HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-05-25, Page 2I , ''z. . � I � .,�­.i'' * I -1-1'� �.��.�, : , ". h `.�,11, 11 � , h E , outer .. I I . -1 .,;!! ­ , -b , , ,�,; ,- .4 , *., b '�, ;, �0 I 1� "I , 11. NEI� ' , "'R . �1, . ­d.gi, ��Ir . &% ME; ­1'.. , , t f Jurip, 11 � 1. 1. " , ­ ,o , , - .1. , , , � � I . Z ­ I I ­,"'"', I ­ ... -.11--,.--1- � ,, rl�-";'­'2�'�� .., " -�-t ,4- '�T .. 'I. �� ,I - P . , 4'11�,�, �R%',`NiZi�:,:. . . . ., . I I 1. ,�­ ,,, i I - �L­1�1.1 I.. -1"v.-, "" � , - 11".1".., �­ ­: ". .;".:,-�!�'��,�!'�":,r,:,..��.� ,I""' 1�,�,'1­11'., " . 11 - .� ­ , :" .1i, � I � I'll, . - "'­­ , I . ­ I- , , � ... ! -1W,p, " , � ay , � , growing i�eed for.such expression.- in 1827 niacip.aul'arrangenimt with I lt-��­ owato4eal"'"o,ourber'st beld last — . ­ � We do .not believe that- jurors., are � May 23; 1884 Tninster de Tpylei, who came to�,Qa� -ad a lerious, injury ta.n lfo woulo 'not lose Q%­th,p. deal ­ , , m ing a. ,under, prize w4s� won br ' "biO evidence, but. there -are -cases wl�ere I and, good. - 19*0 Joseph Wllbr4n'.,'�ou of. -Judge J. G. 1 I M., I hisleg for some time, .fell on. Tues.- the Baron brought . t - 1% I ". $ZOO a year. $ingle 'their. actions are doing just th " "'a'. O'P" with a -fertile brain, the A8W­ B4ron Killoran and,Mrs;. Killoran, formerly I "I 1, ce; foreign, . . at.,, ,, , � ,day, evening last, when, W& crutch tain, 'Baydeld, R.N.,,W'h*:�a na e is � � ,4' �'% " �6 ' ­ ­ . The condition does. not oxisell urti, y still recognized as an, explom , of w4s not lo . ace of Q eri J$tr*tftd� 11*�hwer6, 61. %,�­N - en-, t ­ IG . soite importance. In-, ,e, -plioneer sll�- Guelph and: GAR'wiee represented im - M.- �"-gil , . ­ . -.--,r—.. . _g 0 sympat y� under the auspiceslof the Amitht, or-, Bayfield ma. e a survay Of Lalke,adr� PrIze, ! 11,1511,311 had all the'methods of i-, kl.*. ng,rates on applicatiov. � for the under dog. It is more like . . prpour 4 . i-' I �, �Advertiisl . . eral new ifietrunlent& and, under the cruising About, in his %&hoop6r, the salesm�411'1 idl . -h A - "I reg,,�,�­ ,- rit of antagonism again' of Stratford- Jose -ph Killoran, *hosw I � I "I �. ,, ' . Spi . ,st those " tuition of m,r. ,0h,shO1m,a,e ma -king Gifirnom After 'many diffinulties, he of land to fbired immigrants by the 11 .11,111, , 11, 'who are sworn' to. gakry outthe law. ,g,.Dod progress. The Band intends conclu&d &4s minute inspection of subjept was "'A Flea ,-.f,o.r V#rl(I * . �,`,, , : - t,l Xemb SoTe I Ag concerts on. the streets of thi . fthe coast anidt. as, gi result � S, Ore . a barre% hut 'and- ,Peace," is onlY twelve years of age;� . . , '. ­�­­ e - thus -. town after nvxt week. . trusting fthat the -newico.m�er would . 01'... I Needless to say, Exch of hoirs I I .......... , � �'Wveklies of Canada, and the Huron I * this town, has been elected president Chomb ,of a townsite ii th i a was purchase the lot,. � ..... ,...I � ", � boat and rule us. Xou can't put any- the is henite. worked-. An'exchange has'been akranged.,by- .� ",-, �,fiz,�� ,.: 4C,6unty Press Asgoci�tion. . .of a cricket club which -has been, *r- inad-e at the� ra,ou�h bf a river smMer. -q1-1- , I r ..... � �,'!%' , 11 , . . I � I thing over on me or my kind, either.", ganized in Regina; N. W. T. than the red; (now the Maitland), but (Goderich and Bayfield were con- --A. 11, �,�` , - ­ 'Sunday last sev,aral bicyclists a site with much the; same, physical sidered-es, ellgibb� points, for tortift S I I ,", ,"', , rode to Baydeld.,,Ind back. They made -characteristies as Goderich, but, on a cations in the early 4ays of the Can� I . . 