HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-04-20, Page 7I .�� "", gl. ­ �, -1.1.4, , _., "_ n .. .� � , � I ,NffVU­i,�`AV1&5,, W I , "! . 11� � , P- .4 - T , --'41 , , . r , 5"", V� ;.,; , , .1 1 4�,,l 1 1 �.,� " , . It �... I" ; . 0 ., , " ., ::� !.,�� � . ,: TIr", A� I:! �-; 411 I I 1. ; ill. I , i . .1 � I '... 1:1 ""'M", , � .14, �', . _ _� � ,, 1,r '** .4 " � ,�� ,�i.i, - . , ,��, .. 5 , V I � 14, . � . � ,­ wl�G,,"l " - -1 X -Y.7', j . " ­�!kq!,�,4%. I? W­'�71 'I'MV, NT �, " �,� " �;D,�,��t��,,�t`j � , -,I., , . - � 1''. I ­ - 1. " , - . `111" 11 " i '! �,,`: . - :;'� . �,' - , : ...,11, ,Niv 1.�:p . ;, 4 ..", I '­,�;, '. , ­ ", I � " i. f , Y" I .1 �..,t � i,,ii I �,­-% li 'i I . ,� 1,1 I ... " ', I I A " -1 11, -,,� ii � ,� .-t L e :,z��, ,�, - � -% - I ! , -'�,, i , I qp�,�,'fv�# ': �� , " , , q I 4, � 1, �` _ 11, , - - I , , ,� , .1-11- . 1-11 I ,. ., �_ ,.V�I�k Is "I �7 1. . _. , , , , .. . - , �% I �� 1,f- ,.71�1 Ol., , � . . . I . , �� �. . . �` I I:, - . - 1� . . . "I'll, . � I'll "I ., ,. -. "" .� � . ... � � � ."; ... � I *� �', . � : I , .. . " __,�_ . 1 I -- I".. I . .. i I ). , '.' , . � A �. i I � . " I" , � . �, , N, ..... , . !"'i"11 01111 I , ... . �!, 11 k - , ; . : 11 , I., I .. 1'.. . . *R�'�i­­­ . . .Vi, l .�;�f, . 1�, I .. - , . �.N . 1. _. . , ", ,�-�� I I .. � ! ,, , t . v ��' I - , , . I a I 1�11 . I ", `!,,'�, 7 . � I ; � - "' ''� - ��,,,;, -, , , 11, - - .-IT , 11. I :"I-F - 1. , l I � . , . ­ ,:11. I 1. ,,, � - I � . , , �� f. .f, V, , ,.. �, W" " " .4:� I1111..21:.1.,3 , , . ,_V 1 .4:: .,�__,: �, ;&1 P4, g�wqg, I� . . , , , , 'j" ,,, ,�. �. . :� "I ; �, . '=,� . I ': .. 1; I i,1,11-11 - "..-I.. , " . "g,;):_�,". .`.' IV. ­ ,;, �f I t 1- __ . . ­ . . . , . "� �:_; , . I - - I ; I vf '. �. :1 '. ­;�;* I I . -1 _. - . �, I . �­ , I , P11 , j .,I . i,i ,., ,, , - . I . A, , ., .., ; . I 4 , _,:tk'__,_. A i 1. T . I �* ­ _'�' � I v . I ,� - lqm .1 ,; .1 �'r � .. , .� �. �Io;�_ ,.� �� "I 7 , , ., �� K '. �­.� � - -,.�,",-,�.,.`,"r,.!,� 1 i, -,P ­.S( 1�,It` 1'11��F_M�.`$4� - � ,-,'�` . W A. �, " 4, � , * '"a'.4 , . . . . : " . "'. ,1 " ", _ , � , :: . # ­.i,�_ — , . . . . . . R ffil I I " . . -�,il, ,.�� ".'a ,--.,--, wrj�4�q.�5m, ­V,11011­�M .14m,e ��Aikp�e- �,'FW � "',".,". ff - n -1 ... _11,11, I . ion%- - , ,. ­,_tt%� - ...;Prll�. ­I'A' jj ­ �, , - -- I ,. �','Y�T` %L,.,:!WW -k� � & ItTlil' �, ot X E . , " , 11 � iw­`­�' """ '"" ­ ,i on r , "'.0. , R , R I 4 ---.-19 � , ,.j 11 � .. , , I �, - , � 9W 10' , I V4 � � , I I � ­ M t e # V , , . I I . ".. l:, ,,:�.- � . . � , , wj � I ., ,Z-- 0 0 , �, ""'. p=n,w � " ,;,:;",1W . jr1i '�.: 111�� 14 Mom 400XVAI�l �, I , ". � � I .. ,�,#ep � �'� ,, �", lWIAW'' , , �M, ­_ _-1 'i I " Q4*4 I 11.1 � ., F1,11, � �, V�pqq, "I %!.��,., . M�eoam' 0�44AMWAPIR,V-1 � � . I I", ,,.�, '! " '', " ­­ � 'Y #**w "fWo, I � So * I I 1. 1.1, I � ,�#, , . _* �,fm -4 , 1. oil' , .1 . .. ... AC Wi % vl " .1.1 IV. , . - , RT ! . , � I 0 "10 1, 4 L*M�Am'�A,�MM 0 , 9 "'11,1949 19, el. . .1 �',�, I I � � ... "Al " .. 11 hvl, , � , , , "'. � "." F; ��:FIM i0y 4".,_ - . _11. . I . ". , 's _)q� d"'N" , , `_ . . Aa - .�,�Wy,l � .11., " 11_�',�,,,..,, � , . � . " V . � I... g" na C I . W,� -1 Ell r, �, -Ift'nT. : %W_94, 'r, ",,�,,l',;�l =!,,"� 01,1 " ,,A— ,�V� .., , ,..,.,. wq,�,Q&y 'M _ I �,, I Z , �t�i t ai"'.1-0-11, , ,M'w � '7 :, � V-0 - -0 lji��. � , *� P" 1.00, P 11 IS T'71 �,,Z, , - 0 '�Q _001 W-19%?"A "A 1; 0- , �F ,,, A, I � wvw.cox S. *', � , WIR W ;,t O�, M ;1= ­- ­ .1 I . . ... .4 11 I I �, �, V,,Y., 7j :7 "I, I ­ . 11&11�4 11 I A 2, , '90 .,� � ., , __ , I I',' ". ,"�;.�� "' "' " "N' - , 1 � WW7#' 1�1. 11 I ­ �. p�.�i V I 07i 11, "I ­:,�,­­ . ,, - ��­ S, , OR -,.'!. ,,O,,,p n4ffl'�`.�: lffllw. � . I I . 11 , _ - �;� ., I , , , .ji'o T" t- , �, � ,�, 1.11-1 .... I .1 ,­ .... 1, , ,,,, � . I ,�-A­ � � ' ' ,I'; �", I , � 410 �I,V,�j , "i """""' JR.". . . . . .� * tAU ,,�.,, - ,..it �. I . I N A _B�.., I r1l ��, ... I . A I 'fhe Goat' I . .�Il , "� : P( .. _* r,,.l 9", wilq �, I .11. ,� 11! �� W 1*0 " " � , . - % r .11 1 I . A, "d 'McGlu*7 standing ',k--$ V 06 1 ,.,, =1. � � 10� I , 1, ffic � .., V 1, , , li, - - . � ,­:�, IT . FA.pt 11.1 11 , bebV ,.Mcib4.,,�ii4ll ''�' '. g ikill, .., "., 21 I . ..... . I I 7 T!" ", � I I Z "`�,,,�- ffif"t �, 11�q ,"�"",i !0" , . ; ,_Vi� , t. -�, - , , , I i N _1 We", Ili, j I 1, ., . " . . . I 'I W _ �. . .,Y _ ­ - i . i., ­ . .� .�!"",�, 1�j ,�Av* i 7 A : '�l il.'�-, Fe"V�AGK,��`V.Kll& , ­ '�i ,. .., . � , ­ � I ­­­ . �., . . . ­­ ' 'he 1d" � � , R , '* I a � ­_­ I r...A.. . ". "'' i� ��,.%, r� .; .; . .i,,,,,. � . . . . I ,� . . . . 1 4 , K9 - 01- 11"W'.01,10TS05. od . "., 4 , 89ii P r r .tr �.', ,I �11 44, . 1 -so , I .. . , i.., . ZVO , ,, ­ "' A P". , I "" It' . 1. 1. i 1� . . , aver with, his ofters t ' - r "", r - L I'll, %� , lo ,� .. T ! D .'- , w , _ " , , , ''% ­V­� . . .t- . . . 'fe in`o L,q - - gu VXV _ , W., Am., -O!"kne -A 0 I � "' - - . . A, � ." . 1 hp .. , I I., � JOHN IEL IBM , ,.:. F low was fi;iidin-gr'j% , ,e. I ,', '�141 fl, , V , , -67, 1k I I .1 � . � . I , - , � _-, � � a, 3i L , , %1, . , ___ .11 - X I �Ivevp 434 ..kd�� I. , . I , � ; .a _&." - , " If , � 1, . . I _ ��, .16t. - 41 1440 11"T, ," 3 W1.114"WARW _ 19.�,9r;,*-, ;e �, .. .1 . �,­, w0f.01POM � l :�. j) :1 I - ", is .., 'A #�: , . I . , , , du , , - -,t ". � - , 0 - . .. #� �: -, . '. IWIVI;7:7. IT" . . li, �-r--­­ I . ­ ­ V, "' , " , �,.,,. .� ". . . .. . ;. 'Bowrister, " XTI . _.. ;-I; I I _ 1� . . 1- . . befl#Ve `1111 , W1jL'VAjjL�, . �rj" , Wj '1111;I.W41 _' . . , ,� � . , , �_ 11 . * , . . � I .1 . ' ' had seenied " a�; - � W A", I , . %1L " *, ­ ' � 1". , 1�040` -K '76 Y'AKI 'Re .." . , ." Qt I I . -'6 I . .9., ..j , . . . '. � �;., 1';."� ­ I , I . . . , � ., :,-Y.;1,,­,V,'­,.- . i I .� .� , I, 3'.0 . P .