HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-04-20, Page 6I ". I i, : : �t II ,�� i , I kt�) ,,, ggill, I !i 4. �it�j ;�� ,V, �,�lI ;, �vqy2jn , '11-41 � ;. 5',R4,�* 't, iv,,;�,,,�r,�'�,,,� p. " � M', ,f .M A�, ,� -`I- i �,,���,,��,',�,�p,,,��l,,,�,,,�'t"��,,�4�"""�",,I , � � , ,,g�* " � ,,,� g�,-,,, "; 111W.M A,� . "; Z g- j'�gwt'�. if��:,`�','T , I!j,�oA'I,4�ip:'P, � ot, ., 5 lgg�, �. � , , ,�, X IN "I � ,Ii�,'i���114�4"��:,�,,'.,�,,',,,��"4"-�'Y p?o!,-',"'A�,,J yt­­'�r ­­­F'�g� 1� t5:1 ,,j 9 "K116ILNO t�' - ",0 Oie, , T� " 'I" .!,.,� ,� .� , , ,� (j , "'! ". , . i -k; .� ,f! -, �,t`;� . .. " I N , ,�O , A �, ".-i , 'I'l ." �"' I � �.,1'1 9,91"', ,Z,�! ��,',R . " 11 ,, I ' ` *i �,,g��,,,�ji . 'i I ,,�i I . . �­ �­&, , I', , I �'; I�,'i�,. k&,� 'I �, � I .. i .11 I �, , "' gg% VI!,;', 6�,Q, % �� I , 8�1, 11 1 4 "" : , � qji��,.� r "I �)-1 �� , . , . � .� ,�� 4' " � ". "", . ,�,' � j " ; , �� 'M 2 1 "'i ,A , , � , �r, , , 171� ,�1107 . I . � *,. , 11L I ... I 1, V� I �,, ,,, i �:!,��L,`I . , ! � 0 i�1.116 , , 53,70 At. " , ,,, ,., '. 'i , ,t�� I i ': '. I li - I � 11, ,!.`� I'M 'III, I �` � ., A, , � 11, 11, - I ill , , , � . I " 4 III I -� - � a �g ,- .,., , �. : , I, r I " , R � N " 11� N ,� �, �, �, ." � � � . ", " I I Ij, "nolgig-go -1. ­ I I - �-,�� , KW "'01,110 wal J1.111"o '10111" , . IN "I'll, L� "M �", � 'i � - ­" 01 i -T�­i�;;,ii ;��;,;,;;­ �­� ..,-,�.' ­­ " M. i 11 11! I .. � I 11. I , . ,�4 � 4 . I W, I 111.'� , , ` '1".i?�! ,Ij��,P[� ,, ", Z,J�g "I"ll, oV2 a,", ikP-,.efi,ff 2,'.� - 'Poi, I. " 9, VINTIT -I �. r �, ;�Tmx a -Iil; 11"!.��`�",', F'�""­ " 11 -� I I j7ijk,�,', -E7�vl,.','�F ,, -1 .I- ,q V,, � ! , - ! I � , !�� -� , � 1 ! I i I Il 'Ar "R "N' � ! i I i, : 11 I I � , , ­. �,�!F,��,l -, 1 C�l 1 'I'll!" "'MiN "It"114"I"'N J ,�,,I.E.R z,�:,,,��,�,,�,11�4',,�,.",fl?,��f,,E�tT,T,'��f�u�foll����k:�,,,',txl,l�i.�,)�9.4c",t��I U'RiFr&W, 30,05 t6q, ,�l?,fi',f,Mlit�','�""!:!t��,"�olr��-'e.,��",";,�.� ­t7,� i,IiIII , Ir, ,lu n"'%li ,,ly. I ,�� 0! tl 1�1,T li'.� k� , - "." I , I: ! 1 � ! 1 5! 0 t � 1t!,V,*77',�71 7,", 11 ! ;,,,,I�, . - I., � : , I . ..... . " ,I-' +,,pA . ... . ... � .. "*, � �, � � , ­. w , . " - "'' -- .. I . I J�l -,-P, ­IIAII.��III 1-111"ITTIM �`3j,",,�Z,Z-3W�` , - , -- , �" Z�, 'm I , � , � �, ,� " � �,jj `kE,`,'V`�­:.,; , , � � " ." �� I � . "'... Y; .,�! , . " ")"I : � , , `�, " ,;��' � , , " � , . I , " i,�,. I' "I", ! ii` �,.�',,,,,,� , , "' I , �,­,-,r ,� R-111111.11 1� , �1,11.t�'.�le tm , *1 , ��, QIW7.1"`5� 0 fil"',�,"'i b `1� �p.�',�I' " , .* i6w, i liundro'X 4I I ilh,"#�.Ir"17 `�,,, ': , ""--. , � , � I-, ,,..­,� 10"Nf',t�l rll� 17 -1 `7", - . , I I'tn'.", . ", � � �,, . , '." I , - , , , V­-.,#o,'ssiX6 Jvw A .Tsor, , � � .,V".�, �")I.: � I , , , ,�­F "� . ­ I . � "�@m ­.ti� ., � .1 � i 11 I .� ,,,�m �l�,� �,,�; .." , .�-'11- . , , , .. I . , ,� �,� I lll !I��,?I I � , � ... � � � I �0: .4, W., "". , I , . I �, � 11 � " J ,. � 11.1 , "' , I , � tM, 2, I , . VAI � . , , '� - - !119%,."� , ;i,�: 11-1-11, ,I ,pt�ij,­.:,t . , * , I I �a��,',�vl. 1�a - eq , "t ,J,, ,,, ', -t � I " " 8 X � � . " 0 , I 11 � . - g. , ,g , , � , "" � 11 I ,�i I , � I � I ,,. � " I - ­,yltr I " ,I�" ,� ,� , 't�' - ", � .. "t , �. , � , , i �� " ��, .. A ,� I �2"4 1=1 1 F,,� I ��-Ili ,� ";41 . 'A, , �, �4'.' ,To Z 1. , ..... . ", � :A""T. A"- V*5M4Q* . s* ) , .", -1���, 1.­;�111 � , �� ,',,'��, .1 � I " "- r .."1111111 ` , " , � �",!", - t' -- .1 , 41.�11' - I --��,Iu' T,."�I' � , 11"I'l�",111- 11 I "Ill : -.��, 4. .4, , " �, 1— k I - . .� I !�4 . � I ­ ­ ", . � � I�,��J`i,,� I � I * "nit ik"y �t —.1111 %'�.',� ;,� , t, , 1-, . . - I Al .:-,..I 't ,,,,, Ak��Y..,,,J, "­ 11 I , -4 �-­, 14, `­ .��: ,,'�R " Ww"'Or" ,,;�"$ '' P � V lwv Z,, 1, `� M , � U, , , I 1 , 'I, I -,"'4' �" ,W, - F, 11 %, yw,.,Z..]. . , T 'I , I , , , I 'y ,�. ­,1,1� " - It N "I i "I Xt ?4"'q, 1' , 11 �r,,'�j� . .� � T .1, � ;I % iu tli , -7,1 , I., . . ,. '. 1! : .1 I �il%.'witu tl,oq�XAXOI A � I 11-11itha-1 ". - , , wgv ": "i.4,341)M30, I ,I ,W:,,,,, " , � li, " 40 I. 1A " I ,�� �,,, a, , , 1'­� . ,� e,- - '! ,,'� $ -`, .) '. , �. , I , - I I �.'��,!, ,,, - - , I - q N , "I , ., - . I I . "I " - . - " §' -:� I . ' ' I � I": ,, IN - . k, u; ", �-" ��* - 0* �V'O4� 'Apt YOU,. Al "I - .. I., ,A�l i t - - - ., 4.".1"...'; ! � .: " , ��"7� : �!O'N iI4,"', I P . nMAII ", CE1 , ", ��;": �, .� � . , . " I �� � , ,,, � 1, � � , . "?, i , ''. ­­, I. i,r, ­Oftr , - , '�-,, " � I '! I- Il I .�;jr ,rt6 , It . ? ­� 't, SO.., i 0M 4 I I " 'i � A - , io, C01 �i�:111",q hI , 4r . -, (IL'On,cko.rm4-w-l-�3�srom.1',",�7,t�40-� - . ,�, -- , ,, .J%I�,�', , 1i . -q.19 K, �111 It . " [!P Oenwo V 7% p -, .."', � " h 11 " , ,I'. I , . ad 110 � 44& i'o' - , . ,W I v ." P,41" .., ,�,, ­ W .��11 0, 4�1 ,!,.","�,- I , I V. ­-, ,00 �. 'Ri.7 , �,.:,�,,,,I�� 7.:.--, . I - 011 11 ".41MW OOKIPRe 101'X , a4d, � . ,- - . '" -, I � -1". - I - - .T P,01,6191 - . mlT . I ; , , - " -, . �� "I", , n�. ­., , �. Vl�! ,�.. �] , T, . 41 I 'a I ,,�`,If �:, - '� , A ­ 1, I Q'WW111V#-K1111IX4.M�1. 1- 19"WIX I I 0AW p -� I - " ­Maq . , - n!i 11., � . , , . , a tr4w , , .-,a , , 40 . I 1.pl,14 ,I , f . 1. �­­- . - I-, ­ , 4. -,;'s �, " B",*em �� �I:,,,,,,,,­,.,,:., ­n!i 11., I ,I 4 , ­� '.��:11. 1, - . -)ft ,� , *47 -LK I , V.0 , . - 4- 11 'i -1-1-1- "I ­­­ , 01, 1114, , , "' ­... I ­­ , " l Or 100I " �om I � , .7 li, c 1�� . , RN" , 'U` �R,, ��` �.., 1z I ,I.-11, , It- Ic �:�- � IWO �111 , , "', �, 'a * 1. , wr gq. SW I i;%;;&�Jm' 11� T vl".- - . . , $',i��:, A , �. , . - t ,a S, I -'r, ;r,--, ­-� ­.. "I'll. - . , 1�1'�� I -1A , �,11' " III,, ,,� ,�,, " '. �V �i'l �:. . '. ,." � 10i� &4, W- IM 'Albret napoal;" � Is-", On 1114% �� . -77 ...... " �. � � ") " . I ­- I661 -yr 4 servI , �..- � "I'll olng% fwst �Uxxk, the v - ... $, � � " -, ��G,, , � ! � a, 4, �..." ,,, " I � I � 1� .1. "", � It d I to b Qp , Of " A� ` - ,; - i, �'rilll "., ... . . I ,; '.1 I ­ somwkN ... ... -��q .wit,49­0wwwl;10,� I, .1 I ,e thoroughly re- -11.1 , , ".'s , ,x � � - , IN") I- . -1 ­ I -- .