1. . ��­ , . �SEAFORTH, Friday, May 25 � 1934. - choir ill -conduct the musital,service - .1', . 1 � . alize is the fact, that if they persist the return trip in less than three lesser scale. The townsite and river ads �Compa and. .in 1835'Bayfield e church +ere- The— Mitchell � � "�',-!. .w-- in their . present, ,.course, it is the hours. This is mry good, , Sun- were given ihi6i -�xplorer'sl name. . .. was. honore by 'a visit 'from vice ohoir is under'bhe� le*aderghip,,,&f Mr. � 46 I ,. 10 ". 'W""., , .. " . . . . � ' , day� doe.% not seem. a very appropriate Th,� to� rapidly took form as. royalty, wheh -Sir John. ,Colborne and, I .... �;.C.` . breakers of the law whom they are Dalton Davidson, whose finei bass � t 60Np '' . I ,day, for such- excursioms es ecially the men sent by the Baivn built surite visited the now well known - ­ - r� � I . protecting, who will i whei�,theiy can be made just as well themselves log -huts and pr9pared rbd, summar res6rt. It is'zaid that Sir � " 11� �1.lz - , 'The' day and date of the Ontario something very" serious over on on any other ,day.- I � take out timber fromi. the esytate, For J,6h-n, as he stood on Jowett's Point, The visiting choir will render two ­ � . .. IMr. Willham Murray of Harpurhey Some unknown reas6n, fiowev.wj the 'told .his suite that he hhdi never s `- .u.N'1L 'them and not -the judges and other �; I -cial election—Tuesday, June - . las ducks which do their duty. He. woi�k languished, and by 18S11 Rebel- a plai�e be er adia ? . � I !.,;.­. Provin d us with an e g laid, by lion year, only fif teen able b6died -men or � ,better harbor. . (Willigoo'se), and, "King' �f; I&1g9` �, 1.'111�. -, , :t9th­-,-hAve at long length been,_an- , arms of the law.' . � I . - . I (Sirnper)., and,Mr. Davidson will sing- �, 4 .., I � . . one of these which measures. 7 inches I I '' I Mr; S. Broadfoot of the Mill Road 111.x,.�� . earnest., I .. I . iz the owner of� a, mare Which last , 0 0 Detroit Wqman Injured . pl'..­ There seems to be- a gTowing be- A Bad Precedent- ... week, gave birth to twin fillies, and 0 JUST A SMILE'OR- TWO * Late '146nday evening a car drive -m I " ,. I - - dis I I . I they are lively, healthy ,and doing -- , by Walthr MaeKeWriek of. Detroit, � " i ­ tricts, that the Henry G ' Mr. Hugh Robb starts Friday for - "tDr haA pu� Wilkins on a 111 -low �mueb ? wa,S, olld Brown's ,-Is- �Irick, as passenger, turned over c�m I �N ��,' . I IP Ontario Government will contribute Manitob;i, where he will dispose The doc tateisworn ... t6?' Jones ag-ked a �riend, ffie" hill .north of IS-altf ord, when tha # , ... �...':� I sun � has set, and, after -the elec- � I of a die't. He was, told- that he must eat I . . !...., `,;,. :1 ' $30,000 towards paying the e#ens- large consignment of his dried Tneats ,fl � lns*ad of meat—and, Wilkins of the old fellow's, Wilily.' , � 11 driver attempted to steer the , car Ir .I',.,,)- " tions the government of Ontario Which he has shipped, there. sh I I "Quite a lot, so I'm told," he was out ,of thq gutter into which it had . ,,, " . . . I es of Toronto's Centennial celebra- hated, fish. . , . . . , ' I .. , . Mr. William -lHawkshaw has pur- . dropped while travellint at consider- '�.''. . n n �.