�-4beyw' ava'al *T",v ea 1 4.tiit ;` wo,404-no ww-,Oym- "." , S wqv a.-j*1111414 'f1pi, '._ viii� 4.1 � � ­ . . , . . . ,, � I � 1. . "' il ll�tL . I , � ta 'Tbl, . . goodAfta M10*10, , "Iftfl* t rlr SOIIM04 W. Sis .. � .. mo , , Pa. _ - I , . f I � Teasoxf.aw amount 0, froa,dbl � , , jti� , . �-,i , � . .. .'' I I . _. ­ *:�, t �.*6 1 ' ' I . I * . t , I 11K 'A' _ , 'T luelc � ' - ­ . AM0 '* . I �1 i Me "I W I - il� We' iW+ *�, -h1w , , ld�txve- ftQrt;,VWV1!­,- 0. T, I 1111.11"..".1111 111ageI andl , � _ , "O 11 0, . I -t, ' ';wu' . .. 1 -4 11 � .... I ��� . :1, , 'I- K ?., I . - . ' ' A ,or _4 -a r. ,,, " , .. ­ I , .... ''.. . "A * a,- lijoi-it - W.", �­* . , :, � - .4"e - M 11 " 1, , .� - Z. __ L -m-, � "'A . ;�o loges'?) , -p __ -.1 ­_ C�ku . r t-&4Ki " 4040--49 in, W .., �, _jvus- norio'�ofl the wa S mbo � �111 1#144%A'Ple U*Aio � . jog , . �� �, .. ­ I .1 ­ - ._"fflftlx�� I .­. - --Pip � ag .-4 �-&-vee.:�Ilo, �--fto,e�-stl5k tao�� - , ­ , , 1.111�' ____ , , . , ,. � , I . *� L'h sr-.-wilph,tl� , intend,. ­ I die 'd , 1 -'-,6T" . �' ,".. , , buWsi er ,W$U!, e . i�, I I . I . . d* I . I . deddid" 0 ­­* , ­ , M, � -, , , , ,g - . I _ , .. ;p not ft ­_ ".�, � . �: �­ ..�V , ft I'' ',-$ ',- , . , so Ue 4nd-hi, t�r b i o .* , ra6s ;',� ; . COMP11141071%, ., -a , '­-Pwh,;.$�� owr I I 1"Per two VIVIA ag. Of V.". * , , dat they t" I.: , - ,a . �­ r ., ". bo I I .. �.� 1, � 4 . . , 1 . M . 'Years. she, 0, - - then, Hi, " ,., W-. I . . ,-,7�-Y"ou.. , . ., ..--,- . 1. . 1� ,� i-i , . , , I � I ,W,,,.V.,n . no.'oxlv 11 M : 1�qfto. ,the cavels'.7 0 "'Th4so- ire holding hiiii to"loansom. � . _­­ I ... -1 4 0". � ,�jt . , , " P - ' , h�3 . , . d ,,, � -W f�wxnfcji. I --,4 , . . , , i � AW. ,P . . �, I . , 1. . � �_­IWWI 11 , �, �, I,- � " 3,10 r , I , . . .. ,4 ­­­—je '�­­�jo I . �;, often , , DIF, IV! - is.ol. or*abts. " ( ,.i . pl-� 1- r., i3c I , '. .q* , A Was 'reZ. ',Ih - , , . �', - : I .. . . ' ­ "I., desprit, I., to, .. " 1_ 1 mw$ Hi Idemar* .. I , le. , I all gdne . ,+ Pa .." . _ - -Ma , ,�, - _. . . -___11.. . . )n e6beerming 0#rgs f ,�. W,1*q:._&a*y . pm an�lthva Le - :F , 0�fflvg . I ii;�� .Mt .. - sma ", . - � ; .1, , .� `11 , , , � -_- - the hills tbat�'Adr.W. w - ,,�14 �'icav-f ... ­",,�,_ii, I ­ F741 41w - T .-I '��._�.�;,,_ � 177 . Eft . ARY ,,V_�p ' d" olf ., , , ,,,�, . , " ..,t � _ , . .* ,4�*,�,_.11'.,,V_ . . YE ., . . -y tod quarter, and -4s + , . , - , �er _M!� I _pm . ,V . I , , I t�b�thicld � . � - worth �=W in VA"T''si �Pa Were '"­eq�V�V�­ 1 I 'Rey ithia hii -is a rich � , , , , � I., '.. " , r , . t . .. I . 0 My.faw". Ed , , . ult, J�e. ,onef 0 fr ". * ,��,q I . , � 4 . .1 I I tbey went. they continued 'the discus, �� %- . ni . I *' , ,ni, $ .. I . . ,. .. " .!io . . I , � . , . that =6 I . .. : A, and iion�a 4 , L_ A � . - ; JOHN ORIEV9. Y.S. h4lntrlguedthem� . .a . yd , . d*m near went'to wbrk. 60 * * , , I I ' % - ­ -, .- ­ , wrhmn, the . Ara!W sent . -.. - 1. 11 -pp-, 40 -11 - . . . .. I - . I I ., . aft bes a � no I . en- 'a ' - *� .. " 41, .1 _+:: �:'­�i'L. 01"'. - - 41A V " I '11111 ... t ..... 1. � A I , . . . I W 61ot ,_fmy was ov,; jg."�,p liql.,' a�&f L . I 1. I � I �It .., - . � . , . �. . . I not ai'8WTVshqr64 , 4 h - .1 . . , " lli�,L . . ie. , a � I I'll, I �� ". 11 11�= . .; . . I - J­gpt sh'ah � da ,. , ` !, . � ­bctw, 00 i "'A'.. ", 7 W. � ;. I 4 "Mt,`-*� reparkel& thb U.t, -Hi'ain't — -k` at � , - 's a � . _ _..'i .... ". ,,, . Swor graduate of Onktrio Veterin- vei6her *,did )U.� lia�_turil.ed-4 ? ��W,-Znit ey ��, - -0f, . ,�.-... 1, . -1 serlitilmlerital.oUgh to 4eat,A er , " -the7- WE11*, I A , ,,� I r . " � , ­ T, . � _-1 . I - pp�yllrkr InAe _'Pom� �' 'L I _�T,1: " i "" ", ?,�'. _ : ,-,l V . _�,:�7 ,�� � ", � - , , "', � � . ", , .. - � ,­ I � �,.�,,, -,l . I * All diseases of domestic , fro=2,AjmQrica--%aW- er aiiP imad f6lk he and his comrades hilid r' . . .i� ,,,, I . 1. ;. � -C,` I I q if , [* , , Than a- __�3 � .., op . 111� 4 - i,,,�iL� — jr;t.j. �oo;1',T.;..#__ ,;, ­� ".1" *0t � yier, MA , . . � �"An` 'You ,. ght ,641-1. ieri , I . � wy. .ColIgge. c __H- ,Ad"-,Ax�-.Ixm,14.--=,A...ilge- I 6n . �' I 11 1, , " 11, I ____ kl,7--. I - 4�o 10 jed the fice fra Alm star W Iiidealwa'14*A��"I ears I . I `.! 'animaills -treated.. . lQ0ffl_Vr=*flY-at- I I y - "Sell me to Ae first ..... rach'sheW or, ­ --- - 7:1 t" I � I . .. , . I . , ­ . '. . I � . I 'i ;, . k_, .f I . K'Wt6 landy, they arem, . I . ���l V,�'�,%# . olu�v. `B;;txli�T�eis . " , "*.- ;­.. .1 . -iwd -,h - - - es M0 "$; * , ­ ' 1. I . ' I V , ­ __ , . . , I. . � ftp*d'�W C avg derate6 Vat- woPilan "?% i i wash -a b1oke?s shirt -s &h4 'ad." 4M al� -maid, slender and beautiful as lEmjT who wants, a - new toy for his '. .. 11 . , � . ,. orjr�.,-bol ii. , 1� 'a'... +�,,,,� - 4 a woman IOU .0 . I 11 I " . lb- 11, kl�jffq - . I I 41*wy -Dentistry a specialiv. 001ce wile "Ye'dinua, mean tp)e say h�--*k -the blush of dawn, . W � _te' ,�'*4paf$,, Q �i­ I _ It . .1 ,. Ttlit such a 62id.harem.- . I . t 11, 11..-- tor ea I de P114, ­ * + , so gbop�� in,badl, till, it dries, ae I as M11darn luilust, hapie been when &,a � I sy troawg- un r, button.% -undairrplcp �m , W ­ * , I aws, 7, rae ye'' 9" I. I . ,.0,-4 : I 2W)MMUDWA OW %2Qoer1C1L CV4MP, QUID thav �A.,ffl �. I her , V -f . . . .4 theenkol sic I -PoWtL. � . Stac", Y'tjoira ill ,11 1, 7 ; ..j: 1:: , . � I . + The 41*ays - ..,.. P . 4 6 w , (a # landly; they �can . ,'An' you, wW dae Y� . hot 'OPP _1 11 �,'I, I . I - � , acka ce, - '+ - , fi � ,� 111H dDn',t.fmk le. "'ad, to -da anytak- danced to, --the inu�c�,of her Own-tiui- a fate?- I hard-i"a'pliQei. 4; 1, . . �..�.Z,,., "Ill , 1, ".. A,�:` . ' ' , - �� ., -, �: . 40M east V& Dr. X Y'a^ , Sea ) . I .. , -, �,� ��,,.�,�, , I fo"b. - I . I saw on..buftms an ngs, an cook.th? .' .