- 1�tl U -ILloy-I tlien� c4ll�d- ITT eT'W S90911111- 11 bira Jit'and weI ectI is a, 1 - �Jit 1, " . � . 'I, ." : "Ito *4t lordly Aut letii While, 0 - 414 . - . . . . I I I Isabel 'Claie4pu ,vMS, rewritteu ., �I� 01 o; .�,.,., . , I ,�,,,I,­. 4 �. '. I . 00 -pWish4r­� would bother wwk self ,or .1,. -he Story but: the , -,J , 2", � � . , . W, as *Ie�vdlt'r, aildthat no less po,V tea o.f Edglish "" " -,­a,t.1tJ-e, that . �' aiio II 4 1 -W ail 41 140.UTI10 117 04h I restlesp "feV *ea -,i� ­P� ' . )e Alta � -tor "' 'i � - ,,, , P O�W,.. eriah time � for bab.1 determirze,�,Az 0 ' ' , '4�,j�j tpra I'M " 11 - , , , - , per .action ItI J, 5 �,q��i , I . , ", .-A 01 fm,, .'the, book " ­ . ew, ,.�,�,,�,`I, - .. I ,i 0 . � , . - mosT, -me - plamcii,xiar ;r,?,PA" ! �. I I . 11 11 . ,d, . . I -1 ; , , , 6,with the -least gq . , .� � and T � � . ,little one Qart'alw6yo'be * `�r I ", " I .1 ­ . .f re . , '71, I - - , 4'4 -' - , de. ,ee.p - ton The famoud ,tit,117esla �paa,15 �; iouthed,A . the fever rp�4v,:W. �Q- " " Ill , , I of An, Aftiagv Farm,, by Olive Schrela- ."! . . . It- , I $ . � , � � . TVAI " 4WIVU litf In 4,19 Ile , , - -, �,�yI %6liastic,, 1, " .� t, � I ' xy or e, acce ete AM ,% y , , "It' , "o, " , b , �.c�,i !,'�`Il -,F, ""'i - .. III.. It, aqfV:-�Baby a oviin I "" T�. "!Iii I- I# ice, all on, "IF - ., I'll -11, � , Ili' f th pftiilil re- be -vie occu T 4,,". -W ,,.e - �, sell W %V 0110, �:outu A " a I *0 , , I 1, , rred a gyt , ­ W . ,, N, , 49,A?, ��.­., rv.,q% to taI no, -1- .. I I I . 1% - 7 I . .. � " "'Q .. I - . ., I- . - ,;,. ­ )lg, -�kq'v%,,vaq, xe,wT4, *n tvn �� ., �, . ­ : � #f ', 'ho I*m " , 1, I .,.�:. ­ � - .of xaAn,s "ipto is haunil" lay was In.,bed, 144 b4.I ,, J S. . JfajJ*J= -,8ftef1.J,W,.­1 1 . , . , 6 -,440 .";�!rla I lbankei!, " , . , ,, ­pw ,..M --1 , , - . ra . , an talth's 41*gestion 0ne, �. � '6 � . . e! .6 2,11130, Ofiv.-Dryw4em C,q;-�;, 41-11.1L I I I % . I --1 I I Vhltp 4W;y� U4. § , barO. haivo,09410. I , ,17 1 , I i� �� I 1. 11 I - '.: � . I -.... . ,, : . I I. � - .1 I., ­ - , . � 1. �: I . - ' I *ad only one, nezzlesla.;, It is three ti(niies around ttiflv� ,Pqo1AA4, shout- otoryi "Pigs is pigs,". was rewritten, � . � . � . . - - �,,g ;1 . . 1-��; - �1� - �­''�' . L �­ �. �. :1 . . I ­... .it .,. i � . .'ar "Vanity Fa,ir! VISI . I Iduring thI - w II ,P_!�t. - , � I .;.­��. " 4,�,,,,�A','��,,;;WJ,4­ I 11YH .1 I � , -0 ' of reIlectinr in ­a chrell,ess, Ing: *hlri - t,hree tdWels 101II AIMJ ,10 ,13 It. , ! d"reI ImI 11�, I'll I � , , " I I �11111:` " -, . . ,"..'I I .,: I, � � ­ , ��"% . � - 41�---'�'-�.,�,l�_.�,:�.,4'�;,�,��-��'�T"�,',"'�'�l:"�l,'��'l,il�l., -, " ., . �, 't, .or a blind, one, a I I F", . ', Lq* - - . % . I A ".. MIL k -1 UJAZ , ill I I 0 ( I I va!)�. * . erican I'Velga- , '' Iff. I- - . thau:2 A I '' .1 . ", I ' -'e" . zine. . 1111, . id ,tough the-,� , *aiI ity Fair!" I A, -wi , MAW hame" Tw, ftu , r ,; * ' , , '" Xpk di th , I -1 � '. V , , g " p. R�4%1, 1� I . I I � 4 si, the pro- tother ons were. - . . . storm '. - nt o " !M, 7 ", � ; . , ilt wai'Brafty and 0=. rejejW -1 d"' mifop,, 1*00y,- on aecou ,f, , , '91A 1,110 14 k ; ; . i ...... I ar--Or worse yet, a be - p"N,", , , I,W , 1111111111AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� ,,12G . .0 , , � I" ' . - � . � I � - I � - 4* I 11 -40 I . 0 140 . &� . " - � 11% � IWVC7 even been p4etors of Puzz 'ids; Frank T-ress, ,' .­,,IIL�'..I�I­ I the sounId J1UdgM*VV 4114­ca�lndul IcI , , , -� 01 . . , = = I chit v�� finally as- ,Villiers, by Ott . JA1 , I # , .0 I I" , �.�'�','�`,'-�'A' itorial blunilers whim re- sumed the r , I . , _ �Jor, . ; sWer.ation, vf� 194 , and 'it a..''. . PX tinallu I, e=10, . .�, � %� III I . i �-­­ ­ V edl . isk'5 of Publication,' and by G. A. ReArty; The ,Hewienly Twilis , - -11 *I 111 I - I � ,`-,-- i i I 11, � � .� qUdqAanuscripits iturrit out to be lbefor ' ` de�gTee.�.6 ... the ,disasters that follo* X . I . .. , rilliIe 113taiikes �... to "WIM& 0ho-Wilm the-rigAt, c4l, , I J. I . n , .1 y ISarab­Gmnd- � East Lynne by . , I- �- I ­ er-Orpleed by , . . ""i, I I . " ­ .% � , ' i � � .� � , �� ; : IL ,"I 0 e It wais ,conelludE4 in serial Sorm b , .� Q0 reiE��064 . 'UnoWn iten%;, . they w0rqeAAlbru-isWI .- - eff , ,;�* I . . . . . ! , I I . �J, th imasterpieces and best-sellem it had .won favourable . . , *1 . � " I MO � .,� "! 1 �14 '' � . 11��11. - TaI in the Wrris,, Renry Wo(;d;- Samlael -Biutlerls, erro- Ts 1Z, - ' - '. .- h. ­­I� 18.41�trzze ­ 1. i� ­ � A . �" ' vp peratur . -V Ll*' . . ,, ­­-,�..I� of the -great pu1blishing h4ous- 'D . oiMercr6wding wlih innipro.. or ,Instance, ,"ere sltor:� i0iie 111111nols banker ao1v#d­# ­ I �1.' � , dinburgh 'Reviiew. ,Ui,s'pleked UP. Ere*liorl; and li�Aaia Sha s first es he-ques- ,-I'M I I - ---- ---------- ­.. � . � Reffiou, . ` , I . ". .1 ­ ,per venti .. . of the, vmy a beak�pre *denlb in a,far -111.111�111'1­:, , I ­ � — ----- 1, , "W"164,­"I'limaturity. . , ,�7d- lack of s . . F4 It' " ' I 'i 1. " �,��g,� '�' � � 'I. -It unliglAt, tiorl a guiW, - .,� ,I that . � -some such f&�fi � . J ng thei r -- , � � � . Moe the ,memory of afti�r, that. I ... I... ..*t� . ­. I . . ?,;i-� . , ­ , mons. - ­' � Me I � . I ;, I "'All I . I "I'll ..... I�A i.,`, - - lu For exam- EdwarId fFitzgetald, Thackeray's Rjudyard Nipling met with relizit­ encourage - toeOlcking;­ -csnzzibalfism�, _ , - -4 '. 1� . - I -1 , I �4.' . , 2 .. ­ ­ ,, - k. ­ " , '. 11 rider to haunt them. -vame&-fs-%&rdtaadozn- �ia1'd1kJU1W'1 L.4, q0a,d-A*-49pxAJW P .. - , ��" -00 - . 100t J ''I -4.