- ..; � tions. . I -Entering his favorite, restaurant, he iniformed. ol 11; , � , ,. chased, the 'booth priviledge at Fair- I fflteiall%. you- sirrr�prise Trie," Isaiid able speed.. The ,drive'r escaped in- . ol- . , -i ' Id d the waiter,.aild asked-, "I was,, under thp impres- jury, but hils mother s mere! I -�, , Perhaps it will. But the decisioi The amount, i "e, Jones. uffered so t is stated, will in- . Any Whale to -day, James?" ' ­ . f. , 1, . .t. .sion that- -he left practically noth- head injuries which included a Slight fi- � is one which ,rests primarily in the he pays $26.60. "No, Sir," was .the surprised wal imig.pv . I � ­ . transporta- ' -timer left here on Tues- , I 'IN concussion, and. bi�ioken ribs. She was ID .� . elude expenditures for � , -ural v'ters. They can - . tion,,of visitors from Great Britain, 'Any shark? . or ..You were right," said the other, removed to-Alexand-ra hospital. -Mae- ". hands of the, i ' . . I . d y for 'Port Arthur and inte .I '�. . e the change. if they so desire, ing drito the boot and sbue business Any sword I fish ,,Thatls�why it was sworn at quite a Kendrick was� taken !nth custody by- I 11 . . alrid expenses in connection with in- in that booming town. goldfish?" - ­ . police',,who, cla�ms I ;.-, but � it will take all their efforts, as � , I . I iWo, Sir." . '10,L" . .. to have, dtscoverecl " �. I I ,, viting mayors of various Ontario'cit- , The brick work . 0 1 .,:. "Then br!T�g me, a nice juicy steak, ' "', H -t�s all their votes, to brin' about .1. manse is now completed and the build-' chipped, potatoes, and braised. -onions. Some people use that kind Of laarg- A,Aarge of driving while "under the� ­,,� , I we . 9 . ies to one of the celebrations. ingis roofed in. s knows, I ,asked for fish. . "-- uage and some must hire a plumber ,ififluence" was laid n-. . � .1 I the change., A city's centennial is a momentous ' Mrs. Young of Blenheimi is visiting M t,p,al I Herald. I .,�rick, ,on Tuesday morning, and the � '1� : .. . 1. By the last Redistribution Act—to M-r:'An'qrew Young -in to,v�n.. on _ I � ... to thaw frozen pipes in, the bathro,ond. . released . on. bail of $?00, to ap- . 4 .., i"'.. occasion we will admit, and Toron- I e --:4T,dose Jaw Times-411erald. .1 "Ill',., � give it its legal title—the representa- .. to's remarkable . progress from a '93rd Battalion Rifle *Association will I � istrate Reid­-�Goderieh Signal. I I ''. - I "" -.11 tion hr the. Legislature v�a's ,reduced � be . held on the range in ithis town oll. I I I �IZVATA976 I . . Port' Elgin Editor �Passes �, . 41 1 I . I . small. hamlet to the second largest Is "" . , City.in th� Dominion of Canada dur- 'Mr, Dickson, student in ,Mr. Dan- S The funeral of §. Roy Wesley, pub- � ` from 112 to 90 members. 04, SUNDAY AFTERNOON 9 lisber of the Port Elgin Times andi I I ,'-�".. , , Out of those 90 seats there are at ' i ' cey's law office, passed a very cred- 9 . I I . I I i 11. I I . - ing the course of a hundred years, is (By 'Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) a president ,of the.Bruce County,Pub- ­� least thirty, belonging to ' . an occasion, worthy of all celebra- icie,�Y; Toronto, last week, and was' . .1 lis-h-ers' ,Association, was, held Mon- "�-,: large centres which on paper, at . . . day With intermen' in the faraily plot� ,­ 11 I )t 1. I tion.- . I duly licensed to practise as ,a solicl- ' ' I .. I ­­., Thou Judge of, at Walke�ton cemetery. The fu�ieral , , ., ui tor. quick and dead, make God his debtor. Not so. As .he au,spices of -the- I .11'.. 