%*eA Don't blame $er," brels betfore the hog.ts,:,of -lsrag at � Tha,baautjftl� little creature shrU'g" L . . , �, C :, i . .:�, ,,:�r - I �,. I �r ,& he �&6 W . , OVE . . . . . I'll, . - � ...- vrnb wen th6W�; -apy Cook, the *Yke of Vie ,&rm . OLEMAN LAMP & ST, 'O , � � 1".. � I 1. . I . . � IqM M 'ad girl . &qg'Ofthe Red ged, tier slenderly modelled;, . THE C . ­ 1. I I I -19' I . � .. . t. ;haed the Rat. I shodiders . ... � . � I - - . lelp ter, pass. unio lizi fl,Z& : 4 TORONTO, ONTAkIO­ .. ;;;.-. I . . 11 . an' bevery Sea. Zer hair wItw- like midnight, a -ad made, a 'jp�esture with har' '� "' . ,,, ., I ... . . they cktit ", . long " , , , "'' . 4:'' . I V I I . A- &w I �t,"'-�!,-,. I" 1 , � '_ , I � ' ' e 1 . ­: ,� .... . . . ­.- .. _ __ - oP. -ways liff "11 � kocips am- in, their. - 'When- W-- ther, shein- -of --the-stays- -in.-, its tlea�,_�land6r­hknds Ahat . ,,,, *1 ' mi, '' *'�� . � � - " ... I......N.". . 4E61d, wet tight, ­­.. ."; �Iome with wis:;io�� .. - - -' . ' , ... �, ­_­­ K AD,, ., ­� L , I " . . I I plice. Hi dorift 9* no sense in talb _ depths; her e .. . . . A _;� - Y 0 U" ,.;a I � ., . -_1 .1 � A. R,, CAMPBELL, V.S. I . an?, arsk-ed 'er. for grub liff, -she .W Yes wafWpoois Of Vas- of utter helplemi�ess- . . . � I � P.,% lot do .Tdash 'to lem aurb IUV, . 0 ! - I . , _ . , I . I..., 1, ''. lI'l I . I � ,:�___��_ —,..:-"--- .­_ :, � ,,�� ... �'. --- art an, .said "'ore � deAr, ' 'fii� 7-WWt ca,ri a rniaid-dw when, - she - . . � .. Iere s. a� Ieloilf? OV Mori, whose djqA were as- yet -uir--- --- ...___ , , .1 Graduate of Ontario VelterinarY Ao� is iu.v W"i you -sort it , - t , _i . I . . , . . � _ .1 . . . . . . . . Z �� .. ", .1.1 111; EIA...sye, 'Chuik'th" Inv, HI'm stirred; ]her ii;; -k au& throart anr ala- f lls into the hand . 1. I , , L�,�,t,:"r, a 9 of, men? It is ,--, I I 471, r, ,�, � I University, of Toronto. 'All get Tight darn ter th, ashfelt 1, Lu.v luv" I . . . 7"""" i . I.-.-- ­ I �� � � . � . � �.! .,.,;,: �.'.,�,I�,�. "r.".111 .. , . - . *�Lp clrdsses.w 'at, .1m, gomy'Wheret M can g,et.%:solrne,sOljds. baster coluhib,, which:' carried 'her. -her Kismet. She mkiet submit,'or be . . 'Weo�� is� S,Ew,l� . ara. .. . . . I 'ji . - k_ �', , 1, ,-�'�, , �_ ,� I I .1 , of domestic animals 5� . . .. . . � $W , -1 . � inyur 46131 6", "' . 1=1#1 treatia is .jes, grub � . . F 0 to Nuit a difference In the vidue� 61, i", , _., i � . I)i the ' giost modern - principles. yar '.IW ,,aT%.*7e,r give 'am them faWt H1 ant., ": , - 'lead as a'bamm1er is carried into bat� beaten, likip� a dbg, beaten with"AWAVY . M_,�oi_. ...;—"I i""', I—, 1. . . I L .4-EeVs � a waesobe v hevviii heard on -Y . 'ears , -;"U.��:,,,.. - � �6s, , I ght ' i :,A vorld, fij,',miy tle. Th& slightly Slelmitic curve of stjjpe�. All my life I in such districts,,we would- re- .7 bew A few. *ew-"� ____i,_,�"',, - _ . . . ,� ,,�_ ,. , ,� -.� '­hif . " - ! �­., �, � 4 IVI � - Chands i*asonab,10 Day or 39 wen, . sm can - - I yet . ,, e first spriog, out- �.. =21d irl� 10cwti Vaberelf il.,it,i �. , . ' � , . I 5 I . i .. .. . , 'a "int that �', I I Calls" L ,. = me buckie." remirked Mae, who hgv�nose, the archedlOvelines Ofha� of such things. .1 could .drive the commen(Y that th .� pin� -,,,�,,5 l prorriptly at�ended to. Office otli. that :" I givb§ me .1 . lined Virt the Oqxbatio'Spray Calend�w The sure., to 11" , ,fibr _ , � ) . 9rV_W we, ­30. � 4_ maii Strest, Ilensall, Opposite Town, - 911 . wilili d one of his - sententious, generous mouth, the OPOtless,glaarull steel in between iny bosoms,. but life ._A,t.A_,i­. �,,�.,..,. thousands 0 . I . ; ", "It.1.1 w1v - some bloke t I than -Runting. Y , . .�,,,,�Zi.`V. I in � alf should he modilled as fiollldwii- . : . !?� � N . � I ,Ball. � Phoi� 116. Breeder of Swt-, aw I blame to 'emL is m1olda. OEdA had been in place of 'her teeth, the -mixthre of dusky is sweet, and I a1m young." . i; ­ " - - of - I - - . * , , ,,-, lj:� I I S - � . ss, f 7 PTlid . . Apples-Odtaidei the )K ivrg_ .. 001111pettuou t 0 ... ., , I fa,ke 6, th, power -who made this world., an! redness and ivory whitene o he ye+hae 9 lover in'Uil days o� , I ; �7.. . I , '... . . � � . . Lhr terrievs. 'Inverness Kermeb, all kop ae no blew airil't a trict, -Essex and. Kmt,- 46 not, spray will choke " theml oat . i, " , " j � . . 'I bespOke - a strong Yer ftek-dom?* ,Whs lee .k +, . `-,." . I "'. . I 1. gied it tae us, A wad nae ha! niade edrolple2ion, al . % ,�'�, � . 1, � I . . I .w. .. �� .. : I., 1� �, - . TE'l 'ad -a ni�e little wde I f S Jose' 'Scale except on trees, Ithere wM ibe no, I., . , _ wumman ol sic importance in, thl plan $,train ,of the best blood. 'In her lit- the truth; as, -as ye.hope tao beX.ts. �"F '?An I I , . ,,!:,:�, , I . . wya she called . lerself, mly wife, aul . ,". - I on which dt was'conspiculous lastyeati. if pVolvislon is not a 00 �, ''.... I . . Ap'one didnot dispute it. 'Mr farver e theeiggs; they ken richt weel tW tle ears hik rings Of k0ld of a w0a- Jamie MeGlusky pro tem?k . . I. I . I I . . , I thek-di.- inian ii .. -On fliese use either lime. sulphdri . 1-7. HUM saagings andfpdlowvod��Oom.liog% I ;� ' - I , , , � I was a 66ne an' rag collector, ore as worl canpa gang On wl'oot ship is 4�1d. as Babylon itself re. Such a hope could not liame enter- ,Or . 3 three .par oent,�.lukicating oil along to take the . p1wee, of trees. , ,,�,.,.� 4�:,:, .. - I � I flecied back the sunlight. Her -arms ad the girl's mind, seeing she had nevi. , ,;,, � .. 11�, � � . I MEDICAL I a side -line le collected anyfing 616�' 0MMA she�cat kens thao,eef ..there air i6n ih, a-&40 Bardeaux� ,0init are, cuit. I I . 