- 1, ,and ricketts—sowe of the principW 1 71, �.;` - ,� , -­-­. '' " ., - - ,, lj� . sr , I "."," , irl% Whlter,lfinets Page, who me,ae a ,friend,`had a far-more'Utter stI .1080 reject America when 'he Another - .' ' hi I failed in the q 44., 'lBecoming -irritated alt -%ii . . . �, Now 014,1160 IMP -M -a y I �, �' . , "' "Ar , " � ,,I. ,, .L , , _ on in I .. � , ". . ' I sj�� . i, A . I � , I . ­ - gle to get his translation, of - w s I well o in, I a d 11 .. y distutzbed, I - Nk'l I ,� =pCess at every magazinj& he touch the Rub dy kn wn ndd an - city, I P1 I If hii- � ViiiiAtEMM'S I , I I causes of high hoortaft in, the brood. . � . -ib bek of1eleplibine'ealls = . - - 11'40-- A a rea , I , ,; 1 , ,.." - 1. I �. 11.1 . 'k," .. 1. I; ,� �... . I hig ­Is�, &ile an iniorolper diet, lip, , I . 211114ors. ioI -w�re, close -41, he'ha&-*.� " - TM ; . 1" �­ mad4 , one of, the ,worst - and most alyat of' Omar Kha ' to" I beginning to - be, known in. Englan,I* � ?,,,,11­,.',��,",'�,. : *� y -yam, in print. went around I(' ­ . 11 .A c TOR I . 0 bo .'' I . ' ' ' I ' ' � Aia %­lir- � , I , I . : .1 I .� 2"". IWI' I.r ,,,��,�`,, -7:-., X,,�ensive, btnd,"� when he pre,vI Te. first stuibmitted -the poems, to Yras- I withouV'Ith � essential elements thk it,hait *, bank. wa8'izz. a. W4eak condi- i � 11 �- , tex*­0*, a#I4 faketliti f6ont door,' off — � . , . .. ! ­­� I In .1,889, .passing through New York, should I ' It "e" ,-, ' : -- . I . Ill ''!��! L' .1. Is botpiesent In the right propI tion, bob , - I t . ­R�11�� ,:Ik , �0, V,e publication of 1hdxAs, Hardy's ezas; who r�� thein iftier a yeai �e caUted at E%x0ers and, otme-I half ' ' . it .was, d6ulitful'Jif J. I -IcWd, its,'hipa" P. . .Aer ttat, hie,, raOlied I , - � . , � ... � � i i6t he had 'a- -ba I �, "I - : I .. I. I, I . ition in a well­balanced chick feie#, - I I Ars novel, although he recognized or mGr Lt the ' k'S zeqUe$t. Ili a a,oZQh 'books", all of W I site�d ,dnder -tliie itrain ,of a belavy 011AIs ' � O' . nk - , - � I � " I , I , hichL were . I I A , I§tj��`?-L � e 9 autilip I 19up, oneT# . I . . . - ­� may also, contribute to a. gTeat extellt mid -den drI The %esideit had a wilduk couldWt close its doors. III 1, � . ,-"l , 'Vile, Haijdy s even then. b0sfio6d them at his promptly rejected. Azri�xii theite. were . � " . --1 . , . , - �" - I ,",�­' . , . genW,, a859 Fitzgerald pu I . I .. . ic," ',�' . . . ditions Vniml�roved ,42��­ ­ ­.- -�­T.haek4eiaI 40�-lancing days wore '-" L to the linoftality. . - . ;. -Intirnate t4lk vdth an. - Probably saired that psAicular bank, ' . � I ... the lHillsit"'L"S'01diers U -­­it­­..,,­d -:�, 71he coI I 4 I L 'I, wn e piense�­ These, ly -plain Tililes From I I ­ ' , ,e DU ;00f U'r. WITUIRIM Ap- I I, ''. ­ , , to x _W L near . . . I wealthy 61tizen, and telling him, :"- '� ­ . l5b=4 alitior of &0"Chesleyf9#*- � 1. ,.,�,:,� 1 . ),n§W striligle with editors and ,priceless .little books Oirezie to have The imodern. Jllbubiator, in. eaplable . I 11,.,�.L , � . L I I - � . I . ,Three, ,the Thanthm, Rickgaliv, and - " I � ,-"1!f1J,1": A'APtW .'U. W -,W,, Oret., - W seem, , , . V., I ... ,� ' hand6, 'h,As allnost disposed, Of tfi� isittlocion, 'peirsuaii(led - 4,W4 too i6' ri&atore'hiNmediate. con- . . . -1 � � . I ,�, ,. 1. ,. 11pliblisibers. There is some uncer- heen five,shillings, but they drQpR)ed The, Story of .the Gadsbys. A * *,; is such as to oe-MI I igra" - A I - 'L L '' . ' no- the �­ , g tU.6', - . I . 64 L WteWe d,�Cbv n and, At lt.�e'q�qsltiou, of ,ftbe-pr"Ident. The' L IN '60"i4y,ol %"it- " L inty _ 'L " lAis ��JWfJA, I'll, I I Z ,am. 111- 4""" 1 1 1 1 1- .1 'apiion . manw.9 ot 010 , . I ,. - - danger'fron�Jaulty incubatio %ker ide det WIII,� �, 11 ,,,, ,0 , P�� tai just how,mazzy times Vanity to a penny 'before . In Dw6i,�er, Kipling's agent again . - 13jj&l. ,]11:33b. . . , W 1"'g. ­ ,. L I -d - PL, - s.selAom .t,�at disaAw'caax be tr2�e6idi became 1. . I— ut p"'test b. . offered . - , %air really was rejected before nburne. . and An the FWls, i I ,W ,,, I 1pi,� I . W1119, . La. . ut, I I L it ,ered "by Rossetti, 'Swi subinftte� ,Plain Tails Frlo kI IT f failed II *,Oyi .*-I 4 ., I 6� I',.. I . I Valpeys,­ to'LtIn r knowledge �f , , ffa rY. 'He. I'll. . , ­ I , . Anally.crawled, obscurely, into print; Richard Burton. They '�were2­41-1­ten­ , s emse- tranqul% and dieposits. started, 'going (Uhi depositors the, 'ids of - the tilsifety . . . - to, � and- it. was again reject- . ,"L .6isit bo, a bla I r �" -18inceF Udff.n�j-ffl on' I . . . . - a , ga . which to :keelp .-the" '' 1. � ­'atq$-.'j�nJ�r. 'a $tj'aW I Or Vll,i, Ile on I imd Tearin& -11 - --The--bank-is, vpen­�a4l -go- - '' �.�,, '.I . , - . I., I— - .111''i'- - that . . . . . � � . I, . I , �41: I 1. - been - acquired by scientific research inpg wk,loler-k' Wayi. s "I'll" I ... I � . . , ghtl(hgh on the -fact of its jeW thrusiaptip, and the prI rose to I 30 ed, TAter, the Aimerican filtn re I r,k ha�s, is in '' ' �,,'II , all accounts agree. Thacloeriy's shillings.- The 'first, edition was ex- printed a number they bad bought .. , rels ;aAling 0,the milAney I r­�'. --- " lar . aus 1. . I., from otj�-qr giqlga,zines, in book forn4 and investigation, 'resu , districts Of, . ,00nstitation ... has sustained bil0i thfO � . ` ,�,% -, : 4sugh! allia4eis to "tfie' jourI b ted. . Iting in 1th!e A bank in the -out z r�,yxigimil .within, the butilding theabe , - I " ". . &- of i't be L' ­ - ..- - L . , 'Jimliijatio - .1 -y,b�ardsi, and as- chicago jo h, ­ ­. . .. - lyin ., ­ '. � , �� , . I e , it. of mpp- tell yedhig, stim ini among *lbIffld be' a :19teater phawe it be- LL' I . I - - J�st . I . . . , I . I ' indi in the eit- `% I 1 g" - ' I � ,.' . I . . ,� 0 � 1. . I -1 the 'imanuscript made to- var- :Richard-Watision Gilder, then at the and sent Kiplitzzj�,-hi his, -own. Jg­ sis L ting 'toi� . a ,. great extent . banik.ersi.but bwame of e C Mf*: 'Ing - 7o(*05ited w1fien - the-- panic -.-had - �- -- - V , id,i, tea. , w I 1, .. *kou!