1. ''. .. least, in st be conceded to the Henry At the same time Vro'nto's Cen- Mr. D. D. Wilson ,had placed in -his 1BWore whose bar severe I the present salvation of a Sinner de- wa,4 �held under t . . " 1� . - Government. . Masonic Order ,of Which Mr. Wesley t , ', I I I tennial is their own and not With.holy joy or guilty dread pends upon his exercising faith in who died Saturday, v/as a prominent A . � ­ . � proof safe, which weighs over 7 tons. We all . shall soon appear. Jes-tis ,Chris.t- so a man's'reward in I I . �11 . . I . I One span, of horses drew it from the heaven ,,depends upon a (man's own inember. Members.of Mr. Wesley's� , *I,,:,.. I ,,ed, it will' -be necessary for the L, Olp- ­ . 'Just why tben should the peo ,le I railway station. . Our cautioned souN prepare . good, works ,on. -,earth. Human life lodge- at Port Elgin and members of' . . -r � . p For that tremendous day, i ys, is the way tha 'Walkert,'on lodge atte�nded, �tlia 0 JI t . rry fifty of the remain- � ,iWinthrop, el eese factory opened -vices which were led by District ­ # � �,`,'��,,� . . position to ca I . of Ontario pay the expenses or. any watchful care, one man treats another. The seT- "­ . last week,an is doing a fair busi And fill us now with qei ,[[�`,,"'�.,,­, - Mg seats in order to have a-elear ma-�- t of, them, in order that the peo- ness under the management of ,M.r - And st�r us up to pra ' . . Deputy G, M, Campbell with E. R.. � 8 ,. .". Jorltv and a small one at that. Andrew Parke., . happy. . No man is religious who Dixon of Walkerton. assisting. Rev- % .. " . ple'of Toronto may celebrate. I ��. R. Cown of Port Elgin 1�n , " 'A team, belonging to Mr. D. D. Wil- 0 m5ay We thus be forind does not strive t6 make others ' hap- , .i F , � �,, , Looked at in that light, the over It Obedient to His word, .. �� . Church and Rev. R. 'Pefdue of St- , ,would be Just as reasonable for son and driven'by -Mr. -Douglas ran Thomas Church at Walkerton, ledthL-- * v1f throw of Mr. Henry's spending gov- the people of Seaforth, or any other at �ry,- Attentive to the trmpet's Sound. (From The Sermon Bible)., � ", And looking for our Lord. Amen. n, �111`,`, ''. .' ' ernment 'is not going to, be such an dale -on Mbn4ay last. Fortunately . . I . — .. I %� . . town in Huron, to expect a grant for lit�fe darnage Was done. Charles Wesley. I I I 0 Frost Made lee Friday Night . 'jS11, 'it . ea�y matter, ,nor such an assuxed ' S LESSON FOR MAY 27, 1934 WORLD MISSIONS , , . an -Old Boys' Reunion as for a Cen- th(Mrs. R. McArthur -of Hensall had ,C: The 4,eavy. frost of Friday night� 1111XN&,-� e' ,misfortune a few days ago Ao ' " ' I . caused don,s'derable concern and man X fact as many,people'aie being led to tennial celebration in Toronto. - ' , y- , # 4" - � . slip and break her ,;��st bone. Lesson Topic—The Last Judgment. . . Sharing . with early 'gard,ens were fearful for - ,VKI, - , believe. 11 There are some other towns and 'Mr' William Smith qf the Halfway Lesson Passage—Matthew 25:31-46. Allegra D. A. Doyle. . the'r croas "hat were already up, Icq- . &X � , .House at Leadbury has purchased the Golden Text -11 Corinthians 5:10. It is just a simple Ifffle, story I formed frorn-one-quarter to one -hal: -C 3�­'. It is not the proportion of votes, Village"s, too, who Stock of goods -of the late Jas. Camp- "Whk the Son of, Man -shall coxne have to tell, but it is interwoven with 4 . V,'A' inch thick during the night. A dish --,11'' buf.the proportion of seats that to celebrate their century of exist- I. bell, Walton. in his glory, and' ali the .holy an- faith, hope and charity. of water at the home of Mr. ancl. ,gX�� co-Unts in an,election. With redistri--- . � . ence. Will they all be -treated alike? --f, ­*.