11 , ., - �� A,:': "' I ,;�,�, � -1 1, �,' 1. I . Mair kittens there *ull be, us, cats, were bare tothe,shoulders, andtheit er even heaid, the name before, bui 2411:1ft:yfor red itfi-te'this -year. On Every hrm: .hoiu4. h.ve 64'i , , ,_ 111 � . . - I I � I -Ali? Ie us� ma � I . v � - I . � _. I ,a could get 'is 'ooks, into, . . "t, . . � I - . A an' cats, air verril much symmetry-woul '&,' ' . I .. . . �_ ,,,, � � . �'. I ad -bar send. the add out ter -" a . 5an Jose' -Scale -ias green windbosak bopvTotegatt theo.. . .I - ,.� my- �anft, wummi d haive.-made a Gre- Mae's male:egoislm overloolk�d such a treft.on which I , - ways 'tha-a yiii, but cian sculptor- her s1QVe OIL the spot; -smull'bilutter as that. . . of 'w1hiteti-­ ;,-4-1%, . DIL GILBERT C. JARROTT ,44 . ' Wfix,W � - k T, - i . . . .1, . I . I � , g �Neeial that le got 'old of -- that's -AlIkO in mair ns: they neck andbasom. also ' e bare to the not conspicuous lost yesT, use .o�ty b*,% ftoW-t&� cold. � 1.1-4". . . . I . M., gfof to krirlo�v ler; ,he ;�d been 'Vlaist O' W- in regard tae ldtte WeT "Tell ma." . , . . ' ­ `.'­­ . 11 . . eyes of men; the "There was a rasp.in the big fel- . ,I',". Graduate: of Faculty olf Medici=, ib?aAh squall till they get 'ern, squall breezes and to ille . 1 3-6-40 Bordeaux, , X,farmler c�m establish. a windlAvla.: "' - , _)r 'I, � �.', �. , , 1, , I.- - , , - . a, necklace wot go,t right up Fears --Where Pear Ps7lla is tro,u- by mWh� a cash,outky of mok'4,0,0, -, - , _., . ,If pawnin, . 4 ... .!� - I tam. em�. when. they'Vo 'got 'ani, an' scratch bosoms exposed -by the rents ih � I*w's voice thatbrooked, no deniaL . usle a two pe � _: !., - University Of westlern, on, � orf a drestin'-table am' walked b1losorne r cent. lubricat- expresls chamgesj, on the trear. In ten ., : "'�t"" I ,,, I , ber of Collegv of : PhysiCians and tae get ridol them, fr na sooner does sing1p garment she wore on the. UP- A flicker of -a smile played round . ' � ' � , � lq , ­ L, , through a winder.into a -ba& -yard .. lug oil s�pTayj ��.here Omit spray. 'to - fifteen yeari he will . have -an efoo' � � ''��, " , , � Stirgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 God- . a.vvmhian�s dauchiter.grow old en- 'Per Part of ,her bod%� were ,only half 'the urchaa I ­ ­ ��,-J, . where 'er'old men was collectin? rag$ . faw'. �t ips of the maid, lips that * .: 4��,,V' " , jam,wvmu� , :,::_,,� . 'Phone 37. ' an' bones, an' the Ole blighter sent ough tae be It man -trap, were, slightly dusky, on account olf ', i- . ." ; orkh Street, West. than the formfed� for her yeaTs Plums --On Japanese Plww�omft fective windbreak tha%_will " " W,are the first s ' I . .- . . 111";*,a .F.— I -A - I 1 4 ...:.­ . W I . the vallue,,of his Zawm, and- ve&ce the .��,..�"" p1ray. - 4 . '.1.' I 11 I I . - ks anf` Vranks 'he , .., �., , . I - . + � oot in their.swelling lovelines was a MOW- the Moorish strain in her blood, but ., . - Successor to Dr. Cbarles Mackay the kid art to paw�h it. She 'ad a fice rilifber Prin . nship, Tea,che5---J�e San Jose' Sea$4 ambUrIt 'of fuel necessary to 41aalt t,'13)� - - ' .,.- I a' .the war paint she can scra,pe up, terpiece of naltureos craftsmo; - they, were none the less alluring; sen, '. � ­.". . I - � like thorn yop see in.pictWes of+un- � sets her on the.tmil o"-sorne they were twin jewels ­in the er '. %it ac- is not present, spray with-Jime sud- ,farmhouse. A yeaes! delay iu-stxr� �'%' ' ""% I gels: .ftffy '6r, an' lots'Gov it, ano it an" she . Own suous and passion -laden on, I phur 1-5 Or Bordleaux Mxture 3-4-40,,;' dng.a whdbreo* means that the, farmir ­ ­­;� , .. dell . ol a mon. They're a' sav- qf her' seli-suous beauty. Her kirde count for tht Moori6h blood is Q1 a elsewheire use lime SW. Ph= I ,C. il. . I ,,,,:,ff- . . '. � ' looked -like ,honey wiv a lamp shin- Pu3r Z . et. . " �, � :­ ,�Pj, ' th' .Vhimmin, a hairs-ibreadth -scarce reached her knees, -an. 1-7. will 'be a' year longer ,kthouit an . I .,::,,, d 7M of hot-biew. W,e, . I I . . . I ,�, - 69'TER wandbreak � . . � , .� � . I DPL, F. J. R. V in' on it- 'er eyes.was like tw,o bunch- ages� ' 4 . - Sweet Cberries�--Usp oin�-half pint , . . . 11"!. " I . . ir hides. ­ They're a' oot T1dh r�aterial, witif a body. grourld"(if "I m"Ight have -had many lovers, if I , 1'�,i � ) as ol wi;lsts wiv th' dew on. 'am, an? unne'r the , azure blue, with stripes of crimson; I W,gu nicotine sulphiate sa 2 ,pounds.. Of Applicatiom: blanks for trees and ",.i:,� ' " ' I ' ,saffle?s scalp." " she'answeredI 11f9r,.frolrn. - . ' -1':".L ' " '.1 . 'Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, I wen it was clean was jes' a#er so e, male . . id; _ 'soap W 40 gaalons . , - sele=% : , " ,_.,�,1�11 , ce I ", i, I I . '. # er "A gn sOuind goot to mie I 11loa the ,kirtle was sCacured, -60- - her waist.. the dayswhen water. descTiptivie literature Tolay be - . .". , : . niversity of like milk :tn' red 'roses, like you see _19)ot I I was eleven �ears old.. where ed by Branch..' --, _ � - l6athern- belt with back- and wi * f . inan y ' ecti orchar& 11 writimg,the Forestry I . . ".. . . I .1 Graduafe in Medicine, U . . Coventl GuTding at -the hend. *I der, fra0leins aW I like dL4 fraus, by a broad se for my years, men, 6 . 11 , ­ ­­.o...J�,_41 1 . . - I & in ven dey'are not so fat you-'ean't. get les,.4,silver as big as a child% hand'-- nationalities 'told me li&�* with, their there is no winter injury or no apo-, Par i4mlent JBILildings, .-TorMbo, OTI .11 ... . , . : , � , �' *"n*,of-­­ ,,-" ,j��. . Toronto I well, �Hi . I precWble injury, thio, spray calendar Z at &a county- a!gr% I " , . Late. assistant New Yolk Opthal- Jn"e"an' -ar inouth-7; used two arins round ',am. A leedle vqn By the iway'the kirtle thing to Q10 e -yes and ith their lips� and with' , -I , ". . I ter lie -an' dream abart ler mouth wen I recommendations should, The follo%- fice. .. . -1 ­� A . I,-, -4 � 111111 I , ' mei and, Aural Institute, M60redeld's mit, a. imist dot fit- into mv arm as, shapely 1111obso 'it e�uld b�' readily 'quick warmw pressure of the hwi&, �, I I . !