� ,publishers' houses before it (Ndginming of his brillhanit editorial nant phrase----,"`a'ten­pouzAdi note as a .. , � 1�a Cost � 0 . I . . - ­ pansion',of the industry. �­ ' -� of other ,banksin' its-ter�itory it was blown - Q"r- � . . � I I I A quiet ,, took.place at . Cov- I . . �. , "I , 'could End one r�#dy to undertake lareeron: the. -Century, was assistant notification of outrage perpetrated." � mm ent necessary, full . ad V; . - . I. , , . vantage losinj I subatkintial amounts. Then :[t _is 4. MaI of d"15.0 among Y, . the ventuW1 but ,she 1.9 not 'specific to the first editor,, J. G. HoIlland., This,is the'una.utherized co,4ectioln of Presbyterian Manisle"on *10400i- N . . '�� , . .. should be taken of -the Wormation.0ne of the large tanks,which served' bankers whether it is wise or unwise . . - I... W1100 1,'�,­­ as to the identity of 'the 0560fing '-q thought of -publishing ,the whole , - tories which he characterizes. as ' I., .. ­ I . . . �,, 4 1* . , I : F -- -- - available at any Dominion, Eatperj- as its ­ Ilidobt. forwarded .,a to edEercilse th -ht ­a evening of last vWk ,when I A �;...'.;, I I publishers., I of it in the. magazine," he Wrote lat; "an, I � I se,di -- correspe a. I .1 e rig 11"equiri'llig 60 � 'mi � . � I � untedited, �� unfinished,, � .. � . LI Werle'Coativel, daughter (4, - - I I " . ­ Th onil o can1lb . mental FaI - . Aieque for � a $100,000 deposat. - Thi 'on and� g.,WU11am.,d i ; town "I � I I ,e litor - er. 11I ng that Dr. MloaUaand derly �,a rtion of . I I , ., " is or 90�"W notice of. ,the intenta ., e definitIe I I bo botah-work�,, � ,?AT ou es of .1 - I �Vwh ,# realizi � . . - I . . chelque, was shown to -all ner06usi do- to twithdrawn,-savings itunds. 0 . , - - � , , �., '' I I ly hoisUltie' , the"'bad en-drien" Of the would never let it appear there on, E. N. Westpott, the author 6f Dav- - . . -ne AmiI in mm-Aage:.,tD -Mr. Aniel woo i '.., � '. iposlitiorst as, a givaianteie, .of � go,todi-faith I -, . �1]k:­ I., I , . 'i6ejection was'Henry Colburri,. ,ol the account of the wine therein, I gallve id 'Haram, was a -banker with kter-' - - ; 1 banker who was faced with, a. run W-ililutd, son',of MTs'. Mary �404 the .1 . I .;,. . New MwWk 'Nagatine. .We mn� up the idea. 71I This was Perhaps the ary and ,musical tastes.; He contmiet�- . . and restored p4blic confidence. spoke'to, the ft0sit0irs AT111111Y. He.Ute Abert TGHwd� -the Icerlemour 4 � - 1. . I 1wiffly blame -him in view of the facts, worst editorial blunder of ,the lben- ed tuberculosis, and while trying to . ' * 'Even -the stronjest ,banks . ,are not told them the bank Was .perfectly being perfor.ttrifed 113T. 11W. I & 11 3� . . I, Madder Weakness " imimune,to runs, as exp . 'in is ', I ltiict . ln',iw when Thackeray first offered tury's history except the sad, oem, 'regain hiSL' health in the Adirondacks, I ... . . .eriences, -a.11- but that jo, . - . I . . I .i- PTO all clients Gor&n. The marrk'frioende of the h4p- . I � I 1� I I . vll� the novel to .him- he had ,only 9 few sion when An' unidentified stranger wrote his famous story. Amefig the . 'New York, . Iowa, Texas and( other alike, he must insist 43A havive'two, py young couple 'will. join witb 0 . 6 1 "I. ­ . . ; .. wuvi)te-rls to show, land seemed to, was thrown. out of the, office before editoli who:...refected the novel, the ,have --shown., In, 1980 thOav, Anionthe �Jetgal -1 zi:otice fr,oW that tirile Times-A&ocate -in extending wrigmt- - I I I. I . .., I , I ". Troublesom Nights 'Ztes I illave only a ivague idea. as to its ev- anyone ichscovered that he was Robert greatest wa,%,;Walter Hines, Pzge, who . . ., q ,.. .. J was nervousness tand unTest smong on., Ressonable ammnts, :for living ulati,Ieter Tilmes-Advocate. -, ., . , I I ' � , I � - I . entual -length. To make the editor's Louis Stevenson. . made few editorial bhind*Tr�. He nev.- , . '" � the depositors, for the air,waz filled - "be ki7m out, but he ' - ' - 1. I . I ' expense v Would , , -in one ipif t � . , 4 . - - h" great met- said he di ' ' , 1. I ' 4 'He, next offered them to a publish- jer quite lived it dI -Finally, Afpi­ � , , Id not propose, to;leti 'few - . I . . .�* SAO Relieved withrumorst ' I � �- , . I ing-hquise spechdizing in tTanslations, topolitan cientres. ,'ISuddlienly, runs of (his nAl"y clients ruin'the bank -----,: . -1. .. ­�---- ­ pj-�LS ,published it,'and it scored an . I . . - , --- X amazing success. - .� ­­ � o of. Early- Marketing Means, . - - � I . $1 1 11 .1 I . I but they were again �eje,6�1 A.- . �'. I ' started on tvv the strongest banks merely bii�canse they � iviere frigh6ened I . .. . . . I I - �­� . . I . ff I . though two obscure American, edli- A.riel, wrjtj�en by Andre )Maurois, If You are froubled with a burning ffil the whole territoky and they paid and hysterical. � - . I 1.� . I . tions,mippeared, one in. 1870, and one met with many rejections, until it smn'sationII, BladderVleakness, frequent out 'more than $2,000,000 before the A]Alo�her 0 ' - Better Prices ' . � . . banker ffered some 69 the . . . .. 0 . . :11-1- � . a few years later, the poems did not was finally landia4d by ,MT. Rutger ,daily annoyanceI, gettirig-up-nights, run- wast stop1pe& ' more important of his customers, first - Now is ,the itimI to, ,�tart. the long . . .1 ., . � . S, I - 11 is ,no re lieu, -of- the cash .value season crops ol''ve-eitables required t - ' 1, L ­ -a dull, pain back, lowei abdomen An excited depositor spect- "..: 1� . .. ; . reallly cohze into,their ow until Jewett of Appleton?& ,rribrtgages in, I ,� . I . . Houghton Wifflin 10blished t1hern with, ' Jii spite of' ih�' fact that editorm and down' through groiliv--you should er, of pgrsGns-­uo, in tter how. n f their iti. ny f th I ae- for the early n ' I � . wl a end ' b, depos Mia o em itrket. At the Cen- ,;. . . i i 6 ­ I ' , Elrihu Vedder"s illustraItions in IW4- have grown wiser, and' the call to, try the anilazing vhlue-of Dr. South_ ent ,they may be. An important eepted and had it hot been. for un. tral Experlimen, F=mJ -the follow- ' I I � . 