­ gels with him, then shall he sit upon 'There was a gentle lady,living' in -Mrs. Pet6r Gowan, which was set out- I . .,,­ the throne of his glory: And before an Ontario -town. Befofe the Oxford ft, ',bir,d-s,, 'had half an inch of ica I .l.",". . -bution and all the sinues of war in The fact of the matter'is that To- I From The Huron Expositor of him shall be gathered all nations; Movemei�t stormed the doors of -o-a-r- near the outside of the pan and about . ), .1.1 "A. I . ronto is a very wealthy city. There May 28, 1900 and -he shall separate them orie, frbm souls, .she had I' i d words, a quarter in � -unda' . . .­ - stances, Mr. Henry's handicap. would The delivery hoise -belonging - to anDther, as ,a Shepherd- dl�dideth his "sharing." Material -aid, There, was frost again- on S y' � 1� .. . ismoney enough in it and to spare C -no Bros. ran away on Wedliesda ' sheep from th _ .n-ight bilt not' as 'heavy as that of' d ;1 � I be almost unbeatable. . I L- . morning and- ended u'p on- South Mai And he shall set the Sheep on his 11 tied Frida,y night. — WiTig-harn Advaifee- V9 ­­­ . � Street, when it struck, a telepbone right hand,,,but the goats. in the left. With '1equal imrpa;tialify, kf Tinles. , 1 4 11 .. But conditions are not ordinary zens care to' indulge'in. Why should Then shall the king say uuto th-eern this -material aid went to foreign viis- Win Rugs 11 el '' , and -the issue is clear cut. I pole. The wagon was badly damaged, I 9,11�11'1.1(1 - � they be singled out for special favors 'Samuel R. Hinch-ley of Did9bury, on hie �ight hand: Come, ye blessed sions in China. (Mrs. George Westcott of Usborne� p,�. ". - Alta., died on Friday Ia4 in, his 44th of my Father, inherit the kingdom Probably she had heard of the was the winner of the cQngoleuT'rug� I 15MV­ . If Mr. Henry can explain' satisfac- at the hands of the Provin 'ial Gov- und 11 ��R��7`.' year. He hud-been ill a short t prepared for you from the fo ' ation thous�an,ds of drab bricks which her given away by Jones and'May in the� ­,�� � The Bowlers held their annual 0 - contest last week. The cor-- ( . 4"t -during the ten President vs. Vice-Pre-sident game on For I was. an hungered, and ye walls and eohools4-�;rhools which lat- rect number was 2741 and Mrs. West - �': more than doubled' � Even if the Province could afford , ir� , � Monday last, Victoria Day. The pres- �ave me meat: I was thirsty.and ye er became, �Yiomrrgents to the effec- cott's guess Was 2763. ', Borden San- . . N, years of Conservative rule, until it� it, which it can not it is 'bregting a : ident,� James Md -Michael, lost to the ga , eing� ".. � ' ve me drink; I was a stranger and tive political tactics which closed the ders had the next ,correct guess b P, hw reached the collosal sum of $592,- bad precedent. I . vie, esident, Georg ye took me in.. � doors of nich institutions. But' ra- 25 out and Miss Greta Harness WUSP . 