�51'. , th' cell door closed on um o' nights � . . . :.�.� J�',� ; l, . .1m _1 . 11 . -pt r . - . 7 . . , . .1 � . 1.1, I . , . Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- wen Ili was idoin' time. Hi was in easy as der rifle fits, dot4s for mite, ; giiwAed it was the only g6rinall't , she b nyMoorish mothe had'made me 11 i ,. 11 ! '.. ­ - ,$­;� 1 hile Fritzel," , ' r . I I., .1 ViWS, IAM'dort, Eng. At Goirnm1ercial huckled the handsonu-, wore. On -her, feet were WaqAalis� wiseln'the ways of men, all . --- -_ - - -_ -,—. �... 11 the pawnbrakei's shop doin' a bit o' . . saying . AN __ � wmu� � ._j I 1, q I 'Olptel,'Sonfortli, 'third Wednesday in lbusine,As oh me own, that mornin' the f air4aeed lad -f rom, thq viin�meM, ,bills prettily turned up at the toes. af�er men are liaxs where a ,maid, is con- , nj�j`ry'H�rd Improve,ment .'- L, E 1. I . - I � I I , ", �1. t .. I . - 1.130 � Pm6 to 6 PmA near tbei Rhine. .. thi- $yrian fashion. � . I earned: the�,canmot help it; they are (R. B. Faith a Brant -, _11 . A'.1 . each month, from , fo,rdo . � . I : �11Q . kid was pmumimf the nelcklace W "Ye're a daftie," sneered � I directm ' GREAMV. . I �.. I . 58 W,aterloo,Street, South, Stratford. Mae. ,,A: IMac looked, and was, lost- GOnel males, and it is ,boorn in their Mood; - .1 �_ � ,. 1 .. I , 1 -_ ; " . " . � fArver led found (?), wen in Walks a of i6xtension, for the - Hasbein,Fiiles- . 1.1, I , I . � I � - - . ' . - fecht, AW a -pipe, an' a dram, at a:91ance was hiis vaunted distast4 they do not ,me ,ing - 0i --' , L' . — quieti innereent-looking guy, ail? like a . an, to be false; they jam Assoejation� a Cama,da, sptaaa . , I 1. , . _P � as It ma- 1 R4 TORCNTO' - a I ... ;:f .... . ,.,� V, I I I soon as I aeon 'inn, finks 1Hd to me- 41 4 ,,gopd comrade ,tae share of wornen; hie 7nastuline vaunt that would be true if .they could, but every ata reeent meeting of Lairnbrton tour�_ . � .. �f'. ,;g .. . I . . . aC. Tae, Topket wi! th, she- no ferninine'thing-had,power to.'stir male thin;g is polyganious by nature ty live stock breederi and' farmers, . 0, .:I ..'Al _., I DR. W. C-SPROAT self: 'The hair houtsNe is ks wff-"ell there- is him) ftnished in -to thin air, like gos- and inst I ATTRACnVE .___EN__ '� �, . I I - of,. -a lot 'ealthier thati in this paw -n- 1tribe. `die ma a w*l' where. inct. The camel, that is a drew .attention to the ,developini -1 - _ '1!��,, , " . 0 � clouds before the gusty winds � a- ­ ..­_ ­ I ­1_11-_­�� - � the nippiest nae sic theeng as a wuwwan; . I . m m1a:rkets for. dWry' cattle both in Cano- ROOMS WITH ATH �. ., 11 araduate otf Facwty of' Medicine, shop., Hi tknew lim for eat wad suMer beast of - burden. is pblygam6us, so I - 11 1, JUrriversity of Western Ontario, Lon- .detective in. LOndon. - So Ili %hook 'be a lovely worl', a. grar? worIP. AIvo of swiftly stirred, passion.. - the, lion, gh it is a hunt4r andi a, ..4' .1 � - I my mindalboot th' sbes,��A'd '%a -umman!" ' . fighter, the jackal, t000, that preys ada dpbroad, at, prices Which -have -jo_ *, _ %_:""� I., , . , I don. Member of College Of Pliy's'c- the rifig - Iliyd confe - to pawif darn 6n s&v,a% ed comidera'bly since th# be- . $Lob. $2,. $3.00 F . .. �� . I � rgemis of ,Ontario. Qmcia = y6nner hill tae hae� the; s- That was all he said, in these first- what it find,so-aU are alik% and so . ., ., . I � I ; I ians and, Su me trouserleg. an' pushed' it under a 412emlp . " . gimm.fing of the year, and, he express� . � , 1, I , -, . mements, as he strode towards er, are men, lblaiick, br6wn or white6 - WNHMP WATR ' I - ­ - 71, P. . I in Aberhart's Drug ,Store, Main St., rug, aV was bloomin' glad, ter be rid ITZ 0, a I � h WffH ­. ... 1 . � Ott his blig ad the opinion that any constru�va, $2.00 Iff- �- -­-77�... Just ,then -they turned- an elbow chin thrust Out; his eyes a- "A'm no. A believe In yin wum- .� . I . . . . . . . Seaftrth. Phone 90. of -hh. Ili was W saunteritl' art, . blaze, but not with the tender fights TftTL,,, I . efforts now made in building 'the $1.50 . . .$1.75 _ W , , �.�: .Ni , I � ___. I I . wen TE ioeard thl kid give a yelp, an, a. rise, aiid, came upon, a group of na- boards of the County to higher stand- . E , , _-Al. . � . I I I- j.. t1v6 sons and daughters of the soil 0-hearyen, his lips a wee bittie apart, ' The girl'a ,big Moorish, eFes, that - � I I i at the same time IN leard the c ick who were clusterid 4'rotand, an �R as if be would breathe in the girlish 'had s,Q mu-cli shrewdness in, their awd's in type, q=Ety and production - QCq4LEKr EQ --,.,_-. � , = L . . )DR. F. J. BURPLOWS of a 'andcuff,' an? H1 -knew she waz, ' ' in,frent of himI,and albosoriz depths, fixed thewiselves - - -opurr, ­tht- woW, d lead to return:9,41rom: ther indtu,- --- - n ,_ * .-,12,11 "%11 'I. I man and a girl, both of whom were beauty try in volilme suffici-6st tDcompensate, &"w from ,� . . . 354C I �. �_' �, � - two -&eat -hands big strongi, wirile face Of the speaker L=che6 - - 50c ftW 60c Q L " . I ,opped, amf` sornethin' ­ 4her - into hhwelf,,V§ I , " Onched, so 111i st I " " � � "I 1.71 - made_=e feel- as ME 'Chgssad in Eurofean''60sbime' 'the fanneir for his labor and invest- I � �ii I ��, - , . , o 14 . Office and riesidence Godgrich Street, th' ld&s jjoa ­Whes yop?" - 'McGlusky's. voice thrust out; with fiagers slightly a;7� noted the insolent mouth, with Moner - N I ,.,I��(,,, t'h- Iaa_d_,Wk_ 11i'd 'ad for breakfast 'ad I ant., Mr. Faith dealt particularly . V' - 60c, 85c, SIX El " �� � " .1 _ east_of --_tb6_-Un-ited- 0hQTCh Sea -L I . . �,. �� - � ipped out in sharp and sudden suir'- crooked. A prehistoric cave . man, the woman 'cmving etched into ev- m N I . . . ior' the' died of immortal proceedins. She ' earth a who bad somehow g+ WAVERLEY HOTEI N , . -1, fort1t. Ph -one 4& Cbroaler . . foT of -all things on otten, int9p .