1. t I 'Another -po,em, called Forlorn, writ- ,books is so'grg - * li usual conditions, the bankmight hay . �, . . -at ,that nearly ,very wo . rth's "Uratabe" and see what a bank 'became ,Insolvent, but its a- , a Ing Varieties are recomrnan&d: . , I "", - - I ten by William Dea-nJ1bwelli>, was re- .one find's a -;ik�ket, there are still wonderful 'difference (they inlake! n bilities were taken over by one of weathered Ahe storm.- As it was, it ,Cabbage.. Golden, Acri6,'GIopen1=9- ' III I . I I.. . . . jecte�ld -by the Atlantic and the Fort- �:dmle horrid tales of -editorial bluzz- th's g-rarid old. formula of a well I'Me- l[m*A inipoti4tant banks in- the ulthnately, was tfib�rcecLl to, suig,pehk en, Market, Eaxly Jer y Wakefield. - I - - J� � I . rrightly Review, to be accepted'some 4ers. Macmd1lan rejected the Auto- known Physician brings you the swift country. The,depositors grew nerv�- ,but .not without a galant A ght, �. ,cauliflower" Earlys%I ErI � �:... I 1911M. c, others, you ous, and. before added money could ',Srlow 1, . W. , � I time later,�by the New Yo�kl Nation. biography of Helen Keller; Doublie� cozydort.it has brought t . . Anything that is slightly unusual and bell I .1 . . . . . I . It was very .successful. day riejeteted Education, of a Prtni,oesstt 1su',rely rwill-bethankful and very well be broutht from' the succeeding in- -about a .,bank seeVs to arouse sus- 'QeA"elrY -' Pariis; Golden, Yellow, . ' ',- , ,, I 1. I . , ' - .. If it ,does "'not sa�tisfy the srbitution,'a run started. The head' of I i . 'George Mma-redith, as publi'sher's aRsT Booth Tarkington?s Monsieur pl , eased � I I 11, diI that supplied you is aWth;;: the bank 'which had guaranteed the Piciom A country banker fro6i , a GolAm Phimi,ee and Phienomental. . I I ' I . '. .1 reader for Chapman and Hall, was Beau-caire; Double day and maemlillan � . smalli town volunteers this si�ggeis­ Qnion: fS*eefb Sparish, Pkize- , .. I I . ized to return your money on first box deposits happened to be tpresen+� and 'Southport White, Yel- . , .1 ­ .,.- I . I responsible for a numlie&,of famous lboth I,E�t slip Rupert BrooI Poems�; � tion: 'qVl"king at nd;gb 4 , � . .. .. I Irejeetions. In spite of the vehem- (Main Street was , turned down on -the pulAased,. I in a quiet, effective manner sought to is not normal, and, in _,t in, the bank takeT (Derlia), - I I 4 " . I - - I - I � . allay the fea:rs .of all,by impress' "A� pause a lot low and Red,01:obe for growing trana; � -1 I'l, I . . . I . ence of hisFliterafy opinions, and in, ground that Sinclair.. Lewis was an ' . - . Ing je to s to surt waglging. It 0, plants- .. . I .� " .1 � 11 . - . . I - . pon m. t, - n1gule , . . . . . . imeetill 'Harris D-tyliesti, 431i- � , . . I spite, of, the add' in his critical pen, unsuccesul novelist; The Outline of ' u the hat his b-pialk was assium,­ night . g -is, neciessary hold it 11'ePp9r: I .-.,.,, I I his comment was so -lightly valued' History, Pol.lyanna, The Man, Npbodry, - ing the restponsibility.' One man was� ,somewhere. , farnlia,, Wonder. , I I L '. I WQW4 War Bring , ' ,overly excited and hysterical-, and in else than in the banking �- " � . that many authors of the dhy sent Knows, -and Casuals of the gea are � .. houie. ,Fix as the jplace of meeting- I . I -h should , . . i I . . � 0 � . , reiply- to the banker's adlI not to a ,quiet (Potato: ,Irish Ck6bler whiie . I , It I Chapmen and Hall other examples. -, Us -Prosperity? ' be sprouted for,four to six weI �, I .-their work to -­� - ­� * I . - In,+ offio� smnewh�el� and then, . 11 .. 1. " mainly to see what be would- say, . We are told that Mr.-Chritstopher ,withdraw his money he said, "I doz. . 'to field planting. , I . , � .!, .1, (!Condensed from The Cou suggest that the various men ih the .-PrI I -, -... . �., . - I I'll Witten. Hardy subm�tted, his first Vbrley-onoe impishly typed, out, some � ntry lRome, caref what you say. I"I going to sipglty I oir -in ,pai . rsv The Tomato: Abel, Alacl�iifty, Canadian, , I - 11SIN, novel, The Bwr Man and the Lady," of,Shakespeare's zonnets,, slid sent I in, Readeres 'Digest) draw it.out and put it in, a safe de� 9"bup enter 1 4 ba-likilig prolessiont. -should strI Tarbana, III Bonny -Best or John . . .1 � I I ­tl - � ... .� IiIIIIIIIIIIIIIi . - posit box., 11f,the ,bank is -still open _e tof eJV1 . a -- Baer., The two, latter aTe u�xd Air . �-­­ I � I I . - , to ,Chapman and. Hall, they ikleed them to Doubleday. 714Y were re- If war -ill 11, I . , - , 11 I . . I . . . �. . were to be declared to,mor- .next week, maybe . then I pu,t it . voild. even the appearane I . the main 'crop, '��.. I � I . . . - -- . . . --- jected as being "Below the �Usu#1 row we are ,told, a country that has ,back.,, . � I . ,� It is. -not often that.a 'run on, a I . . . . V, I . ., I I . .- Standard." It is said,'that the ' .'. . I � re- been unhappy and discouraged would The. president of a fair-sized bank bank Is adv�Tbsed ,by jazz, but that . .� I—— . ­ . , �T I . I Jecdon formu'la, was hastily altered- i mmediately leag to strenuous life in; Iowa where another bI had - fail- Is Whit 'hiiRpened in Texa," Feeling -- 4 L,'. ' . I when 'the awful truth leaked, out. . I . :? I 4 � . . . . with everybody at work. Every tex- ied becarrie con,vinced that -a run of iseeure'% theiT abiltity',to satisfy d, rn .'' 1i I 11 . 4 ­ ' � I 1 a tile imill, shoe factory, steel mill, ship- major-proportionst on his bank was demands, --the executive officers de- I TOOK I PILLS -ruR , . r I . . . yard and farm wouldbe mi,lobilized to imminent, Accordingly, he called the cided to keep the bank Open coniinu- ­ ­ I . .. I I produce uniforms, equipments, and board of directors -into session and onslY until the wikhdmvVW-s, ceased. . � I Tent Caterpillar Control ' And YEARS, THEWCEREAL ' , � . I '' , ' -.. - i They t;;*o. I . I I . I supplies. so, recently, 4I de4ared an extradavidend. The news 'hired - ofthestrais, installed J . I I I �� - I - . . � . "Wimter is tlEe time to vtrik� the whexe-in httle towns, in Puillmall of the strength and standing of a theni on either side of the .bank, and, ,. , � It. � 3 � , . -D�W'k - 0 .t.