4 �, I Na,4-ed, and ye clothed me; I was ther more likely, it was the deside to third, The winnet at Southbott Bros- I 1,11, "., . Why nota dollar has been paid for = =11� resident of Seaforth, ,dded at her si,k,snd ye, v e, . e fa -r away Chinese was Mrs. Charles Jaques 11,�I, I daughter's hio,me in Toronto oil Tiles, son. and ye canie unto me. friends, which prompted her to se I �,, . , ' ' ' Then shall the righteous- answer a gift to be used- to fill a personal Jaques guessed 2874, Mrs. H. Perk- ", , I',, ', �. good'roads when. 22 per cent. of'the ,day, akLd, 77 years. . himt,, saying, Lord, when saw we thee need� The us -e of this gift was left ins was second and Miss Gladys Johns 0", provincial revenue, which amounted I . and James Forbes, I I . WHAT, OTHER PKAXPERS SAY. an hungered, and fed thee? or thirs- entirely to the discrebio�ri O& a very , '�', who have 6e -en connected with third.—Exeter Tinies-Adviocate. . G 1, to over $20,000,000 last year, was � .� -. Bell Telephone, 'Michigan, have been ty, and gave thee drink? green missionary, who, alter a few Thieves' Steal Xar, Ro4 Store and 4 0,.ta,� . I I vtsiting their paTents in McKillop. When saw we thee a stranger and months of be-cuming somewhat adjust- Drive* Off With Loo I t A Witl,. - * --------- collected in taxes frommotorists for I The Migratory Athlete's "Belle Lambeth," James Dick's took thee in? or naked, and clothed ed to her new surroundings 'began to, ,So far Clinton has bad little t-rou- IPut � I 'Or when saw we the sick, or in man was, novel and bew'i-l—d-erin---fo-'-IFo'F<-"-i�s-'-,T--W-e--Ea—n-n-ot7--t��--.O.I.r­ � -day and ",Geneva Bars" owned by prison, and came unto thee:? her. Where to begin! ly, �, . . continuance of such freedom, as Tues- I 0 �3"g'i�-, I' - grants to schools ,by 30 per cent. This backward ,spring - is delalying the begin- .Frank Kldng, took second. And the King. .shall answer and say One ,day a little wornan ho�bled iri day night the town was visited and It ning of suimmer spoTtA in Canaiia. However, all !MT. ,Alex Sm ith of 'Hensall is" ad& unto them,- verily,.1 say unto you, on bot -bound feet to the hos,pital, the robbers carried off a good deal - , ifi,�`El�i,� - there was money available to restore, the.aithletic clubs, and a,��ociatii=s are preparing, 0 ,�. I , , ' . ing to the convenience and appear- Inasmuoh as ye have -'done it unto one ,supported by,ber daughter, She had Of valuable loot. The -biggest haul IR"; �." the salaries of the Civil Service, and In -the field of protessi-omal sports ;everythiing is ance of the dwelling he recently p-ar- of the least of these my brethren, ye -been a pb.tient for'three years and was a new Cbevrolet ear, belonging�* I �11" - $10 000,000 available to spend on in readinims. The out-und-out method of buying ' have done it unto me. du . . ;- i,.- chased east of St. Paul's Church. ring that tinite had suffered �gon- to Mr. W. M. Nediger, which was ill � 1��, I y . =d se,111inig expert pgay,elrs ,has made,preparati,on Kruse Bros. of th� Egmondville Then shall he say also unto thelm, feS from a pain -er's garage, gas and oil be - I ­ , ,,, -- , )roml brick yard, have sold since the mid- on tke left hand: ,Depart froul arle, condition went iby tile teohnical -name ing -also taken. A wisit was alscp, I �,, !