&..gaY ery,line-of the shapel� lips. -with the need for morereoftlil a per- ,.,if�:�' , , priSID, - I � " " I ­ i,Cmuty "of Huron. --- - _. � - �lwio&ldmtt-,'t)ell�-,wh'e'm-she. gat the neck-. - - formeme warfk on the -part off all UMTED .� - ".1, `-"� ­ � ' � � 0 j �. ,� I I the . _11- . I I te - Virl Was - vary .just that un-liform, alrd - fouhd bhnisellif looking (&htinued next week-) brooders, urged, more blood testing T � . :30 � . . . lace,,aril the Idom6n, todd let she?d a inlet with in for thO f'Tsf tin* On- the firstr W011nan .1. . CMONTO �Y' - , I � I Indght-be expected to b 1, -­­oW'- ------- - � ..-.. for th0I -control of Bang's Disease, . I .e". "' . I �be -put awy fer h long stretch hif she ti 1,2L11 yl It, 11 1�1 . I . �: I that hotbed of Wahomeda-n f�natic_ in crea on, ,might have looked, as he _ I _ a !V!!!! for fekI6 -f . . , I I . � didn't. Then sometIdn' went wrong . I N land pleaded.for t6- coo:,&iperaftr - i a - - . A I ,did in th-ht moment so ant with ,_­ -; . V . pregn, . . . ­ - '--- 4,-� . �,� , , 'DR. Ho''HUGH 11DOSS - Ife, topknot-' bit must W ism- . FARM NOTES all concerifed in getting a better classl I I . � , 'L �� � . wif -me -o I � . I , ., I . . . ,:_-,100'11�1 ' . , I,.,, I Toronto been that.'addodk. b�t Hi steps hup rne groap on the gra,367 Plateau surprise. , � , Current Crop Report of herd sires locaited under the bon- .1 . 11 . .. - I + ., , . , , Graduate Of UnivlerAity Of were as much .surprised to see the, ,P'lM-a­w-u-mplm-a-n!" � . LONDON A " � - 410, , . � . -in&, member of � CDI- an' sez - 40hp nix on th' long stretch - Rat, who rus watching W- Twenty orneetings were heldl iu con- using ,policy of the Federal aridd Pro- ,ND WiNGHAM , ,"­ , .. . " , Faculty of Medic >y 1, this . legioraries'so far away from the mil I I k%e of Physicians land ,Surgeons of 'fer th' 'kid;- she"s the bt , 09h.Zr, turned to Fritzel and whis- nection vAth ,the WwNe and Ijeel vdarcial governments Soat�- .. �_,;_ . , I . 'A f, am- she don't knorw,notbin' abart '" 'He held out no encouragement to . PJ& � -, -1 .,"A itary carrip, as ithe latter were'to see im.& . "I��r� . . I � . . C�bicugo. it. theiin. Instnntly the Arabs of both pared: Fly ,campadign in Peel County duir . ­ . . . . . Ontario; pass 'gradroate cbUrse in O� I I con ng am .... 1.55 -1, " Hi gi4a, it to lei to sell, an' told "'You ,got any shares in that girl, March and it .is esUma;ted that oTer the ibiieedei wlib was coVbented; to - Wi h ............ -. ,.'_� I , Chicago Clinicall School Of I I sexes bogan to hustlethe white man . will tinfue ,wirth a breeding program" Belgiare ........ 2.11 1 , 1", Royal, Ophthahnia, Hospital, London ,Or �,Hiildr i 'er; 'arf a dollar hff , Fritz?" , . 70 per cent. Of the,mttle in Peel Blyth ...... 4 ....... � ....... I 2M , It. I I , I give and the niaid towards the mouth which gave no promise off improvie- .1 , 1. I 1; Uni ity Ho I 11- she mfide a good bargain.' 'An' The big, handsome German grinue& be trez�bed this Spving for these Pests. I "i, I I of a cave near by. The girl, who . destooro ..... 1 12.30II, , - . ,.- I.., ' I whep7e did. you get the nolclade?'. I He say we three are brothers in Other courities also report ,twe W6e- mento but turning to thefarmer who Lon ' ........... .. I . , . I , I � I En c,e,-Back of Do- I . 1. 11, anjCZ,-eiider, -flung up her Duf_ had f9proac-hin 8.09 ". ' I I ". ii I aminion 9 th. Phone No. r,. afr�ks ,the 'denvon in is narsty quiet was s1m arms till this campaign it is over." ble Fly campaign under Way. _ g ideals and made use Clinton .................... 11, I � oice. WeV Ili sez. 'Well, Ili might arms, and cried aloud, in French: rag- of comstruadie ni4thods, 'the views Bra,cefield ................... 3.27 ' . I �,., I , I ght ca answered'from residence, v `E ,did," sniggefed the Rat,' "an ferin County furnishes the encow , I I . -so help! " - 'that livestock, particularly of th;e speaker woere thaft.the fut . "I .111, . 0 4i , W1 ,"Help, messieur ,urs Kippen ............... 3.35 ..", I . 11 . .1 . . I . as well tell the truth, seein' HVnever 'e said wot loot v�e got 'old of - we7d ing word Ilensall ;/" .r ............ : .. .. 3.41 1�x I A I a . . tole'a lie in me life: a prinilmy donah Her 1jisle,colmipanion in misery hit sfhar�.- That's wotHi tmeunt,when Hi cows,. RT16 in, very satisfactOry concti- looked as lhopfefik- to -day as It bad in ; � I I I - ___ . . . and clawed at the Arabs who- were anry period ,pf the past. . Exeter * .................... &65; - � ":"'%' .. . , as as singin' 'A let inGrand- Hopera . aysked if you 'ad ,any share� in that tion, Lambton reports that the short- "I I I � . . . lin, .1 hustling himL . . . . . . . . I � .: �. . giivie it to mo to. remor4yer 'er by "En avantl" roared. M*Glus1;y. girl. ShesAoo�, ain't she?" _-.,1- age of seed 'is, norb .nearly as scute _. I .1 Nortit. . .4" .4 i_ . ,� . � �,,, , .: I �DR. S. R. COLLYER , 'E took th' bracelets oil the kid's, . a the German, "'Wo- as early advices indica�bed,.. ImdurY Re tixking th� Woodlot and A.M. ,.�, ", ., Losh, ,there's a white waulch db0n "� ," responded 1�1.. I wrists, on, put lem on mine, an� they I . are loot in this kind coo warfare." to fruit trees is becoming more apo- Planting on -the Farm �. q I .�Odic,ne, Uni_ 10811 ,��3 Exeter .................... 10.40 " .- Graduate Faeulty of fM 41here in ti,ouble." I Herigall ............... I .... 101" 11.i. 1. 1 5 Meniber gave -me tfiree marghs 'ard fair that." I I ording :,,i , ­ ­.... Vlerdby of Wle%� Ontaril - . d in his walk ind- Ine was bounding down the hillside -Wie,ll," chuelded the IR*t, '"'lli'm --parent as spring a4vances, a -cc 'The 'sleasorr for 01'am-ting trees , , : " � �� I I ,MdGlusky pause I makin' you,,a pment Of any shares -bo a report froml Lincol- In Nor- Is Kipopen ...................... 