-. I � [H D cars, in city offices -you hear the ob- bank that could pay 'extra dividends diTezEed them to play continpously. 11 .�­ . . . ' ' . first blaw in the control of forest tent servation that a good war would got lection was, 1111�,p y Da BROUGHT -'RELIEF I- ' ". ,. . 11 ' catierplIllarg in the PI Province' whenother banks werre failf)Ag spread The first se 0 ys ; . S, as out of all our troublI pretty rapidly, and although the withdrawal� Are Here Agairl" When closing time � 11 - I fo,r it''its duTin,g that ,time that the q1lickly. For instance, just ni�ad the did not cease, immediately, it was not Caizn* ,the ,bank iIemained . ­,� w ... � . . . . . . � . Open, and Kellogg'g A.�L­BRAN Corr�ded . ' I �..': ED . ­ U P I egg masses of. the cajteripillar�., often f.ollowing: - 11 , � . � all the windows were used to"pay off I His Constipation I � �. . . .... delpics4ted high, .... on. -the. tree tops, can ­­,"Milltom -f .men, continuously out 5. "' -he I . - , " , 'I.. . .,.,..,,o. � It icla1moring and frightened ,bw- . . . . . . . .... Cu - - - - - - - , f�6�ei�­­Im­ - I - --- . � ­ __-------.*- I - - - . � ..:- ;�---- -1---- - ­,­­­ --T&--- . .. .. . .1 A. . best be ' t out afid burned. The of jobs.. Thut,s as bia as w7af.""Aa : X-�' , . . le ruTif ,cZ4itizA.Ue(t-*tr 4vto - _ . , � , I . k . ..... I -��­ . most, mhiandy -im6leirnent U, a long- -some ef themen. tha# went to France. mdrilber. These Iwarring uttlons, came - . I - r. , .. the light, and the hank supplied the If yovl are troubled by common . I ill .. . ... 1�11 I n9unslillnu hanidled,pruning scissors, and towards Mey'll tell you. They, vi� happier to this country to 'buy wirth cash in long waiting, line with hot dogs and constipation, read this letter: . � I . � , I . .. the end'of winter, while the trees When they sat in the mud there than their hands. In those Zlays they Well Amming coffee. Aftlpr a day and a I . *on of �, i �� and deli ou 0 .... I 8I for the I , 11 "Just a word An appreciati .. .. I M. � n rimozi,ey than we, '�Ve were half'the.run was owr. what your Arj,BP.Ax has'done-for I , . �'- I .., . richex i I . - put i. are stial dbrinianth'anY i7TEiCCessibl,0 they are now rotting in idleness.. Who . I table syrup .. , whole ftmily , maIsser. should be thoT009bl'y sprayed wants war? Wobody� . But were a borrowing nation, them. After a - " . I - . . 164N , R I ce . There was a case Of a bank which . ray health. For year�i L bad been . !..111 I , I wAft a T&ixfutre of one part miscible likely to get it, and it n-d-ght not be 'year their resoui!ces began to lag a saved the day by complete franikne$§� doping myself with pills and other , I. - . I .� I ­ I . � Tft cANADA srARcH co. -- --- LIKITED. � MONTIRRAL J . oil to fifteen poAtts Ad water, with one as bed as it seems.. �Wers always little. But they were,still able to, I, � � � I . � mass meeting of all the i;reI . dopes for constipation. 11: . . i iborrow billions from their own I I I 1, I . . - . It, I . I ounce of sodaum. amemle: added to end depressiona.11 peo- was called, and the difficulties of the "I decided to try Kelloges Am- , . � " I � I � each gallon of sprery. , The outbreaks That paragraph appeaTed in. a sryn- ple, ,and they cii�intirraed to, spend & bank were explained to them. BUN. NoW I am in good health, , I I , .1 , . . large part of them here They :, : %, of this caterI occur Veriodically dicated 'article which was printed, i I , , .. . � in were invited to subscribe slid havezzi!t taken a drop of medi- - I . when lalge areas of woodlamd and twlo-score American newspapers,. Or When we got into the -wax we be- - 11 . for stock, . I. , � :1 A I . � . plentations are completely 9tTipped read' thi one in a Sabbath day ad- gan to grow evien,more prosperous. in a new, reorgani�e;il bankup, -to 2 eine for' six months."-Thoo. k, 44 , ; ..' . � I I I I . s 'Millions of Young -mien weht into the per cent. of their deposit& 5 Little ,(address' furnished , upon 0 11 I I I � I of -their foliage. With regardi to con- dress: I 1�- re- � I "The one thing- that will pro- le ib� 'request) . I & I . We had to call the - wornen sporme ,vIIIlws ,gratifying. M ", � 'I . I trol fmeasuretll, the 'Dominion Depart_ .. i,�. . WHEN � duce L two-dollart wheat is war." army. was reorganited, on a sound bb--Ak, ` Headaches, loss,of appetite and , , �, I � . from ,tb.e4 hV'MeZ tolvork in. the fa& " � 4;m. - ... 1. I .ment O& AgTicultulre issues a bulletin All this means that in times, like and the deposits,bf the custbmers,, vilergy, sleetlessness - any one 9f . t . 1� I ... � I deialing with the the,subject. . these vast'llikiiI of men lose their tories, to. run. street carg -ind eleva- were guaranteed. � . .. 0 . , r,� � , these may a caused by common . ­ �, . .. . ! I-,,- - I - . hatred of way. Men who aie charg- . 'People do some odd, thiVgs to constipation. Yet this condition can - 11, , !-.1. . . . e . "' for .8 / " lions for our own war extpenses. W� � save �. . I your -wife' go Is away itors. 'A -6n we began to barrow bil- - I . l . . . I ed with the sovernment of their na- loaned 'More ,billions to i be corrected, usually, by eating �t I � I . I . 4 I . I . .tions try Tm,6,0ervice after another for � Europe and their earningis. In 9 We0tiI` a delicious cereal. . . '.. I I ' . ?t Ask N . . and your young son , ", _ the as spent liumber of cases came to light where, I 'Tests I I . I i;. , Some Factors Affecting, inig 'k a greater,q)art,of that w ,.": - . � I . bringi baic Pro perity and see th show Kellogg's Atj,Bux . - ,/- I,I . . ; I 1% � Mortality .... in Baby Chick.s. them fail. Th,&y lgroW weary and lheze- But alimost sit the n4oney that the delpOSItI dlew eir m'Oney at provides "bulk" and vitamin B,ta - , 11 r�- -, . rakes Ned.,. - and you can"t - '.' muddled Then� almost witbouitknow- wasi'spent by the: European nations bbe wicket, tand PmnVbl7 walked ov' help promote regularity. Ax.L.Bn= .