��,�.. � . , �e will be a busy man.' . - dile of February', oveT 400 loads of ye cursed, into everlasting fire, pTe�- of Tee -Doloroux. Only her simple, made to Davis and H ", " . , " n a different way, ' tile. i�ared far the devil and, his a:ngels: faith in the GTeat',Healer helped her store and about $150 -W ul 4 "', ��- In fact, there are so many Whys" ,calling 11or nice Strategy. For example, last sea- Mr. Matthew Lawrence, XcKillop, For I was an hungered, -and' ye - gave to perseverc 'n -le tredtinle :tnd boys' clothing taken. Entry was. . , ;;;; 4 for Mr. Henry to explain that the WO Y01109 John Smilth, a spleincMd ,ball player, anet with a seriaiie acciSent, on, Mon- m,e-no meat- I was thirsty, and ye in Our mission hospital only game par- made through: a rear window, a d,ou- �R;l petformed for wn Eastei.o ontairio, ,clu,b; this day when a colt kicked him jug un- gave ,me no drink: tial relief for a VeTy short1period. A ble window bavi I 43i�4�, � , ,time' all too shoirt for him to waste suMft-T,, w'dndii,cated by an in,nocent news iteiin, der the chin. , He was rendered un- I -v�as a stranger, and ye -toA me very special operation was needed. the stornt win' Was Still on, andl I .,�,q' � " . 116 talents in the abuse of Mr. Hep- he vOM lead strengith to an ambdtiou,e clItb in the. / conscious for ' time 'nd it was found not in: ba:ked, and ye clothed me not: and only ' g soyn,'. the robbers went through �he store, , - .... � - 4+ I' West or nortli. Ue ligs secured, a job in one of nec#ssary,to, .put in some stitches to. -sick, and in "Otison, and ye visited me three 'hundTed and fifty miles dist- evidently picking what they wanted., , ,,.A ' burn or -an one else. the lo'cal stores or factbries, ,but no doubt will ose the woun& not. . I . 'J%',1, . cl -ant. The liVother and daughter were shirt�i, silk underwear,' ,hose, ,shoe$,. A �� �,�t�: At the Same time, if the rural con- harvie airalhe time off foT pmctic�d. , Even in the Mr. Ed. Matthews, Hibbert, d,i-ed on .Then sball they also- answer ,him, very poov. They had never fbeell, hats, etc., and an overcoat which hadr �,;�­ ��, , ,'. ". � 'Ituents are,,anxiou8 to get Out from arranged. , Them is no edidence that the Store Sirild'ay eivening. -rTe was One of th,e Suing: ,Lord, when saw we thee an more thin ten, Tyi'les 'a just been finished for EL engtomer; Ther I � � �-,­, I pioneers and, an uncle of Mrs�. P. bungered,, or athirst, or a stranger, own villa,ge. They knew no one in thieves overlooked some cash which, ­ 1:��,�,:. . . under the idolerable burden of taxa- Or fa&OWY needed J1obn Sm6th dn precference, to a Ecka.rt. . . or naked, or sfok, or in pTison, and Peking.- The I amidbint'6f red tape. to had been left in, the till, I o , �,­;., 1#61i'and,-the *asteful extravagance, local youth; -but it1here, -he is. For the Abilful. , Rev. Neil Leckie, who ,has been -did not minister unto thee? ' .be gone throug,fi " )r,1p4.bJy-- . 4 I ��,� ,� , , ­'. babeball or lacrosee, player there is, no summer Then shall -he answer I 10'etter the 'huge in future there will be none left so � i- ", , pastor of the Presbyterian, Churchat them, say- modern. thosipital,would onPy bewilder bandy.­4Clinton N4ws.;'Record. ­�,�'�� #he Henry Government has -placed unenl1ployWelnt pToblem; and df be is clever dh Lon-desbotro, has accepted a call to img,: Verily I say unto you, inasmuch and frighten, themL peldng , only Falls At"Barn Raising 1�1 ��,­., " on 6'eir' shoulders, they � haven't any � - Bevet,ly at Hamilton. . as ye did it not to one of' the lea,it -a dresim. .Mr. A-lfr6d Holtzmanli of Oredito 4 E ��-. ., ". � : %!Me to- lose either. . ga�i)onis d, . (Miss Mary Bell, Kippen, left AurIng of these, ye, d1d it not to me. . I The md-ddlenisn was able to solve 'had a narrow escaPei from, death on 1111 ��Z:­, � I I Or, , I , ielvo&4 t6' ldhe pw6oiouoll. a the week to join her sisfer, Mrs. Wil- And these shall go away into eir- the -problem,. ' MIOMIdaY about 7.30 p.m., when b4 fell' 4 I elm ,Iio: I -- . XtwriS174. May be --4&%d &r9--4&9tu&bed' oveT liams of Boston. lerlasting punishment: but the right- 'It was with mixed, emotions t6t 4rom. ia girder at a ba rai ing, , -.