11-01 . "A . �,4 1 1 College , of Physicians and, Surg4eow -a his rifle stTap a hitch, then, look- towards the grassy plateau, his club-,, -at wench. Hi wouldn't folk, 'severe weather during the win -t near, and plans �bould be made early Bru;Defteld ................... 11-09 .. . .,,(�� ,� ,, gav Hi've got in th as trees paamfted in early "I'l 0. 1�osit graduate, work at ., of Onftri ed down in' the gutter waif's funny be rifle in his hiin�ds, even as -he yell- , f,A. .. I d , , touch the 'elm of 'eT garment, not if ter resulted in comiderable daima;-. spring stand, OjintOn .................... : 1,1.64 . . 11�, I New York City 114��pital and Victorih . ed his order, an�j F-ritzel and the Rat . 'to cher I raspberries and a mubh better chance of surgical than, Lmdesbo,ro ............ 0 .... 22.10 " . � %.� . ;��� ... I i I.:: ..... � . ­ � Hospital, LOindon. Phone: Hens;ail, fjR,M. I Ties, Plums -those planted in late spring. The Blyth ... ................... 12.19 11 I Wee,l " he remarked, "A've cal,led were rus-blUg at his heels like stag she arsked me ter be 'er lidy"s, maid, . 11 1 66. Office, King Street, llenstall. eaer q a not aftbi Hi've seen 'im lookin' at apple trees. The con&Won, of fall Foi,estry Branch is. ;D09inuing '-. I 1. '. I the Belgrave .................... 12-30 1�1 , . ye some hard names since we've fore- 'hounds in the wake Of a 1 good of ry of suj>plying free - + S. They were a ,o,vg, ion,g,,vi,y 'er like ithat, 7%e Ole blighter said wheat is not , ini a number I . � I . . athered Ablegither, but dom, ma sin-, Vack, ' 'e'd swore off women far the -rest ov ,districts. peomiff-aeongs,MMes Word, p0li trees for Wangliam .................... 12.50 1!R I � . � 9 n ebirrilrades, those three I I � ,,;. � fu -1 soul, Rat, ed A &nna theemlk from their ow is natural. Look at Ira, now. Ir,'d that indicatiom u're for a short Sea- Planting and' ovdn'g to the fact that . . .. I '::, I , � I DR. J. A. MUNN yeod hal be�en a [better Mon t1jan) Men, and snyt�ing night- hitippen, to eat art ov 'er 'and. 'Us like a rac- son foij . This is &,so there is a surplus, of ,trees the former C. N. R. .. I. i I � . I + them �n rbbe'seclusion of thos�ef hills maple symp. ominty, limit ot 3,500 ctrees for r4fo;T�stationi I !.. - I Jamie WdGlusky eeT ye'd. had. a ut; they never gave ,their. iV stallion Hi saw -once 4t Epsom: the case in Prince Edwoard I I I FAsL .,­,�- � I* Croix end g-ullies, 6 I.. purposes to one, perstm wffl not be JLM. P3L . . . z - i I Gmftute of Northwestern Univers- chance in life. A'd gie ye ma , a splendid big 'ors.e, gall,op,' like big , there also, fruit lgrovWs are I to. The trees mlay be used Goderl,& . � I - . Ity, ,Ohiiicagol Ili.. Licentiate Royal do ,Guerra eef they'd let ye wear eet. Own peril 'a thought. M-64uskpy had and unt of awna,ge in adhered . 6.46 2.20 ..... 11 , .,- . , . set the tune, and his equally TeoMess' ;guirs, an' quiet as a leallf, till it saw IaTm�a,d by -the anib , foTplanting -bark- landt, re4abocking a Clinton .---1*** 7.08 .l, V ,?i I . of Dental Surgeom!s, Toronto. Noo tiell ma mair aboot little flower a -filly, are then it bit 'arf the land tree and bash fruits. ' I : . . College . ,comrades 'dan�,_ed to ,it' :_ A . fellow I woodilot or the establishment of Seaforth .':­.':::::, .7.22 ' "I" o, ,� - office overSills' ,Ila:rdwAre, Main,St., face. Did, she--" I . .9 - .�11 I _ ,whose face was awfully di�figured by ,off its groom aiV busted its saddle- , .� � evergreen winateak. pi'" hun -11 �, � Seaforith. Phone 161. - ImShe was orl,right, Mae. ' She was.,01,d girths, an" kicked 'ell but of another d`M Dublin i..'.* ........ 17AS . '11M � .A . - � '� . . poOk iywks, discharge& an ancient S ggested Chang in" Spra0ug 00-� trees are alldweia .... to each"applicarit Mi-t,hall - . : .'. *.� ...... 7A2 &43, I "' ­ _-w I .." I . � L � . I . ... Z, I . I It peifeclAittle lidy- never. wiped ler Iorse that wasn't doin' nothin' except u erations D as for plarkimg,a w1indbreak. - . I �,. t, , I I L Ij pistol, with a 6�outh like a smlall cul-, ue To Winter injury I . . I . __ - �, I . I I nose on Per sil,ebbve nor nothink lilpe admirin' thl scenery, aiiO all becau" I . . . 'West � . I . li� ,", ,. . vert at, Mae, and PeOpered various a filly 'adlooi�ed at Imuno ni,oker4 ,� The &A y farm should have I I , I i�'.... . lidy, Ae were. Out 0 Ispray Calendar re- Ever G: . I . �i. 1��, Dublin ............. : 11.19 9.32. .� .1 .-, 2.,: . I I � ' ith _ -1 alat.-i-a perfeel .little' pkyta of the legionary's. anatoMY' Yn e angee in ot lwge on smppl -I' � 7 tho u.", 0.45: _.__ " Io wekeop- � I 1. . Swor& .......... ".1K 11 I �, I . . I . 'she cad, hat gore alf been 'i _i&ifter' of slulgd. .That , scatter dif fillials know how, wemh4er they've got spraying Operations. -on account 0 , , a wi f I :for . 'N� � � DR..F. J. BHCHELY __ a& give 9m t1he glad heye in a way eommendis the follo'wilM , h , ' 1 ,09 0 to - , I . . ­ � ­ . . . . ­ I 1. 9 lhortis th 6i and Id6lber Clinton ............ ILSO . 9 do. , � I L�.��,J, 'four, legg, or t . or 1building and repai-im iA ", �,, ....., I . - " Graduate Royal College ot DeUW Or to a fat oleyetired I*i-IiiOnger do, -scrap iron might have stopped some IF winter in�ary- , Goderich. ." ......... 1,2AO - 1; I _,s "i, Al� , -near "be N'at'or1a"ftGrb'W 'CAU(bii . -it did not wo� di . (or orehardla) where( tbliese .products ri�hj 'be . I .. I , �,',,: I I ,o'Over W�, .R. 'Wed ... r . stop Mae, but it , , ... . . � .,.,01.1Z I . ?e..tol,d ler'-led, dreso 'or in, silks, an! ".A;cht,,, Gott � in -Hin*nel,,- sn-iggered In --`A__ '11Z I _ . . I ,�z t ., mity. out of, him. in a out making a cash. outla.-Y. kffkibr I , 1 �,�` 4 . 