,0 . " . �,4"I­:� ..- - ' ' _ ,"4 � - . - - - ."� ti P . . . . . X . . I I . . . 1�. . �� � .'�; " r -,�', ­'.' '. .'�.. ­� 1 . I I I . I . I - . . . . I I � .. ��,,�,L _,0T'__%11, � - "" , . . t � *�,�, . I 11.."�: � . . I ­ 11 ,,,-. L . _ � . I I � � �, �,!t ;.,.I -, ..., . ,*,, ,;� .,�. �, _ !_ r - ., , . . I .7 . , " , , _ . . . I I I I . I .1 I . , , . �, , -1 " , � ... . ''� I , ,�. ,,,, �t . , ,�rti'! � . ­ , I 11 .. " I I I ��., 4'..", � �r. " , ��. . 11 I 11 � . ., . I � : - ,�_-.., ,� _',� . , , , � I I I .. , ,,, , , , , , ; _ . ,;w, -� 1K i, �f,' .: � ,.!� � ""'4, �;:,� , jr',�,',:,. ..I , . 1. I - , � ;",. , I ".. . I I . 1. z , � ,�� v; "IN! ��l �, , , , , , 9. I � , . �, , , , � 4 , ., '. � '� " 1, , , ', ., � , " , �� - , '� I -, ,,,, �Q,�,,J, ,1111 i , , -, '. "'.- ­.. --1 ­V,J',�4Z',tl.�� e ", , , , " 'W 4�.,�'. ,. , ,�� ,, -, , , , , "I" . I 1".. 1, , I .", _ , " , I ___ ­­ ,a- . "', I, - ", :, � 1�� I ­� "I �, ­­.". "e- 11411,101 _n , . ,,, , , , . I _. r�', " !"tie �,,, . _�,�� , W, 1`�,��. , , , k".� : _� ,�..,§.�' � j,!"�'�� "�t::r� 1 L '� ,,, I ., . , _��, I I , -11�1& 1�1 .� �1 %�,, -, 11. 1 - .1 - h - ."L�'T'�t -,,l � ­'. IRN "M ;'6'Q,j�'� A,j , '' I., ' , , .. 1s.; 1 - - � ."'l, , , "'._ ..�,,� .1�i -, �.. dil 1. '�' "m 4 1,;:, , � ­ zlml - i " .b , � I 11 �', `,�, ..�;,-,�, �',,, ", �.` ,,. ;1L1 I , " . ".",-IM, I I Mov, _ , &.,X . I , , , I 0.�,, �, ,�` ,,;�,�-,"� �.,���,,�.�,,���,,,,,,���.,�,�,,��"""�,,,�,,,,�"."i,��,�4.�,-�o�,,�7 ,& " . . ).111 e_­�; 1.1,_ ".1 !��*"­; - . :,��,�."�L�';""!:�"",;"�.,'�,�,�, , ;,�4 �_____t' ,�11 . �� , , �,�;, , r W, ' " ',�­�, ','.4 � ,� . , 4 ��L I � .. -1 1.11-N I n4k ��4L�" '-Z , �. .km& ,�, i",t, 10 , , . It wN ` ,