+1 , ,�,­ �. ., - Ah"s Eft'SOTIal ndgftton of clever etponenits ,of , The County Judge has, ,given his eous into life. sternal. , 1 � � ��' � 1,f,�, �. I I . . the trio --mother, daughter and mid- the, farm of W. R. El.liiott of Cen.; � �?,­ I .,, . thi�% 'Or th'st 19117ne; but What can they dot? If decision in favor of theilyqildir�g co,rn- tPer-haps we are justified in saying dileimlan—set out. The. fi .v��, �, - t1he afore'said John i8mith moves sibioult the co�u, mittee, of -the Truic4lleld church. Th,& * that we have in, this passij,& the mbg 4 ,,;;;;,.1, , 'A�V4111",. r Jg Disrespect For Law i6urney,- the -first autOun,obile ride., -a on one ofthe girders alid'was In tho- 11 t . C 49afin ''t of it 9 'So do many otbeir (pelople in Crown Gias-s Co. bad sued tha,eom- vi*id description .*f- the last judg- kindly r6ee,ptign in ­a &, act of . I � � " Wr of beitter* icondidoing, end perhaps -a more nidttee for tbe cost a installinig the Ment to -be 5ound in, the H01Y - Bible. 'afially furnishe ,range pal� Plittin-i in, a -pin when tj chain , I ,� 1, fUl.­,,�"­ - "'It is n0t too m Uch to say that trial 0 d hospital,, an as -. attached to a ike pole broke and the� , , . Oagubem's CHMRte. -Jobn's -health may`n�ot have new , w� We liarn that, though good workv ing prO:inise oI r "t,;��, �,,,�34 Jury does -not inspire the same b�M'WM&Iaaory- and tmW , igrA he 01i I , the vvork was de- cannot T-rierit heaven, if -14 R S-OleMn Pain — An,A this within tWei-litY-four . v[11% Py.,:11 -,� ftu*18fic m0pboteT of -the hoino, , fective, and therefore. refusted pay-' fact that God, HiiMself bits nfade the .- r ! t 4. . 7�, ,;,.��;,�., . once in:Ontario to -,-d as it did PAW" of an"'T - hou s I wais -nearer beaven than first to the floor below striking a 6 '0 -i, , � . , . . Wy 010b,' Wherever ft tWay be? �. nt. praietice of igood, works the condition either tilothor could conc6ive j)f,' or. 'board whiell broke the rfall and h-, . � , ... IS ­ i,;,J­.,. I I ­. , , I . � 'The Zurich police ,tru.stees hgvo, on Which He will, ultimately doteer daughter fiepe for. - 11�, 111,11-11, '" of appeals which Tho expert r6ndlered unconscious for &-time. Dr, ql,�;,,, ,, r2l.." �­�! . landed between some joist. He was w , ,ii�� ,, �1-1',' P, . 64,1-ift6 'bUMN'r PW4T-Mt1Yi And who VnQ1 Iforeitell. where the cap. "de a gra,hit of $150 to the Jubilee the rewards of h6eved. At the geii- k� � 1,-�V-'.i ", - -0-, 4.6.: Wbdr-6V6rJ .14 pokgible." `hftr� Pro- uniformisi. 1. . ed, not according to their faith, or efful,b�e,ration.. T.h , �Q�,`Z"Y �11 . .", , �: ;'' Yo .1.1-1.1. "O". are froza The' ) VI& do fi�ffieaftft AMTWay ejete! jtj MMng The .'.[Vdlcer.��ift­' , appordingto their'feelfrxgs, or aewird- joy wheA relief firmo pajill wag, J,bali,- hoTne, F0 I 11 ,ir. . *0d9 operations `lh ft to their p 4esigions- but,godor6. ,ed, wsm beautiful to see. With a sure brolcen an ; r. t n i - expeet- , . vor -"i. , , �!f6� -1 W Geo. Watt, pioneer resMant Of ffAt it ndt be &W'that t�is ,,dot- 'WAnko to'Rift,Vho bpjaght thblse*ho Ing his large b�ajn which Was,, de ­ X. VX" 0 .911-1, 1�1 . R, I ,-"-,--"----*--.*u----"".*-o*"--�i I � I'll, A ' ^ ' ~'