1- ... . . __ ;. � �� . _J 4 , ' wild - I �' '; . i ;., shou '' ave no work ter' do, aw ,hre I of, hurricane blast. He iwung PntzW Oto nve lie look like a bi, A,, gravel, awwrivs, C. P. IL TIME TABLIM , _ . . . I . . . .11.11,. A I � - - tF)PF q., t: It Of a . . . soils such as som . ,'. , , , I" . ,7 a �Vyg dawg OV Ier own, an' .'a 41i66 tho 4bvU of his rifie on to thpi side of bull that haf heard the love ea 11 . . shallow uind steep balsidles, should blef . East. -. I - ., . ' I to lug 'or . 146 <Ed .1 I. ite ,heifer. W dot heifer �' I I I leedle, vohl .: 1 19�,,. . . iI the M slWitit gle the potk.4ftrked lf . leeb $n, trees, as they will 9&ve very . I '. � I - ' - aoii, the - , 41 -4 Z . I AA .. ,� I � . . � . - , — ,;he was a's Aen6i as a .qlip ol,rose- &gfigured one to�,go j� cansmg - vas mine, 11 say to, mine sell: 'PTitZ01, I �. . �. I 1-1_ ; 114, . I 11 .. . I . . ft., I . earth liker a ,small filns-nci6A'T6buTw if -cultivotled. ,Goderich .............. i .... I. Ka , ,_ "11 I I . I 1, taky", are Ilau, to -IjfWt seen Is. toes j1iWt - for its- buTrow; better 7oi2 hat vWmiluch important bees_ � 11 . . .. � . T � �, � . '' '' 1�: "' n . � dMng I dOck o4er dei hill ' 'are ,the aref,s L that,811buldl .% V� Pa in ddV nex' � 1.1 � The.se be Menset so$ .. '6 ��,, N I Ift J. A. NaAGGART I . ., jaj�_ teh yegra- ariol 3's f they wilecombate, to be a 166aw ::::,:::�:'o:::o­­­ 6 ­� - I ­ . a at was in. the jr0r, him, if ,he had boan'a rabbit, -for . 10, 119 . O.. do. 1. ­ 1. I ,_ from like er bow-witidler. L"t 4 Mg tree! it, - ja? , NP, -by , .... A."" , , ��,, � . I ­ i� . "Graiduate Ro_pd- C61lege, of Dotal as Btu* asheifelij,Kae,swurig on,6 of his long iftiks, I don' vant soint, sham in dot "i s ..... �. *j. i * V..... W , 1.�#. .:1.1i -Heur to 4i ,Old. liTv*r .until 'O w8f 'ilug; legs;',on the end of- whilch was j�.'p . .­_). 1, .i as they are destitute oftr"es I . I ­. � , � �� . -Vul. .1 C, 1 11$4 ... ... T­obto. WCO at I girl. Vot is der goot of . bly1th I A ............. I ­ 1� f X9`MJ`"Z!o Own she dome to, me, aw saidf* _11K beg.vy arnvy boot ., which, to(*, the Son . 861n# dhares; , 1plamMng as mot necem.vy on areiso WI&I . . - oi.j.f., I ­ �6)% _,...; ............... I. . �i',p,`�,, . 64,4htarfo. 'Aftle 106. � it trith to er dead nrait, eh? And," t I ,. 1 � ., ,.. . . fte hit you *ant me;, no nian hal It 4 .1slatij in -tho ;Pi�i where his lumh In a w ditat have large trees, us theY V-0111 M61114tIght ;.,:::::­*­.. I . to � ... I I . .1 I . . - erer_� Hi JeW, stopped 'ei I— -th oulgh . lt . to have been, with: 1!4i36 ell., added tho4armAn, Nier,ift-n- dot try � � ioodq& seed and it will be distriblftb- ­ I _­ ... I I , .. � . I I . . . w,w kisses an' we sts-irted Yovaekeepitil wher,s to make or claim On dot *eveh ztt ' T6tdnt6 ... ... '06 ... �..)"! '-'�,, , "." ft .� . - ' led, by. -the wind, sqditre bl'OM btMr . ' . � � ., � I- - . there's,W ibon. i1fil mad a `oW6 at thut, ough to tbra htm, in'to an a 1AMOlusky starxVn'�rouvd Is ,go& 6elr� I'll I.... I . � 4 AUCTIONEEI�S, , I I ­ I &ne' . Thi& natmal reprodotilon W49L ��i 11,::0�11�,i�A, , on , I I . I � I . . I ­ - tilm a haltodk in lk-atiher late; it 11"." ,, ye cooard," yelled Me- lbo' dautl ,oagh to ipj,"se a buryin' ean lbal 9601ired by *V*Wfig 'i�ut ew I . . ��4 1. ;�",4 ;1 �i I , . 'I *Z;�,t a li-Attft won she was them, CAusby. ;i6jt oop anp fecht AM gvq1taid mdti�ift an inquegit, -go, rdmo, .. .1 be, tong - a d *,*..I. f*.o 014.1 . . I . I .1 fti4w4 y6u, go sold &M il��es 'to . . stopk and it wia _oged,iff this T' 10 . 4.)i . .-AP10i ff .� .. filtvas lerviTel teach r fte turn a scrap irm dtpot ,­ � � . I I niqglb y % speciaS it They 8" w1t, la h.: ,?;, . ' , ,alualkle ,_ol�aught ...... *. 6­1416`16fyi, .. 11, i[ASOLD DALE Or Gftt; -dot anival is bepunilfg to ,­ - - - ! I . V - . . I ;,. I I .1 . I vor why (VA, th haug �lier fa- on -.to his, uv Wit an, an- ____ ___ w1ultble (V�bald1s)'A*Ti0- `id1-tftk,.-.� .... a-"-6'wvlwi * 411'.V + I. ! 'JiM. tiodined Auctioneet , *at'? rAreri. e I Ik0-%ia*hWb1 thivgs� gla -a am- '116"'I Zltnx:!�fbl - aju sin �,� . 'ji I I N I 16� , %T "s * 4 , W..­I:L, , 11 , � � ' - , , . �� , M ,i _ � Id _ A_& � , up dgafilvtl �o. M94 � .''..4o.. I . 9 I 11 I I . I + . . I 11r4d -� �0 Close to �, ft*' IN Chan I I I . "ved. in order tbat, *ej Vill IWO 11 ,4 1 that ib its A - litzigin" MAMArs"' e9ddM- bielcolp - e . � I � .. aea&j. ­jTfio -PbAOM of a 41*1�" .4t-0 isig..614�i!�iw;6,i*� 11 4�, I ­..... ,V , @rarx. it _ 1� I . �­ I'll I , I *ft,Wi9W, lrdlan'm aild houbdhold W Whoj­W-hi t, pftwiftk�, at a Illighl"d , ior I . i%vame trees of Valtwe opod#A -�= . 4 ii � 4 I .. , ,,,+ ,� I � �,Oee�dtd d"IY interest' ifth �ach otterthoo he drove -In $ . few hundred 4 iyw�06 i", t 1101 eq , _ _ . I . , 4 .1 I -. takt 7. ti,ribeg j,,�M�ndblei Pot datels, I . &ne �re& , es� tMen '114614 vo*wn(g, f6*4 *6 , - grzwft . in the'*w&d.b,1WW I ,6.;4,��-^.'��-ir4�,#��,i.i�,."�� A % ed h! ,the dhel-titite, *am's 6toryo Ilek that would haier ­ Ant- itl � � . b",11 . . . � I - . I I I I . . �.l or Ph6ne 110- , d Ate 'VOUNROY, Ad "we.U. - tl�,� .* �i4 , kWh . mow 0,W it ;I MH . .. 'A�"'.I,%,,� P," I 0 ; !P#W - 5h . * md, ift , 0* .,"-4*�t ,:�'ielix � . -*A4 ft1b*ftAM. lwtite, (4 has it ,it to;,&� mule i1i odite"t - tMit-W'. . , . : I , *ftio vaAw , it" �, 1 , ie 4",�4x, , " .4,�� , ft � pI slah . . ,� I 91VV ­ ", " '' . _ - 0 4, �w ­_ J� . � : - . J . �ft*j Ot 61*�. ,V1 I I . .: . I I ., � ­ I. ­.. :. . I . .1 �7 �. 1;,',M.�; 'IV i _1W '_'bt$"', tjk& U%,-15060' � 4 - 01" 40' t6,, say -the reqg"t.did, fiot . A. I , . ` , . I . . 4: . I , ."'; .... . . ..',t,'�,:., ,�_ ­ I 11 �,�i,'I.­- � � , , . I o , " fidwU , " I 00 . , 614% , +h . 00ON" wis the'soriouil t Y. �&e 0 I . . "­­�, I ;. '. , . 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