- .. I I Q . . 1;1 . . -1 I � � - . ­ ­ . I . . . I . I rI t, is -a r*,ett�ble, truth that, "with ing it, - ` ben o say to them- and ourselves was ,borrowed money: er to another wicket and redepos iI . also furnishes Go for the blood. .... ­ . . , I � the rapid expansion which has taken sj�lves that there are things worse I It was,preated by selling bon&. Now it, evidently *inkng they had ma4re The"'bulk" In ALT,BP.Aw is ranch J I . , I. - . . &-any-th"i ng with him .­. . pI in the poultry'industry in the than.war. I -number o the war Is, over., - The � their monley. �� f observers , ir�perity is sure of the safety oj , .. �. , , - . _ f Ascade, there for over ,and -gone. But the bonds aye" Ili' another pase a lady of uirlee"rtain like that in leafy vegetabliols. How - � � � . I pat -has been an in- haTe noted this mood of tolerance - . . . much safer than patent medicinest -U- ­,daIr Practically 10, billion dol- nquired if the bank were 11b'30- Two tablespoonfuls of Aj.j,BRAk 1 4". - creased mortality that seems 6 --be, -war in the -%wJ&t9 ,still here. age i 1. � � .1 , r, I I '4�d - -I± -I&- -a, -state ' % . % 11 I . . I - . out' of .proportion to the increase in of mind that is full of dwzger- d Jars- -1s­-due­us,-on­-these­olJ­war - debts,. lutelY I and, upon reoeilving the daily are usually sufficient. Chronic - I � i� , . I . � I , �- I . I .number oT chickens hatched. It would alas, It - -the world assurance- that- * W" -f -dePQsfted­$1,­ - cases, with - , ; � I �, I " I ` � - 1. � is"',esteto of mind, that is ,And, bestides,,the nationis, of --gg!* meal. ,, - . I - ' " . . e. I be hard to ,Say what single agent hair foulidI -;on a terrible mistake. A owe us an additional 17 ,billion in 700. Shortly after she I .cahzie, back, If seriously b, -sqe jour doctor'.' - . . .. . I been mostly responsible fot the.bilgh war wiU not king us out of this private debts. ' - and in a high, excited, voice deman,& ALL-13RAM makes nolelaiv to'be a � . . . T�yw then, suppose Eurlope were to edan explanation of the cars all ?­ 1, . I I � . .1 . . I � Aeath rate -but, where im6rtality is ab- . slump N - she had -c I I ., I . . I . I � norandl, the cause may be traced, to ' ' to WS& again to,­,AWrzII what seen at,the back rerimving, lmoney. it ,ure. Its, I � I ��,J­ : I `5 . L But why is it that war, -which made. 90 $�rive. as 'a cereal or use In cook- �,.'­'. � . Would hatpiirz in -this country? Would VlFeft , . . took some explaining,that these i ;;,; . - ,one, 4dr .inore of the f6lilo-wing hem- . in 1915 until its end, , . cers in the red -and- ,,,, I . � I � I I . : , Us prosperous these Warring nations come to us to aTnioured cars in, the per,formiance-of Ing. At all gro '111'�', I I - . . . I . .. . ards: Inferior or diseased breeding will ritoi: do 'the salve ithing for us 9 Perfectly legitimate duty, . greleri package. Get ALt,ntw and . . . � t� , I " I - "' . I I � in buy again with 6iI in ,their lumds? # 11 , � 1. -0 , - stock; faulty incubation; poor brood-, now? The- answer is dulple. Wille -for the not a part4ran product. Z& -by Zi, I�.` �' I . , I �' bank. - .11. . .0'.',". , , I I . " ihig f CUM" or equipment; ihiproper every nation ifi F,urop4 sprang to Of coursenot. All of -these -countries, . I . .­ . . ,�, - I . . . I I . - . Kellogg Ili London, Ontario. , , ',�'.,!, , � , - - � . feedi4l I . - I ar"s in 1914, Imbilediatelty somethang are very near the ledI of bsukrI ­ I 1. I . i `� ,I , �Itv I- , . . I , 11111 11 � � . .�, " ., 11 I . I , ', I I ned in this coulitry. For o 'Th, t'l I, ir their i I . 1 -�J­A' - I . I . I , I I � . . Probably the znwjor'i,fhctIor is the happe tw e, vi" bans, made tom Own; 1�,� ",',� ,,, I ."', ,��­ � 1:', � "': ­ . ­ � I ­ h I I I k",*."., . I . . - , . , . � I .­J-',;,��,&, ,,, � . -, I . . I I . , I ­ � . .r. . �1,7,,t-,-- - I`- I - 1, .. . ibi stock and, with the advent years or nibre. business had beeu is k- citiz n .#- , . - breedi in e Is during tho last war are still `Hi:.�., I , . I I N 1: - NII 1. .. -of.large hatcheries, where the,source- Ing .down., Then suddenly every ship unpaid, saroli iin-Gerrawi�- and Russia, I � J."'I, , . I I . , I , I I of,siupply is doilbtlluill Ithe � &ng*r that arrived, front, Europe brought To- where -they III wiped out by infla, -- -- I -- I , . � N" ;S;;'11, . .. I .." .1, 1. - " , eo , NI ,� I � s Reim presentVailves of'eXerry �on to. -buy tilon. 'Me-vaA sums they tborroiwei% ... " . ...." , 11!`11� '. . vut!�" , _ , �� �I. , e I � " r 11.1 I I . 'o- anything Mat f us are still due. What, i% wore, ,, � 11 Ti1i1k'tIfAWW;W' . . I ,�" ,, �,!i-��4N;,�,,� , , . . e hip*heiries have exercised, 6 *46 had, on tfi@�"slhelt: rm IT" ,. P , - . I ,� ., I , I . .� Q',.":%- ,­�� ,�. � . - ­Lp - ery ,effort rope i QI . � I . � I 11"i, ,, . . .. ININONWIP to satfe-guard their- own w#ol and'coitton textiles, guns and IOU 6" O&VY A11111101111�4d- (her . �,It�Ie,` - , 11 . I . . I F , , I I I . I . . 11 . I's it tb4ti I ­� F,,ER I 4�� -,: I wheat, " V., LESS. THAN .. I ?'­ I � . � I 1, � iziTterests and their customm by Wood aninVanition, chei4l�ls,* itention tof nevi?rpalitg� � .1 IIN NOR 4VALIT, 1 ... - . . . I I , I I 1, , . I *1 ) ' ... ,� - � . � ,� , ., I . I I �,,'�t�',�,� '' I tesving, vaceinatI drwtle eulliu.& and meet. The, "help want6d" -I ,likely' ItUilti she'cA;rz.'pb4n4a; �t* � out shoxeg - - 4M I - 'N' iI �,.�� , " - ' I . gn , . I I, -to went out on evok, f again Ili , I A ` ' ' ; :1 1,�­­ '. - . � .. ' �,�' k'i�,�­, . � '. I . . GO' WS Mothei..Oft,ton ' - I, I'll .�. of izilferi(w birds'L 0I attention , 7 I adbory and iDftre. " . buy -4 bo*6,#�:sor La- nev I I I I , I U , WORT � IN . OfF MAO C � M t kES ,,, ' � I I I I 1. . . 1;,.�!�, 1,a ., . , 1:01. . -th-q intro&uittion of Wages went up, - Business rose mg- WtLT17 jil&e,�Ilvuropeaa hations 'hwvI , 1, A 0�11k, 816-6AK'IE. AWO MAOIC - I ' I 4 a, 9 - .E I 10 S . � ,vanitation, ,and . . . . 11 ;�. . , ;�, 1, 1. . .1. 1, ­� , . . ,04i;­4�',..., . . I . Oft . e a or a It S ., .1 . 4i , .. I hi the saftst orrl new blood that.showed vigar and ically. not, the cash; %eir.6iredit I - �v , .... 1�1 I., - . IN -N -',',,i,'.�; ., - ': � . RA"I ,, !, , 4 I_ '' , . � - . � , .1 I, "I I . . - ....­­­ .. ., I �, I, ":.6, � .­� , , � 6.0 heti, . , , a '.1 -Wo* & ,Bnt here, iig-'M point ":must re- . I fl - , I, , J,J, 'I., 1 I 4r4'alk , I . ­ ,Y�Wjty. ,Mock &ATI 11S. WIV9 so,.,.,& aftov. ean, * , I ,!­�,�­:­�'­,,,.,, ­' -1 . -1-1 I to I . 11 . , r - . I .''. : - AW . -, ,7 ��--,&­­ ring , difill ' . � " � " 61WAAaft RESUIIII � .. f ';'g -��Ilt : --. 'V,- I . sourco where fhe�* vittd- W. *a �, "', I- � - I , - '1� ­ '' �ftt to bI Vety un- ' 'O' 1"; - I I .1 I 0. p - utious . ! I .. 'C%�" -J�' '�','A�';:�j"� -4 - ­ .1 ,, I . ­- , I "I" i - " �,, . ., . . . I 1, - �.­J, - I ,�" I I . I I .1-11: . I . t 1. . 19, � I..".. . . 11 , . I 11 � to' ---w , - . . , Ines '' �� 'it " ",.,A��,...,-.,�.,.�j:",.��:"tl"".f�,,": I .. I ­_­­.. ­-`- ­­, - � 4� ;,� g ess, . '4"­4­'41i�- * "? 1-1 "l, , .1 1, " , * � � Niitoi -Wffi- --faiiffba&' t-W,ba�'Iw-re. ! !7 I ,- "'.7 ­­ ,­ . ­� " I . �Pr , , �L,.q. -- , :,��,�,,�:-�;,Z�'.: , . il"', -,,�#,, � , , � I I I I I , ,!, .. '. . p . . , 111K, I .� i" - 1. . I -b - , - ��­� :; ,. . . ' 117'.­.Z�­ --IIJ!'04, - ' H6190 ",any haI on the 'home I ., , �. 9� <11 06intid I.. ; ii� �, I , � .1 . , n� �.&I �hlve to be a family man. to , 'I I I 916 I er � , Ir ,� -'I "i '' . . , . , I . .. . I I I , bwp , � 'k i��i�,Z, � (,.;k ., I � . ,,, -, . . . 4 1 1 1-1 f 11 ,�,'k I . . . .., I.. At � I - e 0 bw"., , "'.4 , I ; , ft&a, friend in Long. - Distance. it plant buti whet* tlhe� -c*oune of supply q4 10 IkI La, - Is 4k&9 - ,, . . 11 �, . � , .- . . 11 �., I I I � , '!, , I � & - I i 11, 11 � 1, � I., I I . . I ., 1 -7,, , I;:.", ­,-. ,"'!l ­ . I . Ill I � rr , Wm .. in y 1. -t coul , . �-,,,`, , . IP .I ;,;y1%:,"�,�V,; � ,�: . . ,# , M . 'I'll , I',,, I I �;, I T ,.,!: '' ..4 i li 4; , 1�lj �. ', IN ti."11;1'1�-Ii, . , , � , "' 1, "', �!Y �111.41 � ' ; ' �� ,AT'�, 1. I I 11 11 I'll . ...... . I I " 41 ; , 4 1; . . I �' s " , , - � ", � "Al"'.. I ­%� M ,.'', ­ I . it it'' I - many *aya, Oic 46her of eggs o of ,c .0 and our mezitffatt0&s , ft eoul I �'� ! " N I . I 6 01 YOU '"t 0 0 1 .!", . ., 4 ��, I 0 1 Wo 'ICRED. ­� -1 , I . I - Agily­,��aftd iniekpensively ') -&db risk of 49ses ilgh- TIELILSVII 'comoletely destroy *e; A I . � f 606I , F�,',V`�� -.,�: , ," "", ,., . � �11 .. I i , 4ii��'t --� I . .44 . 14 -. You . I Ithe T � �e' And h OU ­ I I . . M6 left I - � I .- � . I � ­'..", : , '! . I � . I 6 'i . if4w6palrftet . , �k ­ " � I : I I � I . 6 lI�,Al�;��, , - 06 mats for as, little ss g6c. &6 liat­ . ,W46, ,W '� ' ItI te III I. W 11 ­ia.ht .. . liI � I ,, �. , I - �� I . 6 . . It , .. . .... ", � anoI. - -is , " , , a I , , v aalve � 11 , , ,, , ,� I I . ,� , I ,,, 916ML . . I I ­� i %4i�, I. � '. . i dll'ydi�"11'11* � I . , I 1 IIJ � ;�i,l � "' �i,,*; * .� "' 'h� the , front of ya ".. . & 01 : . . - AG IQ '- dodt . a , -11, �� . - . I 11 I A .'­ ,,,, it, *0, weia 16 I 0 ,tio­ -.04ei am. .6 6, " and,' ' " - � ,I ,' EN§101 , ;i,;i�-,�'ji", , .. . ii Ur detoty, I I . I . &6109 in 4A 14YI iddlubastA. U901 I . � -.-- 11 ;I 11 611A I 66.-b 11 I 0 YOU Can a Ways, . , . . ,. � � . , i,i­ , 11 I , . . � I I I 11 .. ­Xo;�'c Luc =U I tithet Mloh 10.d-ntW-,.,cf,;&bt­bft t6I � ' " A,oi��bttter b01ftAkdst11fih' Acttiallk� - ' . .�. �, .1 � . ., � WMA-Aeft 119 # c6fit"r,69#1011 6f1fitge, .. , coo . # , ,,,X�'% "'.., , . L., , I I I I 1. � . . . .. I I .. . I - 11 111W 'a 111"&� t - . I t-,�;�v.,,, �� ,� , . 1 �.7 , mirw' - - - Tbr 'you td U&SWA �, 44C1,; ft , V � lot 'I the llut 11 61ft" - jfi#;�,*6014d, *oAd , it tikkeii &0-14dii 10 0 - lng� .- I � . r1olln, "I I ,-M � I .qJ,h',6f.'tfiJa,,1g 6 a bA I , ­- . 1. I. , - . -� .. - � .It . lita mot oift,4 I . 10.1111T. " " '* k -to - fid. I . Ift j, �, -1 I ­- .11 .., ,1. . . I I ­ ., I �, '7111, . AU W I I I I , '0 ", , 10 , , 'A "' ,6`,onler Vo- I . . I - .. ­ I -1 � . b,IP4 "4046 J*Wk* d big t*#e 14 er ca,j ­Ooftti risk IF � X..""'11", , , . . I . 14 .. , gi v - sho"', 2 isk � 1�4, - � - . . " . - . . 1, I . ; - � MOTWAV Is"A - ". -IM P. I it iw­ 10 IX §141616- ' ' - , - ' IL .. I 1 I I IIN .." I , �. . I I .� . I , �i . Z 1, mk nimsV056',vresent In a &�atit do-- . ..T;r blesTarm"A ti. iW1,11111 ItOft !, '- 'A hothft, r , 1. I 9or-�q-U;11ftY`lV 6%9. 0'6-t baltig p6w. , . I " 11, I ­ M 11 . ..... . �, , , "�, I WIN, , ,�L � .. :. -� � , 11 � 4W. 1. 14 , , ,, . ,; I l'i, , , � - �. 11 - . �g L66�,§Uj%f., " � . 4 . I . ,:- 1:1,;' � I .. I . Akif:�411* ,6 I, ., , I I JA0W 4.31k 704- , " . , "? , ' Ith'IM4164fid' a " in � . , � - ""', . I , "I . � :. I '::* �� Moy !CWXA � rd 8004, �#� vid - ri­ , Z *6 -i �` W; . � "O" �, - �­, .14"d* ....... 11:�% . . , I I 16k4 0I OW41106d: tf,l P-414- .- ,46. .It. . d6HA&v.4c* o r I I er., niwg7a, .. . �­, - , .. I I .." ­,,� ,.­ ­­. . , T., I I ,�,111 , I -U61WA toots] marer,poW ally " - ft. .1 J , , ­ I -Ig, "�",,,:rI' ­ .. " , I � . . . . . �, . I . . I ­ . - ;� ,s,� " � = ­�'R. dfid4ir-II "" , r IV,, , 1116, 00*� ff"'All, 1 , 4,� "oftib s ...i I I �� . , :,­,:�,:",,­ �, 1, .;I � 1� I I . -.11+4, i � �1! , � . � i " a M - 7,19 ". , " , . I . . .,� I . . ' . ­ " � .", , , 1'1'11� N",��- " "' . I .1 11 I , ". OL. 't - ��­.L­ I 11 . ", . I I I I.W., 1. , ,I , "T, 11 , ��,: $;11 r , I i ­�iig: 11, 4, 1 � i �'Ai� , I . , . I. � I I , 1�.c , 9 , i7l� i��',) ... I � -14 '� I � 3", ` "�,,�,,"M"�""O;i�M,,,,.,,,'I Papp , I. � ", , .'' , , - ,,*--Co� . , 91""i, 6 " I i iI - W, t', � 'j!"'.07 1 , 11,11111"', 't . 4 : " , . I -,�, �,,I­�, .I. , , ft , " , - �m , ':.� 64, 419 wdr."um, phir up, An-, . - r6v, 'A" " � , " - AMISM"�-p"Aft &All ,.� . 4 . I i . I I ,. 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